The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, November 18, 1865, Image 4

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Irapcilani Change of Base. ThfnndrraigDeilrespesUnllx iu™a« lot ftkodi nl the "reit of manklod," ttit tbe? b;Tu remoTsd to the Urge and commodtoc* trick Store •>o Ckms it., hetreea lit and 2J, ocriq'.efly A T it. Ha-ri». vpier-- UtcJ wilt be pleaded lo fee Mlfriend* tad ttl interested In u exrlosivrfy ContniMion Honte. tVe would tbo Inform the mcrUunt* a>ca of Georgia, tint we bare dm and Will uptn*n office to CtotluoaU, tad will III order* for Groceries, Dr;.', and Merrbandisr ol all descriptions It low eat market me*. nr. W. M..Wither* will mike Ida keadqnar- trr* in Cincinnati, and wilt (Hp prompt per sonal attention to all orden for pH rebate of fond* la that city, or LnntevUlr, Kj. Special attention will be given to the porch*** or tale of Cotton, Tobacco, Tartu, Sheetings, Shirtings, Dried Trait, etc., to cither city. Goode consigned to w carf, will be promptly torwtrdrd at lowcat rate*. Order* for good* In tbla market promptly Ailed. WITHERS dt LOCO Cotton Factor* and Ora'I Cora. Verchante, Cherry 8k, between let sad 2d 8trecta, norS-lrn .Macon, Georgia. ax. mtxrrs. L. a. lanier. LAMER, PHILLIPS n. c. iiENLcr k co. (Lnte of Nuthtillr, Tenn.) Wholesale Grocers Commission Merchants, No. 32 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. - We Incite the attention of our old friends and the Trade generally to onr large and well aaaortrd "* Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY GROC’EpiES , now In Atom* tad nrczrvrvo nair.r and which , *c re offering at the raar lowest ni/cEa. Our Swill tie* and burlneaa connections arc aneb that we feel aaaared we can afford entire eatl»fac tion la every laataner, and thoae entrusting ns with t heir orders, can rely upon receiving the goods uj-oit aa favorable term* and at as low rate* as if t lier were preaent baying to person. nnvS-lm LANIER, PHILLIPS* CO. VOORIIEES &.Q ARB ISO N, Commission Merchants, 73 William street, New York. Offer their senrico* to the Planters, Merchants ami Cotton holders of Georgia. And refers by permission to Mean*. Erwin A Hardee, Savannah, <ia. President National Bank at.Savannah, «la. E. A. Wilcox, Macon, Ua. W. B. Davison, Align .to, Ga. E. Remlagtoo A Son, ThotnaavUle, tin. C. L. Robinson, Jacksonville, Fla. C. K. Garrison, 13 William stm t, N. T. Ocean National Bank, New York. Merchants Exchange Nation Bank, New York. Any business entrasted to ns will meet with prompt and careful attention. B. T. VoonnEF.s. D. E. Garrison - scpfMm Macky. Beattie & Co- Shipping and General Commission Merchants S* A AV. BAY’ STREET, SAV.WVVII, GEORGIA. ;#■ 1 ->'h advances made on Conaigntncnta to Mackt A Buttii, Philadelphia. REFERENCES : Mcmt*. Cbea. L. Colby A Co., Meaara Hunter A Gnuuiicll, boll .t Christian, Savannah N.ilnn.1 bonk. Savannah; Messrs. Maude Wright, Meaara. W. A. Romany A Co., Angnata, Meaara. I-ord, Stone A Co., Boston; Messrs. John P. Boyic A Co.. Messrs. Wallace A Browne, New York;Mcaam. Stocky A Beattie, Messrs. J. Gibson, >.,n. A Oo, ThlUdctphh. Notional bonk, Find Soiiunsl Bank, Seventh Katkraal Bank, Robk Mm,, Esq., Messrs. McCutelieon A Collins, I’tdlodi tphlii; Messrs. Clarke A Cnnninghaiu, M A. Hamilton, Baltimore. Particular attention given to the forward in, 'ofgoods for Northern markets. oetSIMtm 'j. i ' ' ADDISONS & KIRKMAN^ Cotton Factors r XJtt ,"S1 J ficncral CoiiRiviM Merebafft*, Nos.*29,31 A 33, So.’-Market St. Nashville, Tenu. Rmr. To-J. B. K«. A 8on, Macon, Ga.; J. H. Anderson A Son, Macon, Ga.; Fleming A Wbelemr, Augusta, Ga.: W. Hey* Warren, An- gusta, Ga.; K. J. Uaij Atfo., Atlanta, Ga; J. Rhodes Brown, Columbua, Ga.; W. U. Smith Montgomery; Ala. 1 oct4-2m # Removal, Removal! HERRINGTON & RICKS, Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Manufacturers. R ESPECTFULLY announces that they have moved their ware room and workshop from the Xeablt Foundry, to thecorner of Fourth and of THF MAMMOTH DRY liOOD.s STOREI ■ Latest Arrivals from the Easfcl T HE undersigned, old oitfzens of Macon, beg leave, in informing onr old Southern friends 