The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, November 19, 1865, Image 2

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thefailg Ctltgragf.' PROriTS OP AGRICULTURE AND REASONS FOR ENGAGING IX IT. I_ CLATLAND,] rorroRj *yt> rnotTurro**. Arnicas Ibnom Cacncm—Morning, J. D. Anthony; * o’clock, p. tn., J. SI. Marshall. ^ === We often hear "it *k3th« thi.cmntrr can | Cou>m " ■J. B. Dl’MBI.E, ! DCTrr ** rt * torr< ^ *° prosperity, until its agri- Fck , t Rirrtrr Carnes.—B. J. Hnr- ! cultural interest* are made to flourish. The rk la as true as it i* trite, yet we cannot | .Just Received”. Ovens, Pots and Spiders. JJTDAT MOIlXIjrO, NOV. j 0 1M5 ; seethe cTidencc that it is being generally m „. * * - - * J — 1 u SV. — — - n/ Si. A * - Dm ' j well. Srcoro Ccunu GEORGIA LKGMLATCBE. | acted upon by the of the people. Kcr. J. E. Era 11* Under the system of slate labor and cheap tiwA Bxi-nrf Cscace,—A. Dor- •Ifrrid tbe following rcsola- ALL SIZES AT NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. : IfEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Important to Shippers j Valuable Flaatation For Sale ' r l J ? P OR EENT. ri V W V' z* T * *•* "IITE OFFER FOR SALE or ruut ouc of the m V T finest Plantations in Bibb county*, situated HIV Dr Jobmoft. XLII Du.-FIo%d f Cm ■''in cotton, no one was reckoned a planter who Ctaytoe. Fulton and C<Sbb—James ! did not control the labor of a dozen or „ Remit**, That the delegates front this Conference to the General Conference are hereby requested i “ 1 to have the Conference divided into two Confer- XXVII Dr**—Clark. Walton and NYwinn-J. A. cmm score of hands. The culture of cotton paid I races, running the line aeroaa the State from CO 4 (.balloon—C II. I *V, . _ , __ , ~ , 4. t,«„,t. I East to West In such a manner as to leave An* * -~— ! *>•«» the land was good, and the Cum hands I Jb the SorUiern nn dMacon .ad Cstarabua -a numerous and owned, notwithstanding thej fn the 8oothern Conference, having duerefer- almo-t nominal XXX Du.—Oglethorpe. >1 <• 1 . On a nd Elbert—' was sold at by producer*. fames 8. Gbotaton. XXII Dn-Mbb, Rearer price which the 5*w staple J ^te^^e tw^C^m^Uirir | roduccn. Aow with the called (j* Atlanta Conference and the of slave labor, lias come to oar relief great Southern to be called the Macon Conference. Pike—/. 1.1 enhancement in the price of cotton; and it XX Dt- _L a ' | “ qumtkmable whether our people are tXV Dta.—l’p*on, Talbot and Karria-J. X. 1 to thdr gains. UA naexamine into the t matter to see if agricultural employments XXVI Dm.—S paid lag, Batts sad Fayette— would not pay, whether viewed on their own Carter. I merits fit the present time, or in comparison *JUV »Qattjhoocbecrad Masco- j w j t ], rad, occupation- as have more in them ^VU^ta^Rktmond. C.lastmek and Jefler I * how ,n<1 •*< lh * n of 05,1 merit. not tr or ursontimta flanks.—F. W. Adams, a 8. Durham. > Montgomery. The best fanners with slave labor raised f right brie* of cotton to the hand, besides a plenty of provisions for a year ahead. In the meantime their cattle increased in number, their sheep multiplied, their orchards grew, T£°“T r ’ w ’ *- S* 00 * 60 ”- their vineyards flourished. The cotton crop rwomMcT’' was .H gain. The best land yielded a bale yUa—McDooald. -John D. Stewart. k.—T. J. Smith, C. W. DuBose. Afasnyv.-J. M. Ruasell, R. J. Mom. IBrAamW.—Claiborn Snead, Geo TBeown. Jfrryoa.—W. Woods. • flnp-F A Frost, BAT IHdley. AMh-Wn Hodge. OkaMaAoscAar.—McDongald. ffmrri*.—Hndson, Hargett. PtsgdL—G W Thomas. WII Woods. Baker.—I II Hand. HBmc.—D Johnson. THE WANTS OF TIIE SOUTH. Hclwf.h has observed that the newspaper is an accurate mirror of a countiy’s social and political condition. A tribe of barlmrians standing in no need of the counties* appli- * antes incident to our modern civilization, feel not the want of type and ink. Assuming the first proposition to lie just, wc Soutlicm- \en art etgoying a marvellous degree of pros- ' jierity. From Virginia to Texas, the papers teem with advertisements of parties catering to every imaginable physical and intellectual want. Old firms have resumed business, new one* are entering the list for public pat ronage. Professional men, grocers, druggists, ■brokers, and representatives of every other calling are offering either their skill or their goods to the favorable notice of the public. As if to corroborate these cheering evidences of prosperity, our cities exhibit as much or more commercial activity tlum in days of yore. Yet the hectic flush should not be mis taken for the ruddy bloom of vigorous health. The fact is patent that the basis of prosperi- , ty of