Weekly Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1861-1873, February 17, 1863, Image 3

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LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Meilro. I.nteet from Vicksburg: The Baltic ©T Prairie Grove, Ark Col. Hawthorn, on© of the participant* I The New OrlcatH Picayunu of the 1st _ Wo cli K the I'oiowiug intotvuting - . . i,) the battle at Pr.iirmGroVc. Ark., Uhs ! had advice I'rom the ltio G rondo to tnu ‘ from thu Vicksburg Hv<' • Aldermen Elected*—>> u learn turn tno wr jt_t on «n Account *>f th.» -one ftfia * *23d ult. It i*stated that tho French had *ncci-tl elections, hold on Saturday last, published in tip- Middle Ad\orriser —- , out conquered Matamoro*, nor hail any „f the »M0iut »nil third Vrom it »■ p Into ih* rein,vii,•£,".!»* j mov»B«ntofthuir_«»», with mluli in- 1 \ . j,, iu portions. J tent, boon hoard of on the Jim Grande. , Wards, to till vacanuc . ic.ul \Vo loft Vhii Huron <»n i.ho mornS ngrof [ New* of thn ovneuatinn of Tampico by tain election of Titos. Era jHitt in tno »nn. ^ Jan. 3d, aud encamp*-1 on the night, of | the* Wench ha.I renchol Matnmoros. - - poM ,.,l \Vm. II. Gbiswoi.d in tlie^rd. theOtn within eight mi;.-, of tho enemy. , It port.* ar. to the eft'rt iha' they had * just _ Boelon Mountain lay between us, nno ] marched into the interior, bu: w- -Wo had, hero tho rond^ totked, on© nosaipg tho j informed further than a* to th mountain und leading direct to fane Hill, i evacuation. Tim port nt Tampi the oilier swooning round to tho t ight and j ever, vrus atill blockad'd !ann If ill. ami crossimr the Mxotn- Hppvurtm to he i aim: mIioui' 11 fthe Itltt it;- k l\*cSinhvi.a. - Kvorylhing ho eoilipurntivoly quiet mnoit* heavy gunboat oive.l, Dry ; Another Speedy yesterday, another striking illuetration x th.. fuel IhH l)r. 0. Tucstnoir <•«" »" J ctual • does cure cancers. Mis. FunderbOvk, of Itox Springs, Talbot couty, Gf..« called into our odico and informed u* that she had been cured of a calicor on tho mac, of eight years’ standing, by the skill Hill. and crossing the motto tain at a point where the ditlicultie- were j not <o groat Gunerul Hindman luade a I Hu threw for wart l a heavy t me of caval- | ii toward* t'ano Hill, and [ Thorn were ns many as men, from the Hinted Nt* at tho mouth of the Uio cargoes for Mntumoros. We fifty - *'* ihomnson after other physician* Dio enemy to believe that he was muring i tho blockade oft ha barb' 1, in heavy tore© upon them in thut and I will here men tio' had triod in vatu to ure .t. 1. m d bee direction, while in reality be was rushing , tact. 1 suppose 1 hare 1 . posit© the lie* | low the < ount*rjiu; I ut the Kei-i. Tv. Iv. I ha* boon guarding the irnD.-poil- /x-:i to deal I their arn\al. A .mill ferryboat .fudge t’r mann'iiveiiiig about tin fleet m tou l»>.• e were rmois, oitliM long, narrow tluibuat in 'I'ln*llult, . which lliially i.iI'pf'fd down to the S|»iilir - and Knrope, ‘mouth ot the canal. Doth tho icrr.v and Didii.o , ran do, with • tho Jiat disappeared, and many think thni FeiVr.i ,• they have gone into the canal. Several } bio r<-si*ian transports arrived during the day, some •id- • towing barge? and other npi.aronUy h ad fug : oil with provision-, tju io number ot orthurii N»*w*. h'cwsNummary, hV'v 11. —A special to tin* An iron chid and three two masted ml liogistcr from Jackson, slcnmura lay nt anchor opposite tho old * has reoeivod the following abandoned battery ot Skidaway Savannah, on .Sunday. Tho following extract from a Ict’or to u j »t might bo a relief to our fi ionds to know oilman of Savannah, is dated King’s For- | that as far as their purpose, of turning the “On Fr day night a gunboat 1 .Mississippi away trom Vicksburg* * * ' * • * 1 ‘ -.-D 0—11...... ... L. . Pins the Ninth’s New Veer's Mpecch. From tho Paris Moniteur. chant- to tin) 4th have been ro- - York dales of tho ord. , 0 ■ • *1 by) >»nd thn reach ! '• >..j went up to Iftfi!. !• / *.tu prisoners had l'r - amp Douglas, n had decided that groan 1 legal tender. ai auuk by Her Majesty's Vicksburg. from the .Mobilo Daily Tribune. In presence oftho general feeling of,...-, »..v w.u nuuruss wo ion mo i unsinoss produced by tho cutting of the ' Pope pronounced when receiving on New j cmml QpP t Osito Vicksburghy the Ynnkoca, ' Year’s day thu General in Chief und staff Wf ' ‘ ‘ of the army of occupation : Keh. up t" \N'ood»lock, a mile bolow j earned, It will proven failure, winch opin- mfcdo such demon«trationi as induced j erable excitomcnt about „ CharUrtton, ' Y ntlont vcry curious • \V« i . r • in place, and aoun* were of the , - . ...v.. . suppose I hnve been in and over opinion that they wore repsirihg thu ►o severe as to cutaway a small pluco «‘ii with ' \t \ infantry and arii le:y to vhe Charleston bar hundvo K of time*, in . '\ro - ’.cvo ' t-. pie vent thu water run- tho left sido of her nose, but otherwise tho right and ira«* oi tho euoruy. and by • *n weather*. It was always a nuisance, ning u., but w>*, - ild not, with v gins*, n ,,r fun on wore scarcely ‘ ’ H ' fre ' nipletoly in roar of Cane j if jn a vessel drawing over ten foot, you : see that any ofthem w.ir* at v. • fin v ■ii ci, vi i , , i ‘ • Hill, fronting tho main bojy. under Gea. (had to wail until exact high water, and appeared to be silting about in squad perceptible. She had only been unaor _ ij cron , having completely cut tlioonomy * j then you raml v found over IT t«* It. feet looking ov.-v ut the much ovcte.i city ])r, Thompson's troatmunt about three line* and divided hla army into two parts; i on the bar. Tho (mod win Sands an* not 1 which they can never gain. The ruui, week-, lie is as “auro death” on a cancer . utto part at Cano Hid, comnianacd by nier© treachcrou.s than those on the t bolow tho city, left Hrown A* Johnston’? • v_„y ,» i-„; ’ >-*.1 I Ken. ulount, thool.ier at Kays mill, j Charleston bar. Well, what doe* Vresi- m tin* toreiiO'.ui, and went a couidc of Morgan u on © i ana • * About five miles distant, under General J dudt Lincoln J At a very heavy expense miles utlcr a tlatb »•»• which »h© t..w^l up nr. I’h© ferry bout lioSoto tr^ui behind result of this brilliant ma- j ha ordered vessels filled with granite to • to her o ie capture of lour hundred he runk in tin* main channel, where thoro . has > . cavalry, thirty-two wagon* n „ v ©r was 17 foot of water at high or nry Johnsf* large amount of quarter- ! other tide. The result is n-toiiuding. ! the rail' Dtnmisjary stores, rto j The Cooper and the A ah lev rivers, which mg for on each side of .' Quite Yankee vngon train. nrenvre was Speech *>1 Seuaior Hill.- We have ofthcenoiry had tliia «b!« and al«|uen( addro« on . hand about two weeks, awai’ing a favor- j f al . mancetn rp was dirilliaui, mid re- I ^hetu pass to the tible opportunity to publisVi it, which did semblod one of Napoleon hlightning-like | Charleston city not sooner occur. It is hardly necessary ; stroke*, llut wo did not puisuo our ad- . have iwq , ,, * , 1V „„ . vantage with •iiniu.mt rapidity, fhe P i„^ under u r-1 io»' that wo should urge its general perusal, result w.,, fh.it G. n. llh.unt im«srd with | Sucea tlmro is ■JtWtunt speaker’s aUraottve stylo and force hi* whole force ar.