Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, December 12, 1886, Image 8

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Columbus, Oa., December 11,1886.
Hew York % off, Eastern % off, Bor!on Blight V,
Iff. Savannah H off; Bank checking on New York
YVar the counter \ premium and on Savannah
•A par.
Market te-dav steady; Inferior 0; ordi ary
—c; rood ordinary —c; low middling %8c;
Middling 8'.;c. good middling B^c.
To-day. To Date.
By Southwestern railroad 71
By Mobile and Girard railroad 43
& Columbus and western road... 0
By Columbus and Rome railroad.. 45
By the river 0
By wagons 395
Totals 552
By Southwestern railroad 904
By Columbus and western road... 0
By the river 0
Taken by Columbus factories 73
Totals 977
Block on hand August 81, 1885 1.079
Booelved to-day 562
" previously 52,883- 63,435
' 64,614
Shipped to-day 977
" previously 40,843—41,820
8tocks on hand 12.694 | John F. Houghton.
Stock August 31, 1885, 350; received same date,
ff!7; total receipts 60,787; shipped same day 184;
total shipments 43,874, stock 17,263, sales 113;
middling, 8 1 (,c.
The Young Men's t'hristian Association Fund
Continues to Swell -A Complete List of the
Con tribt uors to Date.
The contributions received yesterday swells the
Young Men’s Christian association fund to more
than $1000. The amount contributed was $142 50,
part of which was in ready cash. Below we give
tho revised lint, which includes all contributions
given to us to date:
Dr. N. J. Bussey $ 60 00
W. L. Clark 20 00
Will McKay 10 00
M. M Moore io 00
W. J. Walt 20 00
,1. Harris Chappell 500
George A. Bradford 10 00
E. If. McKay 10 00
Brannon <fc (.'arson 25 00
Leroy Johnson 10 00
It. O. Howard 10 00
George Botes 10 00
J. A. Kirven At Co 25 qq
Dr. George J. Grimes jn 00
J. H. Palmer jo 00
T. J. Pearce 50 00
W. O. Johnson to 00
H. I). Howren 10 00
Eugene Granberry 10 00
Allard Barnwell 25 00
N. N. Curtis to 00
L. H. Chappell 10 00
A. C. Chancellor 25 00
The Old Ticket Elected Thrnaghont by a Good
The election for six aldermen, marshal, clerk
of council and sexton took place yesterday. The
day was decidedly disagreeable and the election
was very quiet. The total vote polled was 967.
It was as follows:
White. Col’d. Total.
M. Moore 717 242 959
J. H. Palmer 630 175 705
Dan Duncan 191 67 258
A. Odom 007 227 834
J. L. Treadaway 118 15 233
1st Ward—J. 8. Garrett 385 144 529
H. C. Bussey 325 98 423
2d Ward—A. M. El ledge 380 150 530
II. M. Howard 333 92 425
3d Ware—D. P. Dozier.... 632 219 851
4th Ward—Theo. M. Foley... 702 240 942
5th Ward N. N. Curtis 075 240 915
6th Ward—G. W Dillingham 455 161 616
T. J. Bates. 259 82 341
We were shown several excellent views yester
day pf the Georgia Midland, taken by Mr. C. A.
To Organise a Class In German and
At the request of several of my friends I have
decided to organize a class in German and one
French, to commence at tho Perry House, Mon
day, January 3d, 1887. All who wish to take
leRsor s should commence at that time. As Ger
man is my native tongue, I feel that I have an
advantage over one who lias acquired the knowl
edge of it in maturer life. For terms and other
information apply to Carl Koechlin,
care A. J. Riddle, Photographer.
We are showing some elegant new styles In
Ladies’ short wraps, which we have just received
for the holidays. Beehive.
Yon Needn't Want
For Pictures when Rooney has them at a mere
song—33c., 60c. and $1. 1031 Broad street, oppo
site Central Hotel. decl2 2t-se*wed
F. B. Gordon 5 00 ! Dl,ffec * wh o is with Alpha A. Williams, where he
I Dr. N. P. Banks 30 00
Carter At Bradley 25 00
I J.B. Holst 25 00
Blanchard, Burras & Co 25 00
John F. Houghton 12 oO
M. A. Bradford 20 00
Christmas Goods—J J Wood.
For Coroner—Simpson StribUng.
Holiday Goods-C. Rchomburg, page 4.
Furniture A. O. Rhodes Ac Co.
Holiday Gifts—Blanchard, Booth Ac Huff.
Trade Palace -C. P. Gray Ac Co.
French Millinery—Mra. L. Lrquin.
New Holiday Goods -Hall Ac Wheat.
All Aboard the Georgia Midland—I. H, Pitts A?
Fancy Holiday Goods, etc., at the Beehive.
Pictures, Laco Curtains and Dado Shades at
Rooney’s. 1
Special Notice—A. A. Williams.
Notice-J. O. Wilber.
