The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, September 29, 1865, Image 3

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——, . , <£|jr Saiin (Lcltgrafij. CITY CC>LUMN. ELAM CHRISTIAN, STANDARD MONTHLIES FOR SEPT.. AT THE DAILV telegraph office. THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY, HOURS AT HOME^and ■ OCR YOUN'O FOLES.” The Above are all standard publications. 'A few copies Of each on Bale at the Counting Room of the Dailt Tclecbai-u. >, New Advertising Index. Extenaive sale—M V Green. Card—Dunn & Mangtmm. . a For sale, b4BU and lot—Win M Dunn. For sale, cipresa barrels—Wm M Dunn For rent—N A Megratb. Sundries for sale—James Seymour. For sale, farm—Wm M Dunn. Butsiocas card—James Supple. ■, , f ur~ . DImoIntioti—Cunningham & Savage. Groceries and produ; e—B H Newton. New Tori: exchange foraalc—Knott A ITowea. Moles for aale—R J Cothran. . For Rent—'W A Little. i, 4 Business card—Bord & Gordon. dtp property Tor aale—James Seymour’ ' Stop the thief—James Craft. <' *"• t- >-.«i For rent— 1 T R Bloom. Bank cheek* on New York for aale—TR Bloom. Turtle soup frep at Price’s saloon. • 1 * • *i Valuable city property for sale In Griffin. Furniture talc continued—L H Bryant. Watches, chains, diamond rings, etc., to be sold (or tl each.—T and H Gaughan & Co. .. Washington Items. A Washington special to the N. Y, Time*, of the 25th, says : The rush of pardon seek ers was not so great a»-usual. Among^those 1 who have for weeks daily sought a persona - - ■ 1 audience with the president, to press thei r CITY REPORTER | applications, is L. P. Walker, the first secre tary of war of the Confederacy, who sent the famous order from Montgomery, Ala., to Gen. Beauregard .at Charleston, to open fire on Fort Sumter. lie is still waiting, and is likely to continne to do so. It is doubtful if President Johnson will make the contemplated excursion South. The mail route from Jonesboro to Fayette ville, in this State has been re-established by the P. O. department. ‘"J * A Secretary Stanton has resumed the dntiea of his office. The receipts of internal revenue, on the 2lttli, amounted to ♦1,000,390. A special to the Tribune says combinations for the speakership are already forming.— Mr. Colfax leads. Mr. Asliley, of Ohio, has many earnest friends. Green C. Smith, of Kentucky, is urged with influential pertina' nacity. The advocates of Henry J. Raymond are undoubtedly the most operative. They boast of their ability to swallow all lesser candidates, and one avers in confidence that they are in possession of the proper argu ment to secure a triumph^ ' ' Another Importation.—We observed- that those enterprising dealers, Messrs. S. Peyser A Co., received another large stock of goods yes terday. The motto of these gentlemen appears to be “» nimble sixpence is better than a slow shn- Ung," and they are conducting their business-on that principle. We advise our lady ready readers to have tbelrport mania well lined when they visit (bis establishment, for the attractions are great. As "Internal Machine."—Inta row which Oqpt Morrow, provost marshal, was attempting to quell on bridge row yesterday morning, he captur ed one of the greatest cariosities In the way of a "shooting Iron” Uiat wc have seen lately. In shape it embraces that of both pistol and-pocket knife —a instol barrel of rifle bore being on the back of the handle, and a long ugly-looking blade opening 1 on the pressure of a certain spring. - it has a cork screw, which, when opened, supplies theplaoe of a trigger; and !a supplied with tooth pick, twee*, ers, tile and almost everything except ah'anvil and sledge hammer. Cart ii* Viscn:Staltena{ Pugh A Lunqdest’sGal lery. The finest ever produced in Macon, and all % mounted on thin cards to salt any size Photograph All,mill. Give them a call at the old stand, triangu'-. lar block, and you will he pleased. Every style of picture known to the art taken at this gallery, and the finest material always on hand. a ?■.] repl2fl-flt. , ^ - Cheese.—There is nothing better calculated to recall to our minds the “peaceful days of yore” than the large quantity of this popular article of diet now hi the market. Empty cheese .boxes are becoming familiar to the eye around the hack doors and in the alleys. Even to the auctioneers have bad conrtderable quantities under their hammer; —■ . but Iota Uma disposed of are generally somewhat -Maud- .One of the ponies ia on Arabian and damaged, and the demand for a good article to Mill ' MB in fair proportion to the supply. * ST Ladies, gents’ and misses’ hats, a full and fashionable assortment, just received at S. Peyser A Cods. ' , tf ’ , A Cl'ttinq Rebuke.—Mr. Dunnebaum, at the auction house of Messrs. Clayton A Co., happened to notice the dilapidated eonditiem of our pocket; knife yeatery, and supplied its place with one of the best and most handsome specimens we have seen in the market. He hs3 a complete,assortment of pocket cutlery, together with a variety of other goods. HS’seUs only at wholesale, and offers great inducements to this otaaa of purchasers. Dress Trimmings.—The ladies will fine a beau tiful stock of lace*, insertions and dress trimmings of every description, of the moat fashionable styles arc g tat ioned at Wilmington, Newbfm, at 8. Peyser A Co.’s. tf xr —_ a o , Peyser A ( The Weather.