Weekly Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1861-1873, September 01, 1863, Image 3

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— Chattanooga. Vt is W«ll nigh deserted by its inhali- t .of* The Yanks, we learn, have cros*- ♦..Pit Bridgeport In considerable tore© ami nr p plow!v advancing. Yesterday (Tu«*- ,? i\ morning our forces wore in line . ' l ittle to meet them, but it is believed ,I.«t no g norul engagement will lake ";!!•<« t\ r a day or two. The Yanks do not learn their support at Bridgeport, and pu-h forward rapidly—showing they nr • not ready for an engagement. Wo l^arn that they have already commenced rebuilding fho immen ».* It ail road bridge a t that point, which was partially de«- ’troytnl by Bragg when ho brought his f .roc-this aide of the river. They have material now on hund. ready for putting up a complete duplicate of the entire bridge. They wiM, if lef alone, have tbu brhlgq ready for carp to pass over in a .v y k o: t w*>. \\ ,• fur'bur learn that tho Yanks nii.de .- I attempt on Monday to cross the r.v.r ht HairiMUi, above Chattanooga some twenty miles but wore repulsed after a brisk fight of several hours.— Their object, no doubt is to strike the State Hoad at Chickamnuga and Ring- gold, hi well a* flank Bragg <>it Ins right, bv crossing at Harrison; and to conic on hj» left, flank bv their frreos from Bridge port. From their having b**;n repulsed at Harrison and not repulsed at Bridge port, it would seem to l> • Bragg’s plan to allow them tooros* at the latter place and given them battle when they e-mo away frtfln the river, but to prevent their crossing nbove. Wh feei cnlld. nt that a great battle will c um- otl near Chattanooga in a few days, nnd we f-.*l confident of a great victory. \V- will not give our reasons forth:- beliefju-t now, further than tho confidence which every body ha* in the invincibility of <*ur men in Bragg - * army. Suffice it to say 'hat we are not uneasy nor nfarmed at the prospect of the ex pected Collision. It’ our information is correct. it is working right.—Atlanta Ce'*. 25,'A. From tho Memphis Appeal. AVe iretiadit the Late It aid In Mississippi. aired with a tul) last oven- railroad agent at r. William* Or :st arrived from Mi«- dr» to gatlier full par- EM* of tlio Fed-ml* North part ef the ing by M Grenada, i' 1 - ! j \ * h • - Tim force engaged in tlie movement consisted of two oolumns of cavalry — ,,ne about twelve hundred strong that marched from Yazoo City, striking tho Central road at Du runt's Station; tho ..thor, about one thousand strong, came fr**tn above*, nnd re*n in d tho Central read nt Ooffeevillo, The party nt Durant noiiod an engine and some ears, which tin \ used in moving their baggage as they proceeded North. <»n the route they JVumd another engine, and at the various *uuious a number of cars, until they were finally ablet*» make up two trains of twcnty-flvo ear-, each. With tin sc ih y proceeded until within a few miles of Grenada, when an officer who heard of their approach burned a trestle bridge. The filing stock was then abandoned without being destroyed. On their route in outrages worn committed beyond tealing hollos and mil Vs, and but few legrfca nCcOjnpanicu th*m. They reach 'd Grenada on Monday c\« i»ing, the 11th The other column was met at Coffee- rihe by a small Confederate force, and a •uOlimial skirini'bing was kept up, our roe|>s fulling back slowly sixteen miles, othe Yalbihusha. Tho passage of tho iver was dlspul I by Col. Slammiu*, with four" hundred men, micee* fully, t an hour, and until the column the south approached, when lie re tired ami both parties entered the town. was two killed and six wounded; tb»t -f tho enemy unknown. The Federal* announced that tho ob ject .if their movement from below and ‘ «»vv <»». the Cefjtr •! road, ..t th-mimic no, was to eoncontrate the railroad • G m-i 1 , hmI then run it ’# iMiiphison tho Mississippi and Tonnes- • roid. To unable them to do this, hndgi * had already been prepared to bo tin . . n across the Tilliehatelue, Coldwa* »treams on the route. But Anticipating their purpose, Col. Slum- dentroycd both tho elegant bridges tb« Yatlabualia. Tlio result was tho uetion of all the railroad property at G r rada. Oinbracing twenty-nine eii- oim hundred nnd sixty-four pas- and freight curs, and the depot* achino shops. Tho Government •sir tho depot was also burned.— The Mi-si* sippi Central lost four engines, th- Mississippi and Tennesseo nine, the Isdnti e belonged to the New Orleans and ureal Northern road. Nandy ail the stock of* the Central was saved, in - M M-qucuce of being at stations below Jhirant and above <’"Renville. Tim citizens of Grenada being warned - f the raid, the village wnw almost entire* . i .-ted. What was known an tho Mister block, with tho adjoining build ing*, eight brick storehouse.-, and a lew wo.m1i ii tenements, wore destroyed. Air. Mister lost a valuable stock of goods.