The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, November 14, 1865, Image 3
^mraoDWT annual coNrEBBNce. Cbf Ms Celcgrayjj* .jf D ^ ^ ° Tbc q oration of IratranUlng with Northern Mrth- : "T „ , rj< ji»t» wHl be dUciwed, and possibly some action C IT Y ' COLtTlMTsT : takenopooit. Other matter* of general interat _r _ x L ' l> • will be attended to, which the lulu D, not only of .in.ri -ofChdeiiansj'n'ottheimHlcI AwaT with SrECTACi-Rs.—Old eyes made new. ten dollars for publication until the day without spectacle*, doctor or medicine. Pa™ - , 0 felection. ThlsralewUlbcrigidlyadhercdto.] nhlct mailed free, on receipt of ten cent?. Ad- * a**— » _ _ rA/vrr If r New Advertising Index. i lot npnny Hartford—B UPKeet. Ria*r Btadi. clot Co. Maetigti' Troari F Bom * Joy to the world—Perry Darla’.Pain Killer. Merchant*—N K Barnaul. Hope and Sugar—Seymour £ Tinsley.; Tile' universal remedy—Daria’ Pain Killer. Mr* Bridget Stlrk. . i Samuel D Irwin, Attorney at lax. |Oarrlage Ap^aHonr—IV D Bank?.// -. 1 Wholesale home—J W Fean. . VVaut«d-*AJ BlAdlc. ' t ✓ Copartnership notice. Wanted, d T i T i . ■ • Macon A Brnnawlck Railroad. Money wanted—A Brydie. Auction aulea-rl. I! Urjant.f t I FrUMfe Adair. ’ - *• " y } tint detx gtnrr.Ui tv. -h*i _ IBPipH . . . , r poae or mshiogMI reports of the acta and.MTfng, nor It-lSt E. B. FOOTE, M. D., Xo. >130 Broadway, New Turk. ]ntnw w5* lie directed to with nnwoallntereat. I dir. tv. .hall hare onr Reporter present fox the pur-. 4th congressional district. The friend? of Dr. A. J. SIMMONS, of Monroe county, with hie consent, place his name before the people of the 4th Congressional District of Georgia, as u proper person to represent them on Ms 1*1! Light? Light! „ , , Petroleum OB, jtut rccd<ed and for salt »t the J the floor of the United States Hours of Represcn* Whitfurd' A ‘7.W C^Tr'd irnlt the usual courtesy of a sod ; Drug Store of A- M. BOYD, j uurcs. This district Is composed of Upson, Pike, r^. y lid extended to him. 4t ! : — , _. . Spalding, Henry, Newton, Butt?, Monroe, Craw- Ion the floor, wi.1 be extended to him. ; jgr Go to Bryant, Stratton A Co s. iifahrillc ^Bi^Twi^vnikinron, Baldwin, Jones, Jas. T„r BxzxAh or Maco*.-This is the style ol Basinets College for if thorough knowledge o! . PatMm . Dr Simmonsis a genUeman of the new sad extenslre wholesale and retail store, ; Bookkeeping, Fcnsmanstup, Commercial Calculi- fine a adre*5 and ability, Las always been a conserva- 0 «ned by onr friends 8. Peyser* Co., in the lions, Commercial, Law PartnershipSettlements j Utc politician and as smb is believed to be worthy : room? fin.* rlr occupied by Messrs Coleman A and Business Forms and Practice etc. Send for Cnl-. - ^ rv»Km a vennr between CbPiTt »nd i lege paper, Circulars, etc. Addrras Rom, on Cotton Arcnuc, betwwn bryaN ^ STRATTON & CO., tfolberry ttr reeet OnrUdj renders wl 1 oct214Jm Nashville, Tenn. ] bear in mind that a complete fashionable outfit J -A fan Iw secured at this establishment. Messrs S. Atlanta Medical College.—The course ot P. * Co., promise largely, but a glance at thei j> ctlir i s .| n this imputation will commence on the iimiias I f | well filled tlielrea and counters baa convinced ns the; are able to make their words good. ‘ norS-Jw r Co Karr?, of the latest atylea can be found at S Peyser A Co's Bazaar,-on Cotton Avenue. •l• Tam Go to A. S. Patrick’s to get the best : at toe Ge».—Whilst we enjoy j g„ t innery; Also, wrapping paner. aep!7-lf first Monday in November next, and continue four months—the Faculty liaving changed the time for the session from summer to the winter months. JOHN G. WESTMORELAND, Oct 21-lm 'J- Dean. Batchelor 9 * Hair Dye! The original and best in the world! The only * , , », „ , -- - . true and perfect hair dye. Harmless, reliable and an ol ptifT rolls, and Mip« delicious cup f • • • ! instantaneous. Produces immediately a splendid we discover U«t tl.i. the go-*p oftlie latest styles can he found^at S. : MacJc or LroWDj wltbout injuring the hair l „ *- c-'- “ - V-*•- "■ 1 Remedial the ill effects of bad dyes— ; of Macon. •omes a merchant and country dealer, arm I norS-lw They sit opposite ns, and we overhear Peyser * Co’s Bazaar, on Cotton Arenne, dliyiruWiuu^rftU* «ay>lr$%. T lie in rcbiiit 1 i/A,».!«, > '‘Gxie rcusoit wltj^w c' sell within'from tire to eight per rent, as cheap as yon can purchase in New York, la because we bought our goods some tlmeogo, when they were lower pres, cut in that city. Ttpjgil of iaixegaiQg prices hare been steadily advancing in the cast, but wc hare not increased onr figures here. Competition •%4,B63- Gold, ISO. Sew Yoke, Nov. 10.»-Cottou dee-lined two eta. prevents that. The increasing stocks In Macon, SaW two thousand and anybalfs. ,cause Ihirturb^tlicmoat Important Interior city IMMS Arty-eU and ffnr'c!g i bth«r a .mf 7\ Nrw York, Nsv. 11.-Sa1« of Cotton to-dsv accka this point and finds as many advantages in * - - - -- .... 9 k r\ , Markci Keport*. yj iloBlLE, Nor. 10.—'tUt talcs of cotton to-day, three hundred bales* Middling -W to 49. Sales -o^ the week, 1,300- Receipt* of the week, 1*2,801. Exports of thc^^d«k, 12.1:3f>. Stock on &md. purchasing as they formerly did In Savannah. The , , nd ooe . four , h . i _______ ‘ than (In y srcln Macon. In tile cotton trade sl .