The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, November 21, 1865, Image 3
supreme corRT, , lr' ; : t» fa ~opmc Coeat & Cargiojt "* • .VtfhrtjreffV Svmber Term, 1*65 [Reported for the DaBy TztBGEara.] | ; Samuel VMJlft, Rff- in Error, l 1 ^^ 7 Knott *HoUin*w£th,Deft».toF.rTor.» B »“ wSn - — ■ \ battle rrprwnting hit tni'l, and ntticp np adverse title, may be proceeded TT 6 WlidAy, Eaq,, to authorized, aa ascot for aoey warrant, at the Instance of tb* . »bc Dattr Tnxcntrn. to eont racvasid receipt lor mtnd and refuial. ttvertisemrat* aad aubscrlplton*. 1 Judgment affirmed. , Mr. A. E. Mtmniu l« the authorized travelling P- A R. A. Flemming. Pld- « Error, , frwm agent of Ibe Macon Tcucitarn, and will vlalt dlf- _.... nnrn ' n,n Error. « Richmond. , firent srettona ot the State within the next few William t». Born, uen. >“ 1 week., t'oirtrfcta for^.o Wri^tlonaand^ad vert la- CftfgMfr gfltstay|. CITY COLUMN. AUTHORIZED AGENTS. J. W. FEARS & OO. WHOLESALE HOUSE. Mg, made by MM, wilfbC fllto wltboot delay. l»> Jas. H. Buct, of Nashville, Tcnn thorized agent for that city. B. L.Oot. LDn«o,ofthe Macon Intelligence offici la an antbortaed Agent to rerdre sab* erf prior and adrertlaemenU for thU journal. Irenhiac Index. tain D. l/orn, • In an action against copartner*. one fd the de- , fccdanU inaT be made a competent witneta for the . other, by t*ond of indemnity, releaae, and deposit , or money in Court to cover the recovery in the j 1 case. Judgment reverted. jyrni! New Skiut fob 1865.—'••Brodteyt Du- pUr Eliplic.—A wonderful invention for ladies. I n- . T ‘ a*., a . ewf„ii iwrtictilaraevery Tu«d*y Trtmmph cootatolng full particular. every Tuesday morning. oe»ll-5tw3m. I love to ace a well-dressed mail, A man who in dressed with taetet AH f then have to aay, 8am Hyman's ia the place. Why, he nlll drea* you up so very nice. And yon will look ao neat. That every lady will eye you . As yon pass them in the street. And If you should but ask them. They certainly will say, Ton bought your clothe* at Hyinaw'e— It Is the only way. novSl-fit* ESIfflSSa-,..™. For 8al —Ifofl, Sims dc Co, Auction dales—Findlay A Kcnrlek, To Rent—J K Harman A Co, Have Removed their Office—J SACO Findlay, Fougdr^ u£d Mythine Shop—b O Nelson. Money NoUcc-W F Dense, Window Glass—Massenburg A 8on, Notice—Qrlcr A Mas tenon. Prices Paid for Bank Notes —I t' Plant, Wanted—Newton A Lawton, Auction Sale—R B day Inn A Co, Notice—J A McManus, Struct OR at Po%». ra\fII«, Oh-P FTutor, House und Lot for «*lc—TTMorse, Bar Room for aalc—Apply at this office, Valuable Flantaliou for sale or rent Cook A Cheeks. Tnc BainiiT azo tiuiuors Wr stuck of the laat daya of the peat week hare given place to gloomy sklea, rain and mud, without the slightest present indication of a chgpge for the better. Sun- day opened sunny enough, but Hie heavens soon became overcaat and moat of the congregations disponed at noo n, in the midst of a alight shower. These showera continued to foil at intervals during the remainder of the day, culminating in a regular old bahloncd rain at a late hour of the night. The prospect Irom our window is dreary enough, no one being seen upon the streets bat those whom tile stern requirement* of business compel to lie out. It is justsuch amlkt aa lends additional 1 ehanuslotbr home circle, when you can draw upso j rosily around the lire, and listen with complacen- j <; 0 a. S. Patrick's to get the liest 1 ry to llic stdriq wtlhogt. -It la a season of esijoy-1 Sialionriy ; Also, wrapping paner. -eplT-tf ! mi nt to those whose "lints liaVe been coat in jilcaa- I < * ... j aut places." But the juior! may the good God : A Poor Dav for locals, was yeslerilay. Not an lielpthem! i item rouUlweseareiip, nolwitlistandingwetramp- I A Neat Kem.v.