-— C cnparativoly little damage was done to ether private property. Tlio party ro- M'llucd i:i undisturbed possession of tho few •• until Wednesday imorning, when they started North on the l*uiiola road, and the citizen* returned to their home*. Thu railroad material and property do- ' "'ih prill- > proha- • pal object of too expedition ' bly fru-.rated by their inability «j /;ev u off a* contemplated. A fV-w Yankees, who hud heon thrown ncro** the Abntuponboguc u* pickets, were taw on prisoner*. Our total loss of nn-n i* rtatod above, (ion. Chulmer* was shv from his department at tho time, at t«-n. Johnston's heudquar eis. Wc also learn from Mr. Williams that V ■ e<>:.icn atGrenn.ia nnd in the country r r h nf there, bus been de-treyed by our u p! >rltW -. About «ix thou-nnd bales, including Government and privuijstock, li.irne i atGrcmadn. The corn crop of tho country is excellent, and will yield h large, surplus above supplying tho de- msiifl* for homo consumption. As Gon. s !-pli< n f). Leo i* reported to lmvo ex- trniJe<l the operations of hi* strong crv- : "'y force to North Miasiwippi, it is to bo hoped ho will be abio to offer a lotno* "hut idocoasful rnsistanco to tlio enemy's rui iiug pjirties. If mi there is no portion 'f' *• Cunfedoracy now within our eon* rorn which such large supplios of “■»’ n.l gn«in can be dr-iwn as from the named. Let our uuthoii its bear • M.ind, and net ar.eoriiinglv. If’ »■' , { nil wt enn (jet / T v x k it s fir a Tio n, August ii 1.—Th o troops at Tyner*l Station arc now under msrehing orders. A h.-iivy advance of tho onetny was reported coming in th«j direction of Hnr- roor. yesterday evening. A scouting i "'\ thirty weru captured in tho vi- c,r - > ■ f Harrison Ja*t night. i bava rcdiahle information that a por- u "f Rosoorans* fo*-«u. 15,000 strxig, ' | i| l Lunhip, in Sequatchie county. [*f thirty miles from this plm they nro rapidly advancing. Clay- ^ - *piendid Alabama brigade moved jn t|i„* direction this morning. Bate’s ° 13 utt ^ or ari11 * awaiting orders. t w lu-Uier these dcnion6tra>ious Hre in* Wij-d to fed our position, or a feint >•> c ‘rer tl«*/,r crossing at another point, 1 • a conic. AVo are ready ! The Alabama .Militia Dill. A\ v lmvn t ho entire lull now before tlio 1,‘vislr.'-ire and reproduce from the MnU. the following synopsis : 1. The first section enacts that each county shall constitute n separate milita ry district, nnd it shall the duty of the Governor, a* soon as pmctioable after the r-a«s«g,* of tlii* act, to appoint n EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE 01 TUB SAVANNAH RKPCBLICAN. Chari/batok, Aug. 25th. 1863. There arc goo i roasons for the bolief that the enemy design Hn early nnd en tire change oi their programme for the reduction of Charleston. When Gilmore . , .jn asserted, in his letter to Beauregard, that speeuil aid do eamp in • aeu di^tn. : who Sumter and VYugnor were in a condition stma be olmrgud with t:. dutie; heroin- ! to bo taken in a few hours, ho wrotodown utters, - forth. j what he know to bo lii'.ie. It was only ^ , :r being | part and parcel of tho brag game of the m.tihuw of hi* Mppointuin *. t hall bo ! Yunkevs, which he has proved himself the duly of such sp* uim aul lunmiintncu nseapable of carrying on ns any other of tho enrollment of all fr* o wliit- »>ic rr- iii.- illustrious coadjutors. For teasons idents m his county w!i-> are, or who which 1 am not at liberty to give, it is Shull bo, ortho age ■ - years, and i now believe*! that it is tho intention of not over sixty year* of m ; ■ ■•■pt those Gilmore to abandon the siege of Sumter who snail actually be i n - >rmy or and Wagner as an unprofitable expondi- navy of in-' ora sr .. I'm* Giro of labor and ammunition. Neither enrollment shall 1) ‘ by o--v.-. . 1 show , lias given the first symptom of n full tho ago and < c* up~i? d ii pt-r.-on evacuation. The former is but a huge enrolled, the numb-r tli, beat ■ pile of ruins, but a more formidable re in which lie may iv>id«, nnd if any ox- 1 xistance to Cannon balls than it was in its elliptic" bo claimed, ihe ground of it. j completeness of masonry and armor; h or the purpose of fu<-ilitating the enroll- whilst the latter lias received iittlo or no tl ; . special aid -hub ;oithoriz 1 impression from their extraordinary bom- who shall bardntonL The now plan is likely to be ' / onipensation [ a removal of their heavy guns from the tocadi person J batteries now playing on the fort* and the opening of n concentrated tiro on Charleston direct, thus giving up the to employ thro*) receive for their* i.t tho rato of , enrobed by them*. For a failure' faith fully to discharge their duties, w ithout a sufliciont excuse, l > be judged of by the Governor, the a**,-mm enrolling officers 1 shall, hull Forfait all com| n addition, be guilty of a misdemeanor’ onvlction of which* they shall bn fined not less than unn hundred dollars, and imprisoned in the county Jail not less tiian one nor longer than nine months, at the discretion of the jury try ing the .same. 8. It shall bo tlio duty <>f tlio special aid, within five days after tho enrollment has been completed in his countv, t . ui- vido the entire li-t of no, < ms . »iro!l,.