Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, November 02, 1890, Image 9

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nMpnmpip^p Part Second VOL XXXII. DAILY ENQUIRER-SUN: COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2, 1890. NO. 263. DRESS GOODS. -o- Twrnty-fi ve Cisen of New Dress Goods Received the Past Week Makes This Department More Complete Than Ever. Buy Tour Dresses This Week. On tomorrow, Monday morning, we will display our third stock this season of both Foreign ami Domestic Dress Goods, in cluding Broadcloths, German Henriettas, Imperial Serges, Tricots and all the lead ing Fabrics of the season. .lust received, another case of those ■double width YVool Tricots at 15 cents a yard. Double width Wool Cashmeres, all colors and black, at 15 cents a yard. Double width, fine quality, all-wool Tri cots, all colors and black, at 25 cents a yard. 38-inch fine twilled Henriettas, black aad colors, at 23 cents a yard. 10-inch all-wooi, silk finish Mohairs, worth 00 cents, at 38 cents a yark. 40-inch all.wool Australian Cloth in plain and fancy at 40 cents a yard. 40-inch Illuminated English Homespuns, strictly all wool, a stylish Fabric, at 00 ■ents a yard. 40-iuch all-wool Surah Cloth at 50 cents * yard. 40-inch, fine quality, all-wool French Henriattas at 50 cents a yard. 44-inch Royal Serges, a Fabric unequaled for wear, at 75 cents a yard. Finest quality German Henriettas, worth $1 the world over, at 75 cents a yard. 50 inch Broadcloth at 75 cents a yard. 40-inch fine Imported Broadcloth, beau tiful finish, at $1 a yard. 1£ yards wide, light weight, finest qual ity Imported Broaddloth, equal to any 42.50 goods in the market, at $1.50 a yard. PLAIDS. Truly l’lam Dress Goods were never in such great t$nand. The larger the plaid , and the rougher the material, the more |lish. -inch pretty Plaid and Cheek Mohair >cents a yard. linch Plaid Mohairs, large plaids, very fe coloring, at 38 cents a yard. >Ynch all-wool Camel’s Hair Plaids and es at 50 cents a yard. linch all-wool Plaid Flannel Suiting I cents a yard. Linch all-wool Tartan Plaids, dark unds with bright illumination, at 75 bis a yard. 140-inch all-wool Checked Cheviots at 75 lata a yard. I Finest quality of French and German [ aids, 40 inches wide, at $1 a yard. Imported pattern suits. Fine Imported Pattern Suits, no two alike. Direct importations, exclusive styles, ill the season’s latets novelties. Lightning Zig-Zag, Novelties, Ceviots in ?iaid and Stripes and German Mixtures, < $7.50 a Suit. PI lid and Check Combinations, four • vds Plaid and six Check to match, at tp a Suit. Fine Camel’s Hair, with Boucle and AArakan effects in Plaid and Stripes, at I 'Y.SOa Suit. Ikll «ur tine Imported Novelty Suits from i :r> to$35 go this week at Special Phicks. MOORE BROS, Leaders in Low Prices. MOORE BROS., LEASERS OF LOV PRICES / / Feel grateful to a generous public for their liberal j patronage the past week. Their Store Was Thronged! Their Patrons Charmed! ^ J Their Sales Immense! CLOAKS. The Largest Stock, the Latest Styles, the Lowest P ices. Columbus Never Saw Just Such an El gaut Liue of Stylish Wr«ps. The talk of the town. Yes, every ode is talking about Moore’s lovely Wraps. It matters not your figure or how fas tidious, you are bound to get pleased here. Literally everything. Jackets, Reefers, Palletto’s New Mar kets, English Walking Coats in Plush and Cloth, plain and fancy, smooth and rough effects, in loose and tight fitting in light and heavy weights. At $3.98.