The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, October 26, 1865, Image 4
SM MMB* aaoSncuMH serC • ii NAPOLEON’S TOMB AT ST. HELENA. A literary gentleman, who recently visited the island of St. Helena, describes what he saw there in a communication to ‘the Hunts ville Independent. After stating that he made the acquaintance of a young lady- on the island who agreed to accompany him, he says: "With so agreeable a companion the time could not but prove pleasant as we journeyed on. On ascending a hill, a rufle and dilapri. dated house revealed itself among the green foliage, and pointing in the direction. “That” said she. “is Longvrood.” I gazed with eagerness upon the spot and instinctively hastened my steed. As my eye took "in the scene before me I could but feel solemn and melancholy. Could the rude, dilapidated house before me be the one where dwelt in hi3 exile, the great Napoleon. A narrow but well beaten path led us direct to the old house, and here my lady friend stepped.— “This,” said she, “is the house in which Napoleon lived.” "We entered, and, every where the eye could reach, a scene of gloom and desolation presented itself. “Here,” said she, “is the room in which he slept.”— Casting my eye around I found the plas tering to the walls mostly gone; a few planks, yet remained upon the floor, but it required watchfulness on our part to avoid falling through. On entering his sitting room, which also had been his library, 1 viewed first an old threshing machine, and on old stool upon which the tired visitor might sit and rest himself. The windows were a complete wreck throughout thl house, and everything around in its neglected state, to me, at least, but spoke in language the more convincing, of the greatness of Napo leon. _ After wandering throughout this and viewing each and every spot so replete with interest to the visitor, I hastened my footsteps from the scene. Yet ere I leave, let me record one more fact. In a small room that gave evidence of former neatness, whose floor had long ago yielded to the des- olator’a hand, stood a group of cows, and with their heads reared above them, they la zily pulled the fodder from the racks erected in the identical spot, where once'hung the picture of Josephine, the dearest being on earth to Napleon. Wild flowers grew in their native loveli ness about the grounds, and the meandering vines wandered over the sides and roof of this once noble dwelling. My friend led me from the spot to one of far more interest than this. “Let us follow this path,” says she, “and I will show you where he was buried/ Together we walked through a • grassy vale, and as I gazed around me I saw striking evi dences of once beautiful grounds, laid off with all the taste and care which the genius of Napoleon could award to it. We soon reached the spot to which we were going. “Here,” said she, “is Napoleon’s grave.” I stood spoil-bound for a moment, and gazed upon the spot as one lost in a reverie. A common oblong stone vault, enclosed by a rail, over which hung the branches of a weep- AfoD HofJSE ■C O S ; T It A C T O It S Valuable Busies LjofM LEASE. T HE owner of the vacant LdI*oif!lfuIbeiTystreet, opposite Lanier House, (upon which was situ ated the “Granite Buildings, J ’^and, which weyc burned In 1861,') desires to lease-tire -grimifd frir’a- term of years, to responsible parties, who will en ter into obligations to erect thereon a flrst-claBS business house. The lot is 69 feet front and 210 feet deep—the front being large enough for three No. 1 business rooms. The lechtibn ii the most desirable one in the city-, for fashionable store rooms. A bargain can be obtained bvrespen- sibleand energetic contractors or businessmen.— Application should be made immediately, the undersigned, at Eatodtobi who hah prei»ren plans and specifications of the style of building he desires erected, or to Wm, P. Goodall, Esq., of Macon.— Application by letter will be promptly responded to, and if desired an interview will bq given in this city at any time. No proposition to sell the lot will be entertained. mo-tit!- oct 22-law-ft JAMES DENJJAM. CURRIERS . ileVi .it . i-.CStl ,t.l > T HE undersigned wish to to employ aifirstrclass Tanner and Finisher, to conduct (or, them one of the largest and hest tanneries in Georgia.— The establishment hss, for the last fifteen years been one of the most lucrative of the kind’ib'Hhe Btate. The location is near Eatonton, Ga. None but an energetic and honorableanan, who is mas ter of both branches of the business, and can gyve unexceptionable references, niled apply. To'such a workman the most liberal wages and a perma nent situation, will he given. Application by, let-, ter, or in person, should he made immediately, to J.E.& J. C. DENHAM, Eatonton, .Geo, , P, S. In addition to the above wb will cite im mediate employment to two No. 1. Curriers and. Finishers. Apply at once, as above, , oct 22-law4t .. , notice to Debtors: and Creditors. Le A LL persons indebted to the estate of A, E. Cochran, late of Bibb county; .deceased, are required to mako immediate payment, and those having claims, to render them in’terms of the law to the undersigned. E. T, COCHRAN, oet7-law40d* .Administratrix... G eorgia, jaspercounty.