Weekly Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1861-1873, December 31, 1872, Image 4
IWH Vtw Ton, Dm 12.—Tha Adriatic, ftw Liverpool, nptrinnl heavy «mI. eriy galea ind heavy weather, and lout three bledee of her propellor. Hie weather here yesterday waa the moat severe aa known for many yearn, at noon it being I’M degrees below zero. A number of eat* and toes were frozen. Madid., Dee. SB.—A bill emancipating the sieves of l’orto llioo was read in tbe Donate today. Livaarooi., Doe. S3.—'The steamship Gortuauia is ashore at tbe month of the river Gironde. The passengers took to the rigging, from whicl] thirty worn washed off slid drowued. The remainder wen returned by a French steamer. New Vobk, Dee. 23.—Mrs. tVoodbnil A Claflin bavo been indicted for libel by the grand jury. Stokes' trial, for the killing of dames Fisk, attracts immense crowds. The Federal Court bss affirmed the ver dict against l.ilienthal A Co. of $.'!!),(Xio for a violation of the revenue laws re garding tobacco. EvAMsm.LE, Ixn., Dae. 2.1. — Veetorday waa the coldeat day since 18(14—more u i y ten degrcea bolnw zero. OmmxstTt, Doc. 23.—lee at Newport bridge broko and eighty thousand bush el" of coal wera lost. The steamor es caped. Memrms, Dec. 23, -Tho rlvor is virtu ally closed abovo this point—ice heavy. lltcnnoNii, Doc. 23.—The bark North America cloared to-day for Uio Janeiro with forty-llirr,! hundred barrola flour. The twenty livo destitute Italians from New York arrived here to-day. Wasiiinoton, Doe. 23.—The Russian Minister (Mr. Oiry is here for instruc tions. « New Youk, Doo. 24.—Publio School No. 3 of Jorsoy City burned. One hundred nml fifty girls escaped. Itanium's Museum burned—a camel and an elephant wore only aavod. Last night was tbo coldest of tho aea- non. 'i’he ferries are crossed with diffi culty. Simmons, who murdered Durepea, lisa boeu removed from tho hospital to aoine unknown place to avoid hia being lyuohod. Veasals report aoveio weather. Home, Dec. 24.—Tho Pope delivered nu allocution to tho Consistory, composed of twenty-two cardinals. Ho Bald tho Church was still sorely persecuted. A pm pose to daslroy her was shown iu tho nets of the italiuu Government, which compelled the clergy to servo iu the army and imposed heavy tnzoa on the Church properly, lie solemuly ; rotnstod against now ponding in tho Italian Parlis- fognt for the sujipreKsiim of religious cor porations, uud declurod that tho title to proporty scipiirod by this means would ho null and void. lie repoatod his oensuros of those who encroached on tho rights of tbe Church, and dononuoed Germany, whoro tho pitfells of open oolumn calumny mid rtdienlo wore omployed to deatroy tbo Cbnrob liy men who, ignorant of religion, nought, to doflno its dogmas. Tho allaou- tion concluded with tho protest. London, Deo. 24.—Tho vessel wrecked south of river Girondo Saturday, ropuitcil iu Paris dispatch yesterday ns tbo Llvor- pool packet Germania, was boyond qncs tion ,uo Allen Lino stoainor Gormsnis, whioh sailed from Liverpool on the 17th inst. for Havana and New Orleans, willi leavo lo call nt Corunna and Santadair. No partioulars have yot come to hand in addition to those reooivoil yesterday re porting that tho vossol went aahuro Sat urday, dnriug the storm, ou a sand bank at the mouth of Gironde, and passengers and crow had to toko to rigging, from which .‘ID persons were washed sway and drowned, ftoniainder wore roscuod Sun day morning by a French steamship. pAitiH, Dooouihor 24.—A mombor of the Garde Cbnuipotra, tried by euurt-uiartiu) and found guilty of betraying the Mayor and another inhabitant of Soisaons into tho lunula of the Prussians, by whom they w ore shot, was executed to-day at Vin- counoH. New Y'oue, December 24.—The loss by tho burning of Itanium's Museum and some adjacent buildings is fully half a million. Waiiahii, 1 nu. , Deo. 24.—Sixty engines approaching hero are frozen in, nud are out of walor. Cattle, hogs and shaep are frosen to death. Nu fatal freezing among the employes or passeagers is reportod. Cape Mav, Dee. 24.—The schooner Cerrie, from New York for Charleeton, in distress; ores badly frozen ; assistance waa rendered, and the schooner put back to New York. roBTUNn, Okeoon, Deo. 24.—Three blocks burned here ; loss throe-eighths ot a million dollars. Pau-ADEU-utA, Dec. 24.—The Standard Carpet Mills burned ; lose flit),000. Wasbiniiton, Dee. 24.—Departments elosed. Mullers very quiet. New Yoiui, December 24.—Ilarnum's Museum end Menagerie burned this morn ing. Loss variously estimated at from *tr>0,00n to *1,000,000. The only ani- mala aaved were a camel and an elephant. Tim fire was caused by tbe bursting of a boiler in tbe engine room. Two fathers at Dubuque, Iowa, have owapped their babies—a girt for a boy and fifteen dollars to boot. The bargain waa made at Uto baptioiual font A beautiful Une of Alpaeea reoeived to day at the Virginia Store. Bleak Bilk Velvet Cloaking reoeived to day at the Virginia Store. Pimples on tbe ftoe, Eruption*, Blotch- os, Scrofulous diseases and ell sores sris- j lag from impure blood, ere oared by Dr. (*' Fierce’s Golden Mediosi Discovery. TEN BEOAL'SES.