The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, October 18, 1865, Image 4

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mm C|e iiailg Ctltgrajf. . ! Acquittal of Col. Jaque*. QnrxcY, III., Oct. 0,1865. Eds. Chicago Tribune—Will you be kind enough to mention in your paper the acquit tal of Col. J. F. Jaqucs? As the report oc curred in the columns of the Tribune, giving the first surprise and shock to his many friends throughout Indiana, Illinois and New York States, I think it is not asking , too much, and is but just, that you should coun teract the injurious influence, you have exert ed by furnishing an interesting (?) item for your various satellites in the North—our own city Union papers made no mention of the affair till proven—against a man whose char acter is spotless—so his friends at home and his most intimate army companions, privates and officers, affirm. A man’s character is of too vast ' impor tance to be trifled with; and perhaps ’twould be wiser for these malicious Southerners, an other time, if. they would succeed in such an undertaking, to select a man who is familiar with evil deeds, not one whose life is blame less. Respectfully, lus daughter, . • .01 ; . I / Mrs. H. Ac CASTLE. “Remarks—We had not observed any inehj tiou of the acquittal of Col. Jaques in any of our exchange papers, nor had we been made aware of it in any way until the re ceipt of the above letter. We are sincerely rejoiced to learn it now. But the writer of this note will probably, upon reflection, agree with us that it was wholly impracticable to suppress the fact that Col. Jaquess had been 'arrested, and if wc had excluded that fact from our columns it would still have been known throughout the States of Illinois, In diana, and New York.”—Eds. Trlbujte. It is strange that so important a matter as the above should be thus widely misunder stood. Col. Jaqucs lias not been acquitted, but was released on $2,000 , bail, to answer at the next term of the circuit court of this county. Col. Jaques stands before the law as a particeps eriminis in the fetal abortion upon Louisa C. Williams. He will soon halve the opportunity of establishing his innocence, and we earnestly hope he may do so.—Louisville Journal. Parole of Hon. A. II. Stephens, and Others. It will be seen from the following order that the Hon. A. H. Stephens, and other of ficers of the confederate government, together with Gov. Clark, of Mississippi, have-been paroled by the presiderit. It’gives us pleas ure to record this act of executive clemency. Executive Office, Oct. 11, 1865. Whereas, ( the following named persons, to-wit: John A. Campbell, of Ala.; John H. Reagan, of Texas; 1 Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia; Geo. A. Trenholm, of South Carolina, apd Chas. Clark, of Mississippi, lately engaged in a war against the United States, who are now in close custody, have made their submission to the authority of .the United States, and applied to the presi dent for pardon under his proclamation; and ' Whereas, the authority of the Federal gov ernment is sufficiently restored in the afore said States to admit of the release of said persons from-custody, it is ordered that they be released.on giving their respective parole 1 to appear at such time and .place as the pres ident may desire, to answer charges that he may direct against them, and also .that they will respectfully abide until further orders, in the places herein designated, and not depart therefrom: John A. Campbell, in the State of Alabama; John H. Reagan, in the State of Texas; Alexander H. Stephens, in the State of Georgia; George A. Trenholm, in the State of South Carolina; and Charles Clark, in the State of Mississippi; and if the'presi dent ~§boiild grant his pardonf .to any of the said persons, such person’s parole will thereby .be discharged: . — - (Signed) A. Johnson, President. Another Reform.—-A late New York let ter to the Philadelphia Ledger says: There is great rejoicing among the work men at the Brooklyn navy yard to-day over an order from Com.'Bell, forbidding all con tributions of money for political purposes. All attempts to exact money from persons in public service, either by compulsion or volun tary contribution, hereafter are to be wholly and absolutely prohibited, and it is further declared that the organization of the Brook lyn navy yard must not be permitted to aid any party, nor. will committee men ,be per mitted to come among the workmen for the purpose of making any such assessments. This order is in pursuance of peremptory or ders from the navy department, at the direct instance of the president. A like order, it is understood, will be issued in a day or two, for the benefit'of the custom house and post . . «ffice % . , . '•..'Persons who know nothing-of'the way things are managed'in these governmifi' in stitutions can scarcely appreciate the ithpor- tance -and significance of this proceeding. The