The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, November 17, 1865, Image 1

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£!je Hkutn Snilij tlrgrfipji. | : CUTUID),) |J. O. DUMBLE, THE MACON DAILY TELEQR APH BUILDING •»?r of Cfccrrjr aud Second Strc ulTY BUSINESS CARDS, ( ^jm>DPfP WRECTOHV. | OLD SERIES, NO. 1396.1 MACON, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1865. I NEW SERIES, NO. 162. macox up vcarun uiijpud. DAT TKAI.V. •are Macon.— 7.50 A 11 hJtdi iVlhulT.. 7.911 A « *1 Atlanta. .4.00 p « | Arrive »t Macon.&39 P M SlfitlT TRAIN. IrvdelSutrm.iA» Ml Ltave Atlanta..0.50 p » Vr. in Atlanta..5.151 a x | Ar. at Macon...530 A M soctuweatzxx xailxoad. —— Leave Macon.. .7.23 a a I LencEaftpla. ,5.10 a a Ar. at Enfaala..0.1SPMf At. *t Maein...4.Klk>* MAIL TRAIN OS AUtART RRASCIL L’rcftmiibvlllc.2.42r>< | Leave Albany...7.30 am Ar. sffiAjbany..,^»|»«*i Ar.atSinltbrlllcC.OO a m CCSTRAL RAILROAD. return Train* run each way tri-wedUy, leaving On Monday*, Wednesday* and rridaya. And alternate days. ■jmn Macon. ..7.50 A X I L , reEalonton..8.0ftA|J -r. at Eaton ton. 1.24 P M | Ar. at Macon...I.*8pm macox a»d aauaAwicK x*ix«a2b. Laate Mar.m .tSO p It 1 L’ve Junction. 6.00 a M Ar. at Junclion.ft.40 p m | Ar. at Macon.. 10.30 a M OEOXOIA RA1I.MOAO. Lcare Atlanta..LIS a M I Leave AugflaU.6.00 a ■ Ar. at AngiuU .5.55 P M | Ar. at AtlanU. 10.35 P M ML-acOOER RAILROAD. Lcwvs Macon...7.33 A M 1 L’ve Colouibua.7.00 A M'olumbaa.4.34 P x 1 Ar. at Macon...4.10p M WRITERS a ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Leave Atlanta..8.10 a m I Ar. at Atlaltta..7.30 r u Lr.Chattanooga 7.45 AM ( Arit:iultanoojfa.7.A5PM SAMITILLR AND CIIATTANOOOA RAILROAD. I.v.Chattanooga. 7.30 ax I I.t’cNashville..8.30 am Aral NarliTlllc.ft.301*M | Ar.ChattanoogaP.30rM ATTORNEYS. C 1DBIIA JACKSON, Attorneys at Law, Macon. / I!*, oilier oititottilc I*o*l (Mms otct, ofllce of A.-Wllofct,'lMrJ utrecf. novl-lim* IIOWELI. cons. JAMES JACKUPS H OLT a BANS, Attorney* at Law, Macon, Ga., OUlcn over Miv A Klrtlynd’* a tore. Will trite prompt attention to all bn*hic** feiftrnsted to tlieir care. T. O. HOLT, JR. J. F. BASS, net T-3in* * VISBETS, Attorney* at Law. Office In Wash- II Ington Blin k on Mulberry St., over office o( Inst T. K. llloom. K. A. NISBET. J. A. NISBET. J. T. NISBET. ang 23 fsatlu* _ T ANIEK .li.ANOKltSON,'attorney* it lawro? Lj :'.rr bit'Second street, tip ataln, two doora cart of Mr. N. C. Mnnroc'a, Macon, Go. t ang 23-3m J tV F. WHITTLE, Attorneys at LawTtoflee j* over Payne'* Drug Store, tierxt to Concert llall.) Macon, (la. L. N. WHITTLE. P. B. WHITTLE. octft-Sm T*HVS1C1ANS AND DRUGGISTS. R ~"rf30tfAlr—fcr~K" A. White now occupies two rooms over the present post office, next dour to Or. C. II. Haifa office, where he ran tie found night or day when not professionally absent. octl2-3m from Brown’s Hotel to the East side of Third street, between Poplar and Plum—where he ran be fo^nd at alltionra, unleaa professionally absent. D IU. SMITlY* OWEN, office comer "Walnut ^^apfUith streets. Dr. Lightfoot’a old atand. | A U. W. P. PARKER, office 2nd at, 3 doora be- i J low old post office, upstairs. Office boon, 0 to 10 o'clock, a. M-, U to 4 p. m. Residence at Female Oollcga. ■ acpt3ft-:im* TAR. I. L HAKUlft tenders his professional acr- i t vice* to the pntffic. ' (Office on Second afreet. over Knott A Howes. »cpl7-2m T> lf^SICIANS.—Dr. J. Emmett Blackahcnr, of- 1 flee over Payno’a drugstore, residence on High street, near the asylum for the blind. ang 234m 0.11 MISSION MERCHANTS. TEwrflT bMTDKR. Wholesale' Commit f j alon Merchants, and Ueucral Agents, Second street, between Cherry and Poplar, Macon, Ga.— Prompt personal attention given to all consign ments of cotton, produce, manufactarcs and other article* (ifjd trehapdise. Orders and Consignments dfJh .i v aPJhe coffiW. Agents VMt class Insurance Comp.uih W A. HUFF, wholesale produce dealer, cor- • tier Cherry and Third streets,' under Kola- ton’s Hall. ang 333m GROCERIES —N. A. Magrath, agent, ■s above Masonic ltall, Cotton ave- groccHfsj crockciy and * tuple dry —_■■■. JEWELERS. P J. HARTLEY, WATCHMAKER, late work •nun for Sidney B. D.iv, continues to repair Watches at prevent in the Floyd Itoiuo Building, opposite Medical College, Mulberry street TAME^SUr£fi£ : AratthtaJkft^ Stracller, f| Second street, two doors Dorn the corner of Also, Wttt0h«»i»J«*MlX itaTfuBy repaired by expert ewea workmen. acptJv-um W ATCHES anil JEWELRY, at Chas. 8. Ban defa, under the Telegraph Printing Ho use comer Cherry and Second.afaqta, Macon,.Ga. ktatM constantly on luma iWRcwortffinit %n flue Watches and JeW«*X. - Rspnhiw mn»j “ d on short notice. All work warranted. anglfi-m ^ J || ''MlkCBLLAS%(jUS. ~ j I F R. A B. L. GOULDING, Intelligence Office, a have removed flrom Cotton Avenue to Fifth Street, near Passenger Depot, and opposite Scho- Msid’a Found rr. Servants and laborer*fbrnUhed; Tor mat or talc. A. Z TJ 31 E ! A Z U M E A ! AZUMEA! Ha* proved to be I Tim Bert and Pareit Baking Powder in Vce. jr. ii. zEii-iv & to., Y/HOLESALE & RETAIL DRUGGISTS, MACON, GEORGIA. Me Agents in this State* for the sale of I’ROF, MORRIS’ AZ13IEA. We hare received another large lot of this excel lent YEAST POWDER, and can safely recommend Tt’to the public for all that It claims to be. Azu- mta makes the flnest WIIEATEN BREAD possi ble. U Dnude In the simplest manner, ss follows: Get one quart, e*jnal to pound* of flour, mix Into \i,'qnUe dry, three ordinary «Izc teaspoonffils of Axumea, add water, with a little salt dissolved kait—sufficient to make a dough as soft as can be conveniently bandied, which is generally a little leas than one pint of water to one quart of flour. Do not kneud It Shape it vciy lightly, aud irninc- dtately bake la a quick ovcji, which must be quite hot before yon begin to mix. It has the following advantages over yeast or fermented bread; it can be made and baked