The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, November 11, 1865, Image 4

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®|jc $ailn Ctltgraplr. — tub carte di: twite. r-> i:.» T«h;r»f-h li tlMwt treat nothin*. rcoiI»r jvr’> on'* It CODCttJ*. ,«Okra i *. — sre rippling tore, x nth 1* wt- fiat to b. fair; *»re lt.<- gold'n r»W«*y* °f lb' m», into la mm Ire., of tor talr* , loo, MO ton.lrr uul honest and trno, u ib' ovo* of ji dole; • But wlit r the Ilitrsf mioas light that I s«e Wbm I "arcin the < ^v* of ray tore? The can # t,.., utifnl lip* tore ore sera, Ami s LI !nt of tt mi»i Ic 'round them plsys; Mil (he trail-in’ v tit iicarb. whlcb sre trl«*aming Art cvn< it -fr. . Fat tbU mriedt as* e Is dear to my besrt. For it tr i tiiet barms it ret cals, ;..|il. -Urn iVt of ■ tropical i li CM Piopood Importation of Coolie* in Iho Knntb—K'pl, of lb' (iovor»PIO«l. Tlio N « Orionnb Pitrtfum linn the follon Ing .inlrmrnt coiircrning nprnpn-itionto im- j.orl oooi’o. in llo Booth : Tlo •■ ! of inlro.liioiiif' f rnt uiitilli.l ami lii- to cul- ino< i ui.ii .1 lira to our nn» lilnnlnli'in-liap nnnth cnjpif." U tl imtlon of ditoriir'i.iiiu'capltauaU ami pro) irtv owner* It i* thought the introdnett Iifilii* . I' -m iption of IhIku Muiilil ii ri nor pi .plc tin wholesome influence now "rriiiK Demleil, of rompctltiim lo opera! u|„,n ‘ fm-iiiiii n in v retiring from llirin ri u’ulnr mill effleii nl l .l.ur lli.ui emi ;,l pn • n! 1 ■ . \p., ;. .1 of I in in Without 0,1,111. . .Ipit ,1 I- limi'l III I io'li'l'o "I to i" m-i In tha eiilturoof the «r< at Maple*, »uc- ■ in w !ii. i drprniU on the ruminnm! ami control of the lalmr for the whole itci An euterpridng flu" i» Ub «rily, liarinj, i' .'in 11 ml lut-an*. foreign connection*, an.' tnioiliii i.itlill,. wlmli-ule I m - i in — i.i' ( ,„,li, Imm.rtatinn, recently rnMn -eil Mr. Bewail) tin. M . i ',r, •■! Slate. I" know wlii lliirtlie I niieil .stale*uonM ni'l i» <>r give it* Mine linn tntlie rxprrfnuro of iiitrmliicing (li Uhorrr* into theModtfi. Thlaeommanii ntion ,,,,, referred to the burin a of hnlgrntion wbii li r • |, I. i I I hit llid f'oiJie Iraile wii. pro ItiI iinl |iy an net of (.'ongn ** of IHflff. That m l link it n revere penal offense for rrgls- 1.1,1 I’nitrtl State* *lii|>» to engage in what , , i' 1 . ( .m.Ii.■ timie tliiit I-. the ih-por • ation <>f dilnene from mi) part of China to any foreign port, with a ri?H to holding them to itcrrltiule, or fie n term of yearn, n* Inhor oia. The same act, hutrtrtf, MndD no ntwtacle *hall lie made to the Toltintnn- iionii fration of till* people, mill, IIS proof ol tlie voluntary charaeter of such deportation, It require* a certttcato of the yKoJ 'BMm Otnaola in China. Hilt in referring to lliUto]iIc, which is being ,liM iiM-ed aimingcitizens, whoilonot propose for the pre-i nt, logo fhrther tliim to glance at it, a* one of the ttmnv schemes which low I wen proposed to resuscitate onr prtnent dl pnned and prostrate agriculture," n NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! NEW PRICES!!! THE Inducement* Offered MAMMOTH DRY GOODS STORE ! BY xo 0X111:11 n0CSE ™ TBE CTTT - Latest Arrivals from tlie East. T nz npdcrslzntd, old oitir ls of Macon, beg leave. In informing oar old Southern friend* Change of Firm. i Copartnership Notice. , _ rot* (ioid. of all description*. Black ■ ■* 1 and Fancy Bilks, a targe aA.-.ortmcnt of Notion* and Ladies' Dre*a and Cloak Trimmings in general; ' Cr.e Whit* Linen In targe quantities; ' of line Freseb and Ei.gli-b Shawls; i of Ibis city icry large lot of DRY GOODS—etnai-.Ung la La | dW Fancy Ores* Goods of all description.