The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, November 24, 1865, Image 1

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<I'ljc BHoiflii Dailij <£flfgrnjj{j. \rinrtAJtp,] [i. a biyuciz, KD1IOR* A*» flBUx****^ -miOfl* PH BKtUHlie .omit of Cherry ikfiivyld ?}*** t ynicntt, oMjjHR^'*', J •'•ITY BUSINESS CARDS. MACON DAILY i&r. !( kp|OOll< , Third »t tXa*. defon, Ecu over, eOca ol novl-Sra* . MVH JiCUox OLD SElilES, SO. 13904 MACON, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1865. I NEW SERIES, NO. 168. oinpt tbclrVarr. T. 4*. HOLT, JK. oci 7*3m* H ULT A BAS*, Attorney* at Law, Macon, Oil. Office over MU d> Kirtisaad - * a lore. Will l.rniupt *Ukiili<*’«r«innLiikrth entrusted to j. JISBETJS, Attorney* si taw.' Office to Wash- R A. NI8BCT. ‘ 3. X JTISBET. f.% N'lailET. . an-SJ «LSm* in&nfift A AJJOBIW&N, "f* 'at law, '*• 1 j flea on Second (Md, «P atalre, -two door* «u-t of Mr. N. C. Manroo'a, Macon, On.' ' . uf«9n | " A r. WHrrrLK, Artomcyi‘*t'La«v7offi: t la, over Payne - * Draff Store, next to Coneer Halt,* Macon, On. U V. WHITTIJC. f l V. B. WHITTLE. (H tfVnin ' * ' . * , , ■ , „ . . PJf YNICIANS AMI DiUGfilNTfl. dour to Dr. C. II. lUlrt •flier, where he can be faun^htor *gr flrg!' t r'gjtfr4'y*fSki D r. geo. n. noMttsIk** removed M fto* Browu'a Hotel to tJwEart - * .treat, iKlwran P»|,|tr and I vi^. SMiiiiaunLa, omec come 1J and 4lh street*, Dr.Llf|fetAK>C* old cats 3m , « . . D B. C. J. ROOSEVELT, fifonioonpaihlst). Office Mulberry at., Washington iBook, over J. M. Boardman'a Book Store. lh-sidcncc — Walnut, nuar Third *lr«e(. norSl-lm STwA*. PARKER, office 3mi at., 3 door* be low old post office, up stairs. Office hours, t> to 10 o'clock, A. X., 3 to 4 r. x. Residence at Knnata College. ^ i\u. 1. tillAUKIS lenders over Knott A Howes. __ . sopD-Stn I >11 VmICIANS —Dr. J. Emmett Bfaelahtar, of- r Payne’* drug store, residence oil High 1 •"icbHhd. attg 23-uti ^Hs hi* or^H Ice* to the puSUd. (offifldoaSecoiul street, V flee. . at reel, near the aaylnm for the t COMMISSION MERCHANTS. V KWETT A ‘sNIDEkT Wholesale ComiuiT- rl alon Merchants, and General Agents, Second street, botwocn Cherry and Poplar, Macon, Ga.— Prompt personal attention given to all consign ments of cotton, produce, mniurthcturossud other articles of MoHianAke. Orders dud Consignments solicited from oil port* of the country. Agents for several Aral {laf> Iusuraneu Companies. H m’lt.flia W A. lll'rK, wholesale produce dealer, cor- a ner Cherry and Third streets, under Kals- ,too - s Halt. * , ^, .tugc tX2m t I ffAMILY GRtiCERfES.—N. A Mcgratb, agent, 1 a few doors above Masonic Hall, Cotton ave nue, dealer In groeeriaa, crockery and staple dry IMML ; ang SHm JEWELERS. I*K«r. MORRIS’ AZIMIIA. We luve received another large tot of this excel lent YEAST POWDER, and can safely recommend it to the public for all that it claims to Ire. Aau- mca makes the finest WHEATEN BREAD possi ble. It is made in the simplest manner, as follows: - Get one quart, aq«l to -V)I pounds of flamy mtx Into It,ydtsTia/,AImce wdfflarytire teaspdbnfuts of Azumea, add add water, with a little salt dissolved in It—sufficient to make a dough as soil as can be epnvcitfcatlj handled, which b generally a little lass Wiser one pint of wafer to one quart of flour. Do hot knead tt-‘ Shape It very lightly, and Imme diately bake In a quick oven, which mast be quite hot before yon begin to mix. It baa the following advantages over yeast or fermented bread; it can tie made and baked In one hour from the time ot first handling the flour; it will be moist and pleas- ant to eat in fonr days after baking; It is easy of digestion, excellent for persocasuffurtogfrom dyi pejwia; retains all tbc gluten, starch and >ugur contalncd in tbc flonr, and therefore produces lib. 13 oz. bread from 1 lb. -1 oz. four, whilst yeast pro duce* t.uly I lb. i o*. of kteal frohi 1 fH. 4 oz. of To New 'York VIA Darien and Savannah. The completion of tbc Macon and Brunswick Rail Road to Hawkinsville, and tbc favorable boat able condition of tbc Oemnlgec River, now render this tbc cheapest and quickest route for the bust- j ness of Macon and Central Georgia. Through Rills