Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, December 25, 1886, Image 3

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DAILY ENQUIRER SUN, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING DECEMBER 25, 1886. .T A CHAPTER OF rnRisiMAS carols. The Hangpr In Bethlehem Cradled ,, Kin**. Th6re Bky! lBOng ln th0 a * r ’ there's a star in the Theresa njothe.’s deep prayeri alld a baby , B , ow Aid the star rains it, Are while the beautiful And the manger of Bethlehem cradles a king. [J. O. Holland, V* N . D Tl ?. OBEATEST 0F these IS C11ARITY." WhaUaught mankind on that first Christmas What ’twas to be a nmn: to give not take- To serve, not rule; to nourish not devour To help, not crush; if need, to die. not live? [Charles Kingsley. THB SONG OP THE ANOEL9. Bing hymns that we,e sung « Zmif the Bing songs or the angels when Jesus was born I [Whittier. PEACE ON EARTH. As fits the holy Christmas birth, niv!* ’’ K0 ° Criende, our carol still B tS moo 01 f eart .')' be , f ,eace on earth, to men of gentle will IT SINOETII ALL NIGHT LO^^ 6 ^' Whproin^nn ever ’gainst that season comes ThehhlV 0 ,eu 8aV i 0ur a,birth is celebrated, HriLnii efdawning Bingetli all night long So hallow’d and so gracious is the time [Shakespeare. GOOD WILL TO MEN. The belfries of all Christendom The unbroken song Now roll along Of peace on earth, good will tomen. [Longfellow. CHRISTMAS ALL THE YEAR. The poor will many a care forget, The debtorthinks not of his debt, But as they each enjoy their cheer, Wish it were Christmas all the year. __ I Thomas Miller. THE STAR THAT SIIINETII STILL. But the stnr that shines in Bethlehem Hmncs still, and shall not cease, And we listen si ill to the tidings Of glory and of pence. ''tdcln iilc A. Proctor. A Bachelor’s Confessions. For a number of years I have possessed the qualifications necessary to a member ship in a bachelor’s club, but after watch- lnRsuch institutions, I have concluded that they are dangerous. Few bachelors know what a woman can do when she has an incentive. Was I ever in love? Scores of times. Be fore I had reached an ago of discretion, I did nothing else but full in love. My wasted affections, had they been concen trated, would have kept a wife in affluence until the celebration of a diamond wed ding, but as it was, they never came to anything. That is why I fell in love with myself. This display of amorous prodigality I find to be more satisfactory, though it' doesn’t yield a dividend in proportion to the amount invested. Ah, me! I have grown old and callous, but even now I look backward and see nothing disfiguring about the wart on Mary Brown’s chin, while an expression of my views as to tho freckles on Sally Smith’s nose would give me a front scat in Boston aesthetics. From the first emotion in my susceptible bosom, when I became enamored of a cor pulent and somewhat antiquated nurse maid, down to the time when, ns a hulking boy, I tested the cap ’city of my lachrymal i glands over a hoydenish hit of femininity, wrote verses and Iried to grow pale, and ! exhibited a singleness of devotion that ! would have mollified a most exacting Juno. | And it nil came to naught! How many nighls had 1 lain planning for the future, until at last I fell asleep at j half-past eight, to dream that the stun- j irian tones of the pater familias, rolling Whsn tho Kuril! IT ill Stop Revolting. A problem which is attracting to its study astronomers, relates to the earth os a timo- keeper. We measure time by dividing either the period during which the eartn revolves around tho sun, or that in which it turns on its axis. By the first method we measure a year; by the second a day. the earth, according to some astronomers, is losing time. Through two causes, the sun s attraction and the friction, so to speak, of the tides, the earth each year re volves more slowly on its axis. The specu lative question which these astronomers are discussing is whether in the end the earth will stop its revolution upon its axis and will present always the same face to toe sun. When that event occurs there will be perpetual day in one part of the earth and perpetual night in another. But there is no occasion for immediate alarm, the rate at which the earth is suDposed to lose time only shortens the year by half a second in a century. There "are more than ol,000,000 seconds in a year. Therefore, if the enrth ever does cease to revolve on its axis, it will he more than 6,000.000,000 years be lore it will stop.