employees of the navy yard, the post office, the custom house, etc., heretofore have been but little else than slaves to the party managers and this order from Washington, therefore,- comes -to them in the aspect of a veritable proclamation of emancipation. In a larger sense the people generally will wel come it a3 a new indication of-thepresident’s policy, with reference to the corruptions which have gradually crept into the various depart- mentaof theigovernment service,-under the party whip, and which have been winked at too long, by democrats as well as republicans, ./ that they had almost come to be . considered as a regularly recognized system. The Medical College of Mobile. !?'; "There once existed at Mobile an excellent ■ medical college, but, as will be seen from the following card addressed to a journal of that city, the building is now occupied by the freedineh’s bureau: Messrs Editor's : I have been receiving • - letters from medical students in the interior of-this State and Mississippi inquiring wheth er the medical college of Mobile would be 'opened this winter. - I beg leave to. say, through your columns, that it will not open. In explanation, 1 may state that this insti tution was taken charge of by the freedmen’s bureau, and appropriated to the purpose of a negro school, after was taken pos- ' session of by theTJnlted, States troops. Moreover, a great number of the most .beautiful and .costly models, anatomical pre parations, etc., have been taken off by those now’iff possession, and the chemical depart ment, which was unequalled in any school in our country, is occupied by a negro cobbler. - It is hoped that this explanation will be perfect!^satisfactory to those who feel any interest in a scientific' institution which has cost' the Stale.more than $100,000, and which, in completeness, is not surpassed by any one • if the kind on the continent. J. C. Xqtt, Mi D. . iS^jAbout the hardest case ever heard of was a murderer named Stone, executed many a years since in Exeter. Just before the rope ' - was placed round his neck, he requested the sheriff to bring him a-mug of aid The re- .ques't being promptly attended to, he took the cup and commenced blowing the froth from the ale." ' What, are vou doing that for ?” nervous ly asked the sheriff; ’ •-. "Because,’’ returned the perfect wretch, “I don’t think froth is healthy.” 3ST. E (Wot. i3S, 4- K *L. . 61IGLETOK, UliNT. A CO., OPPOSITE LANIER HOUSE, MACON, GEORGIA, N OW have in store, and for sale, the largest ana best assorted stock of BOOTS, SHOES, AND HATS, In the South. Those wishing to buy, to sell agaiu, will here tind facilities not surpassed by any house south of Cincinnati, as the entire stock has been purchased, FOR CASH, from Ufa manu facturers in the cities of New York and Boston, A good supply of TRUNKS AND UMBRELLAS will also be kept on baud. The firm hopes, by constantly.repleuishing, and by strict attention to business, to merit d- liberal portion of public patronage. W. R: SINGLETON, i W. C. SINGLETON, oct4-3m r.) • l £ HUNT. PURE LIQUORS. COME AND BUY FINE WHISKIES 'AND ;• : : u- >\,<uar. -(.il-.L : WINES, rts- rtff afrtUi , i:... --1 • .‘*1 !■ f .70,1 1 tiuili : 1000 gallons fine old Bourbon, For sale by ' L.‘ Yf. RASDALL. - - ,7 • .1 . : M..;» 300 gallons Sherry Wine, ,-riair fi-ruiqal. Groceries of all kinds,■ if,,-)- ,. ri . Far sale by L. W. KA5DA.LL. Arrangment made at Louisville, 'K} 1 .’ to furnish Whisky cheaper than any merchant in tbe city. 1 ’ f / i L. W. RASDALL, ? eep27-lm Opposite Express Office. JUST RECEIVED. 5000 PAPEK C0LLA ?S and ^ CK TIES. DOlLS. BEADS. ■ TOYS. BELTS. BUCKLES, ETC! at wholesale or retail. I have made arrangements with afriend of fine taste in New York, to forward NOVELTIES of all kinds, as they ‘ire imported both for Ladies’and-Gentlemen’s iwear.i . VH C. IL BAIRD Agent. ! AtMrs. Weeks old stand No. 'll, cbttdn Avcribe. j Eif* Cutting flops as usual. ,jy 1 .petl-Hw ' NEW MILLINERY k FANCY GOODS! "AATtS. C. II. BAIRD is ieeeii-lng weekly somej- 1VJL thing new and novel, to which she invites the attention of her friends' and buyers generally,— Call and satisfy yourselves that she can please you In taste, quality and price.! At Mrs.. Weekeai old stand No. 11, Cotton Avcnne.,.oetl3;lw. PAINTING CHRISTOPHEE BTJRKE LATB LoVr’z/ncRKE., . -a .i-r/.aak.aa t j House, Sig^i & Decorative Painter, PAPER HANGER,'.GtliDES, ETC., ETCj, it :i iw j H AVING resumed business, thp undereighei hopes by attention hhdi moderate prices tj merit a share of public patronage. ,His ability as: workman is known to most of tlie. citizens oflfa con for the past six years. Paint , Shop in Floyd House, opposite Medical College. ! Mixed Paints constantly on hand, at moderate Pn CH RISTOPH E : ft 0 %W R K E . octl3-lm ■ -i - 'Iqm • «.t J : : T / r MM ' MO'Kr f f Miss M. C, Lotviimn W ILL open school on Monday, Oct,' 16tli, at the second house' below the Macon & Brunswick Depot. Miss Lowman is well qualified for teaching all the branchcs-oCam English educa tion, having completed a regular course of study at one of the popular institutions of the State. She also has the! advantage of foiir. years’ experi ence in teaeihidg. ‘ " Tuition, 83 00 per month. 