The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, November 22, 1865, Image 3

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•flit ItaiTn telegraph. CITY COLUMN. avtiiouszbu avbmt8. W If MdHr, l*f., k a»IM»d,w the t>«ii.t Tuuuni, locuulnrt and rroH|il lor »1 .* r! i ■ nr ul-. and lalacripUooa. Mr A E MairtOAU. I» 0»e aalhoiixedUatrllii.T > -. ill of u... Macini TcLKuturn, and will vfcil dif f.nnt auction* ol I lie Mate »ill. in I lie licit fear week*. Contract* far snlr-ntpUoin and aduitlr- iie,-. uwJi by him, will lie IBM ait bout delay. Jab. II. Uni t e, of .Vi-J, >iJJr, Tenn., ii onr an thorirod axent tor llul city. V. I. Gorrnino, of tlir Mac.Ill InMliijrtlor i,Hire, i-an authori/cil Jlptl In receive Hilr'cripf ionr and adnvtinnatli lor I Id* Journal. iwmnrtwrvTsis-\r= r I ^o-Sliippafg! "gJoy to tlie world,!' preparation. being made, and th; work now n> | r pro~rc?A that a nnmljcr of baildlng* are being QQ ~Z 1~J •. I * ^ . . mm mi . .* t* «. r.t tkn V lifM*'. i NOTICES- : progress » »uuha. o- — - . ) erected in Macon. The capacity of the city doc- | • not really * office fur the bmdnoMi that concemtraten ! in it. The demand for new tUxe* and dwelling , j homes Is very great There b not one vacant roorn^ ' in the city tlut we can discover. A greater nunT; ! her of Uoum* would be occupied, and with a good j j ,-Uo of ritlzuus If they could be had. It will rc- ’ jmy builder.-, to build up scleral tenements.— j Quite * number of unsightly gajH aj'p ar ou our . | main street*. We they *« ill be i*pcediH filb J ' ! up, with ~«kh1 tubeUrifial buildings that will be an 1 onuiuvnt and great advantage to the city. f%"Tuu New Skirt ro»; ^ \&ti. EHjdir.—A wonderful invention fbr ladies. L u- qrMionabty fUjKTior to all other*. Don’t fail to n^ul the advertisement In the Macon Trlfyr.t/Ji containin'? full parti* nbr every Tn«d«y morning. octli-5tw.ini. New Advertifting Index. We 4m ite tip* Htb ialou of onr readers to the m]trrti«<HMDt of Mi-hv l.i!{li1f(K)t I; Jjijbik. National Kvpre** Cmafony—Withers A howL 8tn»ed— P ifcKevltt. Fresh Arrival*—J W Fears A Co *>> Reward—C Ihagen*. UtskSetK'cat AurtJon—HW Cobln dge and others Cotiiiiili < «i»n Merchant—Asher Ayres Sour Krout, etc.,—Freeman** Salt—'Wither* «V Loud Commlolou Merctumt*—Brigluun. Baldwin «V: Co Krorlamation by Gov. Johnson Guano—Geo K Cruuip «fc Co NaYk^I. Eirncf^l*>l|fAwr.—Tin* great enter priM- will go into operation Inaihort time, and we pndlct for It a great auccfi**. It a mo*t prominent fratnrm arc the employment of dUablcd noldier* of both annic*, Federal soldier* Nortli and Confeder ate wldlcrs South of tkw f’otoiitae. This alone ought to commend it to the attention of llu* South erner- a* no provision can or will be made by cou- gn-s* for the support of our maimed Confederate Mildlro. That thin enterprise Will prove highly re munerative and offer* Inducement* as an investment I* scarcely to he questioned, in evidence of which we n fit to the returns^bf the American Expre company, which In I8C4 paid 38 per ct nt di\ idend In rash, and 50 i**r cent in |mid up stock on a eajti- tal of $J,(JU9,iAU, In lSdu lua declared dividend of 51 jut mil on lie capital. The object of the coinjKiny in ojicning lists In every important city U that the i>voplegenerally and not capitalists nhw»r may hr Intirwtnl, but one per ccut oF amount of subfcritdon i» required at time of Mib- M-ritdng, and it U supposed that not more than five per iykiyi\ywj be call#(| in. Mc-r*. Wither# tfc UmhI, Cherry street, 2d door above Second afreet, an- thecomml-slouera fog Receiving subscription*. We advi*c you to *ub«cril»c at once. Sec Messrs. Wilier* «k Louda cu rA in another column. noryj-lt . s Sti;»:kt I)iAl.<H;rg.—“How are yon, llnrry? Yon ar^ dr< *'nl very tine, M<>ok remarkably well, ami "step as high a* a blind Imr^u.” "Well, James, this U thcllrst new suit of clothe* I have had on In four years; and If Sam Hyman had m»t ItK-afed In M;wou, I should not have had them.*' - •' Jamh*.—"Sam Hyman! who is he?" IIa«Vtf:—“Why he 1* ttic man th^dre^ae.