Newspaper Page Text
«m from the Three States Told in
Brief Paragraphs.
k ■og.VlllIng Time In Onor„la-.|, mp , rhorne
Wlfc-Blrmln(!lumtoll«« » jj*w p».
Hr-iB Impnrt.nt Doointon Rendered b, the
llabam* Supreme Court.
Col. H. L. Patterson, of Cummiug, killed
l 8 ( mo ^ a old Pte 8 Tuesday, ?ke two
weighing 566 pounds.
John A. Parker, of Lumpkin ennntv
400^p ourffls'eacU. threo averaged
Mr. Buck Edwards, of Senoia, slaughter-
ed two hogs that netted him something
over 600 pounds of meat. *■
The merchants of Elberton will close
their stores next Monday and Tuesday to
allow their clerks to enjoy the Christmas
Mr. O. M. Upshaw, of Carroll, has a hog
14 months old, which is five feet long two
feet across the shoulders and two feet in
depth. He thtnks it will weigh 300 pounds!
. f oe Williams, farming in the vicini-
ty of Pineville, Lincoln county, will make
12 bales of cotton and 150 bushels of corn
with one mule.
Major Stegall killed a Thomas county
pig. of his own raising, on Wednesday
which weighed 650 pounds. It took all
the hands on the place to hang the pork
We believe it to bo a fact says the
Dahlonega Signal, that the farmers of this
county are less in debt than for along
time. And we believe further that they
owe less than the farmers ot any county in
north Georgia.
Dr. Ephraim Brumby, of Athens, has two
shares of stock in the Elytou land com-
Dany that bring him in an income of $1000
a year. He has refused a easli offer of $12,-
000 for the stock, which was made him bv
Hon. Campbell Wallace.
The Rome Bulletin predicts “a good
wheat crop for Georgia next year, and
that there will not be so much cotton
planted ns heretofore. More hogs and
eatables at home will make an independ
ent and happy people.
Mr. Anton Huber, of Thomas county, is
an intelligent German who settled near
Ocklocknee nine years ago. He has worked
with energy, and is now prosperous. The
place he bought was said to be one of the
poorest in Thomas county. “I wouldn’t
take |5000 for it now,” said Mr. Huber. “I
am more satisfied with south Georgia.”
James Thorne, of Iric, advertises as fol
lows in the Excelsior Pioneer and Eagle:
Wanted, a wife—A good wife, a middle-
aged lady, beauty not a factor in the liar-
gain, can secure agood husband of medium
age (not buldheaded), temperate and in
dustrious habits, not good looking, but
honest, by applying immediately to James
Thorne, Iric, Ga. P. 8.—Please write at
The railroad depot at Walker station was
broken into by thieves on Friday night.
George Walker is postmaster at Walker
station, and Jordan Walker is railroad
agent. Both have their offices in the rail
road depot. The thieves got about $10
from George Walker’s desk and about $3
from Jordan Walker's desk. Part of the
money stolen from George Walker’s desk
belonged to the post office. All of that
taken from Jordan Walker's desk belonged
to the railroad. A side of bacon belonging
to George Walker was also stolen.
At Macon Sunday afternoon a telephone
or telepraph wire fell down on Fourth
street, between Cherry and Poplar. It
was finally kicked into a sort of a coil by
pedestrians, who caught their feet in it.
Sunday night about 10 o’clock the wire
had been kicked to the corner of Cherry
street, and lav coiled up in the street. Of
ficer McClnskey '.vas on duty in the viciu- !
ity, and wii3 startled by a bright ii ish of i
light in the street followed by the yelp of j
a dog. He ran to the spot where the flash |
of light was seen, and in a second saw I
what was I,ho matter. The wire was con- |
nected with the electric light; wire, arid :
the current was on. The dog had run into ,
the coil and became tangled up in it and ;
received his death stroke. Every particle
of hair was burned off. The wire was re
moved with a pole.
A hi bum ft.
Spatoia, an Italian musician, was arrest
ed and jailed at Selma Tuesday on a war
rant for petit larceny sent out by Chief
Gerald, of Montgomery.
The report is still current that Birming
ham is to have another morning daily
newspaper, but no one seems to know who
are the promoters of the enterprise.
Burglars and footpads are numerous in
Eutuuia. Monday night Walker & Co s.
grocery was entered by the office window,
but only two or three pairs of line shoes
were missing Tuesday morning.
