The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, November 19, 1865, Image 4
Important Change of Base. TOesaicrtV** raapeettuny to their frittdf aad the "rest of manHad,” it»» tbrjbate amoved to^ 7.0. Bank,'™*****'***' ,^“*“^, Me Uxfr frlsaifr end all totcrwlad loan exclusively CaaunMos House. W« wouMsko lafonu Ihe Mcrebante awl business at UoofZte, tb«t wc have nude arrangement* ad « |U open ■■ office la Cincinnati, and wHl ail order* tor Groceries, Drug* and Mmbandbe ol. all desutpUoos at loireat market rare*. Dr. W. X Wilber* *111 make Ue beadquar- •ca la Cladaaatl, aad win glee prompt^pet- aonal attention to all orten tor porebaae of good* to that dty, or Loalarllla, Ky. •aerial dta** 1 "" *•* be gltaa to tbe parehase or Mle at Cotton, Tobacco, Yarn#, Sheeting*, bbirtiag*, Dried Jrnlt, etc. In either dty. QootU rnaily—’ to oar care, *01 be promptly torwarMT arlaweat rate*. * Order* tor good, la this market promptly filled. WITHERS * LOUD Cottod Taetaaa aad Oen’l Coat Merchants, Cherry SL, between lat and fid St recta, BOTS-lm .Macon, Georgia. iTiTujni*. ww. raiLLtrs. i* c. nznixt LiMER, PHILLIPS & CO. (Late of Katheillt, Tens.) Wholesale Grocers Commission Merchants, No. 32 Vina Straat, Cincinnati, Ohio. Wa InTjle the attentiun of oar old friends and l^a Trade generally to oar larga and well asaorted Stock of 'STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES ‘now In 8-roan and accaimo daii.t, and wblcb wn re oSMng at tbe raar LOWWT ratcaa. Oar bcOltlaa aad barineaa connections are unch .1—1 we feel assured we can afford entire satlstec- *tl0a la arcry Instance, and those entrusting u* with their order*, can rely upon receiving the goods 0 npoo as ftnronble terms and at aa low rates as it tbeT ware present baying la person, potf-lm LANIER, PHILLIPS* CO. VOORHEES ft GARRISON, Commission Herrlianta, 73 William alter*. Naw York. Oflrr their service* to the Planters, Merchants aad Cotton holdefrs of Georgia. And refers hr permission to Messrs. Erwin A Hardee, Savannah, Ga. President N.ttonsl Bank at Savannah, Os. E. A. Wlleox, Macon, Os. W. B. Davison, Augusta, Ga. E. Remington A Sop, Thomaavllle, Ga. • C. U Robinson, Jacksonville, FIs. C. K. Garrison, 73 William afreet, N. Y. Ocean National Bank, New York. Merchants Exchange Nation Bank, New York. Any business entrusted to us will meet with prompt and careful attention. B. F. Votmmncs. D. E. Garrison sep8-4m Macky, Beattie & Go. Shipping and General Commission Merchants 203 A 305 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Cash advances made on Conalgnmeota to A Bzattie, PMladi-lphia. REFERENCES: - Messrs. Cba*. L. Colby A 'Jo., Messrs Huutc Gsmmctl. Mwn. Bell & Christian, Savannah National Bank, Savannal:; Messrs. Maude «t Wright, Messrs. W. A. Ramsay A Co., Augusta; Messrs. Lord, Stone A Co., Boston ; Messrs. John P. Boyle A Co., Metatf. Wallace A Browne, New York; Mcsars. Macky A Beattie. Messrs. J. Gibson, A Co., Philadelphia National Bank, First al Bank, Seventh National Bank, Hold. Esq., .limans. McCutchron A Collins, riplila. Messrs. Clarke A Cunningham, M. A—Hamilton, Baltimore. Particular attention given to the forward ir.g orgbods for Northern markets, oct SI -Sm Horley's Mtwachle Bitten. I wuR Debility, Loss of Appetite. Weakness, In ■ .l.t 'Uoq or Dyipopria, want of aitiouof. i; . T>i-nrd*red Stomach, there are no bitten ,.n - -niparc with those In removing thus* - ng complain!*. For sale or can be had at oi :. • >re m the Called Stales, or from tbe ; r;, Louisville, Ky., corner Seventh and rn ,t•. t'. to whom ah ordure should be a ’ ilCRUET, ULUDI.E A CO. Hurley's Sarmtpnrllltt. I *hF. G-.-at Blood Purifier, a» a Spring and Surn- 1IH r Medicine, stands unrivaled, removes all 1 cipurities from the blood, and gives HRALTR AND MIESUTIt o the system. 1 ^ HURLEY, RUDDLE A CO., Proprietors ; Corner Seventh and Green streets, ,< ;lb-Sm Louisville, Ky. Harley's Popular H orm Candy. vcclde for Worms, and the latde form to give to chil- d ng that it is last taking the 1- sratlons for worms—it firing p r child will take iC H EY, RUDDLE <fc CO., Proprietors, nth and Green streets, Louisville, Ky. ? ilanooga Railroad. r ie North and West Express . snoops 6 40 A. -V., connect- western Railroad for vimo 0.1 Tennessee river, Padu* Louis and Louisville and Nash- vooga to Nashville $ 7 75. “ Cairo 29 75. “ SC Louis 22 75 Pas.