Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, October 16, 1887, Image 3

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DAILY KNQPIRBB » BUN, OOLUMBUB, ffBOBHIA. SUM JAY MORNING. OCTOBER 16. 1887. nniM rixcin. l-P-y want*. »hort .klrU and fall blow* boats M the Ititoni in llttJeihU' frock*. Maticcea of aoraha ate trimmed wllfa » new Mid of thread lioe called dentelie Borne. Mol browns, Gobelin blue*, grays and tapestry peensare the fevored co'ors for felt hats Checks, bars, herringbone and chevron weaves mark the bulk of the woollen importations this Ml. Undressed suede gloves are stlU the pooler and fashionable wear with toilets for morning, after aeon and evening. India cashmere made np with moire Francala f sou one of the very fashionable combinations in stylish autumn toilets. ttven banderchiefii embroidered in gold are kvoiigh' to match the gold-trimmed gowns that are so fashionable this foil. A fancy in foil evening dress is to have the gloves and low shows of tan-colored suede; the silk stockings suede-colored also. Yokes of go'd passementerie, with auff-s and *4Lars and epaulette fringes to match, are seen an very dressy Imported evening gowns Tbe tailor gown la relegated to its proper place this season, being the suit formornlng, not after noon wear, for utility, not dress occasions. Girdles of ropes of beads of pass- menterio. and at seal and plush are to replace those of metal saddle girth anl leather that have been worn (his summer Double-breasted, looBO-IYoat jackets or coats are shown lor rough weather. They are loose and comfortable, but set in well to the figure in Hip back. In handkerchlefo the quaint colored border deuigns and tbe narrow fanoy edge bold their swn in publio favor, and probably will for some kmc to come. A novelty is shown of silk with wrought e.tge. The very pioper thing in bracelets now is the link which, without d mbt, is quite the pre tics! bracelot ever introduced. Diamonds are set in |j>e open spaces between the links, aud in some sises rubies are used. Tbe combinations of oolor, tinsel, plush, felt, veive broebe, gold, silver and black, white and tutored laces, feathers and mock jewel orna ments In millinery this foil, show that we are to have an exceptional splendor In dross For all forms ot nasal catarrh where there is dryness of the a!r passage with “Burnp-PAiBA.** Quick, complete cure, all annoying Kid ney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. (1, At druggists. “HOCUIl OS BILK" PILL*. Small granules, small dose, big results, pleasant in operation, don’t disturb the stomach. 10c and 26o. "ROUGH ON DIBT." Ask for “Rough on Dirt." A perfect washint powder found at last! A harm less, extra flue A 1 article, pure and clean, sweetons, freshens, bleaches and whiten, without slightest Injury to fimst fabric. Unequaled for flue linens and luces, gon ers) household, kitchen and laundry use. Softens water, saves labor and ‘soap. Added to starch prevents yellowing. 5c. 10c, 85c, at Grocers. d&wtf A dracloa. Beport. An old mister, a bachelor, flnds some hair lu his soup and his addresses to his oook are the most grad >us: “I you thank, Josephine, but the next time give it to me in a locket.—Le Glgaro. Chlpman’s Fills will cure your sick Headache, or relievo you of dyspepsia. d*wtf What's the Batter With Bent There are two new parties in existence to which Bou Butler hss never belonged, and be shows no symptoms of joining. Is the old fellow losing his grin?