Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, December 23, 1890, Image 4

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f ESQUIRES -SffJf: COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1890. Free Till January First, We have a few Boxes un rented in our FiRE, BL’RGLAR AND MOB PROOF Safe Bcposit Vault. Parl'es renting these before thi.t date will have receipts ('a-e l January 1st, 91. SJ.0J 11 S9l0sI hi ill. 1 iv.iJle Ou.rt'riy, it Desired. V i r vviJJ, lire and life in surance policies, your bonds and papers, should be in a secure p ace. Elegant Coupon Room, tree to Safe Deposit customers. The GOB. BROAD AND TWELFTH STREETS. Columbus Investment COMPANY, GEORGIA HOME BUILDING. Money to loan on city real estate or approved collateral. More net cash to the borrower for the monthly payment than any other company can offer. J. F. FLOURNOY, President. J. J. SLADE, Secretary and Treasurer. 5 Year Old White Bye Whisky. OLI) OKA Y—-8 years old.) APPLE AND PEACH. Don’t forget the best place to get yonr Christ mas for eggnogs is at JellVrson’s Los: Cabin. i K, LOVICK W. PHILIPS, Physician and Surgeon. Office, 1017 l /fc Broad Sireot. Telephone 3G. Residence 1033 Fourth ftTenue, Telephone 207. apr22 ’90 ly HARD TlME_PRICES t Made to Turn Stock Into Mon ey »t Once. 4(->c Henriettas 25c 50-in '-rav Cashmere lOc f*Oc JNovelty Stripes 55c $ i Cray Suitiiu; 50c 5)Oc Wool Series Of»c $t Henriettas 75c 5<>c Black « aslimere 4<‘c Black Serges 50c Jackets $2 50 Jackets $4.50 Jackets $6 Hantike chi, fs 15c 4-4 Sheeting Oc shirting 5c t-olumbus (hecks 5c 7c aiico 5c 5 c Twist Flannel 20c $4 $<> $» 2oC Best Best (Quits' real Kid Gloves, worth $1.50, to close at 75c. Gents’ Silk Scurfs,worth 40c and 50c, to close at 25c. 100 tine Siik Handkerchiefs to close at 50c each. Bargain hunters should not miss this sale. J. E. CAKGILL. COME m GET T01 IIS GOODS Before tiny are picked over, have them laid aside and avoid the rush. We are head quartern. P. J. W ILLIAMS & CO. COAL and WOOD Keeps the best grades Coal, Oak and Pine Wood, cut and split. Try me and I will trv to please you. 1 have a NEW KINDLING. Call at Howard & Newsom's. See it—cheaper than light wood wish to contract for 3000 Oak and Pine Wood, see me. I ords Call and Telephone at Yard 1)7. Telephone Howard & Newsome's store, 91. II. M. HOWARD city intelligence. \W invite the public to cull and see our line of Fancy Goods, many of which is a liner grade than is carried by any other house in this city. All is new—none “carried over’’ from 1 »st season. Our Piicfs Are Very Reascnable, And we are sure th«t if yon will call that we can show you a line that you will appreciate. E Jr' Fine 1*« t fames n Specially. CITY DRUG STORE, 1142 Broad Street. Christmas Pointers—a city ordi- i nance requires the saloons to close by 10 I o clock on Christinas day. Some of them will not open at all on that day. The or dinance is published elsewhere and will be strictly enforced. Notice is given that no" freights will be received or delivered by the Columbus tr;— 1 Mi,llaua or Central railroads Christmas day. 1 ne city market will be closed Christ- nins day. I he coal and wood yards will not till orders after noon on Christmas day. Attention is called to the fireworks ordi nance, published elsewhere. The ordinance "til be enforced.. I be postoflice will observe Sunday hours Christmas day. I be banks will be closed Christmas day on account of legal holiday. ’ NOTES OF THE DAY. INCIDENTS AND EVENTS BRIEFLY PARA GRAPHED. —Officers will be elected at the meeting of Progress Council National Union to night. —Mr. John Patrick and Mrs. Georgia Martin were married at 7 o’clock last night, Justice Bowles officiating. —The Georgia Midland train was three hours late last night. The delay was caused by an accident to the engine. —C. L. Warner and family, of Richland, passed through the city yesterday enroute to Corsicana, Texas, where they will re side in future. There were eight in the party. —The congregations were unusually large at the First Baptist church Sunday. Pastor Harris preached able sermons at both morning and evening service. —At 6 o’clock Sunday morning, Mr. James Griffin, a prominent young mer chant of LaFayette, Ala., was married to Miss Mary Blair, of this city. Justice Bowles performed the ceremony. —Judge Martin sat at chambers in Muscogee Superior Court yesterday, hear ing the case of the Eclipse Manufacturing Company et al. vs. J. H. Gabriel et al., complaint. The hearing will be resumed today. — Mr. Cecil Gabbett, general manager of the Central railroad, passed through the city in his private car yesterday, on his way to Birmingham. Superintendent Curran joined Mr. Gabbett here