Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, December 22, 1886, Image 3

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    Haw* from the Three States Told In
Brief Paragraphs.
fhe Wirderer Handers Deolt With hj Jndve I, rnrh
A Colored Pensioner In «eorgl»-*, yor p ‘
of Oreenrllle, In Fined for Disorderly Conduct
Florida None Iteme.
The value of taxable property in
w iok Is fl,706,377. peny m Burns-
The new hotel nt St. Simon’s is tn
from f26,000 to $30,000. t0 cost
Bev. J. P. Reeves, of Baxley, formerly of
Atlanta, has been called to a Bantiat
church in Florida. baptist
The Hebrews of Brunswick have held a
wtTbe established* Uebr6W CO, '^aUon
county, was instantly^Ullda’lewdavs'ago
by the fallingof a limb of a tree under
which he stood. Br
A colored woman, Hannah Carter, livine
near Ruckersville, draws $12 per month
f° r the e ia 8 tewar e80f ^ deCeased
llr. John Eberhardt died in Athens Sun
day night from injuries that he sustained
from a fall on Friday. Mr. Eberhardt had
lived in Athens many years.
An old negro man was killed by the
north-bound passenger t-ain of the Bruns
wick and Western railroad, just beyond
Waresboro, last Fiiday night. J yoim
In Priding county J. N. Dill, who cut a
man to death several weeks ago, was con
victed of manslaughter and sentenced to
six years in the penitentiary.
Young Sam Pullman, formerly of Murray
county,, was shot and killed by a deputy
aheriif in the edge of Alabama, who was
trying to arrest bim for a misdemeanor.
In Paulding county, Floyd Duncan,
whose wife cooks for Mr. Hooks, caught
her with Irving Batten, and becoming en
raged, pulled his knife and carved Batten’s
body into mince meat. Batten has disap
peared and can’t be found.
On Tuesday night of last week the gin
house ol Mr. Ned Johnson, in Brooks
county, was burned. He lost two gins, a
bale of cotton in the seed, cotton seed and
all his farming utensils. The gin was run
by steam and the engine is badly injured.
Mr. M. J. Thornton, of Elbert county
has a book printed 168 years ago. It'is
well preserved and with the exception of
the s’s and f’s looking alike is quite read
able. This is ahead of the Hartwell Sun’s
book 126 years old.
A young white man by the name of
Heal Roberson, employed at Mr. W. J
Smith’s woodyard, in Wavcross, fell dead
one day last week. He was employed as a
teamster and had come in on his wagon
and was unloading some hay when he re
marked to a companion that he felt bad
and shortly fell dead, lie had not com
plained before and his death was the only
intimation of his illness.
The contradiction of the cremation of
Sanders, the murderer of the Swilling fam
ily, is true, but he has met his tato at last,
and by the hand of Judge Lynch, too.
Monday morning at 2 o'clock a party of
men, numbering about 125, gathered
around the Franklin county jail, in Carnes-
v,lie,and took the criminal'out and carried
him to a convenient place in the woods
and swung him. Before he was hung he
made a full c mfession. He said he knocked
Mr. Swiliing in the head first, and aroused
Mrs. Swilling. When she raised up she
met the same fate, and in failing back she
awakened the child, who was quickly dis
patched with the handle of the ax.
An itinerant umbrella mender was run
over and killed four miles north of Mariet
ta Monday evening. As the Western and
Atlantic train was running at its usual
rate of speed the engineer saw a man
walking on the track with his back to the
train, which was fast approaching bim.
The whistle was blown vigorously, and the
engineer supposed the nmu would get. off
the track. Seeing that he would not do so
the engineer put on air brakes and stopped
the train, but not until the engine bad run
over the man and killed him. The body
of the unfortunate man was taken up, and
on examination a blank book was found in
his pocket with the name “D. Wilson” in
it, which is supposed to be the name of
the deceased. He was about five feet six
inches high, and is about 30 yearB old.
Sheffield is booming up alongside of Bir
Mayor Perry, of Greenville, has been
flned~$50 for disorderly conduct in assault
ing Col. Cheves, the temperance lecturer.
There are still other charges pending
against him.
