Weekly Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1861-1873, September 01, 1863, Image 1

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— M ff. Sx §' THOMAS RAGLAND, Proprietor. VOLUME XXXVI. \ STRfCT CONSTBUCTION OP THU CONSTITUTION VN lIONI.s r AND IT ONOHIC <1, AlMl'NI- ;I ' TmHiuiTokoiuTiXT^tuIesisTiT*ti • 1 ;.?H STREET. ~HTB!HER 36. THU WEEKLY ENQUIRER , «' 1 ' X* rt vv« ry T»»>-.lay-Jlurolng. d.Pc mi m.Ms- •*'<»•> i « una | STKJ ttiiC: L'tt ll, .. ««~w. I folks. Lot us liopo that tills privil.jfo J will be properly appreciated, and nut ADVERTISEMENTS Coosplcttensfiy inserted nt Os* Dollar per ! abused square, fur the first iumtlon. and Fiftt Ousts , UkaDQ' . . . . t . i i, a Armv Nohthkkn Va for every subsequent insertion. A square in tho Kaauirar l> jltrm U»*tn small ’»«. or on, | Oenero j Qrrfa-s .Vo. 84 advertisement*. I IW ca _ v j one AU Comiv. n>n.ious ot » personal character, : g 00l j (l j *j u , c . r or intend oil to promote tho private ends of i so mo Corporation>.Socl«ties, Schools or Individual*. . eon duet, n s.v-t- will be charred a* advertisements. Thursday, August 27. 1863. Hon. Ktilit. JciuImmi. Tim election of this gentleman to tho C- mi federate Semite, by tho new Legisla ture of Alabama, is an event highly of I rd f. 1 friends it!y with tho 1 nt tho same >r meritorious ughs is hereby instituted in this army. These furloughs will bo granted, in the first instance, at tho rnto of two lor every one hundred men present for duty’; subsequently, at llm r.ito of one for every one hundred men present for duty. This system will be continued as long as tho exigencies of ll;.- service will per- init Should tho effect not be found ?«•' «"»*: ' « ihcro | , : irz i- 'i • 1 •''*••• ot A . mama a gontloinan | caaion the mod mi. r.t and n - ritorious hei; -r J to the position. Ho is a ! cases from tltoso r- o h.i n< n. ■ 1 by the man <»f unu..: ;1 general information, h I '-onipany utfie.-r*, t o u<- app oval o| , . i UiPir superior commander. ..I I.-n-ible d.b.tor. | Tl„. ii,„- „l|| h „,. ( „.| ........I,.., ftpti- to the following tuhl uriough* will bo.gruntod equally to fiom Stales mid Districts with tnunication is out. off, but in •airy per- nia, M irsi sippi, days, ru soldicn which no case will those furloti mission to go within th or pass through them. The time such cases will ho regulated by then her of days allowed I t the Stain in list which they intend to K. Lk n formidable antagonist for debate. Hfcyu quaintance with financial him particularly uso- t il i;> and lo> will no doubt he "f the safe-! and in”*t influential financiers in tho Senate, llis oloet'on is also planning to us because it corrects what wo regarded as an illiberal act of tho last LogUlnturo of Alabama. That body, having a majority of old Democrats, ideated two former Demo cratic politicians to tho Somite; while tho Legislature of Georgia, containing a majority of Whigs, elected one old Whig ami oqo old Democrat. A course similar to that of Georgia was pursued . ^ n a v « tn by the Legislature* of North Carolina, | T'ltuOssonand Florida, and wo are glad ; regarding all' that Alabama has now shown a dote initiation also t<> forgot old party preju- I [ dices. ___ t |ti | much smaller !'.too til Alabama I.oglslature. ] bnr haIhvi- ”ai* u.• I Monday y 21//*.—In the Senate Presi- j Tho condition of Hr dent Jotnison (wlm has been oleoled proving daily. ■ Confederate States Senator) tendered his \ theyoccupy GonlVV/y \•! V ■ "ll |m resignation as providing offleet of tho | In tho wc*<nni pari of t m- .sum. tlo body, which Was accepted, and Mr. ) pin nro forming partisan coitipatm- 1 dent. A number of private bills wore intro- ducod in both Houso*. The only one that passed either branch was a bill in troduced by Mr. Lewis, to authorize ex ecutors, administrators, guardians and trustees in HusboII county t<» advertise in somonewspaper imhUnhod In Columbus, Ga.. which pushed tho Hennte. The Don ato also passed the Houses bill to require persons to pay taxes in the county whore tho property is