>umt our left, united j „ n i v M i.ctore iho v e , poaco comes Cha * drawn Brown’s lteply.—Gov, b«- published m reply to u portion of the ] M h’ 0 „t t-Lrcu hundred yards iu fron H. H. Ii ill. Having of thu Ord any nuking forot- iMMii,-.. t * th. ii ur'est. Grenf ox- ut prcvmit m consequence. Tin* K'*ntucky Jipgi.-luiuts* ha* ordered ••ut twenty thousand troop* Military Hoard to i of Iiincjln's proelutnuiion. Ut< iniovii, Feb New York dates to vn. '.m m\.i t',tl\ have f.tvii received. The i.*-s\-..f;he t'httriso'.ou right had ru«. :>cd in.* N .r;h th->ugli >outlmrn pa- p *1 • IHo Ni-w Y-'i ii I’linoi luarii* au thoritative!.. from Washington that th ©re has been no interrtipiran or tiio (Jharlci.- : tou hlo -kade, and that no aUcii fl iUmii- will bo admitted by jp* uuuvi mu i, c untoreumont 1 At ult. Among thu •uld Jay thuir hnnds on. Among tho pi i'ener? captured is Mr. John Uossent and Cnpt. Grovcnstoin. Col. Clinch i* bolow Inwc, trying to obstruct tlx* river un.l planting cannon. Wo have not slept od by tho accidental discharge of u gun,. sod at the recent mioflho f.ouiamim Legialnlure, j beSo^ net to appropriate fifty dollars [ ( xu( j to n height never known before, ami a crovasso, or break in the levee, took place nt the plantation of Col. White, about thirteen miles above Vicksburg. Thu rush ot water was tremendous ; the whole country fm many miles was submerged i ami the Vicksburg and Monroe railroad way. A strange feature of tho that tho river run through that part of the country ns if it had been u ea- ual, rnce-courso or cut off, of which tho craVAIIO was the head and kom ■ is tho mouth, for the wator that ulnnd through thonrevna*©, mh ahour one The Tim . A upm ould« i they learns that nil inomeniarily U>. will probn- HtAnloy, tho Yankee Governor of North Carolina, bus resigned hi* ofllce in conse quence of the emntu ipation proclamation. Honor remain, Mr. s , and go tho "whole h'lg" in your work of treason. Tho crovgsio was not closed, and who deeply touched with the kind wishes expressed by tho General in tba name of tho army which ho so worthily comimmds. and f ant huppy in having: till, opportunity ot .i)|nllyin(t my Jtr.ti- tude tor the iiiutuon you buru perform by the Emperor's order. Tho French nrtny i? ns glorious oa lieidHol buttle ns by ita disoipiino during pence. Allow me, however, to sny that, its most uobio title to glory is to dofentl the \ idtr of Jesus Christ aguiust his en emies, to protect hint in his independence und in tho possession ot the territories which remain to him. You aru here to support thn rights of the Church and to defend the sacred city sanctified by the death of so many mar tyrs, nrnl whom the Vicar of Jesus Christ; has always received the asaisfnnce or God (n* I, unworthy as I am, do at this mo ment) in the midst Of thu attack* of hi* the wator subsided the river retired to its , enemies. What those enemies desire U nwn biiit No>Ain. -••.!«« w ||l the present j to destroy tlu* Hope’s authority, to ovor- *• ' have swept mil a shin channel, j did net pursue vnntag " : resultv uttruetive stylo and force his whole ofnrirumont will till. inl«r«.lr,l 1 hi. tun- » with (Ion utunli.m uforory r„d.cM it, end, ' h ,7 ar »‘,|^«X^ M- J.. . ^ in line of battle on the orc*t <>t a hill; ‘ r hattcrio* and rkirmivin-rs were placed water in make bar the the l»ar. left, united j and together | \fh. will be ' States. .Man lm wlicro there ) tiie Southern hot G.-d dis* mgi.t \» some u mile '.hill range • .* tin \ i, Tits Whk.it Choim. From thu infor mation ue gel. from various parts of this Fori st ami Whoolcr oouoty wo learn that tho wheat iiutcd at Donbleon.— look . ..bod again, . , . j throw his throne,'to lbake Ko’me tho'cap- . Fi, . c! K .V' M . r u p , U0 !u en ^ wn ‘ itol of I know not what kingdom, and' .i°iiv«r »iV , »ti<rS! > m« W u« 8 tt i 1 ' l ?* 50 i having done away with the tempo- attack even tho spiritual i thn V Hill cludod tho publication of hpooch, wo will copy nl-o Gov. llrown « r'ply in a day or two. \ ('haiicc fur tho IGorida Hcrvlre. Wo li i\v already spoken of the advan- Ugos presonlod by the field of sorvtCe comprising tho Department under com mand of Gou. Howell Cobb, embracing Middle Florida und Southwestern Geor gia. Tothoao especially, who distrust their ability to endure service in i* ‘‘older region, this field is most inviting. V <• ,n ' ,K now have tho pluasuro of dtiuctingnf- ! { ,Bn ^ D a cull made through our j j] r j n for tho formation of a company < enoii ii this Department. The gei- ^'h*' ider whose auspice© it i> |*r«‘ iH>«od to ralso the company nro nil well hnlti known in thoroughly compet reliable. Lieut. Thomas, who heads tho J J". call, ha* had much ex)>nrienci! prorven liimsolf a good otliccr. constrained to resign a desirable ofil t»o too. of,h0 I.il!I.a Il»> «j*« »r • Hutc. in » few yoars. I h»»c oiy inf.'v* , bci i Ah ut - o i ioik thu t’lmniy coin- t ,nation from a souivc that cannot bo : mino r I doubted l*y mi*. AT«<* J >>/7; t'oi'Vt «/>•))(- canal. I; of /,.< i t.< . MorniitH U rn':!, diuitM and shell flev line Shot all dirftc- • - wuiu direct od had only two witfi being smooth Jounstfi s. 1’ntil the Yan- ,*.*‘ S uiHUe tin* discovery, which they will » «rtniuly do boforu long, w* will ’ keep | uium on the subject. : > Th.* wutci •- rajudlv 'gaining ground’’ j j >u the peninsula. U has wmincnceii 1 •uthuig in at the old break in Wnitn * j t on-', and yesterday afternoon the turbid ' ii ilm liver could bo jnoii i*i ' » place* from Du S»>io t'< »!u t ure npp-ur^. Jioworer, 1 rc.v.oivod nt Cairo j’.iv '11‘id.rablo h rom 40 * . f*0. dv ini lot*, in Dutl* r h is charge I himself i ilh tin: \N :u i'oparinieni will on eighty tliuu.-and dollars, . ...;!!, though somewhat bMck- wnrd. Farmers think they will have i’i'ie good harvest© tho coining summer. It o _. seldom happens that two disastrous wheat ( of the current oi do. i y* arscoin© in succcssioo. Wohavo hoard Had tho Ynnki ' tho opinion given by exporicttced fnrntcn uut Dint snow is benoiiciul to wheat. If so nil- "o hope the roocut Anowovtir tho country i n , i. a harbinger <'f the "good times om- ing,' when "cake" shall grace our tables at every inenl. Wo nro also informed r t„,\ iha' thoro i* n good hrondth of land Hr -A hue private lt*M>*r. ' .•till) ^rc, trablo thick tit. So grunt in getting forward thr* dergrowth, that I asked tentiou t columns to servo i llomun ui [ w»ii the difficulty nigh the thick uit- I .mi obtained por- thu riglit of c.om- linc. 1 continued rapid and h'nsy od mo that the 4 TkX ! t'roni a friond in (hilvostdn. ‘•ay* - Thi- l " rt ’" ; city is being fortified with th * utmost I rapidity and dispatch which a melons 1 ('on l ant ^ efficient goneral and ii willing people ' in n,v <J,n ^fntnami. N ight and dev tho works: ; of dofunco am bring constrm tod. and in •W°- I a few days more it will he inipi.-grah:,. ; ton very largo fleet Hurrah lor Ma- gruder, he has imbued now life and vigor 1 among us. 