—Yesterday was a day not oct of place at this season, and its cool bracing winds, were seemingly welcome visitors to every, one.— After (he long and very oppressive heat of the sum mer just past, there are few persons in this sec tion who art not ready to adopt the words of Camp bell— -ivo-Ia " ..'I'-iinr-> “Let Winter come! let paler-spirit* sweep <- ’- The darkening World and tempest-troubled deep!’* r» ST Buy your Arnold’s writing Fluid and copy ing Ink at the Newt Depot, Triangular Block. sepl7-tf Cartf-BED BY THE PROVOST MiKSHAU—A mule va found in the hands of a negro man, who proposed to Ml it at such low figures that the Provost MArshal concluded he mnst have got the animal for nothing. The negro failing to substan tiate bia claims, the mule was taken charge of by that officer, to be held until there to it certainty of its being in the proper bands. f3T* Dorsett A Webb, nearly opposite the senger Depot, areprepared to serve the public with s substantial meal, a refreshing drink, or a fragrant cigar. Give them a call, ye epeenres. October Election. Election Day First Wednesday in 6 CTOBE R . DAVID IBWIN, GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. On the 22<1 tfee president granted pardons to six Virginians and to ninety-three North Carolinians, including ex-members 'of gon.- gress Kenneth Raynor and Alfred Dockery; also to seven South Carolinians, including ex member of congress John McQueen, and to tho same number of Missi .sippiaris. A shocking locomotive explosion occurred at Chicago, by which two or three persons were killed ami others hurt. V mw-ti.ji;'- of the M il--- Kiulits men was .1. y. r.nwi-. held at Cooper’s Institute, New York on the 25th. Mr. Lawrence was elected President. Thirty-or thirty-five districts are said to have been -represented'. j i Tab J In 1850 tliere were ip nine Southern States 228 iron manufacturing a lablislimenta, em ploying over B,00f> workmen, anft-hfivtrtg'aH' aggregate capital of yearly live millions of dollars. The most of the works were in Vir ginia, NortlLXJurVrtina aftil TjStrnSseo. In 1800 the I mattress'* had immensely increased, and £0 ita revival now the South looks for a large share of its coming prosperty. The late Duke’of Wellington was as strict in his devotional as in hia military habits.— fegularly as the stroke of 8 bn the palace clock, he might he Attending divine ser vice* in the chapel Royal, St. James; and this was his practice the? year round, without re gard to weather^ To the last the npble Duke kej>t such early hours, that he was sometime* at the chnpel hefbre the reverend official and Tria attendants. One of the features of the State fair at Hanford was a remarkably handsome team of five ponies, said to have cosf ten thousand <W]ars, tod to l>e the property of a young lady of four summers, from Brooklyn, Long Candidates in Nomination. MONUOE COUNTS. E. C. CABAiasS, W. R. MURPHY, JOHN SHANNON. TEJIRELI. COUNTY. C. !». WOOTEN, D. A. COCHRANE. JONES COUNTY. JA8. H. BI.OUNT, DR. RIDLEY. CRAWFORD COUNTY. JAMES J. "HAY, TMOMA* SIMMONS. Wri.KKS COUNTY. W. M. REESE. O. G. NORMAN. UPSON COUNTY. OWENS C, . JOEL MATTHEWS. HOUSTON COUNTY. KM WARREN, JOHN"M.'dtLES. CHARLES T.. (iOODE. BIBB COUNTY. C. B. COLE, GEORGE M. LOGAN. T. G. HOLT, JR/ * . GREENE COUNTY. MILES W. LEWIS. J8, M. CRAWFORD. Y. P. KING. < * LTNUOLN' i ‘U6trNTY. JOHN Ji. DUNN, JAMES W^y^BABKeDALE. PIERCE COUNTY. - C. H. HOPKrNS. “M G. M*. T. WARE. THOMAS COUNTY, f Jg J. R. ALEXANDER, .TAMES L. SEWARD, , A. •*. m'intyre. -XALBOT COUNTY. aIVI Barnard Hill, / Wn. Holmes, Henry Leonard. HIBDE k P0BTEB. pEALBRfi tN PlREBOliRBOK WHISKY Also, Manufacturers of the celebrated KENTUCKY RIVER WHISKY, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS For the purchase and sale of Cotton, Tobacco, Flour, Grain, Pork, Bacon, Lard, Hemp, Whisky, Gra*s Seed, and all kinds of Produce. No. 47 West Second Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. septSJ-lm* New and Splendid Stock of Goods. I SHALL open on the first of October without fail at the stand known before the war, an B. Y. Ross’ furniture store, next door to J. B. Ross A Sons, on Cherry street, one of the best selected stock of goods of all kinds that has been offered in any market in the South at any time, and I would most respectfully say to all merchants and to the buying public, that a call upon me will do them no harm. I I have taken great: pains in buying my goodq—selecting just such articles as would meet the wants of the people, and I feel assured that I can offer snch bargaius as win insure me the pa tronage of all those who honor me with a call. A. P. G. HARKI8, Of oldfirm.ot DUNLAP * HARRIS, afterwards HARRIS & DENSE. aep24-lw. ■ a fust trotter: threo of them tfre-from Calcut ta, and the other ts-of a Scotch breed. Their aggregate weight is 1,920, and tltrfr average height about 45 inches. The Boston Trimeter stays tliewrfca^ great- demand for female labor in Boston, and in all the manufacturing towns in that vicinity. Girls can earn from $0 to $8* .week, and aotneTtren more than that.. They find ,some difficulty in .many towns in obtaining lioard- ing plaices. .'