The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, September 21, 1865, Image 3

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C|t jtbilB Cdcgrapi).' CITY COLUMN. ELAM CHRISTIAN, - - CITE REPORTER Job Printer Wanted. A GOOD JOB PRINTER CAN FIND EM- plovincnt, by immediate application at this of fice. ‘ septOO TO PRINTER. 700 lbs Small Pica, 250 «BurgeoU, 200 “Minion,’ K5 “Agate, Column, doublu nud parallel rules. The above material js but little worn, and will be sold at a BARGAIN. Apply at sep20-tf . THIS OFFICE. - !>• Towk at Last —On entering the store of Mr. | T. W. Freeman yesterday aftertfooa, we were 1 shocked at having our “old hat” • snatched from i our head, and thrown to one side, but soon recov- i ered from the shook on-finding ourself placed be- | neath a fine specimen of the “Resorter,” the very latest and most hadsome style of hats that has yet been manufactured. It is a “new cut” in the mar ket, and universally admired. Mr. B. Pope Free man, agent for H. Shaw A Co., has at this store the best assortment of hats offered in this market since the war. He has a large"style of the “Rush er” hats, something new for boys; and, in fact, evaty style now in use. He is prepared to suit the purse, as well as the taste, of everybody, as he is supplied with all -qualities, and his prices are “as low as the lowest.” Be snre and give him a call. Omntbcs Advertisement.—We invite attention to the information Mr. Hnff conveys to the public, I lirimgh onr advertising columns, this morning. Those in want • f any article, or who desire any thing sold, will find Mr. H.*s corner the place where they can be accommodated, without fail. Give the big store room a call. Store to Rent.—A commodious store in the business part of town. For particulars apply to Macon Intelligence Office. It F. R. & B. L. GOULDING. 3f*On yesterday a negro man, who bad been in the employ of Dr. G. W. Fort, for about ten days, was sent by him to a store in the city for some ar ticle of family supply, when he absconded with the doctor’s team, and cannot be heard of. ISfWc are under obligations to Mr. Engclke, of this city, for late papers from Nashville, Cleve land, New York, Louisville and Cincinnati. No Secret.—The latest style of corsets, hand kerchiefs, hosiery, artificial flowers, and ribbons, can be inspected at the store of S. Peyser A Co. tf Council Proceedings. jULap. Meeting, New Advertising Index. Lost—Mrs 8 E Morgan. Groceries—S G Wood A Cd. For sale—Toby & Ogden. • For sale—Charles II Harris. Stolen—F Warrep. a . FAr sale—E C Legrlel * Co. B Pope Freeman—Hats. Real Estate—Toby A Ogden. Brown A Parrott. $50 Reward. Public sale—R M Johnson. Fresh arrivals—T W Freeman. Residence for sale—Toby A Ogden. Produce—Toby <Sr Ogden. Plantation for sale—Toby <fc Ogden. Dwelling for sale—Toby A Ogden. Lost. Wanted to hire—Simeon Toby. Fulton Hopae. Macon A Western Railroad.' Stolen—T G Holt. Garrett A Brothers. Great redaction in Freights. We call special attention to the advertisements of WA Hnff. Clayton, Adair A Purse. Another Importation.—We observed that those enterprising dealers, Messrs. S. Peyser- & Co., received another large stock ofgoods yes terday. The motto of these gentlemen appears to be “a nimble sixpence is better than a slow shil ling,” and they are conducting their business on that principle. We advise onr lady ready readers to have their port ninnies well lined when they visit this establishment, for the attractions arc great. tf Sugar Cane.—Considerable quantities of sugar cane are being brought to this cHy, for the pur pose of supplying those partial to “the weed,” as a substitute for something to chew. We have seen cart loads of it offered at the market house, and at some of the provision and variety stores. In many rases the cnlture of the cane lias been neglected, and we are informed by farmers that the crop will not lie near so liuvy as the last was, although there will no doubt be a sufficiency made to snp- ply this part of the country with syrup. If we had remained ent off from those portions of the coun try from which we have usually drawn onr supplies of this nature a few years longer, we believe tliat the culture