The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, September 29, 1865, Image 4
ail]f€tftgrap|. Id Lodge of Odd Fellows—The Wildey Monument. Baltimoup, Sept. 20, 1805.—The city pro mts a gay aspect this morning. The weath er is bright and propitious, and the various divisions of-the great procession of Odd Fel lows are now proceeding to the various po sitions assigned for their formation, prepara tory to marching to participate in the cere monies of the unveiling of the splendid sta tue of charity. The throng on the streets is very great, and the procession promises to be one of the largest and most imposing pa- gaents ever beheld in chis city-'. To the disappointment of the vast body of spectators the president of the United States was not present, having been prevented by official dories from accepting the invitation. The procession moved at eleven o’clock and occupied just one hour in passing. The column marched four abreast, and was pre ceded by a detachment of police and flanked by policemen, who kept the streets clear, of all obstructions. - Most of the lodgesappeared in new regalia, and there were many new and. elegant ban ners displayed. Fine bands of music were interspersed throughout the line, and gave spirit and zest to the display. In the body of the procession there appeared some half dozen large wagons, handsomely decorated and crowded with young orphan children, mostly girls, who bore numerous decorated shields variously inscribed with the names of various States and Territories, mottoes, etc. These cars were each drawn by six horses, led by .colored grooms,, dressed in Turkish costume.' Following these cars' caine a large number of orphan boys, who, like the chil- cars,are-being:educated at.the expense of the order. There were also many orphan children accompanying the various lodges. JnC ; * -S The rear of .the procession was brought up by the .grand encampment arrayed in them costly, regalias. ----- — A cphspicious feature of this portion of the processiorf Was the tent of the Grand Encamp ment, in which was seated the high priest of the order, arrayed in his vestments with the two guardians on either side the door, clad in black velvet robes, studded with guilt but tons. Last of all came the members of the Grand Lodge of thc United States, In'carriages! The head of the^-procession-reached the monument shortly after noon, when the line was baited and arranged in open order, while the Grand Lodge marched from the extreme left staqd erected near ,thc base of thp monument, where the ceremony of unveiling the statute of charity took place after prayer by the Rdy. Mr. Williamson. A : The repdrt of the Wildey monument com mittee was head. r ■ . i -x un. •: Past Grand Sire Nicholson then /formally presented the monument to the Grand Lodge of the United States,-which was . received'oh their part b^r^ast Grand Sire Veitch, in an After: congratulating the monument coiu- mittee on their successful execution of the work, the granclsiresoid; I have charac terised this as ah interesting occasion, and it is truly so? It'is interesting in the fief that, from this time our order will go- forth regen erated and; vitalised upon; its great labor of love and brotherhood by reason of our hap py It is interesting tn the fact that it supplies an occasion for re flection and instruction. We may 'Survey from .this eminence .which we now occupy! the-carjer of our order, from it# feeble and unpretentious infancy. Born of humble men, and ushered jnto an unfriendly ; world, we may .look: upon its- founder as some half a century ago he trod these afreets, a stranger and without friends, his exterior man sym bolized by the rnde base upon^ which this column is sprung, fet enshrined with in a heart - after the Divine Image. It . is an interesting occasion, also, that it assem bles united brethren at this shrine to do hon- „ or and'reverence to the memory of a great public benefactor, and to testify before th« world that mochas we love Odd Fellowship ' for its intrinsic worth, we lovelt the more as the great