-, Black '■ ' '—torSoUoT , 55 ., in tfene™ 1 • ! "ITErE bare tbl* d*y formed a ropartnCrahip In [ tae Whit* Linen In Urge <mntHIm; * good line \ \ the DRCG KI SIKF.SS, under the name and >h Sbawls; the latest <. r ik ,.r E. EINSTEIN’S OLD STAND, style of Plain ami Fsnrr Balmoral Skirt*; Ladies’ , • . Traveling Bags, all ttvies and alar*; Ladies* and Ml'*; ,’ ve*ts and Pant*; and a fnll line of Ladies’ SLw—larger than any other house In Macon. sl*o In receipt of a very larg' arid well - ' - -/.nud'J t - E. M. BRUCE & CO., BANKERS AND COTTON FACTORS, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. E. F. METCALFE. & CO., | COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, S A V A X X A IT ,- GEORGIA. T 'flF. nndeislgned begIcsve to Inform the ladle- „... of tbl* city, Kmnly nod Tlefnlty and the pubs ttock of Beady-roa^ Clothing, Me in general, that be ban now open and ready tor , ofb „ aae u* r k Bmadeloth Coat*, bburk Doeskin •ale sf the well known and impnltr old *Und of Paata, Plain and Fancy Silk Vet*. CsulmereSuits, ' coarse Satinet Suit*, snd a rcgnlar line of Gent.' a EINSTEIN'S, TRIANGULA It BLOCK, Pwnd*ing Goods not awpssa^rie In New York i We sre oflerinr to tbc yntdle to sell all goods „ ... . ... i with a very small advance, and, in tact, lower than One ..f Ike VW WrW.d Atorfa ol <ny boMc^n Macon. Standing in e.mnectiiro with a large wholesale gi r, 1' ! Jobbing bon*e In the Eaat, we can, therefore, glrc SfaillP Slfl FallfJ lit) Good* the shore inducement*. Wc would, in eoneloelon, further call attention I to onr large and elegant supply of Goods, n bleb | In tbe Southern market >. Tbt good* were select-1 were .elctled with great care to ourselves; and ed by Mr. EigsTiw with great care; and my CO-' onr long experience in lhi» market has qualified u* PAKTSkBU, being old u.crehanU in tbe city of to Judge a» lo tbc want* of the purchasing com- — — ■ ■ - ■— .. .. tuonlty. Tlie patronage of all our old friends, as well a* many of our new ones, is repectfnlly sollc- | ited' Purchasers abonld lie particular to llnd our prenared to exhibit to place—Damoor’s Block, Second street, three doors . from Boardman's Book Store. P. S.—Country merchants will find it to their a call. ROTD& GORDON. Our aim will be to keep on bam! at all time* a New York, we enjoy great ad vantages overall other ra< reliant* who are not similarly situated. We i-lull receive new addition* to our stock eve ry week, and will be always the public goods of the Best Manufactufc. Latest Styles Tilt UKpriu.ii' ok Gukat IilllTAllt.—The Nt m Y-'ik // // '•/ . A ntn\< in* nt i-< on fool, Imt not yet fully developed, to change tin Fenian |>rogro!n!uc, ami instead of aim lnj» alone nt tho libemtion ol Ireland, to a*- l»ire to a Mill un-atcr object, and that is the overthrow of the Eoiliih moDarrbj, and the i rertion of the republic of Ureat Britain. Not In land alone is to |>artit-ipnte In the Ft* nmi' lifts ration movement, but the entire llriti*«li nnpiru U to abare in.ita brnefieient o|H-ri\t i.m*. Included in thin grand arrange ment are. tir>t, a lodgment in and tlie po**c>- wb..., oi \'nnmbi. nntt, -mm ond, the fitting out of a fieri of Ft ninn cruisers, after the manner Ik .llritidhvaliol vf t an prey upon British commerce in the Game manner, but with more cfloet, than the rebel Mss Is preyed upon American commerce du i iiivf t* l, ‘ r» l»elUon. Tlio capture of ^lontrval with the force tho Fcniant cun send will he but the work of nn hour. There is only a uarrison of British troops there, and no d t'lii'f * of i'onv'mifinc. <>u. l.t« will fall af ter t brit f Investment. Tho new capital Ottawa City, can ho occupied with out n iMnncc. In short, there 1h no place in Canada that eannot be taken poascMsion of h\ the Fenians if they determine to do so. Once in their j»owcr, the Fenians cun make Can.el.i u f*»ih and their authorities can proclaim tin British republic covering the who!, empire. That is what the British |>e« pic want, Tlie Fenians may cease tnlkin alone Im Ireland, and the Kn^lisli radicals^ ith John Bright at their head, may cease a^itaiim: the Mihjrct of suffrage, and nl hamlsiioin tor I'liililishinff the republic oi tinat Britain. T!»U is the way to brin^r tin Kn^lidi aii-sttK-r.i^x to their marrow hones. Fen in it Scare in C’annda*«Troop«b Or. dered to the Frontier. dii^Mtch to the Hamilton (0. r, Oct 'M, s;iy«: report was circulated to the « orders had ln-cn n eeixed her.