Wanted —Win. Redd, Jr.
Apples and Oranges—John T. Pearce.
Jewelry—C. H. Leciuin.
,J. Rhodes Browne, jr.
Thomas Gilbert
Mrs. IHnde
Frank Dudley
Harrv Daniel
Dr. W. T. Pool
G. J. Peacock
Dr. W. F. Tiprner
Thomas Chaffin
I). R Williams
J. M. Frazer
W. C. Tt hier
Felder P011
George W. Tillinghast.
Frazer Ac Dozier
Thomas W. Grimes
George B Whiteside....
A. M. I'.lledge
O. R Thomas, jr
Cliff B. Grimes
Charles Wise
Charles Monroe
Walter Curtis
J. K. Orr
John Blnckmar
Polk Harris
C A. Lovelace & Co.,..
Dr. C. D. Hurt.
B. I! Crawford
Glass Brothers
5 60
10 00
10 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
16 00
10 00
10 00
has them on exhibition,
lionet, AKRIYAI.H.
Gold Berg, L. Greenwood, Macon; C. Shew-
mnkc, New York; J. P. Lewis, Louisville; M. E.
Oneal and wife, Ilatchechubb. e: T. J. Hogan,
Albany; J. M, Kinney, ^Nashvillo; L. Cohn, E. F.
Oppenhcimer, New York; P. B. Bibb, Alabama;
J. C. Ni.sbet, Dade coukty; N. E. Rcnfroe, Emmett
Dawson, Philadelphia; E. T. Shubrick, Georgia;
500 Boxes Choice Bright
sweet east Florida Oranges to arrive by the 20th
for Christinas trade. Place your orders now for
they will be scarce. J. J. Wood.
I will sell from now on until January 1, 1887,
my stock of Watches and Jewelry at a small
profit and for cash only. This is facts.
C. H. Lequin.
Just received a fresh shipment of Raisins, very
fine, at Pollard’s. 1234 Broad street. dtf
Foot Warmers and Coal Vases—J, Morion Estes j | fnmer toward
^8on. j "Willie Bussey....
Yesterday’s Election Adams Ac Bowers. ! Ernest BusRey
Parched Peanuts—Bartow Reed. Estes Pl ,,:Rev
Fresh Drugs—Gilbert Ac Blanchard. 1 t W Pease
i Robert Carter, jr.,
Appleton Ac Co.’s Picturesque America for sale
at ThoR, Chaffin’s.
Rooms to Rent Apply at Georgia Home.
Butter A. E. Williams.
Facts and Figures-McCuteheon’s Lively Drug
Class in German and French—Carl Koechlin.
For Clerk of Superior Court—G. Y. Pond.
For Rent—A. L, Crawford.
Rooms with Baths -Epping House.
Wanted—C. W. Mrnroc.
Christmas Presents—J. H.Brarohall.
Rooms to Rent.
Horse and Land for sale- Dr. W. L. Bullard.
A. Tlltres
Hindi Downin
L. F. Garni’d..
J. T. Gordy
F. I). Roper—
Thom ns J. Chappell...
i 00
5 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
• 00
i 00
25 Q0
5 00
5 00
5 00
10 00
5 00
10 00
25 00
10 00
10 00
2 50
Expert IIorMcalaoefnir.
All those who have horses shod will take
notice that we have opened a horseshoeing Bhop
in coonection with our regular repair business.
We have a white man. Mr. J. M. Turner, who is
an expert in shoeing stock and does that work
for us. His work is first-class in every respect
and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Our shop is
eiy, Nashville; T. J. james, Atlanta; J. C. Alex- | on Twelfth street, between First and Second ave-
ander, Oswichee; C. <2* Fleming, Atlanta; C. E. j nues * Smith & Co.
Strauss, New York.
W. G. Robinson, jr.^St. Louis; S. T. Samuels,
New York; D. B. Terry, Macon; A. R. Gates
rvr I C\ WifliAr Vnur Vr\
10 00 ! J. G. Cain, Cincinnati; J. B. Billups, B. J.
J [}[[ j Conyers, Seale: E.T. sjleflatt, Jacksonville; G. M.
5 00
5 00
20 00
10 00
10 00
20 00
10 no
1<» 00
10 00
10 00
5 00
10 00
10 ro
Montgomery, J. C. Wilber, New York.
Our assortment of Holiday Goods in Fancy and
Toilet, as well as useful articles, are immense.
Fail not to look at them before you purchase
elsewhere. Beehive.
A New Lot of Holiday Goods.
Our new holiday goods have arrived and are
pretty. Different from anything yet, and cheap
as it is possible for theiff to be sold. Call early
and select what you want before the assortment
has been too badly broken. New styles shaving
cases, manicures, odor baskets, fine cut pungents,
albums, work boxes and all. other fine
plush, leather and cut-glass goods.
Collar and cuff boxes at 50 cents.
