Newspaper Page Text
N»w» from the Three States Told in
Brief Paragraphs.
Tke Colored Pfople’d Fair h, * tho „, , R
■ormon MlMlomirlcn In Plkn-ninh n
benefit of creditors. ms for the
*Phe fair of the colored oeoole nt \*i,._
•ettled all claims and the mnnaeemVAVT
fte^of debt. The white fcff eSSSS about
Young Sam Pulliam, formerly
wi'i n H y 1 ’ t 4i 8 f tate ’^ as ret *ntly shot ami
killed in Alabama by a deputy sheriff who
was trying to arrest him. ’ W1 0
.^^.fjrectorH of the Athens and Coving
ton railroad have issued an order tr, i,„„
the Aret twenty miles of the road, and the
work will be completed in sixty days!
•tJFrivP if ° man , Atl >ens worth fully
f0°,OOO who goes about the market when
the butchers are about leaving and buy,
refuse pieces of meat, bones and beef heads
for the use of his family. He purchases™
first-class article of food. F Jrc aasesuo
Catlett Gaines, negro, of Washington.
™ n a.° n a a B P ree Saturday night, and waked
np Sunday morning with his throat cut
and his voice gone by reason of the wound
A Physician repaired damages as far as
possible, and Catlett will probably recover.
He either doesn’t know or won’t tell who
did the cutting.
Gus Brady, one of the negroes implicated
in the shooting of Messrs. Ramsey and
Leverett new Danbury, has been put in
jail. When carried before a magistrate he
pleaded guilty to assault with intent to
murder. Two other negroes, Da i Sutton
and Nick Brewer, implicated in the same
crime, have been arrested.
Mr. John Eherhart, of Athens, was
thrown from a wagon last Friday, and at
first was thought not to be seriously in
jured. Examinations by a physician, how
ever, showed that, in addition to having
both arms broken, he was badly hurl in
ternally. He suffered greatly til'l Sunday,
when he died. He was a merchant of
Athens, and was much esteemed.
W. W. Jackson, who swindled Mr. O. M.
Stone, of Augusta, out of a traction engine,
and was arrested by the sheriff of Hart
county, effected his escape from a train on
the Elberton Air Line in a daring manner.
Separated from his guards for a moment,
he sprang from a car window while the
train was moving at full speed. The
guards pursued him, finding his shoes,
coat and handcuffs, with traces of blood
on them, but Jackson escaped.
It is estimated that the cotton receipts
at Troy will reach 30,000 bales.
Citizens of Clayton are arranging to or-
organize a banking association.
Prof. T. W. Palmer and .Miss Lula Rainer
were married at Union Springs on Wed
Thirty-eight marriage licenses were
issued in Pike county for the month of
Clanton continues to improve. A walk
in any quarter will show the improvements
everywhere going on.
Mr. R. P. Watson, of Selma, and Mrs.
Annie 3. Cole were married at Anniston
on Wednesday.
The Alpine Iron and Transportation
Company will begin work on their blast
furnace within three months.
The Decatur News advocates requiring
every voter to produce his tax receipt be
fore being allowed to vote.
It is authoritatively rumored that a com
pany has been organized and a site select
ed for i he purpose of erecting a hundred-
toil furnace at Gadsden.
The cost of a license to sell spirituous,
vinous or mall liquors in Troy for 1S3" wiii
be: State license, $175; county, §87.5(1;
city, §1000; total, 1201.50.
The white prisoners of Chiiton county
broke jail a few days ago_ and one of them,
Easterling, succeeded in getting away.
The other one was caught and rejailed.
The contract for caring for the
paupers of Jackson county has been let at
$33.33 each per year. Short rations and
scant garments must be expected at such
The Newton Messenger says dwellings
are in demand in that place, ft is beauti
fully located on the Ohoetawhatcliie river
and will be close to the line ot the Mont
gomery & Floiida railroad.
The mayor and coiincdmen f Troy have
fixed the salaries of all salaried officers for
the current year, to-wit: Mayor, $T'K) per
annum and perquisites; city clerk and
treasurer, §100 per annum; engineer ami
water works, §25 per month; lamp Iigninr,
$15 per month; street hand, §20 per mouth.
