The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, November 09, 1865, Image 2

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©je jjpatlD Celegtaji|. Srw Advrrtmm; Index* IHrc1SQictt» Rent ~W C Mat tty. M ^ O Auction to-day—K B Clayton & Co. S«]e—It B Clayton X Co. * UMeAnjlef* A^cftcy—l>an H Thomas, Agent. Kcroatnc Oil—A M Rowland Ac Co. A Bare Chance—J R BalU X .1 R Stnlf li v To the Ladies—Mn* H F Rcea. flew W«kw-K W Thotnaa. The Latent N’vvm—Irwin X lYiiarluU. 9 JO Reward—I.1.tflnr. Kitra Family Floor-Uojd X Draper. tsh** Ball Crab—W C ^In^teton, rreaufent. C <»inmU«ion Mercltantc—.Murciii'ou X Merry. Yalbalrle Plantation f«»rSale—Samuel C!a\ton. G keat RlWrcnox.-^ invite attention to the | card of 3. T. Coleman.' lie announce* great rc- • ' — j ; S^SSSJSSSS^Si I'SWUed* Srocer and toumteioa ; MERCHANT. Stafloncfy; A1=^, wrapping paper. «p«-u Deulcr in Winet, Liquort, Cigar*, i Tilr. ir- iir. ited to call at the SevkuTi | TOBACCO, Stcsib and see the beautiful kemreendr dybiin Hats, ‘ Bonurts, Dress and Cloak trimmings, Sontag*, JVo. 35, South Side Broad tray, NmthcilU, Tenn. Xcek Ties, Ribbon*, Feathers, Buttons, Nets, Rats | and Mice, etc..etc. novtWKt for Steel Pex*.—E. J. Jolmston X Co., bav I sale a superiur articles of Steel Pens. Wc hav< trie d them and find them a No. 1. tKAMi j Goon News at List.—Having concluded t<» } enlarge ofr stock of dry-^oods wc are now otter* | ing to close ont immediately our entire stock of : men's, youth’s, and boy’i r.*ad3 made c!ot\ing, at < Nc’t York cort. j We will positively sell at cost. Wholesale and retail customers will find it to their Intrjv-t to *ive i us a call soon. GLASER X ROSIN. Iirht. They have furjii-hed during they j j, rn *>.] icon j #**les»4:*t serft* of |K*rfon}ian£<9, i i Tbsteu <t Notes’ U. 8. Cncn.-'Tbfe fine cir- «n* entertainm'-nt closed It** engagement In this city last night at>qr in )f*i some of whi<*h in their peculiarities are uneur- j To Machinists* P***®d- M^t-hinirl will find fcrcral thousand pounds of The doable somcrsalt performed by Mr. 8tick* I old typtfimUl for sale at the office o! the Dailt ney ia one of the tomt biwatifol and attractive j Txle<)nm. % tf f(«ta ever exhibited in any ring. ThU backward . ■ ■ «— ■ ■ > ■ — ifi ■ somerMtlt on horseback is one of 1 he m«»*t licanli- i •» • ni . - fo:on.i.i!Oca:irat,wccvr.a*. (November Election. Mr. K« lij^Jn hKflnenud iipimreiifN perilems act j - -- - - - -1 — .— - — of sohr(-rsj tt!ting over ten or more* horses, la pc- j [Anwmnre«imts made in this column, will be culurly an acceptable feat to any audienee. The j charged ten dollars for publication until the day tra|H-r.e perform.'.rices are perfectly fearful and •tirtling, indijouruatimition-must certainly lie j dangendi*. Tin* artist* In thisaro not only psfict ; iiiMst«*rs of the art hut • xhihit it with singular grace ! and rl« gatM'c*. The trick dogs are very funny and exhibit many ! very pJc9*iny coinleulilies. Dr. Thayer and Jim- | inv Reynold* are ehanning jesters. None wear the | ea|*s and hells more pleasantly. Jimmy with Ids funny song* and the Doctor with his initnitable fund of iu;rt!i and jollity, is one of the most geuisl and pln^ant coinp/^oiis of the age. He and Id- part u«r, Charley have given unexcrptioi Me enltrtaininyi^^ffiuing their May in our city. | Tlmy ha\e pro7^|^BliiseIve.s % most gem rous ami liberal poor of this city. Vie have found ill ant and heartily commend them > I can onlv s: and their exIdhiiioiH to the press, a> liciiig worthy j daily urging Of their kind notices arid to tile people as being I Well Worthy Of their patronage. IIHDS. PRIME NEW ORLEANS SUGAR, OU 25 Hds do Porto Rico Sugar, •JO do do Cuba Sugar, .7) Barrels Crushed and Powdered Sugar, 20 do Granulated Sugar, 100 do A and B CotTce Sugar?. 30 do C extra assorted Brands, 200 do Yellcur Sugar, 400 Bags Rio Coffee, •JO Mats Java Codec, 30 do Laguira Codec, 10 Bags Ginger, 10 Bags Allspice, ' 30 Bags Pepper, 30 Barrels Mackerel, 60 *•« bbls do :i00 Kits do 100 Boxes Soap, 50 do Starch, 100,000 Cigars, assorted brands, 100 Boxes Candles, 100 Boxea Ramins, * 50 Cases Sardines, 250 Case* Oysters, 100 Dozen Buckets, 200 Dozen Brooms, 56 Nests Tubs, Together with everything usually kept in Whole sale Grocery House. VOORHEES & GARRISON, Commission Mercliants, 3 William street, Xett York. i Offer their services to the Planters, Merchants and Cotton holders of Georgia. And refers by permission to Messrs. Erwin & Hardee, Savannah, Gw President National Bank at Savannah, Gm. E. A. Wilcox, Macon, Ga. W. B. Davison, An^nsta, Ga. E. Bcmington & Son, Thomastille, Ga. C. E. Kobtnson, Jacksonville, Fla. e. K. Garrison, 73 William street, N. Y. Ocean National Bask, New York. Merchants Exchange Nation Bank, New York. Any business entrusted to us will meet with prompt and careful attention. B. F. Vooukees. " D. E. Gahrisox GREAT GIFT DISTRIBUTION, 2 5 0,0 0 0 j Watches, Chains, Diamond Rings, fete. ’ . WORTH OVER OXE MILLI OX DOLLARS All to be Sold for One Dollar each, without regard to Value. SOT TO BE PAID FOR UNTIL TOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TO RECEIVE. During the month ending March 31, 1S65. T. A H. Caueh&n & Co. har« had the honor of distributing Among their patrons. Six Hundred and ninety Gold eSh— Redut <sg Travelers’ Insurance Company, OF NEW YORK. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING! ; sep8-4m GEO. C. BCCHAKAX. ANDKEWBUCHAN AS. ANDREW BUCHANAN & CO., Grocers, Provision Dealers, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, No. 116 Main street, ! LOUISVILLE, - - - KY. and SilTer Watches, at the price of one dollar each! Splendid.ljist of Articles! All to be Sold for 11 each: 230 Solid Silver Dining Sets. $75 to $300 500 SUVA* Salver* and Urns 50 to 250 >00 Solid Silver Tea Set* complete 50 to 300 150 Rosewood Magical Boxea,32air*...... 