located. The Houso had under consideration tho Militia bill, and tho Sonata a bill to prevent Justices of tho Ponce and Judges of Probate from issuing writs of habeas corpus in certain cases, at tho time of their adjournment. A Cheering Account. Wo have had a conversation with tho lion. John Goode, Jr., who i« just from tho army of Gen. I. Ho informs us that a spirit of devotion f<» the cause and an enthusiasm exists with tho troops, which nt no time has ever been exceeded. At tho houdquartors of some of tho di vision commanders, ho had an opportu nity for observation which loaves no doubt of tlm existence of thin fooling in the army. Ho was invited to address tho soldiers, which request he complied with, a id in every allusion made to tho ability of the army t.o beat back tho invader, ami to tho ultimate gueeoss of tho cause, and to lh« principles for which wo aro < onion.ling, loud and enthusiastic cheers vent 'ho *ky. Tho strength of the army i* 'holy increasing—numbers arrive al- im orv hour- and that confidence in it*o|f i- f.-lt by the army which will 'make it w vincihlo. Tho North Carolina troops are staunch to the core. They look with contempt upon the efforts made by tho traitors at Iioiuh to disparage tho cause, but a cer tain feeling of mortification is mixed up with it, that they who have illustrated the tone and temper of tho great masses of tho people of these Slates upon many a battle field, should have oven a breath of the pollution, engendered by traitors at home, hlown towards tho pure field of tie 0‘outche m tin v hold aloft. Tho next- field of battle will hu made gory by tho ‘ ’ ' Id North Thk Fkont.— One of our scout* just in from tlm Sequatchie Valley, reports two regiments of Fode-al cavalry and tho *nmo jinnCcr of infantry at Dunlap, about IbJ. twenty IL e miles from llli- place. Humor- have been current upon the .stre'-u for forty-eight hours past that the Federal* in force had crossed the Tennessee at Uridgoport. Nothing re- liable or confirmatory of tlieso reports had ■ aohed ui \\ nolineto the opin ion that if tho enemy does really throw a ' 'n-1; ' i ■ point ibovi mentioned it will • •• simplyn loinl, while the main.column will attempt a crossing further down towards Huntsville. IM,1 The Preshlent, Oen. '.** . - The stnGu letter* of President Do Newspaper*/ ’ tls. ^ Tho President, tolls u* lie wants mo it* Tho Indinnspoli* State Journal pub- ,v \\ men. Jn l.is agony for more mon ho. li.lms n number of letters, found among j, T appeals to tho ladies for help, and grants the private papers of Prescient Dni-. i n- n.i a general amnesty to all doiorters nd-! and nlaond in the lmmls of tl:» editor-d m.' uLi-. vortisinglho said amnesty for twenty j the Journal by Capt. G. W. I';ie.mlly. ' ann."in. consecutive days in every nowsnapor in j of Gen. lUirhridge's staff. Ti«o letter-- in;! If tho Confederacy, at a cost of thousands referred to wore stolen by the Yankee . u; . r , of dollars. | in one of tlm expeditions in Mississippi, dor sie .. (Jen. Leo appears t‘> ho of the same \\ • publish the following <:, min.l will, tliP )>ro*i.l..,a. 11,■,Lmi. W.-Iiit, ,kr-Gm'. Rn, noils, r.r .1. ill' mi.r,. mnn. , Itowl* »!».. *1 Im.ifflcr- , and men to Join their respective regiments without a moment’s delay, and even ap peals to the people of the several States to send forth every man capable of b *nr- ing arms. Otic would suppose that two such high oudioritles would ho apt to know what they are talk ing about Hut the mwspnpeis, including tho Pre-iidenfs own dear organs^ tu • dili- jAtntly ••ng,i v>d day after day in a-siiring us that tho Yankee diatt is .\ dead lail- ur-; the. Yankee armies wasting away hv disease, desertion* and expiring en listment* ; that Lee s army is numerically .'