Weekly Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1861-1873, June 09, 1863, Image 1

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THOMAS RAGLAND, Proprietor. 'volumFxxxvl A STRICT CONSTMCCTION OK THIS CONSTITUTION—A V HONrWT AND ISCONOMIC VI. A lull MSTK ATIO V OF THU <.OlKlt\MI\T. OFFICE- COLUMBUS. GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 0, 1863. the weekly enquirer Is pnliltlUril (rtr>- TurnU> Naming TERNS—•* M> per annum. payable tuvarM- l.etter from •*«!. T. C, .Bgrcn Hill, nkar Ho» Jfl MILKS by Mr KRKKHIiOllO. 0 MILKS ’ f a SOUTH OV F.UUyiKI.D, Tksn., AItvisRTI.snMI'NTS ' Juno, 1st, 1WI. I on.plouoiuly iii.ted .1 oxK Doi.ua Mr. hh - Our UcRimonl left Miiare, fur the flint insertion, ami Furr Cast* ;| Sholbyville yesterday morning mid nr- tar every iutwruuent insertion. A *-|Unrn in the rived nt this place to-da.V, foot boro and Enquirer i* cloven lines in fuiaii type, or one excessively tired. Wo are now* capped LATEST 1-HOM THE WORTH. Yankee Account* "1 the Baltic* in Mituift.-ippi-- i ViokfbuTrf Taken by Tele* rapt). . .Special.Correepiimiunee of the Whirl FttKDKKII.’KHIU. p.(», May *3*. The following embraces the news ol interest iu the Philadelphia luquicor ol • the‘doth inst.. Steamboat Chattahoochee Destroyed - Northern Account of’ \ ullundi»hum’* Terrible I,oss of l.lfe ! Departure. Just a* the stonmor Jackson was push- The Northern )>n|>t>rn rive tho atinoxod i ing out from tho wharf at Chattahoochee. account of Valhttidi^Timn’s "passago Fla., a courier arrived, with news that through the lilies.” the boilers of the gunboat Cbat'.ahour bee Mr. Yttilamlighnin arrived at MurlYaes- had exploded, killing tile pilot, William horn ah.Mit 11 o'clock on Sunday night TUe Untilr nd IV, hundred » Obituary ueticoe < advertisements. ' eight line* charged < trill I, i within closn proximity of the eqomy, and j The foil-wing- cilicia ... I in a .hurt While wo oxpeot to butevolllng j at some of tho miscreant*.—I • the private emk-bf , Hod grant it may shortly cumA erliulitidsaj* 'onal ebarartar. May 28; Kkar of Vicks Memphis, • a long scrip* oil the ( , hat«nho''oliHo riv inearly every olliocr . .lackwon could not remai , further particulars, they slnd i - a pilot M lion rd. Tin M. Stanton ; May 20. (Irani ' advert icemeots. The Decline iu Price*. it give* us pleasure, which wo are sure j will be shared by h large majority uJPAur i umnUtakablu dorfSnc j, fcTnH IVoulionTAlhe other Regiment upporting distance of the 3d Goo gin Cavalry, and will support them their attacks upon the enemy, wlienev necessary. ; on the 10th. Pemberton hud a mo*t Our Rogkupnt is to bo to-morrow bri- 1 ^Ttnidablc position on the . rest, of a , , ... .7 .. [ wooded lull, over which tho toad iik»«<n glided with the- JHh iennosauo, 9th Ala- j longitudinally. lie had about 2\O0U i .1 moil. The battle begun util o'clock, a. Mun disaster. Since th cd he h.v special train. The follow •lo > describe hi* reception : ul »an expected by the mili tary and public, but the time not being nnHration ol' any kind great and momentous victory over the ; have received, through the courUH.v ot by known ■ l"uk place. He was quietly take quarters . i Maj< •a I, who earriagp to Miir-kal V, oiler i lie Gift, the following list«' killed by the explosion ot tho the < 'liNttuhoochi*', Mav27, viz: Fagan, 2d A-'i-tmnt Engineer, •flic , li ne Fro voit re he was received J a number of other he fully eotn- Ihc expression Wr Flu. At 2 « I abstained IV cnlimont*. hi* Southward jour* inlaid Kngt- t., and > tlH-phc.' .r.iin.v ».li.'!«..r.'o»iu.«. | have no i Iwrn.'.l, \V. B. 8M« «IM . a id indications that othtr* wilt lr*l«.} -•,.„ nj^. .• »»..r v in t! o d cemiinr scale " ' ont,nue fts our *? r igfalior. 4 (.’icrnainl’s cofp*. . Dtir 1 iwjp-ctWLtimu’Tal inform • me tU#t (jrauk^r'A uf c Mi Fber*pn ill movu-jn a few - days util I fnrihe 11 ‘ Its brunt id Mm Atlanta Intel!, of tlio 30lh j attacked the hill, and hefd thr -a!..., nt Aurtiun 0,« rty w rtn fro „t tl ,„ ,,i r „ t . t , on , )f MortVMS. | 2 ’ '' M ' " ''T ot rice Hour at ijc. porlh., sod* , ... , , .. mg lost lOOO men, ho was .succeeded by .. Si ; n, ihmr £"l i>cr ewt ^ oro ’ so, our friends may t xpu.t ti lluomer'sand Holmes’brigades, ofCrock- J ’ hear of our lighting nnv day. ! er’a division, by whom the conflict wa* c_. iv. gallon, black tea 3»2.*V) 1 • • • - • • Tho €,>»/• drnir;/ of the *nmo date, in its mftrkot report, quotes rice at 11 (3,12 cents, syrup $'j, corn whiskey and apple and peach brandies, $18(oi20 pot gallon ; ln*of dull of sale, at a considerable de cline; tlmr in no demand, ami hut little doing in salt It says that Hpeo not buying, bccaune the mar l-lining, and that there in only ' demand. The heat Crop. .•w in the midst of the harvest, !y 1 -c* the yield sustain the ii*ni anticipations of the fnr- hc grain generally is uncom- and line. A number of spoci- >con sent u- from various neigh- hut v. c lilid ulI of them such 1- and plump grains that we ended on that part of tho field. . lost 500 men. Lbgan operated ight, and out off the onoiny's dir that ho was compelled to Corporal W. llurress, of our Companyr arrived hero to-day in charge of boxc tillc<l with “good things" from homo.— J treat, so mat no wa* compelled to wsenue j Our friends will please hear in mind to | by liis right flank through tho wootfs. I send all papers and letters to Wartrace Tenn., that being our nearest Fost OtHcc .J. T. G. (ion. dohnstor atul Gov. Fettus Of Johnston m May 21. led! Humphrey M rrivod here vestorUav. vemcntf but little is n-taiitlv «|n the move, Hogan lost 4(H» killed and wounded, took about 2000 prisunois. On the 17th, advancing t<> tno Hig Rhiclc, | wo fought Femhorton again at the bridge there, and enpturod prisonois. lie (ought in rifle pith proloctod by 11 difficult ! bayou full of nhatiib. Lawler's brigade i of McGlcrnand's Corns charged the rillo pits magnificently and took more prison- j ers than tneir own number. Femborton , ... burned his bridge and retrentod to Vicks- I Virginia, face, hands and foot badly burg with only three camion out of sixty j scalded that ho had tali Miles, with .. turted down to take him neer, ol Mary tana. nciow our lim * m Shelh.vville. The Fred. NV. Aronta, 3d A^istaut Kngi- prisoner was very cheerful, and discussed near, Richmond, Yu. hi- situation indiHerontly ; but on ap- Kugono Henderson, Fay iiin-tct J s Clerk, proachiug the nearest rebel picket, coni - Tiihkogoe, Ala. j mandod b.v Col. Webb, uf tho 8th Alana- wtfl. R Hilbr •. Pilot, CYdumhit*. (4#^ ' wa. tcmio 8 mile* out, he became peroap- .Toaopli Hick*, 1st eiiin* Fireman, (is' jT)My alUhflod. Ktioch (k Lanphor, 2d class 'Fireman, j Cpon Uiking lctivo of his companions, Columbus, tin. j ho said in substance: "1 am a citizen Kdwurd Conn, Coal Heaver, Apalachi- of the I'nited Status, and loyal to thum. cola, Fla. I want y< u to understand* that you have - brought a prisoner to liio ConlWoratu au- I Ihoril'o*." I To Col. Webb he made similur ro- 1 mark*. The Ibrtnur received him with a remark that ho had read his speeches, Mfiller, IV John Jolifl’ Seaman, Lewis (\ Wild, Landsman, Flu. John S. William Mom James Thomas (’has. Douglas Landsman, Fla. ), Landsman, Fla Landsman, Fla. 2d cla-s Fireman, I hut did Hot like him ; that ho toeeivo him within the Confederate lim . hut Would permit him to rimain at his post until he had ascertained the pleasure M. Fairololli, Landsman, Flu. I>,\ xaKitofa 1.v >vovkvkv. Midshipman (•liarles M. Mallory, of ■1 ins leirtieulnr: and 1 rejoice t* t lie enemy emu Alter building four bridge-, on the liis 1 lllack, Gen. Grant arrived before tho I town ami now hold- it clo-ely invented. He had opendl a line .•!' riippli." via I Chickasaw Bayou, having Wo tin of the j tn-rubk i appro: I Tims-* to th )»l cxsellont one. | *9“ particular notice « k-hurg workr loon r-.ad- and III..'clock, udvan i the the work*, their i I'lure was sharp lighting through the lav ve-terday. Stoelo won and now liol-ls tho enemy'a water tmtteries and from the ML-i-siiipi Cornelius Dully, of Apahicbicola, Flit., co and hands badly scalded. RLIUIITLT WOUNDIID. tod j Hamilton (.older. Muster’s Mate, Ma- via ' ryland, right arm scalded. •.vn ; Joseph .‘sin, Apalachicola, face burned. th« Midshipman \V .1 Craig, Kentucky, will I foot slightly burned. J k. ncpli K. Coles, Coal Hi cd. i.l sp which tin 1 thcaht oplc their bountiful supply of bread a hors, under the blessing of i secured l'or tho army and j.ulation. Let them, now, culutor and hoarder as more ids than tho rust or the weevil, and let thorn hurry their surplus wheat to the mills or to the market, with all convenient dispatch. They can thus very materially “reinforce” the Govern - nietit and sustain tho cmutifon cause at The Old Confederate Notm. Lis* 1 where in this paper will bo found a paragraph announcing that tho ilich- Mia*ourint.s never tired a rhot. Tl.e other regitnetilNthen man h< 1 up ajul the whole assaulting column, forlorn hope and all, marched within easy mtmkul id U« efusi At tho word ‘ received our fir ting thoJr rank loaod up Forward—Charge," they \ shuttering and dic'una- frightfuliy They ra)- atul -to.' l it for tliiit.v minute*, when they broke and llod. They woro rallied to the charge four su.-n—.ive limes and met with tho Mime storm of iron hail and louden rain. Tho whole x ! .r l Tj,if i they wero still lying on Thin unhuriod, and witnout any 6 Pls 11 . . Flu-rson, who hold*, thec.-ntre, ii«st little a- did McClermmd, who hold* the left. 'Fltd gunhoato kept the enemy on tin alert during the night and probably th town will he carried to-dav. Till re nr | from 15,0(X) to 20,(XH) men in it. Tho vessel Ims sunk below her di ck*. Thu wounded were brought tin to tho city Imsi evening by the steamer William II. Young.—Tiinm, 31*f. Vicksburg, ! sanity A dispatch from Col A A. (i., dated “In Ito 20l!i,” say* : Du the JCth wo fought tho bloody and deciaivo battlo of Baker's Creok, in which wimin I t !,e e »ll™ Vipk«burK i'or.M-, undir I’um- , |n jj p horton, was defuated, with Democratic state Convention of Meets 11 til June next. 'There will ho no opposition to the i iimtion of Mr. Yulhuidigliam tor ernor of Ohio. Vnlhindigh-j f the HUlhoritie The flngof truco party then luft Yallan- dighiiui and returned. Yallandigham’l speech was a very ingenious atratagum, by which he expec ted t>» prevent his cuption hv the Confederate' authorities, and secure him-elf the eredi*. ot uuirtyr- 1 a persectitod loyalist, I doom it moro than probable that in tho Ihco of tlie antagonism to the South ho assumed, the enemy wjll refuse to re ceive him. Ho was given to understand l\v General Bo*eoriimt that, should he Nnange to return to our lines in the way, the I're-ddont'sorders to carry Dia-nuc Gently app ciate .!udg< Jfl L:ncidn lias ro- listriels of his Asso- f the* Supreme ('ourt of thn i imeci among wh.un wo notice the following, aligned to the dietrlc-U Fourth -Delaware. Maryland, LkTKkV FltOll VH KSHt ltd. 0K.V. ntMItrUTON'M 8PKK0H. From the Mobile Tribune Jackson, May B0—Thorn is ■IT -RANDOLPH STREET. NUMBER. 21 •i-u khiw, may wi —morn is no nn\f« from Vicksburg dneo yesterday, but there aj ...... r r l Admiral Fm-ter’s Ofllclal Dknatcb The Capture of llaluca* lliufl, etc. tl . tw1 . Tho following i* Admiral l’m-tor's of- n ws | fl c i R i dispatch to th.» S)*crntary of tho •Navy, from JJftlncV Bluff, Yazoo River, i* no apjM-oheniiion felt hero an to event* i kv 72»>tli The MUtdssippinn of this morningnub- ! . ® lishos A speech mado by Goneral Pnm- ] /I....... # y- ^ after Ihroo ropul.M.-fllic oho,„y. j 0™!i «3ft ruing of tho 1«»th I came oucr to bo i eady to co-opera to . with It is at follow... "You havo hoard that I was incompp- tent and a traitor,' ami that it was my in tention to sell Yickaburg. Follow me and you will seo thn cost ut which I will . sell Vicksburg. When tho la«t pound of , _ « beef, bacon and flour; thn last grain of corn: the last cokv, and hog, and bnrso, Vhn cannonadlm/ and (lo« .hall have beau cOnaumod, wilt ] J„\. lim ‘! A tlie last man snail havo porndied m the trencho.H, then, and only then, will l soil at Carthago, throe nt Wnrrontoji and two in the Yazoo, loll me a -mall fence, .still 1 disposed of thorn to the host iTO- Vantage. On tho 18th. at Moridiax, tiring was xr of Vicksburg, which nssurod i. Grant was approaching the city; Vicksburg, IIP.POT, t-OllS* AND COTTON DKHTKOYKI*. Jaokron, May iM).—Information roJ ceivod states that tho onumy’s cavalry went to Bolton's Depot, twont.y miles Rom Jftck60u, on the Southern road, and kept itp furiously for sot no time, when, by tho aid of glass* os, I discovered a company of our artil lery advancing, taking position and driv ing the rebels before them. I immediate ly saw that Sherman'u Division had come on to the loft ot Sn.ydor'p Bluff, that tho robols at that plaof; hod been cut off from burnt the depot, a largo lot of corn,'and Wk) or Wtt hales of cotton, Boddo* milling other doprudations. TUVINu TIIK aTAHVINH CltOOKSi Grnn-nl Grant Entrenching. P0W jivtui im»r. ».u,» uuuu, eu«r Jackson, May 510.