—Coopers’ journal. ^VVNVE/6^ H iAKlflg ^Sjnynrg^y FLAVOR!^ L®, Extracts MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared with strict regard to Purity, Strength, and llealthfulni’sp. Dr. Priced linking Powder contains no Ammonia,Limo.Alum or Phosphates. Dr.Price's Extract, Vanilla, Lemon, etc., flavor deliciously. PR/CE BAhWOPOWDER CO. Ch/cacc. and St. Louis. Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey and Duffy’s Formula. For the Weak and Debilitated and Wasting Diseases. The null'll Mull lIV/.-Ic IVil Sir:- I beg 10 Ole idL.iiv vvl.o lbivc b ere,! Into ilio.-fi ir-irll’b--biktn spells whirl) nr- pi.’ ol evlr-ine nervousness. Fro- qm nth 1 l.elleveil I was hying. Vic.lenl tin-. Veil- li, hes were iilsr. in.other pvmeloin ol niv mnhi'tv. A Inciid pnggesled ihul 1 try llell-. - I’uii- Mail Whiskey. ..n I I dill so. Midi hill lit I It ieiili lieu It com t po-sll ly Imprevo i lllh M v liealih Inis, howe . ami I enll seareel altrinnl Ionic ealizo torian tones of the „ up the hall-way in the chill of a winter's dawn, were the exulting shouts of some lawless hero of boyish literature, who was spirting away my prospective bride. It all came to naught, and the girl in the tin-type is married—but, alas, for the ro mantic caves of a banditti! fu the com monplace manner of the nineteenth cen tury she exchanged the quaint Scotch name of her ancestors, hikI, in the ordinary course of nature, is handing the new desig nation down to posterity. I never think of the name without wanting to trash its inoffensive progenitor. The dear little soul once wrote me a let ter so full of happiness, of Henry and of the children, that nothing hut a knowledge of the domestic relations of certain others of my acquaintance prevented me from cursing myself for a fool. But, atone, I have jogged along by easy stages, past majiy a mile-stone in the direc tion of the great terminus, and I have g rown to appreciate crawling into a cold ed, with colder feet, possessed of a cer tainty that the cat is out—or if it isn’t, that I don’t cure—and that if the freeze cracks a water pitcher down stairs it belongs to my landlady. If, as it sometimes happens, my latch key grates in the lock at what may be called unseemly hours, 1 leel a pardonable pride in flinging wide the door, as if scout ing the bare imagination of its concealing some female Jack-in-the-box. Yet, sometimes the sad, reproachful eyes of Sally Smith, Mary Brown and the girl in the tin type fiont around m.v drowsy pillow amiii the odoriferous fumes ot rare half-and-half until I am unable to decide whether Sally had the wart, Amy t he freckles, or the girl in the tin-typo the combination, and finally compromise the matter by falling asleep. Till- Lutes! in Hr,,,i, The latest Parisian novelty is the auto matic brooch, one of which is a rose, a single flower on a stub,, with a few leaveb and a bud. The bios’ ira is composed of a heart in small diamonds, mounted on gold points like stamens. Abound several gold petals, which by some unseen and patented mechanism, expand and and bud'Tiieduding the pin entire I length. “1101(111 OS BATS” Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bed-bugs, beetles, insects, skunks jaca rabbits, sparrows, gophers, loc. At d „ gists. ••itonai ox corns.” Ask for Wells’ “Rough on Corns. Quick relief,complete cure. Corns, wait , bunions. 15c. “BOlllil ON ITCH." “Rough o„ ivy poison, barber’s itch. 50c jars. “liorou ON CITAHKII” ! Corrects ^..tsesl^lso um | pleto cure of womt chio - lt | ler ;„ sore equaled as gargle tor diphthen . throat, lii'eath. A pretty story'i'holdjvlKaft Hie^ princess ; yea s ago, a'" 1 t0 "avor, who had ^^“oFWintroMtothe worship asking, a.,. „ ran t him a lyjust recoAornig Tht . wearer .mi might talvi mein. = o „, u ,i t .i ! olied, iiii.i iv lae stimulant, 1 consider Duffy's Cure M,.)i Whisk'V »« , ynd Tin 1 c-ibMitihm of moncxcii vniuc. Mkh. ELLA IT.DDKRM AN. Mil, MITCHEI.L IIKIMMWI Market St., "Ili.ilntrln '* V:« I he Le i’ \ i ilia in nlcii! iim now udm: the tlilrrl i . re Mult Vi lilsl:°y. When I c l! I was iioI able to l.e out iv u!