Comb and brush sets with mirror at $1.35, and a
great many cheap as well as fine presents that
you will have to visit our store to get even an
idea of. A beautiful Christmas cigar, put up 25 in
a handsome box, expressly for the ladies to pre
sent gentlemen.
The finest selection of cigars to be had in the
city can be had of us. Cigarettes of all kinds.
Telephone No. 5. Hall & Wheat,
Druggists and Pharmacists,
dtf 1016 Broad Street.
For .Six Days.
Commencing Monday morning at 8 o’clock I
will produce large photographs for Christmas
Knights of Labor, are requested to meet, at the j presents at onc-fourth my prices charged before.
Notice to inbl.v No. 7491. It. of L.
The members of Columbus Assembly No. 7491,
lodge room this morning at 8:30 o’clock, to at
tend the funeral of Brother D. E. Wade.
By order of Master Workman :
J. W. Sweat.
IMekle .far* Wanted.
C. W. Monroe, at city market.
Coal Vases.
Handsomest Hue of Coal Vases in the city at
Hstes & Co.’s
Vemten*<lay’s Election.
The gentlemen receijsiig the most votes yester
day were elected, and Adams & Bowers, at Strup-
The friends and acquaintances of Gov. John B.
Gordon and Maj. Eugene C. Gordon and fanii-
C. A. Redrl 10 00 1 per’s old stand, 1141 Brqtid street, were elected for
U. Gun by Jordan 10 Oft ! selling the cheapest onmjieflt Fireworks in thecity
of Columbus. It was 'ascertained that they sell
Bonian Candles, Rockets, Pin Wheels, Mines,
largo and small Crackers and all other Fireworks
25 per cent, cheaper than any other house in
town. Wholesale and retail. Give them a call.
Remember the men. Adams & Bowers.
Special Notice.
I. . A. ('amp
John P. Turner.
J. W. Cargill
A. Wittich
D. R. Bize
E Phillips
John C. Cook...
Tho Beehive
10 Oft
5 Oft
10 00
5 00
5 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
5 00
Making total $1,029 50
Tho committtec will continue the work until
the amount of $2500 has been contributed. We
lies, are invited to attend the funeral services of . R houkl imitate the example of Augusta, where
their father, Rev. Z. H. Gordon, at the First. j $2500 was raised for a similar purpose at a meet-
Baptlst church, this Sunday morning at 11:15 ^eld Friday night. They wish $1000, and
o'clock, or Immediately after the arrival of the ^* om the way they have started will get it. Co-
Opelika train. ( ^ uml>us should raise the $2500 with ease, and it
1 ought to be contributed without delay. It would
!• UNEUAL NOTICE. J likely be doue if all the members of thecommit-
1 | tee did their duty as members of the board. A
The friends and acquaintances of Mrs. Martha , very grave responsibility rests upon them, and
W. Rowell and Mr. D. It. Rowell and family, are j one they should not shirk. The Enquirer-Sun
invited to attend the fttneral of the former from ( will continue to receive contributions sent this
the family residence, No. 1112, Fifth Avenue, at 3 1 office,
o'clock this (Sunday) afternoon.
Members of Muscogee Lodge No. 6, I. O. O. F.,
ore requested to meet at Lodge Rooms at 9:30
a. m. THIS (Sunday) MORNING to attend the
fhneral of Brother D. E. Wade.
Members of Columbus Lodge No. 67,1. O. O. F.,
and visiting brethren are iuvited to attend.
By order J. F. Wise, N. G.
F. W. Loupenber, Secretary.
At tho residence of Mr. Thomas DeLoncli on j
upper Broad street, Mr. John F. Hancock and j
Miss Arina McCrary, Tuesday evening, 7th inst.,
Rev. J. H. Brittan, officiating.
Lecture and Prayer Meeting.
If the weather is favorable, this meeting will
be held in Banks’ building this afternoon at 4
o’clock. All are invited.
J. II. Campbell.
Death in Lumpkin.
Mrs. E. H. Beall died at her home in Lumpkin
on Thursday. She was a most estimable lady,
and had a large circle of friends who will be
pained to learn oflier death. She leaves a hus
band and four children.
Cut l>y a (tin.
D. A. Howtower, near Salem, had an arm terri
bly lacerated in II* tchinsou’s gin yesterday.
Drs. C. B. McCoy and W. J. Love, of Salem, weut
out and rendered the uec$lfcary surgical atten
tion, having to amputate a part of his hand. He
Is now doing well.
Mr. Charles C. Fleming, of Atlanta, Ga., is in
the city.
Col. Cooper Nesbitt, of Dade county, is in the
Major J. F. Waddell and Mr. Albert Waddell
were in the city yesterday.
Mrs. W. J. Warren is confined to her room with
a sprained ankle.
Miss Nettie Hines, of Cataula, is the guest of
lire. Charles Harrison, on Rose Hill.