'Freedom or death" is the, Texan motto. Tho Yankee prison* 1 f tlu< canal. \ th- Y:.i\kc' Thr Burning of the lliiutrrss. Tho rhil.^Udpliiii Inquirer entuin- * .,c tbllowin- from n private letter re ■ iv. d in that r;t> On Sum,i iv. January 18th, the ante.h oftjeer i.f tiie V tilted Mat** suuiuct (>.ni- kov ('it)' reponed a large fire burning DUAWiird. The Captain iimiicdmtcly bui- rit*d upon d<- k. and >l.'eid"d it'waisn large vessel ou lire. With > Th© A ii* infer Dm; ..ill ft. sal U a in i lie I tli re. The but thu f icUilmrg. Col. Siewart, eliief «m MrCiernan tail’, was killed on tin* lilili ultimo, wild iiiKinnoiioiing nom Vicksburg, by r he lmrpalio ter*. No amt-rial change in gold orexcbnhgv ,’otton >* slightly louvr, and is qitotoi i v\ ii cut in tins countv. — LaGr- mg into practical use a Fiiirul fluted recently inyenlod iu .England.-- id twisted in n machine. a layer of stiir, bluo clay, which cannot I ra j , n , vvor be washed away by the action of wator.— j authority' llulow, , ",tlhj. 0 r ° r „| U y, Uut you nro licr*, w children, to LV n »,W^i P n , A?f d « C ' , * , n ,U8lo0 ?i et ' uoop 111 oliack Uio Meialo. of tho liolj. Lm i th f ““i 1, V“ I “» d r«H*i„n. When God orooted quiOKMlia- and it i; only when thu water Hu ooonn lie told the wkvm that thn* cornu*, in contact with thut (.uiclo-and that n »iht roa!*h So roJka on tho ahSf tlmro U tlangur ot abrasion by the uetion j but should not go beyond them. You are liltu thoso rocks; you aro her© to say to those hitter onemici who cast trouble all Italy, "You siiall not go further depth nutBciant riimhs.nil Ibo Mwhsimii w,.uldcc,i.i.v 1 hnLplVcodml 'onus u » mmnort ! fr. I ^.“i^^^flS , ‘ d T v 2.ir\S 0 S2 bv^mollfo’ot'IIvooJn'o^of Wiht | ILLY'’''' *" w - v ” llton '* 1 '»'“«««- of acquainting thcuiAclvca with tho geo to- ; j \ L bl©is Franc '“; ,d r T**iy ««>> I Im|,Mh? x By,''Lud th“ fr«n*nnr'H dlfil,. 1 . l< ' i pn . HS 11 | 5 youiiir hoy who is attached to me by spir- mhi . j 7 , w.7 n 'V' 1 " r ‘v' 1 '! " huul I blow the whole fro 1C). ih« trouble of tho \\ ct. end e» '-ok,. , hltv you Mlll yourfnmille., .11 "piiey and.tho French clurgy, id ill n<itf of Catholius who testi- much Iuvo for me, and make such burg wiu in tlm way, and that they could not take i*. they thought of making a cut off; but they were ignorant of the nature of tho soil thev I'D.I .1 .. .. ; ii. , . twmy the epi all th«.> r- ails. manufactured as cheap us com- j tailed in nccomplUhicg their ubjei 'J !>•' iiotdliigqunlitios of thn itirtwjng once more to flu world that mnrknhio, no nolw are renuir- scitJflco and knowledge ur» novo*; ury in lien I that i i has j supposed to i>» ! yard* to inv rij -Hh ng j<i*t aheatl 1 who it wiu rv chearod.— i#hich 1 tne*t of the otlii'er* are ntlarge—t'Uiinuch 1 kindnr**, in my humble opinion, for vil- t , !lin» who cam- h‘-ro avowedly to turn up oui slaves into demon* mid murderer*, I h j ’j i; our country iub» waste ami ashes, and • ‘ our Indio© into what? few phis Appeal. In [j 4 , ghed chor It ,*». not until rre near enough • bid.* wheel gtoHlit- ii r.lstheeb ii N* )• \ tion-'f M*' rk u. thof.c- mado before driving lho*u of the ovory cutoirr s'g»T *1 • • and there i.* no danger of the # i;>l spliil’iig, hownver near to thuodgo ^ **“' |... iu.il i- .Iriv.Mi. Tho Miir.l point Inipoid.nt frem ( h.rlealon ■ .1 n.lvnnc- • *>“"* 1,1 <h« J.«tc Ena.gc ..i:iv . oijii.I t-. thut '»liii>ll to he nltiirhcdlinit *o Vciaul | uciit- s;,- | -the .Mull- : generous oftbrta for the iiufensu of my caiiD- Why can 1 not liloa-i my onomioa ? Let th (in bo *trivc aguin.-u mu think f the hi ■ - ift o pntrmrpii Jacob, vrha nft**i having wrt-tlcd all night witii au adversary, sa»\ at *unriso that bis antago- T. Tiik Xahuviu.k A I-< Uegi*?.* Tho r. H 1 the iorvi , , , . that lc mmand, b.*cau*e tho rigors of, t |, rtll r* iu tlic latitude to which if. wn» ( tliat i ; Usty impaired his health. j IH>*ekc t to becon-cribcd, but join this ' J^ ne l without delay. . them. 1 aboutt le *t tlirue hundred was no li itt ly in ' u< tio«'ket a si so dan*e, | ’ . :*!i- ,1 *»t mo more K.* N ? r I; warthcaixditioniiu lho L ”' ,u ' ,n 1 *.'.. • w.tc charging | vtKkK A* the> rushea up organ’s expedit >» th© intro,m.I . bln! NiO'hvilb. llnili" ptdie* t«*r an army of 7* isporte.l ; that it w ill u llo ...u.. »,u» . 20,000 r . (i j, .,nd ] immense damage, and that it will ■ ,|.m vVrcd each other $10,ntJO,OW to put it in running order and rapid Hiiddead- boati* i •» l would » A* the b Bridge Finished. \\> l«*:ivn that the hridgo over the \Vm- t.iuga, lately dustr»\ved by Gortor's cav- al >, 1>«- been rebtiilt. The work was ii i.fihed and tho train passed over it on fueviay night. The work on the Ilolston bridge,*nt Zolliuoffert is progressing rap- ms oroeoi- under tho onorgotic supurintundcuce . irtuai ti,.i i of that prince of bridge builders, • . , ‘must light V| a itn i lie u(*gr..o* which *»unk Hi the Late I \aiiuali to he nttuekcd tank atGenceih Point CUMU-KSTON, Fob. Hunch, tho British Consul for this city his knees, .-.aid. I will , t lea then falling < u e my angel, and i until you havegivoa diction < f God.’ lutiunm. do not soc that they also htrug- aguinit an angel. May they one day r Stall** The Lc Lincoln i* crnxv • * rescind his pr eld. id the * tin •ar|.\ tub they ndvorti day theilth t changed. For a few J . In the Yankee House of K«| in the mlvorlisuiuunt of inoini i.'s tlio fight w .is ton ilh . I heard | live?, on I* ridn.y, th> IDt u:t.. a n , i vv',., (i W.1 •.,’i• tho Yankee comrimndor ordur hi* mun to j km adopt.'.l, that tie- (tenoral ■ ’ l ’ mount the hor.-i's and lake uway the guns, j infurni the llou.su whether parol It will be seen that the i HIIf t f„ r th<> tir.t time. I undoratnod I been granted i . any r»-t»c»l ojVu > r* . aptu csirablu property, which j tlmt one of the batteries had been cap- | by the army oi the l riitod will be liold on Wedno nstuad of Tuesday otllC) cun-ion Do i of the iifcde the Rise rttates -The i l dashedfo uy bravo **c etako thu g(. he Ai kalliilh md civ the front i 11 veil/ j tho pr.u lumation of Jetfor* id called upon [ re.uaing parol©.* «*r cxehnugee to charge and | Union soldiers. Akdrkw Jo ii n.m'.v Dbskhth uptured u had only the clot I « they stood, but there worn two j : who managed to i-,iVo a couple • : On their reuciting thu de. i., in ’’ j BUrprise c I ||,:bt >-< III * aei Yu ‘ these ruffurei. belonged to otonmer Tr.q.ic, formerly the of tii» N •' Y.»rk mid I’hiu which they aiolu at the c-»mnj of the ruhellion. Shu had tiuccccdod moiiio of our bloekudor* on that dark . drizxly night, with a . .. g., ..f ’,y. Unit* h i cl' •evoriil Slat, i the House of Kuproscnta- *deral Congress on tho Jif i of iV 1 against 15, autlior- J equip one negroes for Maxwell, ir., and i' i* expected tlut it will he finiflicU by the llrat of March.-- Fri- iiJ Maxwell requoati u* fo present hi-. ■ ■inplimciits to the bridge burner*, ■md i ) — t them in future not to destroy t •.