1 of this city and vicinity, that, baring received a very huge lot of DRY GOODS—no-;-;-! ing in La dies’ Fancy Dms Goods of ail descriptions, Black ’ and Fancy Silks, a large assortment of Notions and Ladies* Dress and Clock Trimmings in general; fine White Lima in large quantities;-a good line ; e>r tins French and English Shawls; - the latest •tyle of Plain and Fancy Balmoral Skirts; Ladies' Traveling Bags, all stvlcs and sizes: Ladies’ and Misses’ Vest* and Pants; and a fttll line of Ladies' in Prices. tm E. M. BRUCE & GO.,rf i 5 H BANKERS AND. COTTdN FACTORS, s*;aM sliiM sssQ Tcne<T r Dress Goods Declining! G U S T A , GEORGIA 1STovember 4tli. 1865. Tu-day the Prices of nil STILLS, COPPER KETTI.ES, TIN WARE, STOVE PIPES, ETC., ETC. They are also prepend to promptly All orders for SHEETING, ROOFING and GUTTERING, to any extent Terms reasonable, and all work warranted to be executed In the most workmanlike manner. Shoe*—larger than any other bouse in Macon. . n .k aa 41 MS Klaalr MaxxaAalAtli f*XXate Kloal* oberxccnl octtS-Ul* DEVLIN & CO. Broadway, New York. CLOTHING .... Jar WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. W E OPEN THE SEASON WITH A LARflE STOCK OF ELEGANT CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS in onr Ready-Made Department. We have alto aeenred the services of first-el*** lists In onr CUSTOM DEPARTMENT, Which la likewise supplied with ihe finest andbest Fabrics of the HOME AND FOREIGN MARKETS, To those who wish to order by mail, trill be cent (on application) SAMPLES OF GOODS, ' With Direction* for Measuring, which, U correctly followed, will secure a fit in all case*. DEVLIN Ac CO. hr, Broadway, cor. Grant 8t, I Broadway, cor. Warren St, ) i roadway, cc aept23-3in New-York. Uttrlx-)'. Stomachic Bitter*. I JVJF. Debility, Loss of Apiwtite, Weakness, In dtgeeUon or Dv-iK-psta, want of action of. lie t.txcr, ItisorJcred Htomuch, there are no kitten hafaa compare artth these in removing thesj, - m; complaints. For sale or can he had at an, drug - ore In the United States, or from the proprietor, Louisville, Ky„ comer Seventh and Green street*, to whom all orders should be ad tressed. HURLEY, RUDDLE A CO. IIttrley’s Snruapiirlllu. ■pHE-ur: ^t!o<4 Purifier, as a Spring and Smn- 1 me.r Medicine, stands unrivaled, removes all mpe ■ e. from tlie blood, and gives RKAl.TIT AND SUKNltTH HURLEY, RUDDLE A CO„ - Proprietors C\*n**r Seventh •ndflrren strerts. »-i 164tm I.ouisvillc, Kjr. HurlfjN Popular Worm randy. , and the ■HHHI ... to cM- drrn, it i* not surpruin*; that it in f**t Uklnjc the pU.x* of all oilier preparations for tromi H briar perf«*ei!v toitrlff, anv child will take it. Hl'RLEY, RUDDLE *fe CO., Proprietors, Comer Seventh and Green atreeU, wpt lt> :’.ui Louisville, Ky. 4 S ILU is really a specilic for Worms, heal and mo*t palatable form to give N*hhvillf & fhattiinoo^a Railroad. T Y Paa>entfrrft for the >*orth and West 'Rxpnta train leaven Cbattanoo** d 40 a. m., connect ing at Nashville frith Northwestern Railroad for JoluMkoarUie and priots on Tennessee river, Podn- cah. Calm, and bt Louis, and Loutsrilleand Na«h- vQVe RainvMsd (tiattasooga to Kc&hvQle $ 7 7a. " Cairo..... 19 75. .** St. Louts 22 75 Atlanta on the evening train nect with this train. Frrich! forwarded on quick tinre raAcngm leal on W. xt A*R. K U imv -toured v«‘n Aatoierate n A wjl p. traotr Gen'l. Snp’t. J. W. BHGWN, Gen’L PaA.tenyer A^ent. W. C. KENNEDY, Aterchant Tailor, MULBERRY ST., MACON, GA. T HAVE JusV received a splendid Stock of Goods A In my line, from New York, and are now pre pared lo make to order, all Garments for Gentle men’s wear, of tha best material anil In the latest styles. Patronage Is solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. BLACK AND BLUE BROAD CLOTH, , . " “ “ CASTORS. DOESKINS. PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMERE8. SILK VELVET AND CASHMERE VESTINGS SHIRTS, DRAWERS, HOSE, NECK TIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, LINEN AND PAPER COLLARS, LINEN BOSOMS, SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, HATS AND UMBRELLAS, novl-Mb; ■ 1 I ’ r /r.ti 8 LATHROP, GEO. P. SNIDER Late I). Sc E 