Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, August 18, 1889, Image 4

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DAILY ENQUIRER SUN COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. fcUSDAY MORNING AUGUST 1* bk CO LI MBUS SAVINGS SANK, lliO Broad St., Columbus, 9a. 5 Per Cent Interest Paid on Deposits. M1MD1MEMIK Deposits Received From 25 Cents —TO— $5000. <3. Gunby Jordan, J. W. Mnrphey, President. Treasurer. James A. Lewis, J. G. Beck, Vice-President. Ass’t Treasurer. DUMMY LINE SCHEDULE. First train will leave Broad street, opposite 'he v ankin House, at 8:30 a. m ; returning, arrive at Rankin House at 9:35, arrive at Wyunton at 10; returning, arrive in city at 10:50. Afternoon Schedule. Leave city for Wynntor at 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9:30. Returning, leave Wynn:on at 2:c0, 3:30, 4:30 [ :30, 6^", 7:3'', 8:80, 9 and 10 p. m. J. H. HENDERSON, Superintendent THE WHITE ELEPHANT The choicest brands of the famous Uatlierwood’s Three Feathers, Private Stock, Old Baker, d all other leading brands. My line of Cigars is unequalled. ELEGANT FREE LUNCH ■very day from 10 to 12 M. F. M. DUNBAR, ap27 3m!clp Proprietor. FINE OXFORDS. We are elling our fine Oxford Ties at greatly reduced prices this week. Call and see them at Harrison’s Shoe Store 1105 Broad Street, ap28 3ml rip (Old Beehive Store.) W. J. WOOD, Heal Estate Agent, Nos. 7 aud 8, :-Little’s Building*-: DR. SETH N. JORDAN, Physician and Operating Surgeon. Office 1139 Broad Street. DR. C. T OSBURN, DENTAL SURGEON, No. 1010 Broad Street. jy28Clp4!y DR. LOVICK W. PHILIPS, Physician and Surgeon. Office 1017H Broad St. Telephone 36. Residence 1213 Fourth avenue. Telephone 207. apr2-d&w ly IT WILL PAY. ay a good oak barrel and make your own t vinegar. It is the best of all. jtton bagging first; pine straw to fill out. On d at _ _ Rollin Jefferson’s. 19clp4tf )winsj to Some Repairs fe find it necessary to make on one of our en- ines, the down-io^n schedule will be discon- nned for the present. Usual schedule from the Rankin House to 7ildwood and Wynnton, from 6 a. m. to 11 p. m. J. H. HENDERSON, Superintendent. LEAD ANDBELIEVE Gents’ Straw Hats At Cost- Boys’ Straw Hats At Cost! iiildren’s Straw Hats At Cost! Infants’ Straw Hats At Cost! iS“We are in earnest. !^>No Straw Hats charged at cost prices. J. Marion Estes & Son. ne 23-lpSm HOW IS THIS FOR HIGH ! Lisien to my new scheme of buying watches for thirty-six members of a club. Each man just as soon as he draws a watc i w 11 drop out, until all members will have watches of various grades. his club will have four grades of witches, vary ing from $12.50 to $40 00, except the last man will draw a wat h worth $ ; 0.00. If you don’t under stand my new scheme, just drop into my $1.00 a week store, and I will give you the inside track on the whole busiaess. emember every mem ber will get a watch, aud no one member will be responible for anv other member, for just as soon as one member draws a watch he drops out, and he will not pay any more money to the cinb. Here is the way all members will draw their watches: First—Nine members will draw a watch each weak worth $12.50 c -sh Second—Nine members will draw a watch worth $2’.00, Third—, ine memb rs will draw a watch worth $30.10. Fourth—Bight members will draw a watch -worth $40 00. The ast member will draw a watch worth $ 0.C0, so come up and join the club on my new « lan. No mortgage, no security, and every uun re sponsible for himself and no other. Yours with new scheme. V. J. PESOS. Ji.034 Broad St. «y21 tf LOCAL ITEMS, —Ladies’ mu3iin underwear, at ridiculous low prices. Beehive, L. Sinsheiner. —A fresh shipment of choice quinces and pears unexcelled for preserving purposes, at Tre.-da way's Green Store. —White goods and summer stuffs of all descrip tions must move to make room for our new fall stock, which will be in in about three weeks. Beeh ive, L. Sinsheiner. —The best Jersey butter on earth for 25 cents a pound, at Treadaway’s Green Store. —M- squito bars, eight yards in piece, 25 cents. Beehive Fresh fish ai d eggs received daily at Tread- awa; ’s Green Store. -Ail-bleached cottons reduced. Beehive, L. Sin3heiner. —Choice fat chickens at Treadaway’s Green Store. —Carpets, carpets, carpets, carpets, carpets, at prices that will astonish you. Beehive. —You can be supplied with anything in the line of table supplies at Treadaway’s Green Store. —Millinery at ;0 per cent less than usual prices, at Beehive. L. Sinsheiner. —Everybody should go to charch to-day. —We intend to do the carpet trade of this town if prices will, at Beehive. L. Sinsheiner. —Mr. E1 Rankin’s handsome store