Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, November 29, 1890, Image 3

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ENQUIRER - SON: COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1890. PETITION! FOR INCORPORA TION. IX Re. Petition to Incorporate H. Epping. Jr.. J “Chattahoochee Hedge Coin- O. C. Bullock, j pany,” L. T. Humber, ^State of Georgia, Muscogee George 11. Kon- I County. tame, and | To the Honorable, the Superior Oh as. L. Davi*.j Court of aaid county. The petition of H. H. Epping. Jr., O. C. Bul lock. L. F. Humber. George H. Fontaine and Charles L. Davis, respectfully shows, That for themselves, their associates, successors and as signs. they desire to become incorporated and be made a body politie and corporate under the name and style of “Chattahoochee Hedge Company” and in such name to contract and be contracted with, sueu and be sued, have ami use a common seai. and change the same at pleasure, and be inv ested with all the powers conlerred upon corporations hv Section 1679 of the Code of Georgia of 1H2 a * well as such other powers as are im ident to like corporations under the laws of this State. 1 he objects for which petitioners desire to he incorporated are to build, construct, repair and maintain fences and hedges, and to this end to acquire the ownership of and right to operate under certain letters, patent of the United St for the planting, raising, trimming, plashing otherwise maintaining hedge fences, for and in any territory within and without this State. a* may be desired and a* may be agreed upon between said corporation and the owners of said letters patent: to acquire any and all such other 1. tiers patent, rights and privileges for anv territory respecting hedge fences, and implements, appli ances, contrivances and processe.-* touching or concerning tin* making or maintaining hedge fences, as they may desire; to plant, raise, fur nish, construct, repair, maintain and plash hedg.* fences; to raise all such plants, shrubs and trees, and to manufacture all such appliances, tools, implements and materials as many he necessary or useful in the construction and maintenance of hedge fences. in addition to the general po\rer< above asked for, petitioners desire that said corpor, THROUGH TWO STATES- COMMERCIAL REPORTS. TIIE HAPPENINGS IN GRORGIA AND ALABAMA. AX INTERESTING EPITOME OF NEWS CLIPPINGS FORM THE COLUMNS OF BRIGHT DAILY ANJ) WEEKLY PAPERS. Local Cotton. Enquirer-Sen office, i Columbus. November 28 1890. j (Corrected daily by Carter & Bradley.) Cotton market unchanged; go<xl,niiddiiiig 9^gC, middling »”,c. iow midonng Ty. a*8c good ordi nary —c. receipts. shipments. Today .To date. Todav.To date The Standard Cocoa of the World, A branch of the order of Elks is to be organized in Macon. The Solid South, at Rochelle, has sus- I pended publication for lack of patronage. By Rail “ Wagons “ River Factory takings. 20,228 17g*6o 17,760 32.520 I 150 Totals T , ... . Stock Sept. I, 1890 1 here are eighteen inmates ot the Cobb j Receipts to date., county aims house. ; Shipped to dat Henry Williams will be hanged in Charlton county December 10 for wife murder. A party 70S 49.940 271 38,3i. 590 49.940- 50.530— Stock. —38.300— 12,230 Sales today, 119; to date. 25,531. Market He. or* bv T* ircrsjih. | Liverpool, Nov. 28.—Noon—Cotton steady, | A party of hunters went out from I fair dem-nd; American middling 53-16d; sales [tain letters ^patent of the United States I Albany Tuesday and brought home two I >0^0; American s.1,*,; speculation and export tine deer. 1 reeel!,t. IhlSl 10tS); receipts 16 000—1',50 American. F’utures teady. The cotton men of Dawson exneot the ! * umree—Araericam middling, low middling „t ,Ut ,, „ 1 ..n'/u-u. 1 . 1 clause November delivery 5 4-04d; November and r .ceipts at that place to reach -0,000 bales i December delivery 5 5-&4U; December and Jauu- , this season. j ary delivery 5 tl-64d; January ami February Jeiiv- Tl, . , . . . i ery 5 :0-04<i; February and .March delivery 1 lie young men of Augusta are trying to j 5 13-04d; March and April delivery 5 16-64,1; organize a branch of the Elks in tliat city, j April and May 3 !9-ii4; ’iav and -June delivery ! and will succeed, YOU bet ’ 5 21-04; June ami -July 5 *23-64. _ lenders lDOO bales new docaets. Mr. U. L. rrost, late business manager ^ 4 c. m.—Ku.area: American unadling, low m-d- of the Brunswick Times, has gone to Horne I >>ug clause November delivery 5 5-64d dj; No- to lulro o simiin. r,v ■. vernber and D**:ember delivery 5 5-61 a x.o, a similar position on the T.nbune. December and .January delivery 5 5-64-D; .Ian- I There is a constantly ffrowintz stock of ! “"T HI,<1 February delivery 5 9-64a KING OF COCOAS—“ROYAL COCOA FACTORY. Kings are but men, but ail men are not kings. Therefore, when the Aing of Holland says, as he did bv deed of August 12, 1889, that he is greatly pleased with Van Houten’s Cocoa, "BEST & COES FARTHEST.” and, entirely unsolicited, grants the manufacturers the sole right of styling their works the Royal Cocoa Factory, a sig- ^ nificance attacnes to the act which would not were he <! net “every inch a king.” w h.»' : special •qin: hold • all id personal, as may be idi prop- isefnl in buv. within or without this State as may promoting the objects of .said corporation, pedient in tin* conduct of its business; t sell, furnish and deal in such materials. tools, implements and appliances as pertain to its said business; to borrow money, and issue therefor aii such notes, bonds, scrip, and other evidences of indebtedness, and secure the same L>v such mortgages and deeds of trust upon its property, assets, rights and franchises, as it mav desire and may deem ex|»edient; t< contracts with purchas hedge fences as may be iiec**ss;i Said business, including the rigitt to sell, assign and transfer said letters patent, or anv’righU, licenses or privileges thereunder to individuals, companies or corporations f jr any part of such territory as may he acquired, and to take and re ceive in