About The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1865)
wm 'SiiTi ~sm >¥j-' ■nmaolicn at wa4q t. n if mf; water. ' a<l clothing. DRY GOODS or two ha red MAMMOTH DRY GOODS STORE![ ^ IT • i r -n ^GROCERIES, _ be disinfected Latest Arrivals from the East. t taro or non boon, in cham-I - \ t 1 for the purpose, to a temper-1 r pnE undereigned, old citizen, of Macon, beg I I 1 leave, in informing oar old Soothers fnen£ of this city acd vicinity. thnt, Inc yUy ol YH3L UOOUi-rtnsLtlug' la Li-! *N dk»’ Fancy Dress Goods of all descriptions, Black ! * and Fancy Sitka, a targe assortment of Notion.- aud Ladies' Dress and Cloak Tiiiemings iii general: . fine White Lita ijla** <»naa»it:^ralpod Kre’ of lice French.and UgbA JharrlJt tie lateit atylc of Plain and Fancy Balmoral Skirts; Ladies’ Traveling Bags, all style* and sizes; Ladies’and Mlssta Vesta and Pants; and a full fine of Ladies* ikes the *r*na more bright, rarest Arcadian dreams. BJen of the past, hills, with beauty crowned, ith hoes, the brigEt Trow eisl*j in thy colors bound. a comes dashing down, ads roar their anthems loud j lev on their (w jTl \ r lightnin gWbcnWrtu! ~ is there nestles love. I ■khw><‘4.*hnD<iet'Betbi :<i t, nor terrors move— ’on black pile floats. at rustl eaves the gorgeous ray w*> the M«iu.^bya. C iCIAE ir^STOvi PIRES, A-1 ow~ofeve o or* panned it Hope’s soft bine and yellow gleam; pb sane, in .host bright hsmL ,rtxlr..p warp—the werif, sunbeam. The ciglleoinei o’er the wrinkled sea; My soul goes oat and wanders, where lla love may float, eatranced with thee, And sing its joy forever there; ’Neath Southern star's rvirtjhaQid i. Or in the moon's guane veil eC gray, - * Tlie soft, white mist and shadoary night. Where mottle,! clouds o'af bias skies pla^. ;i Willi Jeareflt lash ami joyous song, We'll lira within the haunted land, . Where morning greets the warbling throng, With matin notes of angel band; And summer days of flowers end light. Are robed in green ; 'nialCbaghtcit »kic>,* Where sunset ushers in She mgm; Bat where our cherished love ne'er dies. . n 71-. (| . ' / I'ii 1 nulions Agniuat Cholera. . AlnirngW the precautions against cholera iTominrnded liy the Rritish government, are he following: J Sources of water supply should Ire well esl. TV’V •#lclknrflii afly wbtyltainti-sl by uniiu.-.(grv<"$Al into which tA-bu S< X t f lae; JronflM^those kngb or fikntion srrrs, drains, cesspool* or foul ditches, ought #w* longer to_he drank from. Kopeciaily where tliciliww fs cholera, diarrhoea or ty phoid fever, it is essential that no foul Muter be drank. - The washing and lime whiting of uncluudy premises, especially of xtichym are densely,uc~ iupie-1, should lie Jircmcd wit is nil prietkal dispatdi. Overcrowding.should lie prevented., Espe cially where disease has begun, tile sick room should, it Jfcrafl possible, be free from per sons who are not of use or comfort to the pa tient. Ample ventilation should lie enforced. It ‘should lie seen that window frames arc made to open, amLlhnt windows are sulllckutlv opened. E-jiecIhllSl Where any khiri of infect ive fever has livgun, is it essential, both for patients and for pontons who uro about them, that the sick room and tlie sick house be con stantly well traversed by streams of fresh air. Tin' cleanliest domestic habits should be enjoined. Refuse matters which have to be nist away,should never be left lingering v, illi- indoors; and tldugs which have to lie divin- IWtod or cleansed, should always lie disinfect- oil or cleansed wijiqut.drtuy, tpceiul prccan^oiii ofwlflthiUffi s.s mid infection arc necessary, whli'regnrd to Ivc matters discharged from the bodies of the sick. Among iliscluirgcs which it is proper to treat aa infective, arc those which come in rase, of smallpox, Iroin die affected skin; in cases of cholera and typhoid fever, from the intestinal canal; in cases of dijitlirria, from the nos,' and throat; likewise in ease of nnv eruptire or oilier epidemic fever, tlie^gcncnil exhalation* of the sick. The cautiofl whi^i is lee salary with regard to suth^inattcrt, must, of course, extend -to whatever is im- I itied with them, so that bedding, clothing, 'tsvi’K and other articles, which have liecn in use by the sick, do not become sources of mischief, either in thu house to which they baton;;, nr in houses to which they are con veyed. Moreover, in typlioidfejci era, the evacuations sii.mljrfcc ri’gayc. cnpaMo of communieMiiigmf lrffeCtuodtl, Ity to any night soil with which they are min Ttivics, drain* or ccaopoa!