Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, November 05, 1890, Image 7

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mm s ary “•ypfjiiis. Syphilitic Khenm&tism, Scrofulous Ulcers and Sores. Gtatidular Swellings, Hheumatism, Malaria, old Chmnic Vice s that have resisted ” *■ Catarrh. Skin biveases. Kcxema, Chronic Female Com plaints, Mercurial Unison, Tetter, Scald head, etc., etc. i\ P. V. is a p nverf-j) tonic and an excellent appltf- aer, building up tne system rapidly. Indian whoso system* are poisoned and whose Wood Ip in itn irnpnre condition due to menstrual Irregular!- 'p.?p p. cu R ‘" » y s p’e p s I A LIPPEAAN BROS., Proprietors, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. M>pman Block. SAVANNAS. GA. F’ATENT. FITZHUG-H LEE. • Lbxinoton, Va., January 17,1890.—Mr. A K Hawkes—Dear Sir: When I require the use of Classes I wear your pantiscopic crystalized lenses introspect to brilliancy and clearness of vision, they are superior to any glasses I have ever used. Respectfully, Fitzhugh Lke Ex-Governor of Virginia. These famous glasses adjusted to defective eye sight at drug store of EVANS & HOWARD, Co- ln*rthna. ‘« aorll fri snn wed n r m RADAM’S jniCBOBG KILLER. r The Greatest Discovery of the Age. ODD IN THEORY, BUT THE REMEDY RECENTLY DISCOVERED. CURES WITHOUT FAIL CATARRH, CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, HAY FEVER. BRONCHITIS, RHEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA, CANCER, SCROFULA, DIABETES, CRIGHT’S DISEASE, MALARIAL FEVER, DlPTHERIA AND CHILLS. In short, all forms ol Organic and Functional Disease. The cures effected by this Medicine are in muny cases MIRACLES1 Sold only in Jugs containing One Gallon. 1 lire Three Dollars—a small investment wnen Health and Life cnn be obtained. “History of the Microbe Killer” Free. CALL ON OR ADDRE88 W. Wakefield, sole agent for Columbus, Ga. No. 8 Twelfth str et ISHSEHEid £Lb ci jaSHSBSSSE rm. king's I Royal germetuer n I 'lie fact is worth a thousand arguments, n i:.11 Hr. King's ltuval Germetuer demon- , “1 - lies everv dav that it is making more l_ N • - than any other medical preparation “ “1 in ttie world. ... In fL \ .laughter of Mr. C. Jordan.of Atlanta. u| III i r ,.,( of a serious case of stomach and fit in Mi \ [\ Johnson, of Atlanta, was cured nj n a „ tig voutinued ami severe case of In v..i:-:r It \ I,i.-li Was sapping liis life away, n, „ Mrs. M f armer, of West End. Atlanta. 1“ jb u a 'ietvly eureti of a ten years'ease u «>f intiammatorv rhoumutism. (JJ fU llrv \ r, Vaughn. Canton. Ga., \vn c . Lx] In ettrvti i .f fur: a: nett rt.lgia. also of a liver and fli nj kidney troul.leef many years standing. (n in Mrs. T s l'eiot. of Atlanta, had been an n] n on alt,I 11 rears, but . lermetuercurcd her. In Mrs. w. V. Herndon. Atlanta. Ga.. suf- “1 fere.l with acute catarrh. One bottle of | pi liormotiuT fr»‘<*d her from this arcaufui fU A Luightor o' F. T. Hrosius. of Atlanta, in h:ol iruM pvptv known remedy for ag- i fy dyspepsia. Two bottles of Uer- J n mt'tuer i'ured her. ^ , . n Mr. Lewis Bennett. Atlanta, (»a.. had btM-ri afllietfMl with indigestion forSOyenre. “j eomplicated with diarrliiea. Three-fourths |U of a bottle cured him sound and well. In Thousands of voiuntarv certificates tes- | nj nfy to the remarkable curative virtues or In Koval (ierinetuer. It builds up at on qj wt>4*h*s •• nature's soft nurse refreshing j n sleep, stimulates the appetite, aids digos- “ lion, soothes the nerves and insures good 'Ll health. For weak women, clerks, book- ul keepers, mil’iners, stenographers, house- f TJ wives, e*.