bond" which unites the host which we number as one jtnan, moved. as by one heart, by one spirjt,"and identified with the love and hdpe or one country. It is interest ing, also, because we are here to renew our vows ol fealty to a common cause, to imbibe fresh inspiration of duty and. devotion, and to bear'hame with us influences arising from this meeting, which will diflusc themselves throughout the order and give renewed^ force and powcr'tb the ties; which bind us. And besides these subjects wfititemt which the . occasion suggests, my brethren, tWisyet DAILY a more commanding idea to. be deduced fippi■ , ? the occasion and its surrounding., ' We *rc hot herc in private, engaged'in the mere outward ceremony Of inaugurating a mute and- inanimate sba'ft of- iqarble. 'Oij, yje contrary, there is at this moment an immense multitude looking .pn tbeseaights, J do not mean merely the.conconjrsg «f citizens who have honoredus presence to-day.This vast as are its r,timbers, is but a tithe of tin! nulliona to whom I refer. The eye of tlw world is upon us to scrutinize our -Cause g its yalgp.tQjSomefrr atlijage. 4Ipr is ft- , ument wl^waf^urfuratcmute. althoudti;ipg n j ln , ltc , o'? it body not against their fellow no t against lift,.’ libertybr property jao ^ against human rights 'and prerogativ-^ s _ ino> hut banned against rice in all vtqYorms,, against penury. want disease aati ihe fieroe passsons of tb’e races under tfrr bxoart hanner-of fratetr 1 it v and peace, and good will and love to man—men who Came up here toklay armra/i; this com mon altar of our Order frdfn every quarter of our extended comftnr^fd^er the terrific ordeal through which it passed; with hearts knit to.caeh .Other with an affection sot thp selfish heroism so sublime as to demand the just : a i-..uration of. trite men. ItejMSe aWnemofnent was pus- .pf an, passing interest, as forming a complete cir cle around the monument^ tho agitated mass of humanity extended td’a distance, not only far beyo'n®,hearing,;buf ‘eytla; (leyond sight. From lie',summit of the hill, one" of the Inf, tiest eminences in Baltimore, the eye ranged vainly for* limit to pushing and driving Governor Cox, of Maryland, Mr. Andrews, of Texas, Mr. Fisk, of Kentucky, Mr. Fitzliugh of Virginia, and Col. Dnncan, of Missouri, The tem-r ot tbeir remarks was congratula tory on the reunion of the order, the return of peace, and presaging a happy 'future for the country. LITTLE, SMITH & C0„ HAVE JUST RECEIVED A Large Assortment of G-oods I> TIIEIB ‘line, Consisting in part of, Gentlemens and Ladies Saddles, Fine Double and Single Harness, Bridles, Collars and Whips, TRAVELING SATCHELS, FINE SADDLE CLOTHS, * V ’ 4M:1 Shoe Findings of all descriptions, LEATHER of all kinds, Lew.;. HUBS Saddle and Harness Hardware, :- > Carriage Trimmings, &c, Which we propose to sell at REASONABLE RATES. J3gT"Work manufoctured TO ORDER, ' ,.V '.. and repairing done WITH>-DXSP'ATCHi <-. sepl7-lmo Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. < FRESH ARRIVALS Gr R K .A T BlECrAIIS OFFERED!! 5 Q DOZ. WHITE SHIRTS; 300 Dozen Linen and 10,000.Poper collars, I (• 100 Dozen Ladies’ Collars and Sleeves, A large assortment of 'Ladies’ Under Cloth ing, , i. 50 Dozen Ladies’ Hose. 10 Dozen Infant Robes 50 Dozen Ladies’ Hair Nett*, (assorted) .1 White Trimming? (alarge assortment) 50 Dozen Shirt Bosoms, •W Tieees Black Aljaca, j 50 Pieces DeLuincv, ' • 20 Cases Calico,' ’* * ' ' ’ * l? ' 35 Dozen Puhnerall Skirt?, • 25 Cases llats, 30 Cases Shoes, all sortijfJijtsizes,' 50 Dozcu Woolen tt«>- 1 r ] Shirts, 300 Dozen ms*-,,, mm .Cotton Pocket Handkerchiefs. 25 Deaea Head' Handkerchiefs, 1 ’ K)0,Dozgn Pocket. Knives., Npjf ig, store and. Son sale cheaper thus any oft er goods of the same quality in tho market WHO LE SALE. LARGE ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS G. RICE & CO.’S, 59 College Street, Nashville, Tenn. LARGEST, CHEAPEST & BEST SELECTED STOCK ■= ba * > ** 1 * ‘v •- .'