Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, December 21, 1890, Image 8

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I ' ENQUIRER-SUN: COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 21, 189ft. Free Till January First. We have a few Boxes un rented in our Safe Deposit Vault. Parties renting these before that date will have receipts dated January 1st, ’91. 1 Payable Quarterly, if Desired. Your will, fire and life in surance policies, your bonds and papers, should be in a secure p ace. Elegant Coupon R.oom, free to Safe Deposit customers. TheThird National Bank Cult. BSD\D AND TWELFTH STREETS. COMPANY, GEORGIA HOME BUILDING. Money to loan on city real estate or approved collateral. More net cash to the borrower for the monthly payment than any other company can offer. J. F. FLOURNOY, President. J. J. SLADE, Secretary and Treasurer. me- IiOVICK W. PHILIPS, FhTSioian and Surgeon. Office, 1017% Broad Street. Telephone 36. Residence 1033 Fourth Monue. Telephone 207. apr22 ’90 ly FINE HaLiOAY G00DS> We invite the public to call and see our line of Fancy Goods, many of which is a finer grade than is carried by any other bouse in this city. All is new—none “carried over” from list season. Our Prices Are Very Reasonable, And we are sure that if you will call that we can allow you a line that you will appreciate. |3f Flue Perfumes » Specialty. CITY DRUG STORE, 1142 Broad Street. hard mm, Made to Turn Stock Into Money at Once. 4©c Henriettas 25c 36-in Gray Caslmiere lOc f»Oc Novelty Stripes 35c $1 Gray Suiting: 50c OOc "Wool Serges 65c $1 Henriettas 75c 50c Black Caslmiere 4<»c 75c Black Serges 50c $4 Jackets $2.50 $6 Jackets $4.50 $8 Jackets $6 25c Handke'chkfs 15c Best 4-4 Sheeting 6c Best Shirting 5c Columbus Checks 5c 7c • alico 5c 30c Twist Flannel 20c Gents’ real Kid Gloves, worth ¥1.50, to close at 75c. Gents’ Silk Scarfs ( %vortli 40c and 50c, to close at 25c. 100 fine Silk Handkerchiefs to close at 50c each. Bargain hunters should not miss this sale. J. E. CARGILL. GOODS Before they are picked over, have them laid aside and avoid the rush. We are head quarters. P. J. WILLIAMS & CO. COAL and WOOD Keeps the best grades Coal, Oak and Pine Wood, cut and split. Try me and I will try to please you. I have a NEW KINDLING. Call at Howard & Newsom’s. See it—cheaper than lightwood. I wish to contract for 3000 cords Oak and Pine Wood. Call and see me. Telephone at Yard 97. Telephone Howard & Newsome’s store. 91. H. M. HOWARD. Close connection for all point* in Florida. (Co’ minis Southern Ky.) CENTRAL HOTEL. BATES $2.00 A DAT. Miss Florrie Fitzgerald, Georgia: G D Wil liams, Jeruigan, Ala: M C White; Haneby, G P DeWolf C RK; W M McAtfee, Geneva; R C Jor dan, Macon: A S Johnson, Cincinnati; L Wist-r, Georgia; J J Thompson, Lumpkin, Ga: Thomas Ligon, city; B F Blioek, Bullachvilie; J JI)odd, city; K N Hamer, Hatnilt n; J B Lanosdell, At lanta; J J Crane Forost, Miss; L C Land, Seale; B R Rawden, St Louis; H M Sutton, Knoxville; L M Hawkins, Louisville; KF Oermint, St Louis; Dr B E Bridgman, Shellman; C B Colbert, Macon; W H Schwartz, Bowling Green, Ky: D A Walker, Boston; H L Storey, C L Brown, New York; S Dentman, Louisville; D H BardeL, Chattanooga; R A Beach, Macon; J S Mason, Springfield, Ilis; D A Ashley, Helena, Mon; A R Anthony, Fort Valley; R S Hall, Talbotton; W C McGuire, Alabama; J S Bantly, Atlanta; G L DuBose, Washington; J D Arrington, Hurtsboro; O H Sanders, Fort Gaines; Mrs Hoioway, Dagles; J H Wynn, Atlanta. RANKIN HOUSE ARRIVALS. T.stmxn HOTEL IN THB CITY. FH Coolidge, Atlanta; C J Gi bert, Coring- ton, Ky; George A Power, Pensacola; R O Strong. M S A; Frank P Kedd, New York; W H