Newspaper Page Text
Columbus.. Oa., December 14,1886.
Mbw York H off, Eastern % off, Boston slight H
W« Savannah H off; Bonk checking on New York
HH the counter % premium And on Savannah
•I par.
Market to-day steady; inferior 0;i ordi mry
rood ordinary —c; low middling %9c;
Middling 8'^c. good middling 8%c.
To-day. To Date.
__ 6,651
Dff Columbus and western road... 8 1,243
By Columbus and Rome railroad.. 32 6,580
ly the river 0 7,221
Bp wagons 811 25,8f6
Dp Southwestern railroad 70
By Mobile and Girard railroad..... 166
By Southwestern railroad 1,045
By Columbus and Western road... 0
By the river 0
Taken by Columbus factories 184
To-day. To Date
.. 545
on band August 81, 1885 1.079
lived to-day 582
previously 54,083—54,645
previously 42,177— 43,406
Stocks on hand 12,318
Stock August 81,1885, 3.50; received same date,
tit; total receipts 62,414; shipped same day 463:
total shipments 44,676; stock 18,088, sales 272;
Middling, 8%o.
Stolen Mule—B. F Neely.
For This Week—Chancellor.
To the Public—J. C. Reedy.
Lap Robes—Williams & Pou.
Election of Officers—J. A. Calhoun.
Custom Made Suits—G. J. Peacock.
White Shad, etc Salisbury & Crow.
Sealed Proposals Wanted—M. M. Moore.
Bee "ad” of Colgate’s New Soap on 2d page.
Furniture in Great Variety - A. F. Gibson & Co.
To Telephone Subscribers—J. Marion Estes &
Handsome Goods for Christmas—Evans A
Dfstli In Ilrownevllle.
Mrs. Marv Beck died in Brownevillo Monday.
Mrs. Beck was 55 years of age, and had been in
feeble health for several months. The funeral
took place yesterday from the residence of Mrs.
IVah Net Stolen.
It now transpires that Dr. Seth N. Jordan’s
Mare was not stolen, but was driven off by a gen
tleman too much in liquor. She was returned to
Dr. Jordan yesteiday morning by a negro who
picked her up a few miles east of the city.
Met >Vitli SiicreNH.
Rev. Father O’Brien, of Washington, Ga., who
Das bean in the city a few days, soliciting aid for
the Catholic male orphanage at that place, re-
turnrd home yesterday. We are glad to learn
that he met with considerable success while here.
Bone to Wheeler.
Mr. J. Ed Daniel, formerly of the firm of Dan
iel Bros., of this city, left yesterday for Wheeler,
Ala., between Birmingham and Tuscaloosa,
where he will make his future home and engage
In the grocery business. He was one of our fore
most and mo£t progressive and prosperous
young business men, and we commend him to
the people of Wheeler and wish him the success
Be deserves.
An Excursion To-Day.
The first, excursion over the Georgia Midland
vallroad will be run to Waverly Hall to-day. The
train will leave at, 9 o’clock this morning. Stock
holders will be passed fVee, and tickets will be
•old to others at $1 for the round trip. Messrs.
I, H. Pitts A Son will sell a number of lots at
Waverly Hall to-day, and Columbus capitalists
will find it a good opportunity for investment.
Married in Rrowncville.
Mr. R. Page and Miss Maggie Burras were
married at Trinity church. Brownevillo, last
night. The ceremonies was performed by Rev.
J. B. Cummings. The'groom is a well knowu
and highly respected citizen of Summerville, and
the bride is one of Brownevillo’s most excellent
young ladies. Their many friends wish for thorn
a bright aud prosperous future.
A Musical Treat.
In the dearth of amusements our people will
welcome the announcement of a secular and
•acred concert to be given shortly by the choir
of the First Baptist church of this city.
The fact that half the net proceeds will bo do
nated to^thte fund being raised for the Young
Mods’ On r 1st inn Association, should appeal
•trongly to the friends of that movement.
The reputation oTtho choir is behind none in
the state, and wo may look forward to a rare
musical treat.
A fonHumer’s Complaint.
Enquirer-Sun: Please give space to the follow
ing lines: What is the matter with our oil?
There has been a considerable change in the
quality of the kerosene oil we have been using in
the last two months, and we have changed our
places of buying several times, aud know that it
is not so only at. one place.
We may 1111 our lamps until they won’t hold
“‘Harry bit” more, and they will not burn half an
Dour until they need snuffing, or rather need
more oil in them. The light is simply dim at
best. We certainly need bettor oil, aud unless
there is a considerable change for the better in
the quality it will be useless to buy it at all. We
think that testing has gone out of style, and that
the testers simply imagine it good or "standard.”
Col. W. T. Revill and lady, of Greenville, spent
the day in the city yesterday.