*• tod ^3*-w FALL & WINTER DRY GOODS in. TitE-ciT.Y- of Nashville. _ i rr i . Our assortment of BLACK AND COLOJtED SIUifejil- TtOl! FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOS POPLINS, -MOHAIRS, LUSTRES, .CL n a w xr STYLES OF DRY GOODS, CANNOT BE SURPASSED. We have the latest styles of '• • 1,1 • . ' Cloaks, Shawls, Balmoral Skirts, Ladies’ Hats, - A large assortment of SWISS, MULL, INDIA- BOOK, EDGINGS, INSERTIONS, LACES RIBBONS. HAND- ! KERCHIEFS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, NOTIONS,etc ^ We are selling to country merchants coming to and passing through the city to hiiimlv themselves with goods we wish tA say that we can sell them at lowe? rates than they can obtain them at Louisville or Cincinnati. Our Large stock of * : J HATS AND BOOTS AND SHOES Has mostly been bought at auction, very cheap, and trill be sold, at very small profits. •" », .. . •-■ M .0 ! . .1 • 5 - Our* Clothing Department, Up Stairs,^ ’ ' Consists of every article of Men’s Wear made mj in the latest styles iuul of the best nfaterial, and bne^ed at thelotvestprices, tyholcs3lp and retail, at t ; ; ,/,t; EDWARD WILDER, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST AND DEALER IN P.AINTS, OILS, ,D YEy-SrTU FFS AND G-L ASS WARE. AGENT FOR VIRGINIA, MISSOURI AND KENTUCKY T OB A C CO, NO. 514 MAIN,, STREET, Louisville,' - --a ... Kentucky. P. S.—Liberal advances made on Cotton on con signment. ‘ ‘ WANTED, , v . FEATHERS, SJ ‘ W a GINSENG,: . - '- BEESWAX, TALLOW and RAGS, for which I will pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE, either in-cash or trade. [aug25 8m TO OWNERS OF COTTON. We find that'the large quantity of Cotton which we own and eontrol in ' Southwestern Georgia, and the unsettled condition of the country will require us to establish a . 1 • *i ( .. ... HOUSE AT APALACHICOLA, FLA., for the.purpose of receiving and forwarding all Cotton to onr Houses at Liverpool, and New York. We will be assisted at that point with the most eminent business men of the' countfj, «ho wiil Rective, Store, Compress and Forward all Consign ments, pay Taxes, Charge .and make advances upon shipments to WATTS, CRANE & CO., New York, or W. C. WATTS & CO., Liverpool, or GIVEN, WATTS & CO., New Orleans, or will forward Cot! ton on the -d ‘t • - •? • Most Reasonable Terms, where owners prefer to consign other Houses. Bagging and Rope supplied. Shippers can rely upon prompt attention. Gen eral patronage solicited. Address' E. M. BRUCE, MORGAN &CO., scp2-lm ' Apalachicola, Fla. J. H. ZEIEIN & ml MACON CARRIAGE REPOSITORY W. D. BANKS, Proprietor. Mulberry Street, Opposite Stutylefield Bouse, 1 Macon, Georgia; sept 17-3m G. RICE COLLEGE STREET, & CO.’S, >•■- •> .- •!!• > - NASHVILLE, TENN. i f) ^j^^RUCE & CO.* BANKERS: AND COTTON FACTORS, AUGUSTA f i r : i-U GEORGIA E. F. METOALFE & GO., COMMISSION AND FOE WARDING MERCHANTS, S A'V A N N A H fj G,E Q R G,I A . E. M. BRUCE, MORG-AIST & GO., Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants, A P'A LAC II I V Cl 'L A , F L O R I D A . Manufacturer of all the latest styles of FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGES; % ■ : trr (Shifting tops and no tops,) fe ALBERT BUGGIES, EXPRESS WAGON8 AND CARRYALLS, LIGHT SKELETON WAGONS, TROTTING BUGGIES, SULKIES, ETC. H E has on hand, and will be constantly receiv ing, an adequate supply of the best material, and will use none that is not thoroughly seasoned. REPAIRING AND REPAINTING will he attended to promptly and skillfully. Con nected with the establishmentls a complete BLACK- SMX1U SHOP, WMIfl the public can be served at all times. Also, A PAINT SHOP. None but com petent workmen ate employed. ‘ Those who desire light, neat and substantial work, can shit themselves by encouraging home industry, instead of extending their patronage to Eastern manufacturers. FOR SALE, Always on hand, and for sale cheap, New and Second Hand Buggies and Carriage Tim ytfblic are in\ ited to give tnc a call and exam ine my work Mid prices. I think I can suit them. W,i>. BANKS, septil6-lm Opposite Stubblefield House. . Advances Made o Con si. g.n m«nta to WATTS, ORANE & CO., WATTS, GIVEN &i Co!, W. C. WATTS & CO., New York. New Orleans. Liverpool, Eng. ^.EITHER OF THE ABOVE HOUSES” septl9-3m ~ ■ Wholesale Dry Goods. ARRIVALS EXPECTED AN © REP E I V E D IOO Doz-.. 