- fro ter* to have tin* volunteers ready C In ftontiors an s.Mn ii* tire "over Jit to *;tve them marchiii" « siinc atTeet to disbelieve the ru- r the x*» rx r» ummi that they dislike to th.ers shake their heads thoughtful v but little; but there is more in erne than an unoltscmint j>crson tilM MipjHO. . ln» have paid attention to the move* ic dthei side of the lines appear to if the Fenian Broilu-rhood mean lash upon any j»art of hci majesty*? la. and not Ireland, w ill he attack; and, os a natural conse- lnx have the interests of the irt.and are detenuine<l at all nd the old f!a^ from dishonor, rim-r union, it possible, with untry, counsel xvatchfulnev on authorities, in order that any turvrs who ntijrht attempt by invade this country t and exterminated l*e- ,4iny presttire by effecting the cities or towns.” iW« 1IKNS .VXD FaKMCNO Pi K- I'xrt to introduce the camel .s in proofs of successlul bn the xxur came, and put a [of the camels originally im- urjM>st*. fell into the hands of Sterlir.i; Priet**s captains of dim; a company from Xox- who usexl it all through Ilia oxxn ami the w hole com | Many a time on the march occn swinjrin" easily * mountain ot carpet sacks, a, etc,, Hmountintr in humlrcd |>otinds. Time*, of OctolaT 21st. Creole {rcntleman, A. I Thursday afternoon, and mom in" by stcam- {the |>ari>li of St. John ath. Mr. I>. was in the l durin" his Ion" life his character. After he took a part, |y changes of half a i closed his ex cs in w we may men- arcgarxl. R. IV. Lowest Market Trices Onr •tork rewM* In part of tbe following good*: Print*. Printed DcLoloci, All wool I>eloliu>, Kmpreoa Ckith, Poll DeCbtm>, Enirlbh and French Merino-, ricotch and Venftisn Plan!-, Solid, printed and Cirnrrd Poplins, Blau k Delwainea, Alapacaa, Merinos and Bombazines, And many other goods belongtag lo the n R E a 8 depart mA; n t advantage to give us i octASm ” GLASER & ROSIN r. c. ridgki.t. x. usqniEB. a. r. wannEs. RIDGELY, SQU1ER&CO. f ! COTTON FACTORS, GENERAL PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Lanier House Building, MACON, GEORGIA. A fall and coni]>lete assortment of Linen Cambric Handkerchief*, nmtifeu: T. K. Bloom, E^Al'ilco*, Gen. J. T. Croxton, Macon, G». Holmea A Patterson, Hopkins * Bro. New York. C. W. Bruner, S»vamiab. Tucker* Co., Lonisvillc. oct37Srn. ~ WARE HOUSE NOTICE, H ARRIS * ROSS. Ware House and Commls- slou Merclianflf would Inform tbeir friends lawtlc*' Uncn and Embroidered Gnu* and Got- I and patrons that they now have room, and are pre- *—■* *- ***- pared to receive on storage or to sell any cottoD entrusted to their care. We have secured tbc services of Mr. A. B. Adam*, formerly of the Ann of Adams & Reynolds, who will be pleased to serve bis old friends. octlS-lm HARRIS * ROSS. WM. A. MCKEXZIE. G. F. JOlRiSOS. tfX. H. CIIAMBEKS, WM. A. MeKENZIE & CO., [OMMISSION Merchants. Cotton Brokers and White, Red and Shaker Flannel*, Plain and Fancy Opera Flannels, Bleached and Brown Canton Flannels, Ac., Hosiery, Gloves, laullcs' Merino Vests, Table Linen, TsMe Cloth, Towels, Toweling*, Napkin*, Doylies Linen, And all other articles belonging to a Number One Dry Goods Store. Wc rail the special attention of the ladles to oar CLOAK AND SHAWL DEPARTMENT, And say with confidence, we will sell theac arti cles at a ZiOWBB. PKZCS, Than anr other bouse In the city and WARRANT the goods to be of the lies* anil most Fashionable Tlanti- fnctnro. * A. SPRINGER, Macon, U.i. KOHNER BROTHERS, Special partners, New York City, m l l*i 111.I ■ * W. C. KENNEDY, Merchant Tailor, MULBF.KUY ST., MACON, Ii A. T l)K*,‘’’luJ* are now pre- pared to make to order, nil Garments for Gentle men's wear, of tha best material and In the latest •tyte*. Patronage is solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. BLACK AND BLUE BROAD CLOTH, “ CASTORS. DOESKINS. PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMERES. SILK VELVET AND CASHMERE VESTINGS * SHIRTS, DRAWERS, HOSE, NECK TIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, LINEN AND PAPER COLLARS, LINEN BOSOMS, SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, HATS AND UMBRELLAS, novl-lm 