The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, November 12, 1865, Image 1
p’ft ninrtnr ftoffif f 'rlnjrnpjr. I L&YL.Vfc'D.f 'Uf LDin>»> i>t f i ri b THE MACON DAILY SUBSCRIPTION! ln •« 00 S l T‘ l . n D. S TELEGRAPH ROILOfMC «i**r of C h f ijj <U j fr£ r vQ'n d 6 tree MACOXj C.tyr.oix,. , SEMES. NOr-1396. | MACON, GEORGIA, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1865. iNEW SERIES, NO. 15S. One s t i $1 00; t-ucli ; AdJ.-i.Js A D V c RTISING : 'ylTY BUSINESS CARDS. RAILROAD DIRECTORY. j AZTMEA! IA A Z TJ M U. A. ! > . lias in oval u> be To Xew YorJc - VIA. Darien and Savannah. If ACO* .1X0 WINTER* RAILKOAD. DVT THAI*. J*v* Macon. ,.7.50 a if | J^tvc Atlanta.. 7.tJU a m a* AiUiiUi. .-4.05 r ritlnuMUjoT u xiGirr^ivLix. , r 'f x I^avc M«roo.j» h | Uavc Atlanta. . m \r. iu AtluTuj..4,23 am] Ar. at Xarcm. ..s^K) a v •ortHWEiTEror i t»,‘ iteSirfS a k, ,. „ _ —L , . A*, it >.nfanl*.AlS !••* ] Ar. at MacOn...4.10nt Sole Agent* in ibh 55t:»tc for tbe wile of IV S*** Pltor.- MOttRW AZITIBA. V %e s**Htuniic.3.43 r * i i-otvc Albany...7.90 a m ! Ar.., ^ x _ liV... ;.(na VEA8T i’oUDLK,«Wyrccuwidctid a. m1iS1». n*um | ***! I*' 1 ** «“>»“ to «*• A ”‘ liiwiMi.-.d^yw. , . j mr« makes the finest WHEATEN BREAD po«l- ...7Ma m | I.’veE,l»nfon..s.M)* h Ilile.UIq.mafcfoihesiiejilCTiifipoiur, osfallow,: >n.L‘Jl P^| Ar.ul Moron...l.:Wp» | Get one quart, equal to 1«< poond.of Sour, mix 1 Mm orttftsty rise tcsspoonfnls of Ainmia, add cM Wflt.r, wltli alfttlr hilt dissolved • The completion of the Macon and Brunswick | Ball Road to RawkiDSTlllr, and the favorable boat , able condition of the Oemulgee River, non- render The Be it and Parent Baking Powder in Use. ikl. the cheapest and quickest route for the busi ness of Macon and Central Georgia. Through J. II. ZEILDi * CO., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUGBI8T8, MACON, GEOBOIA. a Maeoi (Eaton rtar, Ar at Janet > AXn Vinsswinc i:*ii.koai>. ...3,:>I|-v ; I.’ve Jm.dWn. <;.:>> a v on.B.ID r v I A*; «t Macon. .10.20 a x ntosou kaii-hoaii. Ia»vc Atlanta. .1411 lilMt, ttnifiuU.ft.00 a u Af at Anga-ta.iU i'x | Ar. at All nut. 10.75 r m get. MrMoe.«K miuiiian. . I ,*r.H “*•* a M l I.'geC'olambiia.T.nd , m Aral t’olunibua.4.21 r m 1 Ap at Macon,. .4.10 r v . wcstuiv a aTi.tsiji.Jniutoin l.*it> Atlanta..1.10a x (Ar. at Allanbi..T.:!0 pm l.v Cliairannoga.7.45 a vt | Xri (liaftaiHKign ?.45i*it vnalrlui are taimsixpiu ntiijauD. AnoRXKVS. Bill, of Lading will be given after the 1Mb lost. All accommodations extended and endeavors made to forward freight with promptness and di»- patch. Messrs. Brigham, Baldwin A Co., at Savannah; Messrs. Nightingale & Roger, at Darion; Asher Ayres, at Maco*, will act as Agents. GEO. II. JIAZLEBUR8T, Macon and Brunswick novt liu Acting President JOHN J. McCANN, Wii&lesale Graeer and Com&iisiiGu MERCHANT. Dealer iu Wines, Liquors, Cigars, TOBACCO, A1>. 33, South SMr Jfroadiraf, Xaoitilfr. Tain. sr/\ HHDS. PRIME SEW ORLEANS SUGAR, 0\J 25 nds do Porto Kico Sugar, Important Change of Base. In itf-ftUflJeicnl to nnkc a dou^U as soft a* can Dc mm i.™-.tlMtlKfl, vttflli U -Mimlly a little lea* titan on« pint of water tt» oup <|turt of llocr. IKi nc»t knead It. 8tisp« It vrryilglitlr, and Irame- dlatcdj liakc In a quirk oven, w)iI«HH mwt be qnltp I w. j. g irrett, kdft n.ftjK iln'toinlTG .KJ.a^.tbf folio wing J advantaffris over yra.-t or fermented bread; It can bvlfpdMndtotal In one Lour from the time of liivt handling the door; it will be moi*t sndptm ant to rat in four day* after baking; it beaftyol digestion, excellent for pwoiiMaufTeringfrom dj»- pefMiia; retains all the gluten, atareli and sugar contained in the flour, and therefore produces 1 lb. 12 ox. bread from Hh. 4 o^. flour, whilatyoust pro duces only 1 lb. 9'ttiL of bit-ad from 1 lb. 4 oz. of nc|tr; thus obtaining about 27 ll». more of bread from a barrel of flour, which, w ith the,saving of If tifffflcKiiucl Family Jerwey Wagons, * FROM TOXCORD AND BRATTLF.BORO. W T? will soon have a snnply of Baggies, Top Family Wacom and Harness made to order at CONCORD AND BRATTLEBORO, expressly for this market, and will warrant them to give entire satisfaction to all pnrchaae». We will sell no work not mfid* expressly to onr order. Those from a distance can address ns at Macon (to care W- C. Siugleton), or at JJawklnsvillc. (la. I octr-Sra MrlfUFFIK, MASON & CO. TOI'KO OABaKTT. f # fACttOX, Mlornm at Law, Uacpi^ Wa» ofllce o|ip<Mte not Ollire'ovcr, offlee of k. A. Wilrox, Tlurtl*lrrcL novl-Sra* now ki.i. (onto. _:■,£* ^.^AMMiAGKsoto j jcaat, will about balance the coat of the Azumea. T fOl-T *k II Ass. Attorneys at Law, Macon, fia., i Can lje* used for my of the following recipes, and KIriland’s store. Will j ] u dicn everywln re will f»c agreeably snrpiised whli prompt attention to all Dullness entrusted to t ,, .... ... «... * tlelfrtttto. ' Mr/ » { t).c.dclicIouaiiroduetivu>. Thb excellent tompo- T. ti. IIULT, dK. J. F. HASS, j sltmnTlof* not cohtaln a‘i>ortlclc of Alum, Sala*- ' I ratu», or any kind of delrterioua drug; but is per- N ’ IHBETH. Attorneys hi Lin*. Oiflt e in Wash- | feetly pure and healthy, and, as a culinary prepara- iijgton Block on Midheny SL, Ofer office of ! lion, 1^ InlaUiU}*; tnd Invariable. At tTic Fair in K A XI8BET. J. A. N'l^nCT. J. T. NT SUET. ! 9^®“"*”*. „. t f. WCr '' * ""“ ,,,er ,,f "‘•Wug. Povr- auk: .v KJ-lm* . i* dors on cxliilj ,a “—**“ win.. «««a«i i’AMEu* ANTiweaw^ssi^vaniiiTsr "‘uT* 1. lice mi 8i'r<in<t .trert, np • tat it, two doorv J •" vhc paicjl 1 t»st of Mr. hi, c. Mumiic'j, M:iron, trial only 1, nei L. Trt?nimEf Attorney, at 'Ijiw^ (iitllee P. B. WHITTLE. PH ViSICIANS AND I)Rl*CGIST.S. I REMOVAL—Dr. B. A. While now oeeuple. two li room, over the preent po.t oilier, text dour to Dr. C. II. Hall , uflice, wlirro hr can lie found night or day whatnot prpfu.ionally eluent. oetlSSm D »•!