Booth and wife, San Antonio, Tex; E S Chip’.ey, Louisville; J A Kohner, New York; Charles D Hill, Baltimore; J 0 Lord, Montgomery; M S Gerson, LaFayette; F M Backus, LaFayette, E Ford, city; T Werner, Thos Sale, H A Seale ,New York, J j McCafferty, Fort Worth; D P Byers, Knoxville; John Mck Williams, Birmingham. (Ihriatmas Presents. Mr. C. Scbomb rg has received an elegant and extensive new stork of Jewelry. The latest novelties, and from the best makers, in every branch of Solid Gold and Silverware, Silver and Gold Filled v\ ale he-, every descript on of tine gold and roiled plate goods. Fine imported goods, o nameuts, and thousands of beautiful ar,icles suitable for Holiday presents. Call and get your fruit, nuts, raisins, candies. We are headquarters. P. J. Williams & Co. Clocks, Clocks, the finest line you ever saw at V. J. Pekor’s. dec9-15t Dried Peaches, Apples, Currants, Citron, Fruit Cake and Mixed Nuts. T. M. Foley. dec7-15t Dont wait any longer. New Crockery Store. Remember we carry the largest stock of fire works in the city. See our prices. P. J. Wil liams & Co. $11.00 to Jackson ville and return, tick ets good, to return un til January 2 (Uolumbus Southern Railway.) We have a large stock of velocipes. Call and make your prices. P. J. Williams & Co. Ntw noli ua:y ijroodft. A new and complet stock of Ho iday Goods all in, comprising the latest novelties in the Jewelry line, at O. Schombubg's. Call Monday and get your toys. Don’t wait until the last day. P. J .‘Williams & Co. Get a present for your wife. Hew Crockery Store. Go to the City Drug Store and sec the Holiday Goods. Our stock of toys is too large this late in the day. We must sell. Call and make your prices. P J. Williams & Co. $ll<k> to Jackson ville and j cl urn tick ets good to return un til ti anuary 2 (Columbus Southern Railway.) Christlna8 Fireworks In great variety. Cannon Crackers, Roman Can ales and Sky Rockets, etc. The trade supplied at short notice. Send m your ord ?rs. F. Conti, decl8-(jt Twelfth and Tenth streets. Elegant Chr stmas Present. A dinner set Forty decorated china dinner sets just opened. At a bargain. L L. Cowdery & Co. Old Sauta Claus is at Wall & Chase’s. They have received within the last few days a large stock of new musical instru ments for the holiday trade. dlTtf Dolls! Dolls! at Cowdery’s. See the immense stock of dolls W. B. Swift is proprietor of Acme Laundry. Send him your work. Holiday Goods. See the great stock and prices. L. L. Cowdery & Co. Silver-plated Cups. New Crockery Store. Holiday preseuts suitable for all at City Drug Store. $11.00 to Jackson ville and return, rick ets good to return un til January 2 (Columbus Southern Railway.) Notice to shippers. No freight will be received or delivered at Co lumbus ou Christmas Day by the Central, Geor gia Midland and Guif, auil Columbus Southern railroads. J. C. Haile, Agent Central R. R. C. M. Cults AN, Agent G. M. & G. and Columbus Southern K. R. dee’l ,23,25 California Fruit. The largest stoek and finest goods in the city. Send in your orders for your holiday supplies. California Fruit Store. F. Conti. To Retal' Liquor Dealers. All persons who desire to procure license to re tail spirituous or malt liquors in ihe city, or within a distance of one and half miles in the State of Georgia from any point of the present corporate limits, for the year 1391, are requested to make application therefor to the meeting of Council on Monday evening, December 29. Blank applications will be furnished upon request. M. M. Moore, decl7-td Clerk Council. Diamonds, Diamonds at V. J. Pekor’s. 9-15t Steel Engravings. New Crockery Store. Fruits. Finest to be found supplied