Newspaper Page Text
N W * fr0m ^ Three State, Told In
Brief Paragraphs.
Another Gin House Burned—i i
Dlwolution of . Z tl : ,e#fth °
Alabama p . *»*»»U-Some Hon
Washington. 1101 a single vacant house in
ha^topaylhe'l^h'ecLcMn^ump" 115 '
ySSSSE'tfSH ib UW n° n «'> dGu3R rad.
giins loaded with buckshot. Gus Brudlev is
wounded, but not severely, ^
At Salt Springs, in Douglas countv on
Saturday, occurred a difficulty which mav
terminate fatally. Monroe
under the influence of whisky, was abusing
Columbus Blair, one of the jury commh?
Burners, about tiie revision of the jw^box
He then turned his atteniion toToinBlair'
a son of Columbus Biair, and began ai as-
Bault on him when Tom Blair h/t Gore
over the head with a stick. It is rumored
that Gore is dead. Blair has not been ar-
SaUSprings 9 at hiSfather ’ s hoU9eDeftr
AdairsviUef failed. ^Mrfj.fhn Ak?n,‘rfpre f
senting a large number of creditors, filed a
?i7 P ar . tow superior court and had W.
W. Roberts, sheriff, appointed receiver.
About the same tune, Colonel Mynatt, of
Atlanta, hied a bill in the United States
c * u .V rt / or , another creditor and had an
Atlanta lawyer appointed receiver. Mr.
Akin s receiver got possession and com-
menced to sell oil' the goods. Colonel
Mynatt then applied to Judge Fain to re
move Akin’s receiver and have the Atlanta
receiver put in charge. The case was
heard in Atlanta Tuesday last, Mynatt and
Carter on one side and Mr. Akin on the
other. The decision was in favor of the
state court receiver and a victory for Mr.
Akin’s clients.
Near Rockmart, the gin house of Mr. J.
O. Waddell was fired by an incendiary.
There were sixteen bales of cotton in the
house, five of which belonged to Mr. Duke
and the balance to renters. Tnero was
also about 200(1 bushels of cotton seed in
the house. The fire is supposed to huvi
been the work of an incendiary. Allen
Young, colored, was arrested on suspicion,
as be was heard to say that Mr. Waddell
would hear from him before Christmas.
Sir. Waddell caused the negro to be ar
rested some time ago, and, after keeping
him in jail eight or ten days without a
trial, set him free. On account of this, it
is said, the negro made his threat, and
when he heard that his gin had been
burned he had a warrant sworn out for
Young, and had him brought to town Mon
day night. Tuesday morning lie demand
ed his trial. The court waited until 2
o’clock for a prosecutor to put in his ap
pearance, but no one authorized to repre
sent Mr. Waddell showed up. The case
was continued. Mr. Waddell’s los3 is
about jilUOO; Insurance unknown.
Quite a novel occurrence happened in
Augusta Monday afternoon, causing a dis
solution of copartnership between two
young men of a prosperous firm. It seems
that on Christmas day b >th desired the
store kept open, but neither wished to re
main in charge. Therefore, when the
senior member left his younger partner
closed the store and went off to enjoy him
self. Monday both met again, and as a
matter of course, a dispute arose, which
was ended by the senior member opening
tiie safe, during the absence of his partner,
and taking therefrom all the money, to
the amount of $1100. He then took
brace of pistols and a horse ami buggy
belonging to the firm, and left the city
before his partner was aware of his actions,
leaving a note stating what he had taken,
and telling his partner he was welcome to
the stock on hand, and could settle the
bills of the firm. Both are well known
young me-, and have done an excellent
business. The remaining young man
secured the services of Detective Purcell,
who left Monday night for Waynesboro in
pursuit of the fleeing senior member.
The furnace fires were lighted at Calera
on Monday.
William II. Miller killed J. W. Blakeslee
at Mobile on Saturday.
The warehouse at Gallion was destroyed
by lire Monday morning, together with 150
bales of cotton.
Work on the Montgomery and Florida
has progressed to within five miles of the
fifty mile post and all tiie trestling has
been completed up to that point.
