The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, November 15, 1865, Image 1

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Of ainrnn Mil i'rlfgrnpji. TELEGRAPH [J. B. DOUBLE, BUILDIHC ,J Second Strec THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH. OLD SERIES, 50. 1396.T MAC05, GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 15. 1865. SKEW SERIES. NO. 160. TV BUSINESS CARDS.! RAILROAD DIRECTORY. « AM# WUTEBX RATLCOA DAT TRAIN. • .7.50 a tf I Leave AtlaaU 4 05 r m | ArrfT^at Mac AZUMEA! AZUMEA! .A ZU.UEA! Hat proved to tie To IN’ ew Y ork VIA. A A Darien and Savannah. The completion of the Macon and Brunswick Rail Rood to IiairkiniTilie, and the favorable boat aWe condition of the Ocmnlgec River, now render i TLe E=ct end Purest Baking Powder .in Bee. tU. tte cheapest and quickest route for the busl- ness of Mecca end Central Georgia. Through Bills of Lading will be given after the 15th Injr. All accommodations extended end endeavors ri.. t:.. rrr thAtW. • J. II. ZEILIN* X CO., iSrS|lS24S!?:.-£Sr: ! WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUB8I8T8, made to forward freight with prompter.. and dis- o-trow nr: ta■« Mszou. .13 a w I Ar. M Kufiui.i. r x | riait. Twain on uuar branch. L'veSmHbvUle.Xt'J rn I Lrave Allieny..a x Ar. at Allonj. ..LSI p re | flraillivillry.(TJ a x Htnrwar. bailuoad. Train* ran ewe* war tri-weekly, Ira ting Maron nw Mowtaya, Wcdacdays and Friday., and return .v;r rox. patch. Messrs. Brigham, Baldwin A Co., at Savannah; waeraaw railroad. • 1 —-- j ACatHhen^i;4jA* m j Sole Agmirfin. thi/Statef far tlic sale of{ Meaara. Nightingale £ Unger, aZ.Dsrion: Aster I’BOF. ntmui.6' AZlilEA. ai,i.l..Vi SIII I,*reKuiontem..KOOa x rton. 1.34 p x | Ar. at Macon.. .1.SH P X an awn wwi'wawtcK bailuoad. m. ..3.inp x | L've Junction. r,.nOax lion.(1.40 p x | Ar. at Macon. .10.10 a x seeauia uajlboad. n. .. 1.1 j a x I Leave Aa:pkrfa.fl.00 a x i«la .5M p x I Ar. at Atlanta. 10.25 r x XI WnuCE lltlLROalN a...U3i x i f.'ve Colan>tm..7.i>i a x ’ ibaarfLM'P x | Ar. at Macon.. .4.10 p x I *Tt«> 'a .manic railroad. Ita..8.10a X I Ar. at Atlanta..i.Wpm ■ WfaT.Gaa | Ar.t.' v 1 le up ciiattavxxia railroad. 7.;»ax I l.vVXa.d.>llle..H.30 a M Ayres, at Maroa, will art as Agents. . GEO. IL HAZLEUUKST, Macon and Brans wick R. R., nov4-lm Acting President. 1 We rccoivcj another large lot of this excel* lent YEAST PfilVDF.R, and can safely recommend It to the public for all that It claims to be. Am- j Bnggicsand Family Jersey Wagon., tnca makes the fli.e.t WHF.ATES BREAD powi- from CONCORD AND BRATTLEBORO. ble. It le made in the slmplcsf manner, aa follows: . . . ■_ - . _ „ , . . - .. Tl/Ewilliooomre asupplv oi Bngjpe?, Top Oct one quart, eqiul to P° n,M ^ ot floor, mix » y\ Family Wuoob and Harness made to order Into it p) IcV;/, three ordinary sizetewpoonftila of; at CONCORD AND BKATTI.EBOKO, expreeslvfor Aznni'j, add mid vratar, with a little salt dissolved ' this market, and will warrant Ofen to give entire 1 eatislaction to all purchasers. We will sell no c* . * . _ a __ .. ___ j,., taiwacuun 10 an iwvoncn. »ui acu no nfleient lomakeadougfaaa aoftaa can lie j work not madc CX prcsei y to our order. Those ieutly handled, which i» generally a little ( f roni a distance can audress ns at Macon (to care |n it conveniently handled, less than one pint of water4o one -inert of dour. I W. C. Singleton), or at HnwkinsrUle, fix Do not knead It. Shape It very lightly, and Imme diately bake in a quick oven, which must be quite j hot before you begin to mix. It has tlie following J advantages over yeast or fermented bread; It can ; be made and liaked In ouc hour from the time of ; first handling the dour; -it will tesioM and pi cm- j lint tb eat’In lour days alter baking; it Is easy of 1 digestion, excellent for persons suffering from dys- j ttaopM | Ar.ChaMsmxsrattsXlrx j pepsta; relain* all the.gluten, standi and sugar , - contained itftlic flour, and therefore produces 1 lb. ; bread from 1 lb. 4 oz. flour, whilst yeast pro ve. 1. OABKETT, McDuffie, mason & co. VOrWB OAKKETT. GARRETT & BROTHER. Commission Merchants, JOHN J. MeCANN, Wholesale Grocer and Commission MERCHANT. Dealer in AVinea, Liquors, Ogam, TOBACCO. -Va. 3A, South SiJe BrojJicat/, XathriUe. Tthn. £/\ nUDS. PRDIE NEW ORLEANS SUGAR, fJ\J Ud§ do Porto Rico Su«ir, *i0 do do Calm Sugar, w Barrels Crushed and Powdered Sugar, liO do Granulated Sugar, 100 do A and B Coffee Sugars, 20 do C extra assorted hraud*, 200 do Yellow Sugar, 400 Bags Rio Coffee, 20 Mata Java Coffee, 20 do Lagtiira Cotleo, 10 Bags Ginger, 10 Bags Allspice, 20 Bags Pepper, 20 Barrels Mackerel, fiOKbbft do . *» 300 Kits do 100 Boxes Soap, 60 do Starch, 100,000 Cigars, assorted tirundf, 100 Boxes Candles, 100 Boxes Raisins, 50 Cases Sardines, 250 Cases Oysters, 100 Dozcfl Buckets, 200 Dozen Brooms, 50 Nests Tubs, Together with everything usually kept In Whole sale Grocery House. Important Change of Base. The undersigned respectfully announce to their friends and the ••rest of mankind,” that they have j removed to the large and commodious brick Store on Cherry st., between 1st and 3d, occupied by A. ; P. G. Harris, where they wUl be pleased lo see Iht ir friends and all interested in an exclusively , Commission House. | We would also inform the merchants and business men e.f Georgia, that we have made arrangements aud will open an office In Cincinnati, and will fill orders for Groceries, Drags and Merchandise ol all descriptions at lowest market rates. Dr. W. M. Withers will make his headquar ters in Ciucinnati, and will give prompt per sonal attention to all orders for purchase of goods in that city, or Louisville, Ky. Special attention will be given to the purchase or salo of Cotton, Tobacco, Yarns, Sheetings, Shirtings, Dried Fruit, etc., in either city. Goods consigned to our care, will be promptly forwarded