on Broad street is nearing completion. —Ru s, rugs, rugs, rugs, rugs, rutra, 25 per cent less than elsewhere, at thg, Beehive. L, Sins heiner. —The handsome new passenger depot on Rose Hill, has been completed. —Skirtings, flouncings and embroiderie*, at much below original cost. Beehive. L- Sins heiner. —Most of the people who expect to change tbeir residences October 1, have already rented their new homes. —Big bargain sale in ladies’ underwear Mon day and Tuesday. Beehive, L. Sinsheiner. — Union depot presents a lively scence every evening between 6 and 7 o’clock. —Our entire line of parasols at 25 per cent be low cost. Beehive. L. Sinsheiner. —China silks, formerly sold at 85 cents, now 50 cents. China silks formerly sold at 60 cents, dow 35 cents. Beehive, L. Sinsheiner. —Several handsome private residences are nearing completion on Second t venue, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets. —Broadway and diamond woven corsets at 60 cents. Beehive, L Sinsheiner. —All of our silk mitts at 30 per cent less than usual prices. Beehive, L. Sinsheiner. —Trade at the vrgetable market yesterday and last night was good. The market was weil supplied with good things to eat. — Our entire line of corsets reduced. Beehive, L. Sinsheiner. —The fireworks display will take place on Thursday next, provided that the dummy en gine now being repaired, can be finished in time. —One hundred and fifty pieces all silk No. 16 moire ribbon, all new and desi able shad-s, at 15 cents per yard. Beehive, L. Sinsheiner. —One lot of ladies fine fancy hose, former price 85 cents, now 50 cents. Beehive, L. Sinsheiner. —Trains on the dummy line will be run every hour this afternoon from opposite the Rankin House. This is made necessary as one of the engines is undergoing a thorough repairing. See schedule for to-day. —White goods at half of what you can buy them elsewhere. Beehive, L. Sinsheiner. Di. W. L. Ballard. Blindness, Deafness, Catarrh, etc. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat specialist, 1037^ Broad St. tf New York Directory. The last New York City directory can be found at Merchants and Mechanics bank. jy-3tf A Broken Ankle. Mr. Henry O. H-rgett met wi h a serious acci dent yesterday while at work on the new resi dence of Mrs Faber, in the Sixth ward. Mr Hergett w as working on a scaffold when his foot slipped, and he was precipitated a distance of fift en feet to the ground, breaking his ankle. Fellow workm n hastened to his assistance aud did everything in their power to relieve him until medical aid could be procured. Dr. Mitchell was called, and upon a - lose ex- amina’ion of the broken limb found it to be more serious than at first anticipated. The leg was broken just above the ankle joint, causing a compound tractnre of that joint. After the limb was set Mr. Hergett was carried to his home, where he was resting quietly at a iate hour last Tugh f . Index to New Advertisements. Dry Goods—Blanchard, Booth A Huff. Ks. Bs.—J. A. Kirven <& Co. Dummy Line Schedule. Real Estate—John Black mar. Skeeters—J. K. Holloway. Great Bargains—Moors Bros. Bran—Empire Mills. Music and Flowers—Mme. DeLaunay. Tinner Wanted—Pinckard & Griffin. Comfortable Home—L. H. Chapptll. Another Gigantic Scheme—T. L. Gruzard. For Rent—B. H. Crawford. Green Store Locals—J. L. Treadaway. Beehive Locals—L. Sinsheiner. How is This for High?—V. J. Pekor. IN MEMO SIAM. Francis Marion Brooks. A3YHTM OF ST. ALDEMAR'iCOMJIA-YDERY No. 3, Knights Templar.—The grim destroyer has again invaded our ranks. A valiant and mag nanimous knight has been stricken from onr roil. For nearly a half century he was an active worker in the orders of our mystic brothe hood. for many years filling the office cf prelate in our commandery. He was universally acknowledged one of the brighest Masons in the state, and in his daily walks among us exemplified the high est type of Christian masonry. As a citizen, in every position of honor and trust, he was the personification of fidelity, effi clency and courtesy. Ha ing been spared beyond man's allotted term, now that he sleeps we would not awaken him, for we know that, having cocscientiou-ly dischaged ail the duties of life, he has nobly earned his rest. "If we drop our tears, Who loved him as few men were loved, We mourn no blighted hopes nor broken plan. With him whose life to d rounded and appoved In the full growth aud stature of a man .” Be it therefore resolved, That in the death of Sir Knight F. M. Brooks, our commandery has lost one of its oldest and most valued mtmbers, our community a trusted official, and his family a kind and loving protector. Resolved, That a page of