—Whett-as - , Ber ry T. Digby makes application to me for Tet* r| ters of administration on the estate of- Willkup, , | loj.ts Powel, late Of said county, deceased; " ■ Co. •ftfcoIrfiifcofelriiiir^bectS^t-it the following; .“.'.Air'XIIEIR SEWS DEPOT, Triangular Block!,’ Cherry Street: ■a>» ,mmfc>«L DAI LIES. "VIEW YORK. HERALD, News, World, Tribune, JL\ Tiju.cs, aqd Journal of Commerce. Cincinnati Commercial, Gazette, Fnciuirer, and (T^rt’namVolkesbltfth;. J i V LoU*»vUle Journal, ond Democrat. vlnsjd i. Xashviite Union, Gazette, Pness & Times,. Ban ner, and Dispatch. , . j Macon Telegraph, and Journal & Messenger. WEEKLIES! Btwper’s-Illustrated, Leslie's Illustrated, Leslie's ChiutDeytporner, New Ytwk Ledger, Wilkes’ Spirit of Um{Timee, Turf,.Field <"4 Farm, New: York Clip- per, National Police Gazette, Waverly Magazine, Arminmd Navy Journal, Scientific American, Bos ton Pilot! Metropolitan Record. Metropblitan Bank Nete Reporter, KomuT Table, New York 'Weekly, Sunday Mercury,. Flag of Our Union, and The ■Natipp. i ' . . r ' 1 PP8 Fashion JIagazines—Godey’s, Leslie’s, Peier- son’s,''L.d BoriTon,’Lady’s Friend, Lady’s Reposi tory,’tttkl La FetHe Messenger. ' Notice to Tanners, and- Cgm^Mcnttdv. Nick Nax, Thunny jPli’efflbw, Thiinnlesf jpliun, Budget df Fun*, Yankee (Notions, Appleton’s R. R. Guide, Pictorial History nf Hum Woi" TlnUAhl* I'afVlaIIa UTnrt/i of. the War, Ballou’* Monthly. Catholic World, Leslie’s New. .Moutltly, Phrenological Journal HorticullurMi, and BaUeii’a Monthly 6efl9-ffn u “.r.; • .CLOTHING ^Norele^,', - f joomo ('■ l.H Llkit•.;*)«! i tLOU TitiUlt !.»•• .»IC i F0® THE. MILLION, I uniTu'-rnt itrsufi e 1 1>ui ~~ TFi!PrWry •-of J>r.. Law Notice., I HAVE resumed the practice of my profession, and will attend to all business entrusted to my care in the State. Having just returned from Washington City, parties desiring advice and counsel relative to'the preparation of papers under the Amnesty Procla mation for pardon, and the status of contracts and - title de&ls, eXeduted durng the lost four years, can :! WIN SHIP & ft A L L A W A Y ' ■ •■ wnsuU me by letteror in pereon. “ W b. * “ ® uALLAWAY. otilee over Boardman’a Bookstore, M & Ga. — A j-j-ntMU 'to. ,ud > 'Vi.i.'ik -jt!i to 'Win invitation; to tho . public, ,-aJ, fjven el 'mid 1 .-.-oo : to call and examinqthe most oxtensiyo stock of. 'l iK oj ];:■• biiiiiibr. litr v l-nou J. KSADTMASB CbOTHXNO | «Mtr <KM|ii tiotj-n •t ilDiiiaTjV* _ GENTp; F.VR mmm o mK , j, -w——, * ■ d%iriv» oniilar.m These are therefore to cite and admonish' airan'd‘ evw.o(feJ;^i^,jii|fket. llheir. i stock embra- aingular tho kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office on the first-Monday in December next,-ta show caase—if any they have—why letters shall, not issue to t^e. applicant. Given under my hand officially,'at'office, this Uth day of October, 1865. s-n: tio am ii .ifj'I M. H. HUTCHiaONi octl-l-wOOil Ordinary." G ~ ^EORGIA. BIBB: QOUNYYi—Mrs. Nancy Thomas’ applies to the' undersigned for letters of guardianship of the person ahd property of Emeline C. Mathews nnd Richard: Me 1 hews,.orr phau minors of James Mathews, deceased;', . All persons interested are required to 1"- and ap pear at the Court of Ordinary, on'tlie ffrihMonday m November next, to show, cause (if aby they have) why letters should not be granted.tho applir cant. .; . ’ ,. . Given tinder my hand nnd'tifflcial signature." .,7: ■ WM.”M‘ RILEY,’<’■ ' oetl-t^. l :i >1. >1 '- J.ltlfell J Oidinary. des every style and variety. 1o tj ! utac v>tiq i \ MeypliauU can,now replenish thrlr stocks at a small advance on New York Prices. I : M> MdlTC-ti . -.lie'I II t S-’.-y- Ci'MItJ ■ Wvbave in addition to our stock of ie.iair- .Yiol-jaiS .- i> uii ■ • * i -lido-f’iFTiNEa’ CL OTHTN<3 J >js\ ; *yit\ iih.i •» :*•- •• A ‘large assortment', jft. substantial,, ,lojv priced clotbing-a lt*1e *.t i ••■’ril °.t.fl lit*- 1 &,CALLAWAY, G EORGIA, Jaspf.u county.—Whereat, W. Caswell makes application-to me for Let-1 ters of Administration with the JViUi*fitiexed> oil 'Nashville & Cliattanooara Railroad. I -)imw|M03 tm ii ... r I JOFassengdniJ'or the North and West Express A. ,train leaves Chattanooga 6,|Q a. m., connect- vault. There we both went, and sat down upon the spot where once rested the body of Napoleon. All was cool, damp and gloomy within. Yet I was wont to sit for hours and •meditate upon the scene. “Throwing aside all prejudice, my friend,” I remarked, “and awarding simple justice. 