The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, November 16, 1865, Image 1

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fit ainrsniprij atluM- v CLYYLASD.l (J. B HUMBLE, imon »nh kimiiuu. telegraph building .•nier oTtJwerrj nuJPoeeond Slfce MATOS, O KOBO I A. THE MACON DAILY i JB TWnti mfmr tfrittp# nil) SERIES. W. i»6-( MACON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 16, 1865. 1NEW SERIES, NO. 161. *;IT.Y BUJMILSS-CARDSti RAILROAD DIRECTORY. wscox A»D nm» eah-hoad. PAT TKAIK. 4n Maron . .7.30 a m | Leave AtUoU.. 7.30 A X B t Atlanta. .4-06 r 11 Anl««l UkobA# r * BIGHT THAIS. Lure JlATOB...A30r M I Leave AlUnt—^tfn r M \r. In Atlanta. .3.21 A a | Ar. at MAC^.^jpQ A M_ aocTB-wcsnas kailkoad. A»a.r Mama...7.23 A ■ I Leave Eotaala.,5.10 A M V.iM KiUeta..ftI* J^at^to W n}.tAW' , « . | MAU.TaU'i OHALBAXT BKASCB. L'xc'ffiaRMMb.2.42 r *’l Leave Albany...7.» A a Ar. at Albany...4.34 r M | Ar.atSmltUxlllcP.W A u CEXTRAL JUILKOAK. Train, ran rarb way tri-weekly. having Macon •A1 MchkUva, Wednesday* and Fridara, and return •M Monday a, Wcdncaday. and TrUtaya, ann reran. . thc WHF.ATF.N BKf.A.. _i»~. Mann ann narnawica HAH.aoan. 'mlau't£’ri i K*JBK:SSS i j ’l i i GCPBMa tUIMtOAP. Leave Atlanta. .1.15 A M I Leave e.00 a m Ar. at Aajtn.ta .5 V. r M | Ar. At AiUnta. 10.35 r M MracooEB baiuioad. Leave Macon.. .7.23 A M I l,'veColiimlm*.7.n0 A X Ar.atColnnbna.eS4 r m I Ar. at Mat ,>u...4.1(1ex wsaxann a ATi.A*viiqjtAii4»*».—4 { Loave'htlaiita. .eiO a a I Ar. »(AfumuT.7^» r m l.r. t 'ImI tAnonga.7.45 a M | Ar. < Aattaaoaga.7.45 r X : lUlltbU 'ASP 'JPATTASOUOA KAIUtOAD. l.x.CttattiSMicaJ.iDAM I Lv’e Nashville. .8.® A M^CftftlWXSDPM | Ar. Chattanooga0.30rx ATTORNEYS. IOHB A JACKSON, Attomeya at Uw, Macon, A Z XT M K A ! A ZUMEA! Has proved to be The Beat and Purest Baking Powder m Use. J. II. ZEIL1N & *»b WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUBSISTS, rX ~~VATtfy. GEOBGIA. hom MW*? «tw!wMi fr .t 1 ? il PROF. MORRIS’ AZl NIEA. We lnxe received another Urge lot of thU excel lent YEAST POWDER, andcan safely recommend It to the public for all that It claim* to be. An- WHEATEN BREAD po»i To New York XIA Darien and Savannah.. The completion of the Macon an* Brunswick p.-.i Hoad to HawkinavUle, and the favorable boat able condition of the Oenraigee Rtxer, now render tM. the abeapeat and quickest rout S for the boal- nesa of Macon and Central Georgia. Through BUD of Lading will be given afler the 15th hut. All accommodation* extended and endeaxora made to forward freight with promptne.* and dto- P *M«*r*. B^gham, Baldwin A Co.,hi Savannah; Messrs. Nightingale* Hager, at Danon; Aslicr Acres, at Macon, will act a* Agent*. GEO. II. HAZLEHUltST, Macon and Brmiswtclr'R. R., noxt-lra -Acttbgjbtadart. Btiggif* nml Family Jersey Wagons, /1 Da, otBcc op|Mi»ltc Post . rjuunt I fol.T* It ASA, Attorney, at law, Macon, Ga., IIOLT, JR. J- P. BASS. oct d-Itin* \ TSBETS. Attorney* at Law. Office In Wash* inalon Block on Mulberry 8t., oxer office of i A. MS%|^ fyt NMibAF. I. T/^BF.T. T ANllUt rc-^rJlltfltat)\, ffitorwy. *t itw, or- 1j Her on Second utrcct, up italn, two doors — 1 **t T 1 ft ^ I * P. WHITTLE, Attorney* at Law, (office lj» oxer Payne’i Drug Store, next to Concert llail,) Macon, Ga. PHYSICIANS AMD P. I!. WHITTLE. nd nnrof.TSTsT*- U ^HKMUVAL—Dr. It. A. \Vhfle now ocoaplcs two rooi.i* ov er I hr prcsciij po»t office, next door « Dr.’cj II; Hair* office, where be can be fonnd night nr day when not profi..lonally absent. bin D R. GEO. N. HOLMES, lui* rrmnxcd hlaoffice from Brown's Hotel to the Eaat »ide of Third atreet, betwe-n PouDr and. 1‘luiu—wUp-re^he can bc JL‘S-H it,S H rv TARS. SMITH A OWEN, office corner ‘Walnut JIJ and 4th street*, Dr. UghtfootV old stand, oct 3-3m ~ I AR. W. P. PARKER, office 2nd st , 3 door. b«- I) Wwoldj- '-t <>:»e . up stair*. OffiM hottra, # to 10 o’clock, A. M., 3 to I r. M. Residence at Female College. *cpt38-Sm» O R. I. L HARRIS tender* hD pror.-**lo«ial aer- xiow to the puhUe. (Oflcc oil Second atreet, oxer Knott A llowe*. _ . aepl7-3^ TJllTSIClANS.-»r.f. X #eo oxer Payne.’* d|li'4— street, near the asylnui for the blind. co.Hiiii3BPIffiwOlw? ice on liigh nug Sibra It?' TEWETT A SNIDER, Wholesale CommD- (J a km Merchant., and General Agent*, Second street, between Cherry and PopDr, Macon, Ga,— Prompt personal attention given to all consign- menu of cotton, produce, manufacture* and other article* or MercUandUic. Order* and Consignment* solicited from all part* of the connUf^ Ag»ta for several drat cl*-* Insurance Gumps*"*. oct 1.3m* W.’S58E»eifWs Earsaa: ton’s Hall. sag S3-3m INAMILT GROCERIES.—N. A. Mcgrath, agent, J; a few doors abovo Masonic Hall, Cotton axc- ane, dealer In groceries, crockery and staple dry JBWEtERS. I AIHAKTI.V.V W.VU IIMAXfKKfMH] ’»man fc.rSi.ln.". H. Dax, continue* to repair WatHie* a* pK-aSt'tnThc Fiord House Building, •ppoolte Medical College, Mulberry street. ‘ort3-3ra TIMES SUPPLE, Watebmakcr and Jeweller, *1 Second street, two doors from the comer of g^STk^aiM»ntU.wcU Mtlecfodyort- ment of due 0" a*bra and Jr we». Also, tiVatebe%»nd .lewdly, caret > .ejmirddU expcrl-Hced wotAmtn. ’ sept29-3m ATG11E3 and JEWELRY, «ClaJ. 8. Ban tin OUU IJIWH, • . . Into It,.jirf/e 'l-y, thrauordiiuiry »lac tcy poonfol* Axumra, ad4 waUr, Milk a In lt-lnmi feriflo lba'!..