payment therefor cash, notes or other property or thing of value, including the stock of such other corporat ions as may he organized for parts of any territory; and generally to employ such agents, and to do all surh things as may lie found ueeessary to the proper conduct of its busi ness. The principal oftiee of said corporation shall he in the City of Columbus and county of Musco gee; but petitioners ask power to establish such branch otli< be desired. The capital stock of said corporation shall he < >ne Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) divided into One Thousand shares of One Hundred ($li)0> Dollars each; hut petitioners desire authority to organize and begin business whenever two hundred and fifty 1250) shares of said capital stock shall have been subscribed ami fifty per rent thereof shall have been paid in. Subscriptions to which said capital stock may he paid either in cash, notes property or other thing of vain , in cluding rights, privileges and licenses under any letters patent in ami to such territory as said corporation may desire to acquire. Petitioners desire that said corporation may have the privilege of increasing its capital stock at pleasure by the vote of a majority of its stock holders to any sum not exceeding 'i'wo Hundie 1 ami Fifty Thousand ($25 ),000i Dollars. The stockholders in said corporation shall not be individually liable for its debts, contracts or engagements except to the amount of his or their unpaid subscription to its capital stock, n -r shall the stockholder be liable for such unpaid sub scriptions it he shall have paid out of h s private funds debts or liabilities of the corporation m an amount equal to such unpaid subscription. Wherefore petitioners pray that after this pe tition shall have been filed, recorded ami pub lished as required by law the Court will pass the proper order incorporating them, tin ir associates, successors and assigns under the name and style aforesaid, for the full term of twenty did) years, with the privilege of amendment and of renewal after the expiration of said term as and as often as may be nrovlded by law, with all the r.gLt-s, I*.*vrers ami privileges herein asked. LITTLE, WJLMB1SH & LITTLK, Petitioners Attorneys. Georgia, Museogee County: Filed in office and recorded this 7tli duy November, 1890. GlCu. Y. FUND, Clerk 8. C. M. 0.. On. uov g-oain-dt growing stock of j cotton in Augusta. It is : men are carrying £1,000,000 of the staple. Rat Calhoun is in Augusta investigating | the operations of a lan<i company of which | he is president, and in which he has £40,- j 000 invested. The policemen and firemen of Savannah have asked the (Jity Council to give them j more pay, and their request is likely to be I February and March delivery aid tin? Cotton j ami April delivery 5 15-04cl R. purchasers of the Ander- sonviile prison property have commenced granted j The G. A *...i. ,dr8ons , iv sir . ili s : the work of converting the place into a park. Maj. James G. Butler, U. S. A., has succeeded Maj. John W. Reilly as com mandant at the United States Arsenal at Augusta. The tipple of an Athens drunkard when he is hard up is bay rum and hair tonic, which he surreptitiously appropriates in barber shops. There is an African female in Madison county who is estimated to he 108 years of age. Her great grandchild is a grand father. Her posterity, living and dead, numbers 457. The Catoosa Mining Company, with 12-64d*; March _ -d*; April and May delivery 5 18-64d, May ami dune deliverv 5 20-6+ a d>; June and July delivery 5 22-64d$. Future? closed l a rely steady. tSellers. "Huvers. rvalue?. New York. Nov.28.— Noon—Cotton quiet and firm; sales 204 bales; middling uplands 9 7-16c. Orleans 9^ 4 c. Futures— The market opened steady, with sales as follows: November delivery 9 13c: De cember delivery 9 27c; January deliver> 9 37c; February delivery 9 44c, March delivery 9 53c; April delivery —c. 4 p. m.—Cotton firm: sales today 424 bales, middling uplamis 9 7-16c, Orleans 9 3 4 c; net receipts at all ports 40,Ou3; exports to Great Britain 8292, France 40, continent 12,883; stock 661,896 bales. 6 P. M.—Cotton, net receipts , gross 3209. Futare•> closed steady,with sales of 94.400 bales as follows: November deMvery g c, December de- 1 livery 9 I>c9 •(>■, Januaiv delivery 9 27a9 2.3c, Februar' deliver} 19.38^ c: March delivery 9 45a9 40c. April delivery 9 54 0,9 55c; May de livery 9.G2a 9 63e. June delivery 9 71 a 9 72*; Julv delivery 9 78o9 79c, August delivery 9 82 i Cq9 83c: September del very |9 51^a9 53c. Freights to Liverpool'firm; cotton ^d. C(>M PA ftATIV H STATEMENT. Net reeipts at ports during week 249.210 Same week last year 288,027 T* tal receipts to this date 3.193,011 T«*tal receipts to same date last year 3/'£1,440 ” * 168,011 254,759 2,108.4-3 0.089,'17 ,061,890 714,703 for Infants and Children. “Castor! a is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me.” H. A. Archer, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, X. Y. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, K-ilLs Worm*, gives sleep, and promotes di- I gestion, I ’Without injurious medication. The Okntacr Company, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. 11 r- v ,^. my •/ ./ > / 111 ^ A&& Maud Muller, on a 5*n»nmi*r**• dav. Raked the meadow, sweet with hav: Beneath her torn hat piowed the wealth Of simple beauty and m<tie health. Her robust looks, in marked degree. Showed she had taken W. \V. 0. Tt is a mistaken idea of manv people that constant physical exertit^n is the seic • aiise <>f robust constitutions and fine physique. In the change of season-, every one needs a tonic, a good Mood alterative. cspeeialU in the fall and spring. W. W. C. isthe nonpareil of all such remedies, purely xe^et.ible Mr. V. R. Harris. F.rin, Tenn.. of hi^h standing. s§> s: “My litti** son. 2 1 , years old. had Eczema: his whole form was a mass of sor t -s. After t.akiag one bottle «if \C c he was apifSffently well, but the half of another bottle left hiw with ulear -aomplexion." Mr. Harris’ commercial rating is $100,000 to $125,000 high—a hicrh •estiHi^wial fr®m a hi^h sourer about a high class of medicine. PriCO, $ I .OO per 3tittle. For sale bv all druggists. Manufactured hv W. t. WO., ('wluiuhuM, W. H. ftROAb. ' •Fro. WUlTfeSSI^K,: cc'y andlteni. COLUMBUS IRON WORKS CO. (i 1 i EORQ1A, Mcscooee (Jot s i v.