.Tenter than Mende's, end that. Lincoln i his last legs, i military point of dont Whloh are we to believe—tho Pri and (Jon. Lop. or the nowtpupers can’t believe both, for if the newspaper? are to bo heeded there is no n.wi /•. another man in our armies. AH have to do i* to Htnml perfep'ly still and toe iiine.oln’s legions vanish into thin air. Then we will march to Boston without tho slightest inconvQiiionco or interrup 1 its dofonee ur ability 1 pc cry body An*i wo will ho next Fall. Thi« h no time to trifle with the pie They aie not arrant tool spirits are not to bo kept up by i first hint, I the with mid without horse*. A brigade of cavalry is being raised by a prominent ollleor, nnd a 1 randy it number* over tiv The crops are ropre and the people lire n ivy raidliiR inirtiM n urn tired ot the ’i a dotnrminud to fight western purl of i lie - Lynchb. Hep. The lJahllity ot Wo publish ha’ou slon of Judv<; l 'iiiiii to the linhilitv to tin who ha® obtained a disebii' Conscript act by puti ing ir Mohoan s Mkn.-Wo learn from Adj't, Cunningham, says tho Knquiror, that a liiiinher *»f Morgan's men have ret en'.ly <■« ■»i>eti through the Vankee lines, troni Ohio, swelling tlm force that puceedtvl in maknr.g the “through trip" to fully mx hundred. They nruuti earn pud near Morristown, Tonnossen, and will soon bo in a condition to pickup a few hostages to hob! for the security of their heleved commander. SlllfHlltU , of Ala Tiik U&umkmtat. Elkgtiok.—Wo learn* that in Harris county an almost unanimous vote was cast for Mnj Salis bury for Colonel, Capt. Hargett ft tenant Colonol, Major, of tho formed in this and adjoining counties. About 120 votes were ooat. babeilrteorpu*, Ui" |*.•:i; 1 Clints, asking to be ; i custody of John ll. Cog of Alnbimui militia. Tl; following views: “1 am ol the opinion Kith April, 18tV2. orgm;i>: the Confedcnite Sia't militia of the several when a person liable to 1 Capt. Curley for j the law* of the Su.t- i Inient about to Y Tiik Lkavkn Wohicino. — A gentle- ( man writing from one of tho chief towns j ot Mississippi, in spunking of tlm late | meeting at Kniorpriso says: “One good thing has already grown out of tho mooting; one nobio convert hie* been made, and with tho zeal of an upo-ile tio has sot about making other j oiM-rts Tho principal morehunt here j 1 I ->iy* he i* soundly «-onverted, and has j | • *vcd Iso will ii it hi • kn another doiinr j ' J of profit during tho war, but wi.l m«l»e ! . arge business coutrilniie only to tlm ess of the great causu. A* the rosnlt ii-, a meeting of merchants and plan will h« c.i 1 led inn fow days to see will put. their hands to the pledge, io attempt to make any further profit Aulr nt up by confliot- Kno-.v that the now conscription of meiiMpio l », nnd the cull of the President and tin’ appeal of Gen. Lne, do not tally with the .vmguirm nr- licb's of the newspaper - Wl.ut tlnv want is not delusive ll >pe . hut tlm asso- ranee tlmt the Frecident intend* to act with wisdom and energy. We do want more umn. The Yankoos are trying to play another trick on us.— Just before 11. battle of Chancel I o i'.- v ill o, they assured us that Hooker's army was only 70,ii** strong, and just before Grant, captured Grand Guli‘, they assured us that there would he no more general en gagements during the war. K liable gentlemen, who bad been through the Northwest, brought muvs that pone" ami an allium o with tlm Confederacy were positively determined on. They .m* trying to fool us again. Re liable gentlemen, “Just relumed from Washington, arrive almost daily wit.hjn th 11 M e-.da is • i 2fi. 18(k). Dear Frtrials j write to you hecuum 1 cannot well avoid it. 1 am, in heart and soul, for the South, m they are right, in the principles and possess the Const!- ! tlll'ou. If tho public mind will bear i», Iho sent, of Govermimtit. tlm Government iLelf, I r. the army and navy, ought to reiuuiu ’ with the South, and tlm Coii*litiiti bn •• ••• i pi • ting the al inant, aUhough it is ruilmr rovolutionn ry. A FrovLioi.,I Government should bn ostnbllslied nt Washington to rcbeivo the power of the out-going President, and fur tlm P.-o-idi-ut elect to take the *;': oath of office out of*bi' c territory. ! 