any State is proportion; whereas nil j these advertising parties arc mere factors of j emnmwtption. In commercial and manufacturing ‘coun tries, like the Eastern States, artisan industry constitutes the substratum of production. In our purely agricnltual sections, per eontro, the yearly crops formed Ihe foundation of flic public weal. As it is we palpably have an ticipated production. We have taken it for granted that somehow or other this great source of income would not lie found lacking, when it waa actually wanted. We know of many farmers, rice and cotton planters, who have entered the commercial arena, ns commis sion merchants, etc., depending on somebody else to till the soil. ' Now, is there in other ipuirtcrs manifested aa adequate and corresponding energy shown 10 make the fields yeild their accustomed ir.pal Are our agriculturists testing the truthot tlic adage'‘Help yourself, nmlGod will help yon f* Arc our country producers olopting resolute measures to‘-take the bull by the horns" and wrest from adverse fortune p. -it ive and actual success*, or are they sank 1 well, reported that wild committee had been una- j to the acre—their poorest a third of a hale. I If the farmer should now apply himself assid- uously to the work, he might be expected to do as well as one of his negros formerly did—with the difference in Ids favor of cot ton at ten cents a pound, and cotton at forty cents a pound. Should, then, a farmer him self work on Ills plantation, withont any help, he might raise right bales ^of cotton, which would bring him in at the close of the year sixteen hundred dollars, and, in addition, might, the same year, raise all the provisions necessary for his family. If he has sons to help him, Itis profits might be proportionably increased.. If he hired help, the same result would tollow. Now what young inau can calculate, with any certainty, on such success, in any calling which he may choose to follow i .. It is noto rious that many who enter upon any of the professions or trades, make miserable failures; others barely obtain a subsistence, and the fewest possible reach cither the fortune or the renown which had attracted them, through a long life. We need enter on no argument to prove the respectability of the occupation of farm ing. The greatest poets of ancient and of modem times have extolled the occupation with their pens: the greatest of earth’s heros have illustrated it by lifetime devotion to it; and multitudes which no man can number have found themselves advanced to fortune, if not to fame, by the sure and profitable re turns which this branch of industry has ever made in return for the labor bestowed.— Health, respectability, longevity, fortune, arc the sure rewards of a life devoted to agricul tural pursuits. If our young men, and our old ones too, would cease to repine over past and irreclaim able losses, think more of the advantages by which they arc still surrounded, and address themselves in. good earnest to the delightful task of making the earth bring forth her fruits iu her season, wc should see smiles on tlieir faces, and in the end prosperity and happi ness. Betoltei, Th»t Ike Bishop is hereby re quested to make the appointments at this Con ference, with reference to the demands of the work as a whole; and that the preachers be allowed to transfer from one Conference to the other at the ead of one or two years aa they may Just received at 3. Baolrad, That the General Conference be requested to give ns that part of the State now., in lha Florida Conference, and thaii! be taken into the aeeonnt To making the division of the , Conference. The resolutions weij: suffered to lie on the tabic ; f °^CTor riiommrat being.nrced,',he Bisk- |N"OW fOT .&OOdBaigaillS. , A JIammoA tbi, ennfaeenAO till O a^aIaaI* \f An lie w ' B. A WISE, . Cherry aL Macon, Ga. METHODIST ANNUAL CONFERENCE. FOURTH DAT. Macon Ga., Nov. 18,1803. The conference met at 0 o'clock, a. »., pursuant to adjournment. Bishop Pierce In the clialr. Prayer by Rev. J. W. Parks. The minutes of the preceding day were read and approved. The following mcnilrc’re of the conference were recommended and elected to ciders orders: A. J. Jarrcl, R. A. Seals. James Thurman from tbc Methodist Protestant church was recognized aa deacon In the Methodist Episcopal church, South. Rev. J. W. Parks from the committee appointed to Investigate tbc charges against Rev. J. II. Cold ble to affect an adjustment of the difficulties In the iu supine listlcssncss? 