(] into two t lasso*. Gins* number one shall bo comprised, 1 , of all persons under the ago of »eveuie*>.i v* :! 1, t ,|| persons over tho ago of luriy-five years ; •’» 1, all officers belonging to tho execu tive, legislative . r ju.ti.-ml .!• 1 of the Confeiiornte S. u - ..i A m<-ri<*H, tool «>f tho State of Alnbainu , and, Ith, all persons who shall bo fortified by the board of surgeons to bo unfit for service in the soeonu cla-s, but fit for xorvieo in said first class. Cl . * number two shall consist oT all onrollod person-* except those enumerated in class number one. In all cases of doubt ns t > i t „,,}• parties who may he enrol'*-!, tin. iiucs- tion .‘•hell bn decided bv fl •• sp-idal aid or the county, upon the’ aft 5 ! i\ it of the * Ago may bo in question, iddueed. ,'ido I. It is made the duty of the special aid to issue writs of election to tbn slieiilf, requiring nil persons embraced in class number two to .hold an el.-lion on a day specified by him, for n . mm.imhw.t in the county corps „f the S:.,to M ilitut, and also at tlie .same time ami pine*, an elec- tion lor »h • com*min<lunt* *>( the l.eat squads of the state Militia Hu shall at the same lime issue wrir- of el-ol ion re quiring all persons embrncml in ( .| M ss number one to hola an eb-.-tion on « ( | uv specified hy him; for a county comman dant of Reserve*, nnd »’ . ..r. n,.. timo and pin. nflicn Toi the Gove gunfzation thereof exL'ing in ty under the Milimry ('..*io ot suspended, and the otlbers organization relieved from mauds during the eoni.'imei present war, and the oill -ors all be Sllhjoet. selva It). This section provide* t ever tho militia shall be lltal service they *hull receiv and nlloWaliee* ami !.<• -Ilbje regulation* of the Governme army of the Conl'ed. t in.- Sint...- If. 'I’lii** section enacts that rosorvt s embraced in H.-.-■> nu shall be Milyccl to tin. order oi ornor to ho riaploye.l a* n mil for repelling in vt-iuna, *U| ructions, and.executing the la within tin. county to v Ulong. This section ena-l, that the Cadets of tho University of Alabama shall In- organised into a military corps, and made subject to the uni . of tii.- Gov ernor for any military i-ervicc within tho Slate. The Act embraces twcnty-flvo sec tions, but llio portions above quoted contain tho most important feature* of tho Bit?. Patriotism. - Mr. Thom .' Trammell, of this county, is selling hi* wheat ntthe Government prico t . or . o ■ when speculators Imvo oiler.■<! him .i) p. r ..omt, rnoro. JI*>w voiy diflerent iV.cn this arc many others, whom we could mention acting, who, to hour them talk would suppose they lin»I parted will, every tiling ill be -ChninbiH Trl ■in h*; ltclghi.il and the American l\ur. Bmuamki.h, Aug. -Tim King of tlio Belgians gave an an liem * to Mr. Jew ett. tho American friend of mediation. Tlio King permits the publication of tho substance of the intciviow. Tim King bcliovo* that the doei-ion of a j»ist tribu nal oiler* tlio only ineuii* for the restora tion of peace. The abolition of slave: y, if stipulated for at all, should lie gradual. America and Europe should logether make provision for tho slave. Mediation is not inloiferonce. Tho other Governments should hot bo unwilling to join Friu.ce in working in tho interests ponce; that immunity and tho interests tlio world has in a gene ral peace, invitod friendly action. Force cannot secure th*. welfare of A mere a: thut an international imlgrnenl • ihj comWnt forover the ffiindati<m jolinr of American libotty, thni • >nhl -obmii the matter to the Queen of (irent Britain. The Movement of the IJucniy. Our Tennesteo exoltangos nil advise us of a movement hy Burnside, directly against Ba*t Tunno'seo, with a '>.-parnlc column from that undur Roseeran*.. The Krmxv lie Chronicle of the *J7th pay* that “every indication prove- eonclu- hivel.v that tho iiinugurali*'n of active operations will take place in t* .