Weekly Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1861-1873, July 28, 1863, Image 4

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1 TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES. Jfcpor tedfor the Cdtwn.hu t r CSAIMtsTAif, .Inly 1‘1-Thit Lombftitl- mont of Imu^-ry Wngnor, yofttcrday, wm terrific—5 monitor*, Him Iron»!<]«■*,,7 w**"*!- *n ffun boat*, and 2 Yankee. lurid Imlto- riu« rmiintninlnft n concentrated fire for eleven hours. At dark, the onetnjr, num- Bering ten regiment*, mad.- a del* fininftd aoiault on our work*. After a cimq.erate btru^lo, lasting until II o’clock, they wc?ro repulsed with heavy low. Ourlm * hbout 100 killed Htid wounded. Tlio ene my's is cfttiinated Mt "Wo captured over 200 prbouurt, itiduditiK M»m« black troops angagvd in thu assault. All quint tu-day burying the dead. (Apprurod.) ItIi.'UMonii, July 1?.- Nothing Impor tant transpired to-day. The chief topic is the arrest of Mm. A lion, wifo *>f I*. Al ien, on ebargdof ooninriiuioN-Ung inform ation to the fiuumy. The accused is n native of Ohio, and Licatn* united by iitafriaffe in Rurnpu with one of tho roost wealthy uiid ruspeetabte fitinlliea in Itieh- inond. Letters written by her uud for warded by blockade runners, constitute I bo evidence of her guilt. Officers from tint Valley,this evening,statu that Mead«fa army is still Mi Maryland Tin report that tho enemy is landing troops from transport* on Jatnua river, 1*» unle below Iticbmond, is not confirmed. Morton, Mint, July |h Our army i*» will I slowly falling back, up to 1 o'.lock, on yesterday evening No troop ., except 2,000 cavalry, bad crossed I* oar I rivur. Our cavalry are skirmiahiug With tl.eira, beyond lirandou. C.tizcn* who eaiuo out of Juek <on *inct* the evacuation, .say Hint k ling of truce vraa sent by thacitiaoni to Orant,formaily •urronduring tho city. Ho as ured them that private property would hu mspucted Their cavalry came in at H o’clock and took po..M»:ion. (Approved I MoUTon, 20th.- (ieiic.rulr. I'etnbcrton, Stevenson, llovreu, Burton, Smith Lee, Cummings, and all field officers captured at Vicksburg, have been exchanged Tho men havu Htiaggled all over the country, den, Bowen is lying danger ously ill At Clinton, unable to be brought through tho Uiuu. Uen. Jackson s cavalry, ju t returned from the rear of (irant, cupturod and de stroyed a train of lC0<;nmmi*-*ttry wagons. Itoportn of the urieiii v in heavy force at Canton. The onemy croaaod the river in heavy force yesterday, and are moving on uh slowly, IIICIIMOND, July l‘.» \ pedal to the Whig from Bunker Hill, near Win. In* ter, given a Mimnuuyof new .from the Baltimore American, • i the Kith. It »« mostly anticipated. The only thing new is the following, hut it is not stated wheth er it was brought by the late nriiva) or not. Roebuck stated that Nupolcnn au thorized him to ft ay in the House of Com mons that lie had instructed Baron Uronn to propoau negotiations witli Riiglaud for mediation Tho Loudon Ilurnld nays it is reported that Itussell lias resigned on account ol tk difiiigronmcnt with the Fremior <>n the question of recognition of ll.u Mouth, Yankee cavalry advanced from Will iamsport on the IKth to within lour miles of MarLinriburg. 1 ItlA&UtnloM, I0th.i1.— the buinhurdniioil was renewed for a abort time this after noon. All quiol tins ovouilig. Morgan on his Travels. Ulorc about the Northern Idols. dUo., dbo. The Mob Hpirit Terviwllug tho North I Cuattanoooa, July 201)1. --The IC«*b«sl has received Naahvillo and Louisville tiles to (Ju. 1-lilt. Vallandigltam a 1 rived at tlm Clinton Homo, Canada, at 4 ./el k on the Ifith. Cincinnati, Ifith. Morgan reached Georgetown, Brown county, at mnluight; bo is hemmud, and his chance* of escape slight. G unbolt Ik uud a large force went outyufttorduy to dispute the eroding of tho river, which is too high to ford. The city will bo relieved from martial law to morrow. Thu track and bridge, damaged on tho Ohio and Mimdsaippi railroad hate been repaired. Morgan was |«.t hoard from this nfUirnoon, six miles from Ildlv boro, ltigblundcounty. Cincinnati, 10th. Morgan ., advance was west of Uui.in, Adams oounty, ten miles from thn river at midnight. IIo scouts approached Muyavdlo this mom- ing, and wore ropul:«od by tliu b»*ub mi I’ikeville. To day our forces hid close behind him. The I.ottUvllW* Journal suys a train of cars with two battorhv nm sant from tho Bt. Louis arsenal onBatur- day tq*Deinopolift, to intercept Morgan Nkw York, loth Tho rioters Ust night burnt n hou&o of ill faniHon Green wich street, and killed one man. Drink iug shops were gutted, and a |u rfcct ingu ofterrur provaila. A nog ru shot a Zoimvo In 32*1 Ktrout, and the mob bout tlie negro to death and hung him to >, Hue on Staten Island. The mob Attacked the Lyceum and Marino Hospitals and curried off 6U0 muskets and ammunition, l ive New York oily regiments were ord< rod home Tho rioters numbered 6,000strong. Nk\v York, 10th.- Troubles not v.i over. Gen. Brown threaten* to kill over.) man found in u c.ruwil. Tho public huUdmgs «ve guarded by infantry and cannon. Tnu artillery tired canulntor among the mob on 37th si root and Mint-loir* Iluinie on U‘*th street last night, and a man rtWOtnbliii^Greelay was awfully beaten And rows, a leader of the mob, WA- i.iicMed am) ant u- Fort 1.a Fayette. IIohtos, 1-Uli —Tho mob I. 1 >u»i putt! ere l and broken into Several gun • l.wj.* The riot originated in an attempt to drab a citizen. Alarm boll ringing and mili tary rapidly gathering. Midnight.- Everything now quiet.- itioter* disperse-1. Albany, loth.- This umrning 400 workmen of Van Itettbsalnvr Iron Foun dry gutted the Times itflico, forced the jail and released the prisoner NiwHavks, c.'onn., 16th Two hun dred and twclvo were drafted to day, among them 3 professors and U :tud«mK of YaldCollage The draft in progroh- iug quietly in I'ldladolpbia am) Bpring- Held. ItU'HMONK, July 2tHh. A rumor at Wythaville, con firmed by an official di patch from Gan. Mam done , nays tlml tho enomy’ii cavalry ami infsnti \ UftR) atroug, advanced ami ro.le into Wythe ville on Saturday evening, and at the samo time about 30 men with 2 pie. •- of artillery, under MaJ. Bovvyer, fiitertal town. A sharp •kirmi-h en -ued, lasting three-quarter.