■ s• one at a tlhiu, (Dr groat I lift y th. ax:.l *. r vic f Mur. Ilf *, it i« not pIcRB- uoh on one’* hands at once, my emergency, however, attempt to iinpoie upon Hohert j g] _ , , . . •■ • —i* city, t upi-u tii.ir flyc* *•> thu truth. 1 raiso my r,! " y ‘ h »Britiihw«r.l.'iioi«r , l„„.!, ,n.l bios. nil, ,„y children, in i.v,,V* Mire iii AM ,, . ■ 1 ©o name of Ihu Fu'.hur, the Son and thq From the ufllcera of thut steamer we’ ||„| v learu that the reimUs of the late nuyal oh lc* No “ sunk Morcuditu is at Port Royal, whither-he was towed in a dituiblod condition. Tho impression anlong her ermv that she was sinking wna caused by water rushing into tho hold from her boilers, which were perforated by shot. Thn Yankee gunboats Quaker t.’itv and Koyatono State wore i * badly damaged. There ...... killed and wounded on hoard of alno struck arid oral i i*ton line, ! pin* n lUen-'ClUMit | till. j prlso imiug j.ftAt . -The 'Vi •’Chattahoochee have tendered t‘» the la- dionof the ‘•Suldier’s Friond Society of Columbus ' an invitation to visit their vessel, now some distance bolow thia city, j thoir Latte This is tho only way, nt present, in w hich | J*” 1 ; tho tart can testify their aeVnowledg- inents of tho many obligation# under vrliinh they havu been placed by our fair town.women for their many kindnesses and attentions shown them whilst inmates the thic, livu tho roue ot battle, ru.lmU I ' "" , 1,1 n iloublo quick, drove, the l K “‘ >n®« r»li.l.le , lit,, i,,li..t v ,»,i! ti,,. authority that the captain Andrew uinl iu our | J‘»h,f*on’* body gumd fl.*re».r».-.1 >. *'••« day- the hill ho,I ,t-ro>H tin, !Md, (•«;'; '“’■ l !* now will, t> fusion and dismay ‘ c half ; hack cod with fresh regime Iu dis- h© «.Ifl‘* oi ircelv hail am advan- '■take tlieir gudd tli ei oldier s Ho (Saih Again wo IVj' J again the \nu> burs and fresh our position, i and deicrm id th would have boon more appropriate. )- Tlio ship will not bom a presumable con dition within two weeks; at th© end of J und" determined which time It i» proposed to ruceivu thu our nn*n luid vUit. wlum their fair visitors will have J " the plonsur^Df sdoing the various great- mo-t q;,, gun uxurciscs, p6rfornu'd by cue of the ! rally e.iverou wim bust drillu.,1 crows in thu Confederacy.— j Hjjj'j* blitterji .^w'-ui I* Target practice with abut anil shollavrill ', h ) l „i| , MM , vary tho utnUscmcnt and novelty of the i emuiiy'b !•»** occasion. <ino ,>r two of thu largest river field,‘wum rui ladies down the any parallel i... .... I ....... i.... - ... . charged . witn great "luughtoi, a ack ttx their batteries, lack and ro-bu'iuotl, and >»•*, with incroKied num- qnmonth, iidvaiicml upon iking the moat stubborn i tlbrn to take it. Hut bt i mi" ie ■ iiMtomeil to i Ii urged with •■ucli fury ■ ke and if. I in the UW- • x mg th- ground lile- 111 tli-ir dead. Every •in down th© hill, pun upon us with r nml graf tad ronmin until tho ‘ cali" i* coil- ! nuniuei rludeil. The excursion will certuinlj be ; only ft very interes’ing and pleasant, and x. •• ex- not inorn tluu poet our friends of thu gunboat will hive \ yet we killed ihoir hand* fall. — Timcn. . les-thnr The f t Ii** illy frightful, nnd’i* without in this war, according to the aged. We fought them with ugimoMa, nuinburing in all ii fifteen hundred ineii; and right upon the hold not ’ ’ ‘ them Gen. U heeler's Jbtnt lLxpudltlon Tile Flglit at I lone I -on Capture of Pris oner*, Artillery, Ac. CbtropopdsRss of the ltrhol Danner. NkaU I'tlAIU.OTTK, Feb. *’», 180J. Wo arc just returning from another ex- jH'dition down the Cumberland rivi r, hut ;ih the murcury stan<l* o" Fnhrenhoil. you ciinn<»t expect a very Loigtliy or int<*re*>t- ing account ol it. At J o’clock, I*. M., on the :M, Wtf Clime in the vicinity of Fort Doftol*on. and upou inquiry, c:ti * •*.* formed us that tho force v. a> imt \«*ry largo, and had no rortiticatioiis, whereup on it was concluded to attack the point. Accordingly Gen. Forrest with throe or four hundred men on the right, and Gen. Wharton with about the same number on the loft, commenced thu fight, which lasted with much vigor lor two or thru* hour*. but lho work of a moment thing of tho wounded. Among them I hiv. two full Mondial negroes lying | n«*ir thu Lnttury that my regiment retook. : Tho buttle now ceased upon our right, I only to ou renewed with incrmiscd vio- | ltnx'xj on our extreme lob. i ha-1 r«- i fornmd my regiment after th© last charge, Wn.u, I i i 11m The r further orders, nt rapidly in that inc*d nt ‘‘double- * than a half mile, i x i«w i*t tliis torri- i 'l t».y iegiment our men very hard. I turn nt rigid uuglo with the iiil the enemy, und charged Inn in-tar.tly, both in flank und roar. In five minute* bis lino* wore broken and disoidurod and he in full retreat. H'lithun thn enemy rallied, anil eiime back xxith more «leter* ruination than ex. r They ns-ailed us erw helming Aide racy in tier gl«» Ibr indepontlence ' '1 ii" ly by turning hi* t*u d. n Audi -KHosril!* H °T’" Upland : and three barrels ot turpuni ; barrels of rosin. She wouhl I rich prize, but at all event* t ii deprived <>t the proem . and ammunition. They r«-j «>r boat with fowrleun por-m around until daybreak, thu i whs descried and Ilm "title I Thu mas* of the crow v j and Irish. Uno of tin* Iu ! wa* an Kngli.-hman named important known mil ami which The £ifnation, nmain quiet ia front. Tho -term which vh-ited us Tue«- rolmbly check military ope -ome tiino to come, tnougli xx ho it t Suulli . Mr. Hrowi intrutinceil n hill in the t'unfudurnle ('on gvufc* tu tbrtllfi V*• ■ -vide h i the publi' dofoncu. The In,; prox i ic* tha’ l* shall be tin* duty ofiliH SceretM- , Immodiataly udur thu ph**h,* this act, to cause all white male pur*"', between 11.• • nge« of 1H and 4 • yeur-, nox in tho employ of tho GovuruniOlit, an who do not be. n to either the army o navy of the i oniedniatu .State**, to b forthwith onrollad as conscripts, iiuIm* ....... ... .... sueti por-huns or any of thorn have hero- s'aid Vci-rnm xv„. veix ind“igna tofi^ru been cnrollod. It '»rd«rs thn fjec- j onint; t*. report ihu mmiei n> i. rclary of War !•> < au«« thn place* now ; M dmutmp •' the an., lone, i!, filled hr person* linUp t.» milflnry duty, , ftM „ni„. < ..uio<lcrat<*<• >< to he filled ii* rapidly a* may bn by com- | qq,„ i.a^senge, xvm- u.m potent person-xvle* uro nut lii.blu to mili-i ’ !fl „ IN-nnsvlviciian '■> Piii|. tarv duty, and to oausi* such prrsona un- 1 j^idd s 0 uih for maiiv x.*m . lied Ui bo assigned^ for duty t» vim© ; ho had two sons in M.«'lolhi lurgi K 1 ‘ ! ' Lorn : "X tho ship he xvnh nrun f • iard n quantity of "y d>'cumutit*. A boat w*n i >worud which mccia <i< lllCin. They prove,| i,» be lured into by tho Surrotan rotary of ih Navy hi Ounr inl, with tin' aid ' «-i iabingtht i It ■ ! . ' j nithurlloin trom land, 'f’lio reports were I r ?, ,U r ■!' 1 iu'Iivlinx't for Gcm^U point, nml up rmgi -h lo Mu.* writing im iiiformaliun ha* boon , I I,,IK ll,nil orl K l„. ; 1 ' ' ' 11 ' ! W iiut iIn* enumy i- waiting for at II>1- 1 ' | toil II* w-t rmlnidy knows. i’erhaps lie; i i. D b< I>m'u him, and ha* conrlu- ..'