*» xeetion decision. lmmetli iU'ly after dark, tho Yankees, in .i g - force, wore reported t> In. ap proaching B.et.ry W.ignor, with tlio \ iew, it i* supposed, of making a final at- lemp: t • eari v the w rk by assault. Our men wore wide awake and prepared for them. No particulars of the engagement have been received, and I have kept up to a lata hour with tin. hopo of hearing MMiiothing definite, but it has been ascer tained, from official dispatches, that the advancing columns pressed forward to within a few hundred yards of the fort, when the latter, aided materially by our d imes’ Island batteries, oponod a deadly lire upon them, mowing them down like grass. It was too terrific for the assail ants, and they retired in confusion and di-may. At last accounts a desultory fire -if musketry was kept up, probably between the pickets of tlio respective hi' lines. It is believed that the repulse was bloody and docided, and that it will Net tle the fact thai W'ngiior cannot be taken, except hy bettor troops than tho Yan kee- and nog roe*. riiepie-nt garrison of Battery Wag ner eonsi't-. of the Fifty-fourt i Georgia, commanded by Lieut. Col. Morgan Raw.st Col. Way is absent but was *xp*c;- c.l i>aek to-night,) the hist Nu. Carolina, the Charleston Battalion, and a detach ment of about 125 nrtdlerirts. Gen. Hag- oo.l i- in o.mtmand, but Ool. Harrison, of tlu. 2-id Georgia, was sent over to re lievo him and arrived thoro just after tlio light. The 2Jd (i.org.a, ul Colquitt’s eotumand, was sei.i ov.-rubout dark from James’ Island to reinlorco the gutrison should assistanc*. become neccMary. 1 shall go down in tlio morning and obtain full parliculais of the engagement, if pos sible. i’lie noble and gallant garrison of Fort Sumter—tho Gt Keg. o. C. Reguiurs, Col. Alfred Rhoti—after thoir long, ar- du*»ui*and successful services, were with the exception of one compuuy relieved to night. Their places are supplied by a force of nicked men detached from tlio 27lh and 28th Georgia Regiments, res pectively, commanded by On pis. Kd- wai l- "i tho27th and Worthon <.t tho 28th, the latter, being neniur officer I win among tliese gn I lain veterans a* they rendezvoii-ed mi the wharf to-night pre paratory to their departure on the steam er, and I may sa.v without exaggeration, liuil n finer and more resolute body of iroup* is not to ho found in the world. Mot-t of them volunteered for this par ticular service, and they scent dolieu'ed -,i i he idea of defending the old rum to a I l> tliey are ordered, especially as ' ■- •onie imirnav. ;n ! ft.Soa.iil by ■ > nomy in b-irge* It i' undors too*!, 1 bcliov«, th it i oi. llhett is to remain in command o'* the fort. There lias been no shelling since Sunday night, ami many are of the opin- rreu thi-iu from a renewal of tho bombardment- < ”«-riuin it is, that the last gun tired gave forth a very peculiar re port, mid nothing >s :i- heard of the ellcll in the city. Noiwiiiinlniidin'g the cusna tion of thu lire, \. nit has already been don*, has pretty « T.-tiim ly moved ofl't' - downtown population. The streets huv». been erowde.i with baggage wagons since Friday night, and all w ho have uny- wlioro I*, go to, anil some who had not, havo ‘‘cliangi I their base" either to 11»«- upper porti . -.f tho city or tothucoun - ti>.• Foilui'.uely tiieru are many,vacant houses up town, and tliun. lms been no difficulty in procuring accommodations in that quarter. Tho Race Course, 1 learn, has bovomo quite it populous little village, many of the poorer people having lied thoro IW safety train the shells. Tho weather i* still unsettled, and tho frequent showers anything hut comfort- aim to the troops whonro bivouaciiig on • he ulRnda 8. ♦ <»■ —— Politics iii the NortliucHt* A telegram from Indianapolis, 20th, says: A very largo and enthusiastic mooting ' dfifaHrijl field hero to- Spodal Oorrci'pendenee of tho Cbira»o Time* Federal Reports from Arkanr Hklkna, Ark . Aug. 6. I r. , :o>d this city on ye-a , da.v I’r.-m Y i* • tor the purpose of accompanyinir i. . \- pedition, under Gen. Frederick K . now fitting out for LittloRoek. •... -.,1 Steele came hero from G*-u. Grant’s «rmy at Vicksburg, with -p.-ciiie order t!ii» purpose, preceding your eorre<pi«n» dent several day*. When I reach, learned unofficially that Iloluna, B. M. l’rcntiss, eoinniuudiiig tlmdi-tri. of Eastern Arkansas, foil him-ell i • whatnggriovod that Gen. Grant had m> required hi services in the prom:—*, mu. was disposed to dispute with G-n. Steel.' G. •, as to who was tho ranking ofli. r, Tin* matter was referred to Gon. Hurlbut, at Memphis, and resulted in Gvu 1’r ivi being ordertHl to report for duty i -. where, rumor says h’ St. L**ais. Mri»r. *'»!.*n*i v Gon. Salomon, a biotlict *>l'thcG"Vi of WUcon-dn, said to b ■ a very line offi cer, succeeds to the command of the di- ti i.t. He will not place any obstacle, in the way of General Steele. The cititen* of Helena aro quite sanguine that:’ •• - >1- diorly (|ualitie> of Gen. Sal"iu •: w.U insure them a more equitable admi. . a tion ofatfuirs than they enjoy«>«l under Gen. Prentiss The negro, n will not engross his entire attvntiJn. the furnmtion of negro regiments sati-l’v hi* military ambition, at liberty to «a.y but little at pr of Gen. Steele. 1 wolil to say anything, hut for,tho 'lnct that every man, woman and child in Vicks burg, Helena and Memphis, and I do not know where else, is aware that such mi expedition is in contemplation. I have reason to believe that, during the present summer, the rebels will hi-entirely driven out of Arkansas, and, perhap*. from the entire trims- Mi"i*.dppi region. Keen « r.