- of an hour. MaJ. lloa ycr retreated witb^-arl of his men. Our h»<* CapU Oliver end two citixun.s killed l.t, Borany badly Wounded. Fnemy's I.W';. ('*» Toiler, commanding brigade, one other Colonel and a Major killed; a l. -mU *1 aud twenty-live prisoners in nur ha-id- The Yankees burnt‘the jail and several other buildings, and leit the next morn iug, retreating toward* Ta/«<weU O H. Tho damage to tho railroad can in re loured in an hour or two. Unofficial dis patches express appruhontions of another attack on the railroad. Richmond, ‘Anh.—All qmet to-day. A slight skirmub yesterday between a auiHlI portion of cavalry toward* Mm - linaburg. It is rumored that Meado is superceded by Sedgwick. I’kt krsjmjko, 20th.—The New York Herald of tho 10th say* the riot continued all Wednesday without abatement; draft p.*hltiv«dy Mupcnded , several dteadful conflicts between tbo military and peo pie; terriblo street fighting on Kast 10th street; military completely routed; Col. Jardino wounded ; ft Captain and Lieu tenant of tl.cOth New York militia killed; great slaughter of soldiers und people ; forty dead bodies in tho place ; negroes greatly persecuted and threo hung; Gov ernment street completely ftnckod ; gen eral flight of negroes. The Council appropriated $10,600,000 for conscripts. Heveral buildings in the 21st Ward were sacked. Sevoro fighting at Tib A vonuo Hospital, nnd lionvy logs of life. Disturbances at Boston, Now York, York ville, Brooklyn, Jamaica, and other places, but not »o serious iw at Now York. Lincoln bas sot ajoirt a day in August for national thanksgiving. Leu escaped without leaving a gun or ojiiftft«»n ha a trophy for Meado. Ho is to be holly pursued. Morgan is surrounded, but not cap tured. The Herald nays ho will ha, cer tain. 't here are rumors hero that a Yankee mounted force i; crossing tho Tennessee below Hoot'.ville. Richmond, 21st.—Northern dates of the lBtls received. Tho riot in New York has boon sup pressed. Tho Herald says perfect order reigned throughout the whole nty yester day. Tho wards in whioh the bighenl ovehement had prevailed were filled with bodies of military, who patrolled the streets entirely unmolested Ly tho popu lace. A Circular from the l’rovoat Mar shal at Washington announces that tho draft bail been enforced. Tho provost marshals will he sustained by tho military forces of tbo country. Wool is superse- dml by Dix. Dix is in command of the military force of tbo city. Archbishop 1 lug lie - bad addressed 6, (MX) of the people, begging them to reflect, and not resist the enforcement of the law. Hon. Xmnper wr»;. not Killed, but bidi lair to recover. A telegram dated Cincinnati 17th, bays Morgan passed through Piketon, going in the direction of tho rivor, via Potnroy *nd Oaliiopoli*. Richmond, 2lnt -Gilmorn's official dispatch relative to tin*attack on<’barlen- toii say.' the assault on Battery Wagnor on the morning of the 11 lh was repulsed —Federal loss 160 killed aud Wounded. He claims to have takon eleven piecos of heavy ordnance and a largo quantity of camp equipage on Morris' Island. Meades army is in the vicinity of Berlin, Maryland. l ive regiments of Now York troops worn to Imvo boon drawn from tbo Army of the Potoiunc und Bent home on Wed nesday, but Hfter transportation hud boon provided tbo order was countermanded. A icgiiunnt of regular*, with a battery of artillory, was dispotchod to New York in their i toad Gov. Heymouf bail re called the Stain troops and designated thn regiments that wmo to return, and tbi.» disregard of his authority inay load to grave complications between himself and thn Federal Rxecutivo. ymciul dispatch t<« tho Whig rays thu onemy in force uro reliably reported have crossed iuto Loudon county on tho Pith. Nearly 600 Yankco cominisftlonod ofll- rs urn in confinement hero. Bids Tor cotton inLcroftt bond i opened on the 20lh. Oilers accepted rangod at premiums va rying from 60 to 100 p -r cent. Another call for bids for 6,000,000 is to lie issued uuediately. Wi Ni'iiKSTKR, 21 sl. - Nothing now from ir army. All quint. Them are many ports regarding tho position of the iinkooii, but nothing positive. It is believed they have recroMod ’the Poto mac, but in what fyreo or towards wliat point making, is unknown. Their move ments are all known to (Ten. Loe, who is making hl» arrangement!* accordingly. Humored to-day that there hie* been a riot in Philadelphia. I.ynohburo, 22d.—Vaaanngnrs by tho Tenncssoo Kail road roportthoWylhovillo Yankee ruiderft wore captured on Mon day east of tbo river in the mountains of Mercer county, by tho command of Uol. McUtiuHlaml. A number of negrooft and horaos, cupturod by tho Yankeos, were recaptured. About 2>) liouaos woro hurtl ed In Wythovillo, among them the* *>f- tic.* of tho Dispatch, with ii% fixtures. Hrpublican Richmond, 22*1.- Tho Petersburg Kx- presB gives an account »»f a Yankee raid in N. (’urollna. A gang numbering 4 to flOOcutno tVom Washington, N. V At Rocky Mount they burned tbo depot with OOlX) bales of cotton, and a large cotton factory, owned by Win. M. Battle,* they also enpturod a train on *ho Tar- boro' branch of the Washington Road, with 2 car loads of ammunition, 30,000 noundsuf bacon, and destroyed tho bridge over Tar river a Abort distance from Rocky Mount, and tore up the track for u mile or two. (The following appeared in only u portion ol our itint o*l it ion. I Richmond, 22d. A circular tVom Lt. t’ol. Lay, Acting Chief of Bureau of Coti- ;criplt«>n, give * the following iutormation relrttiv*' to the recent proclamation of the President ex tending the coiiftcrlptiuii age All hubstltutians cease to be valid if the. tulwlitUlo be less than forty-five, and not otherwise exempt by law Member ship, whether officer or private, of organ izations fur borne defence or special ser vice, confers n*i claim to exemption from < onfederate sur vice ; neither does service in the militia, unless in case of officers actually in commDsioU and duly «puilitied, llereiiHcr, any person furnishing a sub- fltitute bix'omuH liable in hin own person whenever the Borvicou of tho aubalitub arc lost to the govornntcut from anj cause other than tho casualties of war.