Newspaper Page Text
As Kxlrtonllniirj llrmaml f.r Thom—A Dearth of
Note* nf Small Drniiminatlnna.
Washington, December 26.—Tho en
gravers of the bureau of printing and en
graving are still at work upon the plate for
the now $5 silver certificate. It will be a
■Week or two at least, and probably longer
than that before the plate is completed
and the printing of certificates begun, i'he
main feature in this design it will be re
called is a vignette of General Grant. One
of the latest photographs which tho gen
eral had taken has been used as the basis
of the vignette, and intimate friends of
Grant, who have seen proofs, unite in sny-
ing it is one of the best portraits iof him
that has been made.
The treasury department be gan issuing
•1 silver certificates on the 4th of last Octo
ber, and the issue to date amount to $8,300,-
000. Two dollar silver certificates were
first issued on the 6th of December, and
the total issue thus far amounts to $1,040,-
000. The supply is not equal to the de
mand and the eertiUcutes are not yet dis
tributed from the sub-treasury. They are
distributed from the treasury department
to localities in all parts of ihe country iu
sums not exceeding $5000. but this can only
be done, of course, as the certificates arc
Teady. In other words, the treasury de
partment is placing the $1 and $2 certifi
cates in general circulation as rapidly as
possible. When the general demand is to
some extent appeased these certificates
will be distributed to the different sub-
treasurers for issue as required.
“There has been such a dearth of notes
of small denominations generally through
out the country since the restriction of the
Issue of that kind of legal tenders,” said
a department ollieial to-day, “that the de
mand is a good, healthy one and is hard
to satisfy at the start. Whenever and
Wherever there is business activity there
is need of small notes, particularly as
Bilver dollars by their bulk and inconven
ience do not give satisfaction, as has been
clearly shown and cannot entirely take
their place. This demand is created
in little villages here and there,
scattered throughout ‘ the country,
as well as in the large cities.
Take a little town that boastajof a couple
of blacksmiths. Business improves and
they go into partnership and branch out
as wheelwrights, and soon become carriage
manufacturers^ employing more men as
their business increases, thus necessitating
an increased interchange of money, which
is limited to cash, and that in small
amounts. To this general business activity
throughout the country, therefore, may be
attributed the need of notes of small de
nominations, and I hope we will soon be
able to furnish all that are wanted.”
Mothers worn out with the cures of ma
ternity should take Moxie.
Mrs. CleTi'lanil Kim. Her Household.
New York Tribune.
Mrs. Cleveland has taken into her own
hands the management of the white bouse.
Hitherto the president “ran things;” now
Mrs. Cleveland is housekeeper and ruler.
Last spring, just before the prt sident went
away, he gave his eook, “Siegle,” a vaca
tion and also a recommendation. The
latter was written in the most fulsome style,
and recommended the man-cook in the
highest terms. When he left the presi
dent informed him -hat he would only
have a vacation of a few months, and that
he would notify him when he wanted him
back. Not many weeks ago the president
wrote to Beigle to come back, and was
surprised to r.oeive a latter stating that
tho recommendation had proven such a
good one, and that he hiul such a good
place, that ho could not think of coming
back at the old wages, but wanted an in
crease, Mrs. Cleveland got hold of the let
ter before tho president could answer it,
and vetoed it at once. She remarked that
she could get a eook as good ns Sioglo at
the old wages, and that she would not
yield to the "strike.” Then and there she
took the management of tho household af
fairs into her own hands.
A Family iius^imr.
Simmons’ Liver Regulator—the favorite
home remedy—is entirely vegetable, and is
the purest and best family medicine that
is compounded. No error to bo feared in
administering, no injury from exposure
after taking, no loss of time. It is tho best
preventive medicine, and safe to take, no
matter what the sickness may prove to be,
and in any ordinary disease will effect a
speedy cure. eod,SE&w
A strainer Story.
A citizen of Chicago named Johnson fell
111, and, with his wife and little boy suffer
ed want. The dealer of whom they had
bought their furniture on time foreclosed
his chattel mortgage, and they were turned
out into tho street. In this itour of their
extremity a woman offered them a room in
her house, and though they knew the char
acter of the house, their necessity forced
them to accept the kind oiler. The house
was raided the other day and this story
came out in court. The Johnsons, who are
well spoken of. Were discharged, and be
fore he left the court the husband received
an otter of work.—New York Sun.