In one hour from the time of first handling the flour; it will be moist and pleas ant to cat in four days after baking; it is easy of digestion, excellent for persons suffering from dys pepsia; retains all the gluten, starch and sugar contained in the flour, and therefore produces 1 lb. 12-63. bread fhtm Y lb. 4 ox. flour, whilst yeast pro duces only 1 lb. I ox. of bread from 1 lb. 4 ox. of flbur; thus obtaining about 27 lbs. more of bread from a barrel of flour, whicb, with the saving of yeast, will about balance tbc cost of the Axumea. uan be used for any of the following recipes, and ladles everywbero will be agreeably surprised with the ^clicioua productions. This excellent compo sition docs not contain a particle of Alam, Sulx- rstas, or any kind of deleterious drug; hut la per fectly pure and healthy, and, asa culinary prepara tlon, Is infallible and invalnable. At the Fair in Cincinnati, there were a number of Baking Pow- dera on exhibition:—the Axumea, with several others, was analyzed, and obtained the first prize, as ths put eat and best Baking Towder known, trial only is necessary, in order to be satisfied. A paper Is given with each box, with lull instruc tions for making AZUMEA ROLLS, AZUMEA BISCUIT, AZUMEA NONPAREIL CAKE, AZUMEA JOHNNY CAKE, AZUMEA FRUIT CAKE, AZUMEA PLUM PUDDING. AZUMEA CINNAMON CAKE, AZUMEA CORN CAKE, AZUMEA DUMPLINGS, AZUMEA EGG CAKE, AZUMEA SPANISH BUN, AZUMEA SPONGE CAKE, AZUMEA CAKE WITHOUT EGGS, AZUMEA CUP CAKE, AZUMEA MILK BREAD, AZUMEA.SPONGE GINGER CAKE. AZUMEA SILVER CAKE, AZUMEA .CURRANT CAKE, AZUMEA POT PIE, AZUMEA'PEARL CAKE, AZUMEA GOLD CAKE, fM| AZUMEA LOAF BREAD, AZUMEA DOUGH NUTS, AZUMEA JUMBLES, AZU.MEA LESION CAKE, P>* Acueua is put up for the retail trade in 1-4 IK. cans, at 2 » cts., and in 1-2 lb. cans at SO cents. Liberal Discount Made to Wholesale Purchasers. octl0-2ra J. II. ZEILIN & CO. To IN'ew York ' VIA i Darien and Savannah, The completion of the Macon and Brunswick Rail Rood to HawkhuviUe, and the favorable boat able condition of the Oemnlgee River, now render tbU the cheapest and quickest route for the bu*l ncas of Macon and Central Georgia. Through Bills of Lading will be given after the 13th Inst. All accommodations extended and endeavors made to forward freight with promptness and dis patch. Mean*. Brigham, Baldwin &\Co., atlDavaitnah Messrs. Nightingale A linger, at Darion; Asher Ayres, at Maebn, wBI act- as Agents. a-A GEO. IL HAZLEHUR8T, Macon and Brunswick 4L It, nov4-lm 1 ' Acting President. Baggie*anti Futility Jersey Wagon* FROM CONCORD AND BiJATTLEBORO. W E will soon have a sapply of Buggies, Top Family Wagons and Harness made to order at CONCORD AND BRATTLEBORO, expressly for this market, and will warrant them to give entire satisfaction to all purchasers. We will sell no work not mads expressly to onr order. Those from a distance can address ns at Macon (to care W. C. Singleton), or at Hawklnsville, Ga. H ■oct74m McDLTFlE, MAgON & CO W. J. OAURETT, TOUNG GAtUCKTT. GARRETT & BjR©T*HERj j Commission Merchants, . . , is (7 AND >" Wholesale Dealers in Ootratry Produce SECOND DOOR FKOM MASONIC IIAIJ^’ Decatur Street, Atlanta, Georgia, REFERENCES, Phinlxy & Clayton, Augnsta; J. L. Villalonga, avannab; J. W. Fears A Co., Macon; R.L. Slott, Solum bus; CoL A. P. Wright, Thomasnlle; W. L. Cigh, Madison, Ga.; Wm. C. Ray, Montgomerv Ha.; McGruder, Taylor* Roberts, Baltimore, Md. ' ' ” ” H-Sm rrw HODS. PRIME NEW ORLEANS SUGAR, wv 25 lids do PortoRicoSngsr, 20 do do Cnba Sugar, ( 50 Barrel* Crushed and Powdered Sugar, 30 do Grgnulatcd Sugar, 100 do A and B Coffee Sugars, . . 20 do C extra assorted Brand*, 200 do Yellow Sagar, i. 400Bags Rio Coffee, 20 Mata Java Coffee, . ' 30 do Laguira.Codec, !-j j -AllWn Ufnger, . .1 vlOBag* Atlapicc, 30 Bag* Pepper, 30 Barrels Mackerel, SOUbbls do 300 Kits do .100 Boxes Soap, 50 do Starch, 100,000 Cigars, assorted brands, 100 Boxes Candles, .100 Boxes Raisins, 50 Cases Sardines, 250 Cases Oysters, •, 100 Dozen Buckets, i.: 200 Dozen Brooms, — ..dO Nests Tubs, . — Together with everything usually kept in Whole- l sale Grocery House. AlteR & Inman. N. Y. sep21-l EDWARD WILDER, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST RICHARD M. wsnop. WM. T. BISHOP. R. M. BISHOP & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS No. 30 Main St., (a ;etc doors leloto Columbia Street, Cincinnati. sept £2-3m* WM. II. TISON. WM. W. GORDON. TISON & GORDON, Cotton Factors, Commission and FORWAD1NG HERCHNTS, 08 Bay Street, Savniiuuli, Georgia. S PECIAL ATTENTION will l>c given to the sale of Lumber, RosId, Turpentine, Ae. We are again at our old office, prepared for business. Au experience in till* city of over eleven years,and onr undivided attention to alt business entrusted, in- duces us to hope tor a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore extended. oct29-3m having houses for agtatCffVj*- | person* wanting to rent houses, canon the ort* ter salted than by calling ou me. From my long experience in the real relate business, I am 1 Macen, Ga, Sept. PJ, 196S-t)anl-06 rTW. A D. LANE are now offering forsalea &i®a«r*1BS'*SREBllS. ** Macon. Gal "" notS-Sm* WARREN’S CELEBRATED NEEDLES AND FISH HOOKS. AKDREW 0LEEK & 00., -48 MAIDEN LANE, N. Y., I SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS. O UR former customers will find a redaction in gold prices of the Ncadies, while the quality is always kept np to the highest standard known to English manufacturers. £L C. A Co., respectftilly solicit a renewal of the mercantile relations so long and favorably esteemed by their house. sept20-2ui AND DEALER IN PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS AND GLASSWARE. AGENT FOR VIRGINIA, MISSOURI ’AND KENTUCKY TOBACCO, NO.* 514 MAIN STREET, Louisville, ..... Kciitacky P. 8.—Liberal advances mado on Cotton on con- aigiuncuL WANTED, FEATHERS, GINSENG, BEESWAX, TALLOW and RAGS, lor which I will pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE, -*thcr in cash or trade.