It is probable that a bill will be intro
duced in the general assembly after recess
to enlarge the jurisdiction of the-ounty
judge in Bullock. The bill will be some
thing similar to the one favorably report
ed for Lowndes county.
William Snediker, an aged white man,
near Cluttsville, has developed hydro;
g hobia from the bite of a dog last summer.
nediker suffers intensely at the touch of
water, and has the various symptoms ol
rabies. He is said to be failing rapidly.
Nows was received at Huntsville Monday
that the Memphis and Charleston depot at
the town of Creek, in Lawrence county,
and a number of bales of cotton were burn
ed Saturday ni ht. The same day the gin
of a fanner named Esslinger, with eight
bales of cotton and 2900 bushels oi seed,
were also destroyed by lire.
Mr. George M. Hughes, assistant ticket
egent of the Louisville ami Nashville rail
road at Birmingham, whose mysterious
disappearance Saturday morning caused so
much comment, is in Montgomery, ana
from his actions thought to be demented.
He gives no explanation for leaving, and
says he will come back when he is needed.
Near Naftol’s last Friday night, on the
M. and F...railway, the construction train,
loaded with negro hands, was backing into
camp. Several cars were .before the en
gine and three fiat cars behind. 1 lie re h
ears ran into a cow, wrecking the cars ana
killing two negroes and wounding several
others. The wounded will recover. No
blame attaches to any one, as the m^nt
Was dark and the running backward w«
Polk county is agitating tho question of
erecting a fire and burglar proof jail
The Orlando Guards will formally dedi
cate their new armory on Christmas eve.
Rev. J. C. Sail, of Quincy, is now prin
cipal of the Quincy maio and female
Henry Mallory, of the Mallory line of
steamship q is in Florida looking alter
interests of his line.
T. C. Taliaferro has been appointed by
the collector of customs
deputy collector for the port or la , '' '
He will have charge of the bonded ware
house as soon its it is definitely loea ed.
At a meeting of the north ramua conn
oil, held l ist Monday night, the P-V *,,, '
tion was discussed of coming into • ■
as another ward. Ybor City would com.
in as still another, and in tin * \\W * •
would be very materially remiceo, a
one city government, would hate
supported instead of three.
The Hillsborough brick company of
Tampa, has been formed for 1 10 j’ y ' ,
of manufacturing brick from clnv m no
th„ place of li. R. Cole. <-«• tuamb.r
a short agcTtmcl'had^hnw < | lay to , 8av »nnah,
brickyard a? that & 'T" ed a * * hr**
turned, showing thatIL Thcy , were re ’
complete succcfs Th„ h ex Pcriment is a
mediately cmnumnoln, " l>any witl iu >-
able bulldS^ml hnno of ™it-
brick of a go 8 od quamv turnin « ou t
low price in a ve ?y U sh y t Ume 00raparate,y
Powder trough and the 8me11 of
Romana streft piL t o he . W0men folk9 on
galleries Wednesday 8 ^? a ’ ° n their front
o’clock. “bo” 1 4:30
fence, and tell i™ mi 0 ( et i’ c ?tehing on the
residence of Ednlw» ia f ely i;i f >ontofthe
George !w «n ° Qulna i His "»«« was
Alabama y A i» n tT d convict from
Henry was riennMLT tae ', mme °f John
and aonmanZd D d to make th e arrest,
Railroad and p d ^ ajn ? at the corner of
that he was waT.H str( i ets ’ and told him
took tn hioK 7 anted ’ whereupon Payne
l n . 8 beels, pursued by the other ne-
sS3S2^«JWaBlis , a
j ot the navel. Dr. Hareis at*
case as ZlSStfSftS&g 1 the
It™™. Her Youth.
rnvji S ’i P i wu 6 9 h , es ' e y. Peterson, Clay Co.,
th ndl 3 ‘he following remarkable story
tue truth of which is vouched for bv the
residents of the town : “I am 73 vears old
and e iampn tr ° U c bled with kidney eomplaint
nnd lameness for many years: could not
frmn ili ysel - f wi t hout help. Now I am free
rrom all pain and soreness, and am able to
.,0 m* my own housework. I owe my
thanks tcLjieetnc Bitters for having re-
newed my youth, and removed completely
all disease and pain.”