— No fighting at Vicks- nndSteelo, informing me of this vast burg. ■ cues and asking mo to solid up provial Tho onotny has quit tho storming pr< * *' Cess, ...... d->»patched the De.Knlh, Clioctaw. Homer, Petrel And Forest lloso, *11 undar command oTVduitt. BrsttO, up tbo Vaaoo to •« e commm,«in Bust way with (irant nuu Sherman. This l succeeded in doing, and in throo hours rocoived letters from Grant, Sharman ivhich v i at onco dono. ss, and is going to try tho starving. \ Meantime, Limit. Walker, iu tho Do- From roliahlo authority I learn that ; Kalb, pushed on to Haines' Bluff, which Grant is ontronohing in parallel linos i tbo onoiny uoinniunced evacuating tho with out batteries, but out of reach of our day bofore, and a party remained behind guns, ind kooping un communication in hopes of destroying or taking away a **ickiiDf ' " ' * iibovoand below Vicksburg, Uius cutting large amount of ammunition on hand.- if Vicksburg entirely. ! wHon tlioy saw tho gunboat they runout Ho is also entroncbir.g at Big Black leaving everything in good order -guns, bridge, and tho fords above and below. forts, tents and cquipago of all kinds, Nous vorrons. _ wh>eh full into our hands. . | A* soon a# tho capture of Hainos* Bluff An Important i nn j fourteen forts was reported to me, I j shoved up tho gunboats from bolow to The John linin'n Hu Id Dlacloaurc* Mr. iSumnorwas re-olocted to the Uni- i Vicksburg, to tire at tho bill batteries, tod States Scnato, the other day, by the j which flro waa kept up two or throe Legislature of MiiHsachuM'tlH. Mr. iiwnti, hour.*. At midnight tlioy moved up to a member of the Scnato of that State, the town and opened on it for an hour, although a Republican, would not, it and continued at intervals during the scorns, vote for Mr. Sumner, ami gnvo night to annoy tho garrison, tho following reasons for so refusing : I On the lttlli, l placod six mortar* in “I come now. Mr. President, to wr.nt is ! position, with orders to tiro night and known in history io> tho John Brown day hi rapidly an they could, raid. This expedition was planned and j Tho works at II id ties' lliufl' aro vory fitted out in Boston, and its expense* do- formidable. There am fourtoon of the frayed by subscription. Tho day ho hoavio*t kind of mounted eight and ton- Virginiii, North Carolina ('hid Justice I Roger B. Tatm,y. l illli South Carolina, Tgla, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi n»u mb, i .. field of slaughter, guish! What cruelty i and wounded soldi*' iifl'*- Hi* 1 •l.tski defeated the same fureo at Big Black br.dre, with a loss of 2,0ift men and 17 pi ecus of artillery. On the 18th, wo invested Vicksburg closely where lhe\- fell-—the i.d.-d wno en deposit (.'on led crate Trea-ury Kotos issued prior to Doceniber lust. This an- nounoemunt struck us as au indirect I bo mode of discrediting the Confodcrato I ci^ri'oiyt.v by iiuLultmcnt*. l*p lo the 1st j * l( of Augtisi next,‘tho notes issued prior t<> 1st December lust ought to he more val uable than the Itjntos now emitted month ly, beemno they are fundable in 7 per cent, bonds, whilo the later issue. 1 * lire tumhiUe only in <1 per cent? or leu*. The. refusal h.v tho Government to permit tho*e note- t-‘ bo funded after tho l«t ot imply any design to epudtttlo them ; on tho to still allowed to circu- viihlo in payment<>l'duos i^nt. SU11, holder., will t advantage of funding • may ho invested in 7 they oftho i*ruel and boa«tlv to pultht* i In- had seduced frmn tln-ir «. and undur tho delusion n.d liberty, or by force inc i by 'J’o-day. (Juii. Steele curried the rill pit- north of the city. Tim ngnt of tic army rosts on til. Mn»i**ippi ah.iw Vicksburg. I loam further that tln-n •>i. from lo.UKi to 2u,IM» men in Virk* l.nrg, and that Fcmberlon lu- all In* field artillery, mid that sed about :> o’clock- rant hurt prohi Yankee fahricalioli. She wrote t week to her liurtbund, oxhort- ng him t<- abate not one whit of the prin« iples he ha-, enunciated. •m- j After his sentence by military court, ho 2D whs kept in ch*.»o confinement, and com- On I municalcd with only by staff ofllcor*. tho people of the Northwest for the ad- mi iu.itration of Lincoln, and tho country i« ripe for revolution. - . isicsip Jurttice Jume» M. Wayne. .Sixth Louisiana, Texas, ArkaiiMi*. Kontuoky, Tcnne-*ee -Jiisiiee John (.’ntfon, ot Toil ’d that rangumenl of the wire*, we havo mo il from u gentleman who ha* Just rein our city tront Sholbyyillo.l .tf/«r»(«i / early nil the wagons > taken up with the trade on i bonier, t^iiantitic* of flour i the inturior of Texas cannot rward to the army for want >f transportation, which is now employed in this pernicious trnllic. This trade i« periiuttml by I lie Yankees lor tho pur* po*o of procuring our cotton, and returns tiling but the mortl periahuhln the Me in ked 1 goods, which are sold at fabulous price*. Tool Mr* \ iiLlaiullgli the Ufllll. I lured iw | .1 FuUe ■ all of tin- H|»- xhnr .lopre y. tin i they i hoi r that pt valuable tl: Hugo tehniimti April Inst are th(fonly n'tea tliut 'I’li Since Tuesday, from all 1 cun learn, the enemy htni content)/) him«c!f with * oiling, cannon«)lmg and ahai p-le.otmg, and they occasionally am • .-cd in picking off some of our men A t 1 firing i at long range l*embert)»n doe* not r«*plv. On TuoMla.v nnuning Lieut. Broun, of the 2*H|i Mi**inippi infantry, darliud lured the pin r«pt" 'i'lm following ib a rtomati from Wathingt/m, dated 21 At 11 o'cloc k a. in. t..-d: dent roeelveil the n-1 tttinoui-cement that X 1'I.KVKLAM*, Obi., patch troui Mr. Folio MIS .. 1. ;i ij.l.i.- * hieh v Da ni The Fetei elmrg Kt- '• pree- leiirii from par., c-1 J.lirtol.crrt j UAL returiH-d Hum thn North, that upwards i S’lelhv- i ” r ‘bnndreil ui our man, who wore ■ nlaco implicit i ' V'i r "'l "> tin- halt!.-, around Vickrt* i will, a -l«l" : !'" r *: r.. .■I.llv L, \ III-,..11, ,il,. K i».K» ,, ,,, , a ,j IH )io the Lincoln GoverniHonl, and of m which have jY<*ur*e were allowed lo lemain under ita rv'inw \.iili Hint 1 i>rotn.ti"M. II,nm rio.cr —- I tipmi tho I " nlor* • de pull ruined that if any of them wero native horn Sou*thornc‘r». They were mostly North* •rn inon piofo.Ming Soiilhorn principliv* i foreigner*), all of whom had enlisted dernb, ul ah. flfM Not a gun untuil | g)>r at Memphi 1 and cap- j hhvb the Stars and s hundred | Vicksburg, and the xtv iuici- I Imve helil tlii* m tirol and ! the confirmation, 1 • led 1 interrupted, ami I ached me. .d u id 1. rough! i \» ere j enter.- | iHgc, iioping t<> tin- line hit- I »\v give it to vo ruin Mlnncmta—Th ■ luilian Wu About to Open—‘i.OOO Sioux Dill flora oil t ii s Itiu r. Mr. Ynllandlgham come.* upon ilrtion, atul again it hi* consent. t< uifodurate line*: and \- roecivod :i/en of Olii)i ami of tho Unitud Sim.-, . • , i u\ile, hanish.'d from Ilia country for no i H1 •■m’li nn-n a- \\r can verv readily r,.