On Christmas day, in a frolic near Mays-
viHe, a negro woman aimed a shotgun at a
man in fun ami the weapon was somehow
discharged, killing him instantly.
Mr. S. N. Kimball, formerly of Mobile,
lias put in the lowest bids for the two con
tracts for government dredging at Apa
lachicola and Barrabella, Fla., both at
3-1 9-10 cents per yard. The lieutenant of
engineers in charge wilt recommend the
acceptance of the bid.
One mile west of Huntsville “
. -- a- Memphis and Charleston
knocked from the top of
cards in the daytime and robbed at night.
The sheriff and posse are looking for the
Captain John Sutherland puts his crew,
at Santa Rosa life saving station, through
regular drills in the different departments
every Tuesday and Thursday, and the men
are becoming quite expert In the manage
ment and workings of the various life sav
ing appliances.
Pensacola Advance-Gazette: It Is so
long since we heard of “bounty-jumping”
that we thought its day was past, but it
seems still to be practiced to some extent,
as an officer from Atlanta went down to
Fort Barrancas a few days since and ar
rested a soldier who had deserted his com
mand at the Atlanta barracks and re-en
listed in either the artillery or marine
At Pensacola Wednesday evening about
8 o’clock one Lafayette Hamilton, colored,
was run over by engine No. 611, on the
Louisville and Nashville railroad, just
above the union depot, and was instantly
killed. Justice Esmonde, ex-officio coro
ner, empanneled a jury of inquest, who
brought in a verdict to the effect that
Hamilton came to his death through his
own neglect, as the railroad company had
adopted every precaution to prevent such
occurrences. Hamilton was killed right
near the spot where two or three others
had met a similar fate.
Pensacola Pensacolean:: Last Wednes
day there was enacted in this city, near
the old public school house, a scene
which exhibited in its strongest lights
that charity which is most acceptable to
God. It seems that there lias been going
to the public school a little boy who is
The children of the
assisted by Professor
al No. 1,
very badly crippled, so much so, that it is
difficult for him to walk. Besides being
afflicted he is very, very poor, being an
orphan and dependent upon the pittance
Patterson and their
teachers, proceeded to get up
kind of Christmas present for the
poor little fellow, and each pupil
brought some gift, which, being placed
together, filled some three or four large
hampers. The children then formed In
column, some bearing the hampers and
other articles, which could not be placed
in them, and in this way proceeded to the
little fellow’s house and laid their offer
ings at liis feet. As to who was the hap
piest, the receiver or the givers, it is diffi
cult to say. but one thing is sure, that one
of God’s little creatures, whom He lias
seen fit to afflict, has been made by the
charitable hearts of his schoolmates to
forget for a time his misfortune, and to
enjoy the coming anniversary of the
Prince of Peace.
Xmas comes but once a year, therefore make happy I lie hearts off hose you love and esteem.
Read below enumerated a list of articles suitable for presents :
For Yonr Mother auil Mister,
Nweethenrt. Wife mid
Beautiftil Lace Pins,
Breast Pins, Ear Rings,
Bracelets, Necklaces. Lockets,
Tiny Queen Chains, Westeains,
Silver or Gold Watch, Rings,
Cuff Buttons, Cuff Pins,
Collar Buttons, Uauteliues,
Silver or Gold Thimbles,
8iiver Hair Pins
Silver and Gold Glove and Shoe But-
Opera Glasses. Vases,
Jewel Boxes, Bronzes,
Artistic Clocks, Card Receivers,
Silver Card Cases, Silver Bells,
Napkin Rings, Bronze Lamps,
Picture Frames, Eye Glass Chains,
Spectacles and Eye Glasses,
Solid and Plated Forks, Knives and
Spoons, Book Marks,
Gold Pencils, Pens, Toothpicks,
Solid Silver and Plated Cups,
Solid Silver Soup and Oyster Ladles,
Berry, Preserve and Sugar Spoons,
Butter Knives, Butter Dishes,
Pickle Stands, Castors,
Pearl Handle Knives.
For Your Futlier nud llrottier.