• from D o'clock In ttio oV'llH* !\ .’I I Hit! Il r. 9<*V. l-ttl (I i*Improvement the wi.le- k I l.ll ’ the I hot: Pei Puli' i a great Mils. LUCIES ntreos. lEET, M: .v VoitK, N.Y. ux’.i your ] hilly's Form- Mall NVIiis-v, aii'l find . i’. in 1 / < lii’onle I’roiicM- Iml li oulile. Think your .diem. iits. F. P. IIA VII.AND. Peitaxok. Ohio. our puny’t 11 that IvCf’i's me up. 1 would .-i havesireniSih top'-' <.r«.ui d I». * house if ] Id not ha vc it. Mas. M. E. HI it HA IIP. Gentleman—I concur In the endorsement * Id of ~ • of the United Slat08. the puffy malt whiskey CO., W.-'C'i CatarrhCure Of Druggists or Rv Mail ‘2T, r e »'tR. OLD SAUL i.o.Ml’ANY, ISAl.TIMoit'E, MD. Something Worth Having. Our \nv Seed < ii<nlo{fho for 1HS7. The Omy c’atal >giu? published iUu.-tnitinf? everything in (.Jariloti, Field and J’Jower .Seeds. New Heeds, New 'Warehouse. B.ver.vlReady for d stribution early in December. Send vour address NO W. S. V. BK VINUS A «t! •»*»<!«« X Front SI., tun! IPO Arch St.. I’tiiliMlelphin. Fa v8 weo GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY Whereas, Keldfer Pou makes application to? letters of administ ation on the estute of Burrell Buwe, deceased. These are, therefore, to cue all and singular, tin kindred and creditors of said deceased, to •thov,* catiM*, i any they have, within the time juv-cribed I)- law. wliysa'd letters should not be grunted to suit! applicant. Witness my otboial signature tnir December 6th 1836. F.M. BROOKS, ' fi oa«dw Ordinary _ RIDFI ELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR Most happily meets the demand of the ace for woman’s peculiar afflictions. It is a remedy for WOMAN ONLY, and for one special class of her discuses. It’s a specific for certain diseased con ditions of the womb, and so controls the Menstrual organs as to regulate all derangements and irregularities of her Monthly Sickness. The proprietors claim for this remedy no other medi cal property. It is strictly a Vegetable Com pound, the studied prescription of a learned phy sician whose specialty was Female Diseases. and whose fame became enviable because of his success in the treatment and cure of female com* pi diits. will relieve you ot nearly all complaints peculiar to your sex. For sale by druggists. Write for book, “Meb sage to Woman.” mailed free. Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. eodAW nrm (3) uld he’dafightVii "to , take anything j io charming a souice. HEART) PT.VXIK FOR ALL. 8.T0 a week and expenses |i paid. Valuable outfit and particulars UIV free ~ ~ ”■ HOLIDAY GOODS! Xmas comes but once a year, therefore make happy the hearts of those you love and esteem. Read below enumerated a list of articles suitable for presents : For Your Mother nml Sinter. Mwertheurt, Wile ami friend. BeautiAil Lace Pins, Breast Pins, Eor Rings, Bracelets, Necklaces, Lockets, Tiny Queen Chains, VVestcains, Silver or Gold Watch, Rings, Cuff Buttons, Cuff Pins, Collar Buttons, Ganteliues, Silver or Gold Thimbles, Silver Hair Pins Silver and Gold Glove and Shoe But- toners, Opera Glasses, Vases, Jewel Boxes. Bronzes, Artistic Clocks, Card Receivers, Silver Card Cases, Silver Bells, Napkin Rings, Bronze Lamps, Picture Frames. Eye Glass Chains, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, Solid and Plated Forks, Knives and Spoons, Book Marks, Gold Pencils, Pens, Toothpicks, Solid Silver and Plated Cups, Solid Silver Soup and Oyster Ladles, Berry, Preserve and Sugar Spoons, Butter Knives, Butter Dishes, Pickle Stands, Castors, Pearl Handle Knives. For Your Fntlirr mid IBrotlier. lliiMbiintl mid Frloucl. Silver or Gold Watches, Gold or Plated Chains, • Cult Buttons, Collar Buttons, Watch Charms, Scarf Pins, Silver Match Safes, Stud Buttons, Napkin Holders, Eye