—A hundred might be givon why Lyon'* Kethtiron should be used by every intelligent hu man being in preferenoo to every other preparation for tbe hair, but ten will suf flee. Here they are: Because it nourish- es the fibers, multiplies them and makes thorn grow; because it thus prevents them from withering and bleaohing; be cause it removes tho scurf and dandruff which choke them as tares choke the golden grain; because it keeps the scalp J oool and prevents eruptions; beoacoe it L renders the hair aa lustrous as satin; be- § fianso it lakes it pliant aud elastic; be- .,L cause it is a fragrant and delightful draaa- te* ingi beoauae it does not soil the pillow, Wt the cap or the hat; because it is without •A a rival (b oheapness, and because no other if,', article sold for the same purpose, in this or any other oountry, potiareaa all, or oven o.»—half, of these invaluable prop erties. daelS deod&vlw A second supply wf elegant Black Bepp mu, at the Yigghri* Btore. Bob Boiled FopHae at the Virgiai* a great bargaia offered- Th« Dally Enquirer nt It* dneed Sates. By way of offering induoaotanta io oaaii-paytog oubooribar*, ud to enooar- •ge oaob aubaoriptiona, wa hate detarmin- ed to Ndnw tbo price of the Daily Ehqoi* reb, when paid in advance, according lo the following achodole : One year io advanoe $8.00 Six months “ ............... 4 00 Throe month* 44 2.00 One month 44 75 Thin modification willi go into effect to-day, Nov. lit. In all oases where payment ia not made in advance, onr old rate* will be adhered to. We hope that tbe readera of tbe Enqui- urn will regard thia reduction aa an effort ou onr part to fnrniah them the paper at the very loweat living price, and that they will meet it in a reciprocal apirit by caab payment. We abaii be compellod in aolf-defence to insist on tho psyment of tbe old rates by subscribers who do not psy in advance, aa the discrimination which we make ia no greater than that made against us by thoso from whom we have to obtain mate* rials, <tc. Ragland & Wynne, Proprietors. Furs at tho Virginia Btore ohoaper than ever offered before. Hecond supply of Black Guipure Laces reoeived at the Virgina Store. Tho Virginia Store bavo Kichardson’s College Hhirts made to order, and war* ranted to fit. Carpets very cheap at tho Virginia Btore. The Virginia Btore makes a specialty of Cloths and Cnaaimerea. FOK TAX RECEIVER. I announce myself a candidate for re* election to the office of Tax Received, at the ensuing election in January. II. B. PARK. Christmas Eve at toe Baptist Church.—The Jlaptiat Htinday School had a delightful festival in the maiu un d*onco chauibor of thoir church last even* iog at 7 o'clock. Notwithstanding the unpropitioufl weather a Urge uuuiber of ladies, genllemon and children were present. Iu front of tbo altar woyo throe beauti- fnlly decorated arches, tho large or cen tral one containing the motto “Glory to God in the Highest." Underneath this was a tree Indcu with Christmas presents. To tho right and left of tbo main arch were smaller ones, containing tho words “Offerings of Love for our Children." Tho arrrngomout was tasty and charm ing, and wbeu illuminated with a hundred wax tapers, presented a scene of dazzliug beauty. The exorcises were opened with sing ing, followed by a brief address of wel come from Superintendent F. W. Acee. Then came another aong, and prayer by Mr. J. E. Appier. Auothor song, and thou a brief but appropriate talk by the pastor, ltov. Mr. Keudriok. Lastly in tho singiug liuo was a quartette, whioh oatuo over us like the dreams of youth or tho dyiug melodies of byo-gono days, tho siuging of its kind was excellent. Last and best of all to tho children, fol lowed tho distribution of gifts. All ro* ceived something, and the poor were not forgotton. The lights wore troublesome, and au uupleasant feature was tho burtiiug by aecidcut of tho beautiful bride doll, thut stood iu bold reliof ou the top of the tree. Borne little heart must have felt keenly tho pang of disappointment, but tho Bad fate of tho beauty was probably well, us its possession would have kindled a grm» of ouvy iu little breasts where should only dwell that teuderest sad noblest of (motions—love. Tub Fair.