1 . ' 1 come to tho point. All the £nin by n- forward. in of the pot -m hundred th n friends of th. to aqueleh t!» All o sla\e States must separate from the | ' iie.l U North and cornu together, Tlm free ! States will not concede an atom, I bunt on the deitruetion of slavory. Why, iH «Jo.i’ name, cannot. th*j Nortliurn slave State* see this fact, ns clear as noon- day before their eyes? The general secession ought to be ac complished before tlifi 4th of March.— Mr. Buchanan deserves imnmrLnl honor for keeping down bloodshed. In one hour, by telegraph. Imcould order Fort Moultrie to fire tin Glmrlc-ton, ami tho war would rage over iho Union. 1 am, in heart nnd soul, against war ; but tho keep peace Is to bo able to lel’emt yoursolvn If tsbivo States would unite and " r m a »'onveiilit»n, tlmy might have tho • ■ • ■••jo «•>'..i,-e the North into terms to mend tin- Constitution so as to protect efficiently. • " I'M* friend, 7b IFon. Letter Jeff. Davis, and A’c-Gin cuts, eglllU i far-Senator lirodheady of Pennsylvania, Kabton, Pa.. Duccmher 18, 18(10. My Dear Sir Hero l acrid you a let- tor J thin day rocnived from Mr. Oharb-.w McAllister, of Pliilndelohiii, h g- utlouiun of high eluiraeter and large means. An im is a frie id of mine, and snouts to i hink I would be greatly pleased If you would laliotH are Jlllt draft. We <n to see him do Stretch of lorri and the Rapp-t Importune.- to j uookvoi the hh* •if this stuff to sntisly ovi administration This is the cal lire tile storm. That storm will n t tortile Dog rtuys to expire. Mea onstiintly being reinforced, and so lecraiis, and the first tiling wn km will 1m attacked lmth thinks K ided bv fii.'MHI men, a Friday la?t up pours to have been .•••■ i'c.ii*■*':*Ily '•'o-ervud a~ a day of Humiliation and l’rayer than any day yet rd apart for that purpose in tho Confciorato States. rir- Wo clip the following paragraph*, in reference to tho recent Yankee attack on Chattanooga, from tho Rebel of tliul The chnrohcx in town have not been Biifferad to escapn v tihout marks of Yun- keo profanation. A shell passed through •1 I'rum i all the i tho Yankees fired on tho F« Bout yesterday morning, a lady aboard, who acted with con tie**, aiding tho soldier* an uUernutoly with efficiency Tim Yankees pluntod the "sli»r~«pnn- glcd bannor" on tlm other siuo of the river. Our shot* very speedily added largely to ii* galaxy of “sturF." At present it looks like a dish-rag, Binoarod with molkSKiis. Froui Tiaiis-MlB»!«alppl. Wo clip the following from a letter t.o the Mobile Tei'tune. dated Morton, Miss., Aug. 12th: Ihavo soon one of Gun. Kirby Smit h's stuff, who has just arrived from that side of the river. JJo crossetl the riv r at Rodney on last Friday, and whilst he wa< there four trun 1 porta heavily loaded with troop* passed up, and tlm Continen tal loaded with cavalry pas sad flown. The Yankees urn playing a heavy game nnd tlie‘t.rfn»ii* that, have gone down are merely for the purposy icpiucii.g the troops of Banks's army who have been muttered out on the expiration of their Act, be beuomo* Imb - to p i duties imposed on other citizens <d' tho State, in regard to her internal do'ciiee. Tho furnishing >>; a ul> ! Mil • hut du- chargos him from tlm ••biiguli"ii uiipo*ie<i by tho conscript act. ami in m* wise abridge# or rc*tric«* tie* obligation ImU under to tlm Slut-, a- . n.t n 1 . I h«*r militia, to defend I»i- li iinc if> a *>f in vasion. The »gr» • l fact* how that th-- State was inva l' ! and i» n-.w gr«-iitl.v .ni ne riled. f lliu-*t look >o the i.iW of the State to nucnrUiin who ar.i liabi*.* as mi litia. Tlm'. law makes n<> exemntion of persons wli • iitute- and have thus obtained a discharge from the obligations impm-ed by another law and for M.'fvlee of a diffprenf eharucter. It'tho petitioner i- mustered into tho Confederate Kin ice In. will be mu-tcrod in a* a militiaman l'»r six in.uitli* for the defence of hi* Stale nnd fi«* »m. From tiiih service it occur* to mo no patriotic . citizen ought to desire an ex-mplioi 'iiininiitecool- i bin • i!i.*ti'.tl.*- he L< p i 1 '• (1 tho boatmen ' which ho owed to the ('..nfcd.-rai'* I ernrnetit under the i.m-.-Mp - . mi, placed hinuelt in a po-itioti which bleu him to pay a d.