—Lionel C. vy, executor of will of John Dinbrow, i late of said county, deceased, applies for letters | of liimuission from his trust. All concerned are ; cited to show cause on First Monday in .March j next why said letters should not he granted Witness my official signature November 29. 18f 0. , JOSEPH F. PCM , nov29 sat3in Ordinary. Administrator’s Sale. T>y virtue of an order granted by the Court < f A > Ordinary of MuscJgee county. Ga.. I will s 11 ! at administrator's sale on the first Tuesday in De cember next, during the legal hours of sale, and :it , the corner «>t Tenth and Broads treets,Columbus, Ou..I he usual place of Sheriff's sales tor said conn- i tv, the following tract or parcel of land, o-v\ ; t: 'l'he northwestern portion of north hall of city sot No. 309, being seventy-five feet front on Seventh . street and running hack seventy-three feet. S«»M as the ♦ state of Julia Ann Cook, deceases!. Terms each. JOHN PKABOD\, Administrator on estate Julia Ann Csx»k. d»v , ceasesl. novlsats5t j ( i EOKCIA, Mi scookk Cot'Nrv.— William J. ' I Watt, executor of last will and testament of Thomas W. Battle, late of said county, do-i eeiiss'd. applies for letters of dismission irom said ! executorship. All conct*rn«'d are cited ts> show j caiiss* on First Monday in December next why j said letters should not be granted. Witness my official signature August 30, 1890. JOSEPH F. POL, Ordinary. aug30 sat3m Exports for the week Exports same week last year Total exports to this date Total exports to same date last year headquarters at Tunnel Hill, have ex- j st!«*k e-une'tinie^ast yt-Hr* por " t ®”' pended £250,000 on their plant, which is | stock at ad interior towns’ said to be the finest in the South. ' “* Kennesaw mountain was the scene of a magnificent spectacle Monday night. Some one set the leaves on fire, and tiie llames swept over the mountain to the summit. Alexander Mayfield, colored, living near Springs, visited a blind tiger a few nights ago, and returning drunk went to sleep on the railroad track, and was run over and killed. Ii. S. Demphrey, who lias been under arrest in Augusta on suspicion of being the express robber, has been released. He was the wrong man. A man by the name of J. Jennings Cartlidge has been arrested iii Augusta for forgery. His scheme was to make small purchases at stores and present forged checks for larger sums. When arrested a number of forged checks were found in his possession. The Macon cotton oil mill has received its first shipment of sea island cotton. The Seed is quite black and smooth, and the oil from it is said to be richer and finer titan that of the ordinary kind, and the yield is greater. 1’resident, Giessner is arranging an ex cursion for i he State Press Association next Spring to take in Chicago and other Western cities. These will also be a voy age through the laki s with stops at De troit, Minneapolis anil oilier points. An Oglethorpe county farmer on his travels stopped at an Athens hotel, and when he retired at night blew out the gas. But for the timely discovery of tiie situa tion by tiie niihl clerk tiie coroner would have had a job next moi l ing. Tiie guest explained ‘.hat lie had I. lined out tiie light i with his hat. Archie Hughes, a young man working ! on a farm in Carrol w is in Car- | rollton Saturday and n ,c.l>’„t» d me occa sion by drinking down a fill, n" irt of mean whisky. The Coroner investigated his ease next day, and tiie verdict was in uo- i eordance with the above facts, i What is known as the bond suit in Ma- : con lias been brought to a termination in the Bibb Superior Court. The ease was that of John E. Jones and J. F. Ilanson j vs. the Mayor and Council of the City of I Macon, petition for mandamus. Judge j Miller passed an order granting a perernp- i tory and absolute mandamus. The de- FOI XDERs AMI MACHINISTS OO LXJTVL IBTJS, O-Ys Stock* time last y Stock at Livernool Stock at Liverpool aame time last year America-- for Great Britain Same time last y^ar Galveston. Nov.|28—Cottou, middling 9 5-16/*; net receipts[5133, gross receipts 5133, sales 759; stock 75,851 bales; exports to Great Britain , erntbent . France ; Spinners —; market quiet. Ndkfi j.k, Xov. 28—Cotton middling 9c; net reo>*int>* 344 , gross receipts 3446; sales 1512; stock 4o,243 bales: exports p Great Britan coast al- 1021; continent . market steady. Baltimore, Nov. 28.—Cotton, middling 9 3 *c; net receipts — gross recei ts 1766; sales —; stock 12,983 bales; exports Grea - Britain . coastwise —, continent—, Fra ce ; market nominal. BosToH, Nov 21.— Cotton, middling 9 7-16c, net receipts gross receipts ; sales 0. stock —: extorts to Great Britain bales; market very steady. W iLMiM.roN Xov. 28.—Cotton, middling 8 T s c: net receipts 1258 gross receipts 1258; sales 0; sttK?k 20,903 bales; exports to Great Britain , conti- u-nt , coastwise ; market dull. I PHiLAOELPiiiA, N«*v. 28.—Cotton, middling 9 7 *c; net receipts 1377, gross receipts 1377, sales I , stock 8764 bales; exports to Great Britain bales market quiet ! Savannah. Nov. 28.— Cotton, middling 8 8 4 ; I net receipts 7324, gross receipts 7324, sales 2675, ! stock 135 921 bales; experts to Great Britain —, i coastwise . continent , market uuifet New Orleans. Nov. 28.—Cotton.midntmg 9V 4 c: ! net receipt* 7561 gross receipts 8750, : 8750; stock 220,654 baies, exports to Great Britain j . France , coastwise , continent ; i market easy. | M<>hii k. Nov 28.—Cotton, middling 9 1 16c; net; j receipts 2195, gross receipts 2495. sales 1000; stock | 27,544 bales, exports coastwise bales; market ! easy. ' Memphis, Xov. 28— Cotton, middling 9c; net receipts 5 )77, * hipments ; sales 5245, | stock 123.623 bales; market steady. ! AUGUar.