9 GATltllOr, GKO. P. SNIDER Late D. * E S. Latlirup, Late Jas. I. Snider* Co Savannah, Ga. Savannah, Ga. anil Birch * Snider, C'olumhns, Go. E. S. Lathrop & Co., (iCXERAL* Gommis.sion Merchants EDWARD C. LEGR1EI. * CO'S OLD STAND, Second Suet, one door from Cherry, MACON, GA. noxl-Sm* C I/.UJ1IOOIU.1 JUBIk’IMIIUti V/vr lavras wiwaMwwww Receiving, snd Forwarding Agents, Apalachi cola, Florida. AEFERENCESI J. B. & IV. U. Kos*, Hardeman & Spark*, Macon, Ga.; King & Allen, Dr. J. F. Boze man, Col mil tm *, Ga.; Hon. T. 5L Furlong Ameri cas, Ga.; Col. Nelson Tift, Albany, Ga.; John Mc- Nab, Eufauta, Ala. aug35 3m BLUE STONE, BLUE STONE", BLUE STONE, At BOYD & GORDON’S, . Druggists, 2 (loom below Telegraph office. scpO-tl Public Sale of a Valuablo Plantation, STOCK, CROPS, ETC. W ILL l>e sold to the highest bidder, on tbc '.’nd Tuesday In December, 1805, for Cash, tlie Plantation belonging to tbc estate of William Lockett, dec’d, situated In Crawford county, and adjoining Ewell Webb, John Dent and others—the place contains 1,500 acre*. Is well iinprqvcd In all respects, with rccoiiimodationa for 3* bauds, and I* one of tbe best plantation:! in the county, cither for cotton or grain. Also, all tile Mules, Horses, Hogs, Cattle, Crops of all kind*, together with Wagons, Carts and farming and oilier utensils of all kinds. The sale will take place on tbc premises, com mencing at 10 o'clock, and will continue from ... *.U -J. I. *m<1. Terms Cash. BEN J. G. LOCKETT, Ex’r of oct28-tds WM. LOCKETT, Dcc’d. For further Information apply on the premises, ortoL. N. Whiiih-, Macon, Ga. PAINTING CHRISTOPHER BURKE, UTR LOTI & BURKE. House, Sign &Decorative Painter, PAPER HANGER, GILDER, ETC., ETC., H AVING resumed business, tbj, undersigned hope* by attention and moderate prices to merit a share of public patronage. His ability as a 'workman is known to most of the citizens of Ma con for the past six years. Paint Shop in Floyd House, opposite Medical College. Mixed Paints constantly on hand, at moderate prices. CHRISTOPHER BURKE, oct 13-1 m - C. G. CONNER & BRO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, —ASn— PURCHASING AGENTS, Third street, • - - - - Macon, Georgia. • TXTE offer our services lo the public, and will ! V V give personal attention to all bnisincss cn- | trusted to ns. We solicit consignments of goods of every de scription, particularly country produce. Goods stored at the usual rates in our large, se cure and well situated store house, opposite the Express office. i:e:*::i:ence.- : Messrs. Hardeman «fc Sparks, Harris & Ross, Ash er Ayres,. J. B. Ross, and Rev. J. W. Burke. jnly29-fini In tbe city. Special attention will be given to tbc Prescription department. Call and try os—two doors below tbc Telegraph building, Cherry street. A.^I. BOYD. W. L. GORDON. Macon, September 1,18G5.—tf BOYD & GORDON Druggists. Two Boors Mow Telegraph Building. Mhcoh, On. DRUGS, MFDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, *c., *o. jgjr Prescriptions carefully prepared at all hour*. oct0-5m A. P. G-. HARRIS. GROCERIES, DRY GOODS AND Commission Merchant. [Next door to J. B. Ross & Son’s, Cherry street.] SAKS NOTICE. M Y STOCK OF GROCERIES arc now beginning to come in, and I can promise my friends and the public generally, that a call upon me will nev er be regretted; for with a large and well selected stock of GROCERIES, LIQUORS & DRY GOODS, I will be able to fill the whole.of their bills with out giving them the trouble of going all over the market. I will also state, that in addition to my regular business I will be glad to receive any CONSIGNMENTS ON COMMISSION, Or on storage; and to all who favor me with con signments of any description, I promise • Full and Satisfactory Returns. A. P. G. HARRIS, Old firm oi Dnnlap & Harris, afterwards Harris & Dense. Befekexces—Any of the merchant* of Macon, oct 26-3in [oct 14] A. S. Patrick. Are in constant receipt of tlie following, AT TIIEIIt NEWS DEPOT, Triangular Block. Cherry Street: DAILIES. -\TEW YORK HERALD, News, World, Tribune, Times, and