There is but little interest being mani
fested in the Anniston municipal election,
onlv 818 votes registered. Dr. R. i Huger
su'd Dr. J. J. McPherson will be the candi
dates for mayor. Dr. MoPhovson is Co-
endorsed by the knights of labor, and they
will make a strong effort to secure bis eiec
The Troy Enquirer says two Mormon
missionaries were in tuc city last
but did not make an effort to setur- a
building in which to preach. 1 ho cold
reception they met on every hand ■.men
sufficiently encouraging, it w •l;!'-’.'?,., '
Thev remained several days in the Lru i
didge neighborhood, but eou.d no. get t- e
audience of as many as a dozen to hear
them at any of their meetings. j
t)miid3 Un was 0 °shot d m “a n J!£ n \ od Fa .vette
Spring, Sumlav l?v tnil , killod , at Silver
there, named Hester e i, k l t t' rn P 11 operator
but made hi, , ' ,Ie . 8ter was arrested,
train while J um P i "B >''om the
11 at Silver Springs about a year since.
n’ fu e shaking of the'ague!
X> Jhe tortures of Neuralgia!
o’ r? e tnifi< ? r y of dyspepsia!
o’ in "retehedness of headache!
Ail or ( f i r,pei, l bili0U8 «>lic!
Tii» tn he8e wil , 1 8Ure >y vanish
If vmffi n,'!P W f b i ef °a the Southwind,
You “ n Smith’s Bile Beans.
For n Can l ! J th £ m nt y° ur drug Store
b A or * Quarter of a dollar;
Yon !,nn° U wiU , onl .V try them
You will never be without them.
dccl eod&wlm
Prepared with etrfrt regard to Purltv, Strength, nnd
IleidthfulniH's. Dr. Price's Baking Powder contains
no Ammonia.Lime.Alum or Phosphates. Dr.Price’s
Extracts, V auiila, Leiuou, etc., liavor deliciously.
twee BAKINS POWDER CO. Cmonro.
Duffy’s Pure !Y!aIt Whiskey
Duffy’s Formula.
For the Weak nnd Debilitated and
Wasting; Diseases.
Ma . - » y, aiui 1 '« arc to cln- rlully n*!d
im* | lie enervated tyst in! 1 i ve - ;f-
ered lro I *e ijrri Mni n b trlii b
Qa I I M - II B ■ \ - l i-
c*i 'M\- i 1 •. A friend Mtsgrsted that I ln
Put: .-; M 'll w ..l. c y, .,nd I dal po. with
Ini- iii*]«• until Hi it li coni i ; «.*siM\ -mi r-<\e
li.v C'Cii’i't'-.u. M> health luut. liov. c*.• r. I r*t*n
p.iU f i:<>icil. mi-1 I cum i -uv-lv realize
that I VMS cw*r . Ck. As it ii Ionic
nn ' I confer I'ufivT Pare
ii,.l Wimskoy I tv-ini ti.c c-rln.iiilnn ol
nu-M 'Ctl*. Mils. Kl.PA l-T.DDKUMAN.
Mu..!. MlT dl! I P HKBR.IWI Market St..'on Pel.. NMiw s: "Your Pnfl'V V-
il lhr ev
cine in
on I hi ai ci
on Intac
. I,ji.
I civ n your monte
1. am now mhiir the iMr«l : ot-
- I', ’" Whtftknv. When I
f. vi* c II l WHS not able to be out
u I u i d from U o*i’lock in tun
I !• o’l-iffi k a I lilirht. t'evcrul
.need the lir.i.roven eni the whir-
• in <• M f'bti:!’ lor ihciiisrlv- h.
1. i.V I l ave ucne them a great
,t; Hbt.ul !t.
mwb. i.uriKN micos.
’Til STKKKT. NK-.V Yomc. N. Y.
1 I MV- •.’•■ O y. m* Dll fit's Form-
•• I * • iv Mi,!; NVbi-.kev, ti,-| !!;, ( |
tl:. Willi HI.: <• f.v aril, trouble. I milk yi ur
litcparuliou \cr t - ^ m p . ^ HAVn#AN|)
DcrrAUcx. Ohio.
D.*fir Sim- t Bb.Tll cnnni.u- he u »* ot your
Di.jrv% Pure M •'! Wi.JsS.i-tmd Duflv’s For-
niclft, for h Is nil »! ftl keer h me up., h
i »l kc . _
.0?.- .tr- unit lhe hous- if I
dir! no! it. Mus. 4). 1'.. lllliKAUD.
Gentleman 1 concur in the endorsement
of all ilint has been pai l of PuTv’s Pure V.-ilt
Whiskey. v I • SPIN’S Pit.
Late Tr*’usurer of the Untied States.
