Weekly Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1861-1873, August 13, 1872, Image 1

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•»'- ■ . ■ "i^yewpppg'i.i ; m imp >- f? * * I ' • * 'l HP .IJI|ll|„f » ^ t*fH;HjitV* » * t«h >“•! .•»“ A-jS'TTUO'I* OOMSTlt Raglaad A Wynne, Proprietors. OK TUB t)U«srmiHU«.-)W UOUMT ASU BCUKOHIOAI, iOJIlNISTIU rillV df tnil OOV«»!lM*ST. " *' ' '-grfcrr-sr:—if 1 '4-zi-^r^rpsniiV-rr?- -C-T**-.—- ~ - j-.~'' *' J “ ' •Uteff&lV ^^tJI^^/^CTeSPA^jA^PST 13, 1872. ; tr ■Oijjiii**' cKNKiivi, AN'.ntHi.y ol' (iroiiHiA. . ( j U [,j Ilf , 1( ,,,i5t r n(ion ,votQtM,,o\tondin{» Mr. OlmriGey.—i'u amend tlie Hoine- * C TV , , criminal turisiiictiuu, ate. Amondedaud - .SatciSvat, August 8,187-’.* - -1-A 1 “ m Volume XLIV.-No. 33 The Weekly Enquirer. JOHN £. 1' - ^jbiunStfgP : THlJiY8DJ*^..., AUGUST 9, W72. teAo.-; Nyy«f»yg^. iu'ii jda HO * baa r*t wbT By fibnouilcainent made in thff Atlanta papers at Tuesday it appear*'titfft'the GovAnrar and Comptroller General have asaaal^A Jaj oC (onr-teatiuiof. qnepai ornt. upon the ralne of- property, ’for ‘ — "» for tlie “ -THK •‘mil. BIGHTS” CASE ATIUTAfiytJl. ThdOgh the man under axaminalioa ltr .Savannah, charged frith a violation of the Citil Bighbract by the ejeetidh 6f hegroea frnm'lh* aWat care,-have i>een aeqult- thii e Are supra points . In the. case,; disclosed :l>y the testimony, which flcrtAre notice. Ttfey ftere charged with- conspiracy against tbr’levpe ^ljoi CoDgresH, and, were tried -. bafore < U. -8. OomraiBsionor Wayne,. Er-Atiorney lietrend Farrow proecothig them. ' Jt waa proved .oh the trill (hpr the idrjfit par. company provided ample and eoMfortable accommodation* far the nogrot t—more liberal, in proportion'W, of thoJine, .than Uiofio provided'tor whitorf; that the care fc l-<k ih» arUta^eh . • — , —w* * y— the Oc-fifiaion of the alleged outrage, were; crowded,; while those fpr the negroes were qot, that white ladies who ■ by mis take had.taker- seats ’in the cam appro priate^ Tor the negroes gnV« theds up promptly when ko requested, bnt;ti|at the ejected negroes refused to gire np their boats i* the oars ran Tor the Whites to SOBTH t.lM(ll,lSt—TUr Vfj'TOU*.' We arh still fold that wo must wait for Xh»offiel»t return's before ffucii be posi-. tively Informed as to' the rcBuli of this election (or; Governor ofNorth Onrolina. ;WS Strongly, suepedt that the “offlflal re; tnin*"nro the loa&t reliablo of the reports ttijt taveb?«rhr;&y birieceivou; '’Bj&]™ be that as it ihay, the yesult is a substan tial and decisive victory.'.for .tho-'Ifenio r crate and Conservatives, no matter who jnay be declared elected • Governor by threeor fonr hundred voles. Tlie returns ihhw a ffehsi'irr'Cohflarvailvo ghln; cleorly indicating the course of the political onr- tont i whilo tho liadical .gains in a few bounties, whfyli hftvMiepir?rout flay to day Kirtod, updotthiB^ibe’sCOnservatiTo col lation* ofja'itaajoiity oouuledby^iiou- aands, areetooptiobtili and strongly sag- gest{vmf nithcr-fWud'oy cif extraordinary listrtinhalhat have htbatieled their per- tfqipjeTj.wifli this dft'oi^i ^Tho yfeotidn of five .ftefuoeratio Oonipessmeu by good hif^ontioK, amp n large fScnioer it io ma jority in'-tbg'IjegiiiJaleire, an proot-suffi- oioiil of rhpi p r.ri'dl Conacm.itivo g.iin. ' -The bdmihisiratimi sent its f liyul.i of Ueparimenis to North Carolina to iiiilu- eude tliiS eTeotiou : Gen. Oraut'n'nsnociate ou tho Radionl ticket personally en gaged in if- his parly spent money .more lavishly to oairy it thnn it waa ever before' Itsdilm the South far such a pur- pose'; the ftr.4ic.il 'Governor had the ap- poiutinent of' all reglatrara oiid nil the judges of'the 'oIojsHon;'aild the jmirrr of the Federal Administration was used as unscroupulously as its monyy and its ofll- cikl influence and i^tronage to accoui- piiab its object. Mr. Wilson, after his Hears t# the oara ran Tor lira whites to maketpom for the ladtta -thus reoiovod fan or tho cars for the. breaks. The oom-' puny tuid 'iu agents' -had nothing to' -do willi their ejection. Tho evldance was ntropgiy suggestive that tha negroes were acliDg lui accordance withj^ireotioM from il.i./.<H/,foli in thus pertinaciously lls.Hort- ing Ih*ri4ght fokideau the cars for the whiteiphnrt to axeln^a white ladies there' froni^—though tbsComtoieeiener ruled out aotnetif-ihe offered proof»tri this effect; A Bum of money, it sppears, had be^n raised beforehand- to ptoeeouto whited ■who uifght resist the negro claim to ride dn tho ears for. the. whites. The negro writs, tntdo cotnplidnt was an . employee of tho tin*torn House. Theae facts raised the wtrong presumptioh tbtt thn. , ‘oonsplraoy" was on tho part-of the negrora and their instigators—a conspiracy to' create a die- tnrbaiioo fur party effeol,-. and Jo -create it when there wse nahardhhip or depriva tion whatever that justified it. "The esse Iwa link in. the claim of ekremastaboeU vrhieii tends to show that the Adorinistra- iion and its ltadical adberenta will not aoruple to foment troubM in-, tha South gwA embitter and intis Ale «f Taohs, if thereby ]»Ut^at3uptt{jlji)UnTtS onade. .Let onr. pSepia Ce vigilant, pru dent, hut at the aanM-dinjgiftnit‘in tMr opposition to the racktwafl^ptilaha that' thus trifles with their paaopadd safety. a’dofoiit of’ his.I'JUly }ti .Nprtli Cnrolitm would greatly dopresS its hopes and di minish its chances in the Prosidenliiil- Contest. And bis party have been de feated, with all these oddj ill its fiiiior— defeated whether Caldwell or Mcrriman is elected—defeated so decisivtdy thul it cannot make a'iiard fight in’ North Curo- lina'in November. Tho first reports iStoiluded tlio Now York f/errfh/, aild it would rjul'believe them. ’ Here us what it snid on Frhluj" last, wlion Merriman'H oluellon was re ported!