- a dough aa-aO a* «» « conveniently handled, which is generally a little less Ilian one pint of water to one .,<•«! of dour. Do not knead it. Shape it very lightly, and imroe- dlately lrake in a <|«i< k oven, which must lie quit hot liefore yon begin to mix. It ha* the ™R ■njraata-'es oker vm*f,of fennimted bread; it ean fcX&uf a*rt!*c.f«;. a*’..- hour from the time ol first handling the fionr; it will tie moist and pleas ant to rat ia four days alter liking; U » easy o digestion, excellent for perron* suffixing rrom dys- Iietrsla; retain* ail tbc gluten, .larch and sugar contained in the flour, and thqftforc produces 1 lb. 12 or., bread from 1 lb. 4 ox. flour, wliil.t yeast pro duces only 1 lb. 0 ox. of bread from 1 lb. 4 ox. of tbni pbtaiuiiiga'jout 27 lb*, more of bread L ’ “orEUi which, with the saving of vrttf about twlamee flic cost of the Axuroeh. Can lie Used for nix of flic following recipes, and ladie.'crerywliore trill 1< agrv-e»«ty »•»<>*« with the delicious production*. This excellent compo sition doc* not contain a particle of Alum, Sal*- ratus, or any kind of deleterious drug; but 1* per fectly pure and healthy, and, as a culinary prepara tion, to infallible and invaluable. At thc Fair in Cineinqati. tluxr werea iiiimtKX of Baking Pow- dern db exldfiitioh Lthi Axupica, 'xlth. M veral other*, Was iffiiil^d, ond obtqfej.tli^t'ffi' prixe, as the pm cat and best Baking Vowder known. A trial only i» neceyaarj, in order to be satisfied. X pajier is given with eaehTiox^xntii tnll in.trnc- tions for making AZI MK.Y ROLLS, AZUMKA BISCUIT, AZUMfrA NONPAKKTI. CAKE. azcmea .TOIJNNY gak % . „ AZt'MTx.V FUrffCAKE. AZUMEA PLUM PUDDING. AZUMEA CINNAMON CAKE, AZUMEA CORN CAKE. AZU.MEA DUMPLINGS. AZUMEA SPANISH RUN. AZUMEA SPONGE CAKE, AZUMEA aYKE WITHOUT EGGSjj , AZUMEA CUP CAKE, AZUMEA MILK BREAD, AZUMEA SPONGE GINGER CAKE. JU^piEA cuif{43Tfv A1 > K - AZUMEA POT PIE,* AZUMEA GOLD CAKE, AZUMEA LOAF BREAD, AZUMEA DOUGH NUTS, AZUMEA JUMBLES, AZUMEA LEMON CAKE. I put up for the retail trade in 1-4 lh. cans, a> 25 ets., and in 1-2 lb. cans 4«oa «wa « Liberal Discount Made to Wholesale Purchasers. octlO-2.11 J- II. ZEILIN & CO. ^uiim'i.a.' W5,: *• B,SHOP - L % r M. CT^HOP&CO., ■VSTHOl/ES^ftE GBOCEES JFu. 3(1 Vitiit St., (/• few <toor* Mow tjohimbia Street, Cincinnati. W E will soon have a .lipply of Buggies, Top Family Wagons and Harness made to order at CONCORD AND BRATO.EBOItD,cxprrs»Iy for this market, and will warrant them to rixe ™tire satisfaction to all purchaser*. Be will “Olim work not made cxpfwsly to from a distance ean address us at ifaeon(to care W C. Singleton I, or at Hawklnsville, Ga. Gct«-3m McDUFFJK, MASON A CO* W. J. GARRETT, GABRETT YOL’XO GAUttETT. & BROTHER. Commission. Merchants, ,diac. Wholesale Dealers in Country Produce SEIOSD BOOR ntOM WSOJlftn.1,' Decatur Streep ’ a , .... yti-.QlioimiA. JOHN J. MeCANN, Wholesale Urocei- aud Commission MERCHANT. s Dealer in Wines, Liquors, Uigurs, i TOBAC CO, AV. 35, &mth Side Bronetnv?y, NaebtHi*, Tenn. f*A HIIDS. PIUJIE NEW ORLEANS SUGAR,' 0U 25 Hds do Porto Rico Sugar, m 20 do do. Cuba Sugar, oO Barrels Crushed and Powdered Sugar, 20 do Granulated Sugar, •100 do A andB Coffi-eSngank 20 do C extra assorted Brand*, 200 do Yellow Sugar, 400 Bags Bio Coffee, 30 Mats Jaxa Coffee. 20 do Lagoira Coffee, 10 Bags Ginger, ’ 111 Bags Allspice, 30 Bags Pepper, . 30 Barrels Maekerel, 50 l* bbia |l° ' HOOKHs ’■ vlo*' ' 100 Boxes Soap, , SO do Starch, 100.000 Cigars, assorted brands 100 Boxes Candles, 100 Boxes Raisins, 50 Cases Sardines, 250 CaseaOyster*, 100 Doxeu Bucket*, 200Doxen Brooms, 50 Nests Tubs, . , Together with everything usually kept in XV hole- sale Grocerx House. Atlanta, KEFKBESCES, Phiuixy & Clayton, Augusta.; J. L, ViOakmga, avannah: J. W. Fears A Co., Macon j R, L. Mott, Solumhus; Col. A. P. Wright, Thoiiusville; IV. L. Cigh, Madison; Ga.;Wm. Ca Bay. Montgomery; Ha • McGnider, Taxlor & Roberts, Baltimore, Md.; Altell A Inman. N. Y. , ag|»21-3m EDWARD WILDER. WHOLESALE DRUGGIST AND DEALER IN ft, PAINTS, OILS,' DYE-ST.FFFS GLASSWARE..*, ... AGENT-FOR VIRGINIA, MISSOURI AND tvf&TUGKY NO. 514 MAIN STREET, - mn bI*TvoIstf . etCMl __ Lonbxllle, Kenfocky. p. S.—Liberal advances made on Cotton on con signment. WANTED, FEATHERS. GINSENG, BEESWAX, TALLOW and RAGS, ror which I will pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE, either in cash or trade. , fang3~> Sm Dr. Bowen’s Splendid Plantation AND VINEYARD FOR SALE. I WILL sell my Vineyard and Plantation, situat ed in Jones county, 15 miles from Macon, and 10 miles from Griswoldvlllo pn/}entrnl Kail Road. The Vineyard embraces near 10 acres 111 excellent w KP*SII«y*£ S'u^^rtmraUif fiSe MISCELLANEOUS. Lw. GOROOX. TIS0N & GORDON, Cotton Factors. Commission and FORWADING MKRC1INTS. »G Bay Street, Snvnnnnli. «eor«la. A. Cotton consigned to them or their friends, Messrs Smith J: Dunning, New York. AH cotton coTL-ign- d to us or aur friend* in New York, will be sent forward by the new and elegant steamer Helen, whieli willl connect with the New ‘York line qC steamer*, so as to reach that city in av also established a line of Clipper ships between New York and Liverpool, so as to send the Cotton entrusted to our care without ins avoiding expenses of storage and insu- WSffLfiSfft 1 3B WARREN’S CELEBRATEdiNreD|.ra^Wl fish hooks. TJUUUn ' S PF.fl tL ATTENTION will be given to the sale ofLnrotier^Rwin, Tnroentine Ae. Be are o * B. L. GOULDING, IntelUgence Office, ssrssSsHF^;»» ; -i & ^gSfSKSaefor^ftr-w | “‘VreTfore e'xUm^' "\ f BMW tlj ouibdrt ktt c vik in iCviod ztyle. Tcnn^rea* ol 0voi^lvc%vuat^,and our n »ncutidn to all'businu*?