^ all tlie Ilors’tip so Hue in Nashville, where he keeps on the earner of Market street, and Public Square. Ho ha* Jmt started q branch clothing House iu Macan, on Cherry *trcct, adjoining J. N. Scy- j luoar’s, and you just ought to go in Ills store and examine the good clothes lie 1ms on lrnnd.- IJe- rides, hi#prices will jtMk:#uUyour pockd." Jamc*.—Well, I’m glad I’ve seen you, for I want a new unit of clotlis, and I will call on Sam II\m an, who, you say, may be found on Cherry street, lietwcon Second and Third, adjoining Sey- mour’a.” Tiik Maioh’s^oTht.—Tliere was but one case disposed of In this court yesterday: Solomon, an chony youth, unlike Id* great proto- tyjn*, had not learned divine wisdom—at least laid .but a Mot ptrcepUodnr bihliral lore, so far as one of the oommandments are concerned, and indulg ed In that Ethiopian ptncfiaul for chickens, at the cxpciuc of a Mr. Jones, lie made a clean sweep of the above geuUcmcn’* lien-housc, who, think ing lie might find the bird* on tale at the iparket, was lucky enough to do so, and the thlsf atld game wort' bagged at one and the same time. In hi* tes timony, Mr. Joucs stated that he lmd had tilleen turkey* “gobbled" up one night lost week, and su>- ptvtiNl Solomon of having a baud in their sudden ^ttak’e^r off.’ 4 The chickens were recognised by their wings being hocked by n dull luitehct. The Mayor thought the proof conclusive, and scut the youthful Solomon Into "retirement" for u month to reflect on the “vanity” W all mutable things. And *o ends the lesson. Entkhtiu-c in the Cokn Tiudk.—A* an era In the trade of Mseou, we notice that W. A. lluff re- coived the first shlpiucnV of eorn that has been made from the North this season. One thousand bushels were received l*y rail yesterday, and a eon- *t*nt stream of-the grain will continue to pour in to hi*establishment. W. A. Huff expect* to sup ply all demands 1\k cofil iu this market, ill the fu ture. lie offer* U at $1,50 per bushel et wholesale. The great want of this article and the hitherto short supply will make the business house of W. A. lirgr, under Ralston 11*11, » great place of resort to iho^j; iujyrcsted in |hl* matter. nov2*2-5t* l-tf~ Tluit elegant two story hiiek residence, lately occupied by Dr., will be sold by order iff court, auction, op the first - Tuesday iu lWev-flttK-/.9ettjat Findpy KeurickV Anctlod Kootn, at 11 o’clock, a. m. This place embrace* every convenience, and Is one of the best built brick house*, hi Uie city. For term* of sale, s t'omm^Mouer * advertWnwtot. nov'h-codTt The WiTite ^Onr..—’pb*' placet** get a* cap and ' j .iralllr (in.ilv Rr\>ci'rlc/i9 »t the White Store, corner Thiol and Chert}' *trect*. He*sw. Irwin A Wliarton have j»»t fecdtnl »cv«ral barrel the beM Cuhau Cane SJrhp ever hronslit lo thla market. They al«u have line Family Flour, Bacon Ilants Mackerel, Pcach-hlovr Fotatos, Coffee, Su$*v»4 «i*«n\nreH f otk Of stearin* >d Smokin’' Tolracco, novSWtt CiontiMi.—D. tioUkmltU has juet relumed from New York, with a .ccond .lock of Fall and ivjni,-, rty'hipy com^ tine Black Cloth Xkitt*, nnerCakiiuiere Suits, Silk, Satin and Silk Velvet Vesta, with a handsome stock of Fnrnlsh- In; poods che*|«fr than oyar. offered h> this city. Give him a call. novS-Ct Hyman took the held. That prejudice now von- laheo. Why? Because his clothing Is as well mode and trimmed taaay merchant tailor In the land evm get them np; and to be convinced of this all you have to do Is to call in on Cherry street be tween Second and Third at the Nashville Brunet) Clothing store. : ‘ • nova-lw 55- Do yon .aft SeF tliit.boy wlxat a.chccrihl ' roontetihee he Iras'? 'tSik how heat Ids clothes— his mother has had him at Sam Hyman's and booght him that suit. Hear him tell his comrades all, w hoU-rffkt Uf 'tCartahdy at Sam HvmimV^w Cherry street, between Sd and .d. novSt-Xw* To Machinists. Martihitst wtll* ttnd tteveritt thousand pounds ol :r twretoaks of the heat material, cot and trimmed tw the tat cat and most faahlonable style, havejnst arrived tytesfwcss, at A. S^rituferV. nov 18 lw J^t->!erclmnU and dealer* In dry goods, coming to this market, will dad- it to thi-lr advantage to call at A. Sffrtaffac’a corner of Cottnu Avenue and Second Streets, before purchasing elsewhere, as they WEI find there aTarge and writ selected stock, nasr-t* tw •yi;,, toD. Goldsmith's to get the latest style. Ot'niaek Broad Cloth CoaU of the dnest quality. I love to fire a we!I-«Iri man, A man who Is drived with tn t**: Ail I then have to fay, Sam Hyman’* is the place. Why, he will dre*i* you up ?o very nice. And you w ill look u> neat, That every l*dy will eye you A* you patis them in the street And if you should hut a?