-nc, IXT'C' two thousand and fifty-two bales. Gold forty-six fl NEW GOODS. Sold by all druggists. The genuine la signed Wil liam A. Batchelor. AU», Regenerating Extract ot Milleffcnra, for restoring and beautifying the hair. CHARLES BATCHELOR, angl5-ly New York. we have been Incalculably advantaged by the man ucr of shipment that our.buyers halt- procured- .“r* 1 ’««- <«««• t _ n > r Cn Mm »^ t HHinrj- lUul tribulsty to our entry porta. It I? evidently to the Interest of our merchant? to secure dir ade , , , . . frorartliis point loR. forylgn liuirkxt?. ToMmirtT [|/ni>^)ME BLACK CLOAKS, tlilf; I Iblifk Ills absolutely nccAsaryto establish j » (iiAMnrn or tOHysucE. HANDSOME DRAB CLOAKS, j great anccesa, but ^l^£^£lNoyember_iqfch, [ have to-ilay reeeiveil by Express To It, can be added a reading room, in which tbc leading commensal uid political Jourrial.-qf the ! SILKX’OJiJ), all colors for Trimming, zavdCT»»srtes i 3gi •' i H on this continent Tbfe Its wide 4i^pMtty tp j.fiADIESl MERINO'VRBTSi f : tUThnl the priors of provisions hero and in the j ;r A GENTS’ MERINO VESTS, PAPER CAMBRICS, r TlC O-. FINE BED BLANKETS,. JACONET EDGLVGS..VND INSERTlkGS, )X • T'. SLATE COLORED JEANS, i,\DI*' (iACNTLETS, , BALMORAL SKIRTS, ctjAT Birroxs, Anri mnnv other Articles linrri to lie fottntl /.V Tint MARKET. S. T. COLEMAN. iTcn ! Itch! Itch !—Scbatch ! Scratch! Scratch !—^Whcaton’tt Ointment will cure the itch in 48 hour*. Also cures salt rheum, ulcers, chilblains, and all eruptions of the skin. Price 50 cents. For sale by all druggists. By sending CO cents to Weeks <fc Potter, sole agents, 170 Wash ington street, Boston, Mass., it will be forwarded by mail, freg of postage, to any part of the United States, j { [ ' * / sept 27-6m PERRY DAVIS’ VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER, THE UNIVERSAL REMEDY FOR INTER HA I- AND EXTERNAL COMPLAINTS ! At thl? period there arc but few of the human nice unacquainted with the merits of the Pam Killer; but while some extol it as a liniment, they kijow but little of its power in casing pain when taken internally, while other* use it internally with equally ignorant of its beal- Wentrm markets. The supply la seldom equal to Hie dethahd.’ ftiri cotnpqtlUoii wuulU sooin rcdupi to pnijier amt Just rates, the prices of all these ar tides. The agitation of the contraction of the currency and ji rrdiieiloh of the standard ormmu-y to a specie Inals and value, will do much to help the entire country out of Its (Inane*) troubles.; Tntrctt’.m* or comm', ’, Next year, Is absorbing much attention and Jn flic prodnee’of w large amount of the staple, ire see an easy dcllrdy from much of onr present trouble; for the plentiful supply ol that article j* not only absolutely demanded by our entire peo ple, fog their own use, hot tl|C community of lot’ teresi that la devclopcdby Its production, la one of the best means of furthering the great and broad principles ol this democratic conntry. An im mense amount of Uie staple will be cultivated next year. Tbc labor of the country innst lie diverted and applied to that purpose, and where so much zealous competition will be lnade,..;‘much benefit ■will necessarily arise,” TOC MILITARY Is well represented, devouring the "rations," so . bunntlfully'sprvad tx'fore them. One of the groups Is discussing the report that an order ltad been Issued to muster out most of tlic general officer* of the volunteer service. The puzzle Is, who would be guillotined in this section. Tin Ir supper was discussed before the less material question was de rided, and wc were none Hie wiser for our una voidable caves dropping- ■ #, - ' \ A SOLEMN GROUP. Our neighbors to the right were three Union Officer* and twq retired Confederate?. This alone iiluic oulygrobp liiwldrii lAoks of sadnesn weri visible. The execution of WIrz was casually men tioned. This sufficed to cause the party \o go through tlirir supper course InslIcRCr, all giving, expression, by tbelr looks, to the Idea that enough blood lias I wen shed. So thought we. Hut enough, ourtspyer it ended. \Ve are'safir.- tied for the present- When we desire another re- paat of the good things of tills lifr, and of table gossip, we will call at the Orm. Mf~ Messrs. Patrick A Co., ot the News Depot will act os agents for the Louisville Demanetl, which Journal can always be found upon their eonntcr. , L ‘ ■ .r’.IJlAk. 1- Xegro Forsn Dead.—The body of a dead negro Was found yesterday morning, near Hoag’s brick yard In the eastern part of the city. He seems to have been dead several weeks. The supposition is that uIVt having been paid off some weeks ago, he wat robbed and killed. A path runs within a few feet of where tbc man lias been lying and exhaling a great stench for weeks past. It seems strange Uiaf lie was not discovered earlier, r q ( A \ , ft ‘.l V To .Machinists, Machinist win find several thousand pounds o( old type metal for sale at the office of the Djult Tui.EOXunp ^^ Uir IJtdies, winter 1a approaching. Remember that a Urge lot of cloaks, shawls, sontags, nubias and hoods, can h.. found ritAhe H .rinr of B. I’ey- srfCo., oA Cotton ATenuc. novS-lw J. H. WOOLFOLK, Ware House and Commission MERCHANT, MACON. , - - ; ’r ; GA., W OULD respectfully inform liia old patrons and friends that he will continue the busi ness at the same plaec lie lias, for the last six years, and he now has storage room for 3,000 bales of cotton. His Iioudti is fire prooi-and free from leokes. • oc’t 17-2tw-lm ing