*, Xov. 28 - Cotton, middling 9c; | net receipts 3470; shwnmnte 2620, sales 1266; stock 37.965bales; market stead}, j Lti a Ki.i'-.s imv, oct 23. - "iiiu., middling 9L.c; net receipts 2'dC, gross receipts 2(U6, sales 200, stock g»6 8.*1 oaies; *»xi>orts i«rca' Britain j Fran rt e , coastwise 417; continent mar ket quiet. f» HOfl - Nrw York Xov 28. ! Noon—Shocks quiet and str mg; money easy, 5^6 p**r cent; •■xebange—long §4.82’ 4 / t4.S2 5 ;f ; shor. j j»4.'*7*4 "4.87*^, state bonds neglected government | bomls dull. Evening—Excnange ac 1 ive and firm; 5*4.83a : 4.K8 1 ‘.j;inc*ney easy, 4.-8, closing at 4 per cent; overninent bonds dull, steady; new 4 per cents 121’ ;. 4^ p«r '•cuts o»4: -tate *>nds negleeted. j Coin in the sub-treasury $144,043,(K»0; currency ! $3,ii67.000. | ('losing quotations of tiie Stock Exchange: I Alabama bonds, class A, 2 to 5 107 “ “ class B, 5s fclM) ! Georgia 7s, mortgage • • •.. i North Carolina 6s 121 nov3Hli COL CT W T -AJ A mm IP So much admiral and extensively used by cotton manufacturers of the present day. They consist principally of five Kellers, six inches in diameter, 40 inches long, two of them hollow, being a reoep tacle for steam. They are furnished with ail necessary pipe and v alves, fitted np ready to be attached to a boiler; has all the latest improvements on same, including the Selvage Kollo, s and Cloth Yard Folder; a taut and loose Pulley, 20 inches in diameter, 4 inches face, all ready to be connected to » line of Shafting. It only requires a trial to demonstrate their indispensabillty. Cur Latest and Greatest Premium Offer! We are Sole Manufacturers ot Stratton’s improved Absorption ice Machines ril^ mow! PRACT1CAI.. KCOFOJf«<!£*, iij.'I UVRiBLl; ICE MA4.fYI*;E ♦%»«» in Allises' mm is lie '" ,wnivui ' '• Southern nbiDiH 1 'if ii.U COMPANY’S Plow Company MANUFACTURERS OF THE JOXjTTLdlBTJS ST3STGHj3D PLOW STOCK. ES> AiMl Wise SWKSPN, MTEK1L, W UcM’tiH'f »bi) CAST I’UIV RUHiS, asm. KOI.IS, HP.Ahh CEsAJSES, SJSivI.E- THU N, »i <t uli olti. r A^ricnlinii in.jii« high qiiHlilyoI Ibepr gixtifi wiii e niiiintulLed, aa6 f.r. -Oi'i on ap favorable wirms hi any houne in the Vnitod Staiee. W OOI wopK :de A- RTM 4s. 1 I C. *fontan, of said county, applies tor letters of administration oil estate of Julius C. Jordan, late of said county, deceased. All concerned are cited to show cause on first Mondiv in December, felblailtS by ibis order are required to pay lgyn. why said letters should not bo grai.UHl. ! notiUoilors £23.000. Eivlit thousand dol- Witness hit omcml signature Nov. 1, 1MM. * . . . . . , , JOSKBH F. Poe, lars of it is to in* paid at once, $o(XK) on novlsatSt Ordinary. ! Februirv 1, 1S.U ; $. r »000 on October 1, l^Pl. / i EOKG1A, MI’SCOGEE COUNTY.—Abner \V. ! and $5000 on February 1, 1S02. The $8000 V I White, executor of George Wuite. late of J j 9 ( i} he paid from the funds represented bv SHidcounty.deceased, applies lor letters of dis- j dof iauls an( j tbe balance b\ levvilig mission from said trust. All concerned aie citeu | J J to show cause on first Monday in Februaiy, 1891. | taxes tor the purpose, wnv said letters should not be granted. Witness my official signature N"V. 1. 1896. uovlsa # s3in 4 i EO , I I A. Sheridan, Administratrix of Sheridan, late of said county, deceased, applies for letters ot dismission from said administra tion. All concerned are cited to frhow cause on First Monday in December next, why said letters should not be granted. Witness inv official signature August 50. 1890. ,I#ski u F. Pou, aug30 sat 3ms Ordinary. MUSCOGEE COUNTY.—Walter . Johnson, of said county, applies for lot- ot administration on estate of Mrs. Florence Johnson, late of said county, deceased. All con •erned are cited to show cause on first Monday in December, 1890, why said letters should not be minted. Witness mv official signature Nov. 1 1JW. JOSEPH h. POl , 102 1 107-- 894 £~\ EOKGIA VI H novlsatsfit Ordinary. (V i EOKGIA MUSCOGEE COl'XTY.— Elisha Wiggins and Hattie Wiggins, of said county, nave applied to have Manuel Mathews and .hums Mathews, minor children of Green Mathews, of Chattahoochee county, bound to them untu said minors are twenty-one years of age All con- c, rued are cited to cause on first Monday in December, 18t>0 at Ordinary’s othce. why said ap plication should not be granted. Witness my official signatjmg Nov. Ordinary. South Car«»liua Brown Consols.. Tennessee 6s •• 5s 104 “ settlement, 3s r 70 Virginia 6s 50 consolidated 47 Chicago and Northwestern 108 “ “ preferred 187 1 Delaware, Lackawanna and Western 133^; Erie 2u 6 ; East Tennessee, new stock Lake Shore Louisville and Nashville Memphis and Charleston Mobile and Ohio Nashville and Chattanooga I New Orleans Pacific, lsts New York Central Norfolk and Western preferred Northern Pacific “ " preferred Pacific Mail .. Heading Richmond and West Point Terminal Rock Island St. Paul “ preferred .°. Texas Pacific Tennessee Coal and Iron , Union Pacific JSelma proposes to have a grand Demo- i New Jersey Central cratie jollification gathering tonight, as a ; Missouri Pacific.. , ; .. | Western l nion Telegraph finale to Thanksgiving Day. I cotton Oil Trust Certificates Bessemer is growing rapidly. Consid- i Brunswick erable building is going on and new people i are arriving daily, selecting locations. Iffie largest, dealers in fLe State in Lime, Shingles, Dressed and Undressed 1mmber, MstchoY Ceiling and Flooring. Manufacturers of 8ash, Blimis, Newels, Balusters, and Ornaiut nta Wrx>d Y\ orks. Dealers in Lime, Laths, Shingles, Lumber, and everying in the Building l>ine. U ^BEK BOt GUT »Ol,D IS AJSY QI ^NTITV. The Columbus Iron Works are agents for Koval Pumps, Jndson Governors, Standard Injector and Hancock Inspirators. Wo are manufacturers of Saw Mills, Pumps,Holloa W.*rc Syrup Kettles Steam Engines, Cane Mills, Power Cotton Presses, and the celebrated GOLDEN'S IMPROVED IKON SCREW COTTON PRESS. Within the last twent.j-fiie years we huve made ami sold a great many of these Screws, and h ve yet to hear (»! the first one that lut* not givci- lire satistaciic n.