Bai.timouk, Md.
jfT-Oru Wiir«KP.Y i* Sold Only in Sealrd
Bowlhp, Ni.vkk ik Bulk.
a man by the name of John Gray, living ,
sear Activity in Monroe county, hung (
himself a fey days ago. He w c . j
the woods some distance from his house
hanging to a limb oi a tree, lie was intent
on taking his life, it seems, as » c «
razor found on ins perso", and t he su, m
Eition is that should he fail in nangm?,
himself he would cut his throat. He e'
dm it I v w m orazv, as ins actions rot stu rai ,
days before his death w.-m:strangely noftee-
abfe. Financial embarrassment is the sup
posed cause.
FI, rlil#.
died Lake Worth last Wednes-
i no damage.
•rage there are twelve to fifteen
transfers at Orlando daily, and
rate oil nil average y'.o.iu.
jads of iron having just arrived
for the new water works, the
xpects to be running on I ebru
i for I he new church builrfi'jtr
ibvterians of DeLand are nca. }
it wiii he a commodious build-
5 best in town.
en voung men from the V) hite
fcX of New Hampshire are
villa seeking employment m
,nd orange groves of the state.
100 worth of brick buildings, a
p La lid’s boom for this winter.
dson introduced in the house
ill inipropri iting - -.0.000 l a ■ e
suirV.v Station and buoy den t
nth^M^M « &*£*&*%
a bill was referred to toe tom
•Jto. if Andalusia and Fort San
•ds and nurseries, Le Jn omintjq
an seven acres in bemin„, h-u
Old Saul’s
nr DrueelsT, or T'v Mall 25 re ts
Something Worth Having.
iDeie Xoiv ?iP<*d for IK*V7. Tlie
On v r itn) *.i:“ pnhlisliod illostr.-.tinK cvorytliing
in iar •« Field and Flower tfeeds. New Heeds,
^ew V.'.-tc’ioush, f.’vy.vSJfiu;;- Xeu. Ready
for ! • a;s. d titrib'diun early in Dev*-*-idler.
Send vonr address f*. V. SIUXLSA
CD.. S-vl'tscii, <i 1 -’i;u! «« X 5 rmil St..
and 200 Aidi Si., l».iiimi»’l|>ldn. Pn.
nov8 weow I’t
Whereas, F- lder Pou makes npplication for
1. Ucrs ol administ ation on the* estate of Burrell
Burkte. deceased. „ , . .
THcse -ir-. therefore, to cite all and sinwilar.
tlu kindred and creditors of said dt.■eased, to
Jiiow r;i'is.§. i any they have, within the time
in scribed b? lav/, why said letters should not be
i;me led to said applicant. . ,
Witness my official signature thlr^December
dec? on w i w Ord inarv
i Most hspnily meets the demand of the ago foi
| i.Fculiar affliction?. II is a remedy tor
I WOMAN! ON i .V. and for one special class of he,
diseases. It is spe'ilic for certain diseased con-
i , lions of the womb, and so controls th.
I Menstrual organs ns to retaliate all deranKement#
; aiul i “eirulanties "I her Monthly Sickness. The
nroimemmelaim for this remedy no other inedi-
c il nropi-rtv. I: is strictly a Vegetable Coro
non. d, the studied ;. - .cnption of a learned phy-
u-.j.l'i,se ity was I-umalk Diseases.
nm'V-'i,-'" fiiine iaoame enviable because of hi,
in t'lf- ireatrnent and cure of female eom-
I plaints. Suffenmc will relieve you of
: nearly all complaints peculiar to your sex.
I For sale by drusTKisU. Write for book. "Me?
| ease to Woman,” mailed free.
Bhadfield Kegolatok Co., Atlanta, Ga.
eod&w arm
nriic's Ki.rxnt
A \ AU- fiJ tL / u > fa, I’ALA i ISfc,
r FOR ALL. a week and expense*
li pii.j * v’a'.uable outfit and particulars
[\ h-ee F O. VUCKORY. Aagnska, I»ie
oc4 wfim
Xmas comes but once a year, therefore make happy the hearts of those you love and esteem.
Read below enumerated a list of articles suitable for presents :
For Your Mother an«l Niftier.
