Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, December 26, 1890, Image 4

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ENQUIRER-SOff: COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. FRIDAY, DEPEMBER 26, 18HU. Free Till January First. We have a few Boxes un rented in our Safe Deposit Vault. Parties renting these before that date will have recup's dated January 1st, '91. SI TO WO PER AM Payable (Quarterly, if Desired. Your will, fire and life in surance policies, your bonds and papers, should be in a secure p ace. Elegant Coupon Room, free to Safe Drposit customers. NEWSY NUGGETS. TheThird National Bank COE. BROUI AND TWELFTH STREETS. SMALL ITEMS GATHERED UP IS A DAY’S TRAMP. —A soaking rain fell about 10 o’clock last night. —A good congregation attended the Christmas service at Trinity Church yes terday morning. —The services at the Church of the Holy Family yesterday morning were very interesting and large congregations at tended both masses. —Two little negro boys were badly burned about the hands and face while shooting firecrackers on Fifth avenue yes terday morning. —A dozen or more hurting parties went out from the city yesterday and returned last night. The nimrods brought back plenty of game. No casualties are re ported. —A party of twenty-five or thirty young men paraded . the streets yesterday with cow bells and tin horns. The party had lots of fun and amused a large number of spectators. —A delightful dance was given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Moore, No. 927 Fourth avenue, Tuesday evening. The large crowd present enjoyed the even ing exceedingly. —The Christmas tree of the First Bap tist Church Sunday School will take place at the church this evening. An attractive program has been arranged for the occa sion and a large crowd will be in attend ance. —A sumptuous Christmas dinner was served at the popular Central hotel yester day, and a large number of guests were en tertained. The menu was a most tempt ing one and reflected credit on the man agement of the old reliable Central. COMPANY, GEORGIA HOME BUILDING. Money to loan on city real estate or approved eollaleral. More net cash to the borrower for the monthly payment than any other company cam offer. .T. F. FLOURNOY, President. J. J. SLADE, Secretary and Treasurer. [ HOLi We invite the public to cal 1 and seo our line of Fancy Goods, many of which is a finer grade than is carried by anj other house in this city. All is new—none “carried over” from 1 *.st season. Our P.iccs Are Very Reasonable, And we are sure th»t if you will cal! that we can show you a line that you will appreciate. (ggr* Fine P. rfumes n Specialty. CITY mu G STORE, 1142 Br^ad Street. 5 Year Old While Eye Whisky. ■OLD GRAY—9 years old.) APPLE AXI) PEACH. Don’t forget the best place to get your Christ mas for eggnogs is at Jefferson’s Log: Cabin. PERSONAL. Mrs. Rhodes Browne and her infant daughter have returned from Lexington, Kv. Air. J. A. Roland, the clever and popu lar depot agent at llurtsboro, spent yester day in the city. Miss Laura Massee, of Marshallville, is spending the holidays in the city, the guest of her brother, Mr. Jordan Massee. ARRIVALS CENTRAL HOTEL. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1890. C Sidney Johnston, Cincinnati, O; Eugene Mil ler, Talbot Valley, Ga; John Miller Talbotton, Ua: J H Maund, Springfield, O; R H Brooks, Ta!- botton. Ga; J P Collier, Macon, Ga; W E Fitz gerald, Lotus, Ga: O M Sparks, Atlanta. Ga; J R Chrishau, Ochille, Ga; IV D Willis, city; E F Greeue, Columbia, Ala; E H Puguen, Hursboro, Ala; J B GriUiu, LaGrange, Ga: E J Car ter, city, J B Heard, LaGrange. Georgia; J S Carmichael. Mol na, Ga; W F Bradley, Co lumbia, Ala; C J Johnston, city; Robert S Crow der, Stinson, Ga; J E Hicks, Richland, Ga; J O Matthews, Cincinnati, O; Robert Ware, Russell countv, Ala; J IV Fitzgerald, city; W r J Bricker- stalf, Montgomery, Ala; F J Bradley, Pittsburg, Pa; J S Keniroe, Marshallville. Ga; L D McKee, Rome, Ga; John ,J Guiser, Charleston, S C; J Goldstein New York; I S Matthews, Charles ton, S C; J H Martin, Birmingham, Ala; T J Ball, Springdale, Ga.; K D Burts, Car- tersvide, Ga.; Misses Lilly Clay, Emma War der, Marv Clark. Rosa Hami'ton, Amy Walls, Ollie Atherton, P uline Ashford, Clara Law rence, Lottie Maranclie, Dora Gordon, Annie Philli s, Emma Mirandi, Nellie Leopold, Minnie Burnell, Annie Starr, Roda Hirsch, Rob \ an Os teen, Henry Leopold. Mark Burnell, John Ward, Harry Yokes, Chas Hill.Wm Mil er, E M Manuel, George Ga iaher, G W Hamilton, Lilly Clay Ge era Company; Henry ohen, Lexington, Ky; R A Burt, Philadelphia, Pa: W S Bussey, city; Da vid Kirkland, Chattanooga, Tenn; >1 C White, city; W L Acee, Birmingham; J S Neil, Cincin nati, Ohio. Moore’s Unknown.