Newspaper Page Text
Columbus, Ga., December 23,1880.
Haw York % off, Eastern % off, Boston Blight M
»ff, Savannah off; Bank checking on New York
Brer the counter % premium and on Savannah
%t par.
Market to-day very dull; inferior 0; ordi ary
—c: *ood ordinary-c; low middling 8}ic;
middling 8 r * H c. good middling 8%^8%e.
To-day. To Date
By Southwestern railroad 40
By Mobile and Girard railroad 118
By Columbus and western road... 10
Bv Ooiuirbus and Home railroad.. 21
By Georgia Midland 3
ay the river 100
By wagons 100
By South western railroad..
By Columbus and Western road... 0 0
By the river 0 0
Taken by Columbus factories 0 8,138
Totals 40 40,156
Bales 591 43,340
Stock on hand August 31, 1885 1,079
Beoeived to-day 407
4 * previously 69,874— 60,341
Shipped to-day 40
previously 46,110—46,156
Stocks on hand 16,204
Stock August 31. 18R5, 350; received same date,
§48; total receipts 67,830; shipped same day 333;
total shipments 47,476; stock 20,770, sales 136;
middling, 8%c.
Read new advertisements in Ten Cent Column.
Christina*: Goods—.1. T. Kavanagh.
Cheap Mules—Rollin Jefferson.
Tennessee Dressed Turkeys—E. M. Averett’s.
Ellerslie Lots for Sale.
Fireworks—M. M. Moore.
Notice-W. L. Clark, Agent.
Christmas Tree—H. A. Hyde.
Scarfs, etc.—Lovelace & Co.
Mirket Stalls for Rent—M. M. Moore.
Varieties—H. H. Daniel.
Married Yesterday.
Mr. Wm. M. Flowers and Miss Ella Jackson '
were married in this city yesterday aflernoon at 1
3 o’clock. The ceremony was performed by Rev. .
J. W. Howard.
Complimentary Hop.
The Columbus Athletic club will give a hop at
Villa Reich on Friday night, the 31st inst., com
plimentary to Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Filler
The committee of arrangements is Messrs. Asher
A. Bivins, Felix H. Burr us nnd George T. Curry.
file Catholic Bazaar.
The Christmas tree and bazaar for the benefit
ofSt. Joseph’s academy was repeated last night
at the convent. There was quite a large attend
ance who spent the evening very pleasantly.
There was quite a number of h indsonie ana val
uable articled rallied, which swelled the proceeds
to quite a neat sum. Last night was the closing
of the bazaar.
The Mission School.
The mission school of the First Presbyterian
church will have their Christmas exercises in t lie
lecture room of that church this afternoon at 4
o’clock. The ladies at the head of this school, if
it may properly be called a school, have gener
ously prepared nice presents for all the childre n
who are members of it. The children of poor
parents and orphan children meet there at stated
intervals and are taught to read, to write, to spell
and how to sew and do other domestic work, it
iH a good institution, and the public arc cordially j
invited around ?«t 4 o’clock this aflernoon. \
Arrival ofltuv. .1. R. K. Smith.
Rev, J. B. K. Smith, the new pastor of Broad
Street Methodist church, reached the city yester
day from Camilla. Heist e guest of Mr. C. H.
Herring for the present*and he will at once en
ter upon his pastoral duties. His family will ar
rive Home time next week.
Rev. Mr. Smith conies among us highly recom
mended as a Christmas gentlemen and an excel
lent preacher. We welcome him in our midst
and bespeak lbr him faithful work and earnest
endoavors to increase the membership of this
alrea iy flourishing church.
Rev. SV. A. Huckabeo, the former pastor, is still
in the city, but will probably leave on Tuesday
next for his new home.
The Registration Law as liuciidoil.
The registration law of Muscogee county, as
amended, provides that “ any qualified voter of
•aid county, who is absent therefr mi during the
entire time of registration, may make the atUda
vit prescribed, alleging therein the fact of such
absence before the registrar of his district, and
the registrar of his district shall deliver the nfll.
davit to the ordinary, and give to the afllant u
Certificate that he has made the constitutional
oath and oath of absence. And this shall be
equivalent to a registration.”
In addition to this the amended-act provides fur
only one general registration every two years,and
for supplemental ones for intervening elections
should there be any.
The .Minstrels To-night,
nicks & Sawyer’s colored minstrels have the
reputation of being the best genuine negro min-
•trol troupe in the country. They will give a per
form nice to night, at .Springjr opjra house,
and should be greet ed by a large audience. They
are made up from singers, dancers and special
ists, possessed of native genius. They learned
their songs and dances in the cabin, on the plan
tation and the levee; therefore # tlu*y can give the
genuine plantation air to their work, which is
the charm of negro minstrelsy. They arc all art
ists and all pl.vy their parts well. In addition to
their skill on the stage, they are finished per
formers on brass instruments, ami will give mag
nificent street parades, brass baud concerts ami
fancy drills. The press appears to be unani
mous in the approval of this company.