75 to SO 2uo M&kosrany Muairal Boxes, 24 airs 250 Gold Hunting Watches....- 250 Ladies Enamelled Gold Watches 500 Gents* Hunting Silver Watches 500 Open-face Silver Watches 250 Diamond Kings 5,000 Photo, Albums, all sixes . 00 Gold Vest and Neck Chains r ZJOOO Gold Oral Band Bracelets...- ! 5,000 Chased Gold Bracelets 2.000 Chatelaine A Guard Chains i 7.000 Soiitaire A Revolving brooches j 2000 Lavak Florentine do > 5,000 Coral. Opal A Emerald do ; 5,009 Mosaic, jet A lavs Eardrops 1 7,600 Coral k Emerald Earerops , 5.000 California Diamond Pins 5,000 Cal. (luster Diamond Pins i sets Solitatre Buttons k Studs 3 to . 3.WW Gold Thimbles. Pencils, Ac 3 to • 10,000 Lockets, double-glass 3 to ‘ .000 Lockets for Miniatures 5 to - - - 3 to Office, NO. 243 BROADWAY. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL.. ....$506,000. DIRECTORS: Edward A. Jones, Orison Blunt, 50 to 200 75 to 250 so to aw 35 to 100 25 to 60 j 50 to 100 ! 5 to 50 ; 15 to W 5 to 10 I 6 to 12 ) 5 to a> ; 5 to io ; 4 to 10 i 4 to 10 ■ 4 to 10 i 3 to $ o to 20 i 3 to 10 , Samuel J. Glasscy, T. B. Van Buren,* Sylvester M. Beard, Robert Crowley, Wm. Colt, J. C. Dimmick, Henry Clews, Albert Wright, John A. Isetin, H. P. Freeman, Nicholas E. Smith, James R. Dow, Howell Smith, F. H Lummus, Wm. E. Prince, Sylvester Teats, Joseph Wilde, A. A. Low. Chas. Curtiss, Asher S. Mills, W. H. Webb, Henry J. Raymond, Silas C. Herring, Sam*l W. Truslow, Richard A. McCurdy. EDWARD A JONES, President. WM. K. PRINCE, Vice-President. ASIIER S. MILLS, Secrctar3*. F. B. VAN BUREN. Treasurer. S. Teats, M. D., Medical Examiner. E. II. Jones, Superintendent of Agencies. E. F. Polo kb, General Railway Agent. MERCHANT. 9 2 'Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA. | nov541m Ho! forNew York. I | VIA DARIEN AND SAVANNAH. WITH QUICK DISPATCH.: ! *\XT£ have uow rvailv ami awaiting canjoca a ; i > namber of ZHrst Clavs Cotton Boxes, Dress NT ovember To-ilav the Pril Dr On liaml tire redu K X T K X S 1 V E j of election. Tills rule will lie rigidly adhered to.] Twiggs County Ga., Nov. 2ml, ’65. Wiu- Faulk, II. T. Smith, duo. Barclay, Col. Jno. Filzjiutriek, Ltrwi» Solomon, L. I,. Harden, II- R. Wimberly ami other*: Gentlemen: Four comm tinicat ion of the lSlli j | Oct., is before me. I Lave always found the re- j ftlbilitic* of my farming interest quite eutii- • cient to o^eupy all my time and attention. Theta* :-«**jr>».-ibilitie.* hat e increased >inee tin* operation* of Hie war have demoralized and run- * der.-d the t-Iuves valueless; but believing tluit ev- j : cry citizen .-hould now he willing to contribute his I aid in bringing about order, stability, and pros perity, ami to this end should be willing to give that aid in such capacity as the voice of hi/fellmr • l^morablc guutlcmcn and |Hea-»- • citizen* may Indicate as most proper and effective. • that as you and otljers, who arc i e, seem to desire my services in the j Representative branch of the Legislature, I eon- ' flit to serve you, should I be elected. I am gentlemen, your ob’t and humble servant, t noVJ 2t* D. (4. HUGHES, j .4th congressional district. The friends of Dr. A. J. SIMMONS, of Monroe l JJ?* The Macon Bazaar, on Cotton Avenue, is county, with his consent, place his name before J the plac** to purolitsd silk enrds of all, and I the people of the 4th Congressional District ofj colors. Also worsted braids Ladies, call on j Georgia, as a proper person to represent them on Messrs. 8. Peyser X Co. nori-lw • the floor ot the United .States House of Represcn- ••• | tat Ives. This district is composed of Upson, Pike, I.inm u.m to the Pook of Macon.—Yesterday Spalding, Henry, Newton, Butts, Monroe, Craw- iiftertioon a very large uiidliiK r crowded thcpavil- | ford, Bibb, Twiggs, Wilkinson, Baldwin, Jones, .Jus, Ion of Dan Castillo’* eireus. At the close of the j per, and Putnam. Dr. Simmons is a gentleman of performance that gentleman announced to the J flne address and ability, has always been a conserva- croud, that unsolicited and of Iris own Record he j live politician and as such is believed to be worthy would give to the mayor of Macon, theliulforthc I of the honorable position to which he Is now call- aftermioirs proceeds, which he wished distribn- j e( * many of Ills t**d for the benefit of flic jioor of the city. The 1 uov7-tc FfiLLOW CITIZENS, iiiiiiouiieenieiit elicited the hearty applause of the | The name of Gen. JAMES W. ARMSTRONG, of delighted throng. The liberality will he: rtily i Bibb county, is proposed as a suitable person to commend itself to the good wishes of our c|ti- ; reprsent the Senatorial district, composed ot the z*ns. The but performance* of this truly excel- ; counties of Bibb, Monroe and Pike (22d District) LIQUORS. 100 Barrels Robertson County Whisky, 50 do Bourbon do do 20 do Kye dc 125 do Rectified Whioky, 5 Cask* Hennessey Bran.h, 5 do Otard. Dnpuy »t Co.’s Cognac. 10 Barrels Apple Bramly, very old, 10 do Pooch do* 5 do Sherry Wiuc, i store and for sale at | Orders for Groceries, Provisions, Bagging and | Jooo Phdn G^d KinS.?fff. | Rope, promptly executed. jy36 6m ; s^joo chased Gold Ring* — 10-OuO Shield k Signet Kings •FLOUit OF ALL GRADES, ««• AMI OFF ALL OF ALL KINDS, Ottered to the Trade on tho Best Terms. li NO. 3 5, BROADWAY. NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. 1 OUDKK8 FOR EITHER PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. SAMUEL A. MILLER, Broadway Mills, Corner 10 and Broadway, Near L. X N. K. R. Depot, octS-lm METROPOLITAN HOTEL. LATE 10.0U0 Shiotd k gig 10.000 Calofornia I 7,500 sets Ladies* Jewelry- jet *,#o0 svts Ioulie.H* Jewelry, coral • LmT* Ladies’ Jewelrj*, onyx . t» lih life and endowment policies J *° | Are issued on the Mutual plan. All -the profits ?