About The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1865)
£'fir ftiarou Dailq <T'rlrgrnpjr. ',. CLWLAND.J B. DUMJSLE, THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH. (L'ljc JOrrtlij €rlxgr[j fan, iinv Quarterly, SUO S\>. I P T I O N ! Monthly,. .£14 CO . SCO 1 00 narrow in rtnuitw. TELEQRAPH BUILDING irofr of Cherry and^r^-oad 8l;iee . 4,_. V,r MACON, ' Dili SKI*IF:?. SO,' 1306.! *,m BFSINESS CARDS. RAILROAD DIRECTORY. »r« in> rKTiu uniioiv. if.' *'■“> dat nun. •vrMswm ..7.50 a j» I Leave Atlanta..7.20* m at AIUnU..4.a>r n 1 Arrive*! Mamb.3.90 r M j Aioirr nun. aztme -a.* : azttm p: a : • j | 1Z U.ALEA ! J: ur.. .>.>-1. Has proved to be. f The Bat and Purest Baking Powder in Dee. j Come at Last. THOSE NAVY CAPS SO LONG LOOKED FOR HAVE ARRIVED. J Can soon at T. W. Freeman's if you wbh to get one. II. SHAW & CO. nov-S-lw B. Pope Freeman, Ag'L To 3ST evv” York Darien and Savannah. S. II. ZEIMS * \rz j WHOLESALE & retail DRUBeisTS, ! 'BOCTJi wtiTtKx kah.ko.ii>.I | MA CON. GEORGIA. lM\r Macon...753 a m I Leave EutUoJ«..5.10 a m 1 . , . ... , ... ... Ar. at Kubota..6.18 r » | Arrat Macon...4.10r m f Sole Agent* in tine State for the sale m WAIT. team ox albaxt bxatcii. PROF WOKISIS’ AZITIEA. L'veRmltlivllIc.2.42 e m I Leave Albany... T.K)a h ‘ * ^ *r.»t AitlMJ. .AM PM I Ar.at SmlthvllleV W a m yf e |iaTe ,nother large lot of this excel- cctrntAt.aAlt.KOAD. 7 j lent YEAST POWDER, and can aafely recommend jrmf Macon.. .7.50 k u | L’ve Kniontou. .6.00a m , We. It b* luadc to Uic simplest manner, as Collowa. .r. at Katonton.1.21 r u | Ar. at Macon.. .I.JW r u • Get one quart, equal to \\i pounds of flour, xnix ^ maoox asi> ML'sgwicK mailhoad. ; into It,•suite dry, three ordiu*ry aize tcaapoonfaU of The completion of the Macon and Brunswick Idravc Macop^.-8*30 r m | L’?c Junction. 6.30 a m j Aanmea, add co&lVaUrr, with a little wdt dissolved . Ran Road to Ilawkiosrillc, and the favorable boat Ar. at- Joint ton .0. mi r m | Ar. at Macon .10.30 am j # n^nfljrtent to make a dough aa aoft as can be J a ble condition of the Ocxnnlgce River, now render ocouqia kailboad. j convexiicullj handled, which is generally a little ; this the cheapest and quickest route for the busi- I.* av. An..M*. .1.15 k M | Leave AVogusU.6.00 a >t, thm one pint of water to one quart of flonr. nrtBI 0 f Macon and Central Georgia. Through - 1 p m | Ar. at Atlanta.10. w r w nof knfad [u Shape it very Hghtlj, and imme- | Bilk of Lading will be given after the 15th iuat. • 2 » mi>coopk UAtLHo.il>. I <1Ia . n| i^ic* ta a qnlck oven, which must be qnite * l 2 | SaSKiS r 2 S begin « «£ wr.-Tr.KN a at.-aktic haieeoa... 1 1 “**«‘***' ^” 1a»vc Atlanta. .8.10 a m | Ar. at Allanla..7.:W P M I l,c ma,,e ‘ ma '“ked i» °“ c tour from tlic time Lv.Chattanooga.7.15am | Ar.(3iattanooga.«.1brM j first handling the llocr; it will be moist audplca - UAJiflvu.ijc amp cUATTAVfooi UAiLi:0.vi>. ! ant to wt in four days after baking; it is easy ot digestion, excellent for persons suffering from dys- pcj»*la; retains all the gluten, starch awl sugar lA.CluiUanooga.7.30 a m I Lv’c Nashi illc. .b.:» a m Ar.at !laalivllTc.8.210I'M 1 Ar.ChattanoogaH.:X>rU ATrORXEYS. / NOHB JACKSON, Attorneys at Law, Macon, \_/ (k, office opposite Post Ofll« (k, office npiM»itc Post K. A. Wilcox, Third atreet. now EU. COBB. Ice over, office of novl-ym^ JAMBS JACKSON H oLT k. BASS, Attorneys at Law, Macon, (j*.. Offlre over Mix <fc Kirtland'a atonr. Will give prompt attention to all btHiness entrusted to their care. T. ti. HOLT, JR. J. F. BASS, jict 7 8ui # J^JSBK'rH, Attorneys at I*aw. OJJlce In Wash- i.l lngton Block on MullArry St., over office ol T. It. Bloom. E. A. NI8BET. J. A. N IS BET. J. T. XISBET. aug 33 &L3u» # L AUft ^UbEfoON, attorneys at law^of- flee on Second alroet, up ft airs, two doors i.*- tof Mr. N. Ci MuUroc'k. ( Macon, (*;«. * aug 23-311) f SAAtJ II ARDK.M AX, attorney at law, CTlnton A-tih. utigliiSin* I A P. WHITTLE, Attorneys at l*aw, <oAee I J* (VW Pay nek J>n»g Store, next to Concert Hall,) Macon, Gu. L. X. WHITTLE. P. 11. WHITTLE. orVkam PIIV8ICUN8 AND BKlUGfaTN. I REMOVAL—Dr. II. A. W’hltcnow occupies two Jl\» rooms over the present post office, next door to Dr. C. II. JfalPK office, where he can be found night or day. when jiotjirorifsionallyalttent. oetlS-M n ' h R. GEO. X. HOLME8, has removed liis office from Brownk Hotel to the East side of Third ftrcct, between Poplar and Plum—wh**re he can l*c found at all honrs, unless professionally absent. oct3-tf lift BJflTli Jt OWEX, oSce corner Walnut VJ mid 4th streets, Dr. Lightfoot’s old stand. ottMn n K. W, P. PARKER, office 2nd sL, 3 doors be* J to# old post office, up stairs. Office hours, 9 to 10 o'clock, a. m., 3 to 4 p. si. Residence at Female College. scpttMm* D \fL f. L. ITARRIS trnden hU profc»k)nal ser vices to the public. (Office on Second street, over Knott A ilowcs. scpl7-2in |>IIYfllClANS.-Dt J. Emmett Blackshcar of- L flee over Payna’s dmg store, residence on High atreet, near the asylum for the blind. ang 23-sm COMMISSION MERCHANTS. rEWETT A SxTdER, Wholcsak Comnm- ei slon Merchant?*, ami General Agents, Second ►treet, between Clierry and Poplar, Macon, Ga.— Prompt personal attention given to all consign ments of cotton, produce, manufactures and other articles of Merchandise. Orders and Consignments solicited from all parts of the country. Agents for several first cla** Insurance Companies. ocilte* W A. HI Kl\ " lioG^ale iTt..l'l.'r dr::!, r. «-r • ncr Cherry and Third streets, under Rals ton's Ilall. _ ang 23-3m AMI I.Y «1KOCKUIKS.