8. Latlirop, Late Jss. I. SnideriCo Savannah, Ga. Savannah, Ga. and Birch & Snider, Columbus, Ga. E. S. Lathrop & Co., OE5CRAI. Commission Merchants AT F.DWARD C. LF.GRIFX * CO'S OLD STAND, Second Street, one door from Cherry, M A C O N , G A . nort-3n>* A CASH. A T a meeting of the Undersigned Physicians of the City of Macon, it was unanimously, re solved ’ ! , • oL■' That medical bills in futnre shall be considered doe and payalJe, when the services are rendered. The members of the Medical Profession should ■ placed on an equal footing with those of other lungs, and professions, who have everywhere adopted the cash svstev. Ills not asking too much, to require of others, what they demand of us. Benjm. A. White, Wm. F. Holt, J. R. Boon, E. Frrzo*RALn, D. W. Hiuxexn, A. P. Collins, W. P. Parker. Jno. R Godkin, T. H. Hall, J Emmett Blackshkar, A. L. C. Maurlork, B. F. Griggs, Geo. G. GRiri'iN, A. M. Boro, I.L. Harris Jr., H A. Mettacir, W. G. Owen, J. B. Hinkle, O. N. JIolkes, P. IL Weight, 11. J. Smith, Joel Branham, Jas. Mercer Green. oetdO-lm. Sale of Personal Property. T ill; UNDERSIGNED will sell at prirato sale, upon suitable application, all tni application, i plantation,sit personal Wagons, Farming utensils generally, and many other usefM articles, such as arc found on a well rrgnlated Plantation. The whole will bo gold to a single purchaser, or in lots, as maybe desired. TERMS CASH. Delivery to be made upon pur chase. The property can be seen at any time by calling on the undersigned at hi. plantation, near the river roed leadingfrom Macon to Hawklnsville, eight miles Sonth of Macon. If the above property is not disposed of at pri vate sale. It will he offered at public ontriy on Tnesdav, Novemlier 21st IS®, on the premises, novbdlw* JOSEPH DOUGLAS. W. MITCRKIJ, V. P. ARM STRONG. Mitchell & Armstrong, PEOVISION & COMMISSION MBHCHANTS AND DEALERS IN ’ BAGGING, ROPE AND LIQUORS, . t NO.®, MAIN STREET LOUISVILLE,KT. sept22-3m* COAL! COAL W E th^»^«,M?w f S5 furnish COAL In any quantities in Atlanta, at Mine prices with freight added. Ordcra solicited J. F. E2ZARD * BRO. andpromptly, L. P. STRONG 6c SONS, WOULD respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they have opened at their old stand (on Seccond *treet, two doors from Cherry) a large and well selected stock of Boots and Shoes, Which they offer as low as any house In the city. M-lm* ; Willard’s Hotel, SYKES. CHADWICK & CO., Vtt 6 PRIETO RS; ij-.i.<mxGToy. I . . . , . 2>. c:, Formerly of the Giranl House, Philadel phia. hot 10-Gm T M RS. BRIDGET STIRK offers her services to t be Ladies of Macon as a monthly nurse. snch as fine black Broadcloth Coats, block Doesk Pants, Plain and Fancy Silk Vests, Casiimcre Suits, coarse Satinet Sails, and a, regular -Bite of Gents’ Furnishing Goods not enrpassable in New York C \v"e are offering to the public to sell *11 goods with a very small advance, and, in fact, lower than any bouse in Macon. Standing in connection with a large wholesale jobbing house in the East, we can, therefore, give the above Inducement*. We would, in conclusion, further rail attention to onr large and elegant supply of Goods, which were selected with great care by ourselves; and onr long experience in this market has qualified us to judge as to the wants of the purchasing com munity. The patronage of all onr old friends, as well as many of onr new ones, Is rcpeclfully solic ited- Purchasers should be particular to find our place—Dumour's Block, Second street, three doors from Boardman’s Book Store. iimv-f P. 8.