of the cane and the manufacture of sugar and molasses would finally have been car ried on as successfully as in almost any other part of the country. Since the introduction of this fea ture to the -agriculture of this section, the most rapid strides have been made in the improvement of the quality of sugar and syrup made from it, and many who have used home-made syrup, during the war, and have thoroughly acquired the art. of man ufacturing It, will continue to make it for their own use, in preference to paying a great deal more for imported articles which arc really no better. jgyLadies, gents’ and misses’ hats, a full and fashionable assortment, just received at 8. Peyser A Co.’s. tf We take pleasure in calling-attention to the card of Messrs. Garrett A Brother, Commission Merchants, Atlanta, Ga., whose advertisement ap pears in this issue. We have known these gentle men for a number of years, and know them to lie business men, responsible and rtllable. We re commend them to the pnblic as first class mer chants. They have now on hand a laige stock of goods in the grocery and provision line, which they will sell at reasonable prices at wholesale and retail. Country merchants will do well to' give them a call before purchasing elsewhere. Buy yonr Arnold’s writing Fluid and copy ing Ink at the "News Depot, Triangnlar Block. »ep17-lf 25gF“ Mr. Wright of the firm of Maude and Wright, Angusta, Ga., is stopping at the Lanier House. The above firm Is connected with the wealthy houses of Norton, Slaughter A Co., Lees A Waller, New York, anil the Oriental Bank of London. Holders of cotton wishing to send it to New York or Liverpool ctfn have it shipped with dispatch by these gentlemen at the. best possible rates. They are prepared to make liberal cash ad vances on all cotton sent to them. . ,, Ladies’ Dress Goods.—The latest styles, a com plete stock, now on exhibition at the store, of S. Peyser A Co. • tf ' For the Ladies.—Onr neighbor, H. F. Rees, is determined to supply the wants of the ladies. He has Just received another lot of ribbons, bells, i r- -r-u -■» buckles, all kinds. of combs; braids, insertions, MfiXwdl’s wife is confined in a mail-house.— edgings, ladies’ and gents’ gloves, and in fact yv- T^ e *' vc nt Windsor, erything to please the fair sex. ne has also re- ; ., . celyeda splendid Mol paper collars of the be-st U rax JIart!tzt , k - s rroI wit1| Ben £5 U quality and latest styles. Call and examine fas merely a New York Bammn advertising 8tock - dodge of Max’ The October Election El eel ion ©ay First Wednesday in OCTOBE R . REGUL.A Council Chamber, Sept. 19th, i865. f Present—The Mayor, Aid. Sparks, Goodall, Groce, Mouglion, Adams, Weucott. Absent—Aid. Powers and DeLoaeh. t BIELS PASSED. A. Brydie, S& 00. Aid. Sparks moved that we proceed to the elec tion of Chief Marshal, and upon ballot, Jno. B. Camming was duly elected. C. II. Freeman’s petition for the use of a room in the basement of City Hall, was granted—provi ded he pay into the City Treasury twelve and a half dollars per month, with the understanding that Council shall have possession at any time de manded. The case of A. Brydie, City Sexton, was then called and discussed. Whereupon Aid. Sparks moved that lxe be' dismissed from office, which was carried by the following vote: Yeas, Wescott, Sparks, Adams, Groce 4 Nays, Monghon, Goodall o Aid. Adams moved that as the office of Sexton is now vacant, i hat Mr. A. K. Harman he appoint ed temporarily, to dll the vacancy—which was car ried. Ald.«Sparks moved that we receive and consider all applications for the place of Sexton nntil the 3d of October next,.and that, on that day we pro ceed to All the vacancy caused by the removal of Mr. Brydie, carried. „ * BILLS- BEFERED. Macon Daily Telegraph, J. H. Cherry <fc Co. Council then adjourned. sept21 RICH. CURD, C. C. Candidates in Nomination. MONROE COUNTY. E. C. C.VBANI8S, W. R. MUBPHY, JOHN SHANNON. TERRELL COUNTY. C. B. WOOTEN, a A. COCITRANE. ' JONES COUNTT. JA8. H. BI.OUNT, DR. RIDLEY. CRAWFORD COUNTY. JAMES J. RAY, TMOMAi SIMMONS. WILKES COUNTY. W. M. REESE. a. O. NORMAN. UPSON COUNTY. OWENS C. SHARMAN, JOEL MATTHEWS. HOUSTON COUNTY. ELI WARREN, JOIIN M.’ GILES. CHARLES T. GOODE. BIBB COUNTY. C. B. COLE, GEORGE M. LOGAN. T. O. HOLT, JR. GREENE COUNTY. MILES W. LEWIS, N. M. CRAWFORD. Y. P. KING. LINCOLN COUNTY. JOHN 8. DUNN, JAMES W. BARKSDALE. PIERCE COUNTY. C/H. HOPKTNS. G. M. T. WARE. THOMAS COUNTY. ^ J. R. ALEXANDER, JAMES L. SEWARD, - A. T. M’lNTYRE. * TALBOT COUNTY. Barnard Hill, \Ym. Holmes. Henry Leonard. BURKE Farmer’s FOR & CO'S Almanac. 1866. The undersigned have now in press and will pub lish on the 1st day of October, The Farmers’ Almanac for 1866. Price $5 per gross. Dealers ordering 25 gross or more, can have their imprint amf^Wvertisment inserted without extra charge. S*md in your orders at once, to J. W. BURKE & CO., sep20-5t Macon, Ga. A Fashionable Bki.t.e,—The New York Weekly Reeie.w lias an elaborate description, of Hie ladies’ costumes at the midsummer balls which have just taken place at Sarato ga. The most striking and pronounced of these new toilettes was wont by n stately Georgian girl, whose summers could not have exceeded twenty, but who carried herself with the nir of a Woman of forty—of one, who hqd looked down tlie crater of life and found there was nothing in it. Her dress consisted of a train of white velvet, falling not from'the waist, but from the shoulders, and traveling its slow length along. It was without sleeves, but was held over the shonP ders by cluster clasps of large diamonds. The arms were bare, and polished as those of a statue of Praxitiles, as was also the face and neck and bust.' Indeed, tlie beauty was mar- bltized—was turned into alabaster by a new method of enameling. The heavy white velvet of the train did not look warm creature so cold and statuesque as the wearer, though a thousand lights were blazing and shedding streams of invisible fire out on the warm air of a. still midsummer night. Common place people in silk, and tarlcton and gossamer tissues flirted their fans and drank ice-water, and strolled out on the grounds and balconies, and ex claimed, “Oli, dear, how hot it is!" but she moved in beauty like a great white cloud that sails above the intersecting air-currents of the earth's sphere This robe w as noted for its entire absence of trimming. Tlie hair was powdered w ith pearl, and dressed in the. Aspnsift style, but instead of the blue ribbon usually employed In the making up of that superb coiffure, a circle of diamond star-clus ters was substituted. The slippers were' of white kiil. and bad diamond buckles, fasten ing blonde and satin bows. Jf° gloves or bracelets were worn, nought broke the mag nificent sweep from the plump round slionlil- of r eep er to the delicate tips ' the taper fingers. A gossipping correspondent says that Miss Brandon, flu- novelist, has her domestic dark spot. She i not the wife of Maxwell, the publisher, at w hose board she sits, while Keep Warm.^S. Pqj-ser & Gp are now- offering Come all y e Hungry and 'XTjJrSty, a large lot of fine bed-blankets, wlnte aud colored. . ' . J ’ EW We learn Capt. Travis has determined to close his pistol gallery on Saturday evening next. Since the opening of the gallery be has la-en lib erally patronized, but engagements nr Nashville, entered into some weeks ago, will compel him to leave in a very few days. Wc may mention, by the way, that Capt. T.’s challenge for a shooting match has not been accepted, but is still before thesport- ing pnblic. Dress Trimmings.—'The ladies win fine a bcau- tifnl stock of laces, insertions and dress trimmings of every description, of the most fashionable styles, at S. Peyser & Co.’s. tf Mayor’s Court, Sept. 20.—Elijah, (colored,) one of the principal parties engaged in the cotton stealing business reported several days ago, was arrested on Tuesday, and examined before the Mayor yesterday, when he was ordered to pay a fine of twenty-five dollars and oast. Doubtless many a white man, whose punishment for this crime lasts for years, wishes himself a negro. Fade and Winter Clothing.