—The “Unknown Attraction" at Moore Bros, for Monday has excited the curiosity of nearly every lady in Columbus and the surrounding vicinity. The “Unknown’’ will be made known in the handsome page advertise ment of Moore Bros., to be printed in the Enquirer-Sun Sunday morning. For Christ mss. Fresh Mince Meat, Oysters, Celery. Cranber ries, Apple Bntter and Jellies. Give us vour or der for your Christmas Turkey. Shepperson & Sheram Agents, dec23-tt At City Slarket. Notice to Haokmen. Parties who propose to procure Hack License for the ensuing year are hereby notified that their horses and vehicles must be in first-class order or they will not be approved after inspec tion. Jesse A. Beard, dec21-tjal Marshal, Nice Comb, Brush and Mirror Sets, w'thout plush or expensive box, cheap at City Drug Store. New Holiday Goods. A new and conipU-t 1 stock of Ho iday Goods all in,comprising the latest novelties in the Jewelry line, at C. Schomburg’s. Winter **boes. A new lot of Gents’ Fine Shoes, $4,00 to $6.50, just received. Large sizes a specialty. J. Marion Estes <fc Son, Shoe Dealers. Raisin- 1 , Nuts, Oranges, Grapes. Columbus Candy Co. Christmas at the Rankin.—Christ mas dinner at tha Rankin House yester day was a magnificent affair. Host Duy surpassed himself, aud the numerous guests of the house enjoyed the dinner thoroughly. The following was the menu: Oysters on Half Shell. Consomme Julienne. Cream of Lettuce. Celery. Olives. Filet cf Flounder a la Normandie. Potatoes Parisienne. Lettuce, French Dressing. Tomatoes Mayonnaise. Roast Ribs of Beef, Horseradish Sauce. Turkey, Oyster Dressing, Cranberry Sauce. Young Pig, Chestnut Dressing. Sweetbread*, Larded. Petit Pois. Scalloped Oysters. llelle Friiers, Rum Sauce. Punch a la Benedictine. lloast Venison, Currant Jelly. Roast Grouse. Quails Farcie. Chicken. Salad. Boned Turkey, Aspic Jeily. Pate de FAe Gras. New Potatoes. Spinach. French Peas. Cauliflower, Butter Sauce. As. aragus. Sweet Potato C»oquettes. English Plum Pudding, Hard ami Brady Sauce. Chocolate Cream Pie. Mince Pie. Charlotte Kusse eu Cases. Fruit Cake, Meringues a la Creme. Mixed Cake. Champagne Jelly, Bisque Glace. Fruit. Nuts. Raisins. Cheese. Crackers. Coffee. Made to Turn Stock Into Mou»y at Once. 4Gc Hcnriettan 25c 36-in Orav Cashmere lOc /-Oe JNov lt> Stripes 35c .$(. Cray Siiiumr 50c OOc Wool Series 65c Henriettas 75c 5<>c Block * ash mere 4<*c 5c Black Seizes 50c Jackets $2.50 Jackets $4.50 Jackets $(» Handke chi*fs J5c 4-4 Sheeting 6c Shirtinsr 5c * olumbus t'hccks 5c f 7c alico 5c 3tfc Twist Flannel 20c $4 $0 $s 25c Best Best Gents’ real Kid Gloves, worth 1.50, to close at 75c. Gents’ Silk Scarfs,worth 4 to and 50c, to close at 25c. 100 line Silk Handkerchiefs to close at 50c each. Bargain hunters should not miss this sale. J. E. CARGILL. COM AND GEI 101 IIS GOODS Before they are pickpd over, have them laid aside and avoid the rush. We are head quarters. P. J. WILLIAMS & CO. COAL and WOOD Keeps the best grades Coal, Oak and Pine Wood, cut and split. Try me and I will try to please you. I have a NEW KINDLING. Call at Howard & Newsom's. See it—cheaper than lightwood. I wish to contract for 3000 cords Oak and Pine Wood. Call and see me. Telephone at Yard 97. Telephone Howard & Newsome’s store, 91. H. M. HOWARD. Close connection for all points in Florida. (Columbus Southern Ry.) CITY INTELLIGENCE. Meeting of the Finance Commit tee.