The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, November 14, 1865, Image 2

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<T(|t flailc ?dcgrap|. Mr L • UYl.AM) (mfnrtrf mf th. Protrjtantf VRTTrfnTft. PRH'P*. Church of Alabama. The Louisville Journal draw* a rather tlole- cporl* th<jji fnl piunrenf the Bfonetrny ronditioh of that F 5 ™ died'recently at Cremeen. city.;*It i-parea iMjrrnilcrj jtliat ilicrt t- a The Emperor of Morocco l»ar- jicrmitted great JOenl ofr«apc<||>.lc/p«frliin* igointf *m i *' ,, 4f r »phic wire* to I* laid in lit! dtflain*#. a, pee r.t.fn W,*. 'Wfe* ,h« pai- the V thfi •ay jtntn . prr •in ti< thing t« W >91 Huek Ont. »vr |»< rha|r~ -nrrr Lai nfinp Alal«ma nn* ’ r.-nt. - *:»t »nrcfu *1 at Itobinvm* tloflfd it.« ftitt&gi on .. after a wemiim of great l. The reports front the lin tiilt were of a highly r. Showing a consblera- tirmliereliip (luring the ronnrMTTMv. LATE ST BY TELECRAPH. cnxEn.vx. Thediscoyenr of nicotine. Chevalier Gas- ^ » —, , A rencontre too^placc in Alexandria V«., uJjp.Ort-HM to rat ,a=*Ociatxd Fare*. tt«nthe 10th ins^4'between Dr. Maddox, of Faiiquicr county,.uul Major Dixonj paymaster ' .^floras from Washra-tni. ff Jf United Stafe army. Major D. received a ball at. r,H l.r«dh .VV..'n i.lrUt ■ » POl‘ . |.m.. , jiarlK- i .-pa rate a the mret- le distinct - c Meettai and rrjirr- lUn. win i ole recon- he i lo any- lief The Irr the Ja in* h might) an«l uix i nprotni^ing; and J«»Un«M»n ni’i't ritjief ji »in them, or Ik* n ouw by them, «« it v * •« .. to ok Which TOativc w ill hr « Ii*»• *— .V - Yrrr , •tnIk c-. -rv Vr rnmirtt i^r.t the opinion of our -InilU- rotnn|x»nirv, th« th«? nltrmnlirc »-* fon r.l upon* Prt-fti lent Jmin^ox, of rtui rilli at pac the s—uiiq that |lC»til right of «•! ing the > . tin Thiarom a. that the fan Ion, I. of tin lr.mli tie. g cnidiifl h adon bluAcd upon arOinal feature* nf , th»* "ranting the irks, nnd prohibit um resuming their , find* favor in the. b North* rn people. ; than that the inn- [.la »rc oj'poaml to r* ill" -i 11 atnltilicn Although fnn.iti- would rather aeo clisiai, ruin ramie, than yield one iota of ia, yet nre tin-* architect* of revolution daily toeing ground. - Northern peojile nre waking j hat for this Union to prosper, able, it is unriesinildo to op- cm State*. T ii, bnvc no longer the povv •ling a aped over the N'orthem mind, is cl by the fait, that at the convention i S. w York ..ulirila, a—lubled at 8jm- thc < Ii-t i ne tivc tenet* nf their creed were I- ulk of I eliarw hie inena-r- in tin past year.. .. The committee to whom was referred the resolution of |n<|uiry as to what action, jf any, be ncoeaaary with ntpect to onr colored niemherabip, in view of tue recent change in their civil relation*, respectfully report: That they deem it inexpedient to take any further netinn in the matter than i* emliodird in the following resolutions: 1. JlraAcnl, That the change in the social and ilomcatic relation* of our colored mem- begMp doc* not necessarily demand any change in their church relation*. • 2. Bwtfrnf. Tliat we cherish an undated inlereat in their spiritual welfare, nml are in no w ise disposed to withdraw/rom I hem our oversight anil sympathy in tliia particular. 3. ffnefinf That wc urge upon our min istry and memltcrsliip the fluty of increased * if . * *1...!..... t a 'rt-H • a I • * I (111. wtn*i a H&H aifa fgur Goitre j M^d^ and' Ale^crncar the Turkish of brown stone. And adds: I fortres- of Nissa. lYlian John Yao lbtrm said at-Allianyttrar; TheShah oFFcfiX haVZent a special agent it was alioiit as mm Ii aa lie eould do, to pay I to Europe, for the -purpose of tudvlng : the f(»r llin-c meal* a day nnd a bulging, I lie mi- present sy^un uf. tutvnl const ruction! in dimec laughed, a* though it wore u joke. In ; r'fanee. Englaml and Holland, hi* own e*M\ it niav or may not lie a joke, Imt lieepoke ivliai to very many v.-ell-dre«*e<l ]>eo- iilc is rather n grim reality, .Gentlemen who have(ji'Cii pullingofTthe pun-hare "of n hew firepTut (or n year or two, in the expectation that when this crurf war traa over they would, lie aide tnbuyone at the old price*, arc a good The Duke of,< lias left tfTffililfc of lilr fnHune to his p-iemt. the Marouis of (inlKli-t. ■ There i*tt legacy of I0ft r 006 francs to h well-known actress. I io tie ft . and in* Ibc S( 1 list .1*1 f.,./i.o(J|r le]4 out if right, and the rcnolu- i<e<. drawn up, sustained Mr. JouMtox’* re el -inuieui policy, and hreathrsl, thrmigh- ■sit i lofty -jiirit of |iatriotiani. It is plain, I- i lheir prurrrding* on lids important nc- s*i in, tbnl these hypocritical conspirators g-iiii—I 11)0 nnliorud weal, feared to lilarm the •u'dii mind, if they plainly avowed their i vripliic doetrinrs. Sulmcqiicntly, Con- tii lit. .mother slrongliold of their party, i dais of yore) gave nn emphatic rctiuke, t tie ballot box, to the policy of negro.auf- ■i:" Again: Wiv’nusin, which boaalcil of r. p.ilile ei majority of S'l.OOfr, yet, when " issue of negro sutl^agc iva* presented, •vatiu-d it only last work liy n vote of 13,- Altlmugb Mr. Ham Waxd Bkkcbkr, ro'iuli his uru»n, the nrrnigneil r .bot'so.N for haring “nipjied in the bud . fairest hopes of the republican party,’* ’ on the principle that “rats desert a sink- drip." lues this gentleman Intely forsaken : 1111vs di-unionist*, anti hoi.ted the linn- ■ f ris (Uidruetion. Many of Ids radical ■ riireti have follow i d his cxam|ilr, and dc- r: • d the Jacobin rank*. No 1st ter evidence ntlduoed that tile itleaof jiroseription losing; 0I, *I parifleation gaining ground in • North. The large republican majority of " in congrt - and -10 in the arnato would, ida 1,-ss. the South with lire nnd sword, mirr-i mined by outside prewmre. Hut cs< virtuous politicians, preferring tlic ivr- and flslics of ollice, to ** princijilc,” ^ dmibthsi tack round, n point or two, ii won’t care to fight in nn untenable fort. Tin- question of negro sufTrage wcconsid- a. virtmUy dhposed of. Probably not ■ : an i'-uenn that -core will be prescntevl. .-■Ml, h ver. the extremists <1.