«? in : ln department are divided prs rafa among 5 to 10 I Policy Holders. All policies to be inconUsta- 8 to 12 * Ns after live years from date, and non-forfeltable lo to 15 | alter two annual payments. A Loan of onc-third 1 On which we can ship 7,000 BALES COTTON. I J Wc have Iu our empjoy intelligent and rcqmod- ; i ble Pilots and Supercargoes, and with the meflttt j river can lorward Cotton through without delay. Those wishing to ship can get their Cotton to mar- } ket at reduced latcs of freight, by applying with out delay to ; nor 5-5t DUNN & MANG1IAM. nov4 sept 15 Jin BDWAltD WILDER, 5,uoo sets Indies’ Jewelry,lava t2 to a> j of the amount of premiums willl>c made; also, ieit * Je .T e, .A T - J® ■ da y 6 grace given in payment of premiums. lu.0(0 Gold Pen* with Silver holders 5 to 10 ** ** 1 J * oSdPe"ihJwS!i™ ! ^";:::::::::‘: w!" Is! general accident policies SSSSKSSSSlcii»SS&^.v.:.v.v:»£ £! d r r»i,uo« f , 2,(<00 Silver Fruit k Cake Baskets 20 to 50 k mcluditL, the travelers risk. It issued Mewr»,T.4 H. Gaughaft t Co- Ko. 116 Breadway. Without Compensation, New A ork extensive manufacturer* nnd importer* of r all the leading and most fashionable styles of Watches They provide for death, if caused by accident; but and Jewelry; desiring to increase their business to an | j n case of injury only, the insured receives no com- T miisrilli* if v unluMited extent, have r» solved upon * Groat Gift Ins- n4mRftt | ftn rf3 n nt<>il Lomsrme, Kytritnuioo. sulyect to the regvdaf.ons following: « peusation. it granted Certificates miming each article and its value, are . u/Uk j placed in Sealed Envelopes and well mixed. One of} With OOni -ensation, j theae envelopes will be sent by mail to any address on I The full amount assured is pavnbleto the family In B1IOtvX'S. I r ‘ TOl P lof J-ivecm.. I case df death caused by accident and oecurring i All articles sold at One Dollar each, with- within three months from the date of Injury. Or, Wathimitcn I) C ‘ out re-ard to value in case of injury causing disability, the insured re- naMiimjron, u. c. ] uui re 0 aru iu \;uui. t ceives a weekly compensation until lie is able to hi ‘ * ‘ This leading Hotel, Renovated rndRo-fumishad , On roceipt of the certificate you will sec what you arc j attend to Ills business, such time not to exceed _ , Is nnw In nerfect order for th. r.pi olion n.d nr • 5°!?8 to “H* ,llen *» “> . Tour option to wnd the I twenty-six weeks. The policy covers all forms or WHOLES A LE DRUGGIST 14 nownpu-het order Tor the reception and ac- . aolUrjnd uko .hr arttcle^r not. Wrcliasrrs msy Dislocations, Broken Bones, Sprains, Bruises, Cut*, VV ttUhliD.i.hh itBUUtllOl | om.uod.tion or its old patrons. octl-Sm | thus obtains Gold Wsteh, Diamond or any set of Gunshot Wounds. Burnsandficalds, Bites of Dogs ■.aml .nuo casoean | Anu||u bv Burglars, Bobbers, or Murderers, tho i Jewelry on*our list fur One Dollar, i AND DEALER IN Ciumkt-*, of tin* latent style* ran l*«- found at S. | lVv.->cr X Go’s Bazaar, on Cotton Avenue, Iio\8-Iw PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS GLASSWARE. 1 Fort Valley Property for Sale, j !&<!' i SSr «r sun-stiokr, the effects or for 25 cents; five for $1; eleven for $2; thirty for $5; 1 Explosions, Floods and Suffocation by Drowning sixty-five for $10; one hundred ' or Chokintr. and all other kind of accident. AGENT FOR VIRGINIA, MISSOURI AND KENTUCKY TOBACCO, NO. 514 MAIN STREET, Louisville, ----- Kentucky. Important to Cotton Shippers T. S.—Liberal advances made on Cotton on con* fTMIE Cotton Warehouse located in this place T HREE PLANTATIONS and three town Houses and Lots for sale: 1,1125 acres, live miles from Fort Valley, three tine improvements. 1,400 acres three miles from Fort Valley, on rail road from Maeon to Colnmbns. 1,250 acres between Fort Valley and Macon— Southwestern Railroad runs through the center of same—six tniles from Fort Valley—modcrato im provements—half bottomland, other halfhoavfly timbered. Plenty of corn and fodder on each place to run them next year. One House and Lot with SO acres of land. One House and Lot with 3 acres. On® House and Lot with acre. All immediately on railroad, within ICO yards of Fort Valley depot. Apply to C. A. HAWKINS, or R. M. JOHNSON, oct 1*1-1 in* For tarms at Fort valley. signmcnt. WANTED, lent nrul attractive eifeus, will l»e given this after- noon and night. We commend Castillo and hi* circus to our citizens, and urge them to vid*. the performance* to-day, because they will not soon again find *o attractive uml pleasing an exiiibilion. I*. S. Since the foregoing was written, the fol lowing correspondence lias been. handed us for publication: J.ameu llorsK, Mai on, Ga., I • . ; Novembers, 16*55. » To The IIox. 8. Collins, Mayor of Macon: .SiV; Tin- management of “Dan Cadtilo’s Mam moth Cirt•ll*,' , feeling that tlu pcifornianec* of their troupe in .Maeon yesterday afternoon, was the cause of the very signal failure s»f the benefit of the poor of your city, temlured by Messrs. Thayer A Noyes, of the “United States Circus,” and unwilling that tlic unfortunate of your city should be thus deprived, they hereby place at your dispotal one ball of the gross amount received by them at .their entertainment this afternoon. Your order on our treasurer for three hundred dol lars, being one half of the receipts of tlic after noon, will be promptly honored. I Toping that this contribution may be of rotnc service in assisting ll£fk».r, 1 nut air, « Your obedient servant, Dan C.v.Iiu o. In Irchair of the management of IJan. <L\:stillo*s Muinmotli C'ircu*. Macon, Ga., Nov. H, 1865. Tm thr Motfi/tfi'mrul of Dun Jftwunoth Gma; Gentlemen : Your liberality in tendering to the suffering poor of Macon, one half of tUvgross re ceipts