*^ laid this t-l*b*t gugrdqfl against by disinfeCt- htm liefiihs they arc thrown away; above hey must never lie east where they can or run into sonares of drinking water. rnocKsska or disi.m-kctiox. 11.—Artilieial duui he places yf el, ,n'i Their use is for exceptional ptir- fi..iutC« Afo ‘ ins I V V 1 faut ! hn id 1 jpuyain n of i *»!b. ha .Ubtftfr. U- ktet Thv ro, 1 Mafic ■> Wtt^yaad V vitb a solution (n chlo ride of lime, about two ounces to the gallon. Tenth—A room no longer occupied, tuny Is 1 disinfected liy sulphurous acid gas or chloj rinegao—the first, hk^buming in t|g roon^ iA(f9 “Ulf? ,fl©r ofiuipbqOtp a P'P kin; The secmutTby swing Inthe room a dish containing a quarter of a pound of tine! powdered black oxide of manganese, over which i s poured half a pint of water. In eitb- rx casc. the doors, chimney and windows of the room must lie kept carefully closed during the process, which lasts for several hours. t Rffqwgal, Removal! HARRINGTON & RICKS, .P^pper^Tta, and .hhcct Iron Minufooturers. R EHl*Ei'TPLT±T / ahnoufic« that'thcy’liivc moved their ware room and workshop from’ the NuMt Foundry, to the corner of jjourtli and Foplsr streets, opposite Cstbofiephunlt They w 111 keep on hand a coiu|ilcte assortment of mannuctored articles in their line, such as STILLS, COPPER KETTLESJTN WARE, They a 8IIEK <0 prepared I TWO, KOOKIN0 to promntlv fill orders for iKIERand OUTlJcin.NG, to any extent. Turin* rcavouatV, and ah work warranted . Ur be executed In the meot wOrkhuMfike tnanucr. ottibUl* Important Change of Bate. The aiulmi|(ncd tc^pcctlolly announce to their friends and the “rust of mankind,** that they have fenywed •% the VHfe Jnd commodious brick Store IwidfSti 1st and ^d, occupied by A. P. G. Harris, where they will be pleased io see their friends aud all interested in an exci^vdy CommYsdion Hotud. We would also inform the merchants andbusim men of Georgia, that wc have made arrangements and will open an oillcc in Cincinnati, and will fill orders for Groceries, Drugs and Merchandise of all descriptions at lowest market rates. Ur. W. M. ttilt r* will moke bis kuad<iuar- lati a tiurimtug- «ud will give prompt per sonal attention to all orders for pnrcboac of goods ftKtbntcillrpttWttmKjr.: •»:!>» ■' •'* " Special attention will he given to the purchase or sale of Cotton, Tobacco, Yarns, Sheetings, Shirtings, Dried Fruit, etc.. In cither city. Goods consigned to our core, wilt be promptly forwarded at lowest rates. .Order* for goods ip this market promptly filled. ] J- f j 'wbuebalAiI Cupou.Facl%i* flnd Gerfl Corn. Merclianls, Cherry St., between 1st and 2d Streets, noid-Im /j v t j Jflapm,.Gcurgjx . 'notice TO COTTON SlilpPERS. rpilK SOUTHERN TRANSPORTATION Com- L |oay are prepared to issue through receipt* from Macon and Albany to ^Baltimore und New Yorlf tU the GREAT VIRGINIA AND TEN- N'ESSEE 1.1NI', rvid guarrantee a through price per bale. T R BLOOM, Ag’t Macon, .BQVjNkn ,, Y O ltyST, Ax’t Albany. . ECONOMY.] [SECURITY Insurance JVgency, J M. BOARDMAN D Agent for the following • reliable IxnuiuKcn Courasits. THE LORILLAIil^ FIRE INSURANCE CO., or rns ctTr dr itBW*-roit«. *1,000,000 81,312,000 Profits annually divided, 75 per cL to the dealers. This Company divides three quarters of the net proHts to the policy holders In scrip, bearing in terest, without any liability to the insured. . CARLISLE NORWOOD, Pres. John C. Mills, Sec. 1 NORTH AMERICA KIKE INSURANCE CO., w- j a rj op Tim-crtY Of stW xoaK. M" 1 * •”fX-tUnG’—«*Mte 50 mfert- r Puliey Holders participate In the Proflts. n'.W rtV reeve, t *t-e ■ J PnW. K.'fr. BWEnnaf, o’C. COMMONWEALTH FI HE INSURANCE CO., Of Til* CITY Of NEW YOKE. Cash Capital $'.200,000 J. HOXIE, President. Geo. T.Ihw^Sw. loUTOEirf MtflCAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., OP ATHENS, OEOKOIA. This old and ncscuvsnyr i roauL. with its capita! In tact, contiuucs to the same liberal term* a* heretofore. ASBURY HALL, Pres. Aldox Chase, Sec. THE GEORGIA HOMEFHtE INSURANCE CO., f Jf ffOUBidC*, UWOUCIA [dtai..rr.t.l. Y-/r. A if. .'