\,it is the nonpareil of all rom- l_n < 4 d'.es. \y :» blood purifier and ail invigor- i nj ating tonic it is without a rival. It is as | In plea^am to take :va lemonade without i - sugar ; is a scientific di coverv, and cures ( i“ diseases bv removing the cause. Price, . “1 $1.50 per concentrated bottle, which will jU make one gallon of medicine, as per ac- U| companying directions. Send stamp for | nJ full particulars wonderful cures, etc. in For sale by druggists and by King’s nj U. Y\L lir.KMKTfKR CO., ATLANTA, Ga. liiSH5H5HS3SaS5a5HS2S252SHHJ Wholesale by Brannon & Carson and Patterson & Thomas. THROUGH TWO STATES. COMMERCIAL REPORTS. THE HAPPENINGS IN GEORGIA AND ALABAMA. newsy items culled from the col umns OF BRIGHT EXCHANUKS AND PARAGRAPHED. There are twenty, announcements for county offices in Carrpll. Electric lights are being put in the stores and business residences of Washington. Judge Hansell adjourned the Brooks Superior Court Monday on account of the election. There are rumors that the Alabama Midland will soon run its line through to Thomasville. Mr. Edward J. Purse, formerly a citi zen of Savannah, died Saturday at Marlow at the age of seventy-four. The Hancock postoffioe, in Borke coun ty, has been discontinued, the business having dwindled to nothing. The American National Bank of Macon will commence business January 2, 1891, with a capital stock of $500,000. A fanner at Statesboro -has the third crop of cane growing and about matured from one planting. He planted the cane three years ago. Near Darien Saturday night a ferry boat loaded with about forty colored laborers was accidently capsized while being pushed from the wharf, and several negroes were drowned. A new paper is soon to be established at Thomasville. It will be an Alliance organ and will be issued weekly. It is stated as of some significance that the proprietors of the new paper have just returned from New York, where they secured $5,000 to back it. Eighty-four vessels, with an aggregate tonnage of 940,050 arrived at the Savan nah port in October. This does not in clude river or inland coast steamers, nor vessels under 100 tons except those in the foreign trade. The Macon Construction Company offers to put in $100,000, and the Macon and Sa vannah Constructio® Company takes $100,- 000 worth of stock in the Macon Car Works. The capital stock is to be $1,000,- 000. Dr. G. Holmes, and successful Monday morn- Tke death tfas,caused by the bite of a spider. During last s^taner, Dr. Holmes was bitten on one of his'ljfnds by a small, but poisonous spider. iiHe wound was at first considered insignificant, but after a while symptoms of pboemia or blood poisoning set in, and the sufferer went to the famous Arkansas springs in search of relief. The poison, however, had brought about other complication in the system and he lingered until an early hour ’ Monday morning, when death brought him ease. The Quitman Tress says that about five miles above Morven, on the river, is a mys tery which the good people of that com munity cannot explain. In the hammock near the river are two complete circles, one 90 and the other 140 feet m diameter, the smaller circle inside the larger. These circles, which are match like those left by a circus perfornjan|fe are. completely bar ren of vegetation urall kinds. These cir cles have been there since the recollection of the oldest citizen, and none know how or when they came there. It must be that they are Indian signs, relics of by-gone days, when the savage warrior was mon arch of ail he surveyed. IN ALABAMA. A Chautauqua circle has been organized at Tuskegee. There