<» N 11« »Iri! 1>. Ii. » i i i.j-i\i >1 iii- «,Hi. i r •fmm Brown’* Hotel to tlie Eoi-t 7,idc of Third ptfert, between I’opTflr and riiun—where he can be found at all honrv, unless professionally absent. yta-tf • i ai 1 •' i . : i .v 1 * a i n , o:tirt coni r Walnut IJ and 4th streets. Dr. LightXi>ofi old stand. acuWra D dors on exhibition:—tfie Azmncuq with several other-*, was analyzed, ami obtained the first prize, and best Baking Towder known, •nlj Is necessary, in order to be satisfied, auj" 2>8m^. j \ paper is given with eaeli box, with full instruc- BA AO HARDEMAN, atRiniey at latsClintoa j t |on. for making Ua.. ^rM,rrc tvrc.7 *tft***j .\Zl.MEA HOU.s. azumea mscurr. AZUMEA NONPAREIL CAKE, AZUMEAMdriNNY CAKE. AZU.UE.VERb'O’ OAfflE, a.I<: . : r -?li AZU3IE.V PLUM PUDDING. AZUMEA CINNAMON CAKE, AZUMEA CiinS CAKE. AZUMEA DUMPLINGS. AZUMEA IMSS 41AKE, AZUMEA SPANISH RUN, AZUMEA SPONGE CAKE, AZUJIEA C^KE WITHOUT EGGS, azumeaYup CAKE, AZUMEA MILK BREAD,' AZUMEA SPONGE GINGER CAKE. AZUMEA SILVER CAKE, AZUMEA CURRANT CAKE. - ' AZUMEA POT PIE,. ... /,: AZUMEA PEARL CAKE," AZUMEA GOLD CAItE, < : ■>' AZUMEA LOAF BREAD. AZUMEA DOUGH NUXS, AZUMEA JUMBLES, AZUMEA LEMON CAKE. Azkkma is put tiji for the retail trade in 1-4 lb. cans, at 23 ets,, and in 1-2 lb. cans nt 50 cents. • liberal Discount Made to Wholesale Purchasers, ocl 10,2m J. II. ZEILIN & CO. gtenAKD M. Blsllor. WM. T. BISHOP. R. M. BISHOP&.CO., . WHOLESALE GEOCERS Jfo.MuiMn St., do,>r*belon- ('•Jit.iibia SfI'tct, CiiifiuittifS'. n il. 1\. P. PARKER, office 2nd at., 2 doors be low old poal office, up staim. Office hovrs, Bio 10 o’clock, *. »; a To f rC’sv. Residence at Female College. . ^ sept2a-Sm» R. 1. L. HARRIS temtart hk prflfe.--lutial ser vice. to tlte public. (Office on Second -tree!, "—“ *• '* •' »rp!7-Sm - over Knott A Howes. P T1YSICIAN8.—Dr. J. Eiinuctt BLiekchear. of fice over Payne's drug .lore, residence on High street, near the asylum for the blind. ;uig 23Jlm COMMISSION MERCHANTS. fEWETT .k SNIDER, Wliolevale Coimui,- f/ -ioii Men-hants, ami (Jchcral Ageirta, Second .tr^- ’, between O riyaud l’opl.r, Macon, (la.— Prompt p.T-oiul attention given to oil consigii- or cotton, pr.idnee, luunufuctmcsaud other article, of Jlrrchaiidke. Orders and Coiuigniiieutv •olitllW from IU itttrta of the countrv. Agents U T A ni’KF, wholesale produce dealer, eor- •' m-rChmy and Third. sttcelunder RaL- ,to#V Hull. hug 23 2m l-AMll.V HRih’ERIES. —N A. Megrath. at^nl". A a few doom above Masonic Hall, Cotton avo- UU.', dealer in groocrirt. crock' ry end staple dry - ang ' JEWELERS. TAMPS ,<{’TpLF~Y^hiSffl'^]nilvii}rV' f I s.v.oid clI reel, two door, from Out .corner of Miilts rry. kero softy ■B-Trt'H'sHcetrd assOrt- Al--. '>.a. ...* uudjywelty lurelully repaired by e\|M*rlruced workmen. U TATCHW and .TEVtT.I.RV. BrUlise.S. Ban det’s, tinder the Telcgrai*h Printing IIou?c . .. .o. -ind Second atrvrta, Macon, da. GABBETT Sc BROTHER, Commission Merchants, AND Wholesale Dealers in Country Produce SKCOXD JJOOJt FROM MASONIC JIAIX, Decatur Street, Atlanta, - -- -- -- (leflntiM, BCTEBEKCEa, Phlnizy At Clayton, Augusta ; J. I. Villalonga, avannah; J. W. Fears « Co., .Macon; B. L. Mott, Solnmbiia; Col. A. P. Wright, Thomasvillc; W. L. CIgh, Madison, Ga.; Wm. C. Ray, Montgomery; 11a.; McGmdcr, Taylortk Roberts, Baltimore, Md.; A11ell A Inman, N. Y. _ sep21-2m EDWARD WILDER, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST 20 do do Cuba Sugar, 50 Barrels Crushed and Powdered Sugar, SO do Granulated Sugar, loO do A and B Coffee Sugars. *20 do C extra assorted Brand*, 200 do Yellow Sugar, 400 Bug* Rio Coffee, 20 Mai* Java Coffee, ♦ 20 do Laguira Cothv, 10 Bags Ginger, 10 Bags Allspice, 20 Bag* Pepper, 20 Barrels Mackerel, SOKfcbl* do SOOKita do 100 Boxes Soap, 50 do Starch, 100,000 Cigars, assorted brand*, loo Boxes Candle*, 100 Boxes Raisins, 50 Cases Sardines, 250 Cases Oysters, *00 Dozen Bucket*, 200 Dozen Brooms, 50 Nests Tubs, Together with cvcnrtbing usually kept In whole sale Grocery House. * The undersigned respectfully crncutcc to their ; friends cad the “rest of meshied/’ that they have removed to the large tmd commodic^s brick Store on Cherry st, between 1st and 2d, occupied by A. P. G. Harris, where they will K pleased lo see their friends and all Interested in an exclusively Coxunifcsiou IIousc. TYe would also inform the iiu rchaut* und business men of Geoigla, that we have made amlDgenu nts and ’n ill open an office In Cincinnati, and will fill orders for Groceries, Dm#* and Merchandise ol all descriptions at lowest market rates. Dr. W. M. Withers will make Ids headquar ter* in Cincinnati, fl nd will give prompt per- eonal attention to all orders for purchase of good* in that city, or Louisville, Ky. Special attention will be given to the purchase or sale of Cotton, Tobacco, Yarn?, Sheetings, i Shirtings, Dried Frnit, etc., In either city, j Goods consigned 1° ° Q r care, will be promptly j forwarded *t lowest rates, j Orders for goods In this market promptly filled. WITHERS & LOUD j Cotton Factors and Gen’l Com. Merchants, Cherry St., between 1st and 2d Street*, goyfl-lm Macon, Georgia, j ViL pintijff C|e giiilj) Cclcgraj|, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 1^ 1S&5. j i a. L.iNIEK. LANIER, PHILLIPS H. C. KZNIXx & CO. AND DEAt.KU IN PAINTS. OILS, DYE-STUFFS GLASSWARE. AGENT FOR TOBACCO, NO. 514 MAIN STREET, Loiifiivlllo, ..... UciifsiG) P. 8.—Liberal advances mail.' oil CottonJn rou slgnmcnt. LIQUORS. 100 Barrels Robertseu County WbfaM‘« 50 do Bonrbon do ’ <1° 20 do Rye 125 do Rectified Whisky. 5 Casks Hennessey Brands, „ 5 do Otard, Dupuy & Cn.'s Coouae. 