-bt. -.vi.ien ho ow a militiaman. I shall thcrulbi o nu charge him from this Utter obligutio The Price of Plmir. Flour continue figures which Im time. Thorn i« n ganorul who] is responsible for things. Some tiny it is tl which interferes with the* by seizures; some say it lire holding on for hig some say that it is the mil ing made purchaser of wl six dollar* a bushel am $•!»() and $'K» a h» tho dlip • tlm lot* will 11- IIIVOsIMil l.v oiise mii-t be set. - the rttitin will m - Richmond Whit > onl, l kept burst in alt it- I ami (•KNKIIAL MOKUAK--IIlH Co.M Innumerable reports without hi diition whatever, have been e by both tho Federal and Soutlm concerning Goncrnl Morgan Our Leglilnturo u ; of January, arid I ha> largely Black Uenul repeal our nulltfyi thorir.e the apm hit 1 the W 1 • loci mil tlmr which term of enlistment. He Vav* there . . d >ubt hut Grout i* reinforcing Uoaucruns “r Moidu. H • «tat- > s thatuffurs are in a flourishing condition in the Trans Missis sippi department. 1’rice is at Pino Bluff, Taylor at Berwick's Bay, and Kirby Smith at*. Shreveport. Dick Taylor sunk two transports laden with troops last Wedneaday near Donaldson ville, and ha* •^^reinfori.-.d by live thousand 1 oxaii^^Mftgnnlcr'.--: headquarters nro nt . N"us;t he Governor of Texas Iih* 1 . \. 1 "u. ll V h " V* U>»'tlll« wo,-1, ’huv,hV. n . I.al’: . i.l- K.fl.,- hirntl, h «n «IM | r| . | ,mir. rift In. rf.rt\>rnnt rtltil.i', “ ti, (.X purl ssnry purchases or seizur give the public u chanon. I relieve the Govornincnt nnd ( . officer* of a part of tho blarm oluirged upon them, in preventing wheat from coming to market, on account of fear of Mmum*. It L a pity that through mismanagement, bad taolings between produoersand buyers, ->r < !i«i cause, the fount ry ehould b q nil supplies of brOftfi ftt 1 a omildo rates. —Aug. (Janet. rooi upon the Governors of tho different State# in hi*department to me«jt him at Mar- slmil, ’Dsxas, on tho loth, t-i lake inoasura# ‘ * of tlm onemy. Kirb- nith I,a* rcceivod official corn sfrem Geii Foray, who pro ►tvnpy nnd garrison Taui|»ic at a decline of one •] Arucr cuff. Thornt the following nwtho dost and M atamor_ . He says everything is encouraging on j that sideof the river, although nows from I the “Confederacy’’ is anxloueiy looked ] after. Last Notice fo Delinquent! We have waited patiently on u number 1 t snbicribci in arrears to settle tlici r indebtedness, nnd can now wait no lon ger. We cannot afford to pay the pres ent exorbitant price* for printing paper to supply those who do not pay us their subscriptions. Wo therefore give this finid notice to delinquents that they must ®ott!o up at once or their papers w ill be slopped. Hon. Warren Akin consents to tho use m hu name as a candidate for Congress Squirkkp SkinBuoks.—fcS<l j tacked down to a board, tho I j the board, with hickory a*he over them, for 11 few days, t the removal of the hair, mid 1 in a s’rong decoction of re-1 will, at the end of four dny.- cellent leather, far -tron^c-- u than calf skin. Four **k,n* A of ladies shoe*. We be mpts *0 red u00 F. tlmro should be n created theropy.-- j Experience linn laught us tlm value of brick fortification* against l’arrolt guns as in the case of K..rt Pulaski. Wo slinll bo ready to :>> •-1 Dio foe in our second and strong. 1 i'm of oaitlivvork tlefoiices, the grant »• 1» nviority cf which havo abundantly proved in the case ot' Battery Wuglier. Let evory ouo wait with cheer ful confidoneo tho final issue.—(Charles ton Courier. 21s/. Tiik Army.—Advices received from passengers by tho L'uliteral train confirm the report winch we neniioiiod yesterday that the enemy were falling baelt and tlmt nil then l<Too had I withdrawn t r-nt 1 1 hf- xniii.li side of tlm Rappahannock. Their cavaly is picketing at Orleans and Waterloo, points in Fauquier county, whilst their in fun try is further north, along the line <>! the Orange and Alexiin- driri linilro-.il Daear tars 1 c(»rc*ont th til tlmir force has beer. cniiHiduruhly redueoil by bfitai's to go North to u-m-t in tlm o - eention of the draft.