Hushuml and Friend.
Silver or Gold Watches,
Gold or Plated Chains,
Cuff Buttons,
Collar Buttons,
Watch Charms,
Scarf Pins,
Silver Match Safes,
Stud Buttons,
Napkin Holders,
Eye Glasses,
Pebble Spectacles in Steel and Nick
el, Silver and Gold Frames,
Napkin Rings,
Opera Glusses,
Ollice Clocks,
Gold Toothpicks,
Gold Pencils,
Gold Headed Walking Canes,
Seal Rings,
Gold Headed Silk Umbrellns,
Combination Breakfast Sets,
Silver Tobacco Boxes,
Wiskbroom, Solid Silver Handle,
Society Pins,
Ash Receivers.
Guard Chains,
For Your Little Pel*.
Solid Silver and Plated Cups,
Silver Pap Spoons,
Solid Silver Child’s Set,
Silver Plated Child’s Set,
Silver Thimbles lYom No. 1 upward,
Bib Pins.
Breast Pins and Ear Rings,
Stud Buttons,
Solid Silver Baby Rattles,
Silver Plated Napkin Kings,
Soliil Silver Napkin Rings.
School Sets,
Ear Rings,
Silver Knives and Forks,
Silv cr Safety Pius,
Boys’ Watches,
Microscope for botanical exploit#,
Pencils and Pens,
BcautilXtl Little Diamond Rings,
Silver Mugs.
Diamonds mounted in Rings, Pins, Eardrops, Collar Buttons, Cuff Buttons, Studs, Scarf
Pins, etc., at very reasonable prices.
For Clerk of Superior Court.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-
election to the office of Clerk of the Superior
Court of Muscogee County at the election to be.
held in January next. Geo. Y. Pond.
Prepared with strict regard to Purity, Strength, and
UeAlthfulucno. Dr. Price’s linking Powder contains
no Ammonia,Lime.Alum or Phosphates. Dr.Price's
.Extracts, Vuuilla, Leiiiun, etc., flavor deiiciouoiy.
MP/CE BAKN6 POWDER CO. Cwcacp. Ccy/s
Columbus, Ga., December 19,1886.
N and aflei this date Passenger Trains will
__ run daily unless marked +, which are daily
except Sunday. The standard time by which
these Trains run is the same as Columbus city
Leave Columbus..
Arrive Macou
“ Atlanta
: 11 15 a mlt 10 20 p m
4 04pm f 625am
: 9 00 p m | * 1 05 p m
; * 7 09 p m
1 * 3 50 p m
! 10 08 p m|* 10 50 a m
5 00 p m
Passengers for Sylvania, Sanderville, Wrights-
ville. Mnledgeville and Eatonton, Thomaston.
Carrollton. Perry, Fort Gaines, Talbotton, Buena
Vista, Blakely and Clayton should take 8 50 p m
Leave Macon
“ Atlanta
“ Montgomery..
“ Eufaula
“ Albany
“ Millcn
“ Augusta
“ Savannah
Arrive Columbus
s 9 50 a m, * 9 27 p m
* 3 00am* 2 00 p in
1 * 7 40 a m
* 10 40 am
* 450a in* 3 57 p in
"11 15 p m * Vt 85 pm
> 9 30 p m|* 10 20 am
* 8 20 p ml* 10 00 a m
15 3 02 p in * 6 50 a m
Sleeping Cars on all night trains between Co
lumbus and Macon, Macon and Savannah, Ma
con and Atlanta, Savannah and Macon, and Sa
vannah and Atlanta. _ _ ..
Tickets for all points and Sleeping Car Berth*
on sale at Depot Ticket Ollice
Gen’l Pass. Agent.
C. W. MEYER, Ticket Agent. augl tf
a car by a bridge, and falling under,the j Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
freight train was
a car by a bridge
train was terribly mangiea. ijoui p GEO rgia, MUSCOGEE COUNTY
were cut off at the knee and his head was ^ 1}ereb y ?iven t0 a n persons having
split open. demands against J. E. Walker, late of said_coun-
* - .. >1- — ;i innnrr ora- fv deceased, to present them tome properly au-
t thenticated, within the time prescribed by law,
1 and all persons indebted to said deceased, are
required to make me immediate ^’ayinciu. ^
Adm’r Est. of J. E. Walker, deceased.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
All parties having claims against Thos. D.