^uinrusted, in to hope lor a continuance of the liberal (j, Perron* person, wanting ter anited than B1.AKE, reat eaUte agent. ^Macow, Oa. ANDREW 0LEEK & CO., 300 acres of which to origii . hickorv, balance cleared and in good condition. There Is a good dwelling house, cabins, bains, gin house, screw, &c. Place well watefed aud healthy. ForfuHher particulars enquire at this office or ^mpaUnWxm, Jones Cincinnati Commercial copy 6 Hint’s and send bill to this .office. Law Notice.-’ I m HAVE resumed the pracUcc or my profession, and will attend to all business cn|i||j~* care in the 8tate. 1 Having juit returned from Washington City, parties desiring advice and counsel relative to the preparation d! papers under thc Amnesty-Procla- mation for pardon, and the stntns-of eoutraets ant title deeds, executed-dnnuf tliela?t foncyears, can r -nsnlt me by lctteror in person. Office oxer'Boardman’s Book store, Macon, Ga. jy is O. A. LOCHRANE. j b.f. o r. A u go wfjii} G e’o rg-j k’, | | ‘ RE’prepared to make liberal advances on sdj; fix J .k l* LANE ire now oflterinx fora ' A. C. * Co., respectfully sol.clt LVu5* , "f" f s ” 1 * * ni Upper Leather. Abo. ... lomrainlfn - lOHb; Train I>otasli» CASKS POTASH, hIvoaO. ?.h«Mrkino da?®? 2d .B-.xe - Soper-carbonic of. Bod*, 1® 0 *■ pwpvro- " metropolitan hotel. late brown s. ' jIMK i.l- -*iii XC i ’iii iul QS n BOXES STAR CANDLES, SO “ TALLOW do SOAD-, 50 BOXES COLGATE’S A? ‘nmY foe. sale. I one-’.eJf miles nc ■ .-fl MS hr.«l e-iuruifbsd 'ml ic. ''‘tPltiK. t* JBMfj ! TUEPIN & Wholesale and Retail Dealer* •" Clothing, and Gents’ Furnishing G O Q D S , Street, Haem, On. Clothing mede to order on short notice, by lfil 1TOHOM OBONS 'KOUsatl ISHAtl *« COTTON PRESSES. E offer superior faculties for pressing and ^ cotton at o«r works comer First and T WO ana oiit-u*- ——- v\*c county. Go., a W* in cnl ucrY- of uud. One hundred and Vonsid tivation, ^ ^ chanrc of li.c I*ro.-t, :r. i t cllinK. »cvcn rooms* »« niMApd MCMANU8 fife CO. JNO. W. O CONNOR, '•aeon,Ga. "WH J. W. O'CONNOR dt CO., ilAOON,.......... iL,^ .08. *fat«gmW£EORGIA. Offioe on Cherry St., between 3d nnd'Uth. lECEIYISfl and Ponrardinx' Mcrcbaiits, and JLU Agents for E. M. Brnec & CO., Angmta, Gx; LK Bruec. Morgan & Co., ApOachlcFU,FD.; and Watts, Crane Ce Co.. New York.,.. We will receive and forward, upoui terms, *11 Cotton entrusted to onr eare ment, as owners may direct. We wUtncdve_ advances upon consjgimients of Oothn- tOi WaM, Crane A Go . New York, or W. C. YYalts & Co., LKcrpool < En"Und; Revenue Tax, Storage, FrcigbUs'dkRyon same, and forward with “'niSfera^otHcrewill beaffi*4«dBt*ty faculty in our power to send their Cotton to nnirkct, end KEir YORK EXCHANGE FOR 8AXE. ; octMm > ’ r - -’NO. W. «.‘CONNOR A CO. rwuiu. — 1 -jSiSS^asSKwarJR 1 r«ggBi|Msqa* gag xsiia-s.-*"***"* at 8fa very best Gin HmM* m<l Cotton 1 " ^.3845, ered one of the Iwi McM. & CO. j **• ... t very —— . . * the e«etfoo,imd almost Barns awt Wbfcst House Flak Ponds. The place i- k—i,|.. and delightfully xta* IMlIlll ’ rort.yMllW*>-". jMk4 aox2-lm Good Subies, hard* and , JOHN C. MANGHAM, f”- rr - on the place. S.W. MANGHAM, Gnffio, Go. tept3S-3m ——*■ * ■ ~ for w. A. fflilBMUO- .3)113/ WINTER A CO„ 40 BROAD WAT, NEW Yoffl /COMMISSION MERCHANTS; ; ’Will ati ( J promptlv to the sale of Cotton and other *V-".mcnts. P Orders for Merchandise will race! attemion and dispatch. The sale of Southern Se SsS Bonds, Bank Notes and Southern tarn*- ro-k- red. Oreular SawMtllsofthemost improx. eonstrnctlon, warranted to ent 10,000 feet of lum her Per diem, having nofeed exmpt saw dnst, esith evejTAhing complete, inelndmg Belting,Jbr?U-j«> ■ for drcnlarv. ato. c. nrcuAXAX.’ ANDREW BUCHJWAhAOO., Crocers, Provision Dealers Ccmmissisn and Forwarding Merchants, Jim liC Main street,- IOCISVILLE, Orders for Grcoeenes^ProXtsiora, Bajgtngand Rope, prompfly RXeehted. Important Chaujc of Ease. The undersigned rcspeetluUv anuouuce to their friends and thc "rest of mankind," that they have removed to the large and commodious brick Store os' Cherry st., between 1st aud 2d, occupied by A. P.G. Hams, where they will be ph&sed io see their friends and all interested ip an exclusively Commission House. Wa would also inform the nicrclwnts audbnsiness men of Georgia, that we hayc made arrangement0 and will open au office in Cincinnati, and will till orders for Groceries, Drugs arid Merchandise Ot all descriptions at West market rates: Dr. W. M. Withers "win make his headquar ters in Ctneinuati, and--will give prompt per sonal attention to all ooders for purchase of goods in that city, or Louisville, Kv. ^ Special attention will be given to the purchase or sale of Cotton, Tobacco, Yarn*, Shcetiug*,: Shirtings, Dried Fruit, etc., itt either city. Goods consigned to our care, will he promptly forwarded at lowest rates. Orders for good* in this market promptly filled. WITHERS & LOUD Cotton Factors and Gen‘1 Com. .Merchants, Cjierry St., .between 1st and 2d Street*, novffilm Macon, Georgia. L H. uxir.0 LANIER, PHILLIPS & (hilf of -Vp Mr if if. I’d a it.) : LIQUORS. ‘ 100 Barrels Robertson County Whisky, 50 do Bourbon do do r do Rye dc do Rectified Whisky, 5 Casks Hennessey Brandy, 3 do Otard, Dnpuy & Co.'s Cognac. 