- • * rt lt sehins inerodildo that tho Admmis- tratiem Uepnhheaus call havo suffered de feat in a Stale where every advantage linS been on their side ; where tjioy have con- oaotrated gigautie efforts to ensure Suc cess; whero they havo held majorities ever since the eiose uf the war, with a •taglo exception, varying from nine to *- throe thousand, yet, us we have ero appears to have been n steady increase thus fur in-the Conservatives ioriUes over the vote of isfo, and ho it is not imprObablo that the .State may have declared itself in advance in fn- vor of the reform movement in Novem ber. If this ahottld prove to be the cose .it will no doubt ho regarded generally aa Settling the presidential contest, i ndeed,' .theJUpublioans. hy tho vigor andhittet- nesXofthoironnvnsa, hnvffjsijrdflTan their oonvictlbn that n defeat in north Carolina at ths time would render their dltlninte' anoecss hopoloss. Senator Wilson hini- aolf has admittod In his npeeo^a that The nru.Sr.l fateraillinu \ TVo copy to-day accounts of the dentsts- ' ting work uf the ootton catvipilhiru in set- , ernl lueftities. . Thera setumano'iongsr to , 1» any reason to doubt that their iwvagc* .nil. materially curtail' the' ytrid of the gauwingwrop—the' ohly qiiesliotrisns to tife extent. .It is jl|St noyrb critical time with the planters, and. indeed; (dr every business interest of the Booth, whose pros-, -parity is so greatly dependent Upon that of the planters. ' A fow* days more will de; termihe the question, wbethsr this worm- pestiianeo is to hew ytnfr/U one, or to be conf^ied to pariiculAt aeationH and des criptions of land. Tim state of the weath er, while we write-, indicates another wet spell favorable to their growth and vigor. Tile Eufaula Acres has advices from ■Wdst Florida Uribe noth of Augnst,'UUtfug llinf iif portions vf Jackaon County “within' -ten days the cotton crop will,b^d.estrpyod,. nndlhat _id. no event can moro than a third of asitopbe' expected. Portfolfs' of Ur. Jeff, lidser'a crop on the river, hear Ned's Landing, is already riddled, and ,iu Tlio Greenwood and Marianna neighbor- jhiWtla the caterpillar is sweeping eveky. JtitiPg.bef ore them. V ' ’ ' Sumter RepuHican, coptriuy toa usiy exproased determination,(nakca Thy previously expressed dal -a graceful “aorrOhdaF’ afid' placM toff ti»nrta .of Greeley and JBjowu [at. its ‘ ‘editoriat masthead.” It says . “The issUe is aow (airly joined.- The«otiteit for the rrrtjyuql is between Graut and Greeley. Unlrr the banner of the - former ark ioaeayed ibU officeholders and I for any-canse, prefer the personal apd [yisaatroua rale of Grant to true repub* ,ican gorernmeot ; while beaoeth . the tanner bf -the latter all wiU an elves who prefer local i ko - eintraijzatioo, and purify^to> onrrUp- fionir fyei File Ainxaitsut H. ST*fH*»s - ha* n |t, "swallowed"-the Greeley and .ticket, and apparently will not lnthenCari ffuture. He prints in t|te editorial column* , of his paper, the Atlanta SU»;- all the ^ntoe things Ur. Greeley hasaaid pf .Gen. ,Grantatid all the ugly nhce-A^outtht lIMhmmtfe party. .-Gaor^ja giveryup as forever loH^K I Tha- Conaolstion of the Preu it baled' |np«u an oyer-eetimatu of the jnflaepoe of ,mr Georgia Diogenes sod the number of a ‘ — = 1 _ . 1 ^ i • The- tieptblieaa papers, vat B it devoting their apace ao' r. Voorheas last speeeh aa, former up, dettrated at . hey.have lost interest in- 8o have a few ont-of-thadiaa Deino- j-XaUe papers. a Anderson baa bean eommiitedjto jjjj *n Savannah, in dcfadlt of Uve thousand ffollara Uil, ' ~ t The Sop Aually decided ttiec of Op»lUtaiw<ff(DtC ^ m- - * acting mliyw.. ■?*_ froiq TtfHutftti iflHtu tkAllho ill large force, are invading and will probably make a eon- % Cftova^s of tholSUto, openly dorlurod that iu tiuv.Jtm^uafui of Andrew Jackson,- “for- stUbO yoiir (rieuHq uud-go (ovAour couu- { ry-” Unti. B.ili. Hibtoti anid tho only diffur- tumkhetweeh himself and (Senator Math- own wa« aUonWfour n half oent#. Ho ludoulalod* tCo^ov'whinaht could be run «u^ uinat^ea Htid A ball Ooutw per day, irilllo ti«nntor 'Jvinttliuwn bolittvoa that it could tw done ou tUteeti cents per day.— Hu made an earnest and logical nrgmnout iu buhuUi«dt the pint'll Ljatiioinry Hyntoiu— liliy.diow cw»tolh>dby population and not h/pitfparly. * Ttj© number of cilizetiN hud luM.ti* ftjt’gely Incruauod since the Witl’a Motion l<> reconsider tabled by tho fol lowing \ Util i * Jeus—ilootirif. Brown, Cameron, Camp bell, Chilli* Coleman, Conley, Kstcs, Er- wiu, (iriflin, Uillyer,-Hinton, Hoyl, Kirk- 1 a mi,-Nu mi ally, Bark, Poddy, bimmons, fhiuilU, Klyltis, Wellborn—£0. ftiy*~Mfc$sby: e rt1iaaraoo, Brock, Bru- lou, liuvns, 4Lliiiio, Crayton, Dovmux, fhntfd,* Jcnis, Jordon, MuMiowh, Mc- \VhoHoi’, ySitfLollB^^ivcosc, BtcaUmun,Wal- Iaoo—- Ki, G. ffoyT offered resolutions to prevent-the ^TFuuWirer from i»ayiug two claims audited hy n majority of tho audi ting Board lrt favor of lienry U. Cole,one fur “ijtul tho otluir for $7 v 'it/».— llcl’meii to dqdtoiary Committee. Hon. -J. - A; Jervis offerod » resolution relative to wood on the Western A Atlau- lic. Kailroad wlnm il was ttuned over to tho leesouA, amounting to 87. a Whether it \v.»rt properly ■ audited, and whelher the loBfdjoa nvo entitled to the use of tlie jj*tr.;tnw-K7 for tWeiity years with out interest. Keterrod tirJudiciary"Gom- mitteo. - * » Bills road the first tlhief- Bon. J.'it/ltrftwn-^ro ifreorporato the Cottle Creek Gold 'Milling • Company of Chfcrokoe ctouuiy. Hon, C. \V.BtyUvir-Td eliaoge thoJimoa Hie election of the llepuhlioan State tick of •President dt woe esNcnrtinl to tlio cause Grant ;• that withoflt it there would bo, tittle hopo for the Administration. Under these ctirninatancaH, and iu view of.tba' feet, that .tho whole maohinnry of tl)e election, the entire Federal and Slate patronsge' tho courts, the military, the S oliee, and- the Uuitod States Marshals ere in the hands of the ItepUhlirane, we cannot tlitnk that the Administration has been overthrown. To credit such a lsmity would bo Id holinvo that the Pres- tiul election hi destined to t>e u deluge, flgL, . fWeopiug away the existing powers and making a complete revolution in the Government. * * * * * It i« possible that all is not yet lost, but tbat-ike largo negro counties may after •all |fUe North Carolina to the Republi cans. It will bo of little value to them ow. for the people will feel that it is a victory, due to Ighoraheeand pre- jadioe and not to reason, and w6n, it may <t>0, by frand and not by a legitimate ^ »aatu aim uuv a iPjjuiiuiMU VOtOl" Yet it will leavd a plank to float on, and will not oast the Republican cohsd help-. Idftlylnto the wnves of dcfijialr.'* ThQ'Telef/rnjfhan abstract of tho cobkus of Macon, Ga., iaken by J. C. \yhoeler ip June, and July, ld72, frooi which it appears that the city proper has, inhabitants, rind Vineville And ^.Uffim, , H « V.MVTV other suburbs total k Col. Wia. I*. Chilton, a prominent ^jung lawyer and pplltiefah of .•'Montgom ery* baa declined d jilaco on.tbe Eleotorab Ticket for.QTootey and Jirovva iu.Ala-, bamo, for which he had been jpropem^d hy many friends: • Tbqfo. fsiu/doubt, |ioW- e^rer, that ho -will do .'effective work for the cause,*■wtiidh' ho Varm)y In tha House of lteprestmtrttives of. the Georgia LegnOati^g, on ;Tuee^y, (fryqldie tion ip fho proceedings elsewhere uepoti- ed>tho following bjti waa read 'the rfrst time: Incqrprnato the Geotgiar Land mimr.jMyMr^-Tpe rf CokuiU^toni.Iii.a IfttUor Jesterilay,, Unit; to-bik guestjoihuf t ‘‘Is UwiwuDntno* erittio-nirty Mioajfak ? Oel mnbos nnswurii iff S-iiilkcfi piftcRt'^i^leJliy^askiiigtoi met six GjuvcutionatBaltifiioru'BaA-fiAia- rifiated rAnJidates’-tn} •PruJMeiit nfiil j*"— -PrfeABeUi, w« lfculi[,'h? 