and ac companied him to Birmingham. —Mr. G. Gunhy Jordan was yesterday appointed by the Governor to act as one of the commissioners to pass on the better ments question. Mr. Jordan is one of the best informed railroad men in Georgia, and will be a valuable member of the com mission. —A pleasant party of LaGrange people passed through the city yesterday, en route home from Florida, where they went on a pleasure trip. The party was composed of Dr. E. D. Pittman, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Truitt, Mrs. Sam. Pittman Miss Minnie Pittman and Messrs. A. T. and ParkDallis. —The Christmas tree and entertainment to be given at Springer Opera House this evening, under the auspices of the Sisters of St. Joseph’s Academy, promises to at tract an immense audience. The enter tainment is expected to be a grand success. The price of admission will be 25 cents. —The services at the First Avenue Bap tist church Sunday were especially inter esting. At the 11 o’clock service one mem ber was received by experience and three were baptized at 3 o’clock that afternoon. A large congregation attended the evening service and the church seems to be taking on new life. —Mr. Bud Forsythe received a very se vere wound on the left cheek from a knife in the hands of an unknown party last night, in Girard, while discussing the elec tion of yesterday. The wound was dressed by Dr. S. J. Wylie, of this city, and while it is very painful, is not considered danger ous. —Lockett Hull, the negro boy arrested for stealing money from a young lady at Chappell Female College Saturday, was placed under bond in the sum of $100 by the Mayor yesterday for larceny. He was also given five days on the chain gang or fined $10 for violating the ordinance pro hibiting minors from entering barrooms. The case was worked up by Officer Robarts. —Chief Beard gives notice that the hack ordinance will be strictly enforced in refer ence to granting license. The ordinance says: “No license for a hack shall be issued ixnless the applicant presents to the Clerk of Council a certificate from the Chief of Police that the vehicle and team which applicant proposes to use is such as will be creditable and safe, and that the driver is of proper age.” Broken down horses and siiabby public vehicles are not allowed on the streets under this ordinance, and Chief Beard will do the public a favor by seeing that the ordinance is strictly enforced. MURDER IN RUSSELL COUNTY. ONE NEGRO KILLS ANOTHER WITH AN AX—THE MURDERER ESCAPES. News reached the city yesterday of a murder committed on the extension of the Savannah, Americus and Montgomery road, in Russell county. It seems that a quarrel arose between John Oates and another negro, who were engaged in getting cross ties. John Munn, the boss of the gaDg, ordered the two men to hush. Oates continued to talk, where upon Munn picked up an ax and dealt him a blow on the head, crushing the skull and scattering the brains on the ground. Oates died in a very short time after being struck. Munn escaped and at last accounts had not been captured. He is a dark, ginger cake colored negro, about thirty years old. He weighs 180 or 190, is five feet eleven inches high and his hair is cut close to scalp. Munn has a wife at Columbia, Ala., and his mother lives near Florence, Ga. He is supposed to be making his way to one of those points, and the Russell county au thorities are keeping a sharp lookout for him. The killing is said to have been a cold blooded murder. The Fannie Fearn.—The steamer Fannie Fearn reached her wharf Sunday night with a large miscellaneous cargo and 103 bales of cotton, consigned as follows: Slade & Farrish, 46; Blanchard, Humber «.t Co., 24; Carter & Bradley, 17; Flournoy it Epping, 12; Jenkins & Davis, 2; Kelly <t Co., 2. Here is her list of passengers: A. T. Dallas, Park Dallas, Dr. E. D. Pittman, G. W. Truitt, Mrs. G. W. Truitt, Mrs. Sam Pittman, Miss Minnie Pittman, Mary Gates, Apalachicola; E. Woodruff, Judson Willis, Durham Greer, J. F. Carter, Jas. Godwin, lola; Miss Annie Paramore, Miss Lula Paramore, Miss Emma Allen, Chat tahoochee; J. H. Harrison, Bain- bridge; William Berry, Bainbridge; W. A. Sapp, Port Jackson; Mrs. M. M. Hays, Neals; Dr. J. F. Shackelford, John nie Shackleford, his Landing; Wm. Dow dy, J. P. Dupree, Columbia; M. L. Han cock, J. J. McKinney, Fort Gaines; J. F. Xuckols, Dan Bradley J. N. Carter, Miss Lizzie Hall,]W. A. Harris, H. W. Chest nut, Florence; W. F. Cowles, M. Murray, J. S. Evans, H. B. Murray, M. E. Schley, S. A. Schley, A. B. Butler, K. S. Harris, Judge McLendon, Arthur Strat ford, Welton Stratford, Jemigan; B. A. Syrd, W. C. King, H. R. Wright, C. T. Miller, Misses Dora Miller, Della