—Minneapo lis Tribune. Commissioner’9 Sale for Partition Valuable City Real Estate. THK PKRBT HOUSE PROPERTY AND BROAD STREET STORE IIOtSE. GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY: By virtue of an ordei of the Superior Court ot said county, the uni' ei Binned, commissioners appointed by said court, will yell, ut public out cry. within tin- legal bourt> of Hub*, on the fits Tnesda> in Nvvrmt o next, In tVont of t’ er-t re of F. M. Knowles & On., on the come' of Broad and Tenth streets, in 'he city of O lutub a Mug cojre* county, Georgia, the following described ropoity. in the city of Columbus, to-wit : The Berry House Hotel Property, Comprising Lots No* 2*21 and 222, 01 e-hall acre each, an>. pans of Lota Nos 219 and 2 0 lying broadside the above lots on the north side, front in» vO feet on Oglethorpe s reet at d runm< g square y back the same width to Jackson street uli being included in the brick wall enclosing raid hotel proper'.y. The said I'EKllY HOUSE HOTEL is conven iertly located !«r permanent and tr.tnsicn custom, ou the northeast comer of First av nue (originally ogletl orpo *-t e* t> and Thirteenth torigi> ally Rr an) street, training about 171 lee ou First avenuo and 296 feet 8 inclus on Thir U entli s'.rert, and 171 fc* t c?n Hecro d avenue (formerly J.uktou atieil) The Hotel b u three rtcry brick builo ing, with 18 tuch solid wads, with commodh us basement wilh spat ious nr. a cov eriug 23»feet front ou First avei.uc, with wants ex tending back 14!) feet and id«- entrance on Thir teenth stieet: two tinder-ground c.sterns ond a rest ivoi on the ton of ' he house of sufficient canncityt supply the entire buil-'ing. The house F most, convenient !y arranged for first class hot* 1 purpo cs, containing K'ltrocms, CAUTION. Omnmert ehould not confute our 9pte\Jle with the nwrurmi imitations, eubetitutee, potash and mercury mixtures which are jot- ten up to sell, not on their own merit, hut on the merit of our remedy. An imitation is always a fraud and a cheat, and they thrive only at they can steal from the article imitated. Trtmxee on lUood amt Skin Diseases malted free. For sale by all drugyisU. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Oa. S. S. S. vs. POTASH. . I h«yo had blood poison for ten roars. I know I have taken ono hundred bottles of iodide of potash in that timo, but it aid me no good. I^nst summer my face, nock, body •nu limbs were covered with sores, and l could scarcely use my arms on account of rheu matism in my shoulders. I took S. 8. 8., and it has done me more good than all other medi cines 1 have taken. My face, body and neck are perfectly clear and cleau, and my rheu matism is entirely gone. I weighed 116 pounds when I began the medicine, and l now weigh 152 pbunds. My first bottle heljied me greatly, and gave me an appetite like a strong mm>, I would not bo without S. 8. 8. for several times its weight in gold. C. E. MITCHELL, W. 23d St. Ferry, New York. Real Estate Bulletii -OF BUthLLN’S AllSltLA BAVLK Tho beat Salve In tho world for Cuts, Bruiset, Sores. Ulccra, Silt Rheum, Fcvei •tores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and nil Skin Eruptions, positive ly cures Piles, or no pay is required. It it tuaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 26 cents per hox. For sale by Brannon & Carson. iell4 ood&w Illuming a ('itmpnlgu on Uo'sip. Au atte opt is now iu sigh', to run the next presidential campaign on gossip. ... Who shook hands with whom, and who which is: Urn dividing lino i did not shake and whv, are the exulted terms: Cash on day of sale, themes of public discussion.—Alta Culifor- k. *' nia. BROWN & KING, — Manufacturers and Dealers in ii clut iug Bur, BiRinrt and Barber rooms; spa cious Rotut da. Office, Parlors, Dining m d Ball COTTON AND WOOLEN MILL SUPPLIES- Depot ami within one Hook of Broad strict,the Street Rniilroriand the Pom (Wh o, Terms: One halt of the purchase money cash on the day of saw ; bul.v c , in iqual amounts, ut one and two years, with interest at 7 per cent,, to he secured by lin-rtgafe *•!) t he pvope t the in- liy No. M. uow No. 1212,Broad street, on part i f city lot No. j7"», fronting 21 le. t ou east aide of Broad stre t, smith of and adjoin*? an open alley-way on the math i-idt . and runningsqua e- ly back same 78 feet to the middle of an u the east. Top Roller Covering Specialty. ™*i W»cn ;V : M I:' ' ' L; '" : ^' r W. f? ' *1 *4®TStfllftf'' *-;• ' "j • .