,y a bottle, only 50c. at Brannon & Car-
son’s Drugstore. < ^ eod&w
The Pious Boston Police.
A Boston paper boasts that there was
not a singje arrest in that city Sunday.
Evidently the Boston police are a pious
Times d ° D * work Sunday.—Chicago
0, the shaking of the ague!
O, the tortures of Neuralgia!
O, the misery of dyspepsia!
O, the wretchedness of headache!
O. the gripes of bilious colic!
All of these will surely vanish
Like the snow befor the Southwind,
n you’ll only take Smith’s Bile Beans.
You can buy them at your drug store
P or a quarter of a dollar;
And if you will only try them
You will never be without them.
decl eod&wlm
An Opening for I,ti7.y Mi n.
Au exchange prints the following item
about eggs : “To dream of eggs, it is said,
is a sign that, the dreamer is going to gel
money.” Here’s a new avenue of wealth
open for lazy men. Instead of standing
around on the corners and complaining of
hard times, they can go home and dream
of eggs. We want a collector or two who
have dreams of that kind.—Martinsville
<h:cklkn’s ahmia salve.
The best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sr. es, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positive-
cures Piles, or no pay is required. It is
gusvanteed to give perfect satisfaction,
>r money refunded. Price 25 cents per
)ox. For saie by Brannon & Carson.
je24 oed&w
Prepared with strict rovard to rr.rltv, Strength, and
Uoalthfiilnesa. Dr. Price's Baking Powder contains
\mnumia,I.ime, Alum or Phcmphates. Dr. Price b
Extracts, Vanilla, Lemon, etc., flavor deliciously.
vtnit liannily meets the demand of the ago for
woman*? peculiar afflictions. It is a remedy tor
WOM IN ONLY, and for one special class of her
diseases It is a specilio for certain diseased cou
nt ions of the womb, and so controls the
pound, the studied presmpbon of
nearly all complaints peculiar to your sex.
For sale by druggists. Write for book. “Mes
s „ge to Woman.” mailed Tree.
Bkadfield RixiUi.AToa Co.. Atlanta, Ga.
ercat household remedy, OOK
nGV’inXliO F PA IN. into every family. 1
^ i cininip free to any one sending
\ V ‘ U Cn Vcidre"i P E? O. BICHAKDrf. sole proprie*
tir Tnledo. Ohio ”
Xmas comes but once a year, therefore make happy the hearts of those you love and esteem.
Read below enumerated a list of articles suitable for presents :
For Your Mother nnd Nlnter,
Nwretlioiirt, Wife and
Beautiful Lace Pins,
Breast Pins, Ear Rings,
Bracelets, Necklaces. Lockets,
Tiny Queen Chains, weslcaius,
Silver or Gold Watch, Rings,
Cuff Buttons, Cuff Pins.
Collar Buttons, Gantelines.
8il\ er or Gold Thimbles,
Silver Hair Pins
Silver and Gold Glove and Shoe But-
Opera Glasses, Vases,
Jewel Boxes, Bronzes,
Artistic Clocks, Card Receivers,
Silver Card Cases, Silver Bells,
Napkin Rings, Bronze Lamps,
Picture Frames, Eye Glass Chains,
Spectacles and Eye Glasses,
Solid and Plated Forks, Knives and
Spoons, Book Marks.
Gold Pencils, Pens, Toothpicks,
Solid Silver and Plated Cups,
Solid Silver Soup and Oyster Ladles,
Berry, Preserve and Sugar Spoons,
Butter Knives, Butter Dishes,
Pickle Stands, Castors,
Pearl Handle Knives.
For Your Father nnd Brother,
Iltiftlmnd nnd Friend.
Silver or Gold Watches,
Gold or Plated Chains,
Cut! Buttons,
Collar Buttons,
Watch Charms,
Scarf Pins,
Silver Match Safes,
Stud Buttons,
Napkin Holders,
Eye Glasses,
Pebble Spectacles in Steel and Nick
el, Silver and Gold Frames,
Napkin Rings,
Opera Glasses,
Office Clocks.