10 Barrels Apple BranclsyrriT old, 10 do Peach do"' 5 do Sherry Whir, In »lore and for sale at NO. 3 5, BROADWAY, NASHVILLE, TEN WE*SEE. sept 15 3m / Important to Cotton Sliippcra. T HE Cotton IVarehouse located In this place immediately on the river, and nt the terminns of the Soutlnv.stcm Railroad, and convenient to said road, can shelter all cotton that may be ship ped from Macon and other points on tho South western Railroad via Apalachicola to New York.— We will receive all cotton consigned to us, at the railroad depot, dray It, and put It aboard of the boats at one dollar per bale. • totted shippers upon investigation, will flnd this rente the cheapest and most expedions of any other route to New York from Macon. We re- speftfully solicit orders for the purchase of cotton. Our long experience in that line will enable us to VIRGINIA, MISSOURI AND KENTUCKY rya 1;c purchases to the best advantage to those who «vnr us with their orders. ^ We have now in operation a new Iron Screw R. G. MORRIS jc CO., Georgetown. lt£P£UENCES—Ross & Seymonr, J. W. Fears, Virgil Powers, F.sq., all agents on S. W. R. R. ang 9-5m R. W. TUCE, I J. O. DAVIS, I A. P. TCCR. Christian Co. Late with Phelps, Louisville, Ky. | Caldwell & Co. | Tuck, l>avis & Co., Wholesale Groo.ers and Commission -Merchants, 322 Main street, between Eighth and Ninth streets, i.otiisvil.ui, Ky. Consignments Solicited ang 29-6m / WANTED, 7 FEATHERS, GINSENG, J REESWAX, / TALtOW and RAGS, tor which I will pit the ; HIGHEST MARKET PRICE, either in cash or trade. / faug23 Sm inh ■V sept 22-3m* Wll. H. TISON. WM. *. OORtwk- TIS0N & GORDON, / Cotton Factors,, Couiuiission and PORWADINtj MP^WTJJTWw* 1 ^.? ork vnnranled. aiiRld-m»vi T : ■, _ r.V : ' I. ATTENTION will beto «ht sale Tej-pentino /We are tin .hurt notilA MISCELLANLNXm; M AOON DAILY TELEGRAPH Jo’ Wire Job work of evc rv de.,.-ri; ■ ted short notice and In gei style." t TO of Lmul cr, Rosin, JM aj iiu 4t dor old office, ] ,,'evj fef business. An Printin' 1 exderitnc iu Ltu^ellyaver tiewnywra, and onr SttKctf- nndivldi-d -liteiitTon to ail busir^t-’ entrusted, In.. Terms rea- ! 4nees n> (q Rape (or a cihiUpv'-uco of the^Jiberal ang2S ‘j patronsa-: ht rotordro extendejujta orta'.l-Jm 1 V J lil.AKi*. u:. agent. M . n. Ks. WARREN’S CELEBRATED NEEDLES AND 17. t'.r uu hsti .tr houses tor sale or rent, or 1 ,. ( ou ,,a-i piriay wanB^te reil bouses, cannot N< UW*< i• 1 1 ’ ANDBE.W OLEBK &»00., _:T I iSmaiden lane,n.y„ Macon, Ga., Sept. m. lsOM .inl-tjd j SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS r sale a t /'A UR fo rmr r custom cry will finda reduction in salted t iova by nllinr on me. From tliy j experience In (he rraf estate hnsiness, I nin or iirrpsrvd to ivivo ^nKf. lion than anVPfhfr I ■a In the City; . G. .T, RL-iKE. I rp J. ,t I). I.ANE are now offerina I • lurgv lot Of Sole and Upp r Leather. Abo. . . Train Oil by retaiL Next titter * F.rpress office is always Ms.-on, (in’ :o h:.. . iuanuta^|KIV„^ — — • - A. C. Si Co., rcspretfnlly solicit a renewal of the gold prim# Of whll^bc quality Ualways kept up to the highest stanArd known X^ota- sli. • « CASKS POTASH. COOKING SODA. 3d Btvxe* Super carhoitlc of S'.dA, In i I mercantile relations so lougand favorably esteemed by th tr Je>t*se. sept20-2m 1 Kef- * CAN D LES. METROPOLITAN HOTEL. LATE BROWN’S, t f -% j D; C. ■ pons n - Thi* Trading Hotel, llniov&ted rsd K^luruished fe now in perlect«orier tor the rf« Mioi» anil ac- jltoinio^AUoii ot, Ua old pit ro u*. GEl\ SPlflfiM octl-Sm * I ’ i.fL riEkr2 •TURPIN & HERTZ, Wbed^ilr and Retail Dealer* in Clothing;, and Gents'' Famishing , (? o o X) s. 9 0 BOXES COLGATE’S PALE FAMILY SOAP, i Triangular lilorl, Chti-,y .Stmt. Macon, Ga. f ni* ~t.. ■ ii'iQfc-'rss-*--s ’ For wUe low by MlTv-UELLvkSiHTHS, |7°^ 2_ii BOXFS SZAR CA NDLES. ... t.Vi.lOw It?* 1 *® 1 * SOAP. Clot hi Ji trvaile tfc'order on short notice, by MONS. ROUSE. FOR SALE. rrUVG totu A Pike countv, Ha arras ofland. Dm- h flvnon, remainder v <*rvd ooc ot the bp-t IthfM^il ptou«> in the co;;n- } room; • COTTON PRESSES. YTTE offer superior facilities for pressing and W UtVv n ; -. re- rFir-1 and Dr. Bowen’s Splendid Plantation AND VINEYARD FOR SAJ^l. WILL sell my Viieyard and Plantation, situat* _ ed in Jones county* 15 miles from Macon, and 10 miles from Gris fold villo ou Central Kail Bond. The Vineyard embraces near 10 acres In excellent condition, containing over a dozen varities of fine vines. The Pbhtatlon contains about 800 acres. S00 acres of wl/ch is original forest oak, pine and hickory, balavtc cleared and in good condition.— There is a go»d dwelling house, cabins, barns, gin house, screw Place well watered and healthy. For furthe/particulars enquire at this office or address in/at Clinton," Jones county, Ga. oet 23-/n* DR. BO\VEN. ClnciriJfiti Commercial copy 6 times and send bill toriiis office. £<aw Notice. jfAVE resnmed the practice of my profession v _ and will attend to all business entrusted to my <yre In the 8tate. J v Having just returned from Washington City, <parties desiring advice and counsel relative to the 'preparation of papers under the Amnesty Procla mation for pardon, and the status of contracts and title deeds, executed durng the last four years, can consult me by lctteror in person. Office over Boordmaxfs Book store, Macon, Ga. Jy 13 O. A. LOCHR A N Em K.eln Sc Co., A Augusta, Georgia, A RE prepared to make liberal advances on all "XJL Cotton consigned to them or their friends, Messrs Smith & Dunning r New York.