„,, , l..vu „f imtiun,I I.“I”'™;. " ,|J ' vlli he< ho lioltorort l.y,-wtUnx ' ■ ■ II,. IInv. 1 i" 1 "• il" 11 in Hi,. i among 1 orty and the true principh ernmeat, outraged hi tho do9poli*m of tl:c Lincoln Adminirttration. Having been I’orcihly denied proteP- tion in tho Hinted Stati**, ho i- ohltgol to *e)-kit from tho font ud critic Stati * Whilst, a* an oxile, hi* i* confident of kind treatment and consKleiHlion tiom k j generous and hospitable pimple, he ' i tho ell while gallantly defending tho Mis-i--ippi, wa* of an am iout and able Maryland family, long dihtin- ■il in the military annals of the ind i >r that purp allauiUgitin Vicksburg i* ohoi-ring. ai wuaring a more hopeful face, d’he l cdoral- hn\ denperato a-.-aults upon oi , have bee Alla rill be Again. mkeu accounts say that sliuuld ghnin return 4«- thoHnilcdStates, ml sunt, nee of the court martial executed; which sentence- was t ho he qopiiuod until the end of tho ron (ho Dry 'J’ortugas. 'lie general expression of tho pro** of ■ Confodormy i*. that ho should not permitted to remain horc—most of the >i;rs urging that he bo sent out of the intry by sonic -vosse! running the '.tkade. Wo havo exprc**ed the opin- , to which' wo ndliore, that this would icting him to loo great danger of again into Lincoln’s dutches* tenty though ho avows himaolf to :ona{der him entitled to a refuge country (on good bolmvmr, of simply on tho ground of hu unn* com inon hospitality. 11 ad ho r hitt.-r and bloodthirsty enemy, he a mah whom we might ju-.ll> t rpy among u?, hii cheracler ami Dnts might deprive him of any oveii thomorcy and tolornncedue to all men in miiTortune. But no one look* upon him equal slaught that it has no Federal officer united to thoir men been captured by Hod remaining stronghold Viek.-hurg, J.i-t drawn up warrmr- ti 7110 lodgi** ol Simix ! uinped on tho James riv numbering between I,. L-ato avoid all public non»trati«»n, ifnd to li • I place, a* a private ge laid 5° ha.o , Hint Hi,li,II1011,1 Inn! t in the Shayenno tho Imlians have had a difficulty umong thenisulves, a portion tavor of peace and tho remain- which limy were 1 iJcvU'nl.ukii. fcnUI* iifrnj , utiil tliill l.y i)n- | Hi»lni|i T«ch» lit termination anil bold tie** in Ilnur charge , t|,j recent murders u j Fomme de To falling might take the plac" •mi the war. The troop* iveru commanded; their l only stubborn but did hen j i wns predicted l»v onoof the Imlia the immense hills «»f >*<nlni- deud that j turcu up tho Mum la Nall*' now cover the face of the earth, awaiting j ,j mc af ,„ -that about tin- first of .> Hopulturc, afld poi.soniiig tlie atuio'pheri.- ' . RV (,gcs instead ui'wailing lo c-n* by tho horrid stench "I tluur thou*andfl <»l ( |, 0 | ur go army wliich fur a long t carcns-iM. Dur oflicer* ehtimale tho •*«- | Loan preparing fi erny'rt loss from ton to twenty-live thou* f rolll a point on tl sand in killed and wounded. A North | wo uld break •linft Federal deserte night h ills tho same story, r that Grant * Iohh is estimateil in from 10 to BO.OOUincn. The widened of the margin it mate will give 3 [lunishmcnt thm my Jit westward march the upper Minnesota, would break into iniium rahle -1 n 1111 "' l I parlies, and thus tnoru eflo t ll .Y h | our forces, and imisencn- ' Hl sulllers. The fow fnmiliu" . | around here are flocking inf “t'* J Hile, and Sergeant Brunsoi nomine with a Ibri ul ly liarai 1 tlei ruiiiaining vo) th< ft) mi of Mr. V. burg, and the lie tki i.liiiK scnvihlo that, rcxidenco in the (’onlbdenicy i the gnnerouti consent of tin- Gi ami people, till lie can return hi* home. He is confident that hi* ch well enough knowi w* *-iti*l. that he i» lliCM|»ahlc ••: :;i. v. u either hen- or on hi* return t-» consistent with the rolm thus hiihlainst< ully I him#i-lf 1 uinmarui,.,! Ki t tli» time ii ww* taken by tho Another gallant otll* liiind and hi* l:iee t rarda Dili*., tit* iiegro w wliildi he i 1 lie atroi This is proper i \ itllandighaii), - , 5 hat In* enter tains tho opinion that ho doc*,..and will govern himself accordingly. the opinion days ago, t hat the h the United State.*, or point heyou‘1 thoConfodo all circumstance some other , thehettet, onsideiuii.— Atlanta S*l ni loin liiillutin, Tviilii''ncn, we get the t deplorable account* of the terrors of Yankee rule there. The officers ;o a nmctico of giving hull* to which re invited. They walk n nml arm with negro 11--. mm commit such indecencies in uhlie street that, the ladies of the are obliged to koop their windows I all the lime to avoid wilnoflhing Mow long! oh Lord, how long! — 1 lt>'ii. started for HarpeFa' Ferry, on his'deed of murder, lie dined in room No. 1, Farker House, in company with some ol’ tho most ardent and zealous supporters of Mr. Sumner, and for this reason I allude to it. Tho Republican party now dls- the act; they cull him u monomani- . in insane man ; but. when tho tele* graphic wires, with lightning speed, brought the news of hi* death’ to’New .England, so depraved at tbo time was the public sentiment hero, that tho village church bolls tolled out his Amoral knqjl, and tho luinlsturs of God, with a few honorable exceptions, prayed in thoir pulpits that tho spirit oftho “dopartod saint'' might ro:*l in peace, This act, Mr inoh rifled gun*, with ammunition enough to latiu long siege. As tho gun-carriages might again lull into tho hand* uf the enemy, I hail them burned. Mew up the magazine, and destroyed the works gen erally. I nine burned up tho encamp- mont’s, which wans permanent and re markably well ronmruciod, looking bof« intended to star for somu time. These works and encampments covered many acre® of ground, and the fortifica tions and rifle pits pruperof Haines' Bluff extend a mile ami a auartur. Such a net work of dofoncea l never saw. The rube!