at lowest rates. Orders for goods In this market promptly Oiled. WITHERS & LOUD Cotton Factors and Gen'l Cora. Merebaots, Cherry St., between 1st and 2d Streets, UovS-lm Macon, Georgia. WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 13,1SC3 SUBSCRIPTION! Yeariy, (Invariably In advance,)... a, 2 no Quarterly, • " •15: Monthly *» ADVERTISING i One square, twelve lines o, less, fl 0J; each subsequent huertloa 40 cents Adireae, CLAYLAND A DCMBLE. _gltat» and Puhi-riv^, was a democrat, and then a republican ■ then he turned - 11 jJFt . . *1 tljr 1 f Mr. Ryndcrs—No. not of votir stamp—you . a c woCMt, and then a republican; then QLuC O Y ffrnnm arc one of the kind that talk a gooj deal. I'V tmrned_ ««tn, and w,th another jump 0 * l rM* but do nothing. I am a Fcuian. and intend I h' s b,aso--(gr(*i luughtcrj-and he ; . ■ to do something as one, some of these days. cou ^ readily paint hnuaeit and turn nig- ATTOItNEYR. / VOBB A Jackson. Law, Macon, J du "» on| T * »'• »«*• of brr » <l from 1 lb - 4 of vy Oa., ..Sire oppmlt* J’o.l Oltice over, olllec of , Hoar: thus obtaining about 37 lbs. more of Vfhad k. A. Wileox, Tlunl alm-C novl^Jm* [ from a barrel of flour, which, with the saving of i yeast, will about balancu the cost of the Azumex Uan lie used for any of the following recipes, and udi a PRD.T, rtiiurncji ns mw, jihcuu, ui.. A.A Ofli’e over Mir >t Klrtland's .tore. "ill | lalie*everywhere "illl>eagreeably surjiiUed with ll!'!r 1 r J , r"‘ 1 ' : n tn,rn " ,cd «» ! is. a.h_i™. ™5 tm. „L,.uL, T (i. Ilui.T, dlt ■ J. F. 1 r, .i.wmvjiat Law. Ofltecin Wash- i Block on Mulberry St., over office of T. R. Bloom. / k. a. inssrr. j. a. nisbet. j. t. nisbet. lug a 8041m* I ANlkK A A.4WMb.'I; ifiSraejs*at law, ofl M-J flee on Second a tree I, up stairs, two doors ra.t of Mr. N. C. Muoroc’., Macon, Ga. a an* 35-3m - ISAAC HARDEMAN, attorney at law, Clinton 1 Ga. augl53in* •f d i. WHITTLE, Attorneys at Law u (oAce I J* ovvrPayne'a Drag Store, next lo Concert i llall,) Macon, Ga. L. N. WHITTLE. P. B. WHITTLE. ocifl.Tm 11 — ■ ' I’HYSICIANS ANI) JIBI'CCBW. IJEMoVAI. A) b \. White now occupies two I IV rooms over ttir present pO-t office, next I dour to Dr. C, II. Ultra office, when* Jiccau he found niirhrW itay when ms |irofesrlimaflj'absent: i the delirious iwnductlona. This excellent compo sition does not contain a particle of Alum, Salar- ratus, or any trim] <if deleterious drug; hut is per fectly pure and healthy, and, ns a culinary prepara tion, is infallible and invaluable. At the Fair in Cincinnati, there were a number of Baking Pow- I dtn on exhibition:—the Azumca, with several J others, was analyzed, and obtained tlic first prize, | as the putest and best Baking Towder known. A | trial only is necessary. In order to tw satisfied. ! A paper is given with each box. with full instruc- j lions for making AZUMEA ROLLS, Wholesale Dealers in Country Produce SECOND DOOK mow MASONIC 71 II.I., Decatur Street, Atlanta, - - - LIQUORS 100 Barrels Robertson County Whisky, 50 do Bourbon do do 20 do Rye Jc 125 do Rectified Whisky, 5 Casks Hennessey Brandy, 3 do Otard. Dupuy <fc Co/t Cotrnae. 10 Barrels Apple Brandy, very old, 10 do Peach do Solumbus; c °l. A. P. Wright, Thonmirii^ wIL’ I In store Md for ^^ W,ne - UgosMsr ztrBtzacM; 1 Phluizy & Clayton, Augnsta; J. L. VITlalongn, I avannoh; .1. W." Fears A Co., Macon; ILL. Mott, Solumbus; Col. A. P. Wright, Thomasvillc; W. L. . Cigh, Madison, Gx;Wm. C. Rav, Montgomerv; Hx; Mcfirader, Taylor* Roberts, Baltimore,Md.; I . Altell As Inman. N. Y. sep31-3m EDWARD WILD^p, WHOLESALE DRHprGIST NO. 3 5, BROADWAY, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, sept 15 3m AND DKALKIl IS n it. GEO. N. HOLMK.S»|i8Men««e^4iU office I from BroTvn*a Uotcl fo thV 'K^t side of Third •trret, between Poplar and Pluin—where he can •« found at all hour*, mile** profntfflionnily nbnent. I SmH'IiJToWEN, office corner Walnut XJ and 4th afreet*, Dr. Llgtitfoot'* old rtand. n R. W. P. P-VlUvEK, office 2nd st., 3 dpor* be- low6fd*pOrf MBml upstair*. Office hour.-*, to 10 o’clock, a. m., ** to 4 l*. M. Residence at 1c Colleirc. ael>t2?y2oi* Feu IVI. I. L. HARRIS tender* hi* professional ser- Xy vices to the public. (Office on Second street. over Knott *r floirqr , scpl7-2in 1 )1IYSICTANS.—d>r. J. Kmmctt Blaekahcar. of fice over Pay uu’a drugstore, residence on High street, n«*ar the asylum fpr i thc blind. ong 23-Jim COMMISSION HUCHAim. pWflH .v AftUlHHL U holeaale Ooinmis- f# alon MerdHM4, mix! Getierul Agent*, Second • • t*> t• ii L ii* rrv .!•* I i’. -; ! u\ \!., mu, (,,, - Prouipi )iei>4)iiai attention given to all consign ments of < 4top, produce, manufactures and other •rtlc!. - of M rchanJiso. Orders and Consignments Mklk ded fn*m all part* of the conntry. Agents for aevrni* first class Insurance Companies. octl.3m # w: tnn'» Hall [?AM[LT GROCERIES.—N. A. Mcgruth, agent, A a f.-w d>Him above Maaonlr nail. Cotton nvc- aar, drain IIITF, whoIfMlc produce dealer, cor- iut Cherr)-and Third atrevts, uadcrRals- -■ aug 237!m JEWELERS. |> J. It VRTI.EY, WATCHMAKER, late work I .mm 'forSidney B. lkiv, rontiunmto repair Vatehe, at present in the Floyd House Building, rpovlv- Medical College, Mulberry street. I AMES SUPPLE, Watchinaker' and Jeweller, AZUMEA BISCUIT, . AZUMEA NONPAREIL CAKE, AZUMEA JOHNNY CAKE. AZUSIEA FRUIT CAKE, AZUMEA PLUM PUDDING. AZUMEA CINNAMON CAKE, - AZUJIEA CORN CAKE, XzuMajnvMPLitrwr r AZUMEAEGO* CAKE. AZUMEA SPANISH BUN, AZUMEA, SPONGE CAKE, AZUMEA CAKE WITHOUT EGOS. AZUMEA CUP CAKE. AZjftlEA milk bread, AZUMeA sponge ginger cake. AZUMEA SILVER CAKE, AZUMEA CURRANT CAKE, AZUMEA POT PIE, -AZUMEA-PEARL CAKE, AZUMEA GOLD CAKE. AZUMEA LOAF BREAD, AZUMEA DOUGH NUTS, AZUMEA JUMBLES, AZUMEA LEMON CAKE, ar Azvexa is put up for the retail trade in 1-4 db. can.