<k them, They certainly w ill say, You bought your clothes at IIjman's— Hi* the only way. nov21-fft* ' Tii(rsz CaKTXTAb Bi tton* «o much admired by the ladlce,—another lot have ju*t come—together with noinc of the finest I*iaided Hats in Macon at the Novr.t.TY Store, No 11, Cotton Avenue^ noCil-JM* Marine am* Im.ani* In»lkan<:e.—We call tfpecial atlehtlon to the advertbenieiit of Toby & Ogden In another column, by which it will be i?cen they give their rates for injuring cotton to New York. uov21-lt* Why Sir, if you go to Snm Hyman’s on Cherry street, l*ctwecn SccAnd and Third, and take a look at his fine Beaver Over Coats, you will buy j •one If you have to lxirrow OY’Jl-fit* ANOTHER GREAT IXlfl.'CEMENT BT j Away w ith Snscracle*.—Old eyes made new, TIIE IXTHODUCTIOX OK j without spectacles, doctor or uiclicme. Pam- * , t 1 ; ) phlet mailed free, on receipt of ten cents. Ad- i dress E. B. FOOTE, M. D., PERRY DAVIS’ PftiN KILLER, | Ufftlf! Ught! Light! To thi* i Petroleum Oil, just received and for sale at the . * : Drug Store of A. M. BOYD. SPFFEKINt; ill MANITY OF THIS AGE, His relieved »ut>rc Pain aud vra!*.<eJ more Real Joy than any other one thing that can named. ERWIN & HARDEE’S it j A - BALM FOR EVERY WOUND,’ OUR FIRST PHYSICIAN'S USE. r.TXK OJ-' FJUST-ClmUiS- .-UTKAJUiUS, i , ^ r. t BETtYK^ft ' { O - Augusta and Savannah. i .oinvri^ J* ■ vm h ik 'i'lcs having reduced the rate of Freight FIFTI ; Aral rccoraniciid it* hep; the A^»otliccary find^ it j lirst among th** medic ines culled for, and the wholesale Druggist considers it a leading article of liis trade. All ; the dealers in medicine speak alike iu its favor; audits • . reputation as a medt- ; i ?i cine o! great MERIT AND VIRTUE IS FULLY AND PERMA NENTLY ESTABLISHED, AND IT 13 THE GREAT [Family Medicln ej 02= SSE AGS. k l O" H you want a fine £xt|u!inaux Beaver Over U#at, go t«* D. Goldsmith’*. noViS-Ct Hr II >° u want beautiful and fine French Ca^- siincrc Pantband Vest.-. g«* to D. Gold.-mitli’*. PER CENT, the Agent n* Augusta has made urntng SIA113IBL1 ngt im»1*vwitl^fcs>r& .TO- j ' - rni.F.r * Foiteito eftfct ' If;- U you want a handsome Saequetcc of the Illicit fabric,go to D. Goldsmith’s. nov22-tIt Cotton Markets. .The tiavannah Herald, of tin? 18th, reported the ctff ton market In a depressed condition, and iu or der to effect salt s, holders were comjwUed to sub mit to a decline. The sales ( ilected during that week were at a decline on the previous rates, but many bolder* withdrew their Jots and refused to II at tlie offering rate. Since then the fulling off in the Liverpool and the Northern inarkets-ha* caused a continued degression here, but holders generally w ill not accept the views of purchasers, j ami during the week the transactions have been j very limited. The stock on sale is very light, and ’ the quotation* given below arc the prices asked j for.the few lots placed on sale. Most of tlie finer l^ts have been withdrawn from the market, and holders feel eonlicent that prices must advance. The oflering stock continues very light, and very few good lots are on sale. We quote, duty paid: Ordinary 40^— Low Middling 4— Middling 45fuh» Strict Middling 47(tf— flood Middling * 48(a4S}£ Georgia manufactured goods arc dull and very much neglected. There is no change In price*. We quote yams at fl» 25 tof»0 j»er hunch; Georgia shirting 33 to 38c per yard. Tlie Tallahassee Floridian, of the 15tl», says Owing to the decline in New York, prices of cotton have fallen from 4 to I) cent* iu this market. We quote ordinary to strict middling, 36 Yo 41e. It is doubtful whether sales could be effected at even these figures. Buyers prefer waiting for further advice*. INSURANCE AT ONE-HALF PER CENT Ftvuii I ii£iimh to