^V/e fur uish all the *ron worU for t.beae Screws, of whi/*b ue mak»<' wn sixe..**. an.' tuii\ •WHOLESALE HOUSES OF COLUMBUS. BUGGIB8, WAGONS AND HARNESS. U iiliiiniF, Bulioi k & Co dies, etc. Wholesale and Retail dealers in Bilg es. V\ agous. Road t arts. Harness, Sad- nuS <»ru DRY GO' H)b. J. Kyte & i o. Established 1838. Wiioiesale Dry G>ods, Notions, Etc. Mann facturers of Jeans Pants Overshirts, Etc. HISTORY. Tit. Mammoth CTC:.or*niA oon'ulDa ».'iiinplete and authentic hlitorj of ill® great American War, pro- fuaely Illustrated, wlih aumeroui Xnpciotes of the Kel***ijjon ; a complete Hlitorj of Ainerioa, from Ita dlaaorerj bv Columbun to the present lime; graphlo deAoriptlone of famout hatrie# ai.d Important event* In the hlafory of all nation., chronologfonl hisiorv .etc., etc. BIOGRAPHY. TM* grear work contain, the Live* .,f .1! the President, of the Lulled Slate*, from Wushingi-m 1" Hnrrl.on. with portraits and other illustration*, also liv*** and portraits of Napoleon Bonaparte. Shakespeare. Byron. William Perm. Benjamin Franklin. Heurr Claj. Paiiiel Webster, and famous statesmen, authors, posts, genera’s, clergymen, eto . down to tbe present day. A agriculture. VaDieM* hints and useful suggesrlona to Farmers, treating of field crops, gates and fences, fertilizers, farm implements ; livestock raising, including th* treatment - f diseases«*f domestlo nnltiials ; pciiltrv keeping, snd how made successful and profitable; beekeeping dalrv farming, etc. The trea'ment "f »h***e 1* complete and exhaustive, and render, the work of great pra"Mcal use to farmers and stockmen. HORTICULTURE. H*re:n Is given the most useful hint* to growers of all kinds »f vegetables and fruits, as gathered from the experience of the most successful horticulturists. A KOHITEC’Tr R E. fiesigns and j! a ns for houses, cottages Darns and other outbuildings, with ra'.uab'.s suggestions to thoseliitwndlug to build. HOUSEHOLD. This work contain, trlel sn1 '*«t»! r*-1'e* for almost e»ery imaginal'l** dish for breakfast, dinner and tea this department «!"no being worth more than nine t-utl.s of ti.e coolr hooka sold ; almost Innumerable hints, help-sard sue gestion* to housekeepers ; designs and suggestion* for making manv beautiful thing* f.»r the adornment of home. In needle work, embroidery, ere ; hints on floriculture, telling howto h* aucreaaful with all the vai iou* plant* ; toilet hiar*. 'elllmg how to preserve and beautify the Complexion, hands, teetli, hair. IN FOFR VOLUMES. A Great and Wonderful Work, CONTAINING 2,176 Pages AND 623 Beautiful Iilostrations! Thk Mammoth Ctclopbiua * a* been puo- llBhtttl t" meet tne wan’* .»f the masses for a universal compendium *>f know ledge, practical, useful, scientific and genera Ihe w-.rk Is put.- lialied C'rtuplete in four ^aige *,nd l andHouie volumes, comprising n to»a’ ot 2 l?f> ami in profusely illustrated v\lrl,62 iGeautitui engrav- Iiiks. Thousands of dol'ar* bar e iieeti expended t«» make this the mud comp ete, valuable and useful work for the masses ever puh.ished. It Is a work for everybody—man. women and child, in every occupation r,r waik In lite The sub- StHnceand pracrica url'l vof twenty oruinary Volumes ar- comprised in these four, and so replete Is the work with knowledge of every kind, so filled Is it with u-etul hln’s and helpful fiUKgesti 'n«, that wefw'!> hellevathat In every home to which it shall fin I l’«* «t; ii will soon Come to be regarded hh worth it* weight In gold. For want of apace we can only briefly summar ize a small portion of thdCon'entsof llii* work, as follows : 'hlneBe. Japanese the pe«.p]s of India Africa. Ms tagucar, m**. let-land. Borm-o. Burnish, tiie han Iwlcl, 1* anda, . Kaftrana, Tartary. raabmer* *». 1 Turn*, the Aruba, Mexican*. Houth AinericaD* Auii*rios» Indian" Kgyp- Slaineae, Abvasfuinna, Noraegisn*. Spantarda Swlaa. Pa! I’h iu Hus! latrailaii*. Hulgaiiami. .41 A M FACT1 RE«. In »l.ia g at mu pa. e FOREIGN rKOJ>! < ginger. ciuitamon. all«|dc< rin P‘*i-i J. K. 1 ?IT A i'o. il ROOT.s AND oHOEis. >1 an ntacHirers hij -J V/hol-.^aio Dealers \u an i yboes. IN ALABAMA. ('eutreville is to be incorporated. John C. Goodloe, Jr., has been appoint ed postmaster at Tuscumbia. Fort Payne is getting in the fashionable swim and has organized a tennis club. The new female coliege at Talladega will be ready for occupancy in January. GROCER! Eo. Bergan A: Jomcs. Gigar?, Flag arut Smoking Toba* F. J. Kohl*. Wboieealu Fancy Groceries ami 5l»n*olact«ror Vinegar, Etc., IU1S Hroad street. Silver certificate?. I5>, 34 53 7 -s 10 G 7S«- s 16% 18 106V J. H. Wholesale Grocer and Manufacturer of Pure Cider aud Vinegai Candies, Etc., 1017 Broad street. DRUGS. Brannon & 1 arson. Wholesale Druggists. FURNITURE. » A. G. Rhodes A: ' o. Grain.—Chicago, Xov. 2S.—Cash quotation- were: Flour steady, spring patents *4 7(Xa5 00, winre do S4J6.>a4 9», bakers ¥2 75^ 3 80. No. *2 vi heat 92 a 4 c, No. 2 red 92 3 4 c. Corn,No. 2 52 l 4 c. Oa b. No. 2, 44c. Futures. Opening Wheat—November 94 l December . May Jorn — November. Ib cember.. Mav . 91 T « 44 3 4 441, 4 46L, Highest 94*; 52 ; .» Olcwirg 92«, 93', 1 01 528, 5 b 538, / a EOKGIA. MUSCOGEE COUN T V.—.Toh’.i Dur- ( I kin. executor of Ann O'Bneu. late of saia .o.iiuv, deceased, applies for leave to sell .-ie lands belonging to estate of said Ann O Unen. All concerned are cited to show cause on fir. t Jlon ay in December, ISbO, why said leave shoulu not be granted. Witness my official signature Nov. 1. . JOSEPH T. POL. _m.vl.HU5t Ordinary. ( < EOKGIA. MUSCOGEE COUNTY.