Mr. H. H. Eppiug went over to Birmingham
M. George Waddell left yesterday for Birming
ham, which place he experts to make his fature
Dome. His many fViends here regret to give him
up, but wish for him much success in his new
Dome. His fUmily will remain here until Feb
Messrs. C. L. Davis and George Fontaine went
over to Birmingham yesterday.
Mr. Houghton, of Macon, is visiting friends iu
the city.
Mr. Overman, of Charlotte, is in the city.
Mr. Ex Tucker, of Hurtsboro, is in the city.
Miss May Hudson, of Hamilton, is visiting
friends in the cjty.
Mr. J. W. Mitchell, of Hamilton, was in the
city yesterday.
J. T. Davis, Jr., Gold Hill, Ala.; A. McAdams,
Cincinnati; A. T. Mitchell, Louisville ; J. Rheira-
otrom, Cincinnati; W. M. Scandland, Lexington;
P. P. Pease, Louisville ; L. Perlen, W. W. Over
man, 8. J. Abbott, D. F. Constantine, New York ;
8. Hertz, Montgomery ; G. D. Wadley, Alabama;
H. Hirsch, Beale; 8. C. Hirschberg, St. Louis ; J.
G. Earle, Boston; W. B. Lowe, J. W. Euglish,
Atlanta; Mrs. M. L. Adams, Memphis.
P. S.Simms, Dayton, Ohio; Wlibur Brown, New
Orleans; M. E. O’Neal and wife, Alabama; Sam
I*. Tuck, New York; R. S. Dingess, Chicago; Wm.
H. Howard, Howardsburg, P,n.; J. D. Garvey,
Philadelphia; W. II. Riley, Taylor county, Ga.
G. F. Lowe, W. Fort, Box Spring*; A. T. Carriger,
New York; H. C. Lee, Atlauta, Ga.; E. T. Hillery,
Lumpkin, Ga.; T. J. Neal, Waverly flail; II. A.
Gillis Now York; Ex Tucker, Alabama; J. Smith,
Box Springs; G. \V. Roberts, Southwestern rail-
The Ausplclaas Opening of the Jewish Fair Last
Night—A Large Attendance—Mayor Grimes*
Address, Etc.
The fair for the benefit of the new Jewish
Synagogue was opened last night under the most
favorable auspices. The second store room of the
corner Webster building had been transformed
into a perfect bower of beauty. The interior was
handsomely decorated and numerous booths
lined each side, and at these booths presided the
fairest of our fair women. In them were stored a
large number of handsome and valuable articles
which are to be disposed of as the fair progresses.
The attendance last night was very large and
the fair was formally opened by Mayor Grimes.
His honor, the mayor, was introduced by Mr. J.
H. Gabriel, who said : *
“For the first time in the history of the Israel
ites of Columbus, we come before the public in
an organized effort to procure help for the erec
tion of a house of worship. This is a task, which
for our small and unaided members is hopeless
ly stupendous. It is useless to enlarge on this
point. It is well understood that the
Israelites of Columbus are better known
for their fiberality than their numbers. I am
reminded that this is not an occasion for speech
making. The enterprise speaks fur itself—in its
dignity, the worthiness of the object. Therefore,
it is with pleasure that I assume the duty of in
troducing to you a gentleman who won your ap
probation in the past, and who you confess mer
its your respectful attention—a gentleman first in
peace, first in fairs and first in the hearts of gur
citizens. Ladies and gentlemen, permit me to
introduce to you your worthy onayor, Clifford B.
Mayor Grimes then arose and spoke as follows:
"Ladies and gentlemen: It affords me infinite
pleasure, both as a private citizen arid as mayor
of your city, to formally open to you this fair, in
augurated for the benefit of a building which
should be dear to the hearts both of Jews and
"If we pause for a moment to consider what
Judaism has done for the world; when we look
at our code and remember Sinai; when we kneel
at our shrines and worship that God-man, who
was a child of Judah, surely every sentiment of a
Christian soul should be in sympathy with the
progress and development of this people, whose
history is the history of truth, and in whose tra
ditions are preserved for us the sublimest lessons
of humanity. About the year 1840, as I am in
formed, n little company of Columbus Israelites
formed themselves into a benevolent society. As
years passed the society grew in numbers and
importance, and in 1859 there was organized a
congregation of Israelites who bought aud remod
eled the little house of worship which they have
now decided to replace with a building more
suitable to the enlarged needs of their growing
and prosperous numbers, and that will be an
ornament to the city.
"From 1840 to 1886 the steady march of progress
has proceeded with unbroken tread; the little
band of devoted worshipers has become a ..con
gregation numbering amongst its members some
of our most intelligent, substantial and worthy
citizens. It is right and proper that the “ little
brown synagogue around the corner” should be
supplanted by a more pretentious and commodi
ous edifice.
"Therefore it gives me unqualified pleasure to
open this fair aud to invite to it for patronage, as
well as for evidence of csteefe, all the citizens of
our benevolent city.