^g‘fa^rar saying tlust my ed -V‘'' ^ ecu i 3nd button holed eitlzenaandpoliee- | teeth are going" swl.l a young lady to her “«*>• * linu S tl ,he ^ w " em,nen "J r *■««*»« I>eau. Not “ 80 Dont; but 80-7.0 iiont’ you should °« sulcid <'- -'« * one bcc » me s,,mc, ' n "> FmKl, ‘- have said bwppUod. Tlie damsel pouted, but took “«* *« “•!»•«»*= orrtl.eir mortal rail, thoughtnany the hlot. Nor need It be *.ld, that the balsamic » man <****?« '•<» «•!*»•? » ,no «* eof | preparation arruatod the evil; though It could w>t * petroleum. t»ut repair the dantagts already done. ! Tno.«r Ciikvhtal Hi ttoxh mi imu h admired by novl^coilbt. _ I ladles,—another lot have Jiwt come—togetlier Matow’.h. C*u’Jtr!—lint a abort acMioti wn« held with some of the flncat Biaided Hats in Macon .at tijiila Honor jeaterday—there being but fon r of | the Novrt.rr Stoke, No 11, Cotton Avenue, fender* before hhu, and thetr cubcb were nnirnna- | nov21-3t* rllj disposed df: ■ ^ — A Grubb*—although having a ronny name—was j Mauisi: asi. IxtAsn IttaCBAttcK—W e rail not to be trampled on, und leked up a I »Perf»' Ettcntlon to the advertisement of Toby A “shindy" at something he didn't like, at some I Ogden in another column, hy which It will lie seen other body's house, was called on by the city tmis- «“T B Ivt " ,l ir ™‘« fnr Insuring rotton fo NVw iirer for a “ forced loan" of (10 and coats. > York. Josrphiaa, a Imale belonging to the “down. J^JT Well, It is a fact, there lias always been a : great prejudice against Ready Made Clothing, until I llyman took tlie field. Tliat jirejndiee now van- J isbes. Why ? Because Ills clothing is as writ j made and trimmed as any merchant tailor in the j land can get them up; and to be convinced of this j all yon have to do is to call in on Cherry street be- . tween ftecond and Third at the Nashville Branch j Clothing store. nov21-lw* j Do you all ws: that boy what a cheerful , eountenanee he has ? Look how neat Ids clothes— i his mother has had him at 8am Hyman's and [ bonght him tliat suit, near 1dm tell his comrades : all, where he bonght his cloth*. Certainly at 8am j Hyman's, on Cherry street, between gdaml 3d. nortl-lw* 200 100 100 IO s •40 loo 10 .70 100 too 200 250 10 lOO 50 50 50 no 10 10 50 10 & 300 1000 1000 50 50 250 BARRELS EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR. Bar.els XXX Family Flour, Btnels Superfine Flour. J. W. FEARS A- CO. BALES COTTON YARNS, 8« & 10s, Btles Augos'a 4 4 Sbeetinjy, Bales 8 oz. Osnabnrgs. J. \V. FEARS i CO. 1-4, 1-2 AND BARRELS MACKERELS, Cases S.ttdinis Boxesi Herring. J. W. FEARS * CO. HAMBURG CHEESE, Wesiein R- serve Cheese, S>d» af'l Butter Crackes, KEGS CUT NAILS, P.TO 20,0, Caeca Snnnei's heavy Axes, Barrels Peach Blow Potato*, Barrels Extra "C Sugar, Barry's B Sugar, Barrel Crush nnd Powd.-i Snuar, a J. w. J FEARS <Sr CO. i) .1. W. FEARS A- CO. CASES COVE OYSTERS, Cat s S'rawberries, Can* Peaches, Pint*, Qu it is am! Hall-Gallon Pickle*, I. W. FEARS & CO W. A. HUFF, — WHOLESALE PRODUCE MERCHANT Comer Cherry and 3d Street, Macon, Q-a. THEY MUST BE SOLD 100 of those Very Superior Cane Mills Made at FIVE THOUSAND .njs.lL Q OL D_ DOLLAKS in Gold and Silver for sale by W. A. HUFF. ALSO, 200 Syrnp Boilers, thirty to one hundred Gallons, each, at J. s. li;s SPECIAL NOTICES- Away with SrErracLis.—Old eyes made new, without spectacles; doctor or mcilciue. Pam phlet mailed free, on receipt of ten cents. Ad dress E. B. FOOTE, M. D., nov 11-lJt No. 1130 Broadway, New Tork. comsr ax\r30 oats. 1 dbo SACKS CORN •'» l’,000 SACKS OATS COMING IN AND TO ARRIVE, FOR SALE BY W. A. HUFF. WANTED. 