'xv)ts sulBug-at . Apcetythitfe, wn*%fiauj<x^Wqparty,' wiThoyt noiicj/g, ti»#tH,iioati<SiKff JlieAxia i The article f igiuiff 1 *Col(itilWR, * hirtre v6X,' .’ 'iMjiieAtte-Sloi^he' '^q^stCofi “tt ..wiiou it 1 “PiKa-P^ : Htiiq:)Vyst,‘ it meapt~fxMU!.> muefiilg uriginaterl by Briok fijroCsoy.vtojH; tielffaFLoiiisviilo”;. .wlfich qnestiuix jkc Su» duo. not ona^ur. •^konM the .LuginviUej limuting uun'iunee- Awo uieu aa- the. t-srldidiiic i ’foc Tresidcjit aud Vice J r residefit'oi}rth<{ BriclfToiuo," ray Dimocrocy's tickcj,. wllf U}<s/iun lovpi-; Ahem agaitast the: rcgaiar^nominaDs of it lie fieqjocratic jiarty aa nirfdffntBaltimure? -.-Colmpljiu" was 4i>f SiS5- kcQftr-lii itcv aooeptwMhwjSitilptla l»f btdading^wCaffabd- hatching-Ebnlea' olff *8,000. . He ’baJ- hdw Aav. ooet . . |25,000 worth of troBt, ranging from the aiaa of a “pan fish” to the weight of foot and even five pounds, and is inorearing bis aoooumodations and adding to bis • 'tv'njjo AMlci. fb orilor by-rjrosi3i>qr 'i'rarfmfi-p. . ^ - stond act of T8 otiovdlcrocIftoririini’RgatBcS'fnins’banS Slew ‘ . T XI,. rSIs ISSyoPhs ticvjfirw^artWIE r+ Oh-uniuou oIjHou. W. C. rimith tho ac* Alt of y^Uivddy tpi 'tlifj resolution author-: icing ii-vAib-tbuiittiitoe- yl- the Committee ou lAmnUc AftylhH ie 'stud for porhous und pHporn was vOcotnJidered. • ; l)on; \Y. .tUthowa moyed to r05611- aider the agtiqti oivtlio renplutioa to npj point ujuiut comiyituo to,rpport.a bill to reduce the judician- cirouits in the State tofMttfeba; - w-T - -« • 1 In tfupporl.oLiho luotaeUrMr. Mathews RfntCxltl1.1i' tho report oi the conuniltue l|^io| \v*£ I****! on iu r - .furnr.itdeliverod fcow iue Jddge of.the •CiroittfH. Judge-Worrill, ^not now on tho buuch^ wh'o was lohger.ou the bguoh than State.. .Lost, ila new To lay ouL„, ties ot Troup and" Pv ‘ "' ob tuaiuty. Imlriiuliily. prqpgied; Ou motion of «i.'t«ngr;Mio'Honso-ad» joukacd miUl Monday ' muruing. at 10 o’c^ick.. . . , . any other u*p itfGcofgi*,mates, and ho in a tiiMi, tcjHulb.l lA'r:y, (lias in liis opin- ui-J Ofi-SmSB* rhtnrficd in’ Talbot -county each ii-i't’.l, - ntm sn uvomgo of 11 and 12. Lilignjiufi ts cputrolfBil by (he amffuit uf propelty. - Tl value of property ju O jnrglfi-. jtl; 1870 was ¥lii2,U0l),Uik); in 1571 only 2fn,n:iu,i)iHi. The oxpousu of tbu twenty XHidgoa isoCi2,ntn) per annum < Went. Jonrnai Art Saturday rend ami npprdynd. . ■ mT.I.HuN rillKT IlEADINit. Mr. -Hiutou—To regulate Iho fees of Justices uf tho T-onoo urnlOouatablee in this Stale. . Sir. Lostcr—To cncouffigo nrtifloial fish brooding in.tbis State. Tho rules were suspended nnd a resolu tion ottered by Ur. Kibbeo,- Ibnt no new matter bo entortaiued after -Wednesday next,. except by a Iwo-tliirds vote. Adopted. The spoaiul order of tho day being the consideration of tbo bill to regulate tho law of lions, was discharged and tho bill withdrawn. uitu Oil tuibd headin'fu To porfoct tho l'Ublic School system of (he Biato, Made special ardor,(or Thurs day next. To amend section 1:10(1 of the Code. Passed. To otnend tho charter of Albany nnd provide for tbo registration of votors, Amended by inserting Atlanta aud Now- nan. Passed. To make tho careless and wanton dis charge of tiro arms a penal offence. Lost. •>•(>11, Afft *¥•»ffvff.VHMic~TAV GIIMUgU IflttJjlllUH of Lohutig tbh'Wupovior CotirtB of iho Al- BftHy CUuuit.v W itioCnjuVpUf&mMo nfljbhmed uiitil Mouilay fuoramg ul i) o'clock. houise; The 1 Ionia toot: Hpeiikgr Gumming iu tho Chair. Brriyer l»y Row, Mr. lleidt. Mr. Ihwihwnoved to renouahler tlio ac- tiou of tho JiottRo yt-Kterdiiy in okomptiug from taxAtion ^.40(10 worth of tho pro- potty of Confederate nohUcrn, and with that view offered th£ following umoud- moiit: L Bo it fnrtucr cumctcd, Thnt ,000 worth of property of all uow widowu of fioldieVfF that died or were killed in thb late Ooufodornto war bo exempted from Stato aild County luxation. Jtlr. Iroldamitli oftered tho following auwhdmvut to tho ntnoudtnont : Provided, The party Hooking tho cx* oiuption Hut forth in thin bill Khali produco to Iho tax receiver tlio certificate of ‘tho Ordinary of O10 eoiuity Hhowitig that ho in tntiilod to tlio bfeneftta of this bill by riuaaon of- his disnbilitieH and property. donted, 1 Both amendmt-ntH were adopted, aud the bill piiRBod as amended. The following bill wrh road the llrat tirpo s Mr. IluhUr—To protect tho interest of the State in the Atlantic & Gulf Railroad, aiul to carry out the original intention of tho'chiutor of «aM rbnd. Tho following rgsalulious, introduced hy Mr; Slmrrtortfl, of Gwiimott, wore read ap'd refovrod lo tho Jndiciary Committee: JRosolytidii iustrneting the Judiciary CominiihjG to impiiro whother wood on tho Western A. Atllmtio Railroad, at tlie time of tho lease, nmonnting to 10,083 ffTlh’value, was properly audited. Loflolarton'direntiug tho Troaflurer not to m.y'ah Exewitive wurrant in favor <»f n.x*. edify wiiOi i ftcnoqiit was audited by "•V10B era of' tho West- cdief __ tho'Board Of Oi/iniiiissl orn A AtlantioRailroad. • -Resolution difocttiTg' tlio Govnruor not toTBsife Exeenjrtve Warrants in certain cdHes, and HnMTrtamtfor' not to ply an Excoartvo-iVorrantiu fftVorQf llv G. Colo. Bflfs omthirfl l-eli'ding: * To allifr 'riiui- miVtnd.piiragraph'/t, flec tion l» avticld 7^of;thfc coiiftikutioii ,'that provided. for a JibniWeadf of roalty aud ‘porsdbuhy, Rdboinmltted do ' ^Gdidiafy OofumitLeo. _ To humnd an act fheorpohiting tho town of .Van Wert.* Paused. To incerpornto tho tdwn of Wooten, in Leb county. Passed; To uU.>w the Ordinaries o/'Clayton and icfeS of mi^lehnpihom ttrothdr oouutios working a chain jjang. PivSHod. Tho H 0,180 >hto u Committee of <hd. Wh^lo^ foi: 1 tho cohfciderntion of tho ^iJkrtnjgittiil^afr'.'W.- V: Afdersou, of tbd njjp^itttifiont of a Btixto'Ctiomist JoFtbn pVcveitlibtXqf Irautjs iflThS hilu of gurtfl7is and cAmiborcInl fer tfinftrs.-f I/aitl <m I he taws' on ot-cduut of thdfabsVbce of Mr," Bryan, ui Hcfary, tlio auitjWvof Ihc bill. * *to ptovitk) for ibo paymont-of insolv- qnTcpsla is critufintt-easas. * Witlnlrawb., . ♦d.-tejioBl'HIl'-nctt 'oIftitghjb. tfioTine-be. t^tfh liltribtt msi. Lownflos rfffuiflics'.— Lpfe* f ;»*» *Sr> ;.••* xrf .