Weekly Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1861-1873, November 17, 1863, Image 1

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— THUM AS RAGLAND, Proprietor. VOLUME XXXVI. A JfTllICT COSWBTOTIOS OP THK COSfSTITtrTIOSf AN HONEST AMI ECONOMIC AL AOlIINISTIt ATIOS OK TUI! GOVKKNMK. COLUMBUS, GA.. TUESDAY MORNING. XOVBMBHIi 1), 1308. OFFICE—RANDOLPH STREET. NUMBER 46. THE WEEKLY ENQUIRER j ho U in future to ho the superior or only l‘viblt»U«*t«<very 'I'nttirlay Morning. j tho equal of the ho, i.». Sort : . ,> annum, payable *,tr«m*i»- '"I* 11 "*-l sny Ilia', this ■ - t ir.* i. -'..t ' when tho very existence r.-j.-ilUn- * Tn V r „ f,„vvrY r«. goveri.niew. w nt stake. whic h .Ah"'.,nU AO . UIIISK.MI.N rs i government that guarantee* him mi. *ly ioportel nt Two Doi.vit* per I his children equality of right-, for the first insertion, and Os* Dn.i.an | L--’t the South hoi uiqm'i'"d, ... J tho-ui eiorr#iiL-3 iiiontInsertion. Asiiuare in the 1 of liberty will set in blood, mlfltarv des- J to L. n ; r , r is v!<;\ on l»nc-= in email type, or one i P‘»'Njn wilMm o-l.,blisbud, m..I the . .junl ti, f Hor.'-. - j political irights ulthafioru, nmltlioir ohii- j ,o " r ” ' U ' hl * ' d 'VlI.t'u.o’nl.SlniLnorsVavvrv j only object for which t’; * w mumcaliyns ot a personal character, prosecuted. Wr mo hifoin.. jrtotendol to •promote the private ends of ] uriuieS of the Tho vernmont i binding, os the ti My fee simple title i- vested mid com - ploto. But while J have tho grant in my pocket and ih<* Suto has my nmpoy her treasury, it in dBon-nul that KXKMPTIOST OK stTVo OKKICKU^. The Cone rose ortho Confederate Stairs, at He lust session pn**od mi » a exempt mnsoription n!I St .to officer*, opt hy the (iovernor of »i»K If" public no i the end take ih" la Hiul !>ll. vi.il: not the > Inixi mo j. i l with iiuno 00.1,' my « fundamental . Ull tho Bl„ Tr ....... h'gisUlura of the Ntalo, alter the el ite of loft for tho (i.-jieriii lily of this S'nio to determine what rs shall in future ho exempt ni'tii n. While ''oiiirro*- Im* j, " | the * : SlMlO office wo dollars por month, nml of n. Missioned officers in like proportl I.OTIIINO KOlt Off It TUOOl'H IN S' It i* tho duly of the Confederat rnment to furnish tel inn troop.- ieo with i omI'm tub hi- is not always dm tiled dotornilfui'loii >'t tho entire product .fa he la bio t-> do wi - they get os.. iV a e l Thi' Ifution of Urn Con fed o that g'Vnvnment full over the wholo nuijoot tr nle’donilo currency. r to disband tho (i< i*,'sociatiw,Sihu«ds or Individual.'. ihuisd^y. November 12. 18C3. GOVERNOR’S MESSAGE. VRTMKST, )* out snbju truth eur oonditioi iitioal rights, chose to permit Stale's would he r territnrlw. Wh.v. - Wo ould pt s ••hid lit ’•.Hired %«• nn mi'y require juat com pen- 1 •atioti for tile injury. etifiposo 1 have labored hard j my land a ' surplus islu i • Co' ' MiFedjr; viJle, lue'od In lift I Zinc uld neither have without Ui" a •i -Tilt to Velio, JhUM fill -meeting oi.lo the ‘ thu victors. Our...... ■ hold property, or to set , itify in Court, would b. ! eapri 'i'. Whether we w ov peri. [ wor-hip (rod recording to i • our own eonscience s or um-t mi such ostablUliod h>nu • >t religion 1 conuU^ror • ■ ofprovismn, which ami proporty, and I to llie (i ive-i iiuii'Mt, jn nowl <«f them • it u »n»om uni ivil or military by come eonfQlit, the State In i e'iioo>ea t<> exorcise it, oi I its ollicor»,'noi nece .-ary it • CO .