Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, December 21, 1890, Image 9

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VOL. mil. DAILY ENQUIRER-SON: COLCMBUS, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING DECEMBER 21, 1890. Pages 9 lo 12. NO. 314. On Monday, December 29, Moore Bros, have good reas ons to believe that EVERY LADY IN COLUMBUS, to put it mildly, will visit their place oi business some time during ihe day. THE UNKNOWN. They do not make this state ment to excite curiosity or to create a sensation, but purely on the merits of THE UN KNOWN ATTRACTION, full details of which will appear in their advertisement next Sunday. Remember day, Mon day, December 29. Moore Bros. MOORE’S PAGE - OF - BARGAINS! Suggesting Many Appropriate Xmas Gifts AND HUNDREDS OF NECESSARY ARTICLES THAT MUST BE HAD When Xmas is a Memory of the Past. THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS WORTH STUDY. Special attention of every buyer of Dry Goods is called to our advertisement today. It is of vital importance on account of final sales of three lines of goods that are offered tar below their intrinsic value. CLOAKS FOR INSTANCE. BLANKETS FOR INSTANCE. MILLINERY FOR INSTANCE. This week’s sales will in all probability close these three impor ant and useful lines, the val les of which will linger as a pleasant reminder to every fortunate purchaser. Moore Bros. 300 Ladies’ Cloaks must be sold in nine days. Every Wrap in the house will be sold at some price. There shall not be one of them here New Year’s. To close them all out is the point at present. A GRAND OFFER! A positive slaughter of Fine Garments made to be sold from $15 to $25. AT $ZLO_ Your choice again this week of any Wrap in our house for $10. This includes garments that range in prices from $15 to $25 in Jackets, Pieefers, Newmarkets, English Walking Coats. In Seal Plush Cheviot, Diagonals and Broadcloth; in smooth and rough effects. More than 200 elegant Garments to select from, and every one this season’s pur chases. All the latest Novelties in Velvet Sleeves, Astrakan Sleeves, Braid 3d Sleeves, Leg o’ Mutton Sleeves with the new Medici ’Collars, Marie Antoinette Collars, De Albert Collars. AT $10. Such an opportunity to purchase a fine wrap cheap was never offered in Columbus and perhaps never will be again. Children’s Wraps. 167 Children’s Wraps, consisting of JACKETS, REEFERS and Newmarkets, in Broadcloth, Diagonal, Cheviot and Beaver, ages 2 to 18 years, all go this week AT HALF PRICE The material alone would cost more than the price of the Wrap. $10 Wraps reduced to $5.00. $ 8 Wraps reduced to $4.00. $ 6 Wraps reduced to $3.00. $ 5 Wraps reduced to $2.50. $ 4 Wraps reduced to $2.00. $ 3 Wraps reduced to $1.50. $ 2 Wraps reduced to $1.00. ^“Positively no goods charged in December. MOORE BROS. There are at least a half dozen brands of Stainless Black Hosiery that possess meric. We have given each a fair and im partial test, and the verdict of the public was unanimously in favor of This being the result, we have laid in a complete line of this celebrated brand of Hose for INFANTS’. CHILDREN’S, MISSES’ and LADIES’ wear, in Cotton, Lisle Thread and Silk. We warrant every pair of Lord A Taylor’s Onyx Brand of Hosiery to be ABSOLUTELY STAIN LESS. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Infants' Hose. Lord & Taylor’s Onyx Brand Infants’ Cotton Hose, sizes 4's to 54, at 25 cents a pair. Lord & Taylor’s Onyx Ilaand Infants’ Lisle Thread Hose, sizes 4’s to 54, at 35 cents a pair. Lord A Taylor's Onyx Brand Infants’ superior <iuality Ribbed Lisle Thread Hose, sizes 4's to 54, at 50 cents a pair. Lord A- Taylor’s Onyx Brand Infants’ fine Silk Hose, sizes 4’s to 5$, at 75 cents a pair. Children's Hose. Lord A. Taylor's Onyx Brand Children’s Cotton Hose, both ribbed and plain, sizes 5’s to 64, at 25 cents a pair. Lord A Taylor’s Onyx Brand Children’s superior quality Cotton nose, ribbed and plain, sizes 5’s to 04, at 35 cents a pair. Lord A- Taylor’s Onyx Brand Children’s finest quality of Cotton Hose, ribbed and plain, sizes 5’s to 04, at 40 cents a pair. Lord A- Taylor's Onyx Brand Children’s finest quality ribbed Lisle Thread Hose, sizes 5’s to 04, at 50 cents a pair. Lord A Taylor’s Onyx Brand Children’s fine quality Silk Hose, sizes 5’s to 04, at 75 cents a pair. Misses' Hose. Lord A- Taylor’s Onyx Brand Misses’ superior plain and ribbed Cotton Hose, sizes 7's to 84, at 35 cents a pair. Lord A r Taylor’s Onyx Brand Misses’ finest quality in plain and ribbed Hose, sizes 7’s to 84, at 50 cents a pair. Lord & Taylor’s Onyx Brand Misses’ fine quality of Lisle Thread Hose, plain and ribbed, sizes 7's to 84, at 50 and 75 cents a pair. Lord A Taylor’s Onyx Brand Misses’ fine quality of Silk Hose, sizes 7’s to 84, at 75 cents and $1.00 a pair. Ladies' Hose, Lord A Taylor’s Onyx Brand Ladies’ Cotton Hose, sizes 8’s to 0*. at 25 cents a pair. Lord A Taylor’s Onyx Brand Ladies’ superior quality Cotton Hose, light and heavy weight, at 334 cents a pair: equal to any 50 cents Hose in the market. Lord A Taylor’s Onyx Brand Ladies’ finest Quality of Cotton Hose at 50 cents a pair. Lord A Taylor’s Onyx Brand Ladies’ fine quality plain and richlieu ribbed Lisle Thread Hose at 50 and 75 cents a pair. Ladies' Sill Hose, Lord & Taylor’s Onyx Brand Silk Hose $1.50. Lord & Taylor’s Onyx Brand Silk Hose $2.00. Lord & Taylor’s Onyx Brand Silk Hose $2.50. Lord & Taylor’s Onyx Brand Silk Hose $3.00. Lord & Taylor’s Onyx Brand Silk Hose £3. r 0. Lord A Taylor’s Onyx Brand Silk Hose $4.00. The best stock of Hosiery anywhere in this country is today under our roof. Positively no goods charged iu December. MOOSE BROS. We ought to sell 1000 dozen Handker chiefs this week. Of all gifts none are so useful as Handkerchiefs. Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs. Handkerchiefs for Children, Handkerchiefs for Ladies, Handkerchiefs for Men, Handkerchiefs for Everybody. lOOO Dozen Handkerchiefs Just Received, Bought especially for the Holiday Trade. Embroidered Handkerchiefs 10c. Embroidered Handkerchiefs $3.00. Embroidered Handkerchiefs at any price. Embroidered Handkerchiefs at every price. You never saw so many Handkerchiefs. You never saw Handkerchiefs as cheap. Silk Umbrellas. Another useful gift—a fine Silk Parasol or Umbrella. The Largest- Sleek; -* — The Choicest Styles, The Lowest Prices For fine goods is today under this roof. You never saw just such a magnificent line of Umbrellas. UMBRELLAS FOR LADIES, UMBRELLAS FOR MEN. Fine Silk Umbrellas, Fine Gloria Umbrellas, Goid Head Umbrellas, Oxodize Handle Umbrellas. Silk Umbrellas at $1. Silk Umbrellas at $20. Too Many Umbrellas. That is, we have too many FINE Silk Umbrellas. The cheaper ones will take care of themselves, hut the FINE ones must go. $20 Umbrellas will go at $15. $18 Umbrellas will go at $12. $15 Umbrellas will go at $10. $12 Umbrellas will go at $ 8. $10 Umbrellas will go at $ 7. Our Umbrellas at $5 and $6 cannot be duplicated elsewhere for less than $7 and $8. A SI1.K DRESS. What would be a more elegant present than a fine Silk Dress ? A Silk Drees for $12. As a special holiday offering we will sell 15 yards of finest quality all Silk Surah, all colors and black and all the best linings complete for $12. A Silk Drees lor $15. Our special offer number 2 will be 15 yards finest quality of the following popu lar and stylish weaves in Silk, Faille Francaise, Royal Armure, Pean de Soir, Rhadzimer, Monopole, Preeieuse Inde, Rhadama and Marguerite, and all the best linings complete for $15. Remember we guarantee the wear of every yard of any the above named Silk. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. TRULY THIS IS A LIBERAL OFFER. A Fine Wool Suit. Buy one of our fine Imported Pattern Suits. It will cost you only a trifle now. $15 Imported Suits now $10. $12 Imported Suits now $ 8. $10 Imported Suits now $ 7. $ 8 Imported Suits now $ 5. Medium Price Dresses. Remember the servants. They will ex pect something. 100 Wool Cashmere Suits at $1.00 100 Wool Trieot Suits at $1.25. 100 Wool Henrietta Suits at $1.60. 100 all-Wool Flannel Suits at $2.00. 100 all-Wool Plaid Suits at $3.00. Special Holiday Prices on all finer Goods from 50c. to $1.00 a yard. ^“Positively no goods charged in December. MOORE BROS, The number of swt-ll receptions and other recent entertainments of note have brought about quite a demand for evening goods. The liberal patronage bestowed upon us is the best evidence that we have the correct styles, and that our prices too are right. Reception D esses, Party Dresses, Theater Dresses, In Crepe De Chines, Faille Francaise Silks, German Henriettas, Mouselin De Soil’s, China Silks. Tinsel D. aperies, aud ail the season’s latest novelties. Evening Dresses at $8.00. Evening Dresses at $;o 00. Evening Dresses at $12.00. OUR $8 SUITS will comprise 5 yards of 54-ineh Silk Drapery Net, 8 yards all Silk Surah, and the best inside linings complete—all for the sunrof $8 a suit. OUR $10-SUITS will comprise 5 ya.ds of 54-ineh all Silk Drapery Net, tinsel effects, in cream, pink, light blue, blaek, lilac, cardinal, Nile green; 8 yards all Silk Surah, and all the best inside linings com plete—a beautiful evening dress for $10 a suit. OUR $12 SUITS will comprise 5 yards 40-inch Silk Gauze Flouncing, ribbon ef fects, in all the best evening shades, cream, white, light blue, pink, black, lilac, cardi nal, maize, Nile green and yellow; 8 yards all Silk Surah, and all the best linings complete,—a charming evening dress for $12 a suit. Preeieuse Inde, an entirely new weave, diagonal effects, a very pretty evening silk, at $1.00 a yard. 24-inch Crepe De Chines, all colors and black, at $1.25 a yard. 54-inch Embroidered Mouselin De Soirs at $2.50 a yard. 16 and 20 button lengths Undressed Mousquetaire Gloves in beautiful evening shades. Feather Boas. So stylish for the neck, are here in great profusion now—in fact, too many for the mild season. Here is our way to reduce stock: $7 Feather Boas $5. $0 Feather Boas $4. $4 Fea.her Boas $5. $3 Feather Boas $2. $2.50 Silk Boas $1.50. BLACK OOBSET8 They are all the go now. R. & G. Black-Corsets $1.00. R. A G. Black Corsets $1.50. We guarantee them Fast Black and to give satisfaction. Ladies’ Black Silk Skirts To be “real swell,” you should have a Black Silk Shirt. Blaek Silk Shirts $3. Black Satteen Shirts $2. VASSAL SlilKTS. Plain Bosom Yassar Shirts $1.50. Plaited Bosom Vassar shirts $1.75. Embroidered Bosom Vassar Shirts $2.00. Rubber Shoes. 100 dozen pairs Misses’ Rubber Shoes, Goodyear’s besi quality, AT 15 CENTS A PAIR. 100 doz°n Ladies’ Rubber Shoes, Good year’s best quality, AT 20 CENTS A PAIR. 100 dozen Men's Rubber Shoes, Good year’s best quality, AT 40 CENTS A PAIR. Positively no goods charged in December. MOORE BROS. MILLINERY. Only a few left now of the fine Imported Pattern Hats that have been so greatly sacrificed the past four weeks. $3 F >R $1. As long as they last the prices will re main the same as last week—about one- third their former value. $25 Pattern Hats now go at $8.50. $20 Pattern Hats now go at $7.00. $18 Pattern Hats now go at $6.00. $15 Pattern Hats now go at $5.00. $12 Pattern Hats now go at $4.00. $10 Pattern Hats now go at $3.50. The leading artists of the world are rep resented in this collection of Hats. AT HALF PRICE. This week too will in all probability end the great sacrifice sale of Untrimmed Hats, consisting of Wool Felts, Beaver and Fine French Felts, all colors in TURBANS, TOQUES, SAILORS, FLATS AND SHAPES. $2.00 Hats reduced to $1.00. $1.50 Hats reduced to 75c. $1.00 Hats reduced to 50c. 50c. Hats reduced to 25c. Every Hat has been marked as adver tised, and will be sold accordingly. Underwear. Just a little cold weather was all that was needed to move Underwear at the prices we have been advertising for the past month. Ladies’ Jersey Ribbed Vests 25 cents Vest reduced to 15c. 35 cents Vest reduced to 25c. 50 cents Vest reduced to 35c. 75 cenis Vest reduced to 50c. $1.00 Vest reduced to 75c. $1.50 Vest reduced to $1.00. 