10 Barrels Apple Brandy, very old, ‘ 10 do Peach do , ,-6 do Sherry Wine, In store and for sale at NO: 3 5. BROADWAY. NASHVILLE; TENNESSEE. Bciitis Importunt lo Cotton Slilppcrs. rx*IIE Cotton Warehouse located in this place 1 ' mediately oa the river, and at the terminus louthwcstcru Railroad, and convenient to ad, can shelter all cotton tlidt may bo ship- tied from, ilncou and other .points on the South western Rnilrp»d. viq Apalachicola A<> New York.— We will reeeU e all cotton consigned to us, at the railroad depot, dray it, and put it aboard ofothc boats at one dollar per bale. ; Cotton shippers upon investigation, will hnd tliis rente tlie cheapest and most expedions of any other route to Now York from Macon. We re spectfully solicit orders for the purchase of cotton. Our long experience in that line will enable tls to make purchases to the best advantage to those who favor us with their orders. We have now in operation a new Iron Screw R. G. MORRIS & CO., Geore'etovn. . Kefekexces—Ross <fc Seymour, J. W. Fears, Virgil Powers, Esq., all agents on S. W. R. R. sag 9-5rfi t. W. TUCK, I J. O. DAVIS, t A. P. TUCK. Christian Co. Late with Phelps, Louisville, Ey. I Caldwell & Co. | Tuck, Davis A Co., Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, 383 Main street, between Eighth and Ninth streets, Louisville, Ky. Consignments Solicited ang29-Cm_ .- .. COTTON. JOHN T. EDMUNDS & CO., Bankers & Commission Merchants, ^lACON, GEORGIA, re on TJt ird. Street, nert door to Post Office. wm.*. II. C. IIENLRT CO. Wholesale Grocers Commission Wierchants, No. 32 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. We invite thc attention of our old friends and thc Trade generally to our inrjre and well assarted Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, now in 8tore and bki kivino vAthr, arid which wc re offering at' tlie very lowest priceh. Onr facilities and business connections arc such that we feel assured wc can afford- entire satisfac tion in every instance, and those entrusting us with their orders, can rely npon receiving the goods upon as favorable terms and at as low rates as If they were present bnving in person. nov3-1 m LANIER, PHILLIPS & CO. C|c gailu Cclcgviipj). rHURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 10,1386. l iiii L jjii jmaLUi . ' Mg ffife Sorghum and Sugar DANE SYRUP OF THE NEW CROP Wanted by J. N. SEYMOUR. nov%-10t COAL! COAL f E have succeeded in getting an agency foi , , tlie celebrated Whiteside Mines, and will lurnisli COAL in any quantities in Atlanta, at Mine prices with freight added. Orders solicit: aud promptly attended to. oct 31-1 tnj. J. F. EZZAiiD & BRO. L. P. STRONG & SONS, WOULD respectfully Inform their friends and the public generally, that they have opened at their old stand (oil Scccond street, two doors from Cherry) a large and well selected stock of Boots and Shoes, Which they offer as low as any honsc in tlie city. oct28-lm* W E are prepared to make cash advances on shipments of cotton to Norton, Slaughter & # Co., New York, or to onr correspondents in Liver-' pool, Englnud. Planter* and 6wncrs of cotton entrusting the sarrie todnr care for sale *r shipment, shall have irompt returns of sales, in gold or currency as licv may direct. We solicit orders for thc purchase of cotton. Gold aud silver and sight exchange on New York bobght and sold. ' Jr We refer by permissUn to J B Ross &Sen, Bow- ran; imru nuuumu .mum, nuuiuu., Bank, LonLsvillc; Commercial Bank, LoutovUle. ptlbiican, asmencus; miu auuaiuj I . Lb's Times aud Enquirer, LaGrange Reporter, AmericU: bhs'Times’ dud I — , JP ...... ,. Griffin Union, Millcd.amilh- I’.ecovder, publish one month and’scndblll to . „„ JOHN T. EDMUNDS & CO., oet35-Iia Macon. HOWAED HOUSE, F.UFAULA, - : -' - - - - ALABAMA, ilfo . ’ '3, W. Ilotvnrd, Proprietor, a. n. U01.L.1DA ,4. tL thc i jjnrics thc market affords,served np 1* ' -Enfauln, dta. * J\. io.ofdet and at the shortest noUce. . -J. .. scd12- “ *' yplJ-Cma’ PAINTING. Honse, Sljcii i Ornamental Painting. E?"The CIcvelantT, (O.), Ihriilil give* u* an cvitlcnce of thc rapid growth of that city tliat thc total number of new churches, storen], dwellings and manufacturing estaliKaliments erected since January lui, lSdo.i including t.uisc commenced at khat time-and not com pleted. as taken'hy the letter carrier*, is six. laiulred and thirtv-six. '• 1 —g ^.*.^ *. • \tll Neguo Scfprage.—At present negros- arc flowed to vote in only six States, viz: Maipe. vew Hampshire, and Vermont, subject to tin. ainic conditions as wliitc men; in Masaelm setts they must lie able to read and write; in Rhode'island, must 1st n drill one . hundred nnd thirty dollars in real estate; in Now York, must lie worth two hundred and. fifty dollars over all incumbrances; in Kansas, and under the new radical constitution of Missou ri. 5 thev are not allowed to vote. The Pension ISritK.vr.—The secretary of the interior lias decided that all pensions granted prior to the commencement of- the late war, ceased to accumulate front and after the date of the president's proclamation dc* elaring tlie State or district In which 1 pen sioners were domiciled to be in insurrection, and that the payment of such pensions cit'd 5 only lie resumed from and after thc comple tion of the proof of thc pensioner's right to lie restored to tbc rolls. i Roubeby in Chicago—$40,000 Stolen’.'—■’ Thc Chicago papers’report one oftlie most dar ing robberies ever committed in this country. On Nov.