Journal of Commerce. Cincinnati Commercial, Gazette, Enquirer, and German Volkcsblalte. Louisville Journal, and Democrat. Nashville Union, Gazette, Press & Times, Ban- ncr. and IMsnntoh. Macon Telegraph, and Journal & Messenger. WEEKLIES. Harper’s Illustrated, Leslie’s Illustrated, Leslie’s Chimney Comer, New York Ledger, Wilkes’ Spirit of the Times, Turf, Field & Farm, New York Clip per, National Police Gazette, Wavcrly Magazine, Army and Navy Journal, Scientific American, Bos ton PHot, Metropolitan Record, Metropolitan Bank Note Reporter, Round Table, New York Weekly, Sunday Mercury, Flag of Onr Union, and The Nation. MONTHLIES. Fashion Magazines—Godcy’s, Leslie’s, Peter son’s, Le Bon Ton, Lady’s Friend, Lady’s Reposi tory, and La Petite Messenger. Harper’s Monthly, Atlantic Monthly, Eclectic, Young Folks, Comic Monthly, Nick Nax, Phunny Plicllow, Pliunniest Plum, Budget of Fun, Yankee Notions, Appleton’s R. R. Guide, Pictorial History of tlie War, Ballou’s Monthly, Catholic World, Leslie’s New Monthly, Phrenological Journal* Horticulturist, and Ballou’s Monthly Novelette octl9-lm L. W. R ASDAL, | AAA GALLONSOld Bourbon County Whisky. lUUU For sale by L. W. RASDAL. 1 AAA GALLONS 'OLD Robertson County 1UUU for sale by L. W. RASDAL. -AA GALLONS PURE Com Whisky for sale *)UU by . I- W. RASDAL. “AA GALLONS THREE years old Apple )U'I Brandy for sale by L. W RASDAL. HAA GALLONS PEACH BRANDY for sale )UU bv L. W. RASDAL >i !{l GALLONS COGNAC anil French Brandy for ealwby I_ W. RASDAL. ' JAA GALLONS PURE Holland Gill for ad* xvv by L. W. RASDAL. rjMiu mjilersigncd takes plcaiui-c in announcing OOTAVUS COHEN, ‘ Forwarding and Commission House. SAVANNAH, GA. aug 9-3m* v ’ . CLOTHING, HATS AND -Furnishing Groods. N" E "W FIRM SINGLETON, HUNT * CO., OPPOSITE LANIER HOUSE, MACON, GEORGIA, “VTOW have in store, and for sale, tlie largest and ±1 best assorted stock of BOOTS, SHOES, AND HATS, in the South. Those wishing to buy, to sell again, will here find facilities not surpassed by any house south of Cincinnati, as tbe entire stock lias been purchased, FOR CASH, from the manu facturers in the cities of New York and Boston. A good supply of TRUNKS AND UMBRELLAS will also be kept on hand. The firm hopes, by constantly replenishing, and by strict attention to business, to merit a liberal portion of public patronage. W. R. SINGLETON, W. C. SINGLETON, oct4-3in Y. J. HUNT. E. M. BRUCE, MORGAN & CO., Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants, APALACHICOLA, FLORIDA. Advances 'Made on Consignments to WATTS, CRANE & CO., WATTS. GWEN & CO., W. C. WATTS & CO., New York. New Orleans. Liverpool, Eng. EITHER OF THE ABOVE HOUSES* scpiiu-om |N. A. MEGRATH, AGENT, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in , DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, &0* At Ells’ Old Stand, Opposite Lanier House, MACON, - - . . r . . GEORGIA. I SHALL receive GOODS every week, ami shall keep my stock so assorted that mer chants anil consumers can FIND ANYTHING THEY WANT, nt nil times. I WILL SELL A.S LOW AS ANYBODY. N. A. NEGBATII, Attcnt. Hf- P. S.—ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED. _>K oct20-3m N. A. M. WHOLESALE. LARGE ARRIVAL OF.NE¥.GOO!D.S AT G* RICE & CO.’S, 59 College Street, Nashville, Tenn. L he three month*, and by constantly watching the Eastern mar ket and takin 0 advantage of every fluctuation, we are enabled to 6ay that wc have now on hand, the LARGEST, CHEAPEST & BEST SELECTED STOCK OF FALL & -WINTER DRY GOODS IN THE CITY OF NASHVILLE. Our assortment of BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOS, POPLINS, MOHAIRS, LUSTRES, AND OTHER NEW STYLES OF DRY GOODS, CANNOT BE SURPASSED. We have the latest styles of Cloaks, Shawls, Balmoral Skirts, Ladies’ Hats, &c„ &c. A . M . R O WL A N D & C O . . Wholesale and Retail Dealers in CHINA, CLASS AND QUEEN’S WARE. a Opposite the Lanier House, MULBERRY STREET, - - - - - MACON, CA. Great inducements are offered to Merchants to whom we will sell CROCKEltT BY THE CRATE OR SELECTED PIECES, A T REDUCED PRICKS. novl-3tn A