Sheriff Liviugston, of Harris county, was in
the city yesterday.
The New Jewish Synagogue Fair.
The ladies who have charge of the synagogue
fair request those friends who have kindly prom
ised their assistance to meet them at 9, l £ o’clock
Monday morning in the second store of the Web
ster building, in order to complete arrangements.
All contributions promised (except eatacles)
are desired to be sent iu on Monday and Tues
day. Eatables wi.l be received on Wednesday
and Thursday.
The fair will be formally opened on Wednes
day evening at 7' ;j o’clock by Mayor Grimes.
Professor Chase will lend to the occasiou tho
charm of his excellent orchestra. It is safe to say
that no event of the season will present more at
tractions or draw larger crowds than this fair.
Death of Mrs. Martha Rowell.
Mrs. Martha W. Rowell died at her residence
in this city at 1 o’clock yesterday morning. Mrs.
Rowell was born in Prince Edward county, Va.,
November 10, 1811. She was a daughter of the
fate Mr. Walter Knight. She married Mr. Richard
Rowell iu Augusta, Ga., May 31, 1827, and re
moved to Columbus in 1832. Mrs. Rowell has
been a member of St. Luke Methodist cliurcb for
over filly years, anil was one of its most valuable
members. She was a devout Christian and a
pure and noble woman. She had a host of
friends who will regret to learn of her death.
She leaves three children, M
this city, Mrs. J. E. Eyles, ol Sherman, Texas,
—Tlie steamer Pactolus is due to-day.
—L’Allegro German Club will give its Christ
mas german on the 23d.
—Mr. A. S. Harris will preach at St. Luke
church at 11 o’clock this morning.
—Chief Burma requests that all the firemen
wear fatigue caps to the oyster supper to-morrow
The very liberal sale of our now famous Foot
Warmers caused us to order an unusually large
lot. Can supply all demands now.
J. Marion Este* & Son.
DiunioiKK for ChristmaN fl*resents
Just received and for sal,e cheap at
dec!2tf J. H. Bramhall’s.
Alpha A. Williams.
Kooiiin to Kent.
Two or three rooms with kitchen in private
family, or will rent the whole house ta a good
tenant. Address B, care Enquirer-Sun.
A Horae* For Sale.
A finer and more delightful harness and saddle
hor se is rarely offered for sale than Grey ‘Eagle.
Dr. W. L. Bullard.
Do not forget that Mis. Lequin is th* leader in
Millinery, and the cheapest place in Columbus.
I have this day purchased the stock of Jewelry
in store No. 1121 Broad street, of T. S. Spear. Mr.
Spear, as my agent, will be there to serve his
friends. J. C. Wilber.
d« cl2 2t
Fresh Parched Peanuts at Bartow Heed’s pea
nut stand. I parch every day. I am at T. M.
Foley’s corner.
Have your Feathers dyed or curled and your
gloves cleaned at Mrs. L. Lequin s.
Our stock of drugs aud all those multitudinous
things belonging thereunto is now complete.
The goods of all description are bought of the
very best manufacturers.
No drug is bought beoauslQit is cheap.
We take pleasure in introducing
as a gentleman thoroughly competent for the re-
It is said that a charming young lady who | sponsi ble position of prescriptionist and pharma-
resides iu the filth ward will be married this
— Yesterday was a typical election day. It \va3
raini^? at intervals, and the streets were very
—Indications for Georgia: Light rains, varia
ble winds becoming southerly and slightly
— Mr. L. D. Simmons, of Chicago, 111., has ac
cepted' a position with Alpha A. Williams, the
—J. W. Hall, Esq., of Talbotton, delivered an
address in that place Thursday night on the way
to build up a town.
—The Travelers* Protective association will
give *v rect ption and banquet at the Kimball
house in Atlanta on the 17th.
* — 1 The LaGrangc Reporter says: Eight shares of
Troup factory stock brought §60 per share on
Tuesday* at public sale.
— Marion County Patriot: Mr. J. T. Walton and
wife have been, visiting relatives at Columbus
and in Talbot, county the past week.
—It is understood that the young ladies have
decided to give a german on the night of the
31st, instead of receiving New Year’s callers.
—Albany News aud Advertiser: Col. H. Bus
sey, vice presideut aud general manager of the
•Columbus Fertilizer company, was in the oity on
business yesterday.
—Marion County Patriot: Several shares of
Central railroad stock sold at sheriff’s sale Tues
day for $55 a share. This was very cheap, as the
stock is worth $130 a share.
— The Marion Couuty Patriot says: “We made
an error iu stating the liabilities and assets of J.
W. Roberts. His liabilities are $4600 and his as
sets are $6700. We are glad to make the correc
tion iu Mr. Roberts’ ftvvor.”
—Marion County Patriot: The Rev. R. H.
Harris, pastor of the First Baptist church at
Columbus, is gaining notoriety as a great preach
er. His sermons are published every week iu the
Col 11 mb us E NQ l’I ukr-Sun .
