Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, October 16, 1887, Image 4

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BAILT Igrom-BUlf: OOLUMBUHL OTOMIA BUflOAT MORWIWQ OCgQBifc 1ft. 1887. A IUINST. MUte M aaillag, CUM *<• k to ad ~Ua to my arm M yna use* to do; Were to the piece where your heed ihntod hei ■ere Is the bosom mlilif tel ( you. tot me hot tel eretn on my breeet toe velvet loach of roar Uar bend; Veer reee-l'-et llpe to nr own olneepmt. Mr sheek by poor balmy breathing* fumed. t Where; 1 eh'it tight my wesry even, dr Uinnrende of timer I’ve done In pier, toben I iinolo-c them In soft snrpri-e, vllnf ont e laugh In ronr sweet old weft f erne to me, oome to me, preelnnr one! I em so herrt-rlck end red nnd lorn; prbed •» nstti-e wtthnnf thernn. New thet the light or my life her gone. Vop deep In the ehnrrhyrrd ell rlone, Ns one to wrtoh hr vnnr nrrmw hed; whe wind o'er your tender hodv blown. had night dews dripred on your baby heed. *Jot In the Inmlnonr fleMe shove Angels enother new star have set; WVev m«y raryiniul rti wftto rp(i»° , wi w*, Shield you from sorrow and sinning—y«4 hfifrn cannot need r°n mnrh m 11 Isiriom of cbmb* It bad h»»fore feehy, mv bxhv, whv did vou diet Oome to your mother, my own once bom little tost dsrllng. rome bnclr to met Lie In my arms n« ton used to dn| Item Is tb#» nlsre wb* re vonr besd should be; Here Is the bosom waiting for you! ■ AXIHM BOB KVKBYIIODT. Fetter bend the neck promptly than to bruise %»e forehead. An eyll Intention pervert the best actions snd Vvnkes them sins h onsromh nrly all oyer wt h the affectation gif the fine gr-ntlemsn. deverness s n sort of renin* for Instrumental ity. It is the b»nin of the band. Men who liye wlthont relltrlon Hr© alwnys tn a tom nit nary and restless state When respiration censes our education Is fln Ishfd. and not a moment sooner. Most, of the shadows thnt cross our path through life ar° crossed by s'an,ling In our own light. Bren reckoning tnnkos lasting friend*, and the Vav to make reckonings even la U> make them dbftcn. True friends visit, ns In prosperity onlv when Invited, but In adversity they come without invi tation. Many claim to be firm In their prlnclples.wben kfsllytliey are only obstinate in their preju dices. Frngal and Indnslrions men are friendly to the awtablished govenimeut, as the Idle and expen sive are dangerous. Though reading and conversation may furnish «s with many idea* of men end things, yet It Is ssrovo meditation must form our ownjudg- men. Love Is not Altogether a delirium, yet It has Biany points In common therewith. I call It tiibrr a discerning of the Infinite In the finite, or the Ideal made real. Truth Is the object of our understanding as good iff of our wilt; and the understanding can Bo more tie lighted with a lie than thow.lloan ehoose an apparent, evil. A happiness that Is quite undisturbed becomes tiresome. We inus' have ups and downs. The dllflouUies which are mingled with love awaken passion and Increase pleasure. There Is this difference between those two temporal blessings, health and money: Money Is •he most envied, hot the least enjoyed; health is •he most enjoyed hut the least envied Hvery Increase of knowledge may possibly ren der depravity more depraved, ss well as It may luoreaaethe strength of virtue. It Is in itself •uly power, and Its value depends on Its appli cation. Worth knowing. Mr. W. H. Morgan, merchant, Lake Oltv, Via., wan taken with a severe Gold, attend ed with a distressing Cough and running Into Consumption in Its first stages. He tried many so-called popular cough reme dies and steadily $r«w worse. Was re duced in flesh, had difficulty in breathing and was uliable to sleep. Finalty tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and found immediate relief, nnd