our minute book bc- reserved to his memory, a d this testimonial be published in the daily press. Respectfully, J. K. Orh, A. Wittich, R. S. Crane, Committee. A Painful Accident. Yesterday afternoon Willia Jone< met with a very painful accident while at work at Scott’s s aughter house. He was engaged iu dressing a beef, when unfortunately the knife slipped, making an ugly gash in his left arm, from which the blood flowed profusely. Dr Grimes wa9 called aud sewed up the wound He was resting easy las night aud no danger is anticipated. Bound Over. Yancy Morris, Will Hamby, Elsie Lucky, Will Moore Beu Miller, Pelham Robinson and Will Walters, charged with going to the house of J W. Mcf aniel, on EastHighlands, on the night of August 10th, and chunking rock ai d beer bottles against the house, were tried before Judge Moon vesterday. Five of them were bound over in the'sum of $100 each to appear at the October term of the city court. Robinson and Walters’ prelimiuray trial will be heard on Tuesday next at 3 o’clock. The Baptist Association. The Faptist Association will meet at Chipley on Wednesday, August 21. A special train will be run through from Columbus on that day, and a very low rate given for those wishing to attend The train will leave the Union depot at 7:10 a. in., arriving at Chipley at 8:30; returning, will leave Chipley in the evening at 5 o’clock, arriving in Columbus at 6 o’clock. This will be a splendid opportunity to spend the day in the mountains, and everybody should avail themselves of the opportunity. River News. The steamer W. D. Ellis arrived at her wharf yesterday from Apalachicola. Her captain re ports the'river in good condition for boating and business good f r this season. Among the cargo brought up yesterday were eleven bales of new cotton, nine bales consigned to Blanchard, Hu ber & Co , and two bales to Carter & Bradley. Captain Lapham stated yesterday that cotton was fast coming iu, and he expected to bring up fifty bales on his next trip The following is a list of the Ellis’ passengers: Mrs. E. White. Mrs. Annie Estes, Chattahoc chee; E. W. McDaniel, Gordon; W. P. Craddock, W. M. Tumlin, Columbia; B Van Zant, Eufaula; 8. M. Powell, A. Bartlette, Florence, and sixteen on deck. Crops Off Forty Per C» nt. Col. William Tumlin returned yesterday from a trip through southeast Alabama and south west Georgia, and reports that the most promi nent farmers in that part of the country say tha’ crops have fallen off forty per cent in the last ten davs. He also stated that the Alaiama ware house had received ten bales of cotton, nin^ of which were of the new crop. They were shipped from Eufhula and Columbia. Returned From an Extensive Trip. Mr. T J. Douglas returned yesterday from an extensive trip through the northern part of Georgia and Tenn. ssee. He went out as a dele gate to the agricultural convention, at Cedar- town, Ga. Mr. Douglas reports the crops through the section that he traveled in excel lent coudi’ion, and all the farmers in exuberant spirits. A Nine-Year-Old Girl Takes a Long Trip. Miss Macie Gordon, the little daughter of Mr. J. H Gordon, started on a long trip alone yes terday. She left to visit her aunt in Hanson, Ky. The little one is only nine years old, and her friends hope that she will reach her destina tion in safety. Death of a Child. Yesterday rooming, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Bozeman, their little son Van Willie passed away after a short illness of bron chial pneumonia. The funeral will take place from their residence at 3 o’clock this afternoon. Taken Suddenly 111. Mr. A. J. Tyler, of Girard, was taken violently ill in the lower wagon bridge while on his way home yesteVdav afternoon. He was carried home iu a hack, aud "at a late hour last night was re ported to be in a very critical condition. Death of an Infant. Little Henry Ezra, the ten-months old son of Mr. and Mrs. W D. J. Gentry, died at their resi dence in Mechanicsviile. yesterday, after a brief i.dness of cholera infantum. The funeral will take place at 9 o’clock thi3 morning. Arrivals at the Central Hotel Yesterday. COL. W. A. DANIEL, MANAGER. W W Munnerlyn, CRH; EH Jenkins, city; J F Behr, Macon: Dr R Roach, Taleotton; W F Freeman, city; NE Sutton, Knoxville, Tenn; B A Beach, Georgia; H G McLaney. Montgomery; W Fort, Box Springs; C 8 Crawford, Buena Vista, Gs; W 8 Kimbrough, Hamilton, Ga.; B J Daniel, City of Mexico; J W May, Birmingham; T M Phillips, Union Springs. Arrivals at the Vernon Yesterday. A. M. KISBLB A SON, PROPRIETORS. Jus G West, Atlanta; F Bruce Paninel, Peters burg, Va; 0 A Shepherd, Georgia; R L Baker, Portsmouth, O; J R West, Macon; Ed