—Rev. Robert H. Harris, the pastor, will preach
the funeral of Rev. Z. H. Gordon at 11 o’clock
this morning at the First Baptist church. At
night he will preach the fifth of a series of ser
mons on “God in Nature.” Theme: The Object.
All are invited.
—Hamilton Journal: Miss Flora Leitner
closed her school this week at Snelson, and is
stopping for a short visit to Miss Lula Mobley be
fore returning to hor home iu Flora, Ala. She is
a charming young lady with both native intelli
gence and cultivation, and has in addition the
courage and energy to use her gifts for the good
of tho rising generation. The ranks of society
are not crowded with young ladies of such
mental aud moral worth.
cist, who will have the prescription department
under his control.
Being satisfied that we can please you aud give
you full value for yopr money, we would be very
much gratified to hu vie 3.011 make us a visit.
Gilbert & Blanchard.
—.—. S- -
Kooium With Itidlis,
With or without bojtrdi Meals sent out at $3 per
wee . a Epping Horsn.
Rooms to Kent
in Georgia Home Building, aud over Hoch-
atrasser’s store.
Apply at Georgia Home corner.
deol2eocl Gt
I’ll ft lICMl
Cabinc t Photographs $4 a dozen till January 10.
Cabinet Photographa$l a dozen till January 10.
Cabinet Photograph^ $1 a dozen till January 10.
Cabinet Photographs01 a dozen till January 10.
Cabinet Photographs $4 a*dozen till January 10.
, ‘ Alpha A. Williams.
Foul Vases.
Handsomest line of Coal Vases in the city at
Estes & Co.’s
Flrecrnekers, Niiis. Candy, Etc.
All new and in store to be sold cheap. Finest
Malaga Grapes 25 cents per pound.
J. J. Wood.
On Ladies’ Embroidericd Handkerchief^ we
are headquarters. We carry more of them than
all the dry goods houses in Columbus combined.
Those Lovely Lace Curtalna
Are still going for any price you may name, at
Rooney’s bargain counters, 1031 Broad street, op
posite Central Hotel. dccl2 2t-se&wed
Call for Ostrich Feathers, 16 inches long, at 50
cents in all colors, at Mrs. L. Lequin’s.
I will sell from now on until January 1, 1887,
my stock of Watches and Jewelry at a small
profit and for cash only. This is faets.
C. H Lequin.
Special Notice.
Having secured the services of another profess
ional photographer from Chicago, I’ve increased
my facilities for producing all styles and sizes
of Photographs.
I will from this day continue to give the public
the best grades of work at my popular prices.
With my force of skilled workmen—five in num
ber-1 can assure the public that the most fastid
ious will bo pleased. From this date all work
will be done with neatness and dispatch. Cabi
nets $1 a dozen. Respectfully,
Alpha A. Williams.
Land (’or Sale.
Six hundred acres of land for sale in one
mile of market and fine school, well timbered
and watered, fine pasture both winter and sum
mer. Six mule farm in cultivation. Two-story
seven room residence with out houses and other
conveniences aud advantages.
Dr. W. L. Bullard,
Columbus, Ga.
D. Appleton A t’o.'H l’ictureMqne Am er
ica at a llitrg;ain.
Call at Thus. Chaffin’s book store and examiue
this beautiful work and get the price
Notice of Arrival of RUverware—C. Sclioinbnrg.
To those patrons that huve been kindly wait-
D. It. Rowell, of j ing for the arrival of our third large shipment of
artistic silverware, we beg to state that the goods
and Mrs. T. E. Hewett, of Texarkana, Texas. J have been recelvtd, and that it will afford us Kitchen attached, waterworks, etc. Apply to
The funeral takes place from the family resi- pleasure to show* them. C. Schomburq, I A. L. Crawford,
deuce at 3 o’clock this afternoon. j Jeweler. | dec!2tf Georgia Warehouse
Remembei that my stock is from this year’s.
dccl2-lw Mrs. L. Lequin.
Beautiful line of Gents’ Neckwear, Underwear,
Handkerchiefs, Gloves and Shirts, at popular
prices—no fancy prices.
l>tulo NIlmIcs,
On spring rollers, at Rooney’s. Red Holland at
50c., all other colors 40c. 1031 Broad sireet, op
posite Central Hotel. decl2 2t-se&wed
Twenty-five men as steel drivers to work on the
Georgia Midland tunnel. Will pay $1 25 per day.
Apply at Georgia Midland office in Columbus.
dccl2 3t Wm. Redd, Jr.
Apples mid GaNt Florida Oranges
On consignment. Jno. T. Pearce.
French Millinery.
This week will be a bargain week in every de
partment. French Felts, Astrakan brim Felts
will be sold at $1.50, formerly $2 and $2.50. Fancy
Feathers, Birds aud Wings sold at cost.