"Let us meet here in a spirit of mutual help
fulness; let us join hands in brotherly love—Jew
aud Christians—alike putting forth strenuous
efforts to crown with success this praiseworthy
enterprise of those devoted daughters of Isreal,
whose names will live in the hearts of fature
congre ations and whose memory shall survive
aud blossom for all years to come.**
At the conclusion of Mayor Grimes’ speech the
festivities began, and was one the scene of unusual
gayety. Besides the pleasant social features, those
in attendance spent taeir small change freely,
and, if the first night is to be taken as a criterion,
the fair will be oue of the most successful enter
tainments of the kiud ever given in Columbus.
We have been requested to state that lunches
will be served to-day, and. the ladies will take
pleasure iu furnishing our business men with
their dinners. Our citizens should patronize this
entertainment with open-handed liberality.
Y. M. 0. A.
The Amount feitrlbnted Yesterday—Over Kleve*
Hundred Dollars Contributed.
One hundred dollars were contributed to the
Young Men’s Christian association yesterday.
This makes $1129.50 that has been contributed to
date. The following are the contributions sinoe
last report:
J. T. Willis $ 10 00
O. M. Williams 10 00
A Columbus lady 25 00
Hotel Riddle 10 00
John Hill 10 00
W. J. Pearce 6 00
D. A. Andrews 5 00
Amorv Dexter 10 #0
Mrs. H. W. McMichael 5 00
J. C. Reedy 10 00
Received yesterday $ 100 00
Received previously 1,029 50
Total received $1,129 60
The executive board held a meeting last night
at which Mr. M. B. Williams, state secretary, was
present. The board determined to press the
matter energetically„ and will continue their
work until $2500 is contributed. The ladies have
become interested in the matter, and when this
is the case success is assured. Every member of
the board is expected to come up to the fall meas
ure of duty, and if they do this there will be little
difficulty in obtaining the required amonnt.
At the meeting last night the state secretary
gave an interesting talk, and made valuable sug
gestions to the committee. Mr. Williams will
probably leave the city to-day, but will make an
other visit in the near fature.
Send to the Furniture Store of A. F. 'Gibson A
Co. for Christmas presents. 1222 Broad street.
dec!4 dtf
Handsomest Cut Glass Bottles in the citv at
Evans & Howard’s. dtf
—The steamer Pactolus left for down the river
yesterday morning.
—Everybody should patronize the Jewish fair.
It deserves a liberal patronage.
Indications for Georgia: Fair weather, south
westerly winds shilling to colder northwesterly.
—Horseback riding soc.n* to bs going out of
Dish ion. WJhat’s the matter with the young
— Mon. J. M. McNeill is engaged as auditor in
hearing the case of Ilixon vs. Mobley at Hamil
ton this week.
—Judge E. H. Glenn, of Seale, was in Girard
yesterday making persouul inspection of Bartlcttc
bridge ravine.
—An important event will occur immediately
after the holidays that will surprise the young
society people. This comes by the Commercial
Cable Company, dated London, December 14th.
—It is a matter of general regret that Rev. \V.
A. Huckabee, pastor of Broad Street church, has
been transferred from this city. Ho has done a
good work here, and his congregation holds him
iu high esteem.
—A negro has been arrested in Browueville,
charged with stealing the money box from the
side show connected with Dellaven’s circus last
week. He has confessed the crime aud suys that
there was $15 In the box, which was divided
among three of them.
For Three Df»yn
Chancellor will sell Gentlemen’s Hosiery at cost
to reduce the stock. Bring the cash. dwtf
White Shad. Apalachicola Oysters, Roe, Mul
lets, and a fresh lot All Pork Sausage,* t
Salisbury & Crow’s.
Cheapest line ofCut Glass Bottles ever offered
in Columbus at Evans & Howard’s. dtf
A new lot Gilt Framed Pictures, cheaper than
ever, at A. F. Gibson’s, 1222 Broad street.
decl4 dtf
Buy You? Mocks
From Chancellor. He is closing them at cost
this week—cash only. d&wtf
To Telephone Mnhncrfliers.
Parties wishing to see our Foot Warmers can
order them sent by calling No. 81.
J. Marion Estes & Son.
Hour the Price*.
Socks lOe, 16c. 25c and 35c. You will pay more
for them elsewhere. Chancellor is reducing
stock. d&wtf
Best 3 for 2'c Cigar at Evans & Howard’s, tf
A. F. Gibson & Co will astoni-h jou in low
prices of Furniture. 1222 Broad street.
__ decli dtf
Columbus Lodge No. 07, I. O. O. F.,
Will meet at their Lodge Room, corner Broad
and Twelfth streets, over R. 8. Crane’s, this
(Wednesday) evening at 8 o’clock.
All Odd Fellows in good standing are fraternal
ly invited to meet with us.
Macon O. Berry, N. G.