Morus. New Orleans; J J Speed, John C Floyd, city; J T McLeroy, Columbus Southern railroad. Dove Shooting at Bowden’s. A number of gentlemen went up to Bowden’s plantation, on the Georgia Midland road, on. Friday, on a dove shooting expedition. They returned in the evening and reported a lair day’s sport. The party was composed of the following gentlemen: Charles Browne, William Wardlaw, W. T. Owens, Frank Ford, Lon Jen kins, William Amos, W. A. Bowden, and Clebe Eberhardt. Columbus to Have a Fet Stock Association. A movement is on foot among some of our prominent citizens, who are lovers of pet stock, to form an association in Columbus. A meeting will be called during theeariy part ofthe comirg week when all the necessary arrangements will be perfected. This is a move in the rLht-direc ion, and should be backed by every citizen of Columbus. SKEETERS. “It’s strange,” I remarked to a wife of mine one night il call ner a wife of mine to get even wun her for addressing me in a iecter as her’ oniy husband”) "It's strange, l observeo, “how blood will tell. Now if you will kiucly at tice my povt relations as they fly around you wiil see—” “ ivhat poor relations? 3ez sue. Whv, those skcetera, blood of my bioou, ana bone-that is, I mean if you not c<* them care fully, laying all prejudice to o e side, you win see "that they are possessed in a very reuiirkab.e degree of all the physical and facial charac er istics of the Holloway family. You observe that that old meal fellow adding 9'’® there on that fo getmenct—I mean on that wnab not in the corner, has the Napoleonic nose aud the military cast of features of my S^at great grandda-dy on the paternal side of the house, and that that young dudish-lonking fellow, who iseegaged in insp ct ng the family s^P '-d^ dV' f there in the Bible, has the identical expression in and out of tne eyes, of old man ’shout and go round’ Holloway, of revolutionary tame, and— “I’ll venture to saf.” broke in tee madame, “that the bioodthir-ty wretches now hovering over me like guardian angels, have just returned from a northern tour, where they must have sue- ceeded in gt ttiug a tasto of Canfield blood, from the satisfaction they exhibit when they get a c ance to plant their black heels on mine and the baby’s rocks.” “Please don’t in terra t me, I said a little nettled, for Isa-that my neck was not men tioned. “But look at the Mobile and Ju ard countenance of that lady skeeter sitting on the bed post, and tell me if you can’t see as plain as the nose on your lace the unmistakable presence of the biling blue blood that has for conctless weeks run in one gr nd sarging stream through aristocratic and high-toned bl.od vessels, ana gathering strength and color in its long and rushing run in the end, though somewhat diverted trom its originial ard legitimate course, proves beyond a doubt that whiskey—I mean that blood is stronger than water, ana that its las happy and fortunate possessor is a- is a chip ofthe old block—” “And,” sarcastically interrupted the widow Holloway, “the way that crowd cf skeeters, with hungry and blood-shot eyes, hover a ound the month of yow loaded and deadly bottle also proves-” ... “It don’t prove anything of the kind, said I, “and I wish you wouldn’t, interrupt me with sen- timen ai remarks altogether furrin to the subject, but direct your attention to what I was going to say about hat little, smali-looking skeeter, with the sad and heartbroken face, whese wobegone features plainly go to prove that the unlucky ’stair’ of married ife, ot which my Ann Ce3tors have been guilty for hundreds ot times, has so left its stamp aud trade mrk on the faces of their descendants,from generation to generation, that at la t that ineek, remorseful look of ‘sorry I spoke’ is forever grafted in the Holloway face.” “But John Holloway, my Jo John,” she lowd, “I think you have omitted the most positive proof, aud most damaging argument poss.bie, if you are trying to prove that those there skeeters being inoculated with the brown sequestard blood of the Holloways, also are burdened with the family disposition and charicter;stics—” “Well,” sail I, “let’s bear from your precinct. “T:rey are all suckers,” she said J. K. HOLLOWAY, P. S.