—100 fine all-wool Stockinet tailor-made Jackets worth $5. At $4.48.—100 Beaver Cloth Reefers, the season's newest garmet in short wrap style worth $0. At $4.50.—100 Beaver Cloth Jackets, fine quality, beaver, in black, tan, navy and brown, worth $0. At $4.98—100 fine Beaver Jackets, a love ly garment, beautifully bound and satin faced, worth $7. At $5.98.—100 fine Diagonal Reefers, a very stylish garment, worth $7.50. From $6 to $10 we show a beautiful line of Jackets and Reefers in fine Broad cloth, Beaver, Cheviots and Diagonal, all marked at prices that will move them. NEW MARKETS. Full line New Markets in fine light weight Broadcloth, Diagonals and Fabrics adapted to this climate. Ladies’ New Markets at $5. Ladies’ New Markets at $7. Ladies’ New Markets at $8. Ladies’ New Markets at $10. At $12.50, $15 and $18 we show an ele gant line with high De Albert Collars. MISSES’ JACKETS Just received a lovely line of Misses’ Jackets and Reefers, ages 12 to 19, in Broadcloth, Diagonal and Cheviot from $5 up. In a few days our stock of Misses’ Wraps, consist of New Markets, Reefers and Jack ets from $1.50 up will be complete. FLAVNELS. We are headquarters for Flannels, and now is the time to buy. At 25c.—10 pieces 27-inch all-wool White Flannel worth 35c. At 35c.—10 pieces extra quality all-wool White Flannel worth 50c. At 50c.—10 pieces finest quality all-wool White Flannel, extra wide, good valne at 75c. SHAKER FLANNEL. Full line Shaker Flannels for skirts, etc., at 40, 50 and 75 cents a yard. Full stock of Embroidered Flannels in white and grey, in hemstitched and point effects at $1, $1.25 and $1.50. RED FLANNELS- At 25c.—10 pieces heavy twilled all-wool Red Flannel. At 35c.—10 pieces all-wool Medicated Twilled Red Flannels worth 50c. At 50c.—10 pieces finest qnality all-wool Medicated Red Flannels worth 75c. FRENCH FLANNELS. Beautiful line of French Flannels in stripes and figures for Blazers. Blouses, Wrappers etc. 50 pieces all-wool Flannel in stripes, checks and plaids, nice for children's dresses, at 35 c.-uts a yard. MOORE BROS., Leaders of Low Prices. LINENS. We Have S id More Linens in the Past Month lhan All of Co lumbus Combined. This tbhows That the Trading Public Have at Last t oil ud Headquar ters tor These Goods. O 10 pieces 54-inch all-linen German Dam ask, worth 35 cents, at 25 cents a yard. 10 pieces 54-inch Red Damask, worth 35 cents, at 25 cents a yard. 10 pieces good quality all-linen German Damask, worth 50 cents, at 35 cents a yard. 10 pieces 54-inch Red Damask, fast col ors, worth 50 cents, at 35 cents a yard. 10 pieces fine quality German Damask, equal to any 75 cents quality in the mar ket, at 50 cents a yard. 10 pieces extra quality Turkey Red Dam ask, colors warranted fast, at 50 cents a yard. At 75 cents a yard we will show a mag nificent line of Damask in Bleached and German goods. We challenge any piece in this lot duplicated for less than $1 a yard. At $1 a yard we show 25 elegant designs in finest Bleached Damask with napkins to match, equal to any $1.25 and $1.50 goods in the Market. NAPKINS and DOILIES. 25 dozen Fringed Linen White Doilies, worth 75 cents a dozen, at 50 cents a dozen. 25 dozen all linen White Napkins, worth 75 cents a dozen, at 50 cents a dozen. 25 dozen, fine quality, all-linen Napkins, and Doilies, white and colored border, good value at $1, at 75 cents a dozen. 