—The finance committee will hold an important meeting at the Council chamber at 7:30 o’clock tonight. The meeting is called for the purpose of preparing “the liquor and dray ordinance for 1891. “ The finance committee is temporarily composed of Aldermen Curtis, Foley and Kirven. The permanent committees eanuot be ar ranged until alter an Alderman is elected in the Fifth ward to succeed Mr. Curtis. The ordinance to be prepared by the finance committee will be presented to the City Council at a meeting to be held De cember 29. It is a matter of great import ance and the committee will prepare the ordinance very carefully. “The Old Homestead.”—The plot of “The Old Homestead,” which will be pre sented at the opera house on Monday even ing next, the 29lh, is a simple story and deals with one of the purest types of coun try life in New England, into which is thrust a we dge of “life in the city,” a moving panorama of the two. Many a pare nt can look back over their past life and remember just such scenes, and how many times these have been re called for the benefit of their own children. The moral tone is perfect, the impression pure and wholesome as ihe most scrupulous can desire; its success is its simplicity in deal ing with a subject that comes home to most of its auditors. Very few families today hut what have their “Joshua Whit comb,” “Aunt Tildy,” and son “Rube,” and the characters of “Cy Prime,” “Seth Perkins,” “Happy Jack - ’ and “Rickety Ann,” go to make up the list of familiar faces under many a family roof. Knights and Ladies of Honor.—At a meeting of the Knights and Ladies of Honor, Friendship Lodge No. 282, held last night, the following officers were elected: Past Protector—J. T. Cooper. Protector—H. J. Abbott. Vice-Protector—R. S. Crenshaw. Secretary—M. M. Moore. Treasurer—J. A. Langs. Chaplain—R. J. Hunter. Guide—L. R. lloopes. Guardian—S. N. Aenchbacher. Sentinel—T. G. Coleman. Trustees—C. E. Hoclistrasser, G. E. Thomas, Jr , J. II. Johnston. The election of a financial secretary was deferred until the next meeting. Pawnee Trike Elects Officers.— Pawnee Tribe No, 27, Improved Order of Red Men, met last night and elected the following officers: Sicliem—J. M. McNeill. Senior Sagamore—L. A. Camp. Junior Sagamore—T. A. Lewis. Prophet—To! Y. Crawford. The other officers will be appointed by the Sachem. Funeral of Mr. Mark A. Lott.— Tiie funeral of the late Mr. Mark A. Lott took place from the family residence on Fourteenth street at 2:30 o’clock Wednes day afternoon, Dr. Robert II. Harris offi ciating in tlie presence of a large number of sorrowing friends of the deceased. The pall bearers were Messrs. E. N. Clemence, J- P. Kyle, J. A. Kirven, George W. Mc- Elhaney, R. A. Carson and Charles E. Estes. A Successful Ch asE.—Capt. Sam Eberhart and Alderman Joe Buffi headed a party of fox hunteis yesterday morning. The party went to Russell county and captured a large, fine fox, after a short but lively chase. The hunt was an exciting one and thoroughly enjoyed by all those who participated in the chase. Candy Pulling at Seale.—An en joyable Christmas candy pulling was given at the Henry House in Seale last night. There was an immense crowd present from Seale and the surrounding country, and the occasion was a most delightful and pleasant one to all. The Only Pure Baking Powder. (From Hall's Journal of Health.) We feel it our duty to state that of a number of different kinds of Baking Powder purchased in a neighboring city for examination, the only one we found made of Pure Grape Cream of Tartar, and that did not contain any Alum, Acid Phosphates, or Ammonia, and that was absolutely free from adulterations, was Cleveland’s Superior Baking Powder. Old Santa Claus is at Wall & Chase’s. They have received within the last few days a large stock of new musical instru ments for the holiday trade. dl7tf To Retail L’qiior Dt*alfr». All persons who desire to procure license to re- , tail spirituous or malt liquors in the city, or i within a distance of one and half miles in the State of Georgia from any point of the present corporate limits, for the year 1891, are requested to make application therefor to the meeting of Council on Monday evening, December 29. Blank applications will be furnished upon request. M. M. Moore, decl7-td Clerk Council Christmas Presents. Mr. C. Sc'-omb rg