—Mrs. Eve- Vl line Cowderv. executrix of Lester L. Con dole late of said county, deceased, applies ior letters of dismission from saie trust. All con cerned are cited to show cause <>u first Monday in February, 1891, why said letters should not be granted. „ , ,, Witness mv official signature Nov. 1, 1890. JOSEPH K. POU, novlsats3m Ordinary. C -, EOKGIA. MrsroOKE Covnty—Mrs. Marv B. T Wells, administratrix ol Lyman Wells, late of said countv, deceased, applies lor letters of dismission from said administration. All con cerned are cited to show cause, on first Monday ill December next, why said letters should not be gr Witness my official signature August 30.1890. JOSEPH L . POL. Ordinary. aug30 sat3ms EORGLA, _ MUSCOGEE COUNTY. - Mrs s, Alice B. -Willis, of said county applies for letters of administrate n on estate ot Mrs. Jtarj 8. ltryin. late of said county, deceased. All con cerned are cited to show cause on first Monday in December, 1890. why said letters should not be granted. W itnese my official signature Nov 1.1890. JOSEPH F. POU, novlsatsSt Ordinary. Miss Mary Gastello, a charming young ! lady of Gadsden, while out riding the 1 other day, was thrown by her horse and j severely hurt. Gadsden is is kicking ferociously about her mails, and contends That the town has j the worst postal service of any piace in j the country. Gall in Holy John. The first steel rail ever rolled in Ala- I bama was turned out at the Bessemer Roil- i ,>ats — November ing Mill last Wednesday. Henderson steel | December was the material used, and the rail came j baltimouk, Nov. 28.—Flour dull—Howard from the rolls straight and strong and , street amt western superior 83 00^,4 uu extra without , daw ~ ! S3 60 24 40. family 84 50 3,5 00, cuy m 11b, kio ‘ ‘ e, c _, brands, extrs 85 20 VVhes’, Southern firm; Ihe Store Ot W . C. Gamon at Sylaciuga P' a , tz oSoaOOc, Longberrv 93ca$l 00. western was broken into by burglars on Wedties- easy N,J. 2 winter red, Spot and November day night, who succeeded in getting off , 9."® 3' t e. Core _southern, steady; white 4S457C, with £400. The safe was blown open with ! h^AGo^NovVcs.-Meae pork powder, having previously been completely jg 25. Lard $5 55 80g. short no sides, loose, r T. „i«,‘v, it.k - 85 30^5 40: shoulders, ?4 87 l -ia5 00; short clear sides, Sft 80,ct5 90 Wholesale and Retail Furniture. Carpets and Wn Paper. MF.IHC4I-.. iMI.m Ii annua!.y to t*v*ry poskasaor of ti luformaftoD herein eontalt.^’l. rsliaMe Inline rarae<Jie*. aval’ahleln every hnu*ehol>l t er fjiseaa* an4 allnieDi that I* ciirnhl*. th1* d«*i>ertiiiei>t fornilLg n comp ate median! huok. th* value of which iu auv home can l.arJ'.y he compu’ed iu dollar* end cent*. INVENTION AM> IHHEOVEKY. Rerrarkshlv Infer- e*tiug deacripsloDS of trent inventions. Including the Steam Enf ! ne. theTe>*raph, the Prinflnjr Pro** th»* F>otrio lj^ht. the‘"•win® Machine. 'h<* Telephon*. tho Trpe VVriier, the Type Hettl’.g Machine, the Cotton Gin. etc. THE WOliLD'S WONHFRS. G beautifully Illustrated, of the Yellowsou Valley. Nlagsra Kali*, the Alp*. Paris. Vienna, the ranona of Tolorad- . Msrnn Bridge, W*• klti* Glen, the IVhite Mountain TRAVELS. Deacrlpllons. profu«Hv f’!« inaune:*, cuitomi, peculiar forms, rite* an Ml’* w»ii h* sar*d through fhe valuable aphlc descriptions, e Park, Tosemlte Vesurius, Venice, ceremonies of r rni«1n«. ftg*. ol'f* In ll*-r«ihb peichM, cork, camphor, castor oil. »apl :a. ev . eta. NATURAL HISTORY. !n*ere*Mng anl 1n ds*crlp»1fr.s. nccomparited bv 1 • 1 •)•*ratii.n* of numermi bird* fi*he* and ln«ecra w|;h inu ?h c*i:T Iformaiio lng ’heir life and habit*. LA TV. Th* Mammoth Pyri, 1* .’.a • comp book, felling every man how he mart- >.<*o»i. In* confeluipg fill) and ooucise cxilsua’lo;,* •' • .» g*u* and the law* of the several Sfa’fts upon >• «ii*"*r* « aubject to litigation. « i• h numerous * •< u.* o'.Tgo’ Joc i MINING. r*eacr1pt»on* and l-u-fr.-l-n* o' the m t’.'d. silver, diaruorida, c>>a : , •* •. C"pi*r. 'ad r;nc. h onour* or tnr *r\. « *• **. r Illustrated the manv wond**rf n»r.1 1 - «- wise pearl diving cor*! fishing, ef- . *• - STATISTICAL AMI M I*I*FLI. \ NEOI «. <h I* »*ioi, of r pej Ilia of • area and d«*r»h of *--*. lake* an ocorooflon < f a’.in ••’* and veo.c frotii New Yerk. important t ol covsrv and progi*aa. popular * cities, etc.. comn.on xrammctioa nunciation a-id >i«e of capita)-, of rht- w-rid. curious fa-ts ii anima'*. origin of th** names of !> word* fen.! f 'an.*! Fi nm fh^ above br!»*f summary of i* q r/mtprtta some raluablH work tli« Mammoth i y< j.op.em 4 is may h-aio**. 1 . fliid pr* at work hav* b*»pn nam-' 1 . I* i* « f awT pr-Tehf<u«** of ui>ly on** of' th»* boat ami most vRinahl** works puNi-hi .1 t»u r if. If Isa work to be consult**,1 *ip»*ry Gay xr-th levari r* arise in writine art<l oonv*TPHtion. by tb** farm*-r and house 1 tinuoua reavlinjf no w.-rk is more eoteriAlnii.g vt instructive r>f what a remarkr»b!v int»*r*-* ,, ue. ’.n«i'ncf ire and yet htu a fractional f*nt» or rh«* r f'!< * tr»at**<1 in 11I and fotert .it.inp k' w-Ge*—utiGU**sti n- iii any land or laneunire N■ • h*»in»* ‘•hould lit* w rr t - > fb»* variona perplexln" quest 10* s ’hat roiistHnt'y '•rein their daily duties and pursuits, auJ lor cuu* JEWELRY. HARNESS, SADDLES, ETC. M. A. Bradford. Wboleaale and Retail Dealer in Harness, Saibllee, Etc. 458; CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA. Schedule in Effect Sunday, October i2, 18VK). To Macon, Augusta, Savannah and Charleston. Leave OoluinbuB Arrive Fort Valley Arrive Macon Arrive Augusta Arrive Savannah Arrive Charleston enveloped in heavy cloth to muffle the sound. Mrs. Thomas J. Judge, widow of the late Justice T. J. Judge, of the Supreme Gourt, died in Anniston on Tuesday Her funeral took place in Greenville the fol lowing day. She was widely known and esteemed throughout Alabama. W. Leo Hunter, editor of the Sylacauga Bi e, and two other gentlemen were ar rested Wednesday night, charged with I 3 40 p m ! 6 35 p m j 7 50 pm i 6 25am ! 6 30am !12 16 p m Futures. Opening Highest M.Pork—December .. 