—X. A. Megrath, agent, . J/ a few doors above Masonic Hall, Cotton avc- t uuo, dealer In groceries, crockery and staple dry BBM| _ anz23-3m contained In tlic flour, »ml therefore produces 1 lb. 13 os. bread from 1 lb. 1 or. flour, whilst yeast pro- ducea only 1 lb. 9 os. of bread front I lb. 4 ox. of flour; thus obtaining about 27 lbs. more of bread fro id a barrel of flour, which, with the saving of ycut, will about balance tbc coat of the Azumea. Gan Ik used for any of the following recipe*, and ladies everywhere will be agreeably siirpiiaed with ILe delicious productions. This excellent compo sition does nal coulaio a particle ol Alum, Saha- ratus, or any kind of deleterious drug; but U per fectly pure and healthy, and, as a culinary prepara tion, U infallible and invaluable. At the Fair in Cincinnati, thcre werc a number of Baking Pow ders on exhibition:—the Azumea, with several oilier*, wa* nnalvzed, and obtained {he first prize, a* the puicst and bc*t Baking l owder known. A | trial only 1* necessary, in order to be satisfied. j A paper is given with each box, with full instruc tions for making AZUMEA ROLLS. AZUMEA BISCUIT, AZUMEA NONPAREIL CAKE, AZUMEA JOHNNY CAKE, • AZUMEAJ'HUIT CAKE, AZUMEA PLUM PUDDING. AZUMEA CINNAMON CAKE, AZUMEA CORN CAKE, AZUMEA DUMPLINGS. AZUMEA EGG CAKE, AZUMEA SPANISH BUN, AZUMEA SPONGE CAKE, AZUMEA CAKE WITHOUT EGGS, AZUMEA CUP CAKE, AZUMEA MILK BREAD, AZUMEA SPONGE GINGER CAKE. AZUMEA SILVER CAKE, AZUMEA CURRANT CAKE, AZUMEA POT PIF.. AZUMEA PEARL CAKE, AZUMEA GOLD CAKE, AZUMEA LOAF BREAD. AZUMEA DOUGH NUTS, AZUMEA JUMBLES, AZUMEA LEMON CAKE, 1ST Azttema is put up for the retail trade in 1-4 lb. CAna, at 25 eta., an«l in t-2 lb. cans at 50 cent*. Liberal Discount Mode to Wholesale Purchasers. octl0-2m J. II. ZEILIN A CO. All accommodations extended and endeavors made to forward freight with promptness and dis patch. Messrs. Brigham, Baldwin A Co., at Savannah; Messrs. Nightingale & Huger, at Darion; Asher Ayres, at Macon, will act as Agents. GEO. H. HASLEHURST, no* 4-1 m Acting President. IIuggiCNund Family Jersey Wagons, FROM CONCORD AND BRATTLEBORO. T1TE will soon have a supply of Buggies, Top VV Family Wagons and Harness made to order at CONCORD AND BRATTLEBORO, expressl/for this market, and will warrant them to give entire satisfaction to all purchasers. We will sell no work not made expressly to our order. Those from a distance can address us at Macon (to care W. C. Singleton), or at Hawkinsville, Ga. oct7-Sm McDUFFIE, MASON A CO. . J. O AlUt ITT, YOUNG G AK1CETT. G-ABRETT & BROTHER, Commission Merchants, AND Wholesale Dealers in Country Produce xr.cvXD UOOIl FROM MASONIC HALL, Decatur Street, Atlanta, ....... Georgia. REFERENCES, RICHARD M. PIfnOP. \YM. T. BISHOP. JEWELERS. P J. HARTLEY, WATCHMAKER, late work •man for Sidney B. Day, continues to repair Watches at present li\ the Floyd House Building, opposite Medical College, Mulberry street. £ctU-Um • TAMES SUPPLE, Watchmaker and Jeweller, el Second street, two doors from the corner of Mulberry, keep* constantly a well selected assort ment of tine Gold and Silver Watches and Jewelry. Also, Watches* and Jewelry carefully repaired by experienced workmen^ *cpt29-3m W ATCHES - and JFAVKLRY. at Clrn-. S. Bau daw, xmder the Telegraph Printing House corner Cherry and Socoiul-atrects. Macon, Ga. keeps constantly on hand#jlnrc assortment of fine i Watehes and Jewelry. Rcpfunng done neatly and ! on short notice. All work warranted, aoglb-m R. M. BISHOP & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS JVo. 36 Main 8t. % (?r fete door a Mon> Columbia Street, Cincinnati. sept 22-3m* WM. II. TISON. WM. W. GORDON. TIS0N & GORDON, Cotton Factors, Commission and FORWADING MF.RCHNTS, 06 Bay Street. Saraiiiiah, Georgia. .MISCELLANEOUS. M ACON D.ViLY TELEOKAril Job Printing Otticc. Job work of cre'ry dcarriptlon execu ted on aliovt notice and In good *tyle. Tcrnu re»- sonable «Kt33 ! O PEC1AL ATTENTION will l»e given to the sale G O- of Lumber, Koain, Turpentine, Ac. Wc are again at our old office, prepared tor business. An experience in this city of over seven years, and onr undivided attention to all business entrusted, in- i duces us to hope tor a continuance of the liberal J. BLARE, real estate agent, Macon, Ga. ; patronage heretofore extended. oct29-3m . Persons having liouscs tor aale or rent, or — person- warning to rent houses, cannot be bet- j ter suited than by calling on me. From my | long experience In the real citato business, 1 aiu I bi tter prepared to give satisfaction than aa/othcr | person in the city. G. J. BLAKE. Maeon, Oa., Sept, ill, lSr.Vt)ani-fiO ■ rp J. A I). LANE nro now offerinc for sale a X • large lot of Sole and Upper leather. Al*o, iPotash, « CASKS POTASH, COOKING SODA. WARREN'S CELEBRATED NEEDLES AND FISH HOOKS. ANDREW CLERK & 00., •18 MAIDEN LANE, N, Y„ SOLE AGENTS AND LUPOKTERS. O UR former customers -trill find a redaction in gold prices of tbc Needles, while the quaiity is always kept up to the highest standard known to English manufacturers. . , , A C A Co., respectfullv solicit a renewal of the mercantile relations so longand favorably esteemed by their house. sei>t20-2m For Liverpool, Direct. Cigh, Madison, Ga.;Wm. C. Ray, Montgomery; Ha.; McGruder, Taylor A Roberts, Baltimore, Md.; Altell A Inman. N. Y. 6op21-3m ATKINS, DUNHAM & CO., COMMISSION und FOKWARDING MERCHANTS, APALACHIOOIA - FLA aug S-3m* EDWARD WILDER, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST ASD DEALER IN PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STU^S AND GLASSWARE. AGENT FOR VIRGINIA. MISSOURI AND KENTUCKY TOBACCO, NO. Ill MAIN STREET, Louisville, ..... Kciifveky. >n • WANTED, FEATHERS, GINSENG, BEESWAX. * TALLOW and R AGS, lor which I will pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE, •ither in casii or trade. fang25 *m Dr. Bowen’s Splendid Plantation AND VINEYARD FOR SALE. I AYITaL sell my Vineyard and Plantation, situat ed in Jones county, 15 miles from Macon, and 10 miles from Griswoldvillc on Central Bail Road. The Vineyard embraces near 10 acres in excellent condition, containing over a dozen varities of fine vines. The Plantation contains about 800 acres. 1)00 acres of which is original forest oak, pine and hlckonr, balance cleared and in good condition.— There Is a good dwelling house, cabins, barns, gin house, screw, «fcc. Place well watered and heal 1113’. For further particulars enquire at this office or address me at Clinton, Jones county, Ga. oct 22-lm'* DR. BOWEN. Cincinnati Commercial copy 6 times and send bill to this office. $0 Boxes SupercartKmic of Soda, !u one ’ponn j thf. fikst class do SHIP VIRGINIA. paper*. 