* worn a year In constructing thorn, and nil woro rendered useless in an hour. I got through with the do; Strange b’elo De **r. On Friday, oaya tho Washington Chronicle nf May JGtU, at Mttiropolitaii Hotel, Now York, Mr. Kdmon^Bflrnn, c trilh a surgical instrument Called ft catling in his hand, with which ho had inflicted a ffttdl wound in the region of tlie -heart. A nrrrlout UMtirceitful attempt at eulclda had boeu made with morphino. Mr. Baruti had also thought of shooting him- *o4f, but had do*i*ted, out*of regard for tho feelings of those occupying the next room. The cauxo of tho n« ( was proba- b>y dopreisleu of «|>iritJ, brought t>OM.aaeoil groat wda 1th, but had been re duced to a comparativelyblonder income. Tlie most remarkable r-ature uf tho Clwc, perhaps, i* a will left by deecoaed, bw;u*- itliing bis body to Dr with the request that the skeleton should bo nlfcoly set and placed somewhere iu bi« office. Theduoutnent mniFfts follow*: 1 boreby bequoath my body to my talent ed, and Home duy )>r other illustrious. Dr. Wefign, of No. 5J0, West FitWnth street, New York, requesting him to set. up my skeleton nicely and to place it •unv-wF-^f ir /v nfllen The heit mean* to effect it probably aretha following : to take Urn 1le*h otV tbs* bones with a knifa aa much an possible; to cut out a small jjioco oftho jkull with .1 trepan, and ^ull brain out; toplcrcG holes in tho shaft ofotory long bone with a small gimlet, so m to let tno marrow out, which will groutly improve the whiteness; to let it macerate in water a long while, and let it perfectly dry; then soak it in a solution of magnesia, (or n lait de rAanx) and when dry to rub it well and p:dnt it all with silicate of potash, and ulti- w»ll matoly to set it up with consider the fulfillment of tho. nbo. quest as a special favor. It will bo ho nico to seoono's old dwelling place kept ho clean and in good order, instead of rotting away in some dirty place.— H«»w handy too, when wo are all sum moned to the Volley of Johosuphat, to hones already together, find stead of having to struggle among the crowd, and pick them up ono bj- one iu •onto charnel house. Should my learned friond fail to comply with my request, 1 will certninly coma hack and pull his hair out by tho roots, provided that they grant me a furlough. And, now with rny , good-bye. (Ju plutot— love to K~ F.umonii Rarok. tho'death blow to the truotion of the magazine* and other peace of tho Union. Without, it Virgin- works, I started Lieut, Wulkor up tho in would not havo seooded, and God grant Yazoo river with sufficient force to des- that wo may yet recover from it. 1 j troy all tho nnomy's properly in that know tho name* of the persons who were • direotion, w:th orders to return with all engaged in this transaction, anil shall j despatch, and only to procood ne far hh leave a record of them for history. Yazoo City, whero the rebel* hnvo a Another ileed of murder, Mr. J > resi- ! navy yard and store houses, dent, and I will notdotain you longer. In the meantime General Grant has When Anthony Burns, the fugitive slavo I dosoly investeil Yickrburg, and has was confined iii the Court Houso in this posm-ion el thu bed commanding poiuts. city, a mooting was hold at Fan cull Hall, In u vry ►hert time a general assault tocomddorthe subject. Theodora Farker ! will take place, whop I hope to announce and tho Kov. Tlrnmna W. lligginson ! that Vicksburg ha-, lallcn, after n sorle Mr. Furkpr, in concluding of tin un eloquent speech, alluded to th that h slave was roniinod in the Court lluuuo, amt oxclaimod in substance “Why HLand wo hero idle/ To the rescue I” A Tush was made for the Court House, nn>t nt the door stood a poor laboring man, a Mr. Batchelor, a night watch. Ilia wifo and two children wore sleeping at home, possibly dreaming ofhlinnH he was tolling for their daily . brilliant sit attended an arm}-. that t • ng tin Who killed him. .u natrd nn the gm the world never ki Frcrident, wero tho confidential frioruh, and supporters of M r. Sumner, nml fur this reason 1 have alluded to tho subjoc.l.” A Ci.kvkh Takk OlThn Fhiladel- phia Inquirer contains a letter, purport- to havo been written homo by ono of our Jnpancao yiaitors, in the style of war where the rebels ha\ cesvl'dlly beaten at all points, and the patience nml endurance of our army and navy for many months arc about to bo rewarded. It is a mere question of n few hours, and then, with tho exception of A Fight at Florence. TffBcrMOix, May 20.—The Abolition raid in the Tennesson Valley i* coming ti> grief. The nnomy number 2000 mounted infantry, with four piece* of artillery. They crossed the river nt Florence. Hannon drove them from Florence last evening, with loss. To-day. Roddy croBHea below them, cut them oil from their bunts, and is driving them b/tck to Florence. Major Jenkins and (.'nptaln Locko, of Hannon's odd Alabama Regi ment, wero killed in the Florence fight. A battery, without an oaopil, going to Hannon's assistance, encountered tho nnomy, gnd •>«•» reported cuntu rod, but it opened on them, and escaped successfully to Athens. No doubt those marauder* will encounter the same fate ns Straight’.} prow’lere.—Huntsville Confederate. port that on the 7th of Anril a sea light look place at Fodso Bluff, between a large war Ptonmor, strikingly like the Alabama, and threo other vosSeb, which wero soon pouring broadside* into each other, from the shore. No particulars 1 known. Uoon'n DivLM'ix.—'Tbi, 1 siou Is formed 01 urn lEiluw Rubinpon's, Law’*, Anderv ning's. Four To; I 1 * and Ben in Arkansas the fourth. Fort ifudson, whieii will follow Vicks burg, the Mississippi will bo open il entire length. Grand Fncampment, 1.0. o. F« Tliia body hold il* annual notion thin city yesterday The following theofiicerl* olpctouand iuslallud for the year ensuing Lottros Ferrfienne.*,'' and Goldrttnith's “Citizen of the World.” Tho following i* a snnoimim : /* “We find it very difficult to comply with the domandrt of our sovereign, for bidding us to touch the women of this country—not from any disposition on our part to disobey, hut Irotn thoir desire to suize us by our hands. They are anpa- l.ater (rom Furopc. The Btoamor Alift hn« arrived at N< York t'mm Liverpool. She bring* tl latest Kuropoun dates ; The Polish Inhtirrection oonlin'ic* increase. In «»ne )listric.t it ha* :t**um» an entirely rcligi / - a-fw < I i'b • poop are strictly Gatin 'I’lie eiti/ons (.1 Atlanta Iimvo jmrcliHiod thesplemlid war charger Highlander from Gel. Ben. G Yancey, of Athens, Or., ut 4)2,000, to he presonled to (ion. Forrest. Highbinder i- a dark chestnut sorrel, •LI, well trained, has spleri j did action, and is thought to l>o tho haud- ! somett chargor in the Gonfoduracy. count} jtl cnlrcuchiiti lull, haf)l|y hut right lo el ief ~ • <-li 1 Ul ron. It is dev il may not be luu In v 'f r -V j It is tho upiniun « breeds and other*, who pro h)‘ imped have l>r fed by The hero in on Mackiowi)/., who fell (lank witli a company • fi g h VII* Fulfil , the H IS ia ylhcmoii un _ , f Roweim, 11 tlml StHt) 1 , )luring a period of thr' ■cm.-, -even mouth* hii,I nineteen days, nvr liirlii t<> twelve children, all of /horn are alive ami kicking. Mr*. Mugeu iiiiik)-.") an excellent ro- ruiting officer fur thu infantry. . Yd I my going j y.rci wu l" j gunbo * light. On the J „„„£ f uur j„ rtirury, helms always gonu as fur ns | cietiLly oh-.tr y Northern man dared go in uplio ; tlie rights of Lite .South in the Uuio d sinco its dissolution* he has all the I ft 0il *^ etarted 10 bcc:i an opponent of tbo war os iged against u». Induud, tho ott’once : which ho i» banished is liis opposition the war policy of tho Federal Admin- ration, and bis advocacy of peaceful ••rture.