A new bank, with a subscribed capital ot (
$50,000, was organized at Lu fau I a at a j
meeting Monday evening. President, Hon.
A. H. Sf err nil; vice president, It. Cherry,
cashier, J. P. Foy.
Col. Enoch Morgan died Monday night
at his home in Eutavv. lie y/as sitting
before the fire, with no one in the room
but himself and wife, reading a newspaper.
He suddenly fell back and in fifteen
minutes was dead. It is not known here
whether he died of heart disease or apo
George Cottrell, of Hnyneville, is a young
man of versatile accomplishments, bim
in his teens he has like many a youth,
found the road to fortune not a royal one,
and sought in several instances ‘ queer
wavs of obtaining the “ needful, that,
would reflect credit on the abilities of
artful dodger, and it was but the hush
money of friends that kept the young law
breaker from the clutches of justice. If
was only last week he was bonded out ol
jail for selling whisky since the last term
of the circuit court in the face of .Judge
Moore’s recent and vigorous protests
aeainat the violators of the whisky law,
and is again in durance for levying on a
pair of oxen without authority.
A decision has just been rendered by the
supreme court of Alabama in a case whiuh
Involves the title of several mi liou dollars
worth of land, originally donated to tlie
Alabama and Chattanooga railroad com-
oauv hV congress. The suit was brought
iy Jefferson county in the chancery urn-1
to compel the trustees to. make legal U .
fhp rortv acres of land in sight ol *>*“
mingliam. worth *50,000. The supreme
court decides, on appea , that all sales
made before the completion ot the roau
fire void except 120 sections of land ot tin
first'tweuty-nino near Chattanooga and
unless they were made in strict con_
^of^V^ donating fends,
tE>n°of e the road ffi(i cmiform°to > t?ie aetfall
tionof tneroaum since the com-
are void. AH sue-i tu.,
The land within the past few years lias
creased enormously in value.
It is rumored th^a'a Stuart of Apop
ka, one of tne countycommissione ,
sold his grove for (fib,000.
T3„i„firn is to have a Chinese grocerv
st^ rK^e Williams He wiU be open
and ready for business m a lew <fej .
On an average there ar ^ oi ™ d
Fer.mndimi, for reshipment, tnvntv«'e
carloads of lumber, aggregator m-anj
20'i.iXW l'eet.
The freight landed at Fernandina bv the
a S ter hi P San Antonio lit week
\veigift t<id t0 m ° re than 1500 tona gross
8 “
S A\ tes 8tB » m er Fern, belong-
y^thoua e department, came
thl°A^ er u an ? i a F plda y* with supplies for
the Amelia Island lights.
steamship Delaware, which
riid Fe f rn andina last Sunday car
ried the biggest shipment of oranges ever
carried at any one time from this port. It
consisted of d322 boxes. 4
The deed from James Scripture and wife
to Augustus H. Denis for the Scripture
grove, was filed for rec rd iu the clerk’s
office at Tampa on Tuesday morning. The
consideration named is f35,000.
Tim prize fight advertised to take place
at St. Augustine on Thursday night did not
take place, as the mayor of that city inter-
tered and would not let the men beat each
other all out of countenance.
The mayor of Key West says that he will
try and run the city without scrip. He
finds it lmpossible to determine the amount
ol the city’s indebtedness from the present
records, and will establish the fact that it
must be run on a cash basis.
Free Trade.
The reduction of internal revenue and
the taking ulf of revenue stamps from Pro
prietary- Medicines, no doubt has largely
benefited the consumers,as well as relieving
the burden of home manufacturers. Es
pecially is this the ease with Green’s Au
gust Flower and Boschee’s German Syrup,
as the reduction of thirty-six cents per
dozen, has been added to increase the size
of the bottles containing these remedies,
thereby giving one-fifth more medicine in
the 75 cents size. The August Flower for
Dyspepsia and Liver Comnlaint, and the
German Syrup for Cough and Lung trou
bles, have perhaps, the largest sale of any
medicines in the world, ’flic advantage of
Increased size of the bottles will be greatly
appreciated by the sick and afflicted, iu
every town and village in civilized coun
tries. Sample bottles for 10 cents remain
the same size. octlit d&wly
D.vspi-slu Drops.
A nap in church is not the thing
To be indulged in twice;
Yet of a nap we hive to say,
It’s nuddy, but it’s nice.