-ball ‘Upji'e tie Miller fo id r 'ptlntiftlio vain deprived . omp. L ber command, preprinted SI, ! ‘•t.ftro.fi -f. “ii'ii 1 ' 1 .nwli . I..- Ule to t> > exoinpi from milita- .utnd. Tim (Vovirrniiicnt ha* » such persons the privilege e>l upon tho employ rfo police duty, and raped . .ids and robber Land- from lit-i soil, and -h. dd pre.i'rve iniaot her pe crninm, | i Lave toll it my duty, to iv u-e to j e i • ; mit_ her olHcurs to bo enrolled a- • "li l wi I pt: but* I lmvo lOquilod tlielil tlbolil 111rtnsolvrt in conetmit read ue», t.» do ed befoii ? Hi it tbl 1 Ule-Stnfo a | In adiblioi tho i !<•- uf another t with more ny. Tli i ivnir< th' lililute, but if the puhji<- . the tie uly In , lio d.f r I llit It is i 1 «wl i -i; ui ' slave tohed cot our hubju end here n\. i P»»bl ipon lit** si-ik •• they have enterod the j jupatn • u i l »w of death, cov- eriy i- i-. • i Miaviatcd with debt o ;• v, :■ '-a fi eodoin they ( t (1 dra i;i:i the h-avinp p-uips of ' „,,.| n cvh >r!ed ail who -urdva 1 ■ \ a tuple, and dio. it= they would bo after not only to bn st tpmls, am but all out I nplo t »•» L f tli o >liv.,fd i ■* paid by th i JUt-t pi- r stilutc has < ■ j of the dutnnpes ; fu it. the Qoi , richt to retain t tin • • • Uld be i i -i thu injury. Tile • might he*tho am u.nt pul for his -ub.-titule, x i >r I lie limn the »uh- ruiii upon the payment the ju<t eoinp '.i-alion mient would hale the • .'jlutituto, as well a- tbsti- 1 relm o-mii v. fo enable lie duties of pri- orfrniiisa i vo'.unti i d to pei util the offieers lo bo •Tipi*, f aetiHl upon | * i f * 1 1 * lMi'd, wna a itary pui p ed. The t nil in the >blc itclm •d world! eh ldrun sn • qUlU j Into has boon paid by the principal thu service, and tin- principal li.i- lnvii eonipciiMito 1 for the damaue done him t.y ordering him into -i . i. -. li would | > oiiipi tent, hoivover, in e-dmaiinp tin . the lthe pi 'l; 11 ' : .l. l.-i.O.M.-1.1. I tho -lab 1 .. . .. ... i the t'.d“ not* froiq hs indi vitluals, a- I have no person a 1 io uiiaintaiieu with one in ten ol them, urn thcio 1- no re:.,- >n why 1 hiiould bo hit partial to them tlinn other good citizen- Tlmu ;h niv murne at the time pave nun I dasalidnctloii, ami polit.cal opponent ,..*d upon the oci'ndoii to ptejude ,• Hi * ‘ iho people iioainsf in»», 1 iri A large |, 1 to the Tr li Vied, Whore the .r.y States, to in- the Confederate i.liasu and . «- t"r flic ti ■ purpo c-. ning their I BIT;. Ol the • be diabatnlrd, it would niy power to bitvo tilled of tho l're-idenl tip- 1 •uld I the 'o u!e a I lie to lim mfai,l'l| •nn doubt wliat bis dirty an Mwj nuturo of f ^re nnge.Qod, nml mid i . Will iulb i ol the tw tUhiin; if ho I govo jll ' We should h ne possession of t ( loitld be taxed to the full t r.nual income. Instead ol i ♦ pa\ the dolit nt once, wo Kiiipoil d t'- act as overaecrs lilioti g i run c <y u ol rep..,| ti would l o the r permitted to ko troops for l u had noullicer ouiitic- j {jnVir le.jilir- I ji J, hand, besides tl.o^s nearly forty thou*; >udy f«. oriball leli of th • the ta»d orgHlii/.atioii, for ibe i pr« portv ii uli confli' 10 debt i I a ho ring tlut tit >d dollar ••rwi-e, tha subjugated - ve.s t.i aboliti prineipl • "I l taxed till it i rfs—irti .l.'-tloyo.l j ; to future ;i Id never vie should del.' month, tho a tual amount o!' lion due from the Governm. might ho very small indeed, i (falii Cong ri ng Chat the ,publi< doulii that r to f • j •tied rights, oi a j L j semb* dead. oil In then of tho fir •d to wrong, ti !