—S. Peyser A Co. have just received a large assortment tf Coou—Yesterday for tlie most part, was quite cool enough to make a fire ftcl quite comfortable. To-morrow, 22d, is said by Olmsted, and others, to be tlie time at which the sun, in its eoprsp through the ecliptic, comes to the autumnal equi nox, making the-days and nights equal length, and yesterday gave us fair apeofaffpis of the wiralsvont- mon at that period. Kg- Goto Losey, Lyons & Co.’ g to get the best Stationery; Also, wrapping paper. sepl7-tr hjy We call special attention to tlie advertise ment of Brown. A Parrott, wholesale and retail grocers, Atlanta, Ga. We have long known the gentlemen refered to, and can assure onr friends and the public generally that they will be well treated to give-them a call,- or try ordering goods of them. EST" The city market has been rather poorly sup plied with country produce for^lie past two days. Mainly, we presume, on accouutof the inclemency Of the weather. The supply of fresh meats, how- ever, has been good. TO THE OLDEST AND BEST RESTAU RANT AND BAR IN THE CITY. THE OLD ISAAC'S STAK'D. Kept by ■ * A A. POBTEK, ON CHERRY STr There you can find everything good to Eat and Brink. Prepared to Board and Lodge by.the Day or Month. septl7-lm S. A. PORTER. HERE’S TOUR NEW ARRIVAL OF CHEESE, MACKEREL, SUGAR, COFFEE, BRAZIL NUTS,'ALMONDS, SODA CRACKERS, RUTTER do, And STEWART’S NEW YORK CANDY, seplflfit N. A. MEGRATH, Agt. UMBRELLAS. ’ A f\ dor Umbrellas, different styles and qualities, TU just received-mud for sale by > -I. II. ANDERSON & SON. scpliMit* ON t T ON SI GNME NT. SO^OOO* 01 ®^®’ Rood ar,icie > For eale by J. H. ANDERSON & SON. (epl9-Ct* CROCKERY- WARE. L ARGE and well selected stock of Crockery Ware for sale by J.’lt ANDERSON & SON. scpl9-6t* —£ «, * H A Card. TOURING my absence,->Dr. T. H. Hall can b» 1/ found at my offlet. seplS-tf E. J. JOHNSTON & CO. Watch Makers and Jewellers, Under Masonic Hall, Cotton Av. Have just received and are now offering a line- and well selected assortment of Pocket Knives, Roger’s * Wostenliolm’s make, Scisors, Razors, Razor Strops, .Pocket Books, Hair Brushes, Tooth and Shaving do, Dressing Combs, Round and Fine do. Silver Thimbles, Steel do, Steel Spectacles and Noses, Gold Pens in Silver Cases, Violin and Guitar Strings, * Silk Guards, Watch Keys, Split -Rings, Gold and Steel, Steel Chains and Tweezers, Silver Plated Table and Tea/Spoons, 8llver Plated Forks, Table and Desert Knives, Knives and Forks Ac., Art-., 100 Dozen Coat’s Spool Thread. For sale low to close a consignment. We shall lie reqpiving a tine stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silver, and Silver Plated Ware, to which we Invite Die attention of pur chasers. Watches and Jewelry repaired, and Engraving Stone, at short notice. E. J. JOHNSTON, l nder Masonic Hall, sepl!)-l”t* Cotton Avenue. Synod of Gbobqu.—The Presbyterian Synod of Georgia will hold its noxt annual meeting In the First Presbyterian Church, in the city of An gusta, Ga., commencing Wednesday before the fourth Sabbath in October, 1885, at 8 o’clock, P. M. J. S. WILSON, Stated Clerk. Ecclesiastical Meeteso.—To the Presbyteries within the bound s of the general assembly of the Southern Presbyterian Church in the United States of America : Dear Brethren Events have recently trans pired which in the judgment of many of our peo pie, and some ot our Presbyteries, demand an early meeting of onr general assembly. We, therefore, the officers of the Assembly, in accordance with their request, do hereby call a meeting of said Assembly, to convene in the First Presbyterian Church in the city of Macotr, Georgia, the second Thursday (14) of December, 1865, at 11 o’clock A. M. Presbyteries will send Commissioners (uraiahed with the usual testimonials. The Committee on Commissions will meet in the Lecture Room of the Church the evening preceding the meeting of the Assembly, at 8 o’clock, The Assembly will he opened with a sermon by the Moderator, John S. Wilson, Moderator. John N. Waddel. Stated Clerk. , Joseph R. Wilson, Permanent Clerk- sep21 Notice. The Presbytery of Flint river stands adjourned to meet in the city of Americns on Thursday be fore the 2d Sabhath in October next, at 7 o’clock P. M. JAMES C. PATTERSON, sepl9-td stated Clerk. HATS AND CAPS. - Wholesale and Retail, i s f - AT ’• \fr T. W. FREEMAN’S, Sept7-23t - WARREN’S CELEBRATED NEEDLES AND FISH HOOKS. ANDREW 0LERK & CO., 48 MAIDEN LANE, n. y„ SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS. O UR former customers will find a reduction in gold prices of the Needles, while the quality is always kept up to the highest standard kno to English* manufacturers. A. C. A Co., respectfully solicit a renewal of the mercantile relations so lougand favorably Esteemed by their house. sept20-2m VALUABLE CITf STORE LOTS FOR SALE T HREE valuable City Store Lot# on Secontl bt. r 24feetfrout by 208 feet deep, ou tbc same block with Messrs. Gaiu*es &Co.’s Warehouse, aud direct ly opposite Messrs. Harris & Ross’iron Warehouse, m this city, are uow offered for sale—oue with the privilege of tie three—titles perfect, price moder ate, aud terms cash in greenbacks. For lurthtt* particulars auply tt*or address Mrs. E. Situs, street, or J. P. Sims, Mucou. (ia. scpt20-3t* C. D. ROOEKri... . J. ROGERS & CANN, Shipping', General Commission AND Forwarding Merchants, Savannah, - Georgia. W ILL attend faitlifallj’ to the sale of cotton or any other business entrusted to them. They keep constantly on hand, Groceries, Pro visions, Foreign Fruits, Hermetrically sealed Goods, Olive Oil, Sardiues, Preserved Ginger, Macarouy, Farina, Gelatin, etc. Arc. Also agents for the sale of the following articles. Union White I -ead Manufacturing Co’s Leads, French, American and German Glass, Sash, Blinds and Doors, Seales of all kinds and sizes, Iron Safes, Wilder’s patent, Eagle Cotton Gin. All of the above gcods on consignment, and we offer them to Hie Oracle at manufacturers and im- porterr prices. Goods not on hand ordered by tlie first steamer. Save raone^r by giving us your orders. oil Consignment. CHARLES H. HALL. 10 Baskets Champagne, 20 Cases Bourbon, Whisky 20 do Monongahela, 10 do Claret, Rhine Wine, EDWARD C. LEGRIEL & CO. sep20-3t Hoop Skirts, LARGE CONSIGNMENTS, At wholesals'omy, at very low prices. aep20-8t . EDWABD C. LEGRIEL A CO. MRht! Light! Light! Petroleum Oil, juei received and for sale, at the Drug Store of A. M. BOYD. Batchelor’s Bair Bye! The original'and b«st In the world! The only true and perfect hair dye. Harmless, reliable and instantaneous. Frodtces -immediately a splendid black or natural brown, without injuring.the hair or skin. Remedies tie ill effects of bad .dyes.— Sold by all druggists. The genuine is signed W* liam A Batchelor. Also, Regenerating Extract ot Milleflcurs, for restoring aud beautifying the hair. „ . CHARLES BATCHELOR, augl5-ly _ New York. Head-QuabIem, 1st StJB Disthict, i Dbtbict op Columbus, v MAepx,GA.,Septi:i, 1865. ) 8PECLAL OkDEU No>1(I. Until further vorders the schedule of prices or dered Col. W. R. Archer,, late Commaudaut of the Post, will he resumed. The practice of selling marketing of all kinds at exorbitant rates by unprin cipled hucksters must at once be stopped. The schedule is as follows: Beef 6jto 12>$ cents per lb. Pork 5 to 10 cents per lb. Butter 25 cents per lb. Eggs 25 ceiits per dozen. Chickens 15 to 25 cents each. Corn 25 cents per doien. Peaches $1 per bushel. Melons 10 to 40 centseach. Sweet Potatos $2 per bushel. Irish Potatos $250 per bushel. All marketing must he sold at the market house, $nd any persons found offering for sale any market- ingat any other placS except at the place designat ed will be liable to have his stock confiscated for the use ol the hospital of the city and hitnself arrested and fined. By command of Col. Andrew R. Z. Dawson. E. F. MALIN, sept 14 lOt Lt_and A. A. A. G. [ADVERTISEMENT.] Fop tlie Convention. The citizens of Honston county, or such of them as protest against the action oi the Conven tion on the flth Inst., in nominating three candi dates, all residing in Perry, thereby ignoring the balance of the county, will support as candidates for the ensuing State Convention, David M. Brown, D. W. Vissclier ami Dr. R. B. Alexander. sepl4-10t* MANY VOTERS. • CLOSING OUT SALE OF HATS AND Dry Goods to Close Consignment. ladies goods. White Cotton Hose. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs. , i .Lisle Gloves. Ribbons. Buckets. Neck Ties. Pins and other fancy articles. OElVTLEitlElV’S WEAR. Brown Cotton Hose, Cotton Under Shirts. Flannel Shirts, &c. 100 Doz. Coat’s Spool Thread. 