on short notice. F. Conti, dec!8-6t Twelfth and Tenth streets. Get tickets at Gen’l Pass, office, «ia. Home Building, to ail points in Florida. (Columbus Southern Ry.) The Only Pure Baking Powder. {From. HaWs Journal of Health.) We feel it our duty to state that of a number of different kinds of Baking Powder purchased in a neighboring city for examination, the only one we found made of Pure Grape Cream of Tartar, and that did not contain any Alum, Acid Phosphates, or Ammonia, and that was absolutely free from adulterations, was Cleveland’s Superior Baking Powder. MY TRAP Was well baited and I am rakin’ the dimes and nickels nor till you can’t rest, i have said enough for one year, and I am going to rest ou my owers (the folks 1 owe) now and “ Wnistle and Wait for Kitie.” You will appreciate this, I know. Guess you know who I am. 1 am “Hollo way, the Hustler,” and I have hustled night and day filling my wholesale orders till I am gone “mit de spout up ” and the battle is iust opening. So I must stand up to the rack for a few days longer, anyhow. You must be waited on, and it’s not your fault that I am a Della Kat * Mann. 12 Hours to Jacksonville. (Columbus Southern Ry.) SUM! SCHEDULE, A train will leave Broad Street, oppo site the Rankin House, at 8:30, 9:30 and 11 a. m., 12:30, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 p. m. RETURNING, Leave Wynnton at 9,10:30 and 11:30 a. in., and 1, 2:30,3:30,4:30,5:30,6:30, 7:30, S:30 and 9:30 p. m. J. H. HENDERSON, .Superintendent CHRISTMAS STOCKING. Ky A. L. 4 i>.wf«»rri. Hang up the biggest stookmg, as children always do, i or Santa Claus isc- ming to fill it up lor you. Ami wliiie tlie toys and candies our little peo ple p ease, 1 hope your Christmas stocking is full of g«lts like these. Ot course you’ll look for u ob ey, and this I hope you’ll find. But other things are n tiled to bring a peaceful mind. And so neside securing the most abundant wealth, i hope within your stocking you’ll have the b< st of health. A cheerful disposition, y r ou needu’t here be told Js worth to its posses sor a mine of virgin gold. 'I hen in your Christmas stocking this prize 1 trust you’ll see, and if you do not need it, please for ward it to me. of charity and kindliness you’l want to find a lof, and there’s generosity wi icli shouldn’t be forgot. An other thing, too, we must have be fore the stocking ends, to make complete our Chri-tmas, and that’s a li st of friends. Then last of all,and greater far than any other thing, you’l find the gift oi hap piness that all the rest wil • bt ing. Everything t * put m the Mocking can be found at A. L. CK IWFOKU’S. Supper in Columbus, breakfast in Jackson ville. (Columbus Southern Ry.) FIVE PER CENT WILL IB IE PAID —BY THE— Georgia Home Ins. Co. G, B. HIETT, Sanitary Plumber. DEALER IN FIT® SUPPLIES, \o 900 Broad Street. A_L_iI_i WORK Guaranteed and prompt atten tion given all orders. TELEPHONE 273. Come On! Come On! Don’t wait too late. Come before the rush. Our store is full, aud our doors are open wide. Our stock of Toys and Holiday Go »ds is too nu merous to mention. Dolls, Dolls! The finest on earth for Ten Cents. Vases, Vases! Thirty-one of the latest styles to select from; will suit any body- Rocky Horses, and Horses on wheels for Ten Cents. Come and look. N U A t L A U N Is Boss at our store. He is getting in his work now, getting his first choice before the rusli—bet ter pleased than ever b fore. A large decorated Cup and Saucer, with and Without mottoes, yold- banded, for ten cents. Mustache Cups and Saucers; up, Saucers and Plates. Rustic Vases are going very fast. Firework*, Fireworks Of all kinds. They are the best, and our