[aug25 Sm Dr. Bowen’s Splendid Plantation AND VINEYARD FOR SALE. I WILL sell my Vineyard and Plantation, situat ed in Jones county, 15 miles from Macon, and 10 miles from Griswoldvlllc on Central Rail Road. Tbc Vineyard embraces ucar 10 ocrea in excellent condition, containing over a dozen varitic* of fine vinca. The Plantation contains about 800 acres, 300 acres of which is original forest oak, pine and hickory, balance cleared and iu good condition.- There Is a good dwelling house, cabins, barns, gin house, screw, Ac. Place well watered and healthy. For farther particulars enquire at this office or address me at Clinton, Jones county, Ga. , oct 22-1 m* DR. BOWEN. Cincinnati Commercial copy 6 times and send bill to this office. Law Xoticc. I HAVE resumed the practice of my profession, and will attend to all business entrusted to my care in the State. Having last returned from Washington City, parties desiring advice and counsel relative to the preparation oi papers under the Amnesty Procla mation for pardon, and the statn* of contracts and title deeds, executed darng the last four years, can consult me by letteror in person, i.. .. Office over Boardman’s Book store, Macon, Ga. jy is Q,-A. XjQCHRANB. Kelli A Co., Augusta, Georgia, A RE prepared to make liberal advances ou all Cotton consigned to them or tlieir frienda, Messrs Smith & Dunning. Nek York. AU cotton consigned to ns or onr friends in New York, wiU be sent forward bj the new and elegant steamer Helen, khich willl connect witlkthc New York line of steamers, so as to reach that city in eight days. We have also established a line of. Clipper ships between New York and Liverpool, so ns to send forward the Cotton entrusted to onr car© without delay, thus avoiding expenses of storage and insu rance in New York. Sight Exchange on New York and Liverpool in sums to suit purchasers. KE1N & CO. ang *29-3m I^ota s li, C CASKS POTASff, COOKING SODA. .« Boxes Surer-carbonic of Soda, In one pemn-j I* now in perfect order for the reception and ac- paper*.. ‘ omiuodation of it* old patro ns. oetl-Om Kci eg» do CANDLES. 75 BOXES STAR CANDLES, 50 “ TALLOW do SOAP. 50 BOXES COLGATE’S PALEFAMILYSOAP, For sals low by MITCHELL A SMITHS, no»«6» Third Streets METROPOLITAN HOTEL. LATE BROWN’S, IVatbington. D. C. This leading Hotel, Renovated end Rc-fornisbsd for sale. SawSgSSfeSw St fhe section, ami almost new. Good Stables, Ifonse- Good Orebsrd* and {run Vonds. The place 1* well watered, perfectly ***** ion “*t - WiU be sold at ioW C.MASGHAM, On the plat* S. W. MANGIIAM, Griffin, Ga. OEO. B. TflU IN. J. n. HERTZ TURPIN & HERTZ, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Clothing, and Gents’ Furnishing GOODS, Triangular Bloel, Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. Clothing made to order on short notice, by MONS. ROUSE. oct 6 ly COTTON PRESSES. W E offer superior faculties for pressing and baling cotton at onr works comer First and Cherry street. ^ McMAXC8 Jk CO. P. S.—Our Mr. Jackson DrLoache takes charge of the Presses from this date, and will be pleased to bav* m call from hi* old cotton friends. McM. & CO. septSMm N OTICE—Hack line to Perry. Hack wffl leave Fort Valley on the arrival or the care from Macon every Tuesday, Thur dav and Saturday for Perry, Ga., returning in that t> connect with trains from Albany and ColamLUS—3 clock, P. *°oct3L3m* . - W. A GRIFFIN & CO. J. \V. O’CONNOR & CO., MACON, r ........: (GEORGIA. Office oa Cherry St, between 3d and 4th. R ECEIVING and Forwarding Merchants, and Agents for E. M. Bruce & CO., AugHstn, Ga.; E. M. Bruce, Morgan & _Co., ^Apalachicola, Fla.; i, Ci organ SC... and Watts, Crane & Co , New York. We will receive and forward. Upon reasonable terms, all Cotton entrusted to our care for ship' ment, as owners may direct. We will make liberal advances upon consignment* of Coton to Watts, Crane & Co.. New Yoric, or W. C. Watt* & Co., Liverpool, England; pav Revenue Tax. Storage, Freights, Ac., on same, and forward with prompt ness and dispatch. Planters and others will beafforded every facility^ in onr power to send their Cotton to market, and receive prompt return of sale. Mr. W. E. Clarke is oar agent and will give all information to parties his services in shipping or purchasing. Our per sonal attention given to the purchase and sale of Cotton. NEW YORK EXCHANGE FOR SALE. oclS-Sm JNO. W. O’CONNOR & CO. J. o. WESTER. J. F. WETTER. WINTER & CO., BROADWAY, NEW YORK C OMMISSION MERCHANTS, .WBI attend promptly to the sale of Cotton and other con signments. Orders for Merchandise will receive attention and dispatch. The sale of Southern Se curities, Bonds, Bank Nates and Southern Lands solicited. Circular Saw Mills of the most improred construction, warranted to cat 10,000 feet of Inm her per diem, having no feed except saw dost, with every thing complete, including Belting, for $2,500 Send for Circulars. oct20-lm GEO. C. BCCHAKAS. AXDKEIV ECCEAXAX. ANDREW BUCHANAN & CO., Grocers, Provision Dealers, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, - No. 116 Main street, j LOUISVILLE, KX Orders for Groceries, Provisions, Rope, promptly executed. JOHN J. McCANTST, Wholesale Grocer and Commission MERCHANT. Dealer In Wines, Liquors, Cigars TOBACCO, N>. 35, South Side Rroadieay, Nashville, Teas. LIQUORS. W0 Barrels Robcrtsan County Whisky, 50 do Bonrbon do ds 20 do Rye dc 125 do Rectified Whisky, 5 Cask* ncnncsscy Brandy, , —., 5 do Otard, Dupuy <fc Co.’a Cognac. 10 Barrels Apple Brandy, very old, 10 do Peach do 5 do Sherry Wine, In store and for sale at 4 NO. 35, BROADWAY, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. aeptl5 Sm Important to Cotton Shippers. T HE Cotton Warehouse located in this place immediately on the river, and at the terminus of the Southwestern Railroad, and convenient to said road, can shelter all cotton that may be ship ped Horn Macon and other points on the South western Railroad via Apalachicola to New York.