has received an elegant and extensive new stock of Jewelry. The latest novelties, ami from the best makers, in every branch < f Solid Gold and Silverware, Silver and G-dd Filled Watche , every descript on of tine gold and rolled plate goods. Fine imported goods, o naments, and thousands of beautiful ar.icles suitable for holiday presents. MY TRAP Was well baited and I am rakin’ the dimes and nickels now till yon can’t rest. 1 have said enough for one year, and I am going to rest on my owers (the folks I owe) now and “Whistle and Wait for Katie.” Yon will appreciate this, I know. Guess you know who I am. I am “Hollo way. the Hustler,” and I have hustled night and day filling my wholesale orders till I am neatly gone “mit de spout up,” and the battle is just opening. So I must stand up to the rack for a few days longer, anyhow. You must be waited on, and it’s not your fault that I am a Della Kate Mann. FIYE PER CENT INTEREST 01 DEPOSITS WILL BE JPJ^TJD —BY THE— Georgia Home Ins. Co. 12 Honrs to Jacksonville. (Uolumbus Southern Ry.) WE 0 FER THISWEEK More Luxurious Foot Warmer*. Despite the heavy demand of Xmas upon our stock of Foot Warmers, we still have an elegant lot. Cold weather is upon us. Don’t delay. J. Marion Estf.s & Son, Shoe Dealers. imported and Domest c Candies. Columbus Candy Co. Fresh Stick Candy and Taffies every day. Columbus Candy Co. The Acme must have mor^jvork. Our labor is idle. Y Xmas at “cliiniibuig’*, Mr. Schomburg so 1 ic:ts your inspection of his new stock of Holiday Goods, il s stock of Dia- onds, both loo.-e and mounted, is the most ex tensive ever seen in the city. Skin and scalp diseases, the head, at times, a running sore, the body eutirely covered with sores as large as a quarter of a dollar, and no medicine had the desired effect until P. P. P. was taken. The disease yield* d at once, and P. P. P. proved itself the best bloo# purifier of the age. Sweet wine-cured Pop Corn 5 cents box. Columbus Candy Co. For Alderman Flf 11 Ward. We hereby announce Mr. W. R Moore a candi date for Alderman of the Fifth ward. Election January 5, 1891. Many Voters. dcc20td Telephone 227. Acme Laundry will call for and deliver goods promptly. Fireworks! Fireworks!! Fireworks!!! Columbus candy Co. Abbott’s Fast Indian Corn Paint:. Is a quick cure for Corns, Bunions and Warts. A handsome bo tie of Extract or Cologne in cut glass, or plain bottle, makes a nice and al ways useful Christmas present. The City Drug Siore has them cheap. 3 AU coughs and colds and such affections of the throat and lungs as lead to consumption, are cured by Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup. Commencing Thursday, December 11, 1890, the “Dummy” will resume the old schedule between Wynnton College and Broad streeo via Cemetery route. First train will leave Wynnton College for the city at 6:30 a. m. A train will leave Broad street, opposite Ran kin House, at 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 a. in., and 12:30, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10:00 p. m. Returning, leave Wynnton College at 7:30,8:30, 9:30, 10:30 and 11:30 a. m.; 1:35, 2:30, 3:30,4:30, 5:30, 6:30, 7:30, 8:30, 9:30 aud 10:30 p. m. HORSE CAR LINE. A car will leave Broad and Twelfth streets, via Tenth street, for Wynnton College at 6:06 a. m., and every 36 minutes thereafter. Last car will leave at 8 p. m. Returning, leave Wynnton College at 6:42 a.m. and every 33 minutes thereafter. Last car will leave 8:30 p. m. J. H. HENDERSON, Sup’t. CHRISTMAS STOCKING. Ry A. L. Crawford. Hang up the biggest stocking, as children always do, For Santa Claus is coming to fill it up for you. And while the toys and candies our little peo ple please, 1 hope your Christmas stocking is full of gifts like these. Of course you’ll look for mon ey, and this I hope you’ll find. But other things are needed to bring a peaceful mind. And so beside securing the most abundant wealth, 1 hope within your stocking you’ll have the best of health. A cheerful disposition, you needn’t here be told Is worth to its posses^ sor a mine of virgin gold. Then in your Christmas stocking this prize 1 trust you’ll see, and if you do not need it, please