after asing about a half a dosen bottles found Irtmself well and has hud no return ol the disease. No other remedy can show so grand a record of cures as Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Guaranteed to do just what is claimed for It. Trial bottle free at Brannon & Carson's drut* atom. _ eodAw tismit NCIKNTIKIC NOTH'*. cvhm of blenching by « htnrine, which improvt * its color but deteriorates its quality. Men desiring to be agreeable remove the odor of tobacco, which remains after smoking, by a solution of thymol, used an a mouth wadi. Kor the past twenty yearn or more Mr. Isaac Pittiuan, who is still a very hard worker at. the age of nearly 75 years, has been a strict vegeta rian as well as a temperance man. A fine show of chrysanthemums should woou appear in the public grounds • f Washington, the superintendent having some months ago planted 10,000 for their decoration the present autumn. A journal devoted to maxograpliy, a science by which it. is undertaken to determine a p-rsou's ol)nmeter by the size and shape of his nose, is sooti to be published if its unnounement from l'sris is credible. The pulse of a young woman has been beating at the rate of l:i* per minute for two years past, iu consequence of a severe fright from plaster failing upon her from the ceiling and by which she was a oraUencd. A hospital for animals is projected in London with free dispensaries in the poorer quarters, when* besides treat men* for suffering animals lectures can be given and pamphlets distributed for public instruction. The most, novel oomp’aint of impure milk re- )»irted is that of the London boy boarded out un der the poor la* regulation, who reported that the milk given him out of town, instead of being taweu from clean tins had been squeezed out of a nasty cow, and he “seed 'em a doing it.” At the San Hervola insane asylum, reached by gondola lYom Venice, very coiunlete and scien tific histories of cases are required and recorded. The skull of every patient is accurately exam ined and measured, no Iqks than fifteen different uieusureineuU being taken, according to the Italian ernneumetrical system, and locordcd in the history. All the fine flowers seen at exhibit ons are ob tained by the planti being “disbudded" as the the me mod is technically known. The expert florists instruct amateurs whosel ct special kinds from th * cut flower tables that they must, not b< disapoointed it finding them half the size when they flower unless they pinch off all the bmls hut one ou each shoot just as soon as the buds cun be seen. Paint is found better than calcimine or white wash upou t e wa'la of a kitchen,since the steam from the washing and cooking haslets effect upo i it, and also because it can be more r adily cleaned. Hctore painting the wall needs to be washed with s.iapsuds. then covered with a coat of d ssolved slue, which must be allowed to d thoroughly before the paint is applied, the woi belu r done well and qu clcly with a broad, flat brush. Proiu all accounts of the “silver snake Honduras it most resembles quicksilver ii ui vement One traveller tells of a specimen Hjuiuhcs long and about the size of fence wire which it was impossible to hold when taken in the hands The statement is repeated, which is •aid to be made on good authority, that fowl of ten eat these snakes and shortly after can have the pleasure of doing so again, as in a few mo- meuts one will wiggle through the alimentary a tool and can perform the feat mauy tines with • ' tiring. Ill MTU, TUB OriU •!!