1 to the merits of true greatness, do you really 1 think that this spot, as a burial place, was a proper tribute, on the part of the English nation, to the genus of so great a man?” Al- ! though an enemy to Britain, she could but 1 admire his great talents and superior abili ties. “How much more worthy of them as a nation, would it have been, to have allowed their enmity and prejudices to be buried with him, and now that they could fear him no longer, how much more becoming it would have been, to have placed a monument over him suitable to his greatness, and'to have interred him with the pompt, ceremony and honors due his rank.” “I can but admit,'” eays she, “although an English woman, and my prejudices as such are inherent, that the genius and greatness of Napoleon, in some respects, were unsurpassed; but, in my opinion, his past actions were such towards England, as to warrant her in treat ing him as she did when living; yet, in death, when she had no longer cause to fear him, he Bhould have been treated differently;, but let us hasten from the scene, my friend, fop I might make confessions which would not be come me as an English woman.” “I will now guide you” said she, “to the spring, where early every morning he used to repair and taste of its cool and refreshing waters.” We soon reached it, and sitting down upon a moss covered rock, we drank' from the spring where lie used daily to sit, and looking in the direction of his loved country, he would drink of its waters, saying always, “ France I adore thee.” After linger ing long enough to fill a bottle from the wa ters of the spring, and gather' .a few pebbles as mementoes or my visit, we retraced our steps and soon joined our party, who having finished their ramble, were lolling in the shade waiting for us. After a short and pleasant jaunt wc leached the residence of our hospitable host. Here a sumptuous re past awaited us, to which we did the amplest justice. The hours passed by, and we were eoon warned by the mellow tint upon'the horizon, that the sun was about to bid adieit to the inhabitants of St. Helena. And being booked for a party at the American' consuls that night, it was necessary for ua_to hasten from a scone which had long ago proved most pleasant, and from persons wno had iff the short period of our acquaintance, ren dered themselves friends,, “wholesome and true.” We parted from our friends , with great regret,' but not before exacting from them a promise that, should they - ever visit the United States, they would come to see us at our homes. ’ Traveler, Bkandeic Men.—During-the—recruiting- for the warn physician in Boston, taking one person who offered himself to be a. deserter, branded him on the breast '.by using - some caustic preparation which burned into the flesh. The man proved not to be a deserter, and brought suit for the outrage. The case was before a jury for several days, but they could not agree upon a verdict.' All wanted the doctor to be put in for damages, but.the^ could agree upon no -specific amoupt.; We should not wonder t6' hear some/clay ‘.that, that doctor had had his back branded with a raw-hide.—Baltimore Sun. What it Costb.—An English journal de clares that need expect to getiqto par- liment for less than ten thousand dollars. It cost Tom Hughes lately over five! thousand five hundred dollars foran election conducted by his friends with the strictest economy.— This is tolerably expensive, considering how few Englishmen are allowed to vote in the general mass. But here in Philadelphia, where everybody votes, we have heard of some bills for returning members of congress which come quite up to the English standard. By the time a weii-to-do candidate goes through a nominating convention and a political cam paign, he find;, his hands very near the bot tom of his pockets, or else his ballots very few. Professional political managers “will not stand mean candidates any how,” Theatrical Critique.—The Vicksburg Scrald, in Epeaking of the performance of Ingomar there, says “the piece was entirely too heavy for the metal of the company.” they have, on or before the first-MondaryMi UccerfL her next, why letters shall .not issue ,fp thehpifii- cant. y Given under riiy hand and'offleiuj signiture',' this 16th day of October, 1865. ' .?•» •'»-* -J ' oct!9-wtd - . ,. M, H.i.II, TGHISQN, Ord’fjetu EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas Wm.'B'.' UT Scott makes application for letters of admin- ,istration upon the estate' <6f Ntt”’ Stticf Byron, late of said county, deceased; : . noiif "rratal - 'I AH persons interested are required tobc.and ap-. pear at the Court of Ordinary, on the first Monday in November next, to show cause (if any they hare) why letters ol administration should mot be granted the applicant. ..... Given under my hand and official sir-nature. * WM.'M. RILEY,-d ' octl-td 11 a i - ; • t n': ,,.-I -u | Ordinary, C\ EORGIA, UT J. Wood Jones cocsty.—Whereaa-Wm. H. county* These arc to cite aud admonish all persons'eon-' cemed to be and appear and file their objection if aDythey have to the contrary, in this office oh or by the first Monday in November nest.; ! ■ -ei Given nndcr my hand officially Sept, 30,1865. :, ROLANDTV-Rtp, , odt4-law5w* Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Thomas J. Lowe, late of Bibb county, deceased, are required to make immediate payment, hbd those having claims to render them to the undersigned In terms of the law. JOHN. H, .LOWE,., oct 7-law-lOd Administrator. f i ,<#£’' : '°j P ,PR,WTjF ^^#.iL : ^;H.