. .V , - . ♦ • > There nre now only five white regiments left in the State of North Carolina—four from Indiana, and one from Michigan. They are stationed at Charlotte, Salisbury, Greensboro, Raleigh,, and Godaboro. The.colored troops Moorehead City, and Beaufort, The editor of the Columbus Cririt thus sketches Mr. Q. Volnej^Dqrseyl the AJiolition, State treasurer of Ohio, recently removed from office: ’ “Hcharangued the returning soldiers gboiit patriotism, while he was cutting the jy One of our bankers In paying an amount of moneyto a gentleman yesterday, paid (90000 in excess ot the amount of the bill. The,receiver was honest, and upon discovering the mistake promptly returned and questioned the banker in regard tohto rules for, correcting mistakes, and receiving a satisfactory reply promptly refunded the amount. ty Go to Losey, Lyons * Co.’s to get the best Stationery; Also, wrapping pqnerl' sepW-tf Mayor’s Court, Sett. 38th.—Pat Noon, for malicious mischief; wot fined ten dollars and costa. William Blake, for draying without license, was fiped ten dollais and costa. Sam Morgan, for same offense, was, on account erf palliating eirmm- stances, discharged. No SrcBBT.—The latest style of corsets, hand kerchiefs, hosiery, artificial flowers, and ribbons, can be inspected at the store of S. Peyser & Co. tf . --.saxauts-tx: S : tmdrf..ul Tubtlb CaptcbbW—Ahothir mammoth tnrtle has Jnst been captured, and will be on exhibition In the free .onp furnished at J. Tltos Pr ice’s sa- . oonjat ll o’clock to-day., Bemempcrlt -to,he genuine turtlesottp -J ,t«- ' •»'< Wslownpi coupons off their l>onda: he emleavorcd to arouse them to violence And bloodshed ; lie marched down High - street on Sunday, ‘in S gfct Of nil UK‘ti. J wttK n gSt-vrlged. gold asjtcd prayer bopk in his hands, a.nd.vyitTi the air of the Pharisee who. said, ‘Oh Lord I thank tliee that. l am-better than othef men,’ and, Hke the nnctions Christian that lie is, the hours that he could not employ irr devis ing schemes to make mondy he dedicated to the cultivation of shoddy religion. All this time, When he was talking to soldiers aifont his patriotism he was manipulating the bonds of the allotment funds, (he soldiers’ coupons on which unaccountably disap peared; while attempting to humbug the peo ple with his piety, he was violating the trust reposed in him by using for selfish purposes their funds, which they had confided to him under the pledge of a solemn oath and the . i penalties of penitentiary imprisonment. In this case, as in 'many others, his immoral practices were in exact proportions to his pi ous pretensions.*’ . • The Babt Actress.—A genuine and re markable novelty is now at the disposal of public entertainers,• in the person of this ex traordinary child: She is literally a baby not having reached the age of two yeaip,,and ,is . gifted with intelligence and powers, of memory to a marvelous extent In - conjunc tion with her father, she recites certain pas sages from King John, Midsummer's Night Dream, &c., with appropriate action and as tonishing earnestness. A- more’wonderful instanca of precocious intelligence cannot be imaginedt and this child, now with her par ents, at 29 Longford, street, Regent’s Park, Ladies’ Dress GooitoP-Tlie latest styles, a com plete stock, now on exhibition at the store ot S. Peyser & Co. •> ; Improvement.—We see another business house to coarse of construction' by Mr. John Hollings worth, on cotton avenne, fronting the city Hail, on one of the lota made vacant by the burning which took place in that neighborhood over two years ago. Ki>W 1 LS"l / ’• - r Keep Waiim.-^-Peyser <fc Co. are now offering a large lot of fine bed blankets, white and colored. -■*'‘2* > -W,.! Jut received at the News Deppt ; Weanfe Vsjufirr Army and Ab-y Journal, Ledit's'Lathj's J may be tnily classed'among the wonders‘of »”■ v " the nresoitt "davl—Lindon Brir. - J *>?:! “t* 8e P tfM " r/ M " . - . ^ ‘ "IT** ^^*-->,1 'rtfrfjjfff.J S. G. WOOD & CO., "Wholesale; dealers in G-roceries, „ ,TO>ns '>u'ii>.<n . Batter,. Obeese, Hour,-.&a, - No. 45 Unroi^ Street, Reverend Air. Spurgeon declares that Romanism is gaining immensely in England,- and that London isnOw covered with a net work of monks, and priests, and sisters of mercy, and the conversions made are not by ones or twos, but by scores, till England is being regarded os the most hopeful epbt for .^1 SHBBf room*. “lly dear fellow,” gtu’cl Beau Hickman to a sep21-3m»' waiter in a hotel, “I have respect for indecd, I may say I go* fond-of^flles^but I like to have them aifd my milk ip separate; glasses ;* they mix so *mhch better when ^ou have control of both imjrcdientst” . ‘ l < obr coujwy. R. M. GOODMAN, A. 4. RAN9ELL" UPSON COUNTY. j W. W. IfAHTZFIELD. aigBOTrmat^gtet.Y? rV } O. WARNER, —JOHN U DIXON, to't W. -A. J. PHILLIPa. »»$ -$«.ry.ff. RANDOLPH COUNTYr t'£} ■ '■ * 1 B. .RICE, JOSEPH T. TURNER. DECATUR COUNTY. . H. G.-'CRAWFORD^ U/.j. " . . JOSEPH LAW, II. W. HERRING, H\ \ . )TX . SUMTER COUNTY. * / ft T+tlff i W. AV, .BARLOW, W. J, PATTERSON, HINE.^nOL'I*, CUTTK, WRIGHT BRApY, Ad ' . MUSCOO F.K COUNTY. ^ ’’ < ‘ ^ • ' I l ‘ ' ^ILEY Wjnr.ilAMS ? iALAM If. UH A PI* RLE, A. P. G■ HARRIS. . General Coniin-isHioii iTfcrchaut, - NEXT DOOR TO J. B.