Weekly Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1861-1873, July 28, 1863, Image 1

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THOMAS RAGLAND, Proprietor. VOLUME XXXVI. A STRICT CONSTRUCTION OR THE CONSTITUTION AN HONEST AND ECONOMICAL ADMINISTRATION OP THE GOVERNMENT. 'COLUMBuTGEORGIA?m OFFICE—RANDOLPH STREET. NUMBER 30. THE WEEKLY ENQUIRER la l’ul>Uil>«l rvcr)- Tucaituy Morning. TERMS—t* per annum, payable invaria bly in odtNMM. ADVERTISEMENTS ftinsi-lououply insorted at Osk Dollar per aqua™, for tbe first insertion, and Firry Cent* for every subsequent iuiortion. A square in the Enquirer U elereu linos in small type, or one hundred words. Obituary notices over eight lines charged as advertisements. All Communications ot a personal character, or Intended to promote the private ends of Curimrations,Societiw, Schools or Individuals, will bocharKed as Advertisements. City Light Guards. NVo aro advised that a list of the casu alties in this company in tho baltlo of Gettysburg has been forwarded to each of tho papers of this city, but we have not rev ived it Wo loam from a letter from S.,; I*. Wagner, that tho company went into action with 30 men, arid came out with only ID. Sergt. Wagnor was not injured. P S - Another private letter informs n that (’apt. Mbffuttand 1st Lieut. Sapp v ere tho only officers of tho 2d Georgia Battalion who escaped unhurt; most of the other officers were severely wounded h i 1 taken prisoners. Tbe battalion went in: the tight with lfkl men, und came , ot with 40. The City Light Guards lost hi. ui twenty killed and wounded—most of the wounded severely. Lloyd Hailey whs killed on theGth, in n - Cirmi-h with tho Yankees wliilo out This letter states that wo captured about 20,000 prisoners. Casualties in the tIOth Ga. Regiment. A private letter from Lieut. It. W. Wood (which we uro permitted to copy) gives t ho following Ii>t of casualties in Cant. Mims’ company, tilth Georgia: Lieut. Scott wa* sick; consequently I was in command, i have not seen him tnce the light. 1 think ho is a prisoner, a l.owu- with the wagons, and I hear they have been captured, but it is thought that they have been retaken by troop-. A good many negroes are missing frem tho regiment, ltelow i a list of tho wounded (killed I.i. it. II W Wood, in hand slight; •till in command ; Sergt. .1 I* ltussoll, severely in foot; “ II Ilender >n, slightly in fate; •' A N McCurra, slightly, sido and •Sergt. Isaac Gunous, slightly, arm ; “ It 11 Yarbrough, slightly, thigh ; Private .!«>hn Brook*. Rightly, face; Knumu- Fleming, severely in hund ( inoe Amputated); Jamcr Forsytli, slightly in thigh ; A Maliiiify, .1 T 1* • “ “ hoed ; Wm Truylup, mortally in breast; W <> \I Whitehurst, severely in nock'; Missing— Private John Owen*. \(IjnLiitiL Henning was wounded. Lieut. McCriminon was killed.' Mor^nn -in.i lUtcWt wounded Our hoys fought as well as any troops ever did. Wo chargod a battery on a mountain and took it, and succeeded in holding it. Sergts. ltussoll and Fleming are worthy uf the highest praise fur their Casualties in the 11 tli Georgia Itog't, AT THE MVTTLI- .1 ; KTTYSllURO. The list of casualties below was sent by dpt. Moore to hit brullier, in . letter | dated 6th inst., 10 miles from 'lagerstown. , while on tho march. Tho Captain remarks that the companies had not handed him thoir reports. 1 .otters dated Hagerstown, 7th and 8th, woro received ut the same time. Those casualties oc- urrod In the light oft he 2J Inst.: Co. A, Copt. M'iluuit Contnntuling. Killed Hrivuto Hcnj A Allen. Wounded—J Brighlwull, slightly’ in 0>. J?, Copt. Tondec (' inmoml Killed -Wm Drive:, M Ayeoek Wounded Corp Jn > Dupree, i privates A .1 W ill--, left arm off; Richards* TO THE PEOPLE OF GEORGIA The late serious disaster* to our urms at Vicksburg and Port Hudson, togothor reat with hi.s army while they aro no r ultimate success, vos ami place to our very border cause of despair of if wo aro true to out trust in God. ndni protect our homes f enemy, it is time f. tin* ravages ofthe cry Georgian able unila himself without de lay to a military organization, end hold himself in readme s at a moment's warn ing. to strike for his homo and the graves >f hi* aiu'‘-st..r-, with i termination to die fro the slave of despotic pi Tons of thousands oi volunteered for the win who have not been sla still risking ue grav unalterable ci rather than live ind those of them or disabled, are nhorde oftlio , should*- id le F M .Marshall, A .1 Collins, K G Taylor. Co C, Copt. J. V. Moore, (\inimatiJing. Killed: CoipA L Short: Privates W 8 Brown, John Culpepper. Wounded : Lieut F W Dickinson, seriously in head; Lieut W 1 Cousin , slightly Hugh Key, I) I) Masin, tered; John M<- pi ivutes C Fick- rrauk, Imltock; thigh and knee; , and thigh shut- Killed • Cnpt \ AS P.rk- Evun*, nrivatc Jiin.l S'\ iin \ Sergt A 1) McKern . i . • do .1 II Mct’artv, in i «' Perry, over the ■ • «. Kami privates A M (.’h*-:* r. .gntly i l)ei verely in groin , A .1 K*. head; W M Lew luea-t; I) B Owe ) B Hevrolde, .1 J 8 Wilkersou. , leg and in breast; . K < , lire M i ight; NeV the volunteer t«* defend their habitations ami property, and tho Inuno and families of their neighbors who arc in the army, ngainst tho threatened attacks ofthe uno- I* there a Georgian able to bear arms, so lost, not only to patriotism, but to all mpulses of our nature, that ii- emergency, refuse to take tho defence of his home and his family when the enemy comes to his very door, l«» destroy the one, niul insult ami cruelly injure the other ’ If there he a Georgian po-sessial of -o little euurage or manliness, let hi- lellow-citi/.cnit murk and remember him! If lie hides himsolf behind some legal e\i-mption, «• a mere pretext to avoid duty, let him posed to the consure he deserve-.; or if in his anxiety to make money and beeoino rich, lie turns a deaf car t.