11 cannot l>0 denied that mir productive | c * 8f ' "’ked that he brought to trial before the agricultural future, 1* not »- cheering ns it ' Oald he wished; yet nothing can lie. mor c raulerence. The report was adopted, and the Bishop ap pointed Monday next as the time for the trial to < ertain that the fatal lethargy which rectus to i take place, enthrall ninny of DOT planters must Im fatal | Itcv. .11..I.. Adam, introduced the following-rss- intcrostsof us all. • tions::; :: -i wc benccemful iu resuming at an arl> period our former status in Hie Union, j made in this country since iu introduction op adjonrned the conference till 9 o’clock Monday morning, with the benediction,, if THE SUPREME COURT. Ed*. Telegraph—Then are two judges of the supreme court to be elected by the next legisla ture, and several persons have been mentioned to fill the vacancies. Allow me to bring to the notice of the politic one whom not I alone, bnt all, I believe,who know him, regard as eminent ly worthy this position. I mean the Hon. E. H. ■Worriel, who has long been the judge of the Co- lnmbns circuit. The itiggeslion of his name is made withont liis knowledge, without the inspi ration of intimate friendship^ and without any motive, 1 trust, but that patriotic one of desiring to see the high offices of the State filled by the best men. A man of real merit, true worth and modesty, Judge Worriel ha* never puffed him self, norgot himself puffed into notice by others: nor has he used aa a means to advance him to higher poeition; bat with unusual ability, patience and honcaty of purpose, has discharged its duties with an eye single to the public good. That lie is eminently fit for tbc supreme bench, all who have been witnesses to the ability with which ho has acquitted himself in his circuit, and the purity and dignity of conduct which he has uniformly exhibited,.will bear cheerful tea- timony. No party “hack,” involved in the in trigues of the times, ho is.freo from those preju dices and associations which so hurt the useful ness of many who are advanced to places of trust. j, If the revolution shall restore us to our normal state and “ make the office seek the man,” it will have compensated for many disasters; and judging from a number of instances in the recent elections this restoration seems to be in process. It is earn estly hoped that tbc members of the next legisla ture will determine the “ log rolling” system to be obsolete—especially in the matter of these grave appointments; and, by spontaneous action, Under them to those who arc beat entitled to them by peculiar fitness and merit. Bibb. : Finding New Homes.—What tile .first of May is to New York city, the first of Novem ber is to New Orleans—a general moving (lay. It is a singular infatuation which a great many people, otherwise ’frith nicely balanced minds, succumb to, that of thinking it abso lutely necessary to change their place of resi dence every year. Of course, there arc a great many people who are obliged to move, in or der to accommodate themselves to the fickle goddess, but tjie great proportion are those who move simply for a change. Wi th these people tio, there is an idea that they may, perchance, get the better of their neighbors in this practical game of “stage coach;” and, consequently, each one rushes wildly around to bccutc the hest scat as the first of Novemlicrdraws near. Yesterday was by far the biggest moving day on record in New Orleans, and from early in tlie morning until late in the evening, fur niture cars and wagons of all kinds could Jio seen driving heavily laden with furniture and other household goods from place to place.— We shall want a new city directory this win ter.—N. O. Cremmtjid. Washington Haul.—We call special attention to the canl of Col. N. C. Barnett proprietor ofthis well known House in Mllledgcville. It will be seen h* has made ample preparation for the ac commodation of gnests during the setting of the Icgislatnre. A CONSIGNMENT OF THE FOLTiOWING .. .. . .. ... GOODS JUST RECEIVED. And to lie sold at less than Neve York prices as the Consigner is anxious to leave the city. Here’s the chance for good liargains. I.ook ‘&SPn!Fti 5 i»a ‘tinai/ White Shirts, Merino Shirts and Drawers, Assorted Hosiciy, Ladies nnd Gents. Ladies Veils Assorted, <( |J . Ladies Waist Belts, Dressing Combs, Hoop Skirts Assorted,.. ... 'J A Few Doz. Hats, And other things in this line. \ - iiiil ,1 ’.,6 . • 1 • o -or c -X These goods will lie opened and exposed for sale on Monday, the 20fh inst., at F. P. PEASE’S, novlO 3t. Scott's Range, Sd St. 100 BARRELS SALT, Ami tor sale by LLOYD & DRAPER. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ■ i\ il authority will assert iu sway, nnd deal -villi that gaunt spectre—the lnlwir question. 