-* - "" All cotton consigned to us or our friends in New York, will be sent forward by the new and elegant steamer Helen, which willl connect with the S'ew Yorklincof steamers, so as to rc-aca that city in eight days. * We have also established a line of Clipper phips between New York and Liverpool, so as to send forward the Cotton entrusted to our care without delay, thus avoiding expense of storage and insu- rance in New York. Sight Exchange on New York and Liverpool in suras to suit purchasers. , KEIN «& CO. aug29-3ra . * J. OT. O’GOXmOB. A CO., MACON, -GEORGIA. Office on Cherry St, between 3d and 4th. R ECEIVING anil Forwarding Merchants, and Agents for E. M. Bruce & CO., Augusta, Ga.; E..M. Brnce, Morgan & Co., Apalachicola, Fla.; and Watts, Crane <S Co., New York. We will receive and ihrward, npon reasonahle terms, all Cotton entrnsted to our care for ship ment, as owners may direct. We will make liberal advances upon cons'enmeuts of Coton to Watts, Crane <fc Co.. New York, or W. C. Watts <fc Co., Liverpool, England; pay Revenue Tax, Storage, Freights, Ar., on same, and forward with prompt ness and dlspalcli. Planters and others will lie afforded every facility in onr power to send their Cotton to market, and receive prompt return of sale. Mr. W. £. Clarke is onr agent at Albany, Ga., and will give ail information to parties who desire bis services in shipping or purchasing. Onr per sonal attention given to the purchase and sale of Cotton. NEW YORK EXCHANGE FOR. SALE. octS-3m .FNO.’W. O’CONNOK'A CO. J. G. WrlXTEK. 4. P.-WINTER. 40 WINTER A CO., BROADWAY. NEW YORK (Cate of XathriJIc, Ttou.) Wholesale Grocers AND Commission Merchants, No. 32 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. ' We invite.tbc attention of our old friends and the Trade generally to onr large and well assorted Stock of „ . . . • STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES now in Store and uECEmxo dailt, and which wc re offering at the very lowest prices. Our facilities and business connections aro such that we feel assured we can afford entire satisfac tion In every Instance, and those entrusting us with their orders, can rely upon receiving the goods upon as favorable terms and at as low rates ns tf they were present bnying ln person. nov3-lm LANIER, PHILLIPS A CO. First National Bank of Macon, Gn, A T a meeting of the.Stocklioldcrs of the above Institution, held ontheSth instant, the follow ing gentlemen were elected Directors for the en suing Tear: W3L B. DINSMOBE, ^ n. B. PLANT, E. J. JOHNSTON. W. H. BOSS, W. T. LIGnTFOOT, HENRY L. JEWETT, I. C. PLANT * After which the Directors elected I. C. Plant. President, and W. W. Wrlgley, Cashier. The Institution will commence business In the course of two or three week*. novl0-3t* I.C. PLANT, President. ADVENT OF THE CHOLERA. Tlie stetfiner Atalahta which arrived in New York afew days ago, had fifty or sixty cases of cholera altoard, and fifteen of the passengers died on the passage. As the cold weather acts as‘a check on the progress of the fell destroyer, the New Yorkers congrat ulate themselves on the prospect of security durlhg the winter at least. The local journ als arc strongly urging the powers that be, to take efficient sanitary precautions. They point to the inefficiency of the city drainage"; the filthy condition of the streets, alleys and tenement houses, and express their fears that New York will snffer more severely than Con stantinople itself. But nothing apparently can move to action the torpidity of the local authorities, they seem only bent on enriching themselves, and augmenting their political in fluence. Tlie physicians, as of old, continue to squabble as to whether the cholera is con tagious or otherwise, but in tlie meantime neglect to use their influence in adopting such hygienic precautions as would most certain ly mitigate, it not entirely avert, tlie ravages of this dreadful scourge. It is agreed,how ever, on all hands, that it has stricken down thousands who otherwise would have escap ed unharmed. In illustrationofthisacknowl- edged fact we append the following extract from an exchange. Our readers are probably aware that the distinguished Scotch historian is living v’et to tell ofthcevcnt&of those times. When the cholera was raging at Dumfries, Scotland, a little over thirty years ago, to such an extent that every third person was seized. Mr. Carlyle, wito was residing near by at Craigcnpnttock, called his domestics to* gethernnd addressed them as follows: “It is indisputable that the cholera is raging near us. It tum3 people bine and kills them. It may come ont hero and kill us. It is a com fort to know that the worst it can do with us is to kill us. All we have to do is to go on, each of ns doing his or her proper work, and avoiding these things which are conducive to cholera—chief of which is tho fear of it. Therefore, if my authority parses for anything, the word cholera will not again be mentioned in this household.” A11 were made stronger by these words, and the cholera passed nv them. ' as follows in regard to tho cotton fn the South ; christi-.n spirit cf fraternity is adt nt the time the war ended, and of the pros- bishop:,* ... Tniea are app-r. The Cotton in the South. ADDRESS BISHOPS ATKINSON, A gentieman who has an inspection [ LAY AND Qf IN'YARD, tour from Mobile to Sarsnash, and invera- tiro following concise ro gettd tQtttettksthordn^hlyispossiblc.vrrifco ! sire address, it be to® JHtoHtototoftoltotoB to.-pt, whoso name* are ap] pecta lor the present year. : church document. The p..' There was probably more cotton iu Gcor-, for their ads- : -'V-Brad ace ■ gta at the time of the surrender than at nnv j i ' , J " other State South-. At Macon there was 4(b- . , 1 " 1 1 c E -' - “ *•' ir!: c 000 to 50,000 bales; at Augusta.about60,000 , ‘ lc ' ssu '-® G> : -pint in v. more, which was saved; while scattered i ccived: ,-iL through the middle and southwestern part - 7-, ,, ,, of tiie State, was nearly all tho cotton ther ’ ; rc ’- r ’. ,>T . laid raised during Shu war, save tho small TT!?- 5 ’ T‘ lr u TT . portion taken for homo consumption. n-aTn,^ 0 !.