(i'psE, j. : MACON,. GEORdlA, ’ . j W 1. . .1(1.. In: >1 'lit ••••» »<• 5 ‘TVTPWihRYftin store,'and for sale, the largest and best assorted stock of BOOTS, SHOEt}, AND HATS, in the ffiitiUi. , Tuose wishing .Jo. buy, to sell 'again, will herfc? find facilities, not surpassed by any boast) south of Cincinnati, as the entire stock has been purchased, FOR CA8H, from the manu facturers in the cities of.New York and Boston. A good supply oi TRUNKS AND UMBRELLAS will also be kept on hand. ' : Clothing, and Gents’ Furnishing portion of public patronage, m. W. R.,SINGLETON, ,y. C. SINGLETON. /GEORGIA, Bibb County.—Whereas John,K. \T Harman applies to the undersigned for let-, ters of administration upon the estate bf James F. Weeks, late of said county, deceased— ,.«i a. : All persons interested are required to be and ap pear at the court of ordinary on the first Monday in November next to show cause, if any tfie^blVe; Why letters should not be granted the i applicant, Given under my hand and official sienature. . sepll-w30d WM. M. RILEY, Ord'y. /Ui EORGIA, Bibb Counts'.—Two months after \JT the date hereof application will oe made to the court of ordinary of said county for leave to sell the real and personal property of Albert L. Rose, late of said county, deceased. JULIA E; t'OLLINS, sepl4-wG0d '" - )"■ : Adm T x;* : Notice to Debtor* and Creditors. A LL persons indebted f 6 the'estate of John II. Dunlap, late of Bibb county, '-deceased,' ! Ar(r required to make immediate payment, and’those to render them to -the undersigped in terms of Uie law. „ E, C:'DUNLAP,. oct7-law40d* ' Administratrix. • 1 G EORGIA, Putnam County.—All persons hav ing claims against Andrew (Reid, dec’d, late of said county, will present them in terms’ of the law. Those indebted to. said, deceased are. requested to. make immediate payment. • ’ WM. A. REID. v • >= : ALEX’R. S. REID, Jr., sep6w40d] Admr’s, Ac., Andrew Reid; -dftcltd pliea to me for,-letters ol administration upon t: estate of Samuel B. Finney/.dec’d. '• * t,i These arc to cite and admonish all - persons con cerned, to file their objections, if any they have, in this office on or by the second Monday in Novem ber next, wity said A; B.‘ Fennell shotild not Hi Sip- pointed said administrator, -i’ q c: :t Given under iny hand officially* Get. J,U3Qi>.-rI ROLAND I..ROS8* v. rr°ctll ' / " • ' Ordinary!- Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persona Indebted: to the estate, of.Charles Collins late of Bibb county deceased, are re quired to make immediate payment to the nnder- signed, and those having claims to' render tfieih in “■'* ,.il I' tWWl'nSSM II A. P, & O. C,/COLLINS, Executors. the terms of the law. octl-lw6w EORGIA, Bibb, County.—Wliereas; lEJjvtrrd VJT S. Lathrop applies to the .undersignedfor Let ters of Administration upon -the Estate ’of Mrs. Mary M. Lathrop, late of feaidcountv,!decern.ed. All persons interested are required bo he and,ap- pear at the Court of Ordinary on the first Monday In November next, to show tause, if anv Ihey hive, why letters should not be granted the appli cant. . Given under ■ ‘ ■ * * - sep!4-w30d ■ 'Y* G EORGIA, BxBB COUNTY.—Two months al ter the datq hereof, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary ol said county" for leave to sell Two Thousand acres of land ’in Sumter county, stocfcind othkr:things or*V >pltrAaflon, known as the Lamar plantation, on Flint river be longing to the estate of Col E. D. Hngueuiu, late of said county, dec’d. GEQ r W. FORT, . ■ J - M Executor.' sepl7 2m KOTVAJ G EORGIA—Jones CouETT.-^jpiNAnT's Or- eice, said county, "September* 27, 1805.— Whereas, Mrs! Sarah R. Lane appiiea to me for administration on the estate of IVu». A, r: Lane deceased. .mfem 'tniamn toon ■] These are to cite and admonish all persons con cerned to tile their object!out. it any they have, in* mv office, on or before the first Monday. its No* vembernext. Witness my hand officially. ■ . ROLAND T. ROSS, oct 4-law5w* Ordinary. SttNashviBe witfi Norflnvestern Railroad for Joh'nuonvillt; and points on Tennessee river, Padu- cah' -Gaiid,' nnd-Sfc Louis, and Lbnisville and Nashl yille Railroad. iT-.c- q .FarelromChattanoogato-Nashville $ 7 75. . 1“ “ a-,iSf Cairo.>.twlj:.... 19 75. i “ “ St. Louis.... 22 75; jpassituters’leaving Atlanta on tins evening train oit.W. A: A. R: R. 'eonnectwith'this train. Freight is now.:tdeeiriitdi and.forwttrddd on quick time g-?ryratat,, *.;> ;.,tf» iqq Jlft i|II 'Nit; ;.'- DpJEk, • |nii) to -ul-iv! 'JVW. BROWJs *' j ■•") •' /i .t:" Gen’L Passenger Agent. .! !opU8-3m., : ;ll w, aft b ■ N. A. HARDEE & CO., j Just Arrived! New Goods SHIPPING, COMMISSION & FORW*KkJ ; ' ' ' ■ 7^ MERCHANTS, 1 c "' a,, ‘ 1 Txvo Stocks ln ° ue: Savunnah Georgia. ’ Goods from Auction! Saving to Consumers! Will make liberal cash advances on consignments to their friends. NORTON, SLAUGHTER & COj oct 13-lm* C. M. IRWIN, . . I- .SI. B. WHARTON IRWIN Sc WHARTOX, Commission Merchants, AND WitOLESALB AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Pine Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Capa, and Fancy Goods, Northeast Comer Cherry and'Third Streets (Old Stand of Wither* <t loud,) MACON,;.. .V it. .GEORGIA, .