20 Knr* CANDLES. r. BOXES STAR CANDLES. SO •• TALLOW do SOAP. 30 BOXES COLGATE'S PALE FAMILY SOAP, For sale low by i ATOW loading at Savannah, will have quick dis- 1> patch tor above port Capacity 2,000 bales ■ Cotton. Freights reduced to the lowest figures, (five-eighths of one pence per pound.) Holders of Cotton wishing to avail themselves of present Liverpool prices can to-ward to the un- ! dersigned for shipment. MAUDE & WRIGHT, Augusta, Ga. WiU make liberal cash advances on consignments; also. Insure from Augusta to Savannah at one per cent., and from Savannah to Liverpool at seven- eighths. novif-Ct MAUDE* WRIGHT. Law Notice. I HAVE resumed the practice of my profession, and will attend to all business entrusted to my care in the State. Ilaving jnst returned from Washington City, parties desiring advice and counsel relative to the preplration ot papers under the Amnesty Procla mation for pardon, and the status of contracts and title deeds, executed durng the last fonr years, can consult me by Icttcror in person. Office over Boardman’s Book store, Macon, Ga. jy f3 O. A. L0CHBANE. MITCHELL * SMITHS, . FOR SALE. riMVO and one-half milt* north east of 2cMoa, i Pike countv, Ga., a track of three hundred aere* ofland. One hundred and fifty acres in cul tivation, remainder well timbered. It is consid ered one ot the best improved places in the coun ty. First clues Dwelling, seven rooms, six good Negro Cabins, Kitchen, Smoke House, «!fcc. One of the very boat Gin Ho**es and Cotton Presses in th« section, and almost new. Good Stables, Bams and Wheat House. Good Orchards and FUh Pond*. The place is well watered, perfectly healthy, and delightfully situated. Will be sold at a sacrifice, by early api-iseution to JOHN C. MAUGHAM. On the place. or S>W. MAXGHAM, nov2-lm Griffin, Ga. socr kroct: socr krouth OHIOKS AND ISISH P0TAT0S Western Reserve and English Dairy Cheese. MACKEREL IN BARRELS AND KITS Fine lot of SOLE LEATHER. AND VARIOUS OTHER THINGS JUST RECEIVED. AND FOR SALE BY nov7-tt NEWTON * LAWTON. Kcin A Co., Augusta, Gcorgit, A RE prepared to make liberal advances ou all Cotton consigned to them or their friends, Messrs Smith fc Dunning, New York. All cotton consigned to ns or onr fiietds in New York, will be sent forward by the new and elegant steamer Helen, which willl connect with the New York line of steamers, so as to reach that city in eight da vs. We have also established a line of Clipper ships between New York and Liverpool, so as to send forward the Cotton entrusted to our care without delay, thus avoiding expenses of storage and insu rance in New York. Sight Exchange on New York and Liverpool In auras to suit purchasers. KEIN A CO. ang29-3m D. C. SEYMOUR, L UMPKIN, GA., has continually on band and for sale a large and well assorted stock of staple drv goods and groceries. Is also general aremt lor the purchase and sale of produce, cotton, etc. Give particular attention to the purchase of cotton. Orders respectfully solicited. Address. D. C. SEYMOUR, Lumpkin, Ga Refers to—Mitchell & Smith, Macon. Ga., Bedell | * Co., Columbus, Ga., Erwin & Hardee, Savan- i nab, Ga., P P Pease A Co., Atlanta, Ga., Estes & : Clark, Angnsta, Ga. ocllO-lm* METROPOLITAN HOTEL. LATE BROWN'S, Wcuhinglon, D. C. ( This leading Hotel, Renovated fndRe-foipished is now in perfect order for the reception and ae- oramodation of its old patrons. octl-3m HACON, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10! 1865. {NEW SERIES, NO. 156. ADVERTISING: One square, twelve lines or lo^s, single iUBcrtion ?I 00; each subsequent insertion 50 cunts. Address, Cl.AYI.AND A DUMBLE, T>J5 * * end Publi*beri. Kdlto JOHN J. McOANN, Wholesale Grocer and Commission MERCHANT. Dealer in Wine*, Liquors, Clears, TOBACCO, No. 35, South .Side BroaJicay, KathtiHe, Tenu. "A HHDS. PRIME NEW ORLEANS SUGAR, OU 25 Hds do Porto Rico Sugar, 20 do do Cuba Sugar, 50 Barrels Crushed and Powdered Sngv, 20 do Granulated Susrar, 100 do A and B CoffeeSugara, 20 do C extra assorted brands, 300 do Yellow Sugar, 400 Bags Rio Coffee, 20 Mats Java Coffee, 20 do Lagulra Coffee, 10 Bags Ginger, 10 Bags Allspice, 20 Bags Pepper, 20 Barrels Mackerel, 30 bbls do SOOKits . do 100 Boxes Soap, 50 do Starch, 100,000 Cigars, assorted brandt, 100 Boxes Candler, 100 Boxes Raisins, 50 Cases Sordines, 250 Cases Oysters, 100 Dozen Buckets, 200 Dozen Brooms, 50 Nests Tubs Together with everything usually kept in Whole sale Grocery House. LIQUORS. 100 Barrels Roberts*n County Whisky, 50 do Bourbon do do 20 do Rye d<: 125 do Rectified Whisky, 5 Casks Ilenneasey Brandy, 5 do Otard. Dupuy & Co.’s Cognac. 10 Barrels Apple Brandy, very old, 10 do Poach do* 3 do Sherry Wine, In store and for sale at NO. 3.5, BROADWAY, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE* sept 15 3m Fort Valley Property for Sale. T HREE PLANTATIONS ami three town Houses and Lots for sale; 1,925 acres, five miles from Fort Valley, three line improvements. 1,400 acres three miles from Fort Valley, on rail road from Macon to Columbus. 1,350 acres between Fort Valley and Macon— Southwestern Railroad runs through the center of same—six miles from Fort Valley—moderate im provements—half bottomland, other half heavily timbered. Plenty of com and fodder on each place to run them next year. One House and Lot with 80 acres of land. One House and Lot with 3 acres. One House and Lot with }4 acre. All immediately on railroad, within ICO yards of Fort Valley depot. Apply to C.A. HAWKINS, or R. M. JOHNSON, , oct 14-lm*- For terms at Fort Vallejo Important to Cotton Shippers. T HE Cotton Warehouse located in this place immediately on the river, and at the terminna of the Sauthwcstem Railroad, and convenient to said road, can shelter all cotton that may be ship ped from Macon and other points on the South western Railroad via Apalachicola to New York.