- All applications for exemption must Hrd be addrcsaerl t** the local enrolling otll If addrumed t«. higher authority they will ho referred back fur local examination and report. An official di*patch from Gen. Rcaurc card, dated the 22d, says tho enemy ro commeneod shelling yesterday, i'oui cuiuinltics tin our side. In the buttle on tin* lNih we had 160 killed and wounded; tbo enemy, including prisoners, lost about * 2UUU. Right hundretl were huriod under I ring of truce. Col. Putnam, acting Brig. I G<*m rai, and Shaw, »*oind’g a negro | regiment, wero killed. The spirit of the j country is aroused, and many persons heretofore in the borviea have avowed their purpose to return, while ethers who have furnished substitute*, or are other- wiso exempt, are in numerous instances preparing to return to the army in re- J Kponsolo tlio President'.** **al). KtciiMoNit, 22*1. Northern dates to the 20lh riHfivoil. Tho riot in New York seems to bo ctf.nrlunHy ruppr**.*mhI. G«.\ Seymour La* u.ued orders stating that a i sutlimat force ho^ arrived to assist the I civil authorities in maintaining tho pub- I li< peace und enforce order. Tbo citizen j volunteer organization has been ralhmd • from further duly. 3Utw tr^ps continue to guard tho Seventh Avonuo Arsenal.— OKORGIA. HARRIS COUNTY Tho draft will not begin until tbo exact W H . E l l 5 A J? J9,"i red T »> ,0 5' Adahilitfialor , , . j" , , . , . : T? ot R©n**rl* k It. Ha/omore. ncc d. late of rm.I quota of the city is definitely deterininod. j county, liayiDg tiled hi< i>utitirm fur leave u> A wcok tnay elapse first. Tho stontner Hanva has arrived with foreign ad vices to tho 8th. Nows unim portant A powerful iron plated ram Haul to bo for tho rebels, had boon launch' cd from Mcb^ib. Laird'H yard. Political disturbances bad occurred at Berlin. Gen. Pettigrew's remains arrived this evening by the Central train, ami wert escorted to lh*- Capitol by a long proces sion of tho military. Uia body will bo taken to Bouth Carolina to-morrow. Goi.DgDoRo', 22d.--Details of Yankee depredations, commencing last Monday at Rocky Mount, come in slowly and confusedly. While 300 of their cavalry proceeded to Rocky Mount,200 remained to depredate around Tarboro*. Those latter wore attacked, whippodand routed on Monday evening by throe companies of our cavalry. About 100 *«four men, Major Kennedy commanding, nour Dan iel's School bon.***, 24 mile* from Turbo- ro', south *»f Tar Tiver. They left six (lend and fifteen wounded on tho hold; •ight horses, bonde* forty homo ficoutro- rnenu were captured by our boys. Our I ewe: three wounded, among whom is Cap tain Thomprou, bull through his right wriub llo arrived In town this morning. Tlio Yankees arc said to have carried off about three hundred negroes, besides horses and other property. They camp ed last night at Groniloy’s meeting house, three and a half miles from Snow Hill.-— Tho bridges have all been burnt, but Col. Clitihorn arid others uro on their track.— All sort** of rumors «■* to tboir where* about* are nil oh’. Nothing definite out sido of military cirrlua. Tlio latest news that tho Yankees are supposed to have caped by way of Htmffieton. Morton. 21st, via Mobile, 22d.—Tbero has been no change in afl’airs to day. Tbo enomy is busily **ngago*l tearing up the track botween Brandon and Jackson.— They burned the depot at the latter pluco last night. Grant is preparing to full hack, ah there is no wat>*rhi his front. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. CUUNt 1L CHAMRUR, July 20,1803. €ounril n«*t i u*-nuiii l » a 'inurnment. I'n-MMit.bi lion F.U. Wilkins, Mayor, Aids, Mi Kendi****, Dranill. M '«i(soi>, JJivin* unit Dm Alwciit, Aid.**. Jo ter, Lt il.l. Tho minutes of the lari mooting woro read nd confirmed. Aid. Itis/oill w.c* excusi d for till provious besnees. i rccominondud the <t*w Coin- ler»**| paid. ... /oportod "llmt thoy h d hired fourteen noxrn I who will) the pi*rinunt>n( nund- relation to ilie i'l.mk-i thn City of Cnluuiho*. * Slid his unsocial)'* and eoni’truotiiiK u l'liink i * d.,> -tho owttors t\» •irk on the Htreet/ sell the whole of the real estate of raid dee'd, the Court ot Ordinary to lie held in and for snid county on the fir-t Monday in Auaust next. itiven under my hand this the 3d day of June, lftftt. UKO. U. MULLINS. June \ ’i'.'L—fit. Ordinary. G IRO Rtl I A. BARKIS COUNTY.—Whereas I Richard K. Kunuon. n iministrator tie h.,nl% VV. While, deceased Lto isrd l- Wrillli said county, bavins filed hu petition fur leave to roll the whole of the real o.unte helousiuic to the e.'fate of raid deceased, dcocribud in said sell said real estate fhonld unt granted by the Court of Onlinary to he held in and i<*r -aid rounly on the first Mondsr in Auxust next. Riven under uiy band, ihis -’A day ot June. M.5. UliO. W. MULLIN'*. UKORBIA. t CoRKr »»v Wsoimhv— nARRIS COUNTY./ June Term, J* RULE NISI. Oku. W. Mi’llinh. Ordinary, prosidinif. idiot of said i-iiuiity, hi.viiiK filed his \ It in therotor ei by (In- Court, that all personseonceriie*! show causeUfiiuy they have) why Miid ioluiiiiiitral<>r and xuurdian i-hould not lie ■Iiycliiuved hy said Court of Ordinary, to ho held iu and for -aid r.-unty, on the fir. t Monday in December next; mid thui this rule bo publish**! iu .