- Oth, about noon, a satchel containin' $40,000 in green backs was abstracted from tbc wagon of tlie American express company in tliat city. Tlie excitement in financial circles Was very great; and caused anextta- ordinary alarm on tlio part of tlie banks whieli were especially supposed to lie- itlie losers. Tbc detectives quickly disposed themselves for the bunt after tlie loJt treasure, nnd succeeded in< discovering a - crib in a dilapidated portion of tlie city,'in which the robbers were . found with thc money, * They and the keeper Of tlie crib, were arrested and secured. The parties in the transaction were found: to be Prout, the driver of tlie express wagon; ; bis brother, a notorious rogue and burglar; another terrible representative of the profession, and “Molly”—a young woman, who was the keeper of thc crib. She con fessed all the transaction. The banks ltavi suffered much, by, tlie interference caused by tbc failure of the country banks nnd busi ness remittances to meet them in time for their Usual daily bnllanccs. CO., D.C., ■Willard’s Hotel. SYKES, CHADWICK & PROPRIETORS, WASHINGTON, n .! ’. ..1. ij ." - lire TUG* r Formerly of tlie Girard House, Phiiadcl phia. Rov.lO-Cni Mules- TWO LARGE STRONG MULES FOR SALE - IN GOOD ORDER. CAN BE SEEN AT jittw; :n uix Ir.u) ■ JACOB RUSSELL’S STORE, . Cotton Avenue. no hi r. novS-Ct* J. S. FRENCH, GEO. U. REID, W. Jfe CHADBOOBH, FRENCH 80 CO., . COTTON FACTORS, Forwarding and Commission Merchants - Wholesale Grocers, &c., CLARK STREET,NASHVILLE, TENN. Speeial attention paid to thc sale or forwarding of cotton. ! • [ i septlfl-Sm* s. g. wood & co., Wholesale Dealers in Groceries Butter, Cheese, Plour, dec., &c., No. 45 Union Street, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. % sep21-3m» ; METALIC CASES. -.1A Gn.DING, "GLAZING, PAPER HANGING AC. Having on hand all the necessary material to cnrrv oh thc business, we are prepared to give sat isfaction, both in execution and prices, to all who mav lavor ns with their orders.. We will-also keep on hand and for sale, mixed rpalnts of every description. 'ENTINE, VN JAPAN. “* ■' PUTTY, - , IBB aAND PA PER, j. * BRCSHTB. Ac., Ac, promptlv attended to; DfiURY <fc TRIPOD, f Over Roberts, Dnnlap & Co., Cherry st., aug 12-12IU* Macorf, Ga. BKiEKKNCES t W B. Johnston, X..H. Beal, J. H. Zeilin & Ca, ). A. Wl-e, ClaylaiidA: Dnmhlc, Leroy Napier, W. A. -Hriff- i^tasjti rtr SPOTS WOOD HOTEL. ). Bk hmond, Va., Augnst, 1865. j SiliTfT having been h^mried that the Spotswood Ho- td had bi-ca co'nltocated and closed, the propri etors deem it proper to assure the public that such is not the casq.. The House is open for thc accom modation of visitors, as it has been from its opeu- andkew BUCHANAN, ing da.v^ in September, 1869. and t inga KY Th- House has been remodeled, renovated, re lished, aniT put in' perfect order throngiiout, l the traveling public may rest assured of r: nd- gh^s&Issesr! snared to make them comfortable, aa wp are htodired to snatain the Weil-known repoUtioa oT &Ifonse. CORKERY A MILLWARD, ^TLreirc-r.-7‘ Prop rigors. T> ECEIVED this day a full assortment of ME AL TALIC BURIAL CASES and CASKETS ol thc most bcautllul Patterns. For sale at my Fac- t TugK UirdSlreet ’"&^LE WOOD. COTTON SEED. rjfTE ARE PREPARED to furnish Cotton YV in anv quantity.' They arc of a superio kind of cotton and Warranted fresh and. good. Parties at a distance can fie iarmshed. . Columbus, Ga., nov6-lm. J.R IVEi & vp V00RAEES & GARRISON •'.'.in- Commission Merchajits, 73 William street, New York. Offer tbeir services to thc Planters,'Merchants : ami (Cotton holders of Georgia- Ga. SUB^OR'P-riON: Tesrty, (Invariably in T - ct Quarterly, " •■••••. Monthly, advertisin q : ib ., One square, twelve Unci or less, 41 00; each subsequent insertion 50 c. Address, CLATI.AND & DV\, Editor* aud Pi;: .812 (» S 00 1 00 "RLE, ben 1 . It lias been stated tliat Gen. IL. E. Lee bad made arrangements with a New York publislter to bring out bis history of tlie war. The Richmond Whig throws thc following light on tlie subject: Wo were informed some months ago, by gentleman who bad means of information, that General Lee bad .been visited by a New York publisher (wc believe Mr. Richardson) with the view of inducing him to write a history of the war, the publication of which, upon terths very liberal to General Ia, would be undertaken by Mr. R. If wo were correct ly informed, 'tlie general did not, at least at that time, enter into any agreement on the subject., '■ - ij. rtf 1 But 1 he coijimunicated to our inGamiant the sense'of obligation which he,Felt to do justice to the great army which lie had commanded, by making a historic record of its deeds of valor and its displays of fidelity and endu- ranee. His personal reluctance at becoming the historian of events in which lie was tlie chief actor, Was'increased by tlie fact that most of his official papers bad bcCif lost upon the evacuation of tliis city—but be recognized of controlling force n debt of gratitude to the brave men lichad commamlcd aud an obli gation to the Itriith of - liistbry.. may be, thercfote, riatsotiably supposed tHht' , Gciienil Lee will avtul himself of the retirement- and' favoring circumstances afforded by. bis; pres ent position to prepare a history, of ids* cam paigns arid of the hebievements of tbc rcr. nowned army ofNortlicm Virginia'.' 1 :.*->!!*- • .- Si '..i —... Preparations in Canada.