-isiatr stand to k<>cp tin ate* out ofthe L’nioa, as if they that question, their { attention to the religion. Instruction » n, l iui- nrtnnttt of ottr colored population, a* the U--t means of fitting them fotjjic duties and rwpnnslMlltlca of their new^HUon. SaMI1:i. K. CoZ^P B. S. Bmn, ■/ f'ommittee. J. 8r.vKoi.Ku, \ I lev. Mr. Hudson, a fraternal messenger from the Montgomery conference of the Methodist Episcopal Chureli Month, was in troduced to the conferencr,- and expressed, in an npprojiriatc uildress, the fraternal greetings of the body he represented. Where upon, revolutions were adopted reciprocating the kindly sentiments thus conveyed, and. ap pointing twri fraternal messengers in return, to attend to the next annual session of the Montgomery conference of the Metho- i dist Episcojml Clmrch Month, to meet at Iiowndesboro' on the lSth of Novcrohcr, 1805. Itev. J. CL Davis nnd C. B. Crenshaw, Ksq., were uppointixl in occoedanee with these resolutioas. Itev. Dr. U*x presented the following pre amble nnd resolutions, which were adopted. WTiernay We rccogino it to lie the duty of nil ehriations to promote, as far us possible, not only spiritual, but also visible, union among the members of (.'lirist’s body, and to illustrate before the world that love which the Master has prescribed,as u test of true diseiplcslup— And whereas, We believe the time i» at band when the two Methodist churches at the South can lie combined into one organi zation without any compromise of principle on eithef'side; therefore, Jlttolred. Tliat the introduction of lay dele gation into the general and annual confer ences on the pari of our metbodist episcopal brethren (towards which measure wc linvc been pleased to observe a favorable tendency nmong them fur some years past,) would re move tlic most essential point of difference; mat flint wc should then ho prepared to con sider, in a enndid and cordial spirit, any pro position on the subject of union between tlic two cliurcbca, , The passage of this resolution was follow ed by brief addresses by Rev. Dr. McTyierc, Rcr. Mr. Hudson, nnd Rev. Mr. Richardson, ofthe M. E. church. Rev. T. L. B. Shaver was elected Presklent for the present conference year: nnd the fol lowing ministerial and lay delegates (who were clothed with conventional powers) were elected to the next General Conference, np- poinled to sit in Georgetown, D. C. in May, I860; Rev. D. B. Smedley, Rev. F. I*. B. Shaver, Rev. S. K. Cox, D. D., Rev. J. Spang ler, and Rev h 1* Itlll, ministerial; Hon. B. S. Bibb, C. E. Crenshaw, Esq., Milton Jen kins, Esq., T. P. Orarrs, Esq., and Dr. C. M. Howard, Inv. Thepottltry ih'thcflepnrtinrut ofthe Haute Vienna (France) have suffered severely from deal disappointed this fall tollnd that a tolrra- Me overcoat eostsaixtydollararandagoudone n ninety. The aKfriWI liaving twen lined, liounil, i-Uoutd.'iiK ialed, buttoned, and col lared, till tlic skill of mi tailor or dyer can make them decent again, the distracted own ers are asking the qnestion, with wliieh fourth of July orator* used to la-gin the eonehmion of their oration*, "And, now, fellow-citizens, what remains for m to do f llousektejH-rs did not dxpect, at tlte close of a productive season, to jmy sixty-five cents a’ pound for butter; nor'did they snjqmx.- that eofft-c would cost nearly a* much with gold at 14tl. a* it did when gold was at 300. If nuju is so hliundnnt. why arc sausage* thirty cent! a pound, which used tobcclevcn } With farm ers’ hams st ufftd nnd cmtiimcd with a remark ably large liny crop, why has milk gone up again to 12 cent* a quart? Granting that njiplc* and pearx- nre scarce, must a small pear, that cun he eaten in four bitot, bring the retailer 25 cants? And is"it really, true tb*t a barrel of apple* is worth f 10 ? A* to dial, at f 12 n ton. are the Pennsylvania mi nora always on tlie strike t Jaist year it was the canal that hud given way; this year the miners won't work. If we ascend from coal to silk, we nre met with a similar story.— Many respeetaWc ladles feel that existence without a black silk dress (hanging on a peg in reserve against possible eontingem-ies) is not worth liaving. Mr. Stkwaht tlie New York dry goods king, onnotmees that flic cattle disease 1ms got into the silk-worms, in consequence of which silk is us dear as ever, uml no one knows whether nest year there will be any silk at nil. Something has got Into every thing to make it dear; but nothing gets into aliything to mnke it cheap. Pumpkin-pie— last resort of tlic destitute—even pumpkin- pie is an expensive luxury, since the eggs which convert pumpkins from feed of pigs into sustenance for man cost four cent caCl|. What is the nse of doing well, if wc have to expend all wc get upon the necessaries of life ? But most of us are not doing pretty well. It is a fact, that any falliily.occupying ii whole house, and not liaving more than three tUoieamd dollars a year, is puzzled to live within its income. On the principle of "misery loving compa ny,” the Southern people may congratulate themselves, that many folks living in a more northern latitude, are not all rolling in. luxu ry nnd profusion ns Bnndry authorities would have us to.helicre. - 1 IMPORTANT POLICY. A Washington dispatch, of tlic 11th, says: The secretary of State at Washington, to day telegraphed Perry to continue as Gov ernor of South Carolina. until relieved liv the president's order.. The president regrets that neither- tlie convention, nor legislature has repudiated the war debt, and that South Carolina seems to decline the congressional amendment of the Federal constitution, abo lishing slavery. Yesterday, Secretary Seward telegraphed Gor. Perry for the president, that an early adoption of the amendment is deemed peculiarly important, and especially desirable with reference to the general situa tion of the Union: and the president's opin ion before expressed, remains lint-hanged. The president to-day responded "to the delegates from the North Carolina delegation, and said although the State had done well in tlic acceptance of tlie congressional anti- slavery amendment as peculiarly important to successful