— IV c will receive all cotton consigned to us, at the railroad depot, dray it, and put it aboard qf the boats at one dollar per bale. Cotton shippers upon investigation, will find this route the cheapest and most cxpedlous of any other route to New York from Macon. Wc re spectfully solicit orders tor the purchase of cotton. Onr long experience In that line will enable us to make purchases to the best advantage to those who favor us with their orders. We have now in operation a new Iron Screw Press. i R. G. MORRIS & CO., Georgetown. Kefkuences—Ross & Seymour, J. W. Fears, Virgil Powers, Esq., all agents on S. VV. R. R. ang 0-5m B. W. TUCK, [ J. O. DAVIS, [ A. P. TUCK. Christian Co. Late with Phelps, Louisville, Ky. | Caldwell*Co. | Tuck, Davis & Co., Wholesale G rocers and Commission Alcrehants, »22 Main atreet, between Eighth and Ninth streets, LoutsviLLE, Ky. Consignments Solicited aug 2tM5m J. *. FRENCH, GEO. H. REID, W. H._CIIADBOITRN. FRENCH & GO., COTTON FACTORS, Forwarding and Commission Merchants Wiiolesnlc Grocers, Ac., CLARK STREET NASHVILLE, TENN. Special attention paid to the sale or forwarding of cotton. eeptlt)-3m* HOWARD HOUSE, EUFAULA, ALABAMA. J. W. Howard, Proprietor. A LL the luxuries the market affords, served tip to or lci and at the shortest notice. sepl2-3m* " S. G. WOOD * CO., Wholesale Dealers in Groceries Butter, Cheese, Plonr, -kc., 4c., No. 45 Union Strf.et, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. sep21-3m* J. G. WINTER. J. F. WINTER. WHITER & CO., 40 BROADWAY, NEW YORK C OMMISSION MERCHANTS, Will attend promptly to tbe sale of Cotton and other con signments.. Orders for Merchandise will receive attention and dispatch. The sale of Southern Se curities, Bonds, Bank Notes and Southern Lands solicited. Circular Saw Mills of the most improved construction, warranted to ent 10,000 feet of lum her per diem, having no feed except sawdust, witli every thing?complete, including Belting, for$2,500 Send for Circulars. oct20-lm GEO. C. BUCHANAN. ANDREW BUCHANAN. ANDREW BUCHANAN & CO., Grocers, Provision Dealers, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, No. 11C Main street, LOUISVILLE, KY. Orders tor Groceries, Provisions, Bagging and Rope, promptly executed. jy20 6m N. A. HARDEE & CO., SHIPPING, COMMISSION & FORWARD ING MERCHANTS, Savannah - - - - -- -- Georgia. WiU make liberal cash advances on consignments to their frtaxla-QypQj^ SLAUGHTER * COJ . oct 13-1 m* lailg ®tltfraj4 FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 1, 1S63. Ordinances and Resolutions ol a Public Nature, Passed by the Georgia Convec. tionat its Session in 18C5. AN ORDINANCE Making it the duty of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, to provide for the support of indigent widows and orphans of deceased soldiers of this State, and for other purposes therein named: Be it ordained by the people of the State of Georgia, in Contention atienilfed, That the General Assembly of this State, is respectful ly requested at its first session r under this Constitution, and annually thereafter, to make such appropriations and provisions as may i their judgment be necessary for the support and maintenance of the indigent widows and orphans of deceased soldiers ot this State. Be it further ordained, That disabled sol diers who aro without the means of support and whoso disability is such as to render them incompetent or unable to earn a living by! their own exertions, shall be entitled to the benefits of the provisions of the foregoing ordinance. AN ORDINANCE To ratify certain acts, judgments, and other proceedings therein mentioned: Be it ordained by the people of Georgui, in’ Contention assembled, That all the acts and sales of executors, administrators, trustees, and guardians, and of judicial and ministe rial officers, had, done and performed, and made honafidc, and in pursuance of, and un der color of law siuce the 19th day of January 1801, which arc notin conflict with the con stitution of the United States, and of the con stitution of this State, be and the same are hereby ratified and confirmed, subject how ever, to the right of appeal and supercedures according to law; provided, that in cases in which judgment or decrees have been ren dered iu all courts of record in this State, since the lOtli day of January 1801, and prior to this date, the party against whom such judgment lias been rendered, shall be entitled to a new trin lor appeal, on affidavit that he was unavoidably absent front the court at the time of the rendition of the judgment; Provi- defl^the court shall be satisfied from all the facts which may bo submitted by affidavit by both parties that such good and meritorious de fense exists, and that such application for a new trial or appeal shall be made within twelve months after the adoption of this or dinance. AN ORDINANCE To legalize the contracts made by guardians, administrators, oxccntcrs and trustees, with the Freedmen, for the benefitof their wards and estates, and to authorize said guardians, administrators, executors and trustees, to make such contracts until provided for by the legislature; Be it ordained by the people of the State of Georgia, in Contention assembled, That all contracts made by guardians, administrators, executors and trustees, with the Freedmen and Frcedwomen for the benefit of their wards and estates, be and the same arc hereby legalized; and that they be authorized to make such contracts until provided for by the legislature. Whereas, two telegrams, one from the Pres ident of the United States, and the other from his Secretary of State, have been received and read to the Convention, indicating, in rather plain terms, what course should be pursued by this Convention in relation to the State debt of Georgia contracted to carry on the war, which telegrams both refer to commu nications received ftom the Provisional Gov ernor of this State; it is, therefore, ■ Besotted, That a committee of three be ap pointed from this body by the Chair, and required to call upon the Provisional