Glasses, Pebble Spectacles in Steel and Nick el, Silver and Gold Frames, Napkin Rings, Opera Glasses, Office Clocks. Gold Toothpicks, Gold Pencils, Gold Headed Walking Canes, Seal Rings, Gold Headed Silk Umbrellas, Combination Breakfast Sets, Silver Tobacco Boxes, W isle broom. Solid Silver Uundle, Society Pins, Ash Receivers. Guard Chains, For Your l.lttlr I'Hn. Solid Silver and Plated Cups, Silver Pap Spoons, Solid Silver Chihl’s Set, Silver Plated Child’s Set, Silver Thimbles lYom No. 1 upward, Necklaces, Lockets, Rings. Bracelets, Bib Pins, Breast Pins and Ear Rings, Stud Buttons, Bangles, Solid Silver Baby Rattles, Silver Plated Napkin Kings, Solid Silver Napkin Rings. School Sets, Ear Rings, Silver Knives and Forks, Silver Safety Pins, Boys’ Watches, Microscope for botanical exploits, Pencils and Pens, Beautiful Little Diamond Rings, Silver Mugs. Diamonds mounted in Rings, Pins, Eardrops, Collar Buttons, Cuff Buttons, Studs, Scarf Pins, etc., at very reasonable prices. WATCHMAKBi?/ AdsTD JEWELER. FOR COUNTY OFFICERS. For Clerk of’Superior Court. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re- election to the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Muscogee County at the election to be. held in January next. Geo. Y. Pond. decl2td For Count.y TroftNiirer. I wish my fViends to know that I will be a can didate for this office at the next election. I am here to run. R. J. Moses. nov20 dtd I announce myself a candidate for County Treasurer, and respectfully ask the voters of Muscogee county for their suffrage. d&wtd John Q. Cook. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for Treasurer of Muscogee county, and earnestly solicit your support. I need the office and wil be very thankful for your assistance. lain pre pared to run. Election on the first Wednesday in January next, 1887. oc9 se&wcdtd Jordan L. Howell. I announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, and respectfully solicit your support for .lie same. Election January next. G. E. Gager. Columbus, Ga., September 22,188(1. sep23 tf ill fl For Tnv Receiver. I announce myself a candidate for election to the office of Tax Receiver, and respectfully solicit the votes of the citizens of Muscogee county. Election Wednesday, January 5,1887. novlG dlf Woolfolk Walker. I announce myself a candidate for Tax Re ceiver of Muscogee county, and respectfull. ask the support of the voters. sep22tf J. H. Harrison. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Receiver, and ask your suffrage. I have ever tried to difcharge my duty as an officer, and will still do the same if elected. Election January next. Respectfully, J. C. Reedy. nov5 td I respectfully announce my«*elf a candidate for Tax Receiver of Muscogee county. Election first Wednesday in January. Geo. W. Cargill. nov7 td For Tax (’olloelor. I announce myself as a candidate for Tax Collector of Muscogee county (election January next), and respectfully solicit the sup port of the voters of said county. aug29dtfwlm Oliver P. Pok. Announcing myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Collector of Muscogee county, I respectfully solicit the votes of its citizens, and will endeavor to deserve their support by faithfully discharging the duties of this office in the Allure as in lie past. Election first Wednes day in January next. sep21 eodtd Davis A. Andrews. I announce myself a candidate for Tax Col lector of Muscogee county (election January next), and ask for the support of the voters o! said c unty. J. C. Woolfolk. sep7 dtf For < 0 •oner. I hereby announce inys elf a candidate for Cor- oner for Muscogee county at the ensuing elcc- tion. W. D. Am yet. nov7 dtd I announce myself as a candipatc for Coroner of Musco ee county. decl2td Simpson Stridblinq. T announce myself as candidate for rc-elec- tion as (’nroncr of Muscogee county. dec 12 dtd Isaac T. Brooks. - - For S! rrifL I most respectfully am ounce myself as a can- didate for re-election as sheriff of Muscogee conn ty. Election first Wednc -day in January next. dec 11 td J. U. Bl'RDI'D. DIVHWNI). Eagle and Phenix Manf’g Co. A