restoration, Holden has beei | instructed to continue governor until relieved I by express orders. Any reader who has watclietV the course of events in the last six months, must have an ticipated tlie adoption of the line of policy indicated in the foregoing. The Press nt MillAdgcrillr. In tile iibsence of our associate—who is re ferred to below, and is now on a visit to his friends in Southern Alabama,—the senior of tlic TKi.Etiit.vrit may, with propriety, copy will make | ti, 0 following paragraph from a letter from Southern jlilh-dgevillc to the Cincinnati Commereiol, I ,, j£ rons obstructions in the Savannah river, beaten wr ; t ton during the session of the State eon- j g T?at, - r ™Ne and endanger its navigation, The Savannah River.. The Savannah ItepuiUcan gays: Tlienu- \\. BfflOQ C tiu'o. nay, tlieir | yontion : j and nil steamers*,ami cotton laden vessels, arc K- iic. Next j Thc lircsfil j* well represented here. The ,inblc to ,,e wrecked,on the various snags and I.TS OF PROTECTION. 0(k p.qx r ha* tlie following: vp< < t to hear of warm work, jaipt-rs of Georgia are particularly noticeable sunken steamers between this city and A.u- Iingn-v- m this rcgarib _ The JIacon Telegraph hasigusta. - Tlie steamer Savannah, is sunk some three men here, including ono of the editors, ■ i;f|y mites above this citv, in the immediate and exhibits an amount of enterprise which is ' , „_.V i.-i , very creelitablc to it. TbeonW pfiotograbic rev cta . nn ^ sc ' eral rot,on 1,ats tllat port of tins debates that is taken is especially I arn 'ed yesterday, struck on lier, and came for that paper, at its expense. Savannah. I near being wrecked, while- snags and other Martin, Augusta, Atlanta, arc all ably repre- ! impediments, cause nearlv one-half of all the -rnte.l Mr. & editor ofthe AugusUi flats tIliU leave Augusta to la: more or (tt/i\ sir. Claylnnd, ol the Macon . _ , . _ - - ," ' , . Telegraph and .Air. W. T. Thomson, of the j lcss ,1ama S od I>cforc their arrival at this city. Savannah Uerajd—author of "Major Julies' Nearly one-half of all the cotton that arrivos Courtship’’—1 find scholarly and accoin-; by the river on flats from above, is in a plisbed gentlemen. A\ ben you read dolorous j damaged condition, and nearly worthless as account* ot Southern imiwrerlslinwut, always , 1lmrketa , >lc article. It has to be repacked, ext ent the newspapers. They arc teeming 1 . . _ . . with AxertiaemeSu-Uicre is r not a robust rebaled and placed in good order, and this daily in tlie South that does not frquuently ; labor nearly consumes its original value, i ono out with a supplement, to make room i Wo leiim that some fifteen flats, during the tor advertisement*—and tlieir circulation ia i week, have been sank. bctween*this citv and rapidly retmmngtorcx.aUUlh,». j Augllstfl . nn( , that the river is ft,11 of floating :i» prettv generally known buy elotuin g and fotxl is t, opting $7. * in New York, ntrral or Tti >rontofor$20 in currency; n suit, worth f 100 | there for #i: ». say $07 In our *rtl» $(» here. cjui lie bad there 1 ii our money ; and meat, poul- In of prodm :e can l»c had aper than here. itlon in i>n Hlucc and mer- ha, -o long pnmdlod here, ! rvertbing to tar higher re!a- gold, has m »t vet penetrated : nart men at t* making tlieir he winter in tlic colonial ; it tic village . *t Windsor, op- o less than ei ght large cloth itelv Iktii \ '•Udiiidictl, ar.d luisinc o doubt. Co rrt*t statement, v to conelud e that the iucr- cAtortiuncrsi ^ The jwimary higher. Fo r tlie last four have l»cci» c otiqH-Uori to pay ccs for c«»tt» in and woolen r the >4>e<'ia 1 benefit of the *fthric.*mt'». They have do- lonnous di\ iilcnds, and yet 'roteiction, amounting in fact So tlmt the whole nation is A NEW MONTHLY. We have received the prospectus of a new publication, Sevtt'r Monthly ilagazijte. the first cotton. THE NAVY DEPARTMENT. Tlic Federal navy department has exhibited number of which will be issued from the i great activity in fitting out vessels for service . Franklin Printing House of jfr. J. J. Toon. > n foreign waters. In the Mediterranean there cm account_of the want and lieavy expense of on or before the 1st of December. Rev. W. ; arc six vessels, carrying seventy-threo guns.— J. Scott Ls announced ns editor. It is de- Tlic Brazilian squadron numbers six vessels, A Dikfebexce of Opixiox.—It is said agned that the puljieation shall be made up i carrying sixty guns, and other shijis are to tliat when recently the Confederate General of original matter, from the ablest writers, j join it. Tlie East Indian squadron is com- T ~“’’ T ° South and West, embracing novcllettes, poet-, posed of three vessels and thirty-seven guns. xtmvagunt prices for necessary liwonlvr ili.nt tin- Xch England tnonoj - , \ax w cmicbed. Militaif Trial ia A«sa»ta. iw hm tgfore noticevl tlic progress of Is fort a military commission in Au- Mr>wrs. Frank flight. Charles Wat- [ J. J. Doughty, citizens, wlio were • murder of ('apt. Alexander .. 33d, regiment U. S. C. I. tjlit \ and Watkins were acquitted t: Mr. Hight was found guilty.: !*c hanged—the finding • subject to theappre commanding the depart- l Gen. Steedman's order on the lugustn journals, in which he slings, findings and sentence >»ion in the case of , arc approved; but, in- \ Watkins, whose guilt, the lion of the Major Gem nil establishes, has been | [at*Hight 1 is modified. Penitentiary a; Au- othcr place as the States may direct, i years. histofical discussions, moral and pliiloso- ! Twenty vessels with two hundred and twenty phicul essays, biographical sketches, a mopth- &**** represent the United States rn the iv record of political and ecclesiastical events, Pacific. On the Atlantic coast, seven vessels ami the u-ual brief reviews anil literal- with an aggregate of sixty-three guns. In n notices of late publications. In short the Gulf squadron, thirteen vessels, carrying that the work shall be equal in literaiy merit ninety-six guns. Tlic total number of vessels ami typographical execution to the best of. actually in service at present is one hundred the Northern monthlies. * and °uv- Tlie total numl>er of guns is one To induce efforts from Southern authors. 