—Tite. New York Herald hqa-a letter.fromOttivrtLC. W.. dated the 8th inst., whichsiys: ml -4 'j-.; It js now lieyond doubt tlmt steps are t» lie taken by the Canadian government to nieet the danger of thc Fenian movement. The executive council meeting in Mohtreal 6n the 7th is to meet in this city' on the 10th. Enough has transpired to show that tlie plac ing of a large force on the line of the frontier was discussed.^. .That force is, likely, to he at least 12 battalions, or some 6,000' men, anil tliis will be backed by tbc regnlar force in the country, now amounting to about 1 10,000 (fffin. Montreal is to furnish three battalions, or 1500 men; three.,or four others will be raised cast of tliat city, and hi Canada West six or eight battalions will also fid raised :’ of these three will come from Toronto; Anticipated Tr.orm.Es is Germany.— GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. - : ,|>'(».6aiipxlaj last a Johnson mass meeting was held at Memphis. It was ‘ anticipated that Neil S. Rrown, A. (). P. Nicholson, of NnshviUCiiG eib. N: IL Forroat, Uen. John K. Sufitlr and othora would address the moot ing,,- Wc regret to learn that Col. R. F. Dill, of thc Memphis .4/i/<ovt’ i* prbsttated by sick 'ffl ' ■■■: X • iifJcn. J110I A, Ilattle uud S. It Amtcrron lmw been visiting at-Gnllutin. Tcnncssor. T, W. Higgins has' been selected to write the TiiograpUies of. the yiliuuiu of ITarvartl University- who foil during tlie war. Allege iiUmlvcr of fcmate ptiitmasters have beett appointed to oecttpy offices i'11 the fsoutli- cm^tatcs. - . i , The Billinrd Championsluii. .The defeat ot farmo, th« great-T'roocIi bib Hard, player, by Kavnaugb. has bOen an- nouftml) but tlio-way tlie result Was secured is not ao genemlly known as it should be.— Kavauaugb lias Avon the money and thc fame, but it is not by any means shown that I10 is tho bestplayer. Indeed tlio weight of evi dence. ia that Oinne is bis taiperior. Bil liard playing is, as’all who have any knowl edge of tlie ,-gatue are aware, a" business tliat requires the nicest calculation and steady nerves. When the play is. in pub lic tbc spectators miist preserve order and refrain from demonstrations of approba tion and. disapprobation, or tlie players are disturbed; aud if one finds the sympa thy of thc audience with his opponent, it most seriously intcrfcrijs with liis play un less he happens to be a pbrsofi of thc most remarkable self-possession; and there are few equal to the task Of preserving perfect equanimity, when every shot tliat misses is received with shouts of derision. Mr. Kava- nagh, it is necessary to say, has a party of rlneipiere, who wait upon him at his matches, and systematically disconcert his antagonists, by all sorts of unscciply demonstrations. It may be 'that thc champion lias nothing to do* with this; but it would become him to cheek thc misconduct of those who assume to lie his particular friends. Ho is a splendid player, but it would lie worth wlfilc to know liow he would get along without his crowd. The New York Tribune thus exposes the “ oUtsidc pressure" brought to bear Upon tbe Frenchman on Saturday night, at Irving Hall, New York, Kavanagh reaching 1,500 aud winning, when his opponent’s score was 1,339: “Most of those who witnessed tliis match will probably agree that if it bad been played in a private room, and with a com petent rcterec, the result would ltave been reversed. Of the decisions of 31 r. Ryal, wc have already said enough to indicate our opinion. In regard to the spectators, it is necessary to remark that a majority were evidently desirous to see 3Ir. Kavatiagh win the match; that many of them bad a large pecuniary interest in his success; and that a considerable number contributed di rectly to that result by continued and in tentional interruption of the play of his opponent. 3Ir. Carpie possesses nerve and an unfailing temper; otherwise he would have been disconcerted by these demonstra tions before thc game was half finished.— During tlie last half hour, they becatue 80 vi olent that he was visibly shaken, and his power of 'execution entirely disturbed. One or two failures brought down on him a storm of howls , and derisive cheers, and it must have been evident to him; as it was to impar tial spectators, that there was "a numerous party that intended to prevent his winning.' This seems to furnish, thc proper occasion for saying that Phil Tienian, of this city, was beaten by Kavanaugb in the same way.— Cin. Commercial. nda an a which i*e. and expect. Run, and he is coming to the capital to re- :**• new the fight, and fight it out. This is thc ln ' Austria and Barista have addressed a severe ‘ a A .. 4.1. A..<* *1. „ • _ remonstrance to thc senate of the free town'of Frankfort, as the Bourcc of coarse attacks on tlie-two principal German powers, and threat- fii e *^^j^*,j 0 f“tUe Southern Statcsf A syt ■J And refers by penui-ion to * Means. Erwin & Hardee, Savannah, Ga. President National Bank at Savannah, C E. A. 'Wilcox, Macon, Ga. W. B. DaTison, Augusta, Go. - E. Remington A Son, ThomisviHe, Ga- C’.'L. Robinson, Ja> kronvllle TO- j. c. K. Garrison, 73 illtom ^rcet, N.. Y. Ocean National Bank, New York. _ Merchants Exchange Nation Bank, New -ork. Any business entrusted to ns will meet with * prompt and carcfulattention. K -* B. F. VoOKHEF.n. sep8-4m cn thc mayor and senate with intervention should furtlicr meetings of the delegates he penfiitted.” The Schlcswig-Prussian'- ^dni- mission^rs' have announced that a : ‘ military forae will lie used to prevent the inhabitants from recognizing the Duke of Augustenburg. or imy otherpercon as having authority iq tlie Duchy. The fown of Frankfort has cncrgef- Ically'repclled the impntatioiis of Austria anti Prufiia, and fhe Frankfort senate ‘lias de termined to uphold the independence Of thc city. It was thought the case was one of at tempted spoilation. • .