-, at 25 ctrf., and in 1*2 Ih. cans at 50 cents. Liberal Discount Made to Wholesale Purchasers. octl0-2m J. II. ZEILIN & CO. Important to Cotton Shippers. T HE Cotton Warehouse located In this place immediately on tlic river, and at the terminus FAINTS. OILS, DYE-STUFFS I of the Southwestern Railroad, and convenient to aald road, con shelter all cotton that may be ship ped from Macon and other points ou the South western Railroad via Apalachicola to New York.— w e will receive all cotton consigned to us, at the railroad depot, dray it, and put it aboard of the boats at one dollar per bale. Cotton shippers upon investigation, will find this route the cheapest and most expediooa of any other ronte to New York from Macon. We re spectfully solicit orders for the purchase of cotton, j Our long experience in that line will enable us to VIRGINIA, MISSOURI AND KENTUCKY I make purchases to the best advantage to those who GLASSWARE. AGENT FOB' HJCHARDM. BISIIOP. WM. T. BISHOP. R. M. BISHOP Sc, CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS No. 36 Main St., (a fete door* below Columbia ' i , »;• nfi ; * 1 • «•*•« SiraCincinnati.* i fept ti. J. j * ot, two doors fnim the corner of ) wh. ir..Tisox, [•nr, keep* conhtantly n well selected assort- •»f «m ilxU ...i — Watches and Jewelry. ad Jcwclfir dlrcraQ VirATCUKS V\ detX »*» and .JEWELRY, at Cluu. S. Ban lior the Teh'graph Printing IIou.-h and Second streets, Maeon, Ga. , v ocr band * large assort mi nt of tine j '*clrv. Ri pairlng done neatly and J All work warranted, anglo-ni WM. W. GOUDOV. TISON & GORDON, y repaired by I _ . _-e,.t2tw; m ' lotion 1 aejors, eoiumission and * FORWADING MERCHNT8, *6 Bay Street, Suvnnnali, Georgia. ■MISCELLANEOUS. S PEt nf PEC1AL ATTENTION will be given to the sale * Lumber, Ro^in, Tnrpentinc, &c. We arc “ x_.. An —- - —- - ■ - — - —J ftgBbi at oar old office, prepared for bosiDev. M ACON DAILY TXLSGJOkPH. Job Printing J experience in tld* city of oyer eleven years,and our Office. Job work of every docriptlon exccn- j nndivided attention to all business entrusted, in- tod on short notice and »u good^tyle. #»Term8 rea- ’ doce* us to hope lor a continuance of tlic liberal ang23 Ll®dtrc»nage heretofore extended. oct20-3m J. IU.AKK, ryal c.-tate agent, Macon, Ga. \_I • l v'r--»u.s OdViug hou>ea fur i-ile or rent, or persons u .mtltig to rciu house.-, cannot be bet- ,l .'■'•••• b> calling mi m . From my long cxiH'ru aet m the real e»tatu 1 usiuc»5,1 am be«. r prei^n d to glvc -jii.ruvi-.,, Hum r.nv other m Ihc city G. J. BLAKE. M-u-oo. tra..-avtn. I». !n;,i la ,i„ ' thrill? for sale a 'P J. * D. LANK, ary A « targe Train OU h WARREN’S CELEBRATED NEEDLES AND FISH HOOKS. ANDREW 0LEEK & GO., 48 MAIDEN LANE, N^Y., SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS. UR formercu-tomcr- wilt find a reduction in TOBACCO, NO. 514 MAIN STREET, . iij . Eouisvillf, Kentucky, P. S.—Lllieral advances made on-Cotton on eon- elgnment WANTED, FEATHERS, GINSENG, BEE8WAX, TALLOW and IiAGS, lor which I will pay the HIGHEST . MARKET PRICE, either in cash or trade. favcir ns with their orders. We ltavc now in operation a new Iron Screw Press. R. G. MORRIS & CO., Georgetown. References—Ross & Seymour, J. w. Fears. Virgil Powers, Esq., all agents on S. W. R. R. ' aug-9-5m a. P. TfCK. Louisville, Ky. I. U. LANIER. W-M.PUIU.irs. LAMER, PHILLIPS II. C. 1IENLEY & CO. (Bate tf Xathcille, Trim.) Wholesale G-roeers Commission Merchants, No. 32 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. We invite the attention of our old friends and the Trade generally to our large and welt assorted Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY: GROCERIES now in Stoke and daily, and which we re offering at the vehy lowest pkices. Our facilities and business' connections are such that we feel assured we can afford entire satisfac tion In every instance, and those entrusting us with their orders, can rely upon receiving the goods upon as favorable terms and at as low rates, as it they were present buying in person. novS-lm LANIER, PHILLIPS & CO. (Great cheering and hurrahs and tigers.) When order was once more restored! Mr. Renders continued—When Tammany Hall reflected true democracy, I stood by her; hut ; when she leagued herself with a portion of ELECTION NIGHT IN NEW YORK ANIMATING SCENE IN OI D T VMM VNV ! ‘J 10 .republican party for the purpose of de-. t • teating democrats I quit her. When Tam- ' AMtSKO OP C.VPT. RfN'DRR*. From Uie New York nerald, Nov. Sth.lH " The old Wigwam last evening did not „rc- j J T '“ 1 l Ic . ft J i c sent the numbers or the enthusiasm which i 1’ U ii ra 11 —n. S 1 col,1J fil 'J it- I» this very hall tlios ltcrever those men lion night*. Purtie*- came sh.wlv in. and at thl '" ,w{ un " u '» surc,Uc were wont to prevail within its walls ou elec tion nights. Parties came slowly in, and at , J the last there was room for more.' For a long 1 r i „ . ,,, time the amusement of knocking on the floor I £5? U ‘ ukU " 1 l l their republican was indulged in by some of tlic more impa-, ..a,!'i' fltonomBocandidflte#. He Rent ones, but nothing came of it hut diior- old , Tan , ln , 1!H V v ' vot ' ,a der and noise. None of the spirits that formerly led the revels in Wimmi tUc lut H rc * ^ nerget rid of the incubus of 3to the kctslan^ummoU and Wh ^‘ «* - • -• • * - - -*5 c ' crv demnrrnfic principle and pure (bought her body, and has dragged gcr as he could"perform the other transform?' tions. A Voice.—Come. now. Cap, I want to avk you a question. Mr. Renders—Come. now. what is i>- (Laughter.) A person in the crowd—Didn't Fernando Wood cause the split in the democratic part-, Mr. Renders—You hare asked me a ques! tiou and I will answer it. He did. ,Great and c heers.) A Voice—What about Jett Davis ! Mr. Rynders—If I had the power I’d rv lease him to-morrow. If it cost me a buu- many party,and vet afterwards, the million ot dollars to relaae him I would i i.-_i_„ ... .i • ... 