1 ," " otfl5-3t* Gh B ERNDv'^j Manufacturer of Saddles, Harness AND t Dealer in Saddlery Goods, Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. NATIONAL L I-F E r"I • > line: corisisting ojf ,* nus -i r in. t-Tii ] r nlT >[-ioY i bet IS NQ 1 ^ RECEIVING, AND WILL CONTINUE to receive direct Jrnrn manufacturers arid! impor ters,ail'classes of Gobds in hi, ladies’,and gent’s ,£ SADDLES, . _ j HARDWARE, :’-».ihw|i!e j WHIPS, M' ■ as well as,,the different classes ot Leather and oth- cr'materials for manufacturing purposes. I aril ei^jjioyihjy first class workmen, and my work shall be secottdftoiihne iii the 8tate. •'»:».f .i;; I will purchase all kinds of Leather in tho rough ; or finish leather at a reasonable price, both Silo,- and ITarno.-s Leather. Ths highest market price paid for hides. Repairs of all kinds done in the best manner. ; . if :l ol ' - /, tfoteta ■ ■ l ; .N9- business transacted on Saturdays. | „.l Itk ■ r At<i E. M. BROWN, Opposite the Lanier House. B EGS leave to inform liis customers andthc pul>- lie generally that lie. lias returned from the Northern cities, where he has purchased a large, and well selected stock of both Foreign and Do mestic Dry Goods at greatly reducodprices, which he offers at very small advance on cost, .pqq are invited to examine my stock, which you will find to consist of all kinds of J'i'd Bleached and Brown Domestics, . r -jtt ,7 Prints,, ib . .i I, . ; . - Fl^T6h jiii'l English Marinos,' 1 ' >/• i>lni r »ii 1 Moliair, :i jsii; ,Poplins, . , ....- , ,, r , .Thybets, , '. , * i Opera and fancy Flannels’ 1 ‘: Delaines, ’ • * 1 '! «■’ Silks in ^reat variety, inr. Linens of all grades, . , . "1/07 ;' ;n , Hoopsld^ls.ol’all sizes ^nd 7 : j , ! i. Balmaral Skirts of superior make and finish. ' Yotir special attention is called to iny ‘ -i ; - CLOAK AND SHAWL DEPARTMENT^’ i where you will find the 2301 LATEST STYLES* J T j as also the nouveaute LADIES’ HATS, a beauti ful article. The assortment of . , . ‘ 'Dress'trImmings, Uj ’- 1,. • 11 • •. . : . .. ~~r’ A<nt-ri i ifjnipst complete, and a better nor larger assort ment not this 6ide of the Ohio river. 1 have also brought on a large stock of PERFUMERY, SOAPS AND OTHER TOIlET ARTICLES, ! ”i. arid'the assortment of VEU-S, WHITE ANP FANCY GOODS, AND .V; i-.t. . GLOVES,. , . ' liftjnpst'completei -■ Y*iO .gf.'iiggu/tte miinsMlo ! Travelers' Insurance Company, • “ OFYOkkl'. 7/1 ,h , '. ; " ■ • • - 1 1 - no-urn .r.'tly SHstlijr-:n,. I'jion , : ;lif<.. atin'j.Vil.-i./J baloinq pxiii. • [ Office, NO. *43JBRflA».WAYr; . > j --i > .c iiiiimiiimi i'lii: ■ iiirii •i-iiinol authorized capital .. t>. v.-r.q.vra*5oe,o6o. .nobinleiuini ul -j!i.1-171.1 i. 'UlRECTOItSJuimoa oilT Edward^A. Jones,, J Orlson Btunhii-i-' J 1 -' Lumb er I. ILLuiin.ber I OF EVERY DESCRIPTION)' C-1 i • . -OTVtJ.l j ALWAYS ON Hand AND FOR SALE AT iio'-iYoaua aXi.aaaon octl5-10t* GREER & AEASTERSON’^ COFFEE, v: 6 Sacks fine Rio Coffee; just received. TEA—5'Chestsgreen'dn(IBiack*Tea. ‘ j-, SUGAR—15bblsBrownand “H” CrushedSiqgar. CANDLES—50 boxes Star, veryj fine'.' - j'- i PRINTS—15000 yds Prints various' mills, at re duced prices. h" tihun •• . < Shirting, Irish Linen, ' ,J , ' lu - ; •”* | , Ladies Hose, ,1-1Y' '1>. T'.i.Ul | , L. C. Handkerchiefs, , i f j ) f Nice lot of Pins arid Thread, black and colored Jnst received, and to be sold by P. P. PEASE, oct!5-3t ' ■ Third St., Madon, Ga. Dental Card.,, D R. J. B. BEAN, has removed from his former residence, and Is' notV fitting up rooms in ;a more convenient part of the city.:: . ■ i-:j P. S.—To meet the wishes of a number-of lady friends, Dr. Beam will operate fora .short time only, for families at their residence .iri the city, or in YinevUle, where several days .operating can be done at one house. When his office arrangements are completed, he will innounee his locality; and will then sec his patients at Us own rooms. .) ■ : A-note reqOesUng caU and examinations, left at J. H. Zeilid & .Co.’s Drug Store, will he duly :a .tended to, and engagements arranged. . 0ctl5-lw : /..iSLGPi SLOP ! SLOP!, - .' •ul ;>’>••• C AN be supplied to all who may call, below tile BnmairickThayitjtg, 25 cents ,pier barrel. We wish alsdio-emjUoy a Miller:-- -- 1 -?!-- G Call at the Steam Distillery- . . <1 - ! ’ J CARR, GLENN & AVRIGllT. P. S.—We will buy poor Stock Hogs, weighing 50 to ISOpounds gross. octl0-2w* C. G. W. Baggies and Fiunily Jersey Wagons, FROM CONCORD AND BRATTLEBORO. j \ ATE will soon have a supply of Buggies, Top Y V Family Wagons and Harness made to order at CONCORD AND BRATTLEBORO, expressly for this market, and will warrant them to give entire satisfaction to all:purchasers. Wc will, work not made expressly to our order. Thpse -from a distance can address us at Macon (to care W. C. Singleton),‘dr’at Hawkinsville, Ga. oct7-3in MCDUFFIE, MASON &'00.: KICHABP Mi BISHOP. WM. T. BISHOP. R. M. BISHOP & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS 1 ‘ rWL* | N°. 