of Lading will be given after the 15th insL A.y. tj ivr f: a i AZIJMEA ! AZUMEA! It pr«Tfi'A fo be The Bert and Purest Easing Powder in Use. J. n. ZEILIX A CO., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRU8813T3, JTA C a £ail O.TA . _ .Sole Agents- in‘TWs Bute for the Bale" of aecommodatlbns iitcaieS-Ad endeavors » lllUflr ! ft fonrard fn-iirlil u rfh tirrvmntn.i.j ,. n .l a:. made to forward freight with promptness and dis patch. Messrs. lirigluui, Baldwin A Co., at Savannah; Messrs. Nightingale A Huger, at Dorion; Asher Ayres, at Macon, will act as Agents. GEO. II. HAZLETIUR3T, Macon and Brunswick R. IS., novl-lm Acting President. Haggles and Family Jersey AVasoas, FROM CONCORD AND BRATTLEBOKO. W E will soon have a supply of Buggies, Top Family Wagon* and lUrnee* made to order at CONCOKIIAND BllATTLEBOKO, expresaly for this market, and will warrant them to give entire satisfaction to alt purchaser*.- We wit! sell no work not made expressly to oar order. Those from a distance can address u* at Macon (to care W. C. Singleton), or at Hawkinsville, Ga. oct7-3m -MCDUFFIE, MASON & CO. W. J. GAKRETT, TOUKG GARRETT. j. nARTLEr, WATCHMAKER,’iato wort' 1 sman for Sidney B. Day. continues lo repair Watches ot present in tbo Floyd House Building, opptfsUo Medical College, Mulberry street ,r A »SK& , ’!SiWM 1 2s» Mulberry, keeps constantly a well selected assort- meat of floe fold nnU silver Wat; u* and Jewry. J3S831L Also, Watches and Jewelry ia;. rlcuucd worki ‘ ‘ nteq. . W ATCHES 'and JEWELRY, at Chas.'& Ban det’s, under the Telegraph Priming House corner Cherry and Second street*, Macon, Ga. keeps constantly an hand a largo wsortment of flue Watches and Jcwytiy. Repairing done ncatlv and on short nollee. All work warranted, anglo-in MISCELLANEOUS. 1’ II. IS L.Tl OrYtlf N0l In t el I Igenee Office, l 1 s have ri moved from Cotton Avenue to Fifth Street, near Passenger Ilf pot, and opposite Scho field’* Foundry. Servant* and laborers furnished; orders lor whit u labor filled; Information given ol bouses, lands and other real estate Ibr rent or sate, novll lm . Ji o*' • - i i -t, - ted sonablS J. bEa!&; M irtrt? hui^Sl agent, Macon, Ga. for mie or rent, or cauuot be bet- mc. From my estate business, I am lion than any other Cr# Persons having person* wanting to rent ter suited than by ca long experience lu the tKtfcr prcpwvd to giro mUrtactlon tUnX SM nrher IrqprtROUGH reoetpU given by the Agent* of the pcnionln the city. ■ G. J. BLAKE. i Southern Transportation Company at freight Haven, Ga, SepL 10. lhC^^aJUW ■ -. ■■ rate* to Baltimore and New York, at guarantTcd Tate per hundred pounds ns per bale on Cotton, all rp J. .t D. LANE arc J * large tol of Sole and ■ HP Train 011 by retail. Next door to Express i.fllev, Macon, Ha. a . i o. ' < . - i-^gsWMP*7' now tMUluT for sate a I Upper Iamthcr: : Also, IPotash, ' 0 CASKS POTASH, COOKING SODA. H 30 Botes Super-carbonlo of Soda, In qa« poun ^Kcg. do do CANDLES. Jo ilGYES STAR-CANDLES, IT A b J-» SI “ TALLOW .do ... . OsW^t SOApi: to TMlXES COLGATE'S PALE FAMILY SOAP, ForspJbJbtfty MITCHELL (Mljtf f T ; FOR SALK T WO and ono-ltaif inileo north amt of Zebnlon. Pikeeoanlv, (la., a tr.wk of ll.r, • hundred acres oftffiTWVQUUA tlv.tion, *1lBiH*iLW^Wl’IiUBWrMtTa WttsBL ersd one ot the best liapporcd place* in the Coun ty. Metro Cabins, Kitchen, Smoke, die. One of the very beat Gin House* and Cotton Troysre in. the seettoa, and almost new. Good Stable*,I Barns and Wheat House. Good Orchard* and FUh Pond*. The place is well w atored, perfattly baalthy, and dellghtrullv situatedf ]■ a ■..:i:'.ee. by earty application to flonr; thus obtaining about 37 lbs. more of bread fry#» a barrel of flour, which, with the saving of yeast, will about balance the cost of the Azumea. Can be used for any of tbc following recipes, and ladies everywhere will be agreeably sarpiiscd with the deliei * sltlon doe mtns, or any kind of deletcrions drug; but is per fectly pure and healthy, and, as a culinary prepara tion, is infallible and Invaluable, At the Fair in Cincinnati, there were a number of Baking Pow ders on exhibition:—the Azumea, with several othamj. wasrmffiyzad, audobUUxRt