-eng. r» leaving Atlanta on the evening train .rata. Freight WM. P. INNEi. Gen'L Sup’L J. W. BROWN, tien'L Passenger Agent a full assortment cf ME ASES and CASKETS ol ms. For sale at my Fac- t, Macon. Gs. GRENVILLE W e. iniur, Dl n. wmemsos, WUmiqgtpn, N. C. A. MEGRATH, AGENT, Grncral Commission Merchants, Noi/2 9,31A 33, SodMzrket St. Nashville, Teas. r.rrca To—J. B. Ross A Son, Macon, Ga: S. II. Anderaoa A Son, Macon, Ga; Fleming A Whelets, Augusta, fla: W. Uej* Want*, Aii- gusta, Ga; K. J. Lowry Sc Vo., Atlanta, Ga; J. Rhodes Brown, Columbus, Ga; W. II. Smith Montgomery, Ala ort4-2m* A. P. G-. HARRIS, ! Jti. E. M. BRUCE & CO., ' N MAMMOTH DRY GOODS STORE! GROfER1I r s “ DR Y GHODS BANKERS AND COTTON FACTORS, Latest Arrivals from the East, j akd t AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, &C„ Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Removal, Removal! HERRINGTON & RICKS, Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Manufacturer!. R ESPECTFULLY announces, that they bsve moved their ware room and wortabop from tbeNesblt Foundry,to *$;“'y r L °^? <mrtt ‘ "* t^ri^d^^^en. cf tetnred articles In their line, inch «s STILLS, COPPER KETTLES,TIN WARE, STOVE PIPES, ETC., MTC. oet»4il* ' _Jj 2£Si£ii£2iJiiffl^taS3^Commist?ionr*IVf ei-chant. rpHE und „ , .. . JL leave, in informing our old Sion them frii of this city and vicinity, that, haring received a very large lot of DRY GOODS—cons dies' Fancy Dress Goods of all descri] and Fancy Silk*, a Urge assortment ol Ladies’ Dress and Cloak Trimmings in general; fine While Linen In large quantities; a good line of fine French and English Shawls; the West Fancy Balmoral Skirts; Ladies d"trinifr that, having' received a't !l ft sjsn l* e .. . % ft E. F. METCALFE & CO., h# forwarding merchants, " SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. • :E. M. BRUCE, MORGAN & CO„ Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants, APALACHICOLA, FLORIDA. style of Plain and Fancy Balmoral Skirts; Ladies Traveling Bags, all atyles and sixes ; Ladies’ and Misses' Vasts and Pants; and a foil line^of Ladies Shoes—larger than any « " * * We are also ip receipt arieeted stock of •Orai DEVLIN & CO. Broadway, New York. CLOTHING rx» WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. W E OPEN THE SEASON WITH A LARGE STOCK OF ELEGANT CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS in onr Ready-Made Department. We have also acenrcd the services of first-class ar tirts in onr CUSTOM DEPARTMENT, Which la likewise supplied with the finest and best Fabrics of tbe nOME AND FOREIGN MARKETS To those who wish to order by mail, will be sent (on application) SAMPLES OP GOODS, With Directions tor Measuring, which, if correctly followed, will secure s fit In ell cases. DEVLIN dc CO. Broadway, cor. Grant SL, I Broadway, cor. At srren St., I ecpPJ3-3m New-York. W. C. KENNEDY, jVIerdiant Tailor, 5IULBERRY ST., MACON, GA. I HAVE Just received e splendid Stock of Goods In my Hue, from New York, and are nowpre- nared to make to order, all Garments for Gentle men's wear, of the best material and In the lateit styles. Patronage is solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. BLACK AND BLUE BROAD CLOTH, .. •• •• CASTORS. DOESKINS. PLAIN AND FANCY CA8SIMERES. SILK VELVET AND CASnMERE VESTINGS SHIRTS, DRAWERS, HOSE, NECK TIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, LINEN AND PAPER COLLARS, LINEN BOSOMS, SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, HATS AND UMBRELLAS. novl-lm ^ ' ' , a j aTIIKOP GKO. P. SNIDEB Late D. & E 8. Lathrop, Late Jaa. I. Snider & Co. Savannah. Ga. Savannah, Ga. and Birch & Snider, Columbus, Ga. E. S. Lathrop & Co., GENERAL Commission. jVEercliants AT EDWARD C. LEGRIEL & CO’S OLD STAND, Second Street, one door from Cherry, MACON, GA. novl-Sm* A. CA2UD. A T a meeting of the Undersigned Physicians of the City of Macon, It was unanimously, rc- *°That medical bills In futare shall be considered ■fur and parable, when the services arc rendered. The members of the Medical Profession should ed on an equal footing with those of other have everywhere placed on an cqi callings, and professions, wl adopted the casn ststejt. , ItI, not asking too much, to require of others, what they demand of ns. . A. White, Wm. F. Holt, ME. Fiteoerald, A. T. Collins, Jno. R. Goiikin, J Emmett Blackshe-is, B. F. Gkiogs, , A. M. Born, II A. Mkttauek, J. B. Hixklz, P. II. Wright, Joel Bit an bam, octXMm. F.enjm R. Boos, D. W. Hammond, W. i’. 