•. ▲ woman formerly our slave la now oar cook. About eighteen months aro she be came sickly ana had a cough ana was con fined to bed, and it was thought that abe had consumption. The treatment by physi cians failed to give relief. In December, 1884, a node or knot the sire of a goore egg formed just above the pit of the stomaon, which when lanced discharged matter tor elzhtornine months. One of these also formed under her arm, and three on her back, which discharged matter for a con siderable time. For six months of this time she was confined to the house, and most of the time in bed. The stomach often refused food, by rejecting what sho bad eaten. She used a groat deal of medi cine, but fAiled to he cured. I bought one bottle of your B. B. B. (made in Atlanta, Ga.) and gave it to her and she com menced to improve. I then bought and S ave her three bottles more, and she con* nuod to improve. I then bought and gave her tnroe bottles more, and sbecontioed to improve and in two montbi;' time her cough had ceased, her constitution straight ened, appetite and digestion good, all dis charges ceased, nodes or knots disappeared and she went to work apparently healthy and fattened up greatly. This woman had a married sister of near BAme age who was affected In precisely the some way and about the same time. Bhe had node or knot on pit of stomach, back, etc. She did not take any B. B. B. and the node ou her stomach ate througn to the cavity. She continued on the declined aud wasted away, and finally died. These were two terrible eases of blood poison—one used B. B. B. and was speedily cured—the other did i ot use it and died, it is most assuredly a most wonderful blood purifier. I refer to merchants of this town. Yours truly. W. T. Robinson. Tishabou, Ala., May 1, 1886. \ 811 HR I Fi’ UHLKAKKO For a period of sixteen years! have been afflicted with catarrh of the head which baffled the use of all medic! cs used. Seeing the advertisement ol B. R., B , I purchased and used six or seven bottles, and although used irregularly have re ceived great relief, and recommend it as a gund blood purifier. ]Signed] J. K. HOLCOMBE, JR., Sheriff*of Haralson Co., Ua. All who desire full information about the cause and cure of Blood Poisoi h, Scrofula and Scrofulous Swellings, Ulcers, Sores, Rheumatism, Kidney Compaints, Catarrh, etc., can secure by mail, iree, a copy of our 32 page Illustrated Book of Wonders, filled with the most wounderful and startling proof ever before known. Address BLOOD BALM (XX, oct 9 se*w Atlanta, Ga. b A MONT UBK1UL OITEK. Thn Voltaic Hklt bo., Marshall, Mich. Sffor to send theli celebrated Voltak Rklts and Electric Appliances on thirtj days’ trial to any mail a ft! lo tod with Nerv ous Debility, Iamb of Vitality, Jaahood. Ac. Illustrated pamphlet in seated ere ▼elope with frill particulars, mailed fret Write them at once. tawtl Tkr Iu flood. The impreaalou prevails In many places Wat Chicago killed Preside!) Cleveland with kindness. Well, he wouldn’t have been ashamed to be caught dead In Chicago an ho would be tn some other cities. Chicago News. Don’t hawk, and blow, and spit, but use Dr. Hugo's Catarrh Remedy. Ia Brl.f, and to th. Point. Dyspepsia la dreadful. Disordered liver Is misery. Indigestion is a foe to good na ture. The human digestive apparatus is one oi the most complicated things In existence. It la easily put out of order. Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food, had cookery, mental worry, late hours. Irregular habits, and many other thing- which ought not to be, have made the American people a nation of dyspeptics. But Oruen’s August Flower has done a wonderful work Tn reforming this sad business and making the American people so healthy that they oan enjoy their meals and be happy. Jlemembor: — No happiness without health. But Qreen’s August Floater brings health aud happiness to the dys- neptlo. Ask your druggist for a bottle Heventy-flve cents. ocl2 dAwlv It Is Wall. The Utah commission reports against the admission of the territory as a state. It will lie a long time before the saints will have an opportunity to defy the govern ment's authority from behind the shield of state rights.