tbc first prize, titynradbiid tost BoWtir tVirdcr Known. A' trial only is necessary, in order to be satisfied. A paper is girctf With caeli box, with fair instruc tions for making a2cmea rolls, AZUMEA BISCUIT, AZUMEA NONPAREIL CAKE, AZUMEA JOHNNY CAKE, AZUMEA FTtUTT CAKE, AZUMEA PLUM PUDDING. AZUMEA CINNAMON CAKE, AZUMEA CORN CAKE, AZUttfcA IiUjHPLINGli AZUMEA EGG CAKE, AZUMEA SPANISH BUN, AZUMEA SPONGE CAKE, : AZUMEA CAKE WITHOUT EGGS, AZUMEA CUP CAKE, AZUMEA 5HLK BREAD, AZUMEA SPONGE GINGER CAKE. AZUMEA SILVER CAKE, AZUMEA CURRANT CAKE, .AZUMEA POT PIE, ” U ' AZUMEA PEARL CAKE, ) . i . AZUMEA GOLD CAKE, AZUMEA LOAF BREAD, AZUMEA DOUGH NUTS, AZUMEA^SIBLES, AZUMErV LEMON CAKE, Azuema is put up for the retail trade in 1-4 lb. Van's, nC33 ets;, and fh 1-3 lb. cans at 90 cents. Liberal Discount Made to Wholesale Purchasers. octl0-3m ..IB, ZEILIN & CO. GARRETT BROTHER, Commission Merchants, AND Wholesale Dealers in Country Produce SRCOXfi vqoi: FROM xasonc BALL, . Decatur Street, z tmc ~ /^yJI^swu- Fhinizy & Clayton, Augusta; J. L. Villalonga, avannah; J. W. Fears A Co., Macon; R. L. Stott, Solurabus; Cot. A. P. Wright, TliomasYillc; W. L. Cigh, Madison, Ga.; Wm, C. I lav, Montgomery Ha.; McGruder, TaylorRoberts, Baltimore, Md.; Altcll & Inman, N. Y. scp21-Si RICOAKDM. BISHOP, WM. T. BISHOP, R. M. BISHOP & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS No. 80 Main St., (a/tie doors helots Columbia Street, ClnemnaH. eept 33-3m» VIRGINIA - AND TENNESSEE tilNE. packages sliould be stamped A T. Co., to facilitate Transportation. Rate froa^N'ew, York to Macon *4,6-1 per hundred pounds.fto > - ‘ THURSTON R. BLOOM, Agt. at Macon, Y. G. RUST, AgL at Albany. novUKlm. ,,^, 1 ,, , ;iy , -;f»- t, COTTON, JOHN T. EDMMDS & GO Bankers Couiuiission jlcrchauls, MAOON, 'GEORGIA, u>, Oo., NewToric, or lo oar correspondents la Livcr- ?rs and owners of cotton entrusting the lour care for sale *r shipment, 9hall lia\ prompt return* of «*alos in ^Id 01 ciirrency as they 1:1 Rv direct- v ' IWtXI, «K-*sC*.1) Will be sold at lOTldt nr dors for the pure base of eotton Gold and silver :u:d sight exchange on New York bought and sold. Wo refer by jtennissian to J B Ross A Sor, Bow- lire as Anderson, Krott .v TTcwe, Hardeman A Sparks, n W Cubbedge, N A Hardee ■ Co. Savan- - National llsi.k, Nashville; Citizens’ L-JVlHc; Commercial Bank. Louisville. A Messenger, Mcreantilc Mirror, of Mr.. ucationai Journal, Forsyth, Sumter Re- a liean, Amcricnfl, and Altzioy ratrio:. Colttra- ■ Time* and Enquirer, LaGrange Reporter, Gridin Union, MiUodgevillc Recorder, publish cc month s.-ui acadbWtcC'-’I'trlU J w wa JOHN T. EDMUNDS A CO., oct'35.tmvd»eo»us.vN^* J J [ V’Vfafl»y JOHN C. MANGHAM, . :... On the place. S. W. MANG1UM, m , ^ Griflin. Ga. HOWARD HOUSE, ULTAUI.A. J. W. Howard, Proprietor. H the market affords, served up _ to orie: and at the abortest notice. »epl3-3wK<u*at at tea*!. »nf »-| PAINTING-. it *1 WM. II. TISOS. WM. W. GORDON. TIS0N & G0RD0H. CtiHon Factors, CoramlssioH aud FOR WADING MKKCIIN'TS, !K> Bay Mre-e-t. Savanitnli, Georgia, i CFlClAlrii'llIMpON wi 1 \~>c cWvniv>tbf» fatf ^ r || 9b ittm U? '■ ! - -V t j ir 1 ? % Honsf • % n * U. .1 attention "to a*.’, t-n-in-** entrusted. In- duer* c* to hope ter a of the liberal purer, re ..ereiofj.-e extended octAKSin GRAINING. — MARBLING, «0 REWARD W e - - - N* r . yoxTaL -e ... . r of tacks* isfactfos, both in execution aiid, prices, » Old Jto. b - T 1 .Sw Mp4 ai ms , lovorltm with their onierv. fffarkecat™ bM ’”7 c-f Kcricy jouii and We willnfao keepo«band and forg The atiorc reward will be oftlu-horae. Nov l-A-Gt | -'GRAZING, PAPER HANGING ACL •Jolea vest J^&y aftt-rauoB aboot flawiu- on Ltnd aU tbc ncceaaary material to sn»a oa at t,fcc timr a fine carry on tie bu^in«re prepared lo * U-g: number of Uck* L*4*cUom. both in execution and.pricee, to oil wao ( r> EDWARD WILDER,. WHOLESALE DRUGGIST AND DEALER JN PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS AND GLASSWARE AGENT FOR >i;./ VIRGINIA, MISSOURI AND KENTUCKY TOBACCO, NO. 514 MAIN STREET, Louisville, - - - - - Kcnt*>elty. P. S.