of your entertuimnent of ycatdMy after- liiMin, i* a* munificent as unexpec ted, ^'^conse- <|Ucnce of tho very slim receipts of the ’ iSeueflt for the poor,” tendered by the managers of Thayer & Noyes' “United Stall * Circus,” no money was i the next Legislature octOl-te Thoamstox, Uwos Co., Oct 27, FEATHERS, GINSENG, To the E'litor* of the Telegraph:—Allow me the dse J of your columns to suggest the name ol Col. G. A. 1 MILLER, of Upson, as a suitable candidate for | tlic State Senate. lie is au editorial confrere of j your*, Itaving at dittereut time* had charge of the Columbus Enquirer and Upson Pilot. It Is Up son’s turn to designate the candidate for the dis- j ^ trict, and there is not a better man to be had." He w. J. oarbett, is well.known In Talbot aud Uivrris couutics, as 1 wellcs in Upson. These counties compose the : District. **-*' J. B. oct 31-te 15EESWAX, TALLOW and RAGS, lor which I will pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE, [aug25 3m YOUNG GARRETT. FOR CONGRESS. Jferns. Editor*:—You arc authorized to announce the name of Hon. B. II. BIGI1AM as a candidate for Congress in the Third Congressional District. Judge B. is fully committed to the firm support of tlic PrcsTdent, reserving to himself, however, the manly right to discrimiuntc, and to differ when he thinks the government is wrong. He is attached to Jiis native State, and determined that the fate of her people shall be his fate. He lias been recently in Washington, and there is reason to believe that If elected lie will be enabled to take his seat. oet 31-te* THE PEOPLE’S TICKET. FOR SENATOR. JOHN J. GRESHAM, ESQ. FOR HOUSE REPRESENTATIVES. COL. TIIOS. HARDEMAN, WM. S. MOUGIION. J^TWc are authorized to announce the name of Gen. PHIL COOK as a candidate to Congress from the Secoud Congressional District. GEN. COOK GARRETT & BROTHER, Commission Merchants, AND Wholesale Doalers ia Country Produce SECOND DOOR FROM MASONIC HALT, Decatur Street, Atlanta, Georgia. REFERENCES, Fl.inizy & Clayton, AiiL'usta ; J. L. Villalonga, avaunah; J. W. Fear* A Uo., Maeon; R. L. Mott, Soluinbus; Col. A. P. Wright, Thomasville; W. L. Cigh, Madison, Ga.; Win. C. Ray, Montgomery; Ha.; McGruder, Taylor A Roberts, Baltimore, Md.; Altell X Inman, N. Y. scp21-8m X immediately on the river, and at the terminus of the Southwestern Railroad, and convenient to' said road, can shelter all cotton that inaj^bc ship ped from Maeon and other points on the South western Railroad via Apalachicola to New York.— i or Choking, aud all other kind of accident. Ten Dollars. £ or „ e *?H ! Secures a general Accident Policy for] Two Thousand Dollars 1 Agents will be allowed ten cents an every Certificate ordered by .hem, providing their remittance amounts to one dollar. Agents trill colU-ct 25 cents for eve Certificate, and remit 15 cents to us, either in cosh postage stamps. OctlG-lm* No*no BrSdwiy Now°Vork I Wuu a Weekly Compensation ofj Maoky, Beattie & Co. | ™^ tal Shipping and General Oommission Merchants, | TRAVELERS’INSURANCE TICKETS, 203 & 203 BAY STREET, SVVAN.WSI, GEORGIA, 13?- Cash advances mado on Consignments to SIackv & Beattie, Philadelphia. REFERENCES: Messrs. Chas. L. Colby & Co., Messrs Hunter & Gammell, Messrs. Bell & Christian, Savannah National Bank, Savannah; Messrs. Maude dc Wright, Messrs. W. A. Ramsay fs Co., Augusta; i _ . . Messrs. Lord, Stone & Co., Boston; Messrs. John I Wo will receive all cotton consigned to us, at the ■ P. Bovlc & Co., Messrs. Wallace & Browne, New railroad depot, dray It, and put it aboard of the. Y*rk; Messrs. Mackv & Beattie, Messrs. J. Gibson, boats at one dollar per bale. j Sons & Co., Philadelphia National Bank, First! Cotton shippers upon investigation, will find National Bank, Seventh National Bank, Robt. this route the cheapest and most cxpcdlous of any Steen, Esq., Messrs. McCuteheon & Collins, ATKINS, DUNHAM & CO., COW&ISSIOX and FORWARDING MERCHANTS, other route to New York from Macon. We re spectfully solicit orders for the purchase of cotton. Our long experience In that line will enable us to make purchases t o the best advantage to tho® 3 who favor us with their orders. / "\ye have now in operation a new lr f /i Screw Press. . / / R. G. MORRIS k CO., Georgetown. j References—Ross Seymour, J. W. Fears, j Virgil Powers, Esq., all agents on 8. W. R. R. I ang 9-5m I R. w. tuck, [ J. O. DAVIS, ! A. P. TCCK. Christian Co. Late with Phelps, Louitvillo, Ky. | Caldwell & Co. \ fuck, Davis A Co., Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, 322 Main street, between Eighth and S'ltitli streets, .. 1 Louisville, Ivjl^ -< Consignments/' ,n ang 29-0m APALACHICOLA FLA received or demanded of them. Consequently I was originally opposed to secession', hut when his your very liberal and unlocked for donation is in gutc acceded went into the anny and there- re- iH-lmlf of the suirering poor of our city, most grate r«U|- *t4#ow|edge.l. I am Gentlemen, yours Very truly, Stephen Coi.lin*, Mayor. l-fers- Peyser Co., have on hand a largestoc* ot ladies’ hats and trinuningv*mtaMe for wiitter •ovU-lfr Fashionable d»*es* button’ generally, can Ik* found at S. Peyser A: Co**. novSlw The Bazwb of Macon.— This is thr style ol maioed until the close of the war. nov4-10t* . T!*r Columbus Enquirer, Journal X Messenger, Cutlibert Reporter and Albany Patriot, are reques ted to copy and forward bUL FOR etWORCSS 3rd congressional district. Editor Telegraph: Hon. B. H. Bigham of Troup, i* reipcetlRlly presented by his friends to the voters r *of the 3rd Congressional District a* a candidate for and trimmings b cspcrit , K . 