-, instead of hostilities, a- h The Wheat Crop Again. From an old and highly respectable citizen of Atlanta, Mr. Joel Kelsey, who has just returned from u trip into Bouth dilion, when . cume Mlaimcd and bu Nothing but misfortune bu: our naval effurU i. am glad that they Wo cut Mr. Yulian ligh • inhumanity. He ymj.athiz. fight h ccoMsidoritlion* at we shall not with indignity leader of and j ^^Kifled it |mrty at thu V •, ,,,, | ,. Smith, »y . a. Civana. ouvmuijr »»mu- i •» «.««; k» - -r-™- 1 r,>u-onabl)' •North, llicrc is no good policy in either | ( i c d--Roth well FrLm. Sergeant Allen, | we think will he the caso when the abun- ! j nn j t WL . u bnt little 1 dru < “•my w)int up the river I whereof they speak, that the savages who I turned the h*a»ln of victory < it.v. end committed a j perpetratod tho outrages above moiition- tho iuHiirreetion 1moralises tho greater out- ,h>' ("Mi. Brown 1 d were Siottx, tlniugi) others entertain rages urn committed by the Russians, in th« 1 . r, winch sufli* differ cut vinws, Hnd believe that it was the I All clas*cs are infuriated at thoir savage J ' l • p • "it the cuo- j ,)j„|>oln al w..rk oftlm Chippuwah. The : brutality. ehoorinc nows oi 1110 wneai crop in at l'artiu . up 1 navy j n . t tlmt tbo catllu ami ui uih of tlio two The London Times, uf Mnv l J.li, nayn that prolific portion of tho State. Mr. K L X« •>> • ■ • > ■ • siciiin* rninaiu untouched by the blood 1 “Hoiksides, in thi- extr.fi.ity, look l * ui says that tho like was never known to t'iwi, but a :• w Ii.derul tit i raty wretches nll'urd, grounds for argil- 1 and nor-o a ouarrel with u», r ll»cy do j tho “oldcs 1 . inhabitant there, biulds n, ••..-. unnoit'U mu expo- , „ 1C iit'with some that it wr* tlm work of thi- while each draw, troui t.- flu* mean- . upon Holds that formerly yielded cotton, "0- 11,4 OhipiMw,. Hlrniit ufbi-iiiK “I riirrylliK «.« ««r. Tb« North i now riiWurJ the Wrinor, wlO. Mlonbhln* aught with an v of draws from us men and all the umteruil of J yields of tho great cereal that will give war—yot it a*Mir< -u* that »•• soon a* throo 1 bread to our puoplo tho next year, and months of do i i i iuoa»ur> » has nut un , especially bread to our army. From a end tu thi-rebellion, it v ill immediately field of 40 acres, sown by Mr. Wm. B. hurl it- urniament ngaiiiHt Knglanu, Stallings, in NVofister county, wo have n again-i. our hold upon Ireland, ngain-t saniplo of the finest wheat w« have over out dominion in America, hgaiiiot our soon--one of thu hands of which contain)* commerce nil over tho world. ! one hundred and fifteen grains, and • \VL"b< ) we interfere or nut this k 1 lair sample «»f tho whole. Wo invite the fnv; in i-l<»ro for u-, and lueanwhib to < \ pn— thu wiirinuHt h< -s Of flu: Fedora 1 aril) •will tlicr*s * •in*—, in bo }* Waddell Artillery. 1,1 ” ' : tlm Uliippawi- n U, V E detected if they ^... uUcnueu , i) 1(J i r property in their p<»*n^ that quarter, and I ' I’edonu with. h heat Speculation 5 Several of our oxchangcs notico flic fact, that pertou* havo boon ofluring ttm dollars pur biuhel for tho growing cr<>p of wtioHl, with tho design of knoping up the price of fl'ur to nr«*v large Htocks which lmv< from market ift tho hop) prices. It i» stated thu 10t» barrel- which cost If tbo pfiC*i I* brought d • I. 1808. eported to Severely 11 withheld still higher ! “ 10 firm ha ' ner barrel $20, which liable x as pc rating thum ugninst us or aiding \ Gunner Walden, Jim W^iggins, Bon dant crop now ready for harvesting hliull : t j if> iitr in I Page,'John i'. Smith, A. D. FulL" 1 ^ 1 tho l ... j bo thrown upon tbo market, the lot , , CaiVt. Wftddoll unhurt, so fur as I cun | that single lot will bo $60,000 To obtain | thuL jt I learn. Gr.o. H. Wadukll. a monopoly, -* - * ■ 1 “■ - control prices 1 defeating his party the approaching elections. If Mr. Val* landigham is sent to thu Dry Tortugas, iiow can he ever reach Oliio to assume the Executive chair, in « use tbo ......... ^ #itv| ^ ^ u o • elect him Guvornui ' 1* it our policy to j Gen. Hampton = negroes, from Missiaaipj* j whatever with such ouerators, whoso I JJuulonts'we'are nat'indinod'u)apply.” Rid in nutting him iu a position from pi. tbeir way to Columhi -. About \ God is Mnmmon, and whoso country i* “ — — whirl, {.will ho imim—i bln for him to n,i,e “ Augusta, tho two last cara In ! t bolr owo narrow boarts. They are ut- i A Yankeo soldior writes to the Natli- men it will t>o uupo.-iDio tor mniv the train became detached, and/cmamed 11 t«*rly proof ngainst all other influence*. v j|i« (Abolition) U“' - 1ako a look u*. inSuintiT county, uml Fr W.I.-t* 1 county, Mr. K. lulls vitand heaviust wheat that ho over ns ready for harvesting, and somo plaint. Fruuo/and Eng- | «>f it had been, in that nml other aectionu told, huve only k» racognizo of .South-westorn Georgia. Tho corn l.-i,. • uf thu .South, and tho crop, too, he reports as vory premising, L- | tli) ! heretofore, thene hcartlossspoculatorn and ■I IU ..a a1 ii#•,, 1 - extortioners aro willing to ri»k u good Itailrusd Accident. jn or( j tfr 6& , ve thomselvod if possi- A train left this city on Saturday with | y 8t The people can havo no sympathy HP... Would indeed .. . . .. 1 that wo could per- Cherok eGoorgiu had no rival for Wheat. Miado tho North t«» suvo tho wreck of its 1 Now it must look to its honors, for the fortunes. But no recognition or media- j “Finey Wood*” has shown that wheat as tion would have tbo stuuilest weight uu- j well ■■ cotton cap bo grown there with We’call up -H our agricultural friends j every wb< :uto refuso nil such offer - with : patriotic scorn. Mischief is intended to 1 a lHJsition - - rv -- ----- - - . , v.^- f„r him to nu,e “ below Augusta, thu two luatcars in ; their ,-tbio lor mm to 1 tbe tril j n j, ecttUK . detached, andjremamed roach Ohio in tho event of his election t j on the track until the pan engor train On the contrary, should ho ho elocted, | from Augusta caino along, and ran into mi f bt it not bo « advantago tor .. to . li bold tho power of rctaioiug or letting CODt i dcr< yi ul fault in this matter, but it him go, as good policy may thon dictate? would soeui that there mu*t havo hoen We do net lik.J to uinko .ugimtimi. oi ' Jerieus neglect of duty nonnwhere. ! biglio.t price., nnd it U," Wind publicly. ..ut .. .boy ,e.,u to ! ^ 2d. ; £ ..