—Hush. Dispat. ‘J)th. The Yank o* arc drafting tho negroes at Huntsville, Ala., for the avowed pur- jifje of putting them into the urm^ They are hunted everywhere, marched off betAVeetl aoldiors, mil fin cod to drill. Advantage ws* taken "I the nog roe*, while nt their hou*"* of worship, which were BUi roimdod and the rvg ocs carried off, willing or unwilling. Nearly every owner suffered some loss of hfavus. - From tinjo to time stolen negroes wore returning. Tho Fornulo Seminru'y nt Huntsvillo is being used «s u w-xro pri son, some 1200 being kept there, and about 500 horse* in the yard. Tlm most of the negroes taken wero mon, but fam ilies of affluence were, in Home instances, so robbed of female servants tlmt the mistresses were compelled to take tlmir pltic.es in tho liotisfl nnd kitchen rioMiciPK—On Sunday hut, Mr. Oh-irle* McMurrian whs killed, in Schley county, by -'oniithnn Finch, under the followingcircuni*t»MOA«, as w« are in- !. I M-M ffian ; in hi* water melon patch, sitting l»v the -ide <»f a stump, eating a melon. Finch ml „ ut notice, discharged Ins shot gun him. Soveral oftlm ! ■' struck McMur rian, none 1 • • 1 ■ mil- which entered his br< a«t. Finch made his escape, and is now at large. If tlm eirc 1 instances of this affair areas we have them, tho offender should bo caught and severely dealt with.—Sumter Repub. -*■>•«- Gk.nkrai. Wright jjkfork a Court Martial.—A cor respondent ofilmRich- iror, writing from Ldb's army nays: several Courts Martial now in session in this army. Among them is • me composed of Mnj (Jen. Helh, ns Presidem., Brig. Gena. Kershaw, Ram* -cur Have., H. U Walker, Wilcox, and Col. KiricHiidali of N (!., and Captain Short r a* .Judge Advocate, j for mtitters connected with publications. whi"'i appeared in llio Augusta (Grt.) (Jonstitutionalist. Gen. Wright is man- lommand. We learn from his Inspector (J• that his command just iiet’orothc rail Iiinuberodabout(1,000men. 11»■ < ud tlm Cumberland river with 2T.-70 Two hundred and fifty or three hundred We > the ml her let if the South- d t" ./. Io;/ nrten. I id furnish nhun- j the State Lepi-- j •• no doubt, (though ig tatuln, and au- •ni of a ('ommission • inl I iod to To 1 ) half • vi/e In rt; l the Ohio river with •KK) of his number racrossed InU nil) lie has toyuly fpyr lljoi ivu men now 111 tlm Con ted n thousand of I.is command aro now at Morristown. In about two weeks at least 2,000 of tlm command will bo col lected together in this section. Morgan and bin imprisonment will only arou Ids mon to more dat 1 desperation.—Knox. Ch.ron. Kind Promptly nil that our Con- n. levied 11 tftX il d'tho earth It ii urs t-i pay tliis tith«- ttpporinnily. Our ur ...1— •« - proviso- kind on tho produc the duty of our phi upon.such crops . a all Well Trulv your fr Ri "• Jeff My Dear Sir tiroly with the wiH, I iric-l, h Tlm Portland vM- • of 1 •d»,an.l wliV.'li 1 iIm ; 1,1 ry tiling which ! Lot the ter- ! '.''V'". ' ry wllllil WlU, Hi „..n .. A il ll I the Republicans would 1 would Hnciiro, in effect, • the Southern States des rit"rie» remain l’reo fro territnrle*. This would Hiitisfy Fternll.v the dogma 011 which \Ir. Lini oln’s olec- tion wa u hnsed. When tho territorial- bn 1111111 Stales, let 1 hem ihen, 01 at nn.y (utura time, have the privilege of intro ducing slavery at tlmir own olnetion. Those regions w ho*e climate and pro duction* require it, would inevitably be come slave State*, and afford almndant room for tlm neeo.