1’arker, T. It. Hall, A. L. C. Magiu her, Clxo. G. GmrriN, I. L Harris jr., W. G. Owen, N.JUolmes, H. J. Smith, Jas. MERrEi; Gueen. than any other bouse in Macon. inch si fine black Broadcloth Coat* black D<«»kJn Pants, Plain sndFsney Silk Vests, Cssslmere Suita, coarse 8sUnet Saits, and a regular JU* of Gents' Famishing Goods not aurpassable In New York City. We are offering to the public to sell all goods with a very small advance, and, in Iact, lower than J any house In Macon. Standing in connection with alarge wholesale jobblog bouse In the P.ast, we can,' therefore, give the above inducements. , r r\ -rr>„ Wc would,' id conclusion, farther call atKhtlou to oar Urge and elegant supply of Goods, wnicli were selected with great care by onnclres; and onr long experience in this market has qualified us to judge as to the wants of the purchasing com munity. The patronage of all onr old friends, as well as many of onr new ones. Is repectfnlljr solic ited- Purchasers should be particular to find onr place—Dsmour's Block, Second street, three doors from Board man's Book Store. p. 8.—Country merchants will find it to their advantage to give us a call. oeoSm GLASER A ROSIN _ T. o. ridoelt. m. l. sqciEB. a. r. warren. RIDCELY, SQU1ER & CO., COTTON FACTORS, GENERAL PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Lanier House Building, MACON, G E O It G I A . references: T. B. Bloom, E. Wilcox, Gen. J.T. Croxton, Macon, Ga Holmes & Patterson, Hopkins A Bro. New York. C. W. Bruner, Savannah. Tucker* Co., LonUriUc. oct27-3m.i WM. A. MCKENZIE. L. F. JOHNSON. WM. IL CHAMBERS. w>i. a. McKenzie *ri5o., /COMMISSION Merchants. Cotton Brokers and Ij Receiving, and Forwarding Agents, Apalachi cola, Florida. References : J. B. & W. H. Ross, Hardeman & Sparks, Macon, Ga.; King & Allen .Dr. J. F. Bore- man, Columbus, Ga; Hon. T. M. Furiovr, Ameri- cus, Ga; Col. Nelson Till, Albany, Ga.; John Mc- Nab, Eafaula, A1a aug 35 3m Public Sale of a Valuable Plantation, STOCK, CROPS, ETC. W ILL be sold to the highest bidder, on the 2nd Tuesday in December, 1805, for Casn, the Plantation belonging to the estate of William Lockett, dec’d, situated in Crawford county, and adjoining Ewell Webb, John Dent and others—the for cotton or grain. Also, all the Moles, Horses, Hogs, Cattle, Crops of all kinds, together with Wagons, Carts and farming and other utensils of all kinds. The sale will take place on the premises, com mcnclng at 10 o’clock, and will continue from day, today, untlll all theproperty is sold. Terms Cash. BEN J. G. LOCKETT, Ex’r of oct3S-tds WM. LOCKETT, Dec’d. For further Information apply on the premises, or to L. N. Whittle', Macon, Ga C. G. CONNER & BRO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, —AND— * PURCHASING AGENTS, Third street, - - - Macon, GeorgiA ■TOTE offer our services to the public, and will YY give personal attention to all buitiness-en trust e<f to us. Wc solicit consignments of goods of cvciy de- Exprcss office. Messrs. Harden er Ayres, J.iB. I Jnly294m • situated, e RUrERENCES: - - i * Sparks, Harris * Boss, Ash- iss, and Rev. CLOTHIEp, .5:ATS <r- FurnisiiTiicr C3- T HE undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to Ills former customers, and the public gen erally, that be has rest ined business in this city, and has associated with him Mr. B. C. Smith; un der the style anil ion of E. Saulsbury * Co; They have taken the well known and central stand, Oil Cotton Avenue, under the Masonic Hall, where they are prepared to fumlshgentlcmeu with anv article appertaining;' ig to their wardrobe. H wdl'sclectcdjitpck of Clothing, Hats and Fumishhi] shipment oMB 251“ Journal * Mcs«eufter copy, and send bill to aiverttserr ™ — ,ed bjuireekly "esb-styles. . fir. EsHAUI.SBURY. Notice. w H ACKS will leave Albany on arrival of tbe cars from Macon, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, for Tallahassee, Fix, via Thoniasvilla, Ga; also, for Bainbridgc every Monday, Wcdm* day and Friday, thus opening a regular communi cation to Southwestern Georgia and Florida. WRIGHT A HILL, Jy37-tf Proprietors. Law Card. THOMAS C. JOHNSON, . LATE OF ’ ST^fouiS, MISSOURI. Attorney at Law. Claim and Real Estate Agent No. 50 Market st.,(upstairs.) octU-3m Montgomerv. Ala. - NOTICE TO COTTON SHIPPERS. Horse, seven Xtules, a lot of Hogs, Corn, Fodder,: * ri^m«fuuSlcfeA l . C neU«Treffii ^“-cfl T^HE SOUTHERN TIUNSPORTATION Com- 101 fLT^^rA^a\‘ 0 ,^^,Sn rO 0?fan , 5 C ^ Sale of Personal Property. rjsRE UNDERSIGNED M Y STOCK OF GKOCEKltSarc non hegiumn; to come in, and I can promise my friends and the pnblic general!.