One lot of untrimmed and trimmed felt and
velvet Hats sold at 75 cents, formerly at $1.25.
Orders executed promptly, with satisfaction
guaranteed in styles and low prices, at
decl2-lw Mas. L. Lequu*.
Our second shipment of Dolls will be in to
morrow. Beautiful line of Kidbody Dolls iu
Bisque, Apco, China and Meline heads, at half of
what you pay for them elsewhere. .
All AVmard the Lieor^ia .Midland
For Waverly Hall, Ga. December 15th is the
day. Remember town lots will be ofFered for sale
Parties wishing to invest money safely should
invest in lots at Waverly Hall on December 15th.
Big demand from parties wanting. Men of
means, consider this. Put your money in some
thing that ttrikes or other troubles will be of no
concern to you.
Waverly Hall is the best place to build summer
homes, being' blessed with good water, health
and pure air.
Waverly Hall is recognized by all to have an
enviable reputation as a trade point, there being
fourteen steam gins (besides water and horse
gins) in eight miles of postoffice, averaging from
300 to 500 bales cotton each. All that is needed
to make Waverly Hall a thriving town is push
ing, enterprising merchants to attract trade and
make it a good cotton point.
School aud church advantages will not be ex
celled by any country town in the state
For ft< v nt. Lots will be sold to highest bidder, at Waverly
My new House on Thirteenth street, between ! Hall, on December 15th. Remember the day. A
Second and Third avenues. Six rooms and ! very low rate will be charged by the Georgia
Midland Railroad to all who wish to attend. For
tttiy Your llutter
From the Northside Dairy Farm.Foitson. G r a.,and
you will get the best in the market, delivered at
your door at 30 cents per pound all the year
round. Prompt delivery a specialty.
Thanking my formcr'ouslomers for their liberal
patronage, I ask the public to give me a trial.
Very respectfully,
A. E. Williams,
Fortson, Ga.
Coal VasvM,
Handsomest line of Coal Vases iu the city at
Estes A Co.'s
l>i»moii<lN for Clii’iKtiuuN Presents
Just received and for sale cheap at
decl2 tf J. H. Bramhall’s.
Keud. Komi. Keml.
An elegant Photograph in a nice 8 by 10 frame,
$1.77; a 10 by 12 Photograph in a nic^lO by 12
frame, $3.99; a 11 by 14 photograph in a nice 11 by
11 frame, $5.07; a 14 by 17 photograph in a nica
frame, $6.98. Alpha A. Williams.
Diamonds for Cliristmas Presents
Just received and for sale cheap at
dec!2 tf J. H. Bramhall’s.
Holldtty Goods,
Our large assortment of Holiday Goods are
now on exhibition at the Central Drug Store,
and comprise beautifhl Toilet, Jewel
Cases, gentlemen’s Dressing Cases, Work Boxes,
Odor Cases, Manicure Sets, Baby Sets, Glove and
Handkerchief Holders, Triple Mirrors, Fancy
Stands, Plush Mirrors, Thermometers, Cut Glass
Bottles, which excel in perfection of workman
ship and beauty of design any ever offered in
this market; and other Toilet requisites too
numerous to mention. We are selling these
goods so cheap thut the purchasers are sur
prised at the prices. In fact we offer them
cheaper than they can be won at raffle elsewhere.
We take pleasure in displaying them and ask
that the public call and see them and get our
prices. A large lot of Surgeon and Bath Sponges
just received.
Our line of Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes is a
complete one, and as to prices we defy competi
tion. Extracts, Colognes, Toilet Waters, Bay
Rum, Florida Waters from all the best manufac
turers, Puffs and Puff Boxes, Toilet Powders and
Sachet Powders in abundance. To those who
enjoy a good smoke, we say try our Evans &
IIQward Cigar and other Key West goods. A
few Hyacinth Bulbs lelt at $1.25 a dozen.
Our Prescription Department is supplied with
the best Drugs and receives at all times the care
ful attention of an experienced Pharmacist.
Our store at 1302 Broad street is in charge of
Mr. T. M. Oliver, an experienced prescriptionist,
and carries a full line of the same Drugs as the
Central. EVans A Howard,
d Proprietors.
FrcMh Smoked Salmon
Just received at J. T. Kavanagh’s. deell 2t
Holiday Goodnt Holiday tioodnt
We have received and displayed our Holiday
Goods, and can promise our patrons and friends
an unusually large and pleasing assortment at
very low prices, our object being more to make a
reputation than a profit on this line of goods.
We have Toilet and Jewel Cases in convenient
combinations, Odor Cases, Majolica Ware, Bisque
and Bronze Figures, Mirrors, Ornaments, Sets
of any description; in fact can please anyone.
Cut Glass Goods, and something entirely neiv
and usefhl in Writing Tablets.
Don’t forget us when you want to buy or look •
’tis a pleasure for us to show goods.