Dnitli of S. II. Jem iso a, Esq.
8. H. Jcmisou, Esq , of Macon, died in that
city on last Tuesday morning. Ho was buried
yesterday in the cemetery at Millcdgevillo.
At ttte time of his aeath Mr. Jemison was in bis
thirty-fourth year, ami although so young a man,
his talents nad made him famous among Macon
barristers. His had been a checkered career, but
throughout it all, he never lacked for friends.
There was probably no young man in the »ta'e
so universally known and respected for bril
liancy. When informed of his approaching end
he merely nodded assent, and never a muscle
quivered, nor a look from his flashing eye be
tokened the least fear of the grim reaper’s ap
proach. He lingered, retaining consciousness,
until just before 0 o’clock Tuesday m ruing,
when he became unconscious and so passed
Death of Mr. Amos Brantley.
Mr. Amos W. Brautley died yesterday afternoon
•t 1:10 o’clock in his room at the Central hotel
• a lingering affection of the kidneys. While
his death was not unexpected, its auuouucemeut
will carry a pang of sorrow to the hearts of a
large circle of friends. At the time of his death
he was the general manager of the White Sul-
pher Springs and Mr. J. M. DeLacy’s business at
Greenville. On the first of this month he found
it necessary to come to this city for medical treat
ment, but his condition grew gradually worse and
caused liis death.
Mr. Brantley was formerly book-keeper for
Allen, Freer & Illges, in this city. At that time
he was first lieutenant of the City Light Guards
and was much beloved by the company. Every
one who knew Amos Brant icy speaks well of his
warm heart and noble impulses and grieve for
. his departure.
\ The remains will be forwarded to Greenville
this morning at 6 o’clock for interment.
—Indications for Florida and Georgia: Rain,
southeasterly winds, shifting to colder north
—The sot of bed-room farniture, belonging to
Mrs. Dr. Johnson, which was rallied Wednesday
night, vas won by Mr. George Chaffin.
—A griHt mill and gin, near CAtaula, in the
neighborhood of Mr. L. G. R. Wiggins, were
burned Wednesday night. We could not learn
the name of the owner.
—Palm Tarver was placed under a hundred
dollar bond for carrying concealed weapons and
a fifty dollar bend for assault and bnttery yester
day by the mayor to appear before the city court.
—Bctweon 200 nnd 300 negroes came to the city
yesterday from above Oood water where they have
been working on the railroad extension to
Birmingham. Their intention is to spend the
holidays here. About three miles of the track
has been laid.
—Mr. Mose Kaufman has a half dozen alliga
tors about a foot long sent to him by Mr. Max
Banner from Florida. Mr. Kaufman intends to
tame them and teach the little things some
•musing tricks. They already come when he
whistles and eat crumbs from his hands.
I/Allepro German Club Excels Itself—Christman
Begun With Appropriate Festivity—A Perfect
If bright lights, gay colors, light hearts, sweet
music, good things to eat and the rippling laugh
ter of happy maidens and gallant beaux is an ap
propriate forerunner of tbi t joyous season, old
Christmas, in all his bluff and hearty honesty,
was begun last night in royal style. The occa
sion was the Christmas german of the L'Allegro
club, and Hotel Riddle was the place. This ger
man was looked forward to with pleasurable
anticipations, as it was understood
that the boys would spread them
selves. It is sufficient praise for their noble
efforts to Uh’ier in the gladsomest time of all the
year with mirth nnd dancing, to say that no one
was disappointed. Everything moved along
smoothly and nothing happened to jar in the
slightest the festivity of the night. All seemed
to have beaming faces, radiant with innocent
joy. It was by far the most pleasant german of
the season, and h ng did the gay couples enjoy
the beautiful and mazy figures of the dance. The
twinkling feet of the dancers never kept more
perfect time to more exquisite strains. Prof.
Chase’s orchestra famished the music, which is
enough to say this feature could not well have
been improved upon.
The visiting young ladies were Miss Young, of
Lexington, Ky.; Miss Farris, of Montgomery:
Miss Pauline Stewart, of Macon, and Miss Flora
Fitten, of Atlanta. Their charming presence
added no little to the attractiveness of the occa-
The following young married couples were
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Faber.
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Jones.
Mr and Mrs. W. W. Curtis.
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Woodruff.
Mr. ar.d Mrs. F. A. Clark.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Joseph.
Among the chaperones were the following:
Mrs Gen. S. G. French, Mrs. J. R. Mott, Mrs. I).
E. Williams and Mrs. B. T. Hatcher.
L’Allegro german club never does things by
halves, and lust evening was a sample of what
the members can do when they try. It was per
fect, and it was a german long io lie repiembored
by everyone of the thirty couples present.
Mr. William Moore, of Chattanooga, is in the
Mr. Toombs Crawford, of Birmingham, is in
the city.
Mr. Thomas W. Ligon left, for Atlauta yester
day to spend the holidays.
Major D. K. Baker, of Goodwater, Ala., is reg
istered at the Rankin house.