—Liberal advance* made on Cotton on con- eignment. WANTED, FEATOERS, GINSENG, BEESWAX, TALLOW and RAGS, tor which I will pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE, fang35 3m either In cash or trade. Law Notice. I HAVE resumed the practice of my profession, and will attend to all business entrusted to my core in the Stata Having jnst returned from Washington City, parties desiring advice and counsel relative to the reparation of papers under the Amnesty Procla- tatlon for pardoD, and the status of contracts and title deeds, executed durng the last four years, can consult me by lettcror in person. Office over Boardtnan’s Book store, Macon, Ga. jy.13 O.X LOCHBANE. Kciu A Co., Augusta, Georgia, A RE prepared to make liberal advances on ail 4Y Cotton consigned to“them or their friends, Messrs Smith & Dunning, New York. All cotton consigned to hs or sur friends in New York, will be sent forward by the new and elegant steamer Helen, which willl connect , with tho New York line of steamers, so as to reach that city in dghtjclftys. • , *. • - j We have also established aline of Clipper ships between New York and Liverpool, so as to send forward the Cotton chtrustedto onr care without delay, thus avoiding expenses of -storage and insn- " JOHN J. MeCANN, Wholesale Grocer and Commission MERCHANT. Dealer in Wine*, Liquor*, Cigars, - TOBACCO, No. 35, South Side Bro-uhccty, NashtUle, Tam. er A HHDS. PRIME NEW ORLEANS SUGAR, 25 Hil* do Porto Rico Sugar, 30 do do Cuba Sugar, 50 Barrel* Crashed and Powdered Sugar, 30 do Granalatcd Sugar, 100 do A and B CoflVe Sugar*, 30 do C extra assorted Brands, 200 do Yellow Sugar, 400 Bags RioyCotfec, 20 Mat* Java Coflee, 20 do Lagnlra Cotlee, 10 Bags Giuger, 10 Bags Allspice, 30 Bai» Pepper, 30 Barrels Mackerel, 50 W bbls do •JOOKits do 100 Boxes Soap, 50 do Starch, 100,000 Cigars; assorted brands, -160 Boxes Candles, 100 Boxes Raisins, .50 Cases Sardines, 350 Cases Oysters, 100 Dozen Buckets, 300 Dozen Brooms, 50 Nests Tube, Together with everything usually kept in Whole sale Grocery House. - LIQUORS. 100 Barrels Robertson County Whisky, 50 do Bourbon do do 30 do Rye do 135 do Rectified Whisky, - 5 Casks Hennessey Brandy, 5 do Otard. Dupuy & Co.’s Cognac. 10 Barrels Apple Brandy, very old, . 10 do Peach do 5 do Sherry Wine, In store and for sale at NO. 3 5, BROADWAY, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE sept 15 3m Important to Cotton Shippers. T HE Cotton Warehouse located in this place immediately on the river, and at the terminus or the Sonthwcstcra Railroad, and convenient to said road, can shelter all cotton that may be ship ped from Macon and other points on the South western Railroad via Apalachicola to New York.— We will receive all cotton consigned to ns, at the railroad depot, dray it, and put it aboard of the bqots at one dollar per bale. Cotton shippers upon investigation, will find this route the cheapest and most ‘expedious of any other rontc to New York from Macon. We re spectfully solicit orders for the purchase of cotton. Onr long experience in that line will enable us to make purchases to the best advantageto those who favor us with their orders. We have now in operation a new Iron Screw Press. R. G. MORRIS & CO., Georgetown. Uefshexcss—Boss & Seymour, J. W. Fears, Virgil Powers, Esq., ail agents on S. W. R. R. aug 0-5m A. K. SEAG-O, ‘ OM MISSION MERCHANT, Atlanta, Georgia, S NOW RECEIVING . . 1,000 Bbls. Salt, 7 bushels each, 800 do Flour, embracing all grades, 20.000 Libs. Cliolec Clear Bacon Sides, 200 Boxes Englisk Daily, W. R. and Hamburg Cheese. ALSO, Alai^e Stock of almost every article in the Gro cery and Provision Line; all of which will be sold at very low prices to the wholesale trade. A “ dress by letter or telegraph. A.K. SEAGO, o nov IG-lOt* Atlanta. t Exchange on New York and Liverpool in KEIN e co- z. ot. O’CoisriwOE. &. co., MACON, GEORGIA. OfHce on Cherry St, hetweea 3d and 4th. L.M. Bruce, Morgan & Co., Apalachicola, Fla. and Watt*, Crane & Co., New-York. Wc n-ill receive -and forward, upon- reasonable terms, all Cotton entrusted to onr care for ship- ment, as owners may direct. "We-nlllinakc liberal advances ution consignments or Coton to Watts, Crane ffCo., New York,"or