Semi-Annual Dividend of THREE PER CENT is duo and payable at the office of the Eagle and Phenix Manufacturing Company on December 31st, I860. The transfer books of cer tificates of stock will be closed from December 20th until January 1st, 1887. A. I. YOUNG, dec7 dtd Treas’r Eagle and Phenix Mfg. Co. MB Cures G und G in 2 to 4 (la js. Ask your druggist for it. Sent to any ad dress for $1.C0 MALYDORMFG.CQ.Mcld.O & HOWARD, Agents We have the best and cheapo t Hose in the market. A full line of Hose Reels und Nozzles. PIPE COMPANY ?F Invile Your Attention to Their Long List of Useful, Inexpensive & Appropriate Holiday Gifts, Cassimere and Cashmere Shawls, double and single, black and colors. A splendid line of Ladies' Traveling and Shop ping Bags. Kid and Fabric Gloves of every description. Silk Handkerchiefs and Silk Mufller.^; Ladies’ and Gentle men's Hemmed and Corded and Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, plain and colored borders—a splendid lino. The largest line of Embroidered Handkerchiefs il bus ever been our pleasure to show. Some very choice Wraps left to he sold very cheap. Handsome Blankets. Could a more common sense presen I he made? ODR FASCT GOODS DEPARTMENT IS FULL OF NOVELTIES! You can buy such useful presents in our Dress Goods de partment. Black Silks, Colored Silks, Black Cashmeres. Black Dress Goods of every description. A splendid line of Ladies’ Silk Umbrellas with gold and silver heads, good qualities and cheap. Rich and elegant Table Linens and Napkins, by Hie yard and in sets. A large variety of Brussels and Nottingham Lace Curtains; they are not expensive; they are cheap. Table Covers and Table Scarfs. High Novelties in La dies’ and Children’s Hosiery, lovely goods. We are showing fresh goods in every department, in llie house. A beautiful line of Ginghams just received. A beautiful line of Prints just received. We are displaying life following new Bustles : Lucca, Lotta, Patti and Fedora. Novellies in Ladies' Gossamers. Gossamers of every deseriplion for Ladies and children, and a great many oilier things which we haven’l room to mention here. We are offering bargains all through our house. Come and try us. B L A N C 11 A R f>, R O O T II & l!U V V ESTABLISHED 1366. G.GUNBY JORDAN Fire Insurance Agent, Pioneer Building, Front Street. Telephone No. 104. REPRESENT! NO AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., of PHILADELPHIA, Honestly paid every loss since 1810. NIAGARA FIRE INSURANCE CO., of NEW YORK, Every policy issued under New York Safety Fund law. SUN FIRE OFFICE, of LONDON Established 1710. Always successful. Policies imttcd on nil classes of insurable property. Representative Companies. Courteous Treatment. Fair Adjustments. Prompt Payments. A share of your business solicited. • HOSE! HOSE I Rose Hill Cottage _A_T ^YTJOT'XOJSr. F. n. li NOWI.CN A CO., . - Auol'nff FIRST TUESDAY IN JANURAY. THE DAVIDSON PLACE! N EW Dwelling of three plastered rooms and?. cook room. Lot about l 'OxlUO, located direct ly fronting (cast) Mr W. H. Hughes, and next, door north of Mr. A. G. Redd’s residence. Well at d garden. Street cars to city every 30 minutes^. Terms, one-third cash, balance one and twm* years, with 8 per cent interest. JOHN BLACKMAK, Real Estate Agt, Columbus,Gat. bc wed fH tf FOR SALE. ONE STORE HOUSE on TentKa tlpItifllP. street; six rooms, 34x116 feet. Wil pay 17 per cent on investment. One six-room House on Ninth street. One three-room House ami lot 80x147 feet Id- inches, cheap. Call quick. FOR ZRAEUSTT. One four-room House on Tenth street, coraes’r Fifth avenue. One small Store House on Rose Hill. J". G. IRLEUIEIDir, Real Estate Agent, No,22 12th Stt _ dtf COMMISSIONERS’ SALE FOR PARTITION. Valuable City Property^ V^F.OROIA, MUSmOKF. COUNTY Under nno.” ' "by virtue of an order from the Superior Court* of Muscogee County, passed on the first day of the November term, lfiHfi thereof, the undersigned Commissioners appointed by said court will sell: in front of the court house of said county, inn the city of Columbus, on the first Tuesday in Jan uary H87, between the legal hours of sale at pub lic outcry, to the highest bidder, the following- described eitj property, all lying in the city ott Columbus, county of Muscogee, State of Georgia*, to-wit: All that tract, or parcel of land lying and being in the city of Columbus, known and distinguish ed in the plan of said city as the south half of.