Dr. T. F. Brewslsr went up to his home in Hav
ri8 county yesterday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Radcliff, of Meri
wether, arc in the city watching Santa Claus.
Mr. Charles Joseph, of Florida, will reach the
city to-day to spend the holidays with his parents.
Colonel W. W Jenkins was in the city yester
day locking up Xmas tricks for his interesting
Dr. Ashford and 8. M. Brannon, Esq., of
VIonut Airy, came down on the Georgia Midland
Col. H. Uuseey and Mr. Arthur Bussey returned
to the city yesterdav from lip the Columbus and
Rome railroad.
Mrs. B. H. Williams, of Harris county, was in
the city yesterday to meet her husband on his
return from the legislature.
Miss Lou Thomason, who lived near Cataula*
Harris county, passed through the city yesterday
en route to La Fayette, Ala., where she will make
her future home.
Miss Annie B. Harley spent several hours in
the city en route for Sparta, Ga., where she will
remain during the holidays with relatives and
Miss Annie Cargill, the beautifal and accom
plished diughter of John W. Cargill, of Colum
bus, who lms been visiting relatives on Washing
ton street, has left lor Romo, to spend several
weeks.— Const itulion.
Miss Berta Henry, f Seale, Ala., Misses Jessie
and Maude Burnett and Miss Susie Riddle, of
Columbus, all reached the city yesterday from
LnGrange, where they have been in attendance
at La Range Feiualo college. The young ladies
will spend the holidays at home.
Christmas Eve.
A sugge stive row of little stockings will swing
to-night from the mantels in many a Columbus
house. The family theorist who decided on not
giving presents ibis year has been dashing des
perately around over the frozen snow or in sludge
from shop fo shop, tallying each purchase with a
crumpled list in confidential glove, seeking pres
ents “which would be the very thing fo such a
one” ( who is not included on ordinary lists), and
generally striking her hostile colors and hoist ing
the white flag of generons surrender. Indoors
the children are holding consultations. “Don’t
come in,” salutes every one who suddenly opens
a door—the afghan is conspicuously draped over
knobby spots on the sofa, closets are slammed
and locked at the first sound of approaching foot-
* tops,the oldest sister is picking out queer si itches
in the little one’s gift and finishing it smoothly.
The rightful occupauts of bureau drawers are ig-
nominiously shouldered aside by brown pnpe
parcels. To-night the boys will measure for their
longest stockings—the baby-by-courtesy—will
take furtive peeps through the interstices of the
heater before going to cr.b, and fall asleep in the
serene confidence that St Nicholas received bis
grimy and misspelt epistle, judiciously “p 1 sted
on mamma's pincushion. It behooves the pater
fimilias to lay in a stock of oranges—one for the
heel of each appealing stockiug. Science would
have a hard time to persuade any one at Christ
mas-tide tha; stockings are unhealthy wear.
The feast of light or least of dedication, 1. e.,
the dedication of the temple by Judas, the Mao*
cabee. was introduced last Wednesday evening
and lasts eight days. This is no holiday, but
days commemorative of the heroic conquest of
the Maccabeans over the Syro-Greeiau army, and
is celebrated by Israelites as days of gladness
and thanksgiving for God’s protection in sorest
danger. To-night the rabbi will deliver a dis
course in the synagogue ou the subject, “The
Feast of Light Emblematic of Principle,” to
which all are welo >me.
Services begin at 7:30; to-morrow morning at 10. j
Facts from Fortson.
Fortbon, Oa., December 23.—On last evening
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Almond celebrated their
woo<!en wedding, and a most delightful enter
tainment it was. Various subjects of interest
were discussed, among which was the enormous
rise in the price of coffee, and the useless habit
the people have of drinking it. We about voted
it out of our bill of fare. It is the poor man’s
drink, and it will make any man poor to drink
much of it at tho present prices. Let us do like
the poor darkey und have it every Sunday morn
ing for breakfast if we drink it at all. After
awhile supper was announced, nnd it is hard for
me to recall a table more heavily loaded
with every kind of viands. I am sure I never
saw a set of inoro orderly and well-behaved
young men. They would be an honor to any
community, n they arc to this, and they reflect
credit upor ir parents and good breeding, as
all good u • iviour does. “Train up a child in
the way he should go, and when he is old he will
not depart therefrom.” As the mild-eyed Jersey
shows his mark, you can always tell the blood
and the raising of a young man in any society.
There will be a Christmas tree celebration at
Shiloh church to-morrow evening, and one at
Ml. Zion church Saturday evenii g.
Mrs. A E. Williams and children will return
from Macon this evening.
central hotel.
M. L. Perkins, J. J. Tatum, Atlanta; J. H.
Hunter, Montgomery; \V S. Perryman, J. T.
Phillips, Tulbotton: J. D. Robinson, N. B. Brooks,
Hamilton; J. F. Brewster, Cataula; H. C. Lee,
Atlanta; A. J. Crisp, New York; L. S. Carnes,
Philadelphia; H. W. Barksdale, Juniper; J. A.