virtues when applied externally. We therefore wish to say that it is equally successful, whether used internally or externally, and it stands alone, unrivalled by all the great catalogue of Family Medicines; and its sale is universal and immense. The demand for it from India and other foreign countries is equal to the demand at home, and it lias become known in those far-oll places liy its merits—the proprietors have never advertised it or been at any expense in its introduction info foreign lands.' nov14*2t NEW FIRM! NT ill W GOODS!! NEW PRICKS!!! AVholesale and Retail E. EINSTEIN’S OLD STAND. of the honoralde position to whieh‘-heis now call ed by manv of his uov7 te FELLOW CITIZENS. The name of Gen. JAMES W. ARMSTRONG, of Bibb county, U proposed as a suitable person to reprsent the Senatorial district, composed o! the eounties of Bibb, Monroe and Pike (224 District) in the next Legislotnre oof 31 -te FOR CONGRESS. Jfasn. Editor*:—You arc authorized to announce the name of Hon. B. IL BIGHAM as a candidate for Congress in the Third Congressional District. Judge B. is fully committed to the firm support of the President, reserving to himself, however, the manly right to discriminate, and to differ when he thinks the government is wrong, lie is attached to his native State, and determined that the fate of her people shall be his fate, ne has been recently in Washington, and there is reason to believe that if elected be will be enabled to take his seat • / oct 31-tc* THE PEOPLE’S TICKET. FOR SENATOR. JOHN J. GRESHAM. ESQ. FOR HOUSE REPRESENTATIVES. COL. THOS. HARDEMAN, WM. S. 3IOUGHON. S^"We arc authorized to announce the name of Gen. PHIL COOK as a candidate to Congress from the Second Congressional District. f GEN. COOK was originally opposed to secession, but when bis State seceded went into the army and thej*e-. re mained until the close of the war. nov4-10t* , • r * The Columbus Enquirer, Journal &, Messenger, Cuthbert Reporter and Albany Patriot, are reques- tfffl fn frinv nnrl fnrvrnrrl • J GEORGE BURDICK, f Formerly of Dunn J; Burdick.] : y«JO BI5 E R I N .PROD UCE . T[1i7 r ILL BUY AND SELL on Commission. All .V Y, orders accompanied with the CASH will inMjyUlirronjpt.and personal attention. gSTStorc bouse commodious aud Fire-Proof. Office with Messrs Dunn «fc Mangliam, on Third street, Macon, Go., next to Hardeman & Sparks’ Warehouse. ■ nov 8-dcod2w Notice to Planters. I win, buy 10,000 bushelsoi’corn, lowest Market Prices, Tor which I will pay the highest market price j T IIE undersigned beg leave to inform the ladie- of this city, county aud vicinity and the pubs lie in general, that he lias now open and ready for sale at the well known and popular old stand of E. EINSTEIN’S, TRIANGULAR BLOCK, One of tlic besttdected Stoclx of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Iu the Southern markets. The goods were select ed l»y Mr. Einstein with great care; and as he is now in the New York market for the sole purpose of selecting goods, and watching the best oppor tunities for buying, I have the advantage over all other merchants woo are not similarly sitnated. I shall receive new additions to our stock eve ry week, and will be always prepared to exhibit to the public goods of the Best Manufacture. Latest Styles, ted to copy and forward bill. FOR CONGRESS 3RD CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. Editor Telegraph : lion. B. H. Bigham of Troup, is respectfully presented by his friends to the voters of thcSrd Congressional District as a candidate for Congress. He is an experience!) legislator and jn-. rist and 4ias proven himself true to his native State. The district Is composed of the counties of Mus cogee, Schley, Talbot, Harris, Troup, Meriwether, Heard, Coweta, Fayette, Clayton, Carroll, Camp- bel and Paulding. Day of election 15th Novem ber, inst- nov5-tde 2ST* Wc are authorized to announce the name of non. E. G. CABANISS of Monroe county, as candidate for the Congress of the Uflited States for the Fourth Congressional District, at tlio elec tion the 15th in9t. nov7-tf STATE SENATE. We are authorized to onnouneethe name of Hon. -j JAS. N. RAMSEY, as a candidate for re-clection I to the State Senate, from the district composed of tlic counties of Harris, Talbot and Upson, nov 10-te CANDIDATES FOR REPRESENTATIVES FOR HOUSTON COUNTY. The friends of Gen. Eli Warren and David M. Brown, announce their names as suitable men to represent tbc county in the next Legislature. novll-5t MANY VOTERS. Voters of Monroe County.—The names of Col. J. T. Crowder and Col. W. C. Redding, are placed before you as suitable men to represent you in the legislature. Many Citizens. nov 12 IIouston County.—Wc have been authorized to announce the name of Hon. JOSEPH DAY, as a candidate for a scat in the Legislature from Hous ton county. nov 12-te MONROE COUNTY. Daily Telegraph: I am authorized to announce that neitheir Col. J. T. Crowder nor W. C. Red dlu^, arc candidates-to represent .Monroe county in next general assembly nov!4 Voter. # {Froh* Georgia,) * HENRY YONGE & CO., C O MM I SSI OK HER OB AX T NEW YORK, QOLICIT cuusiguuicuts of C'ottou an other O articles, anil orders, for purchase of Woods., REFERENCES: Charles Day. Esq., T. R. Bloom, Esq.. L C. i Plant, Esq., 'Macon, Georgia; Messrs. Phinizv j & Clayton. Augusta. They have hail large experience in pur- ' chasing Railroad SrrrLiES of all rleserip-! tions and solicit orders from Railroad C’oni- 1 panics. nnvll-ffin* Mrs. F Dessau, Agent. 