*, that a call upon me will nev er be regretted; for with a large and well selected tl’V. GROCERIES, LIQUORS & DRY GOODS, I will be able to fill the whole of their bills with out giving them the trouble of going all over the mirkeL I will also state, that in addition to mj regular business I will he glad to receive any CONSIGNMENTS ON COMMISSION, Or on storage; and lo all who favor me with con signments of any description, I promise Full and Satisfactory Returns. A. P. G. HARRIS, Old firm ol Dunlap & Harris, afterwards Harris & Dense. „ w BzrzRZNCES—Any of the merchants of Macon, oct 26-3m [oct 14] A. S. Patrick. Are in constant receipt of the following, AT THEIR NEWS DEPOT, Triangular Block. Cherry Street: DAILIES. XTEW YORK HERALD, News, World, Tribune, IN Times, and Journal of Commerce. Cincinnat? Commercial, Gazette, Enquirer, and German Volkesblattc. , „ . . Louisville Journal, and Democrat. Nashville Union, Gaxetta, Press * Times, Ban ner, and Dispatch. Macon Telegraph, and Journal & Messenger. WEEKLIES. Harper’s Illustrated, Leslie’s Illustrated, Leslie's Chimney Corner, Now York Ledger, Wilkes Spirit of the Times, Turf, Field & Farm, New York Clip per, National Police Gaxcttc, Wavcrly Magazine, Note Reporter, Round Table, New York Weekly, Sunday Mercury, Flag of Our. Union, and Th( Nation. - ii MONTHLIES. Fashion Magazines—Godey’s. Leslie’s, Pctcr- aon’s, Lc Bon Ton, lady’s Friend, Lady’s Reposi tory, and La Petite Messenger. _ , Harper's Monthly, Atlantic Monthly, Eclectic, Young Folks, Comic Monthly, Nick Nax, Phunny Phellow, Pbunnlest Phun, Budget of Fun, Yankee Notions, Appleton’s R. R. Guide, Pictorial History of the War, Ballou’s Monthly, Catholic World, Leslie’s New Monthly, Phrenological Journal Horticulturist, and Ballou’s Monthly Novelette oetlO-lm i! s new e i n m: SINGLETON, HUNT & CO., OPPOSITE LANIER HOUSE, MACON, GEORGIA, N OW have In store, and for sale, the largest and best assorted stock of BOOTS, SHOES, AND HATS, in the South. Those wishing to buy, to sell again, will here find facilities not surpassed by any honse south of Cincinnati, as the enure stock has been purchased, FOR CASH, from the manu facturers in the cities of New York and Boston. A good supply ot TRUNKS AND UMBRELLAS will also he kept on hand. The firm hopes, by constantly replenishing, and by strict attention to business, to merit a liberal portion of public patronage. W. R.-SINGLETON, W. C. SINGLETON, oct4-3m Y. J. HUNT. WANTED. g GOOD CABINETMAKERS, ^GOOD CARPENTERS, ■VTONE other need apply. GRENVILLE WOOD. \ j MiACciisr, At Ells’ Old Stand, Opposite Lanier House, GEORGIA. Advances Made on Consignments to WATTS, GIVEN & CO., W. C. WATTS * CO., New Orleans. _ Liverjrool^Eng. EITHER OF THE ABOVE HOUSES.: I SHALL receive GOODS every week, ami shall keep my stork no assorted that me chant* ami consumers can FIND ANYTHING THEY WANT, at all time*. jr WILL SELL AS LOW ANYBODY V A. MEGRATH, Agent. WATTS, CRANE * CO., New York. I5T P. s.- oct20-3m -ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED. a N. A. M. *cptl9-3m WHOLESA.L EU'i LA : RGE ARRJIVAL OF JfEW .0OOJBS AT . / t JO-' ii i; .OY -•* G. RICE & CO.’S, 59 College Street, Nashville, Tenn. By our heavy purchases during the last three months, and by constantly watchlug the Eastern mar ket and taking advantage of every fluctuation, we are enabled to say that we have now on hand, the LARGEST, CHEAPEST & BEST SELECTED STOCK OF 'V FALL & WINTER DRY GOODS . m TIIE CITY OF NASHVILLE. A. M. ROWLAND & CO Wholesale and Retail Dealers in CHINA, GLASS AND QUEEN’S WARE. Opposite the Lanier House, MULBERRY STREET, - - - - - MACON, CA. fSTGrcat inducements are offered to Merchants to whom we will sell