Bowen, Atlanta; W B. Watt, C. F. Harris, Ham
ilton; T. W. Ball, Baltimore; P. M Dick, Opelika;
L. W. Stanford, Hamilton: J. M. Scott, Louis
W. B. Sinclair, Baltimo e; W. P. Slaluaker,
Georgia Midland and Gulf railroad; Lon Miller,
Baltimore; T. R. Ashford, Ellerslie; W. A. Evans,
Boston; C. B. Lauglois, Newark; A. H. Stevens,
Go to Kunsberg’s. You can get toys at your
own price. They must be sold.
dec24 2t J. T. Kavanagh.
A beautiful line of Silk Suspenders.
C. A. Lovelace A Co.
Go to Kunsberg’s. You can get toys at your
own price. They must be sold.
dec24 2t J. T. Kavanagh.
Cooking Butter 20c per pound at H. H. Daniel’s
4 licit]* NIhIon.
Lot of good second-hand Mules for sale.
dec24 tu&l'ri 2m Rollin Jefferson
25,tMK> fliaire Florida DrnuiioH
Just received at Kavauugh's. doc212t
Nice Country Butter for taole use 25c per
pound. IT. H. Daniel.
5.000 Gioirr Florida Oruiitfr*
Just received at Kavauaghls. dec24 2t
Full Dress Shirts just received.
Lovelack & Co’s.
Fre*h ttuixolitrri BD.'tlilUst Naim ni
Just received at Kavanagh’s. dec2i 3t
Offices of the Southwestern Railroad, Mobile and
Girard Railroad, Columbus and Western
Railway, Coium lum and Rome Railway
Columbus, Ga., December 24, 18S6.
Saturday, 25th iust., being Christinas, and u
legal holiday, tho offices, warehouse, compress
and shops will be closed. Consignees and ship
pers will take due notice and make arrangements
accordingly. W. L. Clark,
doc24 2t Agent and Sup’t.
I’rrsh Smoked Halifax Suinuni
Just received at Kavanagh’a. dec24 3t
Oranges, Apples, Nuts, Candy, Itaiains und
other knick-knacks for Christmas, at
II. 11. Daniel’s.
Fro win die lory
Just received at Kavanagh’s. dec24 2t
Tennessee Dressed and Live Turkeys, Cran
berries, Fulton Market Beef Rolls, Pickled
Tripe, Imported Cabbage, at
d c24 2t E. M. Avkkktt’s.
I'i'vnIi Olcry
Just received at Kavanagh’s. dec24 2t
Choice mixed Nuts, 20c per pound; Fancy
Mixed Candy 15c. H. II. Daniel.
fliristiiias Tree
Parties wanting cheap Toys and Fancy Goods
for Christmas trees will do well to call on II. A.
Hyde, Girard, Ai.
Selected lot Tennessee Dressed Turkeys and
Chickens this morning at K. H. Daniel’s.
Choice I)r« ssed Turkeys and Chickens.
J. W. Cargill.
A. F. Gibson & Co. will astoni -h j oil in low
prices of Furniture. 1222 Broad street.
d®cH dtf
i’he I. miles
Who desire making a present of a box of choice
igars are offered apecial inducements by Gilb- rt
A Blanchard, the Druggists. dec23 tl
5.000 RusIicIh liius; I*roof Oats,
In lota of 50 bushes ano upwards, at 62.'^ cents,
delivered at my store, spot casii. Call ut once, or
you will pay higher prices.
decl3 5t W. 8. Freeman.
I>» Not Xi'glrrt
To purchase some of Gilbert A Blanchard s
Toilet Soap. Their job lot is offered thia week
cheaper than ever. dec23 tf
Jl. A. 14 ir veil A fo.*» Announcement.
J. A. Kirven A Co.’s store has been literally
jammed with eager customers since the holiday
trade began, and it is more or less all the year
round. But during this week the rush lias been
unprecedented. The people seem determined to
buy out the stock, though as fast as the goods
are sold they are replaced front a stock to which
there is practically no limit. Such splendid
goods of every description, at such wondrously
cheap prices, have not been seen in many and
many a day. J. A. Kirven A Co. have an
nounced that to-night and every night during
the remainder of the week they will keep open
till a late hour for the benefit of those who can
not buy in the day time. Everybody will be
served promptly, and it will pay everybody to
go to their sioro.
The .Bob l.ot
Of flue Toilet Soaps exposed for sale by Gilbert &
Blanchard offers an excellent chance for you to
obtain a good bargain. dec23 tf
Malaga Grapes by the ban el at
dtf Adams & Bowers.
KlUrttlle LOIN for Male.
On Saturday, December 19th, Mr, R. F. Cartar
sold quite a number of building and business lots
at Ellerslie, on the Georgia Midland and Gulf
road. These lots brought fifty dollars on an
average. On Saturday, January 1st, he will sell
quite a number of other lots at public outcry.