for ward it to me. of charity and kindliness you’l want to find a lot, and there’s generosity wLicb shouldn’t be forgot. An other thing, too, w r e must have be fore the stocking ends, to make complete our Christinas, and that’s a h'st of friends. I hen last of all,ana greater far than any other thing, you’ll find the gift of hap piness that all the rest will bring. Everything to put iu the Stocking can be found at A. L. CR AWFORD’S. Rountree’s Pastes, preserves. Pickles, etc. Columbus Candy Co. You should visit Wall & Chase’s music store before you have finished buying your Xmas presents. P.P.P. makes pos tive cures of all stages of Rheumatism, Syphilis, Blood Poison, Scrofula, Old Sores, Eczema, Malaria and Female Com plaint ■>. P. P. P. is a p werful tonic, and an ex cellent appetizer, building up the system rapidly. Van Houten’s Cocoa.—Largest salo in the world. Chrystalized Fruits, Dates, Currants, etc. Columbus Candy Co. The ladies’ remedy for headache is Bra- dycrotine. Dealers say that Salvation Oil is selling better than other liniments. Price only 25 cents. You ought to patronize the Acme; it is a home institution. FxreworAS—Rockets and Roman Candles. Columbus Candy Co. Why not try the Acme Laundry this week? Telephone 227. The City Drug Store has a large stock of Co logne Botiles, and all are cheap. $11.00 to Jackson ville and return tick ets good to return un til j annary 2 (Columbus Southern Railway.) Our elegant line of Fancy Holiday Goods is now open for inspection, and is well worth a visit from any part of the city. We have inaugurated popular prices in this line. Examine our Goods, get our prices and buy where you can do the best Sullivan Brumbor, 1302 Broad Street. Telephone 239. Store open from 6:30 a. m. to ll:30p. m. Don’t fail to see Wall & Chase’s im mense new stock of musical instruments and holiday goods. Erysipelas, swollen limbs, bad sores, scales and scabs on the leg have been entirely cured by P. P. P., the most wonderful blood medicine of the day. Kid Glove oranges, Malaga Grapes. Columbus Candy Co. Get Wall & Chase’s prices on music and musical instruments. They have a large line of holiday goods suitable for presents. Go to the City Drug Store and see the Holiday Goods. Fresh Sweet Crackers, Cakes. Dried Figs, etc. Columbus Candy Co. For the Boys. Chicago Air Rifles at Estes, Abbott & d20-lw Co.’s Colognes and Extracts in all manner of holiday styles at City Drug Store. If you intend making a Christmas pres ent don’t fail to visit Wall & Chase’s music store. They have a beautiful line of holiday goods suitable for presents, tf Market Stalls to Kent. • ^' ]le Meat Market, and the stalls in Rose Hill Market, will hi rented at the Market House, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, on Monday, January 5, at 12 o’clock noon, under direction of Committee on Market. Quarterly notes, with go-d security, will he required or 10 per cent discount for cash. M. M. Moore de2l-td Clerk Council. Boys’ Tool Chests At Estes, Abbott & Co.’s. d20-lw The Acme Laundry does best work in the South. cPB i?' Swift is Proprietor of Acme Laundry bend him your work. J g Holiday presents suitable for all at City Drug Train for Jacksonville slid all p dnts iu Florida leaves 7:40 p in. (Columbus Southern By.) AT COST. Selling at cost all my stock of goods, eompris- ng Watches, Diamonds. Jewelry, Clocks and solid silver and silver-plated ware, and the clerk to boot. I mean what 1 sav. i will sell you any p ; ece of goods at Yew York cost, ami if you find it any other way 1 give you the goods. 1 have one of the prettiest stocks of g »ods iu the city, and to make the goods move i make the induce ment to you. Come and compare price, and you will be convinced of what I say. I mean to sell at cost for cash. V. J. PEK0R, 1034 Broad Street. Get tickets at Gen’l Pass, office, Ga. Home Building 1 , to all points in Florida. (Columbus Southern Ry.) G. B. HIETT, Sanitary Plumber. DEALER IN > OITIVnT TDO No. 900 Broad Street. Guaranteed and prompt atten tion given all orders. TELEPHONE 273. Ladies’ Felt Slippers Gentlemen’s Seal Skin Slippers. Infants’ Shoes in Dongola and French Kid. Also cheaper line in pretty styles. Ladies’ Rubber Sandals Ladies’ and Misses’ Spring Heel Rubbers Men’s and Boys’ Rubber Boots. A i,v t pm OF REAL BARGAINS. Useful and ornamental presents for all. A handsome Dress or a nice Wrap Look at our collection, no trouble to find what you want, and the prices will more than surprise you. We must raise the cash and this is the way we propose to do it WRAPS! WRAPS!! 