^ the prompting ho will, up arms t ndignuntscorn to lino has come for | iction. All that el hi i mg., ot » liber al with • The W. Mightl.... J Cum best, shoulder; Tl head; Connel, left liaiu W Carter, left wn-t; T side; I', Til . slight! Mis-ing: A P >kinner, .1 .1 W. ..Ill Jo Killed: .Sergt .I A llogu Lie*: i Pot A Worsham. a John Cohen, •ll’iihtly "i".v tlio proi XPX'nX hall ir home def Val I Co'nfederut . a hat it may, and in to remain amo .to* ti.ui «if the Go mantling officer^ will meet priot t.' ho day Used for the draft, ami agroo, if they can, what part of tho quota each is to furnish. If they cannot agree, each will draft tho iiutnbor require*!, if he h"8 so many, and when tho names are returned to headquarters with the fuels, the num ber will he apportioned by rotiirningsuch part ofthe men drafted by each as will equalize the burden und till tho quota. 2. The fact that a person within the ages mentioned is not from any cause subject to he taken into service as a con script, does not exempt f.im i'rtiin draft by tho 8talo for home defence. If holms procure*! a substitute or has procured an appointment under some Confederate officer having hut little duty to do, t.» keep him out of conscription, or if ho i- un unnturulized foreigner and is living under tho protection of our Govornm.-nt and laws, in those ami all like cases lie i» bound to defend Iris domicil, mid liable to be drafted by tho State and compelled to do 80. J. When the number *1 railed is not sufficient with the volunteers ill thu county to form a company, their names will be sent to those headquarters and they will he distributed among such companies!!’ may he most convenient. •1. As tip* law of t 'ongress prohibits the Pro-ideiit fr*.m ordering the troops or ganized under this call out of the State, :.'treat Hum .Middle TennoMHcr. ous journals an* giving crodoneo statements of certain newspaper loiubmts, as to tho loss sustained ng the recent retreat Middle Ti in the Hit all the Tie rary • facts sot ivod from - bod un is'’ to tho nl Liberty without their Hie.i the tho limits within < all volunteer privilege, ease prescribe within the; and audio rolls .1 at II Gap- wn-not.-tirpri-<! not precipitate, and insl-.*l of the mi llion-el..-- which those *->rr< spondenls set lerlli •*• being su-iPiiiiud in the way of .-tore*, we have to again repeat that all that wir U-!i. \vu- left at Sh>-lh,\ villo, and tin would ii.c. ii-ooiuit lo $2.tU) worth.— Thiic.ui Lied .1 a -mull quantity of flour, corn muleorii meal. Not • dollar's worth was lost by nth. r corps. Tho small amount of C..mmi’*ury stores left by the army at Shelby villo was distributed by the Chief (\onini--ary to tho families of our soldier:', before leaving. There was not n piece of artillery lost during the retreat. Martin was in ad vance .if the army about 15 miles, and as the army fell back, Martin retired to Sholby vi’lle, and there twelve hours after tin- army had left lie had n light with tho *-t outv. in which lie lost three pieces.— Toe in mi ..f desertion and straggling .11 bey«nd ,, Folk- ■ mutely stro imhl tale i net less than oiiu-tburt li I of its territory) which they will engage I to help deleiul. All companies formed I of opeialives in factories, or workmen in Gonfoderute or Suite Machine shops, or .'liino shops, or other 'inidoye*-, and all per il the matmlaclure of iron, in a Company of 11 men, [ i service in their must*.- ! of tlu ir ' U'cepted , repo sustained by the ien short when it eh recklessness of z* .1 writers should >re they ho ropub- i.l Mn Kail Road may limit t rolls to the for such local defence, aim in n«» case ordered out ot the county without their consent. 6. Neithor ministers of religion, tele graphic operators. Justices *>t the In ferior Court, or County agents charged with f duty of relieving the Vi hand ; John Turin Co. (/, Copt. A’. Killed: 8 K Ha \Y D borgts Green. do do; Corp I) C Th> hack ; Privates O R Clovelaiul. do ght thigh ; U W L'ity Light N bar I! AUKiiSTowN, Md., July 7. hills. Suv : I liavo only time to drop tired out, sloepv, etc., marching nigh*, and day. Our Battalion butfered consid erably in the light of Thursday nt Got tyshurg. Wo woro on the skirmish line id Imd prepared for il bj No relreut wan ever more delihcrntioii niul lei nooffn Rebel, B 1/A. At A iv i ion - There tembuice at tin* and ion J. B. Smith & Co., yost* were brisk. We give below a list »r ordors for mi's notice, having three ,rT»!S Tho sale JLnlctl tVmm the .Tmrth. THE GREAT RIOT IN N. YORK. Tho Now York lloruld heads its ac count of tho riot as follows: The Draft—Tremendous Excitement in tho City—Popular Opposition to tho Enforcement of th® Conscription—Tho Eni ollina (Jllicos of the Kiahth and Niath Districts DcniolLhr.l Two Whole Block* of llo'.i'C Burned . u Third Avenue and Brnlilsie -Tim Enroll ment bi.-t- Torn l'p-Tho DraHiac Cota* mencod in tho Eiahui Dl*' riot and Diacou tinned—Tho Military Ordered Out—Attack , the People hy tho Provost Guard—Hovcral i* and Soldiers Kille<l—Arrival of tho • •ii th< Gr-emd—Thu .Metropolitans •*otl—S'.mo "I them Killed ana Badly i—Superintendent Kennedy Several: Wounded (.trout Confusion in the Twenty ity Second Wards—Au Armor il Avenue Attacked and De -Superintendent Kennedy Severely •d tlrout Con fusion in the Twenty First and Twenty Second Wards—An Armory ~ * Avenue Attneked and 1>.