W. C. Watts* Co., Liverpool England; pay Revenue Tax, Storage, Fri ights,^fcr., on same, and forward with prompt- Flantera aud others will be ailbr Jed every facility in ohr power to send. their Cotton to market, and receive prompt return of sate. Mr. w. E. Clarke is onr agent at Albany, Ga, and w!B give all information to parties who di ’ his service* in shipping or purchasing. Our sons! attention given to the purchase and'sale of Cotton-- NEW YORK EXCHANGE FOR SALE, oct&an . \'»i . JNO. W. O’CONNOR * CO." E. M. BROWN, OPPOSITE TEE LANIER ROUSE, TJfTOOLD invite the attention of his customers i and the public generally, to his large and well selected stock of oreign & Dtmestic Dry Goods. Which he offers at very small Advance on Cost. TIIE STOCK CONSISTS IN PART OP Blenched Domestics, Brown Domestics, Prints, Ginghams, French and English Merinos, Alpacas, Mohair, Poplins, Thybcts, Opera and Fancy Flaiinels,, De- laiges. Silks in great varie ty,Xincns ofall grades. Eoopskirtsof all sizes and Balmoral Skirts of Superior make aud finish. Your special attention is called to my CLOAK AND SHAWL DEPARTMENT, , WHERE YOU WILE FIND THE LATEST STYLES, As also the a NOVVe'ANTE BABIES' EATS, A BEAUTIFUL ARTICLE. A Splendid assortment of Dress Trimmings, Perfumery, Soaps "and other Toilet Articles, Veils, White and Faucy Goods, Gloves, &c., &c., &c. Gentlemen will find a good assortment of GEN TLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, a large lot of Pocket Knives, the fashionable Rug or Faney Blanket Satchels, and everythingelse belonging to this line. To those who have Dot traded with me in former days I can only say, give me a trials while I am satisfied that my old customers have bnt to read this to insure me their renewed visits. Respectfully, E. M. BROWN, novi5-3m I- Opposite the Lanier nonsc. Valuable Cotton Plantation Fot Sale. OFFER far sale my plantation situated on Cbi- ■ ocfcee Creek, 12 mile* S. W. from Albany, Dougherty county Georgia, adjoining tbc lands of Benjamin Loekctt, Jerry Bell, John Jonc*, Col. Nelson and others. Tbc place con tain* 1,500 acres, (about Oor 700 acre* of which are cleared and ru der a good fence. The improvements arc all good framed buildings—good ginhonse end Iron screw. Provisions, stock arsj phurfatMSmtd* can be bought with tho place. If not sold before the lrtT—d.t in December next, on that day it will be sold in Albany at public outcry. For terms ap ply to me at" Cnthbert; Georgia, or S. D. Irvin, . norikUBfr 1 ; SAMUEL CLAYTON. " Steam Saw and Grist Mill. FOR SALE YERY CHEAP. STEAM Saw and Grief Mill combined. The Hi8»v will cut 8000 feet lumber, and the E*anas MU! Rock will grind 75 busbells of meal, daily. Forparticulars and price,o^o t . Yoreyth, Ga- keep on hand ard for sale, mixed . Faiut> xA <vc7v deferiritioB. nu *! 4 V> r ry VARNISH, UiL. Dfa X P. LUU.LNr. ’ SI’S. TUBPENTTNE. ■S T 7|. I ( BROWN JAPAN, '\ METROPOLITAN HOTEL. ! J "Endpaper. «*fla> >****■ tofi» to^idisMmat 1 no UM>iL BRUSHES, Ac.. Ac. L A i s, Bal’n N’d. :S r In Order* lr»jm tire eomitry prmnptiratttndcd'to. t »fladmr *" Win mi 1l.j m IFda'.’ w/j.n D C » «»■*» Orer Roberts, Dunlap A Co ,Cherry sl, -■ ’ ang 12-I2m» - *p,, Macon, Ga Tbta leading Botat, Renovated rr.d Re farnlelicd r* 5 - * ! Rtmtorra: ' ' Is now In perfect order for the reception and ac- r j, 'T - KJehnston, N. ILBeal, JI Hi Zeilln A Ca, commodation of its old patrons octl-Sm 11 Huff ’ CUjl “ d * D " m " lc ' W. ..NWitaKf 3. o. nans, . I -Tt r.-.TCCK. Christian Co. I Late with Phelps- 1 LooUvilic, Kr. , CaidwettA Tuck, Dual* A VYholcfeilc Grocers anti Commission i! Merehanta. saprf!rtT 833 Main street, between BSghth and Nlufli street* *0 OX&tt natthml Looisvillb,Kj. Consignments Solicited! «|Mfl A. S. HAETRIDG-E, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT. 3 «; iin/.u.i.. tji-r’jiv/ 9 2 33 a y Street, SAVANNAH, GA. NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! NEW PRICES!!! "WTaolesale and Retail E. EINSTEIN’S OLD STAND T HE undersigned beg leave to inform the ladie # of tliia city, county aud vicinity and the pubs lie in general, that he has now open and ready fur rale at the well known