*-1 4 ’ ,,rC . U 1,1 1 "i Neither army had operated in (his region; L;.,,' 1 '!’ "' ' u " ;1 oU,) ,n •'-’•ance t they had no pons through wliich to run the ' , , blockade, and transportation to the northern ; a >rc 1,la i '" Kr 'e.l partsof the Confederacy ou tlie overcrowded J.^L 1l ' ul ,' T8 .' u ' :v !' r 'F’ irer ’ V' vc " ,, :re rndroads was out of the question. Iu North- , 1 ' , ur, ,“ r to s,.'ure t.ic r. union of the em Florida there is also considerable cotton. S5JJK? Rn< ‘ to “ V 7 1 '! c CT ’ 13 " ^ lcl ‘,' rr ? All thw is now finding its outlet at Savannah. !, ,-‘ J t4 ? S ro p m, t.a»ub', ncaof l.-ang and Having now ended a prettv extensive tonr 1 t-’T Coni ° , ,, through the cotton 8tates, a sort of review or " ' * “ my observation upon the cotton question max not be without interest In lower Geonria Lieut c^u- 'rat(*a. •r some vunrs i known to you wb; memorable sesr«i<'c P a ? destroyed at the time of Sherman’s 1 t and \Yilson s raids. Mississippi had been a > TawMtas bccn in the house thoroughly raided that there was compare-1 2, Q » ^ ol i 1 ? n F a what 11 tively little left, but she will probably make F?„ ’ Pa “> fu ' tin more cotton than all other Golf States togeth- uut . cven “ten the Sorghum and Sugar CAN£ SYRUP OF THE NEW DROP, Wanted by J. N. SEYMOUR. COTTON. JOHN T. EDMUNDS & CO Bankers & Commission Merchants MACON, GEORGIA, Office on Third Street, next door to Post Office. W E are prepared to make caah advances on shipments of cotton to Norton, Slanglitor «fc Co M New York, or to our correspondents in Liver pool, England. Plnntcrs and owners of cotton entrusting the same to our care for sale or shipment, shall have prompt* -Tetnnw of rales, in gold or currency as they may direct.. -t n \ *\\’c solicit orders for the purchase of cotton. Gold and silver and sight exchange on New York hoesrht and sold. We refer by permissisn to J B Ross & Son, Bow- dre J: Anderson, Knott «fc Howe, Hardeman & Sparks, R W Cubbcdge, N A Hardee & Co, Savan nah; Third? National Bank, Nashville; Citizens* Bank, Louisville: Commercial Bank, Louisville. Journal tfc Messenger, Mercantile Mirror, of Ma con, Educational Journal, Forsyth, Sumter Re- mbliean, Americas, and Albany* Patriot, Colum ms Times and Enquirer, LaGrange Reporter, Griffin Union, Milledgcville Recorder, publish one month and send bill to JOHN T. EDMUNDS CO., oct25-lm_ ; Macon. HOWARD HOUSE EUFAULA, - ALABAMA. J. IV. Howard, JProprictor. A LL th.! 1 jruries the market affords, served np to oriei and at the shortest notice. sepl2-3in* PAIN T I N Gr ■abimRvl co. >“4» n -wtl* v« ..f Zebnlon, Chr-rrr sireef. a track aff three hunihred i JdreiTandfifiy afreimcul- 1 jm^04. -... . O timhered. It is coosid- ‘ p, s.—Onr ft. JjickbDN DeLolcme takes he eoun- u * ; fiio. c. bccilvnan. six good thar^e of ItrS Tftsvs WonrJhisjJate,md will he C OMJHSSION MERCHANTS, Will attend promptly to tl»c sale of Cotton and other con signments. Order? for Merchandise will receive attention and dispatch. The salq of Southern Se cant it-. Bond-. Bauk N^tes and Southern I^mds solicited. CircularSaw Mills of the most improve*! construction, warranted to cut 10,000 feet of lum ber per diem, having no feed except saw dust, with every thing complete, including Belting, for^2,500 Sdnd forCirculars. oct*30-lm Negro Cabirvs Kitclicii. S.tooke House, &c, Occ , pleased to havu a c?U irottr lua,vi4coUon friends, of the very best G\uHouses aad Cotton Presses„Tn , • - McM. <fe CXX. - • scpt2S-3ai..,^a J ~7'‘ thr ocftioa, and ,ik« Hand Stables Barn- and Wheat House. Good OrcLards and I — JOHN C. MAXGHAM. « On the place. ‘ S. W. MANOHAM, Griffin. Ga. : line to Perry. Hack will leave ' ttre arrivat of the cars from ' Thor-lav and Saturday for xxduew nrcHANax, ANDREW BUCHANAN & GO.,' jCirocers, Provision Dealers, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, No. 110 Main street, Fish Ponds The r^ace fe wrfl wiit-N, perfectly ‘VTOTICE—Hack lira healthy, and deHghtfuffrsDoatrd. WR1 be sold at Fort VaUev ou t a sacrifice, by rarty tej ’' ' yr & 4 Mneon every Tuesday, 1 H. Perry. tia.,‘ returning iu time to connect with LOUISVILLE, ----- - - ins from AlUinv ai>d Colum bus—o'clock. P. M., t 1 „ _ • . _ ’ Macon. * j Orders for Groceries, Provisions, House, Sign & Ornamental Painting. GRAINING. MARBLING, GILDING, GLAZING. PAPER HANGING AC. flavins; on hand all the necessary material to cvrry ou tho business, wc arc prepared to give sat- isfactioa, both ln execution and prices, to all who may tavor ns with their orders. We will also keep on liand and for sale, mixed Paints of every description. VARNISH, OIL, SPS. TURPENTINE. •epyl BROWN JAPAN,- '-it; PUTTY. SAND PAPER, BRUSHES, Ac., Ac. Orders trom the country promptlv attended to. > i- DRURY A TRIPOD, Over Roberts, Dnnlap A Co...Cherry sL. an- 12-12m* e '■ Macon, Ga. KZFERENCESt W. B. Johnston, N. H. Beal, J. JL Zeilin & Co., B. A. Wise, Clavland A Dnmble, Leroy Napier, IV. A. Huff W. A. GRIFFIN & CO: Rope, promptly exeented. .Fort Valley Property for Sale. T HREE PLANTATIONS and three town Houses .-tnd Lots for sab-: 1,WS acres, five miles from Fort Valley, three fine improvement?. 1,400 acres three miles from Fort Valley, on rail road front Macon to Columbus. 