“.S*. $500,000 Risks on Cottou, Mcrcliandlzc, Furniture or Buildings, taken in either of the above Companica at the most liberal rates. Losses promptly ad justed. . oct22 Sm J. M. BOARDMAN, Agent. advantage to give us a call. oct3-3m GLASER & ROSIN RIPGELY, SQU1.ER &CO^ CUErOXFAV'Tdbl, GENERAL PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Lanier House Building, ' * " * MACON, GEORGIA. . H ft* ^ u«r»Eas^:^|| / J| J T. K. Bloom, E. Wilcox, Gen. J. T. Croxton, Mjicon,^ Go. llol inert & Patterson, Hopkins A Bro. New York. C. W. Bruner, Savannah. Tucker & Co., Louisville. oct27-3m. WM. A. MCKENZIE. L. P. JOHNSON. WM. H. CUAMBEKfl. wm. a. McKenzie & co., _ ^ COMMISSION Mere has te,' Cotfim-Broters4ild' luOcte CA^IN£T5UKE! Receiving, ind Forwarding Agents, Apalachi cola, Florida. I !. <fcr W..iL Koss, Hardeman «&' . King Allen, Dr. J. F. B«zo- ^^PIKunbus, U84 Hon. T. M. Furlow, Amcri cua, Ga.; CoL Nelson Tilt, Albany, Ga.; John Me Nab, Eufaula, Ala. aug 25 3m HENRY YONGC, JAMES YONflE, OI.EK,-frorn my lot. .rdioiidmr the Medical ^^FCollegv, on Mulberry street, yesterday inorn- liue (the 23d Inst.,) a large bay Horse, about 8years -Fof : p: ;«?xt 1 of artificial (lisinfee- j mOlM ^ F. REICHART. S LATHKOP, GEO. P. SNIDER h. ri laTZf C rr,' l> PWT ? 1 Lathrop, Lata Ja^Ts^erTS c-hlorulc of lime, quick lime, and j Savannah, Ga. J Savannah, Ga. Omnly s manganic compound. Metallic salts,, odd Birch i Snider. I^rchloriile of iron, sulphate of iron amt sul-' A Columbu*, Ga. 1 zinc, arc, under some circumstances, | f Q I refhmn 8. Pfl apt- - ■ le. In soma cases, chlorine ras may u* O. LulillUU C( UU.| SrS!r£^!OK3i;."S6 ; if ocrctiToride of iron or chloride Commission J\ tercliants <>f zinc he used, the common concentrated so- * tI UlutctijrUh eightpr ten tipR*, fierry, Loi< Ps,N TfllH! XOT1CS. the public generally, that a call upon me will ncr- er he regretted; fur with a large and well selected' Meats- mem? such a* One black Broadcloth Coats, black Doeskl Famishing Goods not surpassable in New-York SOT house in Mseou. Standing In connection - with a largcwbolcsalc jobbing house Id the East, we 'can, therefore, give the above inducements. wefeflcSed ali^p’iiJciS^Ky^urwdre.f^snS our long ex]icricnec in tills market has qualified us GRO^RIES. VwRYj dOODS, arket has qualil tojodeeasto the wants of thei|mn.ha*lng I munity. The patronage of all our old frieuds, L pin ” ’ " tfol Pablio Sale of a Valuable Plantation, STOCK, CROPS, ETC... W ILL be sold,to the hl-beit blgdcri, on Iff? 2nd Thesdayfn DeceiShtr, ISO.', rJr Cash, the Plantation belonging to the estate, of. William LockeUf dcc’d, situated in Crawford county; and adjoining Ewell Webb, John Dent and others—the place contains 1,500 acres, is well improved in' all respects, with accommodations for 35 hands, and is one of the best plantations in the county, either lor cotton or grain. ' Also, all the Mules, norscs, Hogs, Cattle, Crops of all kinds, together with Wugoi**, Carts and fanning and other utcusiU of all kinds. The — ** rncncii day, to day, uu fenns Cash. BEN J. GJLOCKETT, Ex’r o«t284ds WM. LOd^TT, De&d. For further Information apply on the premises, ortoLN.Whittle, Macon, Go. r of . C. G. CONNER & BRO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, —AND— PURCHASING AGENTS, Third street, .... Macon, Georgia. W E oiler our services to tlie public, and will t give personal attention to all buisinees cn- I ^T^i^c5f f cjrliiifiimen^s o^gJoda*ot every de scription, particulfriy country produce. Goods stored at flu} usual rates in our .large, se cure and Well situated store hodsc, opposite tlie Express office. ' lEEFERENCES: Messrs. Hardeman «Ss Sparks, Harris & Boss, Ash- , l wiH be Me to £11 the whole of thdr bills with «»t giving wfrnWffc UtmWe of gtrfh»- air over the market. j I will also state, that in addition te my regular ®T 1 lSM^Cf c * ,Te “ r CONSIGNMENTS ON COJDIISSION, ./» %'*!? lllTT Or on storage; and to all who favor me with con- lull and Satisfacfory Returns. , / v R G iLumis, OWfirmyl I^uuUp * J3efehexces—Any of the merchants of Macon. iffMPW nr.Tri'-l [pet 14] E W, B" I R M SIXGIETO.V, IIl.VTA CO., "OPPOSITE LANIER pbiUSE, MACON, 1 GEORGIA, 1 ' ' "VTO W have in store, and for sale, the largest and X> best assorted stock of BOOTS, SHOES, AND HATS, in the South. Those wishing to bny, to sell again, will here find facilities not surpassed by any bouse south of Cincinnati, as the enure stock has been purchased, FOR CASH, from the manu- aweaawwfc- The firm hopes, by constantly replenishing, at by strict aUentlon to business, to merit a fiber portion of public patronage. W. K. SINGLETON, W. C. SINGLETON, oet4-8m Y. J. HUNT. J. W. FEARS & CO. ns WHOLESALE HOUSE. JHPh IOO .100 io 3 30 DAIUJELS KX.TUA FAMILY FLOUIL B.riels XXX Family Flour,* B jrni* Soperfe* Flour. . .suz -In' -i .