35U* We have an accumulation of Pants which will be closed out at half price of the Vest. AT HALF PRICE. Our entire stock of Ladies’Merino Vests (not ribbed) will be closed outat half price. CHILDREN’S VEST. Children’s 25c Vest at 15c. Children’s 35c Vest at 25c. Children’s 50c Vest at 35c. Children’s 75c Vest at 50c. Children’s Pants to match the Vest will be sold at HALF PRICE. KID GLOVES. A pair of Centemeri’s Fine Kid Gloves is a present any lady would appreciate. Cent ‘meri’s 5-Button Undressed Kid $1.25. Cen eiue i’s 5-Button Greased Kid £1.50. Ce teiner’s 8- 'ution Undress, d Kid $ .75. Ceutenicri’s 10-Button Undressed Kid $2.23. S fecial. 100 dozen Ladies’ 4-Button Undressed Kid Gloves, worth $1, AT 65 CENTS A PAIR. 100 dozen Ladies’ 8-Button Undressed Mousquetaire Kid Gloves, worth $1.50, AT 85 CENTS A PAIR. si lively uogjods charged ii: December. MOORE BROS. The Great Blanket Sale that has been going on for the past four weeks is almost over, and hundreds of testimonials from hotel keepers, boarding house and private house keepers speak in volumes of praises of the greatest and most meritorious Bar gain Sale of Blankets ever known iu Co lumbus. Newburgli 10-4 White Blankets, were $1.50, now $1.00 a pair. 10-4 White Bethel, Highland and Bel mont, all our regular $3 Blankets, marked down now to $2 a pair. 10-4 White Wool Blankets, popular Hart ford brand, been selling at $3.50 a pair, price now $2.50 a pair. 10- 4 Brunswick Blankets, strictly all wool warp and filling and worth $5, re duced now to $3 a pair. 11- 4 Yosemite fine all wool Blankets, former price $6.50, price now $4 a pair. At $5 a Pair. Very fine ail wool li-4 Blankets, such hraucis as t'olar Star, Colum bia, Chesterfield, Prize Medal and Belle Beauty, worth $7.50 and $8 a pair, your choice now at $5 a pair. Celebrated Humboldt 11-4 fine all wool Blankets, sold everywhere at $9 a pair, re duced now to $6.50 a pair. All our finer grades of Blankets in 11 and 12-4 reduced in same proportion, $10 Blankets now go at $ 7.50. $12 Blankets now go at $ 8.00. $15 Blankets now go at $10.00. GREY BL4NKETS. All our 10 and 11-4 Grey Blankets liava been reduced as follows: $1.00 Grey Blankets now go at 75c. $1.50 Grey Blankets now go at $1.00. $2.00 Grey Blankets now go at $1.50. $2.50 Grey Blankets now go at $1.75. $3.00 Grey Blankets now go at $2.00. BED COMFORTS CALICO COMFORTS, CRETONE COMFORTS, SATTEEN COMFORTS, ALL GO AT REDUCED PRICES* $1.00 Comforts now go at 75e. $1.50 Comforts now go at $1.00. $2.00 Comforts now go at $1.50. $2.50 Comforts now go at $1.75. $3.00 Comforts now go at $2.00. French Flannels. Our entire stock of finest quality French Flannel in stripes and figures, worth 75 AT 50 CENTS A YARD. All of our 35 and 40 cent Flannels in stripes, plaids, checks and figures, go at the uniform price of 25 cents a yard. Shaker Flannel. 75c Shaker Flannel reduced to 50e. 60c Shaker Flannel reduced to 35c. 50c Shaker Flannel reduced to 25c. White Flannel. All-Wool White Flannel 25c, worth S5e, All-Wool White Flannel 35c, worth 50c. All-Wool White Flannel 50c, worth 75c. Red Flannels. All-Wool Red Flannel 15c, worth 20c. All-Wool Red Flannel 20c, worth 25c. All-Wool Red Flannel 25c, worth 35c. All-Wool Red Flannel 35c, worth 50c. All-Wool Red Flannel 50c, worth ’USc. ES^Positively no goods charged iu December. MOORE BROS.