'Vi-, legislation will go far towards exorcis ing -hi- social demon. In the meantime wc to Bike the moat of a bad bargain, and •ok the evil manfully in the face. It Is un- « .rthy of our race and people to cross our ii.mds like Mussulmcn, nnd relhsc to take any -teps towards providing for the future. Glorious old Virginia has acted in this per- iious cri-isof her history as became her noble ’opmation. Immediately after the close of iowtUKlrt w« heard of elegantly nurtured hundred^cara ago;~Hfolrtiix In tbtappoity of God’s spirit upon it during the current year; and having confidence in the efficiency of Methodist- Lm 01 it ilia the Methodist Episcopal church: and being very unwilling to oiler any plausible pretext to the Methodist Episcopal church, North, to come into our midst, or to place in the hands of that church a weapon with which it mav successfully assail ua: therefore R- it Jlrsolird, That it is the sense of this confer ence that n* change should be made in the itiner ant feature of our genera! superintendency, and that whilst more bishops should be elected by the next general conference, yet that so large a num ber a; one forcach conference (great and small) is, in the judgement of this conference, unnecessary, and that we are opposed to making dioceses of each conference, and diocesans of our general su perintendents. imn, jn district* devastated to an extent teSurf’m^?d“5ttl&l^ 0 ^S stractionofthc whole system of itinerancy, and that we in Georgia can form no conception ■ ■t toiling in the fields to save themselves from a 1 .solute starvation. Aa under the pres ent circumstances negro labor'eouUl not lie made available, they have endeavored (and -•ai'" -fully) to inaugurate a system of white immigration,which asfar as tested has worked wonders. The Vuginians were far more ex hausted than ua, and We of Georgia, should profit from such an example of hopefulness and so conduce to our present and future prosperity > %’ot.onEn iM ioxiLg Closed.—The Chattan ooga Ornette of the 10th inst., says, * the colored schools in this city have all been cloeed in order to prevent the spread of con tagious discuss. Yesterday afternoon Col (Saw, Post Commander, and the Provost Mwrahal rode around through Sutlertown and I Oil drinki . until that giving to our bishops the power to Indefinite ly extend It will produce unpleasant distinctions between ministers of the M. E. church. South and must result inevitably in a stated ministry ’with ita consequences, L c., the closing of hundreds of churches and the silencing of hundreds of pulpits —In a word, moat destroy a most efficient arenev • scriptural itinerant ministry. JMeed, That as thousands of our ministers and hundreds of thousands of onr membership livin' and dead were received Into our church, upon rre? button, as sockets of religion, sndwhlist in that relation, were converted; that the Conference is opposed to the abolition of the probation ststem or °nr church, bnt thinks it might be well to admit *5"“"rtMlpCTsom who present themselves for admission immediately into fall connection and that no person should be received into fall connec tion In onr church until he or she Is concerted. AasTred That our delegates to the next General Conference be, and is hereby instructed to act in accordance with the foregoing preamble and reso lutions. On motion, the recolotions were referred to the committee on the state ol the churches. The Conference proceeded to the election of del egates to the General Conference, to assemble We Offer for Sale AT TIIE LOWEST RATES, 30 Baskets gefluinc Hcldsick Champagne, 25 Cases Longwortli Sparkling Catawba, off Cases Choice Claret, S3 Cases Fine'Old Sherry, ' AND TO AnitlVB. Brandies in Casks, Qrs. & Octaves, 100 Bbls. Ncshanock Potatos, 50 Boxes W R Cheese, Mackerel in Kitts and half Bbls. White Fish in Kitts and half Bbls. C5 Firkins Goshen Butter, 23000 Havanua Cigars, 100 Bbls Choice Old Kentucky Whiskv. RIDGELY, 8QUIER & CO. novlO-lw Lanier House Building. GEORGIA LAND AGENCY. .V.4UO.V, GEORGIA. “ T IIE underpinned offer rare inducements to those wishing to buy or sell Georgia Lands, Farms or City Property. Being connected with New York Companies, parties disposed to sell* will have their property presented to a larger number of buyers, as list3 will be kept here, and in New York and other cities. Parties desiring to purchase will ^ furnished accurate maps and descriptions of tb . properties, which will also be shown them by one of the firm. Those desiring to acll or buy, will find it to their interest to place their business in our hands, as our long experience in this branch of business en ables ns confidently to guarantee satisfaction, nov 19 lOt. JOHN K. HARMAN & CO. B stoSeSp?