26 dozen large size, fine quality, all-linen Napkins and Doilies $1.25 to $1.50 a doz en, at $1 a dozen. 25 dozen 3-4 all-linen fine Napkins and extra sizes White Doilies, worth $1.65 to $1.75 dozen, at $1.25 a dozen. Special prices on finer goods from $1.75 to $3 dozen. TOWELS. 100 dozen ail-linen Hack and Damask Towels, good value at 15 cents, at 10 cents each. 100 dozen all-linen Hack and Damask Towels, worth 18 cents, at 12-J cents each. 100 dozen ’8 by 36 inches Damask Tow els, red and blue borders, good value at 20 cents, at 15 cents each. 100 dozen largest size Huck Towels, 23 by 46 inches, the best 25 cents Towels in Columbus, at 19 cents each. 100 dozen fine qnality tied fringe Dam ask Towels, worth 35 cents and 40 cents, at 25 cents eaeh. Excellent bargains in finer Towels at 50 oents, 75 cents, $1. We are determined to make our Linen Departmen. second to none in this country, and the goods and prices will do it. If we don’t save you money we won’t expect you to buy. BLANKETS. We will save you money on Blankets. For 95 cents per pair we will sell you a Blanket worth $1.25. For $1.25 per pair we will sell you a $1.75 Blanket. For $1.50 per pair we will sell you a Blanket worth $2. For $2 per pair we will sell yon a Blanket worth $3. For $2 50 per pair we will sell you a Blanket worth $-3.50. For $3 per pair we will sell you a Blanket worth $4. For $4 per pair we will sell you a Blanket worth $5. For $5 per pair we will sell you a Blanket worth $6.50. Our line of finer Blankets, in white and reds, 11-4 and 12-4, are matchless. COMFORTS. 100 Comforts 75c, worth $1.00. 100 Comforts $1.00, worth $1.5C 100 Comforts $1.25, worth $1.75. 100 Comforta $1.50, worth $2.04. HOSIERY. With 111 } -Largest St< ckand the Must Reliable Brand of Fast JBlack Ho*ie»y In This foilUtry. W«®r?W»rli Equipped* and are Doing the llosier- rv Buiiness of Columbus. We are pleased to announce to the ladies of Columbus and vicinity that we have laid in a complete line of Lord & Taylor’s celebrated Onyx brand of Fast Black Hosi ery. Every pair of this renowned brand is guaranteed absolutely stainless, also wkab well, which is a great deficiency in most Fast Black Hosiery. CHILDREN’S HOSE. Children’s grey mixed for school wear at 10c a pair. Children’s heavy ribbed Hose, sizes 5 to 84, warranted fast black, at 15c a pair. Children’s full regular made Fast Black Ribbed Hose, Lord <fe Taylor’s celebrated Onyx brand, at 25c a pair. Misses’ full regular made Fast Black Hose, not ribbed, Lord & Taylor’s Onyx brand, at 25c a pair. Children's Fast Black Ribbed Hose, double knee, excellent for rough wear, Lord & Taylor’s Onyx brand, at 35c a pair. Boys' Extra Heavy Ribbed Hose, large sizes, 7s to 10s, warranted stainless, at 35c a pair. Misses’ finest quality Lord & Taylor’s * Onxy brand Ribbed Hose, at 50c a pair. Misses’ Silk Hose, Lord & Taylor's Onyx brand, at 75c a pair. Full line Infants’ Hose in cotton, Lisle thread and silk, from 25c up. LADIES’ HOSE. Indies’ full regular made Pin Stripe Hose, fast colors, at 10c a pair. Ladies’ Black Ribbed Hose, warranted stainless, at 15c a pair. Ladies’ fall regular made Fast Black Hose, Lord & Taylor’s Onyx brand, at 25c a pair. Ladies’ fine quality full regular made Fast Black Hose, Lord & Taylor’s Onyx brand, at 35c or three pairs for $1. Equal to any 50c Hose in Columbus. Ladies’ Richlieu Ribbed Lisle Thread Hose, a fine qnality Lord & Taylor’s Onyx brand at 50c a pair. Elegant line of Fine Black Silk Hose from $1 a