> there none hut commercial mi- u m rocoinuicud it, such a result would 1»o inestimablo to the Northwest, as it would, to A groat extent, remove the r now placed upon commerce Ti • dilion under Won. S’oeie will com pel f - rebols to abandon the country o ni tbcArkunsn> river, am! »....lltio t>,*' . op.TatiofU to tho south Sid* •! i hat sir*'am. -PONDENCE! ,n k . , land. The eti. my’* Parro t batteries are I , ( firing at long range on Sumter, tlm shot ! hi ! principally struck the rubbish without ‘Vv. any mat-riat damage. At four P. M. a I Monitor opened on Gregg, which re ! . . fumed :i -piiiied fire. l j .* anlicipn*id j ■* H" ' ' •».'■' •' pa p o " : for igo. , • , j, . i'v • .. ily which a long siege will j for ihi able hi | .1 I . Gilmer bus been mad*. M j. | lAthYnyt'. 1 ' -Brig. (Jen. Ripnl.v, ranking him j Washing! posed, * pro- tlm colli Ut of Wagner, nnd nr. commenced?ai half pam The firing lias lasted for'one hour, m i ;* unparullud. N " reports, “200.” ('maui.kston. Aug, 20.—Tlie enemy attn^l.cd our rill** pit* in large forco last night in front of Wagner, at about 8 o’clock, and were signally repulsed. Our batter c* on J one-* 1 dunil opening on tlmm at tlm *hmo timo, a glorious fire. Our cusultu..* tire 25 killed amt wound- A hei storm prevailed last ie enemy di*l not shell tho city. All quiet tilts morning. lie". 2U0.’ ANNOUNOEMKNTS. For Congress. " ' ' r,, ' 1 (•* .mnouiioe the name of ■ , JiathoThlrdCoh- i.'rc.'ion .1 I>i-f • i. 'i ' ensuinx election. . ' April 4. 186J—io '.in.*o the narno of , i :: :• :•* Cuagrost from tho Thu tCun/r. o il Uciriat, at tho cn*a- , ing elccti -i. l •* Vier.ru of tlm Tlilr.l ( ongrcM- ■ | slonal l)i s |riot. 'j 1‘ KLI.off-ClTUK' -4; Xha War Dcpiii.uvntuf i.i' » tTuruuiciit, mi natoi uijui ic* rMlV- ■ cl WhiK -i VI,. , „ ( lu .,.,1,1. bnvo I u • ill cd j ')!'• OI .11 ■ . ■ * I cotiaoity. Me ay it. ..nha have ur. ii-i m Bsdut i •! pit,-, and w«ro i •ietaehmept ot vi' n iho onetny ■ . o time for us. • r notliing. ten thousaml men ; Alarm olukoutdie i, sonnort, with about, four tlum nn l . > of lib'>lit oi who oxcupll > u- . ‘V’.P 1, O', 0 i inhabit ot Kirby .Smith* command, , ,, «» ., whicb t it is believed, i* icn.ly Mio for. .- I operating against Gun. Bunk*, upon p, U i 10 1 fpt I U railroad, in the | , cr partoT Louisiana. In tin* present ilition of tlio country the robots can- tiugnient their force i extent, and, with tlie force* I, if brought to bear, v Tlm Lcgisialure, yestordr.y, elooted William AT. Bird, of Dallas county, Chancellor of th- Middlo Division of Alabanm. Tlio chief old act of interest in both House* was the Military hill. Tho House, on mot on of Mr. Lawler, of Talladega, aniondbd the elan-o wliich ninbr- *-ed all between the ages of forty-live nnd -ixiv. and substituted fifty-two in stead >; :xtv. The Senate adhere.I to o bil on 111 i< point. There was not li lt i at he proceedings ioquiringa more irthfiilar report. T»-iere was a disposition manifested in < 11.m*. ■ t<» exempt certain counties iperations of tile Military bill, umi that the pia.pie of those , l’orgnnS*>Hi as ln»iao .guards, lie snhjoQt to the pain- and penalties .f pr.*.mer,of war in ciih.j of * .plure, , We i .link that tho hill will be MWnim-d I W;ls „ >n till'p.iim, and particularly asitisnow j |;, k-owii that such _ ivm -onkbAtani- "'*11 j in• : iu>t lie respect*.'!, Hin'o tlm order of Gen. I in tbr iianding the arrest of all tfle I .f Virginia, residing between j ' • and tho ltappaliani . uadidalu to represent you in : mid in t\ii ji|. e oi th>.*e fr.gue*n, I now do ho. Ip [ si: 'Hid ho honored wltli the I'ositiou, byy .ur.mih..,;,-, it will be alike my dm.. mi l my u sire i.i k< •• .>n « ament and kouI- *01, upport to . 'ii oiuitional lOaodures iif- (vothne yoUr iul . id wlnoh may tend to ha« !>• t of ■ uouimou ■ i- li. Jib AN FORD. iupcos®nt this . a;uro, pt its udk . oi of the great I t'T nu Northern Virginia. oin tin* Lynchburg Republican, i'uli. With the army of Gen. Lee everything reported qui polo I I It-is now almost rendered certain that tho reported death ot Gon. II *lme* is correct. For some lime past helm* in ged to excess in ardent spirit', an !. iUo time ot tho fight hares win lid so drunk a* to forgot Gun. Price • command altogether, lie i- said ( • hn\< died of(Irlirinht lr<m. u.v. SI, voivoa tho command ot the troop* m Arkansas Upon Gon. Price, though if h fulls liaek and efi’ccls a junction with Kirby Smith, lie will bo rutikcd l y ihm officer. interrupt the i eport that 11 ■ enemy m* again threatening that p'.ini. Ahoni stKl of their cavalry Imvo uppeiiH'd at McDowell, some twenty mile* wo’ .