large assortment of SWISS, MULL, INDIA BOOK, EDGINGS, INSERTIONS, LACES, RIBBONS, HAND KERCHIEFS, GLOVES, HOSIERY', NOTIONS, etc. Wc are selling to country merchants coming to and passing through the city to supply themselves with goods, we wish to say that wo cnifsell them at lower rates thaa they can obtain them at Louisville or Cincinnati. Our large stock of HATS AND BOOTS AND SHOES Has mostly been bought at auction, very cheap, and will be sold at vory small profits. Onr Clothing Department, Up Stairs, Consists of every article of Men’s Wear made up in die lateBt styles and of the best material, and will be offered at the lowest prices, wholesale and retail, at a. RICE & CO.’S, COLLEGE STREET, NASHVILLE,' TENN. sept 17-3m WANTED. g GOOD CABINET MAKERS, ^GOOD CARPENTERS, ■jt^ONE other need apply. oct S-tf GRENVILLE WOOD. Lloyd & Draper, NEXT-DOOR TO TIIE BROWN HOUSE. DEALERS IX FANCY GROCERIES and CONFECTIONERIES Manufacturers of Candy, Crackers, Cakes, and Bread of every inscription. Hotels and Boarding Houses furnished regularly oct28-lm* WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING STORE A. SCHEUERMAN & BROTHER, Beg leave to inform tlio citizens of Macon and surrounding country that they have just received one of the LARGEST and BEST assorted stocks of Ladies’ and G-entlemen’s Furnishing Goods Tljat Is in the market—consisting of Merinos, De Lanes, Mozambique*, Alpaccas, Silks Calicos Can ton and Opera Flannels, Cambrics, Jeans, Sheetings. Cloaks, Shawls, Balmorals Belts Ribbon* Crapes, Laces, Edgings, Iiiscrtings, Hose, Gloves, Water Fails and Ornaments Fancy Hea’d Dresses’ Fancy Combs or cvcnr description, Irish Linens, Table Cloths, Towelling, Handkerchiefs Jaconet and Swiss Muslins, Mnsqnetoe Nettings, Shirtings of all descriptions (bleacTied and unblcachcdl Love Veils, Veil Barege, Poplins, &c. ’ A large assortment of Ladies', Misses’ and Children’s Shoes, Gaiters, Bootees, noop Skirts of the latest style, Parasols Corsets, Jewelry, Perfumeries, Pomades, Toilet Soans and hundreds of LADIES ARTICLES too numerous to mention. ’ P ’ J 01 We have, also, a large assortment of Gentlemen’s and Boys’ clothing and furnishing Goods, consist- ID" Of . COATS, . UNDERSHIRTS, PA ^TS DRAWERS, \ ESTS, SOCKS, SHIRTS, SUSPENDERS BOOTS, - CASSIMERES, ’ SHOES, BROADCLOTH, GENTLEMEN’S SHAWLS, nATS, - CAPS, . - blankets, WATCHES, . POCKET KNIVES. POCKET BOOKS, SCARFS TRUNKS, VALTSFS CARPET BAGS, YANKEE NOTToNS of every description, and many articles which,there is not space enough to enumerate. thecDy e br VCmany adTanta S cs ’'"' e lntcnd offenn S the best and cheapest Gooffs that can be found in " V „ SOUTHERN MARKET! S^oteSSjSKilfh ln ““ City ° f NeW YOrk ’ we wnl * "“«>• receiving all Goods WE ARE DETERMINED TO HELL, MTe have on hand, 03 you may understand. A fine variety of Goods, Cheaper, cheapest in the land, This must be well understood; We have fine silks and calico. Come judge for yourself and than yen’ll know, That we have fine goods, and they all pretty— S. PEYSER. E. JACKMMC. ft. BMM THE BAZAAR OF MACON. UNDER THE FIRM' NAME OF S. PEYSER & CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers- Have opened nt COLEMAN & ROSS’ old stand on Cotton Avenue, l>*twren Cherry and Mulberry streets, a Complete Assormcnt of Ladies Dress Goods, Such As SILKS, MERINOS, POPLINS, DeLAINS (nil wool). EMPRESS CLOTH. KM BIB >1 MERIES, LACES, RIBBONS, HATS. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, PLUMES, SOHTAGS, CLOAKS, SIIAWLES, NUBIAS, HOODS. GLOVES. HOSIERY, • SHOES OF THE LATEST STYLES, AND DRESS HAT TRIMMINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ALSO, A LAMB LOT OK Carpeting and Oil Cloths of the Most Fashionable Patterns. Gents Hats. Sattinet*. Furnishing Goods, _ Doe Skin, Broad Cloths, Vestings, Cassimcrcs, Boots nnd Shoe-, and Ready Made Clothings. tu this well selected stock of FANCY GOODS. Th" retail mum ".ill i" foil •xpei sale trade. Give the 1 on is* Ittwf 1—k, —0 visitors will be attended by polite and experienced Clerk*. Die nxtmd floor U devoted to th' whole- MACON BAZAAR an early call. ». I’KYIER * CO. P. S.