This Is a splendid opportunity for investments,
and no one should fail to attend the sale. Re
member the date, January 1, 11*87. Mr. Carter is
on the premises and will give any information
wanted. dec24 lw
A pure Kentucky Bourbon Whisky at 75c per
quart. H. H. Daniel.
The handsomest Scarfe, Mufflers and Handker
chiefs in the city at Loveiace & Co’s.
Bend to H. H. Daniel’s for a bottle of “Old
Phcenix” Rye Whisky for Christmas use. fl.00
for fall quart bottles.
Ueuernl Aucttmirvr. Renl EstAte,
Stork nml Hoik I Agent.
Special attention given administrators’, execu
tors’ and assignees’ sales, selling and renting
Real Estate at public or private sale. Office over
Abbott A Newsom’s corner.
For Sale—My Residence on Broad street.
fell tf F. G. Wilkins
Malaga Grapes at wholesale at
dtf Adams A Bowers.
NIIH In the Load.
Santa Claus has decided to stay with Adams A
Bowers until after the holidays, because they
have the largest and most complete stock of
Toys in the city. Their already immense stock
was replenished yesterday by the arrival of
another shipment from New York. Don’t fail to
visit them; if you do you will be badly left.
Don’t forget the place.
Adams A Bowers,
dtf 1144 Broad St., Strupper’s Old Stand.
A. F. Gibson & Co. has a large and select stock
of Furniture to be sold as low as the lowest.
decl4 dtf
Roundtree’s Imported, Maillard and Whit
man’s fine Candies in any quantity and prices to
suit the most fastidious, at
dtf Adams A Bowers.
For Kale.
A good farm Ilorse. Will sell on credit or ex
change for a good mule.
dec22 3t J. A. Walker.
Almonds, Walnuts, Pecans, Brazil Nuts and
Cocoa nuts, wholesale and retail, at Pollard’s,
1221 Broad street. dtf
Oranges, Apples and Malaga Grapes at
dll R. Justice, Agt.
Baker’s Chocolate and Jelatine at
d tf R. Justice, Agt.
Removal Notice.
Wo have removed to No. 1022 Broad street, be
low the Central Hotel, whore we will continue to
keep the choicest line of Cigars, Tobacco and
We call especial attention to our celebrated
Imperial Wedding Whisky and fine brands of
Key West and Havana Cigars, and kindly ask
our friends to favor us with their orders.
Louis Buuler A Co.
Sole Agents for the Celebrated Anheuser and
and Budweiser Bottled Beer.
sepl9 tf
God III css the fttildren.
Nothing has been so productive of health anr
diminished so much the suffering and mortality
anion? children an Trethina (Teethinij Powdern).
Tekthina allays Irritation, aids Digestion,
Regulates the Bowels, Strength cub the child,
Cures Eruptions and Sores and makess Teething
All Druggists and country stores keep Teeth-
ina. Brannon A Carson, Columbus, Ga.,
Wholesale Agents, supply the trade at nmnu-
’ vcturer’s prices iv4 d&wly
You will be sure to purchase ahandrome present
at a low price, if you call at Gilbert A Blanchard’s
drug st«'re. Low prices guaranteed. d tf
flinm'ollor'M Nprrinl Order Suit*!
are acknowledf ed to be unsurpassed. To have
him make you one guavanteesfor the house a per
manent customer d&w-tf
3000 pounds fine Stick Candy at 12} per
pound; 2000 pounds Fancy Mixed Caudy at 25c
per pound; choice Mixed Nuts 20c per pound;
finest French Prunes, choice London Layer Figs,
choice Persian Dates at Crane’s.
Best 3 for 25c. Cigar in Georgia at Central
Drug Store. d-tf
Whitman’s Bon-Bons and Crystalized fruits in
one pound packages. Call and see them at J. T.
Kavanaugh’s. decl9-lw
The best and cheapest line of Holiday Goods
in Coiu. bus at Gilbert A Blanchard's drug
store. We mean what we say. d tf
B’rcsh Celery at J. T. Kavanagh’s.
Fresli Celery at J. T. ICavanagh’s.
Fresh Cc-lery at J. T. Kavauagh’s. del6 lw
A Nnv kill of Holiday tiloods.
Our new holiday goods have arrived and are
pretty. Different from anything yet, and cheap
as it is possible for them to be sold. Call early
and select what you want before the assortment
lms been too badly broken. New styles shaving
cases, manicures, odor baskets, fine cut pungents,
albums, work boxes and all other fine
plush, leather and cut-glass goods.
Collar and cuff* boxes at 50 cents.
Comb and brush sets with mirror at $1.85, and a
great many cheap ns well as fine presents that
you will ha’ e to visit our store to get even an
idea of. A beautiful Christmas cigar, put up 25 in
a handsome box, expressly for the ladies to pre
sent gentlemen.
The finest selection of cigars to be had in the
city can be had of us. Cigarettes of all kinds.
Telephone No. 5. Hall A Wheat,
Druggists and Pharmacij-ts,
dtf 1010 Broad Street.