5000 Bushels Ground Peas for which the highest market price will be paid by W. A. HUFF.' Light! Light! Light! Pctroleuih Oil,' Just received and for sale at the Drug^Storc of A. M. BOYD. IS" Go to Bryant, Stratton A Co's. Nashville Business College for • thorough knowledge ol Bookkeeping, Pen.iunnshlp, Commercial Calcula tions, Commercial, Law Partnership Settlements and Business Forms and Practice etc. Scud for Col lege paper, Circulars, etc. Address BRYANT, STRATTON A CO., oct2l-6m Nashville, Tenn. BARRELS TANNERS’ BANK OIL, Barrels Limlsetd Oil Pounds White 1/ a I, Ponnils Spanish B owi>, Poninl* Lump P.-tuz 1 ', Cases Concentrated P, tis'i, Ja’S Maeahoy SnntV, Gross Meson’* Blacking, J. W. FEARS & CO, 17 nov21-ll* too 25 100,000 100,000 REAMS OWENS’ LETTER PAPER, Reams C p Paper, Buff and While Envelope.*, G D and Water-Pr.*»l' Caps, 350 COILS .MACHINE ROPE, 300 Pieces Kentucky Bagging, IOO Boxes Star Candles, 50 Boxes Starch, 50 Kegs English Soda. J. W. FEARS & OO. J. IV. FEARS & CO. trodden race," fnrtaklngin an over doaeof “longue oil” and rutting up generally, forked over (5 and roala. John, f. m. e., lor “borrowing" a gijulli umn’.* raddle, without the knowledge or conaent of the owner, was let off on return of Hint artlrlc and pay ment vf casta. Tom, colorrd, for atcallng, eyntrlbut. il (*yo and eoata. 1 Stater UjALOCim.—“How are you, Harry? Von are drnMod very flue," look remarkably well, and “alep aa high as a Wind horse.” “Well, James, this Is thollrnt newanlt of clothes I have had on in four year*; and if 8»u Hi man had no! located In Macon, I should not have had them.” James.—“Sam Hyman! who la hrP’ Haunt.—“Why he is the man that dreaaea ail the Boya up an line In Na»hrllie, where he keep* on the comer of Market atreet, and Public itunsre. He !»»>►« started a blanch clothing Ilona, in Mnron, on Cherry atreet, adjoining J. N. 8ry- nionr’a, and yon Juat ought to go in Id* "ton- and examine the good elothca bo ha* on hand. Be- aides, hi* price* will Jnat anlt yonr pocket." Jams*.—Well, I’m glad I’ve seen yon, for 1 want a new suit of eloUnv, ami 1 will call on 8am Hyman, who, you aay,'may he found on Cherry atreet, between Second and Third, adjoining Sey mour'*.’’ Wgr» Jnat received at thr New - Depot, Triangu lar Block: New York Ledger, Nov 'J9lh, Flag of our Pirlon, New York Weekly. Sunday Mcrcnry, Police Gazette, I/ialie's Illu»trntcd Weekly, Han per's Illustrated Weekly, Uni*’" Chimney Comer, Banner of Light, Literary Companion, Boston Pi lot, New York Day-Book, Metropolitan R, coni, Army and Navy Journal, National Intelllgrn cor. Wide World, Bnntlln’a Own, Wllkea’ Spirit, Turf Field and Farm, Horticulturist for November, 1j» retlte,'Vflmtnal Zeltung, Wilkes’ 8plrll of tho Time*, Metropolitan Bank, Note Re porter, and many other*. To Mnchinl*«*. Machinist will find several thousand pound* ol old tyr« metal for aale at the office of the Daii.y TtUMiRArit- . - 11 ,f- The WnxTi'iitO'CoN tnriox hr tux Startta should aerve to Inaugurate mea.*ureaa» an early day, lor the .fixing of .them up for the purpose, of, pejokrtaa locomotion. If the city autbontlea will not take the matter in hand, we hope to ace the In. nHlatlvv taken by aome of our public spirited mer chant*, at leaat ao for as tM ddew alka of our prin cipal bualnca* a recta arc concerned. It la a last ing disgrace that a city of the »lxc of Macon, can not boost of a decent pavement hi lt. Come, gen tlemen, look Info this matter at once. Castast- Uailuoah & Banking Co., or Oa Savannah, November 14th, 18tk>. Tbls Comiwny bolds for sale ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ol its first niortgage,8cvon per cent Bond*, dated 1st September, 18®, paya ble in ten year*. Coupons payable semi ammally on the first day* of March & September. The whole Issue la limited to One Million Dollars, to arcure h hich the Company ha* executed iiggflrst A onl* AL^JrageBoud. ApoHoaUiNa mart ba —the. C'fnlrai Railroad Bank, Savannah, Gt?o. novl91-w GEO. Ao CL l I*EK, Gttbicr. DacxKxa' New Wonx.