was a slight fire in the furniture establishment of Rhodes & Co. in Mont gomery on Monday night, but no dam age was done. Edward A. Cobbs, formerly of Montgom ery, died a few days since in Colorado. He was a brother of Mrs. T. K. Scott, of Anniston, and first cousin of Hon. J. L. Cobbs. Florence special: The palace car “Tick- wick” returned today with the Florence party from a tour of dJjOO miles through a number of States with the exhibit car, “Florence on VVteeelsf” after an absence of one month. * -- Mrs. Lockhart,, of Epfaula, the woman who shot Bud Sawyer,-Who attempted to break into her house, had a preliminary examination and was discharged, the jus tice hoiuing that, the woman had a right to protect her home. The design for a monument to Samuel Noble, the founder of Anniston, lias been selected, and the contract given. The monument will be completed and ready for unveiling by the 4th of July, when Annis ton proposes to commemorate the event in grand style. The monument will be loca ted in a nice park on Quintard avenue. During the performance of Herminie at the Mobile theater, a sensation was created by the sudden dropping of a negro man from the fliers above. It appears that the negro was named Dave Brooks, who is em ployed about the theater. He crept np in the flies to shut off the effects of liquor and rolled off. He is seriously injured. The play was interrupted for only a few minutes. The Selma correspondent of the Mont gomery Advertiser, reporting the proceed ings of the diocesan convention, says: The bishop-elect will, most probably, live in Montgomery, as there is already a resi dence there for him, the property of the diocese. A resolution was adopted notify ing St. John’s church, of Montgomery, that, in case of Dr. Jackson’s acceptance and of his choosing Montgomery as the place of residence, that the diocese would expect, possession of the residence on Mo bile street oil the 1st of January, 1891. A colony of about twenty-five families from the North, for the most part farm ers, have, receutly st cured about 3,000 acres of choice farm land, in Cullman county in northern Alabama, on which to locate a co operative farm. It is to be or ganized as a joint slock company, with a capital o1 $200,01X1, limited to 200 shares Of *100 each. No person purchase, own or control more or less than one share of the capital stock, the labor to be performed by themselves and families at stipulated wages, the profits being distribu- J ted as dividends. ('nturrit Can't B* Cured with LOCAL applications, as they cannot reach the scat of the disease. t-Rtafih l- a blood or con stitutional disease, and in order to cure it you have to take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is laaeu internally, and acts directly on the bloiwl and mucous surfaces. Hal ’a Catarrh Cure is no quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the beet physicians in this coontry for years, and is a regular prescription It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood noritiera, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two in gredients is what produces such wonderful results fn euring eaiarrh. Send for teetimouUIs free. F. J- CHENEY & tO., props.. Toledo. O. So’d by druggists, price 75 cents. Local Cotton. ExQutKER-Suir Office, l Columbus, November 4,1890.) (Corrected daily by Carter A Bradley.) Cotton market weak; good middling 9Vs9%c, middling 9 a—c, low middling SVdsjnc. good ordinary —c. RECEIPTS. SHIPMENTS. Today .To date. Today .To date By Rail 121 15,238 22 21,952 “ Wagons 112 13,872 0 “ River o 9,597 0 994 Factory takings.. — — <j 3,106 Totals 238 38,797 22 29,051 Stock Sept. 1,1890 590 Receipts to date 38,707—39,297— Stock. Shipped to date —29,051— 14,140 Sales today, 150; to date. 19,132. ftarfeet Reports l»v Telegraph. Liverpool, Not. 4.