—Its a stiange thing to me that whenever I write a true heartfelt li—I mean art cle, on any subject wilh which my aching heart is burdened, that a surpkious Tmblie will get it into their heads that I am trying to advertise my immense stock of 10 cent bargains, which don’t need any such schemes to make them sell. I think it very unkind iu them myself. J. K. H. Ks. Bs. —MEANS— For Rent. Reside ce No. 209 Thirteenth street, now occu- S ied by Mr. Oliver Poe. Eight large rooms, wide alls, colonade all round, ga«, water works, well and seve al outrooms. Suitable for two families. Residence No. 212 Thirteenth street, seven rooms, bath room, kitchen attached; new house. B. H. Crawford, or auglSdtf A. L. Obawfoed. A Comfortable Borne. The residence, 1235 Third avenue, will be rent ed under price if appled for at once. It has large old fashioned, cool rooms, with cistern water for drinking. Best location in the city. Apply to L. H. Chappell. WE MENTION A FEW. MISCELLANEOUS. S IX Second hand store counters wanted, table, coi.nter make preferred- Samuel B. Haixher. W ANTED—A tinner aid sheet iron worker. State age and experience and salary want ed. Pinckard & Griffin, Roanoke. Ala. aug:8 2t OOMS TO RENT—Apply to Mi3S Laura Booher. corner Broad and Ninth streets.,wed,tf Best Pacific Lawns 7c. Pacific Jaconet Cords 7c. The above ment oned goods come in wh te grounds with colored and black figures; also, black and brown grounds with white figures. Cotton Lawns 3ic. Pertshire Lawns 5c. Batiste Fay le 10c. Lovely Chall es at 7c. Gold Capped Glor a Silk Um brellas at $125. They are made of the best Gloria and Paragon frames, NO SHODDY. Little Lord Fontleroy Set New York wild, and now we have caught the fever. Ju t received a large assort ment of Fontleroy Ruchings, besides about 200 box s, more or less, of other styles of N ck Rufil ngs. Our buyers are now in New York. Don’t buy last season’s goods; wait for the choice of the markets. J. A. KIRVEN A CO. N. B.—Now is the time to send in your light shades in woolen and silk goods to have us send to the old Staten Island Dyeing stablishment, where they will dye or clean them so that t ey are made good as new. Ladies and Gents, send in yonr goods to J. A. K. & Co. UST O ROOK FOR SUMMER GOODS. The time for closing out Summer Stock is growing shoi and we will not fail to take advantage of it, and move them off as rapidly as HALF PRICED will eftem sales. Bv the last of the week we expect to begin receiving our Fall Stock, auo [hen R I j’OR RENT- From Oct 'ber 1, new four-rcom * house on lower First avenue. C. D. Widis, at J. Joseph’s. aulltf C URES prickly heat and chafiDg; is highly perfumed, and Boraciue is a superior toilet and nursery powder, recommended by every mother. Music! Flowers! Singing taught in English, French or Italian Latest methods iu vocal and instrumental music. Thorough training, mo t carefhl att n- tion. Terms moderate. Lessons resumed Sep tember 1, at my residence, opposite WyEnton College. City pupils will be taught at their homes if desired. Also, fine greenhouse plants. Exquisite bouquets for sale all the y6ar round. augi8 se&wd-lm Mme. deLaunav. Meeting at Y M. C. A. This Afternoon. There will be a meeting of the Young Mens’ Christian Association this afternoon. The meet ing will take pla e at 4 o’clock instead of 3:30 o’clock as announced. From Columbus to New York. The fare via Central railroad and Ocean Steam ship Company is only $26.25. or for the round trip, ricket- good until October 3', $42 70 No one can complain at these rates, for they make it possible for almost every one to visit the great metro: olis, with its myriads of eights. The above figures include elegant state rooms, meals, and all refreshments and ices while aboard the steamer. Now is the time to go. Apply io J. W Deming for schedule of sailing dates of steam ers, to secure state rooms and arrange other de tails, so there will be no inconvenience after leaving Columbus. sun aul8 Excursion to Texas. Partie’contemplating going to Texas on the cheap rates August 20, or September 10 and 24, will please write to J. W. Deming, agent Central railroad. Columbus, Ga, for maps, routes and rates. Full information will be cheerfully given detailing the time of leaving Columbus aud arri val at destination. aul4,15.18S1,4,7,8,9.20,21,22,23 Music. Vocal and instrumental. I will resume my lessons September 10. Miss Kivlin, aug It se wed a fri lm 808 Broad Street. Architectural and Mechanical Drawing. A plain, practical course under a graduate of Yale at Wynnton College. No extra charge to regular students of the school. Dummy tickets free. For catalogue address the president, W. E. Meagley. iy21sun til sepl5 Harvest Excursion to Texas, August 6 and 20, September 10 and 24, via New Orleans and the Southern Pacific railroad. Tickets good to return within thirty days from date of sale, with the privilege of stopping over in Tex ns. Only one first cla-s limited fare for the round trip. Tickets will be on sale at all the coupon stations in the southeast on the above- named dates. For farther information call on or address Geo. W. Ely, Traveling Passenger Agent, aullse2t Montgomery, Ala. Bran! Bran!! Fresh, ii. h, sweet wheat bran for sale by Em pire miiis at 80 cents per hundred, wholesale. Special Church Notices. St. Lube—Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. At 8 p. m., “What the future offers our young men.” St. Paul Church.