prices are right. See us before you buy Quick sales and small profits makes everything go. Listen! Come, come before the rush. Don’t wait too late. Get the fii st choice. Come today, or ome tonight, We’ll be here ready, and will treat you right. BOYCE BHOTHEKK {^yDoors open 6 a. m., close 10 p. m., all this week. IT M1KFS EVERYBODY hi Wine cured Caifornia Pop Corn. Ask your dealer for a free sample. Trade supplied by The Columbus Candy Co. eod-dec21-1 m Bound trip tickets to all j points in Florin a on sale at Gen’l Pass, office in Ga. Home BmhPinr. (Columbus Southern Ry.) HOLIDAY GOODS! Our elegant line of Fancy Holiday Goods is now open for inspection, and is well worth a visit from any part of the city. We have inaugurated popular prices in this line. Examine our Goods, get our prices and buy where you can do the best Sullivan & Drumbor, 1302 Broad Street. Telephone 239. Store open from 6:30a. m. to ll:30p. m. Train for Jacksonville nd ail p ints iu Florida leaves 7:40 p m (Co unibus southern Ky.) s. B. GIBSON’S Is tlie Place to Get 1 our XMAS HOLIDAY GOODS. He handles only the purest and best grades of Wines, Liquors and Tobaccos. TOBE NEWMAN’S OLD PLACE, 1224 Broad Street. We have just received FRUITS of all kinds — Grapes, Lemons, Oranges, etc., Dried Fruits, Dates, Citron and materials for Fruit Cake. A LARGE LOT OF FIREWORKS. We claim without contradiction that we have the nicest assortment of CANDIES in the city. Can please anyone in price and quan tity. Go to Florida. (Columbus Southern Ry.) T_ 3_ SPEAR, Diamonds, Watches and Spectacles Guaranteed Reliable goods, botttora prices and fair dealing. 1121 Broad street. G. GUN BY JORDAN. TOOMBS CRAWFORD. JORDAN & CRAWFORD, Insurance Agents, 9 Twelfth Street. Telephone 190. Strongest Insurance Companies, Fair Ad just men ; s, Prompt Payments. SPECIAL LOW RATES ON DWELLINGS.,^ apr'.15sun,tm-s*thurlyear Read the List! What shall I buy for Christmas presents for mv nepW- and neices, my numerous kinofoJk and mv friends’ 9 a It is a popular and a pleasant custom, this thing of givin* and receiving presents, aud it is growing. The great trouble is most of us do not know what to give We puzzle our brains thinking over the numerous things that might please our friends, until in despair we frequently select the first thing we see and something not at all appro priate. Now read over this list careiully and se* if there are not a few things on it that will just fit your case. A stylish Feather Boa for the neck, $2.50. An elegant Cream Silk Muffler, $1.00, 1.50. 2.50. Hemstitched SiJk Handkerchiefs, 50c, 00c, 75c, $1.00 1 50 A stylish Crepe Lisse Collarette, 75c. $1.00, 1.25 Plain Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 15c, 20c •>.". • 50c. ' Hand Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 25c. 35c, 50c. 60c 75c $1.00 and up to $5.00. Kid Gloves, dressed and undressed, $1.00. 1.50, 2.on. Ladies’ Money Purses, all leather and the latest -t\ 50c, 75c. $1.00, 1.50, 2 00, 2 50, 3.00. A handsome Gauze Fun tor 60c, 75?, $1.00, 1.50, 2 - oc , Nice quality Onyx Fast Black Stockings, 25c, 40c, 50c, 75c. Black Silk Stockings, $1.00, 1.50. 2 00, 2.25. 3.00. Gloria Silk Umbrella?, $1.6C, 1 75, 2.00, 2.50. 3 00. Twilled Silk Umbrellas, gold and silver capped, $3 00 3 50 4.00, 5.00. All Wool Cashmere Shawls, $2.50, 3 00, 4 00, 5,00 6 00 7.00, 8 00, 10 00. \11 Wool Embroidered Cashmere Fischues, $2.50, 3 50 4 50 5.00, 6 00. Silk Crochet Shawls. $4 50. Ah W ol Cashmere Scarfs, embroidered ends, $2 00, 2.50, 3.00, 3 50. All Wool Crochet Shawls, pink, blue, cream, garnet and black, 75c, $1.00, 1.50, 2.O0, 2.50. Plush Jackets, tight fitting and reefer styles, $8.00. 