Moxie Nerve Food will give you soundadl
durable strength.
Ton Initp.
“My dear friend,” said a minister at tho
bedside of a sick man, “I want to call vour
attention to the blessed consolation which
religion brings in hours of suffering and
danger to those ”
“I am much obliged to you,” interposed
the grateful puticut, “ hut you ure too
“Too late ?”
“Yes, sir; my physician says the crisis is
S ast, and all danger is over.—New York
Moxie Nerve Food lias proved to be a
blessing to weak and delicate women.
Ilo Knew Hotter.
“What a self-willed, positive little being
that girl of yours is,” said one traveling
man to another.
“You’re wrong. I’ve fouud her nega
tive. Thoroughly and uniformly nega
tive,” was the response.—Merchant Trav
there’s no rat here,” she said; but he kept
right on, hammered on some of her cloth
ing that lay on a lounge, and triumphant
ly held up the dead body of a rat. The
wife looked at it a moment and then, in
accents of inexpressible releaf, said:
“Thank heaven, there was a rat after all.”
—New York Bun,
Pretty I’olly Again.
Detroit Free Press.
Apropos of parrots, tho people who own
them and are accustomed to their noise,
nnd contradiction are seldom disturbed by
them, but it is far otherwise with the un
happy visitor who encounters them. A
lady on Jefferson avenue who owns one of
these silly pests was entertaining some
callers the other day, when Polly struck
into tho conversation from her place of
ambush. One lady had just rent rked:
“So glad you were at some to-day, Mrs.
“That’s a lie! ” responded a hoarse voice.
The visitors started, but as their hostess
seemed not to notice it, resumed the con
“1 saw Mr. , and told him to—”
“Kiss me! kiss me!” screamed Polly.
“— say that I would call soon.”
“You’reanother! Shut up!” yelled the
At this juncture the lady ofthe houseob-
served how disconcerted her guests were,
and, guessing at the cause, dragged Polly
into sight. The mischievous bird did not
utter another word until the ladles rose to
leave, when they were most affectionate-
and profuse in their farewells. Polly bal
anced rapidly from one foot to the other,
gave a scries of smocks, and in a tone of
complete disgust croaked:
“You make me sick I”
Ih an affection of tho Liver, and can be
thoroughly cured by that Grand
Regulator of the Liver and
Biliary Organs.
J. H. ZEILIN & CO., - Philadelphia, Pa.
I wa afflicted for several years with dis
ordered liver, which resulted in a severe
attack of jaundice. I had as good medical
attendance as our section affords, who
failed utterly to restore me to the enjoy
ment of my former good health. I then
tried the favorite prescription of one of
most renowned physicians of Louis-
lie, Ky.. hut to no purpose: whereupni
• • ' ’ t.t vVr
I was induced to try SIMMONS LIVER
REGULATOR. I found immediate hone-
fit from its use, and it ultimately restored
me to the full enjoyment of health.
Richmond, Ky.
I'roretsls from n Torpid l-lvrr and Im-
IHiritic* of flic Stomach. It can l>o
invariably cured by taking
Let all who suffer remt raber that
Cun be prevented by taking a dose as soon ns
their symptoms indicate the coming
of an attack.
eod ae&w top col nrin (4)
Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey
Duffy’s Formula.
For the Weak and Debilitated atid
‘Wasting Diseases.
hv the use of your eel Mat
Mall Whiskey, and I desire l
nn testimony to its* msrvt
Inii'iling up the enervated «y»
cheerfully add
• iho result <
. inly 1 belli''
ur headache.
s dying. Violent tier-
Iso another Ay mot cm
EUggestod that I try
1 ’ did so. with
but little faith that it could possibly Improve
inv condition. Itv health has, however, been
milv restored, and 1 can scarcely realize
that 1 was ever sick. Ab a medicinal Ionic
anc l uerve HtlnnihuiJ, 1 consider I Hi tty's I'uro
Mull Whiskey »u*yond the efllnmtion ut
mt/neved value. Mum. kI.LA KKDDKUMAN.