-(-."if lit;/) <1. -mo - :• ' ■■ e.. REFERENCES : . J W Fears & Co, and Hon E A Nisbet, Macon, Da.; ColDlAYason, Albany, Ga.; Citizens gene rally of Lee and Dongherty conntles, Ga.; Hon D Irwin, Marietta, Ga,; Harris Jt Jennings, Atlanta, Ga.; J R Anderson <t Co, Richmond, Va.; Ashby Ss Wliartou, Alexandria, Va. oct!5-lm G. BERND, ji ! * >ni .n -tar.’iu *ds '•Muns* .* n.< Manufacturer of Saddles, Harness ' >tll t AKD. • lii • j 7 I ])■:!»; ■ r.w*r ff *1 !>if ? »••• , va? Dealer in Saddlery Goods, . Cotton Avenua, Macon, Qa. | -m-X9 'uIt hi;: : .1 - , : a t-.t tn'tf ■ IS NOW RECEIVING, AND WILL CONTINUE to receive direct from manufacturers and impor ters, all classes of Goods in bis line, consisting of ladles! and gent’s ■ -i SADDLES, i .ft •; “ ) HARDWARE, J U- - -1 WHIPS, as well as the different classes ot Leather and oth er materials for manufacturing purposes. I am employing first class workmen, and my work shall be second to none ln the State. I will purchase all kinds of Leather in the rough; or finish leather at a reasonable price, both Shoe and HamecaLeather. , mii.-i . 'i . Ths highest market price paid for hides, i Repairs of all kinds done ln the best manner. No business transacted on Saturdays. oct6-lm ’ ■ ' S. T, OOLEMAH, Agent, Cherry St., j THE undersigned will open, about the 1st ..Of .October, in tke.buildirig well known as the Manufacturers' Bank, Cor. CherrJl ,&Sccond Sts. The most elegant and extensivi variety of j ... • FA L L goods: FOR LADIES’ AND GENTLESIEN’S WEAR, Yet displayed in this,city. My stock will consist not only of my own purchases, but large selections from purchases made by Mr. J. B. Ross, at. this’re cent'Auction Sales in New York, which I.know to be at less prices, than others have paid ip.the same market. By an arrangement with Messrs. J. - B. Ross & Son, their ENTIRE RETAIL BUSINESS will be transferred to me; and with' the advantages offered I shall, at ail times, be prepared with the knost comprehensive assortment in this City. Es, pucial attention has been given to the selection 1 of 91 O UR N IN G GOODS , And also to the selection of LINEN GOODS, of every description, which are now decidedly cheap er aud more economical than Cotton fabrics. SO come along. Ladies, and give me a' trial; 1 have served many of you in. the past,, and given you good bargains, anil will continue tofloso, it you will stick to me, and if I have neglected to provide any thing which can ;add to your comfort or-convenience, I will furnish it upon short notice. S. T. COLEMAN, Agent. Late Firm, Ross & Coleman. sept24 :)«. i • • •. • a f PAINTING !•*»(> .,1 I- if I '' 6ct4^Jm Y. J. HUNT. Wil.'A,MckENZIBl AT. JOHNSON. WM. H. CHAMBERS. ' t - wxr. a. McKenzie & co., pOM Mibb ION Merehanta, Cotton .Brokers and \J Receiving, and Forwarding Agents, Apalachi cola, Florida. References: J. B. & W. H. Ross, Hardeman & Sparks,-Macon, Ga.; King & Allen, Dr. J. F. Boze man, Columbus, Ga.;. Hon.- T. M. Furlow, Ameri cas, Go.; poL Nelson Tift, Albany, Ga.; John Me- rNab, Enfaulaj A}a. , aug 25 8m Executor’s Sale.! W ILL' bo bold on the First Tuesday in Decem ber next, between the usual hours of sale, .before, theCourt House door in the county of Bibb, Fifty acres of land in the North West corner of lot No. 206. ' Twenty acres. is cleared andjn a high slate'"-of cultivation, ono gbbtV frfimie building withitwo rooms'on the premises. 'Sold as - the property. ofWotson Campbell, late of Bibb county, deceased,,(or the benefit of the heirs and creditors or deceased. LUTHER. B. JpBNSON, oi-ti>-lav,i'i\v* - . * - Executor. ,—Whereas;. Isaac ■I me for Let ters Of AUminlstra'tiou bn. the Estate of Robert Brown, late Of said county'di-ceascd. These are therplbro to cite and'admonish^Ml persons coneem- .ed, to-be andappearat my office on the first Mon day ih DepeiuVr next, to show .cause if,any,tbey have, why letters shall not. issue to the applicant ra teRttS.ofbflte'kw.’ “ *■ ■ Given, under my- hand' and official- signature at offire, this Will (lav of Oct. 1865. octl9-wtd. M. : II. HUTCHISON, Ord’y. G EORGIA, JxsMti.county.—^Whereas, Wrn. P.' VyliiU: tmffieVApplicatjon to me for Letters of Administration on the Estate of William Parka, late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to show cause. If any -they have, on or before the first Monday in Decem ber next, why letters-shall-not 1 issue to the appli cant.,at ol artsli V> Eo:xfltom afit xnrni n Given upderrmy hand-audtofficial signntairfe, thia- '16th day .bf AJctober J865. .. „--p q... ' “etffi-wtd. ’ y ’5U,H. r Ht;7CHI30M;. Ord’gyj BLUB .(!•«■> 1. ot hr •: ‘ v - L i ,c .itetn aidBLUE STONE,' > ! ■ aid ut tdl. at I;,.-.; 3 I!ad*I" :gn;yi* '-BLUE STONE; •it —I i’ll u - >(it JjiulaiKidt »:*«='. At, ,vn on BOYD & GORDONS, ■ f Druggists. S doorsibdlow Telegraph office, seiio-tr ' •. —x ——- h(il> ■ - ■ * “to X>txnvber! JL-'lxraber 1 icD bo.'flB/i lor.!. !»:a»i > ot »:.• nni7r.e ,t jfliil -qt) , vnitlnou'J J -"brtheir house. ALlMAl'5, ON hand and .FOR SALE AT " misn :• ,*a7ihs Ifhvr .irao! -ii!; Ini/. otn- octfiO-lOtl OUEBR & MASTERBON'P.; v* uui, — “ giauieu luu upjni’ if' » tedaftffioffieba^gnatuw,,..... OP-EVERY DESCRIPTION, M. M. RILEY, Ordinary. ' ’ ■ >l *** a * v .• » fir...- ...... 