and popular old stand of E. EINSTEIN’S, TRIANGULAR BLOCK, One of the best xlectal Stock* o! Staple anti Fancy Dry Goods In the Southern markets. The goods were select ed b^ Mr. Einstein with pjeat care; and as lie is now in the New York market for the sole purpose of selecting goods, and watching the best oppor tunities for buying, I have the advantage over all other uicrclumts wlio are not similarly situated. I shall receive new additions to our stock eve ry week, and will be always prepared to exhibit to the public goods of the Best Manufacture. Latest Styles, lowest market Prices. My stock consists in part of the following goods: Prints, Printed DeLaincs, All wool Delaines, Empress Cloth, Foil DcChcvrcs, English and French Merinos, Scotch and Venitian Plahls, Solid, printed and figured Poplins, Black DcLaincs, Alapaens, Black Silks, Merinos and Bombazines, And many other goods belonging to the DRESS DEPARTMENT A full and complete assortment of Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Ladies 1 Linen and Embroidered Cuffs and Col lars, separate and in sets, White, Red and Shaker Flannels, ' Plain and Fancy Opera Flannels, Bleached and Brown Canton Flannels, Blau its. &c., nosieiy, Gloves, Ladies* Merino Vests, Table Linen, Table Cloth, Towels, Toweling?, Napkins, Doylies Linen, And all other articles ’belonging to a Number One Dry Goods Store. Wc call the special attention of the ladies to onr CLOAK AND SHAWL DEPABTMENT, HOWES. ERICS, Than any other house in the city and WARRANT the goods to be of the Best and Most Fasliionablc Itfunii J. W. FEARS & CO. WHOLESALE HOUSE. subscription. Yearly, (Invariablr in adv an \ j Quarterly, .. . r * ; 5\*f Monthly, * ■ * | ADVERTISING. 'I One square, twelve tinea or less ■ ___ | fl 00; eachsubscqniutiiisortiun^iocCTtfa 1 "*' Address, CLAYLAND a nnwn 11- Editor* and 1‘um'-£ W AT I O N AL L I p,E Travelers’ Insurance Gompany, OF NEW YORK. Office, NO. 213 BROADWAY. | AUTHORIZED CAPITAL *500,0.®. 200 too too no :s so !»0 to 50 BARRELS EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR. Barrels XXX Family Fiour, Barrels Superfine Flonr. J. W. FEARS A CO. BALES COTTON YARNS, Ss & I Os B.lwt Augusta 4 4 Sheetin'.', Bales 8 oz. Osnalmrge. DIUKCTOns: Edward X Join., Orison Blunt, Samuel J. Ghtssey, ** — ‘ T. B. VanlSuren, _ Sylvester M. Board, Robert Crowley, Wm. Coit, J. C. DImmick, Henry Clews, Albert Wright, John A. Isvliu, It. P. Freeman, Nicholas E. Smith, James Ik Dow, J. \V. FEARS * CO. Howell Smith, F. H Lummus, Wm. E. Prince, Sylvester Teat*, Joseph Wilde, A. X Low, Cha*. Cnrti.w, Asher 8. MilL*, W. H. Webb, Henry J. lhirmond, Sita* C. Herring, Sam’l W. TrusTow, Richard A. McCurdy. EDWARD A. JONES, President. WM. F.. PRINCE, VIcc Prcridcnt. ASIIER S. MILLS, Secretary. • ’ \ 'N ill KKN. T 1-4, 1-2 AND BARRELS MACKERELS, Cases Sardines Boxes Herring. ICO too 200 2.10 10 IOO .jO .10 50 ao 10 10 50 HAMBURG CHEESE, Western Reserve Cheese, Sod* and Butter Oraekcts, J. W. FEARS & CO. J. W. FEARS & CO. KEGS CUT NAILS, 3 TO 20 D, Cases Stintter’s heavy Axes, Barrels Peach Blow Potato*, Barrels Extra C Sugar, Barrels B Sugar, Barrel Crush and Powdei Sugar, J. W. FEARS A CO. CASES COVE OYSTERS, Cans Strawberries, Cans Peaches, Pints, Quarts and Half-Gallon Pickles, J. W. FEARS & CO 10 5 300 1000 1000 50 50 250 too 25 100,000 100,000 BARRELS TANNERS’ BANK OIL, Barrels Lindseed Oil Pounds White Lead, Pounds Spanish Brown, Pound* Lump Potash, Cases Concentrated Potash, Jars Macalioy Snuff, Gross Mason’s Blacking, J. W. FEARS & CO, REAMS OWENS’ LETTER PAPER, Reams C.ip Paper, Buff and White Envelopes, G D and Water-Proof Caps, 250 200 too 50 50 COILS MACHINE ROPE, Pieces Kentucky Bagging, Boxes Star Candles, Boxes Starch, Kegs English Soda. J. W. FEARS & CO. J. W. FEARS A CO. f a e t u r c A. SPRINGER, Macon, Ga. NEW GOODS. November 10th, 1865 s I have to-day received by Express HANDSOME BLACK CLOAKS, HANDS0JIE DRAB CLOAKS. SILK CORD, all colors for Trimming, BLACK WOR3TEAB BRAID, LADIES’ MERINO VESTS, GENTS’ MERINO VESTS, PAPER CAMBRICS, EINE BED BLANKETS, JACONET EDGINGS AND INSEBTINGS, SLATE COLORED JEANS, LADIES’ GAUNTLETS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, COAT .BUTTONS, . • . - . And many other Articles hard to be found IN TEE MARKET. novis r. S. T. COLEMAN. Manufacturer’s Bank Budding, Cor. 2nd Cherry Streets. J. M. COOPER, Auction & Commission Merchant, ALBANY, GEORGIA, lit ILL give hi* personal attention to the per* •VY eha»e and shipment of COTTON. HE IS ALSO PREPARED TO MAKE T.TBFKAT. Gash. _A.dvan.ces On Cottom in store in Albany, Ga., for shipment to Mis.