Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, December 22, 1886, Image 7
Mo Khnnlil Hare Known Dottor. •‘Your money is what we’re after, nard ” «iid one of the two highwaymen who stoo ped a stranger in a dark place. ^ “I haven’t got a cent,” was the reDlv •'Oh, that s too thin, now; nousetrvincr to fool US that way. Ve want all you? valuables, you know, and we want’em quick.’ “It’s a fact, gentlemen,” replied the be- leagured one, “that I haven’t a valuable thing in my possession, and I’m just won dering who’ll trust me for my breakfast Search me and you’ll And it’s true ” “All right, pardner. Bill, you see that the gentleman keeps his hands up an’ i’ll go through him.” “rfoThing^m?” frUiUe38 B6ar0h e “ “Not a cussed thing Stranger, you seem as though you were in need of assistance yourself. Bill, have you got anything about your clothes you could help the gen tleman with?” 6 “Thank you for your kindness,” replied the latter. “The fact is, I’m not usually dead broke, but to-night I attended a church fair, and—” “Oh, that’s it,” exclaimed one of the men in a disgusted tone. "Come along BIB. We might help a gentleman in dis tress, but I’ll be hanged if we’ll do any thing for a cussed fool who’s old enough to know better.”—Washington Critic. Malaria. Twenty-live hundred dozen bottles ol Ague Conqueror ordered in ono month. It positively eradicates all Malaria, Fever and Ague, Bilious and Intermittent Fevers in any climate. Read our book of 1000 testimonials. Dub West. S. C., March 12,1883.—U. G. Green, Dear Sir—We will soon need more Ague Conqueror. It is taking like “hot cakes” and giving satisfaction. Yours, Ellis Bros, Fairfield, Mo., August 29,1886.—G. G. Green, Dear Sir—Your Ague Conqucroi knocks the Chills and Dumb Ague every time. I warrant every bottle and it never fails. I have cured cases where quinine had no effect whatever. Yours truly, actl2 d&wly W. H. Shaw & Co. Plenty of IIoiiio Talent, In citing the case of Charles James Fox to prove that a man may bet money at cards and still retain his respectability, Mr. Conkling goes abroad for an example that he might easily have found at home. Cluy, Webster and Prentiss loved high play, and a game of draw poker was a favorite amusement of Mr. Arthur’s.—San Francisco Examiner. Pros Trade. The reduction of internal revenue and the taking off of revenue stamps from Pro prietary Medicines, no doubt has largely benefited the consumers,as well as relieving the burden of home manufacturers. Es pecially is this the case with Green’s Au gust Flower and Boschee’s German Syrup, as the reduction of thirty-six cents per dozen, has been added to increase the size of the bottles containing these remedies, thereby giving one-fifth more medicine in the 76 cents size. The August Flower for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, and the German Syrup for Cough and Lung trou bles, have perhaps, the largest sale of any medicines in the world. The advantage of increased size of the bottles will be greatly appreciated by the sick and afflicted, in every town ana village in civilized coun tries. Sample bottles for 10 cents remain the same size. octl2 d&wly It Was the Father This Timo. A short time ago an elderly German, ac companied by his daughter, a very pretty young girl, and her intended husband, called upon the register to take out a license permitting the young couple to marry. The usual questions were pro pounded to the contracting parties, and they were all answered promptly and cor rectly. As is customary betore swearing the parties, Mr. Brown asked the young lady if she fully understood the proceed ings and if she were acting under her own free will, when she replied: “Oh, father gives his consent; that is enough.” “No,” Mr. Brown said, “I must be assuredof your own consent before granting the license.” She then burst out crying and wept bit terly. Her father then began to talk to her in German, the young man sitting si lently by. At last her father’s influence had the desired effect, and the girl, with tears in her eyes, said she was willing to take the young man for her husband. The papers were then filled out and the parties left the office. The couple were married shortly afterwards.