Miller, Anna Miller, Chas. Miller, Willie Kinsey, Fitzgerald’s; G. L. Harden, T. B. Harden, Blufftown; J. W. Pope, Humber’s, W. E. {Stratford, United States barge, C. M. Dozier, Howard’s; sixty-four on deck from various landings. The Only Pure Baking Powder. (From Halt’s Journal of Health.) e feel it our duty to state that of a number of different kinds of Baking Powder purchased in a neighboring city for examination, the only one we found made of Pure Grape Cream of Tartar, and that did not contain any Alum, Acid Phosphates, or Ammonia, and that was absolutely free from adulterations, was Cleveland’s Superior Baking Powder. PERSONAL CHAT ABOUT THOSE WHO COME AND GO, HERE, there and everywhere. Capt. R. C. Fryer, of Shiloh, spent yes terday in Columbus. Capt. J. W. Murphey returned from Atlanta last night. Mr. J. P. Turner is in the city, and will spend the holidays here. Mr. J. F. Ogletree and daughter, of Stinson, spent yesterday in Columbus. Miss Hennie Hardin, of Waco, Texas, is visiting Mrs. G. W. Law, on Rose Hill. Mr. L. T. Cosby, of Box Springs, spent Sunday with his friends in the city. Mr. Ex. Tucker, of Hurtsboro, circulated among his many friends in Columbus yes terday. Mr. H. D. Stratton has returned from New Orleans and is stopping at the Rankin. Mrs. Mollie Copeland and Miss Rena Farley, of Hamilton, were in the city shop ping yesterday. Miss Lizzie Leonard, a charming society young lady of Talbotton, passed through the city yesterday en route to Cuthbert. Messrs. Law C. Gugle, of Mexico, and C. D. Little, of Atlanta, are in the city, the guests of Mr. P. B. Patterson. Miss Fletcher Turner came down from Hamilton yesterday en route to Atlanta, where she goes to visit her sister, Mrs. Middlebrook. Mr. C. E. Johnson and wife and daugh ter, of Greenville, the city yester day en route to Birmingham, where they go to spend the holidays. Mr. H. L. Monson, formerly of this city, but now of Dallas, Texas, is in the city, and is receiving a cordial welcome from his many friends here. Rev. W. A. Farley, editor of the Hamil ton Journal, and Editor R. Don McLeod, of the Schley County News, were among the visitors in the city yesterday. Hon. S. P. Gilbert, Muscogee’s hand some and energetic young member of the House, came down from Atlanta last night, the Legislature having adjourned. Miss Minnie Hutchinson, of Tuskegee, who has been spending several days in the city, the guest of Mrs. C. W. Meyer, re turned home yesterday. Judge E. Herndon Glenn, Sheriff Henry Ragland, Messrs. Ed Anderson and Frank Pitts, all prominent citizens of Russell were among their many friends in Colum bus yesterday. Hon. Lafayette Harp, Senator from the Twenty-fourth district, and Hon. W. A. Sapp, member of the House from Chatta hoochee, came down from Atlanta la*t night, en route to their homes in Chatta hoochee. The many friends of Miss Georgia Crichton, the accomplished musical in structress in the Dublin High School, will be pleased to learn that she returned to the city last night, and wili spend the holidays with her family, on Second avenue. Christmas Tree Friday Night.— The First Baptist church Sunday school will give a Christmas tree at the church Friday night. An entertaining program of music and recitations has been arranged for the evening, and the occasion promises to be a most pleasant and delightful one. A large crowd will be in attendance and much interest is felt in the occasion. RANKIN HOUSE ARRIVALS. LHADING HOTEL IN THE CITY. .1 F Matthe-on. Birmiiuliam: J E Ilicks, Rich land; E O Me Dean, ,Jr, Philadelphia, C ti Brede- meger, Indianapolis; T S Hass, Philadelphia; D K Hinton, Troy. Ala; H D Hatton, New Orleans M O Berry, M L (lerson, City! W E Perry; Philadelphia; Isaac Frank, Henry Watchaui, J L Thurston, New York; M S Gerson, City; Lee McLendon, Thomasville, 0a;0 D Valcourt, Cliat- tauooka: Gus Stern, New York; W IM Burnly Baltimore; F Hartzkapp. Chicago; C II Bredel lege’ 1 , City, off; J E Stern, New York; S Hosvolo, W H Joties,Thomas E Allen and wife, Savannah Americus and Montgomery Railroad. CENTRAL HOTEL. BATES S'J.OO A DAY. B A Jameson, Fort Wor h; L S Crosby, Box Springs; N S Atkinson, jr. West Point; T F Woodall, Talbotton; J C Russell, Hogansville; J W IH'inghast and wife, LaGrange; N H Sled Chipley, C Ann -ns, Hamilton; C M Kimbrougl Talbotton; Stephens Neal and wife, Tallulah, Ga C C Bagunon, Sylacauga; W D Butt'ord, J Hicks Richland; C Carmack,Gpelika; S Groover, Albany K C Fryer, Shiloq; W T Williams, Bullackville E Tucker, Hurtsboro, Ga; N D McLeod, Ella- ville; W E Ttratford, Ogwitchee, Ala; A T Dal- lis. Park Dallis, La Grange, Ga; J W Power, South Carolina; J S Boxley, Nolasulga, Ala: E S Ragland, Seale; C