-ROSS & SON, Cherry Stmt, Jfacon, Georgia. T would, most respectfully stale to tu> friends I end the public generally, that the capacity of my storehouse to such as to enable’me to tceeive onjstoruge (bv.addition to Consignments on com- itoiiitoffififfffii *f ffiifii m ifireWuiiifte *f onyaoaeverr dessription. Anil I would tnrthcr fiMfijwL " ether article stored in my boose will be entirely iinexposed, which is cer-’ tainly a very great’consideration.' -'Charges the same as in the Warehouse. . Advances made ou all consignments it desired. • I will also nil orders for any of raj friends for anything ont of my Ifne. So gentlemen, just this time, upon Rial, make your eonsignments to-me; either In Cotton or gg^ttoJgL|Q^igy»5tiplg» to beatored,ai>j4 will References,’ any of the Merchants of Macon. * -;w ; A. P. G. HARRIS, • . Old Firm of Dnnlap & Harris. £sep27-2w* Aflerwurds Harris & Dense. Family G-roceries! Family Groceries, Family Groceries. HAVING JUST RECEIVED a F1TU. AND varied stock of fa.hi r. v <; it on: it iks anil supplies from . the Wj^tem .Markets, I am preparej^. ftfer pecnltor. inducements to those, wanting anything in my line. I have now in store on sole , & C Sugars, Rip and Java Cpffee, Gunpowder, .Black, Imperial and Young" . Hyson Teas, Wejteril Reserve and English Dairy Chccsd, Mackerel, Starch, Soap, Candle's, Vennacellfa,. Mac aroni, White Beans, Spices, Pickles, Crackers, Canned Fruit, O^stert, Sardines, Catsups, Pepper- sauce, Olive OR, Raisins, Figs, Fine Wines; Brandy and Whisky,-Cigars, Smoking ahd- Chewing To- hacco, and everything usually to be found in a Family. Supply Store—including. Buckets, Tubs, Brooms, Washboards, etc. etc. . . ■ . Having given .peraonal uttootiui. to the purchase of my stock, I am as.ured.ttwt I am prepared, to offei- unusual advantages Jo the. citizens of Macon, and the country trade. t . . .. ., Dunn & Maugham’s store, near Hardeman Si Sparks'! Call and see. an stock. »ept28-lvr~ * B. H. NEWTON. 13F~ Journal and Messenger eopj. Store Rooms to Rent IN ALBANy GEORGIA- O NE Boom 2I> by 90 feet; one Room 30 by 5Q feet on. the ground floor, and one room on second floor 52 by 120 feet, IS or 14 feet between floor and ’trailing: Tills being one of the finest rooms in the Stale for the show and Etle of Fur niture, Carriages or similar goods. The building is of brick, 2 stones high—with heavy block tin roof. No building within about 400 feet on same block, and Brosd anfi Washington streets intervening in every .other direction, and is on one of the princi pal business corners in tpwn. They wilj be fitted np to suit the tenant Apply to rnff in person on the premise*, or by letter to Albany, Ga. - sepgS^t*- , C. W. BAW8QN. OOTTON PRESSES. . .. .—1-.^, , . oerior facilities for pressing, and ton at our works corner First and Cherry strtet. McifANUS & CO. ' P. S.—One Mr. • Jackson Deloache’ takes charge of the Presses from this date, and will be pleased to have a call from his old cotton friends. —-t McSI. & CO.i • IJ.’ye .'*//•! Li nrfT Opfics Acnse Assibtakv CoMMissrosEK, Bureau of Refugees, Frcednienand Abandoned Lands, for State of Georgia. 4 Gejosbal.Ordkh, ! J4 No. 1. ( In compliance with Special Orders, No. 63, -War Department, Bureau of B., F, and A. L, and Spe cial Orders, Nq.'A'bHead Quarters Assistant .Com- _ missioner for State of Georgia and South Carolina, ¥c~/,Zine for October, .VrtJom Demand'* for Oeto- j I assume charge of all matters relating to the Bn- - ; reau in the Stale of Georgia. I All officers find Agents of the jBnreau, on daty Fail A>n Winter C'lothino.—S. Peyser & Co. j in this State, will make the reports rcqttired by ,vc just recei v.-il a large assortment: tf, j existing orders to this office. Notice. the morning of the 27tli Instant, a mulatto boy came to my store and left with me a FIFTY DOLLA KJULL, uudei rusph . iclouacir- eumstances—he running away upon inquiry being made where begot It. I consequently believe’ u to be stolen. The owner can have it, by proving property and laying for this advertisement!- scpt28-2t -!* ’ ’ H. F. REES, Georgia Academy for the Blind. AlMlV P ARTIES Interested are hereby informed that the buildings in Macon having been restored to this Institution, the 8A00I Loh been removed from Fort Valiev, and'tbc exercises will be resum ed in the former place on Monday, 2d October.— Papers of the State will greatly serve this public charity by copyiug this announcement. TZ. o-fiW.D. WILLIAMS, . sep27 • 13 lSJ\jJeZL ~ —^principal. ; . j DAVID TILLSON, ■ ]jj~ A bUl of eighteen hundred dollars for stor- j Brig. GenTU. S. Vols., Act’g. Ass’tX^omV. ige on 140 bales of cotton waa collected by one of i OrriciisL : o'w" wan&ouMincn yetterday. | W, W. Dias*, A. A. G. ang 2S3t For Sale. A DESIRABLE residence, contaiuiug six rooms with fire places and dining room, good dou ble kitchen, smoke house, daily house andL good well of water and convenient to business. Ap^yU> ^ W. C ; KENNEDY, D. DTJJN^ISr, MERCHANT TAILOR, OPPOSITE LANIER HOCSE, MACON, OA-, Has jnst received a superb stock of BROAD CLOTHS. PLAIN AND FANCY CA88IMERES. VESTINGS. VELVET, ] > CAS3IMERE and SILKS. 1 ) ■ .