-I Siaumon, and it is liolloved that their object i» to make a raid upon A gmitlomun, says the DUpnlch, who left Winchester on Thursday l»*t, sivys thu' a Yankee oavnlry fore**, niiinhcring . .led tlio town on Monday morning last, and remain -d there #*.v- oral hour*. Their force in tin* v«llot h-low Winchester i* nut large. At Alar- ntlv irlesft lishcd, in thu Co.Dtlluiioiialiit, ah o letters on the currency. Tlm vi-w -. | | ho presuiits aro oxp'aimd in tlm l"l.ov, 1 ing from tiiu Atlanta ('on lode nicy Tho luttors published m our i.'*oc !•> , day from the lion. Rt.bert Toombs are : ,, uhh) productions. Hn prohea tlm wouim • of the body-politic with a skilful hand, i and suggest! the proper mod** of .••••■•■ ,, tor that part td' our public hurt* which helm small I'illi l ho u lit.,i rial dor night. All parts of tho Statu wore fully rei re-eiilcd. Gull. Nathan Kimball "re sided, and Mnj. Gon. McClornuud, Gun. Dumont, and Hon. Henry SuorUt, wore among tlio speakers. Loiters were road fr >m Hon. Lewis Gass, Gen. Logan, and Daniel 3. Dickin son, all of whom expressed their sympa thy with llio objects of tlio convention. liesoluticns wore adopted favoring a vigorous prosecution of the war, otc. President Lincoln has signified his pur pose to uttend a Union mass mooting, to ie- h*.hi at f*prii.g(lcl*l, III . <-n th*. fid of .September, foil should bit ones prevent, bo will addre-s thu people by letter. Th*. m«»t extoneivo prnparotioni urn ir. pro gress to imiK*. tins meoling tho largest over held in the West. Gen. Logan addressed a largo meeting at Salem, 111., on Tuesday. Judge (J. Mollvorn was present, and Gon. Logan denounced him as one of the leaders of a hand of traii-ors who were plotting tlio overthrow of tho government. Mollvorn left the crowd without replying. "'A'! *li ike Hul State or Afftilrs. A ?cntl»io«n wbo roido. in Wulkt-r ,, ur, ty, informs the Fayette Sentinel tnAtthnroaro -onietwo hundred and fifty r three hundred deserters and toriesnow ' «f , ,i! f jt v . th:*' they hud armed 11 •n.and declared thoir dotenni- • n t.i i. >t the enrolling officer to * xtruniity. Tho gentleman fur- ; , u:-3 that while canvassing tliut •’; n t.v IH R candidate, ho wa* passing * r 'i!^h tho mountains a few days bo- t'.u c-lecti.m, and lie ckiiio upon a ''’•tp.-iny of twenty-five of these men, * i n conversing with them they told n t u'v could colloct two hundred men •n H very short timo ; and they feared no I Y. l .* fT whatever. ‘*-ty# tho Sentinel, is certainly a 1.k*;- v . H '* “hite of nfl’iirs, and we think j {n ^ »n authority should look after this V zr 5?' !,!or Gjiarukston’.—The Char* VilT ur J. - • it be distinctly undorsto kd hy • rybuiy that Charleston is t«. be da- ■ " ; thej! i-t extremity. If the harbor er1 ' the city is to b*» fought street V.. I ■‘H: 1 bouso by huu*e, a* long as ba\ y u foot of ground to stand upon. t' ' bus made an official report * ,, nd capture of Yicksburg. u • wn his uritiro loss during the cutopaign 1,24i, killed. 7.0W Jua4 «^Rnd 637 musing. T«* dishearten the people and Iho sol- | dior* iii.a period like this; to enfeeble the ■ ■'! '("'I do-troy III • --I i-! in i' • i" i -unerio: t*» tli • pi w.th a heavy force «d Fed«r»l inarching through K«mtu*.-ky in ection for the purpose of c-.>- witli Kotecrans. Our military ties havo already taken the m*** Hilary steps to ‘secure Goverun plies ofoverydescription, atom e*l in this city.” Tho Legist** same date say*—“All tin* indication.* aro that th*! deei ive buttle of this revolution is to be fought in East Tennessee. Hose- o ans and Burnside nr**npproaebing with tlm whole available forco of Abolition ism.” And tho Rebel asserts that official advices huvu been received of th*? move ment indieulcd being made by Burnside. From'wlmt wn can learn, tho move ments and purposes of U isecrans are as yet but Iittlo understo d by any body. It is only known c- rtanily that the Fed- I give** some j.uriiculnrft of tho figl era's have mud*, ilo-ii up; ;un: on tho j Jackaon, gathered from a participant, right bank of tho river, at vari" i* point-. I There were •ibont’six hundred Yankees he,ween Blythe's forry nnd Bridgeport. | nnd negrtos engaged in tho fight; we kil- WhHt ho i* doing in tho r ir, or where ltd abw two hundred, mostly negroes, the in..ss of his army i* moving, is a mys- j ami e>ipui' , ed about fifty priaonet*., u flag lory. Whether ho is i•. vin;-. up tl.<• ! and nina wagons, loaded with provisions. Sequatc hie valley, to . with ()ur i i ftu*n killed nnd wounded.— Burnsido directly, or will act indepen 1 login’s cavalry^-have burned nil tho ery iifo of tlio Confed* racy. oieTuting | And vet this i» done evory day, hy peo- ; ,. ' pic wiio pretend, when oonoerned, to be ■ an- good Confederate citizens.—Knox. Reg. rout- Thk Hkad Fuavino Aoaiw.—-The the j Riolimond Enquirer says that a lettf r has arc ; hnen recoivod from Major Jones, of Gen. ! Moigan'n staff, confirming tho Yankee j stut- meet that the General and Ids offi cers uro treated as convicts. Thoir heads have been shaved and tliey are confined in separato cells. This seems to contra dict me Information said to havo been furnished Mrs. Morgan, and conveyed by her to her friomls in Augusta. bring.)