1 3 HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE to her friends in Macon and elsewhere, that she has just receiv ed a large stockof elegant Dress Goods, consisting of EMPRESS CLOTHS and POPLINS, all colors, DRESS TRIMMINGS and SETTS, CLOAK SETTS, WORSTED SHAWLS ALL COLORS, BELTS, DRESS AND BONNET RIBBONS. Large assortment of Mourning Gooods. BONNETS, IIATS AND FEATHERS, BRILLIANTS, BALMORALS AND LINXENCOLLARS, Travelers'.Insurance Company, COMMISSION WO FORWlRDlNt. ! • OP NEW YORK. Office, NO. ”43 BROADW AY. MERCHANT. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL... . f500,00). ir) H Ba- trpel Aph M.,,.j for HOOP 'K!KT>. i Tin tyvzy 1 CwnaFwBi Kl TteaxiT aad UM ToCMOfT. 1 I u*« flw£k'*•*** rftiet >r.a Ui; u *syS;nr>>:: IS DIRECTORS: Edward A. Jones, Orison Blunt, Samuel J. Glasses-, T. B. Van Bnrcn,' Sylvester M. Beard, Robert Croulcv, Win. Colt, J. C. Himml. L, lleury Clews,. Albeit Wright, John A. Iselin, II. P. Freeman. Nicholas E. Smith .Tames R. Dow, Howell Smith, F. H Lummos, Wm. E. Prince, Sylvester Teats, •Joseph Wthle, A. A. I.ow, I’has. Curtiss, AsherS. Mills, ,W. IT. Webb, Henry J. RaymouJ, Silas Herring, Sam’l W. .Tmslnw, Richard A. McCurdy. EDWARD A. JONES, President. WM. E. PRINCE, Vice-President. ASHER A MILLS, Sccrctarv. F. B. VAN BUREN, Treasurer. S. Teats, M. D., Medical Examiner. E. n. Jones, Superintendent of Agencies. E. F. Foloek, General Railway Agent. LIFE AND ENDOWMENT POLICIES Alt the proflts . „ „ ; in this department are divided pm rata among and all other articles requisite to enrich, beautify the Policy Holders. All policies to be Uuontett.f- and complete a lady? toilet. New Goods Received Weekly. novll-Tt* RIDGELY, SqUIER .V CO., AGENTS FOR DODDS, MACNE1LS & URBAN’S, furnish sacks, —ALSO— 5 TEN THOUSAND POUNDS BACON and LARD. Fodder, Stock Peas, Dried Fruit and Syrup. BOV fUdrodiw . Q ' V;ko. BURDICK. Gem Saloon, TfJIHD STREET, UNDER RLOYD HOUSE, Mnoon, <;coi-gin, I W. THOMAS, PROPRIETOR. My stock consists in part of the following goods: Prints, Printed DeLaincs, -All wool Delaines, Empress Cloth, Poil DeChcvres, English and French 3rerinos, Scotch and Venitian Plaids, Solid, printed and figured Poplins, Black DeLaine?, !*• Alapacas, ' Black Silks, Mcrinosand Bombazines, And many other goods belongiug to the DRESS DEPARTMENT A full and complete assortment of 5-tf The following Mmgtwtk, which we rtnd in ; tU^J)ERS; tato> pleanure in in- w ., A fanning the citizens of Macon that he has rc- thc tolu inbus S*ri of the 10th, reminds u-or the old | cen tly enlarged, refitted and refurnished his Eat- •aylng-—“Go abroad to obtain news from home:'* I inq and Drinkixo Saloon in the most elegant and Gen. Croxton is in town stopping at Cook's IIo l costly manner. His_ tables are always furnished j lars, separate and in sets, iG. il«', bating r - d i - ; e>.:»«»:; iu the ari.iT. wi!i. ;i!l t'uc ii.\iric- ar.d i-.ixuric? of thofe^on. White, Red and Shaker Flannels, OffeelSjiac^fer^e^-ec^hS, 1 ' BXmIs at All Hours, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Ladles’ Linen and Embroidered Cuffs and Col- has iqs-uwl an uffice In Mae,>ii for (he prosecution of claim? against the government, before tlic the board of claims and tlie treasnry department at Washington, and before the agents and in the United States courts. This Is news, to «a. If true, the general's mr mcrou- Wend? iu this city will Unite in'wishing him sbnndant soccess In his new pursuit. Plain and Fancy Opera Flannels, Bleached and Brown Canton Flannels, Blan Fresh Oysters for sale by the quart or gallon, j The very best of Wines and Liquors always on j Gloves I-adiet’ Merino Vests, hand. m*y rely on being waited on by the most attentive ; Tnn Lidies Are Invited to call at the Novelty ‘ Stvxi and tec thcbcantiful HMmmfe^ylsain Hats, i T ARGE lot just received. ffiBtfawt-usaflff. I E. W. THOMAS. Fine Ca»«inicrc. BqnuetA, Dir>s and Cloak triimnii ^pek Tu«t y jbibboii?, Feathers •fid Mi(t\ o. rte. . Nets, Rata ] ttdrSW Prints! Prints Table Linen, Tabic Cloth, Towels, Towelings, Napkins, “ Doylies Linen, And all other articles ^longing to a 7. ' KT Fashionable dre?s bntton?, and trimmings j Y'l-Voe'soaoL 0 ^^’ DeL * ints ’ ! af>v$-lw», Save Your Pork.« ; Number One Dry Goods Store. Wc call the special attention of the ladies to our r - CLOAK ANT) SHAWL DEPARTMENT, * And say with confidence, we will sell these artl- XiOWxm. mez, Worthy or Notice.—We invite the attention __ , , . Andsa of our readers to the card of Mr. B. I- Ross, with J HA ' tj “1;received ^/hARRIS. ««»» at‘a reference to the prompt manner in which the j novll-St* Merchants Instrancf Comt.vnt, of Hartford, “TTP n****^xvL*, A « 1 ^ “ i _ . . . , iwi-onded to losses rtutained bv him at the open- i Donn For - cl 1 otter « tI,e c,, - v »“ a WARRANT Ing or the «ar. The agent of the company, in j T° «" ln “ na ,ak< ‘ * f * 5,c ° r ,hc ®*»* U< l nor to the E <H> *‘- “> bc of,h ' this city, Mr. II. L. Jewett is too well* known to , novll-3t ° A. P. G. HARRIS. : Be*»t and Moat Fashionable 3ffailU- need any endorsement. I ; - rr. — • * — Just Received. ractnrc. tysSwombte wiuking shoes, for ladies sod i The Louisville Democrat FOR 1866, T IIE course of the Democrat in tlic past is known to the public generally. It has adhered to