* - • ■ . r - > ...’a. i m , Loom Strapping and Pickers 'A Specialty. aell,M.25&ocl—cuwln F.' J.'jENKIN&. Commissioners. en pi U. Chase, M. D., Millwood, Kansas. The bottle of Ely’s Cream Balm that I •btained of you last summer has entirely •ured my little boy of a severe attack of aatarrh.—Mrs. Bailie Davis, Green Post Office, Ala. ^ * oot 13-d*wlw A woman living near Moweaqua, III., discovered a curious looking white worm ■early two feet long between the leaves of a cabbage. A local physician, in whose possehsion it now is, says that it is some thing entirely new to him in animal life. His theory is that it came in the recent rains. He proposes to send it for exami nation to the state entomologist at Cham paign, m. Old Alasaina. W. 0. Lourd, Leesburg, Ala., writes: *ir little babe, ten m jnths old, was almost dying from teething, gave It Dr. Biggers’ Huckleberry Cordial. The happiest result followed. Every home should have it. The Old Graadaother Insists on the mother giving the little oue Dr. Biggers’ Huokleoerry Cordial. She knows it will cure both young and old of aU bowel troubles, and not oonstipate as many preparations do with injurious effect. The Little Orphen. Mrs. Seago, one of the Trustees of the Slew Orleans Orphan Horae gives Dr. Big gers’ Huckleberry Cordial for the relief of all bowel trouble troubles. She never sui- fers herself to be without it. The Mind Care. The theory of the mind cure may do for some hysterical cubes, but for chronic bowel trouble, croup, colic, dlarrecea, dysenterry, Dr. Biggers’ Huckleberry Cor dial is the surest and best cure. Keep it. The Life of a Child. Mr. W. L. Fain, a large commission mer chant, Bays he owes the life of his child to Dr. Biggers’ Huckleberry Cordial. It al ways gradually checks the bowe.s and does ■ot oonstipate as many do. One of the Smith-*. Are you Owen Smith 1 “Oh, yes, I must be, I am owin’ everybody ?” But I owe more to Dr. Biggers’ Huckleberry Cordial for curing me of the cholera morbus and dyssentery. se,tu,thur&w A Figurative duke on the Yacht lUce. Victorious figs are not gathered from Thistles.—Chicago Herald. Tontiyaou’a "May tjiieen.*' Who knows but if the beautiful girl who died so young had been blessed with Dr. Pierce's “Favorite Prescription’’she might have reigned on many another bright May day. Tbe “Favorite Prescription” is a cer tain cure for all those disorders to which females are liable. At Cleveland W ednesday evening Charles Kuntv, a well known society man, was to huve been married to Dora Wcttricb, a wealthy and beautiful girl. After about 200 guests were assembled it was learned the bans were forbidden by Mr. Wettriclqwho said the would-be groom was not square in his financial transactions. It is said that the English co-operatives have a bank whoso transactions amount to f80,000,000 a year. They have 1400 stores and do a business of $150,000,000 a year. Their 900,000 members receive an annual profit of f45,000,000. Their profits during the past twenty-four years have been S150,- 000,(W0. LINT OF LETTERS. List of unclaimed letters remaining In the O - lumbua, Ua., post office for the week ending Oot. 18. If not called for within thirty days will 1 a ■ant to the Dead Letter Office: l’j insure prom at delivery have your letters ad dressed to Street and Number CAPITAL PRIZE, - $150,000 “ We do Kerel rangemenifor dll the'Monthly Drawing• of The Louisiana State LotUry Cbm pony, and in pereon manage and ctntroi iht Drawingi themselves, and that the same are eo% ducted with honesty, fairness, and in good fttiib toward all parties, and we authorise the Oompani to use this eer'ittrotr with ffr-thniie* of our sig natures attached. to its advertisements.” Abaey G S Adams J K Adams W D Anthony M A Brown Frank Barnes Wm Bates Geonrs Benuin John Biihop Woi [CiA'd) Blunt Charlie Boland J F Bowu N M Brooks E D or G Vv Brown N B Brown Jimmie Burten John Butler Willis J Byrd W I) William Southmayd, the oldest