0 d icgisUtor ami ju- list aud has proven himself true to his native State. j Tiie district is composed of the counties of Mils- La\v Card. THOMAS C. JOHNSON, LATE OF ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Attorney at Law. Claim and Real Estate Agent No. 50 Marketst.,(upstairs.) oetl2-3m Montgomery, Ala. Dr. Bowen’s Splendid Plantation AND VINEYARD FOR SALE. I WILL sell iny Vineyard and Plantation, situat ed in Jones county,’ 15 miles from Macon, and 10 miles front Griswoldville on Central Rail Road. The Vineyard unbraces near 10 acre* in excellent ondition,’ containing over a dozen varitie* of fine vines. The Plantation contains about 800 acres. 300 acres of which is original torest oak, pine ana hickory, balance clearc-dfand iu good condition.— the new and extensive wholesale and retail store, ‘ cogee, Schley, Talbot, Harris, Troup, Meriwether* jost opepe^ by our Wen J* S. Pey*ur%k (<>., in the Heard, Coircia, Fayette, Clayton, Carroll, Camp- rooms formerly occupied by MW Coleman hel amlPaqlding. Day of ilection loth Novcm-1 ^bins/bini^*^in Rov*, on Cot <i-u Avenue, between Cherry and ber, in^f no\o-tde. ; house, screw, Xc. Place well watered and healthy. Mulberry Mi revet Cur lad) readers wi 1 please iff Wc are authorized to announce the name I war iu mind that a complete fashionable outfit of lion. E. G. CABANI85 of Monroe connty, as can be termed at this establishment. Messrs S i candidate for the Congress of the Uuitcd States P. Co., \»n.ud>e largely, but a glahce at their * f or the Fourth Congressional District, at the clce- well filled shelves and counters lias convinced us ! tion the 15tl» inst. nov7-tf they an* able to make their words good. * no\S-lt J. S. FRENCH, GEO. H. REID, W. H. OnADBtUHN. FRENCH & CO.. COTTON FACTORS, Forwarding and Commission Merchant WliolcMilc Grocer*, Ac., CLARK STREET, NASHVILLE, TENN. Special attention paid to the sale or forwaiding of cotton. septl9-3ti» HOWARD HOUSE, EUFAULA, ALABAMA. J. TV. Howard, Proprietor. A LI. th3 l'lxurics the market affords, served up ti> oriel and at the shortest notice. scpl2-3m* t fi- Seasonable walking shoos, for tadie men. o*ii In-bund at S. A Co - ,. aovS-lw ' SPECIAL NOTICES.'llt: IArIU ! J.fRllt! For further particulars enquire at ibis office or address me at Clinton, Jones countv, Ga. oct 22-ln>* DR. BOWEN. Cincinnati Commercinl copy C times and send bill to this ofliee. — I • S. G. WOOD & CO., "Wholesale Dealers in Groceries Butter, Cheese, Flonr, &c., &c., No. 45 Union Street, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. sep21-3m* Law Notice. I HAVE resumed the practice of my profession, i _ and will attend to all business entrusted to my . . care in the State. _ j Having just returned from Washington City, parties desiring advice and counsel relative to the | preparation ot papers under the Amnesty Procla- . i matiou for pardon, and the status «f contracts and »-{** Ladies, winter is approaching. Remember Petroleum Oil, just received and for sale at the j title deeds, executed durng the last four years, can that a laigc lot of cloaks, shawls, sontags. nubias Dru -Store of A. XL BOYD. consult me by letteror in person. and hoods, can bo found at the i * — Boaruman - s W More Maeon, Gv ----- novS-lw 1 F^V'io'o tlrrant Stratton & Go’s-Nashvilifti tLAUiuu***. scr A Co., on Cotton Avenue. Xdff“ Go to Bryant, Stratton A Co’s. Nashville j ! Business College for a thorough knowledge ot I Second Street, Dawoow’* Hi/k-k—To CfTr ; Bookkeeping, Pcnsmauship, Commercial CalcnU- j and Country Merchants.— - Tue entire ktoek of; tions. Commercial, Law Partnership Settlements j clothing is offered by the undersigned, positively and Business Forms aud Practice etc. SemlforCol- f\ Cotton consigned to them or their friends, •t New York cost Give them a call, and you will ; lem- paper Circulars, etc. Address Messrs Smith A Dunning, New York, find mcnev is saved. GLASER A ROSIN, BRYANT, STRATTON A CO., AU cotton consigned to us or our friends in New liov'At •*n.l <1 Damon,*a Ill..,,.'.- oct214im Nashville, Tenn. ‘ York, will be sent forward by the nsw and elegar * ' nJ ‘ ” ,r * ck - ; steamer Helen, which willl connect with the Nc Kciu & Co., Augusta, Georgia, A RE prepared to make liberal advances on all! - * --**■ 4V '- ' J * J. <•- j, F. WINTER. WINTER &. CO., 40 BROADWAY, SEW YORK C OXI.MIS3ION XIERC HANTS, Will attend promptly to tht*;alc of Cotton and other con signments. Orders fur Merchandise will motive attention and dispatch. The sale of Southern Se curities, Bonds, Bank Notes and Southern Lai da solicited. Circular Saw Mills of the most improved construction, warranted to cut 10,000 feet of him her per diem, having no feed except sawdnst, with every thing complete, including Belting, for $2,503 Send for Circulars. oct20-lm Hurley’s Stomachic Bitten. Philadelphia; Messrs. Clarke A Cunningham, M. A. Hamilton, Baltimore. Particular attention given to the forward ing of goods for Northern markets, oct 81-Sin DEVLIN & 00. Broadway, New York. CLOTHING - AT , WHOLESALE AND DETAIL. W E OPEN THE SEASON WITH A LARGE STOCK OF ELEGANT CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS in our Ready-Made Department. We have also secured the services of first-class or tists in our CUSTOM DEPARTMENT, Which is likewise supplied with the finest and best Fabrics of the HOME AND FOREIGN MARKETS. To those who wish to order by mail, will be sent (on application) SAMPLES OF GOODS, With Directions for Xlcasuring, which, il correctly followed, will secure a fit in all cases. DEVLIN & CO. Broadway, cor. Grant 8t., I " v __ .... Broadway, cor. Warren St., f NEu-loitk. sept33-3m For any length of time, from one day to twelve months, are bn sale at the various Railroad aud Steamboat Ticket Offices and Agencies,; Marine Bisks and Special Voyages. Policies are granted insuring against death by accident while sailing in steamer or sailing vessels, also for special voyages. Full information, together with Tables of Rates, Ac., can be obtained at the Home Office, or bv ap plication to the State Agent. E. C. GRANNIS, Agent for Bibb County. J. C. McBURNEY, len’l Arrcnt for Georgia. WM. C. GODWIN, Americas. R. ROBS, Albany. S. S. STAFFORD, Blakely. R. G. MORRIS, Georgetown. R. COMPTON, Griffin. v R. W. JACQUES, _ ’ Columbus. /3f“ Insurance Agents desiring the appointment as Agent, can address the Geaeral Agent, J. C. McBumey, *cp23-3m Corner Clrt-I Important Chal Sale of Personal Property. r piIE UNDERSIGNED will sell at private sale. 1 , Tkeuntlcr-igivM rc»p«Al,i X upon suitable application, nil the personal Weods ana the iv.