—“Onr Mutual Friend, - ' by Chaa. Dickens has made it* first this country, la Harper’s Magazine, trrited by the aame marvclons eoml perienee, obaerration and intoltion, gnishes moot of Mt preceding work of course, trill read it, and enjoy aerlptloit, fine word painting, and the consummate art which never foils to give the fitness and finish of natnie to fiction. {jyCtaaka of the best material, ent and trimmed in the latest and most foahlonahle style, have just arrived by express, *« A. Springer's. ty Merchant* and dealers in dry goods, coming to this market, will find it to their advantage to call at A. Springer'# corner of Colton Avenue and Second Streets, before purchasing elsewhere, as they win find there A large and w ell selected stock. Bxuoiotw SexviciA—-We are requested to give notice that there will ha preaching in both the Mr thodlrt booses of worship in this city, on every afternoon at S o'clock, and night at 7 o'clock, daring tUr contiansnce of the Annual Conference at thin place. , tf Important to Shippers ANOTHER GREAT INDUCEMENT BY I IV. B.—TYu wish tlie merchants in Georgia who trade to Macon to rtmeutl*r, anil tell I their ncigliliors, that we <lo not retail goods- exclusively Viholetnlt. Buying $.1,000 to $13,000 daily in the West and New York—money* always there to take advantage of prices and quantities—no can supply the trade as well as I.'UiisviHe jobbers, freight added. novl7-15d. * ,T. W. FEARS & CO. BOOKS 1 BOOKS! FLOUR 3*50 BARRELS SUPERFINE EXTRA AND FAMILY FLOUR for sale by W. A. HUFF. BACON SIDES. 10 GGG POUNDS BACON SIDES, for sale by W. A. HUFF. f'xsh:, fish. 50 Kits, 50 Barrels and 100 Half-Barrels No. 1 2 and 3 Mackerel for sale by W. A. HUFF. ‘ xS- AIIaB, nNT^LlX-jJSJ! Atlanta Medical Collkoe.—The course ol Lectures in this institution will commence on the first Monday in November next, nnd continue four months—the Faculty having changed the time for the session from summer to the winter months. JOHN G. WESTMORELAND, oet 21 1m Dean. .. — Batchelor’* Hair Dye: Tlie original and best in Hie world! Tlie only trim and perfect hair dye. Harmless, reliable and instaulaneous. Produce* immediately a splendid black or natural hrown, without injuring the hair or skiu. Remedies the ill eflecls of had dyes.— Sold by all druggists. The genuine Is signed Wil liam A. Batchelor. AUa, Regenerating Extract ol Millefienrii, for restoring anil beautifying the hair. CHARLES BATCHELOR, augIS-ly New York. Itch! Itch! Itch !—Scratch ! Scratch ! Scuatch!—Wheaton’s Ointment will cure the itch in 4S hours. Also cures ujt rheum, ulcers, chilblains, and all eruptions of the skin. Price SO cents. For sale by all druggists. By sending 00 cents to Weeks A 1‘otTEO, sole agents, 170 Wash ington street, Boston, Mass., it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to,any. part of the United States. sept 27-Cm 200 KEGS NAILS Nr>8. 4, 0, S and 10 for sale by \Y r . A. IIUFF. SALT, SALT, SALT! 5,000 BUSHELS VIRGINIA AND OHIO RIVER SALT for sale in bar- «?le by \y. A. HUFF. James Van Valkenburg, General Agent nnd Commission MERCHANT, Cherry Street. Near Cotton Areu >te, .1faStn, Go. | 1 v ‘ •' ' AMENT FOIl WHEELER & WILSON’S .