-ra Noetox, Slaughter <fc Co., New York. Haring had many year* experience in tiie Cotton trade, as well as Auction and Commission businew, he flatters himself that hec*n give entire satisfaction to parties entrusting tlidr business to him. ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Rwpectfaliy reier* to J. B. Row. A Son, Macon; T. IL Johnson, Alabanj. ", > n I’jC 0 otUSVho «s»UL.’-c: - Plantation in Dougherty County FOR SALE. JANE of the best Plantations in the county, os to Va Roil, location and settlement; seven mile* from Albany ; bnt lately settled, and every build ing new, and ail fenced; residence ol eight room*, oveiBccr’s house, eleven negro houses, stable?, barn?, gin honsc, screw, everything complete; fences all new, Ac. 000 acres of land, 700 cleared, a well of water in every 'field of 200 acres. The land being all fresh and newly cleared, will make the best of cotton crops. I will sell moles, cattle. hogs, corn and every thing on the place as it stand*, for one-third cash, balance in one and two years, taking part of the crop in payment ifdesircd. Add-css me at Albany. nor 10-10* N. CRUGER. IV. B.—We wish the merchants in Georgia who trade to Macon to remember, and tell tlicir neighbors, tlmt we do not retail goods—exclusively Wholesale. Buying $5,000 to S. Teats, M. D., Medical Examiner. E. H. Jones, Superintendent of Agencies. E. F. Folder, General Railway Agent. ,LIFE AND ENDOWMENT POLICIES I A t 'l. 1 ? ,,, S d °“ ,hc Mutual plan. All tbe proflw 1? department arc divided pro rata amoni* I tbo Policy Holders. All policies to be imtonUOaZ He after live years from date, and noo-forfcltablo after two annual payment*. A Loon of ono-tblr* of tho amount of premiums wilt be made; aLo. | thirty days grace given in payment of premium*. GENERAL ACCIDENT POLICIES Are granted covering accident* of all deserlpUoas. including the travelers’ risk. II IwncdJ Without Compensation, They provide for death. If caused by aeddeut; hot In case of injury only, the insured receives no com* * pensation. If granted With Com -ensation, The ftill amount assured Is payabt* to thefamUy to C “C , of death caused by accident and occurring within three month* from the date of Injury. Or, In case of litjuiy causing disability, the Insured m- eelTCsa weekly compensation until ho is able to attend to hi* business, such time not to exceed 1 T? C i nty ^ x wccks - Tito policy covers all (arm* of Dislocations, Broken Bones, Sprains, llrnlses, fnta. Gunshot Wonnds. Bums and Scalds, Rites of Ds-u, Assault*.by_ Burglars, Robbers, or Murderer*, tbe action of Lightning or Son-Stroke, the effects of Explosion*, Flood* and Suffocation by Drowning or Choking, and all other kind of accident. ■ Ton Dollar* Secures, a general Accident Policy Ibr Two Thousand Dollars’ | With a Weekly Compensation ol Ten Dollars. TRAVELERS’ INSURANCEaTICKETS, For any length of lime, from one dav to twelve I months, are on sale at the various Railroad sod [ Steamboat Ticket Offices and Agencies,; Marino Bisks and Special Vov.vms. Policies are granted Insuring against death by accident while sailing In steamer or sailing VC?Mis, also for special voyages. Fall information, together with Tablbfl of Kates, I Ac., can tic obtained at the Home Office, or hr ap plication to the State Agent. E. C. ORANNISS Aunt for Bibb County. T..C. McBURNEr, Tcn’l Agent Tor Georgia. WM. C. GODWIN, Americas. R. ROBS, 8. 