—A large and brilliant crowd was agaiu assembled at the Skating llall last evening, and to all appearances each one of the young persous present had a jolly good time. The votiug and raffling still goes on, while tbe refreshment table continues to preseut its usual attractive ueMs. There seems no louger to bo auy doubt of the financial success of tho un- dortukiug. The Fsir will be continued tho baluuco of the yonr. A Manual of Health. — Au edition of lM>twi>*u nine Slut t«n minim.fi of co|>lt>* «f u iiii'fu 1 work I* now nwtly fur gratuitous die- trlbutiou, nml c*u bo had for tin* finking nt any drug fitnro iu tlio l/nitotl Stitt**, the IfritUh Cob ul«**, H|>nninti Amorim or llisull. T»ii> work refo od to Ih Hostetler’* Almanac for 1873. Tho niudi- on I portion of it treata uf tlio various alltuont* to which tho liiiutfin system ia subject, nmt nets forth tho peculiar proportlo* of lloatottur'* Dtoiuuch Dittcra—tho purest nud best tonic nt present kuown- na n preservative of health nud atrougth, nml m n remedy lor debility nml disease. The Alumnae is printed iu nil tho principnl language* of tho civilised word, nud reaches a larger i her of fwmilie* mid iutlivitiual* th«li any other medicinal treuliao that over issued from the prena, No tUNU or woman who ha« a duo regard for that choicest of himveu'a blessings, bodily vigor, should tall to read tho plain, aimplo aud convincing art! c|«n which thia truly practical publication con tains. Tho tulacollnnvoua matter la varied, in structive nud amuaing, and the calendar depart meat copious aud comprehensive. Uoststter'i Almanac is, in short, a household convenience, adapted to the use of all classes and oalUngs. The farmer, tne planter, the miner, the merchaut, the mechanic, the laborer, the professional mai nerd U; and to invalids of both sexes, it Is liter ally aa article of prime necessity. The medical toehakalltie* which render ao mauy v |Uftllcal trea tises intended for popular use unintelligible to general reader, have been carefully avoided ia this pamphlet. All te clear, Mpticlt, forcible, sad reroucilable with reason and common aenst. The proprietors, Messrs. Uostetter A Smith, Pittsburgh, Pa., on receipt ot a two oent stamp, will forward a copy by mull to any person who ennnot procure one In his neighborhood. decXt deodlwawlt Italic* la ths Valera af China haackaa Const?. ip* I take this method of informing my friends that I am a caudidate for the ofBce of P her iff of Chattahoochee county, aud ask the support of all fbvorable to said election. Will you not come for ward and extend your helping hand T JOHN N. SAPP, dcclO wta Ousseta, Oa. Tax Collector. T ANNOUNCE myself as a candidate for Tax 1 Collector of Musoogee county, nt the ensuing election io January. liovlft dswte A. O. KIDD. L. J. oriUIABMX. SOUS rUDhttl. L. J. OUILMA&TIN A CO, Cotton Footom end Garni. COMMISSION MEBCHANTS, Bet Stexet, Bztoinzb, Go. BAOOINQII* IKON Tilt ehreji re hud. Errors of Youth. •* Vissti4,Uws that «ia eves so, osi. I tahos, BiaisatMS, •*. aa* isMere Ihs EMhut Is »tf«M hrehh. »■* M s* ou, hj re. hw n*i* so* Is M ani 4* ■aBf&r- ■ JS “SSwr Of, Nttwc AMO cream of PciriiHe, _ i, beauties, wonders and anarkllnx g( ma a hundred-(old more intero-t- inn than ilciitm. Every man, woman and child wituU to r»*d it. It Is >ndvreed by tbe I’n-w, and Minister* of all (l<*m»tninations. ilao. W. Kavgm, I>. I)., LI..D., Prealtfont of llxtn- llton Seminary, aaya: “1lie author line worthily roii« 4 if4.il of llie Mnpwtidous, aitiaKilig and <»ver- powering »pb‘w\or of tb» Itiviue Hand In Urraflon, ‘i forth hia cone* ptioea, in langunan of im- •a force, clearneas and Ih anty It religious spirit la reverent, loyal, devout and fervent, ft fs 1 t*f all praise." Halo* name use. Agents AX—46— IS—HI—87 and IM copies per week. Orsst liiducemenia to Agents. Kmalejmeat for Men, Imdlea* Trackers and Clergymen in mnfy. ffcnd for Circniar. Also, Agents wanted for ths Peoples Standard Edition of the Holy Bible, Which, in addition the sacred text, ami all the important fa tuna of other edftioua, contains a “Iliat4»ry o»* the Hooka of the Bible,'‘ an "Inter- Dibllcaf lllafory," a "fUstorv of all HellgJoiw Ue- nouiiniitiona," over alxty “Ifi>.torical and Chrono logical Tables," arranged on a new basis, numer ous full page tin graving*, a handaomo ebromo Mar riage (^rtificuto, a Family K4-cord, and A UAL- LhMY OF m> IJ/f/UbTHATIONH Mini description*, embracing "Au llluatruted Life of Christ, "An lllnstrated Life of Paul,*' "An llluatruted llintory »f Palestine," llluatruted Fkotclica of Jeruaaleni, 'attrios and tho Seven Chun lie*, F.gypt, Tho Kxod», and Assyria; also, Illustrated HXeb bes of tlio Homes, Coetnmea. Arts aud Sciences, Itellgious Itlteiami Kinhletna, Tinea and Plants, Animals, Writing* and C4»lus in Hihlo tint"*. All 4>nr nwii Agents Un other bo<»ks, aud n..u<y Agent* for db'-r Publishers, ar» selling tho IJibio with won- ilerful success, iiecatiae it is the moat valuable, |.ei«ntiful and popular edition now in tho market, aud is sold a* 1 1 ZIEGLER & M’CDRDY, 6IH Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. • A *lf| P* r dfV* Agent* wanted I Allelaaaesot * -dl J*U wiirklngn^iple^HfcliJier sex, young or , mukr more money at work for ualn their apart tno» inaiila 01 ail the time than etfinythinget**. ParticuUn Pee. Addrara O. Btlnwa a Co.,PmiUod, Mato*. CLOTHING! CLOTHE Of Our Own Manufacture. liberal aiihstance, but is PUULLY VEGETABLE. For FORTY YKAK8 it has nrov«d its great value in all diseases of tho Lives, llowkLS and Kipmevs. Tlioiiaeuds of tho riknI and great in all parts ot the "»«try