CROCKERY JiT THE CRATE OR SELECTED PTECKS, AT REDUCED PRICES. Lloyd & Draper, NEXT DOOR TO THE BROWN HOUSE. : > dealer* is FANCY GROCERIES and CONFECTIONERIES Manufacturers of Candy, Crackers, Cakes, and Bread of every discretion. Hotels and Boarding Houses furnished regularly oct28-lm* h’s and’ Warren's ’Geographies and Atlasses. ark’s and Smith’s and Bullion’s English Gram- . . School Rook*. . t i it* S ANDER’S,Sargent’s,Towns’ and McCuflcy’s se ries of Readers. Robinson’s,Smith’s, Davie’s and Doad’s Arithme tics. Parley’s History. Mitchell's, CorneU’s, MonteltU’s Colton and Fitch’s and Wi " Clark' mars. Fasquelle’s and Finney’s French. Copy Books, Slates and Pencils, Taber’s Lead Pencils, GiUiot’s Pens, (No. 303.) Portfolios, Cream Laid Writing Papers, Bon Ton, Opaque, Canary, Melon and White Laid Envelopes, assort ed sizes. Violin and Gnltar Strings, Musical Instruments, (Agents for Stcinway & Sons, SoebbcUcr A Schmidt & Gate’s Pianos for the State of Geor gia.) H j/*T . f Vi 1 Combs, Brushes, Lubin’s Extracts and Soaps, Pomades, Hair Oils, Pocket Books, Playing Cards, Ac. All at the lowest prices. JOHN C. SCHREINER & SON8, scpl7-3m Macon, Augusta and Savannah. at private salt. I the personal j _L np-in suitable application, all the personal property now on bis plantation, situated eight miles below Macon. The property offered consists ot one calling on the undersigned at hi* plantation, near the river road leading from Macon to Hawkinsvillc, eight miles South ofllacon. ■ If the above property is not disposed of at pri vate sale. It wifi be offered at nubile outcry Tncsdiv V< V -* 1 cm ms 4k- nromlcoa novi-Star* 1 BLOOM, Ag*t YGRUST.Ag’t ;h price Lacon^ Albany. COTTON NOTICE. November 31st 1865, on tbe premises. /CHARLES E DEXTER, late of the firm of Hall ■ - DOUGLAS. Uv & Dexter, is prepared to make liberal CASH ADVANCES ON ALL COTTON canslgned through him to the well known and re sponsible house of Gardner, Dexter&Co, ofNe York and Boston. nov7-ln» Columbus, Ga., Nov 3d 1865. JOSEPH 1 J. W. MITCHELL, V. P. ARMSTRONG, HltcItcII &■ Armstrong, PBOVISION & COMMISSION MEBOHANTS AND DEALERS IX BAGGING, ROPE AND LIQUORS, NO. 65, MAIN STREET.'.... .LOUISVILLE, KY. »apt333m*, COAL! COAL W E have succeeded In getting an agency for the celebrated Whiteside Mines, and will furnish COAL in any quantities in AtlantA at Mine prices with freight added. Orders solicited J. F. EZZARD & BRO. L. P. STRONG & SONS, WOULD respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they have opened at their old stand (on Seccond street, two doors from Cbenj) a large and well selected stock of Boots and Shoes, Which they offer as low as any honse in the city. oct36-lm* ' ' ' Murchison & Murray, Jommission Merchants, 188 Front St., New Fork. of •hiptr.uJit. whetlicr rerrired or noL Libadl totrtxize* ruxdc on contiintrr.nits whru rtxtmri iDar pcrkOnAl attention given to dot9 1m Willard’s Hotel, SYKES, CHADWICK & CO, PROPRIETORS, WASIWT0TOH, D. C% Formerly of the Girard House, Philadel phia. «or 10-6tn M RS. BRIDGET STHvK-offers her service* to the Ladies of kfacpn as a monthly nnrsc. In regard to experierK'o and qualification she refers to Dre. McGrndersnd HalL Her residence opi-c-’.te the colored methodist chnreb. nov!4-6t* J. A FRENCH, CEO. H. REID, W. H. CHADROCRN. FRENCH & CO., COTTON FACTORS, Forwarding and Commission Merchants Wholesale Grocers, 8m?., CLARK STREET NASHVILLE, TENN. Special attention paid to the sale or forwarding of cotton. ecptlO-Sm* S. G. WOOD & CO., Wholesale Dealers in Groceries Butter, Cheese, Hour, Ac., Ac., No. 45 Union Street, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. aepSl-Sm* Planting on Shares, X WILL PLANT .MY'tifo” - --'--* JL ble shares with seme idlng and mcan«,whQ. manage and take ch.-.