■ raid.', and ivhc vilb f he ptvp e - 4 roturi ■ do Ihoi istnlod deji! i». Lot tho reco iii*f remember that the tor >d by the government nt \ViuO: &«>l the restoruCon of tho I nlon, an .jiensatmn for tin* injuries il hits don but they nr« •..•jolitlon, subjugatio ■er high in position, upon tneiuitln-r • : the .Supreme Court, that nil tli perty of all the * it t lin t t-njere of- usage of th! nidi! day, A Kb 8TRA0 ARMY, and straggle nil-. win »tl hi lilii'M, w I el fill eve • bnlici'ei] to b« negli Iil..ililp.« of ’ Sl-II.TI the s mlliem. i That portio • 'f their pro- j authorizes th icon productivu of the iun»t uni o«u!ls. if cnnicriptlon is right s to he acquiesced i* as a nia 1 .l< ossitv, it is certainly just that I id that tho ft ihjitro the dvn: 4 gi ' vcrslny thei . I the y Ihoi lepleled' emiltiiv- that await npulWy service. w... e oi -ui ami n, , .o\Vi| that the half its strength ; survi.u are denied Iur).> ght (•> I"' granted, becifilsu not been lon.ptdh.d t«. do l the appujliti d i to conduct the ed hy the l»re,ident, Thi. will’ he umru clearly seen by contrasting tin in lion of Georgia with that of Alahnmu The iegw-lnture of Al iiauna hy Joint hid" •Olife qtlOi liito if I r nil Mini supplio id will d.fllled the e respectfully i el di-irile led, of quota. of prude acted l failed t ol III fllccr* in that State within ge, to enrollment. Uoorgiu • r-. The l’i. -ident cnllO'l upon ,»,,, onergetie .slid aMeiU with mueh I t. -!; hi slock \\hn h he has p I ommiiiol i i.d.iihly •/'.!.iKhi,i>iM profit, if placed upon the market. Sir uhl the war Iasi another yem\ (and wo cnniiot assume the contrary) il will he lu res-'.ry lo make luilhei appropr!:,t i-ms to *ccurn<*lolhiiig for next winter. Tlo- hho'ild be doin' IU llie pr.' i '..t se--ioll, to nflbrd tiijic to a\ait oursel v» oftl.e t • t. market, nml to enable us to be ready to Upply the lo and prevent Mltl'eiing. II may be best t • make suitable provi -i ms for the importation of purl of our future vena the legi-lature, mol reconiineio ri' organization of the militia, and th pomim<mi of new officart before the ia ol the Slate could he filled. The rented not with tho pOop'm • f A lab are more loyal, gallant an fviofic, but it resulted tho legist ilure in portioning llie militia bystum of the State to lie i nitially 'lo •iroyed by the enrolling ofli.-u-*, which •me. Iiv the ld» lence we -hall a .» ■Hi,,,;. is ary t<> -u.-iain lil ir ability l supply n mol chiMren 11(0 of Divine l*n rd, lull to d . it i zz j tiled.) called upon to iu Confedt'j'fll'.* State tro ordered to I hat p» Governor without > fill llie qtl lie xvI i yii A t o buiHi organi; T». t the do >i ineiplo, whether Irotn iniatakeii uuideas • f pali .otic duly, or !• rjinere expediency. «. ure to have i.h\lfidiilit onuso t*> regret njorlty of thu poofdo are lmn- ; the iipproprlutlon of ' mg ruml, mils likely b ear. I re (KH),lHH»a .ule ■ •ml oi though they •signing polHiunna or tin •. will, when i'..i :.ei do right, and ve dill v which the •"> l.v i nn. •stow their • n tfin pub- | ill, win ! the .■I li. by law for office . the * , our sol i fixed j propei !.| et was passed, may ruiu y has l.ec viilually m» r Take for in la xill not nay f h hi. 1 tc|.,thc him. (Mr c<u o live upon scanty nlh (om rnlly iifiurd • > di»*ingui*li tl. fllclu depreciated fill it is um ird foi i \ •• c- ■• a Lieutenant in a < om ..I purchase his elolhiu; f his pay. i.in) I id-hip i child.’ fallback. II el to protect his liuvu soul pari .vo little o currency, confident*' ilint duty L’i- fine doubtful id, i ch li*: vilf f .puny officers I.u\ e top, , and the wcallh oftiic I lodd lhat it is their -Mb! Ul.d the pr.* •. Unit the idl' d 'ii,.' i tile have pi fleiemy fit«to, l in tl-e prupwrf mild he ol g late the clirrei State, .-louil.l I lion oi dollai -mbltjod. ted and •dit will •d lobe tll.lt lb. .mraliz.ed, if i. it j 1 elopud, iim.ualiate id that the Stall There might h»: r these abn , it < • ■ 'll Intel ill Lincoln „ i dnvei y by !' bli*h negro equality amoog us. I f Do uioccssfijl, tho rich who own sluvos ill lose their.money which i« invested in ietn, but they Mil generally hnvuenough nahlo them to take their fa mil [os l'l.i re J,got'away froiq tr* ed and t of society . »s »ho.ild ►t.mulato him to ah »!- 1 amount of hanlsliip for t!io - I to os- i our cause, it cannot be denier/ that the . u.’i.ni wealthy are Onder as great oblignlion to *p* ' 1 do service, as they have in u^dilion to j In the rights and. liberties of tl.enisulvea nml ate children, a largo amount of jrroperty t * p. e Ithy rimn would j itary ugllgomio of • or by tin fai me • i lo requiro of all ieh * oii.p**!.- the v.i -i i it • • " I gba-y, could con not pretend to dec nning "no ho win i <|*j Ids duty, and sha 1 dangers of war, hut few I* -flo.-nrd f:•»nijlh.\poor. Whu the Id., purl of t l>" ‘iW In be vigilant !•: hi,.I »t i a.ggler.- -1*‘ I by dn'.„, light at e ■el llie nianufiipiurcr n» numi! lollio tin* Boblier*' naked familio-, aeimr to make lealliur for their -I. he nJercliHiit t" -"II them goods, iu hut lo supply them with prov t the rates whirl, exi-ted at llie it,*iii i-ii9 ntof tl." ««r, wli' i. the f •ay Wat fix'll, and to take nil the b i/ (l.e present |iri'-' in glory m. 1 -t of do I Jieiidc' il ami mil* as ••\pnr ysleni sli nihlo in i of u similar IV nom detailed i nfctlvruey fif hull end other military - to thn ahlu rut" Adjutant and I .< your atteution Mill lenco th in the >d il • 1 returm d t • f In ii j I ill n.rther legi- . the i:. ed by i i tho army n i paid < i t be l ter. the ju: dlhonpgr lie who ha ; dollars for hj. it hack in a binglo month by spe* w ami it lia* not unfrequently ha| that the families of thu*u in -m elovon dollars per month, huyu In trial for Iris life, thu j most unfortunate victims of hD sp ! • I, • stand us bis equal, lion und extortion. Lily against him.— ( A very largo number of s’mi ’ * daily bodied young men, betwoen IH y Ifox in the court of justior m: rights aid • he uucub'd, takes hi* scat by his side, ’the court as bin equal i that ho i icoofinb Ildren to hjnjfr opted old i ... .. ....ply ail cfleetivu remedy •an- 1 c-.ury that the law mnko it the impern • tivo of nil Mfieritfs, cuiistiibh* J , end al ; other civil officers of every grad 1 , am . d jdf ih" miliiiu officers of this bia'.e, to ur 1- . ,i. 1. and every person in their re ; n -pectivu countie, who belong to tho Co •i.aicrc.ta nri- ", and cannot a', inis a leg .i 1 lough and has not ov '.in- t ,.y"d the '.ule allowed him. A hen ilu - p.