#* “L" FOUNDRY. A* & iV//- ERWIN & HARDEE'S! J # BURKE- & CO., Wlfor.mLK AND RKTAir, DEALERS IN r.TXK or rmsT-cf-Ass stkamuks. Boons, hiTionii, Hooio. ki =>5-=siZE30sm^> Augusta and Savannah. BOOKS. Religious, - Simdny Sfliool, Juvenile,. ITIiMCellnneous, CoIIetre Text Books, School Text Books. STATIONERY. Cap, Letter, .Note and Riilet Paper, Pens, Pencils, Portfolios, Portinonaics, Ac, SOD .A., 25 KEGS SODA for sale by \V T . A. HTT1T. LATEST MUSIC CONSTANTLY RECEIVED FROM PUBLISHERS, BAGGING AND ROPE. I 25 BALES BAGGING, AND 50 UOILS ROPE coming in, nnd for sale by W. A. HUFF. •' TOBACCO AND SOAP. 150 BOXES TOBACCO, AND 50 BOXES SOAP, for sale by W. A. HUFF. IN STORE. g BALES GUNNY BAGGING, 98 Bags Rio Coffee, N 10 Bags Java Coffee, 30 Barrels “C” Sugar, 10 Barreb Crashed Sugar 30 Half Barrels No. 3 Mackerel. 70 Kit* Mackerel, \ 20 Quarter Barrels No. 1 Mackerel, 50 Barrels Pickled Mallet, 5 Barrels Fish Roe, 8 Hogshead* Western Bacon Shoulders, 8 Barrels Lard, 40 Boxes Assorted Candy, 0 Casas Sardines, 30 Boxes Star Candies, 10 Casks Pot Asb, 200 Barrels Family Flonr, * 40 Barrels Onions, 10 Rareels Irish Potato*, SOD Barrels Salt, 40 Boxes Bar Soap, 30 Boxes Fancy Soap, 0 Case* Strouthnrgs, 0 Cases Peaehe*. ALSO, Pepper, Cheese, Axes, Soda, Blacking, I Kersey, Red Flume!. Matches, At., At. For sale hy H. ANDERSON A SOY. nov 15fil eF Sewing Machines. WITH many valuable improvement*, and V V which have the repiifat ion of being the best Sewing Machine in the United Stales. Persons liaviug Wheeler ,t lYUfon'o Machines can have them repaired, and all ’.he new improvements add < d, if desired. AOEKT init rrrr A Splendid Assortment of Beside* having reduced the rate of Freight FIFTY PER CENT, the Agent a* Augusta lias made arrangement* with Mesars JO- SIAH SIBLEY .4 SONS toeffict PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND PHOTOGRAPHS, PLAIN AND COLORED. 2d Street, Next to Baptist Church, MACON, GEORGIA. Plantation for Sale. INSURANCE AT ONE-1IAI.F FEU CENT From Xngiista to Savannah. I A FINE Plantation consisting of some of the IV best land in Macon county. There is 1,000 I acres, with a residence, outbuildings, etc., in good order. It has been occupied for several years by *: WHOLESALE MILLINERY' GOODS orucr. ii nas uccn occupied lor several > cars u\ . • •• fe^»aMy^r.V5!£SSl Wiwlesal e Cloak Manufactory. LOUISVILLE, Kentucky. novi5-3w* ' James meri Journal A Messenger copy. k NOTICE. Macon A B. R. R. Orricx, Macon, Nov. 14, k8C3. W E arc jfieased to *ay to onr friend* sooth or the Ohio, that we have one of the largest and best assorted stocks of 11 17ITir & cox, PRODUCE. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. Florence Sewing Machines, Which claim* superiority overall othermachincs; is the only machine haring the reversible feed- movement, nnd was awarded the highest premium, gold medal, at ihc late exhibition of the American institute. ATLANTA, G-EORGIA. W. A. HUFF, E. C. C OX. FORWARDING AGENTS. / IX and after Thursday Nor. 16th, Passenger j -MI illlllGTy G" O O d S V / trains on this road will - — I ran tlirongh to Haw- )1«. Why Sir, If you go to 8am Hyman’* on Cfceny street, between Secand and Third, and take a loc k at hla tarn Bearer Over Coats, you win bnj one if yon hare to borrow the H norO 1-Cl* * 4 , MUMim ^iumm?. • This side of New York. We *ninlov over one sravnra* u.Xk»« oomm.s. vxi> akaxox. Ujjjo M«on...... .SM ». w. bondredYnd liftjgirt,onr W T ° nt Arrive at Hawkinsville .16:30 p.m.' teat Macon 1S! Cloak Tactory, Fareto Hawkensvilie $3 00. ' ! 