—Savannah News. A Hobh Throat or Couoh, if suffered to progress, often results in an incurable throat or lung trouble. '•Brown's Bron chial Troghkh” give instant relief. SCALY, ITCHY SKIN And All Itching and Scaly Skin and Scalp Diseases Cured by Cuticura. |»HOIUASI8, Koroma, Totter. Ringworm. Li- 1. chen, PruritUM, Scald Head, Milk Crust, Dand ruff, Barber*’. Rakers', (iroerrs' and Washerwo man's Itch, and every species of Itching, Burning, Scaly, Pimply Humors of the w kin and Sculp, with Loss of Hair, uro positively cured by Cuticu* ru, I ho great Skin Cure and Cuticura Soap, an < x- uuisit. Skin ilcautilicr externally, and Cuticura Resolvent, the new Blood Purifier internally, wtic.n phyHiciaua and all other remedies foil. l*NORIANIN,OH SCALY SKIN. I, John J. Case. D D. ft , having practised dent istry iu this county for thirty-five years and being well known to thousanda hereabout*, with a view to help any who are afflicted a* I have been for 1 ho past twelve j\ are, teHtify that the Cuticura Rcm« dies cured me of Peorfasis, or Scaly Skin, in ciffht days, alter the doctors with whom I had consulted gave me no help or encouragement. JOHN J. CASE, D. D 8.. Newton. N. J. DINT KENNING ERUPTION. Your Cuticura Remedies performed a wonder fill cure last summer on one of our customers, an old gentleman of seventy years of ago, who suf fered with h fearftilly distressing eruption ou his head ai d face, and who hud tried all remedies and doctors to no purpose. J. F. SMITH A CO„ Texarkana, Ark. DU8TP.ANFUL OF SC ALES. H. E. Carpenter, Hendereor, N. Y., cured of Psoriasis or leprosy, of twenty years’ stand'* bv Cuticura Remedies. The most wonderful cure on record. A dusipujiful of scales fell from him daily. Physicians and his friends thought he must die. ECZEM A RADICALLY CURED. For the radical cure of an obstinate case of Edema of long Htaiulii g. I give entire credit to the Cuticura IIkmedikh E. Ii. RICHARDSON. New Haven, Conn. Sold by all druggis's. Trice: Cuticura, r>o cents; Resolvent, ?t.o». Soap, 2> cents. Prepared by Pot ter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. Semi Tor “How to Cure 8klsi 1Hn<*anon." fil pugos, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. 1 > f \| PLES, Blackheads, chapped and oily A IHskin prevented by Cutiolba Mbdioatkd Soap. OLD FOLKS PAIN. Pull of comfort for all Pains. Inflam ’nation, and Weakness of the Aged is tile Cuticura Anti-Puln Plaster, the first and only pain-killing Btrongth- ening Piaster. New, instantaneous and Infallible Thr Buss lloodler. Major Phipps, of Philadelphia, hug served bin live years’ term In Moyaraei - Hiug prison, aiul is now a free man. He wilt go down to fame as the gentleman “boodlor” who heat tho -‘hoodliug” record by stealing tho roof oil' the Philadelphia ourt house.— Peoria Transcript. The Verdict I'usnlmouh. W. D. Suit, druggist, Bippus, Iud., testi fies: "Icnn recommend Efoctric Bittern as tho vory best remedy. Every bottle sold baa given relief ill every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of rheuma tism of 10 yeiu-s’ .standing.” Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellville, Ohio, affirms: ‘‘The best selling medicine 1 nave ever handled in my 20 years’ experience, is Eloetrlo Bitters.” Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters Jo cure all diseases of the liver, kidneys or blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at Bran non & Carson’s Drug Store. cod&w Pur thu Money 1'hero is in It. It is a question whether a good man cer tifies to the curative qualities of a bail gin hitters lor the purpose of doing good to his fellowmen, or whether he does it to oblige Ills own stomach nnd the proprietors of the medicine.