-d -«t» r - • -t - - M E G R A T H , A G fe N T , "Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, &C., At Ells’ Old Stand, Opposite Lanier House, MACON, - - - r - - ; GEORGIA. J W. FEARS 4r. CO.' BALES COTTON YAftNS, 8s &10S, • Riles Arigb«la'4 4 Sheotinr, • : Boles 3 ox. Osuatmrg?. J. W;'FEARS A CO. ■ ,’t.io Cases Saidincs - . t:/ 50 Boies llcrnligl 100 HAMBURG CHEESE, lOO • Western R< servo Cheese, .300 Sjdx and Butter Crackers, J. W. FEARS & CO. J. ’W. FEARS A CO. 350 10 lOO 50 Mi GOOD CARPENTERS, "WmM xiaw ONE otl oct S*2m GRENVILLE WOOD. Lloyd & Draper, .. NEXT DyyILTO THE BROWN HOUSE. rt DEALERS FANCYT5R0CER1ES arid COXfECTIONERIES Manufacturer, -of Candy, Crackers, Cakes, aud Bread of every dDcriptlon. Hlrtclt and Boarding Houses furnished regularly oct28-lm* School Books. S ANDER’S,Sargent’s,Towns’ and McC'uffey’a sc ries of Iteadcrs. Robinson’s, Smith’s,' David’s' and'Doa'd’s Arithme- Parley’s History. Mllcliell’a, ComcU’a, Monteith’s Colton and Fitch’s aud Warren's Geographies und Atlasses. Clark’s and Smith’s find Bullion's English Gram- nnri itytrill n --,.t • si..r? ran Fasqucllc's and Pinney’s French. Copy Books, Slates .and Pencils, Taber’s Lead Pencils, Gilliot’s Pens, (No. 303.) Portfolios, Cream Laid Writing Papers, Bon Ton, Canary,' Melon and White Laid ed sixes. Violin and Guitar Strings, Musical Instruments, (Agents .for 1 'Sklmvay -dc Sons, Socbhellcr & Schmidt A Gale's Planos'for the State of Gcor- Combs, Brushes, Lubin’s Extracts and Soaps, Pomades, Hair Oils, Pocket Books, Playing Cards, Ac. All at the lowest prices. JOHN C. SCHREINER A SONS, sepl7-3m Macop, Augusta and Savannah. " For Sale or Rent. O NE of the largest and best plantations In the South, situated in Barbour county, Ala., ten miles Southeast of Eufaula Is] ofiered lor sale or rent.-'This place contains4000'acres of splendid er Ayres, j. B. Bm and Rev. J. AV. Burke. Thttplace contains 4000 acres of splendid CLOTHING, HATS ASD -.j.-r q } Furnish.ing Goods. T HE undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to hi* fanner cnsti-mers, and the public, gen-. and5ilttffflwc$Wt'iSwffl^9^. dcr the style and firm of E. Sanlsbury A Ca They have token the welt known and central stand, on Cotton Avcnne, under the Masonic Hall, where they are prepared to furnish gcntlcmca with any article appertaining to their wardrobe. .. Their wclisdectcd stdck'of Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods, will be replenished by weekly- shipments of tlie best and latest styles. ' " ' oct21-2m E. SAULSBURY. Hr Journal A Messenger copy, and send hill to advertiser. . , rj * ’ *Fl ,£otlCC. > VCK6 will lcaveWlbany on arrival of the care from Macon, every Tuesday, 1 i.ureday and a urday, for Tajtabnvaee, Fla., via -TbomasYlUc, ; also. ror Balnb'lTdge every Monday, Wednes day and Friday, tbps opcnlng.a regular eommnnl- cation to Sonthwcstcfu Gcoigiaand Florida. WTUGHT & HILL, itors. Proprieti A RARE CHANCE. u rpilE undersigned oiler for sale, or rent for the A ensuing year, in tbo village of Russellville, Monroceo.Ga., a dwelling and storehouse, with Y I ln« (the 23d inat.,)I a large hay Horae, about S years 40 acre* of land attached, tu a wealthy Community, ((Teat natural lUsinlectnnt is iresli, c.Id, 15 hands high, rather thin, and kindly Uls* comprising one of the best country stand* for .. . ... U ' " ' * '" ‘ “ * * ' — " " ’ Tbe^dweT’ mcrchnndisitig In middle Georgia. is nearly new containing eight rooms; with good garden, orchard, etc. .The atorc room is sixty feet long and well finished. Said property can We par- chased low or rented on reasonable terms if car application is made to the undersigned. " ' lA\ J- R- RALLS, nov*a0d» ' J. K. SSUTH. HETALIC CASES. S., ,.1 ale oVimU .prfehftlj ^DW.UiBC.f EGiUEL Acb’flOLDi t iinn it.ay be Used ini the pr.lpoftKm otl dvrinm Streep one' floor from Cue ml to a gallon of water, taking care that; atcr completely dissolves the sulphate of nr ha* the chloride of lime thoroughly i l with it. Comfy.s stror.-vr fluid (red)! « diluted with fifty times its Milk of Where the matters requiring to be W/Ul LD Invite tlie Attention of biz customers vy sndtbey,^^.;,. ^h»; tTomfestic Dry Uoo3s. Which he offer* at veiy small Adetzueeon Cod. sure matter having an offensive isinfectant should be used till this itirely ccaaed. hj the ordinanr. (HuptF*ng a>f priv- - • ,j 1 If 0: .verchlo-'/ wnlK wsaffi&te of; 1OT8. s is present, it is better j ? <1 isir.fi’ctImforethrow-1 stock consists in past or >na from the bowels of! Krached Dorticitlcs.ijro'UTiDbnijc a certain dkMres. the]- v Gliighlitf&,' Er. reh and English :..i nigliDtool Alpaafl. Mohair, PnpUns, Thrbefs. ' l by tlie pa-! Op«r« and EiacyManndk, Dfl* ,|!l . . ! laines. Si:..’ in great vario-v. . : 'other filth, if j ty, Lir.er.sofall grades. , if to remove | ‘BiopHtrti of aitt ifere mii Balaianl Stirto of Svtr ! . Superior moio addfoitk. Kr. shl'v burnt 1 onr special attention is colled to my MACON. GA. l-3m*. ■ . E. M/ BROWN, QPPOSJTK THE LANIER HOV.SE, T ) ECEIVED tbU dxj a. full assortment of ME- IV TALK; BUltail;CASE8 and CASKETS ol the most beautiful Patterns. For sale at my Fae- toiy, foot Third Street, Macon, Gs. tt j awraB-Sm 1 GRENVD.LE WOOD. AGENCY. *1 . tru' GEORGIA LAND 1LICOX GKOP.GTA T HE undersigned offer rare inducements to those wishing to bny or sell Georgia ‘Lands, Farins or City Property. Being connected with Man YorkComj^^parth^isposedtose^wiUlpsve tueir propertv prtwiiTM Up ft* larger nuxnocr of buyers, aa lists will be kept here, arid in New York ss^ed accurate maps ana description* of the properties, which will also be *hown Hit in bv one of the firm. 11 Those desiring to sell orbuj, will ticd.it to tli Interest to place tiWVBH€n in' ourTitod^L I .ourJong experience in tliia branch of business en ables us couddanUv to ^vaiwetoe satisfaction. \° n6sl910L JOHN KT HARMAN & CO. CLOAK AND SHAWL DEPARTMENT, the wrap tray, luit it is j . OllU i wayRg IOL glUUJXZOasUlLiTEST STILES, nd, tU- filth *ho«ld In,, [« XOUVEAXTK LADIES' MATS, CEO. B. TURKIC. . ' J, U% HERTZ TURPIN tS^HERTZ, Whoitsale afifl-Httrif Dealers la ‘ x Clolliiair. and (ipats’ Furnishing GOODS, Trinrtjn/lrr.- Ct.tf.y Stout, 3faam, Go. Clothing made, to order on short notice, by 'M0N3.W0USA .1 OCt (1 ljt trjHgit piendid assortment of Dress Trimmings, Perfumery, Soaps end other Toilet Articles, Veils. White and Fancy Goods, Gloves, ^G tattaioao ‘will thid'al^Sfl Assortment of GEX- Tt'SMEN'J’TrtfNTSHZNG GOODS, a large lot of J charge of the BUM from ’.! r.vket Knives, the f-isUoiwbie Rug or Fancy piea-ed robaraa rsU from hi- 0IJ 1 Blanket 3«tcl*4*,’airii erfaylfcirig Hs.- (xionging to ** 5 ‘ " j this line. To those who have not traded with me in former outhouses. Enough to accommodate 100 hands, 3 gin bouses and screws etc., etc. Terms very lib- C. M. WILEY, Executor, A. G. WILEY, Executrix, Orto. -; ip,; Mseou, Go.v jhiL. Wm. If- Cuameebs, Eufaula, Ala.: 1 \IV l J Eufaula ‘‘Spirit South” copy and send bill to ad- yertiser- fr- ■ ' novu-l'm* COTTON SEED. W E ARB PREPARED to famish Cotton-Seed in anyquantity. They are of a snperio kind of cotton and warranted fresh and gooih-.-, : Partiesgt a distance can be furnished. 1 Columbus, Ga., novC-lm. J K IVEY & CO Notice to Planters. I WILL BUY 10,000 BUSHELS OF CORN, for which I will pay tlie highest market price ““ffe-iM-auS’s' TEN THOUSAND POUNDS BACON and LARD, Fodder, Stock Reap' JJrietl Fruit arid Syrup. r nov 8-deod2w GEO. BURDICK. L. P; STRONG & SONS, .WOULD respectfully inform their friends aud the public generally, that they have opened at their old stand (on Scccond street, two doors from Cherry) a large and .-well selected irtociinf Boots and Shoes, Which they offer as low as any honsc in tho city: oct36-ln^» ,. h - ; . r it-.I-i . L.-. J a ‘ . COTTOY NOTICE..' r IIARf.ES E* DEXTER, late of the firm of Hall .2 Dexter, Is prepared to make liberal CASH ADVANCES OX ALL COTTON consigned through him td the well'known and re sponsible house of Gardner, Dexter A Co, of New York ami Bo-ton. 1 - • f * SuVnir/ Columbus, Ga., Nov Sd 1803. 1 J ; a WM We Offer for Sale ' *1 AT TUB LOWEST RATEs A^ 51’ 30 Baskets genuine Heidsick Champagne, 25 Case* Longwortb Sparkling Catawba, fid ■Cured Oulwtlail, 25 Cases Fine Old Sherry, -u.. . J1 AXD TO ARSIVC. Brandies 11 C’a^ks, Qrs. & Octaves, m t , t ,. 100 Bbls. Neshanock Potato*, '50-Bawre firfitCheese; r -= ”:at-fiaaa, "' J Mrtflrere)lri ! ltittsandhaltil|u.!|y t ', ‘)*i White Fish in Kitts arid half Sbls- 35 Firkins Goshen Butter, ... . » 25000 IIavanfi£f28a^-. I^SIOifEOri \- 100,Bhlu Choice Old Kentucky Whisky.* -*« 4a out —m, oj .--RIRGELY, SQITEP. U/.novl0-lw* *** ”‘ leoiief liou-,0 Building, IRON,” IRON, IRON. . : * /. C\ t o* lie* riCT IH Lf* bra i’s ol tn-rtio. t ,-J& ,{!Udl \ .—ftH MMJm or.i- 100 BARS 4X1-2IX, .a vivo x 31 miwyfijfc,, 3^4137-bars i.V! COTTON PRESSES;’ 1 \,\7"E offer superior fseiliti** for ^rx^slng and VV baling cotton *t onr works corner Firstand Cherry street. P. 3.—Ouy.'.'Mc iibont ,! t -. days I can only say, give me a trial, while I am isfied tint my old customers have bnt to read _ disinfected shot lay, he set to soak in water . gallop,»l*-’.it an ounce eitlm: ,,1 ehlorif!»of tiretotaser* :nq&L'.rriri#»cdvisits. Unve-ri^otCondj's red fiui.L The hrierr, rt WBpttmv?, E. JL BROWN, •oofTOStre, is prcfcralile. Or the ar- nons-Sm Opposite the louder Ilouse. -•*.