5V Freight Trains will ran tri-wcckly, leaving Ma-! .And wo are confident that onr styles and prices eon Tuesdays, Tliursdavs, and Saturdays—return-will compare favorably withany house in America, ing same days. ’ . Respectfully, I-,*' AU consignments will bo promptly attend- ed to. „ | t^X'ftrtle* shipping witi pl,a*e send to the; Agent Tax Receipt*, so that they may accompany ; shipment. j WM B DAVISON, | G. A. DURE, novl4-« SnperlntendeaL *Xf“ Jonrnal A Messenger copy f4, More Furs! A MERICAN SABLE, CHINCHILI-A, novlT-tjl OTIB A CO. SIBERIAN SQUIRREL, ETC. : We have secured another lot of extra fide Furs, ! which the ladies are respectfully invited to ex- j amine. IL SHAW & CO. novl7-3t At the store of T. W. Freeman. Hotel For Sale. The subscriber* offer to sell the popular HOTEL farms in the 8tatc. There arc about TOO acres of j knownaa the open land, level $nd ea*v of cultivation Agent F.rwlne A Hardee’s Line, Augusta. Novl3-3* To Rent tor 1866. , JL On the place are all the slock and provisions needed for the ensuing year'* derations, and which will be sold to the party renting. For particulars applica tion can be made at Macon. Ga., to the undersign ed. GEO. M. LOGAN, R. 8. LANIER, Ex'r. JAMES MEARA, Dec’d. Journal A Messenger ropy. novlSJSt* “HOWARD HOUSE' in Enfanla, Alabama. The advantages of this Hotel arc well known to the traveling pnblic and needs no description. The owners desire to sell merely for a division of Interest. nov!7-2w* MARTIS A COURIE. Cbngc or Schedule. Sl'PXRIXTEXOEXT'8 OlTICE, CENTRA!. R. R., 1 Macon, Ga., Nov. 17,1805. ( O N and after Monday the 20th insL, a daily train (Sundays excepted) will be run on this Road as follows. Leave Macon j fkOo a. m. Arrive at Eaton ton...;.; 1:13 r. u. Leave Eatonton 8:00 a. m. Arrive at Macon 1:10 p. si. GEO. \V. ADAMS, novlS-3t* Gcn’l Supt Wanted. r ; A YOUNG man desires a situation in a good JrV Business house in Macon. The best recom- recom- P. Macon. SINGLETON, HUXT A CO. H Al’E to store and for sale, a lot ol fine French, English, and Sole Leather Trunks. Sole Leather and Rnssct Valises, Drill Bags and Drill Pell, also large heavy negro Brogan*, -Both black ’ud rn’eet, which they offergtreij low pnees- novlS-tt The Florence Sewing Machine Company, for the best Family Sewing machine. Reasons: 1. Its simplicity imd great range oi work. 3. Its making four different stitches, viz: the lock, not doable lock, and double knot. 3d. The reversible feed motion operated by slat ply turning a thumb screw, enabling the operator i to run the work from right to left, or left to right, ! and perfectly self fastening to the end of the scam. 4. The perfect finish and substantial manner in ‘ which the machine is made. : 5. The rapidity of its working, and the qnality of j tlie work done. j C. Its self adjusting tension, Ac., Ac. ! Agent for the Connecticut Clock Company. Orders supplied, wholesale or retail. Agency for the American Tract Society. All the publications of tlie 8ociety can be had; single copies or libraries. Sunday school* can be supplied with libraries at low prices, and grants will be made to destitute schools or individual*. Li this department we claim facilities superior to any house in Atlanta. Being railroad menand having railroad experience and advantages over mostotlier men in our business, we feel prepared to offer superior inducements to parties shipping' goods through Atlanta. In addition to the attention given to shipment in At- j lanta we have arrangements made in Chattanooga to have ail freight consign- j c a u an a sce their catalogue. I will supply ail ed to us or our friends promptly forwarded from that point Our charges are ! order* left with me for their work at publishers’ moderate. 