—The usual services will be held to day by the Rev. W. F. Lloyd, pastor. First Presbyterian Church—Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. by the pastor, Rev. W. A. Carter. Broad Street Methodist Church.— Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:45. Trinity Church.—Preaching at 11 a. m. and 6 p. m. at Trinity church to-day. Rev. W. C. Hunter, rector. All welcome. Rose Hill M. E. Church.—Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Prayer and praise meeting Thursday evening at 7:45. Y. M. C. A.—The usual afternoon ser vices will be held at the Y. M. C. A. rooms to-day. All men cordially invited. First Baptist Church.—Rev Ribert H. Harris, D. D„ pastor. Usual services will be held to-day. East Highlands Methodist Church—Sab bath school at 3 p. m. Dr. W. F. Tigner, superintendent. Services at 7:30 p. m. First Avenue Baptist Church—Rev. Mr. Trait at 11 o’clock, and Rev. M. Hendrix at night. Rev. J. W. Howard is very sick at his home on upper First avenue. Eleventh Avenue Baptist Church—M. HeDdrix will preach at 11 o’clock, and Rev. Mr. Trait at night. For Rent, From October ’, store house on west side of Broad sft.eet, at present occupied by Wm. Redd. Apply to E. J. Rankin. jyfsun&wed-tf Four Thousand Founds Paris Green to arrive during next week. Brannon A Carbon. aul7 3t For Rent. „ The five-room residence,a present occupied by J. C. Drake, at 1929 Hamilton avenue, Rose Hill. Apply to F. D. Peabody. jy25tf Dr. J. E. Walker Has changed his office hours. He can be found at his cffice from 2 to 4 o. m. jy25tf “Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Child ren Teething” softens the gums, reduces inflam mation. allays pain, cures wind colic 25c. a bottle 1/OR RENT—From October I, residence of Mrs. I; Elizabeth Howard, in Wynnton. Apply at residence. j y 26tf F j’OR SALE-A second-hand bicycle, nearly 1 new; 42-inch wheel, American Ifeal. Ad dress “P.,” care 'his office. tf ANTSiD—A position by an experienced VV bookkeeper and accountant, with best city reference. Address “Bookkeeper,” care this office.aulOtf 1 ~X)R RENT—Two story frame dwelling on ' Ninth str et, south of court bouse, water, gas, bath room, and all latest improvements. Apply toC. R Mr ore. au9tf C IOTTON’S DAIRY—If you want fiesh sweet j milk morning for breakfast or eve for supper at 4 cents a pint in the city, East Highlands or Rose Hill, drop postal to W. C. Cotton. aug 3 se 3t F *OR SALE—light-horse engine, on wheels, oue .ixty-saw gin feeder aud condenser, one Golden screw A bargain fer $5 = 0 dollars, good as new. Address J. N. Hutchinson, Salem, Ala. au!5 tt I/OR RENT—One ‘ -story bouse, 6 rooms, water, U bath room, kitchen attached; 821 First av - nue, between Eighth aud Ninth streets. One l-story house. 6 rooms, kitchen and water, 8.9 First avenue, between Eighth and Ninth streets Apply to I. Joseph. aug6 tf B aggage and passenger transfer — Have y our baggage checked at your house to any point when going off, and save time and trouble at the depot. No extra charges for check ing. Telephone No. 78 and your order will be promptly attended to. G. T. Miller, proprietor and baggage agent. tf SPECIAL NOTICE. We have just received a fine lot of Lace and Ribbons, all sizes, up to four inches wide, and many other articles that we haven't space to mention, but will advise you to secure these bar gains as they must go. Now is the time to get the worth of your money. Another lot of those long handle B corns and Jelly Glasses. BOYCE BROTHERS’ DIME STORE. FUNERAL NOTICE. BOZEMAN.—The frierds and acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. W\ V. Boz-man are cordially in vited to attend the funeral of their infant son, Van Willie, at 3 o’clock this afternoon. Fu neral will take place from their residence, on Thirteenth street near Georgia Midland railroad crossing. ANNOUNCEMENT. I will soon begin to receive my stock of Shoes, which I will offer for sale by Sep tember 1. My stock will be new, first- class and complete, and I ask my friends to give me a trial. I wiil also continue to keep a stock of Confectioneries, Toys, «fec. A. L. Crawford. may261p3m BRADFORD’S DRUG STORE. We are making a preparation for HEAT that we believe to be the best thing on the mar ket. Try a bottle, 31 and 50 cents each. Bradford’s Drus Store. Election