% FURNISHING GOODS. SHIRTS. COLLARS, NECK. TIES, POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS. UNDERSHIRTS,>vjy.lg ,f j DRAWER8, . " . and HALF HOSE. r . ’ W ALSO, , , . Hats, Umbrellas and Driving Gloves. sept28-lih. il'i .it ‘-ri-.-icAi (<■ . PURE LIQUORS. GOME AND BUY PINE WHISKIES AND jg • ^ -f * J .- -T-’ ' *■. • i • a i 1000 gallons fine old Bourbon, Fpr sale ljy L. W. KASDALL. Mm ' jrMaBkSv .300 gallons Sherry Wine, Groceries of all kinds, t L. W. KASDALL. For aal^ liy j Arrangment made at LootovUle, Ky., to furnish Whisky cheaper than anv merchant in the city. L. W. RASDALL, sep27-lnt Opposite Express Office., ko*t Trank. - .. rf , I N October, 1804, u passenger by train from Sa vannah, ou arriving at .Macon, discovered that the connterpart of one of tin- checks in his posses sion, was attached to a Trunk not his own. The owner, by calling at this office and proving prop- erty, can obtain his trunk. sept 84-Ot* A i> v A \ « i; s ii v it»: ON COTTON % AND 0THEE PE0DU0E. THE NEW YORK Warehouse So Security Co., \ ’. 2t> Sf ret t. S, WITH A CAMI CAPITAL O* OlVE IVUXLIOIVr DOLLARS will receive consignments of COTTON, &C., and accept time or sight drifts for two-thirds mar ket value, at shipping port, when accompanied by bill of lading. Competent prisons will receive the- property oft arrival Any other information can be had by-addressing ttre Cbtnpafiy. This Institntion Is owned and managed by actlvi business men, wlijch, added to the capital Invert ed, guarantees entire safety and experience in the disposal of merchandise consigned to them. Refkknexces is New York. , NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC. BANK OF AMERICA. '■ THEODORE CRANE, Pres’t, F. J. Ogden, Secretary. sept26-2ary3w Fop Sale. A PLANTATION IN TERRII^ COUNTY, G IONTAINING one thousand aerri, (1,000,) four ' hundred (400) well cleared and i| a tinestute of cnltivatiom situated on Mossey t. rftk, three miles from Brownes Station, on the Southwestern R. R. The place to well situated, with log improvements, good orchard, gin house and 6crew, &c. The land to well adapted to the prodnctlon of cotton, sugar cane, potatos and gr.. in of all klsds. Tliere Is about two hundred acl-es of this plice No. 1 ham mock land, which can be early brpoght iuto cul ture. The present crop will be told frith the place if sired. ily to or desii Price of land, *7,000 t’. D 8TEVElls(l_, Real Estate Agent, • j Macon, Ga. GEO,. C. FKEEMAN, Commission Merchant, Cobbeii Bat and Dhatton Sis., ■ SAVANNAH, Gr. FOE PUE0HASE, SALE and FOEWAEDINd ALL KINDS-'-' OF Merchandise, Produce and Manufacturers -Goods. Sepf./15-tbd-lm. Money- to Loatfr. T HE luosL 4berel advsaices in cash made upoi all kinds pf Jewelry, such as Gold aud Silver ■Watehce, Diamond Rings, Diamond Pins, Chains .etc.. Breastpins,’ Bracelets, Eardrops, Pearls, 25! Vies, Silver Plate, and everything el»e of valuc. Money is loaned and these articles accepted os col- hiteral security. Apply to the 'undersigned one door below the Macoti Postoffice, Up 8tairs. ang2T>-lm^ n[ ,,. /1J n ,11. C. STEVENSON.- /'I EQRGJtA, Jones Goustv, Ordinary’s Offlcd OT said county.—Whereas Charles L. D;mie, ap plies to me for letters of administration upon the taiUte.Of William qoultcr, U.-ceiscd t TlK*se ure to cite and admonish all I .-r my hand officially, Aug. 30,1865. ,-J-, ROLAND T. ROSS,.: ! smmmto 1 OriialtoM persons con ccrned, to file their objections, if any they have in .this office by the first irohday in OetObernext.’ Given under my hand officis ... . r-, • RC sep l- w5t EORGIA, DECATgtt County.—On the first. U Monday in October next, B. F. Benton w ill apply to the Court of Ordinary of said county for letters of Administration on the estate ofj P Geuldcn, dcc’d. H. M. BEACH sep2 w30d . ; •" . .Ordinary - ■ A Cartli, l i D URING my absence, Dr. T. H. Hall can be found at my office. *7 ° septO- f CHARLES II. HALL. SPECIAL NOTICES. To the Public. letters from the array, will confer a special favor by informing me of the fact, by letter, at this place. The aid ol my fricndH of the Press iri bolicited in giving this card a general-circulation in tho States named above. P. W- K.- Thomaston, Upson Co., Ga., Sept. 26ih, 1865. medical College or Georgia, AUGUSTA. The regular eoun»eof Lectures in this Institution will be commenced on the first Monday in Novem ber next, and be continued four months. } T i . L * A * T)UGA8, sep7 2tawlm j > ) •!? Dean. Notice. The Presbytery of Flint river stands adjourned to meet in the city of Americus ou Thursday be fore the 3d Sabbath in October next, at 7 o’clock , M. .TAMES C. PATTERSON, ijygpt r \ I vrJ Stated -Clerk. HATS AND CAPS. Wholesale and* Retail, T. W. FREEMAN’S. Sept7-23t Batchelor’s Hair Bye! The original and best in the world! The only true and perfect hair dye. Harmless, reliable and instantaneous. Produces immediately a splendid black or natural brown, without injuring the hair or skin. Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes.— Sold by all druggists. The genuine is signed Wil liam A. Batchelor. Also, Regenerating Extract ot Millefleurs, for restoring aud beautifying the hair. CHARLES BATCHELOR, angl5-ly New York. Itch! Itch! Itch!—Scratch! Scratch! Scratch !