* itif.irniii) to law. A tru-j extract from the luinutc- of Ilurrir Court of Ordinary—June L*. I *•»'.. Jun- .. ■ . .,* •» Ml l.I.I N - i n ''. f t KORtil A, HARRIS C«M N f Y -Wheros- " * J nun** M. .Smith, a*iimni»*ra! >r of Robert J. Carmon. deceoi-e l, late <>f ...nd county. h*v - mg bled bis petition f<>r )ea\e to sell the laud aud a uesro boy boluosiuR to (be «st*te "f said Robert J. Cauuon, and d>v-<*iibed in said peti- All personscooceru-^i are heiohy notified t cause (if '* * * ‘ * ‘ sell raid Ian i (siren under Fuly, iK'ii J.ily !'* 1*' UKO. 2.K01UJI.1 i 7 MULL^Njj. II Mil: I - ' '*1 \ 1 . W 111 r' Kimbrough. ad*ninutral*»r of ( H.K . ... having filed Ins prdlion f«>* I**hv«. t.» II t! land belonxinv to the rotate of *nl I *■ »-• and ileaeribed in said i-ilitiun- - All persons concerned am hereby i»..»if«r*.| i show cause (it any they have) wb> nn order ' sell said land should uot be granted »>> u, Oiurt of iirdiunrv to be held in and tor r.'n county on tire lit -1 Monday in September (liven un. ‘ ‘ July. UW3. July J'). I OUNTY.-; r Letters of id Utldc-u, (Jt Pbiilip Hirlen baa applied for — Administration on the estate of Daniel lllfdcD, dcce.v.d. Die of said county— All persons oarerned are herehy notmeit to show r.iu-c (it imy they have) why the adinin- istruti-'ii of said estate should not be granted to said applicant at the Court of Ordinary to bo held in and lor said county on the first Mon day in August next- ui,e " *» 4 ' r "“'iSFlBs. June 11,1ft63.--Bt Ordinary. ( ' BOHUI A. MUSCOGEE COUNTY—Mr?. D Cornelia M- Walker, guardian «»f her own minor children, bavin* applied for leave to sell the interest which said children have in certain lands in Chattahoochee county, known ae the Walker place, containing about 600 acres, tho Interest ol said wards being one-half— Therefore all persons coucerued are hereby ----- (if any they have) why »he held ou the first Monday in August next. Luml. thi* ist June, 1863 JOHN JOHNSON. Ord' J uue Jd-2m / ' E0RGIA. MUSCOGEE COUNTY— Kd- VJ ward f. Shepherd, administrator ol Lock Weems’ e.«late. has filed his petition for ttio sale of two negroes, vi* : Nelson 28 and Jesse years old— All persons concerned areoereby notifi«xI to jj have) why un order t«i v cause (if ’ negro M f Ordinary t*> be held id negroes should n*jt be gruuted^ at the i liven under uiy bund, tills 4th of June, 18* June 4-2in JOHN JOHNSON, Ordinal HULK NISI. William A. Dug*, aduunlatratorof the estate d peter T. Rugg. decreased, having apfdied tor j said ndiu ni’tration— f " should n>>t f»e disinisac*! j uury io lot h'ddtn in ana tor said c >uniy on f h*- fir ( Monday in December next; and that this order lie published according to law. A iiik transcript from the uiluutes of saiP Court. JNO, JOHNSON. M i) 2), W L fit Ordinary. ^ * BORGIA. MUSCOOEB COUNTY-Cot*nr i they have) why said administrator uni Monday in Jenuarv i Q TATE OF GEORGIA. TALBOT COUNTY. Whereas James Itarr applies to roe for let- »T» 0 provide i •»— ..r An thn natAte of Svlvanus * sue of Ire; ters of administration on the estate ofSvIvanus It. Gibson, ate <.f raid county, deceased. Tiifee ar<? to eitonnd adta *nisb all nn*l *in- gular the kin Ire ] and creditor* of said deceased to hu nnd appear at my office within the time prescribed bylaw, then and there to show cause, If any they have, why said letter* should not be iTHlIwr pEORGlA. TALBOT COUNTY.—Whereas e therefore to cite and admonish all „ud singular the kindred nod creditors ol said deceased, to l*c and appear nt my office witbiu the iime prescribed by law, then aud there to cause (if any they have) why said letters should not l»e granted. S T , ATE OF GEORGIA. TALBOT COUNTY June I7tli. I**.►!.—Woereas Catherine Wil son, guardian of the orphan* of Joseph Wil? dco io-eil, applies tor Letters of Distnitsioti- all person concerned bo ii.l county, uext ensuing, then t o suow causu if any t l i - -Iiould not I ir grauted r cause if any they have, why • t l»e grauted. n ihe minute* of sai*l court. MARION BETHUNK, r letters of adiuiiiistratioi e and admonish ail and Mnrulai llie kindred and cradito; deceased, to bo and appear ut uiy »*lfi i should not be grunted. r baud and official sigmiture, MARION BETllUSE. JstiKa L. BMvsisorox, • Libel for Divorce. * filed hi* Libel for Divorce, return- on estinventus: h. 'rivfr tbo lib d i) ut W MULLINS. GEORGIA, IIAKHIE COl M Y. IIUREAS Cullen lia having fib whole of the i lid described i udonging iu said d.n filed his application for these are thcrefiiro to notify all concerned t<> n ier my band, in ofiice, J. L WIMilbltl.Y, »KoRGI A, STEWART COUNTY-Wherein * be given by publi- dth.ls*.: GKO. W. McDUFFlE. Clerk. Mm Ire to C'rcUltoru. 1 LL ncr-oiis having claims against tho estate 1\ ol Mr. Murthu L. Carnes, deceased, laic ol Muscogee county,are hereby notified to present them, duly HUlheuticaled, within «hc time pre scribed by law. , , . D. F. WILLCOX, adm'r. July 18, I8*>J.-tiw jj t rntltcn. r re (ucsted i All p H show cause (if any they have) why an order i • sell ?ai*l real estate should not bo grunted by tho Court ol Ordinary to be held in und lor -aid county mi tho first Monday in Augu-t next. Given iindor lay hand tin.- tho M day l J uno, 180!. ^ ^ GEO. W. All I A. 1N -. RuJr ,Y«*i--Gro w Mi ins.-. '>i i \ |.ic Wbert-ii-. Daniel I* 11,11. adiii*:n-(i., mi“!: which hinds the grantees l * keep tho rood i good order, whilst it ullow- them t*> «*hargo b truiisportaiiou over thn >• >.