elector in Couueclicut, voted at the town election in Middletown last week. Ho is 98 years old and has voted at every election since 1811 It Should hi* Generally Kuomu that the multitude of diseases of a scrof. - lous nature generally proceed from a tor pid condition of the liver. The blood be comes impure because tbe liver does not act properly and work off the poison from the system, and the certain results are blotches, pimples, eruptions, swellings, tumors, ulcers, and kindred affections, or settling upon the lungs and poisoning their delicate tissues, until ulceration, breaking down, and consumption is established. Dr Pierce’s ‘‘Golden Medical Discovery” will, by acting upon the liver and purifying the blood, cure all these diseases. vJttmeron J P Cleghoru Alfred Copeland Bill (col'd) Davis Robert Dewe»9 J W Cook W H Digby S M Purst Jas Godfred W T H ill Miller Harwood Henry L Ha ris Robert (col’d/ Haskel Col M C Havner James Huff Dr Ingr.tin R >bt Jin kins \V M Keating J S King Dave Lane Charles Lawson George Knight W S Love Gilbert Madison J.unos Mshone Goodeu oBNTUiuait’a list. Matthews Allen F Miller J K Mitchell W M Mitchell Morton Moore A B Newsome w R Norton C L Owens Wm W Oven'oerg James N Payne 9am Perkins Billiard Reed W m Reeder Lee Renfro Henry Riggiu A J Handers Geo A Scarborough J F Sherman Robt R Smith Dock Starling Frank Steuben Henry Htielbard Henry St odd Jack Summers D L Swindle George W Thulls S A Thomas Wm H Townsend W R Vaughn W H Wallis Martin Ward H S Wells C A Whitley Jack W'illiamson John li Williams Julec Wilson Eddie Wood Ed Woo la m F M Worrell F W Wright Grigs >jr Yarborough G W Yarber Sam Yunt L L Baker Mittie nailey Liza Jane Berry Corneda 2 Blair Laura Braxton Anna Broadnax Emily Broadnax Bet tie Brown Itet Cole Mrs ParrJsda Davis Ji Dickson Edwards Miltie Ella I6.> 3d uve Fields Lula Fischer E len Gafiord mis Bctlie Gammon Mu^ Garrett Maguie Golden Florid Grave Dora Green mr< Mary Uiiggs inrs Cicely Guary D J Hail Mary J 2 HunilLou mrsJ L H nnilton mrs L M 2 Hayes miss 1 arrio Haones Delia Henderson Malinda Hinton Pheba Hood C F Hootten M arv Howard Hittie Ella Johnson Lizzie Johnston Fannie Jones Elsy Jones Rebecca Jones Hattie King Annie King Sophia Little inra E ladiks' LIST. Lilia Mattie Mackey Jessi** Martin Laura Mathis Helig Mvror R Nabers Carrie Nelson Amery OetmlMloM Wh I he undersigned Banks and Bankers tell nay all JVizes drawn in The Louisiana Stats Let isHes which may be presented al our counters. 3. H. OOLENBY, Proa. La. Nat’I Bank PIERRE LANAIIX, Pres. State Blat’l Bi A. BALDWIN, Pren. N. O. N»t*l Baal t'AUIa KOHN, Pren. Union Nat*l Bask U NPRECRDRNTRDTTTRAGTiON 1 Over Half a Million Butribitol Louisiana State Lottery Comply witn a uapiva, or ,j,wu,uw—ru wmui a iw fond of over $550,000 uas aluce been added. By an overwhelming popular vote it* franohli. was made a part of the present Slate Oonatlto tion, adopted December 2d, A. D. 18TO. The only Lottery ever voted eit and mdoraad b| the people of any Stole. IT NEVER SCALES OR POSTPONES. I la Urnii«i Mingle Number Drawing take place .Ylwnllily, and the Oram Neml-Aitiiual Drawing, regularly ev ery ala montha (June aud December) A NPLKNDID OPIM»RTITBriTT WIN A FORTUNE. ELEVENTH GRAND DRAWING, CLASS l„ IN THE ACADEMY MUSIC. NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, No vember Hth. IHH7—21Dth Monthly Drawing Capital Prize, $160,000. kSTMotlrr Tlrkot« ar« Ton Hollars only. Bnlrr oo. FiflhH,$5». Tenths, $1. I CAPITAL PRIZE OF 1150,000 |150,CC. 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 60,000 60.00 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 20.000 20,00' 2 LARGE PRIZES OF 10,000 20,00t 4 LARGE PRIZES OF 5,000 SO.On 20 PRIZES OF 1.000 20.0CC 60 PRIZES OF 600 ... 26,0)'. 