—Countiy merchants will find it to their' advantage to give ns a call. oettKJm GLASER & ROSIN T. a. ridgely. u. l. squiniu 8. r. warren. ! RIDCELY, SQUIER &CO., ! COTTON FACTORS, GENERAL PRODUCE ' AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. I 1-anier House Building, Uw) M A C-OlfGEORGIA. RErgRENCES On hand are reduced to make room V^fVE 'VAlilET V ga * aHaB *** ae ^Vfrr-fn arrive. WOHS M .in , . CqlL soon 1/eforc they are all gone. S. T. COLEMAN, Corner Cherry and Seconcl sts. JOOI’I fTTTT 'MR till T. B. Bloom, E. Wilcox, Gen. J.T. Croat on, Macon, Ga. Holmes Ac Patterson,-Hopkins A Bro. New York.' C. W. Brnner," Savannah. Tucker* Co., Louisville. j fi / - t oct27-3m. ; .i i-,i. ,i - / , . J WM. A. MCKENZIE. L. T. JOHNSON. WM. IL CUAMCBK9. WM. A. McKENZIE & CO., C OMMISSION McrchanLs, Cotton Brokers and Receiving, and Forwarding Agents, Apalachi cola, Florida. References: J. B. & W. IL Ross, Hardeman & Sparks, Macon, Ga.; Km; <6 Allen, Dr. J. F. Boze man, Columbus, Ga.; Hon. T. M. Fnrlow, Ameri- ens, Ga.; CoL Nelson Til),. Albany, Ga.; John Me-. Nab, Enfanla, Ala. anggiBin Public Sale of & Valuable Plantation, STOCK, CR9PS, ETC. 11 TILL be sold to the highest bidder, on the VV 2nd Tuesday in December, 18®, for Cash, the Plantation belonging to the estate of William Lockett, dcc’d, situated in Crawford county, and adjoining Ewell Webb, John Dent and others—the A. P. G. HARRIS, GROCERIES, DRY GOODS Commission Merchant. [Next door to J. B. Ross & Son’s, Cherry street] TATTE NOTICE. J jY STOCK OF GROCERIES arc now _ beginniDj; to come in, and I can promise my friends anti tbo public generally, tliat a call upon me will nev er be retreated; far with a large and well selected GROCERIES, LIQUORS & DRY GOODS/ I will be able to fill the whole of their bills with out giving them the trouble of going all over the market. I will also state, that in addition to my rcguhff business I will be glad to receive any CONSIGNMENTS ON COMMISSION, - i . ' Oronstorage; and to all who favor me with con signments of any description, I promise Poll and Satisfactory Returns. A. P. G. HARRIS, Old-firm ol Dunlap & Harris, altcrwards Harris & Dense. Beferences—Any of the merchants of Macon, oct 2G-3m [oct 14] for cotton or grain. Also, all the Males, norses; Hogs, Cattle, Crops of all kinds, together with Wagons, Carts and farming and other utensils of all kinds. The sale will take-place on the premises,- com mencing st 10 o’clock, and will continue from day, today, nntill all theproperty is sold. Terms Cash. BENJ. G. LOCKETT, Ex’r of oct28-tds WM. LOCKETT, Dec’d. For farther information apply on the premises, or to L. N. Whittle, Macon, Ga C. G. CONNER & BRO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 0 —AND— PURCHASING AGENTS, Third street, » - - - . Macon, Georgia. ‘VXTE offer our services to the public, and will W give personal attention to all buislness en trusted to us. We solicit consignments of goods of every de scription, particularly country produce. Goods stored at the usual, rates In our large, se cure and well situated store house, opposite the Exsress office. REFERENCES: , Messrs. Hardeman & Sparks, Harris & Ross, Asli- er Ayres, J. B. Ross, and Rev. J. W. Burke. CLOTHING-, HATS AND Farn.ish.inf; GS- :> y Is. . •>■ 15? Mu i T HE tmdcnrfgncd lakes pleasure in announcing to Ills former customers, and tlie public gen erally, that he haa res* mod business in this city, and has associated witn him Mr. B. C. Smith, un der the style and firm of E. Sanlsbury «fc*Co. They have taken the well known and central stand, on Cotton Arenne, under the Masonic nail, where they are prepared to furnish gentlemen with anv article appertaining to their wardrobe. Their well selected stock of Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods, will be replenished by weekly shipments of the !>est and latest styles. oct21-2m K. SAUI.8BURY. Ear* Journal Messenger copy, and send bill to advertiser. Notice. H ACKS will leave Albany on arrival of the cars from Macon, every Tuesday, 1 f.ursday And Saturday, for Tallahassee, Fla., via Thomasville, Ga.; also, forBainbridge every Monday, Wednes day and Friday, thus opening a regular commnni- tit * " * ~ A. S. Patrick. Arc in constant receipt of the following, AT THEIR NEWS DEPOT, Triangular Block. Cherry Street: DAILIES. -\fEW YORK HERALD, News, World, Tribune, lx Times, and Journal of Commerce. Cincinnati Commercial, Gazette, Knqnirer, and German Volkesblattc. Louisville Jonrnal, and Democrat. Nasbvillc'Union, Gazette, Press & Times, Ban ner, and Dispatch. Macon Telegraph, and Jonrnal jfe Messenger. WEEKLIES. . Harper’s niostrated, Leslie’s Illustrated, Leslie’s Chimney Corner, New York Ledger, Wilkes’ Spirit of the Times, Tnrf. Field & Farm, New York Clip per, National