C Willis, Midland; K Aldman, city; G T Towe, Box Springs; W J Liddell > ity C It Liddell, Ladonia. Ala; Judge J H Martin, Talbotton; G P DeWolf, C R R H F Ragland, Seale, Ala; Miss Lizzie I.enard Talbotton; J H Carter, Florence, Ala; B W Henry, Seale, Ala; W A Cobb, Athens, Ga; W Fort, Box Spring; W H Moris, Birmingham; L M Scarborough Hunt. Texas; Geo L McLanes Savannah; J H Wynn, Atlanta, Ga; R 1) McLeod, Ellaville; J \V Grimes. Crawford, A'ai A J Gisen and wife, W G Reid, Richland; W F Hayes, Savanna; T D Welis, city; J C Keely, New York; M L Long, Hartsboro, Ala; W J Turner, CRR; W A Carlile, Talbotton; M Far roe, Carroll; Jno W Vogel, Al Pennarose, New York: S R Murphy, Ga; K H Lanier, Damascus; Geo E Short, Apalicliacola, Fla. A Play’ Worth Seeing.—“Little Lord Fauutleroy,” which is listed for production at Springer Opera House Wednesday even ing, is a play that reaches the heart. It is a beautiful ideal, seldom realized in actual experience, but none the less real because it is rare. Popular Xmas Presents.—The New Home Sewing Machine is a very popular Christmas present. Their manager, Mr. White, states that sales for the past ten or fifteen days have been larger than ever before during the same length of time. 3t Mince Meat, Jellies, Preserves, fresh and nice, at H. H. Daniel’s. dec*23 tf Withdrawal.—Having been nomi- I nated at the primary election for the office of County Surveyor, and being unable to , accept the office, I hereby respectfully an nounce my withdrawal from the nomina tion. With grateful acknowledgments, dec23-3t B. H. Hudson. Stop your stomach-ache promptly by using Lamar’s Diarrhoea Mixture, and prevent serious sickness. The New Home Sewing Machine makes an excellent and useful Xmas present. The Acme must have more work. Our labor is idle. Xmas at ScbomburgV, Mr. Schomburg solicits your luspection of his new stock of Holiday Goods. His stock of Dia monds, both loose and mounted, is the most ex tensive ever seen in the city. Don’t forget the New Home SewingMa chine when you are buying Xmas presents for your family. For Alderman Flf'b Ward. We hereby announce Mr. W. R Moore a candi date for Alderman of the Fifth ward. Election January 5,1891. ,Many Voters. dec20td Telephone 227. Acme Laundry will call for and deliver goods promptly. Dolls and Toys. New Crockery Store. Don’t be annoyed by dandruff, but call and get a bottle of Grossman s Dandruff Cure at Evans & Howard’s. de9tueslmo The New Home is the leader of all Sew ing Machines. Columbus, Ga., Dec. 13.1891. The annual meeting of the shareholders of the National Bank cf Columbus, Columbus, Ga., will be held at their banking office on Tuesday, Jan uary 13th, 1891, at 11 o’clock a. m. Geo. W. Dillingham, Cashier. dec 13 16 19 22 26 28 31 jan 1 4 7 10 13 Fireworks! Fireworks!! Fireworks!!! Columbus Candy Co. —See the Xmas goods in windows. Chancellor & Pearce. There is nothing so good for a fresh eut, bruise or a scald as Salvation Oil. 25 cents. Manicure Sets. New Crockery Store. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry at New York co. at Pekor’c. Sweet wine-cured Pop Corn 5 cents box. Columbus Candy Co. Those Gold Head Canes and Silk Umbrellas sell rapidly. Chancellor & Pearce. To Retail Liquor Dealers. Yonr attention is called to the following ex tract from city oidinanct-s, viz: All retail liquor shops shall be required to close by 11 o’clock at night, and shall not open sooner than 4 o’clock, a. m., and on Christmas day shall close by 10 o’c'ock a. in., and Bhall not open again until the next day. For any violation of this or any other ordinance in reference to re tailing liquors, upon conviction before the Mayor, the license of the offending (jarty shall be re voked. dec23-3t New Fish Roe and Codfish. H. H. Daniel, tf . Moore, Clerk Council. Nice Comb, Brush and Mirror Sets, w : thout plush or expensive box, cheap at City Drugstore. Elegant Slippers a^d Kid Glovts 81.00 to 82.00. Chancellor & Pearce. Best Santa Crus Rum for Egg Nog, at H. H. Daniel’s. dec23 tf For < hrlstmas. Fresh Mince Meat. Oysters, Celery, Cranber ries, Apple Butter and Jellies. Give us your or der for your Christmas Turkey. SHEri’EBSON- & Sheram Agents, dec23-lt At City Market. Don’t fail to read ad. in today’s paper. Chan cellor & Pearce. Candies, Nuts, Raisifis, Prunes, Dates, Oranges, and all kinds of uicnaes at low prices. H. H. Daniel. dec23 tf (8 Umbrellas at <83. 50 finest quality Silk Umbrellas with nobby handles, worth 88, at 85 each. Moore Bros. Old Pbcenix and Baker Whiskies, unexcelled, for Christmas and medicinal purposes. H. H. Daniel. dec23 tf To Please Your Wife.—Make her a present of a New Home Sewing Machine Christmas. 