for Superintendent. By order of the Board of Trustees, an election for Superintendent of the Public Schools, this city, will be held AUGUST 20. Applications to be sent to A. O. BL.ACKMAR. I aug 4 to 20 Secretary. THE KEY TO WHICH w. w„ o. Wooldridge’s Wonderful Cure, Unlocks the Store House Of Health and Evicts The Em my. Wooldridge’s Wonderful’ Cure is a happy combination of elemen tary principals, adapted to antidote certain specific poi< ons, and to al- lign itself with the vital force s to restore natural energy. Its action is upon the stomach, the intestines, the liver, on all the glands and all the other organs that have part in making and purifying the blood. Antidote, nutralize and expel poison, and make pure blood and you are not far from health. This is what Wooldridge’s Wondertul Cure does, and why it cures the class of diseases that the certifi cates show it has done. Mrs. A. C. McGt hee. My wife has been afflicted for six yeais with a most dreadful blood po 3on of acme kind, called salt rheum by eminent phi sicians. During this period she was treated by several specialists. Has taken quantities of all the b ood purifiers on the market, without realizing any special benefit. She is now using Wooldridge’s Wonderful Cure, a few bottb s of which has made a comp ete cure. I unhesitating! - recommend it as the best blood purifier ever discovered. Yours truly, A. C. McGehee. Columbus, Ga., March 23, 13:9. Wholesale by Brannon & Carson and Patterson & Thomas. RETAIL BT ALL DRUGGISTS. Manufactured by the Wooldridge Wonderful Cure Company, Colum bus, Ga. T —AT Onr buyers are now in the eastern markets, purchasing one of the most elaborate stocks of fell and winter goods, that ha3 ever been bought for the southern market. Wears receiving daily large shipments from them and are, therefore, compelled to make room for the new goods. Bargains avery day this week. Fast Black Hosiery. We are just in receipt of a large shipment of the celebrated O. H. & O. Hose, every pair of which are warranted ABSOLUTELY STAIN LESS- Don’t be deceived by imitations. Every pair of O. H. & C. have a ticket bearing the fol lowing guarantee: we will reed all the space we can pos sibly make. Prices below will show that we mean business. REMNANTS! REMNANTS! REMNANTS! 2000 yards remnants from every department in the house half price 3000 yards Ribbon Remnants, from a half to three inch wide, at 50 cents in the dollar. 1500 yards Victoria Lawn at cents. 1000 yards Cotton Challies at 31 cents. 2000 yards Checked Nainsooks at 6i cents. TORCHON LACES. 5000 yards more of those Torchon Laces, from one to thr inches wide, left at 5 cents, worth 10 cents. CRASH TOWELING. 1200 yards Twilled Crash at 4 cents. 1000 yards Linen Crash at 61 cents. 500 yards Linen Crash at 9 cents. You have b en paying for the e goods from 8 to cents per yard. TOWELS! TOWELS’! 20 cozen All Linen Towels at 61 cents, cheap at 10 c 15 dozen heavy Hack Towels at 9 cents, cheap at 12? cen 25 dozen heavy Hiuk Towels at 121 cents, cheap at 15 ct LACE CURTAINS! LACE CURTAINS! Lace curtains now in stock were bought cheap, and t designs are just a- pretty as any we can get. but t lines are broken, we will close them out way under pri 5000 >ards soft finished yard wide Bleached Cotton at 1500 yards Solid Colored Cham brays at 8 cents. A few more Pin Striped Mulls at 5 emits j We Warrant This Pair of Hose J ABSOLUTELY STAINLESS. I (Not to Stain the Feet or Dye the! ! Undergarments. O. H. & C. r*~ We will cheerfully refund money on any pair of Hose that doe3 not come up to tha above guarantee- At 25 Cents. One hundred dozen Ladies’ fall regular fast black O. H. & C. at 25 cents a pair. Just think, Ladies, of buying a full regular warranted fast Black Hose at 25 cents. Tliree Pairs For $1.00. Competent Judges pronounce our 33?^ cants O. H. & C. Hose as fine as 30'id elsewhere at 50 cents a pair. Children’s O. H. & C. Full line of Children’s O. H. & C. Hose in Cot ton and Lisle Thread, Ribbed and Plain, sizes 4 to 5%; also a complete line of Mias-is’ in sizes 5% to 8%. From 25 cents up. We are certainly headquarters for Hosiery. Fifty dozen Black Silk Mits. 500 Gloria Silk Umbrellas And Parasols just received and will be offered at great ba.gaic. MOORE BROTHERS. jyistf SHACKLEFORD. AGENCY. 