1 HUFF&COX. i r rice*, di.rpel’. Weekly and Magazine at retail. Ayatey for Harper & Brothera. prices. Ifarper’s Weekly and Magazine Acte Tork Kraminer «£• Chronicle. The largest-and last : the United States, pnblisl WANTED. 100 BARRELS CANE AND SORGHUM SYRUP by HUFF A- COX, Atlanta. WA3XTTE3D. 1.000 SACKS GROUND PEAS, by HUFF & COX. Atlanta, y Baptist paper published in PHHMii , A [dished weekly at $2.50 per ■ annum. Send your money to me and you shall | have the paper mailed to your address. Xe* England Mutual Life Tnturance Com pany. This com, r . ^ _ years. And is the oldest wholly Mutual surance Company to the United States. It has a fund of *2,6(50,000 and has made distributions of snrplns funds to cash, amounting to over $1,G00,- 000. This company offers superior Inducement to in sure for life or a term of years. xsr Call for a circular. nov 18 WANTED, ;,0bo BUSHELS STOCK PEAS, by D>/lG-lm. HUFF & COX, Atlanta. AN OFFER WANTED. ■'K'OR 50 bushels of Castor Oil seed, 7 Bushels of Mustard Seed, 1 Bushels of Bene Seed. The latter makes more oU to the bushel than any known seed,and the oil can hardly be told from Olive Oil. Address N. CEUGER, nov lft-5t* Albany: RID GEL Y, SaUIER & CO., LANIER HOUSE BUILDING, OFFER FOR SALE TO CLOSE COXSIOXVSXT, 50 doz Choice BOURBON WHISKEY, 10,000 HAVANA CIGARS, AND TO ARRIVE. 100 bids Superior OLD KENTUCKY Wni.*XY uovlC-lw $200 Reward. BROKE Jail in the town of Dawson, Terrell eonnty, on the night of the 12th Instant, FRAN CIS M. COOPER, who is charged with the ofiw oi assault, with intent to rob and ronrdrr. Said person, is a young man, about twenty years old, oi foir complexion. Mack hair, dark eye*, a boot five feet eight or ten inches high, rather a fine looking young man—we will pay a reward of Two Hundred Dollars, to any person who will arr.~t and lodge in any safe Jail, said criminal. E. B. LOTLE88, M. ff. KENNEDY, Sheriff of Terrill Coontv. Dawson, Ga. nor17-4t Merchants V ISITING Maeon are Invited to examine the large and choice Stock of DRYGOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, , BOOTS AND SHOES, MEN’S AND BOYS' HATS, LADIES’ HATS, BLANKETS, At.. — *« Prices ns Iowa* to he found in th* Stat* >.. K. i: U1M \i Triangular Block. nov 14 6t Sfvniu Sun and Grist Hill. FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. ' A | STEAM Saw and Grist Mill combined. The Saw will cut 8000 fort lumber, and the Esap- Mllt Rock will grind 75 husheli* of rural, dailv.* jjrForparticular* and price, apple to,’ or address „ „ ANDREW DUNN. novl5-9t* Forsyth, Ga. Co*Pnrlncr.slilp N'oilcr, I HAVE Tills DAY associated with mein business Mr A R Tinkler. „ „ JAMF.3 SEYMOUR. Macon, Ga., Nor., 13th, 1863 JIM** suYvora.] [*. n. tmar. SEYMOUR ft TIN8LEY . Commission Merchants, CHERRY STREET, MACON, GA. !-5f* Particnlar attention given to the pnreb*-, and shipping of cotton, cotton goods, etc norbl-lm ORXAMEXTAI, HAIR. CURLS, BRAIDS, WATERFALLS, BANDS, WIGS, HALF WIGS, Ar„ Wholesale, at the lowest possible j.ri.'.- of ii, ■ portation for cash. W. R. CAMERON & CO.. Importers oi Htirtml Manufacturer*, No. 313 Fulton St., Brooklyn, near New York. rjf Large and small orders punctually attended to. .-Vr Rope and Sugar on Consignment. 100 °° ILSBAUKB0FE ’ 10 Barrels New Or!ten3 Sagar, 4 Barrels New Orleans Sugar. For sale by SEYMOUR A TINSLEY, Commb-ion Merchant*. Cherry stre*;, , nov U-Ct; B. Pye & Son. Exchange Brokers, F0R3TTH, GA. Exchange on New York, and buy Gold and Adi, and Reeclre money on deposit. Prompt attention given to Collection »r.d Remitunce prompUy made. ■ uovi»tt«g