..V'.i'Vv ded to m .l.u every needed propiiiatiim | \ an attack. I idalile 11 R 'sciu ran/. designs an nd- m. lo cal) only ax'eomplisfi it by the ••*• ;■'! •• road* -the othur nveuuus being ■ ml red almost ini passable by thn woath- \V.< Im.-xi' frequent vuiuois of clmng- nnd transfer* in important couinmnu* but - ■ -i-iur tbom merely the idle gos- p of lb-- i'nmp. General Josoph K. din-ton, n i* said, will diroct tho mnvo- onl* of oui army in the future. Thu en li»' thu greatest confidence inhim- id he l- a* much n favorilo with tho nr, y of T< i; ne- e u» h-> w a • on thu 1’oto- ae. Dur army i* boing gradually in- I lie Imahh of thi^cnnip i# a* good ua urn- al, considorifig tha severity of the season. Hebc/ % 7th. these vessol*. The New Ironsides i* still off oui bar. Shu got** out to sea every morning, but returns close in every oven ing, to partici pate in any night engagement. Tim improMion prevail* among lho officer* of the blockading squadron that Havac.nnh will bo attacked before Char leston. Thu Yankee* Confess tliat the iron clad Montauk wa* much lixjuvud during the ung«goment nt Geiiosi* .Folnh During Uio Utter part of tho light her turret rufii*- work. ml re-i-tance \\ <• hope it nl indeed, share fully In thu i’ that tin grand armada i* The .May tli. .1 1st Uktai.i avion.—The Shelhyville (Tonn. Hannar loams from tho host „ ... authority, that (lun Morgan, a lew days fllnoo, tout a ll h g of truce to Murfreosboro to ! to convey ladies who were anxious to •gimontthen in tlic field. From Baton Kongo. In addition to th« information from tl point conveyed by telegraph to-day. 1 bad a conversation la- evening wiiii gentleman who ha# h"< n reconily visit to hi* family i*i the vicinity of Rouge. 1|.. eontitm* tlm condition of Hank*' ©rmy, and state* that they are making r... preparations indicu- tlv* of » movement. Un th* » mtravy, tiiay ar© fearing an attack, and but a few days since some alarm wa»x brought In which ratifcil nil the camps t>.> ho d»*.-orter| and the collection of the wholo force in the defences. Our Informant, an intelli gent army officer, gives it a# Idh opinion tiiuy dread nn attuf k instoud of contem plating making on* immediately. *' ‘‘tirnntod nt twelve or Tropic, being the.owner of si: ti«sid©A a cotton ^jilanlutioii “i'l! [h "fio ! ffl t ;! 0l o<l‘!' r ': i .'i'« I * In n.’lriitr.i'i ! I"' v inh.innK tlMt no i tln-ir ioni, nporred in Do mortally woun- hi l d I a.ill. r ugaitiM ( hnrle - di d and prisoner* (ieneinl Kosoncrane I ... ;* .vaoiiixh, but ttint the entire e .-. d tha wjiohi party, charging them »v• im*iit on our roa-l ih a faint to blind j be »l • ( unle.lerale* to operations at Mobil some other point. All is muro spve.i ion. (JuirlcKton i-, doubtless, thogreu of Ilia desire, nml wo think id threatonod thoir execution, wlii'ii informed of the facts, replied wiih spirit and dulormnmtion to j thivi.di.tion of tho rights of war, and number of Federal .vilI l.udui 1 i IU XX as uut UIO XX'I'IX '■) n ril./iiirin. , ... , _ ... capturn a part and drive the remainder of ! with fresh rj*g» • Ui5 Buvoru’i pomp,win..), wore pn.tod : , l "-' '* 1 ouUiila tho (ortiunalion... Hi*hl hrovoly n,: l h | ° ! " i V dicl our boy. niovo u|. L-, ll.i-it WorU- •“«">? ■'"‘.'J" 1 '“5 1mid .' (ion. K..rr«t chxrxlnx l.oreobich ! «> * « "!" and then again mi Pm»l -1»*.,i *<i ztronglv * U rd i' ‘ noot theio Vlo v xvero they entrenched, i:. • Yankees, in war ‘ ' ' i Tiio flftoen thousand—all of them now rugi- •ccupl by j mont" except one, the dlih WDcoiirtln.-- j, th© only organization thut has yet "smelled powder.' Moftfofthn inlinbitant** U,\a deserted thu city, and ruin i- everywhere visible. The wood work of *1 e S at. . aoitol war entirely consumed by fir.- *omo tinto since. " How it originated 1 • a mutter of Jisputu. Tho Fudurah. utr.i by th(: d«-n.-* Tiie Vicksburg Whig of tlm 7th imt., I *»)•* the rival* was rising y ester day nttlio rata of two inoliiM and a naif in twenty- four hours. It ha* risen two feet in tho , Wo lonrn tlmt another batch of »Je* ors arrived lue u yesterday from across tho river. Thu -Missiceippi i« getting out nf it« banks on the Lotiiiinna side. IteSotois being rapidly bubiucrged and in n short limn wo expect the whole peninsula will b© one vast sheet of water This will enuft't the VankueM to muvo tliuir eaiups. rated ut an curly day. both military thing in »»nr pruna- tiire most f.>rmidublc V. Publican, 12/A. ■I - tho higl.u.st grade in hlsciPtody j to bn placed in closo contlncmont prupar- | atory l" thoir being condomnod, and ! hung without delay (t Gen. Itoiun I run Mod tug In I,a (irangc. La Ghasur, Ga., F’icn. fipd, IN»„.. ..... , i followmg "tixU-tK.- ot Morgan h carear ; It ;|v -h... •.. iuu K i.i..« b»ui«* um.-.i a»i The Vicksburg ..•orrn.qmndent of the Momphi" Appeal writes, Fob. Olh; Hy curtain movement* oulho j>ehltisuln, it is buliovod that tlm enemy is si work throwiug up einhankmunts -for what nurposo is not known, und various »pocu- Inliourt aro afloat concerning it. Among military men it is supposed that the work is intended uk breastwork* or embank ment* for mortar batteries, with a view of shelling tho city. A very strong iui- prouion i* gaining ground hero that it is tho intention of tho onemy to make thu anHiiuIt upon tho city uguin by the gun and mortar boats, ospociully as the land army will uot bo able to co-opertito by a (lank movement. Out of mortification nt their failure to tnko tho place, will .grow nil indomitable hatred and revenge, and for this they will shell and dustrox thp town If possible. It is expected that u mddon dash will bu made with a view jf creating a panic in tho city, and perhaps silbmnng some of our battoric*. N o fuarb at e entertained of any such movomont, as every propuru- tion is made to receive them with a unrin and hearty welcome. Tho mortar bo»«t» will no doubt koop a good distance oft', but by tho mortars on the land, m rinc it. conjunction with the fleet, they We lmve no reliable new? of inlerest from below to-day. This morning it \n* period that all tho Yankeo gunboat* tin Wcduasduy, while *ome ftoldierw bulongiug u* tho garrison at (ionosia l'oini, were, iiinusm* thomselvo* with an unoxplmlud Yankeo shell, it exploded, wounding two of thorn severely and kill ing oqo instantly. We did not hour tins names >>f the killed and wounded men. -Sor. X. , 13(A. W«* learu that a duel was fought yes terday morning, near West Point, hy Thus. Gohhy and Al. J. Iveiinn. both of Dalle* county resulting in thn death of Kenan. His body wiih brought, to this city In’’ evening. They were, wo believe, butliolllcx.il iu ilie Confuduralu Horvico. Wu have not heard the cause of thu quar- InolYectuul effort.* wore made to of- nmlcablo adjustment. Tho woap- MARRIICD, (>u ."*1111(1:1 > iimminrl(x?t, by llsv. 11. T. Mark* tf t tho l-f-i.lrncai >>1 uie bride, ouar White 8ul- hur ."*:■• I:'.;:, Mrs. OaX* A. Gatxm, and Lieut, in. r. ItRAY.nll ef Meriwether county. At Trinity Church. In this city, ou tho eveainc . I iv 'll. it#'. Hr llawkw, Mr. DIUO. At her ifwidenee near Uiiatuie, Musoutee Ho., <>m the l"th ol .lanuarv. Mrs. Martha L. Oarnas, relict oftlic iuto l'r, Robert \) Lam oh, uted ’’I have fet the Lord before me : I shall not bo moved; Thcrotoio iuv heart i-* nUd my fl»*»h oho shall Mouoan’*' Fkath.