Fortson, licensed, are hereby notified to present
the same, duly authenticated, to me, "ithm thi
time prescribed by law i and all parties indebted
to said Thos. D. Fortson are required to make
immediate payment tome. w FORTSON.
nnr. nnwfiw Administrator.
Miers& Blackwell, late retail fancy gro-
cers of Selma failed Saturday ^
skipped their creditors here and else
where. Investigation proved t iat ^
hack door was open and a lot of goods
missing. Both member, of .ho fir n eftin
RaraKWw ■»
“sundar night at 8 o’clock as Pat Boggart,
Kam''w n as y ^hfg b home S9 a^tampt to
kiU him was made by three negroes on
North street. Without a word tbe> Hrea
,i, one ball grazing his 1'“
li.i „«o!ncf a vn rd ience, but ruco\
He suc-
For County Trennurer.
I wish my friends to know that I will be a can
didate for this office at the next election. I am
here to run. R. J Moses.
nov20 dtd
I announce myself a candidate for County
Treasurer, and respectfully ask the voters of
Muscogee county for their suffrage,
d&wtd John C. Cook.
I respectfully announce myself a candidate for
Treasurer of Muscogee county, and earnestly
solicit your support. I need the office and wil
be very thankful for your assistance. Iam pre
pared to run. Election on the first Wednesday
in January next, 1887.
oc9 se&wedtd Jordan L. Howell.
For Tux He
, II. Harrison.
I announce myself a candidate for election to
the office of Tax Receiver, an.i respectfully solicit
the votes of the citizeus of Muscogee county.
Election Wednesday, January 5,1887.
novlG dtf Woolfolk Walker.
I announce myself a candidate for Tax Re
ceiver of Muscogee county, and respectfully
ask the support of the voteri
sep22 tf
I respectfully announce myself a candidate for
re-election to the office of Tax Receiver, and ask
your suffrage. I have ever tried to discharge
my duty as an officer, and will still do the same
if elected. Election January next.
Respectfully, J. C. Reedy.
nov5 td
I respectfully announce myself a candidate foi
Tax Receiver of Muscogee county. Election first
Wednesday in January. Seo. W. Cargill.
nov7 td
Shortest, Quickest and Besl—308 Miles Shorter to New York
than via Louisville—Close Connection with Piedmont
Air Line and Western and Atlantic Railroad.
Pullman Palace Curs Monlgoincv to Washington without change on all ir
Train 51, Pullman Palace Buffet Car Atlanta to New York without cnangc.
South Bound Trains.
Leave Columbus ' j...,
‘ O^eii k a..... | j I....
Train 50, Pullman Palace Sleeping Oar through to New Orleans. Train 52, Family Emigrant
Sleeping Cai, free of charge, through to Texas without change.
No. 50 I No. 52
1 20 p m j 12 20 u )
2 28 j» ml
5 09 pm 4 2.5 a i
0 01pm 5 22 a i
7 15 pin! 6 45 a i
For Tax Collector.
1 announce myself as a candidate lor Tax
Collector of Muscogee county (election
January next), nud respectfully solicit the sup
port of the voters of said county.
aug29 dtf wlm Oliver P. Poe.
Announcing myself a candidate for re-election
to the office of Tax Collector of Muscogee county,
I respectfully solicit the votes of its citizens,
and will endeavor to deserve their support by
faithfully discharging the duties of this office m i
the future as in the past. Election first Wednes
day in January next.
sep21 eodtd Davis A. Andrews.
I announce myself a candidate for Tax Col
lector of Muscogee county (election January
next), and ask for the support of the voters of
said county. J. C. Woolfolk.
sep7 dtf
Via Selma and Queen and Crescent.
Leave Columbus
“ Opelika
“ Montgomery
Arrive Selma
“ Marion
“ Greensboro
“ Meridan.