23 3t See window display. Chancellor & Pearce. Fine Razors for Christmas presents at City Drug Store. 3 What’s better than the New Home Sew ing Machine for a Christmas present? 3t Gaze on windows. Chancellor A Pearce. Drug°Store° Se Via ’‘ 8 ’ cut * lass and plain, at City While you are buying presents for your family, don’t forget that the New Home Sewmg Machine makes a useful and ex cellent holiday gift. 23 3t foWi=^n^ 01 fl 3 ne Chancellor A Market Mails to Kent. The stalls in the Meat Market, and the stalls in Rose Hill Market, will be rented at the Market Honse, at public outcry, to the highest bidder on Monday, January 5, at 12 o’clock noon, under direction of Committee on Market. Quarterly notes, with go d security, will be required, or 10 per cent discount for cash. M.'M. Moore, de21-td Clerk Council. If You Wish to Hi a- Ladics compliment goods, drop in at Chancellor A Pearce’s tomorrow morning and open your ears. Th f-e Gold Head Caues, Silk Umorellas Mufflers. Cuff Buttons, Manicure Sets, and bun dreils of other attractive goods will command your attention. A prudent, man is like a pin, his head prevents him from goirg too far. To prevent a cough from going t .0 lar use Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup. "Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for child ren teething” softens the gums, reduces iuttam matiou, allays pain, cures wind colic. 2fic a bottle Guns, Winchester Rifles, Parlor Rifles and Pistols can be bought low at Frazer & Dozier. t25 25c and 50c will boy a handsome present at Chancellor & Pearce’s. “ • Brown’* Bronchial Troche*’ are excellent for the relief of hoarseness or sore throat. They are exceedingly effective.”—Christian World London, Eng. A handsome bo’tie of Extract or Cologne in cut glass, or plain bottle, makes a nice and al ways useful Christmas present. The City Drug Store has them cheap. 3 California Fruit Store. The be-t and cheapest place in the city to buy your Fruits and Confectioneries. F. Conti. Rountree’s Pastes, Preserves, Pickles, etc. Columbus Candy Co. At cost, my stock of Diamonds at Pekor’s. . Collar and Cuff Boxes. New Crockery Store Borsford’s Acid Phosphate For abuse of alcohol. It relieves the depression therefrom. Chrystalized Fruits, Dates, Currants, etc. “Columbus Candy CoJ Christmas Presents Free. With every pair shoes you buy we will give you a pretty wax doll at Harrison’s Shoe Store. Those Xmas goods at Chancellor A Pearce’s sell ou sight. Grossman’s CapilHne or dandruff cure stops the hair from falling and promotes its growth Will cure dandruff in, its worst form. For sale by Evans A Howard. de9tueslm You ought to patronize the Acme; it is a home institution. Fireworks—Rockets and Roman Candles. Columbus Candy Co. Free! Free! Free! Blonde dolls, brunette dolls, dolls with all kinds of hair and complexion, free with every pair shoes you buy at Harrison’s Shoe Store. Why not try the Acme Laundry this week? Telephone 227. The City Drug Store has a large stock of Co logne Botiles, and all are cheap. You should visit Wall & Chase’s music store before you have finished buying your Xmas presents. Don’t fail to see Wall & Chase’s im mense new stock of musical instruments and holiday goods. Sherry, Port, California and Scuppernong Wines.Old Mill and No. 5 Whiskies, Holland Gin, Cognac, Apple and Peach Brandies Rum for Egg Nog. T. M. Foley. dec7-15t Kid Glove oranges, Malaga Grapes. Columbus Candy Co. Get Wall & Chase’s prices on music and musical instruments. They have a large line of holiday goods suitable for presents. Fresh Sweet Crackers, Cakes, Dried Figs, etc. Columbus Candy Co. We recommend Grossman’s Capil line or dan- druff cure to be tlid- best hair tonic made, and a certain cure for dandruff. Evans A Howard. de9tueslm Handsome line of Knives just received t25 Scissors and Pocket at Frazer & Dozier. Wholesale fruits. Finest to be found supplied on short notice. F. Conti, dec!8-6t Twelfth and Tenth streets. For the Boys. Chicago Air Rifles at Estes, Abbott & Co.’s d20-lw Dressing Cases. New Crockery Store. Van Hocten’s Cocoa.