- Wounded—Tlio Colored Orphan Asylum laud in Ashe*—De struction »f Bull'* Read Hotel—Two Man- Avenue Sacked- -The Tribune Office Attacked—A Near:* if tinged in Charleston Street, Ac., Ac. T’lio llorald savs: Sunday closed peaceably. Wo havo reason t*» believe that no organization was then formed to resist tho draft. But when Monday came tho weekly holiday of tho people-— when labor is merely started, tlio masses generally abstained from work. Tho day was to effect de velopments of no ordinary oh n ran tor. Opposition to a law which might become the signal of hostility elsewhere-—' of til* I their wm Ushop , and. » ■ l»y a preconcerted arrangement, a concourse of over twul vo thousand, armed with va rious woapons—clubs, slaves, piecco of steel, bars of iron and cart rungs ap peared and proceeded to patrol tho city. it was well known that tho draft was to lie continued yesterday morning in the N inth district. As the movements of the throng were not anticipated, n<> meas ures were taken to overcome them by Btrong force. At mi early hour tho people met, then but two thousand in number, in the 22*1 ward. They proceeded through tho city, on what might ho termed rocruiling Horvico. One ofthe number had a cop per pan—a gong—with which he d 1 ip iflMMi to participate in The throng met with lion almost everywhere, at their bidding to join in resistance t<> tho »• n- seription, workshops were auJtlenly *!.• ported; men loft their various pursuit-., owners of incon6Ulorablo Btoros put up their shutters; fMetories wore emptied; onductora or drivers left their ears: iiiployous at railroad depots—all added the eh thr the •k ; od, J Jo Cl. II. Copt. II'. I Itorbi Killed Sergt 1* tl Ca rates (J L Whitten. 11 Woundod : Sergt I I M* Frivutes Ilirniu i’nrkor, breast; Sunil Slu'.iiuan, -I 8 Harrington, do in hip; left breast; Jns Davy, *li: men; A .1 Taylor, do in s [V t. I'i otrn/1 ( We i.bd The I'olumbua Guards In the t^ight* We aru permitted to make the follow ing extract from a letter from an officer of the Colutnbtu Guards, dated Hagers town, .1 uly 7th . On tho 1st, 2d and 3d of July wo hod a hard battle. Thu first day we drove tho oiieiny throe miles and captured butwocn fneaud six thousand prisoners; the next two days our success wus not so good, but we lost no ground. It was, I think, tho luird. st fought battle of tho wur. It whs t- riible. My regiment was in the fight two whole days. You may judge what wo -offered. Our brigude charged over a raviuo tillnd with iarge rock-, over whioii we had to cliinh. We drove tho uneiny back anil eaittured threo gum. The ona- my, in turn, charged us three (some say mv i tiine-, but were gloriously ropuhod. We went into the fight early on the nfter- i ..mi ofthe 2d, and woro under tire until dark on the 3*1; then wo were ordered to fall back to a better position. We fell buck under a heavy tiro from tho enemy, who w.*re po-tod m tho strongest position I ever saw ; it was a steep, rocky hill, on which weio three lines of fortifications, and wa - impregnable. Early in tho ac tion Col. Harris wa* killed. He wasgal- laiitly leading on the regiment, and wus * li. it thr.* ii»»h tho heart and died in a very flmrt time Limit. .Mays und Corporal of my company, were h*>th wills <1 -hot through the head. Oliver (J well and Robert l*»q>c woro wounded.— Am* nous Harris nr.d Robert Henry tak*'ii pri •nor/’. Our regiment lost 107 kilted and wounded. Of that number w< lost llvo officers killed and seven wounded tar The following extract from i private letter, written by a Confederate officer ougaged in tho battle of Getty burg, shows that our auny did not r gard the result of tho lighting at that point « a repulse, but was conscious that it hud whipped the enemy and confident (’orpin N 11 Lamb, i J G Bridges, in ri I ii Woodham, slight i 1 Wiillser. do in I mo right hand. Captured nn tho ■'< B Duw*on. Co. K. Copt. Jon Woundod Fri vat left leg; W A Me Li breast; J (’ Wtmherlv, slightly J G Marshal I, Brooks. n tin* connin'- - ** 1 • j• • t t the host of «*U1* - in ui who are daily *«'»'ii in and village, and up* 1 iigth , | “ fighting on Iiih ovary officer in , r ' Ci,pt Mull',it. Hit.l V 'J Ilium woro killoil ■•or line oxtondud tho iriga !•■ , ovary man own hook.” \Vo lost the Battalion, except Sapp. None of ' far i aey, to return immudialely to tliuir re spective commands in thelb'ld, we should soon have armies strong enough to roll hack tho durk cloud of w:.r which now liangsover ii.-, ami drive thoinvaduri* from our soil. , By reference to the General order here with published it will huKoeu that a draft will bo had on Tuesday, tlio 4th day of August next, in mb county of this State *- — r - - to furnish *' the * hand*. We carried about 1 in tin* fight, and brought out 4P, the Im*I- hik'u being killed, wounded and missing. Our coinpanv ■- the only one that ha* an officer, and (\iplain Moffett is acting Ma jor and Lieut. Sapp, Adjutant, so our company may bo said to he without any. It is said to have boon tho severest light that has lukui place during the wur: • little intei d of it. Thoi >i t right i prnr Wo Gmtckius, since, was i that ho was are glad to learn that John oportod killed n day or two i*t killed, but it i , ii.sceitnined wounded in tho leg ami is in the hands of the Hahhih Goahuh. — Wo hi private letter which state; tin ■rds, (’apt. Kimbrough, rgia Regiment, lost old. killed in the buttle of Gutty .a private John Morgan. CasuaUic* In (lit- '2'LI (-•• incut, at (ictly slmrg. Col. J K Wasden, wound, tur, since deiol. Capt G II J wound. ('apt Dauber killed ('apt Leonard killed ~ Beall ' ’ ' Kill ei ley. DM. Co B .1 I) L llardei B Kitchen Lt .1 B B. . belie draft for men fd that a I by tho noces fond their o« . home-. To those* ".nties which have nobly ami promptly reafionded, nnd especially to Lliosu which havo tendered much more than their quota, 1 return my sincere thunks. While tho militia officers of I his State have generally responded promptly and willingly, 1 regret to hear that -nine of tiioin in contradiction of all the profes sions they have mad \ that they remained at homo for home defence, now rofuse to volunteer. To all mi ell I hereby give no tice that if they fail i nnect themsolves as volunteers with tl rganizatloiis now called tor mi l ontcrlhoscrviee, n-, invited in my proclamation culling tor 8,(MX) troops, by llm fourth day of August next, the protection of the 8Litlu again-1 con scription will he withdrawn Irom them, und they will bo turned over to tho on- King offici ' ‘ ' It, ho lied lit ..III. "I»; Sergt Z N Mayo, in foot, Corp G \V Stovall, breu.