-nally -h«.ild be imposed upon m i ntii., r wLo noglocu to perform hi» duty, abb* ; H nd oxucute the !:>w; and a -ufbciui.t »mn 1 b'» I -h..u! 11* ' u 1 'preprinted lo defray the ox- out of the army, I j„,nso of tho arrest of all deserters and ncoa tlm Government ha.; f stragglers, and "f their conveyance ami an over 1m. who ha i, in ' delivery to a t•‘•nfedcralo < !n • i author- «n in been nimh’c to undergo \\^d to reniv*- um\ return t, their corn el.,Idrou of • long mareUe-, privation, and faligu*-. — | mnnds. A r.mi ai-. f -id - and if Thousands of theso have sunk hy th pa-,-.* d, roquiot.ng tho C-'i,federate (jov- ■ 1 that the ! way, oither into the hospitals or into llm" eminent to refund to Georgia ,, ! grav.j. It is also understood that rno . j,» <•- an y expended m tho merit is om- iliQ largo number of deserters and strag- such per* ms tp their places of govern- glors from the army have been sub lillcAi right*, litues, who have ontored it for hire, i - vm. D our receiving tho stipulatod price, Inife . may bo dellvvr* '! Vo o (/Oiifedcrato^oflc I a/i'd we11 h i rougnt the first opportunity to escape, .govern, lie whichJhcy have in some inslittrtCi toon kingdom in ! permitted to do, with tho acquiescence .ttii-ii to gen- ! and encouragement ol officers, wholuvo id have but their partners In guilty, auaoulation.— liuio interest in it, an l but little induce* Tims tho same Individual has boen ac- to tight for it. Hut under ouv f irm cofited as a substitute for each of sovoral vemmcini, wcal' h and honor, are ! able bodje^ young ipon, who havo been prorogafiveofno j.uriici.bti left a* homo to seek for gain and enjoy i negro nic seated,by thei: :rj* vhild i pom- - j bis ox pretext thi' the sold : er t.. r. rvo lii> . low piic. when every wliicb ids family inustp I,ant. tli i lcathc Wb.-n t ; ," T, thuyuo. . Of the t., ithout a iiimi.ci.'il gll the dlfficultin-i ic.ii government Ah the appr«»l»rjati nccossitlos; it will l>. I''gi3intur.i• to prov.de nioii-y. Tho mirrency, < ry other clan- i l. w I,a njty, lrnvo . fail and just minded man cun ;-..y that soldier, who makcH the greatest si of all others, should alone bo made ception to the rule ? Another objection urged nguinsltho oqr army lo j either case, it people of tl I) v. 1 ’ 'll in - ■ m L c Tr f soldiers’ pay is that it ibo quantity of the currency, hy coinpoll* ilig tho Govoriiiuont to i--uu 'I larger amount ol* treasury notes to meet the pay ment, and that this causes still greater depr, ciation at d higher price*; and ! inand uj» >n which I i purpose, I • t npiii t two limn-and dollaiv I of the touting* ut fund, lor tho nurcl.n- • 'nfp Walker ami ( iinttoog i. I debts ut the pi urticlcH purd. ti> pay, after tiled for all ! litth unabl Dade, on account of Urn i tended that tho Joldicr could buy but | j»ro«:csHn« transportation with twenty-two dollars por nlh than hb now get* with eleven. Mihility of the enemy ! through which the old Glmttnrioiigi railroad pH--- -to tnc c..iinty. j r< nd liberal appropriations for tliu pay l oMnr i the uliof million llie dd if ado nded bv U.V., I>m*. fr< comfort, while our enemies have gained advantages on account of the weakness of our armies .... . .. If wo expect to he successful in our tiiat ms lather has w yniib ui.d uuu* I struggle, the law rnuoi bo so changed as ai. . 1 fo placo;in sarvic© the ten of thousands nd it not untro- 1 of young men, xvho are now at homo. idii.otidr *schoo I piiy- i Tin* would reinforce our armios, .