Geo. O. Berry, Sec’y. je2 wedly
Chairs of all sorts; also Bureaus, Bedsteads,
etc., at A. F. Gibson & Co.’s. decl4 dtf
Handsome assortment of Plush Work Boxes at
$1 00, r $2 00 and $3 00 each at Evans & Howard’s.
They in at Go This Week.
Chancellor has put the knife into Hosiery.
You can buy them cheap. d&wtf
Best smoker in town the "EvanB & Howard”
Cigar at 5c. dtf .
Toilet Cases cheaper tnan ever at Evans &
Howard’s. dtf
Do You Wear S«x?
If 90, buy from Chancellor. He is reducing
stock this week. d&wtf
A. F. Gibson & Co. are selling Furniture cheap
er than any one, on installments or otherwise.
decL4 dtf
A. O. II. W. ColumhiiN Lodge No, 7.
Attend regular meeting this (Wednesday)
evening at 7 o’clock.
J. A. Calhoun, M. W\
C. E. Estes, Recorder. lst&3dwed
The cheapest place in Columbus to buy Doll
Carriages, Wagons, Velocipedes, etc., is A. F.
Gibson & Co.’s, 1222 Broad street. decl4 dtf
Gents’ Collar and Cuff Boxes at 50c and 75c a
set at Evans & Howard’s. dtf
I’liriMliiiaM Goods!
Chancellor sold several dozen Muffiers yester-
terday, and will sell more to-day. d&wtf
The Monthly Meeting of the Trustees—The Num
ber •!* Pupils in Attendance, Etc.
The regular monthly meeting of the board of
trustees of the public schools was held last night.
The following trustees were present: B. F. Cole
man, president; James Smith, N. N. Curtis, Isaac
I. Moses. Dr. N. J. Bussey, B. H. Crawford, John
Superintendent Mooty, in his mouthly report,
states that the schools are all in fine condition
and working smoothly. His report shows672
pupils in attendance at the white schools and 935
in the colored schools.
A resolution was passed suspending all the
schools at 12 o’clock on Christmas eve, resuming
again on Monday morning, January 3, D87.
The matter of the boys playing foot ball in the
streets near the boys’ school before school takes
in and during the gpcesses was discussed by the
board. The superintendent was instructed to
permit them to play under such rales and re
strictions as he may prescribe, so long as they
conform to them 3nd their playing does not be
come a nuisance to the neighborhood.
Iu consideration of the unusual spell of weather
aud the bad condition of the streets during the
recent snow, the board decided that absence
from school on Monday, the 6th, must not oper
ate to debar any pupil from earning a place on
the roll of honor.
Almost a Uouilagratlon.
About 6 o’clock yesterday afternoon, a sampler
of Messrs. Barnwell & Coffin, the cotton shippers,
was carrying a basket of samples through the
office, and in passing the gas jet, which had just
been lit, the cotton was ignited and the flames
conveyed to other samples in the room. The
fire was put out by the use of the hose and plug in
the Planters’warehouse. There was no mate
rial damage, but a, great deal of smoke and a
narrow escape from a large conflagration.
Election of Ofliccr».
Members of A. O. U. W. are notified there will
be ah election of officers for the ensuing year to
night at 7 o’clock. J. A. Calhoun, M. W.
Charles E. Estes, R.
A. F. Gibson & Co. has a large and select stock
of Furniture to be sold as l^w as the lowest.
deel4 dtf
Latest designs In Christmas Cards at Evans &
Howard’s. dtf
Elegant and usefal presents can be found at
Chancellor’s. Prices right. d&wtf
Lap Robe*.
We have just received another large lot of beau-
tifal Robes, especially suitable for Christmas
presents. There has never been anything like
them in Columbus. Call aud see them.
decl5 3t Williams & Pou.
Furniture arriving daily at A. F. Gibson &Co’s,
1222 Broad street. decl4 dtf
Gentlemen’s Dressing Cases, four designs in
Alligator, at Evaus & Howard’s. dtf
Beautifal* Trunks and Satchels for Christmas
preseuts at Chancellor’s. d&wtf
Latest designs in Covering Bottles at Evans &
Howard’s. dtf
Bed Room Suits cheaper than ever at A. F.
Gibson & Co.’s, 1222 Broad street. decl4 dtf
If you will call on Chancellor he will suggest
something useful and ornamental for a Christa
mast present. d&wtf
To ike l*u ■ lie.
It has been reported that I have formed a com
bination with Mr. Andrews on the one hand and
with Mr. tfoolfolk on the other. I have only
this to say, that I have never formed a combina
tion with any one, nor have l ever authorized
any of my friends to do so for me. Mr. Atidrews
aud Mr. Woolfolk both are my friends, but I
think it best, under the circumstances, for each
man to "tote his own skillet.”