the doctrines held by the original teachers of Democra cy, without indorsing extreme or erroneous infer ences from these doctrines. We expect to pursue the same course hereafter. We believe the reserved rights of States essential to the permanence to any Government, including the whole area of the Union. States must be su preme over their own domestic affairs. We shall accord to the Federal Government all its just powers, but shall never indorse its usurpa tions. We look upon a resort to the sword as a danger ous experiment; for war is the parent of despot ism. Peace and free discussion will bring our country out of the calamities in which it has been involved by intemperate strife. t We must get back to tbc old paths, when Federal power was confined to its proper limits and the States exercised unquestioned their reserved pow ers. The supremacy of the civil over the military power is indispensible to a free country, and we arc for it without delay, at all risks. No danger can be as great as the danger of military rule, and no risk too great to get rid of it. We are for the Southern States resuming their places in the Union; and wc hold all obstacles thrown in the way of it arc unwarranted and revo lutionary. • Wc arc, in short, for the institutions we have had, administered upon the principles advocated and maintained bv the Democratic party, and generally illustrated In Democratic administrations of the Government. DAILY-DEMOCRAT; One Copy, one Year, by Maftl ..$10 00. WEEKLY DEMOCRAT. One Copy, One Year •$ 250 Four Copies, One Year 8 00 Ten Copies, One Year 17 00 Twenty Copies, One Year 30 00 An extra copy of the Weekly edition furnished to clubs of twenty or more. Additions may be made to clubs at any time dur ing the year at the regular club rates, tlie club is kept up to its original number or more. ., ' Changes from club lists can only be made by the request of the person rceiving the club packages. All such requests must name the edition, postoffice and State to which it has previously been sent, and in close twenty-five cents to pay for changing to sep arate address. . rf^rlftOQjl Orders for either of tlio editions of the Demo crat maybe sent by mail, and should inclose Post- office money. Order or Bank draft for amount (less the disconnt.) Wc have no authorized travelling agents. Money sent by mall will be at tbc risk of the senders, unless registered through the post- Orders and letters should bc addressed to HARNEY, HUGHES & CO. uov!2-2t. Louisville, Ky. CELEBRATED Fire and J: Burglar Proof Safes, Bank Locks, &c. T HESE SAFES AND LOCKS liave been thor oughly tested and their reputation is such that the Department at Washington and New York city use them in preference to any other. They are made exclusively of iron and steel, thus rendering them entirely FIRE AND DAMP PROOF. ZSureka and Excelsior iiauk Hocks, For Vaults, Express Boxes, Bankers, Jewellers, and Merchants, are unrivalled, and uarties desiring such articles will find it greatly to their interest to purchase from us, as we can sell at manufacturers* prices, freight only added. nov ll-3m * RIDGELY, SQUIER & CO. Valuable Cotton Plantation For Sale. . T OFFER for sale my plantation sitnated on Chi- X ochee Creek, 12 miles S. W. from Albany, Dougherty county Georgia, adjoining the lands of Benjamin Lockett, Jerry Bell, John Jones, Col. Nelson and others. The place contains 1,500 acres, about 6 or 700 acres of which arc cleared and un der a good fence. The improvements are all good framed buildings—good giuhouse and iron screw. Provisions, stock and plantation tools can be bought with the place. If not sold before tbc 1st Tuesday in December next, on that day it will be sold in Albany at public outcry. For terms ap ply to me at Cuthbert, Georgia, or S. D. Inin, Albany. novO-tlDt SAMUEL CLAYTON. A RARE CHANCE. T nE undersigned offer for sale, or rent for tlie ensuing year, in the village of Russellville, Monroe co, Ga., a dwelling and store house, with 40 acres of land attached, in a wealthy community, comprising one of the best country stands for merchandising in middle Georgia. The dwelling is nearly new containing eight rooms, with good garden, orchard, etc. The store room is sixty feet long and well finished. Said property can be pur chased low or rented on reasonable terms if early application is made to the undersigned. J. R. RALLS, nov0-20d* J. R. SMITH. To Rent. A GOOD COMFORTABLE DWELLING IN East Macon, with seven large rooms, kitchen and stable, all complete, and a splendid pump of water. For further information imply to the un dersigned at Messrs Phillips Hunt’s, East Macon. nov9-10t* W C MASSEY. Residence for Rent. AN ELEGANT RESIDENCE ON TATNALL SQARE—TWO ACRE I.OT. Apply to DR. J. D. SMITH. novlO-lw* ROOMS TO RENT. T HREE largo Rooms with gas fixtures up stairs on Mulberry St., opposite Medical college, next to Floyd House building, with kitchen, eel- lar, etc. Apply on the premises to Corn and UVEeal Can be sold for a full price by calling on nov 54 Ot J. N. SEYMOUR JLiyery Stable. J O. SEARS & C. T. FOSTER, have opened a • Livery Stable at Manly’s old stand, Griffin, Ga., and are ready at all hours to feed or furnish horses. |3gr Conveyances furnished to any point in the country, A share of patronage is repectfully so licited., • nov 7-eodlm k. m. Mrncnisox, j. t. mnuuY, New York. E. MURRAY, D. R. MURCHISON, Wilmington, N. C. ALL THE RAGE! THOSE FINE NAVY anil OIL SUK CAPS, Formic low, hy I TURPIN & HERTZ, Cherry street, opposite Little & Smith’s, novl3-3t Macon, Georgia: SALT, SALT, SALT. f I N store and for sale, a large lot ot Virginia Salt, j Also, fine Bourbon and SlonoDgahela Whisky, j Claret ’and Shirry .Wine, Cream Ale. Grape .rid Peach Brandy, troeeries, Drv Goods, Boots, Shoes, &c.,hy 1 WITHERS & LOUD, , Cherry street, between First and Second, nov 12 Ct Just Received, 5,000 lbs. of POT WARE, 100 Boxes TIN PLATE, 25 Bundles of WIRE, 0,000 feet of GAS PIPE, 20 COOKING STOVES, For sale opposite the old Postoffice. novl2 6t\ DALES! SCALES! riatform Sc 1?