“ Jackson..
“ Vicksburg
“ Monroe *
“ Shreveport
No. H.
2 28 p m
8 80 p ill
11 30 p ill
CECIL GABBETT. General Manager.
1 45 p m
4 00 p m
5 35 p m
6 27 p m
11 15 p in
4 22 a m
6 50 n m
1 40 p m
6 45 p m
General Passenger Agent.
Mobile & Girard R. R. Co.
( \N and after this date Trains will run as follows
COLUMBUS, GA., December 19, 1886.
For Coroner.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for Cor- ,
oner for Muscogee county at the ensuing elec- |
tion. W. D. Amyet. j
nov7 dtd
I announce myself as a candipate for Coroner
of Muscogee county.
decl2 td Simpson Stkibblino. !
I announce myself as a candidate for re-elec
tion as Coroner of Muscogee county.
dec!2 dtd Isaac T. Brooks.
Leave Columbus Union Depot..
“ Columbus Broad Street Depot..
Arrive Union Springs
Leave Union Springs
Arrive Troy.. ..."
“ Montgomery, M. & F.. R. R
“ Eufaula, M. A E. K. R
. 2 10 pi
. | 2 25 p I
. 5 28 p i
.1 6 35 pi
-! H H 1>»
. 7 0U pi
. 9 IH p l
No. 2.
i 10 35 p j
i 10 45 p I
ll 150 a i
l| 2 10 a i
8 00 a m
8 i 0 a ni
12 04 p m
12 50 p rn
2 45 p in
7 09 p in
Arrive Union Springs
heave Union .SRrings
Arrive Montgomery, M. & E. R R
“ Columbus
Trains Nos. 1 rind 2 'Mail, daily. Nos. 3 and 4 (
Accommodation,, daily except Sunday. No. 5 and
W. L. CLARK. 5-un’t.
J 5 50 am
. i 6 15 a m 1
.| 7 30 am 1
J 9 19 ft ni
In effect November 14th, 1886.
No. 51
No. 53
8 05 p m
12 65 nht
7 55 a m
1 20 p m
“ Montgomery
7 35 a m
8 15 p ill
9 35 p m
Arrive Cr.],imfii|' j
2 28 p m
10 29 p 111
11 12 p ni
11 44 p ill
12 03 p in
1 25 p m
“ Atlanta
2 15 a m
Via \V. A: A. Railroad.
Leave Atlanta
1 40 p in
7 50 a ni
“ DpJton
: i
“ Cincinnati
i 0 50 p ill
Via the Piedmont Air Line to New York and East.
1 45 p m
12 55 a m
11 33 a m
8 80 p m
4 48 p ill
7 40 a in
6 15 p m
5 30 a m
8 30 a in
10 03 a m
12 80 pm
8 20 p ra
Arrive Charlotte
“ Richmond
“ Washington
“ Baltimore
“ New York
| 0 20pm
For Slterifl’.
I most respectfully announce myself as a can
didate for re-election as sheriff of Muscogee coun
ty. Election first Wednesday in January next,
decll td J. G. Burrus.
on him - = ,
stumbled against a yard
ered himself and ran foi his hie,
ceoded in eluding his P ul ? v a ®” a "{L R t |, e ob-
alarrn. It is thought robbery wastm-o
The Alabama postmasters a PP n ' a , t ®^
Monday were: ^^.^V^^M ore Bre-
Jefferson county; Sa ™ e UL'L^p Bicker,
varo, Jefferson couutj .Jasper l ■ ‘
Elizabeth, Coffee county; K V ■ « ^
Hayleys, Marion county, .\v-Miam
Nagel, Herndon. Baldwin county , yr
N. Griffin, Lochtree, St. Clair county .^W.
A special to the Birmingham Chronicle -
Whereas. George Y. Pond., administrator tie
bonis non, o! estate of Ellen Thomas, represents
i to the court in hi? petition, duly hied, that he
fully administered said estate.
This is therefore, to cite all persons concerned.