83.00 \Yi"ips. now 8.3.50. 87 50 Wraps, now 84.50. SS I 0 Wraps, now $5.00. 810.00 Wraps, now 87.00. 815.00 Plush Wrap, now §10.50. PRESS GOODS. For less than they cost to manufacture §12.00 Dresses for 88 On 810.00 Dresses for sTjio. 83 00 Dresses for ffisto’ §6.00 Dresses for §:>.75. Cheaper grades iu projeortion. Hosts of Handkerchiefs. vrry by line vded WELLS & CURTIS Round trip tickets to all points in Fiorina on sale at Gen’i Pass, office in Ga. Home Build mg. (Columbus Southern Ry.) TO Supper in Columbus, breakfast in Jackson ville. (Columbus Southern Ry.) During the next few days we will sell under price a line of our Fall Samples; also many Odd Cases and Sample Dozens. Orders invited. J, K, ORR & CO, WHOLESALE SH0EK No old or antiquated styles, but the newest kinds in Handkerchief ideas. Tin cream of the market. Costand quality are all closely considered to produce liv ing on your part, from 2|c. to §2.00 for Ladies and Children, also an immense of Men’s Handkerchiefs. Our Imogene.Kid Gloves, for Ladies, at 81.00, are cm to be the greatest possible value. Jersey Gloves at 15, 25, 35 and 50c. Hosiery—Fast Blacks at 8, 10, 1.7, 20, 27, 35 and 70c. No inferior styles or auc tion rubbish, but honest reliable goods. Table Linens, Towels, Napkins. New line Table Damasks just opened from the best Belfast and German looms. >io more appropriate Christmas present than one or more of those elegant cloths, with napkins to match, and a Christmas dinner hardly tastes as well without them. It does not take a fortune to buy them, as our ambition to sell lias caused us to throw profits overboard. Flannels, Blankets, Fndervvear. Wonderful how those keen cash buyers find out where their dollars will get the most. Something similar to a run on a bank last week, only those who bought of us got one hundred and fifty cents worth of goods for every dollar invested. You can do the same this week. The stock is sufficiently large, no trouble to be suited. Make the Men Happy. It takes a great deal to make some of them that way. We might hint that if you buy goods this week as lively as you ought, it will make us feel much better, hut as we have not started out to talk about ourselves, we desire to call your attention to the many useful presents for men in our establishments, such as Collars and Cuffs, Shirts, Neckwear, Gloves, Socks, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, etc. Skirts and Shawls must be sold, net cost, this week, to move them lively. Twenty-five Buggy Rohes, extra fine quality, 3-4 price this week. Calicoes, Sheet ings, Checks, etc., at factory prices. We are determined to make Christmas week a banner week of bargains. Don’t fail to cal! on us, and if we cannot make you a Xmas present we can at least save you money enough to enable you to buy one for some one else. ^JU’Store will he open until 9 o’clock at night from now until December 26. SHERIDAN & GRAHAM, 1012 BROAD STREET. Between Central and Rankin Hotels. Go to Florida. (Columbus Southern Ry.) HOUSES FOR RENT, £20.00—Five room house on Hamilton avenue. £20 00—Two-story house on Rose Hill. £17.50—House north side Seventh street, east of First avenue. £10.00—Four-room house, No. 736 Fourth avenue. £10.00—New houses on Rose Hill. £20.00 to £4o.