—Noon—Cotton market easier prices; American middling 5 7-'.*d; sales 8JU00; American 6,000; speculation and export 1,000; receipts 18.UW, American 13,0jO. Futures opened stea-y. Futures—American! middling, low middling clause, November delivery d: November and December delivery 5 20-04d; December and Janu ary delivery 5 21-64d; .January and February deliv ery 5 2i-C4d; February and March delivery 5 24-GJd; March and April delivery 5 26-64d; April and ,Hay delivery 5 2 861d; May and June delivery 5 30-64d: Jnne and July delivery 5 3J-64d. 4 p. a.—Futures: American middling, low mid- ling clause,November delivery 5 23-64d»,November and December delivery 5 231; December and January delivery 5 23-64df; January and Febru ary delivery 5 24-64d; February and March delivery 5 26-64d; March and April delivery 5 2S-64<i*; April and May delivery 5 33-64d; May and June delivery 5 32-64dt; June and July deliv ery 5 34-84d§. Futures closed s:eady. tSellers. «Buvers. ^Values. Cincinnati, o., Nov. 4 —Wheat steady; No. 2 red 993.99140. Corn firm. No. 2 mixed 57c. Oats strong; No. 2 mixed 49c. Cincinnati, Not. 4.—Flour, market easy; family *3 75&4 10, fancy *4 60(3,4 75. Pork easy 811 75@ . Lard Ofirin, 86125. Bulk meats steady; short rib sides 86 50. Bacon sternly; snort clear sides 86 62%. Charleston, Nov. 4—Turpentine firm; 38c. Rosin quiet, good strained 81 25. Cincinnati. Nov. 4.—WTiiskv firm. 81 14. C O-Xj tjmbus WORKS. Wholesale Manufacturers of cakkiages, buggies, etc. st£" Special attention given to Repair Work. JAMES R. DOONKK k C0„ Proprietors, Temperance Ball. Columbna. Ga. Telephone 274, For Exchange for City Beal Estate. A beautiful corner Building Lot 100x142^, East Highlands, near the Church; or will sell at $100 less than cost for cash. JOHN KLACKMAR. Real Estate Agent, Columbus, Ga. ANNUAL MEETING. Stockholders • f the City Mills « ompauy. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the City Mills Company will be held at the office of Messrs. Peabody. Brannon & Hatcher, on Wed nesday, November 5,18.0,at 10 o’clock a. m. THOMAS SALISBURY, oct28td Secretary and Treasurer. THE National Bank of Colnmbns Capital and Undivided Profits $175,000jUO. A bank of deposit and discount. JSxehange bought and sold. Collections made on all points. The accounts of merchants, farmers, bankers manufacturers and all others respectfully nolle- ted To cure Biliousness. Sick Ileadacbe. Constipation. Malaria. Liver Complaints, take the safe and certain remedy. SMITH’S BILE BEAMS Use the SMATJj ?IZE (40 little beans to the bot tie). They are the most convenient: suit all ages Price of eithei size, 25 cent" per bottle. If IQQimijr* at 7. 17, 70: Photo-gravure panel size of this picture for 4 cents (.coppers or stamps). J. F. SMITH A CO., Makers of “Bile Beans. " St. Louis, Mo. BtckEexdacheukd relien.ll the trouble, fnef- dent to . bilious stxte of the system, such «* Dizziness, Xium, Drowsiness. Distress .fteC exting. Pun in the Side, to. While their most 3ss been shown in curing Headache, yet Carter’s Little Liver Pills are equally valimble in Constipation, curing and pr®> venting thisannoyingcomplMnt. while they Mata correct all disorders of thestonuch stimulate the liver and regulate tho bowels. Sven if they only “ HEAD Aebethey would be almostpriceless to those who .ulfer from this distressing complaint; butfortu- nateiy their goodness doe. notend here^nd thoaa who once try them will find these little pills valu able in SO many ways that they will not be Wil ling to do without them. But after all sick head ACHE 'lathe bane of so many lives that here Is where we make our great boast Our pills cure it while . others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and very easy to tako. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, bat by their gentle action please all who use them. In vials at 25 cents: five for $L Sold |)y druggists everywhere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL POSH, SMII. PRICE FOR MSI ONLY! For LOST or FAILING NERVOUS »H 'eakseas of Body and Hind, Effect, uof Errors or Excesses in Old or Tonne, ketmat, Rob* SIX HOOD tolly BtnoraC. How to ealareoaS Stnacteoa WKAE, CXDVTSLOTED OBIURS A PARTS OF BOOT. AbooStoty aalSMof HOXR TRKATHKXT—SoooSU hate, ■oateotlfyIXtetsatteoooaSVortefoCoaatrloa. WritoUaE Cefy right* Send a message as a token To some distant friend of mine. Say my back was almost broken And from pain was nearly blind, But I found relief to be sure By using woolridge’s Wonderful Cure. So are many girls and women with broken down constitutions from necessary physical labor, only awaiting the happy introduction of such a purely vegetable compound as w.w.c. It is a boon to weakly females; cures Rheumatism irul Blood Poison in its worst forms. l Mv M'ife suffered six vears from Blood Poison; tried many specialists and several blood renie- with no effect; a few bottles ofW. W. C. cured her. A, C. McGEHEE, Columbus, Ga. For sale by all druggists. Manufactured by Woolridge’S Wonderful Cure Co., W HOLES A LE HOUSES OF COLUMBUS. ...BUGGIES, WAGONS AND HARNESS. W illiams, Bullock & Co. dies, etc. DRY GOODS. J l/IAi Ji-r < il Established 1838. Wholesale Dry Goods, Notions, Etc. Mann • 1C 4A V. IL II facturers of Jeans Pants Overshirts, Etc. BOOTS AND SHOES. J Ol*!* AT CO II ^ ula ^ aocaren 1111(1 Wholesale Dealers in Boots and Shoes. GROCERIES. Bergan & Joines.|| cos. 0 * lgar8 F T TY ..L n 11 Wholesale Fancy Groceries and Manufacturer of Gandies, Ciders, • W • TVOll II. 11 Vinegar, Etc., 1013 Broad street. J IT p oLwi/vl 11 Wholesale Grocer and Manufacturer of Pure Cider and Vinegar • vlrlUJ lCl. || Candies. Etc., 1017 Broad street. DRUGS. Brannon & Carson. II wtole8ale Dru *« i8t8 ' FURNITURE. A. G. Rhodes & * O. 11 Paper,* JEWELRY. HARNESS, SADDLES, ETC. Bradford 'I Dealer in Harness, Saddles, Etc. Diamonds. Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds D amonds Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds # Diamonds * Diamonds \ Diamonds Diamonds\ Diamonds^ Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds Diamond Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds \ Diamonds Diamonds \ Diamonds \ Diamonds * C. SCHOMB URG, /Diamonds * /Diamonds WATCi 1AKEE AND JEWELER. ,/ Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds ^ Diamonds Diamonds - Diamonds CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA. Schedule In Effect Sunday, October 12,1890. Leave Columbua... Arrive Fort Valley. Arrive Macon Arrive Augusta Arrive Savannah... Arrive Charleston.. 