*. - :■> •' •. A Be no tv bid to regulate rcgistrallon in tbo'City of 'Savniiwfiir fl bo Cil(^f6qBi»JS csMi'yojbr to i»y .T<H upon'rejistdiiltg.hjif vot'A^nufl the proceeds’ tb-bo' devoted-to 1 iliftt tlqi bili wns'in ■Ja<- .. ■ failed fo pny poll tux, niid il pqiio of tnbJbiK to. require , the netfiissory poll' taX bafor ?. < The*in -/a*. j. bofween '• Uoweta -Xbti . , To infiojrpontta* tho’ .. Taylor connir T’aifced. To eitentl.tho OKy Court af'AngdsbC-J qf Butlcr-in Passed. To anwtd tiio charier »(-AJW#yf i<- I7fl* day’s TOOCEEDiff 64. ■ ~ Atlanta, August r>; 1672a j SE17ATJ6. The Siiimto met pursuant to adjonm- Uiont nml uluj called to^order by the Pro»- s . ^ “ '** * 8(18, o secure the costs of Clarkfc Miv.Glottn—To nniend an not to x-du-- cntlb ibo nxai^i. and iffdfgonl soldiots of Georgia. Hq! 3olI—To.repeal tlio origiuM net in- eorporating Weston, iu iVoffster- taon*. M - j ■aU, of Upsou—To catty- into at* feet Heclmn lV of attiole 0 of the couRtitU- tion. ~ ‘Ml-.^JihOr—To AUth'nrl/.o thcTpeople of Allmuy to elect certain officers. M^. PhUips—-To compel raprosont.N lives of entotes io provide tor iho support of widows and minors. Mr. , Bacon—To. authorize persons la S oddle agricultural implement's, nud pro- ncts, maps und other articles without H- cento. ... BILL* ON THltm REAUtNO. To pvewmlie where and in what man- ucr lands shall l»o rot timed for taxation, and ropoal certain soetions of tho codo. iioipiiies (he laud to bo^iveh in tho couu- ty iu which it tics. BisouHsed at great length by Kibbeo, Brook, JorviR, Styles, H’>yh in favor; and Wellborn, Hinton and Burns agaiuhl its ndoptiou. Tho sub- stitulu wns adopted by tho following vote: Yoas—Messrs. Brock, Bruton, Came ron, Campbell, Candler, Clark, Coleman, Bcvaux, Grilllp, Hoyl, Jervis, Jouen, Jor dan, Kibbeo, Loster, Mathews, Niehnlls, Purk, Teddy, Reese, Stylos, Wallace—23. $ajH~Urowh, Burns, listes, Erwin, Hearn, Uillyer, Hinton, McWhorter, Nuiuudly, Kirhnrdsou, Simmons, Smith, Sleadmau, Wolboru—II. To amend tlio net to oncourngo tole- gruphic oomuiuhienliou bolwocu Georgia undtho West India Islands. I’asscd. , To Vepual the act lo preserve tho ponce aud hurmouy ol' tho Stutc. Lost—yens 17. uaj'H 18. • To jirovido for tho pavincut of insol- vent criminal costs in tho Northern Judi cial Circuit. Lost. To allow citizens to not as constables iu certain eases iu Jones oounly. Lost. To legalix.o (ho acts ot tho County Treasurer of Marion couuty in paying jurors. Tasked. To create u Board of GomtuissioiierH in Coweta county, Bussed. appropriate one-third of tho pro ceeds Of'the agricultural land scrip to tho ■'* w ' ...... - | j] € North Georgia Agricultural College ut “'**“'“* Wollboni supported the Mr, bill iu an earnest, forcible speech. Mr. Styles also supported the bill. Air. llurus ho report of tho Committeo ou Edu cation adveirn to tho passugu of the bill, 'ending tho reuduig of tho bill uuder tho call of tho previous question, the hour of 1 o’clock having arrived, the Sou- ato adjourned. The amendmonts of Iho llouso to tho Senate bill, amending the codo relutivo to Suvaunab, were concurred iu. Bill lead first lime. Mr. Brown -To ciiuugo tho tiiuo of holding Cherokee Superior Court. Adjourned till ff o clock a. m. to-mor row. House.—•Tlio House mot at 10 o’clock 4. m., was called to order by the Spoaker, 1 ’ • ‘ * Itiiv. Mr, War ren. Roll call dispensed with. Journal road and approved. Mr. Tooples moved to reconsider the loss of u bill.to chuugo the lino betwoou tho counties of Berrien and Lowndes. Mr. Toil moved to lay the motion to reconsider ou tho table, und tho motion prevailed. Mr. Edwards moved to rooonsidor tho indefinite postponement of u bill to lay out a now county from the counties of Troup and Harris. On motion of Mr. Murphy, of Harris, tho motion to reconsider was laid ou the table. On motion of Mr. Koufroe, tho rules were suspended, and a House bill to iu- oorpo/uto the Sandorsvilio Branch Rail road Company wok read the third times passed, and ordered to be transmitted to tho Senate forthwith. Mr. Toil offered a resolution iu relation to an Executive reward of $1000, offered by R. B. Bullock for the nrrost of Albert Christian, providing tho Einanco Commit tee shall roport at an early day what ac tion is fair und equitable iu tbu premises. The rules were suspended and tbo resolu tion agreed to. On motion of Mr. Thillips tho rules we/e suspended, aud tho report of tho * Elections in Committee on Trivilegey and relation to the contest for the seat of HmithtuCcol’d; of Coweta, by Mr. Sims, of that county. Mr. Phillips Raid tho only question in the case was,'whether the votes of those who had not paid their poll tuxes should Mr. Sims was Mooted by a majority #f six hundred. Ho thought the votes wore il- legeif and moved to-adopt, tbo report of tho commit too, whioh declares Mr. Sims entitled to the scat. Mr. BiimuoAH, of Gwinhett, said he differed with the report of tho committee ou principle. Those voters had no oppor tunity to pay their poll tax, because the act of the Bullock Legislature prevented its collection. Tho constitution says that Vcacb voter shaff .havo paid hjl tuxes le- Milan 0] IhaMaot ' —„ » ^ agree with the' gentleman from Eehols, U Thiilips.) 1 voter snair nave paia nu tuxes le- deuiaudod’of him, or, which .lie has n oj»porl unity of paying.’'- But for sot ’of the Legislator ho V'ftald > Mr.-Griffin, of Hauston, hoped that at thmlaiot r thurlato day the House would not turn oufauipmbqr. * A^Hr^JUjaablit h^pod „ Jlmv ooitfmittee.. woiiid ^ .ttiSSe jms fairly Mooted and ought to'hqve his seat if the Hcssitm lasted offly'ono d ‘Idiiger, lie rwnei'hoefed^tnC'limo'w^i iJetuacralf wa/a tumod^oot .AvUUgut ey1 a hoaring thoir rights. colored, tffoved T „ Thrift/: fhe^Jb* port on the 'table and tbo motiou pre- • Oa Jpo1io:i of.iirrG«fn, tho 'rulos were suspended, and tho following bills were taken upx road the third time and passed. • To anaianl tlie* charter pr the town of le.and. authorise the aulhoriti to invest in the stock "of the Mbn- county. ^ Mr; am^nd tUo oois(iUK To incorporate tho city of Tort Valley. Passed, after being amended by requiring tho chatter to be submitted to tlio voters pf tho city for ratification. To oUthorizo tho Treasurer of CWota conntp to pay $600 to H. Buohannon and other attorneys. Passed. To regulate public instruction in,Rich mond county. Paused/ Night sessions will bo held pti and after to ulgh4 to read House bills second time, anu benato bills first and socond time. Tho Hons© took a fo® 08 * nntil 8'- o'cl'k p. in. «. L. 18m day’s puookepinos. Atlanta, August G, IS72. SENATE, Tho Senate met pursuant to adjourn ment, was Called to ordor by tho Pres ident and opened with ptuyer by Rev. Mr. Evans. Journal read and approved. On motion of Mr. Ruoso, tho lull to •rovide for payiug insolvent ousts iu the lorthern Circuit lost yesterday, was re considered. Mr. Wallaoo moved to reconsider the loss of A bill to repeal the act to prosorve tho peaoe And harmony of this Hlut o. Af ter full discussion, participated iu by MoHHr*. Jones, Brown, tttyles, Brock and Campbell, the motion to reconsider, on motion of Mr. Conley, was tabled. Tho bill to donato one-thud of tho pro ceeds of tho Collego Land Scrip to tho North Georgia Agricultural. Collego of Ration, being the unfinished business of yesterday, was tukeu up. Tho previous question was called by Mr. Conley.