WerioH 3. Clnii(alio»vh«e nnd
Loan Association.
Books of subscription for above series now opei
at office of Yonge A Grimes.
Oltpn B. Grimes. Beo’v and Tress
Fire Crackers, all sizes, at J. T. Kavanngli’s.
Fire Crackers, all sizes, at J. T. Kavanagh’s.
Fire Crackers, ail sizes, at J. T. Kavanagh’s.
decld lw
Frre of fluirge.
We will send you a sample of our improved
Cabinet Photographs that we are proriuciug at
$4 a dozen free of charge, so that you may see
them and be convinced of their superior quality.
If you never had your phiz photographed by us
give us a trial aiul compare results. We can as
sure you sincerdy that you never have invested
j 24 with as much satisfaction as in having your
! phiz photographed at such small cost as is offer-
\ ed now. Remember your money will be refund
ed if we caa’t please you.
dec 19 d&weow Alpha A. Williams
Chairs of alt sorts; also Bureaus, Bedsteads,
etc., at A. F. Gib9on A Co.’s. decl4 dtf
The Old Reliable,
Aro still in the field. Gilbert & fiianehard, the
Druggists, offer a Aril line of pure Drugs, fine
Perfumery, Soaps, Brushes, etc., and a well as
sorted stock of Holiday Goods. d tf
Attorney-at-I.ow. Columbus, Gai.
Prompt attention given to all business. Office
over R. S. Crane. sop4 dly
kv. Noth V. .Ionian,
Operating Surgeon and Physician. Residence
f^uinfis House, east side frent street, opposite
| Lowell Warehouse. Telephone No. 2; Office,
i Carter’s drug store. tf
Holiday Goods 1 Holiday Goods
We have received and displayed our Holiday
Goods, and can promise our patrons and friends
an unusually large and pleasing assortment at
very low prices, our object being more to make a
reputation than a profit on this line of goods.
We have Toilet and Jewel Cases in convenient
combinations, Odor Cases, Majolica Ware, Bisque
and Bronze Figures, Mirrors, Ornaments, Sots
of any description; in fact can please anyone.
Cut Glass Goods, and something entirely new
and u eful in Writing Tablets.
Don’t forget us when you want to buy or look ;
*tis a pleasure for us to show goods.
We are honest in our belief that wo have the
prettiest and most complete assortment of
Bristle Goods ever offered in Columbus. We
have Brushes of every shadow, shape and price,
and for any uses to which a brush can be put.
The Best 25 cents Tooth Brush sold in the state.
A beauti Ail brush for 15 cents.
Face Powder, Puff Boxes, Puffs and Satchet
Powders. A large line of Colognes from every
maker of prominence. Wc distil seven Colognes,
•nd our White Rose Cologne is unequalled.
Our drug department is kept supplied with the
best and purest drugs. Our motto being the best
only. Special and carefal attention given all pre
scription work by qualified and competent pre-
scriptionists. Remember us. Always pleased to
see you.
dtf Geo. A. Bradford, Manager.
If You Desire to Wcc
the most attractive line of Christmas presents
ever show in Columbus examine A. C. Chancel
lor’s silk umbrellas, scarfs, handkerchiefs, muff
lers and cuff buttons. d&w-tf
Texas Polished Pecans at J. T. Kavanangh’s.
Lamps worth 75c. fl and $1.60, for 60c., 75c. and
$1., at Evans A Howard’s. d-tf
Third Shipment
of beautiful mufflers will be shown at Chancel
lor’s this week. dA w-tf
What Next?
When you want a true likeness—oue that your
friends will recognize—Cabinet $4, Card $1.50—
call on Alpha A. Williams. c&weod
A Fine Diamond Ring for only One Dollar a
chance to be raffled off at Bramhall’s, 1117 Broad
in season for a Christmas present. d-tf
lifttest Novelties in liiu Gloves
just received at A. C. Chancellor’s. They are
beauties and “just the thing for Christmas pres
ents.” d&w-tf
Texas Polished Pecans at J. T. Kavanaugh’s.
Handsome Plush Work Boxes, worth $3, $3.25
and $5, at $2.50, $2.60 and $4, at Evans & How
ard’s. d-tf
You can get the best Cabinet Pbotogniph~$4 a
dozen—from Alpha A. Williams. d&weod
•ft) l'er CentClieaper.
My second shipment of fine gold, bronze and
plush frames for Christmas have arrived. I offer
them 40 per cent under former prices to close
them out this week. Alpha H. Williams,
d&w cow The Photographer.
Leave Y«ur Measure ait CL mice I Bor's
if you desire a perfect fitting garment gotten up
in elegant style without delay. d&w-tf
Roundtree’s imported Candies in ami one
pound packages. Tho finest on the market at J.