36 Main St., {a'few doors "below Cohtnibid if iu**ir 1 il v V4J1; u) aJ L. !> t * OCTAVUS COHEN, ‘ Forwarding' and Commission House. • :in • ioi • io .r'l'jttam oin JR. 3 . SAVANNAH,u^ ! . i ^.i“ia/i' aug -/adSa ellltt oiU’vn • - -5 " N. A. HARDEE & CO., SHIPPING, COMMISSION & PORW.^RD- ING MERCHANTS, d V ' , Savannah - .Aiy. j. . vlj- . Qebrgia. Will make liberal cash advancedqu'eonsfgiinieiits to their friends. NORTON, SLAUGHTER & CO. oct 18-lm* . j oct 8-tf ing or fancy L. Satchels and everything else belonging to this line. .. $2000.—About this amoririt of Ladies, and Chil- .dren’s Shoes, will be closed'out at reduced prices. To, those who have riot trhdrid with me iri former days 1 can only say give me a trial, while l am sat isfied that my old customers, will, need this, to insure me tbeh-renewed visits. , Rcspcctlhlly, .. i. ;, octU-lm >’i -E. M BROWN, riEO.'i. TtmPlW. " ' ■■ ’’ ' 1. H. HBIlTZ. TURPIN & HERTZ, Wholesale nnd Retail Dealers in CloCbing, and Gents’ Furnishing Gr O O D 8;", Triangular Block, Cherry Street, Macon, Oa. Clothing made to order on short notice, by MONS. ROUSE, oct 6 ly JTTST RECEIVED: A nice lot of FURXreSHXNG GOODS, also a fine stock of OYER COATS, *,* |-. octthlm TURPIN & HURTZ. i G:'Eowp ■“■** '°‘f • - Henry Clews, .i urtii, Ohus. Curtisfr,- - Albert Wrighf, Asher S. Mills, '1 ’ John A. Isdin, tot b W. H. WDhB;»'liU‘ii : , . ,H,P.Freeman,: -,k- Homy-J.Raymond, , : Nicholas E. Sriuth,' ' Silas C. HerringV • ‘ James R. Dow; <•! ->I<I- Sam’l W.-Trnslow, J •lit Ri^ljar^LiA. MijCurdi;, ' EDWARD A.‘jQNES, President., 11 ' T' 1 mf:i. PRINCE; j asher s: inLLs, sefirt(fi4: bi “ 0 *?® w>n3 ! i ■ F. Bi VAN BUREN;!tTrtasrircriT .ooizulf ni j !•• : S. TEAT8, M.:Di t iMcdicaliExamirii!r.o .noinb i E. H. Jokes, Superintendent of, E. F. Folgeb, General Railway Agcnt. ' ‘ :! - li* v i ij:«i—u atasm^gtlMtA LIFE AND ENDOWMENTriPOLlCIES i Are issued on the-, Mutual ..planii Alb'trie.‘profits in this department are divided pro rata among the Policy Holder^.' AlTpotfdleS’lo he 1 {neontesta- We-after live years Croih- date,' and t nonforfeitable alter two annual payments. A. Loan of one-tliird of the amouut'orpremtums'wlll be made; also, thirty.days grace given in paymentiof,premiums! : * GENERAL ACCIDENT j; Axe grauted covering accidents of allidescrfiitiona, including the traiVelerp’ risk. 1 1Uissu^d- r ' .W i t h o ut , .pP.fflpeRsatjo n> ' They proviso for deMU .if caused by accidcpt; but in case ofinjury only, the insured receives no com pensation. Ifgrarited ■ ’ ' - ua tfPimfv.-Hi With’Compensatiori, f - ;l> : The full amount assured ispayabldto thefamilyiin case qf.death caused-hj aec-idqnt,:>n,d .qcqnrrjng within three months from tlie date of injury. Or, -in cafefe of injury causing disability',’the -insured re- ' tWenty-six weeks. The policy covers all forms of Dislocations, Broken Bones, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Gunshot Wounds, Bums and Scalds, Bites of Dogs, Assaults by Burglars,Mtobbtrs, or Murderers, the action of Lightning pr Sun-Stroke, the effects of Explosions, 'Floods ari’d Suffocation by Drowning or Choking, andall 6ther kind of accident, j i :,i.\-i • ''Ten Dollars' M’PkT m-i '-i i Secures a general Accident Policy!for)- i<. ‘-TwaThouiand. Dollars) jh: , ‘With o Weekly Oonipensatioit of ay/Hit H .•>■>■!! • -.Hi;. TenlDollars.f w-n! ) .0T.8TI- • vfv (Mi fwrwmr: U -’jv; i TRAVELERS’ INSURANCE TICKETS;C: For any length of timef,'from one day to twelve months, arc On sale’at the various Railroad and Steamboat Tlpket Offices and Agencies,* i Marino Risks and Special' Voyages. Policies are - granted -insuring: against (death by accident while sailing in steamer,or failing-vessels, also for special yoyages. Full information, together with Tables of Rates, lie., can be obfeulyflat,the Home Qfiieq,,or by ap plication to tlie State Agent. ,p > E: C. GRANNI8j 1 : Agent for BibbCorinty. ; ^ X. C- McBURNEY, Just Arrived! New Goods! •v/oii A—iiii IT Mt <1 OilT Grand Dinplayl.Tivo Stocks in One! UaartbL cmbnL fi c-ut m>i-‘ Goods from Auction! Saving to Consumers! >S. T. COLEMAN, Agent, Oheriy St THE- undersigned will open, about the - 1st of October, in thp hnilding wejl known ,3^ the > I : Manufacturers' Banki Cor. Clumrli & Secottd'Sls. " ) . / borivi. ’ fij Y'isf i-.icx oo) sjjU.rd i , mosf idijgunt, tujd extensiye variety, ) j loifiii. a G<) 0 »S! —hffi j piivfi.mvi IO 7/ ‘‘7 • . .! t .’q-rt, i.,IFOR LADIES’ AND GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, . Yet disj^yed ip this city. My stock yrfflf ’ eojirist not only of my ownpurcliases.hnt large selections from prirqhasea.paadc by Mr. J. B. Ross, at. the .re cent- Auction