1 thousand, one hundred and fifteen, the following premiums arc offered: For the j Tnt: Cmusnx* argon of the best original talc of sevoity-tivc pages manu-1 r tist3lia , ma(lc ; ts re-apiKere.roee script, letter size. ^200 00; to, the best cs^y fte bHc aftcr an ^ of ^ of not less than fifty pages, $100 00; for the n;onths It is - puWis hed by its new owner, best poem of not less than two hundred hues, j M j j Too „ j of the Franklin Printing *o0 00. The committee to award decisions, Atbnt a.and is n large andhamlsome- is coniDOsed of J. P. Loojl5,jL D„ T. R. ; . _ ? 4 K 1 , _ T tv tn tt ly printed, and well filled **heet, at £5.00 per \Vvim»n. .. ar.d I Ion. D. F^. HjUfMOKD. 1 J * - 1 , , _ , uww annum. No permanent editor has been se- Article* intended for competition, should be | ^ but ^ ma(lc to ^ »val of ‘ <5»wmided so as to reach the committee by ‘ the 1st of Deccmlwr. Tf.kms : Single copy, $5 00 per annum, in one by the time regular publication of the paper will occur, which will be about christ- . , . . ^ mas. We suppose our baptist friends will advance with a deduction of 10 per cent to» v .. , , .. . . .. auv anci% , . 1 hail its advent, and subscribe without hcsita- dubs often and upwards. . • • «r 1 -n tlOll. I>r. Scott is now in Macon, and will re-. , 0 main several days fertile purpose of canvass ing the city. Slinguian, n Feninu lawyer, is, it is said, traversing the norllmm district of Sweden nml Norway, trying to gut up n feeling amongst the people in favor of Joining Fin land and bccoipuig subjects of the Czar. A corporal of gendarmerie, in tlie depart ment of the Snrtlic. ho* been created n Chev alier of-the I.aglpn of Honor for informing against ‘ the, mayor of Montreuil, wiio 1 - year*"had bnitally Ill-treated liL daughter. k ’ An cartlicn vara has boot found at Raven na containing nearly 900 gold piece*, bearing the effigCs or Roman emperor* of first century of tlie Cliristian era; Tlieir approximate value isiibt down at 20f. each. Tliere arc now publisiied in Bombay three daily newspapers in English, five , weeklies, tiro /ortnightlies, three monthlies, besides throe daily journals in the Gujarati tongue, n score of weeklies, and numerous other peri odicals in various native dialects, Turkey lias been startled by {lie rumor of u groat innovation perpetrated by tlic Sultan. It is said that he is having his portrait paint ed by u French artist,IL Guillemet. Hither- t.) all repn .-dilation* of tlic human furmliavc been deemed profiine by the true Mahometans. The Comte Catour, a Turin journal, confi dently annuiuices that tho problem of perpet ual motion lias been solved by 31. Loucbrc Rizzo, a mechanic of Strasburg, > who t tho same journal asserts, has invented a machine which finds its motive ibree within itself with out any external aid. A Prussian private soldier was elbowing his way through a crowd at Berlin, when he was hustled by the people. He then drew his sivord awl wounded some unfortunate in dividual in the head. Ultimately he was res cued from the mob and taken to the guard house, amidst cries, of “Ott” and "Ettlen- Imrg.” In tlic year 1841, the quantity of tobncco consumed in the United Kingdom was such as to average 13 1-8 ounces per head of popu lation. In the year 1851 it had risen to 1 -pound 1-4 ounce per head; in the year 18G1, to 1 pound 3 1-2 ounces; in the year 1803, to 1 pound 4 1-2 ounces. The French papers are quizzing the Belgians on account of a musical festival which was lately held near- 3Iambenge. Prizes were given to one choral society “pour sa belle tenue,” to. another for being the most nu merous, anil to a third for liaving como from the greatest; distance. Tlie only thing the committee forgot to award was a prize for goodmusfcj "Three persons hare been rescued during the bathing season from positions of danger while bathing from gentlemen’s "machines at the Wish, Eastbourne, who respectively tendered to tlieir rescuer the sums ot 5s. 2s. Gd. and 8d. The eight-penny gentleman could, not have entertained very exalted ideas of his own worth. The Chroniqite ilurieale has discovered a coincidence between the cholera and tlie pro duction of a-new opera by Areyerbecr.. In 1832 the epidemic followed .the first perform ance of “ Robert,” iti 1849 it came with the “ Prophetic,” and in 1854 with . “ l’Etoil du Nord,” . And new in 1805 we have »“ FAfri- caine/' Is the cholera really on its way ? Tlie celebrated mechanical duck of Yau- canson is now being exhibited in the Rue de Paris, at Havre, in a small museum which takes its name from that illustrious uiechaniq- ism. The bird standing on a sort of box, shakes its wings, cats, drinks and imitates na ture so accurately tliat tlie other day a dog flew at it, without, however, doing" iarty mis chief. IwroitTAXT to Railroado.—The subjoined circular has been issued by the quartermaster :eneral: It has been decided that 'in sales of rail road running stock and of vessels and boats by the quartermaster’s department at publiq auction, that railroad companies to whom the quartermaster's department owes money for transportation services, shall be allowed to bid with the understanding that the amount of their purchases not exceeding the amount actually acknowledged to lie due to them bv, the quartermaster's department, as shown by vouchers duly certified by officers of this de partment, may be charged to them, in tlie statement of their accounts instead of requir- ing the payment ofthe money in cash at the time of sale. It is also decided that in all such sales of material of transportation by- railroad or liy water, duly certified and ex amined vouchers for transportation service shall be^eqeived as cash -at tlieir full face Louisiana.—.A 1 correspondent writing from this State says: .. TJ I. ~ “Tlie largest estinjate.of jhe cotton pro duct of Louisiana for'tliis season, which has New York, Nov. ll.