: heir? and creditors, to show cause, if any they
! can why said administrator should not be dis
chargee from his administration and receiv.
letters of dismission on the first Monday in
S M Witaess 7 my official signature ,this December
7th, me
Eagle and Phenix Manf’g Co.
A Semi-Annual Dividend of THREE PER
CENT is due and payable at the office of the
Eagle and Phenix Manufacturing Company on
December 31st, 1836. The transfer books of cer
tificates of stock will be closed from December
20th until Junuary 1st, 1887. A. I. YOUNG.
dec7 dtd Treas’r Eagle and Phenix M f«. Co.
C^Ixi Co»,
Manufacturers of the “Old Reliable”
Brown Cotton Gins, Feeders and Con
All the very latest improvements: Im
proved roll box, patent widpper, two
brush belts, extra strong brush, cast
steel beurimr 0 , improved Feeder,
culari"-’. mint preo 'oudenser.
; .drripirf _infraction, durable
)<rin •: d. fight, cleans tiie seed per-
jfeet., and produces first class samples.
tit w.ny necessiblu point. Mend lor fail
description and price list.
says : “As Pope Wooten,
white, and Jim
Used for ov r'
physicians of I ’;
IS years wilh great, au -cers by the
Pacific crossing at little Warrior i
side'of Warrior Station, they‘were fir £ f \
from ambush an both killed A *,£* £1
siv men were arrested seer tea 1 _. , i
Warrior swamps. One of them sq 11 j
and said the man who did lie ^ ° I
was Walker Jackson, who had esc; ^ j
That there was a regularly organized . ,
of eight men who hid m the woods, i )
vl r i • a!l •
9 3 CEN'IS, MAr.i
Prepared by ®
m i rti-irompt cum nf a!
ii” H aiitLrg. PiT up only in
• . ■' ■ ■ • : 'M< K
'i.iK.M l.LL CHEAI'ESt
COLUMBUS IRON WORKS, Agents, Columbus, Ga.
m SZ
C ures <J and G In li to 4 days,
Ask your druggist for it.
Sent to any ad dross for $1.50
MALYDOR MFG. CO. SpringfleltLO
oc9 d8m
Chattahoochee Sheriff’s Sale
the ftr-t Tuesday in Jan-
. , . , ourt house in said county,
w) til in the hours of . !e, to the highest
bnioer/of easb, t>j/- ; j/*vp.-rtv. fo-wit:
One hundred and fifty i f o! lund off of east
part of lot No. l.;: : also l«,i> No.. 139 r* ml !.3$; also
!-•’ '• - U • •: 1 - . •. a: d ’■ •• ■, i ,
county of i hatt&hoociuM-. M • of ( fi-or-i . and
tenth . Oi district, and I
-• hi land lei led upoi h roj rty • I t
MeLaur;him to - iti-1 > a 1: fa : • ..d
tr m the superior court o» s .id count' in favor ol
Mrs. M. F. Harvey -uxainst said Dr. L. F. Mc
Laughlin. Ibis 4th day of Nov. niia-r, 1S8«.
, . D i FA YL'JTH HMU>,
Sneriff Chattahoochee County.
WIh-a a.-., R. E b’nrish applies for htters of ad-
ministration on the , -tata ofJames ii. Slade, late
ol said county, dem used.
'liu - 1 an-, tin i -fore, cite all and singular
kindred .uni cn ditorb. of ‘•aid deceasul, to show
era is . any tin i .an .within ‘In time prescribed,
why b tt -rs of adiniiilslrali 1 n, as alorcsuid,
b« in int< d t( ! . n(.
Witin- -i iiii' official ur>- 11 i- December
4th, 1888. F.M. BROOKS,
dec l oaivlw Ordinary.
700 toSS500
, ' ''’ ■ '
FiiFNSON & C'J.. 1*913 M in
u Ug2 W4LU
ill Cottage
F. H. KNOWI.E8 ft n>„ • • Anct'n
..oor north of Mr. ... ,
and garden. Street cars to city every 30 minutes.
Terms, one-third cash, balance one and two
years, with 8 per ceut interest.
Real Estate Agt, Columbus,Ga.
so wed fri tf
One six-room House on Ninth street.