—Col. H. M. Gnno, ri , w . Mt4 WM1 , TBtw , n of TeXH", give- tho Vicksburg Whig tin* | gontlomen who camo up last oveniu chair and A. Dr. W. I'. Remit ley okj vt of tin* imu-ting in si ell*, remarks forcibly .uiufjieiuring i v y met In thn * ’.>urt Nlntiufacturing f.'cni- i*h wart called to tho " i xva* roqunsted to not Willingham Ynnkc , woundud J7‘J. and do«trnyed property Sfl5.lfi8.U0U, all with fc 1 with vur)* small 1< pin red 4,2W, tin* amount of •;cn of 8tX), and In his late affair at llartsvlllc, the lir-ttimo Iu* eommand- •)d n brigade, hn killed 10, wounded lft, captured 1,860, took ft |»icco« of artillery, and carried nwa.v or destroyed $05,000 worth of property. ' The Memphis Appeal, ‘peaking of thn had disappeared from our waters gentlemen who camo up last ovenf.i* i..- ported thut thoy saw two vessels, which they took to be iron clod*, appurontly nt anchor below Venus's Point. U i- jios- rtible that tho Hoot that has beun gntlinr- ing on our cna*t for the pant ten days has boon withdrawn to attack *ome‘ other point—perhaps Charleston—which city, Inc© lho dispersion of thu hloekud< rsbv AilmkitlNiriuor'M Balt. 1 l.l. be Hold on the premises of tliu lute John Uroxrn.iii Taylor county, Ouorri©, irsdiiy tiio iMtli instant, ujl the perishable >rly of John itroxru, deceased: alNo the mills axircoably to an order of 1 enmity, bit OWN, JOHN T. IJROWN. febl7-!t sduirs. NEW VOLUNTEER COMPANY, I'OIIMINCI FOR ‘-KKVICE IN MIDDLE FLORIDA. DOI N'TY AND H ; KL0l’(JHH ALLOWED. I TAVIN'ti beouaiithurlxod to raise n company J L «.l'in fan try for •.erviou under brijf. Gen. Howell <’obb, In tlie Middle District uf Florida, th" tuidorrianod invite all pcrsuiiM, whether subject to conhcriptiou or not, who desire to -erve their eoan ry in thu hour of lior need, Ut join thum in rui*ins a Toiuntoer company. Many who, by roasou of impaired health, would oo unlit for service amid the cold, rain* mel hooxv* Of a winter campaign in Virginia, and Tennessee, hove here nit opportunity t<» volunti'uHbr service in a climate nnmpnratively Grwides. ii xrlio will soon be subject tiv ...... X ..... eoiiHoriptiou, are hereby uRorded mu excellent iport unity to volunteer to advan tar i Come then and join us. or it tnuy le irglng the n«- I capture of Arkansas Font, say*: "The issued her Iron cladrt, scums to bt* thn f,p(-ci» /"me then and join us. :m Utnuy be tho 0 t,j ec t of ih© Vn- .i i time mi opportunity ©rill be afforded to volun ■ v... \V.,. n viA a " ,ke ’ r * S " 1M ‘ "• tucr uiidxir •yen favorable olrcumstannes in thl« xoru. aloriou* stfilgflc lor the liberties and right-of — «ur country. Now in the time for all pervoat, and especially' :ptl> of bull© iv h* retired, although lo l-ring tiio street* oi Wlmrton with Id* c i getting ! thu censure thut would mIIhuIi to eulpH- iiilitv. a*s*rt *.h«f the net w: ■ committed byai ineendiniy not in their rank- win e ntiz-'tis n-criba it t » ir.iel• ■*-. or wan- tonnes* on the part"! i| Hohknc it a n z Ahvas inci.- Bragg'* army -or more p should now ray from J>-<i army—w« learn from the llulfutin. ..f ii,.. I. ll.,.' ll... I Inn* spirit*, with soul* in arnn for the fray I ho onutny am m three ("dunin* - one ny I wo bv the pikes leading Ir■>( The! boro'. I' ifexs tho ) C'unt In I tin,,. ' tnrdod their progi ehewtor | i n' I eiigor j ’ ’'»mpuny i a (i vatic: np ’-m' L'o’ii "..13! ,;33 ■ i’i—"i.' 1,1 Miirlri-. -. , >"» anrf 1 ..... ..f tiio place is a sorious drawback,., •fvarou bv O or proapocts in Arkansas, but whilolhis nnnvusly i, i.eknoxvlodgcd wo arc glad t'» learn that lho pAopluof tlmt .State a re making great or we now procflod to tho oxurtioiii, and the military authorities n Ii - ii Manufacturing aI( . much more active, in making prepar- the title • , 1 ho l lant- gtion* to prevent any further miccum of during t.’ompany of;i th« enemy. hipment into that Statu of large quanti tiua of men's hoots or show, nw-n’s cloth- jnglnquaiitity, or goods for ineu> wear, I * ' qunoliticy oi ’ flru origii y be ill. 1-hI belief ti, h h. til- next to tho river, after having quite a number of prisoner*, *i and a vury superior 12|x>un.i bra- Jsuceood- ) the left piured j all » tho other regiments of ball mufiH 'thut | j rifled , piece, with thocaiss.-n. horre*mid aminu- • nition. Thu* we drove thrm into a fumll space, but lroin their rifle nit* nrul win dow* of houses they poured u very heavy fire ujM*n us which I uni happy t" »ay wan not very disnatrou* to oa Night was upon us, aud the broad sil ver moon gave u» cheering light by wui'b loconiiiiiie tho attack— but finding our artillery ammunitinu nearly KH'1* . , , purl i.i Ibis iu*'- ungagement, ratuaui- 1 , * ' _ ">« -Ik' 1 ', i" ■ jeiHfiy i-ini ■> i“ *'-ihuih* oi thuunemy * n r been ai that direction, l iiu |o** In -»ur brigade g p t m.,1 ,» over 600 kiilo-l and wounded ; in our | j r pmet*. loin army about 1,200. Thu eneaij’i is cannot be lex* than 4,(KX) killed und Fedora!* have control of the (nun-» ne fil'ieen miles back from the river, . outer linos are strictly guarded. : ; p. renew who reside within tho lin«" ha n arrested and paroled not to leave, ir.d tho same person-, iu uian.v u-arroH’ed and compelled litigations. Tlm tyranny sdiiy do- rot ire.— is thut ro om Fort Peaceable Ner.csalon* The following i tho hill introduced tho Cunfoderato Sena'e by Govnrnor j th * 1 ii, t-) pruvidu for peaceable r*-*-*“ ' ■ is very grun paid to prop.? rtanle that had by a State . j n. -liud ut) by the spuculuto tion 1 It i* vnuoteJ by the C’ongreas F doral l:n** j Both i • tlm liberties of thu . More respect has been ty thin to i'll* porsoni. of it* on buyer* have t oen bu*y, Ostitiu* o! the p«M)i)lo f idernble •eiter* are coining to f'ort Hudsoi d all account! agruu that ii m»j Hanks’army ar© unwilling Tno rha r then appointed Dr. Iluasb-y, ltd ward Itruiighu n and Ool. J. T. f'ul- bor»'-n as the uommlltue con tern platod l».v tiio above r. vJutii.n -xrhun, on motion, laily, j thu . hairma i and John ft. He barroTi of salt or sacks, cofloc over ten pound*, quinine, cavalry i ■ I • - '(.’iimiuco of """ rn * m ' • ! equipment*, and the Ilk©. >'"•>-> 'Inly ll *l>«ll I (li'vori.ur X'«IIC«, "i North Uiroliiw. I Y .. v g "■ n,v - : .5^ sir.: j ., fffSSSRfi! j 2*°’ S*" 1 iniy^v'"' 8 "h K hil' y«*‘« ri '*y- A Irunsport with th, h.lanco I ] NUKII 7.npUyVr?»K thllrI V 1 .'. 1 '" ciU«n»of».. AUKa.Un.. vrho h.H I 1 id company r , vommaodinx HKilbjrot to ruusenpt avuil tlu nisuives of tm ., JMHI . J terr, nill lm promnUy au rolled n» eonsoriptu. The bounty of Filty Dollar* will be allowed who vol'into«ra in this company. -IXXIKk, III who fail or i .-fuse to p^urtunitv to volun- buildiua, corner nf OKtilUlK fuMi-il Jixx.lt Ailmlulatrntor upposite llon.O. E. Thyuia»* La *' ’.OHGE S. i mi.afli', A IM >1.1*111 s CODY. stale. order of the Court ui Ordinary ‘ kwlllb CH'i*ed thu u.mployers and all thoir work- llnfl . r ,, 1H V«..»rre- . V boforu Um Court House do«rof said county, mun to be cunfCripfwd. Throe oT the , withir. tho loirol hour* of salo. on tho second larf«at '.itabUshmunt* in the .State have daily expected at Jncksonvilltf.