^.on^ defe.t ’* ° VJ,r,oolt « J by fc,Jluc llir press, we u J(iU i» U j C e yon a I'hellss Animal. ; ■** ♦ *»" ~" 1 this instance a reticence that. Amongst various article- of roal and; “Tin Bebklh IlfrouTlKO r o<jD rnoM light dictate. 1 personal property exported to sale at pub- KtTHopa." — Under this heading a xVash- -<«♦«» — fie vendue, on Monday, ut Halifax Court 1 ington dispatch, dated May ID, say *4**G..\\ Harris, Gen. Ghoatham, Hon. j Hou»h was a billy goat, rai od at South | lteliahlo G. A. Honry,*and sevc * ‘ ** ‘ lVnneificeans have ju* » State Convention, to Chester on the 1 Ttb inat. »’* to agree upon a Corigressiotial tic! profitable lo Chorokoo.—. Atlanta lnte.lt. , married or bingle, is fastened in a cage of bamboo, or floxiklo steel, extend ing from tho waist to thu feet. This saoms to bo ho a nan go f “as to give them no uneasiness, but tlioy are much Ashamed of if, and conceal it bonoath so many coverings, that if rondor* thoir appearance quito ludicrous. Thoy urn Unrostrictod ns to tho upper part of thoir persons, which they aro poriuittcd to oxp< so as much a* tlioy wish. This they seem to avail thomaolvcs of, and on all occasion* of high ceromony wear vory low dresses.” Fntrinrcb W II Barnes, M W G F. John W Burke, M K H I*. “ F K Saunders, It W (* ti W. Geo It Dodge, R'W li J W. “ K (' Ginnnii->, U W (1 T’. “ Geo It Baker, U W G S. (•rand Lodge I* O. D. F. This Grand Ijodge met in annual communication at Odd Follows’ Hull, this morning nt 9 o’clock, anti after dis posing of tlie usual business very har moniously, elected tho following officers for tho year just commenced; I’d John WBurke, M W Grand Master. “ “ .Tamos R llaupt, F W DG M. “ “-K. A Burch, " “ G NV. “ “ Goo It Barker, “ “ G Secretary. “ “ K C Granniss, “ “ Grand Trous. The (Land Muster made the following appointments : F G T T Christian, W G Chaplain, “ “ 1C C Sherwood, “ “ Marshal. “ “ 11 T Bonnot, “ “ Guardian. “ " John J Forsyth, “ " If era M. Resolutions ot respect for tlie memory of F (J .1 11 Dye, a member oftliL Grand body, dccoahed, since its last meeting, were passed.—Macon (Jan fed., tbi. rogimonts form Robinson's . fltVeontb, twenty olghtb, and • Alabama rogiuionfs form Laws; tno sovonth, Oightli, ninth, eleventh and fifty- ninth Georgia regiments form Tiger An derson's; ami tin* second, fifteenth, seven teenth and twentieth Georgia roglmontf. form Booning's brigade. F.x -Guv. Hunt. Ex-Gov. Washington Hunt, of Now York, conclude* a late letter to a VhIIrii- digham sympathizing moating ns follows ; While wo are willing to submit to the greatest sacrifice* in n patriotic •;>irii for tho prasorvation of tho Constitution and thn Union, it may ns wnll he under stood that wo will not consent to he bo reft of any of our constitutional rights. Wo havo lost nono of those right* In con sequence of thn .Southern rebellion. The administration ought to comprohond that it is amenable to public opinion, and that its conduct and policy aro a legiti mate subject of public discussion and criticism; It is for the perpetuation of froe constitutional government, and for this only, that tho country has boon ro willing to exhaust its best blood, and place itn vast resources ut tho disposal oftho national authority. God forbid that the American people should , allow tho strength thus imparted to be turned against thcmsolvos, and a military des potism erected on the ruins of public liborly! Ho far Ra Now York is concern ed, Ut it be proclaimed from the hvusi tops (hat no’ man within her border* “ahall be. deprived of lift, liberty nr prop erty without due protean of law ” of tho' Now Oi leans Era from Baton Rouge giving an account ol a jdofeat by tho Yankee Goneral Augurs of General Gardner. We learn on good authority • hiit * bat statement is falflu in all osseu- u i 1 respects. Tluiru was a battle, but ; he victory remained with us. Tho Yan kees fled to Hitton Rouge with as much speed a* their legs coubi supply. Tho rumor that Fort Hudson has boon evacuated, wo learn on the same authori ty, is also false.- Mobile Tribune, !M)th. A Chanol Hill correspondent of tho Huntsville Confederate, says: John Boll Bruwnlow has a brigade of cavalry immediately in our front, bnt no temptation can induce him to leave, even for a mile, tho infantry at Triune, hack to which his pickets fly at every appear- anco of our men. I am satisfied tlmt tbo pooplo of North Alabama need fear invasion, again, from Tuntiodsoo ; for tho cnomy soemfl to have an uncontrollable horror of over advancing another foot on Southern soil. Court Houhp. Saleh.—There wa*, on Mterday, a few sales made at tho Court No Real Estate of value was of- j From tho Now York Nows. Our Loasea at Chancelloravllle. Washington, May 17.—It is Ascertain ed tlmt our losses m tho recent halt I ns of Chancellorsvillo foot up ovor 80,000 in killed, wounded and miming. Tho Con federates enpturod fully 10,000 prisoners. During tho week immenso quantities of From Florence. Private dispatch from tiie Huntsville Confed. Wu ntc indebted to tho Hon. L. F Walker for tho following dispatch U Tuhc.'L'MMA. May 30.—Tho last hoard of tho onotny lio was at Gravelly Springs, in this (Lauderdale) county, retreating, Co?. Roddy pursuing. They burnt all uf Maruti, Weakley & Co.'e factories, Ma sonic Hall, and uomo other buildings, in Florence. John M. Powers. (Gravelly Springs is about 17 mile* bo low Floronce, or. the road to Waterloo, on the Tcnnossco river. Tho factories burned consume annually, in manufac turing, but 4,000 bnlos of cotton, wo un- derntnnd.] fored. Tho negroes sold were inforior.— Tbo following are the particulars; Mr. Geo. W. Wylly -old stock of the First Mortgage Bond.* of Atlantic A Gulf Railroad, at $197$. Georgia Steamboat Company’s Stock, $200 per share. South- woatorn Railroad Stock $100 paid In, at $206. Improvement* on lot No. 20, in Crawford Ward, for $300. 10 Lots of Land, containing ton ucro.