=, from SKY to 100 pound.?. We alter live years from date, and non-forfeltablo alter two annual payments. A Loan of one-third of the amount ot premiums will bc made;-also, thirty days grace given In payment of premiums. GENERAL ACCIDENT POLICIES Are granted covering accidents of all descriptions, including the travelers’ risk. It issuedj Without Compensation, They provide for death, If caused by accident; but in case of injury only, tlic Insured receive* no com- pensation. Ifgranted With Com .ensation, The full amount assured is pavabloto tlic family in case of death caused by accident and occurring within three months from the date of injury. Or, in pasc of injury causing disability, the insured re ceives a weekly compensation until lie is able to attend to his business, such time not to exceed twenty-six weeks. The policy covers all forms of Dislocations, Broken Bones, Sprains, Braises, Cuts, Gunshot Wounds, Buns and Scalds, Bites of Dags, Assaults by Burglars, Robbers, or Murderers, the action of Lightning or Sun-Stroke, the effects ol Explosions, Floods and Suffocation by Drowning or Choking, and all other kind of accident. Ten Dollars. Secures a general Accident Policy for; Two Thousand Dollars 1 With a Weekly Compensation olj Ten Dollars. TRAVELERS' INSURANCEiTICKETS, For any length of time, from one day to twelve months, are on salo at the various Railroad and Steamboat Ticket Offices and Agencies,; Marine Risks and Speoial Voyages. Policies are granted insuring against death by accident while sailing in steamer or sailing vessels, also for special voyages. Full information, together with Tables of Rates, ,6c., can be obtained at the Home Office, or by ap plication to the State Agent. E. C. GRANNIS, Agent for Bibb County. J. C. McBURNEY, „ ien’l Agent for Georgia. WM.‘ C. GODWIN, Amcricns. R. ROBS, Albanv. S. 8. STAFFORD,' Blakely. R. «. MORRIS, Georgetown. R. COMPTON, ' , Griffin. R. W. JACQUES, Columbus. E5?" Insurance Agents desiring the appointment as Agent, can address the General Agent, J. C. McBumey. sepSS-dm ORYVMEXTA I, IIAI It. CURLS, BRAIDS, WATERFALLS, BANDS, WIGS, HALF WIGS, Ac., Wholesale, at the lowest possible price of im portation for cash. W. R. CAMHRON & CO., Importers ol Hair and Manufacturers, No. 313 Fulton St., Brooklyn, near New York. Large and small orders punctually atteoded to. oct 21-lm SAVANNAH, GA. Roduction in Prices. Dress Groods Declining! November 4th. 1865. To^lay tlie Prices of i ID r o .s s 6 o o tl h On lialul art minced to mike re EXTENSIVE VARIETY Soon to arritV.- Call soon lief.ire lliev are all S. T. COLEMAN, j nov4 Comer Cherry and Second *(•. Sale of Personal Property. T HE UNDERSIGNED will sell at private aalr. upon suitable application, ail the pcrronil property now on bis plantation, sitnated eight miles below Macon. The property offered conrtitsol one Horse, seven Mules, a lot or Hogs, Corn, Fodder, Wagons, Farming utensils generally, and many other useful articles, such as ora fouud on • well regulated Plantation. The whole will bcanld to a single pnrehater. or In lota, as may be desired. TERMS CASH. Delivery to be made npea par- chase. The property can be cent at aav lime by calllngon the undersigned at Us plantation, near the river road loading from Maconto Uawkiu ville. eight miles South ofMacon. If the above property is not disposed of at pri vate sole, It will be offered at oobUc outcry on Tuesday, November 2Lst 1SC3. on the premises. nov5-2w» JOSEPH DOUULA. I.RIMT UI T RhTRIB! Ti0\, 2 5 0. O 0 0 Matches. Chain., Ilmsm.J Hint., p All te I> w. T. NELSON’S SALOON. THE SIGN ALL EIGHT. AT WHOLESALE AS WELL AS RETAIL. J UST received and for sale by the barrel and package, an invoice of Liquors of the best quality, such as OLD BOURBON, MONONGAI1ELA, ROBERTSON COUNTY WHISKY, CHAMPAGNE, CATAWBA, CHERRY, COGNAC and DOMESTIC BRANDIES. Cliampagnc Wines, qts. and pints, different brands, also Mines, Port, Madeira, Catawba, Pearl of the Rhine, (imported) Rhein trine (Ingichrimer, red, end Ungsteincr, white.) All the above can be purchased by retail dealers, in packages of any quantity desired, and at the lowest figures of the market. Also, a large lot of the choicest brands of TOBACCO AND CICARS. Remember the old 6tand on Cherry street, lie- tween Second and Third, under the old sign of W. T. Nelson. He has resumed hi3 former business and his old friends and customers, as well as new ones will find him, early and late, giving personal attention to their wishes. . His bar will at all times be supplied with the choicest beverages. Give him a cnll, for lie will be found liberal and prompt as in tbc olden time. oct22ml ALLISONS & KIRKMAN Gotton Factors AND General Commission Merchants, Nos.'29,31 Sc 33, So..MarketSt. Nashville, Tenn Refer To—J. B. Ross* Son, Macon, Ga.; J. H. Anderson & Son, Macon, Ga.; Fleming & Wheless, Augusta, Ga.