-No.. -Wa. ; Monday in April next, the lot of land anil tuu- . . : . .. _ ... - ..." ♦-©re— einentn theroiiu. lying in the atty of C.dumbua, miTo !. P?ht IluiwoK, Feb. Idler to fight longer upon LincoDi's program me, This hop© leas demural ir.aiix-n rundora uni attack extremely improbable. AD antiinu >h our fi>rce» arc in uxcollaiilspiritK and u<m- llllt .'Jj fldent oi thuir ability t.. hold thu l*.»rl otthe y/I ui , n,t M fwBjbur tlm.* ss large added t . th- fuci-.u- ahulliug, wiii-Ji . .Mitinund Juribg nearly th.< entire night. In sumniing up the remits nf the day, we have much to be proud of, for seldom were more gal lantry an-J trno hruvery exhibited than <»n tb-.‘ occasion. . <. fir* .J left the of the C»»nf.xlcent- Slate*, two-third* of both Heurtu* thetoof concurring, that the follow.ng anieudment to the Constitution of thu Confederate Mate- of America, he wu] thu same i- hereby piop-.M-d, and, xvhen ratified by Ihu Lcgisiatur©' oi thru© fourth* of the -cveral ritaU'S, shall bo a part of "aid Constitution, and shall be j inserted therein a* clause fid, »ectioo 1st . .... it- ordinary supplie* long i ice, and n* tho j ••ople rannot obtain ■.ppile* from this direction -for rousen* cud ©lsewhere—ti.u) ar«* i .rcod to trade •th the eruniy. They ©re »■* I *ynl to u S*»uth ax any in t'iu Conf.-durauv, hut , „ Hank« , oven if it x i tho A® , ‘‘ r *„ |ook '>" hl ilti.B ulJ ruber O « > tho committee following resolutions were tin I by A. K. Cox and adopted : '.Innt. That a central comuiitteu of (; to take charge of •ubscripkiom. to Mud company, with tho privilege ting -ub-roinmittuo* in uuc WglHi t»wn.M ofl r,,K1 llL '' ,s0! '. ret. 10. Infurmutw* in.lriiun'ui. IV rci.lt !• th. <i»-| l ' 1 y‘.fty r 5‘ ,ll '‘ i<1 . t . l “ l , ! ckllt ' i tlmt^u.rt.on cllrte in the t.rico of leather, when n ufacturuxl, throughout tho State. “"rtl ' WMMlcd and „. Vi\° , . l, °i'bn ^ l ,avo positive information irom n.Li.i . IL. B »(° n BxwXlasaachmott#l-ri«ado of Maturojfeuco.uity. Goorgi^ willbo*old. •unty. itcond H 1 tou- eiurnts thereon, lying in llo* rity of Columbus, in .-aid o-iuju), kaowuinth© plan of *ai.i city lot n.inihfr t-ovcuU -fcoven. bclooglna to thi »n lf.'tlinan, lately ilooeaacd. M under thu incuinhranco of r, HMfynad upon tha xroatoru !.. T. yOW N I NO, luiliiiz to report *.•> him instead of to the cxl. :ng • \ the ilrit Tuurdoy Mn Jack ton MittUtippinn ndltora, Printer*, »kr. Mr. (/onrad of l/iuitiana, moved strike out tho provi»ion of il»u hilt uxernptiug editoi atitijGi th© tho foil.* 1 ".Such person* en; ing each newspaper ftraohnl. That twenty-Ih o dollars b<-a 1 share in said company. Thu chair then unpointed A. K Cox. T, S. Ur tdiluld and C. If. (L Willingham dur this tlvnoa (hat it h Uio ■l-Uritilliatiun Miithurltle* at Washington to fni issue upon ill© State. Well 3<l, xvliithor i u drifting! and a negro regiment have burn ... j below. ToLiil force of (hr enumv nt New i I j Organa i* lft.ODO. ‘If 1 * Deserter* coutinuo arriving burr. Flag 1 II u<, ioftruefl came in to-day, Nothing ''»• 1 estate uf N.baw Buid pretubort « th»* xxidow’i <loxx part (hereof, fthl ltd rut; stath or m.j/li.v.i, jihsaell ror.vTV. f\N Baturdav. :4th IVhruarx fast., 1 will sell. near Colbert H*i*ot. on tho Muhilo iihiI Girard Rail Kulla, to lho hivheot buldrr. for »m*U. three Coxt* axxd Cajvxn, levlexl . tho • itrnl i itto«* i uko of th On motion, it wn »rdur»d that tit proceed ing* i * published ill the M , n fi * . , tirange H*']iorter-whcrcupon the mealing I "tr""' 1 ' ■ i "" ' ” I porta ut gleaned. Flag of truce boat wi ... „ _ , . „ : prUonon will go to Vicksburg. It lit)’. WtiKAi liioHiKii.- The Rome reported that New Orlcan- ha* be NontlHuner m(.vs thu wheat crop U very j ,v!nfoi*cud hy 10,000 troop*, but thu r m-onming. An wmi-ual quantity ofland ; por t is . onhidored doubtful. lin« bfi’ii ‘own, and tinier.* it should be 1 1 _ ^ irijitnc v ‘ '* l °/ L.jr. smuq calamity hereafter, the j Coiiffrcahlotial March cro I* rcgt'H' will bo immense ” und rot iirunhlo t ngnian a a llurbou 11. H. WtMBian Chairman. A. F.. Cox, Hoorotary. C. H. C. Willingham, Am't Secretary. puarittg t w . of the hottest fir© ■ chase on thobruvu aud •timulatH the lag ging. Wo would hare t of hrt .olv 5tb, t "-wit: i Th© Charleston Courier of the 11th says as t he editor or proprietor .thereof may When any Stuto being aggrieved by < pilot who xv«i traitorously serving j certify mi oath to ho indispensable any act of C'ongre shall, by convention, j (h« Yankees on ‘-he Isaac Hmith, a-s wu ’ to its public icrvice. Provided that this doolaro tlv *atnc to bo unconstitutional, , „ re informed, was 3Iay, a negro pilot | exemption ahull apply to such oditor* ns Congress, if then in sesaion, 'and if not, f formerly well known in this city ami may print or atsist in printing their own ! — the PrcAulunt . hull convene it for that j Sarannn, having served under (apt. J paper*." * , Kkntucxt'h Pmitiok.— 1 Th© recent xhwll iniraefliatoly call » con- ; p. Brooks. In the gHllant attack of our Mr. Ornrad said that ho had n<» objnc-1 action of the Kentucky Legislature, which f tins Statu*- t<> consider said act, j brave soldiers, under Colnnul Vato* Maj. lion to^cxempting print©.*, h- they were hnr attracted so inuen « .‘untion, is in the rarcoly bo rc • of alftraitori p.irp vuntion oi me mniuh vo cousiuer saiu iu. and if n< t affirmed by two-third* of said j Brown and Captain Gary, this traitor. v©nturn—the vote to bo taken by May, a as killed, and hi* body i"ghu,fto bavo I Status—it «Iih11 bo void and no law ; but that it could scared. ' liklutlioMriHon, but 1,300 m«n iu ritto : •( »«nrn,^,l. ini "Ijiuttnont r»D b« 3uchW th, tkt, piu, with » tliiu bftllery „r .rli'lcrr, wu m»J». •'>' « 1111 ' 1 >J'»"» «t «th,rwH«. .»*•■ rather h!-«vy I ,r ovalry, but tho ripedi- !«eW. v . “ tno compiainiog I lho Anioric»n.Atim«pli tion resulted iu the capture of nearly hundred pnaunur*. auioni dr© commissioned officers, wagons, ambulance I« 7’liU « Time lo IJaucr t Thr breath of evening sweeps the plain. And sliods it* perfume iu thi'drll. Rut on Ha whip*, are sounds of pain, Bud toil xv. that drown'd the eebo'r zwrJI: Ar.d yet we boar i. mirthful cull, Fair plen-urosmiles x»itb beaminc clditc< Gay music soun'ia in (be joyous hull , Ob God ! Is tins a lime to dauou? The Senate passed Finance Hill ) tiny in fluciet session. The provUt. . tho bill are not yet made public. To-day Pholau, of Miss., reported from tbnsnlucl I'.ommiUeeu bill j cotton for public uso, with th .JSTBtr th ’ bccnu-c oftbe «VeM oxpu.nsp of keeping. Quo i s b n Aidcndld cow. D. B. MITOliKLL, ! tobl3M sheriff of UusncU county; n ; Printer’s fee i BY ELLIS & LIVINGSTOnT ,.l EXECUTORS’ SALE. tOii»pre>» \N WEDNESDAY, March rt. at in o’clock a n front of Kni* and Livtnpttoa's Auc m, fifty and oue-balf e bar ox particular, art. Hut it trained led | quirud no training to be recognized.