^ ~rjr: ~ FROM my premises on the night of the 17th inst, a LARGE SORREL HORSE. No particu lar marks about him remembered, ncis a good boggy horse, too rough riding for the saddle, liberal rcwardjeUI J>0[pfllirfor the Horse and thief* W. A. PHILLIPS, novl0-5t At'Asher Ayres, Macon, Ga. GRI FFTn & CO.,, : 58 & 60 CoHrtland Street, NEW - - -. YORK B,. Pye & Son, Exchange Brokers, FORSYTH, GA. Exchange on New Tork, and buy Gold and Sell, and Racclve money on deposit. Prompt attention given to', Collection and Remittance promptly made. novltLSt* A GOOD CHANCE. I OFFER my Tan Yard and 202jf acres of Land for talc; adjoining tlic whole length of the cor poration of Lumpkin, cast; 80 acres cleared and 130 acres in the woods. J. G. SINGER. novlO-lm Manufacturers of AGRICULTURAL IMPLE MENTS, n ui O "> ‘ < id S i MACHINES. DEALERS IN SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS.” JSf Trade Supplied. Send for circular. novlS-3m Washington Hall Is still open to the public. Special arrangements have been made for the accommodation of mem ber? of the Legislatures. N. C. BARNETT. Milledgevillc, Ga., Nov. 20th, 1865. n0Tl9-2w* iloons in that locality ; New Orleans the first Wednesday In April next. H>jis arc jiaM off.'*' ’ Texas paper* say that an unparalleled ith pc v .xns in the State. Medina river, oimt.tins, is dry for many utiles, a never before known. Stock arc dying r iti thpongl '5 extern Texas, and the rivers arc • lov. Sail Antonio river is a foot lower i cuv kn •' a. osrthavt declined in price in tlic i portion of India, on account of the corn, which can lie liought in th.- >Val.a-h Valley, at fifteen The following members were elected delegate, on tbc first balloting: L. Pierce, W. J. Parks, S. Anthony, J. W. Glenn J E Evans, E H Myers, A T Mann, j S Key. A second ballot was had, and on motion, it was ordered that a committee, consisting or the Breth ren Hearing, Burke and McDonald, report the re- salt of the voting at the next sitting of the Con ference, on Monday following. The following are the announcements lor religious services on to-day, Sabbath: Milbebbt Stkxzt Church—Morning: Bishop Pierce with ordination of deacons at close of ser vice. Timer o’clock, P. M.—Sunday School Auni. is die first and onlv *d : ? claims for volunteer's gcuicnri government. Like Kiiriiiuri who made up for coming late ^business by going away early. Slassa- i'tones for its delay ia putting its , the war by being tlic first to get' j t , hrrefor from the nation. Nioht.—Dr. L. Pierce with ordination of elder* dose of aenieea. Yinevillb Careen.—3 o’clock, p. ro, M. W. Arnold. Fibzt Etkxet Methodist Caracas-Morning, Dr A. Means; Night, W. If. Crumley. Pcesxtteuzx CaracH.—Morning, J. 0. A. Clark; Night, W. P. Harrison. BarrisT CaracH.—Morning. Dr. A T. Mann; Night. W. J. Scott. *50 REWARD W ILL be paid for the delivery to the under signed of his large, dark, cbcstnnt sorrel bone, which was stolen yesterday afternoon about 4V o’clock. Tbc horse had on at ttc time a fine Texas rigged saddle, with a large number of tacks In iL He was stolen by a negro man about 21 yeans old, who had on a pair of Kersey pants and a dark coat. The abOTe reward wilt be paid for the deilrerv of the hone. DR. A. P. COLLINS. VIRGINIA AND TENNESSEE LINE. npHROCGH receipts given by the Agents of the JL Southern Transportation Company at freight rates to Baltimore and New York, at guaranteed rate per hundred pounds as per bale on Cotton, all packages should be stamped S. T. Co., to facilitate Transportation. Rate from New York to Macon 5*,6S per hundred pounds. THURSTON R. BLOOM, Agt. at Macon. Y. G. RUST, Agt. at Albany. KOTlSLSm. /GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, Mis. AT Nancy Thomas applies to the undersigned for , Mathew? oiv, Can ^ obtained In the purchase of Segara from the’ phinminorsof James Mathews, deceased; ■'* undersigned, {who has jast received a bu-ge lot C0 “ ?0f,he fo»?5ip F ,b f »ds, i ^ t o rt5 redto in November next, to show cause (If any they CLOSE OUT AT ONCF.: IRISH POTATOES. 200 bushels fine Western Potatoes, for rale atthn dollars and fifty cents a bushel. 40 barrels Onions, in store, and for sale by HENRY HORNE. GROCERIES. At reduced prices, since freights are lower. 