J. C. Reedy.
Evans* Howard’s Cologne, the most lasting
and refreshing on the market, at $1 50 for full
pint bottle. dtf
Iff You Fail to Fiud
A suitable present at Chancellor’s, ydu might a«
S well tttoploQking. d&wtf
Renoir* Hot to Procrastinate Any
On Tuesday, November 9th, 1886, in New Or
leans, La., at the 198th Grand Monthly Drawing
of The Louisiana State Lottery, under the sole
care of Generals G. T. Beauregard, ot Louisiana,
snd Jubal A. Early, of Virginia, the wheel of for
tune spun rapidly thusly: No. 94,552 drew First
Prize of $75,000. It was sold in fifths at $1.00
each ; one to A. L. Beltran, of No 193 Esplanade
street, New Orleans, La., a young sugar refiner
there: one to T. L. Pendell, of Keene, Ky., a to
bacco raiser, paid through First National Bank
of Lexington, Ky.; one to Mrs. Eliza J. Peterson,
No. 53 Moulton street, Charlestown, Mass.; the
others to parties in Chicago, 111., and Manchester,
Va. No. 48,000 drew the Second Prize of $25,000,
also sold in filths at $1.00 each; one to Henry L.
Valencia, San Francisco, Cal., paid through Wells,
Fargo & Co. Express; one to James H. Johnson,
San Antonio, Texas, paid through Traders’ Na
tional Bauk there; one each to W. M. Brown and
James K. Jackson, both of Boston, Mass. No.
67,853 drew Third Prize, $10,000, also sold in fifths
at$1.00 each; one paid to William Tonkin, San
Jose, Cal.; one to G. Rocco, Stockton, Cal.—both
paid through Wells, Fargo & Co. Express; one to
the Anglo-Californian Bank of San Francisco,Cal.»
the rest to parties in New York. Nos. 19,011 and
62,825 drew the two Fourth Prizes. $6000, sold alj
around. But on January 11th, 1887, the 200th
Monthly Drawing will cause $535,000 to go flying
about, and any information can be had of M. A*
Dauphin, New Orleans. La., on application, It
would be well to form new resolutions with the
fttolen Mule.
Stolen from my place in Harris county, near
Mountain Hill, on last Thursday night a black
Horse Mule 12 years old, with a white mouth
and two white spots on each side of his back.
A liberal reward paid for the recovery of the
Mule; also, for the arrest of the thief. Address
me at Mountain Hill, Ga. B. F. Neely
Once More.
Rubber Coats, Suits, Hats, Umbrellas, Hand
kerchiefs, Scarfs, Cuff Buttons, Scarf Pins, &c.,
can be found at Chancellor’s. d&wtf
For Sale.
A good Mule, cash or credit. Apply to W. J.
Watt, or Williams & Pou. decl4 3t
$1 50 fbr $1 00, a suitable Christmas Present, at
Evans & Howard’s. dtf
Call for Ostrich Feathers, 16 inches long, at 50
cents in all colors, at Mrs, L. Lequin’s.
Rooms Willi Itaths,
With or without board. Meals sent out at $3 per
week. [dec!2 3t] Eppinq House.
Medical Notice.
Dr. J. W. Cameron can be found at Evans &
Howard’s Drug Store.
Diseases of infancy and childhood a specialty.
Office hours from 8 to 10 a m and from 2 to 5
p m. f
Residence No. 310 Tenth street, opposite the
synagogue. dec 14 lw
Lubin’s, Lightnef’s, Wight’s, Lozell’s, Oakley’s
and Recksecker’s Extracts at Evans & Howard’s.
folgafr’s “New” Soap
Washes better and lasts longer than any other.
See big advertisement next Wednesday.
decl4 tf
Odor Cafes, Inf rats’ Sets, Mirrors and Novel
ties at Evans & Howard’s, dtf
Still In flic Rinir,
With Toys, Wagons and Dolls, large and small;
Fireworks of all kind, Nuts, Figs, Raisins,
Dates and Cranberries, Orange* and Apples,
Plain And French Candies. Goods of all kinds in
the Confectionery line will be found at 918 Broad
Now, fathers and mothers, bear in mind you
were children once in time. For goodies and
W. T. Robinson.
t 1002,
Our stock of drags and all those multitudinous
things belonging thereunto is now complete.
The goods of all description are bought of the
very best manufacturers.
No drug is bought because it is cheap.
We take pleasure in introducing
as a gentleman thoroughly competent for the re
sponsible position of prescript ion 1st and pharma
cist, who will have the prescription department
under his control.
Being satisfied that we can please you and give
you fall value for your money, we would be very
much gratified to have you make us a visit.
dtf Gilbert & Blanchard.
Rooms to Rent
in Georgia Home Building, and over Hoch-
strasser’s store.
Apply at Georgia Home corner.
Around the World.
Carlisle’s 1881 Whisky. Nothing equals it. 8!
cents per quart. Sold by Kolun Jefferson.
dec7 eodim
Tile Best
Cabinet Photographs $4 a dozen till January 10.
Cabinet Photographs $4 a dozen till January 10.
Cabinet Photographs $4 a dozen till January 10.