100 PRIZES OF aco so.oei 200 PRIZES OF 200 40,OR 600 PRIZES OF 100 r APPGX1MATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prizos of 1300 $30,0 C Among other relics of the mound build ers discovered near Devils Lake, D. T., by Prof. Montgomery, of the North Dakota University, is what he calls a saeritlsial mound, in which, seventeen inches from the surface, are wells easilv found because of a lining of lime about the sides and lay ers of bark on the bottom. These are deep enough to hold bodies in a sitting posture. A Doctor's KxperleinM*. After a great many trials of the ilrst phy sicians of the North and South, I had grown exhausted by the continued experi mental efforts of doctors to cure me of Chronic Laryngitis and Bronchitis of a most severe type, I dropped into a drug store, while more dead than alive. Speak ing of my condition, a friend advised me to try Dr. Mozley’s Lemon Hot Drops, which I did, and to my surprise, after tak ing the first battle, it gave me complete relief. I then bought three other bot- tlea, which cured my case entirely of eight years’ standing. I favor you with this to encourage you to make and supply the great healer to sufferers like myself. Your Mend, W. A. Byers, M. D. Atlanta Dental Depot. octlfl selm I have used Moxie for noivousnesa, aud testify that It if the very best remedy A.. C. A'le ns worth, Surgical In.peotor. 't- laata, Oa. (4) Phips Zuri Pitts Annie Pono Victoria Halford Maria Reetl Jane Roberts mrs Nettie Roger?' Harriet Rows A Hie Ross Angeline Handers Amanda 8000; Mary L Shorter Fannie Sim-; Bailie .Singletary mrs E F Skipper mrs E V Smith Lizzie Taler Josephine Thomas Matilda Thomas Zora Tice Mary Ann Temmous Fannie Tise mrs Smith Webb S A Webb Fannie Williams Lizzie Williams Aggie Wilson Mahnda Woodson Iola Yarbrough Surah Zefmr Josephine When calling tor tbeee letters, please aav the} are advertised, giving date. T. J Watt Postuiivdei 100 ion 1,000 Terminal 2.179 Prizes, amounting to 20,0(1 10.0G SO.OU LEATHER AND RUBBER BELT! NO* MACHINISTS AND ENGINEERS SUPPLIES, WROUGHT IRON PIPE FITTINGS AND BRASS GOODS. 62 South Broad Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA- aug 2-dOm Columbus, Georg a. Office Next to Telegraph Office, I’CLEPdONE No. SI. City Real Estate "FOR SALE: No. 200. Broad street store, east side, b» tween Tenth and Thirteintli streets, two-9tory. No. 218. Resilience two-story, north-east cor ner < f Third avenue and E'ghr street. No. 266 Lower Bread street, two-«tory real- denee, west side, between Eighth and Ninth, streets. Eight looms, waterworks, bath rooms* ami gis. Will sell for the value of the lots, and give you the improvements; this D ths in os') beautiful location in the city. No. 20a. Building lot on upper Third avenue, full quarter acre, high, level, excellent neighbor hood. No. 277. Beautiful building lot 60x147-10, per Fifth avenue; $15(0. No. 270. Residence, six rooms, east side or Thirl avenue, near Baptist chun h ; $5000 No. 283, Elegant residence, eight rooms, Hlat<v roof, gas. waler works, hath room, and all other modi rn eonvenieiiccs.wostsiueol Second avt nue. No. 284. Two-story, eight-room residence o$ Mr. J. M., near unit n depot, Twelfth street, 147 feet 10 inches i Oh, No! No Dull Times HAVE EVER OVERTAKEN THE EMPIRE STABLES. SUCCESSORS TO JOHN DISBROW & CO. No city in America has a better appointed Livery, Feed and Sale Stable than we furnish tbe people of Columbus. The citizens of this live and thriving city appreciate progress and they patronize us. We have showy, spirited but gentle horses, the most careful and experienced drivers, the mosi elegant and luxurious vehicles. Funerals personally and perfectly conducted by our Mr Reynolds. The finest Hearses in the city. Telephone 58. $586,C( 0 Application for rates to clubs should l»e mu ouly to tho Office of the Company in > w Or loam For farther information write clearly, frivint full address. INkSTAL NO'TF.N. Exprew Money Orders, or New York Exchange iu ord; nary letter. Currency by Express (at our a* addressed n. A. OAUPlIliV, Xew Orlc'jinn, 3-i- Or Ut. A. DAI PIIIN, WiiHhiagton, I>. Address Renislerfd Letters tn REMEMBER Generals ^Beauregarf and Early, who are in charge of the drawings, b a guarantee of absolute fairness aud integrity, that the chances are all efiual, and that noon* can possibly divine what number will draw a prize. that the payment of ail PriztM Is BI VK\ .