4 Doz. Cotton Umbrellas. 2 Doz. Carpet Bags. 2 Doz. Travelling Satchels. i. c -vnn. . We will sell the above goods at very low figures at retail or wholesale. EDWARD C. LEGRIEL & CO. AUCTION SALE, BY R. B. CLAYTON & CO. O N Thursday, the 21st inst., wc will sell at the Dixie Works, corner of First and Clierry streets. A large lot of Buggy and Wagon Timber. To wit: 8pokes, Hubs, Fellers, Trees, Bolsters and Tongues, ALSO, 25 thousand feet_sea30ued Oak Lumber, 25 thousand pounds old Iron, ' ALSO, ” Paints, Oil Cans, and fixtures, and Buudry other articles In the same line. Sale Positive. Terms Cash. sepl7-4t* R. B. CLAYTON & CO. FOR SALE LOW, TO CLOSE OUT A CONSIGNMENT. 20 doz Men’s blk and col’d Wool Hats, 5 “ Boys do do do do 8 bales No 16 Cotton'Yarns, 40 cases Cherry Wine, 20 “ Ginger Wine, By sep!9-5t P. P. PEASE, Commission Merchant, Scott’s Range, Third St., Between Cherry and Mulberry. GRAND LODGE OF GEORGIA. f. .A., m. OFFICE GRAND SECRETARY,» ' Macon, Ga., Sept. 14, 5865. \ THE annual Grand Com munication for the year 5865, will convene at the Masonic Hall in this city, on WEDNESDAY, the 25th day of October. All Lodges and Brothers are required to take due notice of the same. Lodges, un able 4o berepresented,arc juested to forward their Returns and Dues to me at the time of the meeting, or as early as possible. Secretaries needing blank forms -for Returns will make application to me immediately. By order of the M. W. Grand Slaster. S, ROSE, Grand Sec’y. septlil-St. Furniture. Repair anct Tarnish all kinds of Cabinet Furniture in the best manner, and at reasonable charges. seplG-lSt* 9 E. P. TAYLOR. Administrator’s Sale. G eorgia,'bIbb countyv 1 ' T By virtue of an order from the Ordinary of said county, will bo sold on Wednesday, 27th inst., at the store on Ca’tomAvenue of James F. Weeks, late of said county, deceased, consisting oT Shoes, nose, Gloves, Sewing Silk, Collars, Spool Thread, Combs, Ribbons, Hooks and Eyes, Envelopes, Handkerchiefs, Calico, Hoop Skirts, and a large variety of other articles in the Millinery line. Also, one Piano, Desk, Tables, 1 Sofa, Chairs, Crockery-Ware, Looking Glasses, Wearing Appa rel, Bed Mattrass, Bedstead, Pillows, Bureaus, and other Household Furniture. Sale to commence at lO o'cloek, A. M. Sold as deceased’s property for the Benefit of the heirs and creditors. JNO. K. HARMAN, Administrator. eepl7-8td J. H. ZEILIN & CO., W H O li E B A L E . LARGE ARRIVAL’ QF NEW GOODS -AT G. RICE & CO. 59 College Street, Nashville, Tenn. s, By our heavy ket and * " r heavy purchases during the last three months, and by constantly watching the Eastern mar- taking advantage of every fluctuation, we are enabled to say that we have now on hand, the LARGEST; CHEAPEST & BEST SELECTED STOCK , - OF FALL & WINTER DRY GOODS IN THE CITY OF NASHVILLE. BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, NDl Our assortment of FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOS, POPLINS, MOHAIRS, LUSTRES, AND OTHER NEW STYLES OF J)RY GOODS CANNOT BE SUEP A £5 S E D . ’ * Wc have the latest styles of Cloaks, Shawls, Balmoral Skirts,’ Ladies’ Hats, &c, &c. _ A latge assortment of SWISS, MULL, INDIA BOOK, EDGINGS, INSERTIONS, LACES, RIBBONS HAND KERCHIEFS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, rfir. ■ We are selling to Country merchants coming to and passing through the city to supply themselves with good?, we wish to say that we can sell them at lower rates than they can obtain them at Louisville or Cincinnati. Our large stock of HATS AND BOOTS AND SHOES Has mostly been bought at auction, very cheap, and will be sold a± very- small profits. Onr Clothing Department, Up Stairs, if every article of Men’s Wear made up m the latest stylos andyif the best material, offered af the kiwest prices, wholesale and retail, at G. RICE & CO.’S, COLLEGE STREET, NASHVILLE, TENN. 1T-Bm .. Consists of and will be E. M. BRUCE & CO., BANKERS AND COTTON FACTORS, AUGUSTA, UEORUIA. E. F. METCALFE & CO., . COMMISSION AKD FORWARDING MERCHANTS, S-A-V^ISr^TAATT. GEORG-IA. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUGGISTS, * GA. 10 Cases Concentrated Lye. * 10 Casks Superior White Potaeh. 