•1.1 ” ' ' ;> ,r. sept2B-3m McMANL’3 A C0: acksox Dr Loach a takes date, and wilite co’.uoi friends. McM. & CO. Kotlee. ‘ , i , A LL peramrs indebted to the estate of James Meats, late of Bibb county,’ deceased, are re quired to make immediate riavment, and those haring claim* to reojerthem in'terms of the law to the undersigned. R. S. LANIER, nuvll-40d Executor. KEGS OUT NAILS, 3 TO 20 I), Oases 'Runner’s heavy Axes,' Barrels IVacli Blow Potato^ Barrels Extra C Suoar, 50 , Barrelfl'B Sugar, Un3 «'%;■ 50 Barrt I Crusli aud Poailet Sugar, ' ,S r-£«rtlriO —-e Jon.i-sf .. ....... V-tllhhtK . div.-i Id-: " ."i-tiihbrK h.>' :: M 30 CASES cove;,OYST^R^, ; • 10 Cans Strawberries, —_ -—. — 10 Cans Peaches, * - O'-TFv-i'rrt|^Y/T 50 b Pints, Quarts-aud HalMJaltofi'Pi’cklt;*, ,J. W. FEARS & CO. J.&K J. \V. FEARS & CO : ttfgi.E - it I SHALIv wreriYe GOODS every week, and shall keep tny stock *0 assorted that picr- chants and consumers.;cao FIND ANYTHING THEY WANT, at nil time*. •1 WlI^L BELLt aAhS ll6w AS ANYBODY. Lt voi v.,;, t,; ;X* n. a. megrath, ascm. ""’.t EP*' P- 3—ALL KINDS.OF COtNTHV PRODUCE WANTED. jfS. ,1 oct20-3ni j N. A. M. : A. i ; M . R O ff l AND & 0 O . > t”-”re 1 >.k'.I P . j ‘ Wholesale and Retail Dealers in » ' • J 1. -nr - * J CHINA, GLASS AND aUEEN’S WARE. Opposite the Lanier House, . r m - ahrt-l !•*. - *•“ H * i • ... - i, . * c ‘ . x . *r* v ' MULBERRY STREET, ----- MACON, CA. t.»r»4 ^ i • • • '{• ’ ’ 1 • • Tl • • . 1 *jl.r •-..IT iv- r * A.** * . •] Hi.... ■ *1... dr Rr.r.%- •• • ;4 1 l^”Great inducements are offered to Merchants to whom we will sell ,aaro V _ ;Ku-w •• «7^ !i ji' .. 1. ’ mtaCKKRY BY THE CRA TE ORSMtiCTED PIECES, A T REDUCED JUICES. 10 BARREL TANNERS’ BANK OIL, t'a5 '‘BaVrcls Lindseed Oil )Ui . > * e-^:.-« .- 300 Ponnds White Lt-ad, ■ t,: -. / -1000 Pounds Spanish Brown, |ltUuai 1 ^ui u -.• 1000 Poiitid- r.uni[. Poltish, 50 Case* Concentrated Potash, • • - s 30 Jars Macahoy Snuff, 250 Gross Masoii’n Blacking,' :v . . J.w. FEARS & CO, . - ’ % •• SU.M »-S»R*i'*r<V<5 ’ 10© REAMS OWENS?'LETl’ERPAPEIt'. . 35 Reams Cap Paper, 100,000 Bull-and White Envelope*, ’ -X'l • ',.U* 100,000 G J) and Water-Proof Cap*, - , : I ,X , - ,ui ;hv.- J. W. FEARS Jb cof. s ^’:.1 IMT? .»v . ff 250 COILS MACHINE ROPE, SJOO Pieces Kentucky Bagging, lOO Boxes Star Candles, -50 Boxes Starch, r. ■ ' ! ,-Kegs English Soda. . - rOei’arivtq nil no hrahn® • ■'-■n ^ gB ■jg fan .,u ; J. W. FEARS & CO. ’m vfl li * v m i -* i' i 'jN'iti Vi ' N. B.ryWc wislr the merchants in Georgia who trade to Mhcon to remmlrr, rind tell " -j i- y .-v. c'-t r .tvrf- gm: X«a -g i.- '■aUT.-,;-,' - their neiglibore,. that we do, not retail goods—cxddsivcly Wholesale. Buying $5,000 to $15,000 daily in the West ami New York—mosey always there to take advantage of prices J. W. FEARS & CO. NEW FIRM! ! . j, NEW GOODS. TKXPEIU n. n.vftiiixsKi BAZAAR I OF MA CO N. " ' 'UNDER TBE FJR5I NAMF.>OF ' • S , PEYSER & CO. ■ Start j r .t>. if:*. ••'»> Ht .nv..; <’ J , - ... , ‘ !> Wholesale and Retail Dealers* Have opened at COLEJLVN & ROSS’ old stand on Cotton Avenue, lie tween Cherry an -. i- 1 ,,i- Mulberry streets, a Complete Assonncnt of Ladies Dress Goods, Sncli As SILKS, MERINOS, POPLINS, DeLATNS (nil wool), EMPRESS CLOTII, EMBROIDERIES , , , LACES, RIBBONS, nATS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, PLUMfe.S, SONTAGS, CLOAKS, SHAWI.ES, NUBIAS, HOODS, GLOX’ES, HOSIERY, . j.., , , 1: SHOES OF THE LATEST STYLES. AND DRESS HAT ,7 ..in,. TRIMMINGS ' OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ALSO, A LAIWE LOT OP „ Carpeting and Oil Cloths of the Most Fashionable Patterns. Gents Hats: '**; ; Battinets, i.'i Furnishing Goods, Boo Skin, . Je toU’J »* >*' Broad Cloths, j ,-r , , Vestings, itj x-j^i «■ ^ Cosslmercs, # Boots aiul Bhoes, * - » ! o.! ;*• t c • • and Ready Made Clothings. ; Attention the Ladies of Macon, and of Dealcara who may visit the city, l» particularly Invited toTma well selected stock of FANCY 1 GOODS. Tlie retail room will be found on the lower floor, uud visitors will be attended by polite and. experienced Clerks. The second floor is devoted to the w hole- sal a trade. Give the MACON BAZAAR an early call. J * ‘. V .mum* ,^.1'jiuii i'ZiivUJU av:* •• • 0 .- : = , 1 feyser a co. ana quantities-^—wc can supply the trade as well as Louisville jobbers, freight added. • :OH ' i^tre—' ?'l i>o ] jP cu t ? ur stand on Cherry street, cast side, between Socoud aud Third where wc wilt bo plcaacd*at all times to welcome our oid customers os well aa many news ones. >** ™ . . f > s. F. A CO. NEW GOO X>; a ft NEW PKICESIU WHolesale and Retail ! (tohiifu jyf ■.: 1/1 IfOUna! JmoB vm***** aLi} ti ij ariixr* E. EINSTEIN’S OLD STAND. . ; I;.' ' :■■■ « ’ -.vi .2 'j.Y ■ G. ’ :■ .