1 ,n*>7 i I ruiTmtirWfiiii *Uat TYishnen O NE20 hors'd Engine and Boiler 1 ln good order; suitable for sow mill.' One Btt 4 feet Usopae Mill Rocks, ' Four tiecCes of Salt, Wanted a partnor with capital. Apply to oct22ot* a w. boifecillet. Hor»e and Baggy for Sale. A FAST HOR8E and an entirely new BUGGY, is'offercd at private sale and Upon very rea sonable terms. 'Apply one iotk below ttuotd Post office building -Up stairs, to H. C. STEVENSON, oct21-lw Real Estate Agent. CHEISTOPfiER BUBKE, . . "' 1 . T.ATB 1.6VI * BURKE. • WpttC . I if. ;;i i*. . • •’». House, Sign &3)ecorative Painter, PAPER HANGER, GILDER, ETC., ETC., H AVING resumed business, the undersigned hopes by attention and moderate prices to merit a share of pnblic patronage. His ability as a workman is known to most of tho citizens ofMa- con for the past six years. Paint Shop in Floyd House, opposite Medical College. Mixed Paints constantly on hand, at moderate prices. 1 - ' -' CHRI&.TOPHER BURKE. octl3-lm GEO. B. TUBPIN. J. ff. HERTZ TURPIN & HERTZ,- Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GOODS, Triangular Bloch, Cherry Street, Macon, 0a. Clothing.made to order on short notice, by JIONS. ROUSE, oct 6 ly ■ - JUST RECEIVED, A nice lot of rtJBJffXftHmet GOODS, also allneBtockof OYER COATS. octe-lm TURPIN & HURTZ. UICHXBD at. BISHOP; : WM. T. BI8HOP. •In R. M. BISHOP & CO., ■1 • ■ . ;!■ ■ WHOLESALE GROCERS' i : i Mo. 3G Main St., (a few doors lielow Columbia sept 22-3m* Street,, Cincinnati. ;: He. y«>:.K> at ,nii Ef. Bowen’sSplendid. Plantation AND VINEYARD FOR SALE. I WILL sell my Vineyard and Plantation, situat ed in Jones county, 15 miles from Macon, and 10 miles from Griswoldvillb on Central Rail Road., The Vineyard embraces near 10 acres in excellent condition, containing over a dozen varities of fine Tines. The Plantation contains. about 800 acres, 300 acres of wblcU Is origmsHorest-oak, pine and hickory, balance cleared and in, good condition.— There la a good dwelling house, cabins, barns, gin house, screw,' Ac. : Place well watered and healthy. For further particulars enquire: at this office or address me at Clinton, Jones county, Ga. oct 22-lm* .. DR. BOWEN. Cincinnati Commercial copy 6 times and send bill to this office. NOTICE. O N and after the 'first day of November next, twenty-five dollars per month will he charged for board of horses at onr stable. , oct 2?-10t* ■ -. - GRIER & MA8TERS0N. WARREN’S CELEBRATED NEEDLES AND FISH HOOKS. ANDREW CLERK & 00., 48 MAIDEN LANE, N.T., SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS. ^JUR forinercustomers wlll find a reduction ln gold prices of the Needles, while the quality is always kept up to the highest standard knowii to English manufacturers. A. C. & Co., respectfully solicit a renewal of tho mercantile relations so long and favorably esteemed sept20-2m i J. H. WOOLFOLK, rft UtfiV suae y.lUhwbftfl 1>- : a Ware House and Commission ”u j Z aflcuaoKAW*. on !. ji -jdi gnioil jm{c!o m*m odi J‘i' i' . > MACON, - - - - GA., W Ot;LD respectfully inform his old patrona and friends that he will continue the buHi- ness at the same place he hss, for the last six years, add he now bass to rage room for 3,000 bales of cotton. His honse is fire prooi and free from leakes, oct 17-2 tw-lm 'A'Z UM E Ai ! ’ ; .A. Z U'jVT.E -A. . - ^ z i j e a. ! Has proved to bs T'jie Best and Purest Baking Powder in Use. J. H. ZEIL1X & CO., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUGGIST8, : MAC ON, GEORGIA. Sole Agents in this State for the sale of PROP. MORRIS’ AZUMEA. We have received another large iot of this excel lent YEAST POWDER, and can safely recommend it to the public for ail that it claims to be. Azu- mea makes the finest WHEATEN BREAD' possi ble. It is mode in tho simplest manner, as follows: Get one quart, equal to l)f pounds of flour, mix into it, quite dry, three ordinary size teaspoon fills of AzumCu, add cold water, with a little salt dissolved' in iU—sufficient to 'make a dough as soft as can be conveniently bandied, which is generally a little less than one pint of water to one qnart of flour. Do not knead it. Shape it very lightly,jand imme diately bake in a quick oven, which must he quite hot before you begin to mix. It has the following advantages over yeast qr fermented bread; it can be made and baked .in one hour from the time of i first handling the llour; it will be moist and pleas ant to eat in four days after baking; It is easy of digestion, excellent for persons suffering from dys pepsia ; retains all the gluten, starch and sugar contained in the flour, and therefore produces 1 lb. 12 oz. bread frota 1 lb. 4 oz. flour, whilst yeast pro; duces only 1 lb. 9 oz. of bread from 1 lb. 4 oz. of flour; thus obtaining about 27lbs. more of bread from a barrel of flour, which, with 1 the saving bf yeast, will about balance the cost of the Aznmea. Can boused for any of the following recipes, and ladies everywhere will be agreeably Surprised with the delicious productions. This excellent compo sition does not contain a particle of Alum, Salse- ratus, or any kind of deleterious drug; but is per fcctly pure and healthy, and, as a culinary prepara tion, is infallible and invaluable. At tbq.jfjiir in. Cincinnati, there were,a number of Baking-Pow ders on exhibition:—the Aznmea, with several others, was analyzed, and obtained the first prize, as the purest and best Baking, powder known. A trial only Is necessary, in order to be satisfied. A paper is given with each box, with full instruc tions for making -•!, r.ilil. AZUMEA ROLLS, “If AZUMEA BISCUIT, .