—Largest sale in the world. Colognes and Extracts in all manner of holiday styles at City Drug Store. Pekor sells his stock of goods at New York prices. Steel Engravings. New Crockery Store. If you intend making a Christmas pres ent don’t fail to visit Wall & Chase’s music store. They have a beautiful line of holiday goods suitable for presents, tf Carving Sets—best steel. New Crockery Store. If you wish to give a beautiful Pocket Knife for Christmas, call and see stock at Frazer & Dozier. t25 Boys’ Tool Chests At Estes, Abbott & Co.’s. d20-lw Nut Cracks and Picks. New Crockery Store. Beautiful Brass Fire Sets at moderate prices at Frazer & Dozier. t2o The Acme Laundry does best work in the South. If TOUJt BACK ACBFA, Or yon are all worn out, really rood for noth ing, It is general debility* TTy I ROST JtlTTKRS. It will core yon, cleanse yonr liver. «"<< rive _ a good appetite. Notice to Backmen. Parties who prop se to procure Hack License for the ensuing year are hereby notified that their horses and vehicl s must be in first-class order or thev will not he approved after inspec tion. ’ Jesse A. Beard. dec21-tjal Marshal, Chrl-tmas Presents. Mr. C. Sc' onib rg has received an elegant and extensive new stock of Jewelry. The latest novelties, and from the best makers, in every branch of Solid Gold and Silverware, Silver and Gold Filled is atche , every descript on of tine gold and rolled plate goods. Fine imported goods, o naments, and thousands of beautiful articles suitable for holiday presents. Dried Peaches, Apples, Currants, Citron, Fruit Cake and Mixed Nut*. T. M. Foley. dec7-15t Donl wait any loug.-r. New Crockery Store. Close connection for all points in Florida. (Columbus Southern Ry.) imported and Domest c Candies. Columbus Candy Co. Solid silver goods at cost at Pekor’s. Come early Monday. New Crockery Store. Fresh Stick Candy anil Taffies every day. Columbus Candy Co. All goods at New York cost at Pekor’s. $11.00 to Jackson ville and return, tick ets good to return un til January 2. (columbus Southern Railway.) New Holiday Goods. A new and complet stock of Ho iday Goods all in,comprising the latest novelties in the Jewelry line, at C. Schom burg's. Get a present for your wife. New Crockery Store. Go to the City Drug Store and see the Holiday Goods. Fine and beautiful Razors in cases for Christmas presents, at Frazer & Dozier. 125 Raisins, Nuts, Oranges, Grapes. COLUMBUS $11.00 to Jackson ville and i ©turn tick ets good to return un til a anuary 2. (Columbus Southern Railway.) Christinas Fireworks In great variety. Cannon Crackers, Roman Can dles and Sky Rockets, etc. The trade supplied at short notice. Seud in your ord -rs. F. Conti, decl8-Gt Twelfth and Tenth streets. Old Santa Claus is at Wall & Chase’s. They have received within the last few days a large stock of new musical instru ments for the holiday trade. dl7tf W. B. Swift is proprietor of Acme Laundry. Send him your work. Silver-plated Cups. New Crockery Store. Holiday presents suitable for all at City Drug Store. $11.00 to Jackson ville and return, tick ets good to return un til January 2. (Columbus Southern Railway.) Notice to Shippers. No freight will be received or delivered at Co lumbus on Christmas Day by the Central, Geor gia Midland and Gulf, and Columbus Southern railroads. J. C. Haile, Agent Central R. R. C. M. Curran, Agent G. M. A G. and Columbus Southern It. R. dec21,23,25 California Fruit. The largest stock and finest goods in the city. Send in your orders for your holiday supplies. Californ a Fruit Store. F. Conti. To Retail Liquor Dealers. All persons who desire to procure license to re tail spirituous or malt liquors in ihe city, or within a distance of one and half miles in the State of Georgia from any point of the present corporate limits for the year 1891, are requested to make application therefor to the meeting of Council on Monday evening, December 29. Blank applications will be furnished upon request. M. M. Moore, decl7-td Clerk Council. Fir* work-! Fireworks! I am overloaded on these goods and can make it to your interest to place your orders with me. Call early. F. Conti, Twelfth street. Umbrellas and Gold Walking Canes at cost at Pekor’s. Market Notice. Notice is hereby given that the markets will he kept open all day until 6 o’clock p. m. on Wed nesday, 24th inst, anil not opened again until 26th inst. By order committee on market. dec2I 3t T G. Coleman, Clerk Market. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Cures Dyspepsia, In digestion & Debility. Get tickets at Gen’l Pass, office, Ga. Home Building, to all points in Florida. (Columbus Southern Ry.) MY TBAP Was well baited and I am rakin’ the dimes and nickels nov till you can’t rest. I have said enough for one year, and I am going to rest on my owers (the folks I owe) now and “Whistle and Wait for Katie.” You will appreciate this, I know. Guess you know who I am. I am “Hollo way, the Hustler,” and I have hustled night and day filling my wholesale orders till I am neai ly gone “mit de spout up,” and the battle is just opening. So I must stand up to the rack for a few days longer, anyhow. You must be waited ou, and it’s not your fault that I am a Della Kate Mann. FIVE PER CENT IBB! IS IMS WILL IB IE PAIL —BY THE— Georgia Home Ins. Co. 12 Hours to Jacksonville. (Columbus Southern