We are honest in our belief that we have the
prettiest and most complete assortment of
Bristle Goods ever offered in Columbus. We
have Brushes of every shadow, Bliape and price
and for any uses to which a brush can be put!
The Best 25 cents Tooth Brush sold in the state.*
A beautifUl brush for 15 cents.
Face Powder, Puff Boxes, Puffs and Satchet
Powders. A large line of Colognes from every
maker of prominence. We distil seven Colognes,
and our White Rose Cologne is unequalled.
Our drug department Is kept supplied with the
best and purest drugs. Our motto being the best
only. Special and carefUl attention given all pre
scription work by qualified and competent pre-
scriptionists. Remember us. Always pleased to
see you.
dtf Gao. A. Bradford, Manager.
Have you tried the Frank Siddell Soap ? Try
Daniel R. Uizc, Proprietor,
Carriage and Wagon Repair Shops.
Blacksmith, Wood work, Painting, Trimming, and
Repairs of every description promptly doue.
Horse and Mule Shoeing—plain and steel.
75c for shoeing mules and horses, plain.
25c for shrinking tire. •
50c for setting axles.
10 to 20c plain and patent spokes.
Other work at proportionately low prices.
Wagon and Stock Yards still headquarters
for planters trading at Columbus. Patronage
earnestly solicited. . nov21sc&tutf.
Almonds, Walnuts, Pecans, Brazil Nuts and
Cocoanuts, wholesale and retail, at Pollard’s,
1224 Broad street. dtf
FreHti Smoked Salmon
Just received at J. T. Kavanagh’s. deell 2t
Overcoats! Overcorts!
For men, youths, boys and children will go this
w eek for $2 50 to $30 00. See the goods and you
will buy, A. C. Chancellor.
To tke Trade.
10.000 Florida Oranges; 100 barrels choice Ap
ples; 3000 Cocoanuts; large lot all kinds Fire
works'; fresh shipment Almonds, Pecans, Wal
nuts, Brazil Nuts, Filberts and Raisins, at
dec9 lw J. T. Kavanagh’s.
Have you seen the elegant Cashmere Under
wear displayed at Chancellor’s? This month he
will close lots at prices that cannot be duplicated
again. d&wtf
standard of tbe World.
Old. smoothe and reliable Whisky 85 cents per
quart, sold by Rollin Jbfferson.
dec7 eod2m
Shield Perfection Bourbon Whisky
I commend to all who desire a really good and
reliable article. Robert S. Crane,
dtf Sole Agent.
Around the World.
Carlisle’s 1881 Whisky. * Nothing equals it. 85
cents per quart. Sold by Rollin Jefferson.
dec7 eod2m
To My Friends.
I desire to let you know I am once more in
stalled in the undertakers business, and those#
needing my services will always find me at 939
and 941 Broad street, with Williams & Pou, un
dec 5 se 4t Thomas G. Coleman.
Stuffed Mangoes, Barrel Pickles and Olive , by
the gallon and in jars, at Pollard’s, 1224 Broad
street. dtf
If you want the best Cakes, Custards, Pies, Etc.,
try ray home-made. They have no equal.
dtf R. Justice, Agt.
Mince Meat, Apple Butter and Pure Jellies at
d tf R. Justice, Agt.
n. f. wiluga h
Insurance Agency, 1115 Brond Street,
Accessible at all hours. Office telephone, No. 7*
Residence telepone, No. 49. All calls promptly
answered. . D. F. Wjllcox.
Choice Groceries.
Best Rye Flour, New York State Buckwheat*
Finest Graham Flour, Extra Choice Goshen But
ter, Marrow Beans, Boneless Cod Fish, Choice
Messed Mackerel, ten pound pails; Fancy
Evaporated Apples, Choice Mixed Table Nuts,
New Raisins, Citron, Chipped Dried Beef, Lunch
Tongue, Pigs Feet and Tripe at Crane’s.
Pure Fruit Jellies, French Queen Olives, Far-
rina, McMenamin & Co’s famous Deviled Crabs.,
Casco Bay Lobsters. Grated Pineapple, Evergreen
Sugar Corn of superior quality aud full weights
Clipper brand of Okra and Tomatoes, Boston
Baked Beans, Cod Fi9h Balls. Always the lowest
prices for cash at Robert S. Crane’s.
Baker’s Chocolate aud Jelatiue at
d tf R. Justice, Agt.
W'ood ami Coni.
First-class Oak and Pine wood in stock, block
and split. Jelico Coal, prime lump, for sale by
T. S Fontaine &Co.
Telephone No. 80. nov7tf
Atmore’s Best Mince Meat, New Currants*
Dates, Citron. R. S. Crane.
Fine UigarH.
5000 Garrett’s No. 11.
5000 Conquerors.
5000 100-PerCent.
10,000 Grand Republic Cigarros sold under a-
bona fled guarantee. I consider any of the above
brands as being worthy of special mention, and
can recommend as possessing all the elements of
fine quality, and such as will give perfect satis
faction to the smokers. Robert S. Crane.