—Johnstown (Pa.) Trib une. — A cold of unusual severity which I took last autuinu developed into a difficulty de cidedly catarrhal in all its characteristics, threatening a return of my old chronic malady, catarrh. One bottle of Ely a Cream Balm completely eradicated every sympton of that painful and prevailing disorder.—E. W. Warner, 165 Hudson street, Rochester, N. Y. Ely’s Cream Balm is the best medicine for Catarrh I have ever used.—Mrs. O. Wood, Moxia, Texas. eud&wlw Big Jim (u (In' iit'HI'- The later leading in .New York republi canism has chiefly for its object tne bring ing of small men to the lront.—Boston Herald. A CnpInln’K FortuililH' IHscovery. Capt. Coleman, schr. Weymouth, plying between Atlantic City andiN. Y., bun troubled with a cough so that lie »'• able to sleep, and was induced to ti\ • King’s New Discovery for It not only gave him instant relief, but * laved tlie extreme soreness ini his brut . His children were similarly affected and a single dose had the same happy j King’s New Discovery is now the standard remedy in the Coleman household and on board the schooner. , , „ Free Trial Bottles of this Standard Rem edy at Brannon & Carson’s Drug Nocturnal Industry. Night keys, as a rule, have their hardest work to do in the morning.—San Francisco Examiner. . Ulrorutcd lrfg. About August 1st 1865, an eruption aj> peared on my arms and legs, which p me very much and seemed to aff > physical condition generally. Under U treatment of a physician the sores disapj peared except on my * e *Vf£* thirds of seemed to concentrate, an i tw %i 8 , 0M the limb from the knee to tho ariklc soon became a solid running sore that dw charged bloody matter c 9 u ^““ a 'l J ' var i 0 us treated by many physicians at * times, but obtained no P er «» ne *£ On the advice of a physician at this place I finally commenced usingSwiftsSpecUic. I am glad to say that after usi t. tt 1 large bottles the so es have all healed ex cept one, and that is where the stirrup leather rubs when I am riding andJiU soon be gone. _ Farmville, Texas, Sept. 18,,1886. Treatise on Blood ana Skin Diseases mailed free. _ 3 At- The Swift Specific Co., Drawer , lanta, Oa. , r A ’Possum Paw Hi'i>i |o °' “See this ’possum’s paw ?” asked a yo g negro boy, drawing aglossy pa'' f Qm gan vest pocket. “Came all ^ np( i the Francisco on that paw. Hoodooed vJ^h itfand°?ved high ^j^pj^ncisco* 1 ! »ed\h B c ta ra d wRh t th f eivoodoc.and then 2» *never DAILY ENQUIRER • SUN: COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 22, 1886 Ogden lint rnnc ‘ 3co until wo reached loos h„n’nL her< r arc a h “ a P ‘’“tier voo- Tho tafi nfTiT ®t paw ; ’ l1eed there are. A,,® tall ut a black snake will brine anv- bone ? o? r0 a ileart 1 ’ ' vl,il f tlle second Joint luck ThAil , man i nys over ’em all for ine its eh»rn, d of a w ,l ld r “bbit is los- , ■ ™ onarui. \ou can't scarp a n«nn shooter with a bushel basket full of ’em Paw wmfi/T y0arS “i?