>TEi:i) IKY I OI It N ATION. AL It A NKN of New Orleans, and the Tickets are signed by the President of an Institution whose charterer rights are recognized in tb« highest courts; therefore, beware ol any uni tat ions oi anonymous schemes ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cos ■ of any proposed line o advertising in Americai Papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co. New* pa par Advoruai ig Burwu, lO Spruoo St., Now York. Send lOota to- 100-d».-.j'hl* A FACT WORTH KNOWING. S HE 36 c®ntCttl« of DIXON’S SURE CUBK for Chill* and Fever will cure the word d of a caat. Fur aal* at ail the leadina Dnu Sterna. api# oawtl •iIEDAI.. CiBIS, Iff BAKER’S rmnunl absolutely pu CiK;»>a, from which the excess ORIuji ’nien removed. It lias<A: times (ha strength of Cocoa mlr th Hturch, Arrowrooi or Sugr >i Is therefore fur moroccoac- icnl, coating less than one card cup. It Is delicious, nourish!’ stmngtlionlng, easily and uduiiruLly adapted tor inv< La as well as for persons In heal) Solti by Grocers everywhere W. BAKER & HO. Dorchester, Mas? GRAND LODGE F. 4 i. II. OFFICE OF GRAND SECRETARY, Macon, Ga., f’etober 1, 1887. C l RAND LODGE OF F. & A. M. FOR THE IT State Df Georgia will assemble In annual communication on Tuesday, the 26th inst,. at 10 o clock a m. in the Grand Lodge Temple iu the city of Macon. Officers and delegates will cake due notice and govern themselves accordingly. A. M. WOLIHIN, Grand Secretary, oct 6-2taw-2w BAA Scrap Pictures. Game*. Ac , and Sample Hook OUU ut Cards ouly 8c. It tar Card Co., MUt Ion UObiS nr " ) I Or V in i' \ \ IIL OJ u J. jU AND Ai.L FULL OF Handsome Furniture!! T. T. n 18 EDMUNDS Broad Street. Grand Republic Cigarros The only ten-cent Cigar in the United Slates that can bi sold for five cents. -WJL.Ttl<TXJS[ <3-. NOTICE is hereby f'ivou to all manufacturers, jobbers anil retail dealers of clfpm that we are the sole and exclusive owners of the band or trade-mark for eigarrot known as “GRAND REPUBLIC,” together with the SYMBOLS, DEVICES SEAL AND GENERAL BTYLE OP OUR ORIGINAL PACKAGE. Our exclusive ownership bus bn u determined in the several actions brought by us, and in which decrees were rendered in our favor—to-wit: In tbe New York Superior Court on October 20, 1886. and in tbe Superior Court of Cincin nati, Ohio, on May 21, 1887. WE SHALL VIGOROUSLY I llOSECUTE ALL IN FRINGEMENTS OP OUR TITLE, NAME DEVICES, SEAL AND STYLE OF PACKAGE as applied to cigars or cigarros to .he lull extent of the law, and shall here after claim full damages in all actions brought by us for Infringements of this brand. GEO. P. LIES & CO., Grand Republic Cigar Factory, No. 200 Third District, New York City. LQUiS BUHLER & C0„ Wholesale Agents, Central Hotel Building, Columbus, Ga. 87 fro* 10inches Twelfth stroo* macadamized, lighted by electrie light, street cars, aud the next business street of Columbus. & afe-4 No. 291. Beautiful north Broad street resi dence; 8 rooms, slate roof, gas. hath, hot andooUk water throughout the house; crystal chandaliorw hardwood mantels with large mirrors, tiled vesti bule at entrance; elegant st -bles. No. 806. Henioenoe northwest corner of Thir teenth ittreet and Third avenue diagonal frooz fit. Raul church; >ii large rooms, hlg ceiliK- and kit hen attached to house; suppled m hoi. and cold water; wide hall; porch on soutfr and east side of dwelling: excellent drainage, bf-st of neighborhood; water works, gas ua bath rooms. No. 2S6. A 0 per cent, investment; first ataea yearly tenant to October 1, 1888; price |27fO. Thia Is a dwelling of six rooms within one block ot the Presoyterian church. No. 287. Commons lota Nos. 4 and 5, block No 88; must be sc!d at once, otherwise owner wfIK improve No 289. 