** around Nut'he/., uixl captured ixty negroes nt Washington, who woro making tbir way to tlio Yankees. dently against Gen. Bragg, seen. Either movement will, h require extraordinary exertion part, to successfully meot thorn, i ■ may as well arou-u our-ei v ' t the fact Last night, about half past ten o’clock, that a crisis i* upon n- NVe r.■; "i. - I.i. uP-nant VVulk*.*r, unn of Morgan’s what we have -aid 1* -for* -wn ■ ••m. , *t al’- men. »*< shot with a pistol in front of ford to l.x-e K:i't T'Tin* • • . '1 ' i JV- ut llou***, by •» inun named Geo. the highest importance, lo Georgia and JJa<h.lor, a resident of this city, and Alabama particu'.ary, thu foe be 11 1 ‘ *’ 1 ’ * kept on the north hunk of tho : _,r piinUhed if he will be to giv- not do about the * lifflculiy, but in atal to lo***.— | the absence of anythiug reliable prefer at fa* t« i t<> bo silent Bachelor i* in jail, and /, 28fA. •rwlioliuod.— It has been staled that two guns carry- the aid every observer in oomo necessary. Tho ment is nggressive as We must repel it or bu « appearance—have been 8UBSTITUTJS for LkaniKR.—L-ather, > r* i l ived at Charleston. They are, wo to a great degree, i* to bo nup<*r-M*J«d. i ure told. M akely guns, made especially The London Time* endor.. s 110 claims to encounier the (.eat iron clad vessels of an Invention owned by i Mr. Kz.thI- I that can bo constructed. They have, my, of England, which, u « ording to the | too, been thoroughly tested and fire with «le*cription of the article, po-M-^as every theaocuracy ot the be»t »uin!lerordnance, quality of tlie rual leather, and is vast tv and to a much greuter distanco. It is superior to it on many "iint=. It will stated, also, that Charleston ha-just been not crack, is tough'v, wi.i wear longer, -upplied with a score or so of those mh- Mints. It will t .. ^ . longer, and will resist water . effectually as rubber. The loathcr oloth cun bo of any color, and a pair of boot tops which cost of calfskin $1.60 will cost of thL mate ria l only 25 cunts. TL • invuntion is of immenM) value. chu vous instruments, the Fnrrott gun, which possesses great range, accuracy, and an enormous punetrating power. It was used with great effect l»y Grant at Vicksburg, and is relied on by tho ene my at Charles ton. —Mobile Trib. Imvo their i ment. Ta: remedy, ami loans, hm thoir huaiH, with u nro\ i*ion tl. it tion of Liu. luxe* should l*** for tho pay ment of thu inter, -i .... uipal of the sum* borrowed. \ KiiKgiwtod in tin- paper Honn-tim that a part of th*' * onied'-rul*. la v bo pledged spoeiiluilly lor th purpose. Mr. Toombs doe-- not w ' | articular ni " I*, money h i i b v loan. \N a prop »sou a* plement to nsystem *»f n«lU)it*» t• and u specific pl**dg(> to apply limn iiaa Ii conduct elsewhere, in he vend instance* - of some of the most i tho country Thre< lliyeui, ami of excel- --Insvo been made the £ : only lierol flv< li Lids • the puyi cut '* 1"" principal tho only mooting thu mibliu expenditure, to wit] tlie sale of o pur coat, bonds in opeiJ niarkot having twenty yours to mu. Wo stated hh our imp:,-.hloM tllal «> * * of which thu payment of intei- un-i prinoipal won thus N*.«'ured, would biiu.c tlioir pur valuo, ami tliat if oven it. y •old in '.Hi, ii would bo a lostor • augment tlie principal of tlio dolu, throwing a portion of the pecuniary burthen on posterity, than to contium* in the present ruinous course of depre>m tion of the currency. The gram ohje- i hliould be to bring tho income of th. government, wbolhor Uml income I" 1 derived from loans or tuxati'-u, within its expenditure, without the i»*uu of any rnoro paper money to n.e.-t Him ext.eii ditUro. At present the l'»run-r »»roe.*»'il in an ArilhmulioHl, while tli>‘ latter i-. auuonietncal progrcshi'-ii. \V>-are plea - oo to find u f.m urieitc-o| opiuim with Mr. Tomiibs in Ins main < •>( •ui'iun, th. i I. taxation i» our only remedy, and, r. v. auxiliary to taking up * much of the ; i; - loamiblu capital ol the Coni'aleraoy, as { pa will) proper inducements, can ho won lo ; I.i the public St rvice. wl - — The Rochester Conference. | H" The conference of polltluiun-. the I old Whig parly, at Roche*ter, lamed j three or four hour*. Tlie ropoii"d eon- I ] cliihion urrived at ia that the ie (or i ion j j’.' of peace and the re-e-iahlisnmuni ->i ■ Union can only I*..- brought ah. organization of thu eoiirtorvati ve elei.n ot. [ of the North upon u platform simu i 1 that of the Union Democracy of K n lucky. Letiers from Kx-l’p' of-nt I - '*II- moro and other vli*iim>ui-h' d men read. About thirty dulegni* - wore pr. sent. A telegram from Rochester, Bull, give the resorutions adopted at the Gonxerva- ( tivo Con\eiition, at It icliester. 'I . r invite* the co-operation <,| nil • ,.