° the 8if tht of one molt enough to break up the Chieago HeraM S ° n avenue. N.oo e i' sc ° v ,e p y a»d introduction of Moxio sands' nf?, h Proved a blessing to thou- nh f 1 rSt' e siiffering from nervous refief an 8 i r They ha . found immediate relief, and recommend it to their frionds aa the_m°st reliable preparation for the h" e . of nervousness, sleeplessness, and that tired, worn out feeling. Try Moxie ; it s only oe cents a bottle. Two Connecticut Sisters of ’<«. From an Exchange. John Quincy Adams and John Hancock. the signer/’ married two sisters, the imughteis of a noted Methodist divine in Connecticut. John Quincy was a favorite with the old people, and Mary's choice was approved by them. So, when the banns were published, the parent said : “ Marv ii you will furnish the text I will preach you a wedding sermon.” She was equal to the tusk; and gave the text: “ Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken from her.” Needless to say thatjus- tlee was done to the occasion and the text. Not so with Margaret, who in the mean while was receiving the attention of her John in a very inexpensive way, ns far as her parents were concerned, for it is said that “ he never crossed his legs under their festive board.” So, when the banns were published she said to her fattier: “ Father, you preached a wedding sermon for Mary ; cannot you preach one for me?” Heat first demurred, but at last consented and called for the text, when Margaret, who was equal to the occasion said : “And John came, neither eating nor drinking, and yet ye say he hath a devil.” For coughs, colds or any irritation of the throat, take Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup. 25c. Salvation Oil, the great pain cure, is sold by druggists and dealers in medicines at 25c. dec!8d&wlw peptics, Consumptives, convalescents. Perfect nutrient la nil Wasting Diseases. Requires no cooking. Our Book, The Care and Feeding of li..tints, mailed ft-e*. MO LIBER. GOODALB * OO.. Boston. Via ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any proposed lins of advertising in American Papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell A Ce.* Newspaper Advertising Bureau lO Spruoe St., New York, Send lOots. for 100-nac.e Pamphlet OPEN FOR BUSINESS, HIE GEORGIA HU 4 GULF RAILROAD Is now open for Freight and Passenger* to point* between Ooluinbus and Waverly Hall. Com mencing Tue-day, December 21st, the following schedule will be run: COMING SOUTH. Leave Waverly Hall 8:00 a. m Arrivte at Ellornlie 8:20 “ “ Midland 8:40 " ** Flat Rock 8:52 " “ Coiambus 9:86 ** GOING NORTH. Leave Columbus 8:00 p. m. Arrive at Flat Rock 3:44 “ “ Midland 3:49 “ “ Ellcrslie 4:05 “ “ Waverly Hall 4:30 “ All trains arrive and leave from depot at old Star pmrk. M. E. GRAY, (leul9 dtf Superintendent. L Cot.umbus, Ga., December 19,1888. O N and after this date Passenger Trsins will run daily unless marked f, which are daily except Sunday. The standard time by which theso Trains run is the same ns Columbus city time. Leave Columbus Arrive Macon Atlanta “ Montgomery.., “ Euffti/.a “ Albany “ Millen “ Augusta “ Savannah * l i 16 a m I 10 20 p u, 4 04 p m f G 25 a n * 0 00 p m)* 1 05 p n? * 7 09 pin j* 3 60 pm * 10 08 p in * 10 60 a m * 3 00 a m * 2 08pm * 6 15 a in * 4 45 p 111 * 5 55 ft ml* 6 00 p Di ?URF Biliousness; Sick Headache hi four how* (<S) Cne dose relieves Neuralgia, io:s;e an ^ prevent Chills ■> Fever, Sour Siam :th < r. 3realh. Clear tho Skin. Tone the H“ ;at-, p '.Ifo.e Vigor io the system. Ijoko. • ■■■■ frv (hem once ana you will never lie Vi'- > :’rico, 75 cenls per bottle. Suiu by I- Medicine Dealers generally. Ssm oin . .. . price in stamps, posipald, .0 any sapless, .,. F. SMITH Si CO.. Manufacturers aod Sole Props.. ST. LOUIS, f. - $50 REWARD C " Zt , ; V *■’; $ will bo paid for ■•.ni'^ruln Fuu ol < 0- - A: ; ! ’ ' \ (..'ei: ’■ ' .'V' " I In nn.i Sn.v nn J 3 l " VI‘s - F -vy Ulltcnt M.1NAlli'HClruln fu, tmp-- -1 i ll HEW*RK MACHINE CO. C'uluEubuts, C'u. Passengers for Sylvunia, Sanderville, Wrights rille, Milledgeville and Fatonton, Thomasion. Carrolltxin. Perry, Fort Gaines, Talbotlon, Bueno Vista, 13 akely and Clayton should take 8 50 p m train. Leave Maoon. |* 9 66 a mi* 0 27 p n “ Atlanta I* 3 00am* 2 00 p n “ Mantgomery I * 7 40 a u» “ Eufaula * 10 49 a m 44 Albany * 4 50am* 3 57pm 44 Millfn |* 11 15 p m * 12 35 p m 44 Augusta i* 9 30 p ml* 10 20 a xu 44 Savonnah |* 8 20 p nil* 10 00 a iu Arrive Columbus..