vouch for It* wiitidirful and pemliar ower in purifying tho Itstimulating the tor- id Lives and ItowELs, ami im|>ertinK bow Life and Vigor to tho whole syatetn. HIMMON8’ LIVKK HkOULATOH is ackuowlodged to have no equal LIVEIt MEDICINE. It contains four medical dements nover united In (lie aunie happy propiirtion iu any other prepa ration, vix: a gentle Cathartic, a wonderful Tonic, mii unexceptionable Alterative nnd a certain Cor rective of ail impurities of the body. 8uch signal success has attended its use that it is now regard ed as tile GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC for Livkr Complaint ami tho painful offspring thereof, tiewlt: DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, Jaundice, Bilious attack*. MCK HEADACHE, Colic, |npr<4H*iou of Spirits, SOUK STOMACH, Heart Burn, Ac., Ac. Regulate the Liver and prevent CHILLS AND FEVER. SIMMONS’ LIVES REGLATOR Is manufactured only by J. H. ZEILIN Sc OOeq MACON, OA., and PHILADELPHIA, SOLD BY ALL DUUaoiHTS. AtJ* Beware of all Connt-rfet* ami Imitations. ~fcjg alight dswly O UH stock ia largo sntl in lining added to weekly, comprising nil stylos and qnitlities, uud iu worktniiUHtiip equal to cuhtom-tnndo. BUSINESS SUITS, Fine Dress Suits, FINE Light Colored Pants, OVER C01TS, THUS, Etc., AND YOUTHS’ and BOYS’ O lo tiling; IN OHEAT VAitlETY OUH STOCK OF GENTS’FURNISHING GOODS! IS COMPLETE. WT To Country Merchants wo offor special induoomonts. A)1 our goods war ranted to bo as reproHonted. Como oue and all, and securo bargains. W Mn. J. 0. IIAUlilS is connected with us, and will be ploasod to soo bis friends. HOFFLIN, RICH & VO. Baltimore Clothing House, 88 Broad St. Columbus, Nov, 30, 1872. {deo4l*w!diM'28 IF YOU WANT TO BUY Good and Cheap Goods, oo TO J. M. BENNETT’S 22 Bkoad St., Colcmiub, Ga., Where you will And a good assortment of COOK ING nud II It ATI NO UTOVKS, OK AT* 8, HARD- WARE, TIN WARM and HOLLOW WAKK, TABLE nnd POCKET CUTLKHY, Ac., Ao. octffT deodxwtf Stoves, Stoves! % w NATHAN CROWN,, (Opposite Son Office) Columbus, Ga., 01! LD respectfully Invite the attention of hie friend* and customer* to hi* extensive n Roofing and Guttering done promptly nnd in the beat manner. He eoliclta n cell, feeling assured that he can give entire eatieAu-tion. Rags, Rags! j win pat nu uioaan ca*h raioa rot 100,000 lbe. Cotton Regs I Minct* *1 Dm Baflired B»roU re* Wharf la Oolaabre. fortlra wlB »«4 II4* their lawrwt la laaicata with l»*w« rhlpfia* •torehww. Dry Hide* hrehafi hr whkh th. algh«* Barkat prlre will h. fat*. JOHN MSHATYXY, ooLuitBcn ana R 0 S A D A L 1 0SADALI8 T HE GRB4T SOUTHKRff remedy for ths curs of Srro- iula, Bcrarulotif Taint, Rheums- istn f While Swelling, Gout, Ooitrs, Cotiftifnpfion, Rronrhi- ds, N«.rvous Debilily and all dii- arieintf from ait impure coa lition of ths Blood. Tlie merit* of chi* vnlusMe prepar- w»i.... well kanwn that a passing RJUTT’S J VEGETABLE HlVER PILLS DR. TUTT’S PILLS fnrroaao the powi MbNorl/DfiU to ai liol aysti’tn an* carried i r* of !>igi *tlon, nml excite tho where'by nil impcrllJe* ..flhe If. The old stereotyped «pln- not be un* .1 "to car cy off tho before the light of Mi’iein e. They at t m* kindly on tlm tender infant, the moat deiii-nto ft male, aud Infirm •• -I age, a* upon l Vigoi *y*t*M irndfc ih Min hifle iigent, luvlgurMting the bulJdlng up tho Haggiug m-rvou* oitorgios, Impai t- iug vigor to body ami mind. Price ‘4.1 rents a Dos. SOLD BY ALL DIU'UIJIHT*. DR. TUTT’S IMPROVED HAIR DYE. This olegunt pritparatlun 1* warrant!<1 the MKHT IN TIIK WORLD! It* effect is iiiatMUtMtieou*. It imparts no ridicubiua tints. It will remedy the Bail Effects of Inferior Dye*. It it perfectly harmlea*. It contain* no ftugar of l.nad. It Iimm no Unpleasant (blur. It lm|«rt* a natural glo*«y color. jate* can b« presented from mauy leading I’ay^iciaus, Ministers, and hvadsolfaiuilics throughout the South, endor*it.gin th* highest term* i/tf. fluid Frirncl of bo mi ml n. Or. It. Wllaon Carr of Baltlmord say* “ho has used it in rase* of Scrof ula *n«i other diseases with much sat- » fort ion. IB’T. C. PngVi nf Baltimore, re- "ommeml* It. to «|| imraou.* aufft-riig with diseased Bhael, saying It it su- (•erior to auy urc-i>araUuu he ha* ever Uird. Hew Onlineyr flnll of the lUlti- ore M. K. C'liilircncc South says ho ts been no inucii beoefitted by it* uim at ho rheorlully r«<.ommemls it to ail hi* frien/li and mrqn.>itit*nrcm. « rsvf* At !•«., Druggists, at (ior- ilousvilie, Va., say it never ha3 failed Lo give aAlialnetion. Mnm*l U. McPailifem, Murfrecs horn, Tennessee, says it ant'd him ot Rheumatism when all else failed. ilshv is not a secret quark prep aration its ingredient* are tiuMi<di<-d on every packag*- Khow it to your l’hy$iri»n ami be will tell you it >a C4.m|*>scd of the strongest alteratives th*’. exist, and is an excellent Btund Purifier. Did our sp^4-e ailinit wo could rive >«m tcstiuionUls from every State in the .South and from person* known to every man, woman sod child cither per toil ally or by rep tile ts aold by all Druggist*. S tTKMKXTS&lo., IIaltimour, Sole Vr<ptulor%, JOHN F. HENRY, | No. 8 College Place, I Kuo V'fk. W olnalt A gnd novlO-ood-wly Ayer’s DR. TUTT’S EXPECR0RANT organ*, penetrating e ml Muftlagiou* pi...lucti erl upon the VuUuoutny portion <.t them. Itd.