80 barrels first rate salt, 50 barrels Extra Family Flour, 75 boxes Soap, 10 cases pint'Pickles, new crop, 10 cases quart Pickles, new crop, 10 cases' half-gallon Pickles, new crop, 20 boxes Lemon Crackers, 40 boxes fresh Soda Crackers, 10 boxes GingerSnappe, . f , 20 half-barrels Butter Crackers, 50 boxes Cheese, 10 kegs F F Powder, 10 doz F V F Powder, in moistens llrcll!!: 1 40 boxes fresh fine Stick Candy, 10 barrels Bonrbon Whiskey, 10 eases extra fine Gin, 10 cases Freiirii Brandy, : ■ j V~. I 'T T A 100 boxes Ground Pepper, 50 boxes Assorted Spiers, For sale by HENRY HORNE. ATTENTION, FAEKE R. ,AOrm!feM**&VA2 One Single Cora Shelter, of Arnes Co., Manufacto ry, for twentj-flTe bushels New Shelled’Com. One Double Cora Slieller, Ames Co., Mannlactorv for thirtyifivb bushel? new Shelled Com. ’ r y'"r .J.i . ll-mre-E/yf HJ i. A GREAT BARGAIN -wvciuucr next, ro snow cause (it anv they hare) why letters should not be granted the appll- cant. Given under itiv band and official stonatpre. a * * T 1 *™* M * RILEY, octl-td » OidiiBuy, SAMUEL D. IRVIN, (Sacceuor to Lyon * Irvin and Irvin * Butter, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY. GEORGIA. Real Estate Agent for Southwestern Georgia. Prompt attention giTen to »ll business entrusted to hteeare. wrcH-Um CLOSE OUT AT ON^: 10.0008ngnennedad, nor- ' . V 15.000la Favorita. ' ' ' '■■■■■ ' n r 9,000LaJUtida, . V-I2,0p0Figarro, ..- ..■■■r •-.* • \ ‘ T* 5.000 Lopez; L''/ «ri.4«l * ' * ;7,700 norfrip.■ Those are the best and cheapest lot of Segura yea offered. HENRY HORNE. NEW CilOP LAYER RAISINS. ICO boxes, jn whole, half and quarter boxes, and st reduced price, for sale by nor 19-lt* eO HENRY HORNE. • J. W. FEARS & CO. WHOLESALE HOUSE. Llr> MM!,} »/ ANOTHER GREAT INDUCEMENT BY O i M ' PH . ; . miles from Maeon, between the M «t B and 8 : 'V railroad?. The premises coutaiu 1,100 acres,; ; 000 of which are under cnltivatlon. The improve- | meats are good, cotnlbrtable dwelling?, sufficient negro qnarters, crilie, gin house, screw, a .ptendid orchard, etc, etc. .There U now oa tke a nuihhcr i mules, cattle, etc, com, fodder, agricultural iin- l plcmenU, blacksmith tools, etc, aft or which will be sold at reasonable rates to the purchaser or ten-1 A great bargain can be secured by makingappU-T ’ ration to the undersigned, at the Konncaw 5I11U. COOK A CHEEKS. I ( ! / *AOf> RAHHELS HX-TltA FAMILY- 11 .ill'll. IOO Qinels XX.Y Family Fiqnr, 100 Barrels Superfine Flofcf ■ / ‘ Macon, Ga. noTl8-lt. ERWIN & HARDEE’S COTTON SEED. line of first-class steamers, Atigusta and Savannah,. . 8 SI O 0 p 1 J Besides having reduced the rateofFrcight FIFTY PER CENT, the Agent at Augusta has made arrangements with Messrs JO- 8IAH SIBLEY & SONS to effect 11 , INSURANCE AT ONE-HAIiF PER CENT 1 From Ytiguata to Navaimnh, »v STE.urcns r.itntA, writ 0 gibbons and avuzon. ’All eOnsignmenls will be promptly attend ed to. JS^-Farties shipping will please send to the Agent Tax Receipts, so that they may accompany shipment. 1 * Wsi'b*davison, Agent Envine A Hardee’s Line, Augusta. Novl9-2w Griffin Property for Sale. T HE SUBSCRIBER will sell the following real estate in Griffin: The Conch bnilding and lot, being a large brick storehouse—three stories—and a small frame dwel ling, containing three rooms. Also the comfortable a streets, on ohe and beautifully situated residence, formerly occupied by A Gray, Esq. comer of Taylor and Fourteenth ' acicof ground. , Also, an acre tot adjoining said Gray lot. Will also sell ahnlf Interest iu the accounts of H. P Hill & Co., froml858to 1801, beingacconnts contracted on a a“ —•- 1 currency now. novl8.3t iiatn Griffin, Ga. Notice. . W ILL BE SOLD on the first Tuesday in De cember next, in this city a fine sorrel marc, belonging to a uegro man named Calvin at Auc tion to pay stable hill at Grier & Mastcrson’s, if bill is not paid before that time. novl9-lt* GRIER & MASTER80N. Excelsior, Excelsior! For Family! . 80' Barrels this Famous Brand Flour. No Such Flour In Macon. novl9-lt* J W FEARS & CO. On Hand and For. Sale. 2,000 lbs pure White Lead. 5 bbls Tadber's OIL S bbls Spts Turpentine. 3 bbls Linseed Oil. 1,000lbs Pntty. / > 3 bbls Lard Oil. A large lot of Colors, sneb os Chrome Green, Chrome Yellow, Ultramarine Blue, Ivory Black, Vermillion, Smalt, &c. Also, a lot of Emory, Sand Paper, Emory Paper, &c. A very superior article ot Gold Leaf; at - BOYD & GORDON’S Cherry Street, 2 door* below Telegraph Building. To arrive this week, a large lot of Window Ghw*. ■ov 19-d2L BOYD & GORDON. lOOO Bushel*. Colton Seed. Jpqr Salp at Albany—cheap Am>ly . *>on to J \V FEARS A CO. Fresh Arrivals. 5VE HAVE NOW IN STORE, AND ARE DAILY ivroska n u RECEIVING, STOCKS OF CHOICE HO tee:.: mo 3 FAMILY GROCERIES, ruorisiONs and produce, \ Consisting of every thing to lie found' in a well regulated First Class Family Grocery AND PROVISION HOUSE. Wc have SODA CRACKERS, <*. 1 BUTTER, 'I 2d ri i*5 v, CHEESE,, PICKLES, . .1 SAUCES, . .