1 part witli that sum as readily as 1 would ’ many Hall and her chief men allied them i selves with another party for the purpose of j defeating democratic candidates, I could longer co-operatc with her, and I left, h Sorghum and Sugar GANE SYRUP OF THE NEW CROP, Wanted by J. N. SEYMOUR. ltov 5-lOt I i. a. DAVIS, Late wi tli Phelps, Caldwell & Co. Tuck, Duviri & Co., Whclcs*alc Grocers and Commissio 3Icrchants, | 322 Main street, between Eighth and Ninth streets, Louisville, £y.- Consignments Solicited ang 29-0m COTTON. JOHN T. EDMUNDS & CO Dr. Bowen’s Splendid Plantation AND VINEYARD FOR SALE. I 1VTLL sell my Vineyard and Plantation, situat ed in Jones county, 15 miles from. Macon, and 10 miles from Griswoldville on Central Kail Road. Tlic Vineyard embraces near 10 acres in excellent condition, containing over a dozen rarities of fine vines. The Plantation eontains about 800 acres, 1S00 acres of which is original forest oak, pine and hickory, balance cleared and in good condition.— house, screw, Ac. Place wcli watered ondfceaithy! | Bankers & Commission Merchants For further particular? enquire at ibis office or address me at Clinton, JonPs county. Ga. oct 22-lm* Dfc. BOWEN. Cincinnati Commercial copy C time* and send bill to this office. —. - Law Xotiee. - J I HAVE resumed the practice of my profession, and will attend to all business entrusted to tdy core in the State. Havinc just rctnrned from Washington Qit; parties desiring advice and counsel relative 3IACON, G.EORGIA, Office* on Third Street, next door to Pont Office. TTt'E are prepared to make cash advances on \ t .‘•hipincnts of cotton to Norton, Slaughter & entrusted to fajy. I Co., New York, or to our correspondents in Liver pool, England. Planter? and owners of cotton entrusting the same to onr care for sale *r shipment, shall have v qitv, ito the preparation ol papers nnder the Amnesty Procla- prompt returns of sales, in gold or currency mation for pardon, and tke status of contracts and they may direct. title deeds, executed durng the last four years, can consult me by lcttcror in person. Vre solicit orders for tlie purchase of cotton. Gold and silver and sight exchange on New York Office over Boardman’s Book 6tore, Macon, Ga. I bon^ht and sold. jy 13 O. A. LOCHKANE. | Wc refer by permissUn to JB Ross & Sen, Bow „ . , _— dre & Anderson, Knott & Howe, Hardeman A Rein Co., * °— « * tt — a — ° Sparks, R W Cubbedge, N A Hardee & Co, Savan nah; Third National Bank, Nashville; Citizens’ Bank, Louisville; Commercial Bank, Louisville. . . , Journal & Messenger, Mercantile Mirror, of Ma* Cotton^ eonsigued to^them^or^ their friends, j con. Educational Journal, Forsyth, Sumter Re publican, Americus, and Albany* Patriot, Colum Augusta, Georgia, A RE prepared to make liberal advances ou all Cotton consigned to them or ti ' Messrs Smith & Dimning, New York. All cotton consigned to us or ©nr friends in New York, will be sent forward by the new and elegani steamer Helen, which willl connect .with the Ncv York line of steamers, so as to reach that eight days. liBR iL' j I oct'S»"im Wc have also established aline of Clipper ships I between New York and Liverpool, so as • to send forward the Cotton entrusted to our care without delay, thus avoiding expenses of storage and in?n .ranee in New York. , i toT/fi .• :f Sight Exchange on New York and Liverpool in ffig - ■ * *■ bns Times and Enquirer, LaGrange Reporter, Griffin Union, Milledgeville Recorder, publish one montli and send bill to oct 25-1 m . Vi o...^*, d’rtnd Vpper I.cittur. Also ' V_/ gold prices of the Needles, while the qualitv Next door to Exprc» offijqe, j tastaepy kept i»] JBp.ta s? lu kept up to the highest standard known to Entjlsli manufacturers. A. 0. Jc Co., respectfully solicit a renewal of the mercantile relations so long and favorably esteemed by their boose* icpt20-2m GJ0KA POTASH, COOKING SOt)A. METROPOLITAN HOTEL. LATE BROWN'S. • .'ntfijcairtxijik of Soda, in onopoun papers. 20 Knr* CANDLES. fK*XFA 5T.VR CANDLES. - TALLOW do 50 BOXES COLGATE’S PALE FAMILY SOAP, For >5!^ in* sums to snit pnrehaM?rs. aug 20-3m JXO. W. O’CONNOR, Macon, Ga. or. w. o cointOR a co., macon, 1I ‘ ..V.. .GEORGIA. Office on Cherry St, between 3d and 4th. T>ECKITING and Forwarding Merchant*, and ! It Agents for E. M. Brncc CO., Augusta, Ga.; E. M. Bruce. Morgan 6z Co., Apalr.chlcola, Fla.; and Watt*, Crane «fc Co_ New York. * Wc will receive and forward, upon reasonable term?, all Cotton entrusted to our care for ship ment, as owners may direct. We willm*kc liberal j GRAINING, advance* upon consignments of Coieta' to Watte,' | u * MARI Crane & Co., New York, or W. C. Watts & Co. Liverpool, England; pay Revenue iWfJ'Btorage. Freights, At, on same, and forward with prompt ness and dispatch. .7 i*wv / , Planters and others will bcafforcUd every facility j cm in onr power to send their Cotton to market,-and | ], receive prompt return of sale. Mr Tv V rinrbi* i« ffiir AW! IfOWAKD HOUSE EUFAULA,. ALABAMA. J,.’W, IIo tvnrd, Proprietor. A LL th-3 luxuries the market affords, served np to orde: and at the shortest notice. sepl2-3m* PAINTING o«se, Sign & Ornamental Painting Mr. W. E. Clarke is our agent at Altxmy, Gx. ... and will '-ive all information to parties who desire Paiats of every description, liis services in shipping or purclusinff. Our per-1 YAKXISH.JIIL. sonal attention Riven to the ]mrcha*e and .sale of NEW YORK EXCHANGE FOR SALE. JXO. W. O’CONNOR & CO. octS-Sm rl-3fa MITCHELL A SMITHS, Third Street. TO FOR SALE. ) amt anc-h.»tfinite? north ea^t c'f Zcbulon, •ountv. (Ja., n track of three hundred acre?* oli*ud. (>nc hundred ai»d fifty acres in cul tivation, rcin«is<9rr wHl timbe red. ' It is consid ered one ot the best improved place* in the conn- tv. First cla>is Dwelling, .-even rooms, six gcnxl Segro Cabin*. Kitchen, Smoke House. Ac.