- ur Wind Tutu * the irri- minlH them > the oars the let lull of till The Propertioi cf this Eloganfc Preparation Arc Belli nice III, Nutritive, Balsamic, Healing, uud fhrothlug. It braces the nervous «y«tom, produce* riTrenliiug sleep, and rellwve* gl<H»m ami ih-prcsaion of spirits. It Is very pluasutit to take, causes m nausea, uud strengthen* tho Luug* to resist at tacks iu the future, YOU NEED NOr GO TO FLORIDA To Cure your Cough. If you use Ihi* Remedy, you can remain at homo and enjoy its comforts, a priv ilege of vast importance to the sufferer Irom Pul monary disease. AVOID CONSUMPTION. Tills dWease ia very Inaidions in its approach, and its first a lvunco («hirh ia t ailed a slight cold) should be promptly guarded against. Beware l Delays are Dangerous. Don't neglect that slight cough, or it will soon get beyond control The timely use of the Kx|*c toruut will.prevent much pain and suffering. Dr. Tutt'a Expectorant 18 A SPECIFIC FOR CROUP. This dread disea No mother should It is very pleasant, t equlrc* prompt treatment be without a bottle of it. (diiblrru take it readily. Dr. Tutt'a Expectorant Price $1.(11) a Beltle, tr Sii fir $3.01. SOLD BY ALL VKUO GISTS. PKEPARKD BY Wm. H. Tutt, M. D.. 18 A 20 Fijitt Street, New York. ron sjlb ur A. M. BUANNON, JOHN W. BBOOKS. oct2S d»odswtaugl5 aims. SINGLE GUNS, DOUBLE GUNS, At le.00, tiM. tio.00, »u.i», li&.on, eai.oo, tes.oo, tau.ui, $40.0(1, $su.oo to tfs.oo. Braeoh-LoRdiog Doable Gobi, At $40 00, $4A0\$M in, $60.00, $75.00, $00.00, $100; $180.00 to $000.00. PISTOLS. Smith A W*moo, Colt'*, Alfoa's, Sharp's, Whitney and other kind*, at manntacturwr*’ prioe*. AMMUNITION AMD IMPLEMENTS Ictallie Assuitia ftr lifci uf Pisieia At lowest market price*. irtueut of nil Sporting Goods. ‘ na^pUenUon. POULTMEY, TRIMBLE it OO., IM PORT BUS, No. 200 W. Boltimom St, Baltimore. Richard's, Boagnl'a, Greaoer’a. Scott's, nnd other celebrated tank* of gun* on hand and imported to order. novlo deodswly Books and Stationery I W. J. CHAFFIN, T\fiALRR In BOOKS, STATIONBRY, MUSIC, IJ MUSICAL INSTBUMBNTS, and all the POP- ULAB MAOAB1KBS AND PICTORIAL WBBK- LIBS OV TUB DAT, at W Broad Street Oolambae foctSV eodawtf W. X. WOOD A CO., PnoruttoM or GOLD'S AUTOMATIC LOW 8TBAM and HOT WATtt HBATBB, and Uweou'i celebrated HOT AU PURNACI; INVlMTORfi and patentee* of the PARLOR SUN and LIGHTNING PULI PLACR UBATBR8 and BKAUUJ^I. ^ Vire. .4 HKAT red COOK RTOTKf, KtTCUaa WAKK, (iRATK*, Ai.AtI w a vtrLa re, re ere fiwhl cm tRkre wHh Mawhlcf red rej klad. J UU red Water M$clR( ireln fu- item BmHir, fRiwmc, Krezre Ktorre, Ac. WM.fi WOOD *00. fi W. rerere Britttem « Betew fite. 1 wrttoSh Sarsaparilla I* widely known a" one of the must cflevtual runicdici ever discorered for clvantini; the ily tern and |iurifymg the blood. It him etood the test of yearn, with a ron- Btanlly growing rep utation, bawd on it" intrinsic virtue., and "ustained by it. re markable cure". 8o mild iu to Im mfc and benefleial to ehildrcn, and yet bo searching in to effectually purge out the great cor ruptions of tlic blood, BUcli as the scrofulous nnd syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in the system for years, soon yield to this |x>wcrful anti dote, and disappear, lienee its wonderful cures, many of which are publicly known, of Mcroftiln, and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcer", Kruptlons, and eruptive dis orders of the skin, Tumor*, Illotelte*, Moll*, Pimple*, Pustule*, Sores, St. Autlioiiy’s Fire, Hose or Erysipe las, Tetter, Salt lUieum, Scald Head, Ringworm, and internal Ul cerations of the Uterus, Stomach, anil Liver. It alre cures other com plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep sia, Fits, Nciirnlffla, Heart Disease Female Weak ness. Debility, am LetlcorrhtDa, when they are inaniiesta- lions of tho scrofulous |x>isons. It is nn excellent restorer of health and strength in the Spring. By renewing tlio appetite and vigor of tlio digestive organs, it dissipates the depression nnd listless lan guor of the season. Kvon where no disorder appears, people feel lietter, and live longer, fur cleansing the blood. 