Mn. J. 11 ITt'llEld, HKUB.6'21 Market St*
U llndngton, Del., writes: our Putty's Pure
Malt wnlskev is the host medicine in the
world, and has done my poor, a*oak system
mere good than anything ever used. In tact.
U has made me able to attend to my business,
which 1 could not do before 1 commeuce.l Its
use. I have gained wonderfully ir. ftceli.**
fi'iO Jrhrey Sr., Now Orleans, I
Gentlemen-—l have given your menlcl
Vie ot Putt
m now mdmr the third in
• Malt WhPkev. When
it l was not aide to he c
uid now l an up trom t» o'clock in t
: until l» o'clock at night. S-Vvo
ho noticed the improvement, ihe wh
made in me got . erne lor themselv
,• all think l have done them a gri
toiling abc
M ns. l.UCIF.N DU (OS.
7 w.1 torn St
•nilomen I hav
md Putty
, N K
York, N. Y.
• Dll Itv
Malt’ Whiskey! and And
erv b' In many respects. Mv appe
ls’belter and l sleep belter. My case is
■ o! long 6ta
rhal trouble,
In the misfortunes of others it is good to
learn what must be avoided.
An Explanation.
“It’s remarkable,” said a traveling man,
“how many flats there are in Chicago.
Half the people live in them.”
‘‘It is quite natural that Chicago should
have a very large number of flats.”
“Why so?”
“Because it’s all level country around
there.”—Merchant Traveler
Brown’s Bronchial Troches will re
lieve Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Con
sumption and Throat Diseases. They are
used always with good success.
th sat se tu&w
* A Woman Actually Gliwl to See a Kut.
A citizen of Buffalo suffering from an
ulcerated tooth sought relief in the flow
ing bowl, much to his wife’s alarm. One
night he came home about 10 o’clock,
and as he entered the house he saw a big
rat. To seize thtf poker and go for it was
the work of an instant, and in the chase
that followed the rat rushed into the bed
room where the man’s wife was about
going to go to bed. She didn’t see the rat,
and was naturally agitated at seeing her
husband, iu boots, overcoat and cap, bang
ing away with the poker and yelling: “I’ll
' jiave that rat if I die for it.” “Oh, dear,
i Imv
MttS. F. 1\ 11AVII.AND.
Pkfianck. Ohio.
1 pbnll continue the u-c of vour
e Malt Whiskey ami Pufl’v'R Vor
is all that keeps me up. \ would
ength to get ‘ “ •
D it. MH
Gentleman I concur in tno endorsement
of all that lias been salil of Putl’y’s Tun* Mall
WhUkcv. F E. SPINS Kit.
Late Treasurer of the United States.
Baltimore, Md.
*yOcii Whiskey is Sold Only in Sealed
toTTLXs. Never in Bulk.
Ih now open for Freight and Passenger* to points
detween Columbus and Waverly Hull. Com
mencing Tue-day, December 21st, the following
4chedule will be run :
Leave Waverly Hall 8:00 a. m
Arrive at Ellerslie 8:20 “
“ Midland 8:40 “
“ Flat Rock 8:52 “
“ Columbus 9; 36 “
r^cave Columbus 8:00 p. nt.
Arrive at Flat Rock 3:44 “
“ Midland 3:49 “
“ Ellerslie -4:05 “
“ Waverly Hall 4:30 “
All trains arrive and leave from depot at old
Rar park. M. E. GRAY,
decl9 dtf Superintendent.
Opelika, Ala.. November 15th, 1886.
( \N and after Monday, November 15tli, 1886, the
' ' trains on this road will be run as follows:
Ns. 1.
Leave Columbus 8 05 a m
Arrive Opelika 9 35 a na
No. 2.
Leave Opelika 9 46 a ir.
\rrive Columbus 11 01 a in
No. 3.
Leave Columbus 3 10 p m
Arrive Opelika 4 40pm
No. 4.
l^eave Opelika 5 09 p m
Vrrive Columbus 6 34 p m
No. 0.