—N. O. Picayune. Hardens anil invigorates the gums, puri ties nnd perfumes the breath, cleanses, beautifies and preserves the teeth from youth to old age Kord by all druggists. sat,HU,tu,thurs,w Khouli) Carry Ills Wratlior Along. If the Scotsman is as canny as they say, hew Is it that he didn't'store away in his hold a big cargo of the right sort of weather to lot loose in die rare? The neg- ioct to do ttiia might almost be regarded as criminal.— New York Graphic. An llonrst Man’s Wor.l. Westmoreland's Cali say a Tonic is meet ing wil h unprecedented sales, because it decs w hat the mauulacturers claim for it. Westmoreland Bros., sole proprietors, Greeuville, S. C. Gkkrnviij.k, 8. 0. Messrs. Westmoreland Bros.: I have for years been a auflerer from weak stomach- lack of power to digest loud -and conse quently general debility. 1 had tried all helps that eminent physicians and all ma teria uudica could suggest, and found little or no relief. 1 tried it, and by the urc of throe or four bottles found I was much stronger, could eat and sleep and do hard work as I never did before. It ia now more than a year that 1 have enjoved uninter rupted good health,tand by the cc i local use of your Tonic 1 nave oujoyed a degree of health that I have not enjoyed for fit tv years, and I have now got to the three soore. I am very desirous that others suf fering as I have done should know the groat value of your Tonic, and therefore make this statement that it should Induce them to try it. Gratefully yours, j. B. Sherman, General Mechanic. If you areblllious take Dr. Duke’s wafers with Westmoreland Calisaya Tonic. At wholesale by Brannon & Carson and M. D. Hood & Co. 86-w-wcd SPECIFIC FOR LIVER DISEASE SYMPTOMS: ff&StttSS coated or covered with a brown Air; pain in the back, side or Joints—often mistaken for Rheu matism; soar stomach, loss of appetite; sometimes nausea and water-brash, or indlges- tion; flatulency and acid eructations: bowels al ternately costive and lax; headache; loss oi memory, with paintul sensations of having failed to do something which ought to have been done; debility; tow spirits; a thick, yellow appear- anoe of the skin and eyes; a dry cough; Avert ’ Kstlessness; the urine is scanty and nigh oolot ed, and. If allowed to stand, deposits a sediment SIMMONS LIVER HOLM (PURELY YFGETABLE) !• generally used in the South to arouxe th« Tot pin Liver to a healthy action. It mU with extraordinary efficacy m the LIVER, KIDNEYS and BOWELS AN HFFKCTUA1. SPBCIF10 FOB Malaria, Bowel* Complalute, Dyspepsia. Nick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Kidney AHectlons, Jaundice, Mental Depression, Colic. Kndomed by the use of 7 Millions of Bottles as The Best FAMILY MEDICINE for Children, for Adults, and fbr the Aged. ONLY tiUNITING has our Z stump in red on front of Wrapper. J. Ii. Zeilin dc Co.. Philadi- phia. Pa. HOLK PBOPHIOTCRS. l*rlC«S ffl.OO nov!2 ood waw (ton col nrtn' JYLERDESfCO ST. LOUIS, MO. Manjfacturerb op Tins DESKS. BANK COUNTERS BANK, COURT HOUSE. GOVERNMENT WORK nnd . FINE 01TICE riTTINGS. I Bent Work and I-owest Prices _ , , Goarnntetfi. 100 page Iilust'd ^ijtdloguo^ines^flver^ruited^oentfreo^ost^gejjc IMI-A-CJOIsr, GrJ^ 1 AULL FACULTY, Classical, Scientific anc Theological courses. Location exceptionally healthy. Fiftieth session opens Sept, 28th closes June '27th. For further information appl* to A. J. BATTLE. Pres’L jylOtocl or W. G. MANLY, Sec’y. Tho big timber raft from St. John, N. B., for New York, which was a failure last I year, will be launched in November. It will be 660 feet loug, or 160 fset longer than originally. nil I m E, Etc M CENTRAL, PEOPLES AND MERCHANTS k PLANTERS’ Iffl N oi ice to Debtors and Crcd itors. V LLipersons having domain's upon the estate of Mary Jane