'Die system moves on with runewed vigor and a new lease of Life. VREPABKD nr Dr. J. C. AYER Si CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical amt Aaml,Heml Chemittr. JXAZJ7S .VEGETABLE SICILIAN Maacoge* iTILLb* toldontlMfii vv 1873, within the of tl»* auction iiouan of. afreet, Columbu*, Qe»r| •>wl»; Ou«* uiulividul half inter eat of all that |art of city lot number 170 comprised In the store bt.uao notr (MCMpkd by Wm. Beach, and formerly by Hall, MoaeB A Co., a* a hardware store, the same bring 25 feet 7 Iwtbe*, more or Jwm). front, IncJml- ing one-half of the north and south walls of said Btore litAUMt, and running back 147 fo«t 10 inchm; being in the city of Columbus, SfustMjgce county, Georgia. Lcvitd on u the property uf 1>. L. Booher, to satisfy a fl. fit. in favor of M. U. Worrit! Harris County Sberitl' Sale. W ILL lie sold before the Courthouse door in the town of Hamilton, Georgia, on the first Tu*it- day in January next, within the legal hour* of sale, the following described lands, to-wit: Lois of laud No*. JAW, 235, 2Mi r 213, in the 'M district of Harris county, Oa., leviel on as the property of Thomas Hickson, deceased, by virtue a*lmiui*trator of said Thuiii«s Uirkoon. deccas-d, and Charles A. Smith, security Fropx-rty pointed out by J. A. L. Lee. 'A td C. If. PRICHARD. D 8. Harris County Sheriff' Sale. W ILL be sold before tbe court bouae door iu tbe town of Hamilton, Oa., bettreeu the legul hour* of sale on the 1st Tuesday in January n*-xt, the following described property, to-wit: Fraction* of lot* of land No*. 176, 177 %nd 178. iu the 18th district of said county, containing iu all 287acres, more or les*, levied on by virtue of a mortgage A fa. in (avor of A. A. and R. R. Scott va. •!■$un** M. Lenuard. Said property poiuud out in Raid mortgage fi. fi. declU t*l R.A. MURPHY, D. 8. Harris Sheriff' Sale. Iff’ ILL be wild on the lint Tuesday in January v v next, within the legal hour* of sale, iu front of tbe Court House door in the town of Ham ilton, Harris county, Ua., ths following described property, to-wit: OiKt-sixth interest in the north half of lot of land No, 188, iu the IVtli district of llarri* county; levied on as Du- interest of William May in tbe t Ntat i's Interest of llarry May, deceased, by virtue of an execution in favor of Thomas Re*-d against William May. property pointed out by plain tiff" a attorney. Upon said land is a good mill. tUelOto R. A. MURPIIKY, P. 8. / i JCOKUIA—HARR 18 COUNTY.-W. Y. Wright, * I administrator of Nolan J. Wright, decc-asud, makes application for letters nf dismission. All persons concerned are hereby notified to show cause, if any they have, by the first Momlay in February next, why letters of dismission should it be granted said “ Given undnr my I 18th day of Oct., 1872. wdU 3m J. F.C. WILL1AM8, Ordiuary. ;i4>t)i Chapman & Vc rstUle, 90 BR.O-A.ID STE/BBTi ABE OFFEKINO CKEAT INDUCEMENTS TO CLOSE BUYEES IN TUEIB Fall and Winter Goods. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF MEDIUM AND FINE DRESS GOODS. BLACK ALPACAS MADE A SPECIALTY. CLOTHS, DOESKINS, CASSIUERE8, TWEEDS, JEANS; FINE OPERA, RED AND WHITE FLANNELS, PLAID LIN8EYS; BLEACHED AND BROWN DOMESTICS, PRINTS, 1 BATHER AND MATTRESS TICKING, OF THE BEST BRANDS. SPECIAL ATT ENTION IS CALLED TO OUR STOCK OF BED BLANKET'S, SHAWLS, BALMORAL AND fELT SKIRTS, TOWELING AND TABLE LINEN, HOSIERY, BERLIN AND KID GLOVES, 1 HOOPSKIUTH, CORSETS AND BUSTLES; CROCHET TRIMMINGS, LACES AND H INDK'FS, WHITE GOODS AND NOTIONS, Colainhn., Oct. Is, IS7Z [d,.-!,«3njJ IS OR RAT VAKIITT. Yew Boot and Shoe Store!' ROBERT C POPE, 70 Broad. Street, First Door Below Peasb'b Boor Store and nearly opposite John King’s Bank, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I WOULD respectfully announce to my friends and tbe public that I am now re- ceipnp and opening a stock of BOUTS and SHOES entirely new and fresh, cons ini in g of ml the grades and style* suitable for either light or heavy wear. I have bail *11 my stock mad* to ord«r, KXPTlK a 8LY FOK MV OWN TH ABB, by tbo U-at mamifiutur. and will warrant every pair to give attiiafACtiuu i hi* friend* and old customer* KF.I’AIKING done with t Columbu*, 8opt. 6th, 1872. Lfitue** aud dispatch. w j)1 l*e glad to *ee and wait apoe TKRMS CASH. [deodawly ' F.OK01 A—II ARRIS COUNTY.—Johu C. Held, a>luiiiii*trator ur A. 4. Askew, dec'll, lato of id county, make* application for letter* ul dia italoli; All pcrsi.na cTincornod are hereby notified to i.»w cauNH (if any they have) by Ih'* first Monday February uext, why letter* ol diautiwion should »l fo* gr^utod aafd applicant. “ ven under my bam! ai d ofileial niguature, thia day of 0i tuber, 1872. v2 3ui J. F. O. WILLIAMS, Ordiuary Administratrix’s Sale. itiarjr * f Harris county, will b«i i urtuouao door in tbo town of Hamilton, said rounty, on tbe rtnrt Tne*«l.»y iu Jaiiu.try, 1-71, the folloulng d«-*4 rilieil Uud. be- longing to tiiu i-statc of liir.aui Williams, di F08TPONBD Administrator’s Sale. /'ROIHHA-IIAKKia COUNTY—Agreeably ''an order from the Honorable Court ofOrdma <»f Hurria county, I will sell tsaf .n- tli. Co' House d.H.r in the tbe town of Hamilton, said run ty, on tbe first Tinaday in January m-xt, tbe f lowing described laud* Im*1 inging to the estate H. MIDDLEBROOE, 04 liroud Street, Columbus, Georgia. t [ESTAHI.ISUKD IN 1£15] MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Saddles, Harness, Tranks, Valises, HAS ON HAND A LABOR AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF EVEBY STYLE AND QUALITY, FROM THE CHEAPEST TO THE BEST. LEATHER