— We will receive all cotton consigned to ns, at the railroad depot, dray it, and put it aboard of the boats at one dollar per bale. Cotton shippers upon investigation, will find this route the cheapest and most expedious of any other ronteto New York from Macon. We re spectfully solicit orders for the purchase of cotton. Onr long experience in that line will enable ns to make purchases to the best advantage to those who fiivor ns with their orders. We have now in operation a new Iron Screw Press. ‘ R. G. MORRIS & CO., GconjctBsvn. References—Ross & Seymour, J. W. Fears, Virgil Powers, Esq., all agents on S. W. R. R. ang 9-5m B. W. TUCK, r 1. O. DAVIS, I A. P. TUCK. Christian Co. Late with Phelps, Louisville, Ky. I Caldwell & Co. | Tuck, Davis A Co., Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, 322 Main street, between Eighth and Ninth streets, Louisville, Ky. Consignments Solicitod ang 294m COTTON. JOHN T. EDMUNDS & 00., Bankers & Commission Merchants, MACON, GEORGIA, Office on Third Street, next door to Pott Office. W ! are prepared to make cash advances on shipments of cotton to Norton, Slaughter & Co., New York, or to onr correspondents in Liver pool, England. Planters and owners of cotton entrusting the same to our care for sale ar shipment, shall haTc irornpt returns of sales, in gold or currency as licy may direct. We solicit orders for the purchase of cotton. Gold and silver and sight exchange onNewYork bought and sold. We refer by pcnnissDn to J B Ross A Sen, Bow- dre & Anderson, Knott & Howe, Hardeman A Sparks, K W Cubbcdge, N A Hardee & Co, Savan nah; Third National Bank, Nashville; Citizens’ Bank, Louisville ? Commercial Bank, Louisville. Journal & Messenger, Mercantile Mirror, of Ma con, Educational Journal, Forsyth, Sumter Re- mblican, Americus, and Albany Patriot, Colum ns Times and Enquirer, LaGrange Reporter, Griffin Union, Millcdgeviile Recorder, publish one month and send bill to JOHN T. EDMUNDS & CO., bet 25-lm Macon. HOWARD HOUSE, EUFAULA, ALABAMA. J. W, Howard, Proprietor. A LL the luxuries the market affords, served np to oriel and at the shortest notice. sepl2^3m* PAINTING. noose, Sign & Ornamental Painting. GRAINING, MARBLING, GILDING, GLAZING, PAPER HANGING &C. Having on hand all the necessary material to cany on the business, we are prepared to give Sat isfaction, both in execution and prices, to all who . ... „ vkir.av laror us with their orders, al, Albany, Go.,* 1 y,- e will also keep on hand and foreale, mixed irties who desire p a ; n t s of every description. VARNISH, OIL, SPS. TURPENTINE, BROWN JAPAN, PUTTY, SANDPAPER, BRUSHES, Ac., Ac. Older* from the comrirj^rompHv^ariraded to. Over Roberts, Dnnlap & Co., Cherry st, an" 12-12m* Macon, Ga. KEFEKEXCE3I W. B. Johnston, N. H. Beal, J. IL Zdlin & Co., B. A Wise, Clavland & Dnmblc, Leroy Napier, W. Huff. NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES!!! Wholesale and Retail! E. EINSTEIN’S OLD STAND. T HE umlcrrigned beg leave to inform the ladie- of this city, county aud vicinity aud the pubs lie la general, that he has now open and ready for •ale at the well known and popular Md atand of E. EINSTEIN'S; TRIANGULAR BLOCK, One of the be*ei*l«ci*d Stock* of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods In the Southern markets. The goods were select ed by Mr. Einstein with great care; and as he is now in the New York market for the sole purpose of selecting goods, and watching the best oppor- tnnltlcs for buying, I have the advantage over all other merchants who are not similarly situated. I shall receive new additions to onr stock eve ry week, and will be always prepared to exhibit to the public goods of the Best Manufacture. Latest Styles, Lowest Market Prices. My stock consists in jart of llic following goods: „ Prints, Printed DcLalncs, AU wool Delaines, Empress Cloth, Poll DeChcvres, English and French Merinos, Scotch and Vcnitian Plaids, Solid, printed and figured Poplins, Black DeLaines, Alapaeas, Black Silks, Merinos and Bombazines, And many other goods belonging to the DRESS DEPARTMENT A fall and complete assortment of Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, • Ladies’ Linen and Embroidered Cuffs and Col lars, separate and in sets. White, Red and Shaker Flannels, Plain and Fancy Opera Flannels, Bleached and Brown Canton Flannels, Blau kets, Ac., Hosiery, Gloves, Ladies’ Merino Vests, Table Linen, Table Cloth, Towels, TowcUngs, Napkins, DoyUcs Linen, And all other articles belonging to a Number One Dry Goods Store. We call the special attention of the ladies to our CLOAK AND SHAWL DEPARTMENT, And say with confidence, we will sell these arti cles at a LOWER PRICE, Than any other house in the city and WARRANT the goods to be of the Best and Most Fashionable ITIanu- fnctnre. A. SPRINGER, '. Macon, Ga. €fr? ftlnrntt Itaihj Crlrgnrpf? SUBSCRIPTION: Vearly, (invariably in advance,) tl* Quarterly, 3 00 Monthly,... inn ADVERTISING t One e juarc, twelve lines or ter*;, single inMftkNi ?l 00; each subsequent iruiertionU) cent*. Address CLAY LAND A DI MBLK. , Editors uid Cfje gjtoilj) ®tlfgra||. FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 17, 1S05. i A RESOLUTION Asking the Executive clcmencj in behalf of citl-1! NEW GOODS. ISTovember lOth, 1865* 1 I have to-tlay received by Express HANDSOME BLACK CLOAKS, HANDSOME DRAB CLOAKS, SILK CORD, all colors for Trimming, BLACK WORSTEAD BRAID, LADIES’ MERINO VESTS, GENTS’ MERINO VESTS, PAPER CAMBRICS, . FINE BED BLANKETS, JACONET EDGINGS AND INSERTIXGS, SLATE COLORED JEANS, LADIES’ GAUNTLETS, BALMORAL 8KIRTS, COAT BUTTONS, .. And many other Articles hard to lie found v IN TIIB MARKET. S. T. COLEMAN. SPOTSWOOD HOTEL, 1 Riciihoxd, Va., August, 1865. f T having been reported that tbc Spotswood Ho tel had' - been confiscated and closed, the propri etors deem it proper