Leave Columbus 0 50 a tr
Vrrive Opelika 9 03 a n
Arrive Goodwater 5 45 p n
No. H.
Leave Goodwater 4 45 a n
Yrrive Opelika 9 27 a n
Yrrive Columbus 12 26 p n.
No. 7.
Leave Columbus 115 p in
Vrrive Opelika 3 08 p ir
No. H.
Leave Opelika 3 53 p il
Vrrive Columbus 6 61pm
The night trains are discontinued for the pret
dtf General Manager.
Office General Manager,
Columbus, Ga., November 28tb,1886.
( VN and alter Sunday, September 12, 188(1, the
' J schedule of Mail Train will be as follows:
No. 1—Going North Daily.
Leave Columbus 3 08 p in
Arrive at Chipley 6 11 p ra
Arrive at Greenville 6 16 p n:
No. 2 -Coming South Daily.
Leave Greenville 7 10 a ir
Vrrjve at Chipley 8 11 a u
No. 3-- Freight and Accommodation—North.
jeave Columbus flonant
vrrive at Chipley 8 14 a m
Vrrive at Greenville 9 26 a n
No. 4—Freight and Accommodation-South.
heave Greenville 10 22 a m
Vrrive at Chipley 31 38 a m
vrrive at Columbus 2 11 p m
W. L. CLARK. Gen’l Manager.
T. C S. HOWARD. Gen’l Ticket. Agent.
ffih24 dlv
U IJ \),
A8 WholennIe by
je r > eodflm
Custom Mads Suits,
Ordered in from every direction, OF RECENT
closed out us follow s;
#40 00 Suits for . . . #25 00
35 00 Suits "... 20 00
30 00 Suits “ . . . IS 00
10 00 Suits •* . . . 10 00
Early Callm May Secure a Great Bahrain!
w 11 filled with a superior stock of
Piece Goods
The extraordinary push of the past sixty days is
now about over, and wo are prepared to till orders
now with promptness.
Clothing l*a«nfttCt.«rer, 1200 A 1S*2
Brow Street, Coluuibna Ga.
Old Saul’s
Catarr h Cure
Of Druggists or Bv Mail 25 Cents
Most happily meets the demand of tho age for
woman’s peculiar afflictions. It is a remedy for
WOMAN ONLY, and for one special class of hei
diseases. It is a specific for certain diseased con
ditions of the womb, and so controls the
Menstrual organs as to regulate all derangements
and irregularities of her Monthly Sickness. The
proprietors claim for this remedy no other medi
cal property. It is strictly a Vegetable Com
pound, the studied prescription of a learned phy
sician whose specialty was Female Diseases,
and whose fume became enviable because ol his
success in the treatment and cure of female com
plaints. Suffering woman, it will relieve you of
nearly all complaints peculiar to your sex.
For sale by druggists. Write for book, “Mee
sage to Woman,” mailed free.
Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
eod&w nrm (3)
Is 111., best general purpose wire fence m use.
11 is it Nirunit net-work without Imvtis.
Don't Injure stock. It will torn (togs, piers,
sheep and poultry, tis well us horses and cattle.
The best tence for Farms, Garden, stock
Ranges and Railroads. Very neat, pretty styles
for Lawns Parks, School-lots and Cemeteries.
Covered with rust proof paint, or made of gal
vanized wire, as preferred. Il will hist a life
time. It Is belter limn boards nr barbed
wire In every respect, rite Sedgwick t.ntcs
made of wrought-iron pipe and steel wire, defy
all competition in lightness, neatness, strength
and durability. We make the best, cheapest
and easiest working all-iron niitnnliltic or
self-opening gate, and the neatest cheap
iron fences now made. The best Wire
Stretchers. rutting Piters and Post
A tiger h. For prices and particulars ask. Hard-
wan* Dealers, or address, mentioning paper,
j. i mi t cm
One lot (50 dozen) colored bordered Damask Doylies, for
mer price #1 50; we now offer them at #1 00 per dozen.
We are overstocked in Linen Towels and offer some excel
lent bargains to reduce our stock.
Irish Poplins, silk and wool, black 75c, colors 50c. These
goods are worth $1 00 a yard anywhere.