Attaway, decease^, sre hereby uotifiefi to render in tin* same according to law; amt all indebted to said estate are requir ed to make immediate puymeut. M. M. MOORE, Executor sept0-oaw-6t Mary Jane At*away, doc. Printing, Book-Bindim AND Paper Boxes OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT LOWEST PRICES A LARQK STOCK ol all Linds ol PAPES, it eluding letter, Packet and Note Heads, BC Heads, statemeute, always on hand. Also Rr velopes. Cards, Ac., printed at short noth* Paper Boxes of any site or description not kate n stock made at snort notice. THOU, GILBERT, tf M Randolph Street, opposite Post OSes. THE CITY REGISTRY LIST Is now open for the registry of aU cittiens enti- tied to vote in the approaching municipal eleo- tion. Those ivho are liable to a street tax and have not yet paid it must do so at time of regia- taring. M. M MOORE, sept 2+dlm dork Council. lost! C ertificate No. 174 for » shares of Met- chants and Mechanics Bank stock in the name of I. F. Johnston. The public are cau tioned against trading tor the same, as applica tion has been made to the bank for a duplicate September 15. 1887. L. F. Jon cron, sept i7-d-oaw-4w EXTRAORDINARY PRIZES FOR CLUBS TO THE Weekly Enquirer! As an inducement to parties desiring to raise clubs to the WEEKLY ENQUIRER we have provided a choice lot ol very handsome prizes. This is no lottery scheme,, but every club agent receives a premium, even if but five subscription? are sent in. The premium list embraces Plush Clocks! Nickel Clocks! Silver Table Ware! Extra Plate Silver Teaspoons! Extra Plato Silver Table Spoons Sugar Dishes! Berry Dishes! Card Receivers! To every one sending us in a club of six subscribers!and six dollars we will give, free of charge, a beautiful nickel clock, guaranteed a good timer, or a silver-plate and glass sugar dish. For a club of len subscribers and ten dollars we will give free of charge, a set of elegant extra plated Rogers’ teaspoons, or a lovely butter dish made in colored glass and silver-plate. For clubs of fifteen subscribers and fifteen dollars we will present a plush-covered clock that is beautiful, and guar anteed a splendid timepiece, or a handsome set of Rogers’ extra plate tablespoons. These spoons are^silvei-plated on nickel, and will last a lifetime. For clubs of twenty, accompanied by twenty dollars, we will give a costly double castor madejn cut glass and silver, which is one of the handsomest pieces of goods in any market. These are no job goods, but such as are kept in stock by the best dealers in the city. If you desire to secure the best premiums offered you can send in names as fast as you get Them and they will be cred ited to your account, and should you fail to get the requisite number you get a premium for the number of subscribers you send. Or, it you don t want to raise a club, you can, by sub scribing to the Weekly and paying a small additional sum, take your choice of this beautiful array of costly wares. The above list is only a sample of the many we intend tc offer. As a weekly the ENQUIRER ranksjat the head of the list. More country news than any other weekly in the soutH, besides the large amount of foreign and domestic news. Send for sample copies and get up a club. Address The Enquirer-Sun, OOLTTIMIIBTTS. C3-JL OF S T 33 A. JMI EBS1 Columbus, Ga„ Aug. », Mgr. O N and altar August 8,1887, the local tmiea a freight on the Chattahoochee, Flint and An alachicola rivets will be at follows: Floor per barrel Cotton Seed Meal per ton Cotton per bale ... ,*-uu Guano perton v*a Other freight In proportion. ........ Passage from Columbus to Apalachloola. M ne Other points In proportion. ^ ^ SCHEDULES. Steamer NAIAD leaves Columbus Tuesdays . 