to assure the public that such is not the case. The House is open forthe accom modation of visitors, aa it has been from its open ing dav, in September, 1800. Tbc‘House has been remodeled, renovated, re furnished, and pat In perfect order thronghont, and the traveling public may rest assured of find ing as comfortable accommodations with us as can ’ s found in any first-class hotel North or South. Onr friends, patrons, and the traveling public t generally, visiting Richmond, are cordially invited 1 o make their home with ns, ABd no pains will be spared to make them comfortable, os we are pledged to sustain the well known reputation of and the House. CORKERY * MILL WARD, octlS Proprietors. A. S. HARTEJDGE, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT. 92 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA. J. M. COOPER, Auction & Commission Merchant, ALBANY, GEORGIA. \\J ILL give his personal attention to the pur- YT chase andshipment of COTTON. HE IS ALSO PREPARED TO MAKE LIBERAL Cash. Advances On Cotton in store in Albany, Ga., for shipment to Messrs Nortojt, Slacoiitek & Co., New York. Haring had many years experience in the Cotton trade, as well as Auction and Commission business, he fiat (era himsclfthat he can give entire satis tact ion to parties entrusting tlieir business to him. ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Respectfully refers to J. B. Ross & Son, Macon; T. H. Johnson, Aiabany. oct29-2m - For Sale. A GOOD Cotton Farm containing 300 or 400 acres well improved, timbered and watered, gin 1st Booly County district, seven miles : of Montezau.1, Go. For further information apply to me at Montezuma. Ga. uorS-lOtt E. W-jVESTBROOK. Ordinances mid Resolutions oT a Public Nature, Passed by the Georgia C*onven tion at its Session in Millcdgeviile, in November, 1SG5. AN ORDINANCE. To make valid private contracts entered into and executed during _ the war against the Uhited States, and to authorize the coarts of this State to adjust the equities between pirties to contracts made, hut not executed, and to authorize set tlements of such contracts by persons acting In a fiduciary character. . Section 1. The people of Georgia, in eomen- tion assembled do ordain, That'all private con tracts mado and executed during the war against the United States, and not iri viola tion of the constitution and laws of this State, or of the United States, shall be os val id and binding as if made and executed tic- fore hostilities commenced. * > See. 2. .litd it it further ordained, Thai all contracts made between the 1st of June 1801, and the 1st of June 1805, whether ex pressed in writing or implied, or existing in parol and not yet executed, shall receive an equitable construction, and cither party in any suit tor the enforcement ot any such contract, may upon the trial give in evidence the consideration and the vuluo thereof at any time; and the intention of the parties as to the particular currency in which payment was to be made, and the value of such cur rency at any time, and the verdict and judg ment rendered shall be on principles of equi ty. Provided, that contracts executed within the time specified, and which were simply in renewal of original contracts made before the said first day of June, shall stand upon the footing of contracts executed before hfcstili ties commenced. Sec. 3. And it it further ordained. That executors, administrators, guardians,, and trustees, shall have power to settle or compro mise all claims or evidences of debt, in'tlieir possession created between the 1st of June 1801, and the 1st of June 1805, contracted with reference to payment in Confederate States of America Treasury notes or other currency of a depreciated value;' and ncccpt in satisfaction of such indebtedness the fair aud reasonable value of such claims.' AN ORDINANCE To provide for the payment of the officers and members of the Convention. Re it ordaiaed, That the sum of ten dollars per day be paid tf. the President of this Con vention during the present session, and the sum of four dollars for every twenty miles of travel going to and returning from the seat of government, to be computed by the nearest carriage route usually travelled; the sum of six dollars each, per day, to the members of the Convention, and the sum of four dollars for every twenty miles of travel, under the same rule which applies to the President; the sum of eight dollars per day to the Secretary, and seven dollars each, per day, to the Assis tant Secretary, Engrossing, Enrolling, and other Clerks, and the Clerk to the Committee of Sixteen, allowed by resolution of the Con vention, with the same mileage as is allowed the members, and the sum of ten dollars to the Secretary for contingent expenses, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the same; the sum of six dollars, each, per day, to the Dool-keepcr, Messenger and Assistant Messenger, and the same mileage as is allowed the members; and the sum of fifteen dollars to the Messenger for contingent expenses. AN ORDINANCE To render null and voidall debts of this State crea ted for the purpose of carrying on the late war against the United States. Be it onlained by the people of Georgia, in convention astemUed, That all the debts con tracted or incurred by the State of Georgia, cither as a separate State, or as a member of the late partnership or confederacy of States, styled the Confederate States of America, for the purpose of carrying on the late war of secession against the United States of Ameri ca, or for the purpose of aiding, abetting or promoting said war in any way, directly or indirectly, be, and the same are hereby de clared null and void; and the Legislature is hereby prohibited forever from, in any way, acknowledging or paying the same debts, or any part thereof, or from passing any law for that purpose, or to secure or provide for the said debts, or any part