-j - of who are willing to follow the negro day ar I will famish everything needed, money, etc, carry on the places. Giving them a share of every thing, and they to be responsible for their share of j all losses if any. Address me at Albany, Ga nov 15 fit* N. For Sale or Rent. NE of the largest and best plantations In the v, South, situated in Barbour county, A1a, ten miles Southeast of Enfaula is! offered lor sale or splendid or more | , also a good dwelling honse five rooms and ull necessary out houses. Enough to accommodate 100 hands, 3 gin houses and screws etc., etc. Terms very lib eral. Apply to C. 31. WILEY, Executor, A. G. WILEY, Executrix, Or to 3Iaeon, Ga. Col. Wm. 31- Chaurers, Eufaula, Ala. Enfenla “Spirit South” copy and send bill to ad vertiser. nov5-lm* COTTON SEED. YTTE ARE PREPARED to furnish Colton YY in any quantity. They are of a superio kind of cotton and warranted fresh and good. Parties at a distance can be furnished. Colombo*, Ga, novfi-lm. J R IVEY & CO w. T. NELSON’S S .A. I* O O 1ST. THE SIGN ALL EIGHT. AT WHOLESALE AS WELL AS RETAIL. TCST received and for sale by the barrel and J package, an Invoice of Liquo Jho best ualitv, sneh as OLD BOURBON, MONONGAHELA,’ ’ ROBERTSON COUNTY WHISK CHA3IPAGNE, CATAWBA, CHERRY, COGNAC and D03IESTIC BRANDIES. Champagne Wines, qts. and pints, different brands, also Wines, Port, Madeira, Catawba, Pearl of the Rhine, (imported) Rheinwtfie (Ingleheimer, red; and Ungsteincr, white.) 11 the above can bepnrebased by retan dealers, in packages of any quantity desired, and at the lowest figures of tire market Also, a large lot of the choicest brands of _ _ Otir assortment of BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, - rs :.• •* O r > ” '■ » 3- FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOS, j j POPLINS, MOHAIRS, LUSTRES, AND OTHER MEW STYLES OF DRY GOODS, CANNOT BE SURPASSED. Wc have the latest style* of Cloaks, Shawls, Balmoral Skirts, Ladies' Hats, &c„ &c. ■ ‘ A large assortment of SWISS, MULL, INDIA BOOK, EDGINGS, INSERTIONS, LACES, RIBBONS HAND KERCHIEFS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, etc. We arc selling to country merchants coming to and passing through the city to supply themselves with goods, wc wish to say that we can sell them at lower rates than thev can obtain them at Louisville or Cincinnati. Onr large stock of HATS AND BOOTS AND SHOES Has mostly been bought at auction, very cheap, and will be sold at very small profits. Our Clothing Department, Up Stairs, Consists of every article of Men’s Wear made up m the latest styles and of the best material, and will l ie offered at the lowest prices, wholesale and retail, at a. RICE & CO.’S, sept 17-3m ’ COLLEGE STREET, NASHVILLE, TENN. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING STORE. A. SCHEUERMAN & BROTHER, Beg leave to inform the citizens of 3Iacon and surrounding country that they have just received one of the LARGEST and BEST assorted stocks of Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Furnishing G-oods That Is in the market—consisting of SIcrinos, De Lancs, Slozambiqucs, Alpaccas, Silks, Calicos, Can- *— — 1 ”—— m —--Is, Cambrics, Jeans, Sheetings. Cloaks, Shawls, Balmorals, Belts, Ribbons, Inscrtings, Hose, Gloves, Water Falls and Ornaments, Fancy Head Dresses, —Iptton, 1 ' * ’ " " ~ '■ ~ - - - - - Fancy Combs of every description, Irish Linens, Table Cloths, Towelling, fomdkercliiefs, Jaconet and Swiss 31usllns, Musquctoe Nettings, Shirtings of all descriptions (bleached and unbleached), Lore Veils, Veil Barege, Poplins, &c. * A large assortment of Ladies', 31isses’ and Children’s Shoes, Gaiters, Bootees, Hoop Skirts of the latest style, Parasols Corsets, Jewelry, Perfumeries, Pomades, Toilet Soaps, and hundreds of LADIES ARTICLES too numerous to mention. We have, also, a large assortment of Gentlemen’s and Boys’ clothing and furnishing Goods, consist- in &OATS, UNDER SHIRTS,“ PANTS, DRAWERS, VESTS. SOCKS, SHIRTS, 8U3PENBERS, S. C~- BOOTS, CASSI3IERE8, SHOES. BROAD CLOTH, GENTLE.MEN’8 SHAWLS, nATS, CAPS, . SATINETS, BLANKETS, WATCHES, POCKET KNIVE8, * POCKET BOOKS, SCARFS, TRUNKS, VALISES, CARPETBAGS, YANKEE NOTIONS of eveiy description, and many articles which,there is not space cnongli to enumerate. Aa we have many advantages, we intend offering the best and cheapest Goods that can lie found in the city or SOUTHERN MARKET l s i- ? One of the firm being located in ihe dty of New York, we will be constantly receiving all Goods suitable for this Market, which IF E ARE DETERMINED T O 8 E L L . aper than you’ll find in this city, rtltl S. PKYSEIt. THE BAZAAR OF MACON. UNDER THE FIRM NAME OF S. PEYSER & CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers* Have opened at COLEMAN & ROSS’ old stand on Cotton Avenue, Imtwecn Cherry an Mulljcrry