* Frivuto W J Alston,sida, K L Bailey,* aid*. “ .1 J (’arnea, hutnl rIIj 1 ” J T Davis, in enemy Huppoaoil killed ; ” T .1 Deaton, thigh ; ” J F Ferguson, groin, rtally, in enom lightly: slightly ; lightly ; mortally ; J M G. foraging, ale Wa.vneshe night, and ii posed bands, ■Il111**, kmie, seriously, in enemy’s hand*; N G IlulV, ankle; J lluwkins, thigh ; A F Langford, hand ; W N Martin, neck and ur n , N It Mitchell, hand ; D It O'Neal, thigh , R Z Rucker, breast, J Sterne, leg; (' Thompson, hand ; W li Wilkersou, foot* it B Williams, hand. E. L. Bailey was shot hy the the evening of the Ikh, while V "ll.’ died 'dulllig"the buried in the orchard ol I Anthony, -m tin* Hagerstown burg i urn pike. tion ok Fa hoi.K A di«. lure* of ofli• I to I”. »Ot be spared tu d • 'hl’lL tlt’lulKM proper tli il ted t«> I on'tlio Jam.-- River, and at convenient ol the points oil th< Mi ’■ ipi»i |.*«'t to I No more parole* will bearknowlodged, their „,„i i| a nv an- given by either officers oi ' si" v iim-ii :I,--v v i • '..i mm I void and 111 • : pai ■ • . , ■ aro given lei ed Slat.-. u> duty. Excoption to this rule .'an <m- 1 ; ly Ik- iii:*.!•* by cniiimandcrs of iqqio*inn j armies, who can exchange or ri b a*e pri soners at other points mutually agreed on hy said commanders. This rule will ! prevent surrenders for tho purpose of he-j • lll'twc •old III! bee .■ iy that, ■m conver- Vickdnirg, and during the heat I ii tbe aiituiun, a* llm object of lent will then be direction, ideraled, but no olid Iflli -k. diull be a YuliK* . at Rich rmy be ul . Illlll ell O Tltt* A .inkc* a on James River We understand that tlio Yankot James River are landing tlmlr force i tho li.«*tili- stick', stones iutzo.1. axe*, *aw-, and . .one with even old swords. As the assembled people moved along thoy stopped at the different workbliopA ami factorio*, and a deputation enlerod the various buildings to inform their proprietors that they would not ho answcrnnle for tho safety'of their premisoa unless the sumo wereclosed and their men allowed to join thorn, if they so desired. I n most cases tho request wn* compiled with at once, and tho as semblage lUOV.'d oil. Thu Frovo-t M so-bar * office was situ ated . n the northeast corner of 3d avenue nn.l Pith ti. •( A* soon a* tho pooplo had re u lied • hi |K»aitl id they began to think thu building on the avenue, and on that part of I'lth street which lends to Se cond avenue. \ soon as they had taken a position to huil them-clvc , the signal was made to commence tlio attack. Tlii. signal was given by tho throwing of a largo stono through one of tho panes of glass. Aa soon as this was done, a rush was made for the entrances and windows, and now tho excitement grew much warmer. After a very short interval, and before any of tbe persons in tlio upper part of the promises had hud time to removntheir handsome ftirniture—for * >mo of the apartments wore very expet ively furn ished the flames bur tom of that part of the building whero tlio offices \.>ro held, on thu gmumi lb..>r, und soon were master of the entlro editi- r which wn four Mo ri* m hell ' • . ■ the flanien aero*<- l.u ty sixth street, nnd Koon a number of I'ruiuo workshops and stables were ablaze. The firemen began rapidly to arrive at the sceiio of destruction, and made a few vain efforts to plant their apparatus for the extinction of j-i,. tire. The crowd, however, refused t>> let them work, as serting, in positive terms, that ihoyHhould not extingui h tho (lames until all tlio in tended work of desti uclion had been ae- comnll hod. About tin* time Mr. Kennedy, the Su perintendent ofthe Metropolitan Police, whs discovered by some of the persons assembled on tho ground, and very soon lie wn* attacked and dragged into :* hollow that happens t>. be near the corner of F>*rty-*ixth street. Wliilo Im wu in tic i. ■>! tho infuriated people In- receiver j two days prevailed. All business sus pend.-I, im'l;hhi>p« closed, railroads stop- p- I ft cm «|>.-rating, streets barricaded, houses gutted and Ilrod, and ovory block in thu city alarmed at some hour in the twenty-four hy threatening crowds of riotous men -and tooApquently violent collisions ot combatant*, followed by tho removing of bloody corpses from the scono ot strife pcaco and safety, proper ty and lil>.«, are all at hazard during ovory inomenl that tho sway of tho mob con- ;• \ nc ^ no vitizon can promiso him- soll that, hy remaining passive and do- clitu/^g to ”Uke any part’ in thocommo- ion, lie will thereby escape harm. A nob is witnout foretnought, calculation, -i.M. of justice or right. It in tho incar- n ol blind pa *ion, and fall* as uior- ly upon the homo of tho widow and orphan a: upon that of an active and lulled onemy. 1 hoio is peril overywhoro to everybody as long us lawlosr. rnon riot through the city. It is us uncer- lain whore their bloody vengeance will “ il*' 5 pestlionco will fail. °J the law is the only " woman and child i opt like tlm concourse, torrent to the ... i of tho Ninth Third avenue, to <1 • lost I 1 would doubt- lor tin* medi.H- oitcd portion lowed to h.' they intend am moiid by tlii r< turmine NVe journal Unit 11* nection with tin tlm Fell)ii»iila. the army ;*l thu lough yc,t. ■ !:*: side. Whether t to reach Rloh- * alone will de late Northern *.kon of ..I ..I then emoved to vlliur: but pleasant. alight." Having helped hi aid enquired where his aid* to him, 1C well, pointing limb having formidable and on they Frovost Marshal Uroy every ve*tigc of tho conscription there, and wreak their vengeance indiB- criininatuly on the officers. As they rushed through tho directs they tinned thcniMilves with various weapons; but, although many of thorn had fire arms, thoy wero not used till a lalor por tion of tho day. Tho drawing had proceeded quietly up to ten o clock, when a portion of the crowd llm advanced guard pushed in tlm >p.. l .t«.i-, then interruptions fol lowed. A pas’ing -.tone, directed at thu bend nfllte Frovost Mar hul, but which a reporter received, was tho signal ter ih*- attack, which oiihsoquently broke out in tho most terrific fury, dc-pito «*t ro- strninl. The awful set nos which follow- e.