thereof* by any ap propriation of money, jjropcrty, stocks, funds, orassets of any kind to that object; 2.Beit further ordained, That inasmuch as the annual income of the State, before and during said war, from taxation and other sources of revenue, were amply sufficient for the support of the ordinary civil government of the State, and for the payment of all its ex penses, incident to a state of peace; and as the extraordinary expenses which led to the creation of a debt were the offspring and re sults of the war, it is therefore the judgment, ordinance and decree of the convention, that all debts of the State incurred during said war, shall be considered, held and treated as debts incurred for carrying on the war; pro vided, that nothing herein contained shall prevent any legislature hereafter to assemble, from making appropriations of money forthe payment of any claim against the State or iginating after the 19th of January, 1801, where it shall be made clearly to appear that such claim was founded upon a consideration disconnected with any purpose of aiding or assisting the prosecution of the late war against the United States, and not incidental to a state of war. 3. Be it further ordained. That all hills, bonds, notes, or evidences of debt whatever, issued by tbc State, payable only in Confcd crate currency, or on a contingency or con tingencies which have never happened, and can now never happen, have ceased to be debts at all, either in whole or part, and arc hereby wholly prohibited lrom being paid, even though originally issued for bther pur poses than that of carrying on the said war, or aiding or establishing it, directly or in’di- rcctlv. iltiti. - of said commission and be authorised to administer oaths—send for persons and and have [Mover to n»mp,i attendance Revived. That a committee of five bo ap- ‘‘ f witness, and require all financial ag. nt* of pointed by the Clurir, whose ilutv it shall be . State to make such reports of thui;* ve to memorialize his Excellency Andrew John- SWf a °, disbursements may be mv.-v iry son President of tbc,United States, invoking • J. or Cammis* loners «o arrive at ail the the cxtcutiro bhm<mcy‘in bchalfaf thoaefof! onr fMow-citirens. belonging to the classes excepted froln thebenrfits of the late Amnes ty Prortamatioo, and who n»nv l»c as yet un- pardoned. irlj . j ; ; n ;» AN ADDRESS To tins President or the United States, from com- ! taftteeurAre:.. IRt. Excellency Andrew Johnson, President of the United St<Uet; The people of Georgia, through her dele gates in Convention a-semhlcd,‘rcspectfullv and earnestly invoke the exercise of the e.x- ecutivo clemency in behalf of those of our fellow-citizens embraced within the excep tions of the late Amnesty Proclamation who jriay be as yet unpanloncd. Including as tlib vast roll of her disfran chised citizens docs many Of Iter finest, intel lects aud purest patriots, and involving much of her available wealth, tlic Convention of our State respectfully recommend these men to your magnanimous clemency as our needed coadjutors ui tile mighty tusk Of reorganiza tion, . and ns worthy . subjects of your most generous kindness. The convention pledges their future fideli ty to the government of the United States. The very tenacity of their devotion to the South iu the late struggle, the very heroism and magnitude of their efforts iu an unsucccs- sul cause, and tile very chivalry of tlieir char acters os evinced in the trying vicissitudes of a gigantic war, will he your last guarantee of tho virtue of thoir resignation to the result, and of tho sincerity of their allcgianco to a government wiliest disarms them by its mag nanimity, dhebains their gratitude by its k indue A and punishes them only until its clement pardon. > Believe us sir, there is no looking hack, the State of Georgia is prepared to do her whole duty in and tq tlic government, and she now asks for the 1 reratution to her control, and use of her entire citizens, for whose integrity and loyalty she gives her most solemn pledge, in order that they may assist her to work out from her travail and desolation the high des tiny she still trusts is in store for her and them, under a government that 1ms just cthergod unharmed from tho most desperate convulsion of tho world's history, and whoso tremendous power will he infinitely strength ened by' its immeasurable benignity. !-vq:i! Address i cr To the'PrUifient of the United Stales. To Hit Excellency, Andrew Johnson, . 0 .'president of the United Statu of America: The people of the State of Georgia, now in Convention, having repealed nil ordinances and resolutions by them heretofore adopted, with n purpose to separate themselves from the United States, and to enter into another Confederacy; and having adopted a Consti tution strictly republican, wherein tho su premacy of the Constitution, constitutional laws, and treaties of the United States of America are distinctly affirmed; having there in recognized the emancipation, by the Uni ted States Government, of persons previously held as slaves in this State, and ordained, in the fundamental law, that neither slavery nor involuntary servitadc (save ns a punishment for crime) shall hereafter exist in Georgia; and having, ns they conceive, done all things necessary and proper, on tlieir part, to the full and complete restoration of their State to her rights and privileges as a State, and as a member of the American Union, respect fully request that all needful executive and legislative measures he taken to effect snch restoration as speedily ns possible. We, the delegates of the people, fully in formed as to their purposes and desires, as sure your Excellency that it is their fixed in tention to perform their whole duty ns citi zens of tlic United States; that tlieir deeire is to live under tlic Constitution, in peace and harmony with the whole people, and to sec sectional strife banished forever from tlic national councils. We moreover express to you, sir, their en tire confidence in your just and kind inten tions towards them, and their anticipations of your conciliatory and trustful considera tion of their acts and doings in this Conven- •«?