Ry.) RAILROAD CM. Commencing Thursday, December 11, 1890. the “Dummy” wifi resume the old schedule between Wynnton College and Broad street via Cemetery route. First train will leave Wynnton College for the city at 6:30 a. m. A train will leave Broad street, opposite Ran kin House, at 7, 8, 9, 10,11 a. m., and 12:30, 2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. and 10:00 p. m. Returning, leave Wynnton College at 7:30,8:30, 9:30, 10:30 and 11:30 a. m.: 1:35, 2:30, 3:30,4:30, 5:30, 6:30, 7:30, 8:30, 9:30 and 10:30 p. m. HORSE CAR LINE. A car will leave Broad and Twelfth streets, via Tenth street, for Wynnton College at 6:06 a. m., and every 36 minutes thereafter. Last car will leave at 8 p. m. Returning, leave Wynnton College at 6:42 a. m. and every 36 minutes thereafter. Last car will leave 8:30 p. m. J. H. HENDERSON, Sup’t. CHRISTMAS STOCKING. By A. L. Crawford. Hang up the biggest stocking, as children always do, For Santa Claus iscomiug to fill it up for you. And while the toys and candies our little peo ple please, I hope your Christmas stocking is full of gifts like these. Of course you’ll look for mon ey, and this I hope you’ll find. But other things are needed to bring a peaceful mind. And so beside securing the most abundant wealth, I hope within your stocking you’ll have the best of health. A cheerful disposition, you needn’t here be told Is worth to its posses sor a mine of virgin gold. Then in your Christmas stocking this prize 1 trust you’ll see, and if you do not need it, please for ward it to me. of charity and kindliness you’I want to find a lor, and there’s generosity wLich shouldn’t be forgot. An other thing, too, we must have be fore the stocking ends, to make complete our Christmas, aud that’s a host of friends. Then last of all,and greater far than any other thing, you’li find the gift of hap piness that all the rest will bring. Everything: to put in the Stocking can be found at A. L. CRAWFORD’S. Supper in Columbus, breakfast in Jackson ville. (Columbus Southern Ry.) A Visiting Card will, ia style, perhaps ever be a matter of taste, but Thos. Gilb rt, the printer, can as: ist you in your selection by showing you samples of both printed and engraved Cards. Our elegant line of Fancy Holiday Goods is now open for inspection, and is well worth a visit from any part of the city. We have inaugurated popular prices in this line. Examine our Goods, get our prices and huy where you can do the best Sullivan & Drumbor, 1302 Broad Street. Telephone 239. Store open from 6:30 a. m. to ll:30p. m. Train for Jacksonville and all paints in Florida leaves 7:40 p in. (CoinmbnB Southern Ry.) Go to Florida. (Columbus Southern Ry.) AT COST. Selling at cost all my stock of goods, compris ing Watches. Diamonds, Jewelry, Clocks and solid silver aud silver-plated ware, and the clerk to boot. I mean what 1 say. 1 will sell you any piece of goods at New York cost, and if you find it any other way 1 give you the goods. I have one of the prettiest stocks of g xsls in the city, and to make the goods move 1 make the induce ment to you. Come aud compare price, and you I will be convinced of what I say. I mean to sell ' at co3t for cash. Y. J. PEKOR, 1034 Broad Street. OF- REAL BARGAINS. Useful and ornamental presents for all. A handsome Dress or a nice Wrap. Look at our collection, no trouble to find what you want, and the prices will more than surprise you. We must raise the cash and this is the way we propose to do it. WRAPS! WRAPS!! $5.00 Wraps, now $3.50. $7 50 Wraps, now $4.50. $8 00 Wraps, now $5.00. $10.00 Wraps, now $7.00. $15.00 Plush Wrap, now $10.50. DRESS GOODS. For less than thev cost to manufacture, $12.00 Dresses for $8.00. $10.00 Dresses for $7.00. $3 00 Dresses for $5.00. $6.00 Dresses for $3.75. Cheaper grades in proportion. Hosts of Handkerchiefs. Xo old or antiquated styles, but the newest kinds in Handkerchief ideas. The very cream of the market. Cost and quality are all closely considered to produce live buy ing on your part, from $2.50 to $2.00 for Ladies and Children, also an immense line of Men’s Handkerchiefs. Our Imogene Kid Gloves, for Ladies, at $1.00, are conceded to be the greatest possible value. 