-: W. nriys Warren, Au- i gusta, Ga.; R. J. Lowry & (to., Atlanta, Ga.; J. | Rhodes Brown, Colnmbus, Ga.; W. H. Smith j Montgomery, Ala. ’ oct4-2m* ,T. VV. M1TC1IEI.1i, , V’. P. AR¥*HOX,t. Ilitcliell & Armstrong, PB0VISI0N & COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS lit BAQCINC, ROPE AND LIQUORS, NO. 05, MAIN STREET LOUISVILLE, KY. scpt22-3m* J. M. COOPER. Auction & Commission Merchant, ALBANY, GEORGIA. W ILL give his personal attention to tlie pur- chase and shipment of COTTON. nF. IS ALSO PREPARED TO MAKE LIBERAL Cash -A.dvan.ces On Colton instore In Albanv, Ga., for shipment to Messrs Nobton, SLArcnrcu * Co., New York. Haring had many years experience in tlie Cotton trade, as well as Auction and Commission husinos, lie flatters tilcisclfthat lie cangive entire EjIUlWrt Ion to parties entrusting their business to him. ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Respectfully rolors to J. B. Roe? A Son. Macon; T. n. Johnson, Alabany. oe129-2m FOIt SALK. A Plantation in (’rawfort! County. C tONTAINING EIGHT HUNDRED and eixtv . / acres (800), 400 woodland, the balance good cultivable land, situated on the Knoxville ard Colnmbus road, *ne mile from Flint river, and six miles from Muscogee railroad. There 1? upon the plaec a good dwelling with six rooms celled and papered, with necessary out building?. Tlic land is well adapted to the production of cotlon, com cane ,te. The place Is wel (watered, and lia? an ex cellent scat for a grist or saw mill. If application is made iiaracdiatcl),. tbc place can be purchased foi $4000 in greenbacks, one cotton crop will re-pay the Investment, and cover all expenses. Apply to lor address JNO R RALLS, uov5-2w s Russellville, Monroe co., Ga. m«» wttn »hs s iM rt win, uZ __ Barer Finn* ok.—ran.. Most*. T. * 11 Sew York - *1 the V ' All articles sold at One out regard to voloe. «<u receipt <4Um eeriMme ran m. . m, ■wag ukm.aUtlM*skffnraaaatMMat iloflanal Mk. the ankt* or aas. V . i .«v» a. this*ObtainmOoMWalsfc. Mata nl ). < rmyoTO Jewstry •*>*!• b«t f* oae nA* they gel Ire. Man «>Mkr. mm- »• mo mm M Mfejsrjfigy; vs!*Cfc re forilO: LimA^g U U. sixty-ffv* .beta, to on* date. A, CerliBcite, and n will he mowed tea cants a> tiervOkrtMa “ ■ i I C their r—outu - , r.-t. r,, . ■eri*. lo n*. eith-r .a e* Hnrloj’v Xtoaartrii- i;u; rrv Still Buying-Wool, AND WILL PAY Highest Ct-oing Hate, nov 5-101 J. x. SEYMOV'R. Just Received, i A FRESH SUPPPLY OF OVERCOATS, BUSINESS SUITS and ILVTS. T.j'OK Debility. 11 nov7 E. 8.YULSBURY A CO. COTTO.Y NOTICE. digestion or Drspejo i.ivcr, i>i-or,lcrcd M- snocb. It- re- ore no - bat an compare wtUi ItM la nareUt |S. distressing coawlatal*. For aslr or can HMn any drag store In (be Untied - or rrt-.i. t h. proprietor, Louis rtUe, Ky.. eomer Ijsiialb wET Green ttreele, to al om all Defers shoal* b< j.' tressed. Mt'ltLEY, |:i DDII .vim Harlt-)’* sursapiirilia. rrtDBGraatBlood 1'unr. - A racr Medi irie, sism; m ...r,. . , impurities from the Mood, and git - to the system. HURLEY, Rl'DDLE re c<>. Proprietor* Conier Seventh ar.dG. - .n ,tr.. t, septHMm L .uhiiil. ,’Kj Hurley’? Popalnr Worm (and}. A this D really a opodtc for Warm ; ' ' m d dren, Ills not iurpr...i,g tbj; ,, f?,t :sk; c , i Ida. .• •■( a.! other p;ei,a.-.tlon« lur ir,,,- sn , o i„ a j perfectly Is bvmv, »;ij uke u RUREET, RUDDLE A 1.0 . ... , _ Prop:., tore _<-orr.' r neven.q ana r, r . ea street., scptlo .»m I.ovisrlilr, K I Nashville ii Chaitanooga Railroad. rpo Passer 1 train le; ,C? r the North and tv, • l.rj.rev. .l.-.tlsn’K,;;-. r,to , v coonset Norti.wr.ttn, lu.lros.l i„ : Murchison & Murray, Commission Merchants, , can be fonnd at S. Peyser A Co’s, novS-lw ''-'J Pr.urARE nn; IIoiipav?.—We call atten-j : lion to the card ol Mr. H. F. Rees. His variety store will not only be found dlled nith the latest styles of fancy goods for the Ladies', but also a j large depot for the present? Santa Clans expects to dispense to the little ones in a short time. Give i . Mr. R. a erik ftf The Macon Bazaar, ou Cotton Avenue, is the place to pugcha* silk cord, of all Vizas, aud * - colors. Also worsted Messrs. S. Peyser A Co. rjj“S. Peyser A Co., ha\ c ot ladies' liats and trimming- novS-lw 10 DOZEN BRASS ROUND BUCKETS. /■ A. SPRINGER. Macon. Ga. Removal, Removal! HERRINGTON. & RICKS, 2 DOZEN WELL BUCKETS. ✓ For Sale. LARGE LOT OF HOOP SKIRTS. 188 V ront St., Hew Vork. , .... . . . _ . . .1 A ONE slory urooa lwellin" with four rooms, A LL conii^nmentti to us arc insured from point ±kitchen with two boms and servants house of shipment, whether advice of shipment i* with two rooms, aituate&on lot No. 3, sqr. 40and received or not. | fronting on Poplar strett^ and very convenient to Liberal advances made on consignments when i bu3ine*w*- G. J. BLAKE desirc»L Onr per?onal attention given to the sale ! n ovll-7t At the .tore of Greer <fc Lake, of cotton- nov9 1m Conntcr and Tro Seales, i Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Manufacturers. R ESPECTFULLY announces that they have moved their ware room and workshop from the Nesbit Foundry, to. the corner of Fourth and Poplar streets, opposite Catholic church. ^ ... man i B. A. WISE. Sale. DRIED ERITTI 0, call on : novS-lw on hand & Ur^c stock , suitable for winter House Furnishing Goods, I mb bow nrt iviuir a general wsortmeju. On constgmnenlj nov 12-6t B. A. WISE. Just Received politan Record, N New York Day Book. Beadle* • No. 3. A fresh invoice of Internal and all tlic.usual dailies. For Sale. ;.x \ * e New Depot.