^.. * 3 02 p ml* 6 60^am ~Sieepiug Cars on ail night trains Between "Uo- luinbus and Macon, Macon and Savannah, Ma con and Atlanta, Savannah and Macon, and Sa vannah and Atlanta. Tickets for all points and Sleeping Car Berthe on sale at Depot Ticket Office G. A. WHITEHEAD, Gen’I Pass. Agent. C. W. MEYER, Ticket Agent. augl tf Opelika, Ala., November 15th, 1886. O N and after Monday, November 15th, 1886, the trains on this road will be run as follows: No. 1. Leave Colnmbus 8 06 a nt Arrive Opelika 9 35 a a No. 2. Leave Opelika 9 46 a m Arrive Columbus 11 01 a m No. 3. Leave Columbus 2 28 p dd Arrive Opelika 3 68 p m No. 4. Leave Opelika 5 09 p m Arrive Columbus 6 34 p m No. 5. Leave Columbus 6 60 a xn Arrive Opelika 9 03 a ir, Arrive Goodwater 6 46 p ru No. 6. Leave Goodwater 4 46 a m Arrive Opelika 9 27 a ns Arrive Columhus 12 26 p m No. 7. Leave Colnmbus 1 IB p m Arrive Opelika 3 08 p m No. 8. Leave Opelika 4 00 p m Arrive Columbus 6 41 p m The night trains are discontinued for the pree cnt. A. FLEWELLEN, dtf General Manager GOLDMHB A My URVAT 60. Office General Manager, Columbus, Ga., November 28th, 1866. O N and after Sunday, September 12, 168'i, tbe. schedule of Mail Train will he as follows: No. 1—Going North Daily. Leave Columbus 3 08 p m Arrive at Chipley (j V w Arrive at Greenville « 16 P No. 2-Coming South Daily. Leave Greenville 7 10 a. m Arrive at Chipley ** 0 rn Arrive at Columbus 10 21 a m No. 3—Freight and Accommodation—North Leave Columbus.. Arrive at. Chipley.. boston, mass capital, SURPLUS, . sioo.non . 400,000 AccounU of Banks, Bankers and Corporations solicited. Our facilities for COLLECTIONS are excellent ami WO re discount for Banks when balances warrant it. t, i R a Reserve City, and balances with us from Banks mot located in other Reserve Cities) counted ns a reserve. We draw our own Exchange on London and Continent, and make Cable transfers and P^ace money by telegraph throughout the Lmted States and Canada. —a d= ---S^ Connies and Citics ivhen issuing Bonds. we do a general Banking business, and mvite correfpondence. ^ ,i|>TTER, President. JOS. W. WORK, Cnshicr^^ we( j &sa t6m exssraS m u RANKIN STABLES, In Rear of Rankin House, on First Avenue. Sale, Feed and Livery Stables New Turnouts: Showy, Gontle Horses, Careffil Drivers. Horses boarded and carefully attended to. I have ample accommodations for live stock and arrangements to make my stable headquarters for dealers. HORSES AND MU1.ES FOR SALE. WAGON AND CARRIAGE REPAIR SHOP. I am still running my Shop on Wynn’s Hill, and will continue to do all kinds of Carriage and Wagon Work on short notice. WILLIAM M. AMOS. v22 w«v1 g««&w8m DYSPEPSlAi 1887. Up to n few weeks ago I considered mv sell the champion Dyspeptic of America. During the years that I have been afflicted 1 have tried* almost every tiling claimed to be a specific for Dyspepsia in tho hope of finding something that would afford per manent relief. 