—We also keep open at our oh! *i-uk1 -m riicny street, east diqtow I— where we wiil be pleased at all times to welcome our old customers as well a* many new. one*. octSl-lm ft P. * 00. Cheaper than you’ll find in this city. Come all those that have taste and prid And you’ll not go off dissatisfied. All our Goods are nice and new. And we are certain they’ll snit yon. We any to one, we say to all, tty— All we ask is just a call. A. SCHEUERMAN & BROTHER. One door below J. M. Boardman’s Book Store, Mulberry street, Macon, Ga. sept 26-tnov31—oct 31 School Books. G- R O C ERI E S OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE BY I*. W. RASDAL. Ooiuc and s»cc me on THIRD STREET opporih e Express* Office. noT*J -ir. J. N. SEYMOUR. his former customers, and the pnblic gen- rraliv. that he h:;> rv-.uud l-H-ines.* in thi* citv, and has ayociated witu ium Mr. B C. Smith, tm- ] QANDER’S,Sargent’s,Towns’ and McCuffey’s se- •htrtba style and nnn of E. Sanlsbtuy & Co. t O rics of Reader*. They have taken the well known and central | Robinson’s,Smith’s, Davie’s and Doad’s Arithme- stand, on Cotton Avenne, under the Masonic Hall, ; where thev arc prepared to famish gentlemen with Parley’s History - miy article'appertaining to their wardrobt Mitchell’s, Coreeil’s, Monteith’s Colton and Their wc. selected_ stock of Uodung, Hats and ; ntch's and Warren's Geographies and Atlasses. Furnishing Goodvwill be replenished by weekly Clark’s and Smith's and Bullion'* Englisli Gram- r-liipment> of the bot and latest styles. ; joyn n „ E. SAULSBURV t Fisquelle's and Finney's French. 2S" Journal * Messenger copy, and send bill to Copy Book-, Slates and Pencils, Tabers Lead advertiser. j Pencil*. Gilliot's Pens. (No. 303.) Portfolios, • t-' 1-04110 Wd Witling Papers, Bon Ton, Opaque, i Canary, Melon and White Laid Envelopes, assort ed sizes. Violin and Guitar Strings, Musical Instruments. H ACKS will leave Albany on arrival of the ■ ita ' t. Seixn all i i of rartii er Cummings, j preached with- : loyalty, the ou- ordrmeil the (le. court, amercing At the Old Stand of Robert* Dunlap & Oo.. day 01IEKRY STREET. Dealer in G-roceries. Has on hnn 1 sundry articles of Groceries 1 other goods, which he proposes to sell t Saturda i Ga.; ’ ' P. P. PEASE, Receiving, Forwarding, And Commission Merchant, ALSO, DEALUB IX Cotton, Domestics, Yams, Rope, TOBACCO, PROVISIONS, *c. Careful and prompt attention given to buying and selling COTTON. Scott’s Range, bctxveen Cherry and 3Iulborry sts., Hacou, Ga. REFERENCES : E. B. Long & Co., Augusta, Ga.; Mitchel <ffc Smiths, Macon, Ga.; McDaniel <fc Irby, Lynchburg, Va.; Wm. Bryce <fc Co., New York; James M. Bee be, Boston, NIass.; Envin & Hardee, Savannah, Ga.; J. A. E ns low, Charleston, S. C.; S. S. Webb jy27-tf Proprietors. Cane .Mills and Syrup Boilers. Cone Mills for (. ASH OR BARTEIi A FEW more of tho&e very tmpei and Syrup Boilers, for sale cheap, at ang IS Dm SCHOFIELD S. Ac. All at the lowest prices. JOHN C. SCHREINER 6z SONS, scp!7-3m M.icon, Augusta and Saraunah. Sale of Government iProperty, IRWIN & IVHABTOY, Commission Merchants, AXD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS DC Pme Grocenes, Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, I WILL sell at Auction on the Oth dav of No- « j f vember 1S65, at the old Macon and'Western ^ f“J R. R. Depot, naar the head of Cotton Avenue, Northeast Corner Cherrv and Third Streets Macon, Ga., a small lot of Horses, Mules and liar* ness, with a huge lot of Ambulances, Wagons, (Oid Stand of Withers cD Loud+) Drays and other articioft. tbc property of United MACON .. GFOPflTA States Government. . ‘ This is tbe last opportunity planters will have to supply the deficiency of stock, etc., on their references: V' I am now receiving a new supply of Chew- A . torncr . t ^ ciaim Kral ^ Agent ^“^mmenee at T;30 ^ M ^^a a ? d IIoa 5 A Sbbet, Macon, Br order of ON FAIR TERMS. Tobacco, Tobacco. Law Card. THOMAS C. JOHNSON, LATE OF ST. LOUIS. MISSOURI. i»c. Tobacco, which I will sell on favorable terras to the buyer. nov2-10t J* N. SEYMOUR „ _ ,- V* ^ A-* ZL Asiauci, AiatOD, Ga.; Col D A Vason, Albany, Ga.; Citizens gene- ECONOMY.] [8ECURITY Insurance A.geney, J 3L BOARDMAN is Agent Tor the following a reliable Ixscbaxce Compaxies. TIIE LORILLARD FIRE INSURANCE CO., or THE CITV OF XEW TOEK. Cash Capital. .