streets, a Complete Assormcnt of Ladies Dress Goods, Such As SILKS, MERINOS, POPLINS, DeLAINS (all wool). EMPRESS CLOTH, EMBROIDER! )> LACES, RIBBONS, HATS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, PLUMES, SONTAQH, CLOAKS, SIIAWLES, NUBIAS, IIOODS, GLOVES. HOSIERY, SHOES OF THE LATEST STYLES, AND DRESS HAT TRI3IMING8 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ALSO, A I.AIHJK I.OT OP Carpeting and Oil Cloths of tho Most Fashionable Patterns. Gents Hats. , . Sattinets, Furnishing Good*, Hoc Skin, Broad Cloths, Vesting*, Cassimcres, Boots and Shoes, antT Ready Made Clothings. The attention of the Ladles of 3Iacon, and of Dealcars who may visit the city, is partienlari v Invited to this well selected stock of FANCY GOODS. The retail room will be found on the lower flimr and visitors will be attended hypolite and ex[ierlcnced Clerks. The second floor la divided to tin- wbola led by poll mm sale trade. Give the 3IACON BAZAAR an early call. S. PEYSER A CO. P. 8.—We also keep open at onr old stand ow.Chcny street, oast side, between Second aad TIM where we will be pleased at all times to welcome our old customers as well as many news ««*._ oct31-lm S. P. * CO. D GOLDSMITH. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Clothing and Gentlemen’s Furnishing HATS, CAPS &c., &c., Goods, AT THE' MEW YORK STORE, SECOND ST., TRIANGULAR BLOCK, _ MACON, G-EORG-IA. The undersigned takes pleasure in offering one of the largest and neatest Stocks ol Clothing, Furnishing G-oods, and in fact everything belonging to a FIRST CLASS CLOTHING STORE. Please call and examine my Stoek before 'purchasing elsewhere, as I am *ure yon will not leave the Store dissatisfied. D. GOLD8KITH. We baTC on hand, as you may understand, A fine variety of Goods, Cheaper, cheapest in the land, This must be well understood; Wc have flue silks and calico. Comcjudgefor yourself and then you’ll know, That we have fine goods, and they all pretty— i you’ll those that have taste and pride, Cheai Come And you’ll not go off dissatisfied. All our Goods are nice and new, And weare certain they’ll snit you. We say to one, we any to all, tty— All wc ask is just a call. A. SCHEUERMAN & BROTHER. Ona door below J. M. Boardman’s Book Store, Mulbcrrv street, Macon, Ga. sept 26-tnov21—oct 31 TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Remember the old stand on Chcrrv street, be tween Second and Third, under the old sign of W. T. Nelson. He has resumed his former business and his old friends and customers, as well as new ones will find him, early and bite, giving personal attention to their wishes. His bar will at all times be supplied with the choicest beverages. Give him a call, for he will be - iand liberal and prompt as in the Olden time. octSml KEXRT YOXGE, JAMES TOXGE, {From Georgia.) HENRY YONGE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS NEW YORK, OOIilCIT consignments of Cotton an other D articles, and orders for purchase of Good a REFERENCES: Charles Day, Esq., T. R. Bloom, Esq., L C. Plant, Esq. j‘.Macon, Georgia; Messra. Phinizy & Clayton, Augusta. They have bad large experience in pur chasing Raii.road Sctit-ies of all descrip tions and solicit order* from Railroad Com panies. novll-Cm” — FOR ~S A L E. A Plantation in Crawford County. C ONTAINING EIGHT HUNDRED and sixty acres (860), 400 woodland, the balance good I Valuable Real Estate Tor Sale. At Anction-29 November, 1865. Ah/ILL be sold.' at the Plantation known as W GalesviUe, Early county, 10 miles from Fort his “Agr.cuUnrali: - • L Corn, Mules, Fodder, Peas, and Ground tha lot in rear of Peas, Dogs and other Articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash. Jnov 17-9t* Attorney for Weed & Cornwell. \_y acris (CJO;, tai »uvuiuuu, im: i.'aw.ivi; gLrtJU cultivable land, situated on the Knoxville and Columbus road, one mile from Flint river, and six miles from Muscogee railroad. Thera i.« upon the place a srood dwelling with fix rooms ceiled and papered, with necessary out buildings. The land is well adapted to the production of cotton, com cane Ac. The place is wellwatercd, and ha* an ex cellent seat for c grist or saw mil!. If application is made immediate!}, the place can he purchased for in greenbacks, one cotton crop will re-pay the investment, and cover all expcDfe-1. to or address 1 , * .