0 oop Skirts Expected TO-MORROW. ’I ^KTincrs and mcrelia’hta genCi-.illy are invited to •»i and uxamiue our stock. All of which will be Sold at small prodts. A word to the wise is suf ficient. * ... R. B. CLAYTON & CO. Macon Sept. 15—lnt : Special Notice SOUTHERN MERCHANTS Wi- have just-opened, and are prepared to-ecli at Wholesale only, a splendid stock of FalW Norton, Slaughter & Co. ; COTTON ^ACTORS, NEW YORK AND -LIVEUBQpL. T IBERAL cash advances m^e on consignments wkIgt - JLz to ns by MAUDE & WRlGHT, 263 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. . Salts made and proceeds returned with promptness, in the national currency or gold, as the shippers may desire. Wc insure direct from Angnsta to New.York at LOW RATES. Messrs. MAUDE & WRIGHT control a large portion of the shipping on the Savannah river, which enables them to give quick despatch to “all onr Consign ments. , — : -••• «— ■ - • G ... seplfrlm NORTON. SLAUGHTER & CO. Go to Losey, Lyon & Patrick’s, NEWS EMPORIUM, •orting w y. Visitii onq door-below ETlts’ Drfig stdtt.' faujSo. tf their home?. The procession havjng reached themonumen:, the chastely rlecoratetl car, containing the high prie.sfi of the er.camm mentsDl the order, gorgeously habited in tin- symbolic robes and regalia of his high office, was drawn up to the left of the space on which the platform was erected, to the south of the monument, for, the,- accommodation of the dignitaries of the city and chief officials, of the order.Upon either side of-the plat form were ranged the cars prepared • tor the use of the orphan children of the order. Di rectly in‘front of the platform, and rising from either side, was an elegantly elaborated arch painted ai}d embellished to represent marble. Su?pended trom the.arch, and at- tacbed' symbolic links of tbc order,’ .were theVfioras, ‘Triemltlhp. love and truth." | o ECEIVED this dav a full assortment of ME- whichm turn sustained in the sarue tny?tic | Xt.TALIC BURIAL "CASES and CASKETS ot mannefr'the’pbrase,'“Nor$i,Eastl' South and I the'A»o*t.bcatititul Patterns. For sale at my Fue- West, and yet beneath this the inspiring in- to'i’Muot Third Street. Maepn,-6a. voeation:..‘Troclaim. peaep-’h., ' The fblowing letter,-received by the com; METALIC CASES. mittee appointed to - invite the President, was read by. Grand Sire Nicholson r ) Washisgtos, D. C.. Sept. IK, ISfio. f , Gextlemex:—I had hoped to be able to accept your kind ipvitation for to-morrow, but I have found- upou careful .survey that it would be incompatible with exisring" arrange ments. I pray you t<v believe that I rejoice in the reunion of your order throughout; tlie United State?, a? an auspicious presage of the restoration of order and complete political harmony'throughout, the . Union.. I need hardly ?ay that, in my judgment; this is, at the present moment, the .proper aim, of. true patriotism: ■ 3ST I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, • 1 • Ac Andrew Johnson. Addresses were delivered by Lieutenant uug 2ti k i GRENVHiLE AVOOD. t b .. Brown Ac Parrptt,' DEC Al^RgjtREET ; ATLANTA; iGAil WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, COMMISSION MERCHA^MK T HEY’ have now on hand, and for sale?T 300 REAMS WRAPPING PAPER. 10 pairs Counter Scales. ; / 10 dozen Aahea' Shovels. Also, a general assortment of Groceries. j«fc«-iw t - .oaniFieW nail ww - Produce and Plautation Supplies, JgACON, Float, Whisky Hams, Gunnies, Bagging Rope, - Beef, Pork, Lar3, Tallow, &c. Orders rau be tilled at Western prices.., y . Apply-fjr [XU . TOBY & OGDENplM aept21-lih‘' Second Street. DRY GOODS, Purchased previous to the recent Advance in pricee.^ Our ' ■’ ritfNT^. . DELAINES, 1|t< n STANDARD BROWN- SHEETINGS, bleached isboDs, . D03IESTICS, AND , : . ' ' DRESS GOODS. We offer at New York quotations. Wc have a fine assortuwhi ant)-full Bnta of t >..