| aro recorded in detail in our columns. The progress of tho crowd is almost indc.-critablo. ItHooniml ubiquitous, and Midi wero the tears which its existence inspired that lew persons had courage enough to denounce it. It seemed to have iiia*-**-. of sympathizer* everywhere. Great gath. : ng* at tl"- public building-, .quart'*, niul in front **f the nuw*pa|icr offices spoke of its mission ami inlvaii. menl in term- •'( open itcqdiuM'citee and not a word of condeinnatH*n wa hoard against those who In.d openly and with success temporarily boarded tho Federal power, and applied tlio torch to the head- quartets of its officers. All that tho crowd of combatants did - their work of ruin, demolition, lire and death- were forgotten in the draft, which they thus endeavored to defeat. When tlio crowd Imd destroyed tho building, scattered the bullots to tho wind, pursued over dozens offences, into htoros ami saloons, tho retreating officers ofthe conscription, nnd spread terror among those who wore to enforco it, and win* were .-uddonly numbered among thu dying skedaddlcrs, they inarched, hoot ing, cheering, yelling, towards Captain Muni. : re' officii, No. 1,188 Broadway, wlo re the draft wus proceeding. The Captain, however, heard of their ap proach, and prudently postponed the drawing till this morning, when, it i« un- dei ,1,10*1. u lurg*' force will bo sent to protect tlio budding. A great gathering m sc mb led at noon nnd throughout the day and night in the square opposite the Tribune office, and openly tin i ntern d to lire the building. Every negro who was observed in the hborbood wm assaulted and chased ; the atliirnooii advanced, a soldier, in 1 Im Uniterm of tho regulars, was at tacked and bouton till (lie police rescued him. The lion. Ilnraen Greeley dined yos- terdtty at Windust’a Hotel, Ann stroot. Mia whereabouts soon bocaino known, the (act having keen oomnrunicated by some person to ■* gathering which wn therefore nl turned their alien lion to the lire. At half past 10 o clock the drafting «'.'inmeii. ed :,t tlm Fro,'.i*t Marshal' licadiiuarlm A - the hi*t nuino wa* called a t-uie ch no criishiiig through tin window, which wa uiidoubiedly the sig nal f<»i a general nllack. r l’l».* erowT out- ido, wl i*:li by this time Imd in. re:,-e, to a very large number, tusliud into ih room, and immediately ill ut, eonfu i.*n The lir^t thing the crowd did wa- i • taki hold of tho whool ami break it into pie, > scattering the paper all annuel **n wlm I woro Itumribea tlu namei rh t »w| was armed in all ‘•■•rt- of m* the,I- in with crowbars, other, with leg- -u table h.'tno with pic, es of liirnilitro, and not a lew with revolvci * and b"\vie kliive-. After destroying overt tiring which was in the iooii*. one <»l the crottil took out a large eun of turpentine, and, scattering it around the floor, applied a light to tho sutuo, ami soon the tvnolo building was in flames. At length tho military arrived upon the ground. The Herald says : On coming to Fortieth street tho pro gress of thoguurd was somewhat impeded by a few men i---t 1 ingainst them and The" safety property an,i ,u Home. U becomes every citizen, the:'*•!'.,re who has tho manhood t" defend bun 'elf. bis wife nnd ohildron, R, | , ■ 1 >pia home, to unite at onco with the organized forces of the city, and giv,- no th, ught to anything of business or piensuro till every spark ofinsurrec- I l ie laws is tram- plod Due moro day well employed •jhould ,l«* th*’ work. The Tim,', also say* • The lormidablo ri"' which commenced In this city on M *nd.*y wn*. continuod with unabated, but i the previous day, K largely throughout yestei fortunately not, i tint’ll' ' l:.'d fury. As u natural conse- , ■ I tlm universal excitemont of lay 11;•' numl.iM . of the rioters wero icrea>>1 \ ,- icrday, but bo also uer.. tlie* prcpanui.il ofthe authorities ’ ' nil I vigorous use of theso prupaiat 1'u.i and di,.,.ting of a score iotcr* by the military, a 1 , • •• 11 t • • the career of illhough the danotistra- "• wore on a more ,\ t their Hchiovements m; ignitudc. The chief I, at pro. cnt eocrns to ho '"th. r day will probably it* ravage., though more of th decided cli tlio tiioh the d of con city will, lent of million „ n tho second day Tho Northnrii p ; 'Murdered ai,,l hung ! he riot in N York. • r- , bum that Gen. nnd paroled 31,227 ailing them Item did n«*t \ thr but the f th to do quietly pu.hing pathway. But thoint they w hud so gentle measure • Arriving at the ronurof Forty- .ccond streel, further pa -age was buried by the crowd of .- .n e three thousand persons who flourished their weapons und told tho soldiers that they could proceed no fur ther except ut the expense <>l thcii lives. 'The .soldier- at this moment were inc use columns, and looked us if they meant work. All th® people wh«» wero there assembled seemed determined to u>, any thing—even sacrillco their lives- rather than tliattliusoldiershhould triumph over them. Bricks now began to fly nnd a gonornl confusion prevailed. Tho soldiers were hemmed in .