*t«i. As lbe r»a< over, occupies the public »tr< cl. the grai t bo held sul(je<*t to Mm law which piuliibi tructioi l> 11 ", i ' uiy i charged l,y in and for . Junuury ti id Court , I county oi the ..end Mo in conlormily ui la w -- extract from the minutes of 1 Court of Onlinary—July bth, I* i. GLm.W .MILLIN'/ u iravvi ot me streets, it Conncil to i<muvr it. . i know itin condi tion ol tne mud ; and if it In* cnpsblo of proof by ilie Council, that tho condition of the rood Uiisalu lor travel, it ninouriH to an obstruo- uuiluncu. which by law tho city author- move wit In .ut luillu-r notice rCHnoct fully, WILEY WILLIAMS, City Atl’y. An account of favor of J no. U. Wright, Aid. Dougin lately imposed ■ i ■ ris . ■ Aid. McKendreo U» reduce it t Thu 1‘eeolution, m* umeiided. ended by ••d, le.tr voucher It i- tb jicrsons ili- barged •, in and fi-rsa in .1.1 unary A. B. l*oii,-r. administrator oi ihv and Klifa Maw.iway. deccas- >i*l count), having filed Id* and petitioned the ( said a-lin i* * i i ed In conformity to iuw. Court of Ordinary-Julv titb. UkW. the minutes of Harris I Court of Ordinary. February Term, IM3. , Gie Council ll.en adjourned until Tlic State of Alnliaina, ItuaBell County Iv rHH PmoBatk Cm ar, Juno .SMh. Ko. C AMEthisday Jane Harrison, ttie widow of Thomas Harrison, deceased, and hbd tor probale iu this court uu instrument of writiug purporting to bu tho lu.4 will mid teMmuunt of said decedent; and tho second Monday of .1 uiy next haying boon appointed by tho < ' ' the consideration of said inutlui - Notice is hereby given to tho i next of kin of said decedent, that tliuy can ap pear ill this court at the term to bu h«ld on tho «tav aforesaid and defend against th« appiiea- ..batu snid will, il llicv Ibink proper- 11 WADDELL, GEORGIA. 11ARR1.S COUNTY.I . .... Ill'Ll: NISI. Gro. W Miii.Livs. Ordinary, presiding W ll Lit KAF Samuel C, Goodin.in. adioini-l ra t"f of AI bar I G. Goo.iuiun. d> • •• iscd. lale id said county, having ai«.| bis voucher* and tinned the c ourt (or u discharge Ir uiin isirat ion — lt if than-fi A true extract from tho minutes of Harris Court of Ordinary, February ltd, ISdt. fnbb Hin * I EG. W. MULLIN’^, Ord'y. pKORG!A. MUSCOGEE COUNTY. I'm ur \J okOkpinaky, Maroh r«na,lwvt ll*lr .V..., Samuel A. Billing, administrator ol ibe < - tato of Samuel A. liailcv. dec. ase I. bnviug ap plied fur dismission; It is ..r l. r,.I Mix! all Vj Mr Martha Touehtun has fijed her appli, >r.« of guardianship *■( (lie i e thcrcl’oru to rita aad admonisli all ei-.,ns ooiicenisd to show cause, if any. witb- :i the tune proscribed by statute, why said let ! GEORGIA, STEWART COl NTY III KRKArf Mr- Martha Toucbtoi c lunty, decease*!: : them, duly rescribed by law. &\ 18*1!.—7i nd atL thi to, aft re ithentfeated, within tin ll. DWIGHT, s ndmitiitrator. Ucor|{iR—Txlbot County. M'»N 111 - alter date, application will be »urt of Ordinary of said county . part of the negroes beloi<„n,r Samuel K. , l“)oJ. JANECUOLL, Exec': olAlEGN DELUACH, aid letters should not bagrante,!. I, in olfioe. tb is 2>1 day . L. WIMBERLY. Ordinary, /J KORGI A. STEWART COUNTY-Colut 1*0 N the pot it loll of Disini-i wd for l.ctters y. pn Dowd . administration the e-tatauf Neill Dowd, decoa-od— It is thorafarc op lore t that all persons con cerned allow caii-hi, if any, within the time pre scribed by Statute, why i be gmulod at the uoxt A i run extract from the minute* of said Court .1 uno 30 th, 1803. J. L. WIMBERLY, July 3, 180: ut'>in Ordim i tL'iKGlA. STEWART COUNTY CourT ol vl Ordinary, M »roh Term 1803—J L Wimberly, Ordinary, prosiding: Upon th»* petition of Thomas M Vain lor letter* of Difltnisalou from the administration on tho estate of Jasper J. F'aiu, Iuto oi auid county. next October sl’orm of thi* court, why said let J L WIMBERLY, Ord / ’ KORGI A. RT EWART COUNTY.-Cot: in '* m l) it n i v * u v, March Term. 18*;t -J. L. Wluiberly, ordinary Upon the petition < r JatnibVrotinnn 1 . i III** administratin' JUlity, deceased | Wiley M. Trotmau, late of said March 30th, 18*13. act from the miuutea of said court. J. L. WIMRERLY. Ordinary. ’ KORGI A. TAYLOR COUNTY.-Whereas 'I'll e State ot A I a Imi in it, lluorll *'o, Is I'lo'lixTi: Uoi nr. .lei y IYku.Isu 1AM K tins dn> Hugh I*. Job., mi. guardian or ) I fie estate of Robert li. il llirtn. ... ami led h!* account and vuurber* lot Ihe fin .1 ,-et _ 1 uu it* ii t of said estate; nnd the second Monday in July noil liHyiug been appointed by tlio adit in,; and stuling tlio given to all parties in- tho torui o| tho court ho same, if they think t underpin) band, ut offico, tho ‘Adli day GRO. II. WADDELL. persons concerned aim why .'iiid adiiiinis'ratur sin I by the 0 .urt of Ordiuarv t May A. D. lHii.1. J mlge The Slate of Alalia him, It u Surf I ('on nty light.iwer, ii<lmln Williain*W. Tor rencr. <t« rooed, mud Bltsi hi- uvount nnd Vouchers for the bnai rclllemont ol *:ii I oxtuto ; and the second Monday in August next h.i\uig been appointed by (he I’ourt |.»r « \amiuiiig, auditing aud slattng the mm.'*. noli, > i- li.-reb) all p*rti»i tutei . if lhe> think i !' July, A. D. Ifttkl, ,ithe lltli day GEO. 11. WADDELL, Judge nf Kruliule. > * Un lull A. 11 A Kill V I 1.11. tell i IV. id a.in 11 D. I*.,.*. d-. cased la,» ing p«liUun«*d the t i>d petition, helongiuf Given tinder iny bal'd, in office, this Kit di in arch 1:’. m t \ KORGIA ^ I I’eabodv I i the minutes of laid CHI MUSCGGKK COUNTY. John *-•* U|>|>lied f.if letters ill aduiili hand, 1 t June, 1 I**. /^ KORGIA. MUSCOGEE COUNTY x I not A. Billing at .plies i .r leiiet.. t i*tration -I- /> .•.. .. .. of Hi., r ial. ,.| McDougubl. dvrease.1, Inle of a I. uu ( 1 John >. Murry applied to mo for letters of guardianship of Francos and William A. Mur ry, "ipfiH’i- "t Anthony U. Murry, deceased: These are tlioreluro to cite and admonish all concerned to show cause, if any. within the time pn -rihid b> statute, why said letter* should under my hand, in office. 4th July, J. J. llUKK, .lulv 1 *>. W-t fit Ordinary. G ! -•*.,.1 \ 1 \ Lull V-l N IV. \s i,,.,.. , E. B Waters applies to mo for Letters of Adinini'lrutioii on tho e-datoof Jos. 11. Ruckor. 1sti " ,,,i i i.unty, deceased— These a e tberol.*r«’ to eito and admonish all rued t.. show rauao, if any, within the tuu»* | pr.