-if-'i’W- ^ '■> ‘- T IIE undersigned beg leave to inform tlie ladlc- of this city, county and vicinity and the pub* lie in general, that he ha* now open and ready for sale at the well known and popular old stand of E. EINSTEIN’S, TRIANGULAR BLOCK, One of thaledselected Stocks of Staple and. Fancy Dry Goods In the Southern markets. The goods were select cd by Mr, Einstein with great care; and as he is now in the New York market for the sole purpose of selecting goods, and watching the best oppor tunities for buying, I have the advantage over all other merchants who are not similarly situated. I shall receive new additions to our stock eve ry week, and will be always prepared to exhibit to the public goods of the . > : l Best Manufacture, Latest Styles, P . * ASD- iaH Guni. ' "' H"..- h .. ,r,r - ojo Gt» »: 11 «- lowest Market Prices. ■ My stock consist* In part of the following aa riatm t -a U <=*' ’ Printed DeLaincs, g r> *1 ■■■f * AWwIJHmni, . Empress Cloth, ' I’ . PoilDeChcvrcs, English and French irerinos, Scotch and Vcnitian Plaids, : ; ' Solid, printcd.and ligrtre-d Poplins, Black DeLaines, - ; , . So i TJdklwttiab,-'' - ■ ! * a !' •■re Black Silks,•So' 1 <4 j, * . - Merino* and Bombazine*, c And many other goods belonging to the vlfJB j "i - DUES S D*E PA-tff fcEir'T. LSJi 1 "*** ' m **? r> * ‘ '!**-- Tr '’rr A full and.complete assortment of Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, : Ladies’ Linen and Embroidered Cnfls and CoP lars, separate and in sets, . ^ . White, Red and Shaker Flannels, . Plain and Fancy Opera Flannels, 1 * ‘ JB / Bleached and Brown; Canton Flarinels,* Blau kets, »fcc., ,> t*L f -^v i«K Hosiery, .4 Liu 4* * / Gloves, * ru), Ladies’ Merino Yesto,-rtflO -+ •'*- Tiftr Tlpftisi *3*jt/iit itf 1 ,^-t£? ToWdsioi lsn.* :■ Towelins*, fro* - .Jp ’'.octa f sa Sobf to c'o=f' nut a consignuient, bjr .rlooT v 4 . m iWb jnUnhy-’ C rt'iff ho *iouT t UJSK a -■PEASE, nor 10-5L . 3d St. Macon, Ga. ^7” $504REWAHD- iI; * f * Jn|t ' T m ml ILL be paid for the delivery to the under- j TT bierned of his large, dark, chestnut sorrel j horse, which was stolen yesterday afternoon about | 4% o’clock. The horse had on at tfce time a fine j Texas ringed saddle, with a large number of taeks in it. He was stolen by a negro man about 21 , ’ years old, who had on a pair of Kersey pacts and I a dark coot. The above reward will be of the horse. Nov M - Napkins* •' DoyliCs Linen, And all other articles w+si > i V 7*- *S t- Number One Dry ; OnodlTStore. We call the speciil JUJUlbnVtiiJm to onr cttiAK aniyIshaMt, D^Ai^fexf/ And saywith confidence, we wfil sell these irti- «e* ? t an any o ! gOOdS t -West and Nontfsthtonafile' Sana* eSOTBi'J f a*c t a r e . SPRINGER, November- lOtb, 1865* : - * >. * r Hji.! V i ) > *> - f^.% .-JUiavc to-day rcceivetVhy Express . *■ HANDSOME-BLACK CLOAKS, Ot VO I HANDSOME DRAB CLOAKS, SILK CORD, all colors for Trimming, ""ftlHd ii’4 ! 1L LADIES’ MERINO-VESTS, GENTS’ MERINO VE8T8, PAPER CAMBRICS, /. HIT I ) VINE BED BLANKETS, JACONET EDGINGS AND IN8ERT1NGS, • ‘ I’' ‘ SLATE COLORED JEAN8, LADIES’ GAUNTLETS, BALMORAL SKIRTS- , • .1/ ju,v Vila r.s stoi mj/jS>• 1. n COAT BUTTONS, idtr.u n dm ■ *sn : -i to And many other Articles hard to be found • • - ill . n lihmmn rrx IJT THE MARKET. 8. T.dMJtlMit. Manufacturer's Bank Bnilding, ’ Cor. 2nd Cherry Streets. D . G OL D1S M I T H Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CiiOtHiNG and Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, HATS, CAPS &c,, &c., ATTHE MEty YORK STORE, SECOND ST., TRIANCitXAR BIJICB, MACON, GEORGIA. - ,ti .t »T/J W I '.I .ft ^ * > *■ ‘ ' ,r J The unilcrelgriod, takfs plaumre I®, nOMng xfce of the Ui^est nml neatest Stork* ol Clothing, Furnishing Goods, and in fact everything belonging to a FIRST CLASS CLOTHING STORE. Fleaso <i»!l and examine iuy 8IqcIf.!icforc purchasing elsewhere, ns I am sure you will not learo the Store dissatisfied. ,, J ' ’ " j D t GOLDNIfITIf. oct2??Pm. i.i '-JT . - <• . jsa w. o’ c Macon, Ga.