52-Incli Astrakans, in black, brown, chinchilla blue,
green and wine, #3 50 and #4 00.
We have the best Black Silk for One Dollar per yard in
this city.
A choice stock of Ladies’ and Children’s Lace Pins, Cuff
Buttons in good roll plate; also a good stock of initial Cuff
Buttons for gentlemen—good for Christmas presents.
Plush and leather Satchels and Silk Handkerchiefs in
great variety.
The rush continues with us, and we are receiving goods
every day to supply the increase in our business.
East Side of First Ave., between 12lh and 13th Sts.
Jf«w Sand Nobby Turnouts, Safe and Showy Horses, Careful and Experienced Drivers,
FUNERALS personally conducted and properly attended to. The finest Hearses in
the city.
AFTER SEPTEMBER 1st, Horses boarded and carefully cared for at $16 per
month. Ample accommodations for LIVE STOCK. Headquarters for dealers.
HS-Telentlnnc H'a. «H. orSt <I1»
Remember the Great Bargain Sale continues at our store
The stock must positively be closed out even at a great sacri
fice. We have space to give prices only on few lines. We
shall offer to-morrow our entire stock of
ress Goods
At a fearful loss. In this line it will pay you to inspect:
1000 Yards Remnants Canton Flannel at 4hc.
200(3 Yards Remnants 4-4 Bleached Cotton at 5e.
2000 Yards Remnants Good Calico at 3c.
1000 Yards beautiful Curtain Scrim at 12Jc, worth 20c.
Trunks and
Trunks and
Trunks and
CAPITAL PRIZE, - $150,000
"We do hereby certify that we supervise the ar
rangement far all the Monthly and Quarterly
Drawings of The Louisiana State Lottery Ctom-
pany, and in person manage and control the
lyrawings themselves, and that the same are ecfi-
ductcdwjth honesty, fairness, and in good faith
toward all parties, and we authorize the Company
to use this certificate, with fac-similes o our tiff*
natures attached, to its advertisements.
SPHERE will be an election bold at the different
1 court grounds iu each militia district of said
county of Muscogee on Saturday, ilie 1st day o
January next, for two Constables for each dis
trict. according to the statute
This Decembei 4th, 1886.
dtd M. BROOKS, Ordinary
Only few Wraps left—some very fine ones. In this line
we don't refuse any reasonable offer.
Many desirable goods left in this department.
Any one wishing to engage in the Dry Goods business can rent
ihe store and buy the stock on favorable terms.
1012 leiR/DAk-ID STREET,
Two doors above Rankin House, - - - Columbus, Ga.
Wt the undersigned Banks and Bunkers will
pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisiana State Lot
teries which may be presented at our counter*.
J. H. OttJLESBY. Frew. I.a. K*t'l Bank.
J. W. KI LBRETIf. Pres. State Mafl B’lt.
A. BALDVIJf. Pres. W. ». A'at’l Bash
U nprecedentedTttraction 1
Over Half a Millies Distributed
Louisiana State Lottery Comp’y.
Incorporated in 1888 for 25 years by the Legisla
ture for Educational and Charitable purposes—
with a capital of 11,000,000—to which a reserve
fund of over $550,000 has since been added.
By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise
was made a part of the present State Oonstltu*
tion, adopted December 2d, A. D. 1879.
The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by
the people of any State.
Its (Irand Single Number Drawings
take plaee Monthly, anil the Serai-An
nual Drawings regularly every six
mouths (June and December).
litli, ISS7—300th Monthly Drawing.
Capital Prize, fl50,000.
Whotlce-'-Tlckets arc Ten Dollars only. Halves.
$5. Fifths, $2. Tenths, $1.
1 CAPITAL PRIZE OF 1160,000 *150,000
1 GRAND PRIZE OF 60,000 50,000
1 GRAND PRIZE OF 20,000 20,000
2 LARGE PRIZES OF 10,000 20,000
4 LARGE PRIZES OF 6,000 20,000
20 PRIZES OF 1,000 20,000
50 PRIZES OF 600 26,000
100 PRIZES OF 300 30,000
200 PHIZES OF 200 40,000
600 PRIZES OF » 100 50,000
1,000 PRIZES OF 60 60,000
100 Approximation Prizes of $300 130,0C0
100 “ “ 200 10.000
100 “ “ 100 10,000
2,179 Prizes, amounting to $635,010
Application for rates to clubs should be made
only to the Office of theCompany in New Orleans.