-t or nfcinj property now on his plantation, situated eight miles removed to tin* larare aod£o! below Macon. The property offered consists ol one ■ on r*WfT nT hwwot’U ut *n Horse, seven Mules, a lot of Ho*?*, Com, Fodder,] p r ’’ t Wagons, Farming, utensils generally, and many ! * * V’ liarrir< ’ v ' ner ' > other useful articles, such as arc found on a well ; friends nnd all motvMe regulated Plantation. The whole will be sold toa | Commie-ion House. J single purchaser, or in lots, as maybe dcrired. i „ TERMS CAS1I. Delivery to be made upon pur* j Wc would also infona the merd chase. The property can be seen at any time by I men of Georgia, that ic have ml calling on the undersigned at his plantation, near j ... * v | IIone . ... oil the river road leading from Macon to UawklnsvlUc, ' ", " ‘‘‘ op ®“ 1 *" °, mc T" eight miles South ofMacon. j or «cr* for Gtooth's, w)rugi If the above property is not disposed of at pri- ] oil description* at lowest marl vote sale, it will be offered at public outer)* on • % r Tuesday, November 21st 1865, on the premises. . \ "; ? l *. '' lllie ^! * ^ nov.VUw* .InSEPH Dol til.AS. -!i < "t imuti, flpd wil , 1 aorta] attention to alUorders for \ in that city, or Loulafttc, Ky. Special attention wjjr be gi\«*n to tl or sale of Cotton, Tobacco, YaWj liooms—mis l ixi/aUa wm oc given oy me rropri- ohirMn.r* lirirei Vn»1» x. m. m etor. No charge for the chances of shooting, j 8U ‘ rtl ^’ I,,l t cd ' ,c * *» , ,nur ‘ ‘1 only for the shots, the shooting to commence on I Goods consigned to «>ur rsrv, will 1 If the above property is not disposed of at pri- rifi be one ’ —*” * Alagniticent X^rizo | rpo be shot for at Cant. JOHN TRAVIS’ NEW I _L PISTOL GALLERY over the Georgia Billiard Rooms—this PRIZE M ill be given by (lie Propri- > Monday, Nov. Gtli, and continue until Dee. Cth, j forwarded at lo^vcst rat "’ the I' - UM ... .. _ - when the Prize will be awarded to the best ama- ture Shot. The shooting is to be as follows: with a Gallery Pistol, best eight consecutive shots, at deliberate aim at tlic snot, string measurement. A register will Ire kept of the shooting. The Prize will be a SILVER GOBLET valued at *50. nov4-Ct Copt. JOHN TRAVIS. Orders for goodirau this market proi § WITHERS A * ~ Colton Factors aud Gen'I Com. A Cherry St., between 1st and 2d Sti iiovtMm Maeon, Gel NOTICE TO COTTON SHIPPERS. T HE SOUTHERN TRANSPORTATION Com pany arc prepared to Issue through receipts from Macon and Albany to Baltimore and New ! York via the GREAT VIRGINIA AND TEN NESSEE LINE, nndguarrantec a through price per bale. TR BLOOM, Ag*t Macon, _nov7-8m Y G RUST, Ag’t Albany. 1 . n. L1VIRR. WM. ruiLi.u>s. LAMER, PHILLIPS & CC (Iditr of Kaxft nlle. 7V i j —* rpHE undersigi X partnership TT'OR Debility, Lose ol Appetite, Weakness, In X digestion or Dyspepsia, want of action of. | cw Liver, Disordered Stomach, there are uo bitttti COPAETWERSHIP NOTICE. MACON, Auguat 1st, 1SK. gned have this day formed a co partnership for the transaction of a General Commission, Receiving, Forwarding and Insurance Business, Under tlic style aud firm of TOBY & OGDEN. SIMEON TOBY, Jr., ! formerly of New Orleans. J. MONROE OGDEN. Wc are prepared to receive orders or consign- ULiits for the PURCHASE, SALE or SHIPMENT ol MERCHANDISE, or advance on consignments to our friends in NEW YORK. NEW ORLEANS, 8?. LOUIS, MOBILE and SAVANNAH. Agents for the MANHATTAN, I’HCENIX. IN! TERNATIONAL, HARMONY and CITIZENS’ Fire Insurance companies. Also, NEW YORK LIFE and NEW YORK ACCIDENTAL Insurance companies. Office, Jewett’s building, Second street. iauglS-om* TOBY & OGDEN. Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad. T O Passengers for the North and West Express train leaves Chattanooga 0 -10 a. m connect- ire at Nashville with Northwestern Railroad for Johnsonvillc and points on Tennessee river, Padu- ctli, Cairo, and SL Louis, and LouisriUcand Nash- vlle Railroad. Fare lrom Chattanooga to Nashville ? 7 75. “ ' “ “Cairo 1975. “ “ “ “ St. Louis 22 75 Passengers leaving Atlanta on the evening train ra W. & A. B. R. connect with this train. Freight i,, Biniiwn.M.. 1 Ail*st.v iUmcxL CoLixOEi—Tho coarse of! York tint of steamers, so as to reach that city in, hat can compare with these in removing th*. , -dll . ^ q T » ed ™ 0 0 ^ pUB '| Lectures i-1 thN in-Ttution win commence on the i ei ff, 11 , | distressing complaints. For sale or can be hadit i is now received and forwarded on quick tin:# the recent eclipse of the sun, embracing twelve i J 08 , ‘nauuuon wm commence on me ^ have >lso established a hue of Clipper ships | any drug store in the United Slates, or from the tow moderate rates, view*, all mounted on a card, suitable for Photo-j ‘ Monday in November next, anu continue four j i )e $ 1rcel | York and Liverpool, sots to^end j proprietor, Louisville, Ky., corner Seventh and cranh Vllmres • (hr sale at their Gallon- on Tri- monUls — tlK - - Faculty having changed the time for forward the Cotton entrusted to our care without j Green streets, to whom all orders should be Id- i the session from summer lo the winter months. | delay, thus avoiding expenses of storage and msn- j ireseed. HURLEY, RUDDLE & CO. j ranee in New York. 1 ■, Sight Exchange onjfew York «d Iaverpool In , Hurley’* Sarsaparilla. angular Block, at Ffty Cents for the dozen. They are a!