1 had about made up my mind to abandon all medicines when I no ticed an endorsement of Simmons LiVKR Regulator by a prominent Georgian, a jurist whom I know, and concluded to try its effects in my case. I have used but two bottles, and am satisfied that i have struck tho right tiling at last. I felt its beneficial effects almost immediately. Unlike all other preparations of a similar kind, no special instructions are required ns to what one shall or shall not eat. This fact alone ought to commend it to all troubled with Dyspepsia. J. N. HOLMES, Vineland, N. J. : CONSTIPATION. To Secure « Kc^iiliir ilnhii of Body without ctianffiiitf tho Biel or lil«- orftanixing the ky»tem, take UlltliliUIUJ LULU HUllI Only (lENlllfiE Mnnifiirtnrrit by J.II.Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia. eod se&w fol rd mt HE Constructed With Our Ovm ‘Patent Eyelet Batteries,’ Surpass in power and permanency all and every other device to apply magnetism to the human system. Our record stands at 86 per cent of all curable cases cured. Throat, Tiling, Stomach. Kidney, Liver and almost every other trouble yields to the mild yet persistent currents of mag netism, as applied by our methods. The Belt and Invigorator impart great strength, warmth and coinfort, and the Dyspeptic, Nervous, weak and desponding, become hopeful and genial, and enjoy lire again. GOO am 8 14 a m 9 25 a jt Arrive at Greenville No. 4—Freight and Accommodation—South. Leave Greenville I0 22 aru Arrive at Chipley D }} a ra Arrive at Columbus - li p m W. L. CLARK. Gcn’l Manager. T. C S,H CWARD. Gen *1 Ticket Agent. ieb24 dlv G H 13 W RUDOLPH FINZER’S STARLIGHT iTSL Fill IE At Wholesale by LOUIS BUHLEfi & Co, OOLTJ^E’BTJS, GhA.. je5 eod 6 in — SEDGWICK — STEEL WIRE FENCE Is the best general purpose wire fence In use. It is a hi rone net-work without ImrliN. Don't injure stock. It will turn dogs, pigs, Steep and well as horses and rattle. The* best f,*n<*e for Farms, Garden. .Stock ll'iiiffcs and Railroads. Very neat, pretty stylos for Lawns. I arks, School-lots and Cemeteries. Covered with rust proof paint, or made of gal- vanfzed wire, as preferred It will last a life time. It is better than boarda or barbed wire In every respect. Thehedgwick Gate* made of wrought-lron pipe and steel wire, defy all competition in lightness,neatness,strength and durability. We make tne best, cheapest and easiest working all-iron automatic or ■elf-opening urate, and the neatest cheap Iron fence* now made. The best VJ ire Stretchers, Cutting Fliers and Post Aimers. For prices and particulars ask Hard ware Healers, or address, mentioning P^P^r, 6E00WICK BrtOS.,RICHMOND,IND. Agent® specialt? inouAue. I«*1 u, but e.o-H. Writ. U iW.o.'m - special offer. The Clipper Mfg. < «*.. aimluxb. Cfncinn*!!. O liiS Wilsonf» IWagneftc Power Viiubes' AbeSomirml Supporter Gives great support and comfort and in creased strength to the walls of the abdomen it oases of abdojiiinal enlargement without any particular disease. 'Rends also to decrease aiiL* prevent excessive accumulation of fat. Tlio WniifnetEe TcHliing Noclclnre soothes and quiets the Teething Baby and pro vents convulsions. The full power Cycle! Battery Insoles not only warm 1 he feet, but prevent cramps in legs :;•> prevaleut-in advancing years. No Invalid should despair because cheaper or inferior goods have failed, until tney havo tried our methods. Patnphkt, letters of instruction and testimonial. 6 mailed to uny address. Advice and counsel free to all patients. Hr, CAIvLhlilJ TSIlBr, Cflfifiilms, (la., Agent oc10 dtjelB Printing, Book-Binding AND Paper Boxes OF EVERY DEBCRIPTION AT LOWEST PRICES. A LARGE STOCK of all kinds of PAPER, In eluding Letter, Packet and Note Heads, Bi! Heads, nrUements, always on hand. Also Bn velopes, Cards, &c\, printed at short notice Paper Boxes of any size or description not kep in stock made at short notice. THOU. GILBERT, tf 42 Randolph Street, opposite Post Office. THE PATENT MICE & DUST PROOF .TYLER DESK Bookcasea, Tables, Offlct Chairs,Letter Presses, Fine