Nweetheurt, Wife oml
Bracelets, Necklaces, Lockets,
Tiny Queen Chains, Westcains,
Silver or Gold Watch, Rings,
Cuff Buttons, Cuff Pins,
Collar Buttons, Ganteliues,
Silver or Gold Thimbles,
Silver Hair Pins
Silver and Gold Glove and Shoo But-
Opera Glasses, Vases,
Jewel Boxes, Bronzes,
Artistic Clocks, Card Receivers,
Silver Card Cases, Silver Bells,
Napkin Rings, Bronze Lamps,
Picture Frames, Eye Gluss Chains,
Spectacles oml Eye Glasses,
Solid and Plated Forks, Knives and
Spoons, Book Marks,
Gold Pencils, Pens, Toothpicks,
Solid Silver and Plated Cups,
Solid Silver Soup and Oyster Ladles,
Berry, Preserve and Sugar Spoons,
Butter Knives, Butter Dishes,
Pickle Stands, Castors,
Pearl Handle Knives.
For Your Fatlirr nnd Itrothcr,
lIiiNtmnd nnd Friend.
Silver or Gold Watches,
Gold or Plated Chains,
Cult Buttons,
Collar Buttons,
Watch Charms,
Scarf Pins,
Silver Match Safes,
Stud Buttons,
Napkin Holders,
Eye Glasses,
Pebble Spectacles in Steel and Nick
el, Silver nnd Gold Frames,
Napkin Rings,
Opera Glasses,
Office Clocks,
Gold Toothpicks,
Gold Pencils,
Gold Headed Walking Canes,
Seal Rings,
Gold Headed Silk Umbrellas,
Combination Breakfast Sets,
Silver Tobacco Boxes,
Wiskbroom, Solid Silver Handle,
Society Pins,
Ash Receivers.
Guard Chains,
For Your Little Pets.
Solid Silver and Plated Cups,
Silver Pap Spoons,
Solid Silver Child’s Set,
Silver Plated Child’s Set,
Silver Thimbles (Yom No. 1 upward,
Bib Pins,
Breast Pins and Ear Rings,
Stud Buttons,
Solid Silver Baby Rattles,
Silver Plated Napkin Rings,
Solid Silver Napkin Rings.
School Sets,
Ear Rings,
Silver Knives nnd Forks,
Silver hnt'i iy Pins,
Boys’ Watches,
Microscope for botanical exploits,
Pencils ami Pens,
Beautiful Little Diamond Rings,
Silver .Mugs.
Diamonds mounted in Rings, Pins, Eardrops, Collar Buttons, Cuff Buttons, Studs, Scar!
Pins, etc., at very reasonable prices.
For t’lerh ot Superior Court.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-
election to the office of Clerk of the Superior
Court of Muscogee County at the election to be.
held in January’ next. Geo. Y. Pond.
For County Treasurer.
I wish my friends to know that I will be a can
didate for this office at the next election I am j
here to run. R. J Moses, j
nov20 did
I announce myself a candidate for County I
Treasurer, and respect hilly ask the voters of !
Muscogee county for their suffrage,
d&wtd John C. Cook. J
Invite Your Attention to Their Long List of
I respectfully announce myself a candidate for
Treasurer of Muscogee county, and earnestly
solicit your support. I nc-ed the office and wil
be very thankful for your assistance. I am pre
pared to run. Election on the* first Wednesday
in January next, 1887. •
ocuse&wedtd Jordan L. Howell.
I announce myself as a candidal o for the office
of County Treasurer, ami respectfully solicit
your support for lie same. Election January
next. G. E. Gagku.
Columbus, Ga., September 22,188G. sep'23 tf
i^pcoive *•-
I announce myself a candidate for election to
the office of Tax Receiver, ani respectfully solid:
the votes of the citizens of Muscogee county.
Election Wednesday, January 5, 1887.
noviedtf Woolfolk Walker.
I announco myself a candidate for Tax R
ceiver of Muscogee county, and respective-.,
ask the support of the voters. I
sep22 if .T. H. Harrison. ;
I respectfully announce myself a candidate for
re-election to the office of Tax Receiver, and ask j
your suffrage. I have ever tried to discharge
roy duty as an officer, and will still do the same
if elected. Election January next.
Respectfully, J. C. Reedy.
nov5 td
I respectfully announce myself a candidate for
Tax Receiver of Muscogee county. Election first
Wednesday in January. Geo. W. Cargill.
nov7 td
For Tux tellector.
I announce myself as a candidate for Tax
Collector of Muscogee county (election
January next), and respectfully solicit the sup
port of the volera of said county.
aug29dtfwlm Oliver P. Poe.