81 xlh nvenoe, house west Me of avo~ nue, titree rooms and kitcheu - l 4 acre. Tbba property can be lx>ught for $8 Ocash. or $200 cask, balance flOO a year, 8 per cent. Interest. No. .'500. Third avenue re ,-iidenue. 5 rooms and outbuildings, north of railroad track; good water good Leighbors, go d drainage. 0 his space is reserved*for ihe next properly placed in, my liauds for sale. Conmiis- sions reasonable. No cost to owner if no sale is made. No. 270. Bates' Brick Yard'; v-i uc eH, with a t necessary machinery for brick-making by steam iperiy managed, will pay fur i'self in a few " and see me and get particulars, iso. arw. A 9 per cent, investment. Tw<> new ix-rooiu Residences, near .Swift Manufacturiag ompany. l’rice $3000, or each residence flOQQ. No. 289. Mitchell huii-te, ea**t of park. 12 per cent in vestment. Corner years No. • and nine Beautiful Carpets, Rugs, etc., from the very clieapest to the finest. We are still in the lead with the Largest Stock, Latest Styles, Lowest Prices. Best value for your money. EVERY THUSTO- USTEW. ITOTHinsra- SEGOlTD-m^lSriD. Don’t buy until you have examined our stock and heard our prices. «»pt ftt-M-tMfrthur-aaWLa (6600. .Suburban No. lrx mil Dwellings, in heart of citf t'urm Nnlf*. Of 1100 II jr r«t , about nine mlfi» d and 600 nine id four two-room f Colun bus 600 ole woods. Dwelling six rooinr, outbuildings. Gin House and Screw about tim*r miles from railroad station. No. 172 Farm 00 a re ; 12 r cleared.75 in Oafc« Hickory and Pine Five-room I> veiling, S able*., Cribs und Servants' Houses Price only 4700. No. 25H. Building Lot in Gun by Survey, Ko«e Hill, only (126, n 2 lots (200. No. 276. Harris county <Ua.) Farm. It mHi* north ol Columbus, near Columbus and Rome Railroad; l.-o acres, 90 cleared; about 20 aorua ut, balance good land; two D-veilingi\. )ichard; locuted n gn*,t mill, etc. Price (1CCO, can lives in another pail of state, its valu , store, post offioc. r credit. Ownor 1 sells far l>el«w five stabs eat of Columbus; Rose Hill resident; and out buildings. Owner liv und is very anxious to sell. No. 287. Farm five miles levs than half mile from railroad station; acres; 5 » acres good bottom land, 400 acres clear to, 100 in cultivation, 76 in wood, 40 or 50 ia cane enough to winter 60 head ol c ittle. (look 6 room dwelling, large hall; out-building in good order, (.in hou e anti screw costing over $504 Price. (3600; only (1(4)0 cash, balance 00 a year . with 7 per cent, interest. You can make the pay me? ts out of the place No. 288. Bro•vucville investment paying if per ctnl, (700. J No. 295. Rose Hill residence, li rooms 17xl8 v 12 foot hall, marble mantles and grates in every 2-room servant's house atm kiff hen, larga stuble and carriage hot nishing water uli the yeur ellent a FOR BENT. . 1201, 124C, 915 Bread str •11. fur No. 1C 1 corner —excellent stand. two-story. ^Fourth aro "enth street) rasideucw Lott; alley entraaco Stores Noi Tenth stre* lor family grocery. Juque’s corner will he fitted up to suit the bus*, nt ss of tenant Good stand for tetuil and whole • sale grocery, and owner's trade will almost pay . rent. Mr. Humuel Hatcher nue, (second north of lately occupied by Mrs from Tenth street. No. 1127 Fourth avenue, two-sto’y, eight-root** No. 1128 Fifth avenue, six rooms. No. 320 nixtli avenue, five rooms, will be paint ed. No. 620 First avenue, .wostory. These houses must be rented at once; call *u4 get my prices. N. w residence west side of Third avenue, ond door north of Tirteenth street, will be ready* for occupancy about December 1. It will be a* exact duplicate of the new residence next north of Gov. Smith’s, with all modern convenience*, gas, water, hot and cold baths, ash p ts, etc. ft have plans and will be pleased to show to aaj one wishimr to rent. Prices low, see me befor* renting elsewhere. Horse ami buggy kept to show propeity.; JOHN BLAGKMAR, Real Estate Agent, Columbus Ga.