* • * * J. B. HOLLIDAY Eufaula, Ala: or. W. O’COMMOR A CO., JfACOKj.I-i*->.Jli AL GEORGIA. Office on OLerry 8t, between 3d and 4th. TYECEIVIXG a,ul Forwarding Merchant-, and It Agents for E. M. Brace ii CO., Augusts Ga.; E. M. Bruce, Morgan & Co., Apalachicola, Fla.: and Watts, Crane <S Co., New York. We will receive and forward, upon reasonable terms, all Cotton entrusted to onr care for ship ment, as owners may direct. Wc wBl make liberal advances upon consignments of Coton to Watts, Crane <Sc Cm, New York, or W. C. Watts & Co., Liverpool, England; pay Revenue Tax, Btorage, d-J .Freight-, <£c., on aarnc, and forward with prompt ness and dispatch. * J-t r.. • ■ Planters and others will be afforded eTcry facility in our power to send their Cotton to market, and receive prompt’return of sale. 1 — . • ’ . Mr. W. E. Clarke is onr agent at Albany, Ga., ind will giTe all Information to parties who desire ris services in sliippieg or purchasing. *Onr per sonal attention given to the purchase and; sale of Cbtton. NEW YORK EXCHANGE 'FOR .SALE. oct8-3m JNO. W. O’CONNOR & CO. Co-Partnership Notice, I HAVE THIS DAT associated with mein business Mr A R Tinsley. > -M ’ tA* K.aH< • ’ JAMES SEYMOUR. Macon, Ga. v Nojr^,.13tl^ lt^5 -l.]> ’^1 (J/A h/li J4WES sEnrouR.] [a. *. Ti.vsLrr. SEYMOUR & TIN8LEY- Commission Merchants, CHERRY STKEE%^MACON, GA. -i — T ENDER THEIR services to their friends, and respectfully noliicit eonsignmentsorOrdreries and Produce of every dreeripnon, ,r ’* * HP Particular attention given to tte purchase and shipping of cotton, cotton goods, etc u.fst sow l+mt'rnrt lure i D-iB Motel' For tale. ' u -»- a • ’ The subscribers offer to sellthe popular HOTEL known as the - - GEORGIA. ; ont of the LARGEST STOCKS OF $60,000, WORTHOF DRYGOODS!! •- New York Store! New York Store ! S . W A X E L B A U M- & B k Oi. t WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL DEALERS, Second Street, Triangular Block, (NEXT DOOR TO E. C. GRANNI-SR’’,) MACON,. - -V- ■ recclve<L'*»fl «c now opening c •; ’-retail l h- «»r.k ’<• *fl*’i| Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Boots and L Shoes, «.* V. i*. ,**<r• r x -u {tivcii v.| ' * ».■*./. *y- «-.* Safari’vrolilhiiS “if 1ket ’-”* Ti rK relccted the'4Ikuc -tuck with the greatest <»re, we w..ul.« ,er- STDcMrepure^ing,! 17 »“ d "TW »»W We Buy Exclusively for Cash, ^;!H e ^ C „ P .V Cd i° <, ^ L '. r tbc citl i en * o' M*«on, and thcLADIEPtrpc rally. Indneemaati whi h wii- Lelied tiVjuV'store a' JU,cr ' 0ur >» complete aud we d* ly ecr.ij < Iiti.,i,. V, , 1, 4 r »~ 11 l£t Itl -rf; »el»J A,’* f A. [ - ‘V*>: ■ I • . »% Clotliing and Gentlemen’s Turnishing Goods Department, „ Jf K la ..JHSV, nut .d*««t iwl J •«' Which are offered at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL at tie LOWEST MARKET PUtrr *' BE SURE TO CALL ATTHRNEW YORK STORE .\i(D SECURE A B \ HO AIN. rt* flOJM'fiVrw* J/ a:km7lVj4M r.\»- J » ! n ' K " r - ’ h K - m.ZZX TftlHUlfflffTr" oct 27 Are».- u'Aan-e:-' It ei/rito mt io: -<v j A 4 lu J .. *• -' ' •*-'« • Maeon, Ga. 1„ Eufaula, Alabama. For tale.TfiHG/'/ % /lNFU le paid for the delivery 1 /~VNE pair Fairbanks’ Plat form Scales, will DR. A. P. COLLINS, i G weigh 3,200 lbs. G J BLAKE, -^"Yd2t at the Store of Greer* Lake. Elifi’ Saloon. T HE PLACE is now open (o the public; every luxury which can be obtained from any part ol the United States, will be served up In every style to please the most fastidious. Bivxnsoes cf all kinds, of the bxst, to cheer the nzswoNDixc; a hot Dixxxr to ixvigohste the inner man on a eald day, With a line Uavanna to puff away dull care. >o not hunger nor thlrit, but call on Ell*, who baa a plenty at his Old Stand, opposite the Lanier, ,'i/.<;:4ii; who -wtll do his best u. satisfy your want*. HOUSE’' is . . i With eighteen year* of succi»rf«J experience in rllfr.; nu t hreWYh*sh»e»a I hope to please all. With gratitude i Jtuiauia, Alabama. . Uf — k ^ ^ toYrld friend* for*pre»&«n. I hope to merit a The advantages of this Hotel are. well known to I continuance of their patronage—andallothre* who the traveling pnbile and need* no description. j’'o^TEM ,‘by th-..uar, orgafion, furaisbed « The owner* attire to ««i merely for a division j r> w m any house in the city, for shipment or city Of interest. * j use. Also Lemons by the box or dozen. noTl7-2w* MARTIN A COUKIE. 1 noT8-lm 3H- N. ELLS. HOWARD Hair and Wool Cullars. I AM now Manufiicttirioga firit class wool and hair vtutled IURNESS LEATHER COLLAR, Second to none, either at wholesale or re tail. G. BERM), irenCndaud Mulberry itl, - ri Macon, Ga Jatsfitf Election—Tax Collector. The friends of JAMES P. SIMS authorize the announcement of hLi uame oa a suitable candidate Tat Collector of Bibb county, and invite the cuffi’agai of electors at the election to be held on the 1st Wednesday In January, 18C6. nov!4 te*