-r :?,. t I d , jy -f ‘ . Staple; Domestic and Foreign To which we iuvite the attention of purehasdrs, -and lathe present excited state of the market, we beliew that buyers will save both, time aud money by purchasing in NubUville. J, P. BRENNAN & CO.. , ' 4 Inn. Block, Pnblic Square, North'side. ■' H.S. Hollins & Co.’s Old Stand, Nashville, Tent)- 6cp34~lin' Read this Notice. Cable Rope, 1 5 and 6 inch Spikes, Nails all Numbers, Carbonate Sodo, Star Candles, Crushed Sugar, ■< uqd- ’ • . Wiiielt aro offered'at lunreat wholesale prices by JAS. SEYMOUR, Tliifd and second dopr from CUeny st., Macon. sepliLlOt* ._ ... • • WM. Mi UCNN. THOS. W. M.VNOU.VM REMOVAL. i ?* '*«> - - D UNN & MANgHAM have removed, to the West side Third slreet, just above Hardeman & Sparks’ warehouse, where they purpose continu ing thein .. .-i ; . . .. ..-ftli General' Produce and Commission Business. Trusting that byclosc attention to the interests of those whom thej serve, and by. application and promptness generaly in their business relation, to merit a liberal shah of the CITY and COUNTRY trade. They keep always on hand for wholesale and retail trade SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, OSNABURGS, Yams, Cotton Cards? Cbth, Meal, Flour, Sugar, Syrup, Coffee, Soda, Lard, Bacon, Tobacco, Whis. ky, &e., &e. *'*• • •’ They are, also to pay the either ip SPECIE or U. S. jyll-eod3m WARBEN’S CELEBRATED' NEEDLES AND :>■ , , t^is^i .HQOK&) .. iiidv am :l ;- AX DREW 0LERK . & :QQv»a:i 48MAIDEN LANE, N.Y., a- :• SOLE AGjENTST ’ : AW’D 1 IMFC&’faiRS. O UR former customers will find a reduction tfl- gold prices of the Needles, while the quality Is always kept up to the .highest standard known to English manufacturers. •A. C. & Co., respectfully solicit,a renewal of the mercantile relations so long aria favorably esteemed by their house. . sept20-2m FOR SALE! FOR SALE SUITABLE FOR Al HOTEL: PROPERTY, CRAWFORDsOp D WELLING contains twelve rooms, balcony in front both stories. Smoke, wheat, carriage and servants’' houses complete, with stable of twenty stalls, a good carpenter’s shop.; On same ' ■ ’'“."Sott^helves and counters mdortor shop, cotnpIritcT. Groi acres. -WT--! . . ALSO, Will be sold, with or without the above, two lpfr of well timbered land—405 acres—2J4 milesYon Fort Valley road, from Knoxville. • For further particulars,‘apiilv to . e; TOBY & OGDEN,- sept33?12t Real Estate and Ink LAgcntsi I j. w. sfrTciterjj., . y. p. ^S^SonK ••••Mitcliell & Armstrong, 1 ') ’ “• PROVISION & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AND’DEALERS Ut-. 'I. BAGGING, ROPK AND LIQUORS, NO. 65,MAIN STREETiLOUISVILLE, KY. Two Setts Kill Rock-and’ 1 Fixtures •»* .b r. :s A/Ja.E. ,.*ni .or . .. riiM-eiffo i O NE Sett “ Philadclphia'Flint,” which has been uscd:for grinding wheat, with baiting cloth, smut 111::. bine mid al. v.iMr?, and one sett Corn Rockfall in good ordei. Apidv to !fr» 2 S 1 ■ /TIT ,T e, A*T,T>/wir *— *-• 8CO\-13 lmt •aLv 'J°BaVitROW??i Smithville, Ga., S. W. R. W. Now is Your Chance. I WILL SELL CHEAPER THAN ANYBODY, My stock of Crockery, “ “ 44 Cigare, “ “ “ - Liquors, *"**•*’' ». “ “ Groceries. ^ . To wake room for a large lot of other goods: Carl and see if it is not so. N. A. MEGRA'pr, Agt. ^ . ,*)EKiJvK.i. No. 14. - Cotton Avenue, ” ieptl51m Few doors above Masonic Hall Office of Western & Atlantic R. R.V-i. .»*un Atlanta, Ga, Sept 18, 18C5. \ Sealed Proposals W LL BE DECEIVED for the immediate buUd-. ing,of . HOWE'S TRUSS BRIDGES ncros? i n.' Chattahoochee, Etowah and Oostanaula rivers. The spans of Bridging across the Chattahoochee :ir>- ?ix—each cine hundred feet. ,t «- . Across the Etqtvah, five, spans—one lmridrcd and tventv feet. Across .the .Oostanaula, three spans—each one hundred arid'vvrenty feet. . ALSO, FOri ELEVEN BRIDGES To the Citizens of Georgia! The termination of a sanguinary contest, which for the past four years has presented an impassa ble barrier to all social or commercial intercourse between tbe two great sections of onr country, having at length happily cleared away all ob stacles to a removal of those relations which formerly bound us together in a