> ns to I-iimI:- 1 enable us to drive back the enemy upon .... ooii^e- every part of* our borders. Afior this 1, 0 d"-"-,) i' io a I -W'-r pi. change in the law th** Government could w Ou the other hand, the J proyido for the promotion of ti. I of X.h" h > bee Audi . ..portant interests al home, hy makin, proper details of such persons a- lispensably necessary ,r, ' ; •" • ry exin ii-' » t «'* •1 by Cm.,;. , would • pie and ju-t, and xvoiilu i conif.licution ol llie ddfe. time the not was passed fixing thosobii'.i - pay ; or ng.itiHt pcrmitli"g tho fanner to ' Ll,... II I..I1..K. »w.r l.nahnl IV.I- v,'b<vil. ciuirge live dollar* pc u, 1. i. • 11 W .. - 111"! 1 i MI! V bo tho - . bo attended with le..- - - ac -ounta between tho Confederate unu Slate Govern me. t. If each State will adopt a policy of the character above indicated, and the Gov ernment nt Richmond will require its Generals in command of Deportments, to punisli severely, all officers guilty ol favorite Dm, in grunting furloughs ; and will compel all its Chief ComUsutloo and Quartormoitorn to dismiss from their vVr, all person*, subject to conscription, . . This much better than Die extens .re him, mien conscription act up to <V.) or «• ii ri*-- of)'the would bring into the field \ little bright- able to endure sorvice, in i»1 f and nogioct- ! men who must soon fail when l mart in ibo fatigue und hardship, many • : ay by hi- nctAibiuy , ns competent to oversee pin; • . jtiinnd to other ut home Intern- l tiiat ti ll buck to the army, tho large number uf idler*, who nro found about nil our town* and iti**^, many of whom have d.-uil* wi.h very little duty toperfoim. ..r p.»»jtiof.s, which aro or JiUle practical use a imr i han to keep them out of reach of danger: and if it will put negroes in the place of eight out of t, - htorsin tho army, leaving mo dollar a pound lor - then only worth ten cor ■ ttlng the uucliunk- wlii.il per nulling mo m*. enume w marjo ten dollars por day, when ho Tu mor)/got but two. All this ha* had its effect upon the currency, and raised tho price of provi- MonR. But the prico of llie provision* used by the soldier’s family has increased the price of thoso u*od hy tho i propri. oeoininrml id urge ' ' '-''"'s ’ “ ’ •*' ■ I'lioviaios ai/pj’i.Y. I 1 feel that i caiiii.a i.m e.irm-tly in I yoke the atluniion of the pe*»|de amUli'T' 1 ing well to mr f.UMr*- wupply of provi- . -ion*. 1 lii* is lii"only point up .n xvl.n b we havo nnytliing t*» f< >r l"i the -ucceh* of our cau-«.*. If we can conlinuo t* • Joed our armies and sustain our pooplo at home, wo can fight tho enemy fur an in definite period of time, without tho least dangerofsubjugat.il manufacturer, or tho former, and tho sol dier receives only the prico for hi* ser vices which begot before the depreciation began, whilo all otb., .* ■: benefit of the incrcasoin the pric* of labor and material. This cannot bo defer,tied uf.on any just <>r equitable prlnclplo.— L« t all ho alTectcd equally by the in crease of prices, and if the volume ~ •' provision supply fail, < But tdtould rr B r armies must be (iisbumied, and all will bo losl. Tho lust loglslaturo parsed an act ro- Btricting tho cultivation of cotton t*» throe uTthu hand. Tlii- act need* amend mout. No one sliould bo allowed to plant, cultivate, or gather more than one fourth of un aero to tho hand, whilo the war 1 continues. Thi*, with ilia quantity f hand, will keep sood andi clothe our ji currency‘is too’ largoly increased, lot it ' pic, and wo should permit no iim bo absorbed by taxation, which acts raised. All the land, labor, and . .. . equally upon alb But do not single out 1 of the .