Gov ernor, James Johnson, for a copy of the tele grams sent by him to 'Washington, and all communications between him and the depart ment in Washington, relating thereto. Besotted, That the special committee of Seven, appointed to take into consideration the subject of the cotton hitherto belonging to the State, while in session, shall have pow er to soncl for persons and papers. The Committee of Seven to whom was re ferred the Message of His Excellency James Johnson, and the documents accompanying it on tlic subject of cotton and tobacco pur chased by the State, desiring further informa tion on the subject, it is Besotted, That His Excellency the Govern or be requested to communicate to this Com mittee, if within his power to do so, how much money has been drawn from the Treas ury of tlii3 State with which to purchase cot ton for the State, and how much with which to purchase tobacco, when, by whom, by what ahd by whose authority it was drawn, whether State or Confederate States money, bills or bonds, or wliat, and of different kinds of money, bills or bonds, how much of each kind, and how much cotton and tobacco was purchased with the money of the State so drawn from the Treasury, tlic number ot hales and their weight, and when and from whom it was purchased, and at wliat place, and and whether it was paid for in the same kind of currency, money or bonds that was so drawn from the Treasury with which to purchase these articles? How many agents were employed by the State, and by whom employed, to purchase the cotton and tobac co herein referred to, and who they were, and where they now reside, and then resided, and what compensation, and how and in what it wa3 paid them and each of them, and by whom for their services; and also what portion of the cotton so purchased by the State has been sold, and by .whom, and to whom sold, when, and at wliat price, and for what currency it was sold, and what amount of State money issued since the war has been placed in the State Treasury, and when, and by whom placed there, and what amount of such State money has been exchang ed for Confederate States bills or bonds, be fore and since it went into the Treasury, and when and bv whom, and with whom, and especially what State officers or officials have made such exchange, and when and with whom, and to what amount each State officer or agent has thus exchanged, and wliat use has been made by all such officials or agents with the Confederate money they thus ac quired by such exchange. AN ORDINANCE, To establish Congressional Districts, and to provide 'for certain elections: The people of Georgia, in Contention as semble, doordain, That conforming to the last apportionment of members, of the House of Representatives of the United States Con gress, there shall be in the State of Georgia seven Congressional Districts, constituted as follows, until changed by act of tlic The First District shall include the coun ties of Chatham, Bryan, Liberty, McIntosh, Wayne, Glvnn, Cainrlcm, Chariton Marc, Pierce, Appling, Taffiall, Bullock, Effingham, Scriven, Emanuel, Montgomery, Telfair, Cof fee, Clinch. Echols, Lowndes, Berrien, Irwin, Laurens, Johnson, Brooks, Colquitt and Thomas. The Second District shall include the coun ties • of Decatur, Early, Miller, Baker, Mitcli- dl, Worth, Dooly. Wilcox. Pulaski, nonston. Macon. Marion, Chattahoochee, Sumter, Web ster, Stewart, Quitman. Clay, Calhoun, Ran dolph, Terrell, Lee. and Dougherty. The Third District shall include tlic coun ties of Muscogee, Schley, Taylor, Talbot, Harris, Troup, Mcrriwcthcr, Heard, Coweta, Fayette, Clayton. Carroll, Campbell, Hartal- ton and Paulding. The Fourth District shall include tlic coun ties of Upson, Pike, Spaulding. Henry, New ton, Butts, Monroe, Crawford, Bibb, Twiggs, Wilkinson, Baldwin, Jones, Jasper and Put nam. The Fifth District shall include the coun ties of Waslijngton; Jefferson, Burke, Rich mond. Glasscock, Hancock, Warren, Colum bia, Lincoln, Wilkes. Talliaferro, Greene, Morgan, Oglethorpe and Elbert. The Sixth District shall include the coun ties of Milton, Gwinnett. Walton, Clarke, Jackson, Madison, Hart. Franklin, Banks, Hall, Forsyth, Pickens, Dawson, Lumpkin, White, Habersham, Rabun, Towns, Uuion, Fannin and Gilmer. The Seventh District shall include the counties of DeKalb, Fulton, Cobb, Polk, Floyd, Bartow, Cherokee, Gordon, Chattoo ga, Walker, Whitfield, Murray, Catoosa and Dade. Sec. 2. There shall be held, on the 13th day of November next, a general election in the several counties _and election districts of this State, for Governor, Senators (by sena torial districts) and Representatives (bv coun ties) to the General Assembly, in conformity to the constitution which this Convention may adopt, and of members of the House of Representatives of the United States Con gress by districts as herein before arranged, ono member for each district. SeC. 3rd. The elections herein ordered shall be conducted, and returns thereof made, ns is now by the code of Georgia provided. Sec. 4tli. And the Conrentiondo further ordain, That the election for Mayor and Ald ermen of the city of Savannah shall bo held on the 1st Wednesday in December, in the present year, and that at such election all laws appertaining thereto shall be in force, except the law requiring the registry of vo ters. No. Counties. Rep. Population. 