-.I OYSTERS, RAISINS, o’!/- V; a STARCH, ’ ‘’ ‘ PEPPER, GINGER, SARDINES, A B & C SUGAR, meal, "•• ’ FLOUR, BACON, **>>!• 1 LARD, CORN, . . / I — ground PEAS, , SYRUP, > AND ANYTHING ELSE YOU MAY CALL FOR IN OUR LINE. !0 3 ‘20 IOO lO .*0 IOO IOO 300 350 10 too 50 50 50 30 10 10 50 J. W. FEARS * CO. BALES COTTON YARNS, 8s & 10s. Biles Atiguaia 4 4 Sheeting, Bales S oz. Osnabnrg*. J. W. FEARS A* CO. 1.4, 1-2 AND BARRELS MACKERELS, Cases Sat dim a Boxes Herring. HAMBURG CHEESE, Western Reserve Cheese,. Suil'i and Butter Craeke-s, J. W. FEARS A- CO. J. W. FEARS A CO. KEGS CUT NAILS, « TO 20 D, Cases Sunuer’s heavy Axes, Barrels lVacb Blow Potatos, Barrels Extra G Sugar, Barrels B Sugar, Barrel Crush "and Powdol Sugar, .1. W. FEARS A CO. CASKS COVE OYSTERS, Caus Strawberries, Cans Peaches, l'iuU, Quarts and Halt-Gallon l'iekles, J. W. FEARS Si CO 10 5 300 1000 1000 50 50 250 IOO 25 100,000 100,000 BARRELS TANNERS’ BANK OIL, Bands Lindseed Oil Pounds White J>ad, Pounds Spanish Brown, Pounds Lump Potash, Cases Concentrated P, tasb, Jars Macaboy Snuff, Gross Mason’s Blacking, J.W. FEARS Sc CO, REAMS OWENS’ LETTER PAPER, Reams C ip Paper, Buff and White Envelopes,* G D and Water-Proof Oaps^ 250 COILS MACHINE ROPE, 200 Pieces Kentucky Bagging, IOO Boxes Star Candles, . 30 Boxes Starch, 30 Kegs English Soda. J. W. FEARS Sc CO. .1. W. FEARS A CO. Onr arrangements are perfected for securing daily receipts of THE BEST . MEAL X. It.—We wish the merchants in Georgia who trade to Macon to retoemler, and tell tlieir neighbors, that we do not retail good?—exclusively Whote»n/e. Buying $3,000 lo $13,000 daily in tlic West and New York—money always there to take advantage of price* i nnd quantities—we ran supply the trade as well (is Louisville jobbers, freight added. novt7-15d. J. W. FEARS A CO. IRON, IRON, IRON. 100 BARS 7X 8 IN, 100 BARS 4X1-2 IN, 31 BARS 2X1-2 IN. 37 BARS 1 3-4X 1-2 IN. 37 BARS 11-2X 1-2 IN. Sold to close out a consignment, by- nor 10-ot. P. P. PEASE. 3d St. Macon, Ga. For Rent. Offer for rent two of the best PLANTATIONS iu the State of Georgia, of their size. One oc cupied at present by Mrs. Chas. J. Williams, on Flint river, one mile from Everett Station. This plantation has about 100 acres in cultivation, of bottom and upper land; has a, healthy location tor residence, and ample accommodations for hand* necessary to cultivate the land, and a fine. Apple and Peach Orchard. The other is located on Font river, three miles from Eeynold's Station; ha* bet- xom laud cleared sufficient to work 100 hands, and has upland sufficient for all conveniences, and am ple accommodations in the way of buildings. On each Plantation is, a supply of provisions, which will be sold tothose who may rent, at a fair market price. Also, fanning utensils, mules, hog* .and; cattie. - '. For particulars, apply to ROBT. B. HOWARD, near Reynold., or to me at Mobile. ~ * .7 Y. novlb-lOt. ,, B. F. MARSHALL. To be had in this market, Ground ’Uy Water Power, and we shall have in store, in a few i days, 100 Barrels Best Brand FLOUR to he : found in the country. Also xtUMUm ■ miisiqo •> nowoa,... - j. 150 Bbls. Kanawha Salt. In addition to the above we have in Store several THOUSAND POUNDS SOLE LEATHER AM) h'/P. and a few Bales of Cot t o n. All of which will be disposed of Cheap for Cash. We Wish it Distinctly Understood! That our Facilities for keeping nur stock replcn- i •j ,h|bed are' i EQUAL TO'ANY HOUSE IN THIS CITY, j - Ml <f! .: .r . j And would Invite the attention or tho public to thc faet thA twcBUY and ", . SELL ON COMMISSION. ALL CASH -order* will- meet vrillr prompt at tention, and satislaction guaranleed. • < NEWTON fc LAWTON. Next door to Hardeman & Sparks’ Warehouse. novl5-2w i. ,. BOOKS! BOOKS! j. BURKE & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN I. Ill'll. AT. $30 Reward, T70K JP fn >R the recovciy of my Horse, which wa» stolen from my stable, before day, Thursday mom Ing. He may be known by the following brands, viz: I C on the left hip, indistinct; IPS, with 100 branded over it, this also is indictincL Has a short mane with TAB distinctly branded under hi* mane. He walks and gallops well. Was heard from on the Columbus road as far a? Bailey ’s Mill, nov 17 C. ROGER Plantation In SJAMghe+ty^Cdtmty ■ ■ x " FOB SALE. O NE oftbc best Plantations in tlic county, a* to soil, location and settlementseven mile* from Albany;- bnt lately settle*, and every build’ ing new, and all fenced; residence ol eight-rooms, ovcreccr’s house, eleven negro houses, stables, barns, gin house, screw, everything complete; fences all new, Ac. 000 acres of land, 700 cleared, a well of water in every field of 200 acres. The land being all fresh and newly cleared, will make the best of cotton crops. I will sell mutes, cattle, hogs, corn and every thing on tbc place as it stands, for one-third cash, balance in one and two year?, taking part of the crop in payment If desired. Address me at Albanv. nov 10-10*. , . , , , N. CRUGEB. STATIONERY. €ap, Letter, Note and Billet Paper, Pens, Pencils, Portfolios, PortmonaieH, dec. LATEST MUSIC CONSTANTl! RECEIVED FROM PUBLISHERS. BOOKS. Religious, Sunday School, Juvenile, Miscellaneous, College Text Books, School Text Books. 