^tale, should b« employe.* in the • •"*• bravo defender* and corniicl them to pioduction of provision’*, aii'l every fam- ■ “■* I Jly, whether rich or poor, should Jive ; upon the smallest quantity whio» will i sustain life and preserve health, The man Id i tenth* of thu white men now engaged in j c( i to all other cIu*mj». . who. bjjeauso he has ibo tnwxnq indulge* *i to I making potash, an-1 attending to oilier J in my opinion il is tho duty of tho leg- in luxuriant ulunduneo is guilty -d a arc similar du ics. and will in each case com- Dhilures of tho several .States t<» continue crime nguinst society, a« otljeis mui-t su - ami * mi tho white men relieved to take their to urge upon Congress a reconsideration , ler on account -.1 Ins indulgence of b I portion- in the rank * a* Mildinrs, and ! ,,f the question, till justice is rnoro uearljr > appetite or his vanity, wbon there is not oflii this rather t/nui .* I 1 ted to our State dobl. from one to one nml the property of ill all llial v This will I* w.ith tho pr< - t»\ nb-durate ti i not prefer j l,.w, Oio.. 1 |.r _ , I Govci nmciit, of our teani- !I a III tuv ...... npnp.ougll of tho I U1 „ . - . ,,.1** "experiemfe'd jaiui ‘onergetie white bear all the burthen* of the dcfirecjnlion it ! to iiuHtcrs to ! ontrol the negroesj and | without recoiving anpr yMUe^bonent^ ! will order into service the pa*arm of on- ; approximated. I therefore recommend a plentiful supply for all. ,f the 1 *hc /- iH*Mge ofa joint resolution by the j In thei Noi th-oaslwn part of our State, The s i lounlain-. .r ha* been utmost a failure, has be#t» very unfavorable, oy for vi!*o before th" tax c ill ho colluded, it is not d ".tided th hi an iirrangemonl could be mu »" v.ith our Banks for a t<<m- | ary loan of ilm amount required ujmn j xod l ol tho owner mid bis it oil* wuii t lire a * of d. all.'*- I"iu*lllg to dated rat'- " giving fn dol cortificut"*, to te*l, f.r whid la xati*»n. I f il Assembly should differ i i>ollcy, nml <J<*P*rmim* to bt, at the present dopro* ■•T-, an<J other.* them: and that l*- iinprcAsoionu legal uuthority ", when the nodal' olevptlon wrniuonl to div m of liim-i ifaii'l his children fur a moment. 1 purdni i-ini«i sued \vh#nth«mo- <uiu thousand dollar* for it, hml 'ho < on- u 1| to bs mads, whether i t«y» it tv toe by grant gud.. ht»r gtsal •oinbly, instructing our Seim- j especially iicscututlvc* in CuUgruss to tho prosunt influence und energy to pro of un act, to all in tho Cor,ft*ioi.,»« . — - - - — — - . • • . I the troop- ftervicc un inureua* of twenty five per, Disbelieved timl Urn patriotism and | prone •r c'.nt.-ntM and m**r. irr. -i- rent 'M- -:; 'li -ir pay. and ulkwtb.-mi.. •'.."to 11108" who hav >l*'ii*r lions in i. i IUi**n to the coinpen-atmii n •' tail li fully require* that others allowed by jaw; and to halt be voiupidled to do likewise. Without reproducing t gre illy tll.le. n allow all and tho "ally frost has dustroyod a largo I I tospoclfully refer thu General A-*.* 'onfodr-lute prop* rliou of what was being made. ply to my nn•- > " ikMi'or-.-.I to .> **—m and | 1 ■ — part of i While it i‘ ;en to funiH tlppurl of tl loyally «*f the people of i the Slate hul been Ktlhjcc !■•/«• ••■> a lust as Im* bown applied in that section j peniiiuu of private soldiqr^ to txvouty-TX'he pu-»pi»» owu but f«w sUvg*. uud al- I turf. ■ i,«4}ot plu*id'-n*«1 by unprincipled ! or iiiicw*, who may pMf«*% r may bv, vtbviais,