Christinas is the sweet buy and buy that
is coming.—Picayune.
A vice that many should pursue but
don’t—Advice.—Public Ledger.
The adjacent railway tracks are tragic
with tragedians hoofing it home.—Genesee
Poet—“Do you want any of my blank
verse?” No, we don't want any of your
verse?”—Texas Siftings.
The life of the hook agent is full of
wormwood and gall. The woormood is
barely perceptible.—Merchant Traveller.
The Presbyterian church objects to both
dancing and cards—down on both the real
and the I-deal.—Washington Post.
It appears to us that the woman’s heart
kept in alcohol in Philadelphia isn’t much
of a curiosity. We have no doubt several
women have hearts.—Judge.
It is said that a man who won’t take a
paper because he can borrow one has in
vented a machine with which he can cook
his dinner by the smoke of his neighbor’s
chimney.—Wtsi Union Argo.
Xmas comes but once a year, therefore make happy the hearts of those you love and esteem.
Read below enumerated a list of articles suitable for presents :
For Your Mother and Bister,
Bwectheart, Wife and
Beautiful Lace Pins,
Breast Pins, Ear Rings,
Bracelets, Necklaces, Lockets,
Tiny Queen Chains, NVestcains,
Silver or Gold Watch, Rings,
Cuff Buttons, Cuff Pins,
Collar Buttons, Gantelines,
Silver or Gold Thimbles,
Silver Hair Pins
Silver and Gold Glove and Shoe But-
Opera Glassy, Vases,
Jewel Boxes, Bronzes,
Artistic Clocks, Card Receivers,
Silver Card Cases, Silver Bells,
Napkin Rings, Bronze Lamps,
Picture Frames. Eye Gloss Chains,
Spectacles and Eye Glasses,
Solid and Plated Forks, Knives and
Spoons, Book Marks,
Gold Pencils, Pens, Toothpicks,
Solid Silver and Plated Cups,
Solid Silver Soup and Oyster Ladles,
Berry, Preserve and Sugar Spoons,
Butter Knives, Butter Dishes,
Pickle Stands, Castors,
Pearl Handle Knives.
For Your Father and Brother,
llitMbund and Frteud.
Silver or Gold Watches,
Gold or Plated Chains,
Cut! Buttons,
Collar Buttons,
Watch Charms,
Scarf Pius,
Silver Match Safes,
Stud Buttons,
Napkin Holders,
Eye Glasses,
Pebble Spectacles in Steel and Nick
el, Silver and Gold Frames,
Napkin Rings,
Opera Glasses,
Office Clocks,
Gold Toothpicks,
Gold Pencils,
Gold Headed Walking Canes,
Seal Rings,
Gold Headed Silk Umbrellas,
Combination Breakfast Sets,
Silver Tobacco Boxes,
Wiskbroom, Solid Silver Handle,
Society Pins,
Ash Receivers.
Guard Chains,
For Your l.lttle Pet*.
Solid Silver and Plated Cups,
Silver Pap Spoons,
Solid Silver Child’s Set,
Silver Plated Child’s Set,
Silver Thimbles from No. 1 upward,
Bib Pins,
Breast Pins and Ear Rings,
Stud Buttons,
Solid Silver Baby Rattles,
Silver Plated Napkin Rings,
Solid Silver Napkin Rings.
School Sets,
Ear Rings,
Silver Knives and Forks,
Silver Salt ty Pins,
Boys’ Watches,
Microscope for botanical cxrloits,
Pencils ami Pens,
Beautiful Little Diamoml Rings,
Silver Mugs.
Diamonds mounted in Rings, Pins, Eardrops, Collar Buttons, Cuff Buttons, Studs, Scarf
Pins, etc., at very reasdnable prices.
For Clerk of Superior Court.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-
election to the office of Clerk of the Superior
Court of Muscogee County at the election to be.
held in January next. Geo. Y. Pond.
dec 12 Id
For County Treasurer.
I wish my friends to know that I will be a can
didate for this office at the next election. I am
here to run. R. J. Moses.
nov20 dtd
I announce myself a candidate for County
Treasurer, and respectfully ask the voters of
Muscogee county for their suffrage.
d&wtd John C. Cook.
I respectfully announce myself a candidate for
Treasurer of Muscogee county, and earnestly
solicit your support. 1 need the office and wil
be very thankful for your assistance. I am pre
pared to run. Election on the first Wednesday
in January next, 1887.
ocD se&wedtd Jordan L. Howell.