—Whcatoti’a Ointment will care the itch In 48 hours. Also curca salt rheum, ulcers, chilblains, and all eruptions of the skin. Price 50 cents. For sale by all druggists. By sending 60 cents to Weeks & Potter, sole agents^ 170 Wash ington street, Boston, Mass., it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any park of the United States.sept 27-3m NATIONAL LITE Any person in Georgia, South Carolina, Florida, rp TO l pr o! Tnqin'flrtPP (1011103 0V or Alabama, having preserved printed copies of my J-FiiV tUtUS lllbUl iAULU VdUHipa.Il V, DEVLIN & 00., Broadway, New York. C L O TH I N Gr ; Ty AT ; ' f WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , , . W E OPEN THE SEASON WITH A LARGE STOCK OF ELEGANT CLOTHING AND FPRNISHING GOODS in onr Ready-Made Department. • Wo have also secured the services of -first-class ar- ?: •• %} C flb ttota in onr t-. .>* ; „ .CUSTOM DEPARTMENT, Which la likewise supplied with tlie finest and best Fabrics of the HOME AND FOREIGN J|ARKETS. To those wlto wish to order by mail, will tie sent (on application) ; SAMPLES OF GOODS, With Directions for Measuring, which, if correctly followed, will secure a fit iu all cases. DEVLIN & CO. ftBjlLtu,. llalrenSt.l : 1 septS^-Sm HEADQUARTERS SUB-DISTRICT, District of Columbus, Macon, Ga., 8ept 23d, 1865. Special Orders, I ’ >f ‘** ' No. 12. f Hereafter any person selling to or manufacturing citizens’ clothing for any enlisted men of this com mand, will be arrested, fined and imprisoned. By command of Col. AND’W B. Z. DAWSON. E. F. Malih, Lt. and A. A. -A. G. septS4-10t " ' ’ T REDEGAR IRON WORKS, , RICHMOND, VA. Having resumed operations at these Works, we are prepared to supply all the articles heretofore furnished by u>; among them are the following: for railroads. Wheels and Axles, separate or fitted. Chilled Tyres, Chairs and Spikes, Bridge Bolts and Bridge Castln, — , &e. IronTrucks, Engines,“Boilers,! MERCHANTS. Iron of all kinds, Nails, «&c. PLANTERS. Engines for Saw and Grist Mills, - 'Plantation Iron and Castings, Sorghnm Mills and Pans. BUILDERS. Iron Front and all Castings for Buildings, Nails, Spikes, Ac. ’ We have also on hand Hoop Iron, suitable for coopers and others; also, Iron Axles,HarseShoes, Ac., all of which we will sell at the .lowest market rates for snch articles. sept 27-lw J. R. ANDERSON A CO. Just Rqfelved and for Sale AT BOYD A’GORDON’S DRUG STORE. , White Lead, Linseed Oil, Copel Varpiah, Datnar Varnish, Japan Varnish, *' Spirits Turpentine, Window Gla^s, Putty, Neatsfoot Oil, Coal Oil, Paint Brushes, Hair Broshes, Tooth Broshes, Dressing' Combs, Also A fine lot of Perfumery and Fancy Goods. sep26-4t GEORGIA HOUSE7 BEARDEN & (LATE OF MACON, GEORGIA,) No. 20 Beaver Street, New York. tar Liberal advances made on Cotton, Wool, and produce generally. • RBFBB TO Business Men oi Macon; Merchants of Atlanta W. Jones A Co:, Richmond, 'Vd.; Fleming A M^helcs, Augusta;. T.- T. Brocks, and T. Branch A Sons, Petersburg, Vu.- : - u <n . sept 27-6t* CO., Dwelling Wanted. T HE undersigned wishes to rent u Dwelling in the city of Macon for the coming year—the house to contain f«nr or six rooms, good outbuild ings and garden. Any one having such house for rent, will do well to cull on Robertson A naitcogk, who will net for till.'. . ' »ept96-6t» ' ’ . J, M. RICE. Come alj. Ye Hungry and Thirsty, TO THE OLDESTAND BEST RESTAU RANT AND BAR IN THE CITY. I THE OLD ISAAC’S STAND. Keptby TlV . . n,/. . t. ,-y 4f . H. A. POH1 E R, ON CHETfRy ST. To Rent or Sell, W- residence in Vineville. For particulars, , — enquire, on the premises, of ! Mulberry street, scpt33-6t* JAMES DENT. There yon can find exerything good to Eat A, and Drink. Prepared to Board and Lodge by the Day or Month. . : ) Beptl7-lm - ' S. A. PORTER. Store to Rent. A Commodious Store in the business part ot town. For particulars apply to Macon Intel ligence Office. ■ - (T-.TV •«p37 , F, R. A B. L. G0ULDING. OF NEW YORK. Office, NO. 243 BROADWAY. TL AUTHORIZED CAPITAL *500,000. DIRECTORS: Edward A. Jones, Samuel J. Glassey, T. B. Yau Buren, Sylvester M. Beard, Robert Crowley, Wm. Coit, J. C. Diimniek, Henry Clews, Albert Wright, John A. Iselin, H. P. Freeman, Nicholas E. Smith, James R. Dow, Orison Biuut, Howell Smith, F. H Lrnnmus, Wm. E. Prince, Sylvester Teate, Joseph Wilde, A. A. Low, Chas. Curtiss, fe Asher S. Mills, - W. H. Webb, “ Henry J. Raymond, i Silas C. Herring, Sam’l W. Truslow, Richard A. McCurdy. EDWARD A. JONES, President. WM. E. PRINCE, Vice-President. ASHER S. MILLS, Secretary. F. B. VAN BUREN, Treasurer. S. Teats, M. D., Medical Examiner. E. H. Jones, Superintendent of Agencvrr E. F. Foloer, General Railway Agent. LIFE AND ENDOWMENT POLICIES Are issued on the Mutual plan. All the profits in this department are divided pro rata among the Policy Holders. AI1 policies to lie • ioeoutato- He after fiTe years from date, and nou-torfeitable after two aunual payineuts. A Loan of one-third of the ’amount of pi-Qniums will be made; also, thirty days grace given In payment of premiums. GENERAL ACCIDENT POLICIES Are granted covering accidents of all descriptions, including the travelers’ risk. Ii issued Without Compensation, They provide for death, if caused by accident; but In case ofinjuryonly, tho Insured receives no com pensation. If granted With Compensation, The full amount assured is payable to the family In case of death caused _by