-<* that they could hardly move. There was, however, a kind of temporary hush inlhelumult; the crowd staggered hither and thither, os if from it. the soldiers, vho had their pi nought them t.) rdnr i T. Special Diepatch to it Cnahi.rston, July The enemy has kept bard iii el, t of Battery Two land batteries, lron*idea, one frigate boat* opened fire at 1< ,n,f ' Ironsides and ul.l do with hi i if attacked 'Wo bad a terrible bnt'Io; we drove first day; skirmishod but made no heavy battle u the ,-ucond; and on tho third attacked him in a ported Gibraltar, and on tho centre we failed to drive him from bis position. However, tho enemy left on the morning of the 1lb, and we left the night following. ‘‘The report from Hie enemy is that they are badly used up. Wo were den- pondent a', lir.-t, but our army looks in finitely bettor than it did throe days agti.” Co. ( , ‘Id Georgia. The following list of casualties in the above named company i* furnished by a lo'ter from a member of tho company, which bus b«cn handed to us: Killed -Lieut John A McOeheo; Pri vates 8 \V Dewberry, W 8 Crouch, T J Crouch. Wounded M Corbett, arm shot off; Bone llopkins, Jasper Avurett, William Barber, Green Hill, J M Paxton, Forks and Lieut Hill—all slightly woun- Col. Harris. of2d Ga.. killed. Kosccran* is »till at Tullahoma, and bis headquarters aro at Winchester. A portion of hU army i* at McMinnville.— I be enemy are gathering in the crops of family aupport. There are no Yan esthissideof Lebanon and Alexandria, me ot «/ur mounlcti men aro at Sparta. C’hatta, Rebel, IvfA. their poi*itio| thousand yan Wagner For .els, and th Tho enemy fi ■I fifty shells tires broadside. Wagner up to i fourteen ■nt coutinur 7 P M Two gunboa From t*er through froi that Kosecrun Tullahoma an tde of infant i y rv are at Mr-M Headqu'.rtcrs i Rebel, 14th. duy i John W. K* Mid ■ ■ i MeMmn L* 'Oth ii A. Di3 ur killed ornburd- is hour, brig- M. Drawdy. m* inh' rr Anderson, juri s. Imttaii-. ulry wore returning frou they wero overtaken by » nnu, when about three Point, they wero strucl lightning, which inatni vato Drawdy and horse, with their horse*, were ground, whero they la\ about an hour, when tin ered by some negroes, an to the plantation of M whero tuoy roceivo*! eve wero rostered looonsciot Tho young a flash o! killed pri- other three by them taken \V. Rodgers. ' uttuiition and triumph of our arms, and grandeur <»f the q»le, Inhabiting ladowed thu linn I 1 id tho future glory | Titudoracy. to he invincible. in under my hfl Executive Dupartmo 1303. JOSEPH E. BROWN. Adj’i Gknckxi.Oudkh Tho Cominam with regret that Col. Ludlow that tho United State* Government will throw it* pro lection around all their officers and men, without rogard to color, and willproinuily P'roui the Troup Artillery. (Jami* opTicori* Aktii.i.khy, ) Near Hagerstown, Md..Julv 7th. \ I send y«»u a correct report of the cas ual tius sustained in our company in the recent engagement near Gettysburg, Penn., July 2d und 3d. Our buttery is from Athens, Ga. : Killed, Private J II Adams; Woun- d*-1, (’apt Carlton, badly, arm broken ; Lieut Junning-. painfully in knee; Sergt M-■Connell, ll -I* wound In leg; Corp’l iihly in face r Frivuto W ID I ■■ U'S..-.., ' — r. ly in arm , Corp Hw»n, j very slightly in bronst and lace ; Sergt who i* bet weer, drill ground m August next, a that day, bu t« read, or have rea l, tlio Governor proe- lamation of this date, ami this order, ut ter which ho will invite them t»* volun teer t*» the number required <»f tho ooun .dependent biittnli of thu I 1 r°« l -1 nl the unly, Unit | Uumpllill. ■lo upon I B Digger' pd by ox plosion of shell r'-gimentul or battalion Tuesday, tho 4th day of id that at II o'clock nil ... If they rofu-e T" volunteer, ho will thou proceed to draft t*» tho number required by (daeing in a hat, the names of all pertons within tiie limits of his iiiinalid of the i not in th** actual military oor< State <»r the Confederate Stute ofthe companies formed or f der tin- owl, whether they an not. And he will cause to bo of tbe bat, indiscriminately, mom name* than will fill the drawn * Edward*. Corp Richardson, *!••; Privates J Johnson, in hand , .1 M Bostick, E W Porter, in face; K Porter, C J Oliver, in arm. Those put down a. very slight aro now able to perforin light duty. i log; •ZOlb Gc __ . though seriously in jured, it is hoped, will soon Lo able io re lume their duties. Private Drawdy is rcpr.-sonDvl as bolng a faithful soldier an*! an . xoinplary young man. He was a native of Wayne county, and was in bis nineteenth y*»ar. —Savcm. Republican. ^ “ rjrviruf he disehaigod, however, who vn isfy tlm commanding officer that he is unfit for ms much a- two weeks active duty at one time. When tho number i- full, tbe lakt Marne* drawn which ur. over the quota after tho-e unfit tor ser vice have been deducted, will bo droppod from tho list, leaving, with the number who have volunteered, tho quota re quired. When there am tw.» regiments or inde pendent buttalion* in a county, th £la Regiment A letter from Lieut •! A. Maddox, commanding ('<>. E, ( Wbiteavillo Guards, Harris county,' gives tho following casu al tie*. in Id* company in the Gettysburg battle of the 2d inst. : Killed--Private. A J Crawford. ‘Wounded—Lieut-. P G Hutchett, ankle, and K J Morgan, thigh ; Corn’ Taylor, seriously; Privates J W i 0 ' 1 ’ mare, G 8 lluling, .1 (' Hurgett, .-’lightly Jabu. Kenedy, mortally; John II Rare wb.»i , ( ,ni, dangorously; Z P Truett, F M w, ‘* ; Mullins, not dungerously : A L Pruitt, ml ii^bi i Mi Appi n, M is*., by 'ednral lines i.m U of tho | iii-iit North- M i -sifasippi havo in- might have i-i v. illiin the I tbi.-. stock ■. What udent or Dhstkim i ion ok Halt Works.- ’The Yankees have i .immeiicud 'heir work of destruction on our «•..net. On Wednes day morning th*-y landed in Imrgi'.s at Manli’ Point Ir on the ’tcanicrwlllcli IlH'l h«‘on laying - il Sr. .Mark*, and which steamed u v.■ -t enurn- that niorninv, and dobtr*»ycd nl! the ~alt Worksatlhe Foiiil, hum! all tin- along tho coa*l K" t'» I" - ■ te -in.ilar cunraci nr negro.: • tiptured l*v • , verep iiilti 1 vandal* expro*re*I their . d.'struy all the Work* and wo expect, before wo car of other outrages of a i on Dickorion’s Bay, 'Tallulms.’i'O about forty .3'e.c Joonuil, lbM. oppcbitc tlio Park barrack.