< 0- Store houses in city. £5.00 to £10.00—Small houses for tenants. PROPERTY FOR SALE. £350—Yacant’lots in north end of city. £300 to £1,000—Vacant lots on Rose Hill. £2.0(H)—New houses on Rose Hill. £2.800 to £5.000—Vacant lots on upper Third ave nue. Also vacant lots and plats of ground south end of city; and new houses, well located to business uenter, in and around the city. APPLY TO MOON & HARRIS, BEAL ESTATE AGENTS. Telephone No. 250. Office No. 17 Twelfth street opposite post office. GRAND DISPLAY OP MILLINERY -AT- 1114 BROAD STREET. LEE J S. 1114 BROAD STREET. We are now offering the iargest and tinest stock of Milli nery Goods we ever carried. The slock consists, in part, of Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Fur Fells, Beavers, AVool D'e ts, Fine Milans in every desirable shape and color, Fine Wings Tips, Plumes, Ribbons, velvets and everything usually kept in a first-class Millinery Store. Our Trimming Department is again in charge of Miss Baily, of Baltimore, assisted by Miss Owens and others, which is a sufficient guarantee that all orders ifurusted to us will be promptly and carefully filled. All are ivitad to call. We feel confident we can please. No trouble to show goods. Proposals are invited for furnishing supplies and doing the city work for year 1891 January 1 lo December 31, as follows: I. For making and repairing carts and shoeing mules and horses. •/. For making and repairing ham ss. 3. For feeding the city mules; the food, both in quantity ano qualitv, to be such as the overseer of the street hands shall require, and with the privilege of storing tools and such other property of the city as may oe desired; also witli privilege of Roaming horses of Marshal, Lieutenants of Police, Street Overseer and Sanitary Inspector, at same r ites, if so desired by said officers. 4. For the furnishing of such feed, as corn, oats, hay, &c., as may be required for use of horses be longing to the lire department. 5. For making coffins for paupers, the same to be stained, and head and foot boards, and boards for covering the coffin to be included; and also the furnishing of hearse or wagon for carrying body to tbe cemetery. 6. For nu-dicines and stimulants, as required by the City Physician, for a specified sum for the year; medicine for orphans’ asylum, boys and gprls, to be included. This bid to include sur geon s dressings, as plasters, chloroform, lint, bandages, patent medicines, etc,, and every other article of medicine necessary for use by City 1'hysician in treating diseases or wounds, all to be of best quality; all prescriptions to be com pounded only by licensed druggists. 7. For lumber, to be delivered from lumber yard, or in quantities at such p aces as may be designated. Quality to be strictly first-class. Bids for lengths over 32 feet may be separately specified, if so desired. 8. F'-r terra cotta d ain pipe in such sizes and quantities as may be required. 9. For furnishing brick for sewer or other pur poses. 10. For furnishing grates or other castings for sewer or other purposes. II. For coal for u«e at Council Chamber, Hos pital, Fire Company rooms and Pub ic Schools. 12. For all or any other material or supplies needed or required by the city. 13. *or publishing proceedings of Council, officially, if required, or full synoysis or reports of same; also, any and all advertisements per taining to municipal affairs by the Mayor, any committee or officer of Council, including Treas urer, Clerk, Marshal sales, etc., and Chief En gineer of Fire Department; also any advertise ments by the Commissioners of Commons, or Trustees of Public Scho- Is. 14. For all job work, including all blank' and tax books of whatsoever character, as well as binding and job work of any description which may be required, including the publishing in pamphlet form of 200 copies of annual reports of committees, address of Mayor, etc., just made to Council, and also to include the report of the Superintendent of Public Schools, and the an nual report of the Chief of Fire Department to be made in January next; also 2u0 copies in pamphlet form of the new charter, including such ordinances as have been adop’el since July 1, 1888. Estimate of probable amount of work re quired will be furnished on request. 15. For furnishing gas for bridges, guard rooms, engine houses, market, etc. All material and supplies to be first-class in even.’ particular. BiiLs may be varied in any manner to suit bid ders, and rau-t be handed in by meeting of Coun cil on Monday evening, December 29. Council reserves the right to reject any or a;l bids. By order of Council. M. M. MOORE. decl7-Ui Clerk Council. K. H. Epping, Presid’t. E H.Epping. Cashie Chattahoochee National Bank. COLUMBUS, GA Capital and undivided profits 3200,000. Account* of merchants, manufacturers and farmers re apectfullv solicited. Collections made on al points in the United States. K7~Exchan£e bought and sold. T. S. SPEAR, Diamonds, Watches and Spectacles Guaranteed ’ i Reliable goods, botttom prices and fair dealing. 