-'crtltod by statute, why said letter* Juno loth. thenip iicd, for puyutuit, within tho JAMILS M. SMITH. , Tibet by I. J uiy 10, 18* rntor* a Vale. \\’ILL before the Court house door ** iu Hu:', i. 1 i) "i , .unt), tit., ou the first Tuosdu) ii, A *i•*,i.t ii. it, "lie House aud Let in Reynolds, nuini as I. ,t No. 13 arid 8|,», k H. belonging t,. tho . -taro of Stanley W. Kogoi*. deciviseiL Sold b»r the benefit of the c Ac_. lurms known on d.i> ofsalo, Jnnofi. iv,’. t of the creditors. (U| B MAN AJre’r. Kxrtutrli’i Sate. VHH.L be sold bcloio tho Court House door *» in the t"oil ol f ilbottun, fnlbot county, (la., on ibt, iurt Tncxtuy in August next, with in the legal hours ,,f . 4 |o, agmabiy to an order o| tho Court -d ttrdinaryol said county, aNe gro nmn by tbo mnne of Harry, about lorty tho pMporty of U»« ©stateof Levi nty deceased. RYM. SMITH. Flxeeutrix. i. Smith. Into o Juno 2t),l8( man, at,out J" years u ago, and her child L*»u- isa. ii'wut J • : . . bald negroes sold for the bcncti ■ u i«t* of said ilcccitsvd. GEORGE W.GORDON, July 10, W,{. u n ^ Administrator. Administrator's Sale. \\r ILL bo sold hi Hamilton, Harris county, » V Gh.. oii the first Tuesday in September next, within the legal hours of sale, the follow mg likely Negroes, belonging to the rstato ol Mrs. Loui-.i * . Griggs, deceased, to wit: 1 negro man uamed John, about 45 year* of age: 1 Oliver. " 24 Virginia'* Clara Beall, 12 Webster. 11 Dafft.e House and L >' in the J. J. June 12, UC3 p KORGI A. TAYLOR COUNTY.-Court of \l Ordinary, June fonu, 1863—J. J. Huff, Or- din*r>, presiding: Upon the petition of Ann Johnson, for Let (it of dismission from the guardianahip of Namiii | Johnson and William T. Johnioii — iVbricloro ail porsons couc. rued are hereby should J .1 uno 2. IV, 1 / ' KORGI A. ^ 4 I, S !,:• V MUSt'tiGKR COUNTY. Wtr X of said e-tate.do u|.| i •Ileant at the Court ..I and tor .- aid Count) « IGT! tli’.O. W. MULLINS KoRGI V. HARRIS COUNTY I I J tl,.., ..i, i*d are hereby notified to y have) why an order to be granted by (he td n< I mi< A KORGI A. Ml’SCOGKB COUNTY, J .hit' y Bcthune, administrator of the estate Keturah C. Kctur, having applied for I.etUra they have) why _. _j diamirted. . hand and official signature ml u liipiiiidt aB > hand, iu offico, the 4th July, \ CIIATTAHOOCHKK COUNTY. Nl SI W. W. Shipp, administra- •• istool James \ioLester, deeea. ed, l»lied for letters of diaiupoiou Iroui ai lore ordered, that all persons con- HV. lawful hours of belonging to ihe t* whii »»uiiesviiie, in said deceased resided ut tlie beut-Ul of (ho legatees of *ntd nt* rash. WM. M. GRIGGS, 18* t- Aduiuistrator. K\ KC» TOU'S SALE. i order from tho Ordinary county of Talbot. rs*. next, will he sold before the i iu said county, within the sal**, the following Ncgroc- . Talbot countv, Uu., t next, within lh. if > »> .-'ii.,,! ii. * b.ijr about tcu year- n i bid . ll bv >\ m. Duun, at the same id biddei - Laving (ailed to comply l*uu t sale. H;iid uegroex will, on said lav in Augu t uoxt, be sold a( the risk Dismission front said administration Wherefore all person* co notified to show cause (if ... said administrator should not be disnii-irii I .he Court uf Ordiuarv to tie held in and lor sa county on the first Monday in .September net Given under iny band. February l*>tb, i^«. Icbl'J-td JOHN Johnson. Ordinary ( JKORGIA. M1 'SO;>UKK 0011N 1 \ Am. oitPiNtHY, March July lb, 18*11. 2m / t KORGI A. HARRIS \ I ,11—< \, .oimi> i-1i |i**r. dec* a*vsl, late ! -a *1 Nil v. ' - or ol Elijah <\ liar «* unt). Laving filed ill the land belong a ed. and described All pc own* concerned show cause vit an) tin sell said laud should ._ c hereby notified t they have) why an ordei | J"*cph Kyle, administrator of the estate of i John Kyle, deceased, having applied for di* ) mi*..ion : It is ordered, that alt persons con- eertied s'»..w cause, if unv they have, why said j idmu i-triilor should not bo dismissed by the Court ot Ordinary t*> bo hold in ami for said count) iu October next; and that this order be j\'j. JOHNSON, Ordinary. te:,* ot ditiui granted to ( Ordinary t'» be held J the trull in . thi** older be published if. terms of the law. " - i A true extract from tho miuutcs of sa’pl cou.' J At*. CASrLKBKRRY. May 2* 1 , ISA’ -uMim Ordinary, j / ;i:oR*.I \. • II ATTAHoorii I l 1*> ll : anon IT MAY CoNCKgN : —Where- n*. M B Willis ba* applied to mo fur loiters , »1 administration ou the estate of Joseph Owens, late ot said county, decorvsod-Tbo.se are I of Boniatiiiu M the land belonging to uud di*dinguislu>d 171. 132. 1SJ. II*.. 2» vided ball UT. un i. north half 215, utidi- »cros south part of 183. ■ under fence: there is Rule therefore to the estate of Joseph ty, deceased—Those ud admonish all parties ^*use. il auy they have, wit prescribed by law. why letters should be sold with tin- land. I he place L the^ ooitshicratuin au.l •lay ot December, eigiiteon hundred d gixty-two, shall be fundable in eight per v„.*.t. b-oids or stock, until the twc*nty-sccon*' day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-threo fhal from that date until tho first day of Au gust. eighteen hundred and sixty-threo, they slmli be funded in Mven per cent, bond* or stock, and after the said first day of August, they shall no longer be fundable at t lie pleasure of tbo holder, but shall bo receivable in puy- eatiou of a treaty «»t p ;cept tho ext*,rt duty « i. and within ten days a ter the pas-na'.* "i thi* act, shall be fundable in seven per cent, bonds or stock until tho first day of August next: and nttcr tho said first day of August, shall be fiimLihieouIy in bunds bearing intere-id timrato..! four per cent, per annum, and payable at any time not o.\cceding thirty yenr* Iron) tho date thoreof; and all such notes not funded shall be receivable in paymeut «>1 all publicduc-. except tho export duty on c*»t- (.•ii. and shall be payable six months after the treaty of u* irmuont and l __ bs bearing eight I July, eighteen with the a co rued interest, bo fund- ads <d theC* i. *•'.•.(c-. bearing iatcr.'t at the rate ot per con: p.*r annum, and payable at any not ex ■■•ding thirty years after their That tlv** accrued iutorovt mi may. at tho option uf tho holder, bo :.