«Kh» of the very bc*t GiqiJouac* and Cotton FTtffiks in the section, and altnw*t new. Ot*f>d Stables, Bams and Wheat House. Good Orchards and Fi>h Poada. The place i* well watered, perfectly heulihv. aad sUuatadL Mill be^oidal a*aeri'fice. bi carlva; d-eatiou to ' JOHN C. MANGHAM, On the place. or S. VT. MANGHAM, no* 2-1 in Griffin, Ga. Washington. D. C. This leading Hotel, Renovated end Re-Inmished : is now in pcrfoct orier for the reception and ac- ommodation of it-* old patrons. octl-3m 1 f,EO - ^ TrRFIN. v J. H. HERTZ ; TURPIN & HERTZ, Wholesale and Retail Dealer? in Clothing, and Gents’ Furnishing j GOO'r>fe-, ' Triangular Mod, Chrrr, Strrrt, .Vacrm. Go. j i rCIothins made to onltr on .hort notice, by MONS, ROUSE. oct 6 ly ' i COTTON PRESSES." ' ! 2SSU 10,000 lector Inm ARBLING, GILDING, GLAZING, PAPER HANGING AC. r fluxing on hand all the necc/sary material to ?aoy on the business, we are prepared to give sat- .ftfactioH, both in execution and price?, to all who pay lavor us with their order®. We will also keep on hand and for sale, mixed : i SPS. turpentine. BROM'N JAPAN, j. y. wrsTEx. WINTER & CO., BROADWAY, NEW YORK MERCHANTS, Will attend J. G. WINTER. 40 reizimiMnS—- ■ promptlv to the sale of Cot lop andothiicon- [ A. Huff, si-mr.cnts: 'Orders for Merchandise will receive 1 attention and dispatch. The sale of Southern Se-. entities. Bonds, Bank Notes and Southern Lands — - - MUls oftbe most improved PUTTY, SAND PAPER. BRUSHES, &c., Ac. Orders lrom tlie country promptly attended to. DftURY & TRIPOD, -Over Roberts, Dunlap d: Co., Cherry st., aug»'12-12in* Macon, Ga. HFTERENCnS: W. B. Johnston, X. H. Beal, J. H. Zeilin & Co., B. A. "Wise, ClaylaiYd <fc Dumbie, Leroy Napier, W. SPOTSWOOD HOTEL, > Richmond, Va., August, 1865. f Cherry street. McManus at co. P. S.—Onr Mr. Jacksox DeLoacur Ukcs charge of the, Presses from this date, and will be 1*1 cased to hays a call from his old cotton friend*. McM. & CO. scpt2S-3iq "V^OTICF.—Hack lhic to Perry. - Hack will lrave AN For; V.* \ : urrlv..’of t:.<- c»»r* from Macou every Tmasday, Tlmrsday and Saturday for Perry, Gi. 1 returning in time to ccrmcct with train* from Albany and Colombo*—o’clock, P. M.. for Macon. oct81-Sm* W. JC GRIFFIN A CO. I T having been reported that the 3 pots wood Ho tel had been confiscated and closed, the propri- ha- nar ilicm* having no feed except *aw dnst, with A te. --—^~ . . .. a cvcrv^tHn^complctc, in-luding Bvltin-. forfld.S00 ctors d«m it proper to;assure the public that anch ~ * - — ’ —- • oct 20-1 m '*«««< Send for Circular*. is not the case. The House is open for the accoin- { raodation of visitors, a* it has been from its open- «• Brcnx>x>- ' " xND^w-,rcnxNx.x. ^^^egtembe^ Ml ANDREW BUCHANAN *CQ., Orocersi Commission and Forwarding Merchants, - No. 116 Main street. LOUISVILLE, KY COAL ! COAL W E have succeeded in getting an agency foi the celebrated Whiteside Mines, and will luraish COAL in any quantities in Atlanta, at Mine prices with freight added. Orders solicited and promptly attended to. oct 21-lm J. F. EZZARD & BRO. L. P. STRONG- & SONS, WOULD respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they havo opened at their old stand (on Seccond street, two doors from Cherry) a large and well selected stock of Boots and Shoes, Which they offer as low as any house in tlie city.. CO., Willard’s Hptel. SYKES, CHADWICK & PROPRIETORS, WABJmtOTOK, I). C.. Formerly of the GiranJ House. Philadel phia. nov 10-Gm Mules- TWO LARGE STRONG MULES FOR SALE IN GOOD ORDER. CAN BE SEEN AT JACOB RUSSELL’S STORE, nov8-0t* Cotton Avenue. J. 8. FRENCH, GEO. H. REID, W. Tt. CIJADBOURN. FRENCH & CO., COTTON FACTORS, Forwarding and Commission Merchants Wholesale Grocers, Ac., CLARK STREET,...,. NASHVILLE, TENNV Special attention paid to the sale or forwarding of cotton. septlU-3m* S. G. WOOD A CO., Wholesale Dealers in Groceries Butter, Cheese, Hour, &c., &c., . No. 43 Union Street, was feared that those who came to hear the returns read and to bctreateil to some spread eagle speaking would havo to go away disap pointed. But at last a louder repetition of the nocking of l'cct. mingled with the clap ping of hands and the hurrahs from those nearest the door, announced that either au old war horse, a sachem or some other impor tant chief, ofthc Wigwam was coming. This manifestation announced the entrance of Cap tain Rynders, who passed up the room to the rostrum, from which lie took a survey of tlic assemblage. Mr. Rynders. after a brief survey, exclaimed —'“Where are tlie old Sachems who once used to gather in the Old Wigwam i Where has her glory departed to i Why is the Old Wigwam so sad and silent ? Send over the way for Horace Greeley, and he will be your chairman to-night. (Loud hurrahs and laugh ter.) Mr. Rynders walked down the aisle of the hall amid erics of “Come back, Cap ;** ‘-Take tlic cliair, Cnp.” Mr. Rynders.—I didn't come here to pre side. The time was when victory used to alight upon democratic banners. I would have the sachems and chiefs here; but now 'Old Tammany is deserted, and there are none so poor as to do her reverence. Sir. Rynders then ascended the rostrum and nominated Mr. Leaney as chairman. The chairman then briefly addressed the assemblage, and, concluding^ read a few re turns from the polls, which," as they gave ma jorities to Slocum, were received with great cheering. Calls for Rynders followed. Mr. Rynders. in response, proceeded to speak. He said: I am almost a stranger in Tammany Hall. I came to-night to look upon old, familiar faces;* but I tell you one thing: I observe that pretty much all the good and honest men have of late years de serted Tammany Hall. He was himself a Democrat per se. He did not belong to Tam many or elsewhere. When lie started from home to-night his feet spontaneously took their way to Tammany Hall. Tammany in former years was to him what Mecca was to the