H AKNEHS Leafhor, Bridle Leather, Fair Bkirtiog Leatlier, Oak aud lierulock Sole- Leather, French ■* aud Amerie^n Calf Skins, Lining Skit.H, P>d SkittH, Upper C* Leather. Kip Skins, Shoe Thread, Shoe Mukem' Tools, Pegs, Lust8, etc. a BELTING. KATHKK AND RURRKR HKLTINO, J.ACB LI'ATHKR, KVAMRLBI) I.KATIIRR PATJSKT DA81I 1 j Lt-athnr. Pab-nt Skirting Leather, k-m»< !..d Olotb- of all ipialUiF*; Saddler*’ nnd Harnea* Makar*' Tiimiuir c*. all kin-I* and qiiaiitfo*; •s. Whip-, ltlind Hr [nutfiO deotUw3m“ , ditc'd, to-wit: r of lot number S|; 8ol ! for dbtributiou. Term* t-a*h. J. W. L’KAWFOUf), dees td Administrator. Chattahoochee Sheriff Sale. r In . — th* IIr*t Tuesday lit Janurry next, within thti legal diatrb Murrell an.l l>. Y. Murrell, to satiefy dant*. Levy made ami returned PRATT’S 10TT0A GINS w ILL be Hold before ths Court Hoik* Ctiaafta, county of Chattahot* bee. lesday in Jniturry next, within the It gi I sale, fot of land uumlter US, in the 7t ■f said county, a* the property of N. U. » fa. istable. L. HARP, Sheriff. Sheriff’ Stile. W Tt.1. I'" >oW, beRir. the Court Rou. dooi (bisseta, C'battahoocbee county, on tbe fire! Tuesday in January next, within the legal hour* of sale, tbe following lam!*: fo.ts No. 120, Hit, 144, 1.10,151, 172, 173, 178, 179, 19 ), 149, nml the K-ist half of lot No 142, in tin- 71b IHwtrlri of t.'bnttab'MM’luw county, a* tbe prop erty <>r \\. A. Little aud Lt-unard Little, to *ati*|y a mortgage fi. fa. from tho Superior Court of saitl county, in favor of Johu l>. Iretughorn v*. ntid Little and Little. » to L. HARP, Sheriff. l ' KOUGI A'-CIlATTAIUXX’IlKg COUNTY—Lit- '* tic tou Wynn lia« «ppli«<d for letter* of a<liuin- "tratnoi u|mu the 4'»tate of Kdntund Culjiepiter, ate of said t ounty, dot -eased ; All parties interested are hereby notified to dtow cause (if any they have) why an order shall lot be passed at tlio next January term of the Court of Ordinary to be ludd in and for sai l coun ty., granting said applicant letter* of adminit.tr*- Glven under my band officially, Novemlier 27tb, JAMK" C'AHTI.RHKKTV, Onltiiary. 1 HAIR t, IENEWER Every year increases the populari ty of this valuable Hair Preparation; which iH due to merit alone. We can asmiro our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard ; and it is the only reliable nnd perfect ed preparation for restoring Gray or Fai>ki> IIaiu to its youthful eolor, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean, it fhe estate of Petrruou .‘anders, tier’d; All persons Interon'etl are hereby not iff cl to how < au*e (if any they have) why au order shall ol be p **»d at tho next January term o' Court tif Or ilnary to be bald iu aud for Mid c ty, granting said applicant aaid letter* of admioi* t rut ion upon said estate. Ulv 1872. THE PLANTERS’ EAYORITE! AHEAD OF ALL ! T HE anderftignett having romp!«L d naningorwntf; for tho sale of fth« sbors - COTTON GINS with G. W. Dillingham, tho (ieneral At»ent.for this seokioD, would coll attention to tho fact that they have on hand a full! stuck of j PRATT’S COTTON GINS, among the.n tbo 40-Baw Gin that took tho First I'riee at onr lost Fair, beating all competitors and ginning 210 ibs. seed cotton ia 17 minutes. Too much cannot bn/ I said in their praise. / I HOLSTEAD & CO., »I Agricultural Implement and Seed Depot, ih!7 dAwtf 133 Broad Street, Columbus, Oa. I Thompson’s Horse-Power! ., ........ .. estate of J. K. McCook, lias filed Ids appliratlon for Letters of bi-4mi**ii>n from said *>lminiatratioii ; All parties interested are hereby notified to low Cause Uf any they have) why an order shall not Ih- passed at the next Maivh Term of Ike Court entnavnB oil nruntion* "f Ordinary to U held in and for said county, removes «Ul eruptions graining *uld Mpplicaut letters of dismission #n>m ami dandruff, nml, by its tonic pro|>- erties, prevents tho hair front falling out, as it stimulates nnd nourishes the hair-glands. Uv its use, the lmir grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will cronto a new growth, except in extreme old ago. It is the most cco. nomical IIaiu Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives tho hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assaycrof Massachusetts, says, “The constituents arc pure, and care fully selcctod for excellent quality ; and I considor it the Best 1'kki>a- ration for its intended purposes." Sold by all Druggist., and Dmter, i" JMieina. Frio* One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOB THB WUIBKXBS. As our lienewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparationwhich will auiekly ana effectually accomplish inis result. It is easily applied, and produces s color which will neither rnb nor wash off. Bold by all Druggists. Prioe Fifty Cents. Masslketsre* by It. r. HALL, A CO, NASHUA. VA fcMMSwlr-A LATEST HEWS! SHE GEORGIA. AND ALABAMA HORSE-FOWEB COMPANY is now pn , to fill orders for thin justly cuhLratr'l liorMe Power, which has provon l great snoceas, and carried off hrRt