£Tltoi7<r7iaL”spoci«f! in%is side,^nc^t'iiling tbe lira-el*. His says Horace Greeley, Gen. Kilpatrick and tbe Confederate Gen. Longstrcct saw the presi dent yesterday. Gen. Kilpatrick is under stood to have n foreign mission in view. The lftdAjmlU 4ai» no has' leave of absence for a jrar, fo visitTurftpc. Win. E. Dodge informed the clerk of tho house, yesterday, that ho-wa* prepared to file tlw liecc-sarw papers n> - contest the sent of Jo* Brooks. T.KKt jfiigf* of- trsftfnony are already taken.. - , ._. ditA.WaalilngtotlWpsdial Wiy» »tho president i» Itcing vigorously jiressed to have 31 r. Davis triqd muler ,lli<\ imHcttqtnt pending since last .hint! in the supreme jiuTli-inl court of tills district. .1 •>.'! ft ‘Tlie Fa'reagut' court martial to-day heard several witnefe* in defense of Com. Craven. Bernard 0, Gill testifieil'from what he liad heard from a Spanish, oftlcur, tlmt the Con federate'mm. Stonewall was too formidable to attack without intfant destruction to the assaulting vessel,, , . h»i : l*'- Thu liody of C'dpt. Wirz Was direr ted by the president dp V InterredIn the peniten- tiury yard, of tuo, ^qrsemil grounds, Where Payne nnd others Wore buried. Wirz'* grave i* the southern one of a row of live, in the* following order: MrJ. Surratt, Puvne, Har old, Atzcrott urn! Wirz. # : Pro nr Harytl, New Yoiik, Nov; ' It.—Intelligence from Ilayti lias been rpevliied to'the ’28th of Octo ber. ( *:’ Geffnird bus issued a manifesto to tho sol diers of his army, in which he nnnbnnces that shins of war, purchased for the government in New York, urc'ou their way to Ilayti With, those vessels, m yet been made, is 25,000 bales against 620,- 000 liales in 18G0; that of sugar, "8,000 hogs heads, against 440,000 in 1860 and 15,000 barrels oif molasses, against 1,000,000 in 1800. Besides these two great articles, Louisiana does not prodttee-ai mueli a3 she consumes, except, perhaps of tlie article of com. of which there. inay : be a surplus'; but not an available one.' transport ntion. Joseph E. Johnston was in Baltimore, young gentleman of that city, whohad'kiiown the general before the war, renewed his ac quaintance on the street, with the remark, ‘•general,I-regret that we were obliged to mtrrcmler to overwhelming numbers, but I rejoice that we are not vh ippal.'' "You have had no active participation in the fighting. I J'clievc;” inquired the general. "No, sir.” “Under those circumstances," rejoined the veteran, "you are not whipped; hiU I an IP Recorder’s Court 3Ioxdat.—Lamar (col ored man) for being riotous and disorderly was fined $5 nnd costs. Sam Williamson disturbed a. guard on Saturday nigbt, for which he staid in jail un til Monday morning and then paid costs to get out of the trouble. Charles (col.) arrested for stealing and then trying to defend himself againt the owners of the goods; was mulcted in a fine of $40 and costs, or GO days imprisonment with ball and chain. Martha (f. w. c.) got drunk, for which fun she paid §5 and cost. 3IolIy Weaver (white) disorderly conduct. 85 and costs. Death of Wji. J. Sasnett. D. D.—The , Accident ox the S. W. R. R.—We learn death of this well known gentleman took ■ that a p.Twenger train ran of the track on * (»**- place near Sparta, Hancock county. Ga., on ; Sunday, at the switch below Fort Yaliev. The The New Qrleuns Creereot says: We the 3rd imt. He was a man of much promi- • emrine ram over an embantment and turned understand that General Beauregard, yesfer- nencc in the 31. E. church South. At bne bottom side up. No poraon injured. The dav formerly took charge a.- superintendent time he was for a period of several years pro- accident was caused by aswitch being placed of the Jackson railroad. Wc trust that this fessor of moral, and mental science, and the-! wrong. / en'm-'ement will prove all that it promises.— higher English branches in Emory college in T~. - . " The railroad can scarcely fail to be greatly | this StateT Latterly he was president of the SgSSS to be“ advantaged l»y it, and it is to be lioix*d that East Alabama college. His death an irre* hoods. The guard/at Toronto were placed Palmerston will l*e \ G^* u - Beauregard may have every reason to 1 parable loss and will be much regretted by i around the banks f* protect them ficom. btir ? right. ‘ be satisfied with the position. * all who knew him. glare. Cape llnytieii, the rebel stronghold, will lie hlockmlcd. and the city overcome. Be- Hides these, lie adds, nil out other steamers, to tho number of six, lmvo been entirely re paired nnd armed; and will immediately put to sea. Of wliat importance, then, is the loss of flint place, abandoned lo tho enemy with out fighting nnd without resistance ? He al ludes to-tlui relative snpeWority of the gov ernment.'forces over the rebels, and argues tlie immediate, and complete overthrow of the rebellion. From Fortress Monroe. Fortress 3Iokroe, Nov. 11.—Brig. Gen. Pennybnkcr, • who was wounded in storming Fort Fisher, N. C., lias sufficiently recovered, as to be able to leave for bis iioiiie, in West chester, Pa., in a few days. He entered the service as a private in 1801, and has served with distinction throughout the war; dittoing been wounded live different.times. A meeting wns held at Norfolk yesterday for tlie purpose of taking measures for the organization of an emigrant society. It toaA la rgely attended and deemed yery satisfactory. Dr; J.‘Bell, of Norfolk, in the course: of some remarks, said that the chief difliculty he had experienced, was tlie want of " a sys, tern in introducing labor. He had been since July, acting as an emigrant agent on his own responsibility, and had •■brought into the State one hundred and eighty persons, in eluding twelve Englishmen, forty-five Swedes, sixty Germans, six French, and four Danes}— These men secured work readily, and besides thfiir board, earn twelve dollars per month.! A circular lias recent!., been issued by Col. O. Brown, assistant commissioner of 11 the freedmen’s bureau in Virginia, calling the at tention of agents of the bureau to those neg ligent of tlieir duty in'not enforcing upon freedmen in tlieir districro the necessity pf entering into uml fulfill incypn tracts for labor with planters and othere \Vvi„ fo'.ye employ-, ment for them. * He then added, where onlplqyment is offered on terms tliat will provide for tlic comforta ble subsistenceof the laborers, and keep them from dependence and charity, they should lie treated as common vnifrunts if they don’t ac cept it, and the rules of the bureau mast be rigidly enforced. speedy death is pronounced certain. Dr. 31. surrendered himself to tho civil authori ties. • Some thirty rough* made an attack bn a railroad train, at Patterson, N. J. the night ot the Mb, but were driven oil by goldfers on tlie (rain, with a dozen or more of tlie former butlly* wounded?. " 1 Advices from Iluyuuu slitto thnb.