Mahommedans—the shrine at which ho performed his political devotions. He loved old Tanimany for its old and glorious record and its ancient renown. He loved her' be cause in former times she was steadfast in her devotion to the great principles of the democratic party—that party who, through all time, stood by the constitution, and made this country what it was—a great and pow erful nation, commanding the respect of tlic whole world. He loved Tammany because from her rostrum— A Voice—What about the Fenians. Cap ? ( Cheers and laughter.) Mr.Ryndcrs—Well, I am a Fenian myself— (cheers and laughter)—and when I come to that part cf the subject I will give you'my opinion of it. (Cheers.) He would first talk ot Tammany Hall, and liewouldthcn refevto the Fenians. He was one of the staunchest adherent* of Tammany Hall. He loved her because in former days she was true to demo cratic principles, and she never departed from tliem. But she fell into the bauds of men who used her for organization for cor rupt political purposes. He had stood by the organization of Tammany Hall for many years, because he believed then, as lit- believ- cvety democratic is choked from hi _ I her down into the dust of degredation. (Cheers.) L’ct iter rid herself of tin's, nnd be'as hlio was iu days of yore. Why has Tammany Ilali held no ratification meeting j within her walls? If there was not room I enough for a State ratification meeting, there was room enough for a county ticket ratifica tion, hut it was not done. When Tammany gets rid ofthosc men who disgraced her, there will bo no necessity of her giving nominations to men the party docs not intend to support— (cheers) and whom they know cannot be elect ed. and whom the organization from which he is nominated do not intend to give an honest and fair support. This is a base l>c- trayal of confidence, a disgraceful breach of honor, a speciesof fine political treachery that can only be thought of in these days of cor ruption and party swindling. (Cheers.) It is a burning slmme to give a nomination to a man and let him spend his money and impoverish himself nnd subject him to the mortification of defeat, when it was a foregone conclusion that he could not be elected. Would it not have been better to have said to this Corolan O’Brien Bryant whom they nominated that they could not control the democracy of his district to secure his election ? They did not intend he should be elected. I was against him, nnd if he had asked me I would have told him so frankly. (Cheers.) Why should they not have said to Mr. O’Brien Btyant, “WitllilrttP. VOti rjmnnf. l»n plf»r*fprl ” nml Iiaup vest a cent on a penny tart. (Laught do not believe Jen. Davis will be hung. The irrepressible again—What about the Fenians Cap ? Mr. Rynders—If I was to answer every question I would want a double quamitv of brains and half a dozen of tongues, and av I do not possess these I will stop just here. The meeting then adjourned, with cheep, for Captain Rynders. Withdraw, you cannot be elected,” and bare saved the man the mortification of defeat.— That would have been manly and honorable. But they buoyed bim up with false promises, entered him for the race, allowed him to spend Ills money, and then defeated him by preconcert—by the very organization that nominated him. He was only set up as you would set up ninepins in an alloy—to be knocked down by a rounder. (Cheers.) This man spent his money; but to the credit of the first ward, when he scut a hundred dol lars for his election purposes, the money was sent back. (Cheers for the first ward.)* The fourth ward also sent him back his hundred dollars, and James Hayes, who is to-day the successful candidate for supervisor, also re turned him, like an honest man, his money. (Cheers.) A voice—Who is Bricn Boro ? Mr. Ryndere—Well, Mr. Bryant, or Brien Born, is an American by education, an Irish man by emigration, nnd a Dutchman bv birth. (Loud laughter and cries of “good for the cap." ; I do not know who did this wrong, but I know that the Tammany party were not privvto thetrcacherousbargaininadcwithhim Nonv, with regard to my friend the Fenian, I will come to him in a minute. (Cheers and laughter.) Wc have gone through a devas tating wtir; but at lxst peace has dawned up on 'us, and by the will of Divine Providence wc have as our President Andrew Johnson— (Cliecrs)—through whom I trust that our country and Union will once more bo a unit, as before the. war took place, and peace, witli him healing wings, will preside over the whole country. CCUcers.) With regard to the Fc niHtis, I told ntv tViend a little while ago that I was a Fenian; and I am a Fenian on princi ple. I believe in the right of the Irish peo ple to govern themselves. (Cheers.) Eng land lias no right to govern her with despotic hainl—toimakc Ireland p»y her. taxes and to the poHti“‘(l] >,, >;f ,,r f hc support ganizatioB I Wr™ m '. iSSW Col. DaMcreen’a Papers. The Richmond Time, publish* the fol lowing letter: Ta (he FeW.ors of the Timet ; Sir In an swer to a letter of Mr. Benjamin, tlic former Confederate secretary of State, as to tiic treatment of Federal prisoners, H. A. Wise Untied States Navy, accuses the Confederate authorities of having found and falsely pub lished papers found on the dead liodv of Col. Line Dahlgrcn. Having, besides my con- viction that neither Mr. Davis nor Mr Benia mm could ever have committed so base an action, the positive knowledge of their per fect innocence in this matter. I regard it as my duty and a proud privilege to appear publicly for their defense, and to declare tlie accusation untrue and unjust. Disabled 1>\ wounds, I found myself in Richmond at the time of the Dahlgreen raid, and m- she voit morning after Col. Dahlgreon’s death in company with Gen. Fitz Lee, when about 10 a. m„ Lieut. Pollan), ofthc 19th Virginia cavalry, who, with