44 1-2 SOUTH PRIOR STREET, (Opposite Police Headquarters) Atlanta, - ueorgia. We have removed our detective agency from Macon, Ga.. to this place. If you need the ser vices of a good detective write or call on us. References furnished if required. Al! business is upon a basis of mutual ho or and the s rict.est confidence. We have agents all < ver the United States. Address G. W. SHACKLEFORD, Superintendent. P. O. Box 142, Atlanta, Ga. auis Iw FOR SALE. Large plantation near Columbus. Can sell small part or ail of it. $1200. Two new houses in north end of city. $1300. Neat four-room house up town. $1509. Seven new houses and vacant ground down town. Also many vacant lots and dwellings. FOR REXT. $15.00. Corner dwelling, corner Sixth street and Second avenue. $18,00. New house, modern improvements, cor. Sixth and Broad street. $17.00. Dwelling east of Synagogue. $75.f0. Large store near Rankin House. $12 5", New house south of Fifth street on First avenue. $25.00. Ne t dwellings on upper Broad street. $30.00. Dwellings on upper Second avenue. $25 00. Dwellings east of St. Luke church. I have other dwellings for rent, and many ap plicants for bouses. Apply to J. O. MOON, Real Estate Agent. No. 1125 Broad street. REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS, CABINETS 1 SUPPLIES. T. L. INGRAM. aul0p4 lm DR. €. R. EDDY, VETERINARY SURGEON, Office at Empire Stables. au81p3m THE STEAMER ELLIS Has now been thoroughly overhauled, and is the best equipped boat on the river. She wdl leave her whaif for points below at 2 p. m. every Monday. GEO. L. LAPHAM, MASTER. iuelS 3m J. K. ORR A CO Boots and Shoes 9V holessm oaiy. so- agents for the ponniar POLTNSCS BULL 5 We carry a iar>,£ stock here and Gj -is; promptly. O' Boston pitces guaranteed. net zS-ij SILK AND COTTON GLOVES. ee our Silk and Cotton Colored Gloves, go at half price. Thev Blanchard, Booth A Hu G. GUNBY JORDAN, President. j. W. WURPHEY, Cash* Paid Up Capital, $100,000. The Third National Ban OIF ■jTTjvuibtt s 5 New York Correspondents; THE NATIONAL PARK BANH. IMS ME84H AN !*•’ NATIONAL B' DISEOTOHS: GEO. W. WOODRUFF, Proprietor Empire Flour Mills. LOUIS HAMBURGER, Swif>, Hamburger & Co., Cotton Manufacturer! JAMES A. LEWIS, Lewis &. Gregory, Wholesale Dry Goods. W. C. BRADLEY, Carter & Bradley, Cotton Warehouse and Comnissio” G. GUNBY JORDAN, General Manager Georgia Midland Railroad. J. W. MURPHEY, formerly Assistant Treasurer State of Georgia. A. BACKER, New York, Capitalist. A Share of Your Business Solicited. Telephooe 179. O. SCIEaiOIIVLBTTIR, DEALER IN ill, FRENCH AND AMERICAN CL EYE GLASSES, SPECTACLES, SILK GUARDS E 1115 BROAD STREET. I beg to announce that I have inaugurated the Club System of supplying a KEI.I GOLD STEM WINDER WATCH pavabre in an ea3y way and in answer to nu: inquiries relative to the working of this plan I wish to submit the following points for your c eration and perusal: As so^n as the number of subscribers amounts to, say sixty, the price of the watch to chased, each subscriber will be notified that the list is closed; and after each memb r of th has made his first payment, it will be decided by lot who shall get the first watch. Thus tf tributions will take place week after week until ail members shall be in the posses don c watches. After a member has received a watch, he will have to keep on paying his dollar pt the same as the other members umi’ the watch is paid for $60.00', and on receiving his wj has to give approved secu itv for the future regular payments. In case of the death of one members, we are willing to refund the money paid iu to the legal heirs or administrators, case a member should wish to withdraw, he can eithe- find a substitute or take out other me dise to the amount of his share paid in. ; fa party wants to pay more than $1.00 per week- or $3.00—he can do so, aud thereby increase the pronability of coming sooner in possessio watch. CLUBS UOW ZFOZELZMZILsr<3-. C. SCHOMBURG 1115 BROAD ST., COLUMBUS, f WYNNTON COLLEG Columbus, Ga. This School will offer superior ad vantages in Penmanship, Book-keeping, Archite Mechanical Drawing, Surv-ying (with field work), Elocution, Literature and Music. Eac partment in charge of a teacher who has received special training for his work. Se; buildings and grounds for the sexes. Dummy tickets free of charge to pupils residing , city. For catalogue address the President, W. E. MEAGLEY. jydd&wtils DRINK MONTGOMERY BEE The Best in the World. Made from Pure Artesian Water, Imported Ho Canada Malt. Write for Prices. Address MONTGOMERY BREWING CO. MONTGOMERY, ALA BAM. lhj ju2 B. F. BILLINGS, PLUMBING, GAS AND STEAM FITTIN Special attention given to TIN ROOFING AND GUTTERING. Keeps consta hand a neat supply of Gas Fixtures. None bat competent men employed. Satisfaction gua“ Office aud Wareroouis 1210 Broad St., Columbus,.Ga. Vylf 1889 Fall Goods 18 am now receiving a large and well assorted stock of Fail Piece Goods. Latest Fashion Ck J\ PEACOC OLOTHIHG NOS. 1200 dt 1202 BROAD ST., COLUMBUS, GEOE me