Police Gazette, Wavcrly Magazine, Army and Navy Jonrnal, Scientific American, Bos ton Pilot, Metropolitan Record, Metropolitan Bank Note Reporter, ltonnd Table, New Y'ork Weekly, Sunday Mercury, Flag of Our Union, and The Nation. MONTHLIES. Fashion Magazines—Godcy’s, Leslie’s, Peter son’s, Lc Bon Ton, Lady’s Friend, Lady’s .Reposi tory, and La Petite Messenger. Harper’s Monthly, Atlantic Monthly, Eclectic, Young Folks, Comic Monthly, Nick Nox, Phunny Phcllow, Phunnicst Phun, Budget of Fun. Yankee Notions, Appleton’s R. R. Guide, Pictorial History of the War, Ballon’s Monthly, Catholic World, Leslie’s New Monthly, Phrenological Joum: “ Horticnltnrist, and Ballou’s Monthly Novelette octl9-lm Jy27-tf IGHT & HILL, Proprietors. Cane Hills and Syrnp Boilers. A FEW more of those very superior Cane Mills and Syrnp Boilers, for sale cheap, at ing 183m SCHOFIELD’S. Law Card. THOMAS C. JOHNSON, LATE OF ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Attorney at Law. Claim and Real Fatale Agent No. 50 Market st., (up stains.) octl3-3m Montgomery. Ala. NOTICE TO COTTON SHIPPERS. ny , York via the GREAT VIRGINIA AND TEN NESSEE LINE, and gnarrantee a through price per bale. T RBLOOJ M, Ag’ Y G RUST, Ag’t Albany. COTTON NOTICE. C HARLES E DEXTER, late of the firm of Hall & Dexter, is prepared to make liberal GASH ADVANCES ON ALL COTTON consigned through him to the well known and re sponsible house of Gardner, Dexter ACo., of New YoricandB..,-ton. nov7-ln> Columbcs, Ga^ Nov 3d IS®. 1ST E W IP I H jVI SIXCJEETON, HUNT & CO., " OPPOSITE LANIER HOUSE, MACON, GEORGIA, N OW have in store, and for sale, the largest and best assorted stock of BOOTS, SHOES, AND HATS, in the South. Those wishing to buy, to sell again, will here find facilities not surpassed by any honse south of Cincinnati,-os the entire stock has been purchased, FOR CASH, from the manu facturers in the citiea of New York and Boston. A good supply of TRUNKS AND UMBRELLAS will also be kept on hand. The firm hopes, by constantly replenishing, and by strict attention to busiucss, to merit a liberal portion of public patronage. W. R. SINGLETON, W. C. SINGLETON, ?t4-3ra Y. J. HUNT. wanted7~ g GOOD CABINET MAKERS, ^GOOD CARPENTERS, ONE other need apply. T? TT TwYTT'T'O A T TTT? Jfe- eO COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. E. M. BRUCE, MORGAN & CO., Cotron Factors and Commission Merchants, APALACHICOLA, FLORIDA. Advances Made on Consignments to ■WATTS, CRANE & CO., WATTS, GIVEN & CO., W. C. WAITS A CO„ New Vork. New Orleans. tiveijmol, Eng. Either of the above houses.: septlb-3m N : A . VM E G R A T H , AGENT, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, &G n At Ells’ Old Stand, Opposite Lanier House, MACON, GEORGIA. I SHALL receive GOODS every work, am] shall keep my slin k so assorted that mtr- chants and consumers can FIND ANYTHING THEY WANT, at all times. I WILL SELL AS LOW AS ANYBODY. N. A. MEGBATH, Agent. AI.I. KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED. N. A. M. .fcSU* P. S. oct20-3m WHOLESALE. LARGE ARRilVAL OF JSTEW .G-OOIDS AT G. TRICE & CO.’S* 59 College Street, Nashville, Tenn. k^ y an°dtirr n 7Xn^oE^I LARGEST, CHEAPEST & BEST SELECTED STOCK A . i\I . RrOi WLAND & CO Wholesale and Retail Dealers in CHINA, GLASS AND QUEEN’S WARE. OF FALL & WINTER DRY GOODS IN THE CITT OF NASHVILLE. BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, assortment of FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOS, POPLINS, MOHAIRS, LUSTRES, AND OTHER NEW STYLES OF DRY GOODS, CANNOT BE SURPASS if-nS Opposite the Lanier Honse, MULBERRY STREET, - - MACON, CA. t2f“Great inducements are offered to Merchants to whom we will sell CROCKERY BY TIIE CRATE OR SELECTED PIECES, AT REDUCED PRICES. novl-Sm E. JACKFOS. 