I announce myself as a candidate for the office
of County Treasurer, and respectfully solicit
your support for 'he same. Election January
next. G. E. Gagei-.
Columbus, Ga., September 22,1886. sep23 tf
Prepared with strict regard to Parity, Strength, ami
lloaitbfulnec j . Dr. Price's Hak.ngPmvihir contains
r.o \-.>traonia.Umc.Alum or Phosphates. Dr.Price b
Extracts, Vanilla, Lemon, etc., flavor deliciously.
c-'Tr POWOCR CO. Cwc.iro nno Sr. leurs
For Tux Receiver.
I announce myself a candidate for election io
the office of Tax Receiver, and respectfully solicit
the votes of the citizens of Muscogee county
Election Wednesday, January 5. 1S87.
novlGdif Woolfolk Walker.
I announce myself a candidate for Tax B
ceiver of Muscogee county, and respectfu...
ask the support of the voters.
sep22tf J- H. Harrison
I respectfully announce myself a candidate for
re-election to the office of Tax Receiver, and ask
your suffrage. I have ever tried to discharge
, my duty as an officer, and will still do the same
j if elected. Election Jauuaty next.
Respectfully, J. C. Reedy.
nov5 td
I respectfully announce myself a candidate for
Tax Receiver of Muscogee couuty. Election first
Wednesday in January. Geo. W. Cargill.
nov7 td
humiily meets the demand of the ace for
S-nm-.n't imeuli ir afflictions. It is a remedy for
WOMAN ONLY. and for one special class of her
rtisease-i Itls a specific for certain diseased con-
,i - V»f the womb, and so controls the
and whose fame lac line enviable been use of his
Rucct’ss fit the treatment and cure of female com-
mfonts Surfi will relieve you of
Kearly ill complaints peculiar to your sex.
For sale by druwrfata. Write for book, "Mes
sage to Woman,” mailed free.
Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga
D eafness !
^"m^.")^ra% by T 0 reated h byffie S mo?t'
,, ,i unnciulVt-’ without benefit. Cured himxclj
in’three months, and since then hundreds ot
others Full particulars sent < n application.
TSPAOE, Jo. 41 west BlstSt., Hew Vi,rt City.
Tri introduce the irreal household remedy, GOK
DON S KINO OF PAIN, into every family. 1
will send a sample fro" ,n «" v one sending ad-
d-ess. Address
t -r.Toledo. Oh
in'le free to any one sendinjt ....
,15. O. RICHARDS, sole propru"
$1000 REWARD.
For any machine li-iiEin* an*
•fc&aiutf ■}- r "My.W*- “ UC V&J :
Clover *» O.M. ua
D?!J6L£ x VS<-- »-• ;
ThP VivJ
For Tax Collector.
I announce myself as a candidate for Tax
Collector of Muscogee county (election
January next), and respectfuBy aolicit the sup
port of the voters of said count y.
aug29dtfwlm Oliver P Poe.
Announcing myself a candidate for re-eleciion
to the office of Tax Collector of Muscogee county,
I respectfully solicit the votes of its citizens,
and will endeavor to deserve lheir support by
faithfully discharging the duties of this office :u
the future as in • lie past. Election first Wednes
day in Jauuary next.
sep.U eodtd Davis A. Andrews.
I announce myself a candidate for Tax Col
lector of Muscogee county (election January
next), and ask foi the support of the voters o*
said c unty. J. C. Woolfolk.
sep7 dtf—
For ( oroiicr.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for Cor
oner for Muscogee couuty at the ensuing elf c
tion. W. D. Amyet.
nov7 dtd
I announce myself as a candipate for Coroner
of Musco ce county.
derl2 td Simpson Strtbblino.
I announce myself as a candidate for re-ehic-
tion as < ’ n oncr of Muscogee county.
decliid'd Isaac T. Brooks.
For Sheri If.
I most respectfully announce myself as a cai
didate for re-election as sheriff of Muscogee corn
ty. Election first Wednesday in January next,
decll td J. G. Bi rhus.
. $100
/o'- V
MAtiiUiLoO.. Onlumbiu.0.
I,r iu
.-.f <ifiV AMO
CupchC and G in
A*k your for it.