1st District., 29 123,483 2nd “ 23 124,034 3rd “ 15 124,322 4th 10 123,127 5th- “ 15 125,530 Gtli 21 123,040 7th “ 14 124,85G 182 809,201 The committee to whom was referred the message of the Provisional Governor, enclos ing a communication from Brig. Qcn. Tilson, Assistant, Commissioner of the Bureau of Freedmen Refugees and abandoned lands, have had the same under consideration, and direct me to report the following resolution and ordinance: Besolvedby the Contention, That tlic wise and liberal proposition of Brig. Gen. Tilson, Assistant Commissioner of the Frecdmen’s Bureau, to employ certain officers of this State, as agents of said-’Bnrcau, to adjust difficulties between tlic white and colored people of this State, and to maintain the police of the coun try, be and the same is hereby accepted; and it is hereby ordained by this Convention, that the Justices of the Peace, Ordinaries, and all other civil officers, or unofficial citizens of this State, are hereby authorized to perform such service as may be designated by said agent, in adjusting difficulties between *hc white and colored population of this State, in maintaining tbe police of the country, and other similar matters, whenever requested so to act by said superintendent. Chairman. AN ORDINANCE To request and authorize the Provisional Governor of Georgia, to borrow on the credit of this State, a sufficient sum of money to pay what may be due on the civil list, and what may become due thereon, until by the collection of taxes the State may dispense with loans, and to extend the power to the Governor to bo elected by tlic people in a certain contingency. The people of Georgia, by their delegates in Convention assembled, do hereby declare and ortZatji.-Tlmt the Provisional Governor of this State, he and is hereby respectfully requested and authorized, upon the faith and credit of the State of Georgia, to negotiate a loan or loans of money, or United States currency, sufficient in amount to repay the temporary loans made by him *s reported to the Con vention, and to pay whatever is due on the civil list of the political year 1805, as also to pay whatever may become due on the civil list for the political year 1800, inclusive of ap propriations for the support of the Lunatic Asylum, and other government purposes, un. til the State of Georgia, by the collection of taxes, to be imposed hereafter by tlic Legisla ture, and other resources of the State, shall be enabled without embarrassment to dis pense with a resort to temporary loans; the money so borrowed to be deposited in the Treasury and to bo paid out by Executive warrant as is provided by existing laws. And be it further ordained, by authority aforesaid, That should the Provisional Gov ernor, from any cause, fail to make a sufficient loan or loans to effectuate tlic intention of this ordinance, that then the Governor to be elected by the people as his successor to all the executive powers of-the State Govern ment, be and he is hereby empowered to make from time to time, such loan or loans for the service of the State of Gehrgia, as w herein contemplated, and that the bonds whereon such may be loaned, shall be coun tersigned by the Governor. And be it further ordained. That to facili tate tlic negotiation of such loan, in such sums and at such times as the wants of the State may require for the purposes aforesaid, the Governor is hereby authorized and required, to sign and issne sncli drafts, notes or 1 Kinds, countersigned by the Treasurer, and payable at such times, and on such terms, and in such currency, as may be deemed by him most conducive to the convenience and interest of tlic State. Provided, that no obligation shall be contracted by him for a less time to run titan twelve months, or for a lon ger time than five years; and provided also, that on short securities not longer than twelve months to run, not exceeding a rate of ten (10) per cent per annum shall be allowed; and provided further, that if said loan, or any part of it, be raised on bonds of more than one year to run, said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of seven (7) per cent, pay able half yearly, which shall not exceed in the whole the snm of $300,000, and shall not be sold at a discount on the par value of more than ten per cent. And it is further provi ded, that this ordinance shall not be con strued to restrict or control the Legislature, in the exercise of a sound discretion in mak ing any loan for the foregoing purposes, or any other want of the State. AN ORDINANCE To repeal certain mid resolutions therein mentioned, hereto Cm-® passed by the people of the State of Georgia in Con vention. We, the People of the State of Georgia, in Contention, at our seat of Government, do de clare and ordain, That an ordinance adopted by *the same people, in Convention, on the nineteenth day of January, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-one, entitled “An ordi nance to dissolve the union between the State of Georgia and other States united with her under a compact of government entitled ‘the Constitution of tlie-United States of Ameri ca’ ”; also an ordinance adopted by tbc same on the sixteenth day of March, in tlic year last aforesaid, entitled “An ordinance to adopt and ratify tho Constitution of the Con federate. States of America"; and also all or- ill be transmitted to .• of benefactors of ter oti high, your r your countrymen mankind. Theconstitutionofoui country, renewed ami fortified by your measures, will once more ex tend its protection over a contented and hap py people, founded, ns it will be, uporreon durances and resolutions of the^une. adopted " u { nn *j affectio!1 aiu l resting, like the great between the sixteenth day of January and arch of hcavcu . equally upon ail. * the twenty-fonrth day of March, fat the year That t he foregoing memorial sign- aforesaid, subvemvo of, or antagonistic to. ed br tha p re rideut. and attested bv fbe the civil and military authority ol the gov- . Secretary of the Convention, he transmitted, ernment of the United States ot America, un- to Ul0 p^ddent of iln- United : dor tho Constitution thereof, bt\ and the same . are hereby repealed. ! & ft odiiue.1 by thi .wopl , .v- nnmxAvcp i ,ti " " SSi v ’ ’■ T,m * tho V ” !, ’ INthos * Aa t-l'i IA.V-M. L, j counties of the State Georgia, in which To prevent the levy and sale of the property ! from tho short notice giver-, elections lor of debtors under.execution, until the ad- j niembers ot the General AssetsM\ cannot he . , e ., I nekton tlic loth inst., as provided !>v the joumment of the hrst session ot the »c*t | Const i tut | ou , be and thev are h.r.