Cabinets, &c. TYLER DESK CO. M0 N. Fourth »t.. H'f. Locia H(-u<J4o for 40 up. CuUuogt* If there is one Benson of the year in which Ru^apstioiiH are more welcome than another, this is the ono. Therefore, presuming on this fact, I am going to load you down with them, according, you, however, the privilege of turning to tho funny man’s column when the burden becomes too great,. My first suggestion isthat ifyouhave a mother-in-law who is at all times specially interested in your nocturnal movements, frequently expressing great solicitude for your health, give her a handsome black silk dress. For this purpose you will find Regetta Hand Loom Silk superior to any thing in this market. If this does not have the desired effect, your case is a bad one and 1 would advise you to go west. If you want to give your wife a present that will please her and at the same time have the approval of all tho neighbors, 1 havo some elegant l’ick Lock blankets nt $14 anil $15 per pair. Select for your daughter a set of boxes in plush for handkerchiefs and gloves, have both of them filled, and you will have a present that will be sliown witli pride a hundred times. Now, young ladies, give mo a moment of your valuable time, and I will give you just one suggestion that will make your fortune if you act upon it. I have some of tile finest silk umbrellas with the most exquisite handles, some of the prettiest walking canes with solid silver heads ever brought to Columbus. Get one of either of these and you will get your money back,with double compound interest. Young man, give mamma and papa a merry Christmas and many happy re turns, and select for your sweetiieart the prettiest thing you can find among our elegant ornaments for the bureau and dresser. Don't forget the cook. She is tho most important person in the house and tho least appreciated and most abused. Every one from the baby up should give her a present. The housemaid, nurse and man should not J,e forgotten. Remember ill- used servants render poor services. If there is nothing in the above to fit your case, call at I lie lied Star stores, I llili and 1138 Broad street, and tell us how much money you want to spend in presents, and we'll fit you up in a few minutes. O. C. Johnson. Hattie R. Johoson vs. Jamrs M. Davis. JletitioD lor llio removal of Trustee, and for tho ap pointment of another Trustee. Columhus. (hi., at Chambers. October 8, IRRfi, the pdit ! on in tii” above ease read and consider ed; it in ordered that the defendant, James M. Davis, show cause before me at 10 o’clock a. in. on the 15th of December, lR'Rl, uttlie Court House in the eit.v of Columbus, why be'shouJd ri moved from his trust and another trustee ap pointed as prayed for, and it appearing; Unit said .!■• mt M. Davis ri sides beyond the limilsofthii- Slatc. it is (iidoit d tii it. si.Tvic'- p rl. cled oi him by publication of this’. rd< r in lb. O dumbii* Knqiiiivr- k h;n, a newspaper published in the city of Columbus, twice a month lor two months be fore the hearing. Given under my hand and official signature. J. T. WILLIS. Judges: C. C. C. oct9 2tani2m A'l thoNTIER ADVENTURE IN OrJC VOLUME. njofiEE»„ H ERorc^r A y&Wp/n rnWcC*. jii/wvhr in.w-JO<» v CAPITAL PRIZE, - $150,000. 44 We d9 hereby certify that %ce supervise the ffp* rangement for all the Monthly and Quorfcr% Draxoinge of The Louisiana State Lottery CVm» vany % and in person manage and control Ik# Draftings themselves, and that the same tsrs cem* ducted unth honesty, fairness, and in good firm toward all parlies, and ive authorize the OouiftoUf certificate, with facsimiles o eur ('onmlMlosen, TFo the undersigned Hanks and Bankers udM pay all l*rizes draum in The lAmisUrna State Lett* Unties which may be presented at our counters. J. II. OUEEKItY. I,n. Xat'l Munir* .1. W.IilMlllETIl'PrcN.Kttttc Nnl’l B'k« A. BALDWIN, l»rcN. K. O. Nul’l Dmk U NPRKCKDENTED ATTRACTIOH! Over Half a Million Distribute! Louisiana State Lottery Comp’y. Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by the LegisTa* turo for Educational and Charitable purpose*- with a capital of $1.000,000—to which a reeervff fund of over $550,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franch’s* was made a part, of the present State ConMittK fcion, adopted December 2d, A. D. 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed Aff the people of any State. IT NEVER SCALES OR POSTPONES. Its Grand Single Nn 111 tier Drawing* take place Tlontlily . and tlie Nrnift-Au* nual DrawiiiK'N retfiilarl.y every Nit ■nonHis (June anil December). A NPLIiM DU D OHMmilMTY TO WIN A FORTUNE. FIRST GRAND DRAWING, CLASS A. IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, January Utli, 1HS7—2001 li Monthly Drawing. Capital Prize, $150,000. WNotlcv- Ticket, arc Ten Hollars only. Ualm. $0. MIHih.?'-’. Tenths. «l. MHT Of l-Rlzm. l - o .1*1,Had. 1 URAND PRIZE OF 50.000.. 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 20,000 20.1 2 HARGE PRIZES OF 10,000 20.00* 4 LARGE PRIZES OF 11,000 «0.00* 20 PRIZES OF 1,000 ao.oc* r.o PRIZES OF 600 26,00* 100 PRIZES OF 300 M.OfS 200 PHIZES OF 200 40,00* 600 PRIZES OF 100 60.06* 1,000 PRIZES OF 50 60.M* APPOXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prized of $30* $30,Of* 100 “ “ 200 I0,0f* 100 “ " 100 10,0** 2,170 Prizes. nmonntlnKto *606.00* Application for rates to clubB should be mad* only to the Office of the Company in New Orleans. For farther information write clearly, frivint fall address. IMON'I'/II. NOTEN, Expren Money Onlers, or New York Exchange in old*, nary letter. Currency by Express (at our ex. pense) addressed H. A. lOAlTPIIlJf, New Orleans, La. Or H. A. nAITPIIIN. WunbiiiK<«n, I*. C. lake P. 0, Henry Orders payable and ii> dress Roistered ktters te NEW OBI.EANN N ATIONAI, BASK, New Orleans, las, REMEMBER Generals ^BcauregaSf and Early, who ar« in charge of the drawing*.!* a guarantee of absolute fairnees and integrity^ that the chances arc all equal, and that no on% cun possibly divine what numbers will draw % Prize. AH parties, therefore, advertising to gun* untee Prizes in thin Lottery, or holding out any other impossible inducements, are swindlers, an* only aim to deceive and defraud the unwary. ^ "SHADELAND”J™s,v T , PURE BRED LIVE STOCK ESTABLISHMENT kin the WORLD. New Imports* Itlons constantly f arriving. Hare individual excellence int Y* choice Breeding CLYnnsnALR iior»k«. Pi: HUH EH ON, NOHJIAN or PREN4HI lilt A FT HORSES, ENGLISH DRAFT HORSES, TROVTING-llItEI) ROADSTERS* Cleveland bays ami i h; ncii coachtm ICE LAN II null SHETLAND PFNIEK, IIO LST KIN-Fill ESI A N ami DEVON UaTILR, Our customers havo tho advantage of our many years experience In breeding an<| importing ; Superior Oimlity; Lnr«o Va« riely ami I in incline Collect ioun ; opportu- nity of eoniiiariiiu diflereni lireeilMt and low prices, heouuso «»r our iineiiutiled fa* eilitie’i, extent of biiNiiieMH and low rates Of trail tporfaiioii. N"other establishmenl In the world ofTem Such h«1 vuntages to tlie imi reliiise r. Pit H'ES LOW I TER MS EASY! Vim Itors welcome. (’orrcNiionilenee nollof Red. t'ireuliirs Free. Mention this paiMh poweli. bros., SDiinTtinm. crawlord t;o..P** THE FAMOUS BRAND OP CONSUMPTION I Imvo n poultlve reineily for toe algjve dlsnm-; hy Ita use thmiBuiiila of r«BcH of tho worst kind ami of long sUndlag Imvo been urcu. Indeed, an strong la my faltli In Pa efficacy, that I will Bind TWO BOTTI.KS FIIKK, toge hor with a VAIr 0A3LL TREATISK ou thla any anff.Ter. Olvo I’* prana and i*. O. addreM» UU. 