Snvatiiiali, c-iiL-sJ LATHROP & GO. StTCEssoua to IIkxiiv Latiihoi- & Co. Established Since 1837. Curlier of Congre*t mu! 1 YhitaVtr Streetft SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IS DRY-GOODS. WOULD invite tlio attention of Merchants anil families visiting this city to their Stock of Gomls now in Store, anil arriving weekly, nov 11 cod3m* G-EORG-E BURDICK, [Forracily of Dunn tfc Burdick.] JOBBER IN PRODUCE. W ILL BUT AND SELL on Commission. All orders accompanied with the CASH will meet witbyrompt and personal attention. iaPdfore house commodious and Fire-Proof. Office with Messrs Dunn & Maugham, on Third street, Macon, Ga., next lo Hardeman it: Sparks* •Warehouse. • nov 8-deo<l*-Jw Livery Stable. . SEARS «& C. T. FOSTE1 have opened a Qo to A. S. Patrtek’a to gri tlie br»t Also, wrapping paper. *epl”-t( J G. SEARS Jfc C. T. FOSTER, *. Livery Stable at Manly’s olU stand, Griffin. (la., aiid are ready at alt honrs to feed or furnish horse*. t 4 pfF Conveyance* furnished to any point in the country* A share of patronage is rcpcctfully *~- licitcd. _ nov 7-eodl» Notice to Planters. I WILL BUY 10,000 BUSHELS OF CORN, for which I will pay the highest market price and famish sacks, —ALSO— TEN, THOUSAND FOUNDS BACUNand LAUD. F<kMcr, Stock Teas, Dried Fruit’ and Syrup. novS-dcodCw GEO. BURDICK. BY STEAMERS LAVRA, WM. O 0IBB.VXS ANT) AMAZON. rAll consignment^ will Jio promptly atR-nd- ed to. Y' Parties sliippiiM6<4v^l - plca?e send- i* >hc Agent Tax Receipts, ?o tfut*tm y may accompany 8liii>ment. ^VK£S INTI.::KALLY IT CClfES ^ sr>RE Tiiuo.vt, * B *• R SUDDEN COLDS. !m* \Y- COUGHS.'ETC., j WEAK STOMACH, GENERAL DEBILITY, • NURSING SORE MOUTH, CANKER, LIVER COMPLAINT, J»Vffl*El*SIA OR INDIGEStld.N,, CR IMP AND FAIN IN THE STOMACH, BOWEL COMPLAINTS, PAINTER’S COLIC, ASIATIC CHOLERA, , - | D1ARRIKEA AND J j , DYSE^fTEHY. TAKEN EXTERNALLY IT CERES FELONS, BOILS, AND OLD SORES, SEVERE BURNS AND SCALDS, CUTS, BRUISES, AND SPRAINS, SWELLING OF.,. ; H THE JOINTS, RING WORM AN D TETTER, BROKEN BREAST, FROSTED FEET AND CHILBLAINS, - r TOOTHACHE, RAIN IN THE FACE, NEURAL GIA AND RHEUMATISM. PAIN KILLER, i0 Taken internally should be adult crated with milk or water, and swectcned>jYitli sugar, if desired, or made into a syrup with molasses. For a .COUGH and BRONCHITIS, a few drops on sugar, eaten* will he more effective than anything else. For SORE THROAT, gargle tlie throat with a mixture of Pain Killer and water, and the relief* 1^. imme diate, and enre positive. It should not he forgotten t^at JUic Pain , Killer is equally a# good to take internally as to S itse externally. Each bottle is wrappedVlili full directions for its use. Sold by Druggists and Med icine Dealers everywhere, nov 14-6m Agent Erwiuc it Hardee’s Line, Augusta. Novl0-2w Price* Paid for Bank Notes BY I. C. PLANT, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BKOKEIi. Worth. \ Worth. geokoia. City Bank of Augusta.20 -Ul Go to Bryant, Stratton tfc Co's. Nashville Business College for a thorough knowledge of Bookkeeping, Peiumaiuhip, Commercial Calcula tions, Commercial, Law Partnership Settlements and Business Forms and Practice etc. Send for Col lege paper, Circulars, etc. Address BRYANT, STRATTON A CO., oct'21-Cm Nashville, Tenn. Atlaxta. Medical Coi.i.eoe.—The course ol Lectures Iu this institution will commence ou the first Monday iu November next, and continue four months—the Faculty having changed the time for tlie sessioti from summer to the winter months. JOHN G. WESTMORELAND, oct 21-lin Dean. Batchelor 9 * Hair Bye! The original and best iu tlie world! The ouly true and perfect hair dye. Harmless, reliable and instantaneous. Produce* immediately a splendid black or natural brown, without injuring the hair or skin. Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes.— Sold by all druggists. The genuine is signed Wil liam A. Batchelor. Al*t», Regenerating Extract of Milleflcurs, for restoring aud beautifying the hair. CHARLES BATCHELOR, augl5-ly Xcw York. iTen ! ixcu! Itch !—Scratch ! Sc hatch ! Scuatch!