T. Kavanaugh’s. decl9-lw
Cut Glass Bottles reduced to $1.75, $3, $3.25, $4
and $0 a pair, by Evans & Howard. d-tf
For the Prettiest,
most useful and ornamental Xmas presents go to
Chancellor’s—cuff buttons, scarf pins, umbrellas,
mufflers, handkerchiefs, satchels, trunks, hats,
children's caps, etc. d&w-tf
You can«get the best Cabinet Photograph —$4 a
dozen—from Alpha A. Williams. d*weod
Rouudtree’s imported Candies in and one
pound packages. The finest on the market at J.
T. Kavanaugh’s decl91w
Furniture arriving daily at A. F. Gibson &Co’s,
1222 Broad street. decM dtf
Latest designs in Covering Bottles at Evans &
Howard’s. dtf
Do You Know
why Chancellor sells so many goods and his
house is continually crowded with buyers? He
handles large lots of fine goods, mukes close
prices and gives a valuable guarantee, d&w-tf
Remnant of prize packages fur sale cheap at J.
T. Kavanagh’s. deel9 d5t
You can get the best Card Photogiaph from
$1.50 to $2.50 a dozen from Alpha A Williams.
Remuant of prize packages for sale cheap at J.
T. Kavanagh’s. * decl9 U5t
Call and get your Holiday Goods fr< m Kuns-
berg. You can buy them 'cheaper of him than
elsewhere. decl9 dlvv
The best Cologne in Columbus for $1.50, full
pint bottie*, at Evans & Howard’s. d-tf
You can get the best Card Photograph from
$1.50 to $2.50 a dozen from Alpha A. Williams.
Call nnd get your Fruits, Nuts, Raisins, Can
dies of all kinds from Kuusberg, the cheapest
place in the city. decl9 dlw
Fine Confectioneries, fine Fruits and Nuts, at
rttf Adavs & Bowers.
For I Iii ihGuuh
Celebrated No, 5 wliisk.i^ 75 cents per quart.
Old Virginia rye, $l per qbart.
For the very best get Old llill, $1 per botUe.
Rum 75 cents per quart.
12 19 lw \ T. M. FOLEY.
Mill In the Kin*,
With Toys, Wagons and Dolls, large and small;
Fireworks of all kind, Nuts, Figs, Raisins,
Dates and Cranberries, Oranges and Apples,
Plain and French Candies. Goods of all kinds in
the Confectionery line will be found at 018 Broad
Now, fathers and mothers, bear in mind you
were children once in time. For goodies and
notions by the ton go to
dec!4 lot W. T. Robinson.
I am receiving a large and complete assort
ment of fine Wines and Whiskies. The cele
brated Shield Perfection Whisky at $1 per quart.
Will equal any goods usually sold at $1.60 per
quart. I have a few packages of very superior
Brandies for cooking purposes at 653 per quart;
for medicinal use, a very old Brandy from $1 to $2
per quart; puro Maryland Apple and Peach
Brandy, Ginger Brandy, Golden Sherry Wine,
Port Wine (pure juice); superior old Jaimac*
Rum for egg nog; Rye and Rock, every syrup,
dtf Robert S. Cbanb.
A new lot Gilt Framed Pictures, cheaper than
ever, at A. F. Gibson’s, 1222 Broad street.
decl4 dtf
For Hale.
A splendid young combination Saddle and
Buggy Horse, Buggy Harness, Ac. Sold sepa
rately or together. Apply to
dec2l tf John P, Turner.
Santa flnuN* Headquarter*.
This Christmas is at Adams A Bowers, Stru-
per’s old stand. The store is open day and night,,
and where the largest and most complete assort
ment of Christ mas goods in the city can be found »
Fireworks sold cheaper than anybody.
Candies from 9 ceuts to $2.50 per pound.
Raisins in % boxes, $1.00 each.
Malaga grapes 25 cents per pound.
Oranges, apples, lemons.
Toys from one cent to $25.
Dolls from one cent to $10.
Doll carriages from 50 cents to $5.
Tool chests, doll furniture, house swings, etc.
They sell cheap, and you can get any sort of &
Christmas present there you want. 12-19bf
TlJe ChoirrMt Ggnrs
In the market at Gilbert A Blanchard’s drug;
store. d tf
Extra fine Sweet Oranges 2>^c each at
dtf R. S. Crane’s.
Cheapest line of Cut Glass Bottles ever offered
in Columbus at Evans A Howard’s. dtf
Barrel Pickles, plain and sweet spiced, at 10<r
per dozen. Robert S. Crane.
Almonds, Pecans, Brazil Walnuts, Filberts and
Raisins at J. T. Kavanagh’s.
Almonds, Pecans, Bruzil Walnuts, Filberts and
Raisins at J. T. Kavanagh’s.
Almonds, Pecans, Brazil Walnuts, Filbe ts and
Raisins at J. T. Kavanagh’s. dcelO lw
6000 Sweet Florida Oranges at 30c per dozen,
dtf Robert S. Crane.
50.000 Choice Florida Oranges at
J. T. Kavanagh’s.
50.000 Choice Florida Oranges at
J. T. Kavanagh's.
5r,000 Choice Florida Oranges at
deciO lw J. T. Kavanagh’s.