For further information write clearly, giving
frill address. PONT AI. NOTES, Express
.Honey Orders, or New York Exchange in ordi
nary letter. Currency by Express, (at our ex
pense) addressed SI. A. BAPPHIN,
New Orleans, l.a.
Wiwbinglen, D. C.
Make P. 0, Money Orders payable and ad
dress Registered Letters to
JVeir JLa*
m ?\TT71VTl}T?l} That the presence of
Kil'S Drill Generals Beauregard
and Early, who are in charge of tlic drawings, is
a guarantee of absolute fairness and integrity*
that the chances arc all equal, and that no one
can possibly divine what numbers will draw a
Prize. All parties, then lore, advertising to guar
antee Prizes in this Lottery, or bolding out any
other impossible inducen outs, arc swindlers, and
only aim to deceive and defraud the unwary.
Kl „
Description of Prisoners Escaped
From Muscogee County Jail,
November 7th, 1886.
JOSEPH B. JENKINS, (white,)-6 feet eleven
inches high, weight about 165 pounds, dark
swathey complexion, dark hair, small dark mus
tache, large gray eye, stoop shouldered, very pro
fane in conversation.
WILLIAM COURTNEY, (white.)—about 21 oi
22 years of age, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches in height,
about 160 pounds in wight, dark hair, small
moustache and very black eye.
ALLEN HOOD, (col.) aiias DOC BROOKS—
Black, about 150 pounds, 5 feet 6 or 8 inches in
height, some front teeth out, sear under left eye.
SIP WILLIAMS, (col.)—5 feet 8 or 9 inches
high, will weigh 175 pounds, dark ginger-cake
color; dark spots on face; hangs his head while
WILLIS McAFEE, (col.,)—5 feet 6 inches in
height, weight about 125 pounds; brown black
color, long m< nstache for a negro ; quick spoken;
sharp features; talks low ; has served live years
in Georgia penitentiary from Liberty county, Ga.
Pi fit y dollars each will be paid for the delivery
ofthe above described prisoners to any jail, to bo
delivered to the authorities of the county of Mus
cogee in said state of Georgia. Wire or write to
Chief c»fPolice, Columbus, Ga.
A reward of fifty dollars each, in addition to the
above is offered by the jailer of the County ot
Muscogee, for Jenkins or Courtney. nov21dlm
Warehouse and Commission
Fontaine Warehouse, Columbus, Ga.
I WILL continue the Warehouse and Commission Business in ail its branches
and solicit the patronage of my friends and the public generally. We guarantee strict
attention and prompt returns on all consignments.
RAGGING and TILS always on hand at cash prices.
Storage and Sale of COTTON a specialty.
Agent for the Latest Improved “LUM11US COTTON GIN.
sep4 2tawlm w2m
Cjinbineit with Great Refracting Power,
Tbry are n» Transparent mid Color,
less as I.itiht Itself,
And for softness of endurance to the eye cannot
be excelled, euublinp: the wearerto read for hours
without liitiKUo. In fact, they are
Perfect Sight Preservers.
Testimonials from the leading physicians in
the United States, governors, senators, legis
lator:', stockmen, men of note in all professions
and in different branches of trade, bunkers, me
chanics, etc., can be given, who have had their
sight improved by their use.
Druggists, Columbus, Georgia.
Soule Redd & Co.,
Brokers. Real Estate and Fire insurance Agents.
1030 Itvoad Ht. Tck<plion« 35.
Two very desirable stores—one on Broad Street
and one one-half block lYom Broad tin business
part ot city.
A very valuable city lot near business portion
ot broad, suitable for erecting stores.
Dwelling house, new, water and gas, all mod
ern conveniences
Houses in Browneville.
Elegant Wynnton residences.
Many desirable city residences at low prices.
Stocks and Bonds bought and sold.
> VVe are prepared to handle all business satis-