a party of his own and v olunteera of several other regiments, had opposed Gen. Dahlgrccn’s movement, arrived from tlie fight and entered the general's room making the following report : "Knowing of Colonel Dahlgren’s approach with tar superior numbers to my own, I put my men in ambush, awaiting the enemy. Colonel Dahlgrcn was riding a short distance ahead of his men. He had gotten quite near to us, when I called out to him to surrender. Instead of doing so, the colonel turned to his command, giving the order to clmrge, where upon my men fired a volley, bv which the colonel was instantly killed,* pierced by several bullets, as nearly all the shots had been aimed at his person. The soldiers un der his command turned to rapid flight. On the colonel s dead body I found a memoran dum hook and some lose orders and papers, the contents of which I regarded ns impor tant enough to deliver them in person." The lieutenant then handed Fitz Lee the documents in question, the contents of which were read by both of us with fittings of the greatest indignation, and half an hour after wards carried by the general personally to President Davis. Tito papers afterwards published hv the Confederate authorities are identical*with those which I read a few hours after they had been taken from Dahlgren’s body, and which documents, under the circumstances, must lie supposed to have been written hv the Colo ncl's own hand. Gen. lit/ Lee, who is still alive in Virgin ia, will, if desired, fully corroborate tin statement. Yonr obedient servant, • Heros Von Borcke. Lteut. C'ol., and late Adjutant General of the cavalry of the army of Virginia. I^flT’The New York Ilcraltl says that Gen. Mansfield Lovell is raising furnips and squashes, and indulging in other agricultural pursuits, suh tegmine Jagi, or. a Southept farm. Another general is acting as inspector of. docks in New Orleans. General Tuonan METALIC GASES. R ECEIVED this dav a full assortment of ME TALIC BURIAL CASES and CASKETS ol the most beautiful Patterns. For sale at my Fac tory, foot Third Street, Macon, Ga. ang 26-flm GRENVILLE WOOD COTTON SEED. tXTE ARE PREPARED lo furnish Cotton VV in any quantity. They are of a superio kind of cotton and warranted frceli and good. Parties at a distance can be furnished. Columbus, Gx, novfl-lm. J R IVEY <fc CG Tlw 'House has been remodeled, renovated, re- j furnished, and pnt in perfect order throughout, and the traveling public may rest assured of 6nd- Prvision Dealers , mgaaeomJprtaidc arrt»nmndatlnnawithn.ta U»u nuviaiun o/caici O, „ n , fl-t-clai* hnfe, North nr S„„th 00RHEES & GARRISON, Commission 3Ierchants, 7U William street, New York. Offer their services to the Planters, Merchants and Cotton holders of Georgia. And refers by permission to Messrs. Erwin & Hardee, Savannah, Ga. President National Bank at Savannah, Ga. E. A. Wilcox, Macon, Ga. W. B. Davison, Augusta, Ga. E. Remington <fc Son, Thoma-svillc, Ga. C. L. Robinson, Jacksonville, Fla. C. K. Garrison, T.i William street, N. Y. Ocean National Bank, New York. Merchants Exchange Nation Bank, New York. be found in any first-class hotel North or South. Oar friends, patrons, and the traveling public generally, visiting Richmond, are cordially invited to m*ke‘thcir home'trith n*, and no pain* will be spared to.make them comfortable, m we arc * to 9Qstain the well known reputation of Orders for Groceries. Provisions, Bagging and ; the J Rojx, promptly executed. jy-d 6m oct!2 epnti COR EERY A MILL WARD, Proprietors. Any business entrusted to us will meet with: prompt and careful attention. B. F. BrE. Garrisox sep8-4m ed now, that the Old Wigwam cal headquarters of the regular of the democratic party, was tlie reason he was * not know whether the cessfiilior not; bill he A voice—What about Mr. Kvnders—Who are you that ruptinigiio iff this way ? A ytsc^l jo a Fenian. (Loud cheers a Ad laughter.) 31 r. ftynders—Will you be quiet fora while? The Fenian—I say, cap Here great coufusiop arose, tilt/crowd in the room standing up, and many .voices cry ing, “Put him out; put him out I** • » * —.*.-, A Voice—^It can’t be done^Cap; he is too j Irrepressible solid with whisky. (Cheers.) * ^ Mr. Rynders—I’d like to shake my fist and . , . something more, too. at you. iTOrest- lwuskr 4 ?? ter.)' **' v • • droned. Mr. Rjnfiurs, continuing—It is four veaiy 1 — .inceTThaS'Vuled out not pushed out—bill ruled out. by some of the Tammany Hall democrats; But he stood by the organiza tion as long as it reflected the sentiments a£ the democratic party and country.^ He.stood hr'her when her 1 cft-mocr.its nominated her candidates for election, nnd when they were expected, to »ta»d by and elect those whom they nominated—when right and justice was, the rule to all men. He stood by her when her vorCo'wan respected, and until such time that'her organization became the subservient ' tool of melt who used it, not for tl»e. sucre-w of Uie party, but for individual interest and aggrandizement. (Cries of “That's so") He I expected to stand by Tammany as long as the j organization was worth democratic support. 1 n - The Fenifln again—Yes, Capt.; but you're no Fenian. (Cheers and laughter, and great confusion, ami cries of "Put litin out.") Mr. Rynders—Let him alone. Just stick u potato in his mouth. (Great laughter, and order restored.). . ,»* -. .' I Alt Renders—I '.v**.saying The Irrepressible Pcni;u> .aguia—Caj).. you ought to be a genian) for yoartoere a (filibus ter once. •'«treat ctaters and laughter, and denunciation#of interruption from a few.) nr *Atth.t T aa Mr. Benders—If you cannot keep suds' * ^ nv0C q~J ami pay Ber . taxes and to , . . .. . of a religion she docs not k \°> ‘."A?"