-b v amber- Legislature, or until tho Legislature shall j ized to hold said ejection, on Saturday tin. otherwise direct? if before that time. 25th inst., and that the member, elected as aforesaid, be allowed to take their scats the earliest practicable day after the General Assembly shall convene, under the same rules and regulations as if they were elected ou the dav first aforesaid. cost,’or rules against officers for monev, and !, lr ■* B f :crJ ? in f T , b<u t, - ir f c 1 h " u ‘ except in eases where defendants resident thls r^maoce be printed .for Be it ordained by the People of Georgia, in i Contention assembled, That there shall" be no i levy or sale of property of defendants in this ' State under execution, founded on any judg- ment, order or decree, except executions for | the use of the members of ibis Convention. except within the State have absconded, nro ab sconding, or about to remove their property! ' ~' without the limits of any county in this State. LATE-S ! BY TJELEGRA.-’H. until the adjournment of the "first session of | .... . ... the next Legislature, or until the Legislature | shall otherwise direct, if-before that time. 1 Be it further ordained. Any officer, or other person, violating this ordinance, shall be guilty of trespass and liable to be sued in any court of this State having proper juris diction, and the measure of damage shall be the injury resulting to tho injured party by reason of said trespass. Be it further ordained. That the statutes and limitation now of iorce in this State be, and the same is hereby suspended in all cases affected by.this ordinance, until tho adjourn ment of the first session of the next .Legisla ture, or until the Legislature shall otherwise direct, if before that time. And be it further ordained. That the statute of limitation in all cases, civil and criminal, be, and the’same are hereby declared to .be, and have been suspended from the 19th Jan uary, 1801, and shall so continue until civil government is fully restored, or until the Legislature shall otherwise direct. Whereas, Many portions of this State ate unprotected by the immediate presence of any of tho military forces of the United States, and there exists an uneasiness in tho public mind, under the apprehension that civil or der may be disturbed by evil-minded per sons associating themselves together, or oth erwise, for purpose of violence, and that the law may he obstructed in its execution, for want of adequate police force to enable the civil officers of tho State to enforce the same; And whereas, this feeling of insecurity tends greatly to retard the resumption and prose cution of the various peaceful and industrial pursuits of the people necessary for their prosperity and happiness; therefore, Besotted, by (hepeople of Georgia in Contcn- t ion assembled. That his Excellency, the Gov ernor, be, and is hereby earnestly requested to provide, by proclamation to the people of Georgia, to be issued as early ns practicable, for the formation, in every county in this State, of one or more militia or volunteer com panies, to act ns -a police force to suppress violence, to preserve order, and to aid the civ il officers of this State in the enforcement of the laws thereof, under such regulations con sistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States, and of this State, aa he may prescribe; and that such organizations as may bo under this resolution, to subsist until otherwise provided by law. Besotted, secondly, That the foregoing pre amble and resolutions signed by the Presi dent and Secretary of this Convention, and that the President communicate a copy of tlic same to liis Excellency James Johnson, Pro visional Governor of Georgia, and forthwith transmit, through the Provisional Governor, the same by telegraph to his Excellency An drew Johnson, President of the United States, and earnestly solicit his approval thereof. aixm-EDOEviLi.E, Oct. 30, 1885. To His Excellency Andrew Johnson, President of the United States: The delegates of the State of Georgia in Convention asscmbled, do earnestly invoke the Executive clemency in behalf of Jeffer son Davis and Alexander II Stephens, ami of James A. Scddon, of Virginia, and A. G. McGrath, of South Carolina; Allison and David L. Yulec, of Florida, and H. IV. Mer cer, of Georgia, now confined as prisoners in ; p]o=nn at tli-: Wyoming Fort Pulaski, and of all other prisoners simi-: but none seriously, exceji, larly circumstanced. and a Mr. Milkman, wlr Your Excellency-has been pleased to restore Mr. Stephens to his liberty. He returns to the greatful people of his State as a solemn pledge of the magnanimity which rules the public councils, and his great name and in fluence will be potent to revive the amity of the past, and to fructify the wise and gcncr- DISPATCHES TO THE £SSOCIXTED_ Rebellion iR Jamaica. New York, Nov. 0.—Havana files per the steamer Columbia, givtjiparticulars in regard to the rebellion in JarnBca city; Kingston, In grert excitement—busiBess entirely suspend ed—entire population placing themselves in a state of defence^immense meetings held, and enlisting under orders of the governor. The rebellion raged with fury in St. Thomas in the early unprecedented outrages com mitted upon lives and'property the-rc. The volunteers cent to jthc insurrectionary dis tricts were only partially successful iu repul sing the insurgents, i New Your, Nov. 0.—A Havana corres pondent says of the 400 insurgents in Jama- cia 43 have been hanged. The barbarities committed by the rebels are shocking. Mr. M. Collaekv rns dashed to pieces against a cannon; Rev. Mr. nerschcli’s tongue was cut out; Baron VonKettclboot's angers were cut off. One band of nogros. 