340pm 6 35pin 7 50pm 6 26am 6 30am 1216 p m To Troy, Eafaula, Albany, Thomaeville, Bruns wick and Jacksonville via Union Springs. Leave Columbus Arrive Union Springs Arrive Troy Arrive Eufaula Arrive Albany Arrive Brunswick Arrive Jacksonville 710 a ml 830pm 616am 636pm 2 40pm 7 20 p m 1106 amjlO 25 p m 260 pm) 120am 1220pm 830am Through roes and J sleeper from Union Springs to Way- Jacksonville on night train. To Atlanta, Montgomery, Mobile and New Or leans via Opelika. I .cave Columbus.... Arrive Opelika 1050pm 1169am 1208 ami 100pm 650a mj 6 26pm 345 a m| 810am 12 40 pm; 3 40 p m 500pm 7 26 pm 206am 700am Arrive Montgomery. Arrive Mobile arrive New Orleans. To Greenville. Daily. Leave Columbus 1 246pm Arrive Greenville 1 616pm To Montgomery, Mobile and New- Orleans, via Union Springs. Leave Columbus j 7 10 a m Arrive Union Springs 916am Arrive Montgomery 10 60 a m Arrive Mobile Arrive New Orleans 330pi 6 36 p i 706 pi 206ai 7 00ai Nash lega, Anniston. Birmingham, Memphis shviile, Louisville and Cincinnati. Leave Columbus— 1050 pm,II 60 am Arrive Opelika 12 08 am Arrive Roanoke Arrive Talladega.... Arrive Anniston Arrive Birmingham. Arrive Memphis Arrive Nashville.... Arrive Louisville ... Arrive Cincinnati... 1055am 11 43 am 6 00am 610pm 730pm 2 27 am 652 am 1 00pm 626pm 630am 600am 1207 pm 4 05pm 340pm 5 00pm 800pm Train leaving at 10 50 p. m. carries Pullman sleeper for Birmingham, To Savannah, Smithville, Albany, Thomasville, Brunswick and Jacksonville via Americas. Leave Columbus | *7 06 a Arrive Americas |l246p Arrive Savannah | Arrive Albany 260pm Arrive Thomasville | 640pm Arrive Way cross Arrive Brunswick Arrive Jacksonville *6 00am 9 00am 700pm 250pm 540pm 515am 1206pm 830am 6 45 a m train is solid Birmingham to Savan nah with Pullman Buffet sleeper, To Atlanta via Griffin. Leave Columbus Arrive Griffin Arrive Atlanta *1 00pm *600pi 350pm 815pi 6 40 pm 1010 pi Through day coach Columbus to Atlanta os lpm train. ‘ Arrivals of Trains at Columbus. From Macon 73 From Americas From Birmingham From Opelika From Montgomery and Troy From Greenville.... From Atlanta via Griffin From Atlanta via Opelika. 1130 am 30 p m tlOOOpm 3 26 pm 546am 32Spm 1168am 546am 1120am 10 26 am 746pm :::::::: 710 pm 3 25pm 546am •Daily, tDaily except Sunday. For further information relative to tickets, best routes, etc., apply to F. J. Robinson, Ticket Agent. J. C. Haile, Agent, Columbus. Ga. v. H. Bythewood. D. P. A.. Columbus. Ga. E. T '!h,etrtn 3 p. A.. Savannah, a. FINE SHOW GASES —-&-T Lowest Prices.—- Also Wall and Prescription cases, Cedar * Chests, Barber Furniture, Jewelry Trays sod Stools. CabiMt Work of all kinds. Complete Outfits for Stores end Basks. Catalogue free. Address ATLANTA SHOW CASE CO., Attests, 6a. GEORGIA MIDLAND A GOLF R.R THE SHORT (LINE ATLANTA, WASHINGTON, NEW YORK, NASHVILLE AND CINCINNATI. Through Coach Between Atlanta and Columbus Via Griffin, i The only line running DOUBLE DAILY trains between Coiambus and Atlanta, making eioeeffi connections in Union Depot, Atlanta. SCHEDULE IN EFFKCT^SUNDAY, SEPT 71b, 1890. nokth bound—Daily 1 No. 51. No. 58. 100pm 232pm 307 p nt 350pm 400pm 540pm 500pm 6 37pm 7 26p ra 8 22pm 832pm 1010pm Arrive Warm Springs Leave Griffin, Central R. R.... Arrive Atlanta Leave Griffin,G.M. & G.R.R. Ar. McDonough, G. M. & G... Ar. Atlanta, E. T., V.&G 8 35pm 915pm 10 25 p:m SOUTH BOUND—Daily. No. 50. No. 62 Leave Atlanta via C. R. R Arrive Griffin, C. R. R 7 00am 8 30am 216pm 400pm Lv. Atlanta via E. T~ V & G... Lv. McDonough viaG. M. & G. Ar. Griffin via G. M. & G.. 545am 7 40 am 8 20 a m :E:::z 8 35am 957am 1130 am 416pm 636pm 7 10 pm Arrive Warm Springs Through coach between Col am bus and Atlanta via Griffin on trains Nos. 51 and 52. Train 5S stops at Concord 20 minutes for sapper. Ash for tickets to Atlanta and all points beyond over the Georgia Midland Railroad. Tickets on sale at Union depot and at the office ever Third National Bank. M. E. GRAY. Superintendent, i CLIFTON JONES, General Passenger Agent. W. M. PARSLEY, General Traveling Agent. SAM EOUTE. Savannah Americas and Montgsnierv Railway, Time Card Taking Effect October 12,1890. No. 6 Daily | Eastward. iw'est’ 5E tr<£ 11:35 p m 5:45 a m 6:00 a m 9:00 a m 9:15 a m 10:45 a m 10:45 a m 1:17 p m 3:15 p m 3:35 p m 7:00 p m Lv. Birmingham ,Ala. Ar Ar. Columbus, Ga. Lv Lv. Columbus, Ga. Ar I Ar. Ainericus, Ga. Lv. Lv. Americas. Ga Ar. Cordele, Ga. * T _ , Ar - S.A.