pair up. KID GLOVES. UNDERWEAR, j MILLINERY. —:o:o:— The Finest Millinery D/ partmeat In Georgia, the Most Com petent Milliners and the Most Artistic Trimmers. Acknowledged Head quarters for Styl ish Millinery. Our Great Sale The Past Week of Ladies'. ^Misses' and Chil-, [ dren'SjS Wooli n Under- wf-ay Wgs a G’&ud Success, and Will Contiuue An other Week. $ '--owledged headquarters far u j ** The RECORD is jStyhsh Millinery. . :■ About 100 dozen broken lots Ladies’ j AGAIN BROKEN. Lual WeeJcWii the Misses and Childrens’ Underwear to be i greatest of the great wOeks in the historv closed out at about half price. This is the story in a nut shell. LADIES SUBBED VESTS 30 Grand Bargains. LOT 1. Ladies’ Jersey Ribbed Tests, the best quarter of a dollar vest in Columbus at 15 I BKOS - We wou,d suggest to the Ladies cents each. r .^J^ ■ i ° 8 et their orllers iu as early as possible of our business Millinery. More orders were taken and more Hats tamed out. Our six Trimmers have beea hard at work night and day, and the or ders continue to pour in. Every lady wants a new HAT for the Exposition, and we have every reason to say that the great majority of them will come from MOORE __ LOT 2. hia week owing to the Exposition rush. Ladies’ finer quality Jersey Ribbed, our 'TWO SPECIAL BARGAINS ! regular 40c. Test at 25c. each. •*, * ,I , t f—>1-7-1 „ | Ten dozen Ladies’ Black Felt Sailors. __ '• j worth 50 cents, this week’s price 25 cents. STouS^v i*™ 7 t R l bbed Ten dozen Ladies’ black, brown, navy 1 7 ‘' ,U the market ’ at I and drab Felt Sailors, worth 75 cents and p J ’ I $1, this week's price 50 cents. LjOT 4. Twenty dozen Children’s and Misses’ Ladies heavy weight Jersey’ Ribbed I Fancy Felt Sailors at 50 cents, 75 cents > ests, silk stitch collar and front, : a great i and $1.00. 75c. Vest, at price 50c. each. qr a cjC * l> wTTTD ipu ■ aW&Tj jT 15- 1 V AAK ftxlltils Ladies’ Jersey Ribbed Vests with Pants So’stylish for Ladies’ wear, are here in all to match, excellent value at $2 a suit, at sizes now. $1.50 a suit. Ladies’ Plaited Bosom Shirts $1 5fi- _ .. , - Lj V ‘ t Ladles’ Plaited Bosom Shirts Ladies fine quality, all-wool Jersey Rib- Ladies 1 Embroidered Bosom Shirts $2. bed Vests, well made, nicely finished, pearl buttons, a good $1.25 A~est, at 75c. each. LO V 7. Onlv a small lot of Ladies’ full fashion ed, non-shrinking, all wool Jersey Ribbed Vests worth $1.50, at 75c. each. HOT 8, Small quantity finest quality Australian wool Ribbed vests, worth $2.00 at price $1.00 each. LOT 9. Ladies’ fine quality all-wool Medicated Scarlet Vest, with pants to match, worth $1.25, at 75c. each. LOT lO. Ladies’ finest quality all-wool Medicated Scarlet Vest, with pants to match, worth $1.50, at $1.00 each. AT HALF PRICE. : Our entire stock of broken lots of Ladies : Merino Vests and Pants (not ribbed) will go •at just half price. Having the exclusive agency for P. Cen- temeri &. Co.’s Celebrated "Kid Gloves. We have no competition in this depart ment. At 50c a pair we sell a good 5-button Kid Glove, embroidered back, black and colors. At 75c a pair we sell an excellent 5-but ton Kid Glove equal to any dollar glove in the market. Beautiful line of fine button undressed Kid Gloves, black and colors, an excel lent glove, at $1 a pair. Foster’s celebrated 5-hook glove, black and colors, every pair warranted, at $1 a pair. Mills & Gibb’s great Paragon 5-but ton dressed kid, black and colors, eveiy pair warranted, -only $1 a pair. Centemeri's 4-button undressed Kid, at $1.25 a pair. Centemeri’s best, quality 5-button dressed Kid, at $1.50 a pair. Centemeri’s 8-button undressed Mous- quetaire, at $1.75. Centemeri’s finest 10-bntton undressed Mousquetaire at $2.25 a pair. Fuli line 10 and 20-button undressed Mosquetaire Gloves in black, cream, fight grey, yellow and other pretty shades for evening wear, at $3.50 and $4 a pair. MOORE BROS t Leaders in Low Prices. MG ORE BROF, Leaders in Low Prices. CHILDRENS’ UNDERWEAR. 