Sales in New York, which I know to lie at! leak prtces than others have paid in' the siiine market. By an arrangement with Messrs. J. B. Ross it Son;-their ENTIRE RETAIL BUSINESS peelal atterition.has been given to the selection of 0j! Al ® U It N I N G GOODS, ' Arid alsb to the selection of LINEN GOODS, of ! . . . every description, wliigli are now decidedly, cheap- er and more cconpmieal.than .Cotton fabrics. , h' J 8q crime along,fliaffies, and give mri a 'trlal: 1 1 have seWfi'many ^riifijjoii^lrir'the prist, and,‘‘^lyeti you gpod bargains, and.wjU continue, toidri sp, >11 yoq wilhstick to me, and if I have neglected tri ■provide anything Which 1 can add to ybtir comfort or convenience, I will furnish it Upon short noticcj. S. T, CQLKMAN, Agent., i t q’y.l Late Firm, Ross & Coleman. '’hcptSt " '- Real Estate, Real Estate! for sale. ‘-i Plantation 600 acres in Bibb County. ; ‘f 800 . “ Pulaski u .: “ 1200 “ Houston - y) ■‘j- Dwellings famished and unfurnished in the City and Vineville, on reasonable terms. For, particu lars and plans, call upon > TOBY & OGDEN, . Real Estate and Insurance Agents. • ) Parties desiring to offer their property for sale in.the Northern markets, can do so through our New York house, by calling upon ris. Plans, plats and diagrams made at the expense of the vender. i . TOBY & OGDEN, septfifrlm . Second Street, Jewett’s. Building, i. MILO Si FREEMAN. N. M. HODOK- • •• -I • rii , 2 c ' u -> n iii-;-O L-: City. Express. MILO S. FREEMAN & CO-, W OUlI) respectfully infonri the Merchrin rind public-generally, that they have started i iiv- the city of Marion, a lino'of Drays for. local transportation purposes, : and propose to visit th' several depots daily, and transfer freight, prompt ly for thbse who iavor us with their orders at the eustomaryi rate of drayage, and will hold them , ■selves responsible for dpUyeiy,, and opy damages that occur wliile in their charge. In crimiectlon with the above, they intend carry ing-on a shipping and forwarding business arid solicit consignments to their care for transfer bc- .tween depots, Ac. Until further notice, orders lcit at D. C. Hodg kins & Sotis and TV W. • Freeman & Co. will he promptly attended to. .. ; . fii’iii ... nil!: n-r . rei-ekences. '.: . Wall dc Piiickney,’Anritcll'iSi Inman, New York; Erwin & Hardee, Richardson & Martin, Savannah; Asher AyreS;-BowdroAt Anderson, J. B. Itoss A fion, N. C-Mnnroc, JIacon., spp23riUn! -ij D. C. SEYMOUR, ■ !“' L UMPKIN, - GA, has continually ou hand and -for sale a large .rind tfell assorted . stock of staple dry goods ““'1 groceries. Is also general agent lor tne purchasc and sale of produce, cotton, etc.- Give particular attention to the puichase of cotton. Orders respectfully solicited. . Address. j). O. SEYMOUR, Lumpkin,'Ga. ■Refers to—ilitchell «& Smith, Macon, Ga.,‘Bedell- A Qo:, Columbus, Ga., Erwin & Hardee,. Sayaii- nah, Ga., P*P Pease .V Co.', Atlanta, Ga., Estes & Olrint, Augusta, Ga.' octlO-lm*- _ Law .Yotic-c. T IIAVE resumed tlie pqictice. of uiy profession,- and,will attend to,all business entrusted to my cure ill tlie Slate*. Having just returned from Washington' 'City,, parties desiring advice nnd counsel relative to tlie! preparation Of papers under .tftev'Amncsty Proela: mation for pardon, and the status'of contracts and title deeds, executed'during the last four years, can qonsult nie py lq^tqrorJttpersopCa X it J Gtj .r Office over lituiiilmari’B Book store, Macon, Ga., jj'13 - ■ T. , .. 0 A.-LOCHRANE., • - ditif- rj ^ GOOD;cABINET MAKERS GOOD CARPENTERS, ! 'JiyJ'ONE other need apply. avu j-toT frrm. I i *ral-—tqs* GRENVILLE WOOD. ■“Y. '-rli ni •Ataerieus. R- ROBS, ’ u ‘ Albany. .8; a.-STAFI’ORD, fin- ‘ Blakely. ■ ' K. d. morris; I) ,C;:i“.‘Georget<lwu-. It .>B, CQMPTOl^,. R.-.W. JACQUES;”' i • • 'o ‘* t: ! '■ ’ f'f 4m ')* fiplqYYlbffft , . Insarance Agents'desiring ‘tnfc appo intment as Agent, can address * the General Agent, J. C. 'MriBunrey: ‘- 11 ■’'■ u '»'i >;i 1 hep82kfim' T-, il r: i an ViLtnii.-i trill Lw-iV-i , -tlV,.' 11*1 . . 7. U M iE .A. I ■ A2;'xj m.e ! a r. E A- ! . ;• Inn filiiov,- Has 1 proved to he The, Rest and Purest Baking Powder in .Use. ' ’ ” " ;,! JJ «. ZliJU.V & CO., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUGGISTS, M A C b 'ti , CEO B CIA il ■ Sole Agents in this State for The sale of io»J eei'Mo. ii.i.aTqxi i.iT . ...!. . .n5u PROF. MORRIS’ AZU9IEA. tqooti orL.T.etb roi’.’i yd .yalqiafriaicija E. M. BRUCE & CO. "Amy: COTTON factors, A tj a tJ S 1 T A , Q'E o 1 R G I A .ojoQ cil:; o jAilSIo aoieu E. F. METCALFE & CO.. COMIISSfOE AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, 8 A y A N N A. II , GEORGIA- .es,ot W .IfeM- BRUCE. MORGAN & CO., Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants, • * -.!<#!—io Yi •• y-c :* .; i ...jV * •idpi , .--.-I ,XH; i.A.P A L-AiG H.l.C O.L A , F L 6*R I H'A . *° if ’,1 c) L-..ii-j. -In I,, io, i ' . .’sTv-iiG JTt . 