10.00, 15 00. Cloth Jacket®, smooth and rough mateiials, tight fitting and reefer styles. 10 4 All Wool Blunt et>, $3 50 4 00. 4 50, 5 00. 11 4 All Wool Blankels, $4.00, 5.00, 6.09. 7 00, 8.00, 10.00. BLANCHARD, BOOTH & HUFF T , ' jl The Manipulators of Ihe Columbus Dry Goods Business. Stubborn facts which cannot be argued down. The acknowledged house for Styles, • Variety and Assor ment. CLEARING OUT PRICES. All we have left of fancy toilet articles in Plush, Leather and Nickel wear, all will be sold at one half of marked prices. Our entire line of French Bisque Kid Bodied Dolls down to cost to close the line. $3.50 dolls down to $2.25; $3.00 dolls down to $2 00: $1.50 dolls down to $1.00; $1.25 dolls down to 80c: $1.00 dolls down to 75c; 75c dolls down to 50c All Plush, Seal and Ostraehen Combination Capes at reduced prices. SPECIAL. Twenty-five Seal Plush Capes, embossed, combined with Ostrachan, the very best quality of Seal Plush, and real Ostrichan, to close the lot we offer them at $5.00 each. A full range of sizes. Our entire line of Ladies’ Misses’ and Children’s Garments marked down to actual New York cost, no buncomb, nor idle talk, but all we offer is here in stock and are bona fide offers. We are just in receipt of a very fine and selected line of Ladies’ REAL STERLING SILVER MOUNTED Purses, Bags and Chatellaines, which we offer at very low prices. Our entire line of Black and Brown Hair Muffs, also monkey muffs included, all go this week at 30c each. We are showing every useful article for holiday presents, which embraces ali the newest things in Neckwear, Bags, Purses, Cloves and enless variety of Ladies fine embroidered Handkerchiefs; a large selection of Ladies' and Cents’ Silk Embroidered Handkerchiefs, in short, everything in Hue wear of every description isexhibited by us. SILK WEAR OF EVERY uESCRIPIION. Not boasting, but to say we sold more fine Evening Suits than the town combined would only be putting it mildly. Our business on these goods has been immense. No such an assortment of evening shades of every conceivable style as shown te ns. Silk Mulls, Silks de Soie, Silk de Chine, Silk de Crepine, and everything in all the new tinsel, Striped Brocade and Border effects showns by us. Our Evening Suits for $7.50, including eight yards of Surrah linings and six yards of 54-inch nettings, in every color, has literally tapped the climax. A second shipment of Ladies's pure whit- undressed Mosquitaires, in all the lengths, from eight button to shoulder lengths, t. arrive by Tuesday’3 express. Silk Hose to match every coior of evening wear, sky, maze, pink, taronche, flesh and pure white, a full range of sizes, at $1.00 per pair. Our sale of Ladies’ undressed 6-but'.on gloves at 75c per pair will continue ,!:, through the Xmas. Colors, blacks, slates, tans, and a full range of sizes. A USEFUL HOLID AY PRESENT. The Golden Fleece and Golden Wedding Fine All Wool Blankets, chrochet bor ders, surrah finised, in 10-4, 11-4, 12-4 and 13-4. Seal Plush Jackets, former sold at $12.50 a piece, now $7.00. OUR CARPET DEPARTMENT IS SUPERB. Specially adapted for Chris presents, is our stock of Rugs, which we have in Smyrna, Moquette, .Japanese <i Japanese Wolf and Japanese Wool in all sizes, from the smallest Door Mat 6 largest squares. A beautiful assortment of Combination Augora Rugs. For fine and reliable goods call on us. Evervthing appertaining 5 to a Dry Goods Establishment found at our place. We are the Acknowledged Leader* expect to maintain this well earned reputation by only showing goods of the h: character, grade and style. L. SINSHEIMER. 1 LEADERS OF LOW PRICES. New York Office —648 Broadway.