Sent tounyiulilress for $1.50
EVANS &. HOWARD, Agents,
oc'j dGin
Rose Hill Cottage
F. M. KNOHVI.KA A CO., - • Auct’ra
XTEW Dwelling of three plastered rooms and
cook room. Lot about 1 ‘ 0x130, located direct
ly fronting least' Mr W. H. Hughes, and next
door north of Mr. A. G. Redd’s residence. Well
ar d garden. S(reet cars to city every 30 minutes.
Terms, one-third cash, balance one and two
years, with 8 per cent interest.
Real Estate Agt, Columbus,Ga.
■e wed fri tf
For 15 years at 37 Court Place, now at
SEK 1 ’ LoisiiMf
A rt*f«ilurlr educated anJ KvaUv qualifl«sl physician aol td#
most aucrte’asfUl, hla praotu-e will ___
c&S&nJc ^ r d ma s£kS5L v ^SIt
EASES. A , . T
Spormntorvnoa and Impotency*
«s the result of self-abuse la youth, -cvial excesses In n,v-
tutor yean, or other cause*, utul proJuciiiK »t>me of ths* fri.
U, W i„i ellectv NVi vo isu vs. Seminal F.iuUdons. (night «nl^
■l his by dreams) Ulmuoss of Dcfsctivo Memory, rhj*
si -91 Decay, I'iiupW ‘>u Face, Aversion to Society or
Coufa-iou' of Ideas, Loss of Sexual Power. 4c., n uderta*
m irrlHue Improi-or or unhapi*?. *ro thoroughly and p.-nu*^
o ullv our-Hl. SYPHILIS."' 1 ”-)' 11 ™ 1 VT* —
aLEET^asr a „3? n ^sst
?S"“domw|,rlv a todl«,aw, quid! cured.
It Issolf-eviiliMit that apliy nlc’au who pays spodatnUeatloa
to a coruln Hast of dlssascs, and treating thousand* aun*>
til v. acquires gn at skill. Physicians knowing this faclolu*
rcco'iimcnd persons to my care. When It ir Inconvenient(•
Visit the city for treatment, medicines can he uent privakelf
knl safely by mull or express nuvwhero.
Guros Onaranteed in all Comi
under tnlcoxi.
Of 500 pages, sent to any address, securely sealed, for \
Invite Your Attention to Their Long List of
Useful, Inexpensive & Appropriate Holiday Gifts,
Cassimere and Cashmere Shawls, double and single, black
and colors. A splendid line of Ladies' Traveling and Shop
ping Bags. Kid and Fabric Gloves of every description.
Silk Handkerchiefs and Silk Mufflers; Ladies’ and Gentle
men’s Hemmed and Corded and Hemstitched Handkerchiefs,
plain and colored borders—a splendid line. The largest line
of Embroidered Handkerchiefs it lias ever been our pleasiue
to show.
Some very choice Wraps left to he sold very cheap.
Handsome Blankets.
Could a more common sense present bo made?
You can buy such useful presents in our Dress Goods de
partment. Black Silks, Colored Silks, Black Cashmeres.
Black Dress Goods of every description.
A splendid line of Ladies’ Silk Umbrellas with gold and
silver heads, good qualities and cheap.
Bich and elegant Table Linens and Napkins, by the yard
and in sets. A large variety of Brussels and Nottingham
Lace Curtains; they are not expensive; they lire cheap.
Table Covers and Table Scarfs. High Novelties in La
dies’ and Children’s Hosiery, lovely goods. We are showing
fresh goods in every department in the house.
A beautiful line of Ginghams just received. A beautiful
line of Prints just received.
We are displaying the following new Bustles : Lucca,
Lotta, Patti and Fedora. Novelties in Ladies' Gossamers.
Gossamers of every description for Ladies and children, ami a
great many other things wliich we haven't room to mention
here. We are offering bargains all through our house.
Come and try us.
4k l‘*r;A ONE STORE HOUSE on Tenth
street ; six rooms, 34xll« feet. Wit
pay 17 per cent on investment.
One six-room House on Ninth street.
One three-room House and lot 60x147 feet If
inches, cheap. Call quick.
One four-room House on Tenth street, comer
Filth avenue.
One small Store He use on Rose IUII.