<». j," “ duty. 3. That tin- Governor be authorized to pay such Commissioners as lie may npjK>iut a lair and reasonable compensation for their servi ces. Be it f urtherllsc.*■ That the Provisional Governor be requested to take from Mr. Hen ry Brigham an assignment of all his interest in thesixteen hundred and fifty (1650) Hales Cotton purchased by said llcnrv Brigham from A. Welhitr, agent for the State, and on receiving such s-sigmnent, that he pay Mr. Brabant any expense lie may have incurred in and about said cotton, provided tlic same do not exceed two hundred dollars ($200 \ and also deliver up tlic notes of said given for said CCtton. Be it farther Ii. W - -f, That the Governor and onr members in the Senate and Conor, s* oCtheUttltedStates, be re.qieotfuUy iiru'd to press the claim of this State lor tins ccttep and all other cotton belonging -to this Slate « nd taken possession of by the United States utlioritic*. A UKSOLCTION For tho Relief of tho Tax l’oycrs of tho Btats of Georgia. - Whcreai, l>y the misfortunes and reaiiU of ths late war, tho people of ths State of Goorc ; a have, ui a fircal measure, been left money]***, and many of them without any rcaionable'm.-t- pect, at an early day, of making money, .mi many, loo, holders of inrro real estates, snch al lands, which are, from the embarrassed condi tion of the pooplc, dormant, and likely to remain so for some time to come, to tho owners of whith 1 ~~ a great racrifiee to force a sale of ' it would bo such properly, at this Umt, to meet tho tax del of tho State and General Government, AN ORDINANCE To anthorizc the Provisional Governor, or hi* suc cessor to borrow a sum of money for the pres sing necessities of the Western and Atlantic Railroad: , The people of the State of Georgia, in Con tention met do ordain, That his Excellency, the Provisional Governor, or his successor, be, and cither of them are, hereby authorized and empowered to borrow a sum of money not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, at a rate of interest not exceeding seven per cent per annum, upon bonds of the State of Geor gia, in snch form, and upon such time as he may deem expedient, to be used under his direction in supplying the pressnig necessities of the Western and Atlantic Railroad; and further, that the income from said Railroad, may be pledged for the payment of the inter est and principal of said 'bonds as tlic same may become due. RESOLUTION To mcmoralize the President of the United States in behalf or Jefferson Davis, and others: Resolved, That a committee of five be ap pointed by the chair to memoralize the Presi dent of the United States in behalf of Jeffer son Davis and Alexander H. Stephens; and of James A. Seddon, of Virginia, A. G. Mc Grath of Sooth Carolina, Allison and David L. Yulce, of Florida, and H. W. Mercer, of Georgia, now confined as prisoners in Fort Pulaski, at the mouth of Savannah River, and all other prisoners. A RESOLUTION Asking tho President of the United Siatcs to par don Josiak Tattnall. ' Resulted by the people of Georgia in Con vention'assembled, That wc, the members of this convention, in behalf of the whole peo ple of. Georgia, do invoke the kind consider ation of His Excellency Andrew Johnson, President of the United] States, in behalf of Josiah Tattnall, a citizen of the State of Georgia, who has done his country good ser vice, and earnestly pray that his Excellency will remove tho disabilities under which he now labors and. grant to him a full pardon, with restoration of the small property which lie held at the time of his resignation from the Navy of the United States. Resolved, That the foregoing signed by the President of thisConvcntion, and attested by the Secretary, he forwarded to his Excellency the President of the United States. RESOLUTION To raise a commission of five, consisting of Messrs Starnes, Stephens and others, to provides Code, Ac. In view of the changed relations of the citizens of this State, to the large number of persons recently held by them as slaves, but now recognized as freedmen, and of the im perative ob^gation resting upon the former to give efficient protection to the latter, and to promote among them the observance of law and order, habits of industry and moral improvement: L Be it resolved, That a commission of five persons, viz: Messrs. Elicnczer Starnes of Richmond, Linton Stephens of Hnncock, Wm. Hope Hull of Clark, Logan E. Bleckley of Atlanta, and Lewis N. Whittle of Bibb, lie and they arc hereby appointed forthwith to prepare and report to the Governor nt the earnest practicable day to be laid before the General Assembly at the next session, a code or system of laws to carry into effect the fifth paragraph of tlic third section of the second article, and the third clause of the second section of the fourth article of the Constitu tion adopted by this Convention, and that they be requested to meet at Millcdgeviile, on tlic 13tli instant. 2. That any three of said commissioners may act, and may in their-discretion fill va cancies in tlieir own body occasioned by the non acceptance or resignation of any member of it, and that this resolution be communica ted by the Secretary to each commissioner. 3. That the General Assembly be requested to make provision for their compensation. A RESOLUTION Authorising the Governor to appointpiree Com missioners for the State, to enquire into the Finances of the State, <SU. 1. Besdved, That nis Excellency tlic Gov ernor be recommended to appoint a Commis sion of three competent persons to whom shall be assigned the duty of making a thorough examination and investigation of, the finan cial operations of the State from the first January 1801, to the present time, and report the result of snch investigation to the next Legislature. . , 2. That the Commissioners so appointed shall before entering on the discharge of their duties be sworn faithfully to discharge the therefore, Resolved, That this Convention most respect fully recommend for the consideration or the ensuing Legislature, nnd urges upon them, the P“»?