9 25 9 25 January... May......... . Lard — December. January... May S. Kibe—December .. January .. May Suear ami 11 30 12 15 5 90 6 22E» 6 < 2 1 2 5 27 1 , 3 65 6 15 1—New 11 50 12 30 5195 6 v 7 1 - 6 77 1 5 27 h To Troy, Eufaula, Albany, Thomasville, Brune- wick and Jacksonville via Union Springe. Leave Columbus j 7 10 a m 3 30pm Arrive Union Springs j 9 15 a m 5 35 p m Arrive Troy 2 40pmj 7 20 pm Arrive Eufaula Ill 05 a m;iO 25 p m Arrive Albany 1 2 50pm 3 20am 3326ba Arrive Brunswick 112 20 p m ! Arrive Jacksonville I .. Closing 9 25 11 32b, 12 12*, 6 72b, 5 27S I To Talladega, Anniston t Birmingham, Memphis Nashville, Louisville and Cincinnati. Leave Columbus Arrive < q olika Arrive Koanoke Arrive Talladega Arrive Anniston... , Arrive Birmingham. Arrive Memphis Arrive Nashville Arrive Louisville ... Arrive Cincinnati . 10 50 p m 11 59 a m 12 08 a in 1 0U p m 10 55 a in i 11 43 a iu ! 6 00am 6 25 p mi 5 10 p m 6 30 a in | 7 30 p :n 6 On a m 2 27 a 111; 12 07 p m | 6 52 a in | 4 05 p m | 3 40 f • D 3 00 p l 8 00 p 1 p. in. carries Fulimai Train leaving at 10 50 sleeper for Birmingham. To Savannah, Smithville, Albany, niomasvillf- Brunswick and Jack* wilie f Americas. 6 12b, 8 30 a 1 Yottk, Xov 28. Sugar—raw dull and easier, fair refining C 4 s 4 c; centrifugals 96 test 5 s sft5b|C; refined quiet. grimr a Pistol shot in the city limits. The ! C 5 1-I6a5 3-16c,extra C5' 4 a5 s 9 ?, yellow 4 l.vieaS; .-- _„_j tlixt rh,*v were not the white G 5 7-16^59-160. on A 5 7-16c. mouifi A parlies proved that - 6 4-16o. Standard A 6 l-16c. confectioners A 5‘ic, Immediately after their dis- - - - - - - Thro cross ngh sleeper from Union Springs to nd Jacksonville on night train. Way- November $!7 i!u a 17 3 ; December $17 20a Spot rio firm and quiet fair cargoes 19 1 ; ! guilty ones. charge, the voung men had marshal arrested for being drunk and cursing and using indecent language on ; ,j. _ the streets and will sue the city for dam- , Xo. 7 17 s 4 c. Tt to a had thinv to i v.ool ,nc! Hides.—New Tore, Nov 28.— ages for illegal arre.t. ^ Hides quiet—wet salted. New Orleans selected, fool with an Alabama editor. | 50 and so pounds, 5L*g,6e; Texas selected. 50 and r.ioiJlv Takintr the place of ! 60 pounds, 5L,g6c. Wool steady and quiet. Electricity is rapidly taking ujc piace 01 j doj F- t . o * fiee< w 34g39(J pulled i7s34Ci l exas To Atlanta, Montgomery, Mobile and New Or leans via Opelika. Leave Columbus Arrive Americus Arrive Savannah Arrive Albany Arrive Thomasvilie .. Arrive Wave rose .Arrive Brunswick.. ... , -7 t*5 a rn *6 00 an i 12 45 p m, 9 L«J a l 7 <X) p n , 2 50pm 2 50 pn j 5 40 p iu 5 40 p n — | j 3 15 a n 12 06 p n , cut loaf 6 3 4 c, crushed 6 3 4 c, powdered 6 i 8 ' % ., the deputy j granulated tJgC. cubes c. Coffee—options closed firm and unchanged. 10a20 points up and | T,e a ve Columbus.... 10 50 pm 11 59 a m 3 4(1 p in - 4 " " ’ • - " « , - 7 - v ‘" 1 Arrive Opelika 12 08 am, loop m SOU pm Arrive Atlanta 6 50 a m 5 26 p m P Cblcheatrr'a F.nrllah Diamond Braad. ENNYROYAL PILLS _ Original and Only Gfnnln^ A W Nov 28—Petrolemr weak and dull; Parker’s 57 10. reflLed, all ports. steam as a motive power, and the first ; 1S g25c. paper, we believe, in the South to adopt it \ v>eiroienm-NEw York. for running its presses is the old reliable ^ ^ Mobile Register. In its last issue received , - «.otton Seel Oil.—New York, Nov_2S— the Register says: There may be other | cotton »eed ol! depressed, dull; crude 275,28c. ses hi the State which are sa^E. alway* reliable, ladies uk Dragjrlat for'(l%irhes:er * EnoU*\ Dia-L mond Brand iu Red &n<i Gold metallic\ (boxes .*»-aled_with blue ribbon. Take ’ presses 111 me cuuc — *’ un . electricity, but at any rate, the Register press is so run, and attention is called to the fact. A motor was put in Monday, and the eurrent is supplied by the Pro cess Electric Light and Power Company. The machine was used for the first time yesterday morning, and it works like a charm, moving with perfect smoothness. in stamp# for particulars, testimonials aaJ ! end imtino fllP TUQ CV^ll fASttr thaD “Ballcf for Ladles-*«/c« return an , m ^ in =‘. lUe ^ , ^ th<a ninr ; vp f orce r M»IL 10.000 Testimoaials. \arnf Paprr. ; ll haS been (l0111£, Wll6U tiie IllOllVe 1U1CC CklsiisityrCatmiecl Co.,MadUon lQnar«, - PeU br all Local Vrafpiats. rhuLdl”K 1 wxs a twelvo-horso pow«r steam engine. yellow 32c. R »ain and Tr»rt>*»ntine—New York, Nov. 28. —Rosin qu>t. firm; strained, common to good $1 45al 50. Turpentine steady, quiet,40i|40 1 - a c. Wilmington,Nov. |28.—Turpentine quiet,36 l 4jc Rosin firm; strained $1 10; good strained SI 15. Tar firm; 51 15. Crude turpentine firm; hard Si 20. yellow dip SI 90, virgin SI 90. Charleston, Nov.28—Turpentine firm; 36 s 4 c, Rosin quiet, good strained Si 25. Savannah. Nov. 28.—'Turpentine firm. 36^0- Rosin quiet, S3 2'^al 3.». Whisky—Chicago, Nor. -28 —Whisky $1 14. Cincinnati, Nov. 2$.—Whiskv ittady Si 14. Arrive Montgomery. 3 45am, Arrive Mobile 8 !U a m j Arrive New Orleans.|1240 pmj To Greenville. ! 4 2o pm | I 2(J5am 7 0iiam Daily. 2 45 p m 6 15 p in Arrive Jacksonville , \ 8 30aD 5 45am train is solid Birmingham to Savar nah with Pullman Buffet sleeper. To A tlanta via Griffin. Leave Columbus «i on pm *5 00 * i Arrive Griffin 3 5o p m 8 15 j r ! Arrive Atlanta 5 40 pm 10 10 t i i Through day coach Columbus to Atlanta o ! 1 p m train^ Arrivals of Trains at Columbus. Grand Premium Offer to Subscribers to the GEORGIA MIDLAND 4 GOLF R. R THE SHORT LINE ATLANTA, WASHINGTON.! NEW YORK, NASHVILLE AND CINCINNATI. Through Coach Between Atlanta and Columbus Via Griffin. The only line running IHJUBI.E DAILY traiai between Columbus and Atlanta, nmkuig close , connections in Union Depot. Atlanta. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NDAY, A KPT Tib, 1890. NORTH BOUND—Daily 7 X 51. .Nd. 53 Leave Columbus Arrive Warm Springs Arrive at Concord Arrive Griffin l^eave Griffin, Central K. K.... Arrive Atlanta .. Leave Griffin, G.M. (*. KJi. Ar. MclHmough, G. M. & C»...: Ar. Atlanta, K. T. t X.& G... J SOUTH BOUND— I^Mive Atlanta via C. K. K Arrive Gnrtin, C. K. K Lv. Atlanta via K. T. t V & G . Ly. Mci*on«»ugh viaG.M.&G Ar. Griffin viaG. M. A G~.. Leave (Jriffin Arrive Warm Springs. A rri ve Columbus 1 On p 2 32 p 3 07 p 3 50 p 5 INI p IL 6 37 p m 7 26 p id 8 22pm 4 00 p m 8 32 p m 5 40 p in 10 10 j* n> 8 36 p il 9 15 p tr 110 26 p it -Daily. T No. 50. NoTfil* | 7 00 a mi 2 15 p «£ ' 8 30 a in' 4 00 p o> 7 5 45am -.777 . 