«•.». ■ • ■ * AZUMEA NONPAREIL OAKE, 1 j AZUMEA JOHNNY CAKE, ' ' AZUMEA FRUIT CAKE, AZUMEA PLUM PUDDING. AZUMEA CINNAMON CAKE, AZUMEA CORN CAKE, AZUMEA DUMPLINGS, , ir: , AZUMEA EGG CAKE, ; ‘. AZUMEA SPANISH BUN, AZUMEA SPONGE CAKE, AZUMEA. CAKE WITHOUT EGGS, AZUMEA CUP CAKE, AZUMEA MILK BREAD, \ AZUMEA SPONGE GINGER CAKE. AZUMEA SILVER CAKE, AZUMEA CURRANT CAKE. AZUMEA POT PIE, AZUMEA PEARL CAKE, .", . , AZUMEA GOLD CAKE, ,tq --.T AZUMEA LOAF BREAD, AZUMEA DOUGH NUTS, . AZUMEA JUMBLES, , V. AZUMEA LEMON' CAKE, : .... • .' : J3F” Azcema is put up for the retail trade in 1-4 Jib. cans, at 25 cts., and in 1-2 11), cans at 50 cents. ( ■ • 1 ■ Liberal Discount Made to Wholesale Purchasers. pctl0-2m J. H. ZEILIN & CO. B. H. NEWTON, . .. j WHOLESALE &• RETAIL 1 -HEALER IN < *■ GROCERIES. AND PRODUCE, Third Street, between Cherry and Poplar, (UNDER RAWLSON’S HALL,) J. | At Dunn & Man’gharh's old Stand. MACON, GEORGIA.. Highest Cash Price paid for all kinds of Country Produce. sept29-lm .' ORXA»E9im HAIR. CURLS, BRAIDS, WATERFALLS, BANDS, WIGS, HALF WIGS, &c., Wholesale, at the lowest possiblo price of im' portation for cash. • ‘1 W. R. CAAtERON & CO., Importers ol Hair and Manufacturers, No. 813 Fulton St., Brooklyn, near New York. 155?“ Large and small orders punctually attended to. oct 21-1 m CALL AT ELLIS' .DRUG STORE" A ND buy the best quality of Bine Stone, 5 Potash, Onion Buttons. Also, Bcerkavc’sHolland Bitters, i > CedronBitters, ,..i • . Wood’s Iluir Restorative, . .. j, , Batchelor’s Hair Dye, , t || . • John Bull’s Sarsaparilla, ' '•» -‘ ' And every article ln the drug line, »old at low est price*. oct 22-10* f E. M. BRUGE & CO., iu BANKERS AND COTTON FACTORS, a u g r i tTIu E. F. METCALFE & CO., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, : bat.-i -uill i*n s A V A N’N ah; G E O..R G I A . E. M. BRUCE, MORGAN & CO., Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants, 7JltC It W A.P’A- E A'-O H' LGtO L A , zko'stm,?. .. . y e’.s, iyjf a.c^’e^p n ; Consign men t's- it o WATTS, CRANE & CO., WATTS'; GIVEN & CQ.vUUtW.'ipl’WAfTi^.qO., • >-! - .it . .. ..i .. Aork. , , . New Orleans. u ffij- '. Liverpool, Eng.. . , E I T H E_E 'O P THE A B O V.E H O ^ * WHO 3L E HMS, LARGE ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS AT’ 59 College Street, I Nashville, Tenn. i .N-.b bt. . ;Ui Jba'ioO X A - i ... j . _ ■ By our heavy purchases during the last-three-months, and by -constantly watching the Eastern mar ket and taking advantage.of every fluctuation, we aro enabled to say that we have now on hand, the : '■ .fiuH .A If t-.'aOvii-,; .‘i .b ii - ! ; -i . LARGEST, CHEAPEST & BEST SELECTED STOCK - ' ’ ’OF' f Mikik G0OFS i . . . »)! . m THE CITY OF NASHVILLE. i Our assortment of BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, ; ...:s •' FRENGH AND ENGLISH MERINOS, . i - • 'a >■ "POPLINS, MOHAIRS, LUSTRES ... . . ANT) OTHER MEW ST , AND OTHER >NEW STYLES OF DRY GOODS, ,C ; A N N ,01- B E S' U n .p, A. S 8 E D„; - i. .. A IVehove-the latest stylbs of : Cloaks; Shawls, 'Balmoral Skirts, Ladies* Hats, &c, - . Ii-m - i«»t-» rr. J &C. , , . .. .„.ge assofttnem; of SWISS, .MULL, INDIA BOOK, EDGINGS. iNSEKTlONS, LACES, RIBBONS, HAND- TCE^CHtEFS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, NOTlONS;etc. ' We are selling to countryAnerchants coming to add passing through’-the city to supply themselves' with'--goods, we wish tbisay that we can sell tliein at lower'idtcs than‘they can ohtain them nt'Louisviile of Cincinnati.- Otir lqrgei stock'of -...i: t ■-- * HATS AND BOOTS AND SHKjfES Has mostly been bought" at auction, very chepp, and will he sirld at-very-’small profits. ! Our Clothing Department, Up Stairs, ; Consists of cycry article of Men's Wear made up in the latest styles and of the best material, and wiJUie offered at the lowest prices,yyliplesule and retail, at - 1 I' 'a.'yth ,yU(* IclitTBOp bn: Sept 17-31)1 | Gj RICK & CO.’S, COLLEGE STREET, NASHVILLE, TENN. WARE HOUSE NOTICE. H ARRIS & ROSS, Ware . House and- > Commis sion Merchants, would-ififonn their friends and patrons that they now have room, and aye pre- ^qredto receive Oh storage or to sell ariy cotton entrusted to their care. We have secured the services of Mr. A. B. Adams, formerly of the firmofiAdams& Reynolds, who will be pleased to serye hia old friends. , octl5-lm , ; HARRIS & ROSS. B. II. NEWTON. It. r. LAWYOX. " NBWSOSf & LAWTON. GROCERY; PRODUCE AND PROVISION Dealer* and..,General Commission ' 'W^e’r c It nrit a , Third Street; next doatl to Hardeman & Spanks’ ware house, Dunn &-:,Mangham's old stand, Ma con, Ga. Higtiest cash- prices paid for all kinds countiyprodu^. 