^V. Win. B.'I.Ittfe, of Nfiviidti, newly appointed con set at Havana,' arrived there on tlic iSth. and had iissuipet) Ids duties. The Petersburg Erpreir sny*:< "We have recently seen ti paragraph going the round* bf tlip prei*. both Noi'lti nnd Hotilh, which stated, that nothing i* kuowu, or has been heard, of the whereabout* of Gen. 8am Coop er lato Adjutant General Of the Confederate 8t*tes ( '*iuee the kurtvlider of our armies Gpnerii) ‘ Cooper, vrp learn, is at the real dyiveo of Marti Alexander, E*q. in 3leuklln- liiirg,comity, Vil, whero he has been over since the surrender of General Lee. Hjsfnm- ily Mve recently goad to Maryland. The Oorfend la In good health', and enjoy*' tlmt reptjse which lie has not known for fcewul ■years." ... -'..i. i " , , t. . Gold closed hi New York, on the 10th, at 1401-9. "" ’ • [ ' , In tho 3Iississippi legislature n fund 1ms been set apart'to pay the Stuto debt, it tux Is to be levied to support tho widows and or phans of soldier*, and a law.- was introduced compelling railroad companies, to have sepa rate cai)ifqr negroes. A large numbpr/>f clerks will be dismissed, from the quartermaster's department in Do- eember: f - A jietition for tlicpardon of Jefferson Davis, from 1500 Bidtimoie ladies, was presented to tlie president a few days since. 'Gen. Grant, nftci furnishing his report to the war department, withdrew it to make corrections. . .MILLINERY, TOYS, Notions, etc., etc. List of Arrivals at Brown’s Hotel. ; 7 Novemder 12,1805. J M Harrison & brother, Ga; J D Caldwell, wife «fc child, Miss M Mhy, C.olunjbia; E Mann, Araeri- cus; WII Sanford. Chicago; J 8 Walker, W J Wal ker, Ky; J K Friei^on & sister, Quincy; Judge J II iy; C . .. , , Hawkinsville; E li Chatham, Tcnn; T M Glass, Aia; A Miller, G t Rand, Atlanta; G Smith, Fla; H D Cothran* wJfc and child, Columbus, Ga; J T Maudevill Ft Gdnes, M J Fortner, North (la; J Maples, Mitchell, Ga; Miss Oliver,- Albany, Ga, Mrs C C uenll, J B Beall, S D Green, MUlcdgeville; I J A Smith, S WjR R;]F Gill, Ga; T B Golf, Houston Ga; G W Stan(U, Dalton; H Smith, Baltimore; .J A Talbot, SC; wII Hull, Athens; II W Campbell, Albany, Ga; J f* Gates, J W Morrow, Ga; A 8 Higgins, Colunbue,-Ga; J Williams, Ky; F W Green, Nashville; A Cohen, Chicago; W D Head, Pulaski courty; R B.McDonald, Athens; L Ii Thomas, Ga; A.B Jones, Hawkinsville; BF White, Ga; W II Jolnsou, Ala; W H Lathrop, N Y; E 'Fulton, Louisville, D A Smith, N Y; E S Coacher, T Gamage, J/Edwards, Marshalvillc; W J Dwight, Atlanta; T Jrilncrg, Nashxille; T M Allen, Bain- bridge; C Tibbs, B IT Lawton. Baker county; W A Pope, Washington, Ga; L C GradyJ Oglethorije; 8 A Strickl: ml, Albany, Ga; II M Davenport, Sav annah; G Wf Knight, Cutlibert; J L Bailey. Colum bus; 8 G Ltpy, Louisville; - Y 8 Patton, Nashville; JY Johnson, Tenn; H P Farrow, Ga: C E Strick land, Louisville; D B Harris, Nashville; A- B For syth, Atla-jta; W Brannon and lady, S C; H J Bla lock, BanLsville; F Mallory, Hawkinsville. New York Jloney Market. New York, Nov. 14.—Gold a shade firm er* opened at 146 1-2, closing at 146 7-8. Fenian Preparations. New York, Novi IT"—The executive ofii- cer of the Fenian brotherhood has engaged & from 1 spacious mansion iii tlic upper part of the city as headquarters. The president and dif ferent bureaus Will nidvclnto it next week. The express says the present organization is not intended for tlic government of the future Irish republic, -but bnlv’to aid tlie^Jrisli pa triots ift their striiggTc for independence, by arms, moncyj «&ay . p . T.f"' < j ‘ North Carolina Flection. L Raleigh, Nov. 11.—Worth is .certainly elected governor -over HoTden by from’5’000 to 10,000 majority. / French Troubles. New York, Nov. 11.—Information, in ref- "ereiice to the action of tlic French govern ment in relation to the coiupiaint alleged to have been lodged in the custom house,rxiasi received • from a reliable reporter,’"wlia re ceived it from the owner of the streamer, which was.searched by two persons, who re presented themselves as revenue officers sent from the custom house to search the steamer. Tlie owner went around the vessel with them, and showed them cases of arms, but .they did not demand they should ;be opoued* . r These officers stated that, the government of France had lodged complaints against five , «* *.*.**., *,*«*.=. **»» 6 ****.* v *«. vessels and 12J persons, 1 specifying l^cm byJjj ary Tripod, aged 8 years and two .months. The OBITUARY. Died, a J his residence, iu Houston county Ga., on the 28th Jeptembcr, 1865, Dr. Willia^i J. Thom as, in f/c 50th year of 1 his age. On returning home frim a visit to a patient, he was thrown vio lently f^rn UifiLuggy agnimtu tree, and had Ills left t hi ii badly shattered. . . rr , ! For"iarlytwo months Vn the hottest of the suui- mcr, oh friend and brother suffered vcrygreatly 'vouml; but he bore it with remarkable .patier.ic and fortitude, Jiaving a firm trust in God his Safior. A . : ' “ ' ~ prayers and tears of the community ip wliicdhc lived Could have availed, then he would not live died ;‘ fdr lie was. a good citlzen, an up- rightf man, nncV^.successful aud kind hearted pliys- iciait Hi was-united to the Chureli by Baptism, in the su u/ner of-1846, and it may be peculiarly said of bin I that lie was a man of prayer. In all the. rc- latius of life, he sustained the character of a cliistian gentleman. Where best known he was mit loved and respected. Bnt our friend is gene ntfnorc on earth “will we take sweet counsel to^ iicr and walk to the house of God in company,”! we trust' to meet him again in that upper and b^ter temple, “not made with hands,eternal in the avens.” To the sorrowing family of our de ed brother, wc wobld say, be comforted, for hough you may never see him again on earth, it yon mh^ lheet in Heaven, where the sorrows earth arc.never known, and “where the weary forever at rest” J. C. G. WE would respectfully cull the attention of the Ladies of Macon and 'vicinity to our large and well selected stock of. Millinery Joys, Notions, &c. i , i , t I - i .