— Messrs. Caudlor, Hinton and ltucse op-, posed it, nnd tbo call wan not Hustaiued. After further discussion by Messrs. Well born, Candler nnd Burns, Mr. Jervis cull ed tho previous question and the call was sustained. Tho bill passod by ayes Sti, nays Jfk Bills wore read tho third timo and diH- posod of as follows: To repeal all provisions in railroad charters granting Htnto aid, oxccpt where vested rights havo accrued. Tho report of tho eonunittoo adverse to its passage was agreed to by yoas 27. - Nays—Brock, Cundlcr, Hilly or, Jones, Matthews, ltooso- (». To change tha lines botwoon tho eonn- ties of Clinch aud Coffeo. Passed bo yeas 20, nays 11. To nulhnrir.0 Rhoriff's nnd their lognl deputies to administer oaths iu oortniu ca ses. Passed. To nmond an act to iuenri>orate tbo Dollar Havings Bank of Atlanta. f'Vo in- orouno capital stock from .$UK),00D to '.J Passed. J:100j000._ To fix tbo per diom of inemboiH of the Genoral Assembly. Fixes tho per dieiu at fivo dollars per day. Finance Ooininit- * ad verso on tlio bill. toe reported auverso ou tho bill. Report of the comtuilteo agreed to by yoas ‘J2, nays Jil, uml bill lost. To suppress crime. Tabled for tbo suppress present. Bills road first time: Mr. N'uuually—To incorporate the Grif fin and Columbus Railroad Company. Mr. Trammell—To require tho Judges of Superior Uourtu to outer on tho dock ets the day of oontiuuauoe, aud tho nr.riie of the witness or witnesses absent, on ac count of whom tho coulmuunco is grant ed. Mr. Teddy—To provido for the oloction of a Tax Golluotor iu Troup oounly. Mr. Hinton—To require liens to bo re corded within n certoiu time. Mr. Smith—To amend tho oath of Tax Tayers. Mr. < Griffin—To incorporate Iho Valdos ta nnd Fort Valley Railroad (lotupany. Mr. Bruton—To oliango tho liuio for homing the election for county officers in Mitchell, Miller, Calhoun and Dco&ler counties. Mr. Candlor—To prevent thb Rale of in toxicating liquors within ten miles of __f. Uillyer—A resolution lo appoint a joint conimittoo of two from the Senate and three from tho House, to examine the property of tho Stono Mountain Granite Company, bmpfuiy, and report upon it, tho same bolng offered for sale to the State. Adjourned. NIGHT SESSION, AUGUST o'Ul. HOUSE. The 1 loose met at 8£ r. m. A largo number of the Honso bills were road the socond time and referred. Senate bills were read first time. At ".(»o’clock adjourned till 8 a. m. to morrow. House.—Speaker Gumming cnllod the House to ordor at tho URual hour, and prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Warren. Roll call dispensed with. Journal read and approved. BILLS BEAD MART TIME. Mr. Cato—To provide for'the election of Tax Collectors of Troup county. A Sonate bill to anieud the act protect ing Iho peoplo in the sale of kerosene oil, wan rend the first time. Mr. tiioTsr—To raped the aot of 1870 Id relation to nel. pm. Mr. Fain—To protect litigant* agniaxt iupoaition by witneeae* in tbe collection of their fee*. Mr. Hirauona, of Hull—To allow tbo Ordinary of Hall county to levy an extra tax. Mr. Hunter—to provide for n registra tion of the voters of this State. Air. Clark, of Troup—For the relief of N, L. Atkinson. ** Mf. McWhorter offered a resolution providing fpr the compensation- of tho 'witnbsRoa summoned belore tha commit tee appointed to investlgalo tho official conduct bf Judge Knight. The resolu tion ,w»a referred to the Finance Colnlffit- too. Oil motion' of Mr. Lnmkifi, the rules W mm '■ l ' *wcro’fiuspendod nni\ A bill to prohibit t^u levying °f 14 tax upon 'agricultural pro. duota by municipal corporations was ta ken up and * read the. third time. The Cohunittee off tlie Judiciary* bad 'reported ‘ r -W’* adversely to th^-jftfisAgb of* this hill/' Mli, liacon. made an earneet apoeeb against iho hill. Ilortra* aa mticb in favor of .pxotqetina'firnieni. as any nitnuberof the Uonae,'ufd'did -not thihk fliis tax ought to come on( of their pocket-7, Imt this waa not the ffay to proteri them. II« would ho iu Tavbr of a law fixing (bis tux on the merchants whenever imposed by tho oity^antt prorifilhg that the planter* ritould not pay it,* buff the bill now beforo the Ilonas would do great harm. It would deprivethe oikitf* of-a. large amount of ra»cco»,.wM«b th»yw*r« obliged to havo tudarry on their municipal government*. The evil cumplained of waa Jiot fid’nuu'h * ^Mr.- RdisMh-To amend ths eobstilu- d.fault oi thsdaw. Aa tt.iraa tho fault of , tion. » . . . i* • { * ' * oommissi<» merchant in reqnmng the ; Mr. JoUn»on,;of Clay—T&avlbamo tb© Ordlniyy it Cby, connty *tct iwuw script, aUbfeto aniod t^e charierof Fort Gaindbe . Mr^Goldwuith^To organise a criminal thkrtaa, add the farmer la itling Ictiit, f Tho farmer oould sue for . and .reoevem this tar back wllich the mmiuiuHn foroed'him• to pay. Mr. Baoon spoke earnesUy and forcibly in fayor of Agreeing ,to the, report*of the oommUtfCa rtf otihg * t° FM#tbtbW Ho was a friend >o tho *futmer, a prppor shape,(Wpulfi advocate , A- ' bill **to tect him froyi this tax, bOt /hecould a Treasure ffo unfair to cities Tlio HpoAkor flchlfessed the HouRC'Upon 'Ctirngreisiri the 3kl Dislrict, andsugg^U .oa this ^feliminary contest, or * skirmish, this measure. He depreciated the antsg- lonistu gofiU6iuc.il sought to raise betweeu iho country and "'tho cities. Eronj what soino gentlemen snid, .oho might think they regarded cities air being built for the bonofft of thoir own inhabitants qnly, ond were contrivances .to get the proceeds of tho farmers’ labors. The cities wore bon- clun.il to the' planters. It was in tbom they found the best market for their pro ducts. Ho illustrated very eloquently and inly now tuo city ana tue country were lunlually dependent upon, and beneficial to eneh other. The planters derived ad vantages from the cities which they ought to ha willing to pay for. They had fire tho benefit of the services of expe rienced merchants, from whom they get advances, nnd through whom their crops were sold for higher prices than the plan* L'oula get without their aid. Thes ought Hot to oxpeot all these things nothing. But the fault was not in tbo Ww. The commission merchants were determined