6 Grand Bargains. LOT 1. Children’s Merino Vests, worth *23e., at 15<*. eacii. T OT 2. Small quantity Children's Jersey Ribbed Vents, sizes 11, 1 i and 15. worth 40c., at price 25c. each. Lor 3. Children's Merino Vests, sizes 16, 18 20 and 22, with Pantaletres to match, same price,worth 40c. at price 25c. each. LOT Children's Merino Vests, same quality as lot 3. size et, 20. 28 and 30, with nants to match, worth 30 and 00 cents, at price 33 cents each. LO C S. Children s fiur all-wool Jersey Ribbed Vests, sizes 16, IS and 20. a gi>od 50c. Vest, at price 33 cents each. LOT 6. Children's fin** qua'lty Merino Vests, pants to mateb. sizes, 16, IS. 20 and 22, worth 75c., at price 40e. each. Sizes 21, 2G, 23 end 30, same quality, with Pants to mutch, worth 85c., at 50c. IN FAN is tV VESTS. A GRAND BARGAIN. Infants 1 ' Wrappers' finest quality of Lambs Wool, sizes J, 2,:: and 4. worth 75 and 85 oents, at price 50c. each. MOORE BROF., f I eaders of Lew Prices. Full line of Chemisette, standing and turn down collars, plain, plaited aDd em broidered bosoms, at 30, 40, 50 and 75 ets. STYLISH NEt-KWEAR. Feather Boas are the latest fad in La dies’ Neckwear in cream, pink, light blue, heliotrope, grey, yellow and black. It ia difficult to supply the demand, for they are so stylish. STYLISH TRIMMINGS. We are acknowledged headquarters for stylish Dress Trimmings. Elegant line of Ostrich Feather Trimming, with gilt and turquoise effects, the latest Parisian craze, from $1.50 to $S.OO a yard. Gilt Passamentaries with Jewels, a live ly novelty in Trimmings, from $1.60 to $5.00 a yard. Gilt Girdles with Pendants and Collars and Caffs to match, from $2 to $10 a set. Black Marveilieux Silk, with colored embroidered figures of Pansies, Daises and Lilacs, etc., from $2.00 to $7.00 a yard. Handsome line of hand Crochet Gimps by the yard and In ornaments for Trim ming fine Black Dresses and Black Silks. EVENING GOODS. We call especial attention to our stock of evening goods in Tinsel Draperies, Silk Gauze Flouocings, Faille Francaise Silks, Crepe D’Chines, German Henriettas, with an elegant line of Trimmings. We are headquarters for stylish Evening Goods. All the latest novelties wifi be found here. SPECIAL BARGAINS. 100 10-4 White Bedspreads worth $1.00; Monday at 75 cents. 100 10-4 White Bedspreads worth $1.25; Monday at 95 cents. 100 10-4 White Quilts worth $1.50; Mon day at $1.25. All of our fine Marseilles Quilts from $2.00 up; at special prices Monday. 1000 yards good Sea Island Homespun at 5 cents a yard. 1000 yards good soft finish Bleaching; Monday at 7 cents a yard. 100 dozen Ladies’ all-linen embroidered Handkerchiefs; Monday at 15 cents each. 100 dozen Mens’ full regular made Brit ish Hose, worth 25 and 35 cents a pair: Monday at 15 cents. 200 Ladies' and Gents fine Gloria Cloth and Silk Umbrellas, choice line of new styles just opened at 23 per cent less than old shop-worn styles elsewhere. MOORE Leaders in lo ces.