Cabinet Photographs $4 a dozen till January 10.
Cabinet Photographs $4 a dozen till January 10.
Alpha A. Williams.
For Nix Day*.
Commencing Monday morning at 8 o’clock I
will produce large photographs for Christmas
presents at one-fourth my prices charged before,
d&weaw Alpha A. Williams.
Baker’s Chocolate aud Jelatine at
d tf R. Justice, Agt.
God Bless the Children.
Nothing has been so productive of health anc
diminished so much the suffering and mortality
among children as Teethina {Teething Potoders),
Tkethina allays Irritation, aids Digestion,
Regulates the Bowels, Strengthens the child,
Clues Eruptions and Sores and makess Teething
All Druggists and country stores keep Teeth
ina. Brannon & Carson, Columbus. Ga.,
Wholesale Agents, supply the trade at maim
facturer’8 prices. jy4 d&wlv
The gentlemen receiving the most votes yester
day were elected, and Adams & Bowers, at Strap
per’s old stand, 1144 Broad street, were elected for
selling the cheapest aud best Fireworks in the city
of Columbus. It was ascertained that they sell
Boman Candles, Rockets, Pin Wheels, Mines,
large and small Crackers and all other Fireworks
25 per cent, cheaper than any other house in
town. Wholesale and retail. Give them a call.
Remember the men. Adams & Bowers.
Removal Notice.
We have removed to No. 1022 Broad street, be
low the Central Hotel, where we will continue to
keep the choicest line of Cigars, Tobacco and
We call especial attention to our celebrated
Imperial W r edding Whisky and fine brands of
Key West and Havana Cigars, and kindly ask
our friends to favor us with their orders.
Louis Buhler & Co.
Sole Agents for the Celebrated Anheuser and
and Budweiser Bottled Beer.
sep!9 tf
Holiday Goods! Holiday Goods
We have received and displayed our Holiday
Goods, and can promise our patrons and friend*
an unusually large and pleasing assortment at
very low prices, our object being more to make a
reputation than a profit on this line of goods.
We have Toilet and Jewel Cases in convenient
combinations, Odor Cases, Majolica Ware, Bisque
and Bronze Figures, Mirrors, Ornaments, Sets
of any description; in faot can please anyone.
Cut Glass Goods, and something entirely new
and useful in Writing Tablets.
Don’t forget us when you want to buy or look;
’tis a pleasure for us to show goods. »
We are honest in our belief that we have the
prettiest and most complete assortment of
Bristle Goods ever offered in Columbus. We
have Brushes of every shadow, shape and price,
and for any usee to which a brush can be put.
The Best 25 cents Tooth Brush sold in the state.
A beautifal brush for 15 cents.
Face Powder, Puff Boxes, Puffs and Satchet
Powders. A large line of Colognes from every
maker of prominence. We distil seven Colognes,
and our White Rose Cologne is unequalled.
Our drug department is kept supplied with the
best and purest drugs. Our motto being the best
only. Special and carefal attention given all pre-^
scription work by qualified and competent pre-
scriptionists. Remember us. Always pleased to
see you.
dtf Gro. A. Bradford, Manager.
A New Lot of Holiday Goods.
Our new holiday goods have arrived and are
pretty. Different from anything yet, and cheap
as it is possible for them to be sold. Call early
and select what you want before the assortment
has been too badly broken. . New styles shaving
cases, manicures, odor baskets, fine cut pungents,
albums, work boxes and all other fine
plush, leather and culrglass goods.
Collar and cuff boxes at 50 cents.
Comb and brush sets with mirror at $1.35, and a
great many cheap as well as fine presents that
you will have to visit our store to get even an
idea of. A beautiful Christmas cigar, put up 25 in
a handsome box, expressly for the ladies to pre
sent gentlemen.
The finest selection of cigars to be had in the
city can be had of us. Cigarettes of all kinds.
Telephone No. 5. Hall & Wheat,
. Druggists and Pharmacists,
dtf 1016 Broad Street.
Marshal’* Rale.
Will be sold unleu called for, and eapenoee
paid before Thursday, one cow marked swallow*
folk in right ear and under bit in left, flesh mark,
red, with crumple horns, star in forehead, at
One dark brindle but-head cow, under bit in
left ear and swallowfolk in right, will be sold at
R. Davis & Co.’s wagon yard.*
J. H. Palmer,
1^ ii_ . Marshal.
Special Notice.
Having secured the services of another profetf:
tonal photographer from Chicago, I’ve increased
my facilities for producing all styles and size*,
of Photographs.
I will from this day continue to give the public
the best grades of work at my popular prices.
With my force of skilled workmen—five in num
ber—I can assure the public that the most fastid
ious will be pleased. From this date all work
will be done with neatness and dispatch. Cabi
nets $4 a dozen. Respectfally,
Alpha A. Williams.
French Millinery.