«iead nt being funded. All call eertiti- >f every description, outstanding the fir«t July, eiglitecn hundred and sixty-threo, bearing an nunu-t eding thirty y r ot July, eighteen liun- p power hc.retoforo given bail b«* authorned t > > cars after the rat* vi* between the Oon- Uuitud States, and f the holder, during i,led wi;hiu twelve \uer tSTat per id; bearing to) announcements For Congress, We are authorixed to announce •!„. , Hon. I11N KS HOLT, ofMuscorel *° f as a candidate lor re-election v, the Third Congressional District ing election. ’ * ,ti,! »* yVv are authorixed to announce tl,, . , Cu ,.. *V.M. as a candidate for Uongress from the Ti,i r |‘ gressional District, at the ensuing , *. ,• April 4. 184i3—te To the Veters of the Tlu,a tow*. alouni District. ,Rr ' 1 * P.u.r.w-Cn'l-v,: n, Vr.rD, p ,„ the Government, on account of iuju r ; c re . cl .bile .ervint in th. Said. bn„ me incapable of serving y ou farther i r u capacity. Many friend.- have urged m •' present my name to your contideratioo V candidate to represent you in the htll C( ' * grew: and in furtherance of these r.-uu... nowdosu. If I should ho honored wi|h, b Position, bv your suffrages, it win be «!iu „ dnt. affd my desire to give au car,.c-t a. |, ou* su|.port to all eoDstitutioual i u . a , Ur , ‘V feeling your interests, and which may tr( .j , the speedy and permanent aie-oui tlie peace and imie|>eiidence of our " country. Your fcllow-citiicn, lvUi,u, ' n 11 MARK H. BLANFOIll. For the Lr^i.Intuir>-lla, M eare authorized to announce fleuryi Kiiuhrouffh „« a candidate tor R.pic-, . live from Harris couuty iu the next L*> of Georgia. Cor in. i.,*ni.,ur. c „„ u Wo arc authorized to announce the r FRANK A. NISDKT. R,,.. , (u . lot Busm-II County, at the August u | es;i W. LOWTHER GEO. T. HURT J. K. JON I S. H C. LOVE JESSE WlLKERsuN. n state that Ws July 21, I8b3. We uro aulhorit- win. at tho solicit.* and elsewhere, ha* consented to ihe nume as a candidate for the Hou-i* .. MOtatives, in Kuosell county, Ala R'l. Ent}ti\tt r: Announce Lieut, j. H T.vTg as a candidate to represenl Ru* r ty. Ala., in the House ot Representative next Legislature of the Flat.- , h first Monday in August next. Juno lb. iSfif.- to' MANY VuTKI: In response to a call made upon hi a, number of the eititeus of Ru*-dt rf l ,n *. consents t< didato to represent that cot Representatives of ih« nex' buma, and returns thanks t who have signified their that D. B. ards M' n thi * please copy. mds, ami payabiu •resoribod^but the j u» U tlie ratiliuatl(>n I the Coulcdcrate ! . unit i»uo*l allor s hereby allowed to r follow.*: , •«•*./ ('h<t McKcndroc. assisted by Datiid M> Jlui r»s.—A. F. Johnston. 7 it (bat unit TttyLr.-T. A. Brown Cratrfurtl, Mi icon u nd Jiuutt..,,. j Uttton.--Charles Wilaon. Munnte a ml Mibb.—Captain Ii ( bam and George Cunningham. Sumter anil Schley,—U. It. Hum. —Geo. Mu Stewart. A. Ncwm>ui. (Juitmnu, Run lulph and Gray bill. A.C.8. Ac*. Terre//, Calhoun an. Dnv i*. //inker, Early, Miilrr, unti catur Wtit of Flint Kin r. -.* Cupt. J. W. Armstrong, chat go of milling at Macot Western Ruiln.n.l, a:.,I 'ran Tho Chief Depots of thi* bus and M:i. ,>n. All a . of d. not be fundable that the Secretary of tho Treasury be * ‘ ' is beuritiif »ix pur cent, .teas hereinbeforediroct- y notes i sued since the . eighteen hundred and he *.'oitf*d*rale .*tat*v* ns By order of Chief of State nnd Cumin .. General. A. M. ALLl N, June f», I8ft“.**tf Capt. ami *'..-*. ELECTION NOTICK. ^N ELECTION will be held abl* loth, highest bidder, . i’rovided. however, that : such l>onus shall not ex millions of dollars; And t»t the treasury notes thus : be it-issued, il the effect ol he to increaso the whole -a I'rceini-u* i„ . .,., U1 Mate o| Alabama, <>n Monday n August next, tor Governor of the . Kefnv.-uotutiv e from tin* •-"•ct to thaCougre-* ol ii -... Ataeyic^, two R**pr. th* Mate Legislature, Shcritl. Oou I sionixl Di*t "lfon'“i , ; , .o *11 f ^ Wad'd* ll. Jud"" 1 I'fetors ol Mid election rev.art .Vo. 1. I'ruwfurJ. W. ii ! >. 1. .Vnwi F and M II bill-, .‘■a vitnnall. tho quality of infs hereby author- 1.1:. Wt . Gatewood. ■ icer. 11 1*. John then, returning officer. .A./.V0.0 Mm,.'; ll • ui and John Buchana,,, iho|t, " 1. r.-turning ofliccr. ... / Alr.lft. Ojwt.ka J,.hn B. I*j 1 aud R alter G. Williams, I li. Genii), illuming officer. t .Y". 11*. Salem ml L« I W • M Vdain-. returning tdlio i /*.. .f A- . IJ. l».u j W.ley,4,Uon Dud Wil«| \ 11 . Da. IS, At.,* R* turning • Hh turning > ting <*lb Confederate States Depository. COLUMBUS. 1,A.. Ai-Ktl. 2;o, l&l I I OLDER - -f t',,i,fc !• nt.. N ,;.*., dated pri II ,,rtu An. 1 otfi. W , can fund them ii (even per cent. Bou t., until the Ll Uxy ol Au Interest l.oaring Note.: am nut fundable i Bond*, the) I, -::, .••■a idci.-1.»-.ibradv funde.1 W. 11. V'U NG. NJ::;:/ of May ibth. 1** «N*te»l t.' show cause, if any they have, within miles Irotu Columbus. To be gold agreeably tno time proscribed by law. why ‘ “ * * — - * -* •-*' ' * not lie gram.. I to «aid applicant, *" ‘ and aud official .1 (Mb* vstlSukhky 10 bo dcharred the 1 h tad and i.in.'ia 1 signature June June 26, LfU, order of the Ordinary ot'said county. * L. K. WILLIS. I Adm'r. Ac. it led to be funded i M EMM VS* i FHL WOOL WANTED THE EAGLE MANUFACTURING CO, COLUMBUS. . H AV'ING large contract.* with tb* » rata Government for :he inai *. > ■' Woolen *1.k»*1. u , are prepared to j.«i» 0/ dr i Mr. Euurxk A.RuiTn is our traviliing a- Desirable Place for Sale be granted by the ...... )' Orvlinary to bo held county on tho first Monday in September next Given under uiv hand, this the 4th day uf July. ISrtJJ. GEO. W. MULLINS. July 1*). I'v • V. / v 1 '* > 1; * • 1 \. II \ K I; l - f,*u MY. \\ her.*..*-, VI Irby II. i'ltt*. a.111." Whitehead, deceased. Into of said county, hav ing filed hi* petition fi>r leave to Hell the land belonging to the estate of said deceased, and dc.'W'ribvd in said petitlvu—*\exrvpt the widow'.