4 v/i-jiL) ho ,)natnil t vrrifil'l' *», V r- r • • , ; ‘-i. A d-v a n c e s M a d ®a. -o h C o n s i g nment s t o . t WATTS, CRANE & CO., WATTS, GIVEN & CO,, Y W. C, A^ATTS & CO., New York. New Orleans. . Liverpool, Eng. „„„ EIT.HER of the ABOVE HOUSES" •Beptl9-3m mil a hut a: .im,,, , ^ V V “aaK ■ RRIVAL OF NEW GOODS _ pmiir* a.isnamii rbriali l- .cioa m. iioctii -.-'11 -\jqr.ti jain f Mn -. *.v. bn, a bUs biJIMs AT CE & (O. .. • -i ;• i • ^ 59 College Street, Nashville, T'enn. -'Byiirir’li ket and’flaking t s last three months, and by constantly watching the Eaejern mar- ntrige of every fluctuation, we fire enabled to say that we have now on hand, tlie LARGEST;;:CHEAPEST &! BEST SELECTED STOCK ,/OW-i ■HiI .-' OF ,ffl TBE CITY OF BA SEVILLE. ill» ti. ;,r.i, now "‘j|-ii-lH- PLANTATION POE. SALE. gi'p o .C'iri'35 I SHALL sell‘witbqnt fail on tlie 28th inst., at public outer}-, my.plantation iri Raudolph coun ty, ode ' mile from Morris’ station on the South Western Railrorid. Said plantation is situated in one of tho most hoalthy sections in^fbe country, is well timbered, abouttwo thirds of it in cultivation, fences all in good order, negro hopses all new. I will also sell at the same time ripd place, all of the CROP, MULES..WAGONS, CQ>V8, . HOGS, ONE COTTON-iGIN, 'BLACKSMITH TOOLS; arid .everythin# that belongs to the'plantritlori.— The plantation hn9 three settlements and can- be devided into three parts.• . .. : Sale will, .take place on the plantation com- mericlngat io'q r clock a. m. r ./• , W "' • ' : A' ! P. G. HARRIS. Macon, -Oct.; 14,1885.'' v ; tds. ‘‘lUffiri i.T mill i -ioLiik isnore ■ i»f.*r i in vf-.ji-il. in .-i-ui't lifiliisu tied iaiM-r/i,! J hbvit iQ lin.-, ,1-ii-im cu-a rr.-iwi •> r;tqr.'j ■: M ‘iniiw! of huinn •1 titqin :-.! •>.. ..:i! u- -..i e«vr -..if <»J IniiqiTU fc .-mq-ifc !:nafiri .Jj i i limy Le l-i-i Npjtipfe to . of!. l>IacpiL T IE Biidcisigued’ ‘lias, re-opened on Mulberry- Street, next door to-the Medical College, the old firm of, Kredekick Reichert, bqfpre the ..war ou Cotton Avenue,"opposite the firiu of Ross, Mnwiji W- vranaisui nou lie is readvnow toreceive work,‘inliis line, viz: Repairing, Varnishing, .Upholstering,- Furniture, Mattras 'Makitjj, Carpet Laying, .and Oil Cloth, AVinduw Curtains, anil Paper and Shade Hangings, etc!, etc:'"' 1 '* ‘ ''.-! ... . v Ail to’hfi'dorie wifli‘dispatch: 1 ' -3 P. S. Having lost material aridVnist everything at the unfortunate lire in April, next door to Dr, Thompson’s flyng^torc.Lheg leave .tbe.public of Macon rind the country,,to glve'me the patronago* ’ ift’of 'times prievloUb. > t ; .r.<i evao yurioe ; sept, 23-lm pril f ■ FREDERICK REICHERT, . qiii.m ji.iitl-isen ' i : “ ' •We liaite received-(mother large lot of this excel lent YEAST POWDER, and can safely recommend it to the public for all that it claimB to be. Azu- iriea makes flic finest' WHEATEN BREAD possi ble. It is made in tlie simplest manner, as follows: 'G,et one'qriart, eqttal to 1% pounds of flour, mix into it,'g«ife dry, three ordinary size teaspoonfuls of Azumea, add cold water, with a little salt'dissolved in It—sufficient to make a dough as soft as can be conveniently handled, which is generally q little less than one pint of water to one quart of flour. Do not knead it. Shape it very lightly, and imme diately hake in q quick oven, which must be quite hot before you begin to mix. It has the following advantages over,yeast or fermented bread; it can be made and baked in one hour- from: the time of first handling the flour; it will he moist and pleas ant to cat in four days after baking; it is easy Of digestion, excellent for persons suffering from dys pepsia; retains all tlie gluten, starch and sugar contained in the flour, and therefore produces 1 lb. 12 oz. bread from I lb. 4 oz. flour, whilst yCast pro duces only 1 lh. 9 oz. of bread from 1 lb. 4 dz. of flour; thus obtaining about 27 lbs. more of Ifrriafcl. from a barrel of flour, which, with the saving, rif yeast, will about balance the cost of the Azumfeii. Can be used for any of the following recipes, and ladies everywhere will be agreeably surprised with the delicious productions. This excellent compo sition does not contain a particle of Alum, Sols- ratus, or any kind of deleterious drug; but is per fectly pure and healthy, and, as a culinary prepara tion, is infallible and invaluable. At the Fair in Cincinnati, there were a number of Baking Pow ders on exhibition:—the Azumea, with several others, was analyzed, and obtained the first prize, as ! the pui est and best Baking- powder known. A trial orily is necessary, in order to be satisfied.' A paper is given ’with each box, with fuil instruc tions for making ' 1 ' : .AZUMEA rolls, , AZUMEA BISCUIT, " ; | AZUMEA NONPAREIL CAKE, azumea Johnny cake, AZUMEA FRUIT CAKE, AZUMEA PLUM PUDDING. AZUMEA CINNAMON CAKE, AZUMEA CORN CAKE, . AZUMEA DUMPLINGS, AZUMEA EGG CAKE, . AZUMEA SPANISH BUN, AZUMEA SPONGE CAKE, AZUMEA CAKE WITHOUT EGGS, AZUMEA CUP CAKE, AZUJIEA MILK BREAD, AZUMEA SPONGE GINGER CAKE. ) AZUMEA SILVER CAKE, AZUMEA CURRANT CAKE, Azumea pot pie, AZUMEA PEARL CAKE, . • ; AZUMEA GOLD CAKE, .!1 ; f- AZUMEA LOAF BREAD, AZUMEA DOUGH NUTS, . azumea jumbles, ,.