to have compensation for their SorvlcoM. they put this tax on the farm- ern, and if this bill passod, they would f iut it on iu some other way. Besides, t * “ Ms bill was too general. It would ex empt from proper taxation the produce of men outside of Georgie, and deprive her cities of a sourco of revenue they ought to have. Ho hoped tho bill would not pass, ns it could do no good, and would certainly result in much harm. Mr. Huge spoke against the bill. The trouble seemed to bo that the agri- oultmisl paid a tax lo support tho city. This hnd boen tho way from timoimmo- fhoviul. When tho consumer bought im ported goods, ho paid all the taxes mid duties^ The consumer paid tho city tax on‘dry goods as well as on produco. Tho merchant always puts on a per cent, to cover his city * taxes. This had uTwnvH been, done, and no law could prevent it. This law would exempt from taxation tho grain nnd provision merchants of tho West. Why should this discrimination be merchants were taxed? Atlanta was spending hundreds of thousands to build railroads to develop tho agricultural ro- Hourcps of the country—Jj»800,00() to (ho Air Lino,. to tho Georgia.West ern, and a bill would soon pads to enable hoi* to subscribe $1,000,<M)0 luoro to tlie Georgia Western. Every man who par ticipated in the enjoyment: of these privil eges ought to hour his pro rata share of tlie expenses. Air. Cirlttoudon spoke in favor of the bill at some lougtli, and hoped it would puss. Mr. McMillan disclaimed any intention to arouse iui aid agonise i between the city and tlio country, lie was proud of tho growth of Kavanrnh, Atlanta, Augusta, Mucou, Columbus, and tho other cities of Georgia. Atlauta lias done much to de velop his section of the State, but was this a disinterested benevolence? Did Macon nnd Atlanta aid these railroad eu- Icrprifms for the benefit-of the country alone ? lie would as a cilizen of Atlanta or Macon lie willing to be taxed to help build these railroads, to get the privilege of taxing tho agricultural products they brought to town. He wanted the vaii- ruuds. wanted to get lvis products to town, but did not want them taxed to death whou they got there. The commission merchants got pay for all they did for tlio planters, nml in addition to this inado the plimteJ-H pay all thoir taxes. Tho cities aided culm prises, and claimed tho glory of it, when tlio planters paid for it. Ail tho tax enmo out of the produeor at lust, aud lie hopcil the bill would pass, nnd afford the laboring men of tho Htate a pro tection against these burdens. Mr. Richards called the previous ques tion ami the call was sustained. Upon tho fiassflgoof the hill, Mr. Murphy, of Harris, called for tho eyes and uuys, und the call wus sustained. The bill was passed by avert II s , hays 17. i*olllIrnl fflHfS-gMinfioii Fxtrnorilliiarr. There is a good deal of talk on tho street* about a new sotiRntionnl political combination. I know not how much truth there in iu it, but ono hears it wher ever lie goes, nnd some of tho parties to tho movement do not hesitate to avow it and defend it. Tho coinbiuution is in Kiibstnfico nr. follows: The Radicals propose to unito with tho discontented Democrats in support of an untbGrceley ticket iu Georgia, and to give tlihse Democrats all tlio offices nnd positions within thoir joint control, pro-’ vidod tho latter will aid in securing tho electoral vote of tho S’tato for Grntit and Wilson! ' Tho Democratic parties to tho coalition are to havo the nominations for GongrosM nnd the Legislature, aud such Federal patronage ns would fall to Geor gia in tho event of Grant's election. Evon the electors will probably bo Demo crats, who may be relied upon to cast tho vote of tho btuto for Grout, and if not for him, thou certainly not for Greeley, but for some third porson. The poiut in tho wliolo thing is tho dofoat of Greeley in this Stato. The Scheme Receives No Countenance FnoM the Democrats,—I need hardly to say that this movement towards political miscegenation in Georgia receives no countenance or support from those lead ing and influential gentlemen among us who have not yet obtaiuod their cousent to support Air. Greoloy. Th© men who are engineering tbo movement nr© with out political weight or sagacity, and the whole thing is bound to end in disaster, both to Grant and the individuals con cerned in it. No trno Democrat can be a party to such a monstrous bargain. There are good inon in Georgia tvho are unwil ling to vote for the Cincinnati uomipaes, but they would scorh all attempts to trade them off to tho Radicals, or to induce 'Htefnlo obt*r into an unnatural ‘ amalga mation with the vile scalawags, carpet- baggers, and dusky supporters of Grant andhis’police.—Atlanta Vorrevpmulent of BMan fiuh Not*. Ham lily Submit toil ResolVed, that whosoever shall bo found . Harris County. ^’tho?DemooiaVic party of Harris county , yesterday and appointed.tho follow ing delegate** to it bruin ate a candidate* foV •d (he 28th aa (Jre time, and adcopted tho offer of Troop to hold it iu LaGrange,and requested the delegate*-1*>"prefiefit- Hv* claim of Ool.JJsfiies Af. ^IoMdy, And fiao their influouco’to sociirp ^i.s uoupnntiuil. Doiegates.—AX.;' C^'aripy, JR; Russel^ W. J. HudHon, Flynn Hftrgbtf. H: - Moss; HincS-Do7ief, -Tm. Fattillo aiuUJJC. guu. M) U f II CAH0I.I5A. Wo could havo afforded to lose this btato, but tlio Grant party could not.— i'h«y:IfisvErtteci>rdingly exortcdlhemHelvcS tho utmost. They havo concentrated til thoir. best speakers selected from the avTiUIo country ; have poured money into Al^- State and spent it like water ; have lesdrtcd to- every arlifico of cajoling aiul thrror mado largo importations of pjjgro VoRrn from tho adjoining {Rates ; .and baVciVuuVttio advuittago of appointing nu fco' *"* ' * J&litrrr KnqvircrTho duty of ci/fy oitizon to his country is to l>oncltt it to hi§ utmost aldlity: to do this ho mhst un dergo ovory danger for; its snfoty,. moke I every sacrifice of porsonnHptofost^ for ft.'k weal, watch over its honor as a careful father would over his own child's lionoT. and die in defence of its liberty. Every ono owes these am!e.