1 ' , j oetl5-lm A Card. D URING my absence, DK-T. II. Hall can be found at my office. - u J ’’ sept!9-tf - CHARLES H, HALL, Mrs. Hurt,; . VVTISHES to inform her,Erietidsandpfitrons th8^ , > V she still occupies ber Room up stairs Ih tri-. angular block 2d street, and is receiving licr FALL and WINTER stock, consisting'of BONNETS, . : ■ ‘ ^V’bbins, ;• -y'., v. , ' AU work done promptly to order „. .. oct5-lm,. .. .• ■ ■ ' tfto. w. o’coxxon, ! XJ acon > Ga. J. B. BOLLADVr Eulaula, Ala. J. W. ©’COWlNOa. & CO., MACON, ;-... .GEORGIA. Office on Cherry St,; between 3d and 4th. R ECEIVING and Forwarding Merchants, and Agents for E. M. Bruee <fc CO., Augusta, Ga.; E, M. Bruce, Morgan & Co., Apalachicola, Fla.: and Watts, Crane & Co., New York. We wilt receive and forward, upon reasonable terms, all Cotton-entrusted to our care for ship ment, as owners may direct. We will.make liberal advances upon consignments of Coton to Watts, Crane & Co., New York, or W. C. Waits & Co., Liverpool, England; pay Revenue Tax, - Storage, Freights, <fec., on same, and forward with prompt ness and dispatch. Planters and others will be afforded evory facility in our power to send their Cotton to market,' and receive prompt return of sale. Mr. W. E. Clarke is onr agent at Albany, Ga., and will give all information to parties who desire his services in shipping or purchasing. Our per sonal attention given to the purchase nnd sale qf Cotton. NEW; YORK EXCHANGE,>OR SALH oct8-3m JNO. W. O’CONNOR & CO. METALIC CASES. GRIEVE & HERTY, : X>RLTGGISTS, M : rjLGE»G 1 i^'ip; i;iiL l .E,, ga. .DR: JAMES-W"HERTY'having, purchased'the interest of Mr. Cu^bk, in the Drug Store, the bus iness will be continued under tile names'- and style, of GRIEVE & HERTY, who will kedp constantly on hand a full stock of Drug3,‘ Medicine^,'Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Glass, Patty, PerlumeiT, Books, Stationary, &c., ax., &c. oct 20—et. 'CLOTHING, HATS : If AXD -Vi T H -• ’-.J F'-ar'iiisliing Goods. ! ' T HE undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to his former customers, and the public gen erally, that he has resumed business iif'this city, aud has associated with him Mr. B. C. Smith, un der the style aud firm of E. Saulsbnry & Co. ;.,.They have taken the well known and central stand, on Cotton Avenue, under the Masonic Hall, where they art prepared to furnish gentlemen with iv article appertaining to their wardrobe. . Their well selected stock of Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods, will be replenished by weekly shipments of the best and latest! styles. Hoctfll-flm E. SAULSBURY. Jgr* Journal & Messenger copy, and send bill to advertiser; :U Tlirougli Route—Xashrillo to IS, Y. S HIPPERS are notified that 1 will sign through bills of lading’ 'for cotton from Nashville to New Y’ork for SS 50 per bale, via Johnsonville and Evansville, or 57 25 from Johnsonville. , - EH. EWING. oct20 ; 2nr 1 Gen’l-F’t Ag-t X; & C. R: R. ' Buggies and Eainily Jersey Wagons, FROM CONCORD AND BRATTI.EBORO. -rjSTE will soon have & supply .of Buggies, Top V V Family Wagons and Harness made to order at CONCORD AND BR ATTLEBORO', expressly for this market, ami will .warrant them to give pntiro all purchasers. We will seU no wori; not made, expressly io .' c-ur order. Those from a distance can address us at Macon (to care W. C. Singleton), or at HawkinBvillc, Ga. oct7-Sm MCDUFFIE, MASON & CO. R ECEIVED this day a full assortment of ME TALIC BURIAL.GASES 'anti CASKETS ot the most beautiful Patterns. ..For saie-ct mv Fac- toty, foot Third Street, Macon, Ga. ang-26-3m '• ' GRENVILLE WOOD ’ MRS. S. AUDOi.UIN, T AKES this method of informing her trionds, and the community at large, that she has re turned from New York with a choice selection of goods, usually kept in her line of business. She has Bpared no pains ln selecting the very best and lastest styles ot BONNETS, HATS, caps, turbans, HEADDRESSES, HAIR BRAIDS, . . EMRROIDERIES, Ja ! • ORNAMENTAL TRIMMINGS, and foncy articles of various kinds. All of wticb she offers for sale at the most reasonable terms for cash. Thankful for past favors, she solicits a con- tipuance of the same. All orders promptly at tended to. . octl-lm. Ornamentai Cast Iron Railing A LARGE variety for cemeteries or private dwellings Call and see them at a«g 18-3m' ” SCHOFIELD’S METROPOLITAN HOTEL. LATE BROWN’S, Washington,'B.-C. . This leading Hotel, Renovated end Re-tarnished is'flow in perfect ordenfor the reception and ac- eonunodationof its- old. patrons. r.octl-rSm Notice 1 . Ga.;'also,’for BMnbridge every Mondav, WeStca' day and Friday, thus openings, tegular communi cation to Southwestem Gcorgia mid Florida Jji-.' :-.' .J:.- ’ VlUGHT&HILL,.::,: v-JUtm T'roprii-t.'i-- instiuctioii in Freneli. P ROFESSOR A. FRISE having returned 1 toM:b -- cou„ intends to give lessons m French to all 1 those who wish to study c aid lunqua.:- in . private families'. - An experience of fifty years in his : profes?ion feit-' t ders the stndy plain andVasv. '.en oliz.a ,a esc. jfod3 r-Early application at the Wesleyan Female Col- j lege where he is to be fouhd, or at the store of J. i M. Boardman Esq., will secure suitable hours. oct23-3twlm