-i»urj’ cxpaiiaion ol'yoU? charge * is rofiUV ro ' ' . . •< which these tithe: "'•t longer than 1* sul Millie depot wliei i to thoorder of till .1 prompt cmnplii of tho law will of then n-nt to get thorn to [hey can he shipped government. Besides e«* with the provirtlmis The Pront. Saturday, 2 o’clock 1\ M. -■()» ><•-- t'-rdiiy about II o'clock tho em u ; v t(Ji- pcared in from ofthi* p<>,!, mimI n.hout the notification usual to civilized war fare, begun to shell the town. Our b itt-i u- replied with pint, and the cannonading continued until dark. There was »Lo, in the beginr/m-.'ol' tlm notion, a slumbrous lire of mu-duitry, which did Nome damage to tho I t ry le nt whilst crossing with a load of ptiegen- gors. At the hour ot writing. Tl behind the hill Ten lienee, am Bn the oi.be al, night »f the Tin 1 (his tlm ; Id cminteracltlii- Vai.lanimoii am. The Toledo Blade Im • lute information relative to tho alleged withdrawal of V’allaudighuii), and hh.vh that the rumor is tint a proposal to to lie presented him, requiring a pledge that, m com* of his election, Im will co-operate fully with IIm National Government in the support of it- war mea-iints, ami that he has the clmicc of igniug it or giving place to some man who will iftuko that piedge. “W- Imve.'* -ays tlm Blade, “evidence which satisll' 1 - 11 «• that the re- led by men on'the ticket witii V'allnndig ha.in, who were among the most proml- nnni ill tmeuriug hi* nomination, and who go 1 , tlm place* they now • -■ j tbrtl 1 ho •JjA»d for > , •. ;* Will be L helji, 11 I he ruappoared to-day. Our ca-ualties are light. Two <-r three ► oldier* and five or hx c.i'.i/.en* lill* ‘I and wounded • -ruhrai >• the ! - '>f the d-iv. Among tho latter nro two ladies, 01m of whom i« mortally wounded, and a child, daughter of Mr. Roach, of Nashville, since died.— Chattu. JU.be!. cenpy WIIA uoi'i.b Hum i KH Fall?-—Tho Mercury hold* out tho follow ing • neourugmont: One-if th-; wiitorsin ono of tho Y»" Woo newspaper*, speaking of the lectlv udeqill ton.' Wo kn tlo- highest n city when we meat, llm re ,1 not xjepe id « -r Fort Wag, wr-ug vii X *•'» L That the ..ill,,,,,, ! -object to .shelling, Intwi! pmago _ ...... f„. ...i.:.,i. ,.n 1 defonci TiikQuartbrma fad are wearing those * equal in softness :u bility to any othc skins are left in the bettor the loathcr. may have a tan-; By thi* plan anybody 0 eariJX vesaol hold in the lOttx district. cheaply procured, ing a gallon will serv. , v-.t. <»ur The Currency bill, now pending J reudrrs will do well to tr before tho Legislature of Alabama, makes “ *" offence to r-fuee Con-| Th „ ^ n ' ll ^,'Tr ; l,e , im.m,I,eel 1 vie rate money, and prohibits with so- ftutb. n * Island No. 10, i- -.ttrihu; d by '••re penaltie# tlio buying and selling of; Memplii* papers. vndhib Watch Our attention ha- boon called to a t»ar agraph from the Brandon Kepubltcan tuting tlmt the story about tho Con led- crate GuartermUHterand bis $1,500 watch ! Jack* wo copied some far, nt least, Trait trs In .lackmiii Gounty, Ala. This will he 11 startling Hniiounccment Lo persons who have Known Jackson county, only, a* the abode of a true and loyal people—-of men, »»l active patriot ism. who, from the !ir*t lap ol tho drum in tliis revolution to tlm present time, have rushed eagerly to arm*, in defer) ot their country'* right-, liberty a? Independence, their homo dc*orrafi«»ri. their t'nmilie> nr I outrage, their property —of women and children. wb‘*-e ■pirits could not 1 « «-ow >*r. I»y threatened • r jo no.l vi«> crlhele**, it i> trim Hint ther 113’ of l rmtori in this juitrioti constat* ol about nighty.tw« a rnan named Lntlium, who «i ••■ «-- . .. .. t ’fftair | ; In o^.h^suac ticket *•» deserted kbdrtly after the battle of Mur- I fl 1 1 "«h would appear tit the proper frees boro, went lommand organized the u ,u J.d 80 installed a* Lieut. Governor, of who,, he i- now .orfeh, of the • - * practicablo the bay of Ulmrles- ton id - "Th fell ol F« rt Wagntm h the fall of Fort.Sumter, and tho fall of Fort Sumter is llm lall of Charleston.’’ Thore are powertul dofericas in the in terior of our bay, which may prove por- ite to the defence of Charles- ow we speak tho opinion of uilitnry aiuhoritie* in our 1 my tlmt, in tlmir judge t<-niion of Charleston docs " r •n our holding Fort Sumter io-r. Both might full and tin- That the city would be 1 r. is a comin IV which nil must be prepared, bi All thi , nnd idued iLLAMMOHAM -The | ( | friend* of Yitllandiglmm are laying <1 ,i.tlo- programme tor hi* return, in case or ( *. lo-election. In n Hpueah at Toledo, last Jonathan Latham, who irabor of the Lc-gi.