8. STAFFORD*■* R. O. ifoKKB, ‘ Georgetown. R. COMITON, Griffin. K W. JACQI I>, l+T Insurance Agent* desiring the flnpointment as Agent, can address the General Aar.' ’. t 1 McBumcjt ' — - Fresh Arrivals. $1^000 daily in the West and New York—money always there to Like advantage of prices I wf. HAVE NOW IN STOKE, AND ARE DAILY and quantities—wc can supply the trade as well as Louisville jobbers, freight added. J. W. FEARS & CO. BOOKS! BOOKS! j. BURKE & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOKS. Religious, Sunday School, Juvenile, Iffiscellancous, College Text Rooks, School Text Rooks. STATIONERY. Cap, Letter, rVotc and Rillct Paper, Pens, Pencils, Portfolios, Portmonaics, &c. ATEST MUSIC CONSTANTLY RECEIVED FROM PUBLISHERS. A Splendid Assortment of RDIGELY, SQUIER A CO., AGEXTS FOR DODDS, HACNEALS & URBAN’S, CELEBRATED Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, Bank Bocks, &c. rpiIESE SAFES AND LOCKS have been thor- JL ouglily tested and their reputation Is such that tbe TxBascnr DnrximtE.NT at Washington and Nets York city nan. them in preference to any other. Thor,are made exclusively ot iron and steel, thus rendering ilitm entirely FIRE AND DAMP PROOF. ' UVOTICX—Hack line to Perry. Hack will leave • A Tort Vslley cn the arrival cf the ears from : [aeon every Tuesday, Ihnr'day and Saturday for ]*erry,-Ga.. returning in tSm* to connect with trains from Albany and Colombo*—o’clock, P. JL, for Jfaccn. octSl-Sm* W. A. GRIFFIN & CO. Snreka and’ SzeeUior Sank Locks, and Merrhmifi a/cunrivaUctl, and nat^i desiring such articles will find it greatly to their Interest to purchase from os, as we can sell at manufacturers’ prices, freight only added. noT ll-3m RIDGELY, 8QU1EB & CO. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND PHOTOGRAPHS, PLAIN AND COLORED. 2d Street, 2?ext to Baptist Church, MACON, GEORGIA. WHOLESALE MILLINERY GOODS ' Co-Partnership Notice, 1 IIAVE THIS DAY associated with me In business Jlr A R Tinsley. JAMES SEYMOUR. JAJtflS 8ETMOUB.] SEYMOUR Wholesale Cloak Manufactory., Macon,g«.,rot.,uth,isw LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. VVTK arc pleased to say to onr friends south of YV the Ohio, that wc have one of the Digest and beet assorted stocks of Millinery Goods This side of New York. Wc employ over -one hundred snd fifty girl* in onr Cloak factory, And wc are confident that our s^rlra and prioj. will compare favorably with any house in America. Respectfully, >r 17-tjl [a. H. TTtttST. & TIN8LEY- RECEIVING, STOCKS OF CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, PRO VISIONS AND PROD VCF, Consisting of every thing to be found in » well regulated First Glass Family Grocery AND PROVISION HOUSE. Wc have SODA CRACKERS, BUTTER, CHEESE, PICKLES, SAUCES, OYSTERS, RAISINS, STARCH, PEPPER, GINGER, SARDINES, A BAC SUGAR, MEAL, FLOCK, BACON, LARD, CORN, GROUND PEAS, SYRUP. AND ANYTHING ELSE YOU MAY &ALL FOR IN OUR LINE. Onr arrangements are perfect' d for securing dsilv receipts of , THE BEST MEAL To be had in this market, Ground r.y V, 1, r Power, and wc shall have in store, in , • days, 100 Barrels Best Brand FLO UK to Lc - found in the country. Also 150 Bbls. Kanawha Salt. SOLE LEATHER AM) Kit and a few Bales of All of which will be dispc We Wish It Distinctly Understood our Facilities for It EQUAL TO ANY UOL'HK IS Tills ( nv Commission Merchants, CIIERRT STREET, MACON, GA. T ENDF.R THEIR service* t# their friends, and 1 4 -a ,, neSiMh sollieit consignments ol Groceries and Produce or exerj description, 4 ^ | SELL ON COMMISSION. OTIS* CO. Plantation for Sale. AgSBBfcSSff ratVW acres, with a residence, outbni’dings, etc., to good For Vaults, Express .Boxes, Benkera, Jewellers, i-rotteraT^e,'^nd^iTkno .ru as th^Tooke place. For particubrs apply to Mr. W. I. Andcr- ^-Journal & Meseengcr copy.^ •ery deecrip I3T Particular attention given to the purchase and shipping of cotton, eotton goods, etc novll-lin Hold For Sale. The subscribers offer to sell the popular HOTEL known aa the “HOWARD HOUSE” to Eufanla, Alabama. The advantages of this note) are well known to the traveling public and need* no description. The owners desire to sell merely for a division of Interest. .,. ___ . , nov!7-2w* MARTIN A COURIE. ALL CASH tcntkm, and sa Next door to Hard noyl&Ew rpHE^nod 1 I business, the proprictoi further psrtlc nov31-3t* NEWTON 4 LAW ■inin A: Sparks’ V BAH ROOM FOR HALE. a l»ar room, nr>v* <Mr»£ only reason f- r <»i»t |T ecided tr * ** ‘ ~ s’.