fraternal union, I take the earliest opportunity afforded me by this auspicious event, to greet my Southern friends, and to solicit from them a renewal of tlie* extensive business connection which for a quarter of a centnry has been uninterrupted save by the great pithl w calamity to which I have adverted. It is scarcely- necessary, on the threshold of a business re-union, I should repeat the warning so ofleh given to my friends,—to beware of all thqse spurious and deleterious compounds which, under the specious and false titles of Imported Wines, Brandies, Holland Gin, Liquors, Ac., have beeti equally destructive, to the health of our citizeus as prejudicial to the interests of the le gitimate. Importer. Many years of my past life have been expen ded in an open and candid attempt to expoee these wholesale frauds; no time nor expense has beon spared to accomplish this Salutary pur pose, and- to place before'my friends and tbe public generally, at the lowest possible market price, and in such quantities as might suit tbeir convenience, a truly genuine imported article. Twenty-five years' business transactions With the largest and most respectable exporting houses in Frauco and Great Britain have afforded me unsurpassed facilities for supplying our home market witli Wines, Liquors, and Lfqmures of the best and most approved brands in Europe, in addition to my own distillery in Holland for the manufacture of the “Schiedam Schnapps.’’ The latter, so long tested and approved by the Medical Faculties of the United States, West In dies and South America as an invaluable Thera peutic. a wholesome, pleasant, and perfectly safe beverage in all climates and during all arsons, quickly excited the cupidity of the home manu facturers and venders of a spurious article under the same name. I trust that I have, after much toil and pensc, surrounded all ray . importations with safeguards and directions with which with ordi nary circumspection will insure their delivery, as I receive them from Europe, to all niy cus tomers. I would, however, recommend in all cases where it is possible, that orders be sent direct ti my Depot, 22 Bfeaver Street, New York, or ' that purchases be made of my accredited agents. Id addition to.a large stock of Wines, Brandies, in wood, I have a considerable supply of old tried foreign wines, embracing vintages of many past years, bottled up before the commencement of the wny, which I.can especially recommend tt; all connaisseurs of these rare luxuries, n jin conclusion; I would specially call the atten tion of my Southern customers to the advantage to be derived by transmitting their .order? with out loss of time? or calling pet-sonally at the Depot, in order to insure the fulfillment of their favors'fru'm the present large and well selected assortment. UDOLPHO WOOLFE, sept28-lm,,o >‘ 23- Beaver Street, New York. 1 > I Lost, „ 1 ... A RECEIPT for fifteen bags of cotton, marked W. P. H., given by Hardeman & Sparks. All parties are notified not to trade for the' same, as it is subject only to my order. W. P. HEAD. sep6?lm^- . ■■ ■ -- . r E. E. CONE, a-'-g ' * (successors to core a tollell,) of News- Wholesale Miscellaneous Books, Stationery of-, every description, Daily,: Weekly, Monthly and Quarterly American, Faeuch, English, Italian, German and Irish Publications.— 1 Dealers supplied promptly at lowest rates. All new Books received direct from the Publishers.— Send your orders to, or call on E. P-.'ICONE, .’ lsepO-lm N0.40 Cherry Street, Nashville, T«uu. Eeros? the’Chickamauga, on the. same plan. JrJBy order of -the Board of Directors. ROBERT BAUGH, 8cpt23-0t Superintendent, Furniture. T HE Undersigned has opened a shop on Cotton Avenue, up stairs, and next door below Ross & Coleman’s oldstand, where he is now ready to Repair ami Varniali again give me an opportunity of serving them with ail kinds. Of Cabinet Furniture in the best manner, anythingin the dragline.