—Wheaton’s Ointment will cure the itch in 48 hours. Also cures salt rheum, ulcers, chilblains, and all eruptions of the skin. Price 50 cents. For sale by all druggists. By sending 60 cents to Weeks & Potteb, sole agents, 170 Wash ington street, Boston, Mass., it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United States. sept 27-Cm Centkul Railboad & Banking Co., or Ga., { Savannah, November 14tb, 1865. ) : This Company holds for sale ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ot its first mortgage,Seven per cent Bonds, dated 1st September, 1865, paya ble in ten years. Coupons payable semi annually on the first days of March & September. Tlie whole Issue is limited to One Million Dollars, to secure which the Company lias executed its first »fc only Mortgage Bond. Applications must Ihj made to tlie Central Railroad Bank, Savannah* Geo. novlOl-w GEO. A. CUYLER, Cashier. Jas. yan Valkenburgh, General Agent anti Commission MERCHANT, Cherry Street, Near Cotton A venue, Macon, Ga. AGENT FOR iUi wmbdavjson,- Valuable Plantation for Sale OR RENT. > ' ,f 'A ti ■y^7*E offer for side or rent one of the finest plan ’s R R B’k’g Co... .00: SOUTH CAROLINA. J R R B’k’g Co 87| Bank Notes...;.. 10 to CO Marine Bank G5j ALABAMA. ' n B’k Middle Georgia.. .CO Edstern Bank.... f ... .40 .Macon, Ga. B’iC of Savannah..... .40 Southern Bunk, t.. ?.. .60 novlO-tit — Bank of Commerce...13 Northern Bank.4...’..40 Planters* Bank, Sav. ..12 Central Bank 3P M’oli’t* & PPut'rs B’k 10 Bank of Montgomery.70 Fm'rs & M’cbs 10 Bank of Selma........20 Timber Cutters B’k. . 10 Bank of Mobile GO Bank of Athens .80 Tennessee. Bank of Fulton 20 Banks of Tenu...l5 to65 Bank of Colninhns.... 12 Louisiana. Bank of Empire State.12 Banks of La... .20 to 100 BsnkofAngnsta......20 - noy21-3t$ f » • *; id ,*. > Just Receiyed. . Ovens, Pots and Spiders. ALL SIZES AT POTS. 00 b* -f. I 5 u. Al WlSE, Cherry ri. Macoff, Ga. FROM iay iiremliiUSi tlSTlfisliCRShe 17th lari., a LARGE SORREL ^ORSE. , No lar marks about Inin remembered, neis agooi bujriry horajvtQO rouxzli ridS^J’Yor the saddle. A liberal reward will be paid for the Horse and tbielj 7‘W. A. PniLLJP!& nov 19-r.t ^ ^ Asher Ayres, Macon, Ga. (i U A N 0. 6 V AS 0, t ■; ur G ; B M 0 .ar V- ' r*-t hr A t All j,}% vabrxii * . - I to &>&* i 1- coi! To The Planters of O ?orgia;;J- — ‘ro-.-nr* ^ * p-1 *JmJ J& ’ * f * ) jrr) rtuA WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH . ijifUaJ .2 .3 AND FERTILIZERS .. • i i aoKHUnoiQ’i OF ALL KINDS, AT NORTHERN PRICES, WITH EXPENSES ADDED, WHICH SHALL BE AS REASONABLE AS POSSIBLE, ' ' ' ' - PLANTERS WILL PLEASE 8END IN THEIR ORDERS AS EARLY AS JJOSSIBLE, AS GOOD GUANO AND FERTILIZERS ARE SCARCE. GEO. E. CRUMP & C0„ -DiJi/! .A no\22-ltn 209 BROAD STREET, AUGUST A. (itll from Maeon, between the M «& Band S W rai The* premises contain 1100 acres, 000 of which are under cultivation. The improvements arc good, comfortable dwellings, sufficient negro quarters, cribs, gin house, screw, a splendid orchard, etc, etc. There is now on the place a number of horses, mules, cattle, etc, coni, fodder, agricultural impkf- * * * wiifr ments, blacksmith tools, etc, all of which sold nt reasonable rates to the purchaser or tenant A great bargain can be secured by making appll- L-_. . -•» f-a. ***** cation to the undersigned, at the Kennesaw Mills, COOK & CHT&EKS. New Skirt for 1885-S?, The Great Invention of the Age in • ‘ HOOP SKIRTS. J. W. BR ADLEY’S Now Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (or double) SPRING SKIRT. THIS INVENTION 'Con*i*t*» of DUPLEX (or two EUimc Pure Rfjtsf.d Stxel Sprdxos, ingeniously Bbai- Spring ever used. _ They seldom Bend ,or Break, like the Biagl* Spring MUt-conseqaently pre^rre their perfect and l>eautiful Shape more than twice as long as’ any Single Spring Skirt that ever has or can be made. ’ The tronder/al flexibility and great comfort and pleas^ nre to any Larly wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will fcc experienced particularly in all Crowded AssAmWioi Operas, Carriages, Railroad Cara, Church .Pews, Cliftirs, f*>r Promenade ami Hons© Dresa as tlie Skirt can be Folded when in us© to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a Silk < r fha .iPiflady hiving enjoyed the pleasure, odnifort anti