— udit<*i whs only h xrriter. ’ 'ng this discovery Mr. C But it re- form «»f resolutions declaring tiio attach- 1 Sad note* ue if a spirit riibfd, ditor. "An! ment of that Huto alike to thu North and . F , oai rr(.m tbO(;nn(»..n j baUie plaln. After utinoun- 1 tiio South, and proposing, first mrad took hi* Federal and Confederate auth that the aulhoritin* up- and Wa- Mr. Dupruu, .ue Cop fed©- ter Gas Fleatur Mauufucturiog (’ontpanv this subject had l , but sir 11 bo 0 f Saw York ar« about to introducu h oughly discussed ght that lLiO . id©* thi^ burned a_liu© tow-boat loaded wiri* prov- i rifltui piucu. number of entitled to its r»ro rain -haroof the public i niotiro power which will propel machtn- i iu©. and a dom. Vo bu Juterroit *1 and settle© by 1 * r y atb-.-atban half tbo cost now paid • league would do Louisiana, *uid that i paro such amendmeul* to the Conatitu- And iu reproachful accents uay. it maturely and thor- tion as will bo ft is factory to both sue- Lo« ed on®*, i* this a tiu.# to daoe* oughly discussed at the laat suwtion. He|tion»; and, secondly, that the Lugisla- oh lift your foltal robe* on high I .bat ft Thp un «.i i Muscogee Rail Road Stock. placed oil the calendar. The .Senate theu Abe. thirty-six and onc-hslf shares wenUDtu M"T»t pc».i"u. , Mobile & Girard R.R. 8took, The House is in sucrot acss on to-day. w . . . * Throo Lots on Oglethorpe *t,, WooLfORD'* KKKT!/CKY C .IV At. nt.— | to - x*i r. tho South half of lot number 1C*2; also The Wibchuator Iiullciiti, of Uiu7thin.it. h»l 1W, uonUlnlak ©no half acre ot Und, ono ,_ vi . . maht-rooroc dwcllinz and all ncoortturvrettL- ....... .1 hnildinr*: nl*-.. lot ](q, ronUinin* ( no^. dint ton. ender. I can uot *U>p account of thu individu ) part of giv© i mflic • i of Franklin f gallant- , jrs and ineu ; but uurou* promotion* int day 1 * labor.— bo in posse*- j •rndment of his col- j mro of Kentucky appoint oomtnii»b>nor» w.j re..,.. ,... injustioe ton ulnss of , who shall wait upon Pr«*id«*nt Lincoln, for tho fii -1 lor that purpose. With thi« 1 Wfn who contributed to tho intelligence Washington, and Prn«id* :t Davis, at ident iball traits- agent, tno barrels of coal oil will take a \ ©f thu country, ussinted uur legisiHtiori, i Jliehmond. and urge an armistice and the each State * copy ; locomotive with m loaded train of cart ' *“ “ 1 ,1 ' ' ' " ' ' ' ted by him to tb© from New York to Albany, and B00 bar- Chamber* J'ribm fi. That the l’ nt t(< the Govomo: f this act, t*» b* suhi _ fi legislature tharxjof f. r ratification. rels will niopel p etoamship’, which Ilefitrrod t<» the .1 . iciary ronuniitce. require. iO) tons of coal to cross the At w „„ 1M Tho Richmond W i x say* that a few ; i m ■ vcral thousand strong ' day-m«o when the 11 r. news of the battle : It is imt generally understood that ti e ; to make B BMl’KOM 1'“ of Murfreesboro ru : . d our army on tb© ■. Florida and Ovisto aro ono and tho a*me j aide and accomplished men who conduct , attaches reunion .. .. - -w t wr ‘ ‘ Kappahnuuock, on • fthe pickets hallooed I vessel. Beforo entering tbo Confed. ■ iio the press of tbo country, but hu xva* for j Rer legislators lab- . The wheat crop in this section is prom- acros* tho river to n ie coat—"We have i service th© vessel wax named tho O nto. smoking out aoino disreputable littl© fol- mistake a* do thos© of Massachusetts, in ir-ing, and if no unforeseen accident (»c- . whaled you like fun in Tennessee - we i a* the Alabama was originally named lows who wore fonder of apilling ink than supposing th* condition wi.l b© eomplled ; G,,dx7i, the Meurnar’*''sable Veil! rur- u ill yield an ampin supply. We took 31 pieces ofanillery and 4,000 priio- the 4 290.’’ Thu Florida is an exact model j of biood, and whose occupation it w**to : witn. But out of a su«j»onsion of hcatili- i Go bow l.cibrc your God Hudpray l *ro clad to Ictirn from <mr oxchangusthat I ner» "Good. < iod tho Yankee, "1 I ©f tho Alabama, with tbo exception of bark at the heels of gentlouien. ties, to be followed by negotiations in . H yet your iirM-wn inayaught avail, ib-j prospect ir Cue throughout the Con-I wuh you had t en them all." That | b-trig two hundred tona leu m capacity The yoas and nnys were called, and , whieh wa ahallbe the equal of the other I federauy r* r agm»d wheat crop. Yankeo wishes t •: th*: war com© to tn < / l»urthon. fthe earn©* thu satno no nb©r } Mr. Conrad* amendment was lost-yens eon trading party, proau.o* sortiethuig. AmfthS ibr ©uc! withtruthfK^mafb l whoso influence in aid of tli« libur- appointment of such commissioners, mid ForzeMba" blood int tiused "its dye',’ tie* of th© country was valuable nod in- , visit thu Legislatures of Illinoi*, Indiana, dispensable. Ho appreciated thu import- ; Ohio, Pennsylvania, Now J©r»uj and ance of enlightened journalism in the ; New York, and seek their co-opeiation country. , in procuring a suspension of hostilitiu* Mr. Hingloton, of Mississippi, iutendad • during negotiation* for peace and ronnlon. rcfloction upon tnoso re»ri®ct-1 Kentucky, ut do tbo Abolition Sta r Thr human por« tliat llmu around WittoUio their haw with crimson di < An-i louder let your music sound Tit drown tbn dyio© warrior'* ory ! t>srkliiiK wi•>« your joy cnhuix «, ihat blood usr tluged its dye, quicker urze the maniac's dauce. Hut stop I the floor bun'll b your feci. Gives backs cqphi's holluw moan, And every strain of mush' sweet, brothsr^desr f tear. Util} * hollow uioun, Wuftn tortb ■ Vaiiduret wh KxjH)ecd to every bsitlxi'a in dark lloinorie no fori truM >ou from tho liuartlcas dance ? Oo fling your fratsi roLcnaway ! 4,4,3 *’ i ExiHMcd to every baltlo’s chance, t condition x>f pwiiC**. Rriugri daik lloinortc no forms of fej tor under the sumo ; fo frighi >ou from the hoar tic** d I aud joined u» a fow days since. I gavo stifficiunt proof that wo wore oxpoc- j led in Kentucky, and would bu wunnly ! 1 welcotucd there.' Salty.—At tlm auction sale*yesterday, rail exhibited a falling tendency fitlco last talei. Coast Salt brought lfitgilficts. pur pound. Virginia Salt brought !&$(«■. 151 cents pur pound. Twooty-tlvu sack* of Liverpool Salt told at $35 per sack. Tbh was h splen did bargain in view of tbo superior value of tho article, but buy or* wore *c©r« c and not to bo had ut higher price*. Rice sold at 61@7l. A good urticlo of tobacco brought NO cenU pur pound. Allspice sold at GO cents per pound.— Macon T*lcgr**b Al," the following adioiul; *' y of roluuxlms, I i Northern Lihertl* >. a*lioiuing tho . cud. u: juai, and is equally at lVwt a sailor. 4 yea* fifi, ttayi 47, And , /* <Ai« u Geie In Ju(»< l fuw day* ago in Now York. Ilh t i jThlllp Hlrscu Horn ; hti agv lUu. k I « commoo. ta.wtt: i’. 1 . To, 7i, 7m, 73, 71, 76, 7T, kS. Alsu. lot.< adjoiniii* the owl common.?*. TP. 80. 81, M, fi(. Maps of thu lots, snowing: their poritiou and uieasuremedt. rmibeseea in the Auction Hcoiu in this olty. Also, 10shares l'/uatcn’ Salt .Maaufacturioc Company. LaOnuire. u [vM> ( Ai< l OS i: PI I W. W OOL j'OLK. ... ... .'LF01 M. 0. WOOLfOLK. r.LLLS A LmSWTO^* SCHOOL NOTICE* 11 INN M. H. ANDERSON wUl i.ium a Beboal Iu lor Yming Ladles anil M i-ses aMheW^un- ** imjPt*