* All persons concerned arc hereby notified to i*e(if 1 «cll *aid land should 1 t have' why : f Onlinary to be held 1 11 the filet Monday i ranted by the 1 and GKO. W. MULLINS, I KO It G 1 A. HARRIS COUNTY-Whore f a*. Martha Am. Mugely applies for letters 1 lies. by ad udiu no offle nd to ut any they have/ why said letter* should 1 he planted. Given under my hand, in office, July It's 1.8 GEO. W. MULLINS, July 18. 'tU :k\l. _ Ordinary BNTIU1 NOTH »•: Baaacll Co.. Al |'M KAY LD belorr Witlram W I I * u tb** -d t.»v ..1 July. |y» . *i Wiltwias. an liov Gkvv H. asv. ab. • dd i baud.-high. b.*d a >pa<ii>a la. J. V stcph.*i 1 the skirt* *. Appraised al three hundred a-dlar.v July 16dl— ?tw* off. and pa) hundred a«d.— G F •• 11 W AD HELL. Jarlge uf Probate. inarch 31—1 C * I 11 K *i i \ , Ml•.*;*•*»*.i;i: *«»( nty. T Sarah K. W ilkinn, guardian for her own minor children—Sollie (L.Charles and Joseph ine v\ ilk ins- having filed her petition for leave to sell the tollowng named uegroe.«,v 1*: I nvar and his wife Sarah, John, Diana uud her chil dren. Henry and William - Therefore aB person* concerned are hereby notified to show cause (if any they have) why leave should not bo grouted to sell said negroes at the Court of Grvliuarv to be held iu ami for said county on the first Monday iu September / « KORGI.A. MlS COG KB COUNTY.-- To ** V* WHOM IT MW OINCKRN : Whereas John Peabody, administrator of the estate of Robert h. Dixon, deceased, having filed his petition for leave to sell tho negroes belonging t« raid estate— All persons are hereby notified to show cause - have) wby au order thu estate of J<dm vouchers aud emdic mission from said ad It is ordered that all persons concerned show . Ilulton, h.v 0 me for h Administration- cause, it any they have, wiry said administrator • should not Ik* dismissed at the Court of Ordi- j nary to be held in aud for said county ou the tecoud Monday in January next. Given under m> hand, this 22d June. 18i3. ; JAS.C'ASTLKUEHkv. tu3m Ordinary. 1 , A true transoript from the records of tnis 1 / ’KORGIA.CHATTAHOOCHEE COUNTY. VI Notice is hereby given to all person* con cerned. that Mrs. F». A. Uiwh, excutrix of the , lost will and testamont of Thm>. Bush, inter- ■ married with—-Lewis, whereby her letters testamentary abated; and that no ner-ou has complied with the terms of the law fur admin istration with the will annexiw] on the estate uf : said fhos. Bu h. and that administration will be vested 111 the Clerk of the Superior Court, or some other fit and proper person, on the first ' Monday in August next, unless some valid ob- JOHN C. BYRD, 1 Butler. Taylor county, Geerglo, »u the ..i.i Tuesday in M-ptetuber next, between the legal hours .1 sole, a nerro man named — —, belonging to the estate of J. B. MeCautj. de ceased. Sold tor the benefit of the creJitore.Jrc. Tonus made known on day of sale, J. C. McCANTb, adm’r. THK.ASl • It Y NOTICK l«» l inxltuk''*i«a*>n* v ><■(( • Tfi* vs 1 uv Dm* varans t (\ S. A.. I ■ Bud 4 LL bold A tooth A the 1st Aug.1 date, the no cetuber. I**..' which bear I8*i2,auvl *>tn per cent*, at gust.lv. •: Notes issued pri... tified that until , they 1 • Bonds. Aft r that •• -n or after tUh April, .1 Six per Coot, B inds, if 1* year from tho first day of -•ro..* their face—after the >lo only in four Pcrcouti). •ssary to comfort and health. 1 > ertip and slock, pc mediately. Ai plication can be tux... ... 1 house for further i.articulars. July IS, 1863.-if ilo nt the L«*nt.l! " ASA RATE LStlKiEE COUNTY. o County, Georgia, will uf j jectiou is made to 1 the first Monday in Sentember next. Given uuder my baud this nth Julv, 1863. , , . Jfu. juaiiSuN. July <, 18©. __ Onliuarv. / 8 KORGI .v V l I McKee having filed his pennon for letter* of administration on the astute of Hockley C. McKee, deceased, late of said couuty— any they to< ^ .as aforesaid uiviuiuM). iu uv held in and fur said county „n tho first Monday in August next. Given under my band, this 17th June. 1863. Given under my baud aud official signature, June 2,>th, 1863. JAS.CALTLKBERRV. June R. 1863. Ordinary. p KORGI A. CIIATTAUO >Ull KK COUNTY. U l» n.t. w hom jt kvy CosotaN Nt bereas lboiuas W. Howard has this day applied to me for letters of aslministratioo on the estate of Harrison Thomas, late of said oounty. deceased— vitueas m> hand, this July 2d. 1563. , , JAMES CASTLEBERRY. Jaly 3,1868. Ordinary. hr sold at the Court House iu the rity of Co lumbus, on the fir-P Tueeday iu Sei*teml>«r next, between the legal hours of sale, tue prop erty known a.* Jeffor*un's Brick Corner situ ated ou the corner Frank iu and Warren Streets. Said property is owned jointly by my self and K0II111 and W esley, ruiaors of Benja min Jefferson, dccen.*.* i Tho lot comprise* nearly one half acre. The House is two stories SIEGE ARTILLERY r |TlE undersigned 1* authoriz'd t ' I Company ot SIEGE ARTILLERY ! • defences of the Chattahoochee River. • 1 Georgia iint Florida line. The *' ,ui|o„.* be S'l A riON AKY. and par-m* mi. ' avoid the long marches, short ratioti* picket duty iurident to Infantry. the climate is healthy, and its *•> >rn r boiue should be a great inducement to pit subject to Conscription. A Bounty of Fifty Dollar? is offered, t •.*• with a complete outfit g*»- Furlough' * granted of a reasonable length of tiiut at the Court House iu il Georgia, a parcel of I , acres, more or leas, and situated parcel of Und comprising eighty or l*»*, and situated ou Muib< thu Ittth district of said county. 1 land ii Mulberry unty. On Saw Mill aud water AU of the above property to be told for the 11rpo.su of a division. JOSEPH JEFFERSON. July li, W6.<.-t* r hiut-idl and aa Guardian. with Dwelling 11 JOHN DURKIN. COTTON SHIPPERS O N and after this date, Cotton will ft*' 1 ,w received for .shipment over this R .** 1 ’ l«»s it is in GOOD ORDER, f hii ruie w.u **• strictly enforctsl. Juae7.l863.-dtf WM. L. CLARK. M'f'J- t OTTO A LBOOBRIi Madb of the best malarlaU. and •ubstan) 1 *' 1 t-.and. lor sale al dug Office- H ft I 1 **