great ronveuienco of wearing .the Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for a ?ittglo day, will never aftefwards willingly dispense with their use. For childrenrihisaes and xoutia ladies they are superior to »J) others. ’• the HOOPS are covered 2-ply double twisted thread and will wear twice as.long as the single yarn; covering which is'used on all Single Steel Hoop SkisUL.rThe three bottom rods on every Skirt are also Double fjteel, and twice or double covered to prevent the covering from wearing off the rods when dragging down stairs, on the steps, Jtc-, *<?., which they are constahtlywiibject 0 Al! 1 aremad6 of the new and elegant Corded Tapes, and are the best quality in ercty part, giving id the ^rearer the roost gtaoeful and perfect shape possible, to are unquestionably the lightest, most desirable, comtirtablc and economical 8kirt ever made: ■ WESTS’ BRADLEr Jt GRAY, Proprietors ol the in vention, and Solo Manufactures, 97 Chambers, and .P A StTKeade Streets, Few York. FOR SALE in all first class, stores in this cit and throughout the United States and Canada, Havan do Cuba. Mexico, South America, and the West Indies Inquire fDr the Duylex Elliptic (or dc&ble Spnnj Skirt. ' A. * a Tt- CASES •h SIiow Cu.<c« for Sale. TIUO HANDSOME SHOW ’"'F6r sale Uy ‘ IRWIN & W1IAUTON,* j nov21-3t ’ ‘S 1 - UoVner Third and Cherry st. Struck OH at Powersvlllc, M. T nE GEORGIA OIL Mannfactnrins Company arc selling their Pea Nnt, Lard, Cotton Seed and CastorQtl, at alow fispire. Call on them for yonr lubricator; and arc prepared to DU bills for the above mentioned Oils at tlie shortest notice. Will pnrebase Ground Peas and Palma Christl Seed, in any qnahtlVy: F. F. TABER, nov2I-12t* ,. /f Supt. House aud Lot for Sale/ "¥"N ForiytK, wttli'I three acres'of lalfti The X house has five ceiled rooms, itith comfortable ont bnllduigs, situated convenient to the Malo and Female schools, with good garden and eagfRent ■water. Bv early application a bargain may bo I*d. For farther partienlara inquire of the publishers of this paper, or of ■ O. MORSE, nov21-3$t ,! •; 'Forsyth. BAR ROOM FOR SALE. T HE good will of a barroom, now doing (flood business. The oufyrcstson for sel" -* j| iaHher particnlars apply at ■ ' : .nortiJSi* -jmt© TmsQSXtfm Griffin Property for Sale. . j T HE SUBSCRIBER will sell the following real estate iii Griffin * The Coach buildiug and lot, being a large brick atmhiut Unooatartea and a small Timmlre/1- , U! Ais<> > ttae*TOmforSb!e°an'd l«antifnlly »itwdcd residence, formerly occupied by A Gray, E»J-. corner of Taylor and Fourteenth streets, on »e jcicof irronmL Also, anacre lot adjoining said Gray lot . Will also sell a half Interest in the accounts or 1L P Hill * Col, from ISM to 1801, beingaecounts contracted on a specie basis, and are parable in currency now. tortterjgrttatoojgg to nov!9.3t Griffin, Ga. WHEELER & WILSON’S Sewing jVEacliine.s. W ITH many valuable improvements, and which have tlie reputation of being’ tlie best Sewing Machine in the United States. Persons having Wheeler Sc Wilson’s Machines can have them repaired, and all the new improvements add ed, if desired. AGENT FOR TnE Florence Sewing Machines, Which claims superiority over all other machines; is the only machine having the reversible feed- movement. and was awarded tlie highest premium, gold medal, at the late exhibition of the American Institute. The Florence Sewing Machine Company, for the best Family Sewing machine. Reasons: * 1. Its simplicity and great range ol work. 2. Its making four different stitches, viz: the lock, not double lock, and double knot 3d. The reversible feed motion operated by sim ply turning a thumb screw, enabling the operator to run the work ft-om right to left, or left to right, and perfectly self fastening to the end of the seam. 4. The perfect finish and'substantial manner ir which the machine is made. 5. The rapidity of i{$ working, and tlie quality of the work done. 6. Its self adjusting tension, &c&c. : Agency for the American Tract Society. i All the publications of the Society can be had; single copies or libraries. Sunday schools can Ih‘ supplied with libraries at low pile A HUFF, Comer Cherry and 3d Street, Macon, G-a. GOLD. FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS in Gofd and Silver for sale by W. A. HUFF. OOX1.3EW AB3TB * a J < I J ‘ I 1,000 SACKS CORN. 1 1 000 SACKS OATS COMING IN AND TO ARRIVE, FOR SALE FI W. A. IIUFF. • WANTED. r.OOO Bushels Ground Peas for which the highest market price will lie paid by re -. rr, W. A. HUFF. FLOUR 350 BARRELS SUPERFINE EXTRA AND FAMILY FLOUR for sale hy W. A. HUFF. BACON SIDES. 