™ 11 1 l) I amTtherefore, a Fc- C ? S’ i I am not'd Fenian because S, 10 U c am ' °' M - ** . ... . • . banknur business, at Savanna! encral Tappan ’ paper trade rson has goat Sorrell to the Sana. R. C pardon resumed ., while trine, and to See the invadera of Ireland nnd I '’“H 1 (J" "“ lu ?. llas IJ oue tlie same at Gallatin of Mailcfl! driven ont of tiiesc countries. I and ® cor f Ma,lr - V * »** v «Ua Henry L. ( • • t: i Henning lias re-engaged in the practice of ’ law at Columluis. Albert G. Blanchard is liv ing m New Orleans. Millcdge L. Bonham. S. TLui Lt'ippruttihlo ng!iiu--Captain, now | :; cyme out with it, are you a Fenian ? lers—Solomon says. “Answer not a fo ifftfcWding to liis h e be wise iu h enoWm conceit;” therefore', I cannot an swer you any more. (Great laughter.) -cprcssible—Well, then. I’ll call you ’epiaofiCap. M{. lty^ert—You may call me what you ' ,t Vou don ® laughter.) iftrtotEktMcfr- Blit Cap. —. of’c-tiwt h*aA>pt I” “Order, order.’’) Mt BjTljtr n is no earthly use, boy ilyng.t^atteilow to order; unless the or- u .(Loud, laughter.) I say when the t mflVomes for striking a blow for Ireland, I will laid a hand without Wowing about it like- that fellow down there. (Continued laughter.). I am for the liberty of all, not for tbejiberfy the humanitarians prate about." Hicylneticr speak about the liberty of the white man, but they Continually prate about the negro. Here some returns came In which were read, and as tlw figures showed lafgc majorities in three 1 or four wards for General Slocum, the old‘wigwam shook with vociferous cheer- Mcfitowan aud James Connor arc promi nent candidates in South Carolina for the United States congrese. George B. Critten den has returned to Kentucks and to his brother’s family. Ben. F. Cheatham is di-. vding his attention between hi* farmed the race course. Hardee ia cultivating the'pTa wife in Alabama. Mabone I back again at Portsmouth. Forrest is run (Cries i n * n ®> a M1 ' r D> '** on *he Mississippi. Wade | Hampton is in South Carolina, trying to re arrange his farm, w hich was left so deaoiate by Sherman that Wade could not find a horse to carry him to the convention at Columbia. William T. Martin, of Mississippi, has been fortunate enough to get Implantation luck in good order, and is cultivating it on the free labor system. Henry W. Hilliard is at home in Alabama. General Jordan is writing for Northern magazines. Billiard Plavino in the United Statro. —It is a singular fact that the men in this country, who are eminent as hilliard-playen. and whom our fashionable young men trv to imitate so closely, were originally, almost" without exception, poor Irish boys, and it was by the merest accident that they foil into Mr. Ityndcrs continued T\cu call me » I their present occupation instead of ix copperhead, and !f to bo one consists in pre-; hod-earners or common dav laborer- farms a white man to a black one I am If: wc tIlink 5t a mi5 f ortunc that Messrs. Pl,cl«. to prefer a w-lnto woman, corning fresh from | Kananaugh. Decry, Tieman. Fox, and other' nature and from natures God, to a woolly-i notc( j i,i)ij ar( i players, whose names headed, flat-nosed, big-lipped, crookcd-shm-1 reaf (iiy occur to the reader, did not h ned, long-heeled wench, with all the oriental : hodden, or tinkers, or adopt some oth' odors, that donot suit my nassal organs, how- , ,, v ^. fa , nn(1 honoraWe means of ever much rti^may tickle those of Greeley, ■ ^ rt 'Nearly evety man of them was once over the why-^oars ‘of laughter;-if to pre-) , uoor Irish }k)v . So mc of thcm Mt ^ ^ g A^ CU i..^ i howling-alleys; other* performed cmipting me—(cries ufdfigy l ana once and pnt:) ionj—you can't dry wMloNr ^ ^ ^ „ upliketikat; there’s no use in waaringHTordeJ tht neiUa'1 ■” otSvility to a ruffian dike that. One J^J^X^'^Ugtlmreitd p pins i . . . - _ , ,| nowiing-ancys; out'ws performed men' T one dyed ( offices ; a bar-rooms. These poor fellows V CI ? cJl ^ (laughter) | p| av i n g with cues and balls when the bill' youmay. aa well chainime up for U at i ' ab j e3 * Tcre not ukcn h CU3toraer . ft'me otftbf harthl way. (Con- j. ,l. :y to a ruman like mat. une goStk kick applied to him w ould lie worth hen- dreds of words of civility. There it no use in trying to dry a fclloih' iifce' ; ihat u[l other wav. (Great cheering. The -ililc in thek>Wer cud -oftW. hall,' ci -40 tnate.Wuw’tf heard, at the same t'ngg ceasfullv ing all. attempts to Jus ext pulsion.) ;J4r.‘Byndei*(i-*fter a longv'p«Jii«, . :iv.i(ting.order, cried ont:—If i waa .down t tag of-fome of i iH roYd-give him that kick myadf • (Onsw j Thera-*a#'oW icUztoghtor. and «ritm.of *«o^h»hd,«#.") Yes Lstood hy Tsiiimtnju, : to • The irrepressible again—You;ore nothing but xMfqm. (CppfpratFv rs-^WhatipJtjpu axe say l Iftt that pdtilo aht of your Yes. tflin an Americaif, and I woulc voui IriA,Jbe*drf4f<r«*fl»e*4 : ! jau. (Cl and laughter.) I^U yon. W hat,down * T-.. fi*-Y-^can^/op,wUikpeptleJ^ -»r«» on - 4Pm -XL •'-^'^ a dexterity in the of which ! hie. idly chettad. the figures stifl showing | time were recognized : me, and in cou experts.—Bound i were *n. “oM .1 Oh.%i«v*the i (Gficyt ehOsOtanff laughtov.) ^ Hti-Rynders said he had a few words to , Tueaday ni qf **-*-"-— - * * l to ] irei 'nnd bim-the.' fijrat! time, lever. ^n^)—Oh, oh^-I m has commenced.' The'BejnJJic say* • '*2r£b£ST£:'l?!£Si departure ftOtn that city to Belt, Tueaday nijMr There were about died and nos.- of them-—meo, - .--—- t!*®- -children. The scene st the " rt in ‘time of an hour previous to their .in time.etf esere— | scribed as having been eC of confiscationa and Rcligjpkaosrvicce were b«' ' and prayers uttered fiacJI of those who were acM destinies to the vichritodee of »ltd an uncertain fiitsre. It , -hh drew a«un of $26,060 from to help to send him to Wash*! fare cj; ahtofleen a#j| - Gen. Fullerton, the ires" ilile—vou’re no Fenian. | He carries onions in liis pocket sure; for he j bureau in Louisiana, is sai can weep tears just whenever lie likes. He 1 ular among the people. J