Gold Toothpicks,
Gold Pencils,
Gold Headed Walking Canes,
Heal Rings,
Gold Headed Silk Umbrellas,
Combination Breakfast Sets,
Silver Tobacco Boxes,
Wiskbroom, Solid Silver Handle,
Society Pins,
Ash Receivers.
Guard Chains,
For Your Lftttlo Pets.
Solid Silver nnd Plated Cups,
Silver Pup Spoons,
Solid Silver Child’s Set,
Silver Plated Child’s Set,
Silver Thimbles lYom No. 1 upward.
Bib Pins,
Breust Pins and Ear Rings,
Stud Buttons,
Solid Silver Baby Rattles,
Silver Plated Napkin Rings,
Solid Silver Napkin Kings.
School Sets,
Ear Rings,
Silver Knives and Forks,
Silver haft ty Pins,
Boys’ Watches,
Microscope for botanical exploits,
Pencils nnd Pens,
BeautiAil Little Diamond Rings,
Silver Mugs.
Diamonds mounted in Rings, Pins, Eardrops, Collar Buttons, Cuff Buttons, Studs, Scarf
Pins, etc., at very reasonable prices.
For Clerk ol* Superior Court.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-
election to the office of Clerk of the Superior
Court of Muscogee County at the election to be.
held in January next. Geo. Y. Pond.
dec 12 td
For County Treasurer.
I wish my Adends to know that I will be a can
didate for this office at the next election. I am
here to run. R. J Moses.
nov20 dtd
I announce myself a candidate for County
Treasurer, and respect hilly ask the voters of
Muscogee county for their suffrage.
d&wtd John C. Cook.
I respectfully aunoui ce myself a candidate for
Treasurer of Muscogee county, and earnestly
solicit j’our support. I need the office and wil
be very thankful for your assistance. lain pre
pared to run. Election on the first Wednesday
in January next, 1887.
oc9 se&wedtd Jordan L. Howell.
I announce myself as a candidate for the office
of County Treasurer, and respectfully solicit
your support for the same. Election January
next. O. E. Gaqku.
Columbus, Ga., September 22,1886. scp23 tf
For Tax Receiver.
I announce myself a candidate for election to
the office of Tax Receiver, and respectfully solicit
the votes of the citizens of Muscogee county
Election Wednesday, January 5, 1887.
novlOdtf Woolfolk Walker.
I announce myself a candidate for Tax R-
ceivor of Muscogee county, and respectAili.
ask the support of the voters.
sep2‘/ tf J. H. Harrison.
I respectfully announce myself a candidate for
re-election to the office of Tax Receiver, and ask
your suffrage. I have ever tried to discharge
my duty as an officer, and will still do the same
if elected. Election January next.
Respectfully, J. C. Rehdy.
nov5 td
I respectfully announce myself a candidate for
Tax Receiver of Muscogee county. Election first
Wednesday in January. Uao. W. Cabgill.
nov7 td
For Tax Collector.
1 announce myself as a candidate for Tax
Collector of Muscogee county (election
January next), and renpectAilly solicit the sup
port of the voters of said counly.
aug29dtfwlm Oliver P. Poe.
Announcing myself a candidate for re-election
to the office of Tax Collector of Muscogee county,
I respectfully solicit the votos of its citizens,
and will endeavor to deserve their support by
faithfully discharging the duties of this office in
the An ure as in he past. Election first Wednes
day in January next.
sep21 eodtd Davis A. Andrews.
I announce myself a candidate for Tax Col
lector of Muscogee counly (election January
next), and ask for the support of the voters of
said c unty. J. C. Woolfolk.
sep7 dtf
For Coroner.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for Cor
oner for Muscogee county at the ensuing elec
tion. W. D. Amyet.
nov7 dtd
I announce myself as a candipate for Coroner
ofMusco co county.
dec!2 td Simpson Stripblino.
I announce myself as a candidate for roelec-
l or .SIn*riir.
I most respect full.\ announce myself as a can
didate for re-election as sheriff of Muscogee coun
ty. Election first Wednesday in January next,
decll td J. G. Burrus.