- They'woro about to inarch there, with the apparent object of assaulting Mr. Greeley, when, through tho aid «vi'n po liceman ami one of his friends, a carriage wa* procured, in which lie quickly en tered, and thus escaped. While tho excitement win at it* height yesterday nf ernoon, und when all res pect for order loomed gone, some one proponed to the throng win. were wit- nr.-sii.g tlie.l.- tnu-tionof (Japt. Maniere a building, that thoy should march to the Mav-i , n iUeiie. and give him a ‘‘.-.er- enadi- '1'ln* proposition wu. instantly adopled. an*l ►evoral thousands <d the P® P ■died ovural thousands ii all concnivahlo wi m pa rati vely good **i palatial re-idonco . .... .1 Enquirer says that the Missing—Corp'1 W B liazlett, Private , enemy having published a "War (»a- J W Chapman. zotto, dunying thu power of |iaroling — I prisoners on the hiittle field for the i*ur- , Tho Mobile Tribuno of Sunday says the I jioso of embarrassing (ten Lee, and uav- | lust newa wo havo is that Job naton'* army Ing forced into th- run*- l,5<D prisoners was falling back from Bran Ion, hut to paroled ut_(»•--tty. I«uig. the, * uptured gar- I whut point L unknown. It was supposed. ! rison of Vicksburg, which wa* paroled on j however, that he would make no Ktanu | the battle Held, -u.mi 1.1 be declared of tho Chunky bridge, which i* i longer nearly midway bavveon Jackson and j '^ Manuian, ^ to (ien. Johnston Dp*I the Fifth averni". i no re-uieiiis in mo neighborhood woro terribly alarmed, fearing that general vorgoanco would be wreaked upon tbe entire locality; but the throng paid its entire attention to the building occupied by the Mayor. Borne nlioutod “Bring out the Mayor and so«> wluit I." has got to hay about it,” ‘‘Let us f ee him. "Oh, he i - il i hw.bly ai : t‘»- c-rat,” ' Burn tho *lnnim-.I building. “N<>, no.” ‘ Ye*, yes,” and ••* on in all varitie-. After remaining tlier•• !**r a few moment* it wu* evident that in ecu diuriftiu would he the result unless homo voice wa- raised t-< *tay it. Judge Karnurd, wuo lived close by, wa. in tbin j'liu-tiiro called up ui. 11«> appeared, and edging hi* way through tho crowd, managed to get a position on tho stoop. Being recognized, tho multi- tude gave th r »*e cheer* and demanded a speech. It wa* ulm.**t impossible to dis tinguish nt times what the judge mid, but ho wu* understood to denounce the drnl't a* un iiiiconBtilutional act, a* an net <»f (ldHpotism. The administration had gone too far; they had imposed u|k*ii the people, whereat there was t remend on* eliccring. But ho would cull atten tion (>* the fact that we Ntill have law, that the court would protect ii* In the exercise of nil our just nnd legal rights. (Cheers.) He hoped, for tho honor of tlii* city, m. great and glorious, that it* people would do no such injury us to destroy the resi dence of him who wa* their legally elec ted Chief Officer. (" Well, you’re about right. Judge,” cried a voice in the crowd.) They should leave and go to their homes, and not sully Hie reputation Of our city for its obedionce to law. The Judge's remark* were greeted with loml applauio, and the throng in a quiet manner immediately took up thu line of march for Broadway, to again witness the burning ruin* of the Eighth district Provost MarnhaT* headquarters. During tlio early part oftlio morning tho poo| Jo of tho Ninth District, consist ing of ulurge number uf respectable wufk- men and other*, wurc soon to assemble at certain *pociflo*l spots, and between eight and nine o'clock begun moving along the avenue*, west of Fifth avenue, toward* >le, but declared exchanged j their appointed place of general meeting, nd placed as a reinforcement A largo number of workmen * wives, *fce., The “Hkkai.D ' Foil Brack.—In spea king of the campaign in Maryland and Pennsylvania the New York Herald ap plauds Gen. L« -• gr.-at military abilities, and * talcs that tin- NorMi has no match for hi.n ; that th. •• i n<» p-.ssiblo chance of out-generuling the Army of Northern Virginia ; hut if the Lincoln Government will still persist in lighting, the only hope of tho North is in superior numbers. The lie-raid advocate* peace, and says I now is thu proper time for Lincoln to ankle, make proposal’• It says that the Con- 1 (.’ C , federates liawj fought through all the war Btizc- ! with a gallantry unsurpassed in tho his tory of the world, and that the idea of conquering any portion of the great An glo Saxon race is preposterous. hnuldu at the time. One pieco went off, mid then nimultanoou.sly the soldiers fired on tho people. Tin- discharge did not seem io at all all'cct the fears of the crowd, nlthuuirh Boveral worn seen to full, as tho deadly bullets lodged thein*olves in their bodies. This fiction of tho soldiers enraged thu xtunt that they now actod more like fiend* than human being*. As the c rowd wa* in solid im..the dis charge niU’t Im*.- killed and woundud Romo twenty or thirty, who were imme diately removed to different localities. As soon u* the soldier pout ed their vol ley into the multitude they immediately .A Fortress Monroe dispatch Fort Powhatan, on Janies river, \ s and Morgau is in Ohio, threatening (’utnp Dennison, near Cincinnati. * that pOBMaiion of on the 13th. All the rueu hinl been removed. New York is quoted at 1314. Proclamation l»y the. President. Whereas, it is provided by an act of Congress, entitled “an act to I'urthor pro vide for tho public det'eiic.*,'" approved or the lflth da\ of April, 18U2,jind by ano ther net • >( G -ngre , approved on tho 27th Biqiti'inhc-, 1N/J, entitled “an act to “titled an net to provide ” nnprnved furth'- D’.th April, 18r»l, th authorized to military *orvi i:iill . 