* each, sitnaluu two iuil«» /rom the city, fronting on the White Bluff road, and extetidiuj; hack l> •Wen the Middle Ground roaJ, at $l0o to $1G0 puracro. Mr. Thomas J. Walsh sold one woman and two chUlrou, house servants, for $2,700; ouo nogro boy, warrauUd, a god They » According ini) t o report ofGolono) Ould, out ('oniinLsi ear t'-r ll»o oxoliftiigo of prisoners, the whole number of prisoner* late hat tie* about (jliat.co lor*vil le 11> >kor and exchang ed is 2,100. Hooker «laiins, in his Into order congratulating Iii* uruty on their miraculous escape fmro total destruction Uy our over-bravo an ' glorious army, have captured 6,000of remains a subject of legilimuto inquiry, whether Col. Dtihl is not bound who gavo in his investment at $60 ami his income for the year at $1,600, l>oing 3,000 per cent, upon liis investment, waa quietly informed by tho Receiver that undor the .Income tax Inw oftheSuito, ho wan due $2,226. “But mein Gott. L no got him. I fivo you all de monish [ _ Vary well, ce vor, 1 will hnvo to take your m and security for tho balance. [Mucon Telegraph Tho manner in which the Yankeo Gov ernment ha* determined to pay its nogro soldiors is worthy it- financial fame. Banks’ order at New Orleans recites that they arc to ho paid “according to tho uluo of their services 1 '! This puts tho whole thing in tho hands of tlie \ ankers, as tlie negroes aro very sure to render no service that wilt moro than cover thoir rations. Tho Louisvillo Democrat nays : “Tho military authorities are sending a num ber of men daily ovor the river, who, if they return until the war is over, will bo put to death. The Ohio uiay bo callod the river of death, for it is death to them if they cross it. ^ relatives < Mrs. Jackson, at Charlotte. N. C. voyod by railroad to tlio Fuom tue Glehk oy the Wkaturu. Sovon apd o»a-tenth inches of rain foil whother Col. Dahl is not hound, oral leawt authorized by tho cartel a greed Upon, to require of tho authorities at Washing ton to return tho remaining 2,900, who, according Hooker’s congratulatory or- tier, are *1111 withheld.—Ilichm. Whig. ^u-t JMHi . _.pHP ... uogro noj itting in tho shad* read- | ^titly^boen iuUjrceptod and sent ti>Jbe | sixteen ynarr, mr $1,700; one negro lug tlio Union to «trongthcn*our faith— I War Department, (ien. Fitz Lsa. , _ - . digging a littlo to rttronglhon our work-— intercepted tbo letter, teconiiueuds that . the groat body of consumer* when tlio*o an d waiting thoir coming, that wu may Mr. Bottibo not permitted to remain so | ; extravagant prices are proposed. Couv- atrongthui, th«- < ontidc-noo of tho people J near tbo “ *' tbo valor of the “out caste," nt 1 - 1 bo aged twenty-seven, unsound, for $1,660 ‘ 1 negro man agod thirty, for $1,400. j '»« ”> »■ punicio 01 grease, wuin. to tho host article of thu kind Mi*. Wm. N. Wyatt Iim sent us a sample of soil soap, mado without the >f a particle of grease, wliich ia equal army. Ho had better cat a little more bleleu pig meat to strengthen his leg», by tho Bragg got-! ready to tpovoup! Tbo prudonco might dictate. ^al know* he will bu !«n. CUOMtliam. IIor. I Hou«. wm u billy (jo.t, ni,M .t souin i n.n.b.o infurm.tion bu >>«” "‘•Jjg I „ vcral huudrod other ' Bolton, by Mr. bamuel Kdtnondaon. > here that the ateamar Gladjitor fcatledj.v Uat irtued a call for { The bidding for this comparatively use- j from Liverpool on tho 26tb uli., lor Nan- t*i to asseiublo at Wiu-! let.* animal wn* apirited, and at last it Uau, but ultimately to run tho blockade Ri irt. It* cbiof object ' reached tho extraordinary figure of $1000, if'possiblo. Hor cargo consist*.of 1,600 hv • lie f the district plan, on account of l Rovanuo. Money, judging 'ng saveral oftho above, must be plentiful *n th cried off to j bbls. of bread, and 400 bbl*. of bacon sionor of tho . the bread ahd bacon for the rebel army from the } Tbialact is regarded us un evidence of thi that region. great destitution of the Hoilth, ■*d Jjup. Ll - A dispatch w’hs received iu this city ilerday, by,Samuel G. Jones, Sunorin- •ndoot of tho Alabama and Florida Railroad, stating that no live* were lost bv tlie precipitatior* of the car* into the , Ferdldorlvpr on Sunday. The telegraph operator at Tensas hnd a leg brok .u a rim r, v»oiiw»y, ivcj«u member of Cunfimi* from Kaoeas, wall known, at the late torsion came out tor peace on the basis oi' separation b«* t woen the North and South. Thereupon be received resolution* pa-*ed by the Legislature of that State, strongly con- damnatory of hi* eourno in the llouae.— Mr. Couway returned the resolutions to thoir next election several negroes woro quito aevorely bruin-J to «ay whetlioa I am a traitor or not, nd tho 1 ed, but beyond this there were ie* furthai arid in the meantime 1 spit upon the |.ea- atrait to which they are reduced- caiualtie*.—Montgomery Ad»erti&*r, 4d. oluliou*. the Secretary of State, with tho expres sion of his “most profound contempt," and closed hi* letter by saying ; “I shall no k iug urvaun, »*■•» **k tl quite Mjvorely bruift- ' to soy Fttoxt THgCoxar. ► | aaw ; and a9 tho procow of making it is -Theeiiomy'rtscouts simple and tbo ingredients within tho to bo guttiug a little more active ! it known that tlio public may bo bene- and boldor within tho past few days.— I fitted thoroby. Early Sunday moruing, rapid and heavy Take corn shuck), romoyo tho linrd, or tiring was heard in tbo direction of Lo- shnr.k cud, *lrip tbono up tine, and place gare'* place, on Jaiuo*' Islaud, and also : them In a pot or Uottlo of strong bollitic iu iheairectiou of Battery Island. It was 1 Icy, stir until all tho particles of shuck rumored that a party ot the enemy had j aro consumed; add a tea-cup lull orpine advanced and cut off some lew of our | gum or l'Oiin. to nil ordinary pot pickets. The report was without founda- ! und you Will havo 09 good soap os tion. Homo fow Yankeo pickets, wo could wish. v\ n presume that tho soap learn, havo lately shown themselves, hut could ho hardened in tlio ordinary way, itutantly divupp)'ar«-d at sight of our mom | if desirable.—Marion (' munoiuvealth. The firing heard in tho rity Suhday mom- ing and in Iho afternoon was )lout)tle:*« The Columbia South Carolinian of fr«)in the Yankee gunboat* in Little FoL Saturday say* flour was .old in that city ly Rivet pradioing.—C’Aa>. Cou/iei. ien Friday at$lUa sack. Thin i* the' heaviest fall of rain in *110 dHy known of late year.-), or Indeed Rinco the wet time* ol Noah.—JfucoH Tot. Flour is selling at Rock Hill, S. C.» at per hundred. At Lauronlville $10 DT hundred In Fairfield district nt $1(J A Fuse Citizen or African ’Scent 8tanpino Guabp.—A gentleman at Charleston told an amusing incident that occurrod, some timo since, at Hilton Head Island. Private Gibbs, of C.’barlc'iton, was captured and eont to Hilton Iluad, and a nogro, in uniform and armed, was placed «» gu)»rd over liJm. A mischiev ous idea oncurred to Gibbs to test the nr*- ro'fc sense of “(Voedoia and equality with ui( unguarde>l - him in au authorilativo tone; ’ Whom do you belong to?" Taken by surprise . the uegro answered, . ubmissivoly. diuary pot full, J Jo state of Goddh, on de .uain”—ivean- ing hii oitale on tho nminland—then re collecting his changed condition, lit* „ angrily at Gibb* and said; Look ero 1 atari «>fl’ deni. Didn’t you know 1 J>ul bore to guard you? t I b'loog V to Mr. (5an. Hunter and inysolf, and he struttt»t forward and baok wRU pwtupoiR di^atiy. warn i