*o (iailrprodndng Oirfr : ds r?*ff4 for Albania, which for beauty of tone and art Idle merit, cannot lie excelled. no\5-lw. New Skiut ros 1805.—^J)«. JOHN G. WESTMORELAND, oct 21-lm Dean. „ _ ..... i . ! sums’ to snit pnrehaters. Batchelor's Hair Bye! augS9-Sm j The original and best in the world! The only | true and perfect hair dye. Harmless, reliable and \ KEIN & CO. oeu-vlltn. WM. P. INNEi, Gen’l. Snp’t. J. W. BROWN, Gen’l. Passenger Agent. OBMHESTAL HAIR. CURLS, BRAIDS, WATERFALLS, BANDS, WIGS, HALF WIGS, Ac., Wholesale, at the lowest possible price of Im portation for cash. W. R. CAMERON & CO., Importers ol Hair and Manufacturers, No. 313 Fulton St., Brooklyn, near New York. *sfiC" Large and small orders punctually attended oct 21-lm National Soldiers’ Express COMPANY. SUBSCRIPTION LISTS to the above" | O terprisc, for the employment oF disabled sol diers of both armies. Federal soldiers North of the Potomac, and Confederate soldiers South of the Potomac, arc now open at the office of With ers & Loud, Gharry street, 2nd door above Second street, where more particular information can be obtained. WM. M. WITHERS, nov 7*3t Commissioner. J. W. MITCHELL, v. P. AHMBTH0N0. Mitchell & Armstrong, PROVISION & OOMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN • BAQCING, ROPE AND LIQUORS, NO. 66, MAIN STREET LOUISVILLE, KY. •cpt22-3m* W. T. NELSON’S SALOON. THE SIGN ALL RIGHT. AT WHOLESALE AS WELL AS RETAIL. J U&T received and for sale by the barrel and package, an invoice of Liquors of tho best quality, such as OLD BOURBON, MONONGAHELA, ROBERTSON COUNTY WHISKY. CHAMPAGNE, . CATAWBA, CHERRY, COGNAC and 1 DOMESTIC BRANDIES. Champagno 'Wines, qts. and pints, different brands, also Wines, Port, Madeira, Catawba, Pearl of the Rhine, (imported) Bbdnwinc (Inglcheimer, red, and Ungsteincr, white.) All the above can be purchased by retail dealers,- in packages of any quantity desired, and at the lowest figures of the market. Also, u large lot of the choicest brands of TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Remember the old stand on Cherry street, be tween Second nnd Third, under the old sign of W. T. Nelson, lie has resumed his former business and his old friends aud customers, as well as new ones will find him, early and late, giving personal attention to their wishes. Ilia bar will at all times be supplied with- the i choicest beverages. Give him a call, for he will be found liberal and prompt as in the olden time. •ct22ml J. M. COOPER, Auction & Commission Merchant, ALBANY, GEORGIA. W ILL give his personal attention to the pur- chaseandshipmintof COTTON. HE IS ALSO PREPARED TO MAKE LIBERAL Cash. Advances On Cotton in store tn Albany, Ga., for shipment to Messrs Nouton, Sl.vuoiiTEit A Co., New York. -Having had many years experience in the Cotton trade, as well as Auction and Commission business, lieflattera Iiimselfthathccanglvc entire satisfaction to parties entrusting their business to him. ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Respectfully refers to J. B. Roes & Son, Macon; T. II. Johnson, Alabany. oct29-2m Wholesale Groce Commission Merchanl No. 32 Vine Street, Cincinn Wc invite the attention of on* | the Trade generally to our large Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY uow in Stohk and heceitdig ; wc re offering at the vert loij Our facilities and business that we feel astured we can j tion in every instance, and t their orders, can rely upon j upon a* favorable terms and i they were present buying ini novS-lm LANI Ladies > The only Sto| Wo have ju Stock COI HALF CAPES, CIRCULARS, COLLARS, Sllj CUFFS, MUFHl This Is 1 FURS BROl We invite the Ladiu N. A. HARDEE & CO., SinmXG, COMMISSION & FORWARD- IXG MERCHANTS, Savannah - - - - -- -- Georgia, j the store of T. Will make liberal cash advance* on consignments J to their friend*. nov3-lw NORTON. SLAUGHTER X CO oct 13-1 m 4 ALLISONS &KIRKMAN Cotton Factors AND General Commission Merchants, Nos.*29,31 & 33,So.MarketSt. Nashville, Tenn. Rr.FEB To—J. B. Rosa & 8od, Macon, Ga.; J. H. Anderson & Son, Maeon, Ga.; Fleming & Whcleea, Augusta, Ga.: W. Hcya Warren, Au gusta, Ga.; R. J. Lowry & Co., Atlanta, Ga.; J. Rhodes Brown, Columbus, Ga.; W. H. Smith Montgomery, Ala. oct4-2m» STOLEN. I l’BOII my stables In Fort Valiev .on Wednesday night, the 1st inst., a BAY MAKE, inclined to he name.Nlfa fane, left hind foot white and white spot on left side, shod all round, and about rix ycara old. Also one IKON GREY MAKE MULE, 10 IiaHds high, spavined knot on left hind leg, about seven years old. I will give$25 for each, if delivered to meat Fort Valley, Ga. nov4-lw* ' J. T. HUMBER. E. M. BROWN, : Opposite the Lanier House. *Y)EGS leave to inform his customer* and the_pub- Xj lie generally that be lias returned from the : A Plantation 11 > C ONTAINING Ell acres (800), 400 wl cultivable land, situaf Columbus road, miles from Muscogee J place a good dwcllingj papered, with net ii well adapted to cane Xc. The place! ccllcnt scat for a grit If application U 1 can Ire purchased (b cotton crop will re\ay i all expenses. .Vppfy f D. C. SEYMOUR, L UMPKIN, GA, has continually on band and for sale a large and welt assorted stock of j staple dry goods and groceries. Is also general T HE Great Blood Purifier, as a Spring aud Sum- : mer Medicine, stands unrivaled, removes all I j impurities from the blood, and gives \ A CAJLD. HEALTH AND SEEXGTH “ '. “ : , «.. . , or skin. Remcdm* the iH eUects of bad dyes.