Real Estate Agent, No.22 12th St
Valuable City Property,
/ - I-ORUIA. MUHCOGKI! COUNTY 1'adnr and
' Hiy vi run of an on er from the So; erior Court
of Muscogee County, passed on tVc first day of
tin* Novciiilu-r term, I8s» thereof. * .e undersigned
<’unmi-iMoners appointed by s .id court will sell
iu lrunt of the court house of said county, in
tin city of t’olumhus, on the first Tuesday in Jan
uary 1-87, between the legal hours ol sale at pub
lic outtrv, to the highest bidder, the following
described eit> property, all»r in the city of
Columbus, county of Muscogee, Stuto of Georgia,
All that tract or parcel of land lying and being
in the city of Uolumbus. ki own and clistir ^ui8h«
ed in the plan of said city as the south half of
city lot number four hundred and eighty nine,
1 -»hu , fronting on McIntosh street, (now Fifth
avenue, containing oue fourth 1 * * > of an acre,
more or hss, together with all and singular the
rightH, members and appurtenances, and im
provements to the fume in uuy niauncr belong
ing Terms, cash.
Possession given on 1 xecution of deed to pur
nov so-dtd Commissioners.
Y place on Talbot ton road, about two miles
from city,011 Hue of Georgia Midland. Has
House, all necessary out-housen.
Eagle and Phenix Manf’g Co.
A Semi-Annual Dividend of THREE PER
CENT is due and payable at the office of the
Eagle and Phenix Manufacturing Company on
December 31st, 1S36. The transfer books of cer
tificates of stock will be closed from December
20tli until January 1st, 1837. A. I. YOUNG,
dec7 dtd Treas’r Eagle and Phenix Mfg. Co.
contains 102'.."acres, about 25 acres of
heavily wooded.
For particulars apply to me on the place, ar
to T. M. Folev. opera house.
fM* 12 M r ’ P 4PH!NOPR
'IHlKltEwill bean election held at the different
I pre.imts in the count* of Muscogee on
Wednesday, the 6th day of January next ,1887),
for Sheriff*. <’h ?k ol the Superior Court. Tux Re
ceiver. Tax Collector. County Treasurer, Count/
Surveyor, and Coroner. The managers will
please call at my office for tin* neces.* ary blanks.
G.GUNBY JORDAN 1 .1, lm, mi’im m.i.lf lu •top them foe
Fire Insurance Agent
Pioneer Building, Front Street. Telephone No. 104.
honestly paid every loss since 1810.
Every policy issued under New York Safety Fund law.
SUN FIRE OFFICE, of LONDON Established 1710.
Always successful,
Policiea issued on all classes of insurablo property.
Representative Companies. Ceiirlco'.is Treatment. Fair Adjustments. Prompt Payments.
sepl? df f
A share of your business solicited.
mean meietf ’-o ■Ict lliem fae
ifi irn a»;nlu. I menu a »•<*■
Iral cure. I have mn<lo tim diicMB n( Vi KPIj
InfolllMu. HI’
S Pearl St.. Kow Tort.
'ir; «t tS r - tirre. ex-
I i M ]■ •• 1 .... n-u d „ t-4. t,.rh.rii 1 wpM.hero-
1 r !*«■.•/, ii: ,.n*. : I'u i.l? i' -1 l.otr-brexdtfc
irr-ip. s, hxm!-tn- u I » ri.t- •: *. m... -uri.t •*, dxrtn|
, ,| i I '. H - 1 • , ■ .! • -1' i 1 *1.- *.>rtBl ( (Tfli
*-»r . I. M.k ,1-. ..i^orusa'U'liJ'.T'sII tfi-
SC.'-iiNfll.i 1 o . iiu.: ill, -il. O.U..or
'"> A '
\ V.*
) X
i t. ‘trio** rM
’ MG Lin.
We have the best and cheapest Hose in the market. A /ull line of Hose Reels and Nozzles.
Telephone 99.
W bv«MI« I
month rupre-* u mm ©vet) county. tSalary
aiuJutUiy Atixi’Cin'o.* 1 , orulan *• couumi**-
ion f ii k:i »*4 a f pr«*terred. tJwvfr*
evnryoiusbuys. Outfit and l-'rcv-.
13 Twelfth Street.
nth t
id Fit
veil Fourt»
the door eveiy l r >
Real Estate Agent, Columbus. Oa
wr d fri If
fjl J* |j\ A WONTH, Agon
* ‘ "ufariii■ j A V HU.ONS<Tv
It. fUJ «a»u
ph* freaw
■okt MM