Beautifril Trunks and Satchels at Chancellor’s
for Xmas Presents. Don’t foil to see the many
novelties he is showing. d&wtf
A complete stock of pure and fresh Staple and
Fancy Groceries, Candies Fruits Etc., at
d tf R. Justice, Agt. ,
To the Trade.
10,000 Florida Oranges; 100 barrels choice Ap
ples; 3000 Cocoanuts; large lot all kinds Fire
works; fresh shipment Aln^onds, Pecans, Wal
nuts; Brazil Nuts, Filberts and Raisins, at
dec9 lw J. T. Kavanagh’s.
Latlis for Nale.
50,000 Laths for sale by
dec7 tf Blanchard, Burrus & Co.
This Week
Cnancellor will close several lots of Suits and
Overcoats at $5 00 each. Don’t miss this oppor
tunity to get a bargain. d&wtf
Do Yon Need
An Overcoat or Suit? If so, Chancellor will
make the prices right. d&wtf
I. O. R. H., Creek Tribe No. 11.
Regular Council Tuesday’s sleep at our Wig
wam (I. O. O. F. Hall). Council fire will be
kindled at the seventh run and thirtieth breath.
All transient members are invited to attend.
W. G. Posey, Sachem.
Jno. T. Abney, C. of R. aug29 sely
Edmond*' Furniture Store.
We are receiving now every day shipments of
beautifril Brussels tapestry and ingrain carpet
ings, Smyrna velvet and tapestry rugs.
Having a buyer constantly in New York, our
patrons may be assured of the lateet, most beau
tiful patterns, and the very lowest prices.
Fresh Smoked Salmon
Just received at J. T. Kavanagh’s. deell 2t
. The Choleeat Cigars
In the market at Gilbert & Blanchard’s Drug
Store. , declOtf
Choice Fi*h and Oynters
Always on hand at Jno. W. Miller’s. declO lm
other inquiries apply to
I. H. Pitts & Son.
Gilbert A Blanchard
Would be pleased to have you call at their Drug
Store. <jecl0 tf
The Old Reliable
Are still in the field. Gilbert & Blanchard, the
Druggists, offer a full line of pure Drugs, fine
Perfumery, Soaps, Brushes, etc., and a well as
sorted stock of Holiday Goods. declO tf
MarHlial'* Sale.
Will be sold, Monday, December 13th, at Mc
Daniel’s wagon yard, if not called for and charge*
paid, one white and red spotted bull, no marks.
On the same day, at Bussey’s stable, one black
boar, no marks. John H. Palmer,
declO 3t Marshal.
Telephone 119, Residence.
dec4 sat&se&eodlw
Pure Vermont Maple Sugar in cans, gallons
and halves, at Pollard’s, 1224 Broad street, dtf
Oranges, Apples and Malaga Grapes at
dft R. Justice, Agt.
Watches, clt»ehN aud Jewelry.
From nowon and duringtheHolidays I will sell
Gents’ and Ladies’ Gold and Silver Watches, also
Clocks and Jewelry, at greatly reduced prices, for
Cash only. C. H. Lequin.
dec5 se2t
Columbus Lodge No. 631 v Uniffhtu of
Regular meeting to-morrow (Monday) evening
at 7:30 o’clock.
By order of Protector.
Id*4th mon ML M. Moorj* Sec’y.
Another lot of those choice Virginia Peanuts at
Pollard’s, 1224 Broad street. dtf
Broken Lots Underwear
Must move this week at Chancellor’s. d&wtf
Oranges, Apples, Cabbage, Turnips and Po
tatoes arriving daily at Pollard’s,
dtf 1224 Broad St.
In selecting Xmas Presents call on A. C. Chan
cellor. He has a large assortment of Mufflers,
Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Cuff Buttons, Overcoats,
Silk Umbrellas, &c. d&wtf
fresh lot of Stick Candy by the barrel, at
Pollard’s, 1224 Broad street. dtf
To the Trade.
10,000 Florida Oranges ; 100 barrels choice Ap
ples; 3000 Cocoanuts; large lot all kinds Fire
works; fresh shipment Almonds, Pecans, Wal
nuts, Brazil Nuts, Filberts and Raisins, at
dec9 lw J. T. Kavanagu’s.
Colgate’* “New” Soap
Washes better and lasts longer than any other.
See big advertisement next Wednesday.
dec9 5t
You Can Buy
A comfortable Overcoat at Chancellor’s for $4 00.
Child’s Suit for $2 50. d&wtf
Fancy Candies, wholesale and retail, at Pol
lard’s, 1224 Broad street. dtf
Be Assured of Due Thing.
Chancellor will not be undersold. The season
is advancing, and cash will get the goods.
Citron, Dales, Prunes, Glaze Pine Apples, Rasins
and Currants at Robert Justice, Agt.