This week will be a bargain week in every de
partment. French Felts, Astrakan brim Felts
will be sold at $1.50, formerly $2 and $2.50. Fancy
Feathers, Birds and Wings sold at cost.
One lot of untrimmed and trimmed felt and
velvet Hats sold at 75 cents, formerly at $1.25.
Orders executed promptly, with satisfaction
guaranteed in styles and low prices, at
decl2-lw Mrs. L. Lequin.
Cheap Fuel.
Coke f Coke! At Gas Works.
deo!4 2t
Daniel R. Hlze, Proprietor,
Carriage aud Wagon Repair Shops.
Blacksmith,Woodwork, Painting,'Trimming, and
Repairs of every description promptly done.
Horse and Mule Shoeing—plain and steel.
75c for shoeing mules and horses, plain.
25c for shrinking tire.
50c for setting axles.
10 to 20c plain and patent spokes.
Other work at proportionately low prices.
Wagon and Stock Yards still headquarters
for planters trading at Columbus. Patronage
earnestly solicited. nov21se&tutf.
Almonds, Walnuts, Pecans, Brazil Nuts and
Cocoanuts, wholesale and retail, at Pollard’s,
1224 Broad street. dtf
To the Trade.
10.000 Florida Oranges; 100 barrels choice Ap
ples; 3000 Cocoanuts; large lot all kinds Fire
works; fresh shipment Almonds, Pecans, Wal
nuts, Brazil Nuts, Filberts and Raisins, at
dec9 lw J. T. Kavanagh’s.
Mattresses made to order and a lot always on
hand at 1222 Broad street. A. F. Gibson & Co.
Do not forget that Mis. Lequin is th* leader in
Millinery, and the cheapest place in Columbus.
Aboard the Georgia Midland
For Waverly Hall, Ga. December 15th is the
day. Remember town lots will be offered for sale
Parties wishing to invest money safely should
invest in lots at Waverly Hall on December 15th.
Big demand from parties wanting. Men of
means, consider this. Put your money in some
thing that strikes or other troubles will be of no
concern to you.
Waverly Hall is the best place to build summer
homes, being blessed with good water, health
and pure air.
Waverly Hall is recognized by all to have an
enviable reputation as a trade point, thei:e being
fourteen steam gins (besides water and horse
gins) iu eight miles of postotftce, averaging from
300 to 500 bales cotton each. All that is needed
to make Waverly Hall a thriving town is push
ing, enterprising merchants to attract trade and
make it a good cotton point.
School and church advantages will not be ex
celled by any country town in the state
Lots will be sold to highest bidder, at Waverly
Hall, on December 15th. Remember the day. A
very low rate will be charged by the Georgia
Midland railroad to all who wish to attend. For
other inquiries apply to I. H. Pitts & Son.
Diamonds for C'hriMtmaN Pmems
Just received aud for sale cheap at
decl2tf J. H. Bramhall’s.
Have your Feathers dyed or curled and your
gloves cleaned at Mrs. L. Lequin's.
Diamonds for ChriNtmaN Presents
Just received and for sale cheap at
decl2 tf J. H. Bramhall’s.
General Auctioneer, Real Estate,
Stock ami Rand Agent.
Special attention given administrators’, execu
tors’ and assignees’ Bales, selling and renting
Real Estate at public or private sale. Office over
Abbott & Newsom’s corner.
For Sale—My Residence on Broad street,
jell tf F. G. Wilkins
30,000 Bushels
Of pure Texas Rust Proof Oats for sale at W. S.
Freeman, J. R Brannan, Joseph Hecht, B. T.
Hatcher, Carter & Bradley, Georgia Warehouse,
George Estes, Talbotton; R. E. Clements, Buena
Vista, and 8. Kaul & Co., Greenville,
or send your orders to me. I warrant
these Oats to be what I claim for them. Don’t
plant the red or brown Missouri Oat that is being
offered and sold as a Texas Rust Proof Oat. They
are not rust proof. W. L. Tillman.
novl4 2tawlm
Stuffed Mangoes, Barrel Pickles and Olive , by
the gallon and iu jars, at Pollard’s, 1224 Broad
street. dtf
If you want the best Cakes, Custards, Pies, Etc.
try my home-made. They have no equal,
dtf R. Justice, Agt.
lAtlis for halo.
50,000 Laths for sale by
dec7 tf Blanchard, Burrus & Co.
The Choicest Cigars
In the market at Gilbert & Blanch aril’s Drug
Store. declO tf
Series 2, Chattahoochee Building ami
Loan Associnlioii.
Books of subscription for above series now oper
at office of Yonge & Grimes.
Cliff B. Grimes. Sec’v and Treas.
Diamonds for Utirhtmas Presents
Just received and fqrsale cheap at
decl2 tf J. H. Buamuall’s.
Have you tried the Frank Sid dell Soap ? Try
Mince Meat, Apple Butter and Pure Jellies at.
d tf R. Justice, Agt.