|. . any kind. "Our »i».iloig pu* p - supnroasion ol tho rebellion, mair.temc oftliu Union, adhoruneu to tlm Coie.iiiu- tion, fidelity to tho Government, . ment of the law*, and opposition to fur- , oign intorvontion.” 2d. Provides for a National Gornmittce, , who ahull call a National Convention, I o*c., and confer with other cunnurvativo ! organizations, for the purpose of sucur- mo they attempted to of the wile of a parson, eo. 8hu was stopping Leesburg, where her val the holy jerked lea to Life. of tho 10th iii't.., currency ua fob Imb. i-ugli H 8 A c i o I re in Harris ooilir Georgia. imter . »*-ov tlm Lcgislniu NVe m e authorf: Of l‘HAR. C. ilrMUKU jont Stovrutt county i, l by F. »( night. 11 he Am. 5 *3T We ** County, lounce .1 a a eh rosunl Harris .. nsuin* olcc- uitffi, 18C3.* nounoo 8. M. llouHetof Jtep- , to the .-tato ii for ftc-prcsenta- ■xt L> ui^laturo init i.ctfisluturo. I '.ny Vote as. MUUOO WICI.tAM .(■ >i .'at in the vrart I'uunty, >■ ttxto of Boot- ’!i*nst 17, ltfi'3. < hod I that r. Henry "ih't si reel, hud nd life pro- •d, tlm r funor. body he .•h.tivcH had put < nnd the priest a ' nut to Lii'./'.M ouV/. and id the dead had W. M oo n k— It inday uftei A n.ji.rsori on.duded the carp' HOU r I* 11K Huhm'i i t’ppsr pm t i ti. the llanU ol 0<luu;i. Amuat 'Ji, SELECT O N tho I i ‘ , i? wNfe, . tiAlKF, ; i.irtiT, ... r iOM!«.■*, T. n . N Kit. . II. J 'HN.su . (oofCH dl a fTtCJ' ' ■ abs : M Mi ln; tit is thought tlmr f those have already g united iio'ion. ml. Advocates a “vigorous and sue- cossful pro eeulion of the war again*l tho people in a slalo of military in»ur- rectlon, until they return to t under thoir respective State lions existing ut thulium thoy revolted " 4th. ifuline* the right of in-* people of any State who are in insure.*, t*■•»», upon J returning to thoir allego-iu *•, ot' 1 . 6th. Deolures that "tim rights of pr..- 1 perty, whether in lands, personally, or altivce, intlio8tut"* areoxe!u»iv«dy within the authority and jurisdiction «*t th** States n.spectlvoly. Oth. The solo end for wliich tlo* Unit'd , Stales Government lias power to curry on tho existing war again*!, thu poop • u, revolt is to suppress tlio Insurrection, | etc. A National Coinmittoe wn* soloctod, ‘ and It. T. Sloven* appointed Secretary. An interview with Kx-Govornor Hunt | was hold with closed door*, after whi* I. tho mooting ajourned nine uie. 11 is «nid that congostive fever provaib ton frightful extent in tho Yankee army nt Vicksburg, and that ihoy are dying hy i-cor*-', icid their doctors eunimt euro I it Yellow Jack i.a huruileva fellow by ; (he aide of thi* for’ Inbh; *ii*c.'i»H. Tlm Yankees will find Vick-bnrg a sw*ot plnee ho farliut thLdi--*u • i*.•onPorncd.Jfor months to coino—even fro-t bns but jilt!*, influence on it, though it hn* much on Ynll".s l -ver, Jnc/iH in Mim. tsippinn. Uoi.. Jonks in a gentleman and a wit. Thu oilier day he wa* showing the town to some ladies from tlm steeple of tlm t.’ourl II uhc. ttun ol liioi)i u>kiiig him why ti) lightning rod, where it wn- iillnchad to tlm building for support, whk incased in a pieuo of horn, the Colonel replied hat h ru Win a noii-eonductor “Oh, I..deed!” suys tlm ludy; 1 ‘ / that before.” says tho Colmio), m t m A Mncnipb ha* b«nt *»I»KU."«>u»<l 1 , .! ' tl.o groundpro- .l,«l hdw'T'l Kv.rott Ii," .I... I,.... I 1,1 fro,,, tnlon'lon n tho ov.nt ol l.„ I"-.,.* draft- I ,, , i„ tl,„ c.VI. w. u.l«"l ed “logo”—who.-o, wo ure I). *. informed , . , » w . ,. of d rbAifr«v« rw iif , f i^ ^ tUn f« r L, kmd, a* f. ) was Ix-rr A|- il , , j. 4< |. j «i,ulf ‘ I lie Colonel replied 1791, and is no exempt from draft iw any j lillU j)n||l wor ,. w . ry | )ll( | ; , ind if j,,,' wiU} ! should over take to snuff, he'd lick'or, lily o. wn ti ! the pail wh Tli-Inst I. . Where he thou; vuto rathe i t\i". hi* service* u delicate loln'ion Ward's “opi-odi LEAD! Ilaviuv II It;, pnrluictit nt tie * 1* LcadUofarai t' District, in c .m; .■ .. . Tho latter had oeen drafted, mi*! in ck d. : " Gold Tumhlino.—Tho C»n/&f< i Gold has declined about four hu drod per cont. and is still falling. Rbsionki).—Brig. Gen. Roger A. Pry or ha& resigned hi. commission, and gone into thu 18lh Virginia cuvalryasa pro l'or* ivarntd, For I. armed. .ATKll FROM HEW OHLEAHM. from a gentleman Ju«t from New Or! an* that no the 1 It h just., about twenty thousand of Grnnl’s army landed at ••amp Parapet, which is about three mile* above (’arrolllon. It wa* stated by the Yankees that within a day or two 10.000 in -r w ild arrive. Those men stated tiinf Mmy would either rendezvous it Ship 1 .1 or Pensacola, and that G. ii. Wild and hi negro brigade from North Carolina imvo been sent to rein force Gen. Gilmore on Morrh Island. the mine lo Ih* nriinr. il to re. •Send in ail y , .jurutitic July 2k, 180.1 i {C‘ff.1 I ft 1 ?l { . i; \ FAUMoo..t A the- I JV JStJ.lt Apply st lent Auauiill, ltEd.-La Qdvlll WAiibiitn