25, 35 and 50c. No inferior styles or aue- Jersey Gloves at 15, Hosiery—Fast Blacks at 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 35 and 50c. tion rubbish, but honest reliable goods. Table Linens, Towels, Napkins. New line Table Damasks just opened from the best Belfast and German looms. No more appropriate Christmas present than one or more of those elegant cloths, with napkins to match, and a Christmas dinner hardly tastes as well without them. It dots not take a fortune to buy them, as our ambition to sell has caused us to throw profits overboard. Flanne s, Blankets, Underwear. Wonderful liow r those keen cash buyers find ont where their dollars will get the most. Something similar to a run on a bank last week, only those who bought of us got one hundred and fifty cents worth of goods for every dollar invested. You can do the same this week. The stock is sufficiently large, no trouble to be suited. Make the Men Happy. It takes a great deal to make some of them that way. We might hint that if you buy goods this week as lively as you ought, it will make us feel much better, but as we have not started out to talk about ourselves, w r e desire to call your attention to the many useful presents for men in our establishments, such as Collars and Cuffs, Shirts, Neckwear, Gloves, Socks, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, etc. Skirts and Shawls must be sold, net cost, this week, to move them lively. Twenty-five Buggy Robes, extra fine quality, 3-4 price this week. Calicoes, Sheet ings, Checks, etc., at factory prices. We are determined to make Christmas week a banner week of bargains. Don’t fail to call on us, and if we cannot make you a Xmas present we can at least save you money enough to enable you to buy oue for some one else. Store will be open until 9 o’clock at night from now until December 26. SHERIDAN & GRAHAM, 1012 BROAD STREET. Between Central and Rankin Hotels. GRAND DISPLAY OF MILLINERY -AT- 1114 1114 BROAD STREET. We are now offering the largest and finest stock of Milli nery Goods we ever carried. The stock consists, in part, of Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Fur Felts, Beavers, Wool Felts, Fine Milans in every desirable shape and color, Fine Wings, Tips, Plumes, Ribbons, velvets and everything usually kept in a first-class Millinery Store. Our Trimming Department is again in charge of Miss Baily, of Baltimore, assisted by Miss Owens and others, which is a sufficient guarantee that all orders iturusted to us will be promptly and carefully filled. All are ivitad 4o call. We feel confident we can please. No trouble to show goods. Id FIR THIS WEEK Ladies’ Felt Slippers. Gentlemen’s Seal Skin Slippers. Infants’ Shoes in Dongola and French Kid. Also cheaper line in pretty styles. Ladies’ Rubber Sandals. Ladies’ and Misses’ Spring Heel Rubbers. Men’s and Boys’ Rubber Boots. S. B. GIBSON'S Is the Place to Get V our XMAS HOLIDAY GOODS. He handlea only the purest and best grades of Wines, Liquors Tobaccos. and WELLS & CURTIS Round trip tickets to all points in Florida on sale at Gen’l Pass, office in Ga. Home Buildin?. (Columbus Southern Ry.) T. S. SPEAR, Diamonds, Watches and Spectacles Guaranteed Reliable goods, botttom prices and fair dealing. 1121 Broad street. G. GUN BY JORDAN. TOOMBS CKAWFOBD. JORDAN & CRAWFORD Insurance Agents, 9 Tw If th Street. Telephone 196. Ad- iStrongest Insurance Companies, Fidr justments, Pi ompt Payments. SPECIAL LOW RATES ON DWELLINGS. ^ aprll5sun,tu ^s*thurljaar Come On! Come On! Don’t wait too late. Come before the rnsli. Our store is full, and our doors are open wide. Our stock of Toys and Holiday Goods is too nu merous to mention. Dolls, Dolls! The finest on earth for Ten Cents. V:tses, Vases! Thirty-one of the latest styles to select from; will suit any body. Rocky Horses, and Horses on wheels for Ten Cents. Come and look. SaNI'A 1L.AUS Is Boss at our store. He is getting in his work now, getting his first choice before the rush—bet ter pleased than ever before. A large decorated Cup and Saucer, with aud without mottoes, gold- bandeil, for ten cents. Mustache Cups and Saucers; up, Saucers and Plates. Rustic Vases are going very fast. Fireworks, Fireworks Of all kinds. They are the best, and our prices are right. See us before you buy. Quick sales and small profits makes everything go. Listen! Come, come before the rush. Don’t wait too late! Get the first choice. Come today, or come tonight. We’ll be here ready, and will treat you right. BOYCE BROTHERS JtF“Doors epen 6 a. m., close 10 p. m., all this week. EOVT FORGET! Beautiful Christmas Pres ents in endless variety and the prices are right, at EVANS & HOWARD’S. IT MIKIS IVEK1B0DY FAT. Wine cured Ca'ifomia Pop Corn. Apk your dealer for a free sample. Trade supplied by The Columbus Candy Co. eod-dec2I-lm TOBE NEWMAN’S OLD PLACE, 1224 Broad Street. G. B. HIETT Sanitary Plumber. DEALER IN Gift Al STEAM FITTERS’ SHTIJE\ No 900 Broad Street. ALL WORK Guaranteed and prompt athn- tion given all orders. TELEPHONE 273. DR. SETH N. JORDAN, Physician and Operating Surgeon. Office 1139 Broad street. Office hours. 12 to 1: 3 to 4. DR. C. t osburn, DENTAL SURGEON, No. lOlO Broad Street. fr28clp4Iy