8am for Bainbiidgeand Apalachlc la. learner A UOS HA\ S leaves Co'umbug Thom days at 8n, m1 for Hainbridge and Apalachicola StoamerTHRONATEESKA leaves Columbus Sat* urdays at 8 a m fbt Hainbridge and Aon- lachicolx. Above schedule will be run, river, etc., permu ting. Schedules subject to change without no- fcloe. Shippers will please have their freight at bow; by 8 a. m. on day of leaving, as none will be i*. celved after that hour. Boat reserves the right of not landing at an? point when considered dangerous by the pilot. Boat will not stop at any point not named in list of landings furnished shippers under date o! January 24, 1887. Our responsibility for freight ceases after It has been discharged at a lauding where no petson ia there to receive it. SAM’L J. WHITESIDE, Proprietor Central Una. W. R. MOORE, A gent People’s Ltua t. d. huff, dtf Agent Merchants A Planters’ Line. LADIES! Do Tonr Own with"* at Home, PEERLESS DYES They will dye everything. They are sold ev erywhere. Price IO<-. a package—40 colore They have no equal for Strength, Brightness Amount tn Packages, or for Fastness of Color or non-fading qualities. They do not crock or •nut. For sale by Bbannon a Oauaoii, Whole ale Druggists. Columbus Ga mhWeodlv DRUNKENNESS OK IKK UttUOK HABIT, F08ITIYUT CURED BY ADMINISTERING DR. HAINKS’ GOLDEN 8PECIFI0. It can be given In a cup of coffee or lee without the Knowledge of the person tak tog It; Is absolutely harmless, aud will «e feet a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drlnkor or an al cohoiie wreck. It has been given tn them, sands of eases, and In every Instance a per fect cure has followed. It trover /hit*. Th, system onee Impregnated with the OpeeUto it becomes an ntter Impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. For Sale by FOR SALE B7 M. D. HOOD & CO., DRUGU 93 BROAD LT., COLUMBUS. GA Call or write for circular A full partleulttr'" eodtf OtEI 33 "W RUDOLPH FINZER’S STARLIGHT AND CAPITAL PRIZE Al Wholesale by LOUIS BUHLEfl L Co, aOXjTTIMI'BTTS, GkA.. eBjeodSm CHIPMMPS Liver Pills Stir up the Torpid Liver. Positively No Griping. AN-SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS.** EDWAKD «. JOUNN. Rio. 20 4'Kiurcti St.. fr«*w York. ap6 dly Axent. ORDINANCE Extendiug thr l ira IJiiiUm of tho Oily. B e it ordained that the fire limits ot the town be ext* oded so as to embrace the west aid *, of Bay street from Tenth to Twelfth street. Tho erection of any wooden building, unless metal covered, sides and roof, within these limits i9 her*-by prohibited, and any person vio lating this ordinance shall be fined In the dis cretion of the mayor Adop.ed iu Council Ocfco ber 5th, 1887. CLIFF B. «*RIME8. Mayor. M. M. Moork, Cletk Council. oct 7-ft 'LnsviVi •‘22 Market Street,' Bet. Third and Fourth, a r»«ularly ed mated mod legall/ qualiQed phrifaUn Mi so : aueocAsful, u liis practice wiU prove, __ EPV&H Spermatorrhea wad Impotency, .b Uie result of self-tboM iu jouUi, mxurL excesses la Mb ■ureryosrs, or other, aud pmdudai tone of t!»e fit wing effecti: Kervuusuess, Seminal Kmisdons. (olfht smite «i-ui by dreams). Dimness of blgLt. DstsoUre Uemorj, Ptf W tl Decay, Pimple* on Fsc«l Aversion to Society of V ~ CoufUslon of Idea*, I.'iss or “ * " “ tinrrisd* Irupi nently cured. UrUv enutioau. GLEET, Plirs and otuar privst* disenaos quickly cored. It is Mlf-erlileot th. t apby slolsn who pays special ett*EMa- to a certain class of duaases, and tre»tinx ikwusaniis ana* sllj, acquires first skill. Physiclsns k now inf this CseteAse recommrnd persons to n^ care. When U Is mcoQvwioM to visit the city for treatment, medicines can be sea* prirwtoA •ni?*flUy by mail or express anywhere. Cures Guaranteed iu all Gaea undertake Chsrgi 1X1 1 Aversloa Sexual Power. 4c.. rtokriq PRIVATE COUNSELOR pa<cs, sent to any adlross, scour mo) cents Should be read by aU. hstirs ftesto 14-tf. t»|f k. hMu».ai»4r.«