1 plaro in tho f the Confederate States, hull have riwident- of tween th** ag years, at th" and w ho nr* exempted fr. part tin •nded, all white the Confederate Slntcs, he- ■ ■ f cighw en and (brty-flvo toe . *11 may bo made, lot, at such time, legally Ltary ser - ' lied I i*ands, The ?PlO hot haste b. lo follow them up with untiring energy and it is said scarcely one c. cupedfrom the clutches of tho.-io who laid hand* upon t hetu. The Herald goes on to describe the horrible scone* which ensurd. In the conflict with the police, severnl wore killod, one of whom was a woman Tho Bull’* Head Hotel wu unplctoly gutted and then : et on lire, mid tho sumo pro gramme wa- cna. t. d at the colore 1 Or phan A*ylum, "M L-xingten Avonuo, near Forty-third Miect. The truck of the New lluvcn Railroad was torn up. An armory in Second Avonu*, owned bv .Mr. Opdyko nnd his brothur-in-law, wu* burnt, and Uvo or f ix men killed and acver.d wounded. Two mansions on Lex ington Avunue, one of them owned by .Mr. William Turner, wore .-iielied and burnt. 'The Eighth District Enrolling Offico wa* alt'ii Iced, and several building* ndiucent were destroyod. Intense excitement prevailed on tho west *i'!* of tin town yesterday after noon. NInd reached the people that re against Urn i badly beaten, u iiogro got into oiler i-iiU i llie unl*. Wh< Tho negro, t hi* legs and r i towards Hud** taken pin Tl..> ball t of 111* 11- l killed. • strut , where hr lived. When n overtaken and • . i--!y beaten. Hu w.-*- than stripped of uli In- cloth.-’, except Iris *hirt, and a rop*- w:»» l..tidiy aemand- ed. One was pro*m* 1 from a store m-nr by -a fctout clothe* line -and in tho most artistic Ijodiion it wu* attncliod to tho negro’s neck. Thu other end was then slung over a tree, and, amid tlm piteous ciie* of tha unfortunate wretch, Im was drawn up f.ovcrul foot. Some one tlmn act bis shirt on lire, and thu sight pre ft irightful to t lie Jillldie dcl'enc.. And whereas, in my judgment, thonc- cchsities of the public defence require that every man capable of bearing arms, be tween the ng** aforesaid, should now bo called out to do his duty in tlio uofuncu of his country and in driving back tho invaders now within tho limits ofthe Con federacy . Now, thoroforc, IJkfkrrhon Davis, President -t the Confederate States of America, d« . by virtue of the powor vest ed in in* ;* at..re.aid, call out and placoili tho military rviou of the Conlcdernto M .t"-, all white men residents *»i said Status between the age* olVghteun and forty-flve year*, not legally exempted trom military s. i vice, and I di- hereby ord.-r and dire : that all persons RUbJeot lo this call, and n t now in tho military survico, do, upon being ecrollod, forth with repair to the con-, ript camps cstab- lishod in the n : .- .tive States of which thoy u.uy be i-'ridunt*. under pain of be ing held and punishau ns deserters in tho ovunt of their f iiluru to obey this call, as provided in t laws. And I 1 1 further order und direct that thu our illii. rtlcur-.of tho nevoral States unroll all por*on*em- od within the term* ol thu proclama tion, and not h- r.-tufore enrolled. And I do further order that it shall be law ful for any peiflon embraced within tlii* i"*ll to volunteer for itorvico before enrollment, and that persona so volun teering bo allowed to select the arm of porvh-u and the company which they de sire to join, provided eucli company bo deficient in the full number of men al lowed by law tor its organization. - ~ Given under my band and ( | the cal ofthe«'"t. federate States ■ ■ k \ r.. of Amen.-a. at the city of Rich- 1, ) moiid, thi til'tu.-f.lh day of Ju- — - ly, in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred anil sixty-threu. (Sicnod) JEFFKR80N DAVIS. By tin- President; (Signed) J. P. BENJAMIN, Secretary of State. 4H 4 «W- — Vick PhksirkntStri’iiens.— Tlii- dis- linguished genltemun arrived in Colum- l>ia on Saturday cveiling, and flopped ut Junney > Hot. 1 At night to* w a sere nade i, and heing loudly called for, ap peared and mldrc I the largo crowd of citizens, Including a uunibor of ladies who wur** pi. • nL Mr. S * poke of tho piv-eni pp iin.n of our arm '•% -rating his Smlivivlnal ‘opinion of, tho cuu.-os which led Gpn I.- • l-» rc-cro: tin* Potomac. Ho'drew a-.«rv *ali*lactr»ry picture of tins tho (’oiifuduracy. . Hi of K:i-t heing i ntt" I /x >a r gu uumouroi worKiuuii * wives, o&c., \ buguu aUo Reassemble along the various Tlm body i last night, miii of people, wh«. “ u " K ' K •d bunging until late Ml b} gave ordi mid tin w ing delailod . e tho body cut down, lat», a largo force be- Ihe Tribuno building was attacked by llm people during the evening, and con siderable damage was do no lioforO tlm policu interfered It is clear that wo cannot continuo i tbe wild and lawless state that has for Portsmouth, hired subatituUi eiiiption on tbi- military duty m iivil .Ji-abilily. all dll tie*, that c :d to m '- ^ Keghter Pays, iituri! and enrolling u 'I’ll.-hu who havo do not claim any ox- * uint. 'i’liis law Una them a * any other. In io one is exempt from any cause uxcupt pbya- llm Wgbost of ■ bomua defending and country against an invuding for Atlanta, July 2l*t.—The Supremo Court has rev.-ri.cil Judge Bull’s decision on ih- iiuprci-incnt -?«-«». on the ground that the Impr*- iner t C'onimissioneradid not fix just comn-n-aion for thu sugar that wn* seized. '1’lic Supremo Court du el in.•*! to decide up oi the con’titutioliulity of tlm linprc’*munt law, though tlio quc«- tmii wu* fully probonted by consent of From tiii. Skar m juht up from that m- ti the Yankee have «va and our picket* now three miles tf PorlAin number of n ing it us high i>. A gentleman ti, mtorniH u* that luted Bowers’ Hill extend to within it Ii. An immense n- estimates ulac- moved fr* mouth, und the i thu unemy J) hal u Bower* Hill to l'orts- uprav«ion prevails that preparing to evacuate