10mm POUNDS BACON SIDES, 1 ’ for s:diy b>- W. A. HUFF. FIBBE, JF’XSXX. 50 Kits, 50 Barrels and 100 Half-Barrels No. 1 2 and 3 Mackerel for sale by - W. A. HUFF. NAITiS, WAILS! 200 KEGS NAILS Nos. 4, 6, 8 and 10 for sale by W. A. HUFF. Now for Good Bargains.. A CONSIGNMENT OF T1IE FOLLOW I' li GOQD.S JUST REC EIVED. Aud to Ik sold at Ins than New York ptitt as the Consigner U anxious to leave the otv Here's the chance for good bugxtai. Look at the assortment: White Shirt.., Merino Shirts and Umvrrc, ' Assorted Hosiery. L«dk* and Gent*. Ladies VeiU A*«orted. Ladies Waist Brit*. Droning Comb*. Hoop Skirts Assorted. A Few Dor. Hat*. And other things in this line. These goods will be opened aad expoaed for sale on Monday, the 20th inst, at I*. 1*. PEASE'S. novl’J at. 1 Scott** Range, 3d St. |QQ BARRELS SALT, • Just treolved and lor sale by LLOYD A DRAPER. uovl#-I0t* GEORGIA LAND AGENCY. UACOX, GEORGIA. T HE under! Igucil offer rare Indncemrets to those wishing to bay or sell Georgia Lands. I'jnu or City Property. Being connected with v •« York Companies, parties disposed to mD, wilt ha\. their property presented to a larger nu havers, as lists will be kept here, ana hi New Yo and other cities. Parties desiring to pnrehasc will be itamohed accurate mat>s and descriptions of the properties, which wllluso be shown them byooeoCtbeUrm Those desiring to sell or bay, will find it to t Interest to place their business in onr hands our long experience In this branch of busiiu--. ablcs ns confidently to guarantee satirise nov 19 lOt. JOHN K. HARMAN JAN * CO, IRON, IRON, IRON. 100 BARS 7X8 IN, 100 BARS 4X1-2 IN. 31 BARS 8X1-8 IN. 37 BARS 1 3-4* 1-2 IN. 37 BARS 11-2*12 IN. Sold to clone ont n consignment, by nov 10-5t. P. P. PEASE. 3d St Macon, Ga. SALT, SALT, SALT! 5,000 BUSHELS VIRGINIA AND OHIO .RIVER S A [,T' fm- rahtmiW- reloby "•■j* A SODA. 25 KEG3 SODA for sale by •% W. A. niTFF W. A. HUFF. ipplicd with libraries at low prices, and grant) ill be made to destitute schools or individuals. Netc England Mutual Life Insurance (?om- , - . pony. This compauy has been established twenty-two years. And is. the oldest wholly Mutual Life In surance Company in the United States. It has a fund of $2,000,000 and has made distributions of surplus funds in cash, amounting to over $1,500,- 000. This company offers superior Inducement to in sure for life or a term of years. JST’ Gall for a circular. nov 18 AN OFFER WANTED. JpOR 50 bushels of Castor Oil seed, 7 Bushels of Mustard Seed, 7 Bushels of Bene Seed. The latter makes more oil to the bushel than any known se^and the oil can hardly be told from Olive OiL Address . , N. CRUGER, nov 16-5t* Albany RIDGELT, SQUEER & CO” LANIER HOUSE BUILDING, OFFER FOR SALE TO CLOSE COESlOFJrEXT, 50 doz Choice BOURBON WHISKEY, 10,000 HAVANA CIGARS, . AND TO ARRIVE. 100 bbls Superior OLD KENTUCKY WHISKY norlO-lw B, Pye & Son, ExcKarige Brokers, FORSYTH. GA. Exchange on New York, anil buy Gold and Sell, -anil Receive money on deposit. Prompt attention •given to Coliefctlon and Remittance promptly made. nov!9-8t* BAGGING AND ROPE. 25 BALKS BAGGING, AND 5rt ( t *OlL^''' t'-k ' “ M .tr^fi.3 » -.•ii srjii mi 4u’- . .... . . j- ml jotiii : 30 i io ;,,r . • .. nnbt! J ?».< » i : . *.•' iH been '•ab ' r ' i ’ u ,'b** i l TOBACCO AMD SOAP. j CRI FFIN & CO., 58 & 60 Courtland Street, NEW YORK. Manufacturers of AGRICULTURAL IMPLE MENTS, and MACHINES. DEALERS IN SEEDS AND FF.RTII.IX i - 1ST Trade Srmtkii. Send for cirrnlar. novl8-3m For Item. I Offer for rent two of the be*t PLANTATION.