1121 Broad street. 8. B. GIBSON’S Is tlie Place to Get 1 our XMAS HOLIDAY GOODS. He handles ouly the purest and best grades of Wines, Liquors and Tobaccos. TORE NEWMAN’S OLD PLACE, 1224 IJroad Street. Real Estate for Sale. £2.350. A Filth hi houses on Broad street, bo ld Sixth streets, lot 37 by 141 V; u 5-r'fom house on Broad r <>f Filth street, lot 37 by 140 feet, it lots on lower Fourth avenue, bo ll and Fifth streets. 40 by 147 feet, vith 2-rooin houses on Third avenue, Fourth and Fifth streets, 40 by 141 Supper in cocumbus, breakfast iu Jackson ville. (Columbus Southern Ry.) DK. SETH N. JORDAN, Physician and Operating Surgeon. Office 1139 Broad street. 1^=* Office hours, 12 to 1: 3 to 4. . K. LOVICK W. PHIELPS, Physician and 8nrgeon. Office, 1017% Broad rtreet. Telephone 36. Residence 1033 Foarth evenne, Telephone 207. apr22 ’90 ly DK. C. T OSBURN, DENTAL SURGEON, No. lOlO Broad Street. T>4 1V IT MAKES EVERYBODY FAT. Wine cured Ca’ifomia Pop Corn. Ask your dealer for a free sample. Trade supplied by The Columbus Candy Co. eod-dec21-lm DON’T FORGET! Beautiful Christmas Pres ents in endless variety and the prices are right, at * LYAXS & HOWARDS. 5700. be tv. feel. $1,350. 1 \ acre lot on Fourth avenue, betwee Sixth and Seventh streets, west side. A lot on Tenth street, 25 feet front, east c Hirscb’s warehouse. 8300. Lots on East, Highlands. 8600. Lots on East Highlands. $350. Lots in the north annex. 50 by 120 feet. 8: 000. A very desirable corner lot on Rose Hill *1 100. A very desirable lot near Rose Hill pari §3,200. A well improved lot, corner Tenth av« nue, on Thirteenth street, will pay 10 pe cent net. 8500. Lots with 2-room bouses on installment* h the annex, near Eigteenth street. k’arms for Sate. 84,500. 335 acres, four miles east of Columbm two-thirds bottom land. 81,700. 160 acres, two miles from Columbus, h A labama with dwelling. 51,350. 160 acres, two miles from Columltt i: Alabama, a fine dairy farm. Fine farming lands, two and a half miles sontt °' the city, in lots to suit the purchasei *30 per acre. W. 8. GREEN, Real Estate Aert Telephone 2(58. Come On! Come On! Dofi t wait too late. Come before the rush. Our store is full, and our doors are open wide. Our stock of Toys and Holiday (foods istoono- merous to mention. Dolls, Dolls! The finest on of f i°A T , en . S entB ’ Vases, Vases! Thirtv-one of the latest styles to select from; will suit anv- body Rocky Horses, and Horses on wheels for len Cents. Come and look. SANTA GLAUS Is Boss at our store. He is getting in his work now getting his first choice before the rush—bet- Cu.Fifm tl,an eV t r M ore ’ A decorated Cup and Saucer, with and without mottoes gold- Sancer.’. f° F cent8 ‘ Mustache Cups and Saucers, Cup, Saucers and Plates. Rustic Vases are going very fast. Fireworks, Fireworks £L*L? ’“ ruIi A They are tlie best, and our prices »^?i j gh V. Se n us be , fore >' ou bu >'- Quick sales and small profits makes everything go. Listen* Come come before the rush. Don’t wait too late' Get the first choice. Come today, or come tonight. XVe’ll be here ready, and will treat vou right BOYCE BROTHERS. w2"’ I,oors open G a ’ ra ’> close 10 P- m„ all this $1100 to Jackson- Yllle and ret urn, tick ets good to return un til January 2. (Columbus Southern Railway.) fireworks. The following extract from City Ordinance pubnsUen for information of the public- dle/mr^fif 3 0l A any skyrockets, Roman t d!e^. large firecrackers, torpedoes er Balloon any place within the corporate limits of the c 1 Xinth Fourte ®" t h street and south Christmas h ’-l S !l - Ivb >' prohibited during Christmas holidays, under penalty of fine nr pnsonment, at the discretion of "the Mayor ; tl!?sY r ;;!v C u.-?- ri ??P ecial ly instructed to'enfc this prohibition.” M. M. MOORE Council. I Clerk Counci deczl tti janl