*1,000,000 Assets .*1.312,000 Profits annually divided, 73 per ct. to the dealers. This Company divides three quarters of the net profits to the policy holders in scrip, hearing in terest, without any liability to the insured. T CARLISLE NORWOOD, Pres. Jonx C. Mills, Sec. NORTH AMERICA FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF THE CITT OF XEW TORE. Cash Assets ; ; $721,408 50 Policy Holders participate in the Profits. „ „ JAS. W. OTIS, Pres. R. W. Bleeckeb, Sec. COMMONWEALTH FIRE INSURANCE CO OP THE CITT OF XEW YORK. Cash Capital ,$250,000 J. HOXIK, President. Geo. T. Haws, Sec. SOUTHERN MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., • OF ATHEXS, GEOBOTA. This old and deservedly fopulak Company, with its Capital in tact, continues to tske risks on the same liberal terms as heretofore. ASBURY HALL, Pres. Albox Chase, Sec. THE GEORGIA HOMEFIRE INSURANCE CO., OF COLCMBCS, GEORGIA. Capital $500,000 JAS. F. BOZEMAN, Pres. D. F. Wiloox, Sec. nisks OB-conon, Merchandize,' mrnlt No. 50 Market *t, (np stairs.) octl2 Sm Montgomery, Ala. nov2-7t D. GOLDSMITH. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Clothing and Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, HATS, CAPS &c., &c., AT THE NEXV YORK STORE, SECOND ST., TRIAXGIIAK BLOCK, MACON, GEORGIA. The undersigned takes pleasure in offering one of the largest and nratrst Stocks of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, and in fact everything belonging to a FIRST CLASS CLOTHING STORE. Please call and examine my Stock before purchasing eUtwhere, is I am *ur»- you »ill not leave the Store dissatisfied. oct27-Gm x - , $60,000, WORTH OF DRY GOODS!! New York Store! New York Store ! S. WAXELBAUM & BR O. 1 . , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS, * Second MACON, Street, Triangular Bio eft, (NEXT DOOR TO E. C. GRANNISS’,) - - GEORGIA., Have Just received, and arc now opening one oflbe LARGEST STOCKS OF Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Boots and .Shoes, Ever offered in this market. Having s«lected tbe above btock with the greatest care, wc would par ticularly call the attention of Country Merchants and Wholesale Buyer*, to please call and e***ninc oor STOCK before purchasing, as We Boy Exclusively Ter Cash, We are prepared to offer the citizen* of Macon, and the LA DIES especially* todocemeuta a hirb .it) as tonish even tlie closc-t tjuver. Our Stock is complete snd we dely com]>*titioo. Wc have ala* at tached to oar Store a Clothing and Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods Department, Which are offered at WIIOLE8ALE AND RETAIL at tbc LOWEST MARKET PRICE. BE SURE tfO CALL AT THE NEW YORK STORE AND SECURE A BARGAIN. 8. WAXELBAUM 4 BRO oct 27 6m H. XEWTO>\ E. T. I^WTOX. ffHWIOV St LAWtOff. GROCERY', PRODUCE AND PROVISION Dealers and General Coaah»l«« Merchants, Third Street, next door to Hardeman & Sparka’ wore house, Dunn <fe Maugham's old stand, Ma con, Ga. Highest cash prices paid for all kinds country produce. - oct 15*lm Ornamental Cast Iron Railing 4 LARGE variety for cemeteries or private dwellings Gall and see them at •fig 18-jSm SCHOFIELD’S • SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS T HE undersigned taken pleasure in anaounciug to his numerous patrons aafi to the pafclic “ still im thi “ generally, that be is still in tbs loudly L and will keep constantly on hood, fiteaaa Wjtri and Boilers from eight to fifty horse powar. Also, Circular Saw Mill ud Grist MID Mmchioery snd Castings of every description made to order Particular attention will be paid to Repair In# Machinery. Parties wanting repairs may rely upon their wotk being done with dispatch, as time is money. Address J. 8. SCHOFIELD, sng 16-Sm Vaeoa, Ga