1 A Splendid Assortment of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND PHOTOGRAPHS PLAIN AND COLORED. 2d Street, i-Text to Baptist Church, MACON, GEORGIA. Plantation for Sale. I OFFER my plantation for sole in Crawford ■ count;, 20 miles from B.irnc.-villc, on the Ma con & Western Railroad, and also 121 miles from Bntler, on the Mnscogec Road. The place contains 1,050 acre* of land, and is as well improved as any place in Middle Georgia. Oa the place is a large quantity of com and other pro visions, with a fine lot of Boyd’s Frolific Cotton Seed for sale. All the stock, consisting of moles, hogs, cattle, fsheep and several bona, wagons, carts, blacksmith and carpenter s tool?, with all the forming utensils, and a good GO saw Gin, and everything necessary for profitable planting of cot- EL RUTHERFORD. Goiiny Bagging, E IGHT Bales of extra heavy Gunny Baggih"-. in storeand for sale low, to close consignment. norlH-St* '; JEWETT A- SNIDER. To Rent lor 1866. T HE plantation In Pulaski county, lately owned If. T .1*.i ■.» .k.m a * ■ .- r% — — - . « Haw]' ftni ______ pen land, level and easy of cultivation. On tbet place are all tltestock and provisions needed for the ensuing year's operations, and which will, bo sold to the party renting. For particulars applica tion can be made at Macon, Gwf to the undersign- ed. „ GEO. M. LOGAN- (. rr A * * R. 8. LANIER, f - JAMES J • Ex’ re. I. . , - - - wue .‘ir..w;.\. . ' (C V.. Jonrnal & Jf^'enger eopy. ,m®rI%4R* 4; Plantai ion for Sale. A FINE Plantation consisting of some of tlic best land In Macon connty. There Is 1,500 acres, w ith a residence, outbuildings, etc., In good order. It has been occupied for several years by the brothers Tooke, and is known as the Tooke WHOLESALE MILLINERY GOODS Place. For particulars anp!y to M, W. I. Andc, WholeSftLe ClOftk MaHUfectOry. 0r m U J?ER^g 1 GR&- ‘T.OUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. ’^TE are pleased to say to onr ftietwls south of f3f Journal & Jfcseengcr copy. NOTICE. Macox & B. R. R. Office, Macon, Nov. 14,1885. IAN and after Thursday Nov. 16th,- Passenger Y J trains on this road will run through to Ilaw- kinsville as follows: Leave Miicon 1 3:00 P. kl Arrive at IIawkinsvUic<. ..(kilo r. h. i!S» • -....ffiOO-a. s». Arrive at Macon ' A.M. Faro to UawkensvUlc S3 00. Freight Trains win run tri-wcckly, leaving Ml ID >r "“'"* f * M *** ’ O-a -.-Ji- ing G. A- DURE, novl44»t • l ! Stfperintcndcnt. _ ZSF Jonrnal & Messenger copy 6t. the Ohio, that we have on* of the Iargrat and bent assorted stock* of Millinery Goods This side of New York. Wc employ mrer am hundred »nd fifty girls In onr Cloak Factory, And wc are confident that onr styles 1 E ibiqUk Aiuiiirt mil ruu »n*wcouv, leaving Jia- I " v .-V—. , ■ conY^^ys, Thnrrtlays, and Srt^days—return- Will comparefiirorabl^ with any bouse In Amenrs. not-17-tji one* co- ’ More Furs! may be fiad, as my.haltf >, too A MF.RICAN SABLE, AYp have secured anoRfrrlot of extra fine which the ladle* arc respectfully Invited amine. IL SHAW & CO. novl7-3t At the store of T. W. Freeman. IRIAN SQUIRREL, FTC. i Arrive at Eafonton. Ullage of Selicdulc. fit PrnraTExnzx^rtoE. CzxTjat^R., 1 f\S and after Monday the Mlb InsL, adaily train erecptoJ)** ul be ran Ml IM* Road ,Etf . lArrl to e*-« Hotel For Sale. The subscribers offer to sellthe.popjiIarHOTEL known as the . “HOWARD nOUSE” In Entanla, Alabama. The advantages of this Hotel are well known to the traveling public and need* no description. The owner* desire to‘ tell merely for a divulon ° f noG7$w* MARTIN & COURIE. iveEatonton. Arrive at Macon.. novlS-St* DM A. M. 1:18 r. M. «. 8:00 A. x. ..'...1:10 r. a. GKO. W. ADAMS, Gen’l Supt. Wanted. A Young man desire* • »i nation to business house in Macon. The beat «**•“ mendatio novlS i can be given. Address P. Macon. SISGLETO.V, III .NT * CO., H AVE In store and tor sale,»lot ol fine French, En-lbb Ind Sol* Lratber Tranks, Sole LeatkcrandRuaaetValiaes, Drill and Drill P#.ll also large heavy negro Brogans, both black rad rasart, U ^t p h they o Herat very low price** novlS-JJt