'i. i> bl/JCUM, 1611’uarl tit.* fifo¥« novl'J eod&wtim nvKK'H iiKAtin rt.ixtn kiro. 16.. I’ALATINC. ILIA n )v8vt• owtim MUSCOGEE SHERIFF SALE. By F. U. KNOWLES * CO., Auct’rs. Will be sold the first Tuesday in January next, in front of the auction house of F. M. Knowles & Co.. Broad street, city of Cob mbits, Muscogee county, Ga.. the following property, to-wit: Thir ty bushels of corn, more or less, two hundred bundles of fodder, more or less. Levied on as the property of W. T. Pope, to satisfv a mortgage fi fu in my hands in favor of Geo. P. Swift & Son vs. W. T. Pope. Said Property will bo sold as stored, ai d it is stored in a oui ding on place rented by W. T. Pope from C. J. Thornton, about two and one half mih s east of city of Columbus. dec7 oaw4w J. G. BURRUS. Sheriff OLD frliLL PURE OLD RYE This whisky was introduced originally in tho year 1852, and is constmtly making new friends. It ii ^ the product of the most approved process of distih- ation, from carefully selected grain, being hold unU forrnly in wnrehmisn until fully matured by age, la justly celebrated for its purity, delicacy of flavor and uniform quality. For sale, and orders solicited by tho agent, T. M. I-'OIjEY* Opera IIoiiBe.^ Cor loth Street and 1st Avenue, Columbus* Gfe Electric Belt Free To introduce it and obtain Agents wo will for the next sixty days give away, tree of charge, in oaehcounty in tlio U. H. a limited number ot our <*erninit Electro rSiilvnnlc Suspensory Hello, Price 85,* a positive and unfailing euro lor Nervous Debility. Varicocele, Emissions, In potency &o. $500.09 Reward paid if every Bolt wo manufacture does rmtirenerat# a genuine olcctrictium-nt. AddressatoncoELEOTUId BELT AGENCY- P. O. Box 1/8 Brooklvn N v N ewengiand conservatory 0F MUSIC Boston, Mass. THE LARCESTand BEST EQUIPPED Inth. WORLD — DO Inbtructom,200.1 Student* Inst year. Thor, ough JiiHtruction in Vocal aiul Instrumental Music, i'.anoana Organ Tuning, Fine Arts, Oratorv. Literature. French, Ger man and Italian Languages, IJrnnchfs,Gymnastics, etc. Tuition. $. r > t • $10; hoerd and room unth Steam If ot atid Electric Light, t45tM$7r,per term. Fall Torm begina hcp* temher 9,16M. F <r Illustrated Calendar, w ,tn full information ddress, E. TOtUUEE. Dir.. Franklin So.. HUSTON, M«l OPIUM ami \\ hiskoy Iltib- ■ n cured at homo with- it pain. Book of par ticulars sent FREE* ,061k WLRoUali titro*$> Something Worth Having. f Our N t €»w So«»«l 4T»ln!osrn«* for IHH7. The Only Catal .gue published illustrating everything ; in Garden, Field and Flower Seeds. New Seeds, ; New Warehouse, Everything; New. Ready for FREE d strihuti >n early in December. ! Send your atldress NOW. S. Y. HAINES A 4*0.. Sce«lmen. <fi anil 611 V Front SI., (ami IOO Areli SI., I*hlluclel|»liiit, Pn. nov8 weow Ct 7 FOR ALL. 830 a week and expenses paid. Valuable outfit and particulars free. F. O. VICKORY, Augusta, Me. nr A wAm $700to$2500 A YEAR, clear of all expense, i bo ...vrklng for us. Agents preferred who can /iilsh their own horses and give their whole tlm* i lie business. Spare moments may ho profitably nuloyed also. A few vacancies in towns and citing. l\ JOHNSON & CO., 1013 Main St., Richmond, V* atnrt w4m C has taken the lead the sales of ‘hat class of remedies, and has give* almost universal "'.ludsor turn* MURPHY BRifS. he lciding Me Bradford, P» SoldbyD-uggisu. Trice D.OO. AGENTSS coilcr.tiiiv* Family Pictures to en- yles. Pictures guaran eed. Specia F.mpirx Copying Co. *n Cnua'. Streei ’s N.W.AYER&SON ADVERTISING AGENTS rSiHSfk* PHILADELPHIA Cor. Cbefitnut and Eiffbth 81*. Receive Advertisement* for this Pipe*, Esii«iAiKirssa?tsKSS!i« W.Stf AYER t SOU'S RARUAL