Announcing myself a candidate for re-election
to the office of Tax Collector of Muscogee county,
I respectfully solicit the votes of its citizens,
and will endeavor to deserve ihr-ir support by
faithfully discharging the duties of this office in j
the ftiturc as in-he past. Election first Wednes- j
day in January next.
sep21 eodtd Davis A. Andrews.
I announce myself a candidate for Tax Col
lector, of Muscogee couniy (election January
next), and ask for the support of the voters c»?
said e unty. J. C. Woolpolk.
«ep7 dt f
Useful, Inexpensive & Appropriate Holiday Gifts,
Cassimere and Cashmere Shawls, double arid single, hlacl
and colors. A splendid line of Ladies' Traveling and Shop
ping Bags. Kid and Fabric Gloves of every description
Silk Handkerchiefs and Silk Mulders; Ladies' and Genlle
men’s Hemmed and Corded and Ilemstildifid Handkerchiefs
plain and colored borders—a splendid line. The largest 1 iik
of Embroidered Handkerchiefs it lias ever been our pleasim
to show.
Some very choice Wraps left to be sold very cheap.
Handsome Blankets.
Could a more common sense present be made?
You can buy such useful presents in our Dress Goods de
partment. Black Silks, Colored Silks, Black Cashmeres.
Black Di-ess Goods of every description.
A splendid line of Ladies’ Silk Umbrellas with gold and
silver heads, good qualities and cheap.
Rich and elegant Table Linens and Napkins, by the yard
and in sets. A large variety of Brussels arid Nottingham
Lace Curtains; they are not expensive; lliey are cheap.
Table Covers and Table Scarfs. High Novelties in La
dies’ and Children’s Hosiery, lovely goods. We are showing
fresh goods in every department in the house.
A beautiful line of Ginghams just received. A beautiful
line of Prints just received.
We are displaying llie following new Bustles : Lucca,
Lotta, Patti and Fedora. Novelties in Ladies’ Gossamers,
Gossamers of every description for Ladies and children, and a
great many other tilings which we haven't room to nienlion
here. We are offering bargains all through our house.
Come in id try us.
V* L A N c. U A I? I). BOOT TI
For C oroner.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for Cor
oner for Muscogee county at the ensuing eh c
tion. W. D. Am yet.
nov? (ltd
I announce myself as a candidate for Coroner
of Musco ee county.
deel2 td Simpson Stribbling.
I announce myself as a candidate for re-elec
tion ns Conner of Muscogee county.
dccl:! did Isaac T. Brooks.
Far Sheriff.
I most respectfully announce myself as a can- j
didate for re-election as sheriff of Muscogee coun- -
ty. Election first Wednesday in January next. I
decll td J. G. Burrus. j
Eagle and Phenix Manfg Co. I
A Semi-Annual Dividend of THREE PICK j
CENT is due and payable at the office of the |
Eagle and Phenix Manufacturing Company on j
December .list, 1888. The transfer books of cer- I
tificates of stock will be closed from December I
20th until January 1st, 1897. A. J. YOUNG, j
dec7 eltd Treas’r Eagle anti Phenix Mfg. Co. j
Fire Insurance Agent,
Pioneer Building, Front Street. Telephone No. 104.
Honestly paid every loss since 1810.
Every policy issued under New York Safety Fund law.
SUN FIRE OFFICE, of LONDON Established 1710.
Always successful.
Policies issued on all classes of insurable property.
Heprtientiitive Companies. Courteous Treatment. Fair Adjustments. Prompt Payments.
A share of your bind ness solicited.
F. M. KHOWMW A « »., ■ ■ Aurt’r#
XTF.W Dwelling of three platdcred rooms and
f * cook room. Lot about i .’0x130, located direct-
lv fronting leapt.) Mr W. II. llughcH. and next
door north of Mr. A. G. Redd’s residence. Well
at d garden. Street cars to city every 30 minutes.
Terms, one-third cash, balance one and two
years, with 8 per cent interest.
Real Estate Agt, Columbus,Ga.
so wed fri tf
4kl**r:n ONE STORE HOUSE on Tenth
Cl street; six rooms, 34x116 feet, Wil
pay 17 percent on investment.
One six-room House on Ninth street.
One three-room IIousg and lot 60x147 feet 10
inches, cheap. Call quick.
One four-room House on Tenth street, corner
Fifth avenue.
One small Store House on Rose Hill.
Real Estate Agent, No.Q2 12th St
Valuable City Property.