-duture from :oiiiity at the beginning of the JBWPB • regarded with fctispiolon then, •ga'rd"' t’h'.' and Im- l.o-.v, bis disloyally gold and silvo The Yankee battery from which the fity of Gharleston i* shelled is said to be located in the marsh between Morris an l B!|cU fehind*, distant fully five mile* from Charleston. It to said to be h a;mr .1 fu-tiflcalion, and believed to mount fr.*m throe to four l’urrott gunt Qf different calibre and iong range. .. JHPI . H jcndarism. Thirty liv'e* w'ero lo-t. inc tiding several paymasters, with $2,0U0.'mu to pay off Grant’* army, I2i3 mule*. HJ00 tuns com missary stores, and IOD inn* of private freight. The boat, valued nt $100,0(X), is a total Iosa ^ ^ t Col. Luther J. Glenn, being disabled for service, announce himself a candi date for Congress in the Atlanta District. name >f Mj jor Mims, who was roprc**m edas the hero of the Joke.—Mobile Ado. and Reg. From tub Army.—The passengers by thv Onlral train last evening, who left the army yesterday morning, report mat ter* a* entirely quiet, and little prospect of a change in the present monotonous condition of affairs. Ot the movements oftlio enemy very lilt 1 '- nppers t-> ho known, but, il to gen erally concoded that Gen. Meude is re tiring in tlm direcU'in ••»' Centerville.— been scouting on tho north aide of the Kappa- 1 “boys” are anxious to undertake the bannock, hot without meetrng with any capture ••!'this lory Jxand. ^ i-trust that onemy. — Rich. Dieept, %eth. il out the State militia, and, ut the head of two hundred thousand men, march to tho Canada linn and oscort Val. t-• the capita!. >tlier sons in the same category. We have just learned that thi band To the Clllzeua of Columbus, of traitor# are levying war, adhering to ; . . the enemy and givingthom xid and com- ; *^ r - ! ■ R''Kors, win has been fortin sundry wavs. Whilst pornmitting ! gaged in colloeting morm.y and supp depredations, a raw days ago. on Gue*t'* Creek or that vicinity, w<* learn that Pro*. Dodson, a respectable, worthy citizen, and another rna«, wero out I'«»r and Dodson was shot and kiHod It i>. *aid that his person boio the muik* • >f thirty ball*. We understand that several companies of Jackson county Wukklixo, Va., Aug. 4.—At ft Joint session of tho We-i Virginia Legislature to-day, Waitman T. Willo.v, of Morgan town, and P. G. Vail Windlo, of Park- ersbjrg, were elected United States Sen ator-, tun former on the first and tho latter ou the sixth ballot. the commanding General will find it compatible with the public service to give them free Hcopo.—Ijuntsv. Oonfed. nucKht'Ms in jxtigx ' army. 1111* un<> •••■• effect of reducing price*. Fruits, which used to soli at two dollar* per dozen, can now be had at fifty conta per dozen. troops near Chariest’ . unction with the gami> patriotic move ment in Savannah, will he in Columbu* today to receive contributions f-r thi* piirpo-**. Wo learn he ha* collected about $2.20D in Macon, and hope tiiati-ur friend* in Columub* will boat that. Tho boy# in Churleaton aro seeing tight time# An oloetlon has been held in Liberia, resulting in the choico of Hon. Daniel Bunliiel Warner as President, and Rev. .lames M. Frost ns Vico l'rcsidnot, the term of office to comnienco in January next. Mr Warner is of unniixed Afri can blood, born in Baltimore, April 10, 1816, reached Liberia May 24, 182:4, and h» not siaco baoa out of the country. lmm, and llm lain the other supported him, ba It lH ATI” or- Tlm human '• •• -! of dec«mj»-t -I i • • ■ oTt;;.';' 1 ';, completely fiat'll process was lately in London, in tlm • not the epp - • 1 rnur-1; At a recent bl-oU.i. - from Hichiicnd wn* r”.i 1 : '• • grout ri. -• in pold n;• • 1 • ’ Trick.- of t ono but Y/u.k. . *>ugbt c* practicing them. From M01111. :. An < : from (Ji-ncrul Mnut.v, • Confederate’ fore* < ut M 1 ; that a con dderabio ftaet of tL appeared off Furj Morgan, i’ i# said t » 1-e building three .ibor of (u » . that tb<- „ '"*• | Ti. )U 1 n »> : far h* tir-« • ' srniblrbf S A I follow*: C, I ui < dtaLTKltr t • • '-ho , t .urty cotta-:-