</ta* lfii eonntrjr, becanHe it was she who oradlod his infaucy.; it was sbo who nourished hla tendcf years ; it was alio w ho triadd his youthful hours joyous; it is ftlio wlib be stows upon him with an unsparing baud all her boonteons stores; it ifl she who furuishoH a homo to liis maturity'; it fs she who will provido a shelter for his old ago. Do Amerieaus expeot to' dinehaTge tlw- dhlioH which they owe ,to their country t Do-they expect to act ah patriots iu tho coming oloction ? It is needless to doubt their patriotism; tho iron tounged .voibo of history answers, in one continuous poll —America's uuei.uom shall f.ivi:, i oi: kveb live. Then, patriotic Americans, discharge faithfully at tbo_ ensuing elec tion the obligations duo to yoiir country, by electing turn to office— won who will make every self-denial to benefit bur* country—men worthy to govern Ameri cans. A Fltr.EMAN. Hamilton, Ga., Aug. 3, 187?. Items from the Atlauta Oonsttfutfoa of Wednesday: Sthmoiu-Oux. —Tho rally of the “straight-outs” last night iu tbo Fin-t. Ward, wo are informed, wns attended by sevon “htraight-outs’’ from tliut ward, aiul ono from uoffio'other ward, nmkiug eight iu nil. Tho mooting was harmonious uml enthusiastic. . Douuun-ftgAhEi) Bnake.— Mr. J. !•’. Gammon kiHcd a donhlu-hondcd rattle snake yeRterduy. It was six or ftnvcn iuohos long. Mr. G. killod the uiotli-r and twouly-two young ouus near Archer's Mill about, one niilo from Wost Ernl. Excursion Tickets.—Excursion tickets from Atlauta to Now York aiul return, by Charleston, good uutil October loth uro Bold for $13. Items from the Eufuula Tune* of Wednesday: Mobtuauy,—No less than tliroo deaths occurred in this city.and vioiuiiy on Mon day night last, among them Mr. EIuih \\. Jenkins, ou old oifizen. StnmKN Death.- -Wo arc informed Uni Afr. Galvin Teal, livifig four and a hilt' miles from Morris's Htutiim on the Houtli- WORioru railroad, while making a settle ment- will! sumo moil in his employ, on Friday last, dropped dead from the clmir in which he whs sitting, either from linArt disease or apoplexy. Capt. Edward Burcholl, civil onginom- on tho railroad extension from Albany lo Blakely, is now lying hopelessly ill ut (Juthbcrt., with the most malignant type of congestive fever, contracted in the nin- larious fields, of his work. YotJNfi Man Killed.—We nro pained to leuru that young Mr. Gruuiloy, of Htewnrt bounty, Ga., 18 yours of age, wus killed on Katnrdny Inst, by tho accidental discharge of liis own gun while on a hunt ing excursion with his brothers. De ceased was a yotiug gentleman of cx< cl ient family—son of Mr. Swift Ucmnley.- Tlio Straight-Out Mcrtiu^. The landation of the “straight outs” by tho Atlanta Hun and tho magnifying of their meeting into huge proportions by tho Atlauta Sun is a matter attracting the most serious attention. We need not say that tho meeting was really a small affair, which is tho fuot. What wo desire to Kay is this: tho Atlanta Hnn is doing more for the oleetion of Graut„ tbo Radical candi date for President, than if it hoisted, his- namo to tho masthead. Mark tho tael, that it is not nrutrul, but is building’up a party in opposition to Greeley, mid, if i* succeeds, will, onable Grant to carrv'tho State. It says the meeting was u* most g ratifying RiiccoKH aud th.’it many “Mem- ers of the Legirtlattire were present,'' and mpuy “persons encouraging tho movement,” who havo lieen counted for Greeley. It calls itself a Do time ratio pa per, and yet is fighting directly apd atreu- uously against the course of policy ad opted not only by the Kutionul Democrat ic 'Gonvention, but also by our Btato^Dem ocratic Convention.—Atlanta Const. Anomalous.-—We havo in the present political coutost the most remarkable und the first anomaly of ita^ kind of uuy age. Tho Radicals, very naturally, try to stop tho co-opemtiuu of tho Democrats witn Grcoley, to Mhtor.o good government, by quoting Greeley's. old abuse of tlio De mocracy. But tho .anomalous piu _ ^ _ part is that Rome of our* Democratic friends pre.,s that as a reason’ for helping Mr. Greeley. offst Radicalism and substitute good rule, alu because Tho idea Of rejecting a man’s c he has been against you, and battled you, ons. It is.Greeldy’s present is prepost etoas. ^ . ana not bis past conduct that ooucurus us. Ws have given Mr.* Greeley about as tough abusing as he gave gs, so that we or© evon on that score. : If Greeley mauled tbfi Democracy any harder than At poundod him,, it* was for no lack .of will, cortain. Tho good Book teaches that enemies should bocom© friends. Wo liavo ahvuy Ktiriug tho dying enibors of sectional respected mors a hearty,"bold, aide, reso-‘ lires; or sounding the depths of the “bloody chasm or appealing to th© pas sions and vices of men; or hawking about for sale or distribution any letter, paper, or other record purporting to bo evutyicg of “rebel” malignity and bloody designs ugalnst the U. S. Government during the (^viFwar which ended with the overthrow of said “rebels” and their iinmfidiato re turn to allegiance and tho avocation of peaooseven years ago:—Khali, upon the presentation of proofs of zeal in tbirf « raise worthy mission, thus laboring for Vo re-election o'f Vt ’ B. Grant, bo entl-' tied to receive-a reward at the hands ot tho Treasurer of tjio U. S.—and to,ft© ob- toonied a worthy and loyal citizen of tho buiuo—und to t>o further tewurdsd after tho election of said Grant. N..B.—The rpwaM iu tho first condi tion not to e xceed the tqnr. of sevCnty- Uvo thousand dollars in luwfnl ourrouoy.. Jfacori KnlcrprUt* , The New DiscovEbed Diamond Fields. ■ Mjfttb itfr • ■JJCNjftt here state thnt tl preciona stoned - . co were brought Trpih sdoAe point sont^, of this place* and taken through here.to Han Francisco. • Ik hi. said they*, were found somewhatfueat'thej northers line of New MextCb’aOd" Afivwni. ; ; \ In confirmaHeirbf San Franciaoo are* friends- In, l>ert%e% Donvor ktei thb dl aeemwiropowibV ffqrioJiMIhl lute enemy, than a naRSiv©, harmless Tho hard things Greeley und tho Demo cracy have skid of each other nro of the past. We are for butying the dead, and not keeping corpses about to-taint tlio air. Greeley is withus in the fight for bettor government. It may bo Reuse to weaken your ullieH, but wo don’t so it'iu that light.—Atldnfrt C<m*Ututton. report^ vading and ravaging the Atgdntiqfl prov- inees, on tti® west side* of the, Rio rlstte, They have sd- inces, oh tl»e in fprinidahlu numbers. vsneed asjar m Uosaria. ^Outiyingaot^ tlciueqts ha\e be^u h^rued and pi cd, uml in aonio Cases woluefi and cbiUreh perished in the flames.. . The inhabitants ^•oro fleeing iu n panic. * At.ope plaoi a uumod'under tnem. • i * " A Tbsre wu •.