■ , Now coniliii; daily rroin Norlimi Market*. -IUv- Ing bnt lately retimicil from the North, where wc selected our own iroods, wc arc sure we ran giro satisfaction liotli ns to <|iiallty am) price. II ATS, .,BltNNFT8, VKATIIKIW, rtdtftM,” 1 RIBBQN8, DBE88 TRIMMINGS, 1 ' ' THIMMINfl CORD Al.HAOC’A BRAID, WORSTED BRAIDS, ( BUTTONS, VEILS, 80NTA(I8, NUBIAS, 1I00D8, CORSETS, NEEDLES, ;) HANDKERCHIEFS, HORSIF.RY OF ALL KINDS, INFANT3 MERINO STOCKINGS, INFANTS MERINO BOOTS, LADIES SHOES, ETC., ETC., Always on lmtul ami for sale at reasonable rates. We would call particular attention to our Toys and Notions. We liareuo hesitation to say that tlic; arc as fine a* any lu the city. Como to our Toy shop and wo will show you Santa Claur himself yet covered with the snow of his Arctic home. POLLS FR03I $15 00 TO FIVE CENTS. DRU3IS, WIHPS, SWORDS, " 1 GUNS, TOPS, MARBLES, HORNS, "I WAGONS, And anything else belonging to a first class TOY AND NOTION STORE. We would call the special attention of Country Merchants, - To our stock, nnd offer them groat Inducements to lay in tlieir Christmas supplies at our store. We care not for competition and invite our friends and tlic public to conic and see our goods. II. F. REES, — j Cherry street. • Macon, Ga., Nov. 14, 18G5.( V . It “ Joy to the World !” the INTRODUCTION of PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER. 8UFFEHIXO HUMANITY OF THIS AGE, tins relieved more Pain and caused more Real Joy than any other one thing * * tbit can bo tintned. ms A "BALM FOR EVERY WOUND,' OUR FIRST PHYSICIANS USE. AndI recommend it* use; tlic Ajiotlieeary finds It first among tlie medicines railed for, nml the wholesale Druggist considers it a loading article of Ills Unde. Alt . the dealer* In inedlclnr siirnk allkelu Its favor; andlla reputation a. a medi cine ol greet MERIT AND VIRTUE IS FUI^.Y AND PERMA NENTLY ESTABLISHED, AND IT IS THE GREAT Family Modioino or TXX AOS. NEW CARRIAGE REPOSITORY! Died. - On Afonday the 13th inst., after a short. illness, Dokkette Pauline, eldest daughter of A. P. and TAKKK INTKIIKAJ.I.V IT CUItK* '4 SORE TnROAT, SUDDEN COLDS, COUGHS, ETC., WEAK 8TOMACH, GENERAL DEBILITY, NURSING SORE MOUTH, CANKER, LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, CRA3IP AND PAIN IN THE 8T0SIACII, BOWEL C03IPLAINT8, , • PAINTER’S COLIC, ASIATIC CHOLERA, DIARRIICEA AND DYSENTERY. TAKEN EXTERNALLY IT CURES FELONS, BOILS, AN» OLD SORES, SEVERE BURNS AND SCALDS, CUT8, BRUISES, AND SPRAINS, 8 WELLING OF THE JOINTS, RINGWORJI AND TETTER, BROKEN BREAST, FROSTED FEET AND CHILBLAINS, TOOTHACHE, PAIN IN THE FACE, NEURAL GIA AND RHEUSIATISM. PAIN KILLER, Taken internally should be adulterated with milk or water, aud sweetened with sugar, if desired, or made into a syrup with molasses. For a COUGn and BRONCHITIS, a few drops on sugar, eaten, will be more effective than anything else. For SORB THROAT, gargle the throat with a mixture of Pain Killer and water, and the relief Is imme diate, and cure positive. It should not be forgotten that tho Pain Killer U equally os .good to take internally as to use externally. Each bottle is wrapped with full directions for Its use. Sold by Druggists and Med icine Dealers everywhere, nov 1-MJm Merchants name. Me Makermm. ?u;-vcyor, .{lollies mini friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited he has sent anv officers froni the custom liousri . .. ,.. „ „ . •. - * .. . to search any vessel for arms on complaint ol .^"‘tend thc.funeral services from their residence agents of the govemment-of France. Tt inference is that these-tiro."searching office: 1 ill Vincville, tills mpruiag, at 10 o’clock, a. m. were none other than spies. Personal. Philadelphia. N',v. 11.—Col. A. ][. llo man, of the United States corps of engineei dix-(l at his residence in Wilkesbarrc, tf morning. He superintended the building Fort Sumter, and- at the tin«£of his detf tvas president of the hoard of engin charged witli remodelmg coast fortificati Mississippi Valley. New York,. Not. 11.—Private from a prominent gentleman in _,3Iis: says the arrest of Capt. Peck, of ti men’s hnreau is greatly regretted Humphreys, although he refused to Gen. Osterhaus furnished a guard for tain, but the sheriff anticipated and set him free. The captain is no- discharge of his duties. General Conway does not spi ingly of the spirit which anir jority of the Louisianians. The IIcralTt special, says, a priite tele gram to the freedmens bureau, ftfn a late prominent officer in tiie army, who! passing down’tlie Mississippi and up "Wife rivers, says that negro soldiers are s-till bag killed when discharge J, nnd turned haefinto the country. The boats are crowded with peering for the purpose oi int: chinery, &c. General Forrest has landed on/lie 3Iissis- sqipi bank, and says he does notl-xpect the president to pardon any officer t his. class, bnt will leave it to congress, whfl will )>rol)- ably disfranchise ihem forever; Int he will go to Washington arid try the <ict of mon ey. and thus accomplish his Impose. He thought no::henyadfesUism w|dying"with thefirea .if * " 1 ’V - J " Funeral Notice. The Friends and Acquaintances of Jfr. C. A Ells and family, are rcspectfnliy invited to attend the fimetal oftiieinson, Edwabd 31. Ells, this after- . noon at 3 o’ciok, at the residence of the former, on Walnut street, next doortothe Espicopal Church. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. cap- urag- ma- dying' ihio & 3Iiss. against the for damages ' | breaking whereby - former from the fire; oi war. Cmratat Nor. 10.