8. BA8HINBKL OP C 0 We have the latest styles of Cloaks, Shawls, Balmoral Skirts, Ladles’ Hats, &c„ &c. A large assortment of S?JL - SWISS, MULL, INDIA BOOK, EDGINGS, INSERTIONS, LACES, RIBBONS HAND KERCHIEFS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, etc. ’ We are selling to country merchants coming to and passing through the city to •mnnlv themselves with goods we wish to say that we can sell them at lower rates than they can obtain them at Louisville or Cincinnati. Our large stock of HATS AND BOOTS AND SHOES Has mostly been bought at auction, very cheap, and will be sold at very small profits. Onr Clothing Department, Up Stairs, Consists of every article of Men’s Wear made np in the latest styles and of the best material, anciTvill be offered at the lowest prices, wholesale and retail, at GL RICE <fc CO.’S, sept 17-3m COLLEGE STREET, NASHVILLE, TENN. DRY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GOODS AND CLOTHING STORE. .A. SOHEUERMAN & BROTHER, ‘Sri.AltGra™and BESTassorti'JXtockaof 6,,rr0,mdin S »“*** tba ' ^'C just received . t i > n . Ladies’ and G-entlemen’s Furnishing G-oods Thatisin-the market—consistingof Merinos, De Lanes, Mozamblqnes, Alpaccag, Silks, Calicos, Can- tofr and Opera^ FUnne!^ Cambrics, Jeans, Sheetings. Cloaks, Shawls, Balmorals, Belts, Ribbons, Crapes, Laocs, Edgings, In<.crtim;s, Hose, Gloves, Water Falls and Ornaments, Fancy Head Dresses, lancy Combs of even- descriptfon Irish Linens, Table Cloths, Towelling, ilandkcrehicft, Jaconet VtUs Veil Barege’Popl^ et< ?c NCttinS? ' Shlrtinss of a11 descri Ptiomi (bleached and unbleached), Love A huge assortment of Ladies', Misses’ and Children’s Shoes, Gaiters, Bootees, Hoop Skirts of tlie tmn^ySM. Corsets, Jewelry, Perfumeries, Pomades, Toilet Soaps, and hundreds of LADIES ARTICLES too numerous to mention* ^ehave, also, a large assortment of Gentlemen’s and Boys’ clothing and furnishing Goods, consist- ^° AT |> T . UNDER SHIRTS,- THE BAZAAR OF MACON. UNDER THE FIRM NAME S , PEYSER & Wholesale and Retail Dealers* Have opened at COLEMAN & ROSS’ old stand on Cotton Avenue, between Cherry an Mulberry streets, a Complete Assormcnt of Ladies Dress Goods, Snch As SILKS, MERINOS, POPLINS, DeLAINS (all wool). EMPRESS CLOTH, EMBROIDERIES LACES, RIBBONS, HATS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, PLUMES, SONTAGS, CLOAKS, 8HAWLES, NUBIAS, HOODS, GLOVES, HOSIERY. SHOES OF THE LATEST STYLES, AND DRESS HAT .;» ■ TRIMMINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. X* ALSO, A r.AWSE I.OT OF Carpeting and Oil Cloths of the most Fashionable Fatten**. Gents Hats. Snttincts, Furnishing Goods, Doc Skin, Broadcloths, Vestings, Cassimcres, Boots and Shoes, and Ready Made Clothings. Tlie attention of the Ladies of Macon, and of Dealcara who may visit the city, is particularly invited to this well selected stock of FANCY GOODS. The retail room will he found on the lower door, sail visitors will be attended by polite and experienced Clerks. The second floor la devoted to the whole- sale trade. Give the MACON BAZAAR an early call. S. PEYSER A CO. P. 8.—We also keep open at our old stand on Cherry street, cast side, between Second »nd Third wherewe will be pleased at all times to welcome our old customers as well ns many news ones. oct31-lra S. P. Ac CO. PANTS. VESTS, SHIRTS, oct S-tf GRENVILLE WOOD. Lloyd & Draper, NEXT DOOR TO HIE BROWN HOUSE. DEALERS IN 0 *<’»> / . i I . ; FANCY GROCERIES and CONFECTIONERIES Manufacturers of Candy, Crackers,.. Cakes, and: L' Bread of every discript ion. Hotels and Boarding House* furnished regularly oct2$-lm* 8. FRENCH, GEO. II. REID, W. IT. CIIADBOITRS. F R E NCH & GO., COTTON FACTORS, 1 ’ Forwarding and Commission Merchants Wholesale Oroeers, Ac., CLARK STREET, NASHVILLE, TF.NX. Special attention paid to the sale or forwarding of cotton. scptlP-Gm* School Books. C* ANDEITS,Sargent’s,Toxm.’ and McCuffey’s se- O lies of Readers. Robinson’*,Smith's, Davie’s and Doad’s Arithme- Parlcy’s History. Mitchell’s, Cornell’s, Monteith’s Colton and Fitch’s and Warren’s Geographies and Atlasses. Clark’* and Smith’s and Bullion’s English Gram mars. FasqneHe’s and Pinncy’s French. Copy Books, Slates and Pencils, Taber's Lead Pencils. Gilliot’s Pens, (No. 303.) Portfolios, Cream-Laid Writing Papers, Bon Ton, Opaqne, Canary, Melon and White Laid Envelopes, assort ed sizes. - Violin and Gnitar Strings, Musical Instruments, (Agents for -SteinxfRy ec Sons, Socbbcllcr & Schmidt A Gale’s Pianos for the State of Geor gia.) •- {' Corahs, Brashes, Lnbin’s Extracts And Soaps, Pomades, Hair Oils, Pocket Books, Playing Cards, All at the lowest prices. JOHN C. SCHREINER & SONS, *epl7-3m Macon, Augusta and Savannah. DRAWERS, SOCKS, i SUSPENDERS, BOOTS, " CASSIMERES, 1 Jf SHOES, BROAD CLOTn, ' GENTLEMEN’S SHAWLS, nATS, CAPS, SATINETS, BLANKETS, WATCHES, POCKET KNTVE8, POCKET BOOKS, SCARFS, TRUNKS, VALISES CARPETBAGS, YANKEE NOTIONS or every description, and many articles xvhich,there is not space enough to enumerate ,.