U'lo-'.c n.* ■ .* -A
'! 1 ' ' ‘
L \v- ijALJ PdT?.
Eagle and Phenix Manfg Co.
A Semi-Annual Dividend of THREE PER
CENT is due and payable p.t the office of the
Eagle and Phenix Manufacturing Company on
December 31st., 18.^6. The transfer books of cer
tificates of stock will be closed from Decembci
20th until January 1st. 1887. A. I. YOUNG,
dec: dtd Treas’r Eagle and Phenix Mfg. Co.
Curts G amid in 12to4 (lays.
Ask your dm<>gist for it.
Sent t o any add ross for $1.50
Invite Your Attention to Their Long List of
Useful, Inexpensive & Appropriate Holiday Gifts.
Cassimere and Cashmere Shawls, double and single, black
and colors. A splendid line of Ladies’ Traveling and Shop
ping Bags. Kid and Fabric Gloves of every description.
Silk Handkerchiefs and Silk Mufflers; Ladies’ and Gentle
men’s Hemmed and Corded and Hemstitched Handkerchiefs,
plain and colored borders—a splendid line. The largest line
of Embroidered Handkerchiefs it has ever been our pleasure
to show.
Some very choice Wraps left to he sold very cheap.
Handsome Blankets.
Could a more common sense present be made?
You can buy such useful presents in our Dress Goods de
partment. Black Silks, Colored Silks, Black Cashmeres,
Black Dress Goods of every description.
A splendid line of Ladies’ Silk Umbrellas with gold and
silver heads, good qualities and cheap.
Rich and elegant Table Linens and Napkins, by the yard
and in sets. A large variety of Brussels and Nottingham
Lace Curtains; they are not expensive; they are cheap.
Table Covers and Table Scarfs. High Novelties in La
dies’ and Children’s Hosiery, lovely goods. We are showing
fresh goods in every department in the house.
A beautiful line of Ginghams just received. A beautiful
line of Prints just received.
We are displaying the following new Buslles : Lucca,
Lotta, Patti and Fedora. Novelties in Ladies’ Gossamers.
Gossamers of every description for Ladies and children, and a
great many other things which we haven't room to mention
here. We are offering bargains all through our house.
Come and try us.
Fire Insurance Agent
Pioneer Building, Front Street. Telephone No. 104.
Honestly paid every loss since 1810.
Every policy issued under New York Safety Fund law.
SUN FIRE OFFICE, of LONDON Established 1710.
Always successful.
Policies issued on ail classes of insurable property.
Representative Compiiies. Courteous Treatment. Fair Adjustments. Prompt Payments.
A share of your business solicited.
lib III!,Li UllLIl 01 IjUlIlLi IJ.lllU.1U0 HJ[
We liavu the best and cheapest Hose in the rnaikot. A full line of How Heels and Nozrie
Rose Rill Cottage
r. M. KNOWI.KN <fr CO., • • AlA’n
ly fr .... .. ...
door north of Mr. A. O. Redd’s residence. Well
a? d garden. Street cars to city every 30 minutes,
Terms, one-third cash, balance one and two
years, with 8 per cent interest.
Real Estate Agt, Columbus,Ga.
■e wed fri tf
For is years nt 37 Court Place, now at
A rctuKrlr educated ami lesnlly qualified physician aul UK
mostsuucouful, as his iinwtleo will more.
Spermatorrhea anti Impoloncy,
•a tho result if self-abuse in youth, sexual excesses in mv
'.iirer roars, or other enu •••«, im«l producliif wm»e 0f llie toi-
I,,win* otloefH N'-i voiniieS, bcnilual KmUaions. (night tail*
rI.iih by dreams). Dimness of Defective Memory, i*hf-
sic&IDcoay, Pimples on Knee. Aversion toS'-oicty or Keninle*
Confusion of Ideas, Loss of Bcxiinl l'nwer.Ac^rendertnj}
tlrelv- ermlicntcti from tho lyMciu; Goiiorrhoft,
GliEEX, 8trleture, O veil Ills, Hernia, (or ituptuiiijt
Piles and other private diseases quickly cured.