^ -^L^ W.HUNT; ,TT and at reasonable charges. scpiC-13t* E. P. TAYLOR. Cane Mills and Syrup Boilers. A FEW more of those very superior Cane Mills and Syrup Boilers, for sale cheap, at aug IS tf SCHOFIELD’S'. XV. A. HUFF, Wholesale Produce Dealer, Corner Cherry and Third Streets, UNDER RALSTON’S HALL. jy5 8m •- Notice. H ACKS wUl leave Albany on arrival of the cars from Macon, every Tuesday, Thursday and Fla., via ThomasvUle, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUGGISTS, MACON, GOA.. 10 Casks Superior White Potash. 500 lbs. Maccaboj Snuff. ■300 ozs. Snlph. Morphine, 300 oza. Sulph. Quinine. . -.TO* • ■■ -J-- * ' 50 kegs Bi-Carb Soda, - 300 dozen beat Blacking, ...... 100 pounds Madras indigo, ’, 2 barrels Madder, Mustard* Black Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Cinna mon, at wholesale. TO ARRIVE IN A FEW DAYS* 20 barrels Linseed-Oil. ON HAND, . 50 barrels Turpentine. , septiM-fit WRIGHT* HILL, jy27-tf Proprietors., Great Redaction in Freights COTTON. Quickest and Cheapest ROUTE TO NEW YORK. o o oT •a ■a 8 8 5 -2 s a 'A Z s a 'a *3 ■ 6 ^ fe S3 Ps p4 8 8 - - v XX X3 a a a 55 2 a 8 8 | s * a -a a o •? v- % -2 4 -2 - < 4 1 I % 5 At Johnftonville, ou the Tennessee river, a close connection is made with a tine Daily l*ine of Steam ers, to 8t. Louis. They will receive the Cotton and pay all accrued charges to that point, and transport it to St. Louis, giving through bill of W. j. GARRETT, tdUNG GARRETT & BROTHER, Commission Merchants, AND Wholesale Dealers in .Country Produce, SECOND DOOR FROM MASONIC HALL, Decatur Street, Atlanta, - - -. r .; ? - - Georgia. REFERENCES, Phinizy & Clayton. Augusta; J. L. Vlllalonga, Savannah; J. W. Fears* Co., Macon; R. L. Mott, Columbus; Col. A P. Wright, Thomasville; W. L. High, Madison, Ga.;Wm. C. Ray, Montgomery; Ala.; McGrudcr, Taylor <fc Roberts, Baltimore, MA; Austell & Inman, N, Y.. sep21-3m Clayton, Adair & Purse, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, r ATLANTA, GEORGIA. P ARTICULAR ATTTENTION paid to the pur- ! chase and sale of Cotton, all kinds of Produce and General Merchandize. Special attention given to the purchase and sale of Real estate in the city, and of Plantations in any part of Georgia. They will buy , and sell Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Stocks, Coin, Bank Notes, and collect Notes, Drafts, Ac., with prompt remittances. Engaged exclusively in a Commission Business, with ample and safe storage rooms, they hope to merit a liberal patronage. Refer to—Phinizy & Clayton, B H Warren and W E Jackson, Augusta, Ga.; George W Williams, Chaaleaton; Samuel Trite, Memphis, Tennessee; G G Torbett and V K Stevenson, Nashville, Tenn.; Baldwin, Starr & Co., andTracy Irwin & Co., New WM. W. CLAYTON, Late Agent Georgia Railroad Bank, Atlanta. GEO. W. ADAIR, Late of Anderson, Adair & Co., Atlanta. Isaiah 4 purse, Late of Poullain* Jennings & Co., Augusta >r Ga. sept21-lm MILO S. FREEMAN. N. M. HODGKINS. City Express. MILO S. FREEMAN & CO, \\TOUl.D respectfully inform the Merchants V f t and public generally, that they have started line of Drays for local and- propose to visit the -re- - ....... ......uiw, u. uia.ugc, I several uepois uany, ana transfer freight prompt- •and by them is carried to New York withont ly for those who favor us with their orders at tho change of cars. If shippers prefer the route by customary rate of drayage, and will hold them- way of Louisville, the agents of the different I selves responsible for delivery, and any damages Through Freight Lines to New York, will receive that occur while in their charge, it at Nashville and forward it all the way By Rail, In connection with the fibove, they intend carry- paying accrued charges, without extra expense, j ing - on a shipping, and forwarding business and The Nashville & Louisville, and the Nashville & solicit consignments to their care for transfer be- connected, Cotton ship- e will not change cars at Rates from Johnsonvillc to New York $6 per bale; from Nashville (all Rail) flO 50, (as we are advised.) Parties desiring to reship at Nashville, instead of Johnsonville, can have option of Bilip- Steamboat to Cincinnati—“the Comber- rates of Freight^ not exceeding