- 4 *T rc liavo 'nsny advantages, we Intend offering the beat and cheapest Goods that can be found in too city or SOUTHERN MARKET! 2uttStoforSto.&£^3SS to t,,eC *‘ r0 ? NcW Tork ’ We WiU «>“rtantly receiving all Goods ir E ARE DETERMINED TO SELL. We have on hand, as you may understand, A fine x'ariety of Goods, Cheaper, cheapest In the land, This most be well understood; We have fine silks and calico. Comt judge for yourself and then yen’ll know, That we have fine goods, and they all pretty— All we ask is Inst ncidi ""* . A. SCHETJERMAN & BROTHER One door below J. 31. Boardman’s Book Store, 3Iulberry street, Macon Ga sept 20-tnov2I—oct 31 Cheap Come a And i o All our Goods are nice and new, And weare certain they’ll suit you. We say to one, we say to all, S. G. WOOD Sc CO., Wholesale Dealers in Groceries Butter, Cheese, Eonr, 4c., 4a, No. 45 Union Street, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. *cpai-8m» For Sale or Rent. y-'vNE of largest and best’ plantations in tlie V,/ Sou ill, situated in Barbour county, Ala. ten miles Southeast of Enfanla lsl offered for sale or rent. .This place contains 4000 acres of splendid lands, oak, hickory and fine growth, 2000 or more I of which is cleared, fences in good order, also a i good dwelling honse five rooms and all necessary : ont houses. Enough to accommodate 100 hands, : 3 gin houses and senfws ctcV etc. Terms very 11b- I oral. Appiyto I C. M: WILEY, Executor, A. G. WILEY, Executrix, Or to . Maeon, Ga. I Cor_ W*. M- CriiMEEns, Enfanla, Ala. Eufsuia “Spirit Sonth” copy and send bill to ad- i xertiser. noro-lm* H7E ARE PREPARED to fnrnish Cotton ■ ■ ■ • . — 1 | Y> in any qnantity. They are of a snperio •htokirrenillk kind ot; cotu-aand-warranted fresh:«d good.- Planting on Shares. WILL PLANT MY two plantations on equita ble :hares with »omt competent planters ’ of standing and mean,, who will reside on the places snd manage and take charge of eremhing, and who are willing to follow the negro dir and night, t I will famish everything needed, money, etc? to : In , carry on the places. Giving them a-'share of every 1 they to be responsible for their share of If any. Address me at Albany, Ga. 15 6t* N. OSUGEB. COTTON SEED. A Plantation in Crawford Countj. C ontaining eight hundred and sixty acres (SCO), 400 woodland, the balance good cultivable land, situated on the Knoxville and Columbus road, sne mile from Flint river and six miles from Muscogee railroad. There is upon the place a good dwelling with six rooms ceiled and papered, with necessary out buildings. The land Is well adapted fo the production off cotton com 1 caneAc. The place is wellwat/rcd,and hasanex cellent seat fur Ugriit or saw mill. n ' WK-AS ' „ ! If application Is made immediatcli, the place Ornamental Cast iron Ruilinn can be parch:. -d fo.r *1000 in greenback^. 1 one ■ a T 4 PVT- , . . ? ! cotton crop will re-pay the investment, and cover A. f y *«»e«erira or prlyate j aU expenses. Ajpfy tr or address Parties at a distance can be furnished. Columbus, Ga., novC-lm. J R IVE Y & CG P. P. PEASE, Receiving, Forwarding, And Commission merchant, ALSO, DEALER IN Cotton, Domestics, Tams, Rope, TOBACCO, PROVISIONS, Ac. .. . Csrefnl and prompt attention given to buying and selling COTTON. Scott’s Range, between Cherry and Mulberry sts., Macon, Ga. REVERENCES: E. B.' Long A Co. Augusta, Ga.; Mitchel A Smiths, Macon,- Ga.; McDaniel Irbr, Ljnchbnnr, Ya.; Wm. Bryce & Co., New York; James JL Bee- bo, Boston, Mass.; Erwin <5: Hardee, Savannah, Go.; J. A Enslow, Charleston, 8. C.; S. S. Webb & Co.jMobile, Ala.; D. Rodney King, Philadelphia, Pa.; Ward* Shaw, Montgomery, Ala.; Lcmnel Peoole*, Petersburg, Ysl ' anglS 3m FOR SALE. . dwellings asg 15-Sm Call and see them at