It Is self-evident that a phy slolan who pays special nttentlo*
to a ocrtaln class of diseases, and treating thousands auuu~
ally, acquires great skill. Phrsicinns kuowingthls fuel oflc»
roeommeiid persons to iny enre. When It if Inconvenient to
visit tlio city for treatment, medicines cm bo *cut privMulp
kid sufsly by mall or express nnvwhcro.
Curas Guaranteed in all Coses
undertaken. ....
Ooiimlmtli'U, |»T.on.Hy or li, letter frre enfl tnrtteO
Cliurgos ruusouithlo and corresponuouoe strictly comluauttok
Of pnges, sent to any address, tccurely sen led, for
ftlQ/tn ONR STORK HOUSE on Tenth
street; six rooms, .'Hxllfl feet. Wil 1
pay 17 per cent on investment.
One six-room House on Ninth street.
One three-room House and lot 60x117 feet IQ
inches, cheap. Call quick.
One four-room House on Tenth street, corner
Fifth avenue.
One small Store House on Rose Hill.
Real Estate Agent, No.22 12th St
Valuable City Property.
' * by virtue of an orr er from the Superior Court
of Muscogee County, pUNSi-d on the li rat day of
the November term, lfitu thereof, the r dersigned
Commisi-ionti-H appointed by said r<,uri will sell
in front of the court house of said county, in
the city of Columbus, on the first Tut sduy in Jan
uary 1-87, between tnc legal hours o» sale ai pub
lic outcry, to the highest bidder, ti.e following
described cit> prop* rty, all lying in the city or
Columbus, county of Muscogee, State of Georgia*
All that tract or parcel of lurnl lying and being
in the city of Columbus, ki own nnd distinguirli
ed in the plan of said city as the south half of
city lot number four hundred and eighty nine,
(489), fronting on McIntosh street, (now Fifth
avenue), contaihing one fourth C4) of an aero,
more or less, together with all and siugular the
rights, members and appurtenances, and im
provements to the 1 a me in any manner belong
ing Terms, cash.
Possession given on execution of dead to pur
nov Sfr-dtd Commissioners.
M Yplaco on Talbutton road, about tw« nilea
from city,on line of Georgia Midland. Has
a new five room House, all necessary out-houses,
in excellent repair; splendid spring. Tho place
contains 102V. acres, about 25 acres of which arei-
hcavily wooded.
For particulars apply to me on the place, or
to T. M. Foley, opera I muse,
nel? t* P 4PRINGFR
11KRK will be an election held at the different
in tiie counly of Muscogee on
Wednesday, the 5th day of January next (1887),
tor Sheriff, Clerk of the Superior Court, Tax Re
ceiver, Tax Collector, County Treasurer, County
Surveyor, ami Coroner. Tho managers wifi
please call at my office for I he ncccs* ary blanks.
This Deeer 1
T 1
of ms. ki**.
1 unit 1-outOUlco. It cuuU jo*
Ji, 183 Peart St.. Ko^TorlC*
MM bine &
, (*•« irio«tt‘ir'.'}inq p**rn>«al iwlmitun t*x-
1 ■ pi' inch -ciMitia' forlorn hop««,hero*
• !r l.r.-ifc-iv. in.priHm , hair-bruailtb
■r. hIiiiv.Hos, pcnloui joun.c h, darinj
I.»|.| (!<•« /is ON I'OTM HI J» i:h «* «i ri'-K ih
1 ini'■ i; I;t. P tOFUStLYI'UFmTEn' , ul
AL ILi, !* K «J .Box 1 a u 1 * St. Louis or rhiluOBlphiJb
Y \ i H-C
•N« co
(ioe«U t-Loplo*
! \\ r 1 LI. 1 ell (or low price the four room Dwclli
>> and be iniiful lot went, .-id-o/S'.vond :ucti
bv-twr on !* *• •• * nth i.nd Fifli-enth ttrects. Ci
Telcpliono 99. 13 Twelfth SI ire I..
A WINTII. Agvm, wnuted. »«• b«.t ,«u
.hi Illl ,u ' : i sv .pi. irer.
'*'* a-IM'W- MV ItRONWW M.„h