^ | in the 8tatc of Georgia, of their mt- . One o- cupied at present by Mrs. Chas. J. W.HUm*. on Flint river, one mil*; from Everett Station. Tin* plantation has about 100 acres In cultiratlon, ol bottom and upper land; ha* a healthy location tor | residence, anu ample accommodations for bands . necessary to cultivate the land, and a fine Apple 1 and Peach Orchard. The other is located ou Flint river, three miles from Reynold’s Station; bsi bo* I cleared sufficient to work 100 hands, u: d ha,5 uxdand sufiicieut for all convenience*, and am r pie accommodations in the way of building*. «»n : each Plantation Is a supply of provisions, which j will be 6pld to those who may rent, at a fair m*rkrt i price. Also, farming utensiU, mule^, hog* and I cattle. For particulars, apply to ROBT. H. Hf>5Y .U;I>, i ncAr Reynolds, or to meat Mobile. nov 19-10t. B. F. MARSllAl.i. 150 BOXES TOBAGCOj AND 50 .BOXES SOAF, (or JBEjl W. A. HUFF*. We Offer for Sale AT THE LOWEST RATE? 50 Boskets genuine Hcidsick Cbampogut*. 25 Cases LongworthSparkling Catnwb*. ’ 'f 50 Cases Choice Claret, 25 Cases Fine Old Sherry, AND TO ARBIVr. Brandies in Casks, Qra. tk Octave, 100 Bbl«^. Xcslianock Potato?, 50 Boxes W R Cheese, Mackerel in Kitts and half Bbl^. White Fish in Kitts and half 111)1-.' 35 Firkins Goshen Butter, 25000 Havana a Cigars, 100 Bid* Choice Old Kentucky Wh RIDGELY, SQUIER A Co novl9-lw lender Hou^e Build! I I I TT T? M ; &£MC O X, A xnJ^iUi.-o /.Ze[ PRODUCE. COMMISSION INft'flfpDlNGJgReftANfS; SAMUEL D. IEVIN, (Successor to Lyon <fe Irvin and Inin A B.»tb r ATTORNEY A T LA W . ALBANY. GEORGIA. Real Estate Agent (or Souths <-stern Gcorgis. ( Prompt attention given to all busiue*.** ntru-t4-d lo } Ilk- care. nov!4-6m ATLANTA,' BOTH & GORDON, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, , T 4 ' Cherry St, 2 Doors below Telegraph Building, MACON, GEORGIA. We arc receiving weekly onrptoekof DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASSWARE, ETC., and we solicit MERCHANTS, PHYSICIANS, and PLANTERS, to call and examine onr stock, and P 1rB.^Sr»on^o PRESCRIP TIONS and ORDERS. novlG-3ra BOYD & GORDON. To Rent for 1866- T IIE plantation in Pulaski county, lately owned by Mr. Lathrop, about twelve miles below Hawklnsvilie. Thi* is said to be one of the beat farms in lhe Stale. There are about 700 acres of open lanthlevel and easy of cultivation. On the place are all the stock and provisions needed for the ensuing year’s operations, and which will be sold to the lirty renting. For particulars applica tion can he made at Macon, Ga., to the undersign ed. GEO. M. LOGAN, R. S. LANIER, Ex’r. JAMES MEARA, Dec’d. Journal & M<^jenger copy. nov!8-Ct* W. A. HUFF, aEORG-IA. .m tb mw/: - rosdaioMsf 1 1 bn* J. N. & C. D. FINDLAY El C. qox. ‘ HAVE REMOVED THEIR OFFICE From Messrs C&rb&rt «fc Curd’d Hard'* to the store of Findlay & Kenrick, TriaagaLir Block, Maeoii, Ga. dov£!-2U* Hottic i FORWARDING AGENTS. , U Washington Hall j I« still open to tbc public. Special arrangement* In this department we claim facilities “Upfcriii/.tD'r'fViif.firiUW' in Atkmtti. Being I.ave been made for the aeeotmnr.,)..:, liana railroad menand having railroad experience over most other men j ^ of t b e L^tsUtnro. in our business, We feel prepftrod to oiler sujK.'fi'of. inaucljnu'nta tomrltes shipping ; N . f bar sett. goods through Atlanta. In addition to the attention given to shipment m_At- lanta we have arrangements made in Chatlaitoogatotove all freight consign ed to us or our friends promptly forwardeH'froih that itoint. Our charges are moderate. .STHKH ^HUFF&COX. 'gtriiwlHH* 5 " ' -\/sr 100 BA REELS GAN E A N D SOUhH UM SYRUP by c ■ "u HUFF A-COX, Atlsnta. a. j :-v -fta xV-'. T ■ C 1 '".' WaiCTEJD. 1000 SACKS GRfHJNH PEAS, l>v IIUFF & COX. Atlanta. Mmedgevllle, Ga., Nov. 20th, 186G. novl0-2w* To Rent. A VERY DESIRABLE O FFtf OK OROUSD FI.OOP.. In business portion of city. . Apply to nov21-3t* JNO K HARMAN A CO. foundry AND M ACHINE SH 1 JAT DAWSON, GA T nr underMiai'-d would inform ibe pubSc-J prepared to funiish, ou t'aort WANT ED. 5,000 BUSHELS. STOCK PEAS, l.y nivlC-lm. UIIFF.&COX, Atlanta. (lescriftion, and do finished or untini-hed, of a anv kind of Machine work SUGAR MILLS AND KETTLES O. O. NELSON. OIX Mare* Ten Colt* frem one to three yrarr O old, andafinelaiite Jack. -^ d ^t GEB , t