One three-room House and lot 50x147 foot 10
inches, cheap. Call quick.
One four-room House on Tenth street, corner
Fifth avenue.
One small Store House on Rose Hill.
Real Estate Agent, No. 22 12th St
Valuable City Property.
_ issioners appointed by said court'
in front of the court house of said county, in
the city of Columbus, on the first Tuesday in Jan
uary 1887, between the legal hours of sale at pub
lic outcry, to the highest bidder, the foi lowing:
described citj property, all lyimf in the city of
Columbus, county of Muscogee, State of Georgia,
All that tract or parcel of hind lying and being
in the city nf Columbus, known and distinguish
ed in the plan of said city us the south half of
city lot number four hundred and eighty nine,
148U*, fronting on McIntosh street, mow Fifth
avenue', containing one fourth <‘ii of an acre,,
nore or less, together with all and singular thu
ights, members and appurtenances, and iin-
ivements to the Mime in any manner belong-
Ternia, cash.
'oHsession given on execution of deed tb pur-
nov 30-dtd Commissioners.
M V place on Talbotton road, about two miles
from city,on line of Georgia Midlund. nos
a new five room House, nil necessary out-houses,
in excellent rcpnfr; splendid spring. The niuco
contains 102'A acres, about 25 acres of which aro
TjEIRDMTS ea sit.
e 01. the place, nr
For narticulars apply to m
to T. 'V!. Folej*, opera iiouse.
This School Is the tK?st
in America. The most
practical course of In-
,i»truction and the most;
(eminent faculty. En
dorsed by business
houses. For strcularf
and srteciintBa of Pen
manship, address
MOiauri. aoiMwcH,
_ dissolved by the withdrawal of R. B. Prather,
'fhe Boot and Shoe business will be continued at
the same place in my own name. I shall keep ou
hand a full stock of well selected goods at as low
prices as any other h. use in the city. Thanking
the public lor a liberal patronage in the past, I
solicit the same for the future.
Mr. Will D. Wommack, the prompt and oblig
ing salesman, will continue with me and will be
pleased to serve bis friends.
dec?l 2w JAMES E. DEATON.
Sealed proposals will be received at the office
of F. M. Brooks, clerk of the Board of County
C mmissinners, until Saturday, the first day of
.lanuary iv>7, for the following specific purposes:
For medical attention to the county poor. Fur*
nishing medicines to the county poor. Burial of
the poor. Furnishing coffins ft r burial of poor.
Doing t he wood ar d blacksmith work for county,
and doing the county printing.
The Commissioners reserve the right to reject
any or all bids.
By order of the Board of Commissioners.
This December 4th, l88(*.
dec-ltd Clerk Com’rs Court.
* published for the information of the public:
The setting off ol any sky rockets. Roman can
dles, large firecrackers, torpedoes or balloons at
any place within tiie corporate limits of the city,
except north of Franklin and south of Thomas
streets, is hereby piohihited during the Christr
mas h didays under penalty of line or imprison
ment, ut the discretion of the mayor; and the po
lice are specially instructed to enforce this pro
Besides the prohibition of large fire crackers,
torpedoes, etc., in certain portions of tin- city, the
firing of small crackers on any of the sidewalks
of the city is prohibited. M. M. MOORE,
Dec 24-tj a ill Clerk of Council.
ILL sell for low pr
and beautiful lot i
ween Fourteenth at
is the door t-veiy U> i
cc the four-room Dwelling
•est side of Second avenuo
(I Fifteenth streets. Curs
1 preein
• She
an election held at the different
the county of Muscogee oa
lay, the 5th day of January next <1887;,
If, Clerk of the Superior Court, Tax Ro-
ceiver, Tax (’olleotor, County Treasurer, County
Surveyor, and Coroner. The managers wifi
please call at my office for the necesfary'blanks.
This December 4th, 1886.
dtd F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary.
Offices For Rent I
..... «,cr H. F. Everei
ore; in Webster Building.
Real Estate Agent, Columbus. Gs
nvKFN up inn klixii