{ A Statue ! ^WBfcrfeG by Steam.—‘flie Florence correspondent Of thc IndepeidUnte Beige savs that a Singular discovery has been made in a eburclMu one of the fatjboufgs of 3Iilan. A statute Of Saint 3Iagdalen. which has Tonjr been famous for weeping lh tlie pres- encc of tlie nnl.-etiex ers, was recently moved in order to facilitate :rcpaire for the church. It was found that the statue contained; an ar T rangement for boiling water, Thc steam passed np into the head and was there con densed. The water t Inis')) roil need made its wav by a couple of pipes to the eyes, and doubtless t« tbe-heavy receipts ami cline in tee Northern,maricefc. It raay.'.ba ; quoted at from 33 to (drigents.—Atlanta Intel- ' Ujeneer Noe. 14. "* J " Tlie cholera made great ravages in''the . C-mvents ot Spain, v* - - s--^.Jplegraph wires m Indiana, GREAT EXPECTATIONS We learn from our daily grriini --, - all the Southern States, tlie idea is u turning the negros that Hie Li of their iatje masters are to hi among them next Christmas, the Richmond ' r: -q—.■ '4 80 univcnal is the delusion amonj gros and so disastrous were its consc already plainly felt, that the provost for the comity saw the necessity for r it. lie accordingly apjiomtcd a day i they should meet him at thc court he learn from him what they were to Tliis summons, being confidently regarded i_ a preliminary to tMK|Jhifia) of their cher ished vision, wa* obeyed with alacrity. At thc time appointed tlio crowd on the* court green is supposed to have numbered from gat thousand to fifteen hundred expectant freed- men. There is no occasion to repeat the *ub- stanec of the provost marshal's address; suf fice it to say, it by no means conformed to tlie anticipations of ills audience. Having given a plain exposition' of their statu* he informed them that questions of con tacts and wages, etc., Iietwccn freedtnen and their employers, would, in fnture, be referred to a commission, one member of which they were to elect The vote was to be taken then, and there, efro wee. lie nominated for their choice a worthy gentleman, well known in the community, and put thc question in the usual form—“ All in favor of 31r. —■ 'a nomination say aya.” lint hardly wore thc words “as# aue," 1 out of tlie mouth of tlie provost marah- nl, when their smothered exultation burst forth in one simultaneous, unanimous, poly- ■ phonons “a-jr-e,” prolonged and drawn out utterly beyond all comparison with the • “wounded snake,” or “lengthenedawcetaesa," or any other known standard of protraction. Never was a deserved honor bestowed with more flattering unanimity or more hearty good will. Thc provost marshal, basing Ills assumption on long-established, but now olisolctc prece dents, regarded this vote as decisive and en tirely satisfactory. Nevertheless, for form’s sake,—and perhaps, too, to drill thc frccd- mcn in all the exercises of thc elector's man ual,—he proceeded to put the question nega tively:—“AU opposed, A&, my' •ml” Upon the instant, this injunction was announced with a “n-o.'” which rattled tbe windows and jarred tlie rafters of the houses round; it riv alled the “age" in the unanimity and fervor with which it was delivered. Thc provoet marshal—a plodding conservative, we infer— did not nt all comprehend thc weighty signif icance of what had transpired after informing them tliat, as thejr were incapablo of making an intelligent choice for themselves, he wonld liimsclf chooses commissioner for them, he hade them to take themselves off, and even vented a profane imprecation against them. Thc chiefs of the radical ought to find con clusive testimony in this meeting, of the pe culiar fitness of the negro to redress “his wrongs” at the ballot box. VARIETY'. Thc cholera slow 500 per day in Ytadrid. Earl Russell is 78 years of age and sound as a roach. Patti receives £200 per nigh: for ringing. Thu theatre at Sait Lake is said to bo flourishing. Thc currency of thc country is estimated at a thousand million dollars. Thc cigar ship so long building in England lias been launched. Tom Thumb lias lieen sued for an income tax in England. Barrels are so scarce in tlie wine districts of France tliat they fetch $6 a piece. A letter writer says they have been having niost unmarriagcablc weather in Paris. What kind is that ? Slany people in Paris killed tlumsclvcs by using alcohol as a preventive of cholera. Vapor baths are given to cattle in England to cure tho plague. Southern railroad compnnie? have pttr- chascd.two hundred millions dollars worth of locomotive*. Tlie German ladife of Leip- ic have orgau- . iced to educate poor young girl- to trade* Mid bnrine**. New York Indies dye their hair in cham- pagne to cause the auhurne tint. Abl-cI-Kaderbought, several thousand dol lars worth of doll babies for his .wires while in Paris. A grand banquet was given in New Oil cans to celebrate the establishment of a steamship lino Iietwccn that city and Liver pool/ > The wife of a laborer at Iiishojnvearinoutli was on thc 7th safely delivered of four chil dren, three girls and a hoy, who lived about an hour.