—The railroad has commenced’ a Indiana and Cincinnati railro amounting to over 500,1 the contract between the.two the latter u-.d the track, eff Cincinnati to-Lawrenceburg. John Chinaman isaloout already as any- bmly el;e to follow a bad /example. The news of the defalcation of .feniins andKetch- unt had hardly aiore tlmn'tinc- to .reach San Franei-oi avhen the cashier of a Chinese bank in that city Tnmosed with ^UOO of the bank fund*. ■eo-jSf’ Sfet in j- "; "— - Auction Sale. Thi* Day at 11 o'clock A. Jf. in Front of Office. 8 L'ood saddle and buggy Horses, Four good workhorses, in good order, One fine Boggyand one sett of Harness, One four horse Wagon,'ofie Jersey Wagon, Two Blacksmith’s Anvil*, + » 8 or 10 Bags of Irish Potato?, sound nnd good, 4 Bbls of Onions. • * ■. at private Sale, One New Carryall. N. B.—I will commence night Auction Sales this evening at 7 P. M. , L. H. BRYANT, Auctioneer. The gentleman that lost hia watch guard and seal can get it by calling for it. novl4-lt ^ ~ L. H. B. Will pay legal interest for the nse of a few HUNDRED DOLLARS. Will inert gage an micneunibcred building lot as security." Appply to no*14-U* A. BRYDIE. 31A CON, GEORGIA. Opposite Stubblefield House. I AM NOW prepared to put up t6 order all manner of work belonging to Carriage and Wagon b.nilding. I offer the best of facilities for repairing articles of the same character Our ar rangements are complete for SMITH WORK, Painting, Trimming, Repairing and all work required on all kind of vehicles. I sol icits the patronage of the people of this city, and promise to give the utmost satisfaction to those who entrust jobs to our shops. I also am prepared to varnish and REPAIR FURNITURE at the shortest notice. Prices will be the lowest that can possibly be afforded. I will always keep bn hand, tor sale, a good supply of Buggies and Carriages, which wifi Horse done by the most experienced workmen In the city. We gunrantccthe utmost satisfaction in this par ticular. - W. D. BANKS. novl3-"2taw. V ISITING Macon are invited to examine the large and choice Stock of DRYGOODS, - YANKEE NOTIONS, “ BOOTS AND SHOES, 31F.N’S AND BOYS’ HATS, LADIES’ HATS, BLANKETS, Ac., Ac., ' -Price; as low as to be found in the State. N. K. BARNUM, nov 14-fit Triangular Block. [ be sold at low figures. Shoeing Fresh Lot of Lemons. Just received, and for sale low, at PRICE & ADAIR S, no*.’ 14 It- Mulberry Street. January Election-Tax Collector. The friends ot JAMES P. SI3IS authorize the ^announcement of his name os a suitable candidate for Tax Collector of Bibb county, and unite the *hffra5*3 of electors at the election to be held on .tii.. (.f January, l.-CA novi4 tc* Wholesale House. IN STORE 100 COILS MACHINE ROPE J W FEARS & CO. 100 BBLS EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, 75 Barrels Fotatos, .. . J W FEARS & CO. 300 DOZEN TU3IBLERS, 100 Quarter Kegs F F G Powder, 1000 Bags Shot, JW FEARS* CO. 250 KEGS NAILS, 50 Boxes Glass, SO Kegs Coperas, < 25 Kegs Potash, Patriot and Sumter j novl4-lt* J W FEARS & CO. epublican copy once. "Wanted. A T RIDDLE’S PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY, over Boardeman’sBook Store, alittle WHITE BOY, to learn the art of PRINTING and TONING PhotograpliB. Applv for two days. A J RIDDLE, nov!4-2t Photographer. Co-Partn ci-»Ii ip Notice. I HAVE THIS DAY associated with mein business Mr A R Tinsley. JAMES SEY3IOUR. BMacon, Ga., Nov., 13th, 1803 JAMES SErMOUH.] [A. K. TIS^EV. SEYMOUR & TINSLEY, Commission Merchants, CHERRY STREET, MACON, GA. T ENDER THEIR services to their friends, and respectfully sollicit consignments of Groceries and Produce of every description, Particular attention given to the purchase and shipping of cotton, cotton goods, etc novl-i-lm Rope and Sugar on Consignment. 100 coILs BALE rope . 10 Barrels New Orleans Sugar, 4 Barrels New Orleans Sugar. For sale by 8EY3IOUR & TINSLEY, Commission 3icrcliants, Cherry Street, nov IJ-Ct SAMUEL D. IRVIN, *(Snecc65or to Lyon A Irvin and Irvin & Butler,) ATTORNEY AT LAW, Albany. Georgia. ALSO Real Estate Agent for Southwestern Georgia. Prompt attention given to til business entrusted to hia care. nov!4-6m M the Ladies- of Macon os a monthly nurse, regard to experience and qualification she refers to Drs. McGruder and Hall! Her residence opposite the colored metbodist church. novl4-Ct* CA UIIASIT, WHITFORD 4k CO., MANUFATUREKS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN READY-3IADE CTOTIIING, 331 <& 333 Broadway, Comer Worth St. y N. T. IIBMIT SB A FEB, J. n. VAN WAOEXEX, T. F. CABHART, WM. II. WIIITFOED, A. T. HAMILTON. Office of Payan & Carhart in liquidation. novl4-6rn Merchants’ Insurance Company OF HARTFORD. T HE undersigned desires to state as an act of merited courtesy to this old and well estab lished company, that upon the close of tli^atc war, they promptly recognized and paid* claim held by him lor losses sustained by fire, at about the com mencement of the war, and the adjustment of which, at the time, was rendered impossible by the breaking out of hostilities, and the consequent in terruption of communication. Though but an act of even handed justice to him. tlieir prompt and cheerful response to the demand, shows them to be honorable men, and entitles them to the confidence of the business community. Mr. Henry L. Jewett is their sgent in this city, nov 14%t B. F. ROS8. WASTED. NO 1 HOSTLER, who understands taking care of Purse Horses. A white man is pre ferable. No one need to apply, unless he under stands his business thoroughly. Apply at Capt. John Travis* Pistol Gallery, over the Georgia Billiard Room*. novl4-3t NOTICE. Macon & B. R. R. Office, Macon, Nov. 14, 1865. O N aud after Thursday Nov. 16tb, Passenger trains on this road will run through to Haw kins vllle a3 follows: Leave Macon. 3:00 r. m. Arrive at Hawkinsville. 6:30 p. m. Leave 1 “ -6:00 a. m. Arrive at Macon 0:30 A. m. Fare to HswkcasTillc £3 00. G. A. DURE, novl4-€t Superintendent. X3T' Journal & Messenger copy fit. Ornameiital Cast Iron Railing' L LARGE variety for cemeteries or private jL dwellings Call and sec them at &9g l$-3m 8CH0FIELD*8