premiums at Fairs wherever exhibited, power waa patents] September 1870, nnd is consequently the very latest I provement on horse power. Each ouo ia guaranteed to give perfect oatisfaction. Parties desiring s Horse-Power (his neusoa, are advised to apply early to HOLSTEAD & CO., Columbus, 6a., 8*pt. 3, 1871. dA»tf (iimornl Agent" lor Georgia and Alahai Administrators’ Sale. W ILL bn sold bofore the Courthouse duor in CusitoU, Cliuttoh<H>4-hn« county, tieurgia, ’ “ * folio lluwiag tlu> first Tuesday In Jmuunry, 187.1, the f laud*, to-wit: Tt*n and three-foiirfh (I0 a i) acre* off south end of west half of lot No. 149, i the loth diatrlcr'of originally Muscogee, now Chxtt»hoo«'hee county, on tIn* south side of U|«toie creek, opposite Box Spring. Also, tlio undlvhlMl half interest in lot No. 2*4, in tbo loth district of Muscogue county—-the other half intoront of said half lot now owned by Gray Harris; tho tutu* lying In his plantation in Mu*- cogoo county. tb»bl by order of the Ordinary of Chattahoochee county, a* the proporty or Joel King, deceased. Terms cash. K. W. KING, JOHN W. KIN0, uoYill 4oJ Adai r* of Joel Kiug, dac’d, Guardian's Sale. ylor c the Court of Ordiuary of said *unty, W ill Ik* sold Itefor* the Court House door of said county, on the first Tuesday in February uext, beta oeu the legal hours of sale, the following des cribed land*, to-wit; Lot of laud No. 174, fifty acros of the north-cast corner of lot No. 178, and fifty acres of the north-west corner of lot No. I7f i containing in tin* aggregate 2Ui 1 .^ acres, more o Ives) and all lying In the 13th district or said county. Sold for the benefit of tke creditor* of James Vi. Daniel. Terms cash. This 20th December, 1872. 8ARA1I A. DANIEL, dec22 wtd Guardian James W. Daniel. fJRUIMilA—TAYLOR COUNTY—Whereax, Rob- ^ ert Garrett ha* applied for letter* of admlnle- tration on the eeUte of Knock Garrett, ftr, late ot •aid county, deceased; Now, therefore, all person* concerned, creditors and uext of kin, are required on or before the first Monday in January next to show cause, if any they can, wkv letter* of admialatratfoa on the estate of said deceased ehould not be granted said applicant at the next Janaary term of our Court. Given under my hand aad official ligoature. this 5th November, 18tJ. oo*7 td JAMS# D. RUSft, Ordinary. niOR 71A - TAYLOR OOUNTY.-Four waekt \Jf after date application will ha atada lo the Court of Ordinary of said county at the January (1873) Term of said Court for leave to sell all the real estate la-longing to the estate of Wm. H. Montfort, dee d; application mads far th* benefit of the heirs <>f said deceased. Thit 27th day of November, 1IIL A. A. M0N1F0RT, Adm'r Uov30 lm Estate W. H. Montfort. dee’d. Columtus Carriage Repository T. XL. WYNNE, (SUCCESSOR TO G. M. UENFftOE) WITH GREEN & CO., MANUFACTURERS, HAS IN STORE AT THE COLUMBUS CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, Opposite Perry House, Columbus, Georgia, A LARGE STOCK OF iaSBilldK BACON—SIdre, SboskUreand Bud*; CORN—Bret Tinnmn WUU; FLOUR—Of all gredre; MOLASSES AND SYRUPS; SUGARS, COFFEES. TEAS; LIQUORS, SALT, SHOES, Aad • IR11 .tock st flKOCSSISS si ill ktRd., re IOWMST CAAB PM/CgM, at WRnlre.1. ire RetaiL J. E. HAMILTON; Corner Franklia A Turn Bto. • fot2T wly JUSTRSOSIVED: ▲ LOT or LOW-PIIOID CARPETINGS! win fc. k44 low ter treR. at ROONEY * WARNER’S. d*«T dlwawtm JOB WOMB BMATLT MZMOUTMD MX SOU OJTFIOM. 9 Guardian’s Sale. iT vtrta* of an order from th* Hoaerabl* III in front of the stor* of Bnaul street. In the city of Oolamba*. within the lawful hours of sal*, on the first Tuesday in Janu ary next, the following lands, belonging to tho einor children of Matthew Downer, dec’d, to-wit : Lot of land Ne. fiS, In ths eighth dfotriot of Mna- ooge# coanty, Oeoigte, containing two kaadrsd (fiDfiKl two and ona-half acres. Terms of sal* one-third cosh, balance In one and two years, with interest. THOMAS M.PACR, nosftft td Oaardlan. HOW To Speculate Baccemfally. RANDAL K FOOTE AGO, KAitKKXJ 4)1 KKOKBM, TD Miuni, B. Y. HrelOT of Stack Szckuc* red OoMBreid. Imuna.—Jq took. A Ol, I, T.; IMm- Banking Anamatloa, eg gay fimkif ~ “ sr Commercial Agency la New lark. ‘-linni Phaetons, Victorias, Brets, Bockaways, Double and Single (Seated BUOf4IE8 Top and No Top Pony Phetons, ‘ AO thia 8uperb Stock ia obtained dire?t'y from r GREEN M N. J., who have been foi twenty-fivo yearn Mnnnfnoturing Work for th. Market, and wboae facilitiea for producing tho but work, at low pricea, an i pined by any manufacturer* in the country. With thia atoek aad my ready means of geiting supplies, I cut sell any Una CHEAPER THAN EVER HERETOFORE, and dafy the the Carriage Una C of any naighboria OB I aak z eaU < tail of aU who wish vahlelea of any kind. TEE CELEBRATED Milburn Plantation J AM AGENT for the Mannfaoturera of Um < S. S-SaaahM re-WAUI OPBBATKHtFiaaaa a$$SgaC ■yin wly : ASS ITS both Thimbu Skein aad Iran Axla. any wtbar eqnally aa aarvieabU aa an rnnw nwy nnall fully Plantation