‘ city lot number four hundred and eighty nine,. i4861, fronting on McIntosh street, mow Fifths avenue!, contaii ing one fourth t'D of an acre-*, more or less, together with all und singular the rights, membera und appurtenances, and im provements to the mine in any manner belong ing Terms, cash. Possession given on execution ol'deed to puip- cliaser. J. L. WILLIS, I. L. POLLARD, J. G. MOON. nov 80-dtd Commissioners. FOR SALE! M Y place on Talbot ton road, about two milccD from city,011 line of Georgia Midland. Hoai a new I've room House, all necessary out-houses^, in excellent repair; splendid spiiug. The i>lac*a rontniun 102V. acres, about 25 acres of which aroo heavily wooded. TERMS EASY. For particulars apply to me on the place, oar to T. M. Folev. opera house. oc19H P PRINGFH A NliUHtiirtl Medical Work age / ONI.Y HI.00 IIY MAII., I'ONTl’AIb- „ 7Hc jSoPy mm THYSELF.dM ILLUSTRATED sample free TO At3 \ Great Medical Work on Manhood Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debil ity, Premature Decline in Man, Errors of Youth.,* ami the untold mis< ry resulting from indiscretiom or e\< c.-.Kc.s. A hook lor every man, young, ruldt- dlc-ngcd and old. It r-nnluins i*25 prescription*? for all acute and chronic di’-i ases, each one otf: r be I n ■ bell i Jb« w 111 i pr t(< ot <1 any physician. 300? iK’iimi in ntau'.iful French muslin, em- •overs, full gilt, guaiunteed to be a fiiio?*: 1 very sense- mechanical, literary amL on.:! than any otic 1 work sold in Ihiry •11- . ", or the money will be retundetti 'instance. Price only Si.1 by mail, posfc- I paid. Illustrated sample fl cents Send now.. ; Gold medal awarded tac-ii:thnr L;. tl.e National; I Medical Association, to the President of which- , the Hon p. A. Bi-sell, and associate officers cufi tin- Board the nmb r i r< .p-etfully referred. 'I’ll • Seiein e of L*f•• should In- n ad by the yoiUIJBE for 1 nstruction, un i by tin afflicted for relief. 1:2 will benefit all. London Lancet. There is no member of society to whom Tta-a* ! Science of life will nut be useful, whether youth,, uardiun, instructor or clergyman.-- goi ill. Address the Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr;. W. il. Parker, No. t Bulfinch street, Boston*. Mass., who may be consulted on all diseases r«j*- • juiring skill and experi'-ncc. Chronic and obsti nate diseases that have baffled the .skill of aU other physicians a specialty. Such treated suot~ vitlu T \Y I LL sell for low price the four-room Dwell Inc; and bcautifhl Jot west sidcof Second uvenuo? .-ecu Fourto nth and Fifteenth streets. Caw; the door every io minutes. JOHN BLACK MAR. Beal Estate Agent, Columbus, Ga* ELECTION NOTICE. r PH ERE will be mi election held at the difFercnlk « precincts in the county of Muscogee ouu Wednesday, the 6th day of January next. (1887V for hlier'ff, Clerk of the Suticrior Court, Tax Re— c.,i"cr. Tax Collector, County Ti-casurer, County Surveyor, and (!<»rr.ner. The managers wiLll plca.-e call at iiy office for the necesf ary blanks*. 'J’hi:; December tth, Ibsi;. did F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. CONSUMPTION I h ive u positive rem <lj lor tno abovebflUaw. tt.o’i’ini'ls of r;,HUH of the worst kind ah 1 of Ion; aiAOdta^. have 1,cen • urc .. Indeed, no strew? Is iny f^ith In dfloacfB. that I will rend TWO UOTTI.K8 PltKE, tweeher x.-ith • VAW UA'il.L TI!X \ riSE 00 tM» disease, to any sufferer. Give R»* prtbfl uuJ 1*. O. addrteu. i)lt. i. A. 6L0CU11, Isl I’ .srl 8L* ILife. novlU eod&wOm AGENTS Telephone 99. 13 Twellfh Street. a 1,1 WliiHkey ffah- 3 *'.* cured sit home v.itle- uut pain. Book of par- ,ent Fit 1*1 K*. H. vl. WOOLLliY, M. il*. vii.uitsi, fin. otuoe B5 Whitehall dtieet AGENTS .TSSWS « »’• ••’ • I. 1 1- a .’•••. 1 V!>-.-( IttiL -her. The Cliuovr Mt'ar. Uemu.i* I'LiulnuwU.