per bale to. Cin cinnati, and from that point over three different tween depots, &c. Until further notice, orders left at D. C. Hodg kins & Sons and T. W. Freeman & Co. will be promptly attended to. REFERENCES. Wall & Pinckney, Austell & Inman, New York; Erwin & Hardee, Richardson & Martin, Savannsb; sher Ayres, Bowdre & Anderson, J. B. Ross & Son, N. C. Monroe, Macon. r sep23-lm lines of Railroad, at (5 per bale. Cotton by either | j. s. FRENCH, geo. h: retd, tv. h. chadbOURn. route can be laid down in New York from Eufaula, | *'- FRENCH & CO.,. COTTON FACTORS, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Wholesale Grocers, Ac., CLARK STREET,... NASHVILLE, TENN Eufaula, Montgomery, Columbus or West Point, in twelve days. Shippers must consign to Steamboat Agent at Johnsonville, and to Agents of Through Lmes, or a Commission Merchant at Nashville. Govern ment permits must accompany each bill of lading. R BAUGH, Supt W & A R R. GEO G HULL, SuptA&WPRR. CHAST. POLLARD, Prest M & W P R R. U L CLARK, Supt Muscogee Railroad. VIRGIL POWERS, 8uptS WRR. E. B WALKER. Supt M & W R R, E II EWING, Gen’l Freight Agt, N & C and N & N N R R, septSl-lm Special attention paid to the sale or forwarding of cotton. y, -eeptl&Sat* JOHN SNTDKR, j. a. SNYDER, THOS. i. 8NTDEH JOHN SNYDER & CO., Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, ■ FOR THE SALE OF " WESTERN AND SOUTHERN PRODUCE, New 89 Main Street, between Third and Fourth, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. PLANTATION, situated iu Jones county, 131 AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF RAW WHISKY. miles from the city of Macoq, containing], ; , 3,400 ACRES, 2200 of which is cltared land—-baU Particular attention given to the sale of all ance second growth of pine, oak and hickory, I ..rr-,5 p . (about <500 acres oak and hickory.) Red clay found- kmds of Grain Counby Produce. ation. Has 25 acres of young pcacli trees, and well | sept22-lm* watered. There is upon ita TWO-STORY FRAME I DWELLING, with all the necessary outbuildings in good repair, and excellent water. The above FOB SALE VERY LOW, IF PURCHASED SOON. Apply to ->• ' j. it -! TOBY & OGDEN, sept21-12t Real Estate and Ins, Ag’ta. Plantation for Sale. A RARE-CHANCE. A C.’. ' '. ” IX milea from the city of Macon, conti EDWARD FLASH, HENRY L. FLASH EDWARD FLASH & C(X, COMJIERClAl BROKERS, 52 Broad street, New York. aug!5-3m Real Estate, Real Estate! FOR SAL im plantation 600 acres in Bibb Connty. ?! J®. ?! &S3L 750 “ ’Macon “ - ] « *•? 1200 ** Houston •• • ; • Dwellings furnished and unfurnished in the City, and Vinevmc, on reasonable terms. For particu lars aud plans, call upon .. TOBY & OGDEN, . . Beal Estate and Insurance Agents. FOR SALE. I Parties desiring to offer their property for sale ( /j VALUABLE and well improved plantation uwu ra th ™ gh ° nr on road to Knoxville. ■ TT1)1 J .-! l ^i- 1 TOBY it^ OGDEN toftelX a riK^he d p S ^taS 1 ' FOrtVllley ’° r Second Street, Jewett’s Building, sepfi-lm* R.-M. JOHNSON I HOWARD HOUSE, EUFAULA HOUSE, •| EUPAULA) . EUFAULA, t ALA 1 snH I.,* 1 A* • 'I A. Eowis, Proprietor. A HACK runs daily from this Honsc in connec tion with the cars. . L The traveling public arc. invited to giv call • • -’ septia AT-ARAMA A CARD. I TAKE pleasure in announcing to my friends aud former enstomera, that I can be found at Boyd & Gordon’s Drug store, and hope thev will sep5—tf formerly of the firm of Zeilln & Hunt. 3. XV. Howard, Proprietor. A LL the luxuries the market affords, served up to order and at the shortest notice. acplB-Sm*- . . Hotel for Sale. T HE undersigned having determined to remove, to the West, Offers for sale his one-half interest in the Sharon House, situated in the town of Bain- bridge, together with the parlor, bed-room, dining room utd kitchen furniture; all of which is as good as new.r.tTo any one w ishing ,tp, embark iu the hotel busiuess'in Southwestern Georgia, a good opportunity is now offered. ^ 1 JOHN SHARON-. P. 8.—The whole of the house will be sold if de- ired. It is the only hotel in the plae e. [sepi-im*