1000 lbs. Macaboj Snuff. 400 oza. Quinine. 300 oza. Sulph. Morphine. **** ***** 500 lbs. Black* Pepper. 150 doz. Mason’s Blacking. 300 lbs. English Mustard. 2bbla. Bourbon Whisky. 2 Caska French Brandy. 500 lbs. Whole arid Ground Ginger. septl7-20t. aept2Q.-3t. J doz COUNTER SCALES, 1 doz Tea “ 10 doz Coffee Mills, 10 gross Tin Plates, 20 “ Iron Tea and Table Spoons, 10 “ Brit “ “ “ For aalc by acp20-2t B. A WISE. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY! ty, on plantations and elsewhere, on all classes of merchandise, real estate 4c., in the most reliable Companies. He represents the ffillow- iug: Croton Insurance Company New York. Baltic Insnrancc Company “ “ Adriatic Insurance Company “ “ Insurance Co. of Valley of Va., Winchester, Va. James River Insurance Co. Howardsville, Va. Gulf State-Insurance Co. Tallahassee, FIs. Losses promptly adjusted and paid. Office under Masonic Hall, Cotton Avenue, Ma con, Ga. J. W. BURKE, Agt. scpt20-6t. For Sale. B OARDING House for sale near the passenger . depot, :containing 18 rooms, and good stable on the lot—a bargain cab he had by calling on me. Also a very desirable residence close to the busi ness part of (lie city, containing anv amount of louse room that, a man wants, supplied with gas and outbuildings, wijha fine garden flower yard, and one of the best wells of water in the city; ami a bargain can be lisdby applying immediately. Also, a very desirable home and lot. on (Mki street, containing 4 rooms, kitchen, and good gar- 607 1-2 Acres of lAtml for $3,000. Wilcox County Cotton Land. I OFFER for sale a plantation*in Wilcox county, within two miles of Abbeville, the county scat. It contains 607J£ acres, of which 300 are cleared and in a high State oi cultivation. The major portion of 'which opened within the last three years.' The balance well timbered. Fifty acres of which have been deadened. I will also sell'pn the place 1,000-bushels of pom, 15 stacks fff fodder, 8 head of cattle, 6 mules, 8l head of hogs, 1 yoke of oxen. 9 head of sheep, 1,000 bushels potatos, 1 four horse wagon and cart, 100 bushels of peas, 100 bushels rice, and a miscellaneous assortment of plantation imple ments. Everj-tbing necessary. Brice of land §3,000. Price of land, erop, etc., $6,000 green backs. A map of the place aud surrounding country, can be seen at my office, one door below the Post- offiee, np stare. H. C. STEVENSON, Real Estate Agent, sepl6-eodlm* Macon, Gi CFFir COTTON PRESS. Comer Fourth and Cherry Streets. O UR SCREW IS SO ARRANGED AS TO EN- able us to R E ROPE Cotton with impunity, making the packages as strong as when first packed. Repacking also done with care and dispatch. sept!9-3tf SIMS & DAVI8. AT PRIVATE SALE. HOUSEHOLD & KITCHEN FURNITURE, FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. A T my residence on Fourth, between Mulberry ana Walnut streets. \ ■ septl0-3t*A. B. SMALL. I-’or Sale, I N Cnthbert, Ga., a large House containing four teen rooms, with a loiig dining room attached, ... .. . and all necessary out-buildini “KIddoo House.” Thishouse and is well calculated for a hotel, low. Address R. W. JOINER, , Ga* _ known as the eligibly situated, L it will be sold E, M. BRUCE, MORO-AlSr &‘CO., COTTON FACTORS AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, APALACHICOLA, FLA. ,10 rj.VUUS .11.101) 0.V COJYSrGJ\\J?IJE.VTS TO WATTS, CRANE & CO., WATTS, GIVEN & CO., W. C. WATTS & CO., New York. New Orleans. Liverpool, Eng. EITHER OF THE ABOVE HOUSES. septl9-3m Look Here. Ladies! fJVHE following articles have just arrived, viz: Fine Silk and Worsted Poplins, Colored and Black Oriental Cloth, Fine Linen, Linen Cambric, Blk Silk, 34 Inches. Saxony arid Welsh Flannels, all Wool, Birdcye Diaper, Swiss. Nainsook and Tarieton, French Corsets, Bajou’s Kid Gloyps, Thread, Silk and Gimpnre Laces, Ladies and Gents Umbrellas, Ladies Satchels, Zephyr Worsted, Buttons, a large assortment, and' Trimmings, Cloaks, Ribbons, Flowers, Hats, Bonnets, Belts, Hoop Skirts, Nets, Ladies Hose, H S Hdkfs, Steel and Gilt Ornaments, Waterfalls and Curls, , _ PERFUMERY, Night-blooming Cerens, Sozodont, &c, Ac, Ac, The attention of country milliners is respectfully