accident and occurring within three months from the date of Injury. Or, ill him- ..f’mini i'iiitv. tin- in-urt d re ceives a weekly compensation uut Q lie i- (Matos attend to his business, such time not tb exceed twenty-six weeks. The policy covers all forma of Dislocations, Broken Bones, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Gunshot Wounds, Burnsand Scalds, Bites of Dogs, Assaults by Burglars, Robbers, or Murderers, the action of Lightning or Sun-Stroke, the effects of Explosions, Floods aud Suffocation by Drowning or Choking, and all other kind of accident. Ten Dollars Secures a general Accident policy for Two Thousand Dollars, With a Weekly Compensation of - ‘ * Ten Dollars. TRAVELERS’ INSURANCE TICKETS, For any length of time, from one day to twelve months, are on sale at the various Railroad and Steamboat Ticket Offices and Agencies • Marine Risks and Special Voyages., Policies are granted insuring against death by accident while sailing in steamer or soillDg vessels, atoofor special voyages. Full information, together with Tables of Rates, <&e., can be obtained at the Home Office, or by ap plication to the'State Agent. E. C. GRANNIS, Agent for Bibb County? j! C. McBUBNEY, Gen’l Agent for Gcorgi*. EJT Insurance Agents desiring the appointment aa Agent, can address the General Agent, J. C. MeBurney. sep22-3m WHOLESALE RETAIL DRY G00D8 AND CLOTHING STORE. A 8CHEURMAN & BROTHER,, beg leave • to inform the citizens of Macon and sur rounding country that they have just received one of the LARGEST and BEST assorted atock of LADIES’ AHD-.GENTLEMEN’S furnishing GOODS that U In the market—consist- Belts, Ribbons, Crapes, Laces, Edgings, InsertlngsJ Hose, Gloves, Water Falls aud ornaments, Fancy Head Dresses, Fancy Combs of every description, Irish Linens, Table Cloths, Towelling, Handker chiefs, Jaconet and Swiss Muslins, Mtisquetoe Net tings, Shirtings of all descriptions (Bleached and unbleached), Love Veils, Yell Berege, Poplins, Ac. A large assortment of Ladles' Misses’ and Chil dren’s Shoes, Gaiters, Booties, Hoop Skirts of the latest style, Parasols Corsets, Jewelry, Perfume ries, Pomades, Toilet Soaps, and hundreds of LADIES ARTICLES too numerous to mention. We have, also, a large assortment of Gentlemen’s and Boys’ clothing and famishing Goods, consist °* - (Mx i r ■under shirts, DRAWERS’ .COATS, PANTS, VESTS, SHIRTS, HOOTS, SOCKS, SUSPENDERS, CA8SIMEBK£r . ,, 4 8H0S, BROAD CLOTH, GENTLEMEN’S SHAWLS HATS, ~ ; CAPS, SATINETS, BLANKETS, WATCHES, POCKET KNIVES, . . POCKET BOOKS, SCARFS, ‘ TRUNKS, VALISES, CARPET BAGS; YANKEE NOTIONS of every description, and many articles which, there to not space enough to enumerate. As we have many advantages, we intend offering -the best and cheapest Goods that caa be found in the city or • i S 0 IJTHERN MA REST, - One of the firth being located in the city of;Netr York, we will be constantly receiving all Goods suitable for this Market, whicb .,. ; . WE ARE DETERMINED TO SELL. We have on hand, as you may understand, A fine variety of Goods, Cheaper, cheapest in the land, This must be well understood; J. i ’ We MtjlMflkfailSbH! - Come jwtgc for yourself and tllenyou’U know,’- 1 ’ That we have fine goods, and they all pretty— Cheaper titan you'll find in this city. ' -<> Come-all those that have taste and pride, And you’ll not go off dissatisfied. All onr Goods are nice and new, And wcare certain they’ll suit you. Wc say to one, we say, to. all, . All we ask to jnst a call. A. 8CHEURMAN & BRO. sept26-tnov2I. FARM FOB. SALE. L YING on the Macon and Brunswick KailrStd, one mile from pykes’ station, containing 40o acres: one hundred cleared, the balance heavily timbered, together with, the present crop. Also, at. Mules, two 2 Horse ■ Wagons, one six horse wagon, pew, thirty head oT hogs, and all the farm- *'i utensils. There is a No. 1 Cane Mill and "iders on the plate, one double leg house and _1 i houses fot Ireedmen, nil new. A bargain can nadby applying at the Foundry to HfVi J! 8. SCHOFIELD. , ::ALSO, One of the best Lots of land there is on the Ma con and Brunswick Railroad, fax utiles below Dykes’ station, containing two hundred two and a half acres, and known as the Dubois place. Eighty acres cleared and forty, under new fence; there is a turnout already graded on tins place. Thereto enough timber on it to bring a big pile of money: Also, a good double log house, and other out buildings on the place. J. S. SCHOFIELD. _ sept_26-6t • . . WANTED. . / -u V SIX GOOD ANI) STEADY TIN AND Sheet Iron Workmen. For which will be paid the highest wages. ’ ***' sept 26-St* McELROY A 8UBER8,./. ^ | Fourth Street. For Rent or Sale, F ROM the 1st October, my place on the east aide ■of Tatcall Square. To a careful tenant, will be ieptawt* 3 - WAS. A. KNIGHT. E. J. JOHNSTON & Watch Makers and JeWelle: Under Masonic Hall, Cotton* & Have just received and are now offering a fine and well sGected assortment of Pocket Knives, Roger’s & Wostenholin's make, Scisors, Razors, . ♦. 7 Mb ' 4 Razor Strops, Pocket Books, Hair Broshes, Tooth and Shaving do Dressing Combs, JRound and Fine do, Silver Thlmblc-s, Steel do; Steel Spectacles aud Noses, Gold Pens in Silver CaseB, Violin and Guitar’Strings, $ r.-,p-.