-1; AZUMEA LEMON CAKE, ftYV* AzuemX is put up for the retail tra(le in l-4.1l>. cans,, at 25 cts., and in 1,-2 lb. can^ at 50 cents. Liberal Discount'^Iade to Wholesale Purchasers. octlO-2m J. H. ZEILIN & CO. " " K ’ , ‘ “ Our assbrtment of BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, " '“-FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOS, POPLINS, MOHAIRS, LUSTRES, .: -j .-.-.t: :• . . . AND OTHER NEW STYLES OF DRY GOODS,. y "" ."CANNO't BE SURPASSED. ... iMiin v.:il yd ri! We have thd latest styles’ of * • ■' 1 ' - Cloaks, Shawls, Balmoral Skirts,.Radies’ Hats, &c, &c. ’S'. 1,1 I R 1C 8 . • -Jl-l-JU BnilOTCJ ntnori 90T r [E -utiderslgnod’ takes pleailird in announcing! to his numerous! jpatronsi and tQ ithri: public Clghu w iu,i umcc uunu. aiou, CiroularSaw Mill and Grist Mill Maebinory anil Castings of every descriplion'fnaUe to order /_ Particular attjmtjfiti:FjU:b« paiAtflfs . .;on? •« snail i .••mi! • :• -(ij)/ >: Itcpairing Machinery. Iff • /r 90*»: Parties wanting repaid may rely upoa their work bein^ done with dispatch, us time is monev. Address aug l8-3m , J. S. SCHOFIELD, Macon, Ga, ,u **U- pjiiniiRcmoVHI.y job .'.ml, ’ JMBL occupiis ., t wo rooms J Jd>-h\£rith'ri presdittpbrt, Afficc, npxt doOri* tfrDr.- OTHifflall’s office, riffierelie'cVif hhYoritid fiight or. day wherinot profrBBidnaItyiaijaEpU)oi)ootl2-3m K, U o. W » (tE.NI LEMAV, well known as a business luau, qf.Ktcady habits and.muobjectiquablc moral character, is'.dc'slrbus'.qf 'pbt'aiuing a's'itua-’ tion as huolckeeper, or would accept a , cleHfehlp in a well estM)f!rtiea h<Su8e:l. Wliolesalo arid-copi- 1 ’ mission, or warehouse husincM prefcrredj . Address without delay, Box 181, Macon P O. oct!4-3t ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! : ", FRESH BALTIMORE OYSTERS! ' .- I .- ra .. . jrfl JUST BfiCEIVED, <l «l i f ‘ A LARGE supply of Ice.: Also, a lot of FRESH TsL OYSTERS, packed in ice, direct from, the Baltimore market; / ,n. v . Arrangements have been made to keep a constant Suppljri of the bivalves on hand, fresh as when taken.' Pereons vtill please notice the fact and call on : i . .ilv- ■ T- ir ■ - T J.B. WELLS, ' oct8-llt At Ells’ old ice stand, Macon Ga., Executor’s Sale. W ILL be sold at the late residence of Marinm Ponder, ..deceased,, in Monroe' county, 0’^ miles north of Forsyth, on Friday,. Octoberfiflth, 1865, commencing at 9 o’clock, lc *, allthehouse- hoia r tmd kite.hen furniture, stock, including:cows and calves, beef cattle, line stock of hogs, horses ajukmales, farming implements. of every desqrin- tiou, corn, fodder, wheat, etc., hcloriging tq sild dcfcbascd. Terms cash. oev -.i J. M.-PONDER, Ex’r. Forsyth, Ga.,: Oct. 10,; 1805..“ • ‘ .-in octll-td. '" Vnluatile Plantation for Sale!' r .13 .-i.o-.m.'i ■ :-I.I .: -or t uuvorq 63 1 OFFER 1 for. Kafr -brie -valuable tract 7 Of : river 'swSmp Land, adjoining lands of Mrs. .Win. E. .Eve andUharlcsDclnigle, l’f miles Train -thejclty. of Augusta; contiuning 383 acres, ;ona half cleared lapdi the offiifr heavily timbered, with mMCMan buildings recently DUK. , ‘ ' | ** ALSO. 'UfifiSBSfkaA otheritlmhere well ; imurbved;Tnelud- ing grist mill and gin honde.presd, meT-sIfluatferild the cleared land and both places are for rent. m sept2-ltawfor2m JOHN PHINIZY. fl nult-sl•!••! aoitus'/ni iri :• .. - A large assortmeHt of - m-ltosYoiu.. .- .‘- i:,! SWISS, MULL, INDIA BOOK, EDGINGS, INSERTIONSeLACES^ - RIBBONS, HAND- imy.., KERCHIEFS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, NOTIONS,etci Wo are selling to country merchants, coming ,to and passing through the .city to supply themselves with goods, we wish to say that we can sell them at lower rates than they can obtain them'at Louistilleor Cincinnati. Our large stock of* : HATS AND BOOTS AND SHOES ' ' • i" - ‘ "•■ ) - 5 ' . ' • - ; .. .. L -- . Has mostly been bought at auction, very cheap, and Jwill be sold at very small profits. .1 i. jj Onr Clotkiog Department, 1 (Jp Staim, . 1 - T -’ "’O' ^ r . ,-c IT— intoX tnit’i. Consists of every article of Men’s Wear made and of the best material, and will be offered;at the lowest prices, wholesale and retail, at . i.- -" i.II ( . sept 17-3m G. RICE & GO.’S, COLLEGE STREET, NASHVILLE, TENN. Frame Buildings for Sale. I HAVE Several frame buildings that can be taken down and removed to Macon, and put np again. - i Also; a lot of bid lumber and plank for sale. JAS. VAN VALKENBURGH, octlS-St*^ - Two miles West of Macon. ! WARE HOUSE NOTICE. H ARRIS & RG8S,/Ware.House and Comruis- sion Merchants, would .inform their friends and patrons that they now have room.and-are pre pared to recoiveon storage or to sell any cotton entrusted to their care: ■ - .i . We have, secured of Mr, A. B. Adams, formerly of the firm of Adams & Reynolds, who will be plcased .to serve his old friends. octl5-lm HARRIS & ROSS. B. H. NEWTON*. ■<il : 7/ . B: F. UaWTON. NEWT OBJ &. SAWlTOHr. GROCERY, PRODUCE AND PROVISION Dealers and .General Commission M e rchant s , , .ThifdStreet, next door to Hardeman & Sparks’ warej house, Dunn <fe Maugham's' old stand, Ma- con/Ga. Highest cash prices paid for all kinds country produce. oct l5-lm 5 FOR SALE, ■' ; A HOUSE AND LOT (one acre, lot) in one 01. the most desirable settlements in the city.