—Metro. A GOOD Cotton Farm containing 300 or 400 rk Ledger of Nov. 18th, -A- acres well improved, timbered and watered. i -i A SACKS COFFEE, { Xvf : »0 Boxes- Tobacco, different grades, 3000 Havana Cigars, Wines andLiquors,In caaes, Kegs aud Boxes of Soda, 2000 lbs. Telegraph Wire, No. 9, 200 “* Tinners* Wire, 15 Barrels Salt, ' F ^ Intelligence Office, I oct22-tjl* i i • ^ iaie rwpoved from Votton Avenue to Fifth ; — ! assc JJo er Dcjot, and opposite Scho- ; j ***** 5 Foundry. Servantslaborers furnished; j 'Hi oy r will keep on hand a complete assortment of lannactnred articles in their line, such as STILTS, COPPER KETTLES, TIN WARE, STOVE PIPES, ETC., ETC. Tbev are also prepared to promptly fill orders for SHEETING, ROOFING and GUTTERING, to any extent. Terms reasonable, and all work warranted to be executed in the. rsost workmanlike manner. SPOTSWOOD HOTEL, Richmond, Va., August, 1805. f re... h, g „ rriiwT J. N. SEYMOUR. Pocket SonevtcT tvlmr in 1st Dooly Conntv distriet, seven mUes i- p,,-,., , S.E. of Montezuma, Ga. Forfurtherinformstion it heienue Laws, . I <-. HATS—MEN’S AND BOY’S. E. 8. LATHROP A CO. nOv!2-2tt Auction Sale. ; rpHE STOCK of the late firm of Roberts, Dun t J. lap A Co., will be sold to the highest bidder ! onTuesdav.Nov. 14th, 1865, at JO o’clock, A. M., at I their store on Cherry street, ronsisting in part of Iron, Steel, Sait, Soap, Shoes, Indies, Haversacks, ; Tools,Ham ess Buckles,Tobacro, Hollow Ware, Tin I Ware, Log and Chip Logwrod, and other goods. Sale positive, to close the eoacem. Terms cash, nofll-td? ROBERTS, DUNLAP A CO. WANTEDA A First Class Harne AND Six. Good S Apply to ’ At Little & Smith A Co.’s Cherry sti. j -tors deem it proper to assure the public that such ■ is not the case. The House is open for the accom- ! modation of visitors, as it has been from its open ing day, in September, 1866. e TaTnlrziv The "House has been remodeled, renovated, re- S JHtlKer, furnished, and pnt in perfect order throughout, I and the traveling public may rest assured of find- in" as comfortable accommodations with ns as can be = found in any first-class hotel North or South. Our friends, patrons, and the traveling public "enerallv, visiting Richmond, are cordially invited fo make their home with ns, and no pains will bc spared to make-them comfortable, as we are pledged to sustain the well known repntatioa of ouse. CORKERY A JHLLWARD, fcOM. thefl ouse. oct 12 "ii Tvi.m -n rii ■ i-.- r 81. Lo Passengers leaving Atloi on W. A A. B. R. connect I* now received snd forwarded Ttiy moderate rate?. WM C HARLES E DEXTER, late of the firm of Hall & Dexter, is prepared to make liberal CASH ADVANCES ON ALL COTTON consigned through him to the well known and re-1 John-.oini:ie apd poi; sponsibiehouseof Gardner, Dcxter&Co., of New 0, '„’•' York and Boston. nov7-lu> ville Railroad. Colnmbus, Ga., Nov 3d 1865. Fare Irons Ci-j 11 ..r : - Country Merchants Are invited to call at the Novelty Store, as there arc many things to be liad at a bargain. I have a friend at the North bnylng and can offer extra In dneements to purchasers. C. II. BAIRD, r Ti- novSfil* Agent. w _ No. 11, Cotton Avenue. Ells’ Saloon. T HE PLACE Is now open to the public; ererv lnxnry which can be obtained from anv part o'l the United States, will bc served cp in every :-tvle to please the most fastidious. Beverages of "all kinds, of the best, to cheer the despondiso; a hot Dinner to invigorate the inner man on a cold day, with a fine Uavonnato puff away dull care. Do not hvXoer nor thirst, but call on Ell-’, who has a plenty at his Old Stand, opposite the Lanier, who will do his best to satisfy yonr wants. With eighteen years of successful experience In my business I hope to please ail. With gratitude to old lriends for past lavors, I hope to merit a continuance of their patronage—amiall others who will give me a call. . II. N. ELLS. . OYSTERS, by the quart or gallon, furnished ss 5*““'?’ •£! low as any house In the city, tor shipment or city ' U,- V - w " use. Also Lemons by the box or dozen. I «T n „ - - —. ^»p.: : .. i B M . S. S. KENDRICK, I York; Messrs. Ms ky A B.-ni • on the o-f r.rnr trelu Iththl^tjuia Freltht :k t*rE» P IXVLt. Hap t brown, '•fiio r \rcn\ Mackj^, Beattie & Co- Shipping and General Ooidgiission Mercatnta 20S re BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, OEORG1A. ® : •dvtacc* made op C -nsigntaeut* Micrr A Beattie, PLiladciphi. REFERENCES: .olhy A- Co . Messrs Hnntari Dt ii a: Chrbtum. Savsab re su naii ; M,-»srs. Maude J Mes COMMISSION MERCHANT, National Bank, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDIZE, Line at. (nearPeachtree) ATLANTA, GA. Consignments solicited of all kinds of Merchandi-e. References : EowdreeA Anderson, G. B Rob ert-, Macon, Ga.; Abbott & Brothers, Edward White, Atlanta, Ga. novS-lOU j Son? re^ Co., Pidladi B|| ., Mes-ra. Mc< utebcon . Philadelphia; Messrs. Ciarke A ( j M. A. Hamilton, Baltimore. Particular attentior Is for Nort Messrs J. iooal B«r. Back. ing of got oct 31—3i J^ en to tb^ m markets Salt! Salt!! Mules for FOUR N l MBERmSEj Lowest -Market Drice. Call rut J. N. SEYMOUR | one < Proprietors.