1,250 acres between Fort Valley and Macon— Southwestern Railroad runs through thWccuter of same—six miles from Fort Valley—moderate im provements—halt bottom land* other half heavily Timbered. Pleniv ol corn and loddcron each place to run them neat year. One House and Lot with 80 acres ofland. One House and Lot with 3 acres. One House and Lot with acre. All immediately on railroad, within ICO v&rds of —' Apply to C A. HAWKINS, or R. M. JOHNSON, ’’tr tarmsat Fort Valley. . COAL! COAL W E have succeeded in getting an agency for i, m C ." b ? W Whltraide Mines, and will iurmsh COAL In any. quantities in Atlanta, at Jtlne prices with freight addeiL Orders solicited and promptly attended to. oet 21-lm LF. EZZARD A BRO. L. P. STRONG & SONS, WOULD respectfully Inform thetr friends and public generally, that they have opened at their old stand (on Seccond street, two doors from Cherry j a iarge and well selected stock of Boots and Shoes, Which they offer as low as any house In the city oct26-lnr* Willard’s Hotel SYKES, CHADWICK & CO PROPRIETORS. WAsnmaTON, . , ... r Formerly of tlie Girard IIousc, Pliiladel- pT > “- nov I0-Cm Mules- TWO LARGE STRONG MULES FOR SALE IN GOOD ORDER. CAN BE SEEN AT JACOB RUSSELL’S STORE, noyS-Ct*’ Cotton Avtnne. J. S. FttRNCn, OltO. U. ItEIP, W. U. OiXADEOtntX. FRENCH & CO. COTTON FACTORS, Forwarding and Commission Merchants Wholesale Grocers, Ac., CLARK STREET, NASHVILLE, TF.NN. Special attention paid to the sale or forwarding r cotton. aeptl0-3m* N. A. HARDEE & CO., SHIPPING. COMMISSION & FORWARD ING 3IERCHANTS, Saectnna/i - - - - - - - . Georgia. Will make liberal cash advances on consignments to their friends. • : • . NORTON. SLAUGHTER & CO] S, «. WOOD Sc CO., Wholesale Dealers in Groceries Butter, Cheese, Flour, Ac., Ac., No. 45 Union Street, - - KF j Fort Talley depot. Bagging and ' ffX 6m oct 14-ltr,* METALIC CASES. K ECXIVEDthb. day a full assortment of ME TALIC BURIAL CA.SLS and CASKETS ot the most beautllnl Patterns. Tor sale at nr Fac- tory, foot Third Street, Macon, Ga. 3 ang»5-3m (iKEN \ XLLE WOOD. COTTON SEED. \\ E ARE PREPARED to furnish Cotton TT in any quantity. Ttev are of a super:* kind oi cotton and warranted fresh and good. Parties w a distance can be furnished. The Memphis Appeal.—We learu front the Nashville Press and Times, that the reju venated Appeal has at length made its ap pearance. It is draped in mourning for its former editor Col. McClanahan, and its no tice of his earthly career is very chaste and appreciative. Tlie paper is the same in ap pearance as of yore. The joumeyings'of the Appeal are thus alluded to. The press upon which this number of the Appeal is printed and which will, wc trust, yet issue many thousands to be scattered broadcast throughout the Mississippi valley, is the identical pres9 which left here i.i 1SG2, a little while before the occupation of Mem phis by the Federal troops. It is the same press from which was issued the Appeal at Grenada, and which retired from that town as the Federal cavalry were approaching the North bank of the Tallahatchie, after Grant had driven Pemberton from Abbywille. It is the same press, with tlie pressman (Audv Harman, may liis days be long, and his shad", ow never grow less !) that was shelled out of Jackson, when Grant made his famous move from Bruin9burg, by which he isolated Pem berton and shut him up in Vicksburg, to be bagged thereafter on the fourth of July. At first the shells had the best of it, a number of them intercepting the line of march over Pearl river; but Andy Harman and the faith ful old press, from which had just been printed that morning’s Appeal, won the race in the end. While ‘‘old Joe” Johnston was bothering the Federal advance, our press made its clean es cape down the Southern railroad to Meridian, and so on to Atlanta, at its leisure. It is the same press that vibrated to the thunder-shock of the siege of Atlanta, retiring therefrom but a little while before Sherman’s victorious legions entered that ill-fated city. It is the same press from whence, at Montgomery, the Appeal continued to cheer and encourage those whose quarrel it had espoused, to ’quit themsclrcslike men, until the advance of that dashing fellow, Major-General Wilson, with his nine thousand Spencer rifles, in the hands of picked men who knew how to ride and to fight, admonished us of the policy of evacua ting the “cradle of the rebellion.” And so this same veteran campaigner of the press- corps took, to itself wheels and steam, and sought refnge cast of the Chattahoochee. The bulk of the office was stopped at Col umbus, and was there destroyed by order of Major General Wilson, but the press having been forwarded to Macon, was saved from destruction by deposit in a safe place, and was not discovered until after the armistice and the promulgation of orders from General Sherman to stop the destruction of any pub lic or private property. It has had many a narrow escape, but is hale and hearty, and capable of doing yeoman’s service, ns tlie ap pearance of our paper will testify. The receipts of cotton at New Orieans from the Red river country arc far below the general expectation, and tlie Quantity planted was very small. In Texas a full average crop was no doubt planted, but tho wyt weather for the last month was very unfavorable for maturing it; the army worm had made its appearnneo iu several places and was threat ening serious damages, while the prospect for obtaining the labor necessary for securing the crop was very unfavorable. The amount of old cotton in the State at the surrender was much lesS'tlmn generally supposed, probably but little if nny more than 100,000 bales. After a careful comparison of all the facts I have been aide to gather, I should soy that 1,000:000 bales would cover all that was in the South at the time of the surrender. Add to thi*, say 400,000 bales—a liberal estimate —for the crop of 1865, and you have all that may be expected for a year to come: It is too soon to speculate upon the pros pect for the coming year, but I may remark m n general way, that they afe not very en couraging. A few planters aro taking hold iu earnest, and organizing their forces for puttingina corps next spring, butthese cases are rare. There is yet time for great iiuprov- meut, and it is hoped for the good of tho whole country, that tho now dorment cnegies of