7 441 a ui . I 8 20 a iu 11 30 t 4 15 p m 5 36 p a. 7 10 p ir hr*»u^h eo FRAZER & DOZIER, Wholesale Hardware, via Griffin on trains Nos. 51 ami 52. Train 53 stops Ht Concord 20 minutes for supper. Ask for tickets to Atlanta ami all points beyond over the Georgia Midland Railroad. Tickets or sale at Union depot and at the office over Third National Bank. M. K. GRAY. Superintendent. CLIFTON JONKS. General Passenger Agent W T . M. PARSLEY. General Traveling Agent. SAM ROUTE! Savannah Americas and Moiit^unfry fiailwaj, Time Card Taking Effect < ><*tor>er 12, 1890. Also Wall anti Prescription cases. Cedar Chests, Barber Furniture, Jewelry Travs and Stools. Cabinet Work of all Complete Outfits for Stores and Banks. Catalogue free. Address AiLANTA SHOW CASE CO . Atlanta. Ga 11:35 p in Lv. Birmingham,A la. Ar 6:45 a m Ar. Columbus, 4in. Ly 6:00 a m Lv. Columbus, 4.a. Ar 9:00 a in Ar. Americus, 4;a. Lv. 9:15 a ni Lv. America*. Ga Ar. 10:45 a ni 10:45 a m 1.17 p m 3:16 p ni 3:3?i p ni 7:00 p m Ar. S. A.Jk M.dep Lv. Cordele, <*a. Lv. Helena, Ga. Ar. Lyons, Ga. Lv. Lyons, lin. Ar. Savannah, Ga. The only line running solid trains and Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars bet veen Ssvaiimth and Hirmiugharn. Connections a: Birmingham, Sa vanimh and Columbus with lines; at Americus with Central railr* ad; at Cordele witL G. S. & F. railroad, at Helena with E. 1., V'. A G. railway; at Lyons with Ceutral railroad. •Meal Station. No. 6 lakes breakfast at Ella ville. W. N. MARSHALL, F. S GOODMAN. <leu. Superintendent. 4»»*n. Pass. Agent. J. M. 0 A ROLAN. S. E. Pass. Agt., Savannah,Ga. K. A. SMITH, Western Pass. Agt.. St. Louis Mo RAILWAY UiTT *i to. r Through daily train and quirk time b>- twit-ii Albany and (irittiu. Imuirdiate connection at (iritlin for A’lama, Nct. York, Wasliington, Cincinnati, l.ouisvillc and Nashville, and close connection at Albany tor all points in Florida ard South ern Georgia. NORTH BOUND. Leave Albany 7 3U a. in. Arrive Columbus. 11 15 a.m. » p. m. 3 On r*. ra • p. m. 7 O0 p. ni SOUTH BOUND. Leave Coin in bus. ..7 44ip.m. 9 30 a. m K i»h.iu Arrive A I ban v ...11 25 p. in., 6 4o n. in 12 on a. in r Daily. t Daily except Sunday. t SuudA) only. i ltrough tickets t<< all (shuls «*n sale bv h^mims ai d at ileiierai i'asseijger office, t.orgia H<>me buibiing. Samuel V. Pakr<o r W. JK IlKuwx, Genera 1 Mai ;*gor. <«enerai Passenger Agsnt. West!rn Railway ui Ala bama. Quickest ami beet. Three hundred mile* shorter to New York than via I»ui**vi!le. Close Conner, tion with Piedmont Air Line and Western ai.d Atlantic Railroad. August 24. 1890. No.55. No. 5?. N*». 51. Leave New Orleans , 3 15 p m 8 ou p n. Leave Mobile I 7 5** p in , 12 4d a tr. Leave Selma ........ J I 4 30 p m; 5 40 a n. Leave Monlgomery.. 1 15 a m | 7 45 a id Leave Chehaw ( 2 28am 906am Arrive*’olambus j 4 15 a in 11 15 a m Leav»; Co him bus 13 40 a ni 10 50 |» iii 10 50 p »» Leav#* Opelika j 1 15 i» ni 3 23 a m, In »5 '■% m 2 03 p m 4 no a m 10 a iu 2 .'S p in 4 25 an; 1! 19 3 46 p in 5 24 a in 12 11 p id 5 26 p in 6 54) a m i 30 p m W.-.Mt Point, tnge. . Am A rriv«- L A rri ve N Arrive AtlanUi V’ia W. and A. Railroad. Ii«ave Atlanta Arrive home Arrive Dalton Arrive Chattanooga Arrive Cincini.ati Arrive Nashville Via the Piedmont Air Line Leave Atlanta Arrive Charlotte A rrive Richmond Arrive Washington Arrive Baltimore Arrive Philadelphia Arrive New York .... 7 50 a m .... 11 36a m ... 11 40 a m 1 bo p in • 6 40 s in 7 05 p m to New r York 7 10 am I 5 30 p m .... j 5 15 a m ....! 6 53 am ' 8 25 Am Hi 47 a in ...., 1 20 p m 6 ifc p n 10 15 pm 11 40 p ro 3 54* p m 5 T5 a w ami East fi 00 p m 3 40 & m 3 30 p rc 7 13 pm il p id 3 110 a ?d P '■*> *». rr Train No. 51, Pullman Palace car New 4>r'-?an# to Atlanta anil Atlanta to New York without change. Train No. 50 carrie* Pullman Buffet Bleeping car l*etw**en Atlanta and New Orleans. Trains N<z*. 52 and 53 carry Pnliman Buffer Sleeping car between New Or lean* and Washing ton. South R^und Train*. No. 54. I^eave Atlanta j 7 30 a ii Arrive Columbus 111 58 a □ Leave Columbus Arrive Opelika ! Arrive Chehaw I Arrive Montgomery. | Arrive Selma j Arrive Mobile i Arrive New Orleans. | By special arrangement with the publisher of the Mammoth Ctc-i.p.edia, we are enabled to make to our subscribers and readers the following extraordinary offer: We will send the MAMMOTH CYCLOPEDIA, complete, in Four Volumes, as above described, ail postage prepaid, also THE WEEKLY EXQUIRER-SL'X for ONE YEAR, upon receipt of only £1.75, which is but 75 cents more than our regular sub scription price, so that you practically get this large and valuable work for the trifling sum of 75 cents. ThL a great offer, a wonderful bargain, and it is a pleasure to us to be enabled to afford our readers so remarkable an opportunity. Through this extra ordinary offer we hope to largely increase our circulation. Please tell all your friends that they can get the MAMMOTH CYCLOPAEDIA in four volumes, withayear’ssubscrip- tion to our taper, for only £1.75. Perfect satisfaction is guaranteed to all who take advantage ot tins great premium offer. These whose subscriptions have not yet ex pired who renew now will receive the MAMMOTH CYCLOPAEDIA at once, and their subscriptions will be extended one year from date of expiration. The MAMMOTH CYCLOPAEDIA will also be given free to any one sending u 6 a club of 12 yeariy sub scribers to our paper. Address all letters: B. U. RICHARDtSuN, No. 50. i No- ti57 1 go p tn 10 DC p m 530am 3 40 p m 10 50 p m 5 14pm 12 20 k m 8 07 p m 2 28 a m 7 25pm 3 46am 9 20pm 930am 2 10 a in 8 10 a tn 7 00 a mj 2 15 p m K K. 1 no.. Traffic Manager. EDMUND L. TV:.hit. General Manager, A. GAMP. Paseengar Agent. f''• v In s-,,r.. GolnmUr.* ■ , THK National Bank of I'o'ftinibnB. Capital and Undivided Profits $173,000.60. A bank of deposit and discount. Kxcha/igo bought and sold. 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