SCHOFIELD’S noxMff# JNO R RALLS. BaSiClIville, Monrc-c co., Ga. ECONOMY.] [SECURITY Insurance Agency, J M.BOARDMAN Is Agent for the following • reliable Inscrance Compames. THE LORILLARD FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF THE erTT OP NEW TORK. Cash Capital fl,000,000 Assets SL312,000 Profits annually divided, 75 per et. to the dealers. . This Company divides three quarters of theriet profits to the policy holders in scrip, bearing in terest, without any liability to tbe insured, r „ „ CARLISLE NORWOOD, Pres. wohn C. Mills, Sec. NORTH AMERICA FIRE INSURANCE CO, OP THE CUT OP XEW TORK. ash Assets ..,8721,408 50 Policy Holders participate in the Profits" _ _ „ . JAS. W. OTIS, Pro., R. W. Bleeckxr, Sec. COMMONWEALTH FfRE INSURANCE CO OP THE cm OF -NEXT t6rk. Cosh Capital Gxo. T. Haws, Sec. SOUTHERN MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO OP ATHENS, GEORGIA. .This old and ueservedlt popular Com Ithits ( ‘—- the same ASBURY HALL, Pres. D.GOLDSMITH. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Clothing and Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, HATS, CAPS &c., dec., AT Till: NEW YORK STORE, SECOND ST., TRIANGULAR BLOCK, MACON, G-EORGIA. The undersigned takes pleasure in offering one of the largest and neatest Storks ol Clothing, 1 Furnishing Goods, and in fact everything belonging to a FIRST CLASS CLOTHING STORE. Please call ami examine my Stock before purchasing elsewhere, as I am sure you will not leave the Store dissatisfied. j>, GOLDS.1lITU. oet27-Cm $60,000, W0RTH0F DRYGOODS!! New York Store ! New York Store ! S . WAXELBAUM & BRO*., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS, Street, Triangular Bloctt, (NEXT DOOR TO E. C. GRANNISS’,) " " ‘ - i - - GEORGIA., Have jnst received, and are now opening one ofihe LARGEST 8TGCK8 OF Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Boots and (Shoes, Second MACON, We Bny Exclusively for Cash, X° tl,e eitizens ot Macon, and b t LADIES taehed toouVstorc^ ° ur Stock is eomplcti and,we defy competition. We have .Iso Yl poclally, iaduc cmeuts * hicb %lil a&- fy compeff" - w * * Clothing and Gentlemen’ .’s FumiaVi BK. $350,000 J. HOXIE, President. , a and deservedly popular Company withit, ^Pit.nnt«t, eon r «^Ukn ri,ES Albon Chase, Sec. THE GEORGIA HOMEFffiE INSURANCE CO., OP COLUJfBCS, ffEOKGIA. C*P>taL ♦C.Ji *500,000 JAS. F. BOZEilAN, Pres D. F. Wilcox,.Sec. Risks on'Cotton, MerdUndize, Furniture or Buildings, taken in either t>f the above Companies at the most liberal rates. Losses promptly ad. justed. oct22-3m J. M. BOARDMAN, Agent, ving Goods Department, Whiohare offeredal WHOLESALE AND RETAIL at the LOWEST MARKET PRICE. BR SURE TO CALL AT THE NEW YORK STORE AND SECURE A BARGAIN. 8. WAXELBAUM 4 BRO oct 37 Cm ^ EHs’. Saloon. T HE PLACE is now open to the public; cvcrv lnxniy which can bo obtained from any part ol “.States, will be served np in every style m„5 Ieas ?£ c “°«t fastidious. BeveiIages of all kinds, of the best, to cheer the nEsroxMNc; a do Dl ^ EE 10 I ^ IOO *aTX the inner man on a cold Oo not ucxern nor'thireb'but can* on 7 Ell?,' who / an 5 corL ? t A° tl J ™ h * nd . Stem Esztse. has a plenty at Ms Old Staid, opposite the iinicr, g^2S2*^SnSS'o52 T Ml > i7»K W * r 1 : who will do his beat to &ati&fy jour wants. Circular Saw Mi.1 and Gru*t Mill Mac With eighteen jears of succcptfal experience in my bnsine^g I hope to please alL With gratitude to old friends for past furors, I hope to merit a continuance of their patronage—and ail others who will give me a call. H. N. ELLS. OYSTERS, by the qnart or gallon, furnished as low ag any house in the city, for shipment or city use. Also Lemons by the box or dozen. noTS-lra * til. n. ELLS. SCHOFIELD’S IKON WORKS T IIE undersigned takes pleasure in acnotmdag to his numerous patrons and to tbe pabttc generally, that he ia still in tbe foundry bu»i»«M. Circular Saw Mill and Gri»t Mill Machinery sml Caatinra of every description made to order Particular attention will be paid to Repairing Mac Is in cry. Parties wanting repslr. may rely npon thslr wosk being dune with di-I’.teli, r- Address aug lS-Sm »time ic money J. 8. SCHOFIELD, Mtcnn, 6a.