thb people may ■be awakened, and they be led to see that the future is full of promise of a rich reward for all of their labor. ■ ersu-xd studied c oration and self-restraint. The results nr.had at aro n- sbllows; Bishop Lay, although beheld that tlie< tion of Arkai. .is into a diocese, and his tron .1= dioei an, wore valid .ai t's, prefcm waive tho question. By the calamity war, thechureh in that State ha-, hi n - fceblcd that it is no longer able lo cxliibi organization. He, Siereforo, answered ti name, and was received by the hoes, as sionary bishop ( >f tlie Southwest, ■fntbomatter of lL diop Wilmer, no off c'al , Cholera and Politics. M. Heine, the French minister of public works, has just issued a circular, wherein it i9 proposed to suppress cholera by diploma cy. It appears to be established that tlie very centre of cholera exists in the caravans of pil grims which traverse the desert on their way to Mecca.. This year the number of pilgrim's was unusually large, the weather extremely hot, and the oriental filth and careless habits engendered the worst sort of Asiatic cholera among them, and from them spread into the adjacent countries. An incredible number of human beings and animals are said to be unburied, or only covered with a tliin Inver of sand, in the deserts of Arabia. M. Rehie proposes to call a sanitary congress together in Paris to devise means to putastop to these disseminations of pestilence over the world; but the English seem' to think that to toiich tills point would be to bring the whole East ern question tumbling about tlie oars of'Eu rope, and they draw back with dismay. CIrolcrn is on the increase, in Paris, but in its mildest form. No one can find how many cases there are, for the authorities do not think proper to enlighten the public; but the whole number of deaths shows that the city is more healthy than usual at this season. In a report on cholera at Marseilles,is lound ft statement wl ich goes clearly to prove that the disease is contagion?. Of'the 75 postmen employed in distributing letters, more than half fell ill, and 15 had the cholera. Among those who collected the letters, only two were ilL ' 'I 1 ’ Extravagance in New York.—A Npw York letter says: As winter approaches, the reign of extrav agance, in fashionable circles, seems to be bent on astonishing developments. "What do you think of $800 per month for a furnished house in tlie fifth avenue, as far up as the cen tral park ? said house being about 18x25 feet. Dozens of such cases couid bo reported. Ruildorsare taking contracts for whole blocks of houses, to be commenced at once, so as to bo finished by next Spring. The?e are to be documents were biforo the convention, ar..l the case was complicated by an unhappy con- uict between tiie military nud the btate of Alabama. And yet, after an elaborate di?. u • don, his consecration was ratified ouconui- tions not liable to objection, unanimously in the house of bishops, and with only one nega tive vote in thcliousc of deputies, "which vote was subsequently withdrawn. Tho bishop elect of Tennessee was accepted with great unanimity, and consecrated with out delay to his high office. , . Iu celebrating a thanksgiving, tho conven tion abstained from dispute t topic?, end con fined its expressions of gratitude to the mer cies which wc recognize in common, via: peace in the country and unity in the church, i In devising means to provide relief for suf ferers of the South, the action of the church was marked by sympathy and delicacy. In establishing,! system for the instruction of the freedmen, our advice was sought, and Episcopal authority duly respected. In general, while the’ Bishops and other members of the convention have in no wise denied orconccalcd their sentiments on the question political and social brought by the war to a practical solution, they have not re quired of us any expression of opinion on these topics. They nave carefullv discrimin ated between tho political and tlm cede;:.. cal pcpect of these questions, end have con fined their expre .ad judgments and theirac- tion to the latter. They nre content with the assurance that we render for conscience sake allegiance, honest end sincere, to the govern ment of the United States, and will teach oth ers tQ, do so. Tvq see nothing now to hinder the renewal of the relations formerly. expressed in the church. We feel bound to acfenowle that we have been greatly indebted to manv of the bishops for tho Whrm fraterna! feeling mani fested by Uiem, and fpr their lyere runs expo sure of themselves to censure bt caure of their efforts to promote pence and unit’., nor ought we to withhold our 'conviction that the great body of the house of deputies liavo de r . <• I well of the church, bcc.m ' of the manlinc'. with which they have encountered reoroneb, and perhaps subjected themselves to suffer ing, In the cau.c of pe: : and holv modera tion. In conclusion, wo desire to record oordeep conviction and our reverent acknowledg ment, that the resuita now related are the do ing not of man, but of God. Our profound gratitude is due to Him who, a; we trust, in thi*perilous juncture, ha* iaterpo. cd elicc ally to bead the division of tin- church, r.ndi to calm the passions which threatened rend it asunder. Thomas Atkctsox, Bishbp of North Carolina. * HesrvC. Lav, Missionary Bishop of theSnutbwc House ef Bishops, Phila., O.t. 20. 1685. House of Risncrs. Philadclithia, Oct. 20, In all the statements and conclusions i PnrstotoicAi. Phenomena.