' *by virtue of an order from the Superior Court
of Muscogee County, passed on the first duj of
the November term, 1hm«» thereof, the undersigned
Commissioners appointed by said court will sell
in front of the court house of said county, in
the city of Columbus, on the first Tuesday in Jan
uary R37, between the legal hours oi sale at pub
lic outcry, to the highest bidder, the following
described citj property, all lying iu the city or
Columbus, county of Muscogee, State of Georgia,
All that tract, or parcel of land lying nnd being
in the city«*f Columbus, krown mid distinguish
ed in the plan of Haiti city as the south half of
city Jot nun.her four hundred and eighty nine,
(4hjp, fronting on McIntosh street. Glow Fifth
avenue), containing one fourth <'ii of an acre,
move or less, together with all and singular the
rights, members and upnurttnances, and im
provements to the nunc* in any manner belong
ing Teims, cash.
Possession given on < xecutlon of deed to pur
nov 80-dtd Commissioners.
M Y place on Talbotlon road, about two miles
from city,on line of Georgia Midland. Has
a new live room House, nil necessary out-houses,
in excellent repair; splendid spring. The place
contains 102' ;. acres, about 25 acres of which are
heavily wooded.
Foi particulars apply to me on the place*. ®r
to T. M. Folev, opera house
A Stamford Work
M <f
f r/ *£ fa,n ! c;
^ ° r d Un /y
A Great Med leal Work on MunlimHi
Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical • bil-
ity, Prc-nmtuif Decline in Man, Errori oi ih,
and llie untold misi iyuvsuliiitgfrom indi u »:relio*
or exceshiv*. A book for every men, yonnt:. mid
dle-agio and fid. Ji rontuYn l'i proscriptions
firm) acute and chronic rliri usee, each one oi
which is invaluable. So found uy the Author
whose eypi-ri'-m.v f«*r 2 yiarsissui n as probably
never Be! -re in tel the h-t of any pbyhiciuii. 30f
pages, bound in beautiful Freiuh r uslin, em-
bo-sed covers, full gilt, gu.iranteid to be a liner
work in rveiy sense imcbanieal, literary and
professional than any other work fold mi this
eoiintr-;.'tor ?’.to, or the money will be* reiunded
in every instance Pi ice only ?1.00 by mail, post
paid. Illu Crated sample o cent*. Send uow.
Gold im-il-I .••...rd, ii th- author by the Ns’iemd
.Medical A-social An, to tin Fr*--ident o' which,
the Hr i . P. A. B * 11, and i - ati ofli n ot
the Board th< n n!tr isri i cti i ly ref rred.
Th> of Lite ‘*u»chi • ■< . -ad t,y the ^onn/r
for instruction, amt by tin? ulliicteil for re.iu f. Il
will In rn lit all. London Lancet.
Therein no member rd society to whom Th«
Science of life will not bcuBeful, whether youth,
parent, guardian, instructor or clergyman.—Ae»
’ Adoress thr* Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr,
W. li. Parker, No. » Pidlinch strut, Breton,
Mass., who niuy be consulted on all diseases re-
<Inii'ingskii! and experience, r'bronie and obBtl-
natc «J»*-« uses t‘iat have baffled tlu. skill of all
other physicians a specialty. Such treated s.uo-
eessfuiiy without, an instunce of failure. Mea
tion Ibis paper. ap28 wl
11.1, svl> for low price the four room Dwelling
and beautiful lot west side of Second avenue
between fourteenth and Fifteenth streets. Cara
pass the door eveiy 16 minutes.
Real Estate Agent, ColumLua, Ga.
se wrd fri tf
r rHERE will be an election held at the different
1 pre-’inedri in the county of Muscogee on
W. <ine-d y.thefjtb day of January uxt (1887),
for Sheri If. Clerk ot the Superior Court, Tax Re
ceiver Tax < lector. County Tr, usurer. County
Surveyor, and Coroner. The managers will
please call ;-t my office for the nccesiary blanks.
This December 1th, H t>.
dtd F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary.
g entlen/ie n-sFRI Etifi#
Cures O untlt; in”to4 daya
Ask your drug-gist for it.
Sent tonnyaddres.3 for $1.GP
oc& dun
— Il.avu ;t iiodluve rcmtOy lor toe above tlD« .r-; l»y tm ua«
t -UK Pin ad Inf
,r faith In Ps eflicacSk
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V. u. eddttan. D1U ». A. bi/JCLtf, lil 1 e»rl 6L,
Will i > i"l TWO IIOTTI.IS KKK
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We have the and cheapest Hose in the market. A full line of Hose Reels and Nozzles.
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