- ; . ; . Silk Guards,’,Watch Keys, Split Rings, Gold and Steel, Steel Chains and .Tweezers Silver Plated Table end Tea ,8poon», Silver Plated Forks, Table and De?ert Knives, Knives and Forks &e., &e., 100 Dozen Goat’s Spool Thread. For sale lowjto.close a consignment. shall be receiving a flue stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silver, aud Silver Plated Ware, to which invite the atteutlou of pur- ■ chasers. Watches aud Jewelry repaired, and Engraving Stone, at short notice. E. J. JOHNSTON, ’ , ■*' . - a. . .i. ’ Under Maaonis H*}1,, - sepl0-15t* Cotton Avoaffy. Just Arrived! ISfew {^oodst Grand Dlkplay; Two Stocks In Onei Goods from Auction! Saving to Oonsumsw) S, T. 00LEMAN, Agent, Cherry St,- . THE underalgned will open, about the 1st of October, In the fmildlng well known as the Ifanufaeturertf Bank, Cbr. Chenft sfc SecondSU. The most elegant and extensive variety of * FALL GOODS! * FOR LADIES’ AND GENTLEMEN’S WEAR, Yet displayed in this city. My stock will constat not only of my own purchases, bnt large selections from purchases made by Mr. J. B. Ross, at tha re cent Auction Sales In New York, which I know to be at lees prices than others have paid In ths same market By anTurangement with Meters. J. B. Ross & Son’, their ENTIRE RETAIL BUSINESS will be transferred to me; jmd with the advantages offered I shall, at all times, be prepared with the most comprehensive assortment in this City. Es-. pedal attention has been given to the selection of MOURNING GOODS, And also to the selection of LINEN GOODS, of every description, which are now decidedly cheap er and more economical than Cotton fabrics. So come along, Ladies, and give me a trial, I have served many of yon in the past, and given you good bargains, and will continue to do so, If you will stick to me, and If I have neglected to provide any tjnny.w'hioli-eah add to your comfort or convenience, I will furnish It upon short notice. S. T. COLEMAN, Agent. I.ate Finn, Rosa & Coleman. •:sept24 ’ 6071-2 Acres of Land for $3,000. WIIoox (Jaunty Cotton Land. ’ I OFFER for sale a plantation in Wilcox conntv, within two miles of Abbeville, the county seat It contains 607X acres, of which 300 Ara cleared and in a high state ot cultivation. The major portion of which opened within the last three years. The balance well Umbered. Fifty acres of which have been deadened. I will also sell on the place 1,000 bushels of corn. 15 stacks of fodder, 8 head of cattle, 0 mules, BO head of hogs, I yoke of oxen. 9 head of shssp. 1,000 bnsheto potatos, 1 four horee wagon sad cart, 100 bushels of peas, 100 bushels rice, and t miscellaneous assortment of plantation Imple ments. Everything necessary. Pries of land $3,000. -Price of land, crop, etc., $6,000 green backs. A map of the place and surrounding country can be 6een at my office, one door below the Po»t- offloe, up stars. ' H. C. STEVENSON, . Real Estate Agent, aepl6-eodlm*Macon, Os. ., ’ $100 REWARD. A PERSON calling himself Lee Smith hired s fine mare, .saddle and bridle, one weak ago, at my stable, to be returned in forty-eight hours. Smith represented himself to be a cotton buyer.— The mare is a sorrel, blaze In the face, light mane and tall, good traveller, no scars, and about sight vc-nrs old. I will pav 850,00 for the mare, siuffilt and bridle, or $100 for the arrest of Smith with the property. Apply to • JAMES CRAFF, sept27-3t , Livery Stable on Fourth street. } V FOE SALE. M Y PLANTATION, situated In the county of Lowndes, ten miles from Valdosta, the coun ty town and two miles from Ayattnb. Ths tract contains four thousand three hundred acres. Four teen hundred are in cultivation, not surpassed In lertility in the county, of which eleven hundred have been cleared within four years. The climate is decidedly healthy and the settlement eligibly situated. Appended to the plantation!! a substan tial grist and saw mill, entirely new. The build-. ings are commodious and well constructed. Ths quarters for the laborers are oomfortable and caps/- ble of accommodating upwards of two hundred. There are two large cotton and gin houses upon the plantation. All of the atock will be sold with it, constating of mules, cattle, hogs and shesp.— Poesesslon to be given on or before January. . J. WALDBURG, Savannah. Jy 19 60-3tawtf Ice: Ice! ! Ice! ! ! received, which will b« season, at the old stand of ALSO, SAN ; D S’ CREAM ALE By the Barrel or Half Barrel. WELLS & PALMER. HEADQUARTERS FIRST SUB-DISTRICT, 1 * District of Columbus, j- Macon, Ga., Sept, 26,1866. J Special Ohdebs. ) No. 14. ’ ) Hereafter, and until Ihrthor orders, all aaloone o places where intoxicating liquors are sold will be CU“. .1 al eight o’.-hKi r. M . - evv.’j. A failure to comply with this order will subject the guilty par ly to arrest and imprisonment added to the closing of his establishment. By order Cou ANDR. JR. Z. DAWSON. E. F. MaulR, Lieut, and A. A. A. G. sept27-5t • KA BBLS. good DU for tale % sept 27-3t* Lime, time. ' vy - fi-psh Lime. Juat receivtd and McCALIJE & JONES, Cotton Avenue. WANTED TO BUY, I N THE CITY OF MACON, A DWELLING con taining from 4 to 6 rooms b -Address D. M. C,, with full particulars, sepSS 10t* ^TELEGRAPH OFFICE. - OCTATUS COHEN, Forwarding and Commission House. SAVANNAH, GA. aug 9-Sm*