800 strong, arc thoroughly organized in Kingston. Volun teers are pressing forward, and hare captured several ot tlic insurgents. Dispatches from Ilon.W II George have been received by the Commercial Exchange slat ing that he had been wounded; and that Baron Von Keltlehoot, ono of the officials in St. Thomas, Anthony Price, Dr. Gctaro. Ste phens Lookc, and Rev. Mr. Herschell have been killed. A later dispatch confirms the above in point. The insurgents killed an officinl named A1 bergaF. Rowan. Jno. Walton was also shot by the rebels. The secretary and justice of peace aro re ported murdered. A council of war was held at Kingston on the 10th, and subsequently martial law was declared in the district of Surrey in the name of the queen. Paul Boyle, tho leader of the rebellion, was not arrested. A reward lias been offered for his capture. The latest dispatcher by the governor, from the scat of war, says the rebellion is incrcas ing. Troops are wanted, and no time is t-r be lost. Among those killed is Rev. D.| Foot. Gov. Parson*' of Ala., in New Yor.n, Nov. (i.—A meeting of promil uent citizens was held in Wall street ton' for the purpose of hearing the statement: Gov. Parsons, of Ala., and Getl. Swayne. rolal tivc to the condition of the people of Alnbq ma. It appeared from tbe statements of tl speakers to-day that one-fifth of the populj tion of Alabama are entirely destitute, expected an organization will lie perferfl this city, and an appeal be made to fir, . lie, to aid the residents of Alaba y 1 Parsons goes to Boston, where peal is to be made. At a meeting to-day. Simon Dr Ward Beecher,Tneo. Tilton, Sena Gen. Dix, Mo-es Grinnel and present. Miscellaneous Itcq New York, Nov. o.—.v capti runner is being prepared at I yard for tbe reception of the on board the Atlanta. Twenty-two persons were/ by at the time. A bY'tr-,[ the hotel by a man liamtfc/, been arrested, who stated tl ( .,. ;i box from Harrisburg, nntj chemical oil; it was enli ' specimen for sale by an ag" wj Wilhelm, recently of this city ons policy which your Excellency has itiaugu- positively that he never opened nothing further of its contents | above; when he left the hot el.j where lie forgot the box, bq told a man to get it for hhn, - neglected to do. Oswego, N. Y., Nov. G.—T Ontario yesterday was terrifl^ era Morning Star and Elrnird the city. Several vessels blown to pieces, and lo»t The shore below this port iss her and boats. 8t. Louis, Nov. (Li—A bo son’s head quarter papers it They were received ut ~‘jf ~ rned over to Adju rated. Emboldened by this example, impel! cd by the purity of our motives, and stimula ted by the prayers of a numerous people, we appeal for clemency in behalf of the distin guished persons we have named. Restore them to liberty and the embrace of their families. Translate them from captivity to the light of freedom and of hope, and the gratitude of the prisoners will be mingled with the joyful acclamations which shall as cend to heaven from the hearts of tliepeople. Jefferson Davis was elevated to his high po sition by our suffrages, and in response to our wishes. We imposed upon him a responsibili ty which he did not seek. Originally oppos ed to the sectional policy to which public j kuluw opinion, with irresistible power, finally drove a,none the papers arc Si lum, he became tlic exponent of our prin- j m j 4 cion from Jackson as ciplcs and the loader of onr cause. He : ^u,.; state Guard, dated I simply responded to the united voice of his a f [cr t! le capture of camp section. If he, then, is guilty, so are we; wc nt0 journal of Jackson's tv were the principals—hi was our agent. Let j w hi C l], with le v, than hair not the retribution of a mighty nation be t - nfc go^Ued ordinance of visited upon liis head, while we, who urged ( .q representatives to the r him to his destiny are suffered to escape. man _ j c "i 0 rs from prominent The libefral clemency of the government has , gt'at^ revealing th'-ir con plicit been extended over us; we breathe tho “ir I treason, and experience the blessings of freedom; we j Gov. Fletcher received therefore ask that the leader who in response j Jtissouri Confederates, inc.udi to the democratic insticts of his nature, the j commanding camp Jackson, principles of his party and the solicitations water-poising fame, Jno. W. of hiysection, became the head and front of j mcm | )ar 0 f the national coug our offending shall not be bruised for our ini-1 y estj a m0 , t violent rebel of * quitics or punished for our transgression 3 . | turP ’ Mr. Davis was not the leader of a feeble and i .«>. - temporary insurrection; he was the represen- j f. [vn r . m . , N Savahhah.— tativc of great ideas, and the exponent of l ... " . , principles which stirred and consolidated a \Repulhe.;,oi the 1st contain* numerous and intelligent people. This pco-1 Wlierr as, The military aui pie was not libs dupe; they pursued the course , United States, this day reli which they adoped of their own free will, I authority to the mayor ami a 1 and he did not draw them on, but followed : city of Savannah, I hereby after them. It is for these reasons that we in- ■ proclamation, declaring the c vokc the executive clemency in his behalf. *to be again under civil authoi His frame is feeblp; his health is delicate; I ing the citizens of Savanna all broken bv the storms of State, he languish- ; nances of the city are hereby c-s out in captivity » vicarious punishment for j so far as they conflict with J ttre acts of his people. Thousands of hearts ! of negro, and fines ar.d pen are touched with lii3 distress; thousands of j be inflicted ou all those prayers ascend to heaven for his relief. We I such ordinances or any p: invoke in his behalf the generous exercise of: I exhort all good ciiif the prerogative to pardon which tlic form operate with tnc civil and principles of the constitution offer as a.: tainingthe law and ord bcniticent instrument to a merciful Executive. It. D.- We ask tbe continuance of that career of! . . ~ Tr elemency which your Excellency has begun, ■? ' > asmngton special and which alone, we earnestly believe, can se- i - S - L -' S application Jo cure the true unity and lasting greatness of currencyTor the estaloiahtni this nation. Dispensing that mercy which is ‘ at -' ew Orleattt, Inculcated by the example of our great Mas- 800 has been granted.