A complete stock of pure and fresh Staple and
Fancy Groceries, Candies Fruits Etc., at
d tf R. Justice, Agt.
Bed Room Suits cheaper than ever at A. F~
Gibson & Co.’s, 1222 Broad street. decl4 dtf
Moie Diamonds received at Brarohall’s for
Christmas, choice and cheap. dec21 tf
Pure Vermont Maple Sugar in cans, gallon*
and halves, at Pollard’s, 122*1 Broad street, dtf
Clarice 1'isHi hikI Dysters
Always on hand at Jno. W. Miller’s. dcc21 lm
Where Dili I TIio«»<» BeaiiUful
GaoiN ?
Why, at Chancellor’s. He carries the prettiest
and cheapest stock of Christmas presents to ba
found in Columbus. dAw-tf
Whitman’s Bon-Bons and Crystalized fruits in
ODe pound packages. Call and see them at J. T.
Kavanaugh’s. decl9-lw
Toy*! Toy*! Toy*! Toy*!
Tot s for every one at Kunsberg’s the cheapest
place in the city. You will do well by calling be
fore buying elsewhere. deciO dlw
New Good*.
I have just received a very fine line of goods—
Gold Headed Canes, Cuff and Collar Buttons,
Lace Pins, Ear Rings, Ladies’ Watches and
Queen Chains. Very flue line of Silver Plated
Ware. Call aud examine the goods before buy
ing. |dec22 4t] T. S. Spear, Agent.
Best 3 for 2 c Cigar at Evans & Howard’s, tf
Tilt* fitcut
Cabinet Photogrnphs $4 a dozen till January 10-
Cabinet Photographs $4 a dozen till January 10-
Cabinet Photographs $1 a dozen till January 10-
Cabinet Photographs $4 a dozen till January 10-
Cabinct Photographs $-1 a dozen till January 10-
Alpha A. Williams.
Stuffed Mangoes, Barrel Pickles aud Olive , by
the gallon and in jars, at Pollard’s, 1224 Broad
street. dtf
lVlint Yon fan liny of Lovelace & fo.
for XiuiiN,
Dunlap or Stetson Hat at $5 00.
Underwear at $l 50 to $18 00 a suit.
Handsomest Trunks or Satchels to be found in
the south.
Silk Umbrellas from &] 00 to $16 00.
An elegant Suit made to fit from $30 to $o5.
Call early and leave your outers with
declo lw 0. A. Lovelace & Co.
.Diamonds Du* ( llii'i)*tmaH PrcNents
Homan Candles aud Sky Rockets at
J. T. Kavanagh’s- Candles aud Sky Rockets at
J. T. Kavanagh’s.
Roman Candles and Sky Rockets at
deol6 lw J. T. Kavanagh’s-
3000 Cocoanuts at J. T. Kavanagh’s.
3C00 Cocoanuts at J. T. Kavanagh’s.
3C00 Cocoanuts at J. T. Kavanagh’s. del6 lw
Just received a fresh shipment of Raisins, very
fine, at Pollard’s 1221 Broad street. dtf
Mince Meut, Apple Butter and Pure Jellies afc
d tf r. Justice, Agt.
Citron, Dates, Prunes, Glaze.
and Ourruuts at Rom
d tf
Wood nml i'onl.
First-class Oak and Pine wood in stock, block
and split. Jelico Coal, prime lump, for sale by
T. S Fontaine &Oo.
Telephone No. 80. nov7tf
Send to the Furniture Store of A. F. Gibson &
Co. for Christmas presents. 1222 Broad street.
dec!4 dtf
fresh lot of Stick Candy by the barrel, at
Pollard’s, 1224 Broad street. dtf
Fancy Candies, wholesale and retail, at Pol
lard’s, 1224 Broad street. dtf
ne Apples, Rasins I
Iit Justice, Agt.
Another lot of those choice Vilginia Peanuts at
Poilard’s, 1221 Broad street. \ dtf
Oranges, Apples, Cabbage, Tu\iips and Po
tatoes arriving daily at pIllard’h,
dtf i*\»4 Broad St.
D. F. WILL v Ga ^
Insurance Agency, im lirdfnl Street,
Accessible at all hours. uPice lelepltone, No. 7.
Residence telepone, No. 40. All calls promptly
answered. JJ. F. 1 Wit,Lcox.
The largest lot ot Boys’Wagons aud Doll Car
riages in this city. They must bo sold. Also,
WheelbarrowB, Chairs, Hobby Horses, Small
Carts and everything you want in that lino at
Kunsberg’s. deciO dlw
Collar and Cuil Boxes, 50c. and 75c. a set, at
Evans & Howard’s. d-tf
$2.50 Hair Brush at $1.75, something nice, at
Evans & Howard’s. d-tf
Choice Extracts for Christmas, at Evans &
Howard's. d-tf
Elegant Toilet Sets with Celluloid Comb. Brush
aud Mirror, for only $3, at Evans & Howard's, dtf
Liu-go Plush Mirrors at $1.25 at Evans & How
ard’s. d-tf