invited to the large assortment of BONNET FRAMES, LADIES CAPS, &C., &C., All of which are for sale, at the lowest market pri ces, at MRS. F DESSAU, ; scpl7 lmo' Agent. FOR SALE. A HOUSE and Lot cottaining three-fourths of an acre, on Poplar street. It is a very desi rable place fora residence—eeuvenient to business, and healthy in locality, The Furniture-will Tae sold with the place, if desired. Also, One lot of three' acres, on the Houston road, on which is a rcspccable Store and Dwelling Hqiuie, Kitchen and a well: abont one mile from the 'city. Apply to Messrs. NISBETS, sepl7-6t At their office on Mulberry st. Read this Notice. Cable Rope, b and 6 inch Spikes, 1 Nails all Numbers, Carbonate Sodo, Star Candles, - . Crushed Sugar, v , «. Which are offered at lowest wholesale prices by 4 : JAS. SEYMOUR, Third aud second door from Cherry st., Macon. School IS.otlce. M ISS WILLIAMS will resume her school oli the 1st Monday in October, on Fourth street, between Wharf and Walnut streets. X E. WILLIAM8. Macon, Sept, 18, 1865-dit* FAMILY GROCERY STORE. N E IV ARRIVAL . J UST received and for sale, a lot of NEW GOODS, at WHOLESALE and RETAIL; con sisting of. , - Fot’eign ami Dolnestie Liqlthrs, Groceries, Wooden Ware, Coffee, i Mackerel, Starch, Soap, Blueing, Onions, Candles, Soda, Codfish, Piekels, Sardines, Nuts, etc., etc,, etc. ALSO, QUEEN’S WARE AND GLASS WARE, And a general supply of articles in onr line of bus iness. Give us a call, whenever any article of fam ily supply is needed. We have a full stock, and will not be undersold. KERWIN, McKEVITT & CO., Cherry street, east, side, three doorsTrom comer of Third. - •• seplT 6t* MACKEREL, In barrels, half barrels and Kitts. GOSHEN BUTTER, 5 firkins just received. CHEESE, Pine Apple and English Dairy Cheese. CANDLES, Georgia made, 4’s, 5’s and-6's. For sale by-. MITCHEL A 8.MITHS.' sepl7 5t* f*optl0-3t* Cutlibcrt, < Flour! Flour! Flour!! 50 Bbls Extra Super Flour, 50 do. Dolihle Fxtra Flour, _ 50 do." Extra Family Flour, , Just rieccived'and for sale low by sepl9-St* GEO. T. ROGERS. FOR SALE. E OUR very desirable Houses in the City of Eii- laula. and oue small Farm four niiles north aen, ana good well oi water; it you want a bargain, ; of Enfanla. Applyffo call on me immediately, and if not sold in three i W. J. BRANNON <fc COi, days, will be taken off of the market. Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, *ept20-5t Q. J. BLAKE. 1 Evfaula, Ala. «epI6-lns House and Lot for Sale in Griffin, Ga. T HE IA>t contains two acres- and fronts on Hill street—is near the business part of the city, and convenient enough to tlie Female Cqilegeffiir the accommodation of boarders to send to School if desired. The bouse has eight rooms wij)i fi re plaices to each, rooms sealed over head, sides ilahtered, also, a -kitchen arid out houses; and ds ood a well of water as the place affords. Call on Capt. H. P. Hill. Griffin, Ga. Dawson, Sept; 18th, 1865. sepl9-0t W. B. SgAY. J. 8. FREXCH, GEO. H. REID, W. H. CHADBO0RX. FRENCH & CO., COTTON' FACTORS, Forwarding and. Commission Merchants, Wholesale Grocers, &c,, CLARK STREET,... NASHVILLE, TENN. Special attention paid to the sale or forwarding of cotton. s*ptl9-3m* I Have Just Received, 30 Splendid Plated Castors. 50 doz. Plated Tea and Table Spoons, 25 “ - “ Table and Desert Forks, with Plated Coco Dippers, Goblets, &c. B. A. WISE. 100 doz. assorted Pad Locks, 10 gross Table Knives and. Forks. For sale by B, A. WISE. I have just received.a large supply of Wosten- Jiolm’a P-pcki-t Knives that I will sell to the trade on reasonable terms. Call at B. A. WISE, ' * sept-17 Ot Cherry street. Union Female College, * ' ■ - EUMULA, ALA. rTMIE BOADD OF TRUSTEES hereby announce _L tlie eleetiou of Mb. It. -fh MALLORY, of Georoja, to the Presidency of this College. The Board feel that it is needless to do more than simply make this annouiteeffienf, inasmuch as the . reputation of Mr. Mallory as an educator is already so favorably jiafoae .the* public, especially that of Bouth-Westmi'and Middle Georgia and South-Eas tern Alabama, the sections upon which this Insti tution relies chiefly for it* patronage. - C. J: POPE, sepl7-lm President Board.