&M.dep, ^ T ' Lv. Cordele, Ga. Ar. Lv. Helena, Ga. Ar. |Ar. Lyons, Ga. Lv. ;Lv. Lyons, Ga. Ar. IAr. Savannah, Ga. Lv. 6:00 a to 10:50 p m 9:30 p m 6:40 p ID 6:20 p m 4:66 p m 4:56 p m ’ 2:17 p m 12: ?0 p m 11:59 a mg 8:30 a m The only line running solid trains and Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars bet veen Savannah and Birmingham. Connections at Birmingham, Sa vannah and Columbus with lines diverging; at Americas with Central railroad; at Cordele with G. S. & F. railroad; at Helena with E. T., V. fk G. railway; at Lyons with Central railroad. •Meal Station. No. 6 takes breakfast *t HI*, ville. W. N. MARSHALL. E. S. GOODMAN Gen. Superintendent. Gen. Pass. J. M. CAROLAN, S. E. Pass. Agt., Savannah, Ga. E. A. SMITH Western Pass. Agt., St. Louis Mo. The Columbus Southern RAILWAY CO. tiir Through daily train and quick tun- be tween Albany and Griffin. Inane. . .te connection at Griffin for Atlanta w York, Washington, Cincinnati, Lo.u-! iile and Nashville, and close connection at Albany for all points in Florida aim Soal It em Georgia. NORTH BOUND. • t t Leave Albany 7 30 a. m.l l 50 p. m.:3 06 p. m. 16 a. m.| 9 50p. ni.j7 00 p. m. SOUTH BOUND. Leave Columbus...7 40p.m.i 93t>a.m| 8 OUs.m Arrive Albany....11 25 p. m.| 6 40p. m;l2 00 3. m * Daily, t Daily except Sundav. $ Sunday only. Through tickets to all points on sale bv ages* s and at General Passenger Office, Georgia Home building. Samfrj. F. Pabbott, W. D. Brown, General Manager. General Passenger Agent. Western Railway of Ala bama. Quickest and best. Three hundred miles shorter to New York than via Louisville. Close connec tion with Piedmont Air Line and Western anO Atlantic Railroad. August 24,1890. | No. 65. | No. 53. | No. 6L Leave New Orleans. Leave Mobile Leave Selina Leave Montgomery.. Leave Chehaw Arrive Columbua.... Leave Columbus Leave Opelika Arrive West Point.. Arrive LaGrange.... Arrive Newnan Arrive Atlanta 1140 116 203 236 346 626 3 16 pm 760pm 4 30pm 1 15 am 228am 4 15am 1050 pm 3 23am pm; 4 60am pmi 4 25am pm 624am pm| 6 60am 8 60pnQ 12 40 a iq 640am 7 46am 9 06 a in 1116 a m 1050pm 10 66am 1063 am U 19 am 1211 p m 1 30pm YteW. and A. Railroad. 760am 1136 am 1140 am 1 00pm 640 a m 7 66pm 618pm 1018 pm 11 40 pm 3 50pm 516 am Arrive Chattanooga Arrive Cincinnati^ Arrive Nashville Via the Piedmont Air Line to New York and East Leave Atlanta Arrive Charlotte 7 10am 600pm 630pm 3 40am Arrive Washington Arrive Baltimore 663am 8 26am 1047am 120pm 7 13 pm 11 36 pm 3 00am 6 20am Arrive Philadelphia Train No. 61, Pullman Palace car New Orleans to Atlanta and Atlanta to New York without change. Train No. 50 carries Pullman Buffet Sleeping ear between Atlanta and New Orleans. Trains Noe. 52 and 53 carry Pullman Buffet Sleeping car between New Orleans and Washing ton. South Bound Trains. | No. 54. ; No. 50. IfSo- 62. Leave Atlanta ; Arrive Columbua Leave Columbus I Arrive Opelika Arrive Chehaw Arrive Montgomery. | Arrive Selma Arrive Mobile Arrive New Orleans. | lAJpIu IU 66 p Id 6 30am 3 40pm 1(150 p u 5 14 pm,12 20s m 8 07 p m' 2 28 am 7 26 p m! 345aiq 9 20 pm! 930a m 210 a iu; 8 10 a m 7 00 a mi 215pia R. E. LUTZ, Traffic Manager. EDMUND L. TYLER7 General Manager. A. CAMP, Passenger Agent, 0*tv Drug Store Columbus fit. WAJSPT OOIiUMN l. t\l