— The house contains seven (7) rooms, in good order, with all outbuildings complete—includjng stables arid carriage house. Call quick,,'if you want to make a good investment, bn * JOHN L. JONES, octI'5-4t .At his Office, on Mulberry Street. JNO. W. O’CONNOR, Macon, Ga. J. B. HOLLADAY Eufaula, Ala. FAMILY CARRIAGE. JCTTE will sell at auction on Tuesday, October W 17tri inst, one fine Carriage and Harness.— The carriage all in good order. v_ oct 15-2P R. B. CLAYTON & CO. “wanted. ' , .'i-A - T.«- lOrt BALES COTTON WANTED ' Oct l5 6t ®‘ iii.ii ti.i-.... P P FEASK Third Street. FOR .SALE, TO COME IN. BUT -.Of. •,, .li'-tabio-. ‘ ; • •• - ' - HI .'. O . 300 kitts N6:i Nea- Mackerel-very fine. .asiad Ct inqqiiia slsgdSc) .'. Atv.'-iai. I -■ :.100 half harrds White Fish. rnO v/3>'. — Mad f.'.S qn i-.-r-i .rias- .... nh - Coffee, Bl^qk Pepper, Gingey, &c., A<=‘ ,l,iir: -’J :M.O Ik-han an. '.ih ^aiu- i ■ r.i -• y Receiving,,and for sale low. Send in jnurortlers to am ; H.OU qh. i., I'i'i. i..u- • iwj^aqauJ yjiiiiCI .boi:! dj.-a202,hai.lqH esh: l - ' • v. jtaal :<il; nWnar bo p p PEASE, n»oq tsq oE©S J.som:vb» o-...i . : : • Third Street, betwean Cherry arid Mulberry. * ot t ’J moil iliiovr rfotioJ—. ! > l .j octl5-3t ;ni/)ni : o*ri D URINGimy abserice, Dr. T. H. Hall, can be fouqd at my office. : .L av. _,- T .| -n sej)tl9-tf, . . tv HAf E. ■\XTISHES to inform her friends and patrons that YV she still occupies her Room up stairs in tri- angnlar block 2d street, and is receiving her FALL and WINTER stock, consisting of Mm,-. BONNETS, TRDIMINfilS,; etc. Ail WO rk done promptly to order octo-ln I J. W. O’CONNOR 6t CO., macon, .......... ...Georgia. Office on Cherry St,, between.3<i and 4th. R ECEIVING and Forwarding Merchants, ami Agents for E. M. Bruce & CQ., Augusta, Ga.; E. M. Bruce, Morgan & Co.,' Apalachicola, Fla.; and Watts, Crane & Co., New Ydrfc. We will receive and forward, !upon reasonable terms, all Cotton entrusted to our care for ship ment, as owners may direct. We will make liberal advances upon Consignments of Cotori to Watts, Crane & Co., New York, or W. C. Watts & Co., Liverpool, England; pay Revenue Tax, Storage, Freights, &c., on same, and forward with prompt ness and dispatch. " Planters and others will be affotded every facility in onr power to send their Cotton to market, and receive prompt return of sale.. i : Mr. W. E. Clarke is onr agent at Albany, Ga., and will give all information to parties who desire his services in shipping o¥ purchasing. Onr per sonal attention givento the purchase and sale of Cotton. is ( ,J. .. • NEW YORK EXCHANGE FOR SALE. oct8-3m JNO. W. O’CONNOR'& CO. FIRE INSURANCE. T HE undersigned respectfully .informs his old customers that he is now, prepared to insure cotton, dwellings, merchandise;' manufactories, Ac., against loss or damage by fire, iri tho most reliable companies, on as liberal terms as similar institutions. He represents the following: SECURITY INSURANCE CO. NEW YORK. Capital and surplus. :.. .81,585,100 98 INSURANCE CO. OF THE STATE OF VIRGINIA—RICHMOND. Capital1 : . V; :; I-8100,000 00 ALABAMA INSURANCE CO—MONTGOM- ; ERY,. a Capital—:.. ojui-sd-i;.. 8100,000 00 Losses promptly adjusted ond lssued by ■ oct!4-6t*. IV. RICH. CURD, Agent. Public Sale. O N Tuesday . 24thday, of October, I will sell to the highest bidder, oh the premises where I reside, five miles from Fort Valley on the road to XnoxnUe.v:!: jj-.rn-jna,a.‘. . ‘ s;l) :: My cropof Corn, 1 Potato's, Farming 1 smith tools, one Mill for grinding hundred gallon'Kettles^ “ ; ~ . 25 head.of.Sheep, d jaut. •».; • 125 pork Hoggs, in fine, order, 100 head stock Hoggs, of the most improved breeds;'' “ • • - «i u - “ *. Household and kitchen furniture, sith cooking I wiil rent my farm tor the next year if not sold at that time. Sale to commence at 9 o’clock A. M. sept2I- J lm ' a : - - R, M.‘JOHNSON. METALIC CASE'S. i,it .- R ECEIVED this day a full assortment of ME- TALIC BUIUAL CASES and CASKETS ot tho most beautiful Patteras.' For sale at my Fac tory, foot Third Street; Micom'GU. GRENVI aug 2S-3m /ILLE WOOD. Planter’s Hotel* C HERRY Street, between Third and Fourth streets. ThisHotel has been completely refitted, and is at present ready for the ; sccommodation of Transient and. Day Boarders. •: ■' -A ' - A* octlQ-10 To;Rent: '* 'A ' iiOUSE and fiirniture, “to °renWtor ’five _r\ months. Apply to ^ Mrs. H. G. LAMAR, octl2rilt* on College Street. „