D. F. WILLv.L’A b
Insurance Agency, 1145 Broad Street*
Accessible at all hours. Office telephone, No. 7„
Residence telepone, No. 49. All calls promptly
answered. D. F. Willoox.
Choice Grocer leu.
Best Rye Flour, New York State Buckwheat,.
Finest Graham Flour, Extra Choice Goshen But
ter, Marrow Beans, Boneless Cod Fish, Choice
Messed Mackerel, ten pound pails; Fancy
Evaporated Apples, Choice Mixed Table Nuts,,
New Raisins, Citron, Chipped Dried Beef, Lunch
Tongue, Pigs Feet and Tripe at Crane’s.
Read. Read. Read. *
An elegant Photograph in a nice 8 by 10 frame}.
$1.77; a 10 by 12 Photograph in a nice 10 by {2
frame, $3.99; a 11 by 14 photograph in a nice 11 by
14 frame, $5.07; a 14 by 17 photograph in a nice
frame, $6.98. Alpha A. Williams.
Pure Fruit Jellies, French Queen Olives, Far-
rina, McMenamin & Co’s famous Deviled Crabs,.
Casco Bay Lobsters. Grated Pineapple, Evergreen.
Sugar Corn of superior quality and fall weight*
Clipper brand of Okra and Tomatoes, Boston
Baked Beans, Cod Fish Balls. Always the lowest,
prices for cash at Robert S. Crane’s.
Wood and Foal.
First-class Oak and Pine wood in stock, block
and split. Jelico Coal, prime lump, for sale by
T. 8 Fontaine & Co.
Telephone No. 80. nov7tf
Standard of the World.
Old, smoothe and reliable Whisky 85 cents per*
quart, sold by Rollin Jefferson.
dec7 eod2m
Atmore’s Best Mince Meat, New Currants^
Dates, Citron. R. 8. Cranr.
Fine Figaro.
5000 Garrett’s No. 11. ,
5000 Conquerors.
5000 100-PerCent.
10,000 Grand Republic Cigarros sold under a
bona fled guarantee. I consider any of the above
brands as being worthy of special mention, and
can recommend as possessing all the elements of'
fine quality, and such as will give perfect satis
faction to the smokers. Robert S. Crane.
A complete stock of pure and fresh Staple and
Fancy Groceries, Candies Fruits Etc., at
d tf R. Justice, Agt.
To the Trade.
10,000 Florida Oranges; 100 barrels choice Ap
ples; 3000 Cocoanuts; large lot all kinds Fire
works; fresh shipment Almonds, Pecans, Wal
nuts ; Brazil Nuts, Filberts and Raisins, at
. dec9 lw J. T. Kavanagu’s.
Attorney-nt-Lnw, Columbus, Ga.
Prompt attention given to all business. Office
over R. S. Crane. sop4 dly
Remember that my stock is from this season.
decl2-lw Mrs. L. Lequin.
Pure Vermont Maple Sugar in cans, gallon*
and halves, at Pollard’s, 1224 Broad street, dtf
Oranges, Apples and Malaga Grapes at
dfl R. Justice, Agt.
Shield Perfection Bourbon Whisky
I commend to all who desire a really good and
reliable article. Robert S. Crane,
dtf Sole Agent.
Dr. Seth JT. Jordan,
Operating Surgeon and Physician. Residence,
Sammis House, east side front street, opposite
Lowell Warehouse. Telephone No. 2; Office,
Carter’s drag store. tf
Another lot of those*choice Virginia Peanuts at
Pollard’s, 1224 Broad street. dtf
Broken Lots Underwear
Must ritove this week at Chancellor’s. d&wtf
Oranges, Apples, Cabbage, Turnips and Po
tatoes arriving daily at Pollard’s,
dtf 1224 Broad St.
Just received a fresh shipment of Raisins, very
fine, at Pollard’s 1224 Broad street. dtf
Twenty-five men as steel drivers to work on the
Georgia Midland tunnel. Will pay $1.25 per day 1 .
Apply at Georgia Midland office in Columbus.
decl2 3t Wm. Redd, Jr.
fresh lot of Stick Candy by the barrel, at
Pollard’s, 1224 Broad street. dtf
To the Trade.
10,000 Florida Oranges; 100 barrels choice Ap
ples; 3000 Cocoanuts; large lot all kinds Fire
works ; fresh shipment Almonds, Pecans, Wal-
nuts, Brazil Nuts, Filberts and Raisins, at
dec9 lw J. T. Kavanaoh’s..
Fancy Candies, wholesale and retail, at Pol
lard’s, 1224 Broad street. dtf
Citron, Dates, Prunes, Glaze Pine Apples, Rosins
and Currants at Robert Justice, Agt.
d tf
For Rent.
My new House on Thirteenth street, between
Second and Third avenues. Six rooms^ and
Kitchen attached, waterworks, etc. AppiyJtQ
A. L. Crawford,
decl2 tf Georgia WarehouoW