« of , some bill, based upon tho creditor jhie State, that will, as far as practicable, relievo tho people of an immediate, direct, burdensomo tax,both foom Uio State nnd General Govern- ment, until tho pecuniary oondition of the coun try will better cnablo tho people to otherwise meet these demands. RESOLUTIONS Authorizing tho President of this Convention to " convcno the same undor certain contingen cies, Ac. Whereas a contingency may ariao which will make it necessary for tho assembling of this Convention, or the election of new members to a Convention, and to prevent tho agitation and excitement tl»aj might cnauo from another dec- £* it therefore Resolved, That this Convention adjourn to-day at II JL, and stand adjourned, subject to the call of tho President of tho same. Should a contingency arise in regard to our Fed eral relations, or other cause, which, in his judg. inent, will make it necessary for Iho Convention to be again convened—provided said call be made within six months—if not mado within that time, then this Convention to stand ad* joorned «i*e die. And provided fhrthcr, that in the event of tho death, resignation, or ether die- ability of any member of this Convention, the vacancy ehall bo filled by election under procla mation of tho Governor. 2. Resolved, That in the event of the removal, death, or resignation, or inability of the Preal- dentof this Convention, then tho samo authority vested in him by tho foregoing resolution, be and tho samo hereby vested in tho Governor or officer acting aa Governor of tho State. A Memorial to the Secretary of tho Treasury, aa to assessment of Taxes, etc. Whereas, under the acts of tho congress of tho United States, and tho instructions of the Treas ury Department, tho assessors for tho State of Georgia, arc about to a tax upon real estate, upon the valuation of 1S60, and whereas the value of that description of properly now, when the assessment is about to ho mado is much below that of tho year l*6o. and will operate injuriously upon the agri, uliural inter est of the State, now greatly depressed • Therefore Resolved, 1st. That a Committee of five, including tho President of the Convention, as chairman be appointed by the President, whose duty it shall be to mcmoralize the Hon. Hugh McCulloch, Secretary of the Troiuury, re questing a suspension of the assessment until the meeting of tho Congress of [ho United States, and that if compatible with bis sense of justice he recommend such a modification of the intera- al revenuo laws an will allow tho assessment for the tax of 1854 to bo mado upon the present value of real estate. 2nd. That said Committee place tho memorial, when prepared, in tho hands of the Provisional Governor, with the request that he forward it to the Secretary of tho Treasury and give it the ibfluenco of his recommendation, if it comport with his sense of propriety. Report and Resolutions of Committee of sixteen. The committee of sixteen recommend the adoption of the following resolutions: Resolved, That tho repealing ordinance, the Constitution and ail other ordinances, adopted by this Convention, when signed by the Presi dent and countersigned by tho Seeretarv, be presented to his Excellency, the Prov smm Governor, with a request that he cu*[-e -an, to bo scaled with tho great seal of.ftie 8t»t, adopted by this Convention, filed in : -aodi-'r" the Secretary of State, and by him rcc r i.-.l a book suitable to tho permanent t reservation f the same. 2. Resolved, That a second copy i. ,ai i repealing ordinance and of tho' Consimiii.-.u signed, countersigned, end sealed aforesaid, be placed jn tho hands of His Excellem-v. tb*. Governor, as well as a second oopv of any other ordinance designated by him, for the purpose ( * being transmitted to Uis, the Pies dentof the United States, t-,g, ti.-’r'with scop signed, countersigned as aforesaid, pi • - a jJ dr- President, ; ted bv tl.e tion.. 3. Resolved, That the Journal of this Coi tion bo deposited in the office of the Secret--.. State, and that thirteen hundred copies the ho printed and distributed as follows: on to each member of the Convention ; one t memberof the ncxtGoncral Assembly: one ti. Judge of the Supreme and Superior Courts one to the Ordinary, tho Clerks of the SiiJ and Infcrior.Courts of each county; and said copy of the Journal so printed, " added an appendix containing the Cons Ordinances and Resolutions adopted by t vention, together with an index. 4. Resolved, That Messrs. DcGraffeJ Baldwin, Blount, of Jones, and Cocf Wilkinson, be a committee to bring finished business of the Convo “ Virginia Battlefield?.—'Vir recovering from the terrible cffcc her by the war. But few tm seen upon tho reuowneil battk-fiel Run. At Manassas Junction th tions have nearly disappeared-! distinguishable line alone marks! tencc. At Bristow the grave* are leveled with the ground, i the long line of stockades, fro tion to the Rapidan, have be railroad tics. From Alexandr er, however, the country most a desert, but at Oorange new houses and fences now : those destroyed. The Orand dria railroad is being put in i tSTIn one of our courts! man being called and nolj usual notice that he would f nounced against him, upon who stood by, very gra- “you may fine him oa _ but I don't think y«r'"wiilj fine, for I saw him' buried , . vsr At a naval court i in Brooklyn, the foliowi to have taken plac* betw^ nes-es and the court. “ asked the court. “No, Protestant 1" “No, sir.' then S” “Captain of thq Wr