—An army cor respondent writes: “In the armv and among returned soldiers, I have noted'one fact, in particular, somewhat at valienee with the usual theories. It is that light daired men. of .the nervous, sanguine, type, stand cam paigning better than the dark haired men, of billious temperment. Look through a raw regiment on its way to the field, fully one half its members seem to be of the black haired, dark skinned, large boned bilious type. See that same regiment on its return for muster- out, and you will flnd that the black haired element has melted away .' and at least two- thirds, perhaps three fourth?, of the regiment to be reprisented by red, brown and flaxen hair. It is also noticed that men from the cities slighter in physique and apparently nt the outset unable to endure fatigueand priva tions, stands a severe campaign much Better doing, not of ma| Charles Todd Qc:::tab Bishop ofTtricq tracts for constructing comfortable, moderate *' r »nl£ , priced dwellings for the poor. What is to I "f r od ' J become of them is diflicult to say, unless they ! takerefugein the abominable tenement house's : ride C o h fthc”S iP,jinS#10nB th ° ^ riTC1 ‘ | of Public Debt The display of toilettes at tlie opera last Secretary McCulloch has prcuiu night, in costliness and glitter, beat anything statement of the puolic debt, a Ot thl> lfinil oror wifttfican/T liavn KtAsa A.,?, i from the books of ihe treasonv of the kind ever witnessed here before." One | <-'1 the treasurer's lady, occupying a box in the balcony, had ' requisitions, ir: the departrm:.-. on t nearly gold and jewelry enough on her per-! !? c . to! ’: r - 1 The recapitulation son to stock any of the windows in Broad-]/ 0 **?’? 111 ? : ertriug interest in coin windows iu Broad- [ way, while near by sat another dame, clad in apparel, the value of which could be esti mated at a figure much beyond the modest hundreds. Besides, it was the general re mark, that more families came in carriages than is usually the case, and" not only that but almost everybody of the male gender had white kids on, that must have C03t from 82 to $2 50 per pair. All this goc3 to show that, if it be true, as the financial writers sav it j?, money is growing “tighter” down in Wall street, they have not heard the hews at the other end of the town. iSP* A new York paper has the following paragraph; 3Iadame Octavia Le Vert.—This well known “Qtfcen of the South” accompanied bv her daughters, is now decided to make a win ter at the Fifth Avenue hotel. The “society” part of it will, of course, give us a new re hearsal of the life of Madame Mnintenon- but besides her devotion tothccharmiD^task of. drawing the “bright spirits” around her our gifted Mobiieite is to be employed (we understand) in the work for which she is so , well qualified, a history of the occurrences of ; the last four years. With many of the secret 1 springs of this wonderful epoch she is bert Deb 760 80. Debt bearing interest in lawful $119,181,110,767 40. Debt on which the interest has $137,302,000. Debt bearing no interest, $430.52 Total smount outstanding, $3 740 8 80. Total interest is 813S.&38.07S St: r.fl $67,070,340 00 L iu coin, and (-71,26' in lawtul money.’ The legal tender notes in rfrcc.lati follows: Two years’ 5 per cent, $3,153,OS- United States notes, old, $300,21 United States notes, new, $4.5 Compound interest note?, $1 Total, $03,870,008,100. The following is the amount ini u ry: lacoin, $3,455,409,715; in cun 380.030.154. Total. $6,835,357,809. Fractional currency or: hand, $j 900. " ^ 1 A contrast of the October stati that of September, than men from the agricultural districts. A tmri, pale looking dry goods clerk will do more marching ’and starving than many a brawny plow-boy who looks muscular enough to take a bull by the tail and throw him over staked and ridered fence.” H | Lire:- E—, 4 01 cue secret u ■ -w" ti.o uwi, 1 , T .1 . {springs oftlus wonderful epoch she is best public debt of four millions .ry The Philade.phia/k 4 Kircr, speaking acquainted,,and with her well known talent also a reduction of ‘i- . legal te ot the appointmeut of Hon. Prpston-King to < the storf of it all" is sure to read most inter-; forty-four million c of dollars, the collectorship of New York, says: ~ r : jestingly. Wo shall eagerly await it 4 j her statement there is airo a “The office is supposed to be the most lu-1 _ ~J7 “ j namely,theSTi'/ iroutstanding crative one within fhe gift of the president, i 11 • eU i t } n terest taken by Exchanges—Uundcr the ac Simeon Draper is understood to have realized ' r ] 0 ®“ 1 l ire y’ ln .’“ ocll fl u ren s prison, in Pares. 1363, nearly four mi', ions and from it in an entirely legitimate wav, nearly ' j v0 ', 1= , ., a ] the presron has been are pro-able alt .- five years, a a hundred thousfind dollars in less than a SPa.S 1 ' tbec.uldrcn distributed among j in twenty rears from 77ovembi year. In ordinary times it is worth about ! , dlf if cnt far “ *5 hoo!a 111 France. This j 6 per cent, in coin, thirty thousand a "year.” “f 1 °? ‘ !le P art tjic government 13 the re- The temporary loan at The law says, thatnqcollector shall receive %trj?W* % ncv - T28; P* r cer '' ^.130, over $6,000 per. annum-and four-fifths ° f 7 th V/ST, ’ E S,mon ’ i cent ’ 567,187,300. them are restricted to three; but somehow i m SKf***last winter. The govern-! Certificate*-. f ind»MedJfe the New York custom House manage-* to -’a-' men i ” 8olve, L lh 5 t l' e °P! 30 = mnn s5 »ouid cent inter- *:, (55.f03.900. —"—I, as it pleases. If some^feariey i ? ot 2* CTed,t of retorm ’ J0 P ut i^nthe ... congre.4 would institute JSS ^ of ** ******■., _ . V quiy m to “ how” thecoHecftrship of New j Genera! Dudley has arrested negresses who ; Duppd ind Sonderl. “ Jto ***&2!S£ 'XL?* 0 ’ 0 ? 1 _t “ : I SS*. Sa | SSSX . „ tt— ^ payers might be edified, and perhaps some-[bound them out to work on plantations for I part of the new redouts 1 coiambus, Ga., novff-lns. J R IY EY <fc CG thmg saved in the future.” the balance of this year and all of next. sets in. redouts 1