* JNO B RALLS, __ T H HE DWELLING HOUSE formerly occupied by nortv-Sw, Russellville, Monroe co., G 31 r. Nathan Weed, well known as one of the ■ ^ most desirable residences in the city; also, the lot whereon his hardware store was located, and the lot, with c’.t the improvements thereon, known as ' ‘ ” on Second street: also, •sbyterian church. For term? apply to J. L. -TONES, Notite,*' A LL persons indebted to tbe estate o£ JamA 3teara, late of Bibb county, deceased, are re quired to make Immediate payrocnl, and those having claims to render them in terms of the law to the undersigned. R. S. LANIER, novl 1-S0d Executor. ECON03IY.] [SECURITY Insurance -A-gency, J 3I. BOARD3IAN Is Agent for the following • reliable Insctuxce Companies. THE LORILLARD FIRE INSURANCE CO., or tus cm or sew tors. Cash Capital *1,000,000 Assets 81,312,000 $6 0,000, WORTH OF DRYGOODS!! New York Store! New York Store ! S . W A X E L B A U M & BRO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS, Second Street, Triangular Blotfk, (NEXT DOOR TO E. C. GRANNIS8’,) MACON, GEORGIA. Have just received, and are uow opening one orthe LARGEST STOCKS OF Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Boots and iShoes, • Ever offered in this market. Having selected the above stoek with the greatest tare, we wocld par ticularly call the attention of Country Merchants and Wholesale Bayers, toplea-eeall and examiuc oar STOCK before purchasing, as Profits annually divided, 75 per ct. to the deale'ra. - Eiclusiiel) fOT Cithb, •rofita ?o°S^u"/hMd^n q ^, ra iHfrtog^j tadmemeutawblchwIUl.- tereat, wlthontanyliability totbc insnred. t« “cd tomwStorTT ^ Onr Stock Is complete and we defy competition. We have also at- CARLISLE NORWOOD, Pres. | John C. Muxs, Sec. NORTH A3IERICA FIRE INSURANCE CO., I or THE CITT OP SEW TOEK. Cash Assets $711,408 SO j Policy Holders participate in the Profits. JAS. W. OTIS, Pres. ! R. W. Bleeckeb, Sec. C03I3IONWEALTH FIRE INSURANCE CO., i OP TBE CITT OF SEW YOEK. Cash Capital....... Geo. T. Haws, Sec. *250,000 J. HOX1E, President. SOUTHERN 3IUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO , OP. ATHENS, OEOUGIA This old and deservedat popcear Company, with Us Capital in tact, continues to take risks on the same liberal terms as heretofore. ASBUBY HALL, Pres. Aebos Chase, 8ee. THE GEORGIA H03iFf5 , .E INSURANCE CO., OP COLUMBCS, GEORGIA. Capital *500,009 . JAS. F. BOZEMAN, Pres. V. F. Wilcox, Sec. Risks on Cotton, Merchandize, Furniture or Boildings, taken in either of the above Companies at the most liberal rates. Losses promptly ad justed. oct22-3m J. >1. BOARDMAN, Agent, Clothing and Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods Department, Which are offered at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL at the LOWE8T MARKET PRICE. BE SURE TO CALL AT THE NEW YORK STORE AND SECURE A BARGAIN. 8. WAXELBAUM ft BRO oct 27 Cm Ells’ Saloon. T HE PLACE is now open to the public; every lnxniy which can be obtained from any part ot the United States, will be served up in every style to please the most tastidions. Beverages or all kinds, of the best, to cheer the desponding; a hot Dinned to orvigorati the inner man on a cold day, with a fine Uavannato puff away dull care. Do notni'NGEi: nor thirst, but call on Elis, who basa plenty at bis Old Stand, opposite the Lanier, who will do his best to satisfy yonr wants. With eighteen years of successful experience in my business I hope to please all. With gratitude to old friends for past taxors, I hope to merit a continuance of their patronage—ami all others who will give me a calk H. N. ELLS. OYSTERS, by the quart or gallon, furnished as low a3 any house in the city, for shipment or city use. Also Lemons by the box or dozen. novS-lm m ;IH. N. ELLS. Hair and Wool Collars. I AM now Manufacturioga Ant cUm wool aad hair stnflfd HARNESS LEATHER COLLAR. Second to none, cither at wholesale or retail. G. BEKND, Cotton Avcnne, Between 2nd sod Mulberry St*, aug 15 frit.Macon, Oa. January Election-Tax Collector. The friends of JAMES P. 3I3IS authorize the announcement of his name as a suitable candidate or Tax Collector of Bibb county, sad invite the suffrages of electors at the election to be held on the 15th of January, 1806. . novM te»