— . ‘ nt lor '^ e purchase and saleof produce, cotton, !. „ JWqjrap* oowtaiptog foil partrentars^rvtry Tuesday ^ a 0 fd by"aii dru^tsts. The genuine Is signed WU- etc. Give particaUr atuution to the puicha-e of ’■ to the system. monrtiif. - ’ ocni*tW3m. | £ BWchetor. Also, n«paitrathag Extract ot j TOttom' ofdira re$i>ecifully soiieit^: Address. Jt-T> /(X.,Tat News Dm-ov^-Har- < yinefleurs, forreetoringaudbeanttfying the tuur. inmntin r: , -Sib—„( w. ^ CinfHLES BATi^Wr I ^MftcheU A Smith,^IfedeH & Co., Cplnmhns, Ga., Erwin & Hardee, Savun f Uln-Uated Weakly, l.aalie's ~WTj(Siy If J — Kuo. Comic Monthly for Nov ember, National Gincite, Ncrv York Day Book, <>i Lieut, iriah American, Ni» York Siatts Zeitnng. Courier D« F.tat’s. Mr, Gleason’s Literary | ScitXTCti!—Wheaton’s oio, “ c °‘ ^j Companion; LadU-s Repository for So’®'*’, ! "*,!"* S “ Je *ik“ Price sS I ‘ , _ i n.b, Ga., P P Pease & Co., Atlanta, Ga., Estes A Itch: |rcul Itch.—scbatch . Scasrcn . . clark> Augusta, Ga. oetiO-lm* HURLEY, P.UDDLE & CO., Proprietors Corner Seventh and Green streets, septlG-Um — LonisvUIe, Ky. Livery Stable. Harley’s Popular Worm Candy. ; I d. w. Bpoum-, A S this is really a specific for Worms, and the best and most palatable form to give to chil- J- ““i t eamt, 4 . , latest atylca can \e found at S. | ington street, Bo»too, Kaa»., lt wip fie forrarded j ^^^^Cooveyanca fondahed to any point in the nURL'EY, RUDDLE A CO., Proprietara, Peyser A Co’s Bazaar, on Cotton Avenue, ocffil-lw ; bvtnail free of postage, to any part of the United! eountrv. A share of patronage is repectfuily so-' Corner Seventh and Green streets, ‘states. sept 27-Cm licited.' nor 7-aodlm ecptlOSro Loui.vUle; Ky. JaB. MER'Jtu Gnn*. A T ameetlng of the Undersigned Physicians of thaCity was unanimously, re- 1 solved j That nedieal hills in future shall be considered due and inuabtc, when the services are rendered. The numbers of tlic Medical Profession should be placed *u an equal footing with those of other 1 callings, utd proletsions, who have everywhere ' adopted the cash system. . It is not a -king too much, to require of others, i what thev demand of us. Wm. F. Holt, E. Fitzoibald, A. P. Collins, J.vo. R. GoDxnr, J Emmktt BlacKbhsar, B. F. Gkiogs, A. M. Both, II A. Mettaceb, J. B. Hixkle, P. IL Wkigmt, JiXL h oct291m. Besjm. x Whits, rj. R. Boos, G. N. Holmis, H. J. Smith, Removal, Removal! HERRINGTON & RICKS, Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Mannfaotnrers. R ESPECTFULLY announces that they have moved their ware room aud workshop from the Nesbit Foundry, to the comer of Fourth and Poplar streets, opposite Catholic church. They will keep on handa complete assortment of manufactured articles in their line, such as STILLS, COPPER KETTLES, TIN WARE, STOVE PIPES, ETC., ETC. Thev are also prepared to promptly fill orders for SHEETING,-ROOFING and GUTTERING, to anv extenL Terms reasonable, and all work warranted to be executed In tlic most workmanlike manner. oct23-tjl* Northern cities, where lie lias purchased a larg. and well selected stock ol both Foreign and Do- — mestic Dry Goods at greatly redncedprices, which he offers at very small advance on cost. You arc invited to examine my stock, which yon will find to oonsist of all kinds of Bleached and Brown Domestic?, Prints, Gingham?, - French aud English Marinos, Alpacas, Mohair, Poplins, Tliybet-s, Opera and fancy Flannels, Delaines, Silks in great variety, Linens of all grades, IioopskirU of all sizes and Balmoral Skirts of superior make and finish. Yourapecial attention is called to my KushI Maude Commission MERC I SP0TSW00D HOTEL, ) Ricdmotd, Va., August, 1855. ( I T having been reported that the SpoUwood IIo- "tel had been confiscated and closed, the propri etors deem it proper to assure tho public that auch is not the case. The House is open for the accom modation of visitors, as it has been from its open ing day, in September, 1850. The Houae has been remodeled, renovated, re furnished, and put in perfect order throughout, and the traveling public may reet assured of find ing as comfortable accommodationa with us as can be found In any first-clasa hotel North or SouIIl Onr friends, patrons, and the traveling public generally, visiting Richmond, are cordially invited to make their home with ns, and no pains will be (Dared to make them comfortable, aa we are nlt-dned to enatain the well known reputation of Urahot**. COBKXRT * MILLWABP, *ctW Proprietor*. CLO ’.K AND SHAWL DEPARTMENT, where you will find the LATEST STYLES, as also the nouveanto LADIES’ IIAT8, a bcauti- j ful article. The assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS, is most complete, and a better nor larger assort- j ment not this side of the Ohio river. I have also brought on n large stock of PERFUMERY, SOAPS AND OTHER TOIoET ARTICLES, and the assortment of VEILS, WHITE AND FANCY GOODS AND GLOVES, Is rood complete. Gentlemen will find a good assortment of Gcn- tl' ini-M V Kurm.-hing Good.-, u largo lo! of Pocket Knives and the fashionable Rug or fancy Blanket Satchels and cl etything rise belonging to this line. f20U0.—About this amount of Ladies, aud Chil dren’s Shoes, will be closed out at reduced prices. To those who have not traded with me in former days I can only say give me a trial, while I am sat isfied tliat my old customers will need bnt read this, to insure me their renewed visits. Respectfully, octll-lm E. M BROWN, Corn and Meal Can be told for a full price by calling on nor 5-10t J. N. SEYMOUR AUGUSTA, ' - Special attention nai ing Cotton cither toN( fer to Mcr.-r.-. John] T. Andcr.-on, llobcrt*, Du T 11 Bloomc, Macon; L. Colby X Co.,' Still Bu 1 Highest tr j nov 5-lOt *, • Just Re A FRESH SUPl’PLl BUSINS E. COTTON C <EARLES E DEXTEll / & Dexter, Is prep CASH ADVANCES con*iei;ed through him to| stronbiblc bouse of Oa York and Boston. Columbus, Ga., Novi COTTON| W E ARE PREPA in »uy quanti kind of cotton and r Parties at a distance < Columbus, Ga., nortMj