«•*( outorjr »g»inri the AVI 3aT«rnm«nt ri Bu«noa Ajre, for ti«fileut rthl ■sent kt Bu.no* A,re* for tiiMleut tQ piroVide fur tikffdri.nl. of tbfi BfittlerH. During' tb. ditott»riofi»' to Cqngi»«*«- jt ran no btflh that tho momb.n tbfuaed to hear to heu the explanations of.Ukfi Ministers, who left the house in ‘disgust, and threatened to rarian. The tncufiu iuvaaion haa removed fill danger of war between the Argentine Confedera tion end Brazil. Gao. Mitre wee to be sent to Bio to aettle the difflonlty about the retortion of Paraguayan territory by North. Caroli- tlio Administra tion virtoally dodffqs tho Piosldofttialcoh- tuAt.' It witfall like an ©normonii,dripping wet blanket cu the whole body of Grant's supporters, cxiiiiguishiug their confidenoo mfl scAiting a cold stiver to tho extromi-. tiert of tftu -party. Before tho' mbnth ond- thc RcptiWicun Adtorters will bo numbers ed by LUttdrotlH of--thousands. No intcl- ligcut iiqliticfan.caff now' doubt that Mi*. O^oljy wtilJ l/OA^Vtod by u greater ‘ *"* f^er boro *' - * * jority tliftn* w-hs ©ver beforo given to an AmttfcAU Brwiflotit; and tho* conso- pitnouof this,..universal expectation will bo, tha!»*mu’ltiud©.i*--who have been held to Grant' bytfrcyof mtcrost or ambition will iffalcb^lmBt^ toUWcliifc for what Is certain to bo tluri victorious party. After this fu/ctarilo, all the ijojie, energy,.and spirit of tlio Trcrti^i'Ulitil canvass will .be on ^ho Greeley side, and the. gloomy remainder of thoGriht voyage—a Voyage bending dirhQt lor BtHf- River—will abound shal lows-and- i u mutfnes.'*' . / a'.\io Y>n:k Wovhi. tii‘WU'tv wltli tirn/RaukH. PpAet.n”tot1i rhv nn.ii Cmmiigrclhi. New York, August 1.—General Bankff was at. tho.iit. NioUpIum Hotel- to-dtry, and cunvr , ri>ud wtih a Run reporter. The GunqrM said : “Tilo political situation ix hottltliy and revMntTonary. 1 am for Mr. Gici h y, and told" Mr. Sutunor as much iu WjiKhipgto.i, last Sunday. If ho made tlio atutinlitm ff waa right, and I have iur d« sire to deny it. I iui\o done more than that. Ilmv8' iWfincd to speak iu support of Gou» Giants re-elt ction. I left my home iu NVidthuin yesterday, -to come to ibis city by tlie afternoon boat from Bos- iuu, ami while ut tho l’uikcr IIuuko m that. city, just hof<»rc lenMug, I wus ac costed by Mi / Deles, of Lynn, who, us 'chairman of llm Republican Committee of that city,* xteuded ioe uu invitutiou to virt- ll ihut city, nml address u Grunt ratifica- iiioot'tiig. • 1 Informed Mr. Lowes I could not do so ; licit tti y die art was not in that monument,* uni that it was against my judgment uf right. r C.oubidorabla conver sation pksRod l.iffwccu 5fr. Lowes ami myself'off 111© subject, -which it is n^t nec- usiiary for -ffie to detail, he* expressed lo mo the .opjuipn thnt it would lui (Hffictill ftti* liini to' liiuku his pooplo.be- liove that I was in onritcst. I udUrcs.sud him the letter of whfch you now have a copy.’’ Gcil. Banks withdraws iu his district as u candidate for re-election tu Congress as a Grant Republican. If he concludes to run be will 4nVo tlio ftchl* under the Dem ocratic and Liberal Rcqiiibliciiu -vlmmibr. The (icuerul avos waited upon by-flovocnl ptHuuibent « entlcuiou of this city,* who defUrofl to ontftinhlw tfousont to address tito'hualness iheff of New York at an early dty upon tile question of tinanon. 'Tho Gc nmal reifiioii tha). it would givo hiui great pleasure lo do so. PriiUMhitiiHtM on (tin Toxns Frontier. BjiowNpvii.Lja, August 8.—Tho Nessions ot the fronti°v conunissiou on Mexican dpgr^i(fttions, are enlisting much .greater interest ffom fill blrtssc.s than was antici pated. . ' L'fftgf* numbers of por«ons who tiavo.Rujteincd lo Scs nro prosenfitig thoir claims and adducing evidence of the most reliable* and imimpeachable chorea* tori shewing that f( r y»-<u ; past this bor- ilcr, hfis becn : tho HiWmi of miresrricfod .icprcdutiODR. cdmffntted by armed bands ot' Mexicans, often wearing tho uniform of tho regular army of Mexico, which was supplied to a great extent on this frontier with beef from stolen Texas enttlo. BnowsVinLi:, Aug. 3.—Tho testimony ol.the Stale mounted police taken • to-day beforo tho eemiui.isiom-rK, gives an ap- p.illing recopl of' 1 intu’di rs of official aud private citiwnA* It is proved that couri ers havo been waylaid, customs 'inspec tors murdered, u;id robhorios committed without tho.AIexfcftU authorities taking tho jlngitekt nptfco of thcKo depredations, «»r bring-the perpetrator^ thereof tt/51istidO. .Officials may truly be jj;iid.tb inLo thc.ii U^ou iu tlioir hands.— Tho’tcstiinony adduced, prove that the army and customs officials havo been kill ed by Mexicans while iu sight of Browns-' villor and thnt btat© officials havcMvitoosp- cd the sv.imuiing of the cattle across tho rivor.hyi 1 ^ Uiicyhs* thofact that, their being"pd^crlctn'to resent these acts pro- vJhUng thfcicMnt erf ©ring. Tt has boon jiioveif (hftt Gortinn's whole intluenco was brought to b^ar iu urging th© commisaioi* thoso act i.. * Many claims have boeu submitted, and grofit pniiis aro taken ■ by tlio CumfniRRioiu rs f Util every claimant shall have jviull’heftring. - - • ; A r „ O.J’icayuike. Dovri'ilntlnnS on tin* Texas Frontier. Bi»wssvili.e ; Aug. fcsoyaral stock- rsls-ors and customs official^ were examin ed beforo'tlio .Cquuiiisiouer to-day, .aiul positive tcsHttiory was* elicited to tho ef fect that*dOjoCHF bond of stolen •oattlo have been cronsed iu to Mexico, near Browns- vllfo, withiu tho lust rovcu yp^rs. Herds of from four to*five hundred hood havw •five hut beon •ecncrbpslngTu Sheri daylight; Tho “ 5WecT ~ ’ value ©f oftttle orbksed in. this Vicinity is estiiffatod at on© mlllfon dollars, similar depredations are provoi^ to have been committed' abo v<f thii lad above this city. -Tho division of spoils between tbo Mexican?* taking pjfico pn the other side, on on© occasion lorti/heaff of* battle hav ing been driven three days without wator . Q .r • . I ^ . iL.fj ■ IUIP. i.y.' fj.r IHmy’inc. Uiritac** ’ c '* A ■I’noiAttfi* Mrantam j.h Wi1mt>«fir«-nit«*ifan \va»fenml ohJmfV. tififirAMiOmfir eknwita, oil 'SiffiilliS; •» TttofifitottfiRrofiH. Thor.jNvrL,n.Bnnirti^J)lbtmno onlljc nfilit iirtnnlp? t-T' aed iu a Uuun uuul. l.lbeTc pnii t-> anil chocked blurt. Wnt-Miw aliont J.-'Or W yenib o( nue. Bfi* MOB ia *T lnuLuo .'uurtiidiwl..*' ok Beard, awd what id- idnAUar,'*^ui^. UlOttj u*«»y. »nti.» fitijrar winch wfiro (uUMd.ouJdjywnpu. Imniury wu* iDadeiid ihu nciijplxtrTuHKl, btu S*r<(UrwA WoruuucHiB lu-a IIWUK. i"*- 1 ' 1 ” If Jiu» cffltiJi (Mfc'wliMW-’mfi-aWffilllff* age*; until the hojra dhijr tferciirwha • • • ". •> • V" > ' „ ,, . burnodundfirthem^ if ■ .t !£©, A th© Rndte«lv(?n<»rff [or Grant, says: aa out-and-out El^^T^Nationri DeiTNKHlit. but l— ^ # DomodWtic Convention is thb voice or authuritv »'*•• ""'1 1 y* 1 ' 1 '' **,’ iuu with alterrCulnosa mri alaerdv. i lmvil never Jk.r. un/* >uumeut tiiouglit. anpporting Ortoit. Alt S1K ' 1 ' liea made odt oT "whole elnlh. uv« litoWlo Otrt dr Whole row J am ^ Urouley now never h« finytl'iug lh „“ 1Tor0 ( sup. and can oaunit gortiug tB« n»arp«t Civanl, t. v > A • J