—English paper. Thc embalmed body of Cartouche, tin- In’ molts robber, who was executed in 1712. i- on exiiibition in Paris. Tlie revolting bachelors in New York de cided at their meeting that |2,850 was the lowest cost of maintaining a wife. Thc’shcep fever in Vermont continues. A ram lamb was lately sold for $1000, two y< *r- lings for $2500 each, and another for $3000.— Ex. Thwquecn of Spain's ministers dissuade;! her from returning to Madrid on the ground that great political complication- would :ir!■ if she fell a victim to the malnduy. Their reasoning was conv icing. Asa Fitch, thc Connect ic 11 millionaire, n. eh bis .fortune inbnsines8in Marseilles in France. He built a village—Fitch villa—in his Stati The Elections nnd the felled on the Pres. „ ident’s Policy. Special dispatch to the Cincinnati Enquirer.] 7 Washington, Nov. Oth. 3Iuch interest has been manifested to know if the result of the recent elections will effect any modification of the policy of the admin istration ittirefereaceto reconstruction. It may .lie positively asserted that no change in this policy wilt be induced by such causes as havcMi'cefl heretofore stated in this cor- responderied. ' 1 Mr. - Johnson has. regarded thcro elections,, except ini Now Jersey, as more of a personal titan a political struggle; lie- cause, both parties} jmd .strongly indorsed him valid liis. administration, and ,whatever the result; it wHl riilf be an administration trihmpli. ■ "i : b ob'; .•«' . In New. Jersey, the strong feeling in favor of tiie adoption., of .the anti-slavery amend ment'.to Ihc, constitution oycrsl.oughed the demderafs. The adojlfton of tliis amendment is desired Wy the administration, and the re sult in New Jersey is in'accordance, and there is no rcqspn whatever that any change should ,bc .made against the presidential policy. 1 ' " t 1 Mr! .TWitrsdn, libwcver,’xriU have the most strenuous: opposition in congress'from thc radical wing of the republican party. Chns. Sumner broke with the president when the latter made liis speech to the committee of negro preachers, mid told them, tliat freedom [for theta meant the lihertv to work for them selves and earn their living by the sweat of [their brows. .nil be 3Ir. Sumner lias recently written a tetter to Washington, in which" he solemnly de clares that he regards the present as thc darkest days of tlie republic—even more gloomy and, pregnant with national inisfor- tune tuantlMtuiy after the fint ,,at .ri el ff-Bull getlwIVbll^K^iSiUcftftvBffiniion of dob token of a radical war upon the Administrn- It will lie perhaps quite as much embittered as,the debates, in congress which preceded teniptic effort will lie made to drive Johnson from big platform,. and to nullify his recon struction policy, but it is now believed there wiii lie found conservatism, enough to sustain him and'ennyt him > bravely through-thc or- Ucai. iii .1 oil! 1 An Adventure in' the Oir Region—A Highways! an Vanquished by a Parson.— Tlie ' RcVi-L, II. Stubbs, of Titusville, rela ted the following at a prayer meeting^ in his own church, one day' last week—having re ceived his information from the hero of the story; ., ■ On Tuesday last, the Hey. Mr. —, of the Baltimore conference, was riding on horse back from Pit Hole to Titusville. He had nearly reached Pleasantville, and was trotting quietly along, humming a psalm tune, when a man stepped into his path, and seizing his horse's bridle, presented a pistolat the ^ar- he Was only a poor Methodist prcachcf audj but tlie poli bad but little money, but would give up all 1 trash and sent'the a-lu-.- to tl fie ',had! .The robber marie no reply, but i attempted to enforce thc writ. -i -n.uA't.:. 11—‘ Tbe Free 3i;i-on* in Englfiii , tbe example of tho^c ia-Prane against thc Pope’s recent ulloc Indianabblis to a memori; give up ;tnis 4nsuie« ra highway , robbery.” | doa or P : ‘ ro: '-' °* Mr - 1>a ' ' The ffetigiotar 4reppeSlji^p»ijt^ ; atJus sidi^ \ . A New York disp iteb . r.ndlna voice trembling .with, tjeep emotion, j During this week the recei cxcUinn^l; jj^pucan-p^s ogjy . j this port are 26,304 boles. , V r 'r—■ 1 1jsales are 15,800 hales, exp Tlie eclipse played the mischief with the \ and the available *t ■ ,— •_ — 'bales. Aietterfrom India to a London pajier -tat tliat the monkeys of that count iy seem to I firmly persuaded thnt thc telegraph lines an poles tliereare erected for their special use an behoof in performing gymnastic exerrisea. The American land .watein i- to be intneij cd in Mexico, so tliat the citizens of mode means can get hold of a farm Thc ptiblie ritory is to lie surveyed into sections and' ter sections of 640 and 160 acres. Ladies can draw a beau into a kirot at tl| himenial altar. Over 1,100 licenses been taken out in tlie this year. This is abi cverv ninety-one persons in any 'other city show a mi cord I At a concert given in Killamcy, recently, “ God Save tlie Queen” wa* ' The Rev. J. 8.>L Curr;.. l'. nil, rlv t her of tiie United States congress f bama; has received a call to tlie *e; fist church in Richmond, Va. The St. L ouis police recently of gaming apparatus which wa ’*■“ were top sharp, j ctail liquor ha trict (if ColuinJ nc liquor *h' thc district, more ^spirited trickled down upon the cheeks of Jhq imago.. So the wonderful rairaclra were performed. , m—Br UW • . i -d «.«a r*. _ ■ ‘ pre% t ewm^Ty;, anil remarked, with; great | -»J- cit _ of Cotton Stafarj-The cottoit‘iiiar1ri>t “^.“Wiinonqr; 'fnend,; fo/^turcs